HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12738 P 686 11111111 IIII 11111 II111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII 1111 III! 1111111 IIIII Illll IIII 1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 07/31/2013 Number of Pages: 5 At: 04:19:39 PM Receipt Number 13-0094101 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-29552 LIBER: D00012738 PAGE: 686 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 117.00 08.00 018.001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Follov~ring Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $250.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.20 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $390.20 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-29552 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL .y JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County . 1? 2? RECt7RDEt? Number of pages `~'1, i~~I ?i O~d:iti:'a9 PM dOPITH R. FASCALE CLEkY, OF SUFFOLK COlipfT4' This document will be public L DOOOI27~8 record. Please remove aH P Social Security Numbers LaT# 12-24552 prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee ~ ~ Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 ` ~ Sub Total Notation SpecJAssit. Ir ~ or EA-52 17 (County) ~ Sub Total 7 Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) 2 ~ ' TOT. MTG. TAX ~ur Dual Town Dual County - R.P.T.S.A. yyy+ - Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ ~ ~ Transfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax Affidavit _ ~j ~j ~ The property covered by this mortgage is Certi d opy or will be improved by a one or two ~i, Zd family dwelling only. NYSSurcharge 15. 00 Sub Total J~ ~ YES or NO Other If NO, see a ro riate tax clause on Grand Total ~ PP P page# of this instrument. •l~~l 4 Dist. 101 1301958Q iooo i1~oo 0800 018001 _ 5 Community Preservation Fund TaxlServPe~ R CWH A II~f~III~~~Jlllf II~III~II~IIIII~IIIIIlI~IIIIII ~ Consideration Amount $ Agency 24~ut-13 1 1I I I 11 1 I ~II CPF Ta~c Due S Verification ~ _ _ ~ Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address ~r RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land Wickham, Bressler & Geasa, P.C. TD P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 TD w Attn: Abigail A. Wickham, Esq. TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name Advantage Title Agency, lnc. www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk ~ Title # 13-CS-46276 - Ctsy 8 Suffolk Count Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DEED made by: (SPECIFYTYPE OF INSTRUMENTI New Suffolk Waterfront Fund, Inc. The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Southold New Suffolk Waterfront Fund, Inc. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of New Suffolk BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over s~ , 'Standard N.Y.B.T.U. Form 8002 -Bargain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grantor's Acts -Uniform Acknowledgment Form 3290 ' CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the Ib day of July, 2013 BETWEEN NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT FUND, INC, a New York not-for-profit corporation with offices at 650 First Street, P.O. Box 146, New Suffolk, New York 11956, party of the first part, and NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT FUND, INC. a New York not-for-profit corporation with offices at 650 First Street, P.O. Box 146, New Suffolk, New York 11956, party of the second part, and WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten and 001100--($10.)--Dollars, and Ul~ other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, fJf10 . All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at New Suffolk, in the Town of sect Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and ~ described as follows on Schedule "A" attached hereto. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE part of the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part a~~ by deed dated December 17, 2010 and recorded on December 23, 2010 in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in Liber 12646 at Page 869. s ~$,Bd The Soutfold Town Planning Board approved this lot line modification by resolution on April 8, ,,,,J~ 2013. pJ~G ~l ~~~D TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: NEW SU/FFO,,L~K~"WATERFRONT FUND, INC. Re/ns/approvals/deednslw Barbara SchnitZler, Chair . ~ ~ BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN New York STATE State of New York, County of Suffolk ss: State of New York, County of ss: _ On the 1~'~day of July, in the year 2013, On the day of in the year , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared before me, the undersigned, personally appeared BARBARA SCHNITZLER personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of Personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is satisfactory evidence to be the individuals} whose name(s) is (are} subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she(they executed the same in his/her/their me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and Fhat by his/her/their signature(s) on the capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. (signature o is o divi ual taking acknowledgym~ent) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgment) Notary Public MICHAEL P. LICITRA Notary Public Notary Public, State of New York No. 01 U4889145 Cp maliss{o~n IEaq~l~res~urte 22, ~Oib TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (or District of Columbia, Territory, or Foreign Country) of County of ss: On the day of , in the year 2012 , before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the in (insert the City or other political subdivision) (and insert the State or Country or other place the acknowledgment was taken) (signature and office of individual taking acknowledgement) Notary Public ~ r~c.~~-~ Daap BARGAIN AND SALE DEED SECTION ~l~r ~/Q WITH COVENANT AGAINST GR NTO ACTS BLOCK 0 !/0 Title No. ~ CS- ~ ~ G~lX LOT J~j~ ~1~+ ~dfJ COUNTY OR T WN .)~P`/~ NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT FUND, INC. TO NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT FUND, INC. Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: alit ~M~ ~np~s~'6e~s~-, ~ Pa- lax ~y a~ ~(~~~~tc~i /19s~ w U LL LL 0 L7 z 0 a 0 u w K 0 w ~ i 0 w V Q 0. N N_ S H w rc w H w z • SCHEDULE "A" { 1 of 2) Description New Suffolk Waterfront Parcel 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, Eying and being at New Suffolk, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the easterly side of First Street with the northerly side of Main Street; RUNNING THENCE North 06 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East, 272.54 feet along the said easterly side of First Street; THENCE South 83 degrees 47 minutes 30 seconds East, 134.00 feet; THENCE South 02 degrees 1 I minutes 44 seconds West, 1.79 feet along the apparent high water line to a bulkhead; THENCE the following seventeen {17) courses and distances along the apparent high water trine and generally along a bulkhead: 1. South 83 degrees 4b minutes 21 seconds East, 40.23 feet; 2. South 82 degrees 14 minutes 52 seconds East, 20.90 feet; 3. South 83 degrees 55 minutes 53 seconds East, 39.16 feet; 4. South 83 degrees 43 minutes 00 seconds East, 18.38 feet; 5. South 00 degrees 47 minutes 07 seconds East, 12.17 feet; b. South 02 degrees 22 minutes 54 seconds East, 5.32 feet; 7. South 80 degrees 24 minutes 48 seconds East, 3.32 feet; 8. South 02 degrees 31 minutes 37 seconds East, 44.19 feet; 9. South 02 degrees 02 minutes 45 seconds East, 28.54 feet; 10. South 03 degrees t 6 minutes 25 seconds East, 24.34 feet; 31. South O1 degrees 30 minutes 29 seconds West, 25.20 feet; ] 2. South 00 degrees 55 minutes 44 seconds East, 32.85 feet; 13. South 28 degrees 59 minutes 55 seconds East, 70.$0 feet; l4. South 32 degrees I S minutes 54 seconds East, 9.16 feet; l5. South 22 degrees i4 minutes 14 seconds East, 11.26 feet; 16. North $9 degrees 5 I minutes 08 seconds East, 14.84 feet; 17. South 28 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds East, 33.09 feet to the apparent high water line; THENCE the following eight (8) courses and distances along tie lines, along the apparent high water line, part ofthe way through a jetty: 1. South 83 degrees 17 minutes S7 seconds East, 10.90 feet; 2. South 77 degrees I 1 minutes 40 seconds East, 37.66 feet; 3. South 81 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds East, 23.01 feet;(referred to below as "Point A"); 4. South 06 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds West, 19.07 feet; 5. North 86 degrees 03 minutes 16 seconds West, 8l .72 feet; 6. South 58 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds West, 42.58 feet; 7. South 47 degrees OS minutes 00 seconds West, 73.61 feet; .r . 4 SCHEDULE "A" (2 of 2) Description New Suffolk Waterfront Pareel 1 8. South 37 degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds West, 27.65 Feet; THENCE North 32 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West, 108.70 feet to the southerly side of Main Street; THENCE the following two (2) courses and distances along the easterly and northerly side of Main Street: North 06 degrees l3 minutes 00 seconds East, 49.50 feet; 2. North 83 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West, 192.94 feet to the easterly side of First Street and the POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. Containing 93,588 square feet or 2.148 acres of land, more or less. SCTM Reference: l 000- I t 7-8- p/o 18 Together with the portion of the rock revetment which is located under the apparent high tide line on July l0, 2012 and described as follows: Beginning at Point A in the aforesaid description and running thence along the high water line set forth in deed from Peconic Land Trust Incorporated to New Suffolk Waterfront Fund, Inc. recorded in Liber 12646 page 869, the following five (5) tie line courses and distances along the former high water line of Cutchogue Harbor, an and through a stone jetty: 1) South 81 degrees 15 minutes 12 seconds East, 21.64 feet; 2) South 74 degrees 46 minutes 39 seconds East, 62.60 feet; 3) South 04 degrees 11 minutes 29 seconds East, 33.72 feet; 4) North 88 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds West, 176.52 feet; 5} North 63 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds West, 31.72 feet; Thence along the tie line of the apparent high water mark of Cutchogue Harbor an July 10, 2012, the following three (3) courses and distances: 1) North 58 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds East, 42.58 feet; 2) North 86 degrees 03 minutes 16 seconds East, 81.72 feet; 3) South 06 degrees 54 minutes 30 seconds East, 19.07 feet to the point ar place of beginning. re/NW/App/SchAPurcel! PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS (RP~21i-INS): www.olps.state.ny.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Q Ct. SwIS Code I y 7 3 S , 6 ~ / I New York Stara Department of • Taxation and Finance C2. Date Dead Recorded Q / 3 ~ / ~ Office 1N Real Property Tax Services ey ca. Beek ~ , 3, C4. Pa RP- 5217 9e Real Property Trenefer Report (SMO) PROPERTY INFORMATION t. Propery I 650 I Fi Eti Street I Laudon I Southold I New Suffolk 111956 I cr. oa Tawx vauoe ar cdoe 7•Bayor I New Suffolk Waterfront Fundr Inc• I RR I Name ~i T 1 I I I ~STRx~II'~ FIRer 9. Tax Intlicab when NNro Tox Bllls an b bo cant Bllllrrg it ottvx Than buyer oddross (dl bottom of lerml ~ Fl~ I Addrwe i 111BETsNd'3TReer wuE I ciTr ba Towx I ne I~~z 4. Indkate the number or Asessemenl ? (Only tlPar[ 0/ a Parul) Check ae they apply: Roll pareole tronsbrrod on [ho flood I I # ei Parcels OR X Pan of a Parcel ? 4A PNnning Boartl wlth Suhdiyisan Aullgmy Ezlsq S Daod 4B. Subdlrlslon Appnwal was Requlrotl for Tansler S W ny X ~~YOR I~ ~ /J/~(,,g/~/'~~,~1~1 ~ 4C. ParcelTAp/P/rwod for Sutdirision with Map Provkktd ? 8. senor _~`.L~4LA_~G1 I / r/N V ~ - - ~ A+V!!__(/__,- - ---I Nsms rr~~[[~~ 'B7 I I I ~arWC~l'G90Em I'FBrWaIE 7. Cheek Ma box Mloer whlh most eewnbly daxnbsa the uas of Ihs propsrgr al Ihs tlma M aaN: Cheek tM boxoe Mlow as they apply: & Ownenhrp Typo is Contlaminlum ? A Ono Family Residential li Agnallunl ) Cammunlty SeMce 9. New Construction on Vacant Land ? 13 2 or 9 Family Resldenlld F Commoroal 1 Indusbial t OA. Property Catered wkhin an Agriaryual District ? C Residenaal Vaeam Land G Aparenem K PuWk Service 708. Buyor reeelvad a dlsdosuro nohca irrtlicaarg D Nan-Resldenaal Veranl Lond I I EnbrNinment ! Amusemem L Forost Ihat the property is in an AgricWlurel Dietdd SALE INFORMATION 7 / D 75. Chsdk one or more of these condNona as apgleabla to Vambr, N. Sale Coronet DaN I -1-~-=-0--1_ ~ ~ A BaMreen Relalivea or Fomrar Relatlves 'GorirT~a ` wt' r g Selo Between Relabtl Companies a Porlrtea in Business I ~ C One o(ale Buyers Is also a Sellor 7Z. Dab of Sale / 7anabr _ / / 13 I D Buyer or Seller Is Govemmem Agenry or Lendlnp Irrstllutlon t~~Pme L Deed Type nd Warranty or Bargain entl Sale (Specify Bebw f Sale d Factional or Less than Fee Inbasl (Sper7y Bebw ) 19. Full SeN Prla G Significant Charge In Properly Between Taxat4e Sblln and Sale Dater: I - ~ 0 • 0 ~ ~ I H sale of Businxss Is Irrluded in Salo Price ( Fun Sale Pdce Is the tool amount paid far the property including personal property. I Oator Unusual Fecrors Atleuing Sale Paco (Spoody Below ) Thrs paymem may be In the form of psh, other properly or goods, or Ihs ossumplbn a1 J None mortgages or other obligations.) Please round ro are oases! whole dower amount. 1,~-~ ` `n_ _ 74. Indicab the value w personal I 0 . O . ~ I ~ I ~ m ~d (7\.?v-f~,~ propery Included In the sale ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Deta should reflect the latest Final Assessment Rdl and Tax 8111 te. Yser of AfaassmeM Roll from ~1l Total Aeassaad Value otall which Irdamatlon blwn ~ ( paroele In transfsrll . ~~J °i ! te. Property CIasO 14. 4. i I'U 19. School DNWdI Nema I New Suffolk I Ze. Tax Map IdolnHlsr(q I Roll IdsntHlsrys) I N more then tour, attach shM with addltlonal Walttmarysl ) 1000-1.17.00-08.00-~018.00~ I I I ) oi• OI k 001 I I I CERTIFICATION 1 gRly tlmt sa M IM Ibm M IMarmellan antaratl an Isla /arm en true and wrr•e1(b IM Ns1 of my enawlalga aaW MIIe1) entl 1 rmMnbntl 1•el fha meklry e1 a•y w11B•I Ww afabmwt a1 rnabdel Iwl Mnln wtll weteel ere b the erOYlelerle 01 tlN perW law nblM b tM meklne errs NM a1 felw Irwtnenwle. SELLER SIGNATURE BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT-FUR17; INC . (EMr nkrmnlnn for as buyw. Nola: II buyer la LLG. rmMy, oesooo'.lon. rarporohon jwm zwtlr 1 L ~ ~ I ' Q I I ~ bon:ynny, arlan or arcdy Ihsl o nW n iM rAUSI pmt ar rdurrary, aMn a nen:e erxl oonlau mramabm BY' ~ ~ /A t WL TJ d m manwaurasrmads psy who nn answer 9umuonu reaerdme Na wrssrar nmsl ha rowed. SELLER SIONx71AE 011TC yyM er PAm CNatly.l BUYER SIGNATURE r ~/,t ,~,JJ ) NEW SUFFOLK WATERFRONT, INC. .~sT4~l~LP~ I rFlxsT~~~1y Ry: ,c,-~Q~~~t... 1 i u I ~i 63l I - sr- ~ e E T Dl1TC BUYER'S ATTORNEY eRERr;ooC /+r~/~Tnt~Ex Wickham I Abi8ail A. 5~~~-y/r'L,/~~«• ~ . IrSTNM¢ rIRSTNwE t~7y I ///r~ I 9INtEf NarmCR HTPLET hNfE 631 1298-8353 ~~~I~I ~/47~ IlnCa CdeE TELEPrgrE McYER NEW YORK STATE oryarrawx sure arcade COPY