HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12734 P 497 1111111 IIII IIIII IIIII 11111 IIIII Illll 11111 IIIII 1111111! 1111111 IIIII IIIII IIII 1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 06/27/2013 Number of Pages: 4 At: 11:48:45 AM Receipt Number 13-0078080 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-26332 LIBER: D00012734 PAGE: 497 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 055.00 05.00 009.001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $255.00 TRANSFER TAX NUi~IDER : 12 -2 6331 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County RECt7RDED 201 v Jury 27 11:40:45 at4 Number of pages J~~nlrll a. ~a=caLt= . CLERK OF SUFFOLK CO! EfdT',' This document wilt be public ~ 6C10U1274 record. Please remove all r: 4'~' DT# 12-2~3a'1 .Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Reco ding /Filing Stamps 3 FEES ~ Page /Filing Fee _ ~ Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax I-Iandling 20. 00 ~ 2. Additional Tax TP-584 ~ Sub Total _ Spec JAssit. Notation _ EA-52 17 (County) ~ Sub Total Spec. /Add. ~ - EA-5217 (State) TOT. MTG. TAX - ~ljy,, Dual Town Dual County_ R.P.T.S.A. ~"a' Held for Appointme Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax Affidavit ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 ~ family dwelling only. Sub Total YES ~ or NO Other Grand Total If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this insttvmer~t. 13014985 iooo ossao osoo oosooi ~ 4 Dist. 5 Community Preservation Fund RTax Service osCUN-1 ~~`I~~~~~ul~~~l~~l~~~~u~~~~~~~1~[~1~f~lllfllll~ Consideration Amount $ Agency _ _ CPF Tax Due $ Verification Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land ~0.~1~on J C.hp ~ h TD ~~C'yE.• SI~DZ.Z~ ~nJl~Shct 1'~ lein i •C. C1 S-iewer~ p?~nve~S~~-ie 3~~ TD G Q r el z C; -1 y r-1 l i 5 3~ TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Com an Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 ea ~r~ ~ . www.suffolkcountyny:gov/clerk Title # R CC . 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached L J ~ ~ C` made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} ~D n n ne C f1'] oo rc ! p J5+ 4= ~ h ~ o The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of S h ~ ~ G'~ (D ~7? O CQ~~~-v~~ ~cl y`3 LLC In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ia•moa..~oiaem (over) i Form 8003 (3/00) -Warranty Dced, With Full Covenants -Individual or Corporation. (Single sheet} CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT - THiS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, made as of the Ibti. day of f~~J 2013 BETWEEN / KEVIN J. SILVA, residing at 24 Payne Whitney Lane, Manhasset, New York 11030, and CHRISTOPHER J. MOORE, residing at 9 Barrow Street, Apt. 4C, New York, New York 10014,as Co-Trustees of the Article Eighth Trust u/w/o Ioanna C. Moore f/b/o Christopher 3. Moore, as to a fifty percent (50~D interest as tenant in common, and KEVIN J. SILVA, residing at 24 Payne Whitney Lane, Manhasset, New York 11030, and ALEXIS E. MOORE, residing at 211 East 53ra Street, Apt. 9D, New York, New York 10022, as Co-Trustees of the Article Eighth Trust u/w/o Ioanna C. Moore f/b/o Alexis E. Moore, as to a fifty percent (50$) interest as tenant in common. party of the first part and, 46770 COEJNTY ROAD 48 LLC, having an address at 9 Barrow Street, Apt. 4C, New York, New York 10014 parry of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the parry of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, D _ iy~ ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the s - SS See SCHEDULE A 4.v1 BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed by deed dated September 15, 2011 and recorded in the Suffolk County Cierk's 0£fice on Ottober 3, 2011 in Liber D00012672, Page 961. Said premises also known as 46770 County Road 48, Southold, New York. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and all the estate and rights of the first part in said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to such consideration as a trust fund to be applied frst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. AND the party of the first part covenants as follows: that said party of the first part is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and has good right to convey the same; that the party of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; that the said premises are free from encumbrances, except as aforesaid; that the party of the first part will execute or procure any further necessary assurance of the title to said premises; and that said party of the first part will forever warrant the title to said premises. The word "party" shall be construed as if it reads "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ofthe first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. iN PRESENCE 0 KEVIN LVA CHRIST HER J. MOORE c KEVIN J. SILVA ALEXIS E. MOORE American LapafNet, Int. www.USCoanFO+me.com Acknowledgement taken in 'Nrew York State Acknowledgement taken in New York State State of New York, Coundty of IrG(jQ~, ss: State of New York, County of l~+.i f .,k ss: On the Ib~- day of rlc , in the year 2013, before me, On the off, day of ~cr , in the year 2013, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared KEVIN J. SILVA the undersigned, personally appeared ALExas E. MOORS personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in same in his capacities, and that by his signature on the instrument, her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the the individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, individual or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. executed the instrument. JAYSON J. R. CHOI otary ublic JAYSON J. R. CH o ary P tic Notary Public, State of N ork Notary Public, State of a York No,02CH5018398 No,02CH50163 Qualified In Suffolk County Qualified in Suf#olk County Commission Expires October 3, 20 (3 Commission Expires October 3, 20 ~3 Acknowledgement taken in New York State Acknowledgementtaken outside New York State State of New York, County ofde~~~, ss 'state of ,County of , ss:'(or insert District of Columbia, territory, Possession or Foreign Country) On the S{l, day of N~c~ , in the year 2023, before me, the undersigned, person2fily appeared CHRISTOPHER J, On the day of , in the year ,before me, the undersigned, MOORS perSOnall known t0 me or roved t0 me On the basis Of personally appeared personally known to me or proved to me on the Y P basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name iS Subscribed subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshetthey to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by hislherttheir the Same in his Capacities, and that by his Signature on the signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of instrument, the individual or the person upon behalf of which the which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, and that such individual individual acted, executed the instrument, made such appearance before the undersigned in the (add the city Or p01itlCdl subdivision and the sate or country or other place the acknowledgement was taken). Not Public ' JAYSON J. R. C Notary Public, State of New York No. 02CH5016398 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires October 3, 20L SECTION 055 BLOCK 05 KEVIN J. SILVA & CHRISTOPHER J. MOORS, LOT 009.001 as Co-Trustees of the Article Eighth Trust COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk u/w/o Ioanna C. Moore f/b/o Christopher J. Moore, as to a 508 interest as tenant in common, and KEVIN J. SILVA & ALEXIS E. MOORS, as Co-Trustees of the Article Eighth Trust u/w/o Ioanna C. Moore f/b/o Alexis E. Moore, as to a 508 interest as tenant in common TO 46770 COUNTY ROAD 98 LLC RETURN BY MAIL TO: Distributed by Jayson J.R. Choi, Esq. Meyer, Suozzi, English & K1ein,P.C. 990 Stewart Avenue, Suite 300 Garden City, New York 11530 a 0 m v, a Q W U 0. S F w C m y C American LeOaINe1, Inc. www. USCourtFonna.com SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the curved, southerly line of Middle Road at the northeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Braun the northwesterly corner of the premises herein described from said point of beginning: RUNNING easterly along said southerly line of Middle Road on a curve to the left having a radius of 23.25.01 feet, a distance of 160.17 feet to land now or formerly of Burzac; RUNNING THENCE along said land now or formerly of Burzac and along land now or formerly of Bucci, South $ degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds East, a distance of 276.85 feet to land now or formerly of Braun; THENCE along said land South S 1 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West, a distance of 150.00 feet to said land now or formerly of Braun; THENCE along said land North 08 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 220.09 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 868463 INSTRUCTIONS(RP-5217-PDF-INS): www orps.state.ny.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ New York Slala Department of cT. svwscodo r 3 8 U Taxation and Finance rr ~ OFficD DI RC81 Property Taz Services C2. Date Deed Recorded i U \o/ O!•~ / I i Y ar Y~• 4 RP- 5217-PDF CS. Btwk ~ ~ ~ Cd. Pape ` Real Property TransTOr Roport (8110) PROPER7YINFORMATION t•Progrty 46770 County Road ,8 Ltxetbn •aTREEi NWBER •YlalFl N•4r Southold 11971 •t:lrvwrowx va!w!• •FrcalE 2. Buyer 46770 COU71ty Road 48 LLC I Name • WIN•YF1CCxsMW rya811.•Ye , I,YS} n,YrC:aOYP•rn' r Px" rr W C 7. Taa InmratewMro Murc Ids Billsero to be aeM 46770 County Road 48 LLC Bllllna debar than buyer addrofs(tl botl0mdlorm) rAS; x,uucarryrv irnsr x•vE Address 9 Barrow Street, Apt. 4C New York NY 10014 eT4EEr roJYBER •ND XaYE Gr•ra 1^-WN S:•I! :,n tear indkab the number of Aaaafsmam 1 ~ won tl o Ppretl (Only 11 Perl al s Paroeq Cheek as they Ppply; Rtll psreals tnnsTSrrod on the dead e d Parcels OR eA. Plonnllg Board vn:h Subdivisien Au:l:oriry Exists e.oosd ~ Q)t U'78 aB.SuhdlvieenApprovalwasRegiretlfor7rpnsfer Progrly •r 40x1 Frpr •pCPrn ••CPEB She aC. Poroel Approved br Subdivision vvlh Mep PrewtlM Kevin J. Silva as Co-Trustee of the Article Eighth Trust u/w/o Ioanna C. Moore f/b/o Christopfier J. Moore l.SOlbr Ibrr.•xrKC'•r•ti1• F4a lNYe Name Chiistopphgr J. Moore, as Co-Trustee oflt}le Article Eighth Trust u/w/o Toanna C. Moore f/b/o Chrs.stoaher J. Moore _ IAEI YapECON'ANY '.+Er YwF. '7. Saba tlta Msedptbn whleh most aacuratay dsscdhea Ihs CheCX the bones below ati thq appy: use of the property at the ama a asle: e. Owrorahlp Type 19 Ca:daminum A. Oltc Family Rcsidontiai 9. New Cons:raClipn on a vawrt Ldnd TOA. Progny Located vnlnin an Agdcltural Ustritx 106. Buyer reserved a dsclosure naYe rrallydrlla that the progny is in on ? Aadeullurtl Die:na SALE INFORMATION 15. Chock ono or mero of thaso conditions as appllcablo [e tranalsr: A- A. Stla Botsreon RPlabves or Former RNtlives Ti. SEIa Controbt Oate N / l B Sa:c beCweon Rc!stcd Companies ar Padnera m Butiness. C. One a!he Buyers is also Y Seller D. Buyer or Seller is GovPrnmerl Agency w Lendrg Ins:ilulirn 12. Dafs o19a1o1Transfor ~ ~ _ E. Deed Type na Wmmnly or Ba'Qp~n and Sole ISpeoly BehxNl F. Stls a Frsckonal or Losa than Fco Isterosl (Sgdfy Belowi 't~. Pu118a1a Prlee 0 ,UU G. Sipni4eont Chnnpe In Progny Between Tnrnde Btaus antl Saro Daea H Salo d Busiress Is IrlrJUdM in Sele Prla ( FWI Sale Pria is IM total amwrd pakl tar IM progrty irdudrnp grsontl vtmm+ri I. O:Mr Unusutl Fnuom Aeedmg Sp'e Pnee (Sgaly Below) TNS payment mry ba in ale ham a nsh, aver P~nY a goads, a aro eawmpaan a J. None monpapes or aher obkpabans.) Aerie routs rp IM nearosr x11as atPPer amount. Cammenllq on Condlddn: Te. IndkNe the value of groonal progrly lrrchWSd In dla uk 0 ,UD Npre charg! Ir. torn of _o•mcrahl~ _ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data should re0ed the IaMst Final Assessment Roll antl Tax Dill ie. Year of Assnsmsnt RWI hom whkh Inbtmatbn taken(yY) 13 '77. Taal Assnsoe Value $IF 100 r1a.Progrgr Cleee 4A~1 ~i~ _ 1 •Ta. School 0lstrkl Namo SOUt hold _ r2a. Tex Map IdantlMrls)IR/All Idanliaar(s) (11 more Nan fear, seaeh sheet with addltlonal Idenllaer(s)) Sec 055, B1 OS, Lt 009.001 CERTIFICATION I Cardty that se of aro lama of Inlarmadon a~irvd on this form sro Wa and corroct Bo the frost of my knowledge end bellaq and 1 undantand that ihd mpklnp of alw wllllul Islas eta a stsAal tact heMn subtaa m to tha,provlslons of ala.ponal IevLroladva to the mpking end riling of /ales instrumenu. LLER.S BUYER CONTpC.T_INFORdIA7JON IEreer Ir! Yhe'1 far Pte buyer. NoM. II Llyer 11 C.xx4y, uaopahan. caraaaao~, lent a:xY eerpany, o:ax m am.Y Nat n nal an itlrvi0uil Kenl cr kesia7. Plan P rang one corcac: nlama:m N nn nd ~m:nlheaxns Ns PNY rY.r) ran anrwar aaassa:s rAgaa.q :'ro Panal•- naval aP CfaRd Type Pr Prlnl CNarly.) fETiC•A lCPMtWE 0•TE Moore Chr~istophcr J. BU S1tdNAIJ1 •!•s: nw! n4s• vvE eJYC4 aIEYxTWE Mr! , 9 9ar:ow Strcct, Aot. 4C •saa r'~m:v:F4 •xlurF•x•vF._ - ' New York NY 10014 CITY (w :(MV •SI •:r :nCape ' B.UY~R'5 AZTORHEY Choi Jayso~ J.R. ' I II 5 L•xr YWr •rrAl M1•VC 1 i (516: _741=a6G5_i _ :,1.•Cl?YE rr!rn..G.F M1.4aL4.C. Tayrmr I I ' ! I I i ~ . . , ~ ADI)F1\1)>1M'['O RP-5217 New Yorl: State Department of'i'axation and Finance Real Property Transfer ltcport Supplemental Schrdulcs Seller lYs~mc Name 1. Kevin J. Silva as Co-Trustee of the Article Fi~hth Trust uh++lo Joanna C. Muur4 Ilblu Alexis E. Moore 2. Alexis E. Moore as Cu-`1'rusiee oFthc Article Eighth `["rust ulw/o Ioanna C. Moore I'/hlo Alexis I;. Moore N ~ q~l 93Gdy7