HomeMy WebLinkAbout37790-Z /~z-'-,y"~- 3-/~~ REScheck Software Version 4.4.4 1 ~ Compliance Certificate PIIro__ject--Titllle: Energy Code: 2010 New Vork Energy Conservation Location: Suffolk County, New Vork Constmction Type: Single Family Pmject Type: New Construction Contli0oned Floor Area: 0 ff2 Glazing Area Percentage: 15% Heating Degree Days: 5750 aimate Zone'. q Peimil Date: Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Robert Miggins Ruben Higgins Architect 50 Hitltlen Acres path Watling River, NY 11]94 831-208-3351 rarchibob~aoi.rrom ~.a _ ~ , Compliance: 0.2h Batter Than Cade Maximum UA 534 Vour UA'. 53] rc °a a~no~ o~woree may cove ime. renm. rcwao~ io wrepr ~ me rome'o era o~ mrc,m~n ~e~. u DOES HoT ore.ee a, ~a~remo m ~+aor m~ or rrei rem~.e io a m~rere~m mm rcme. Envelope Assemblies Floor 1: All-Wood Joist/rmss~Over Uncontlitionetl Space 356 19 0 00 i] Floor 2: All-WOOtl JoisHrmss~OVer umm~ditioiretl Space 1,488 19.0 0 e ]0 Wall l: WOOd Frame, l6'o.c. 44] 19.0 00 i6 Window 1: Wootl Frame'Doubk Page wim Low-E 121 0.340 41 SHGC: 0.00 Ooor i'. Glass 00 0340 14 SHGC 0.00 Door 3: Solitl 18 0.400 ] Wall2: Waotl Frame, l6'o.c. 1,60] 130 00 89 Window 2: WOOd Frame9ouble Pane wiM LOw-E 259 0.360 88 SHGC: 0.00 Door 2' Glass 80 0340 20 SHGC: 0 00 Wall 3: Wootl Frame, 16'o.c. 1,628 130 0.0 117 Ceiling 1: Flat Ceiling or Scissor Tmss 356 380 0.0 11 Ceiling 2: Flat Ceilirg or Scissor Truss 1,669 38 0 0.0 43 Project Title: Report date: 01/11/13 Data filename: C:\USersVWmin\DocumentslCOPV D 11O41additions\2012\845 yennecott Sthold GrgasIGRGAS Page i of 2 ENERGV.mk Comp0anca Statement The proposetl builtlirg design described here is consistent wiN the building plans, specifiradons, antl oNer calculations submittetl wiM the permit applica[un. The proposetl buiMiig has been tlesgrietl to meet Ne 2010 New York Energy Conservation Construction Gode requirements in RESCheck Version 444 aiM to mmply wiU Me mantlalory i#qu rements listed in Me RESGreck Inspection Checklis / Name-TNe SgnaNre Dat Project Title: Report 01111/13 Dala filename: C:\USers\Admin\DOCUmenIS1COPV D 1104tadditions\2012\845 yennecott Sttwld GrgasIGRGAS Page 2 of 2 ENERGV.rck