HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12737 P 815 I IIIIIII I II III~I IIIII IIIII ~IIII VIII VIII VIII IIII IIII f II I I I I I I I I I 111! III I I I I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 47/25/2013 Number of Pages: 4 At: 09:59:46 AM Receipt Number 13-0090873 TRANSFER TAX NUN~ER: 12-28871 LIBER: D00012737 PAGE: 815 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 078.00 09.00 045.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $367,500.00 Received the Following Fees Fox Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $2Q.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP--584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $~,~47Q.00 NO Comm.Pres $4,350.00 NO Fees Paid $6,075.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-28871 THIS PAGE YS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffa].k County ~Et1~~~l~Ei} Number of pages ~t~_E[~I~H ~~'~t;ui.E ' ~~.ERk~ ~~E 5~~~~~~~ ~~~r.~l~T',' This document will he public ~ re~ortl. Please remove all ~ ~ ~ Securit Numbers nc~a , y prior to recording. Deed C Mart a e Instrument Deed l Mortgage Tax Stamp ~ Recording 1 Filing Stamps gg ~ FEES ~ Ivlortgage Amt. Page I Fling Fee l . Basic Tax Handling ~ Additional Tax T Sub Total Spec.lAss~t. Natation ~ ~ or EA-52 17 (County) ~ Sub Total _ Spec. lAdd. TOT. MTQ. TAB ~ - EA-5217 State) ~ Dual Ta~vn~ I]ual County R.P,T.S,A. ~ ~ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti b Comm, of Ed. ~ x; Mansion Tax Affidavit . he ra ert covered b this mortgage is T I} p Y Y ' or wil! be improved by a one ar two Certified Copy 15. OD family dwelling only. . NYS Surchar e g ~ ,Sub Total YES ~ or NO tither ~ ~ t~~ Grand ~Tatal ~ if N4, see appropriate tax clause an page # of thi instrument. 4 Di[ X45 i ~a 5 ~o~nmunity Preservation Fund . 1301955 looo a~eao o~oo aa~oao I t ~ Consideration Amount $~b Real Pro p T S ; Tax Sere R LPA A Agenc; 24-JUL-13 CPF Tax Due $ ,Verificat - - - - - - - - - - ~ Improved ~ SatisfactionslDischargesll~eleases List Property Qwners Mailing Address R:FCORD & RETUPN T0: Vacant Land TD Annemazie Salowski,'Esq. 3830 Sunrise Highway ~ • TD • Seaford, NY 1.17$3 , , TD Mai! to: Judith A. Pascale, Suf#oliC County Clerk 7 Title Cam a~~ Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY ~ 19D~ C4 Name ~ Tradition Title Agency, Inc. www.suffolkcountyny.govlclerk Title # TRAD 13-4133 in Endorsement Pa e ~ ~.ffolk o~unt Record This page forms pa~~t of the attached DEED made by: SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRL]MENT~ EDWARD N. DEPTDLA AND LAURA L ~ DEPTOLA The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TaWN of SOUTHOLD~ SUSANNE LONIGRa AND ANTHONY FERRARa . In the VILLAGE SOUTHDLD ar HAMLET of _ _ B~~ES ~ THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED QR PRINTED IN BLACK INK QNZY PRIQR TO RECORDING QR FILING. r w, ` t ` BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS {INDIVIDUAL OR CDRPORATION} • ~ STANDARD NYBTU FORM 84D7 CAUTION. THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD 8E PREPARED BY AN ATTORNEY AND REV[EWEI7 BY ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PURCHASER BEFORE 51GNING. THIS INDENT~IRE, mane the ~ day of 2~ 13 between EDWARD N. DEPTOLA and LAURA L. DEFTOLA, husband and wife, residing a# 43~ Highwaad Rd., Southold, NY 11971 party of the first part, and SUSANNE LONIGRO and ANTHONY FERRAROI ~ ~T~1~ '~7VS ~UIT~ ~l~f'CS 01~ .S(l~rYO~f'ti~ / residing at bib Pine Hallow Rd., Apt.11-6B, East Norwich, NY 11732 party ofthe second part, WITNESSL~TH, that the parry of the first part, in cansideratian of Ten Dollars and other lawful consideration, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs ar successors and assigns of the party ofthe second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece ar parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southall, County of Suffolk and State of New Yark. SEE SCHEDULE `A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PA1~T HEREOF Being and interllel to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated April 21,1985 and recorded Apri128,198$ in Liber 1~~91 Page 193. T~GE~HE~ with all right, title and interest, if any, ofthe party of the f rst part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above descrtbed premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to sail remises P TO HAVE AND TD HELD the premises herein granted unto the party of t1~e second part, the heirs ar ~j successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, covenants that the party of the first part has not lane ar suffered anything whereby the sail premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the f rst part wif 1 receive the consideration far this conveyance and will hall the right to receive such cansideratian as a trust fund to be applied first far the purpose of paying the cast of the improvement and wi11 apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same far any other purpose. The ward "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WIT'NES'S WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. EDWARD N. DEPTOLA Y LAURA L. DEPTO A NYSBA Residential Real Estate Farms an HotDocs'~' (9100) Copyright Capsoft'~' Development -1- r r STATF OF NEI~V YORK } } ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ On the ~+~~day of t1~~~ , in the year 213, before me, the undersigned personally appeared Edward N. Deptala arlld Laura L, Deptola, personally known to me or proved to me en the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed t~ the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, ar the person upon behalfof which the individual acted, executed the instrument. O ARY PUBLIC ~.~~r~c..n.c ~f~p der I,OflRA1Nl; l4~pl'F~H f f ~ ~ Notary Public. 5t~~te of 1~ewYork No ~g2$373 ~ r~ Qualified in Suf#olk County y~ ~ ~ J Commission ~cpires Nvv. 3t}. pN ~ ,SSA ~ J~-.~a~ got ~ DEED Title No. Section 478.44 Block 49,04 DEFT~LA Lat 445.444 County ar Town SUFFOLK To' LONIGRU AND FERRARq Return B Mail To: Annemarie SalOwski, Esq. 3$34 Sunrise Highway Seaford, NY 11783 Reserve This S ace For Use ~f Recordin Office NYSBA Residential Real Estate ~anms an HatDacs~ (9100) Copyright Capsafl`~ Development -2- f. f :~~itron T~#le Agency, lnc. 67 East Main Street . Bay Shore, NY 9 ~ l06 phone: ~fi3i) 328-4410 ~ phone: ~616y 216-i373 phone: (T18~ 848-8466 • fax: ~fi3i~ 328-4493 Tale No. TRA,D ].34133 . - ~ 824-S-1Gl.'1 SCHEDULE A IIESCR~P'~I~N ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County oI' Suffolk and State of New York, and described as Lot # 5 on a certain map entitled, "Map of Highwood at Bayview" and filed in the Gff ce of the Clerk of the County. of Suffolk an November ~4, ~ 974 as Map # 5547, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of Highwood Road distant 340.00 feet Southerly frarn the corner formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of Highwood Road with the Southerly side of N. Bayview Road; R[~NNING THENCE along the Westerly side of Highwood Raad South 23 degrees 43 minutes 04 seconds. West,175.00 feet; THENCE North 6b degrees 17 minutes 00 seconds West, 115.35 feet; THENCE North 2Z degrees 46 minutes 00 seconds East,175,07 feet; 'THENCE South 6G degrees 17 minutes Da seconds East, 1 X4.48 feet fa the Westerly side,of Highwood Road and the point or place of BEGINNING. ~ , F4R INFORMATIONAL PI~RP~SES GNLY Premises being commonly known as 430 Highwood Road, Southold, NY District 1000 Section 07$.00 Block 09.00 Lot 045.040 • - 11 rI VF w • ~ f ~ ~ fi.J ~4r ~M`r+ti+`~. *y ~r~, i~-may. • ~'Y".~I.F~• ~w ~~..i - • ~ - .f • INSTRUCTIONS(RPa217-PDF-INSf: www.orps.state.ny.us , FOR COUNTY USE ONLY New York State DepaaMtent of c~, $wls Code ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Taxation and Finance 5_..._ C7. Kato coed Recorded ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ aJ Mice of Real Property Tax Services ~ RP- 5217-PDF r~ I C3. Book ~ 3 ~ C4. Page L_.I. _ I Feel Property Transfer Report X8110] PRGPERTY INFORMATION 1. Propergr 4 1; ::l~i::'A~{~OG' k:?11. I 6ocatlart _ . _ . ' 4TRF.5T rrl1MEER ' n~ +F?1 Y~YF cOt;'r1:Or G _ ~147'l z. Buyer LC?ti';C~t) ~ :t,~AN'dF~ Name • - • : AST NAIIFJC,711F+Y~ I N%I Nr.ylE L~'Si YY+FJ4;ArP~'+~ P RS' I~lYlr _ . . 3. Tax Billlnp Indicate where future Ta>t &Ila are is be writ ~ ? ' d dtrer than buyer addrecstal bottom d forma L6$i hA1(r„04p~Nr ~1i51 hAYC Address SERE-IKYBE;~htiNAYL' CITr7R"d~4*+ STnTF 7P{:~'Gf 4. Irtdlcam the number of Aaaeaamant 1 Para d a Parcel H Part o< a Parch] Check ae they appy: Roll parcels transietred on the deed e d P~°Is GR ~ 4A. Planning Board wkh SubdIH8lofr Authority Exists 6' k ~ 1R ' ~ ~ aB. Subdivision Approval was Requred for Trans<er ~Irc~ 'FRC*r FEET '7F'T~ •k n?e Sire ~C. Potosi Approved for Su6divlsion wdh tutee Provided Seller • Lk5 ~ h¦Ytf,~;Yv6NY ° R5.11~4E Nanm GEF":OLA Lh:tF~l T,, ,.AS I h+41EJC~M'Arly I N~rl r~Y_ • - Check the baxeabelow asthey apply: '7. Select the deacrlpdon which most accurately deacribea tho use of the properly at the tlme of Bale: 8.OwnersHp Type is Condominium r1. l,Jr11' I',Inlilti~ !t~'~i~ll'ntiai 9. New Conctruetion on a Vacant Lend . • • - 1oA. Property Located wiwn an Agricultural Dlstnd ~ 108. Buyer received a drsdosure rxllice indu:etirg that the property la in an r-I Agncultural District l~ SALE INFORMATION 1!k Check one tx more of tllese candidona as applicable to tranahr: A Sale BeMreen Reladvee ar Fvnner Relatives 11. Selo Cantnct Data a ~ ~ o ~ ~ z a 1 ~ e Sala between Relatod Compemec ar Partners in Busyness C One d the Buyers is also a Seller ' it Dale of Salefrrenafer Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Z ~ 1 ~ D. Buyer or Seller Is Government Agency a Lendng Instllutlon E Deed Type nat Warranty a Bargetn and Sale (5peraffy Below) • F. Sale d Frac4anal or Less then Fee Interact ISpedfy Bebwl '13. Full Sala Price ~y'1 ~ ~ ~+;a ,111 I G. SrgniScant Ctlarlge In Property Between Taxable Statue and Sale Dates H. Sale d Businew is Induded in Sale Price 1 Fua Selo Price re the total amount paid br the property indtxting personal property I. Other Unu6uel Factaa Afbding Selo P~ite 15pea(y Belowl This payment may be In the form d Dash, other property or goods, ar the accllmptran d ~ mortgagrs a other oblpabona.l Please round ro the nearest whowtr ttbl'ar amotmt Cammentla] on Condltlan: 14. tndirate tho ralue of poraonal property included 1n the Bale ~ • l ~ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION • Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 18. Year of Aaaoaamant Roll from whkh inlbnnatlon takenlYY] ] ~ '17. Total Aawasad Value ~ ~ ~ U `18. Properly Clan ~ ~ f~ _ _ '1B. School DIsGICt Name $t~Z1T ~f,T,l~ 'Zg. Tax Yap Iderttltier~a]tRoll IdentlAer~al (If mars than four, amen ahoet yrltlt addltloeal identlflerla]] 1 ~7~-~'t~ . 44-~. 0~1-r; ~ ~ . ryC4 ' CERTIFICATION l Certlly that all d the Rama of Iniormatlon errtered an tttla form an true and correct Ito the beat of my knowledpa and bolla$ and I urtderatand that ttla making of arty rrlllful blw statement d matadal fact herein aubJect me to the•provielona,of,tho,ponal,lsw,rgtatl+ro Eo the meking and Aline of }else inswmenfa. BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION IErl71!r rlramelall br Ihu huyM kaA II 6uya ~s t t C,sloauly estluluelon torporll:cn, Icr>t alacM company, eala!e or on!iy Ihsr le nm en Indlv,duel Apor'~ a r.dupery, Ihor+ a Hems erd ccnraG nltxma:~rl or a'1 rrdruklueYrraporlaCle eerie w'+o can ansrre~ ques'aons reps?drp e:e rrar~slsr mun he entered. Type or print eNeAy I IGh+~TJriF TE • I ART I,A51F = ns NA11f el~ 1 ~ •A•+!.A~ ol'F 'TF. Fhirf,F H. Mr~Fa,F~ v~rea.+ rF ' ~I I+I;L I hU WCa ' STAFF' New? • •I:rt ravel. - •sl+•: •a~;.o:>L BUYER'S ATTQRNEY S111~C.:riSaT 11N~L ~ • J1ST h+~~ ~ I+51 ayaYL ARC~C+?E 'Flp~yeH4.M2F;.E.59Yile4: