HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12735 P 212 11111111 IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII VIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII 1111111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 07/03/2013 Number of Pages: 5 At: 09:40:48 AM Receipt Number 13-0080641 TRANSFER TAX NUN~ER: 12-26904 LIBER: D00012735 PAGE: 212 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 12800 0600 010000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $1,140,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $4,560.00 NO Mansion Tax $11,400.00 NO Comm.Pres $19,800.00 NO Fees Paid ~ $36,020.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-26904 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JiJDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County • ~?2 Number of pages ~ f,E~.~-iRC~ECy - 'Ql' Jul f1.3 i€~3;4p:4$ ahl .iIIGITH la. AHSt::f€LE This document will be public [:LERx OF record. Please remove all ~_~uFFULI<; r_:~iuh1T',' Social Security Numbers L t}oO+~IY"ri5 prior to recording. P 'I UT~ 1~ 2~u04 Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-5&4 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17 (County) ~ Sub Totai Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) P,, _ TOT. MTG. TAX R.P.T.S.A. fU~~ Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ ~ Transfer Tax Affidavit • • ansion Tax ~ ~ I ~ Certified Copy The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other ~~ff Grand Total (a'~P(J ~ If N0, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. 4 Dist. - nn I nr (110.000 5 Community Preservation Fund 13017130 loo0 12800 0600 010000 Consideration Amount $ 1,140,000.00 Real Prope Agency R pTy A F Tax Due $ 19,800.00 Tax Servio P T S IlllllllllllllllllUlllll l~lll~~llllll~lll~ Verificati~ yg~UN_t X I Improved 6 Satisfaaionsiuua~a~y~~,~,~,<..,..~._..-._~_._,- ,dress RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD _LWD David Olsen, Esq. TD Main Road, P.O. Box 706 Cutchogue, NY 11935 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name Fidelity National Title Ins. www.suffolkcounryny.gov/clerk Title # F13-7404-90863SUFF 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) J IUF: S RK, .T .ABETH RT H R The premises herein is situated in JUDITH C. DUFFX, CLAIRE M. CRABTREE, SUFFOLKCOUNTY.NEW YORK as tenant`s in cort¢non TO In the TOWN of Southold KATHLEEN GIRANDOLA and In the VILLAGE LYLE GIRANDOLA or HAMLET of Laurel BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over ~ 7~°Y to~63 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL) STATUTORY FORM C THIS 1S A LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMENT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, WE RECOMMEND ALL PARTIES TO THE INSTRUMENT CONSULT AN ATTORNEY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS INDENTURE, made the o~Om d~ o(' .~un12 ao ~ 3 Between JANE C. STARK, residing at Leafy Way, Aquebogue, NY l 1931 ELIZABETH C. RICHARD, residing at 123 Ostrander Ave., Riverhead, NY 11901 JUDITH C. DUFFY, residing at 50 Gard Ave., Bronxville, NY 10708 CLAIRE M. CRABTREE, residing at 18971 Muirland Rd., Detroit, MI 48221, as tenants in common party of the first part, and KATHLEE GIItANDOLA and LYL GIRANDOLA,hesiding ae 5 Kingsley Ct. Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 party of the second part: WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of one dollar and other good and valuable consideration, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns forever. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed made by Claire C. Crabtree dated December 15, 1995, recorded December 21, 1995 in Liber 11755 page 079. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any of the party of the first part in and to any streets and road abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns forever. And the party of the first part covenants that he has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. AND the party of the first part/grantor, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first parUgrantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" or "grantor" shall be construed as if it read "parties" or "grantors" whenever the sense of this document so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year first above written. G t_ JANE C. ARK, Seller ~r EL A H C. RICHARD, Seller TH C. D 'FY, Seller CLAIRE M. CRABTREE In presence of: NYSBA Residential Real Estate rortns on HotDocs°D (9/00) Copyright Capsoft® Development JUN. 14.7013 3:~'1PM Fidelity National Title N0. 4919 P. 2 ~deXity National ~'itle Ynsurarace Company T]CI'EE N0. Zr 13-7404-90863-SCJFF SC~DUL~ A-1 (Aescriptton) Amended 06/14/13 AT,L that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at 1~aurel, Tawn of Southold, County of Suffolk amd State of New York, bounded and described as falIows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Peconic Bay Boulevard at a marble monument, which said marble monument marks the northeasterly corner of the tract herein described and the northwest corner of land now or formerly of Ludivoica Ramanelli; IttiTNNING TI3ENCE South 19 degees 9 minutes Fast, along the last mentioned land 501.02 feet to Pecanic Bay; TIdENCE along the average high water mark of Peronic Bay slang a tie course of South 41 degrees 38 minutes 24 seconds West, a distance of 67.11 feet to land naw or formerly of Gatehouse; THENCE North 18 degrees 34 minutes West along land now or formerly of Gatehouse 481,41 feet to the southerly side of Peconic Bay Boulevard; THENCE RUNNING along the southerly side of Pecanic Bay Boulevard, North 26 degrees 33 minutes East, 75 feet to a marble monument marking the point or place of BEGINNING. TT,fE!'OLIG']t' TO BE,15SrIED under this commitment will insure the title to such buildings and improvements an the premises which bylaw constitute real property. 1~OR CONVEYANCING ONl!.1E'' Together with al! the right, title and interest of the parry of the frst part of in and to the land Tying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. SCH~DULEA-1(DescrrptionJ Rcv, (63104) .l Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPL § 309-a) STATE OF NEW ORK ) COUNTY OF ) ss.: On the ~~day of ,J _ in Ehe yea~f ,before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JANE C. STARK, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name{s} is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity(ies), and that by her signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person t f which the indi ' I(s) acted, executed the instrument. DENISt? F BURNS C;W;cry Public, Stato 04 Necrv"cr~t No. OiBU4g05259 Qualified En Suffolk County Commiss[an Ex Tres Se t. 30, 2014 Notary Public 1~~ ~ ~~n w , Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPL § 309-a) STATE OF NEW~OR~~~~~1 } COUNTY OF ) ss.: ) On the ° " day of in the year ~ ~ ~ ,before me, the undersigned, personally appeared ELIZABETH C. (CHARD, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity(ies), and that by her signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of hich the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. DENISE F BURNS C\otary Public, Stato of Nerll'~: No. 01 BUgg05269 Qualified In Suffolk County Notary Public Commission Ex Tres Se t. 30, 2014 D ~ A 11~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~L Acknowledgment by a Person Within New York State (RPL § 309-a) J STATE OF NEW Y K ) COUNTY OF ) ss.: ,`,1,_ ) On the ~ day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JUDITH C. DUFFY, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity(ies), and that by her signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person u on behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. DENISE F BURNS tcaecry Public, 5tato of NevrYar:c ' No. 01 BU4ti05269 Qualified in Suttokk County Nota Public Commission Ex Irea Se t. 30, 2014 ry ~ ~ •I L ~ ` ~ v n,~ + L Acknowledgment Outside New York State (RPL § 309-b) N V J STATE OF MICHIGAN ) COUNTY OF oR1C I_fttK b ) ss.: On the ~ day of ~Cd.r in the year c.t~ *j ,before me, the undersigned, personally appeared CLAIRE M. CRABTREE, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity(ies), and that by her signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individuals} acted, and that such individual made such appearance beforeYhe undersigned in ~~L JOt1ATHOM T KREIiiWt Notairy PubNc • Mkhlpan Oetlend County of P My Commleelon Expine Oct T, 2018 Acting In the County of ~O ~q ,~r~ r1„ 1 KM1I.J' i Q~ NYSBA R tca ea Estate Forms on HotDocsm (9/00) 1 , t 1 •V'" Copyrilght Capsoft° Deve]opmen[ -2- BARGAIN & SALE DEED Title No. F13-7404-908635[JFF Section 128.00 JANE C. STARK Block 06.00 ELIZABETH C. RICHARD Lot 010.000 JUDITH C. DUFFY County or Town of Southold CLAIRE M. CRABTREE, as Street Address 3080 a/k/a 3040 Great Peconic Bay tenants in common Bivd., Laurel, NY 11948 ~ To KATHLEEN GIRANDOLA and LYLE GIRANDOLA Return B Mai! To: David Olsen, Esq. Main Road, P.O. Box 706 Cutchogue, NY 11935 Reserve This S ace For Use Of Recordin Office a.r r' _ . Ray - _ M~>f rr-. .....w. ' ...~y~~l~, . .~:u. NYSBA Residential Real Estate Forms on HotDocsm (9/00) Copyright Capsu[i° Development -3- INSTRUCTIONS(RP-5277-PDF-INS): www.orps.sbfi.ny.ue FOR CJ9UNTY USE ONLY New YOAc 818ta DapaRlnent of • c1. awls cod. I_ I Taxation and Finance cz Date ooeA Itoeordod I / / I Office of Real Property Tax Services ~ RP- 5217-PDF C3. Book I , , , I C4. PsOe _ I I I Roel Properly Trans6ar Repoli (8110) PROPERTY INFORMATION t•~~ 3080 a/k/a 3090 Great Peconic Bay Blvd. •xTREEf raneEa . na[Er xwE Town of Southold Laurel 11948 •GTYdI TORTi VWYE • aP CtJ~ =•B~ Girandola Kathleen Name • WTx4aeE0aPNn FWxT IUaE Girandola Lyle WT MNaJG1MPNn FpBT NNF'. 7. Tax IMaAe wMnluWn Tax Elk oAfi«eanl BINnB °aher°ran ixrysr adtlmee(rt taxomarorcn) Ger xNmcarFN.r FWer NNE Addn« eTREET exeW MeeNE CRY ORTOYe1 RATE WCaOE 4. Indkm de numhw olAxx«xmert 1 a a Parcae OR ? PM as Perwl tong II Pan a ¦ PxrceB Cteek «ttwy apply: Ralf WrcNa tranefwred on Mx Axed M. Pkumn° Board with SubrbFiem Aulhorlty Eeee ? a.ty..d ~ pR 0.80 Proporgr •FaexrFEET as Subtlrvlem Approval vF« Requrod fer Traneaf •OEPTH •MJrE9 Stm Parch ApprowA Tor SrbdlMaion wdh MaP Provided ? Starke Jane C.F Richard, Elizabeth C.F DuffyF Judith C. Sdfir .un ,pµY FwsT xNa! Ne1'x Crabtree, Claire M., as tenants in ctm°Ilon Wry. Fpsr aNE '7. SxNCt me d«ErgRbn nhlch moat aeeuraby 4sulb« Uw Check the bm« below «May apply: u« of eha propargr rttlrx Smx of aab: OwranNp TYPe ix Condomieum ? A. One Family Residential New CanWurbon on a Veant Land ? toA. Propery LceeleA vAlhin en ASdaslurol gWIC ? 1°& Buyer rscaiveA a disdwuro nWCe Irt6eein8 Ne fhs prapaAy k in h A°Aadlunl DiEkid ? SALE INFORMATION 70. Check one a more of the« CantlltlotM u applkahb tp transfer: A. Sale Beltveen ReaGvss a Former RNadv« 71. Sale Ooamd Dae 0 5 / 19 / 2 013 B. sale tefiem Remo Compmi« or Permsrx rn Suan.«. C One a ua Buyan a also a Seller ' 79. Dab ol9alalTromfir ~ ~ ~ D Sugar a Saar b Gowmmsm A°eriry a lanenp Inxaexian E. aeA Typs nor Nhrroey or Baryen and Sale (Spaap BekaR) 1 r 190 F 000.00 F. see a FrealpW «Lau Vun F« IMmae (sPpb Below) '17. FWI Salo Prlee .00 G. Slpn°mlt Camps in PmpaAy Behnen Taxatle Sblus ariA SW Oeaa ( Fu° Sre PAa le the talel m,wn paid la the PropeAy Indrrbna psnxxrd ProParb. H. Seb a Busire« ix Inducted In S W Price Tlaa payment maybe In dte faro a ras4 anar proparry or °oods. or the «wmpbon a 1. OIhaY Unusual Fadon Alladirrp Sak Prka (Spedly Babes) J. Nxnx mon°a°ex a other otlrpadons.l AWas Found ro tM naaroar adwle Aaleramaunt. Cemmam(e? on CorelSon: 1/. ledkafi thevalwapenonal / propergr InekTded In the solo O .00 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data aboard rolled the latest Final Assaasmenl Rall and Tax Bill t0. Y«r of A«ewmert Rql barn whkh filommlbn taken(YY) 1~1 3 '17. Tonl A««eod Veux sg~ •t0. Prop.rty cbee 210 _ '1t1. School aetdet NUne Mattitack/Cutchogue 'Ze. Txx Map IdmtlTfir(a)atOll IAenllller(x) pf men than four, ameh oboe wah edAllbnal NoreMga)1 ~OOa~ f~$oo-OhO~-O~ooC~ CERTIFICATION 1 CarUM Ihrt atl of lM Ifxnre of Infirmaflm saamd on tlda form xn lma and corroet Ito tlw h«t of my knwwlsdae and bstkQ nrt I unAxntaM Mrt the maklnS of airy wilful fil« xfifimert Mmaterle fiat Mnln suh)aet mx fi Me erwklme Mtlre m°V J~nWNx to Iha mxklnS pnd allnS othlN klx6umenb. ccr r ea a:rr_ueruee BUYER CONTA~ (NFO!BmAI14H ~ - eFxFrpram,emrnxmeuaernomnwEwsuc.ee«a.ee.odespr.mmwellFn.leExaaamroan.aaw« T_/J~~ ~j ~ ~/~s CJl3 ~ nw Ix m m whapl xpaa w neuew. awn a nrne «e mr«a EEwmFu« a an uemmsxwmenie acrd wean erFxrelexFFax rearaxq MbanerernnaiM emcee Typaapra clearly.) x61ER edxMURE GIE JANE C' BUYER SIGNATURE Girandola Kathleen ~//1~t~/~ 'rAxr W WE FNer NNIE '^~y ~ '/aEB Gx.I 'TE,EApE Wrl~Rlli F9iFml R4aW1TlpVI WTE M/ C~,',~~ S Kingsley Ct. •surETxwrn •sTatET raaE Princeton Junction NJ 08550 •an'm Ta+"I surf •a woE BUYER'S ATTORNEY Olsen David IAET rUYE FAR NNE (631) 739-7666 NrGeenE TELEMGENIIaOER iFa x11s11e1 1