HomeMy WebLinkAboutVehicle Tracking Solutions, LLC i®~, RESOLUTION 2013-581 9`~`~`'+~"F ADOPTED DOC ID: 8994 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2013-581 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 30, 2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute an Agreement between the Town of Southold and Vehicle Tracking Solutions, LLC regarding the Town's purchase of vehicle location equipment and monitoring services required to implement the vehicle tracking system in designated Town vehicles, all in accordance with their Proposal dated June 5, 2013, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER: William P. Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell r ORIGINAL ,~y~AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made the,~~' day of~, 2013, by and between the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with offices at 53095 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 11971-0959 (hereinafter referred to as the "Town") and VEHICLE TRACKING SOLUTIONS, LLC, a New York limited liability corporation, with a principal place of business at 10 East 5`h Street, Deer Pazk, New York 11729 (hereinafter referred to as "VTS"). RECITALS WHEREAS, the Town, as a municipal corporation located in Suffolk County, New York, owns and operates a fleet of cars, light trucks and other vehicles ("Vehicles"); and WHEREAS, VTS is in the business of providing for the sale and installation of GPRS/GPS web-based, automated vehicle location and monitoring ("AVLM") hardware and real time fleet management systems (collectively, the "Vehicle Tracking System"); and WHEREAS, VTS provided the Town of Southold with a formal proposal for the Town of Southold dated June 5, 2013 (hereinafter the "VTS Proposal"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, describing and outlining the capabilities of the AVLM hazdwaze and Vehicle Tracking System and the scope of services to be provided by VTS to the Town; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an Agreement based upon the VTS Proposal pursuant to which VTS will become the provider of the vehicle location equipment and monitoring services required to implement the Vehicle Tracking System in designated vehicles (the "Service") under the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing, the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. A. Vehicles. The Town shall provide VTS with a list of all Town-owned vehicles (hereinafter the "Vehicles") that will be covered by this Agreement, including the make, vehicle identification number, license plate number and location of the vehicle within the Town. This list shall be incorporated and made a part of this Agreement as Exhibit B. The Town reserves the right to modify this list as organizational requirements dictate but in no event shall the number of Town- owned vehicles listed on Exhibit B and covered by this Agreement fall below forty (40) during the term of this Agreement. -1- B. Vehicle Equipment. VTS shall sell and install and the Town shall purchase for each Vehicle listed in Exhibit B, the AVLM equipment necessary for access to the "silent passenger fleet management program" in accordance with the specifications set forth in the VTS Proposal. All required AVLM equipment initially installed by VTS will be installed within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement as set forth in Paragraph 1(D) below. The Town shall pay VTS for AVLM equipment and installation based upon a $125.00 per vehicle equipment fee. C. Additional Vehicle Equipment. VTS shall sell and install and the Town shall purchase for each Vehicle listed in Exhibit C, a Garmin Passenger Navigation Unit and Garmin data cable (hereinafrer the "Garmin units"). The Town shall have the option of purchasing additional Gannin units as needed for the same price of $124.00 additional equipment fee per vehicle. D. List of Facilities and Initial Equipment Installation. The Town shall provide VTS with a list of all Town facilities and sites where Town will require VTS to perform the initial AVLM equipment installation in the Vehicles. This list shall include the following information for each facility or site: the site name, address, cross street, telephone number (if available), site supervision, the approximate number of Vehicles at the site, the availability of lighting at the site to perform work at night, and the availability of a garage at the site to perform work in the event of inclement weather. This list shall be incorporated and made part of this Agreement as Exhibit D. VTS shall install the AVLM equipment for each Vehicle provided on the lists furnished by the Town at the locations within the Town of Southold provided that all initial vehicle installation work performed by VTS occur between the hours of 0700 and 1600 Monday through Friday. E. Removal and Reinstallation of Hardware. During the term of this Agreement, VTS will remove and reinstall the AVLM equipment in the Vehicles listed in Exhibits B and C as they aze replaced at no cost during VTS's normal business hours of 0700 and 1600 Monday through Friday at the locations within the Town of Southold designated by the Town in Exhibit D. VTS shall provide up to twelve (12) hours of AVLM equipment removal and re-installation training for Town employees at no cost. VTS agrees and acknowledges that the removal and reinstallation of the AVLM equipment from the Vehicles listed in Exhibits B and C by Town employees which have been trained by VTS for the purpose of removal and reinstallation of said AVLM equipment, shall not affect or invalidate the warranty and/or protections as provided in this Agreement. -2- F. Follow-uu or Warranty Installation Procedures. VTS shall perform any necessary follow-up or warranty installation work during the Town's normal business hours, Monday through Friday; however the Town at its sole option may authorize any necessary follow-up or warranty work during VTS' normal business hours of 0700 and 1600 Monday through Friday at the locations within the Town of Southold designated by the Town in Exhibit D. All necessary follow-up and warranty installation work during the term of this Agreement, inclusive of removals and re-installations of hazdwaze resulting from Town vehicle replacement, shall be performed at no additional cost to the Town and will be performed, if required, no later than a next business day timeframe. G. Recurrine Monthly Vehicle Service Fees. Town shall pay to VTS in the manner set forth in Section 7, the following recurring monthly vehicle service fees on a per vehicle basis: 1. Exhibit B -Vehicles. Town shall pay a Silent Passenger Access Fee of $23.50 per month per vehicle. 2. Exhibit C -Vehicles. Town shall pay VTS a monthly access fee for Garmin routing and messaging in the amount of $5.00 per month per vehicle in addition to the Silent Passenger Access Fee for a combined monthly fee equal to $28.50 per month per vehicle. H. Verification. Within three (3) days after any AVLM equipment installation, VTS shall test the AVLM equipment and system and software and demonstrate to the Town that the AVLM equipment and software performs all of the functions identified in the VTS Proposal and VTS' User Manual, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit E. In the event that the initial verification test for a particular Vehicle is not successfully completed within three (3) days, the Town shall have the option to grant an extension for an additional five (5) business days. The Town shall have the option to cancel this Agreement if the initial AVLM equipment installation and verification process for all Vehicles on Exhibits B and C is not completed within the time period set forth within Paragraph 1(B) herein. 2. SOFTWARE AND TRAINING. A. Trainine Schedule. VTS and the Town shall determine a mutually acceptable training schedule during the Town's normal business hours for VTS Silent PassengerTM system training of the Town's employees immediately following the start of the initial Vehicle Equipment installation. Prior to the start of the initial Vehicle Equipment installation, the Town shall provide VTS with a list of the names and/or titles and locations of Town's employees to be trained as standazd users and a separate -3- list of those users to be trained as System Administrators on the VTS Silent PassengerTM system. These lists shall be incorporated and made part of this Agreement as Exhibit F. B. Trainine Locations and Level of Trainine. VTS shall provide initial on-site training at each of the locations designated by the Town in Exhibit F for the Town's standard users and Systems Administrators at no additional charge to the Town as follows: VTS will provide basic level training to the Town's standard users on how to use the VTS Silent PassengerTM system and routing system including, but not limited to, logging on, icon status, basic reporting and how to retrieve additional help information. VTS will provide advanced level training to the Town's Systems Administrators on how to use the advanced features of the VTS Silent PassengerTM system including, but not limited to, logging on, icon status, basic reporting and how to get help, how to create system users and mobile groups, how to assign permissions for users to see groups, how to label vehicles, create management reports, automatic email based reports, automatic text alerts, and on-demand custom reports by accessing the SQL database directly. C. Remote Telephone Trainine and Technical Suaaort. Remote telephone/webinar-based training and technical support (and additional on- site training as deemed necessary by the parties) will be provided by VTS at no additional cost to all of the Town's users on an as-needed basis for the duration of this Agreement. Limited on-site training shall be provided where changes in the software are made by VTS and those changes necessitate on- site training as opposed to remote follow-up telephone/webinar training. Such remote follow-up telephone/webinar training shall be provided annually or more often if changes in the software require same. D. Software Modifications and Uaerades. Generic VTS Software modifications and upgrades, provided in VTS' normal course of operation, shall be provided to the Town at no additional cost. It is understood and acknowledged by the Town that the terms of this Agreement do not include or cover any software development services or custom software integration project related to any constituent response system, fleet asset management software or CMMS. The cost of the services for any custom software (including but not limited to the design and implementation of any Crystal reports) shall be provided at a minimal hourly rate of $85.00 per hour, but in no event shall the hourly rate exceed a maximum cost of $125.00, or at the Town's option the services may be provided at a lump sum amount as agreed to by the Town and VTS. -4- E. Limitation of Liability for TraininH Services. VTS' liability for any deficient training services provided under this Section 2 shall be limited to the re-performance of such training services during the term of this Agreement at no additional charge to the Town. This shall be the Town's sole and exclusive remedy for services under this Section. 3. DATA SECURITY, OWNERSHIP AND COVERAGE. A. Data Stora¢e. Vehicle tracking data will be stored and backed up by VTS. VTS shall take all commercially reasonable measures to insure backup and recovery capabilities. The GPS data will not be accessible to the public without written permission and consent from the Town. The Town will own the data but VTS maintains responsibility to store and manage one year's worth of GPS data. The Town will have access to the last thirteen (13) months of data for reporting purposes. B. Data Security. Access to Silent Passenger will be strictly limited to designated authorized users. Each user shall receive unique user ids; each account shall be password-protected. Two levels of accounts exist -administrative and standard user. This partitioning system of functions allows the granting of access to functions based on a user's assigned responsibilities. This includes granting access to the entire fleet or only portions of the fleet, as determined by the Systems Administrators. Administrators will have control over the flexible partitioning organization. These partitions include designation by Department and vehicle type. Users shall only have rights to view and receive events on vehicles in their designated user group, as determined by the Systems Administrators. Each user log on or log off is recorded in a historical event log. The recorded data includes the date and time the log on and log off was executed and the designation of the user. C. Data Access. Authorized personnel shall have access to the Town's information twenty-four (24) hours per day and shall be able to access data remotely (via the Internet). Silent Passenger will support unlimited concurrent users . D. Data Ownership. The Town maintains sole ownership of all data that is acquired by the AVLM and a copy of this data will be provided in CSV format to the Town upon request. 4. SERVICE. A. Service Area. -5- Service is available to each of the Town's users or units operating within wireless data operating areas is identified by VTS from time to time ("Service Area"), as long as the transmitting and receiving equipment (the "Equipment") is turned on and programmed as currently active and registered network and service identifier numbers (collectively, the "Numbers"). Data transport service is provided through common carriers not under the control of VTS, and VTS makes no warranties as to suitability of the common can•ier service. VTS is not responsible for any limitations in the coverage imposed by a common carrier. B. Availability. Service may be temporarily refused, limited, or otherwise interrupted due to governmental regulations or orders, the Town's or common carrier's interconnection capabilities, atmospheric or topographical conditions, or equipment failure, modification, repair, upgrade or relocation. In the event that service is interrupted, VTS shall remedy the service failure within four (4) hours of notice from the Town, provided the service failure is not related to, caused by, or results from any server, hardware, equipment or software that is not provided by VTS and/or is in the sole custody or control of the Town. C. Securi VTS shall take all reasonable steps to insure security with respect to the service provided. VTS is not liable for any damages related to security to the service provided, except if the security violations breach was under the control of VTS. VTS reserves the right to intercept, disclose, or otherwise use any Town communication if necessary to provide the service, diagnose system troubles, and protect the rights and property of VTS, or if required by law. VTS shall not disclose any information to any third party without the written consent of the Town; in the event such disclosure is required pursuant to law, Court order or subpoena, VTS shall notify the Town in writing prior to such disclosure. D. Use. The Town and its employees shall use the Service for lawful business purposes only and will not at anytime resell, transfer, or assign the Service. 5. LICENSE AGREEMENT. A. Grant of License. This is a legal Agreement between the Town and VTS. By accessing, browsing, or using this Software and/or the VTS Silent PassengerTM website and the Service, the parties agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Agreement. In conjunction with and for the sole purpose of providing Services, VTS and its suppliers grant the Town a limited, non-exclusive, nontransferable, revocable license (hereinafter the "License") to lawfully browse, access and make use of the services, information, data, software, files, and images contained in or generated by the software and accompanying data on the VTS SilentPassengerTM website, (collectively, the "Software" or when used in conjunction with any Third Party Software as defined below, the "VTS Software System"), strictly subject to and in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. No other rights are granted. -6- B. Third Party Software. VTS represents that it has all right, title and interest in the Softwaze and Services provided under this Agreement. All Third Party Softwaze is licensed to Town in accordance with a separate license agreement(s) included with the VTS Softwaze System, and subject to any restrictions set forth herein. Town agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Third Party Software license agreements. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, VTS will have no responsibility with respect to any Third Party Softwaze, and the Town will look solely to the licensors) of the Third Party Software for any remedy. VTS claims no right in the Third Party Software, and the same is owned exclusively by the licensors) of the Third Party Softwaze. VTS PROVIDES NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, WITH RESPECT TO ANY THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE. C. Software Restrictions. VTS retains all rights, title, interest and ownership of the Software (but not any Third-Party Softwaze) including, without limitation, any express or implied rights or licenses under any patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other proprietary or intellectual property rights. The Town shall not copy, decompile, dissemble, reverse-engineer, transfer, or modify the Softwaze in any way. The Town's failure to comply with any provision contained within this Agreement will result in the automatic termination of this License, without prior notice, along with any rights to browse, access or use the VTS SilentPassengerTM website or the Software. Furthermore, upon termination of this Agreement, any Softwaze and accompanying documentation (including VTS SilentPassengerTM website usernames and passwords) provided by VTS and subject to this Agreement, must be immediately returned to VTS. 6. INTENTIONALLY OMITTED. 7. BILLING AND PAYMENT. A. Invoices. VTS shall receive monthly payments for services performed, equipment provided or installed and the recurring monthly service fees for any Equipment activated on or before the 15`h day of the month during the prior calendaz month. VTS shall submit a request for payment on aTown-approved voucher form along with VTS' invoice which details the fees due and owing. Such payment shall be made within sixty (60) days of the Town's approval of VTS' invoice. VTS shall not charge the recurring monthly vehicle service fee for any Equipment that was first activated after the 15`h day of the month or that has been removed from continuous service for three (3) months or longer (i.e., seasonal equipment), provided that the removal of all such Equipment from service is limited to Five (5%) percent of the total installed Equipment by the Town. B. Disautes. In the event that the Town disputes an invoice, notice of said dispute will be provided to VTS in writing no later than thirty (30) days following the date the invoice was received in the Town's Accounting Department. Said written notice must include a detailed statement specifying the disputed amount and the reason for the dispute. The parties shall use their best efforts to resolve such dispute. The Town will render payment within sixty (60) days upon agreement as to any portion of an invoice, which is not in dispute upon agreement as to the disputed amount. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, VTS specifically reserves the -7- right to suspend all warranty and Equipment related installation and/or removal services under this Agreement in the event that the Town fails to timely remit payment for Services rendered within one- hundred twenty (120) days of the invoice date. C. Taxes. Any applicable taxes, interconnection costs, or any other charges imposed on VTS which are required by law to be paid by VTS as a result of providing Services to Town will be invoiced to and paid by Town. If Town is exempt from payment of any such taxes, Town shall provide VTS with documentation sufficient to verify Town's tax exempt status. Any tax exemption will apply from the day VTS receives verifying documentation. 8. TERM/TERMINATION. The term of this Agreement shall commence on and shall be for two (2) years with an option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year terms at the sole discretion of the Town Board on the same terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement, or such other terms and conditions as agreed upon by the parties and authorized by the Town Board. In the event VTS breaches a material term or condition of this Agreement, and fails to cure said breach within seven (7) days, the Town may suspend payments for the period that full services have not been provided. If the breach has not been resolved to the satisfaction of the Town within fourteen (14) days, the Town may terminate this Agreement upon five (5) days notice. In the event of termination, the Town shall only be obligated to pay VTS for the services completed, accepted and received prior to the date of the receipt of the notice of termination. Notice shall be given in accordance with the notice provision of this Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate immediately without notice upon the institution of insolvency, bankruptcy or similar proceedings by or against VTS, any assignment or attempted assignment by VTS for the benefit of creditors, or any appointment or application for such appointment of a receiver for the benefit of creditors. Upon the expiration date or termination date of the Agreement, VTS shall deliver to the Town all data as discussed in Section 3 herein. In the event that the Town breaches a material term or condition of this Agreement and fails to cure such breach within forty-five (45) days, then VTS upon thirty (30) days written notice to the Town may terminate this Agreement, however the Town shall remain fully liable for all approved expenses previously incurred plus any monthly recurring fees as specified prior to the date of termination, which monthly fees shall be pro-rated for any partial month on a per diem basis. In the event that the Town is required or permitted by law to terminate this Agreement prior to the conclusion of the Initial Term, the Town shall immediately return VTS Software and accompanying documentation (including VTS SilentPassengerT"' website usernames and passwords) provided by VTS in an "as is" condition. -8- 9. WARRANTY. VTS' obligation to repair or replace any hardware or Equipment excludes any failure resulting from physical damage to, thefr of, or tampering with the hardware or Equipment, provided such physical damage, theft and/or tampering is not due to any actions of VTS. VTS will commence and complete its ob?igations described in this Agreement in good and workmanlike manner, consistent with the practices and standard of Gaze generally accepted within and expected of the industry, to ensure that the operation of the maintained Software products does not materially differ from documented specifications. VTS warrants to the Town that for the term of this Agreement, the Sofrwaze and Equipment shall perform and function as identified in the VTS Proposal, VTS' User Manual and as provided under this Agreement. VTS agrees that if the Equipment and Sofrwaze fail to perform in accordance with the aforesaid requirements during the warranty period and the Town properly advises VTS of this failure, VTS shall correct any error, malfunction or defect within seven (7) business days. In the event that VTS is not able to cure the defect within seven (7) business days, VTS may request up to an additional thirty (30) days to correct the error, malfunction or defect, and the Town shall grant a reasonable extension of time. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, if after the additional extension of time is granted by the Town to VTS, VTS is unable to correct the malfunction or defect in the Softwaze and Equipment fail to perform and function in accordance with the aforesaid requirements, then the Town may terminate this Agreement upon a further ten (10) days notice. VTS warrants that the Equipment provided, GPRS/GPS web-based, automated vehicle location and monitoring hardware and real time fleet management software systems, is standazd GPRS equipment which is compatible and reprogrammable by other providers of GPS locating and tracking equipment technology. VTS further warrants that in the event that VTS is no longer providing the Equipment that the Town shall be able to use the Equipment with other providers. Except for the grossly negligent acts of VTS or any action or proceeding as described in pazagraph 10 below, the Town agrees that refund of the purchase price of the Equipment, and the Services shall be considered by the Town a fair and adequate remedy. The remedies set forth herein are exclusive. The parties expressly recognize that warranty coverage for the Garmin Passenger Navigation Units shall be under Garmin's one (1) year manufacturer's warranty and the Town agrees to seek and make all wazranty claims directly to Garmin for these Garmin Units, except that VTS's representation in its proposal that the equipment supplied meets or exceeds the functional requirements set forth in its proposal, annexed hereto as Exhibit "E", shall survive delivery and installation of the Equipment. 10. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. A. VTS represents and warrants that it is the owner of the Software or otherwise has the right to grant the Town the license to use the Software as stated in this Agreement and VTS' Proposal -9- attached hereto as Exhibit A. Notwithstanding any other provision, VTS will defend or settle at VTS' own expense, any action or other proceeding brought against Town to the extent that it is based on a claim that the use of the Software as licensed in this Agreement infringes any U.S. copyright, trademazks, service mazks, confidential information, know-how, trade secrets, moral rights, contract or subscription right; confidential and proprietary information protected under the contract or otherwise under law; trade names, domain names, trade dress, logos, animated characters, and other similar rights or interests in intellectual or industrial property; or other party intellectual property or claims or royalties, licensing, patent or similar intellectual property right of any third party. VTS will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Town (and any of its officers, and employees) from and against losses, liabilities, damages, judgments, assessments, fines, costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) due to VTS' breach of copyright law and patent, and as further set forth above in this paragraph. B. VTS will have no obligation under this Section as to any action, proceeding, or claim unless: (A) VTS is notified of it promptly; (B) that VTS shall have sole control of the defense of any action on such claim and all negotiations for its settlement or compromise; and (C) Town provides VTS with reasonable assistance in its defense and settlement. Should the Softwaze become, or in VTS' opinion is likely to become, the subject of a claim of infringement of a United States patent or copyright, then Town shall permit VTS, at its option and expense, either to (A) procure for Town anon-infringing license to use the Software; (B) modify the Softwaze so that it becomes non- infringing; (C) accept the return of the Softwaze and issue a full refund equal to the cost of the Software and Equipment as set forth above. This provision shall survive termination of the Agreement. C. VTS shall not be liable for any act or omission of any common carrier or other service provider, interconnection service provider, and/or any common carrier equipment failure or modification, acts of God, strikes, fire, war, riot, government actions, or causes. VTS shall not be liable for service outages or other service failures to the Town or any Third-Party except as expressly set forth herein. NOTWITHSTANDING ANYTHING TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED HEREIN, IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS OR FOR LOST OR CORRUPTED DATA OR SOFTWARE (WHETHER OR NOT THE PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGES) BY REASON OF ANY ACTOR OMISSION IN ITS PERFORMANCE OR BEING A PARTY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT. FURTHERMORE, EXCEPT FOR THE DIRECT NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OF VTS, VTS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OR INJURIES TO PERSONS OR LOSSES, LIABILITIES, LIENS, ASSESSMENTS, FINES, COSTS, EXPENSES, OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY ARISING FROM THE USE OR OPERATION OF THE TOWN'S VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT, SOFTWARE, OR THE SERVICE. D. VTS shall procure and maintain at its own cost and expense professional errors and omissions insurance coverage and such public liability and other insurance as will protect the Town, the Town Board, its officers, employees, servants and agents and the people of the Town of Southold from any claim or claims for damages to property and for bodily injury and personal injury, including death, which may azise from or relate to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Said 0- policies and certificates (other than the professional errors and omissions insurance) shall name the Town, the Town Board, its officers and employees as additional insureds. All policies and certificates of insurance shall be delivered to the Town with full premiums paid, and shall be subject to the approval of the Town Attorney for adequacy and form of protection. The insurance provided by VTS to the Town shall include the following: A. Comprehensive general liability on an occurrence basis: a) General aggregate - $2,000,000 b) Products completed, operations aggregate - $1,000,000 c) Personal and advertising injury - $1,000,000.00 d) Each occurrence - $1,000,000.00 e) Fire damage - $50,000.00 f) Medical expense (any one person) $5,000.00 B. Automobile liability: a) Hired autos - $1,000,000.00 b) Non owned auto coverage - $1,000,000.00 C. Workers' Compensation Insurance -Statutory limits D. Disability Benefits -Liability (Statutory requirements) E. Professional Liability Insurance - $1,000,000.00 F. Umbrella Liability Policy - $1,000,000.00 It shall be further stipulated thereon that the Town Attorney of the Town of Southold shall be given at least thirty (30) days notice of cancellation of said coverage which shall be remitted to the Town Attorney at 54375 Main Road, P.O. Box 1179, Southold, New York 1 1 971-0959. 11. ASSIGNMENT. This Agreement shall not be assigned by either party, without the prior written consent of the other party, and, any attempted assignment without such consent shall be void. No assignment of this agreement shall be valid until and unless consented to in writing by the consenting party and assumed by the assignee in writing. When duly assigned in accordance with the foregoing, this agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the assignee. In the context of an -11- acquisition of VTS, by asset sale, merger, change of control or operation of law, the Town shall not unreasonably withhold or delay its consent of the requested assignment. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect in the event of any assignment of this Agreement. VTS hereby agrees that this Agreement shall not be pledged, hypothecated or used as security for any loan or credit for any reason, and VTS shall not record this Agreement as collateral. 12. USE OF SUBCONTRACTORS. VTS warrants that all persons assigned by it to the performance of this Agreement shall be employees or authorized subcontractors of VTS and shall be fully qualified to work under this Agreement. VTS shall insure that an adequate number of appropriately qualified personnel are employed and available to satisfy its obligations as outlined in this Agreement. All subcontractors shall comply with the requirements of this Agreement, including insurance provisions, and be paid by VTS at no additional expense to the Town. 13. NOTICE. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement will be in writing and delivered by courier, overnight delivery services or by certified mail, and in each instance will be deemed given upon receipt. All notices will be sent to the addresses set forth herein. Either party may change its address for notices under this Agreement by giving written notice to the other party by the means specified in this section. If to Town: Martin D. Finnegan, Town Attorney Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 If to VTS: 10 East 5`h Street Deer Park, NY 11729 Attn: John M. Cunningham, Jr., President 14. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of New York and any and all actions, proceedings, lawsuits arising out of this Agreement shall be commenced in the State of New York, County of Suffolk. VTS shall comply with all local laws, State and Federal laws, statutes and/or rules and regulations as applicable under this Agreement. -12- 15. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The foregoing Agreement embodies the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matters stipulated herein. All prior understandings and agreements between the parties aze merged in this Agreement; it completely expresses their full agreement. It has been entered into after full investigation, neither party relying upon any statements made by anyone else that are not set forth in this Agreement. 16. MODIFICATION. This Agreement may not be modified except by Agreement in writing executed by the parties hereto and upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed upon between VTS and the Town but no such modification shall be effective until approved by the Town Board and so executed. 17. INVALIDITY OF PARTICULAR PROVISIONS. If any term, provision, or portion of any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed illegal, invalid, and/or non enforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall be deemed to remain valid and shall be enforced to the fullest extent of the law. 18. FORCE MAJEURE. In the event that either party is prevented from performing, or is unable to perform, any of its obligations under this Agreement due to any act of God, fire, casualty, flood, war, strike, lock out, failure of public utilities, common can•iers, injunction or any act, exercise, assertion or requirement of any governmental authority, epidemic, destruction of production facilities, insurrection, inability to procure materials, labor, equipment, transportation or energy sufficient to meet needs, or any other cause beyond the reasonable control of the party invoking this provision ("Force Majeure Event"), and if such party shall have used reasonable efforts to avoid such occurrence and minimize its duration and has given prompt written notice to the other party, then the affected party's failure to perform shall be excused and the time for performance shall be extended for the period of delay or inability to perform due to such occurrence. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Force Majeure Event continues for a period of thirty (30) continuous days, the party so affected may terminate this Agreement on ten (10) days' prior written notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. TOWN OF SOU OLD VEHICLE TRACKING SOLUTIONS, LLC By: By: Scott .Russell, Supervisor John M. Cunningham, Jr., President -13- Exhibit A - VTS Proaosal for Town of Southold dated June 5, 2013 -14- PROPOSAL FOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD GPS TRACKING Submitted by: Adam Ross V4F~4J ~~~~l) vet~kleHacki W tNiotRa,cem 10 E. 5'" St. ~ Deer Park, NY 11729 (631) 586-7400 www. Ve h icleTrack i ng S of utions. co m June 5th, 2013 Table of Contents Overview 3 Functionality of Silent Passenger 4 Basic Silent Passenger"' Features 5 Bing Mapping & Map Maintenance 8 Android and iPhone Apps 8 Silent Passenger API 8 Reporting and Alerts 9 Security, Ownership, and Coverage ..........................................................................................12 Equipment Specifications and Installation .................................................................................14 Training .....................................................................................................................................16 Warranty and Support ...............................................................................................................1(i Pricing Error! Bookmark not defined. Vehicle. 1 d hncl Sol~hnns' Prop7sa! ror 'fnwn of 8cuthaid 2 Overview At Vehicle Tracking Solutions we are proud to say "We drive productivity." We are confident that our years of industry expertise, best-in-breed hardware and partnership with the largest GPRS- based wireless network data provider continue to make VTS the perfect vendor for the Town of Southold. Our success over the past 10 years showing clients with fleets of all sizes how to reduce operating expenses while simultaneously increasing efficiency has helped us enjoy nearly a 300% increase in sales and a tenfold increase in net worth. For that achievement we were honored in the 2008 and 2009 Inc 5000 list of fastest-growing privately owned companies. VTS currently has over 1,500 clients tracking more than 25,000 vehicles throughout the U.S. We have worked with companies who own 1 vehicle, as well as municipalities with hundreds of vehicles. Using the expertise we have gained by working with many New York-based companies, we will work to understand your unique needs and goals and will help you achieve them. Vehicle Tracking Solutions is an LLC, formed in 2001, located in Deer Park, NY. Our 20+ employees work from our Deer Park office; all operations (from software development to technical support to billing) are completed in-house. We were the first fleet management solution provider to be partnered with Microsoft Bina® Maas with an open user license. This license allows VTS to provide the top maps in the industry to our clients, at no additional cost to them. Vehicle Tracking Solutions' support staff ensures your department will receive a personal touch for major items such as technical support, ongoing on-site training, warranty service and upgrades. The hands-on approach offered by VTS throughout the contract term guarantees that once initial goals are met, we will help you to create and obtain additional goals as they are needed for future enhancements and custom integration. We are ready to put our expertise to work for the Town of Southold and help you meet your ongoing goals. Val~nrle f ,u k ~ ~7 :,ul~finns' f>ropcrai frr !ovvn of Southold 3 Pin er Functionality of Silent Passenger Silent Passenger is a cutting-edge fleet management program that makes it easy to effectively and efficiently monitor your vehicles. Silent Passenger integrates detailed, up-to-date maps from Microsoft Bing with real-time traffic information and turn-by-turn directions. Any computer connected to the Internet (running Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari) may access Silent Passenger to view real-time events and historical data. Because Silent Passenger"' is a web-based solution, you have the convenience and mobility of working from any computer, anywhere. No software to install, no restrictions to worry about. Silent Passenger is capable of providing access to all Town of Southold AVLM users and administrators (able to handle 200 users with individual sign on capability, all of which may sign on concurrently, with variable levels of user permissions). There are no licensing fees for Silent Passenger. Silent Passenger includes the following functionality: • The ability to identify and track more than 500 GPS equipped vehicles/assets on overlaid maps • An update rate of one (1) minute for standard usage and ten (5) seconds in Rapid Update mode • The ability to track assets by individual, department, territorial area, town wide, or other defined grouping • Single sign on capability • Multi-level, role based security (including Administrator, Department Staff, and Management user roles) • Control user access by level • Ability to provide identifier and attributes about the asset while GPS enabled including location, speed, distance and breadcrumb information • The ability to identify boundaries by assets in terms of territory and restricted areas. These areas can be displayed as overlays on the map, and alerts may be set up to notify administrators when an asset goes "out of area' • An easy-to-use GUI for maintaining all system administration functions As VTS adds additional features to Silent Passenger or upgrades existing features, they will be available to Town of Southold at no additional cost. These upgrades will occur automatically, without the need for software installation or any other interaction from the Town of Southold staff. Vahuae ~f i~b ny alai ~.ns~ Prop ~ al tx Tnavn of Southold 4 Basic Silent PassengerTM Features: Fleet Status -Displays the exact location of all vehicles on a lined display. Click on any vehicle to zoom to street level detail. It also displays the engine on/off status. When this screen is open it updates automatically when vehicle locations change. Fleet View Mode -Full screen map that automatically zooms to display all vehicle names/numbers that the user has rights to see and has enabled to see. Vehicle Bubbles -The vehicle bubbles feature makes it easier to view the information you need. A Zoom tab gives you a detailed view of the selected vehicle. • An ETA tab allows you to calculate arrival time at an address or landmark. • A Stops tab will show you all stops made by that vehicle for the day, including location and time of each stop, length of stop, and idling at each stop. • If your vehicles are equipped with Garmin Routing, you will see a Routing tab which allows you to view that vehicle's assigned route for the day. • A Stats tab will show you total drive time, stop time, and idle time for each vehicle for the day. You can "pin" vehicle bubbles to the screen, allowing you to view multiple vehicle bubbles at once. -t + 3. sxym ~ ?KLtatrh i tla y Stops k +:,.+s „,xr Y x s i i~ f9.~':~'.. ~ 'a~ ~ mr,<T.z f n w n, Ship Twm 3hPm' IMe Time 5Jm3ds ItttSJ ' Wy siqu arW N11Qi Rt~er Mm,1 amuta am 9p n. Tl+s smnol CVim Tnm, Stap Torte aM 1de1Nm wBIwLLxxessariY aEE lp to fht SfAftk•TimeMUte Ely. ' Cron klan9 PkvN, Cantxfa Megntis, NV tuft Last PoYfL 1f23t29121:55:59 PAI. SpeeG Si mph fleuMyoN CR-194, PmMguei pY 11772 tasCPonLi2t1J)29n t2a:56 PM swear JS mph Naa~o~g sw 9ri.m¢ arxswn:: f rra=!ucx ? Zo ra'r'e th'Mne iNreeMMf: t (m FhyO ' -u rmra pm Ile t+unF... ftrpftS HytUaLN 4totn aeasoa ftvu[C Sfez+xkQVDrY Color coded Vehicle Status: Icons displayed next to each vehicle name in fleet status and on the map denote the following: • Moving • Stopped for less than 5 minutes • Stopped between 5 minutes and 60 minutes • Stopped for more than 60 minutes • Stopped for more than 3 days • Speeding • Loss of connection with hardware Vehicle 1 i .,ng Soiutiurs`' Proposal For Town of Southold 5 Route Playback-View the breadcrumb trail for any vehicle on the map. ~,~,m.,.~ T[ NNE, Y+~^ R. Rd M ~1ldu^ i ~f ~ tv, ruwboi. Wu ,ay Ndis GanxM NNta ial.~~ ti .~WF nkaa un+ew wn Y ~ M. Nr£nm ukkWh MNmlari y~w,iy, 4.. p r ~buA MNpv t a EVNf,,,m ~ o,,, • cwt Ge tlen<kv ~ rmi9 1: • ~"k m I Mi Ne~O Gn t Mu~4 r `w. Landmarks - All users with permission can setup landmarks which can be categorized by type. For example, you can create landmarks for all town parking lots or pick-up sites. The purpose of this feature is for the Fleet Status window and all reports to list the name of the location that the vehicle is parked or stopped at. Geofencing -Silent Passenger users are able to set a radius and be notified when vehicles enter or exit that area with the geofencing tool. e FM $(dY - ~ ~ x sE ~ y a ¢r ~ . . i u` a a ckrs r. I:~, `1 3~~~~f Ad- COmIFi -:n- a _ aii ~~rtaa~" FaimnyvA~e~ 1.,.. 1fi~. L ~~a 1 M Administrative Access- This is where administrative users may create usernames and assign viewing permissions to other users. You may also change vehicle names, edit vehicle groups and enter the vehicles' true odometer readings. Preferences -This feature allows users to change various system preferences. Help- Users may contact VTS for technical support and remote live assistance. Users can also change their password. Vch~clc i V y ~:oh t ~xiw'. Prop ~ ,ai lci (nwn or Southold 6 Map Navigation: Full screen maps and top driven menus allow users to quickly access the information they need. Map navigation is extremey simple: pan and zoom with the click of your mouse. Vehicle Maintenance Program: The Vehicle Maintenance Program in Silent Passenger allows you to monitor oil changes, inspections and other routine vehicle maintenance. You can even set up automatic email reports to alert you on a daily, weekly or monthly basis of upcoming maintenance issues. Satellite and Birds Eye Views: You can accurately view where your vehicles are throughout the day. Satellite and Birds Eye Views will allow you to view your fleet as if you were in the passenger seat. You can easily switch between road, satellite and birds eye views with the click of a button. Real-Time Traffic Updates: Real-time traffic is available on Town, County and State roads. Real-time traffic updates will allow your dispatchers to make effective and efficient decisions when routing your department vehicles. Stay ahead of the game by knowing about congestion, bottle-necking and road closures before you send your trucks out. .r„, ' ~ Srttiliaraf ovr ~.~ti S. btN °.i .n.fcem Closest Vehicles: Mouse over a landmark or vehicle and see the vehicles closest to the location, as well as their distance and ETA. VTS Corporate 1J E StM iv G.w. ?ark, Nv tII29 Gafios: lVU Feet kMes: NICetl T/2t/ZpiV Cbsert MLLrMS to thu beakian Ja[loe D.4,nWBS Oe F-1 fi.3 mN.s tbm Seed Stop JeeAWT U.OOAes 2Jm A Pain id.p mhs 2]m Send `iY!bp Drmesg Dlrecfspns: } Fri, NSrz f .o i~kre Etht fm{Ke '/elnNe l i r iq SoluUr,ns Frr:p Tsai (,r Town of ;outhold 7 SpeedGauge Notification System: VTS and SpeedGauge have collaborated to offer the industry's first true speed notification system in real time. This new feature was designed to stop the most egregious speeding incidents: those which occur in residential areas. The standard speed notifications included in other GPS systems only allow you to set a single threshold to monitor speed. Most people will set this threshold for 60mph, but this will not alert you when your employee is travelling at 50mph in a posted 30mph zone, or 40mph in a posted 20mph zone. The SpeedGauge module will notify you whenever a vehicle exceeds posted speed limits by: • Displaying a red triangle icon in Silent Passenger • Sending a-mail or text notfcations • Creating historical reports detailing all speed violations Bing Mapping & Map Maintenance b~~~. The Microsoft Bing® platform is an integrated set of services that provides quality geospatial data, rich imagery, cutting-edge technology, and dependable performance that helps organizations visualize data and provide immersive end-user experiences. Microsoft Bing®mapping is an industry leader in providing precise views of the world through bird's eye view and panning, and photorealistic and geospecific 3D capability, among other features. All mapping updates released by Microsoft will be automatically released to VTS customers via the Silent Passenger platform. Android and iPhone Apps Silent Passenger apps are available for the Android and iPhone apps. View your fleet's activities right from your phone. Silent Passenger API Vehicle Tracking Solutions has developed an API which allows for integration with other software programs being used by Universal Limousine. VeLi~ae I rcmy 'x~lut nos Proposal for l nyun of uouthold 8 Reporting and Alerts On Demand Reports: Users with permission have the right to view individual or multiple vehicles' historical data. The start and end date of the report is user definable. 13 months of historical reports are available. ~k~ tadbia.EUma__. ohom ,la Oec ]3, mll OT.OBFM im tlM rapM& NY Rrtryoye„nt 0.0]!m Cec l3, A110T22Mi In2m Ctt I3 m118:341M 393 KaaQtll RV[ Belwt NY MoveRntS biped 0.35.m Oec l3, m1108:5pAM On41m [kt f3 rolt9:31µ1 ~+dfig] Yipnma NY Move+nen[Sbryed 2.06 nn Ott 13. ]p1109:SMd4 OF IBm Mllm]I 10; 1]AM lmidfil Y.a+mk NY Abvur,nft 5trryged 205;n Cec ]],fi1~10:24µt iFMm Ce<13mt312:a>PM LdMfiMY YgYfmk NY Mv:crcnt$ taped d. t2!re oec l3. mll 1a lvn on s4m oec is roll l:o9na lendfia reEFenk m nbvmx:nl sbwm z.um Cec 13, m II a1:IFM 1 n 3 m Oec 13 mll z; i5R4 8 z YrynroJ~ rvY Abvment sbryed o.lz nn Ctt Y3, m1102;35P11 OF ffim IXc 1330113:0YM Lnnd(s Yepnmik NY Mwemmt 5tgped 3.99;re mec l3, m1163:INM OF q4m Lec 13 b111 a;q]%i Le ~efd= YapMrJ, NY MJVeeent sloipeE 0.1]rrv. Cec ll, m31 M:05%d LandAY Yzplyik NY EnNiq POin[ 1.43 xe TpE~be W91 bb90m ]lASM oec l3, mllw:o4nN tenets r~d~mw Hr srtup YeM oa 13, muaesaw tam veehmk trr faptgpa:rt o.oo,~ iaErb ip Yaoi Bhom 0.M- The standard reports that are available are as follows: • Stops with Options- Displays all stops the vehicle made in the date range you select. It shows travel time between each stop, length of stop and distance from previous stop. Additional information such as engine idle and vehicle events may also be displayed on this report. Stop intervals for report range from 1 min+, determined by the end user running the report. • Route -Lists all roads the vehicle traveled on and speeds it traveled on those roads. It also lists the stops the vehicle made, travel time and distance. This data may be displayed in report form or played back on a map as breadcrumb history. • Speed- This report shows each time a vehicle or group of vehicles exceeded the speed limit threshold you set. • SpeedGauge`~ -This report will show you any time a vehicle exceeding posted speed limits. • Detail- This displays all the raw satellite data. This report can be analyzed in the event of an accident to determine vehicle speed during the time of the accident. • StarUEnd of Day- This report shows the location where the vehicle started its day, how many hours it worked, how many hours it was in motion, how many hours of idle time, the total distance it traveled and the location it was parked at the end of the shift. Vr,ho ,Il. i t k n,. `r;nl1 t ons` Prop di f it Town of Southold 9 • Odometer- This report shows the amount of total mileage of your vehicles. The resettable trip odometer feature is used in conjunction with our optional maintenance module. • Engine Idle- This report displays the total time your vehicle's engine has been idling throughout the day. • Hours of Operation: Displays how many hours each vehicle was used for the day • Non-Responsive Units- Shows any units that have not reported in 3+ days. • Congregation Report -Shows when 2 or more vehicles are within 30 feet of each other for more than 5 consecutive minutes. • Geofence Report - Shows historical geofence information for your fleet (when and where a vehicle entered or exited a geofenced area) Custom reports can be created using crystal reports at a rate of $85/hour. Reports can be viewed on screen or may be exported to PDF, Excel, HTML or Word formats. All reports can be printed, and will appear the same when printed as they appear on screen. Automatic E-mail Reports -Users with permission can have any or all standard reports automatically created and e-mailed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Text Alerts- Users with permission can set up text alerts to notify you of after- hours movement, speed, extended stops, no movement, idling, or when users enter or leave any "landmarked" location such as town lots or work sites. Text alerts can be sent to any cell phone ore-mail based pager/PDA or web pop-up. The Town of Southold can track, report, set alerts and reset vehicle miles driven and/or hours driven between maintenance. The Silent Passenger system includes the following reporting functions: • Weekly reports in Excel format that quantify total idling time per vehicle • Daily reports in Excel format that quantify total idle minutes, total minutes driven, average speed driven, top speed driven, and total non use minutes • Daily reports in Excel format that list all vehicles that left selected geofences • Monthly reports in Excel format that display an audit trail of the system which outline all changes and identifies the user that initiated changes • Ad-hoc reports that display a vehicle's route and stops, and duration of said stops • Ad-hoc reports that display all vehicles that either stop at, or drive by a certain location • Real time email alerts, based on operating parameters selected by the Town, for speeding, idling, geofencing, and odd hour movement • Pre-defined detailed activity report and the ability to easily define new reports • Ability to run reports by asset, department, mileage, idle, speed history, fuel efficiency, day-of-week, weekly, or monthly • Ability to create documents, charts, graphs, and maps, stop detail reports, alert reports, after hour's reports, and capture data to recreate a vehicle's movement via a breadcrumb report 'Jt lu let r,7 ~ofi, et'•~~P'rol', a for Inver of Soothed 10 • Beginning and end of day reports, maximum speed reports, idle time reports, and geofence reports • Alerts for out of area, restricted areas, after hours, speed, and idle. Notification will be via GUI alert, report generation, and/or email alert. • Ability to output all data in Excel, Word, PDF formats J~:hi~:Ie I x r i 3 1,oiu p i s R~z{;~ ~al for i ovvn of Southold 11 Security, Ownership, and Coverage Data Storage: Vehicle tracking data will be stored and backed up by VTS. Vehicle Tracking Solutions takes all proper measures to ensure backup and recovery capability. This GPS data will not be accessible to the public without written permission and consent from Universal Limousine. The Town of Southold will own the data but VTS maintains responsibility to store and manage one year's worth of GPS data. The Town of Southold will have access to the last 13 months of data for reporting purposes. Data Security: Access to Silent Passenger will be strictly limited to designated authorized users. Each user shall receive a unique user ID; each account shall be password protected. Two levels of accounts exist- administrative and standard user. This partitioning of system functions allow the granting of access to functions based on user's assigned responsibilities. This includes granting access to entire fleet or only portions of the fleet, as determined by the system administrator. Administrators will have control over flexible partitioning organization. These partitions include designation by department and vehicle type. Users shall only have rights to view and receive events on vehicles in their designated user group, as determined by the system administrator. Each user logon and logoff is recorded in a historical event log. The recorded data includes the date and time that the logon/logoff was executed and the identification of the user. Data Access: Authorized personnel shall have access to Town of Southold information 24 hours a day and shall be able to access data remotely (via the Internet). Silent Passenger supports unlimited concurrent users. Data Ownership: The Town of Southold retains sole ownership of all data that is acquired by the AVLM, and a copy of this data will be provided in CSV format to the Town of Southold upon request. AVLM Coverage and Location Data Reliability The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system (GNSS) that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites. It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible by anyone with a GPS receiver. The Enfora tracking device supplied by VTS uses the NMEA(binary) GPS protocol. The Enfora device has a 44 Channel GPS architecture with -144 dBM autonomous cold start acquisition, - 157 dBm reacpuisition, and -157.5 autonomous tracking. The GPS chip in the device has a Positional Accuracy(CEP50) Autonomous Positional Error of < 1.0 meter. Velocity Accuracy (30 m/s) of speed <0.05m/s, heading <0.2 deg. 12 The GPS receivers rely on a clear line of site to the sky, any metal obstructions can degrade the GPS signal. If the GPS receiver cannot acquire a good GPS Lock, an event is transmitted and displayed on Silent Passenger Reports. AVLM Outages: Silent Passenger will detect and manage extended outages of AVLM position data due to loss of navigation inputs on vehicles, communications failures, and other failure conditions that affect AVLM functions. All such outage conditions will be reflected in location data presented to Silent Passenger users, including the map and other displays and reports. System Administrators will have access to detailed information concerning the cause of all outages. Silent Passenger maintains and uses the last known good position for all affected vehicles when valid location reports are not available from those vehicles. Continued operation of Silent Passenger will not be adversely impacted regardless of the number of vehicles experiencing such outages. Svstem Scalability: Silent Passenger is easily scalable over time to support additional vehicles and workstations, without replacing any initially installed components. Silent Passenger supports adjustable parameters that enable users to configure certain system functions. These adjustments become effective immediately and do not require the user to restart the system. Additionally, administrators may change system-wide configurations for all users. These configuration changes do not require rebuilding of the system or the database. Functional Exoandabilitv: Silent Passenger is designed to permit the addition of new functional capabilities over its lifetime without significant replacement of existing components. Veh~de~ i id K iq -.oh ~i~~n~. `l~ropo ;al for Lawn of Southold 13 Equipment Specifications and Installation AVL Equipment: Permanently installed Enfora GSM2358 orcromparable GPRS/GPS based AVL (automatic vehicle location) hardware in your department vehicles. Installation location is dependent upon vehicle make and model. Exact device locations can be reported for each fleet vehicle after installation. Installations are completed in a way that does not interfere with the operation of the vehicle. The Enfora units contain an internal antenna; however, certain vehicle makes and models require an external antenna which will be installed at no additional cost. The external antenna is external to the device, not the vehicle. Antenna will be installed behind the dash and will be out of site. Mounting: The most popular and secure way we have found to install the Enfora is to place the unit behind the factory radio. It does not interfere with reception or any safety restraint system in any way. Vehicle Tracking Solutions does not typically solder its wire connections. A soldered installation would need to be discussed. Power Cable Configuration, Optional Serial Port, Voice, Input and Output: The Enfora needs to be connected to constant power, switch power and ground. All three items can be obtained from the radio harness located behind the factory radio. We use a 3 amp fuse on the constant power lead connection. Connected to the Enfora unit is a combination GPRS/GPS. This antenna is also placed behind the radio toward the front windshield. The antenna placement varies depending on the make and model of the vehicle. In some instances, notably rack type trucks with windshield overhangs, require special antenna mounting options. Upon request, VTS will provide your department with a formal installation document stating the exact location of each unit and antenna according to vehicle make upon receipt of a list by your department of the makes and models of each vehicle. Estimated time for installation: Typical installation time is 30 minutes per vehicle. Upon installation of the Enfora hardware in each department vehicle, our Silent Passenger'" solution will be live. The Enfora hardware will automatically collect events such as engine on/off status, engine idling, vehicle location, speed, real-time speeding notifications based on posted speed limits, direction, stops (landmark and non-landmark), starUend of day, hours of operation and satellite time every 1 minute during standard usage and every 5 seconds when in "Rapid Update" mode or using "Locate Now." All events collected by the Enfora hardware are automatically sent via the Cingular wireless GPRS data network to the Silent Passenger server where it is saved in the SQL database. All Vefncle 7l uckmg bntuhrnis~ 1'~oposal for Town of Southold 14 users that are logged into Silent Passenger" with the appropriate permissions will see that vehicle in real time. The Enfora unit is made to withstand normal equipment usage for a lifespan of 5 years or more. It is water-resistant, shock-resistant, vibration-resistant and is able to operate in a range from 0 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and 0% to 95% humidity. If either the Enfora unit enters an area without GPRS cellular coverage or the Silent Passenger'" server is offline, the Enfora unit will store all events in its internal buffer until the vehicle travels into a cellular coverage area or the server is back online. Silent Passenger users will be alerted when a unit becomes inoperable. Hardware Transferability: In the event of hardware failure, software failure, or hardware transplant from one vehicle to another, the history of data from the original vehicle will be maintained. Silent Passenger is capable of incorporating new hardware into a vehicle that previously contained an AVLM unit without changing the vehicle ID or starting a new database entry. Vghirle 1 dck na `ioh du~ne~ Proposal I,r lnwn o(Southoid 15 Training Vehicle Tracking Solutions will provide the following at no additional cost: Remote/ webinar training and or onsite training for each of your locations for standard users which includes, but are not limited to: logging on, icon status, basic reporting and how to get help. Software training can be conducted immediately after hardware installation is completed. • The initial training for system administrators which includes, but is not limited to: logging on, icon status, basic reporting, how to get help, how to create system users and mobile groups, how to assign permissions for users to see groups, how to label vehicles, create management reports, automatic a-mail based reports, automatic text alerts and on demand custom reports by accessing the SQL database directly. • Ongoing training and technical support, when needed, for all users, free of charge. This includes access to a 24/7/365 help desk phone and online real-time remote diagnostic services. • User guides, video tutorials, and implementation guides to help users integrate the Silent Passenger application into their daily operations. Warranty and Support VTS will warranty AVL/ GPS tracking units for one full year. In the event of a total loss to the hardware due to tampering or physical damage, the replacement cost will not exceed the original hardware purchase price. ~/ehicle 7 o<rcusa C,oi,N n~, PinpoSal (or inn of Southold 16 PR~C~ NG-based on Suffolk County contract Vehdde, 1 u king `~oluti nx` P;op~ndi (or R.-awn of Southold 17 Exhibit B -List of AVLM Eguiaaed Vehicles Covered Under this AEreement Please list the year, make, model, vehicle identification number (VIN), and license plate number for each vehicle: Year Make Model VIN Number License Place Number -I$- Town of Southold Appendix B GPS Installations GPS ALREADY INSTALLED GPS TO BE INSTALLED TAG # ASSET # YEAR MAKE MODEL VIN # PLATE # DEPT SITE B1 2445 1999 PLYMOUTH BREEZE 1P3EJ46C1XN617268 K89797 CG ANNEX 84 2330 1998 CHEVROLET CAVALIER 1G1JC5240W7249223 K89799 CG ANNEX B10 2446 1999 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 2P4GP25R9XR299173 K89801 CG ANNEX B12 2579 2000 DODGE CARAVAN 264GP25R0YR866549 K89792 CG ANNEX (31$ 3751 2008 FORD RANGER 1FTYR15E17PA78374 M33329 CG ANNEX B15 4110 2011 FORD RANGER 1FTKR1ED1BPA43174 R12419 CG ANNEX B16 4340 2013 FORD FUSION HYBRID 3FA6POLU1DR298557 R29596 CG TH PW1 3734 2007 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 1J8GR48K47C680309 M33311 CG TH P4Al'#0 3444 2006 CHEVROLET DUMPTRUCK 1GB1K34U36E153565 L98621 DPW HWY PWS 2205 1997 FORD BUCKET TRUCK 1FDNFSOC6VVA10163 L12580 DPW HWY PW6 2438 1999 INTERNATIO~GARBAGETRUCK 1HTSCAARSXH640299 DT466E DPW HWY PW15 4021 2011 FORD F350 DUMP TRUCK 1FDRF3H65BEA43332 M64684 DPW HWY B2 3638 2007 FORD RANGER 1FTYR15E17PA94505 M23580 DPW TH 88 2329 1998 FORD RANGER 1FTYR10C2WUB81984 K89796 DPW TH PW9 3184 2004 FORD F250 PICKUP 1FTNF21L34ED81148 L56151 DPW TH PW14 3625 2007 CHEVROLET CUT AWAY VAN 1GBJG31U871159084 M23551 DPW TH PW 16 4224 2012 DODGE RAM 2500 PICKUP 3C6LDSATSCG206512 R24479 DPW TH N3 2669 2000 FORD E450 BUS 1FDXE45FSYH634502 K20087 HRC HRC NS 2913 2003 CHRYSLER VOYAGER 1C4GJ25393B290905 L70686 HRC HRC N7 3147 2004 CHEVROLET VENTURE 1GNDU03E64D187845 L43698 HRC HRC 2891 2003 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 1CEGJ25333B237715 L76041 HRC HRC N10 3374 2005 FORD PHOENIX 1FDXE45535HA76740 L94391 HRC HRC N14 2278 1997 DODGE B150SUBURBAN 2B4HB15XXVK593233 K81531 HRC HRC N16 2704 2001 DODGE RAM WAGON 1500 2B4HB15X31K557104 K16536 HRC HRC N17 3645 2007 CHEVROLET MALIBU 1G1Z557F47F301332 M23616 HRC HRC N18 3667 2007 CHEVROLET EXPRESS VAN 1GNFG15T171184102 M23646 HRC HRC N20 3908 2008 FORD E450 BUS 1FD4E45588DB51057 M49987 HRC HRC Appendix B -Page 1 of 2 Town of Southold Appendix B--GPS Installations GPS ALREADY INSTALLED GPS TO BE INSTALLED TAG ri ASSET # YEAR MAKE MODEL VIN # PLATE # DEPT SITE N21 4174 2011 FORD E360 BUS 1FDEE3FL76DA83573 R13319 HRC HRC N22 4139 2012 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU9DG1CKA37091 R12862 HRC HRC N23 4223 2012 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU9DG4CKCS5378 R24478 HRC HRC N24 4263 2012 FORD E450 BUS 1FDFE4FS6CD818851 R34695 HRC HRC N25 4341 2013 FORD FUSION HYBRID 3FA6POLU3DR298S58 R29697 HRC HRC 2SO 3306 2004 FORD F4SODUMPTRUCK 1FDXF47S64EC88114 L8S743 HWY HWY 251 3307 2003 FORD F3S0DUMPTRUCK 1FDWF37L63EC66546 L8S746 HWY HWY 23fi 3440 2006 FORD F550 DUMP TRUCK 1FDAFS6Y86EA03331 L98611 HWY HWY B9 2646 2001 CHEVROLET LUMINA 2G1WL52J311270553 K2003S REC REC RM-18 2718 2001 DODGE DURANGO 1B4HS28N01F644636 K16660 SW SW RM-25 3750 2008 FORD F350 1FTWF31R68ED57292 M33331 SW SW RM-i9 3155 2004 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1GCHK24U34E300906 M33349 SW SW RNM24 3446 1997 FORD F4S0 TRUCK 1FDLF47FOVEC61086 L98613 SW SW Appendix B -Page 2 of 2 Exhibit C -Additional List of Vehicles with Garmin Passeneer NaviEation Units -16- Town of Southold Appendix C - Garmin Installations GPS ALREADYINSTALLED GPS TO BE INSTALLED TAG # ASSET # YEAR MAKE MODEL VIN # PLATE # DEPT SITE N3 2669 2000 FORD E4S0 BUS 1FDXE45FSYH634S02 K20087 HRC HRC NS 2913 2003 CHRYSLER VOYAGER 1C4GJ2S393B290905 L70686 HRC HRC N7 3147 2004 CHEVROLET VENTURE 1GNDU03E64D187845 L43698 HRC HRC N9 2891 2003 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 1CEGJ2S333B237715 L76041 HRC HRC N10 3374 2005 FORD PHOENIX 1FDXE4SS3SHA76740 L94391 HRC HRC N14 2278 1997 DODGE B1S0 SUBURBAN 2B4H81SXXVKS93233 K81S31 HRC HRC N16 2704 2001 DODGE RAM WAGON 1500 2B4HB1SX31KSS7104 K16S36 HRC HRC N17 3645 2007 CHEVROLET MALIBU 1G1ZSS7F47F301332 M23616 HRC HRC N18 3667 2007 CHEVROLET EXPRESS VAN 1GNFG1ST171184102 M23646 HRC HRC N20 3908 2008 FORD E4S0 BUS 1FD4E4SS88DBS10S7 M49987 HRC HRC N21 4174 2011 FORD E3S0 BUS 1FDEE3FL7BDA83S73 R13319 HRC HRC N22 4139 2012 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU9DG1CKA37091 R12862 HRC HRC N23 4223 2012 FORD ESCAPE 1FMCU9DG4CKCSS378 R24478 HRC HRC N24 4263 2012 FORD E4S0 BUS 1FDFE4FS6CDB188S1 R34695 HRC HRC N25 4341 2013 FORD FUSION HYBRID 3FA6POLU3DR298558 R29S97 HRC HRC Appendix C Exhibit D -List of Town Facilities and Sites Please provide the following information for each facility or site listed: the site name, address, cross street, telephone number (if available), site supervision, approximate number of Town vehicles at the site, the availability of lighting at the site to perform work at night, and the availability of a garage: -17- Town of Southold Appendix D --Site Locations NUMBER OF TELEPHONE VEHICLES LIGHTING GARAGE SITE LOCATION NAME LOCATION ADDRESS CROSS STREET NUMBER SITE SUPERVISOR AT SITE AVAILABLE AVAILABLE ANNEX Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25, Southold, NY 1171 Youngs Ave 631-765-4333 John Cushman 6 Yes No HRC Human Services 750 Pacific Street, Mattituck, NY 11952 Old Sound Avenue 631-298-4460 Karen McLaughlin 15 Yes No HWY Highway Department 275 Peconic Lane, Peconic, NY 11958 Route 25 631-734-5211 Peter Harris 7 Yes Yes REC Recreation 970 Peconic Lane, Peconic, NY 11958 Route 25 631-765-5182 Ken Reeves 1 Yes No SW Solid Waste Facility 6155 Cox Lane, Cutchogue, NY 11935 County Route 48 631-734-7744 Jim Bunchuck 4 Yes Yes TH Town Hall 53095 Route 25, Southold, NY 11971 Hortons lane 631-765-1800 Scott Russell 7 Yes No Appendix D Exhibit E - VTS' User Manual -18- Learn how to use Silent Passenger®with this User Guide provided by VENICIE ~~~r~ir~c s~~«l~«~ Vehicle 65 I-495 Melville, NY Speed: 55 mph Heading: W u _ ~ . - - a 4 d .w; - :..a. .v _ ~ ° n ....n. . I Table of Contents Log in ........................................................................................................................05 Dashboard ..................................................................................................................05 Map Tools ..................................................................................................................06 Vehicle Status Symbols ................................................................................................07 i Quick Zoom Menu .......................................................................................................07 Map View Menu ..........................................................................................................OS i Zoom to Fleet ..................................................................................................OS ~I Find an Address ...............................................................................................08 Show/Hide Traffic ............................................................................................08 ~ ShowlHide Geofence ........................................................................................08 Driving Directions ............................................................................................09 it Print Map .......................................................................................................09 Fleet Status ...............................................................................................................09 Tools ........................................................................................................................10 Create Landmark .............................................................................................10 Create Geofence .............................................................................................10 Vehicle Service ...........................................................................................11-12 j Manage Landmarks .........................................................................................12 Send Driver A Text Message .............................................................................12 Downloads ...................................................................................................13 I V~hic~le ?rdrkiny Solutions G 2(11 2 i - - - I Reports .......................................................................................................................13 Report Types ................................................................................................13-14 Scheduled E-mail Reports ...............................................................................................14 Report Logs ..................................................................................................................15 Alerts ...........................................................................................................................15 j Alert Types ....................................................................................................15-16 Alert Logs ..........................................................................................................16 Settings ........................................................................................................................16 User Preference ..................................................................................................16 Driver Administrator .............................................................................................16 Driver Assignment ...............................................................................................16 User Activity Log .................................................................................................16 User Administrator ...............................................................................................17 Vehicle Administrator ............................................................................................17 Branch Administrator ............................................................................................17 Change Password ................................................................................................17 Help ..............................................................................................................................17 Enhancement Log .................................................................................................17 Remote Technical Support .....................................................................................17 Contact SP Support ..............................................................................................17 ~I i I ~/ehicle 1rackinu SoIuI(ons02Q12 3 Logging In ToSilent Passenger Visit www.SilentPassenaer.com to login to Silent Passenger. Enter your username and password, and then click "Login:' Check "Save User Name and Password" if you would like to store your login information for future sessions. Forget Password will send you a-mail instructions to reset your password. b .e._._3 The Dashboard - - - - ~ - j The dashboard is your home screen in Silent Passenger. From here you can navigate to the various features of the program, including: ~ ~ . , . Fleet Status: Account: View a summary of your fleet including location, Manage password or log off speed and heading Tools: Map Vlew: Access landmarks, geofence, vehicle service and View your vehicles in real time with Bing Maps Garmin features Alerts: settings Create or Manage your exception-based text Manage administrative and standard settings for alerts users, vehicles, drivers, and branches IZ-e~°wt5: HeIF: Run and print reports Contact VTS 24/7 Support staff and view latest enhancements. *Click the Silent Passenger logo on any screen to return to the Dashboard homepage.' V~;~h,cle Ti'acku~y So!utlons i~) 2012 4 I I Map Tools in Map View ~ ~ ~ + Y Au~~m~tjc Once in Map View, you will notice Map Tools in the top left comer of your screen. These tools will allow you to navigate through the map. Microsoft maps are updated every 6 months- 2 years, depending on location. + M19f11~/1119 r7~a55: Zoom into the map. You can also do this by scrolling your mouse wheel away from you, or double clicking on the map. Ma9t11~/Itl9 ri~a55: Zoom out of the map. You can also do this by scrolling your mouse wheel towards you. ArrUWS: Maneuver around the map. You may also use your mouse to maneuver by simply clicking and dragging the map. rl0ad: It allows you to see your vehicles plotted on a road map. ' AUtUtTic1'CIC: This is the default map view. It automatically adjusts the map to the best view based on the zoom level. Depending on the zoom you could be in Road, Aerial or Bird's Eye views. i I ~pld UpCJa'l'.E~LOCc7tB f10W: Select Locate now within the vehicle bubble to instantly return the vehicles current ~ i ~r; location. Choose rapid update when a vehicle is in motion and ~ ~ ~ have the vehicle report every 5 seconds for a maximum of 3 minutes. Great for emergencies!'Note additional pricing for this feature. YnNet f#Yke. Me4{gOUte.14Y 1 f tM. 4tafpep SMrce: iF1213pt2 e:5.1:59 AM Slap 2bn:1M tpNtM: DF# OrMni Pio[tlona: ~ (lSlp.t.$I' 1' ~ $.dlf6l€ 0.~uie t,x atm Ftltt taMtmvtk 9tprv 0.ew^,rt I ~~ehua~ lYacEuig Solutions U 2012 5 Color-Coded Vehicle Status 0 ~.«npt;Kt Icons displayed next to each vehicle name in fleet status and on the ~ sus map denote the following: ~ Sp~,~a„~« na+ ¦ Stopped ~ 5 mat The map legend is located within the Menu in the top right comer of ~ 5 mi» < stopped < GU mac the map. Users can obtain a more detailed description by selecting ~ Stopped> ~ nY each status. ¦ Stopped 5 3 days ~ Q low $attery. i Quick Zoom You can navigate to a specific vehicle without ~°'ocrats having to search the map for it. ~ I ~ ( ~ ; I F1ntl vehicle: Select the vehicle you would like to view from the Quick Zoom tab on the left side of the map. Your ~'`""pta """`x AM j Sttre~ped for N; 23m, map will zoom to street level detail around that ~-s GGrpara=., weer park, hJY vehicle. The Quick Zoom feature shows vehicle 'r TIT012QL2 5:3'3.J1 leM , location and stop/travel time information in the ,.,~crp,•-{ <<>< apt, tz:,,, tr" w r ~rrarate [JCer Park, NY drop down menu. Vehicles are sorted by ~YPPOSS~ alphabetical order for your convenience. „r,,,ef;;;,em VY2:204Y n:5a: P3 AM sl~oppmd Oar 2b arn, v i'3 r.erl>'>~"rate Ciearr park, NY N deep..., l/SLr20k23:38:23 VM 'Stepped (oe' lEh 2`3rrl, al Nn{spi'y Horn¢ 91 Jumcs. NY AIIY tJeps Driver: Shnape 1,ft21201?. 9:S7n3A faM ~taPped far 59m, sr.'.a Graed Plimt t3ser pane, NY Vehicle Tnckin0 G~lutions C7 2012 6 m1I1 Map View Menu ,~~°°°Fl~ i € Fmd an Address i ~ DdvauJ oxections You can access additional map functions through the Map View drop down menu of s ~ ~w aa~rx your toolbar. - Stww Wndrnarks ,~.9fiaw Geofences Zoom t0 ~iBCt: This feature will auto-zoom your map to include all vehicles in ~ ~ ~,M your fleet. ,tA. - x o. Find an Address: Allows you to look up an address on a map. Enter ~ ° ° mow.=°, N~tl seew uenxva the street address and city and click Search- a blue pin will be displayed on <~M„,~ , the location. A simple mouse over the "Address Found" flag will show you the 4 closest vehicles to this location, an eta, or send the address to a Garmin if integrated with our tracking device for quick and easy dispatching. • ~~"u • * ~ ShOWIHIdB TrcT~IG: This button will allow you to wew real-time 9 r ` . traffic conditions on your map. Click Show Traffic to display these conditions. A traffic legend will appear on the toolbar when traffic SeaAO+~d w. „ conditions are activated. Accidents, road closures and other incidents are T >k ~ 8 $ ~ yet show as a triangle on your map. Roll your mouse over each incident to see details. ~ SIIOW~H Ide i.andmarks & C7e0fences: Display company landmarks or geofences on the i map. Details of each landmark or geofence can be viewed by rolling your mouse over the push pin. Users ~ can associate different icons or colors for each landmark or geofence. ' Driving Directions , Create routes and driving directions for your vehicles °M ' - ~ w "w ' " by choosing "Driving Directions" from the "Tools" .M f ° ~ ~ ~ b drop down menu, located at the top of the Live a i ' m"» Tracking Screen. ° ,w y' A Enterthe start address and end address and Silent w..ra. ° ° ~m~ ~ Passenger will give you written directions, as well as ' ' I a plotted route on a map. You can print these directions. I I. print: Print the current map view. i i ~ ~~eh~cle Trackingl SOIUI10f1S ©2012 i 7 ~ Fleet Status ~t_.., Fleet Status allows you to view all of your vehicles' location, speed, heading, status, and stop time in a list format. You can sort your vehicles by vehicle name, driver name, last location, speed, heading or status by clicking on the column header. Vehicles displayed with green text indicate the vehicle's engine is on. Red text indicates a vehicle's engine is off. From the Fleet Status screen, you can do the following: Zoom to Street LevellFollow Vehicle: click the magnifying glass next to the vehicle name Create a Landmark at a vehicle's current address- click the blue flag next to the vehicle's name (landmarks can only be created for a vehicle that is stopped) View Stops with Options Report*-click the clipboard to view a Stops with Idle report for any stopped vehicle in your Fleet Status 'Note: Stops with Options Report only available for vehicles with hardware installed after June 2009. T00~5 The Tools drop down menu includes features such as landmarks, geofences, driving directions and vehicle service. Customers utilizing the Garmin Messaging service can access this through the Tools drop down menu. Create Landmark You can create a landmark by entering an address in the "Create Landmark" section of "Tools." Once you have entered the address, click "Search" to display it on the map. Enter Landmark Name, Account Number (optional), Tank Number (optional), Category, and Radius and then click "Add Landmark." ~ \lehicle backing Solutions C~) 2012 I 8 Create Geofence 1. Name, Categorize and choose a transparent color of your geofence m.~ 2. Choose a center address for a circular or rectangular geofence to center the map to ~ e..,,~ ~ ~w ~a~, ~ N c-- W. ~ c '~,-mow... a I 3. Choose your shape and then click on the map to design the points of your shape and save when finished. R~ Oftixiele Pai x' 1 ~w~~.,~ j ~ News. ,i~ j I w~~~~: j g +..w ~L .wy ;a ~nm"` 'A,:' ..h. t.. Vehicle Service The Vehicle Service feature will allow you to keep track of maintenance items for your fleet. Schedule Service Jobs: ai~cr~~cnea Sd~ed,de: ji,. ey bate By Mileage a 9y W >~xs To create a service job, click "Schedule Service Jobs" Due Date, w,l, from the menu on the left side of your screen. From Den, new s oa,~ e,~, here, choose which vehicles to schedule service for, the twgn Rewvk~g Des Vehicle Tracking 5olutlons C~) 2012 9 type of service to be scheduled, and the date, mileage or operation hours to schedule the service by. You can also create an alert for the service job by selecting the email address to send the alert to and how far in i advance to send it. You can choose to set a job as recurring by checking the "Recurring" box and selecting how often the job should repeat. Once completed, click "Save." Upcoming Services: The Upcoming Services screen will give you an overview of all scheduled service jobs for your fleet. Overdue jobs will be highlighted in red and will appear at the top of your screen. i, Upwming jobs will be sorted by schedule. i ~ STewe /~3~3 k]~N... TMeF MOdlm Uvei1NM x Adi,l10. i9c.bY a": iwtl7A'riAu,S. rm 34. biib. O•aPM R ~ c~4m6.} 3B314Fm.. Fuelf Ga F3fC}5 rMh 30, 3bib Uvtrdrr Y ' ._i >oav 33.. 49b9§.N mi P~iNiN[Ma fPb 30, 3bib. bwdxe A ~ CsNUtir A@RYY.B{aA FUe7++'Mw6 rtirltr, l0)tr 4aNd,! t HaoA 13B4i21m f'u}AI?i FRwi reb Str.bw O+w Me ~ e ~a+rY umr.urm w,xe raA U, ~fA avmbue a n3: RBVd AiTflAdgn,: Beim. :F~i3, 3010.. QrtlIWC O w & CTevy 30 CSQa).)3 mi My C.treM1rvnSmrce lfflm llpMl Op lM,xi Nnmwl 6 StpvC dA3d1.A}irv M1Ty GCCtOm.`ErM21[^~n 190Q Op NOWe tiOYmW r i µ I To process a service job, select the job in "Upcoming Services" and click the checkmark or "Process" at the bottom of your screen. To edit a service job, select the job in "Upcoming Services" and click the pencil or "Edit" at the bottom of your screen. To delete a service job, select the job in "Upcoming Services" and click the trashcan or "Delete" at the bottom of your screen. Service Sew You can add customized service jobs to your Vehicle Service program through j Service Setup. Enter the name of the service, description and service type, then click "Save" This job will now appear in the Schedule Service Jobs menu. Vendor Sew :You can enter the names and contact information of your preferred service vendors through the Vendor Setup menu. Enter all pertinent information for your vendor and click save. You can select these vendors when processing a service job. Parts Setun: You can enter service parts information through the Parts Setup menu. Enter information for the part and click save. You can select these parts when processing a service job. Service History for Jeep 4 Service iilStOrY: This section will show you a history of all service performed on your fleet, including type of service, service date, odometer reading, price, _ parts used, and vendor used. , M , r..,a, I .j. Vehii:ae Track(n~~ Solutions t~) 2012 10 Manage Landmarks You can display your landmarks on the map by category. Click "Show ~°"""iidi""` Landmarks" on your toolbar, and then choose the category you would like to , ~ ~ ~ a view. To clear the landmarks from your screen, click "Hide Landmarks." ° ~m nt l„ _ e,; j To create a landmark when the actual physical address of is not known, the r°' latitude and longitude of a location can be accessed from the Silent ~ i A Passenger reports, clicked, and entered into Manage Landmarks. You can search for landmarks and view all landmarks by letter in "Manage Landmarks." Sending Driver Text Message You can send text messages to your drivers using Silent Passenger. From the Tools drop • down menu, choose "Send Driver Text Message." From this screen, choose the driver you ~ wish to text, or enter a manual phone number. (Driver cell phone numbers can be programmed in "Driver Administration" in the Settings menu.) *To send a text, enter the driver's full phone number followed by the extension for the cell phone carrier: I Verizon: number@vtext.com (ex. 15554567890@vtext.com) AT&T/Cingular: number@txt.att.net T-Mobile: number@tmomail.net Sprint/Nextel: number@messaging.sprintpcs.com Once you have entered your message, click "Send to Mobile." II Downloads Fleet Status gadget for Windows ~ '"°w°'°ad ReOUfreinants- Win,1Ow+. ref,,, Winihaw f LG.f. . - 1 introducing Fleet 5<atus gadget for Wmdaws. TMs will allow you to have your (lest displayed on your desktop without ',i going [a Silent paasengor websice. It will automatioally update arvd always show current status of [he /lest. ~ Ta install the gadget, first download ik by clleking Clownload but',nn above. When promptM, you can click on Rurt (or Open button, depending an the browser that you use). It will [hen ask for permission to install the gatlgei. Aker confirming the installation, gadget will automatically be added to your desktop. Vehicle Tracking Solutions 2012 11 i Reports Reports give you a look into your fleet's daily operations. Viewing this information will also give you insight j on trends occurring in your fleet. On-Demand Web Reports ~ 4wn type diH+.h.+Prpan _ ti tier.xM YGmnN"ewen' 4.n non t?k:0i1 'ixNl 'a_M~ 'Met wro ' "N,"N N, SMn SeniAreYatl 5 _ imw A3 i)IeAYw IW) C „1W Mp N~ ~LIbr11M1 ~ AMM _ 3odc .e~ net .'AmY"wxt~ To run reports, choose "On-Demand Web Reports" from the "Reports" drop down menu. Choose report type, start/end date and time, and the vehicle or driver you wish to run the report for. Click Generate Report to see the results. Reports can still be printed or exported to Word, Excel, PDF or SQL Report formats. The standard reports that are available are as follows: • Enhanced Idle --Displays the time, location and length of any idle occurrences exceeding the supplied idle threshold. • Engine Idle with PTO -Displays Enhanced Idle along with PTO times • Enhanced Odometer -Displays the Starting Odometer, Ending Odometer, and total miles traveled. i • EVents -Displays the time and location for all Events recorded by the GPS tracking device. • Geofence Violations -Displays the time and of any occurrence where a vehicle enters, exits or drives within the selected geofence. • Hours of Use -Displays all ignition status changes and total hours of operation. • Landmark Category Stops Details -Displays the time a vehicle visited any landmark that is in the selected landmark category. • Landmark Catee~OrY 5tOp5 Summary- Displays the landmark category and a count of how many times a vehicle has visited a landmark within the selected category. • Non Landmark sto~15 -Displays the time and location for all stops that were made at non-landmarked locations exceeding the supplied stop threshold. I • Speeding -Displays the time and location for all speeding occurrences exceeding the supplied I overageorthreshold. • Start/End of Day --Displays the first movement time and location, last movement time and ending location, total travel time, and total time used for the calendar day (First/Last Stop option allows you to also include the first stop after the first movement, and the last stop before the ending location). I~ Vehicle 1 racking Solutions C~~ 2012 I~ _ ---12--_ • State Mileage -Displays total miles drive in each state per vehicle and overall (show details displays the entrance and exit of each state with the current odometer at that time) • 9tOp5 with Options --Displays time, location, and length of stops exceeding stop threshold (show route will show the driving between stops & show idle displays all idle events exceeding the supplied threshold) • Vehicl a Location Search -Displays the time a vehicle was at a specific landmark, street, city, state, or zip. • Vehicle Service History --Displays all vehicles service jobs that were processed in the vehicle service module • Vehicle 5ummarV -Displays the total idle time, drive time, stop time, average speed and max speed I I Scheduled Email Reports Users with permission can have any or all standard reports automatically created i:: and e-mailed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Select "Scheduled Email Reports" from the Reports drop down menu. From this screen, you can add, edit or delete automatic email reports. To set up a new email report, select the type of report you want from the pull down menu. Name the report in the box below, and choose how often you would like to receive the report. Enter the time frame of the report, email addresses that should receive the report and the vehicles you wish to view a report for. Click "Save Report." i Reporting Logs The Reporting Log offers a history of all email reports and text notifications that were sent out for your account. To view this information, select "Reporting Logs" from the Reports drop down menu. From the Reporting Logs screen, select the user whose reports you would like to view from the drop down menu. Report name, status, email address and time stamp will be displayed for each report. Vehit;le Tracking Solutions 2012 13 Alerts p .u+v ~ Q l.M~ i^etl Stan nlµt. Users with permission can set up text alerts to notify you of after- hours movement, F.u.,"•~-~ speed, idling, or when users enter or leave any "landmarked" location such as town lots ' °,N„ w„",_, or work sites. Text alerts can be sent to any cell phone ore-mail based pager/PDA or ~ '~a~°"°^ web pop-up. ~ ""M".~~~~M 4= To create an alert Select the vehicles you would like to receive an alert for, as well as the ® dates and times when you would like to monitor the alert type for. For example, if you * wish to know if your vehicles are being used on the weekend, select from Friday 6PM to Monday 6AM. You will then be alerted of any movement during these times. 11 On your toolbar, click "Alerts" and then choose one of the following alerts to setup: Any Movement " ' nlert ~Yne Engreldk FHt nkn Nnmm Notification sent when vehicle reports any movement within select days m,m°^"° and times. ~ ~ naa Engine Idle Alerts . w~•~:, Notification sent if a vehicle is idling for a greater time than the idle threshold chosen. Extended Stop Alerts Notification sent when vehicle is stopped greater than the stop threshold set. EiratMovementAlert Notification sent when the vehicle reports its first movement of calendar day. ~eofence Alert Notification sent when vehicle enters, exits, or drives within selected geofence. Initial PowerAppiied Alerts ~ Notification sent when initial power is applied to the tracking device. (12 volts applied to device from fuse or wire harness) Landmark Alerts Notification sent when a vehicle arrives or departs the landmark chosen. Is also available as an on screen ~ alert Vc~hirle ~iraCklny :volutions 012012 - 14 Panic Alerts Notification sent if driver is under distress and has pressed the panic button installed inside the vehicle weeding Alerts Notification sent if vehicle is traveling greater than the speed threshold or overage chosen Alert Loa The Alert Log will show you a history of all alerts that were sent out for your account. To find the Alert Log, select "Alert Logs" from the Alerts drop down menu. Follow the same directions as the Report Log to view individual users. Settings User Preferences: Choose which Vehicle Branches to view, as well as showing latitude/longitude in vehicle bubbles and showing mini-maps on Lookup Maps. DrlVer AdCnInlStratl0n: (Available to administrators only) Edit drivers' details, such as name, branch, SMS address and notes. user Preferences DrlVer A551gnntent5: If you have added drivers in the "Driver °r"efA`"""~~«°` { Uset AcbVdy LOq Administration" tab, you can assign a driver by start date and time. You can also user Admuxstratar i select shift length or keep the same driver in the same vehicle until unassigned. ! ~ Y Adirinistrator Once assigned, the vehicle and driver's name will be displayed in the fleet ~ C3 6ranMAtlimr~iatrat« status window. i ~ Driver Asagnmerte p.. Change Password UserAGtlVlty LOg (Available to administrators only) Stamps all activity, ~ LogarrSierxPassenger ~ start, end, duration and which Application each user has accessed User Adi'111111stratl0n: (Available to administrators only) Manage the settings of each username for your account. You can also view user connection history (the last time all users on your account logged into Silent Passenger) in this section. VeI11Gle Adminl5tratl0n: (Available to administrators only) Manage the details of each vehicle, such as branch, license plate number, odometer reading, engine hours, and VIN number. I II BranCll AdminlstratOr: Group Administrators can access this feature to create branches and edit time zones. Vehicle counts for each branch can also be found here. Vehicle 1 rachiny Solutions ~J 2012 ICI 15 Change pa55WOMd: Change the password for the account you are logged into. Help i Enhancement Loa: All users can stay up to date with Silent Passengers newest features and descriptions from the enhancement log. i Remote Technical Support: Having trouble? c~ ~ Have VTS technical support member remote into your computer and assist you. " s ~ ~ R~t?t~e T ~ Contact ~JP Support: Having trouble and too busy to give us a call? E-mail VTS's 24/7 technical ~Q~te~~ support team right from Silent Passenger! I I i Vahicie Trackii7g Solutions C? 2012 16