HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12737 P 521 Illlllliilllllllll~l~lll~l~lllll~lll~llllIII11111111111 flllll IIIII III~I IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruiaen~: DEED Recorded: 07/23/2013 Number of Pages: 3 At: 11:08:33 AM Receipt Number 13-00$9596 TRANSE'ER TAX NUN~ER: 12-28653 LIBER: D00012737 PAGE: 521 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1p00 076.00 01.00 016.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $280,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.Q0 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notatipn $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $1,12Q.00 NO Comm.Pres $2,60Q.00 NO Fees Paid $3,970.00 TEtANSE'ER TAX NU1~ER: 12-28653 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County REk~BRf~EL~ Numberof pages ~01~ .~~~1 2~ f 1.86:3 p>'~ Jli~~ITH ~i"1S~~pLE CLERK ~]F This document will be public SLIFFBLI~ r~~~~~~~~{ record. Please remove all ~ P 1 Social Security Numbers ~~T# 1~-~8~~3 prior to record i ng. ~ r Deed 1 Mortgage Instrument Deed l Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording ! Filing stamps 3 FEES Mortgage Amt. Page 1 Filing Fee ~ .Basic Tax Handling 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec.lAssit. or EA-52 ~ 7 iiCounty} Sub Total Spec. lAdd. ~..4 EA-517 State} TOT. MTG. TAB Dual 'own Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held for A ointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 0~ ~ ransfer Tax f Affidavit ~ ~ on ax ~ The roe covered b this mort a e is Certified Copy ~ p p ~Y Y g 9 or wail be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total ~ YES ar NO Dther Grand Total If NO, see appropriate tax clause on ~ page # ~ of this ins rument. 0-~ ~309fi8~$ ~aoo o~7sao 4 Dist, O~Q4 41G404 .Qp~ 5 Community Preservation Fund ~T Real l'rop~ ~ CWH ~ Co~rsideration Amount $ Tax Servic ~B~IUN-i ~ ~ l Agency' CPF T Due S Verification ~ ~ Improved ~ 5atisfactionslDischargeslReleasesList Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD BETA ABSTRACT LLC 31 ~ 5 ~.ONG BEACH READ TD 2ND FLQQR 4CEAN5IDE, NEW YORK } 1572 TD Mall to. Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 31 ~ Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co Name BETA ABSTRACT LLC uvww.suffalkcauntyny.gavlclerk Title ~ BNY-5766 ~ uffolk~ount Recordin &EndorsementPa e Y ~ ~ This page farms part of the attached DEED made by: SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} ^MCCk.~ H O.DES,_-S~UAI~T C,.E,. RHQDES & The premises herein is situated in JUDITH GERMUTH SUFI=OLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. T4 In the TOWN of ~~,C~~UTPI ~UDIT~_G~RMUTI~ In the VILLAGE or WAMLET of BOXES G THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. aver r ~ rrd stla Doed. Cran~en~t ~pil~t 4~or`~ A~ - I~r~aal ~t (Si~gl~ ShoOt~ ~fi ~ ~ qua ~as~r tu~rr s ~ saes er uw~~ orrir i THIS INDENY'U~E~, made ~ day of May1, in the year X013 BETwE~N Mieh~?el Rhodes, resi ' at Luau Sri . , S ve, DeBary F1or~da ~~?13, Stuart . ~ rest ` Garden Lhasa Drive, Lskcd, Flnr~da 3381 ~ and Judith G • • ~ ~ ~~~8 mitve North Sot~thor New ~ ~ 1 S5 Goan Crcck ~ ( g~S ~ d, York 11 X71 ` party of the ~ part, attd ererd . * residing at 1 SS Gaase G~+cck Raa'~ also lea as 9D~ Smith Drivc North Southa~, Ncv~.'York and hrd~th Gcr~th, his wd'e, res~dmg at 15S Goon Crk ~ ~ioad, ~alsv knowrx as 90S Std Dti .North} Southold, New dark ,arty ofd second part, wITNFSS 'I~, the the party of the first part, in consideration o~ the s~ of Tea Dabs and air grad and vatuabk cansidera~ian, paid by the party of the second pert, dace hcrohy grant end release un the party of second part, the ~ or snssors ead lg ofthc party of the second pazt forever, . ALL that ccr4~iq plat, pio or parcel of Iand, with the buildings and ' ravements thereon • erected, s~tuatc, iyxng and being at Bayview, near otold, ~n the To?n+n of Soutirald, C~uarty, of Suffolk and State ' of New Park, berg known and dcsio~t~d es Lots Ntirnbered ! 9 ~d 24 an a ~ map pitied " of Goose Nee . ~1tll8t~ 8t day ~l~W, ~'p a~ 5authald, Suffolk t.,aunty, N,'~, awped by ~3.~V, Smith ~ Sons," ~ fan Tu ' ' yl, Lreensed Ind Surv~eyo~, C~rcenparr, New ~ortc, hied in the 5u~a~ County ~lerlc's Gffica on Navotnber 2,1948 ~s and b File ~~ING AND ~ND~D ~D BE the sarr?c premises conveyed to the ales of the ~rs~t ~ . P part by deed Bonn Sty Rhodes, as F~xccutot Of the Last W1il and Trstsment ofll~argaret Elisabeth Huschin afl~a INi t E . . ~L~Ch1ng, dated l ~ ~ a,~~ r~carded ] fi12p t~ in Liter 1 ~7 Y ~ parg~ f ~8 i?! the aiCC Of tic Suffolk Coin Clerkr Said tY prern~se,9 knoVV~f as ~ SS Goose nae~C Road also known as 90~ Smith Drive Nasth~ gouthold, New York. . TOG~~ with a1.i right, title end interest i~ aoy, of the of the irrst art ' . PAY p m and to any shy and roads ahu~m,g the aho~ve described preens to the center Iines Thereof; TOGETHRR with the ces and. all thG estate arad right of the party of first part in er~d to said prcmises~ 'T~ VE AND TG HGLD the . promrses herein granted ants the pity afthc second park tba he or successors and assign of party of~e second forev er. AND the party of the ~isst pmt vpmnts the the party of the first has oat i . part done or' su~`ered arrng whby the said premases have been encumbcrod in rvay whvcr, e~eept as aforid. AND the party of the i'~rst part, in ca~liance with fiction 13 of the Lien Law, covenaats that • receive tho cons' ~ the ~ of part wad rda~tiors far thrs canvcysacc and wii] hold right to receive soh consideration as a trot fund to be apphcd ~rst,far the purpose of paying the t*ost of the improvelnent~ and will a the earns fnst t pPIY o the pay~ant of cast of u~proverncnt before ~ any p oftho fatal ofthe Inc far any att~er purpose. ~'he word read ` 'es" w ~ , "may' shall be eonstruvd a$ ~ ~t ~arh mover the sense ~ftlus ~denturc so requites. IN wi~`~YES wH~RE~~, the party ofthe dust art dal ex ' p y ecuted ttus decd the day aad year first aba~ve wt'~tdr. , Stuart I~hade~ icl Rhad~s ~ . Ju rat A~i~VGi11 ~Aj~ ~ ~TAT~ d~II~VYLCL~M~N~` TAN 1'~ i~~ YD~C S?`A 1 Stst~ of~Icw York, Cohn of ~ State ofNtw York, Coturty ~f ` the ~ day of ~1n ~ l+t` ~ ~ bcfo~c undarsign~d, On ~e day of in year 2p 3 3, bei'art the persoaeily ~ ~ pcrsor~ily ]a~owt~ to me ~ Y append or proved td me ors the basis of sa#is~ory tvidencc to be the ~ aac or proved ro o~ the basis of satisfhctory evidcc to the iadividuai~s} indiwidus! s wh • . 08~ n~rne(s~ 13 subscribed to the wtth~ whD~SC ngro s rS 8re ~ ~ . ( ) subscnbad to the with~r~ ~nstrumcnt end went and ecknnwledgcd to ntc that helsbeJthey acacuted the same awied to me tha i~ his~crl#hoar c ~ $ t h~l~thcy exeeutcd the ~ ip hislherl~ieir ~q+~res}, and that by hi~lhcrl~,h~ir sigs~atw~(s} an capa~ity~i~s}, and #ha# hi.~lhtrlt~cir si the inst~urncn#, ~e iodi~id~3 or t1uG • ~{sJ an the i~strum person upodi blalf of whuh dit rnd~~duel~s~, or the person u ~ bcilalf of , the indirid~{s) tcd, txcc~tttd the iass:ument. ~ ~ which the ind~v~dtra~~a} acted, axacuted the ir~t*r~, ~~~Rli ~~?~Tf~~H Nntgry Public ~a ~2~1~1~0998t~ Qq~~~~ld iq ~~~q ~~Onnh' rotary Public i ~mmissinn E~p~r+~ [kla6er~, ~I.~ . ~~W~ED~Ei1~NT ~N ~U~Sx Y RK~ ACiil~iiOWL~DG STATE ~lli'~' TAI1V pUTSIDE NE1~V Y~~ . STrk'I~E ~5tat ~ ~ . e of , Caua of ~ . « ss. ~~tata of County of ss: ~~r ~ttscrt Duct of Coiumbxa, fiemitcry, Poston or Foreign ~~Or inscri District ~ , aunty} Co~umb~ TemtOry, Posscssxarx ar ~ore~gn ~ ~ ~n thcJ~ de ~~ia the M . i Y r ~D I ~i~ me ~ tb c oa the d~+ of ~ the year Z~ l3, hefare iu~dastgnad pcrsomal~y ~~t~~ '~Faaaily known undersi ed ~c to aye or Pcrs~afly known proved to me oa tha b~is of sntisfactozy evidence to be chc to me or prairod ~ me o~ the basis cf satxsf individuals} whose r~am~s} is dare) subscribed to the within in ' ' °rY wider to b~ the d~v~duat(s} whose t~amo(s) is ~erc} subs~ribod to w~thiq i~~t irument and aclanowiodge~d io me that he~she~th~r excartcd tIu same ar,d ac . 1~n~wledged to m.c that hr~shcltt~cy exQCUted the ~n to hi~hcrlthcu c~p~iry{ics}, that by blslhcrltheir sigrntus} the hislher~rcir i ;r~strurncnt, the iadiriduai ~ o~ the erson ~ that b'Y hisl~cr~teir sus} a~ ~ ~ upon behalf of which the ~ instrurn~~ tlar individ~tal(s~ the n n mdividu s P behtlfofwh~, the } extol the ~astrumeat, acrd that such iadi~ridud individ s e axoa~te~ ~ . rgalca such ~ } ~ the instrurncr~t, and tit such uid~v~dual aprancc undasigaed in the ~icc such ~ppearan~c bef the unda~i ~d in the Ladd the city or politecal subdivisiaa and the state or aou~~y or other (add the ci or is#ical ' ` ' tY po subdrvtsxon ~d the staff or ~durray or o#ha pls tho aclcnowlodgen>es~t was talaen}. A~?a? place the aeknowtedgea~cnt was taken}. Notary Fu~l~c Notary Fubl~c tilfff ,.~''~r~'rr+. M~~AN N~~~L~R ~ ~ ~~~~"z ~IOtaly Pt1bI~C, S~~t~ Ot FIOr~~3 r ~y ccmm, e~pir~s Sept, X01$ ~ tST~(."x': i0 r~~,,,,??4 ~ommisrio~ H~m~er ~E~3~1~1 I~QT: ~ Ib.000 nth ove~~~t~ Gov o~ rower; so~o~~ 'T~t~~ N'o, '[~JRN BY ~VIA~ sT~~~~ o~~s, ~rc~a~x, ~a~~s ~r~ rr~ ~t~~ x ~ ~ ~s cis r~v~ ~ ~ s e~ard ~ Retum To beta Abstract ~l~ 3~ 1 ~ long each Road ~n~ Floor ~osans~da NY 1151 PLEASE TYPE QR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ~N FORM INSTRtJCTIGNS ~RP~YIT~INSy: www.arps.state.ny.us Ft)R COl1NTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Coda I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ J New York State Department of Taxation and Finance . cz. Date Deed Recorded ~ I 1 Once of Real Property Tax Services I dy ear ~L~ • C3. Book 1 ~ ~ ~ C4. Page I Real Property TransLfer Report (811D) PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Proptrrty i,,~ ~ ~ ~ J . Let:etien ~p~pl,~{ tyTR[ CrtY OR Tt]VYH VIWIGE ~PCt7DE z. sayer .+~~cl4t~rl7~1 ~~p T~f _ ._...-1 Na ~ r rasr 3. Tex Indicate where suture Tax Bills are to be sent Billing it dher than buyor eddroas let bottom of Forrnl I I _ I Addnee ~ ' I Wit: • rruadiEII~AR~iRE rarN I rTYaR rows IsT?rTt ±o[ ~ Indicate the number of Aetloument IOnly If Pert of a Parcel) Check ee they apply: Rol! parcels transferred on the deed q v1 Paratds OR Part of a Paroel 4A. Planning Board with Subdlvlslort Authorlry Exists 5. Geed ` ~ ~ 4B. Suhdivision Approval was Required for Trensfer PreNerty x 1~~. ,J 4R I I 4c. Parcel Approved for Subdi~isran with Mep Provided Sloe t;. seller I ~.#?~t,1~ I ~~p ~T>H ~ m0 usr ~e r caaw~wr ~ rRS; NA41[ 1_ t. Chock the box below which moat accurately deecrlhes the use of the property et the Ilmo of Bale: Check the boxes below as that' apply: 8.Owrtership Typo is Candaminium A One Family Residential F. Agriatliural I Community Se~lce 9. New Construction vn Vacant Land ~ 2 ar 3 Family Residential F Commerael .1 Industrial 10A. Property Loeatad within an AgrRwltural Distrid Residential Vacant Lend G ~ Apertmerti It Public Service 108. Buyer received a disdasuro notice indicating ? ? Nan•Resldeniial Vacant Land j I Entertainment ! Amusonrent L Forest that the property is In an Agricul4rral District SALE INFDRMAT{DN 15. Check one or more of these condltlone ee epplicabla to tronefor: 11. Selo Contract Hato ~ f 1 1 f J A Sale Between Relatives or Fanner Relatives ' r ear B Sale Between Related Companies ar Partners in Busrness ,~~ne of the Buyers Is also a Seller t2. Gate of Sale !Traveler ~ ~ ~ ~r ~ J I) Buyer or 5cller is Gavemmant Ageney yr Lending Institution rrlonlh Day oar E deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Salo ISparafy Balvw ) F I Sale of Fractional yr Less than Fee Interest (Speaty Below ) 13. Full Sete Price ~ O D ii Signlllcanl Chartgn In Properly Between Taxable Status and Sale dates ~`e~ ~ H Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price ~ Full Sale Price Is the total amount paid for the properly including personal property. l Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Speafy Below a This payment may be In thD form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of ~ None rnortgegDS or ether otiligatlone.l Please roer+d ro ilia rtearesi whole dallaar amourrr. 14. indicate the value of personal l ~e ~ ~ I " - property Included In the eala ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data should retlact the Retest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 1B. Year of as:esem•nt Roll from I~~ 11T Total Aseeseed Value (ol all paresis in transjfer~ ~ which Information taken ~ y- 113. Property Claee ~QJ'U 19. School Glstrlct Name I ~ ~ ~ di~ ~ I Zq. Tex Map Identlikr~e~ !Roll Iderttirlerlsy (If more than fetar, attach sheet with additlorrel Identlfler~el l _ I 1.~.. 1 CERTIFICATIDfV I certify that an of tka Rama d Inlornratlan anhnd on this ronn en ens. rand eanrct ire eha hewt W nqr hnowNdge and hepetl and I understand that flee making W any wllMul fake statement of material fact hersln will subJea:t rna to the prorlslans d iha penal law ralatlre m Iha malcing and flNnq of raise Instrranrenb. SELLER SIGNATURE BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION w I i~~ nrorrnatinn Tor the buyer Note: IT buyer is LLC.Sudety. aseode,iaa, carparalran. jdnt etadc I co^.~pany, eal3lx ar entity r~l a rrot a~ mdnnduol agent or Itd~cay, Ihon a nan+a and corrtad mTprna~inn r al an ~rrdn~duaVre~ons~bla pally who can answer ques6ona nrperdmp are vanefar must tre entorod. ! r. SrGNr~TU eATe Type er print cMarly.~ BUYER SIGNATURE I ~ ~ ~ LUST trAMah ! ~ FIRS' FIA1tF . etJYER 510NATt~RC aATE ~ ~ ` BUYER'S ATTORNEY ' ' ' -I ~ ~ - ~ ARG CODE TCLE~r10YE yUtiltCR tA9ThAME FIRST1~IAtiIE ~ I gill STRCET NUI~ER STrtE~Z hAAr[ AREA TELFR hUraeER ~ ~ ~1 NEW YORK STATE aTraRTawr+ eTATE EIPCaDE G~PY