HomeMy WebLinkAbout37761-Z REST ROOM DETAILS FOR VINEYARD AS Ir~~ I~ , II i i l~ ~ C?~S~ G I I~ ~j JAN 1 7 2013 ,'I ~c ~ ]t lE,~~. 02388ry y OF MEW 305 Clear-FYkwr Space 30S:t tSenbr0l. A clear floor space shalb comply with Section 305. i ~ 305.2 Floor Surfaces. Floor surfaces of a clear i i I i flonrspaceshall have-a sYOpe lnoY~Yeepsr thra'n 7:48 =o I i and shall comply with Sedhon-3®2. e M i i 3053'9lie. the claarfloor spaoesnail bs 43tiraehes B~ i ~ (122q mm) minimum in length and.30 inches (760 I I mm) minimum in width. L _ _ _ _ ~ A6~min 30 min 12 9 ]60 (a)FOrwar0 r_-__ i i i ~ O c_ i i o'er E,°a 11 ~ I 1 ~ "r gin I 1 I ______J L_~~--__-J F1g,~pr~. ~ qB min Slze.ai €]e9r;FteprfSpace 1220 'I (b). Parallel 305:4s1(rtee antl7oet?IeAs. Unless otherwise specifietl„clear floorapaee shallbe permitted to Fig. 305.5 include knee and toe cleare'noe complying with Posltlon of Clear Floor Space Section',Afi. 305.5-POSltfon. Unless otherwise specffietl, the 305.7:5 Parallel Approach. Where the clear clear floor space shall be positioned for either far- floor space is positioned for a parallel approach, ward orparatlel approach to an element. the alcove shall be 60 inches (7525 mm) mini- 385:fvkp~rsaeh. One full, unobstructed sidebf the mum in widttrwhere the depth exceeds 15 inches clear iledispece shall adjoin or overlap an accessi- (380 mm). , ble mate<or adjoin anottrer clear floor space. 305.7.2 Forwartl°Approach. Where the clear 305x7 Alcoves: Ifa clear floor space is in an alcove floor space ispositioned foraforward approach, or otharwtseconfined on all qr part of three sides, the alcove shall be 36 inches (975 mm) minimum adtlitionahmaneuvering clearances complyingwilh in width where the depth exceetls 24 inches (610 Sections305.7.f artd 305:7.2 shall be provided, as mm). applicable. r - - ' REST ROOM DETAILS FOR VINEYARD 48 606 Lavatories amtl5inks 606+1 General. Accessible lavatories and sinks ~ shall comply wiih Section 606. G\5SE CE Oyu 606:2 CtearPfo~ar5pa¢e. A:cleer t{6orspace com- P4'~ R plying with Sse6on 365:3, positigned for forward ~ p appuassh shell be-ptovadsd 14naB and toeclear- * ~ anoecomp4ying with Sgotian 9tl'6~slvall beprovldad. Tna dip d tfie overflow sfiall m'dt: ba consiigered in r determining knee anddse:el[raranaas. - 0238 y E74G£PTIOMS: ~ NE`N 1. Aparallal approaeheomplyingwith Section 305shiitl'be~pernattBd~to-a kitchen sink in a -space whale a cook top or conventional - range Is Clot prowdsd 2 The rsgtlktimef+t for k~tteb ~t`da dYear- ries, faucets and soap disperisercontrols shall have anceshall notspply<ta a-0~an a toilet a reach depth of 17 inches (280 mm) maximum or, if and baihing~ fiat:iliry tot a~ ~geupant, automatic, shall be activated within a reach depth of aocssstltf~oniy throggh,aap ice-and 'flinches (280 mm)maximum.Water and soap flow ndCfor common use or-pr.Mlib use; shall be providetl with a reach tlepth of 11 inches (280 mm) maximum. 3. A kfxes clearance of 24 inches (6T0 mm) a3lriimumaboveNle floor shallbepermiHed. EXOEPTION: In Type A and Type B units, reach at lavatories and sinks used primarily by rangeforlavatory faucets and soap tlispensers is cfciltlren agss6 through l2 wherethe rim or not requietl. counter surface is 31 Inches (785 mm) 606.6 Exposed Pipes and Surtaces. Water suppry maxlraum athava-the'floor' antl drainpipes under lavatories and sinks shall be -ah. A}larallelappraach tmritplying wifh Section insulated or otherwise configured to protect against 305 shall k+s parnuMad'at lavatories and contact. There shall beno sharp or abrasive sur- sRYkspsaGprimarilybycfifltlren-ages5and faces under lavatories and sinks. younger. ~ 606.7OperatileParts.Operablepartsontoweldis- ~5. The 7equiremenLfcrknee and toe clear- pensers and hand dryeB shall comply with Table ancesttall not apply to more than one bowl 606.7. • of-e~multitiowl sick. 6. A parallel approach shall b2 permitted at wet bars. 666:3'k{sigh4. Thefron[of lavatories and sinks shall ger8lf~inches (865 mm)-maximum above [he floor, trfiegs6red tothe higher of the rim:or counter sur- ta4a. ~PTION:A lavatory In a toilet end bathing t'aCl~ty for a single occupant, accessedonly tkftrugh aprivale office and not for common use E ~ ar~pr5blleuse, shalfnotba requiredto complywitn ( .gym SBetioh608.3. ~ L 60&e4faucets..Faucets shall comply with Section 309.Rand•operated metering faucets shall remain opemfdr 10 seconds minimum. 606i5-Gavatofles!with-Enhanced Reach' flange. Fig. sosa Whers~enhanced reach rangeris required-at lavato- Height of Lavatories and Sinks