HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrown, Rodney Constitutional Oath ,lJe~~i LO~,clc~ a S~F@L-K COUNTY ) )SS:<1rv~~~ Ct~rlF'1e°C~l'Gtr1 , TOWN OF-3~IQ)~D ) i~ YpFtlr7 I, Rodney E. Brown, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constihttion of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of th¢ office of a full time deckhand for the Fishers Island Ferry District from May 14, 2012 to Septen{1~ 1 17, 2012 according to the best of my ability. l` _ _ _ n Sworn before me this ~dT~1._ day o ~ 2012. .:HRISTINq KNAPP - tom, NOTARY Pf/BLIC Notar ~'~9U,2014 - -,,.,o--------- Constitutional Oath ~Wa I.andcw~, Si3FFObK COUNTY ) SS: TOWN OF ) I, Rodney Brown, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of seasonal deckhand for the Fishers Island Ferry District according to the best of my ability. X ~~i~~..~...!:~........... . Swom before me this 3rG~ day Notary Stamp/Seal of_~Lin2 _2013. Shannon Mangrum Notary PubliC•Connecltcuf My Commltalon Expires Notary Signatur Ianuary at , zol ~ i~ Constitutional Oath Neva La~dw.. e, r r.* ~ COUNTY ) S5: I', TOWN OFI~9)JH ) °li !',a I),~ I, Rodney Brown, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and ~ the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfidly discharge the duties of the office of seasonal deckhand for the Fishers Island Ferry District according to the best of my ability. I'; Sworn before me this ~G' day Notary Stamp/Seal of_ ~IAr10 . 2013. Shannon Monprum Notary publfC-Connecflcui ~ My Commisalon Expires GI; January 31, 201) ,.I;~; Notary Signature a In i ~ i i