HomeMy WebLinkAboutSullivan, George R OATH OF OFFICE FORM NO. 69 Willionison Law gook Co., Vlclar, NY qq~
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I, __~C.d YgA C ~ t,.rL ~ l l 1~0.YL, do solemnly swear that
I will support the Constitution of the United~~States and the Co~nCstitution of the State of New York,
and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of 1-l e.G C 1 V'~IC o I ~~x~~~~~~_~~_
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according to the best of my ability.
Sub~scGpribe~d and sworn t/o~h~efore me this
~Ll day of! yp 1~- ,20 1_~___
(Signed) ~ L(.
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