HomeMy WebLinkAboutGregg Shorthand Dictionary 1916 Il i 1 i i GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY BY JOHN ROBERT GREGG New and Revised Edition Copyright,1901,By John R.Gregg Copyright,1916.By The Gregg Publishing Company cXe Gr %6ls,6-,n Co�a� NEW YORK CHICAGO BOSTON SAN FRANCISCO LONDON Shorthand Forms Written by ALICE RINNE HAGAR C51-B.P.-50 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PREFACE The GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY has been com- piled particularly to meet the demands of students studying the system without the assistance of a teacher. Under ordinary circumstances, a Diction- ary of Gregg Shorthand is of but minor value,owing to the simplicity of the system, the.practical invari- ability of outline,and the fact that the vast majority of words may be quickly and -correctly constructed from the principles of the system presented in the Manual. On the other hand, the dictionary is a useful book of reference,and is also valuable in classi- fying and standardizing certain word terminations, as well as being useful for review and practice work. The present volume contains about seventeen thousand of the most common words—approximately ten thousand more than were included in the old edition. These words have been selected with a view of assisting the student in building up a comprehen- sive working vocabulary. In compiling the book,we were able to include a greater variety of words through the omission of many hundreds of deriva- tives formed by the addition of ly, ing,ingly,etc. The outlines in the dictionary are written in accordance with the principles presented in the new Manual of Gregg Shorthand issued about the same time. I desire to acknowledge my indebtedness to Mrs. Hubert A. Hagar for the beautiful shorthand forms in the dictionary, and for her assistance in selecting the words, and to Miss Kitty Dixon for her assist- ance in deciding many technical points and in the proof-reading of the pages. JOHN ROBERT GREGG. New York,June 17. 1916, GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY A Abjure (�_ Abrogate Aback Ablation �fl' Abrogation Abaft Ablative Abrupt Abandon Ablution Abruptness Abandon- i'—'— Abnegate Abscess ment Abase � Abnegation �j Abscond Abashed L_ Abnormal Absence Abate ef, Aboard Absentee Abatement Abode Absolute Abbey 1�1_ Abolish Absolution Abbreviate Abolition Absolve Abbreviatory Abolitionist Absorb Abdicant Abominable Absorption Abdicate Abominable- Abstain ness Abdication 4 Abominate �/' Abstemious Abdomen I'-- Abomination �/� Abstemious. ness in Abduct Aboriginal Abstinence Abduction /r�� Aborigines Abstract Aberrant L Abound l Abstracted Aberration About Abstraction Abeyance Above (, Abstruse Abhor Abrasion Absurd Abhorrenec Abrasive - Absurdity Abhorrent Abreast Abundance Abide Abridge Abundant 0 Ability Abridgment I/— Abuse (� Abject Abroad Abusive y OREOO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Abutment Acclamation o}q� Accustom Abuttal a D-e Acclimate (r Acerbity Abysmal I Acclimation 9a Acetic Abyss Accolade 9" Acetous Academic o✓ Accommo- P— Acetylene date a� Academically o✓� Accommo- Achieve dation Academician oI Aecompani- o-o Achromatic ment Academy Accompanist o Achromatic- r ally a-3/ Accede o7 Accompany �^ Acid off• Accedence �. Accomplice Y Acidity Accelerate o7 Accomplish Acidulate ,--4 „ Acceleration o[L Accomplish- 9~� Acidulous ment Accelerator o Accord o Acknowl- edge 03,E Accent o-^ Accordance s — Acknowl- edgment Accentuate Accordingly Acme Accentuation Accordion Acolyte m Accept-ante 1- Accost 0-1 Acorn v� Acceptabil- o Account Acoustic ( ity Acceptableo� Accountable � Acquaint- ( ance v� Acceptation al�­� Accountant Acquaint- ancea e-7 Accessible o— Accredit �_a Acquiesce .-'i/ Accessibility Accretion Acquiescence �( Accession Accrue o i+ Acquire Accessory - Accumulate oa-- Acquirement 43 Accident owe Accuracy Acquisition a-7_, Aecidental ago Accurate Acquisitive s.� Acclaim Accuse tea- Acquit GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARRY 3 Acquittal �p Adaptable L Adjourn e7 Acreage s1 Adaptation 99` Adjudge �✓ Acrid Addenda /!9� Adjudicate --9---Acridity Addendum ` Adjunct --Acrimonious Adder Adjure a - Acrimony Addict Adjust 7 Acrobat Addiction Adjustable `sem Acrobatic Addition Adjutant 0 o--� Abross Address Administer e--,1 Acrostic Addressee ----f Adminis- tration e� Action Addresser Adminis- trative v� Actionable Adduce Adminis- / trator o� Active -d Adduct �-� Adminis- tratrix Activity d­p Adenoid >-'/ Admirable o+'-- Actor d-"' Adept (�-'^�Admiral Actress Adequacy Admiralty e-^-� Actual �� Adequate c-7- Admiration a--- Actually y Adhere Admire o ^� Actuary G Adherence Admirer Actuate I- Adherent Admissible v� Acumen Adhesion (o-� Admission e� Acute Adhesive Admit Adage Adieu �� Admittance Adamant �qq Adipose ' Admixture Adamantine y/j999 Adjacent >—' Admonish Adapt Adjective e-"> Admonition Adaptability Adjoin �� Adoleseen(t I (ce 4 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY e""' Adopt Adopt Adversity Affect o y Adoption �q Advert Affectation d7 Adorable ` Advertise Affection d'�7� Adoration � Advertise- � Affectionate 99 ent o'—� Adore Z Advwertiser Affiant Adorn yJ Advis{able Affidavit �— Adornment 9,,) Advisability Affiliate Adriatic Adviser Affiliation Adrift Advisory Affinity 6 Adroit Advocacy Affirm o"'7 Adulation Advocate „ Affirmation ,f' Adult Adz es Affirmative �,pD Adulterate Aegean AM. G Adulteration Aeolian Afflict Adultery ¢p Aeration 2� Affliction �q Advance )-� Aerial G... Affluence Advantage Q-,- Aeriform Affluent Advanta- Aerometer Afflux q genus 1/ Advanta- ¢---- Aeronaut Afford yy geousness liy Advent ago Aeronautic Po Affray Gyy4 Adventitious 9 Aeronautics �f+ Affright Adventure ¢C� Aeroplane Affront 1r Adventurer ¢y, Aerostation Aforehand !/f Adventurous s-o Aesthetic Aforemen- tinned Adverb Affability Y Aforesaid Adversary Affable (o Afraid Adverse �--9 Affair Africa GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 5 After99/� Agility lm_� Aisle Afterclap / Agitate 6 Ajar Aftercrop d' Agitation 1a Akin Aftermath y Agnostic Q__1 Alabaster Afternoon Agnosticism ate`Alacrity �✓ After- Agog Alarm thought Afterward Agonize 2P Alas e— Again Agony Alaska Against Agrarian a� Albatross �yTI Agate ,. Agree (¢�� Album / g O L A e Agreeability Albumen Agency . Agreeable Q_Alchemy Agent — Agreement Q—Alcohol Agglomerate ti Agricultural Q Alcoholic —Agglomera- Agriculture o---,Alcoholism tion Aggrandize Agriculturist any Alcove p� Aggravate Ague Alder D) 9' Aggravation O Ah ✓ Alderman Aggregate •O Aha Q_ / Alert Aggregation Ahead Q—1 Alertness Aggress s Ahoy Q7 Algebra Aggression �� Aigret ¢�/ Algebra- Q7_ ically Aggressive or Ailment �,� Alias O Aggressor Aimless Alibi Aggrieve Aimlessness Alien .___4 Aghast ¢v Airily 2_j Alienable L9 Agile o4'- Air-tight v r6 Alienate 6 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Q2. Alienation Q- Allow t Also Q� Align Qy Allowable Altar e--��lignment (Q— Allowance ...... Alter Q_-� Alike Q_.r Alloy ... Alterable Q-- Aliment Allspice Alterant Q-�Alimentary Allude `9 Alteration Q_—Alimony Q-- Allure Altercate Q� Aliquot lz�Allurement Altercation y Alive Q- Allusion `.S Alternate �Alkali Q. Allusive `-6-52 Alternative All Q Ally -- Although Q---I Allay Almanac Qom- Altitude Allegation Almighty Q-----Altitudinal 0-7, Allege �� Almond Qom' Alto 07 Allegiance s- Almost ✓ Altogether Q- Allegorical Q Aloe Altruism Q_�Allegory 2� Aloft Q_,- Altruist_ Q� Alleviate Q— Alone Q---- Altruistic �Q- Alleviation Q— Along Q--- Alum Q-^. Alliance a_� Alongside o-Aluminium Allied Q---r Aloof ---Alumni ¢� Alligator Aloud Q- ' Alumnus Q-- Alliteration Q� Alpaca — Always Q Allopathic Q-:,, Alphabet Amalgam Allopathy Q.' Alphabetical Amalgamate O Q_s Allot Q-,. Alpine Amalga- mation Q--✓"Allotment Already v---r Amanuensis GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 7 Amass o— America Amplitude _-e'— Amateur American Amputate --6�7 Amative Amethyst Amputation c—e;' Amatory Amiability Amulet Amaze (� Amiable Amuse Amazement e—j Amicability Amusement Amazingly �( Amicable >—e Amusingly --e Amazon � Amidships ov— Anachronism Ambassador --4 Amidst —9 Anaemia Amber -- Amiss Anaemic Ambidex- o e Amity Anaesthesia terity Ambidex- Ammonia —o Anaesthetic trous r� Ambient 3 Ammunition Anagram �a Ambiguity Amnesty oma. Anagram- matic Ambiguous Among Anagram- matical Ambi tion —? Amongst Analogical tious Ambrosia Amorous Analogous Ambulance Amount v Analogy Ambuscade Ampere Analysis Ambush �Z� Amperom- Analyst eter Ameliorate Amphibia o Analytical �— oAmelioration Amphibious Analyze Amenable Amphl- Anarchical 7.7 bology Amend —77 Amphi- w9 Anarchist theater Amendable --r Ample Anarchy —---Amendment AmplRfica- o� Anatomical o Amenity �� Amplify --4-- Anatomy 8 GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY o-r Ancestor Animal ova Anodyne v� Ancestorial o- 6 Animate Anoint oz-- Ancestral Animation Anomalous _Z. Ancestry Pte'% Animosity Anomaly ­_ Anchor Animus v-G- Anonymous _-y Anchorage �- _ Ankle Another / Anchovy -+ Annals .7r Answer -7, Ancient Anneal Answerable _T___,_> Ancillary Annex ( ,. Answerleas Andante Annexation Antagonist J� o Andiron Annihilate Antagonistic / r Anecdote Annihilation Antagonize Anent -j' Anniversary p ° Antarctic Angel / Anne Domini C, Anteeede (A.D.) o J Angelical Annotate �� Antecedence /�. Anger Annotation Antecedent 0 Angle Announce Anteeessor -.____._...Angler _--- Announce- Ante- ment o chamber �- Angle. Annoy Antedate American o Anglo-Saxon r Annoyance Antediluvian �• Angora. Annual Antelope o 1> Angrily - Annually Ante- meridian Angry �'� Annuity Antemun- dane Anguish =''_- Annul Antenuptial 0 Angular Annulment ,Antepasehal O Angularity ,r. Annuncia- Antepenult tion a*"-" Aniline --_s Annunciator Anteprandial GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 9 Anterior 0 Antiseptic Apology Anteroom Antithesis Apoplexy 0 Anthem "t Antitoxin Apostate ora° Anthog- -- —""Antler �, Apostle raphy Anthoid Anvil Apostolate Anthologist Anxiety i Apostolic c� Anthology v-._. Anxious Apostrophe Anthracite Anybody t9 Apothecary yr Anthro- 6 Anyhow Apotheosis pology Antic e Anyone Appalachian AntichristAnything cf� Appall C/ Antieipant Aorta Appallingly 0 Anticipate Apace 6 Apparatus Anticipation � Apaches Apparel Anticlimax Apart <::f:� Apparent Antidote Apartment � Apparition a Antilogy o Apathetic C� Appeal p —Antimonial Apathy Appear o Antimony Aperient G+ Appearance 0 Antipathy Aperture Appease 0 L Antiphon Apex ✓ Appellant a Antipodal Aphorism Appellation D Antipode CQ/° Aphrodite (f," Append 0 Antipodes Apiary Appendage co_ Antiquarian 4:�l Apocryphal 4f'�` Appendi- citis O Antique Kf$ Apologetic Appendix Antiquity 4—f Apologize Appercep- tion 10 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Li Appertain Apprehensi- Aquiline bility Appetite Apprehen- ¢O Arabian sable C Grp Appetizingly Apprehen- ga Arabic sion G, Applaud Apprehen- g Arbiter sive G y Applause Apprentice 01, Arbitrary Apple Apprise (ate Arbitrate �9r Appliance Approach �a�y Arbitration �r Applicability Approach- ojArboreal �� able 41" �s Applicant Approbation ¢j Arbutus Application Appropriable (2— Arc Applique Appropriate Arcadia �v Apply Appropria- o-,Arcanum tion Appoint Ap)roval /' Arch Appointable Approve Archffiog- raphy c� Appointee Approximate cL-, Archwology Appointer Approxima- a a, Archaic tion v-- Appointment Appurte- `7 Archangel nance !y Apportion �� Apricot Archbishop Apportion- April �� Archdeacon most Apposite Apron /�r Archdiocese Apposition L Apropos Archduke Appositive 4.f Aptitude Archipelago Appraise 6f Aptly ova Architect Appreciable � Aptness —r—Architee- �o tural lj Appreciat{ion.�� Aquatic �'' Architecture Appreciative ve'— Aqueduct 0/7 Archive �C�i/ Apprehend os Aqueous Archway t'IRI; G SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 11 y/ Arctic o� Armchair Artery Ardent a -m Armeni4n Artesian &," Ardor a 7 /Armful o, Artful �1 Arduous Armhole oZ Artfulness Qp Area o_Zg Armistice ol, Artichoke Arefaction Armory d Article Areometer o_e Army ops Articular Argent a<31 Arnica -----'Articulary Argentine - Aroma Articulate Argonaut d Aromatic Articulation Argosy o✓ Around Articulative c.— Argot 0-17 Arouse .Articulator Argue Q- Arraign Artifice 0— Argument e-,—Arraignment oma/ ArtiScial ¢rti Argus ¢a Arrange- c'' Artillery ` ment Aridity Arrant ae Artisan ¢.p Arise ¢n Array- aP Artist ¢p, Aristocracy ¢p Arrest d Artistic o- Aristocrat as' Arriv{alp Artistry as- Arithiftetic Arrogance Artless Camp Arithmetical Arrogant Artlessness ¢----�'Arithme- Arrogate Asbestos titian ¢— Ark ¢-.- Arrow Ascend a- Arm Q-� Arsenal �s Ascendancy Armada Q-1- Arsenic 9� Ascendant a e--Armament Q . Arson Ascension 0_-6� Armature d Art Ascent 12 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 14— Ascertain Aspirate Assign 90 Ascetic CSP Aspiration Assignability v`3 f Asceticism 6 Aspire try Assignable 9y Ascribable C� Assail (�- Assignation 9— Ascribe Assailable Assignee 2.y Ascription <� ./ Assailant - Assignment Aseptic Assassin Assignor 9 Ash Assassinate -9---=-.--r Assimilation c Ashamed Assassins. Assimilative tion Ashen Z1 Assault R r'Assimilate Ashore -9 Assay f/ Assist 90 Asiatic -0— Assayer t Assistance 19 Aside -9-7 Assemblage j-,' Assistant -9- Asinine 52----, Assemblance y9 Assize l Asininity -9---- Assembl t e Fy Associate r Ask Assent Association Asleep Assert Associative Asparagus al- Asserter Assort Aspect Assertion 9r'' Assortment �p Aspen Ip Assess /y� Assuage ( Asperity f- Assessment L— Assuagement Aspersion Assessor 97 Assumable -Z- Asphalt s Assessorship -9 Assume Asphyxia .9- Asset S—i Assumption q Asphyxiate Asseverate 9y Assurance Jp Asphyxiation �' Assiduity Assure 9b� Aspirant Assiduous �'sg Assyrian OREOO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 13 9-o Aster a-01- Atheist Attainability Asterisk 6'y Atheistic 0�1 Attainable 9r Astern er>`..-- Atheistical cf�����- Attainment 9—," Asteroid a-P' Atheneum Z Attar 9--a Asthma Athlete Attempt 2—p Asthmatic �'o Athletic 6�* Attend �� =f Astigmatism9 Athletics a Attendance 9 O Astir a Athwart I--- Attendant 9''? Astonish 4r-"'= Atlantic 1 ' Attention 9'--"' Astound o�-'F' AtIas 6 Attentive 3— Astrakhan s"-Y Atmosphere 6--" Attenuate ^ Astral 6—Y Atmospheric o Attenuation 9tin Astray 6'7—1' Atmospher- d' Attest ical Astride 6 Atom a-f Attestation Astringency e—~ Atomical Attic Astringent e---7 Atomize Attire 9^ Astrography cry' Atonable d' Attitude 9 c Astrology I-- "' Atonement 6^' Attorney `-----"'Astrometer 0-1s, Atrocious $ Attorneyabip 51--Astronomer 6 Atrocity c" Attract 9--- ^Astrononue 0:�7 Atrophy e-- Attraction 9^-F-- Astronomy ILLI Atropine 6 7 Attractive 9' Astute ol- Attach /� Attribute ��`.. Asunder /01, Attache Attribution E%�Asylum Attachment o"?' Attrition Atelier o'`f' Attack 0" Attune I-A_ Atheism er- Attain 1�f Aubnrn Ld GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Auction d 6 Authenti- e-1.1 Avalanche este ?y Auctioneer ✓' Authenticityy Avarice v3 Audacious Author oly Avaricious ✓' Audacity Authorita- Avenge tive Audibility Authority Avenue Audible 4 Authorize- Aver tion Audience Authorize Average d Audit ^"> Authorship Averse Auditor Autobiog- Avert rapher Auditorium y Autobiog Aviary (� raphy w Augment ✓ 6 Autocracy Aviation r Augments- Autocrat► Aviator tion q Augments- Autocratic f Avid tive -- - Augur- Autograph f Avidity August ✓ Autographic .2j Avocation of Aunt Autography 2 Avoid -e-1 Aureole Automatic / Avoidable n Auricle v �O Automatical ( Avoidance Aurora Automatism Z Avoirdupois 5-,__.i Auscultate Automaton of Avow Auscultation d—Autonomy Await Auspices Autopsy Awake Auspicious d '- Autumn 2'q ' Awakening 91, Austere ✓"f Autumnal Award Austerity Z--� Auxiliary •Q- Aware Authentic Avail a Away Authenti- Available y Awe cally GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 15 _ Awesome Awning c-3_ Axiomatic 0 Awful ¢.v Awry o Axis •as Awhile Ax oZ_ Axle Awkward dam_ Axiom Azure t6 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY / B I/- Bake Banner b Babble I// Bakery Banquet ( Baboon Balance Bantam Babyhood Balcony Baptist Babylonian / Bald / Baptize Bacealau- Bale (z. Bar reale Bachelor /�'" Ballad � Barb Bachelor- 61-1 Ballast y� Barbarian / hood 6 Backbone (C� Balloon Barbarism Background 4L- Ballot Barbarity Backhand Balm Barbarous �✓ Backward 4-11, Balsam Barber Backward- Balustrade b ' Bard / ness Bacon Bamboozle Bare 141, Bacteria Ban Bargain Beeterio- l-' Banal Barge logical Bacteriolo- Banality Baritone gist G Bad Banana Bark Badge Band [ Barley Badger / Bandage /� Barn �ei" Badinage Bandeau b� Barnaeie Baffle Bandit //e V Barograph Bag Bang Barometer Bagatelle Banish Baron �j Baggage Bank . Baroness Bail Bankrupt Baronet Bankruptcy Barrn eFaBait / OREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 17 Barrack' J' Batter Beaver t Barrel G✓ Battle Beckon 6� Barren / Bauble e</ Becomingly too Barrenness 6 Bay Becoming. / nese Barricade Bayonet (// Bedaub Barrier Bayou Bedeck Barrister Bazaar v Bedlam Bartender Beach - Bedraggle � 4 Barter Beacon e// Bedridden Basal G Bead / Bedroom Basement d Beadlo Bedspread Bashful / Beak 6 Bee Bashfulness d— Beam Beech Basic / Bean Beechnut Basin tz Bear Beechtree Basis 6/ Beard Jr Beef Basket Beardless 6 Beetle Bas-relief Beast f Befall Bass Beastly < Befit Baste Beatific Beforehand Bastinado �1 Beatification r Beforetime d Bat �/" Beatitude yr Befriend Batch, Gam/ Beauteous c11-:'� Began Bath GP Beauties �// Beggar 6/ Bathe 7 Beautiful G--ti-P- Beggarliness d Batonty/ Beautify 4/ Begin I- ' Battalioa o!� Beauty L---�- Beginner 18 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Begone C Below 19: Benzoate Begrudge Belt Ir- Bequeath Beguile Bemoan �y Bequest 11 Beguilement Bench F.n Berate C" Begun Bend Bereave , Behalf Bendable Bereavement Behave Bender Bereft Behavior / Beneath Berry Behead G! Benedict Berth Beheld Benedictine Beseech. Behest �/' Benediction Beset b Behind Benefaction Besetment Behindhand Benefactor Beside L-- Behold / Benefactress /// Besiege Behoove Beneficence Besieger Belfry Beneficent Besmear Belie Beneficial Besmirch /G Belie{Ye Beneficiary Bespatter Believable Benefit Bespeak G� Believer / Benevolence Beat Belittle / Benight Bestir Bellicose 4 Benign Bestow Belligerence eP" Benignancy It Bestowal Belligerency 4 Benignantf Bet Belligerent Benumb Bethink Bellow t Benumbment / Betray G. Belong Benzine L.a Betrayal OREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONAR/Y 14 I'll,Betrothal y Bid (/ Biographic Better d' Bidden l/ Biographical 6/ Betterment Bidder C//, Biography Between &4_ Bide (` Biologic-al (e: Betwixt / Biennial Cf/ Biologist Bevel (, Big t/ Biology Beverage /c'_ Bigamy t Biplane / Bevy G Bigger Birch Bewail 4'; Biggest Bird p Beware Bigot Birdlike �" Bewilder 4- Bigotry (, `O Bird's-eye Bewitch /� Bijou Birthday rrF Beyond t-- ---Biliteral Biscuit Biangular Billboard Bisect 1 Biannual /l Billet Bisector f� Bias Billhead Bishop y� Bible � Billiard Bishopdom (� Biblical G///e�--"�'Bimetallic Bismuth Bibliography G-s�--�---Bimetallism Bison Bicarbonate // {___--�' Bimonthly / Bit —Bieentenary Bimuscular ay Bite Bicentennial Binary Li Bitter $� Biceps Bind Bitterness G �a Bichloride Bindery Bivouac Bicker G Binnacle Bizarre C Bicolor / Binocular Black Bicycle ( Biographer Blackball ZO GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Blackberry L— Bleak Cl-t-Bloodshot / Blackbird r� Bleakest Bloom Blacklist C Bleakness Bloomingly .n Blackmail Blear Blossom t.._�.F Blackness Bleat Blot Blacksmith / Bleed t ✓ Blotter C• ' Bladder t s Blemish C m Blouse Blade Blench Blow Blame �� Blend Blown Blrmeful Bless o Blow-out �Blameless 6P Blight Blubber C� Blameworthy Blind Bludgeon Blanch t L Blink Blue (fs--Blandish- Bliss Bluff went / Blandly Blissful Bluffer C" Blandness / Blissfulness C/s Blunder Blank Blister "' Blunt Blanket 61 Blithe Blur C_._., Blare C--- --Blithesome l//� Blurt Blas6 Blizzard s Blush Blaspheme Bloat Bluster Blasphemy Block Blusterous Blast Blockade Boa con- strictor Blatant Blockhouse 4, Board Blaze �� Blond Boarder Blazon Blood Boast Bleach (f—,---Bloodless Boat GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 21 Boatswain 11-�,' Book Bough Bobbin Bookbinder l! Bought 1/ Bodice Bookkeeper Bouillon L, Bodily z':---- Boom Boulevard l// Bodkin Boon L/� Bounce L/ Body Boost 6 Bound G- Bog t// Boot ILI,s Boundary Bohemian 41 Booth t_/_,.- Boundless 4 - Boiler Booze Bounteous Boisterous 4/P9 Boras Bountiful Bold f/ Border G/ Bounty l ' Boldness 11-�// Bore Bouquet Bolster 4 Boric / Bourbon Bolt G Born Ga/ Bourgeois Bolter Borne Bout Bomb Borough Bovine Bombard Borrow d Bower j Bombast Bosom Bowl J� Bona fide t Boss K-1-- Bowlder y// Bonbon I/'—' Botanic c/n Bowstring G-G-- Bond 1/1--, Botanical 4 Bos Bondage 11/1 Botanist Boy Gam-` Bondholder Botany Boycott "'-"Bondsman Botch Boyhood Bone Bother Brace 61 Sonnet Bottles Bracelet r i / L3 Ronna U�� Bottom C..?,- Bracket 22 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY LI Brag L/s^---'' Breathless 6;2 Brimful / t/s ✓' Braggadocio Cs/^— Breathlessly C..,/--�Brimless C Braggart Cs^— Breathless- Brine /Cl— / nese Braid 4, Breeze Bring. Brain Breeziness Brink (v Brake Brethren Brisk Branch Breve Bristle C sig Brand Brevity t/✓"� Britannia Brandish 1/ Brew t l" Britannic (p/ Brass Brewery /C11- British (p Bravado �a Bribe Briton Brave (� Bribery C-- Brittle Bravery / Bric-a-brac Broach Glyj� Bravo Brick / Broad C Brawl Bridal Broaden Brawn Bride Broadside Brawniness Bridge / Brocade tom. Brawny Cd— Bridle t X Brochure Brazilian &�,_Brigade Brief Broil 7 Breach Broke G/* Bread / Bright Broker (✓ Breadth (6 Brighten Brokerage Break Brightly Bromide Breakable Cn' Brightness /Bronchial Breakage Brilliancy (� Bronchitis (s� Breath Brilliant / Broncho (-1 Breathe Brim Bronze GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY' 23 7 Brooch G!s' Buckram "— Bungle Brood Bud 6"' Bunion C-1'// Brook Budge Bunk Broom Budget 6. Bunting C Brother / Buffalo / Buoy Brotherhood G/ Buffet l/y Buoyancy Brother-in- of a Buggy L/ Buoyant / law r Brotherli- Bugle Burden news Brougham C/ Build Burean 4r Brow Builder Bureau. eratie G Brown Built Burgess tl Bruise BulbLBurglar ("I Brunette � Bulge {z.-�Burglary Brunt Bulk 6_/�; Burgundy Brush t_ Bulkiness Burial / Brusque Bulky / Burlap L. Brutal ✓ Bullet Burlesque 61----^' Brutality Bulletin Burn Brutalize Bullion Burnish Brutally 4:�—Bulwark / Burnt t/r Brute Bump C Burst L Bubble t_ Bumpkin Bushel C. Buck L7 Bumptious Busily Buckboard Bunch Business Bucket Bunehiness Businesslike Buckeye F—, Bundle Busy Buckle �. Bungalow Busybody 24 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Butcher G Button Buzz G--^ Butler Buttonhole Buzzard 4J' Butter 411 ° Buttress br v Bygone `� Butterfly L Buxom t By law tiRiGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 25 0 Cake -Q-- Calligraph- ical Cabaret Calabash —Z Calligraphy Cabbage Calamitous �_� Calliope Cabina_:.-� Calamity ¢ Callous �o Cabinet -e_ Calash n__ Callow Cable Calcareous a Calm Cablegram .-�_J Calcify — Calmness Caboose o_ _a Calcimine -------'Calomel a -Cackle 4__a Calcine Caloreseenee a Cactus - Calcite —Calorie Cadaverie o_z__Calcium - Caloricity Cadaverous y Calculable ':;r Calorific �r" Cadence (o_. Calculate --¢ Calorill a. tion s Cadency a_ Calculation --2----,6 Calumniate Cadet a Calculative ---------Calumniator --'Calumniator Cadetship �/ Calculator _-- Calumnious Cadger Caldron —Calumny ,e � Cadillac Calefaeient a� Calvary zt Caf6 .s Calendar Cambric Caffeie Calfskin -Camel Caffeine Caliber -a Cameo CaffetannicL--��Calico ccs Camera Cage --e._ Calisthenics .,- ---.Cameralistic 2-- Cairn -v Call Camomile r� Caisson .-- Caller �--Z Camp �.� CattlEr Calligrapher a Z Campaign Cajole - 4-- Calligraphic .aL Camphor 2.6 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Camphorate Cannibal / Canvass Campus Cannibalism / Canvasser Can / Cannon Caoutchoue CanadaCannonade Cap �. Canadian Cannot Capability . Canal - Canny Capable Canard .a Canoe Capacious -4�-Q' Canary Canoeist Capacitate rar Cancel a a Canon Capacity -a-7 Cancellation Canonical Caparison Cancer .-,�-�.,� Canonist Zo Caper Candelabra a—-f Canoniza- Capful tion ✓' Candent raj Canopy Coping Candid ✓6 Cant Capillarity Candidacy Cantaloupe Capillary Candidate Cautanker- 2 Capital one Candidature -�`p Cantata Capitalist ✓ Candidness Cantatrice Capitaliza- tion Candied Canteen Capitalize Candle Canter Capitally Candor Cantharis Capitol r✓'^ Candy ✓^ Canticle Capitular 1a- Cane f Cantilever �o Capitulate Canine �-r'/ Cantillate Capon Canister Canto Caprice �^a Canker a-/� Canton Capricious -�. < Cannery - Cantor �� Capricorn GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 27 Capsize Carboniza- ----''"Carminic tion Capstan Carbonize Carnage Capstone Carbuncle —'Carnal Capsular a! Card - Carnate Capsulate Cardboard --> Carnation Capsule Carder ------Carnelian Captain .��°^ Cardiac y Carneous Captaincy .-a,-"'-''Cardinal Carnival Caption .a��Cardinalate Carnivorous Captious .,, -"''Cardinalship CaroI Captivate 2, Cardiograph a Carom Captive Cardio- --+x. 9 Carouse graphic )� Captivity Cardioid Carp / Capture /` Carditis - Carpenter Car -a Care Carpet Q Carafe a 9 Careen Carriage _Q_-----'Caramel Career _ Carrier Q-Q Carat Careful Q Carrot Caravan Q Careless -a> Carry Q_- Caraway c Carelessness Carryall y Carbine --a-e Caress -2>1 Cart Carbineer Caret 7 Cartage -y Carbolic --a v Careworn /v/ Carte :41 blanche Carbon -zr -v Cargo e,,.e---' Cartel Carbons- y Caribou -a 9 Carter ceous ,C y Carbonate -o Caricature v^-7 Cartilage (yam Carbonic -------Carmine -z---/— Cartogra- pher 28 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Cartographic Casual Cathedral Cartograph- Casualism Cathode ieally r� -- �� Cartography r Casualty —,-- Cathodic Carton Casuist Catholic ` Cartoon '"`-''-"Cataclysm ,"--;r Catholicism Cartoonist Catalepsy 2, Catholicity Cartridge Catalogue r— Cattle Carve —G Catalpa 3 Caucus Cascade Zr----'Catamount Caught Case -� Cataphonics _,,_ yCauliflower 3_ Casement .-z5- Cataract ? Causal Caseous Catarrh Causation Cash 42 --'' Catarrhal Cause r� Cashier, CatastropheCauseless Cashmere Catch Causeway Casino Catcher r Caustic p Casket Catchword zy-> Causticity Casserole _,-�3 Cateehetio —,'-x --Cauterism Cassock Cateehetical Cauteriza- tion Cast oma Cateehisa- Cauterize tion Castaway Caution Caste Catechize i z� Cautionary y Caster Categorical Cautious Castigate Category Cavalcade Castigation 2f Cater Cavalier Castle Caterer Cavalry Cast-o8 Caterpillar a Cave GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 29 Cavern Cemetery `/ Centrode Cavernous t Censor ---,-_Centuplicate o Caviar 1rp Censorate Centurion Cavil -e,__ Censorial a-^ Century Cavity 3 Censorious <� Cereal Cavort Censorship y Cerebral Cayenne Censurable C� Cerebrate 9 Cease -29 Censure � Cerebration Z,.-- Ceaseless Census Cerebric Ceaselessly J Cent s Ceremonial Cedar Centnt Ceremonial- ism d� Cede a/`� Centenarian Ceremonious f,. Ceiling / Centenary — Ceremony Celebrate -,- Centennial E, Cerise Celebration Center Y' Certain 4—_ _ Celerity Centerboard Y'-'p Certainty Celery �� Centerpiece 9�2 Certificate 4L--e- Celestial `n Centigrade J Certification Celibacy �- Centime dr Certify �.. Cell Central Certitude E- ,,.. Cellar t Centraliza• qr Cessation tion C-- Cellular `�F Centralize y Cession E_......-.>Celluloid Centrally Cessionary C_-v-YCellulose %- Centric Chafe Celt ti Centrical r1 ` Chagrin Cement Centrifugal oL Chain s Cementation - Centripetal Chainlees 30 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY e� Chainlet Changeable- c'- Charily ness 6 Chair ( Changeful Chariness i — Chairman /� Changer l.✓ Chariot Chairman- aZ-_ Channel Charioteer ship y Chaise Chant Charitable 4.e Chalice .-451 Chaos Charitable- ne� Chalk a Chaotic f Charity 0 Challenge ..-ate Chaotically'. ---dCharlatan Challenge- Chap l Charm able �S Challenger Chapel Charmer 0--- Challis 6�.. Chaperon d^-- Charnel ofj Chamber Chaplain Chart Chamberlain, Chaplain- Charter ship Chameleon Chaplet Chary off'^ Chamois Chapter Charybdis Champagne ul Char 9 Chase ,ZZ Champion Character _ Chasm Champion- Character- .1)( Chassis ship istie '4 Chance Charaeteris- �/ Chasten "- tical o .. Chancel .-�� Character- .cy�f' Chastise ization o� Chancellor Characterize 6 Chat Chancellor- Character. A' Chateau ship less o Chancery 6-, ' Charade Chatelaine ---'Chandelier t Charcoal /`- Chattel / Change f Charge d Chatter I Changeabil- ! Chargeable Chatterer ( ity f Changeable f Charger 4 Chauffeur GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 81 d Cheap �/ Chess Chimerical L Cheapen Chest - Chimney Cheapness 4,, Chestnut Chin Cheat Chevalier China Cheatable Cheviot Chinamen .L Cheater Chew 1 Chinchilla Check d Chic o/r Chinese i �- Checker t-a Chicane Chink Cheek ,4- Chicken �l Chip Cheep �' Chide Chipmunk Cheer Chidingly -¢ r Chirograph l/ CheerfulChief' z� Chirographer { Cheerfulness Chieftain -e.�, Chirographie �v Cheerily j( Chiffon ---q- Chirograph- ical r Cheeriness a/ Chiffonier -.P-, Chirography `o CheeringlyLCI Chilblain -p- Chirologieal Cheerless k-:- Child a Chirologist Cheese JL-;j' Childhood --4-, Chirology Chef 4— Childish � Chirp .� Chemical j--1- Childishness L Chisel .a Chemist 4�.-- Children Chivalric 3 G , Chemistry L� Chill Chivalrous Ey Cherish Chilliness Chivalry 6 i Cheroot Chilly _ Chloral �. Cherry c - Chime Chlorate Cherub -a e_o Chimera Chlorine Chernbie Chimerio -..�_ Chloroform 32 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY zq Chlorous Chromate --I Cider Chocolate o Chromatic t Cigar 1p Choice Chromatic. d p Cigarette ally of Choir •--b--Chromic '7' Cinch Choke .-..._ BZ4PIChromotype -Z-1 Cinder CholeraChronic a --cinnamon Choleric Chronicle Cipher Choose Chronicler d i Circle t Chop Chronograph Circlet Chord a Chronog- Circuit rapher j Chore Chrano- Circuitous graphic --x�o Chorister Chronologic 1`---'' Circular t Chorograph y Chronologist `' circularity Chorogra- Chronology L. Circularise pher - c--�Chorograph- - Chronometer ``_-P Circulate ical chorus c-""Chronomet- Circulation rie Chose _ �'Chrysanthe- :L„y"—''Circulator mum Chosen Chubby Circum- f y & ambient O" Chowder Chnek �� Cireum- ambulate Christ ( Chuckle `- Circum- elusion ---t! Christen L__ Chum Circumduee --rf' Christendom C Chunk %Y' Circnmduct Christian Church Cireumdue- tion Christianity churl J Cireum- ference p Christlike > Churlish U Circumfleet. Christmas Churn Circumflex 'Christmas- /✓ Chute ` Srcum$gs tido Cion GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 33 Cireumfaae o" Cite a Clang Circum- Citified `a J Clangor fusion �-, Circum- yr Citizen Lsz Clank locution Cireum- Jf Citizenship st> Clannish loeutory Cireum- Citrate .,_.clansman navigable f' Cireum- d Citric Clap / navigate Circum- d Citron e n Claret / navigation Circum- ! Citrus Clarification navigator Cireum- d` City. �� Clarify rotation Circum- Civic --EClarinet t scribable { Circum- / Civil Clarion scribe y Circum- Q Civilian ti Clarity seription Circum- Civility `o Clash scriptive Circumspect Civilization Clasp Circum Civilize tC Class spectioa Circum- _ -�Clad Classie speetness. Cireum- _a Claim a Classically stance y ' Circum- j Claimable Classification i stantial l Y� Cireum- . �/ Claimant .� Classify stantiate Circum- Clairvoyance ----e--6Classmate c, vent Circum- G Clairvoyant. .`_.Ir"Clatter ention Cireum- Clam Clatteringly l ventive G� Cireumvolve �Clammy ---r Clause Circus 7—/_ Clavicle Xp /Cistern Lszr Clamp .- --� Claw ,- Citadel Clan -.s Clay a Citation ,-.A-°JClandestme Clean 34 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY . + Cleaner Clew ti Cloud o- Cleanlily ` a Click -----"Cloudily "Cloudily .._r Cleanliness n Client 1 a Clout Cleanly Clientage .-,� Clove Cleanness ��v Clientele Clover Cleansable .� Cliff Clown Ur, Cleanse Climate v Cloy p� Cleanser m-P Climax y Club 1-a Clear-ly a—Climb ( Cluck Clearance Clinch 7 Clump �. Clear-cut Cling -L,. Clumsiness Clearer _ eL ..Clingstone Clumsy ...`,.s_ Clearness ,.ti,s+- Clinic ._..�r Cluster _y Cleavage f Clinical _� Clutch 1y/ Gleave ti R Clink Clutter Cleaver - Clip Coach Cleft .T Clique _ Coachman .r---esaClematie Cloak Coal .._.�Clemency Clock Coalesce -,--,-- Clement -'Clod Coalescence Clergy ------,Clog -7--.c--.�Coaleseent r Clergyman _ Cloister z Coarse I Clergy- Close Z Coarsen woman .. Clerical Closet _ Coast -�--- Clerk _ Closure Goat .. .y Clerkship ✓ Cloth ,r Coax Clever clothes - Coaxer GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 3$ Coaxingly Coffee .w- Coin Cobble Coffer .-�� Coincide Cobblestone �2 Coffin - r Coincidence Cobweb - Cog v Coincident Cocaine cogency Coiner Cochineal Cogent a Coke Cockade Cogitability ,---P---'Colander -�✓'Cockle ( Cogitable / Cold Cockney Cogitate 0 Coldly R Cocktail Cogitation Coldness Cocoa Cogitative - _. Colic Cocoanut Cognac ..Colicky Cocoon Cognate ----, -.Coliseum Cod -+, Cognition ev Collaborate --'Coddle --o-2 Cognitive (D Collapse Code 7 Cognizable Collar ?� Codfish --e,, Cognizance c o Collate Dodger , Cognizant Collateral Codicil —Cognomen Collation 7,"t ''Codicillary —A- Cohere ----+ -Colleagae Codification * Coherence Collect ✓J Codify a p Coherent �� Colleetanea Coefficient -ya Cohesion t -% Collectedly ,�a Coerce Cohesive Collected- nese Coercible u/ cohort -y Collectible pe> Coercion Coiffure .�( Collection Coercive Coil - Collective 36 ORIPO(; SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Collective- —k---*' Colonist Combustion uses CollectorColonization Come z�y Collectorate x_ P Colonize Comedian Collectorship Colonnade Comedy College Colony Comeliness Collegian Color Comely Collegiate Colorable t Comestible Collide ��_._.Colorless Comet Collie t Y Colossal 2 Comfort a Collier Colt �j Comfortable r� Colliery Columbia t Comfort- L/� ableness zs Colligate y --�.-- Columbine Comforter a >Colligation ,G Column �l Comfortless Collision —,_---Columnar'Columnar , Comic —�....v'"Collodion .fir Comatose Comical � Colloquial _ Comb Comicality -----.)_Coiloquial- Combat Comity ism -� Colloquialize Combatable Comma a Colloquy Combatant �v Command e_ ✓ Collude Combative /Commandant a—Cologne Comber Commander Colombier Combinable �� Commander- ship Colon Combination Command- mgt ------'Colonel Combine —Command- ment w s Coloneley Combust _ten Commemo- rate --^—^`'Colonelship Combusti- oCommemo- bility ration �—Colonial Combustible ✓._----.,?Commemo- rative GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 37 Commence --- t;ommodity 7 Company -,____- Commence- ---,'Commodore Comparable ment _.,.___./commend Common Comparably _ Commend- - Commoner Comparative able - Commenda- ------'Common- Compare tion wealth 2 Commensu- -y Commotion Comparison rability _r Commensu- -------CommunalComport- ((((/ rable 17'-- ment .�� Commensu- Commune Compass rate - 3 Commensu- Communi- Compassion ration cable Comment Commum- Compassion- cant ate °commentary a Compatibil- Communieat ion2 ity -= Commerce Communi- Compatible cative r° commercial Communi- Compatible cator nese _Commer- - Communion v Compatriot cialism - Commingle Communism Compeer Commiserate - r Communist Compel Gommisera- / Community Compellable tion g� Commissary -� Gommuta- Gomgen- bility �- dium Commission Commutable Compensate Commis- Commutation Compensa- sionaire tion a Commis- --+Commutative Compensa- sioner tive s Commit Y^ Commute Compen- sator - r— Commitment Compact Compete .--�---'Committal Compactness Competence Committee Companion Competency Commode Companion- Competent able Commodious Companion- Competition ship !� 38 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 2 Competitive Component Z" comptaw ry tory Competitor Comport Compulsion Compilation Comport- Compulsive —' went Compile ComposeZ � Compulsorily Complacence Composer Compulsory Complacency Composite Compunction Z� Complacent Composition Compuno- tions r Complain Compositive Computable Complainant Compositor Computa- tion Complaint Composure Compute 21 Complement Compound ---,,-'Comrade Complete Compound- ----- Comrade- able ship Completion 2� Comprehend --e� Concatenate �t Complex Comprehen- Concave sibility S Complexions . Comprehen- Concavity Bible Complexity Comprehen- � Conceal sion Complexness j� Comprehen- ^� Concealable 7 sive Compliable Comprehen- (-�J_Concealment siveness Compliance Compress �� Concede Compliant Gompressi- Conceit hility Complicate Compressible Conceivable Compliea. ( Compression 3 Conceive tion Complicity f Compressive f Concentrate �! Complier / Compressor �i Concentra- -y tion Compliment Comprise Coneentra- 2 tive Za�Complimen- —, Compromise Concentric au La Comply Comptroller .Concept GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY �J 39 Conception Concur ✓` Condueent• Concern -- T Concurrence ✓% Conducibil- ity Concernedly "----z Concurrency Conducive Concernment .J Concurrent ✓gip Conduct Concert -� Concussion / { Conducti- bility Concession .�- Condemn -✓pj Conductible Conciliate /T Condemnable �� Conduction Conciliation r✓'" Cendemna- Conductive tion Conciliative ✓t Condensa- —,7) Conductiv- e bility 1 ity p Conciliator ✓� Condensable ,�--Conductor -j,-.•Conciliatory .-✓r Condensation Conduit g Concise -✓ r Condense _ Cone Conciseness .✓`F- Condenser Confabulate Conclave Condescend Confabula tion Conclude �� Condescend- Confabula- ingly tory Conclusion -✓"y Condeseen- I Confection Sion .?' Conclusive Condign Confectioner Concoct �— Condiment Confection. cry Concoction -�' Condition Confederacy Concoctive �t 'Conditional �,/� , Confederate �- Concomitant /� Condition- f Confeders, ality / tion ✓Concord .-C-o'ndole 2 Confer ✓'Concordanee .-,/ Condole- Conferee went .� �oneordant -- '—Condolence �+ Conference Concours -may Condonation �j Conferrable Concrete ✓— Condone (�. Confess -- y Concretion �./� Conduce Confession 40 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Confessional Confr6re Conjugal Confessor Confront Conjugate Confide Confuse Conjugation Confiden ce Confusion Conjunction t Confidential Confute Conjunetly Confidently Congd Conjuncture Confine Congeal Conjure Confinement Congenial Connect Confirm 2 Congeniality Connectedly Confirmable Congest 7.� Connection Confirma- Congestion Connective tion Confirms- Congestive Connivance tive Confirmer _CongIomer- Connive ate Confiscate Conglomera- - Connoisseur tion Confiscation 9 Congratulant � Connoisseur- ship Conflagra- a Congratulate - Connotate a tion Conflict Congratula- Connotation tion Conflictive Congregated Connotative Confluence �.i Congrega- Gi Connote tion Confluent Congress Connubial Z Conform Congruous --- Conquer Z Conform&- Conic y Conquerable forConformable Conical ---.------ Conqueror Conforms- C - Conjectural ---3o Conquest .2 tion Z� Conformist Conjecture Conscience Conformity Conjoin Conscien- tious Z Confound Conjointly Conscion- able GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 41 Conscious Consistency Constitution Conscious ,-7/ Consistent Constitu- nese tional Conscription Consistoryt �Constitu- tionalism Consecrate Cdnsolable Constitu- tionalist Conserre- Consolation Constitu- tion >° tionality �..� Conseeution Console Constrain �3 Consecutive , Consolidate Constrain- able Consensuala-a_ - 7� Constraint 3-4 tion Consensus3� Consomme 71 Constrict Consent Consonant Constriction Consequen to Consonantal I? Constrictive Consequen- Consort Constringe tial 7 Conservation Conspicuous Constrin- gent 13 1 Conserve- Conspiracy '� Construct five Conservator9 Conspirator Construeter Conserva- Conspire Construction tory Conserve Constable Constructive Consider- & Constancy 1�. Construe ation .� Consider- Constant ?y Consul able ? Considerate yc._v Constellate --,___Consular d Consign Constellation Consulate Consigns- Consterna- �� Consulship tion tion Consignee Constipate .Z, Consult Consign- Constipation 3 Connsulta- ment tion Consignor - Co�citu- Consumable Y Consist ,.3„/ Constituent, r3 Consame C asmence Constitute .3, CenBnmer 42 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY .sem Consummate Contentious ^- , Contractility �j p Consum- /�- 'Content- Contraction mation ment Consump- .- ContestContractive tion 3-f) Consump- ,-1° Contestable - Contractor Live Contact ✓/ Contestant Contradict Contagion R Context Contradic- tion Contagious � Contiguous �� Contradie- tory Contain Continent Contralto Container ✓ Continental Contrariness J Contami- Contingency Contrariwise ( nable --Contaminate ✓ZJ Contingent y` Contrary —7C6ntamina- Continual % Contrast tion .^7 _,9�Contamina- r '' Contin- ec Contravene tive ance Contemn Continua- /� Contraven- tion tion ✓'ter Contem- ✓ Continue Contribute plate r Contempla r✓ Continued Contribu- tion / tion Contempla- ✓ �p Continuity Contributive tive ✓ Contem- / Continuous ( Contributor plater .✓ "Contempo- ✓`� Contort r Contrite reasons Contempo- r✓`' Contortion Contriteness rary ✓�� Contempt Contour i Contrition Coutempti- Contraband Contrivable bility Contempt- Contra- Contrivance ible bandist ✓ Centemptu- ^ Contract Contrive one Contend i Contraeti- - Control ( bility ./ Content Contractible `-j Controlla- { bility -/' Contention ,Contractile y Controllable GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 43 Controller Converse a Cooky Controlers, ? Conversion Cool Controvert- Convert Cooler ible Contuma- Cones � _ Coolness cious 2 Contumacy Convexity Coop Contumely Convey Cooper ✓°j Contuse Conveyance �j Cooperage Contusion Conveyer / Cooperat e ion Convales- Convict Cooperative cence Convales- Conviction Co6rdinate cent Convenable Convince Coordination Convene Convincible Copartner Z Convenient Convincing- Copartner- ness ship ZConvent C� Convive Cope Convention J Convivial 2 Copier Conventional Conviviality Copious Convention Convocation Copiousness alum Convention- 2 convoke Copper alist Convention- Convolute Copperplate 2 ality 2, Convention- Convolution y Coppersmith alize �a_a Converge Convolve Coppice Convergent Convoy Copula Conversable 2— Convulse Copulate Conversance Convulsion -2 Copy Conversant Convulsive Copyholder Conversation Cook Copyist v Conversa- Cookery Copyright tional 44 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ry Coquet Corporate Corrobora- t148 Coquetry Corporation z Corrode ,r Coquettish Corporeal --rGorrodible ---__-Coral t Corps Corrosion Cord Corpse Corrosive Cordage Corpulence -Corrugant Cordial ,Corpulent _.---,jrCorrugate y Cordiality Corpuscle ------?Corrugation Corduroy Corral Corrupt e Core Correct Corruptibil- ity Corespond- Correctible corruption ' ent z Cork .may Correction ] Corruptive Corkage Corrective Corsage Corn P Correctly Cortege Corner r* Correctness Cortes Cornered Corrector ""!�_--� Cosmetic Cornet s Correlate Cosmic r Cornice Correlation Tz. Gosmopoli• tan ��.. Cornstalk -_.>---egCorrelative Cost _,,o Cornstarch .----r Correspond- ,.- Costliness epee _ _--�Corollary _&,/ Correspond- --V----Costume cut --- G Coronets Corridor 1 ,, Costumer -� Coronation --/e��� Corrigibility Cot Coroner Corrigible -zi-' Coterie 6 Coronet / Corroborant �'Gotillion ��Corporal 7, Corroboratemoi/ Cottage Corporality �...y Corrobora /�--'^'Cottolene I( tion SRZ(IUf SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 4g ,..v— Cotton , Countless Cove rs/ Cottonwood r Countrified 2 Covenant Couch Country 2 Covenantee l Cough --- --Countryman 2 Covenanter —x, Could r County Coventry Council: Coup Cover —Z__ _Couneilman Coup§ Coverlet �! Councilor Couple Covert l CounselCoupler Covertness Counselor , Couplet Covet Counselor- Coupling Covetous ship / Count Coupon —zF, Cow ✓"'� Countenance 7 Courage Coward .... Counter 7 Courageous Cowardiee ...... Counteract Courier Cowardli. nees Counterbal- Course Cower anee Counter- `✓ Courser coxcomb charge Counterfeit ,/ Court Coxswain Counter- 9 Courteous Coy feiter Counter. z,.-e Courtesy ,-ate Coyote mend Counter- ,i' Courtier Cozily, mandable _7 Counter. Courtliness Cozines8 march Counterpane Courtly Cozy Counterpart ---,--a`Court- Crab martial Counter- Courtship Crack point �Jr Countersign Cousin o Cracked ,., CountessCousinly Cracker 46 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY .-.>.----Crackle Creamery Creosote 'Cradle Creaminess �• Crept Craft r Crease �� Crescendo {� Craftiness Creatable ) Crescent Cram ¢( Create Cress Cramp Creation Crest Cranberry -,b-) Creative Crestfallen __sv- Crane n Creator Cretonne �Craniai Creature Crevice ,-.s- Craniology Credence Crew Cranium ; Credential y Crib -rz Crank Credibility ( Cribbage Cranny Credible ;,...-.4,Cricket Crape Credit --,Q- .Crier Crash Creditable v Prime Crate .,sCreditor --.o----(`riminal a� Crater -----Credulity --• --•Criminate Cravat -----Credulous z Crimp ,C Crave y Creed A s Crimson Craven - -' Creek Cringe --�1 Crawl Creep ---,—Crinkle -s? Crayon Creeper Cripple .> Craze �. Creepiness �o Crises Craziness -6 Cremate f� Crisis Crazy Cremation Crisp Creak --e'Crematory C-r f Crisscross -Cream Creole --4"-Criterion GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 47 O Critic Crucible Cube Critical 71 CrnciBa Cubeb . + Criticise Crucify Cubic s-r Criticism ✓� Crude Cubicle Croak Crudeness Cubist Crochet Crudity Cubit Crock - Cruel A---. Cuckoo > Crockery Cruelty ,—Cucumber Lfracodile Cruise z Cudgel Crocus Cruiser :r Cue Croesus r - Crumb Cuff Crone Crumble -a Cuisine t a Crony Crumple rte- Culinery Crook -7 Crunch Cull ..2 Crop Crusade -------Culminate a Croquet Crash ---culmination Y Croquette s Crust --?- Culpability Crow yo Crustily Culpable Crotch gs- Crustiness Culprit i Crotchet Cry ✓ Chit Crouch �. Cryptic ..y cultivate a Crow Cryptogram G Cultivation —01 Crowd w Crystal Cultural -- Crown Crystallize-- �� Culture tion --- ' Crowned ,:,-�Crystallize Culvert --._.v--Crowuless' Cuba Camber- some Crucial Cuban Cumbrous 48 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ,-�- Cumulate Currency , eudtom. house o Cumulation a/ Current Cut Cumulative Curriculum �3 Cutaneous / Cunning Curried Cutaway Cunningly a Currier rz Cute y Cup z_ Curry a Cuticle Cupboard z* Curse ams Cuticular Cupful Cursive v Q Cutlass / Cupida Cursory Cutlery Cupidity Curt Cut-out Cupola n Curtail Cycle Curable Curtain m"` Cyclical raiJ3' Curate Curtness Cyclone Curative Curvature Cyclopedia Curator Curve G_ -1 Cylinder y Curb Curvilinear C-1-4 Cylindrical {a�� Curd ,.-7 _/Cushion �_ Cynic --ate Curdle jy Custard Cynical z Cure —1-19 Custodian .✓_._.. Cynicism Curfew Custody .7 Cynosure ---.e Curio Custom & Cypress -m Curiosity Customary '6-, Czar „--a, Curious Customer '65�— Czarina -- Curl GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY' . 49 D /} Dance Davenport Dab / Dancer / Dawdle Dabble Dandelion Dawn Dachshund Dandy Day Dactyl /1 Danger f g Daylight Dado -�7 Dangerous /p Daytime /Yp Daffodil Dangle /p Daze Daft /e Dapper /a^— Dazzle Dagger Dapple / Deacon Daguerreo- / Dare /ter Deaconess type Dahlia �99 Daring // Dead Daily / Daringly / Deaden Daintily / Dark / Deadlock Daintiness ¢ Darken Deaf Dainty / Darkness Deafness / Dairy Dart Deal /pp Dairymaid Dash Dealer 'y Daisy /' Dashboard Dean Dally � Dastardly �a Dear r Damage Data / Dearly Damageable, / Date s Dearth r� Damascus 1-0 Dative / Death ( ,3 Damask /� Daub Debar Dame Daughter Debase Damp 1/� Daughter. /� Debate in-law Dampen � Daunt Debater ��Damael -`�Dauntless Debauch 50 GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Debilitate /� Decern / Decorous Debilitation /E' Decide Decorum Debility Decidedly / Decoy Debit -"��­�Decimat / Deereaee Debonair Decipher �' Decree D6bris Decipher. Deereeable able /� Debt ./� Decision Decrepit Debtor /� Decisive Decrepitate What /�^ Deck /� Decrepita- tion Decade /' Deckle .��� Decrepitude Decadence -� Declaim /� Decry Decagon �� ' Declamation Dedicate t Decamp Declarable Dedication ,----Decanter �� Declaration / Dedicator ' Decapitate Declarative Deduce �a Decay -'� Declare Deducible Decease Declension Deduct, Deceit -fir Declination Deduction Deceitful Decline Deed Deeeivable Declivity Deem Deceive Decoction Deep December / I?€collets Deepen i Decencyi�t'ec Decompose Deer -�``'"'''Deeennial / Decorate Deface Decent / Decoration !2, Defalcation _ Deception /�,. 2Decorative Defamation �l Deceptive / Decorator ld 2 Defame GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 51 l?i Default __7r Deflectable /"� Deliberate . Defaulter /Z , Deflection z-7", Deliberation Defeat Deformity / Deliberativ0 {r Defect Defraud 3 Deli esoy Defection t-Z, Defray, /e r� Delicate Defective Deft /- Delicatessen Defend Defunct Delicious Defendable Defy �` Delight Defendant / Degeneracy / � Delightful Defense /,l Degenerate Delineate Defenseless Degenem- �� Delineation tion Defensive .v Degradation i Delineator Defer / Degrade �R Delinquent Deference /d^ Degree ��Delirious Deferential Deify /`�Delirinm Defiance / Deign �~ Deliver Defiant Deity- -tDeliverable Deficiency Deject / Deliverance Deficient Dejection �"Deliverer Deficit / Delay /` r Delivery Defile Deleble Delta Definable Delectable /�Deludable DefineDelectation / Delude Definite Delegate Deluge Definiteness �� Delegation / Delusion �r Definition / Delete � f Delusive <'-� Deflect Deleterious Delve gZ GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Demagogue /� Demure /G Department Demand Demurrage /G Depart- y mental Demandable / Den - Departure / 'J Demandant Denatural• f� Depend ize r^�� Demarea- r aM Denature Dependable tion l Demean e,� Denial �' Dependence Demeanor r"'J Denim �� Dependent Demented Denizen Depict / Demerit / -� Denominate /C P Deplete Demise Denomina- /Ca Depletion tion Demit '---'�0Denomina- -/Deplora- tive t bility Demobilize ——Denomina- Deplorable for / Democracy l� Denote Deplore l^ Democrat Denouement Depone Democratic l" Denounce Deponent Demolish Dense / Depopulate �_-_• Demon' Density Depopula- 7 tion Demonetize Dent /6 Deport Demoniacal / ^� Dental Deportment �l Demonstra- Dentist Depose Demoty n- �"''ter Dentistry /f Deposes strable Demonstrate _ Dentition Deposit r"f Demonstra- Dentoid Deposition tion �/ i Demonstra- i' Denunciation i� Depositor tive rte' Demoraliza- f ' Deny 41 Depository +� tion Demoralize / Deodorize /11 Depot Demur -e� Depart Deprave GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY $3 Depravity 1 � Derogatory Desire - i� Deprecate �^ `Derrick /y Desirous Deprecation /'�° Descend /� 'Desist Depreciate /� Descendant / Desk Depreciation / f Deseension /� D Desolate �9 Depredation Descent ° Desolation Depress Describable Despair Depression ` Describe Desperate Deprivation r' Description Desperation Deprive Descriptive / Despicable Depth �� Descry -19� Despise Deputation / p Desecrate / Despite /& Depute �� Desecration f Despoil Deputize �� Desert if Despondent Deputy /� Deserter Despot -'�4f Derail Deserve �p Despotie —J Derailment Deservedly Despotism Derange /�� Desiccate "e, Destination G— Derange.. Desiderate Destiny ment v ^Derelict Desideration Destitute / Deride Desideratum / Destitution Derision .Q Design 'Destroy Derivation / Designate Destroyer Derivative �' Designation 17Destruction / Derive / " Designedly Destructive Derogation Designer Desuetude /'ter 2Derogative, /� Desirable Desultory 54 GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Detach Devastation /pQ^ Diagram Detachment Develop / Diagraph Detail Develop. / Dial m't Detain /� De Dialect Detect / Deviation y�Dialogae Detective Device / Diameter IDetention /� Devious �� Diamond Deter y/? Devise rq Diaphanous Deteriorate Devoid /fes Diaphragm Deterioration C Devolve /y�v Diarrhea. _-- Determine- Devote / Diary tion Determine Devotee Dice Determined- Devotion i Dicker ly ✓ �t Deterrent Devour / Dictate Detest Devout Dictation Detestable Dew Dictator Detestation Dewdrop Diction Dethrone Dexter /��z✓' Dictionary Detonation �"' Dexterity / Dietograph Detour �? Dexterous ,d�Dictum Detract Diabolical //�� Didactic Detraction �� Diacritical / Didactical Detractor Diadem Die �- Detriment Diagnose 1-4� Diet X Detrimental / Diagnosis 0Dietetic fer Detrition '-Diagnoatie Differenee ferent Devastate / Diagonal Differential GREOti SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 55 DW..- Diligence �n Diplomatic fDiffereren- �� Diligent .i'G-�iplomatiat tiation ✓ Difficult-y / Dilute Dipper Diffidence /�? Dilution /� Dire Diffident Dim /~� Direct Diffuse �- Dime �7 Direetian Diffusion �� Dimension �� Directness Dig �f Diminish ��—�`" Director Digest Diminishable / Directorate Digestible l—'7 Diminution r p'Directory Digestion �� Diminutive Direful Digestive /� Dimity Dirge Digger Dimple Dirt Digit /r Din / Dirtiness �— Dignify / Dine �y Disable r�^� Dignitary / Dinginess /f 'Disabuse Dignity 1J7 Dingy Disadvan- tag. r� Digress r M Dinner Disadvan- tageous / Digression / Dint Disagree Dike Diocese Disagreeable Dilapidate Dioxide / Disagre.. ment Dilapidation /l Dip Disappear ( Dilatable fD Diphtheria -CO, Disappear. anee Dilate Diphthong Disappoint / Dilatory --"G""""Diploma Disappoint- ment -'-'79Dilemma Diplomacy Disapproval Dilettante Diplomat Disapprove 56 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Disarm / Diseompo- / Discuss sure �Co Disarrange /�� Disconcert --'07 Discussion Disaster /mob" Disconnect /" Disdain /S Disastrous i�'> Disconnee- /¢ Disease tion Disband -Z-1 Disconsolate Disembark Disbandment Discontent /tea Disengage /f Disbelief / ^ Discontent- / Disentangle 66 /—ed -� Disburse rDiscontent- /� Disfavor s � went Disburse- / Discontinue /f Disfigure went . �� DiscardDiscord Disfranchise Discern /4� /Discordant /�� vPDisgrace Discerner Discount / Disgraceful Discernible /r Discount- /G� Disguise able Discernment Discount e- z Disgust nance /f Discharge Discounter Dish Disciple Discourage �� Dishearten Disciplin- Discourse Dishonest arian fey Disciplinary /� Discourte- �� Dishonor one Discipline /� Discover Dishonorable Disclaim Discovery ` Disinclina- tion Disclose �!� Discredit Disincline Disclosure / Discreet �� Disinclined Discolor Discrepancy Disinfect Discomfiture / I Discretion ✓ Disinfectant / /Discomfort /—_' DDiiscriminate Disinherit ,--------Discommode Discommode / - Diserimina- / Disjntegrats tion Discompose / Discursive �✓ Disinterested G3R'rG1G•1 SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 57 .Z Disjoin Dispose t Dissoluble Dislike /�ff Disposition f Dissolute . '4"'""Dislocate / Disprove / ' Dissolution /E-7 Dislodge Disputable - Dissolve Disloyal Disputation /`7i DissoIvent Dismay 14- Dispute Dissuade Dismiss %j Disquali&. /f Dissuasion tion �p Disqualify /7 Distaff Dismount Disquisition /' Distance -e Disobey "4-" Disregard �P Distant Disoblige /�� Disrepute / Distaste /v Disorder Disrespect Distasteful /f Disorganize Disrupt -1 Distend , Disown Disruption / Distill Disparage Dissatiafac- �_ Distinct / tion Disparity Dissatisfy Distinction Dispatch Dissect /� Distinctive Dispel Dissection Distinguish Dispense Dissemble Distinguiah- ble i/4 Disperse �Disseminate Distort Dispersion Dissension / Distortion Displace /— Dissent Distract Display Dissenter Distracted Displease -�Disaimilar Distraction Displeasure 'Dissimula- Distress tion / Disport /� Dissipate Distribute Disposal / Dissipation Distribution 58 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Distributive Divisible / � Doleful District Division /� Dollar yDistrust Divorce /­�FDolorons Distrustful Divulge /`�-Domain Disturb Dizzy /�— Dome Disturbance Do �Y Domestic Disuse Docile Domesticate Ditch /Y✓ Docility ��` Domicile I--,-�,./ Ditto Dock / Dominance / Diurnal �Y Docket /��-s Dominant Divan �� Doctor / Dominate Dive —Doctrinal / Domination Diverge / Doctrine / Domineer Divergent �— Document Dominion /Z Divers /7 Dodge -'—Domino 9 Diverse Dodger Donate 2Diversify /� Does --7 Donation Diversioni'�`^,�/�Do6 Donkey ,% Diversity / Doggedly /�{ Donor Divert ---'-'15oggerel /'-- Doom Divest / Dogma Doomsday Dividable �ogmatic / Door Divide Dogmatical �� Doorway Dividend ,- 'gDogmati. /r Dope �.�,_ Divider -----'Dogmatize /tea Doric Divine / Doily Dormant Divinity /g Doings --' Dormer ,✓ GREGG SHORTHAND DIMONARY 69 / Dormitory '—"'—Dragon /� Drossy /N Dose �� Drain Drift Dotage / �..o Drama / Drill Dote Dramatic Drink /j Doable /����a Dramaticat /`� Drip Doublet / Dramatist /� Drive Doubt o Dramatize /f Driveway Doubtful Drape /�'Drizzle Doubtless Drapery Droll Dough /� Drastic / Drone Doughy Draw /�T Droop ,/ Dove Drawer Drop ,6� Dowager Drawl / Dropsy / Dower /� Drawn Y�✓ Dross Down f� Dray / Drought Downcast / Dread Drove //7 Downfall �✓ Dreaded / Drover Downhill Z� readful �y Drown / Downright / Dreadnaught / Drowsy Downward Dream 7 Dredge /"`' Dowry / p Dreamer 7 Drudgery Doxology � Drear / Drug Dozen / Dreariness Druggist Drab f� Dredge �Dr. Draft /`A7 Drench Drummer /,.Vo �Drag Dress ` Drank Draggle ' Dresser. / Druukard 60 GREGG SHORTHAND DIMONARY �y- Dry / � Dullard �� Dust / Dryness /Y`r Dacca /3,y�- Duster Daal Dumb /" Dustiness P Dualist / Dumfound / Dustless Duality �� Dummy /f Dutch Dubious Dump /� Duteous Ducal ` Dun /( Dutiable Ducat Dunce / Duties Duchess Dune // Dutiful Duck Dungeon / Duty Ductile Dupe �� Dwarf Ductility ie-P Duplex Dwell Dud Duplicate /� Dwelt Dude Duplication_ Dwindte Dudgeon /t, Duplicity --- Dye Due 17 Durability / Dynamic Duel -7 Durable Dynamite i� Duenna / Durance /�P Dynamo Duet / Duration, / Dynasty Dug / Duress Dysentery Duke �� During Dyspepsia Dulcet �� Dusk Dyspeptic �'' Dull Duskiness GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 61 E 6/ Eatable J Edge Eager Eaves Edgewise. .– Eagerness Eaves- Edibility dropper r Eagle Ebb �e^ Edible Ear Ebon ! Edict ./—'Eardrum t� Ebony Edification c Earl Ebullition �2 Edifice a /� Earldom Z Eccentric / Edify a r Early -2� Eccentricity f Edit Earmark a Py Ecclesiastic Edition Earn Eeclesias- Editor tical a Earnest Echo r Editorial Earnestness Eelair d Editorship Earth o o Eclat Educability Earthquake Eclectic Educat f l on 9 Ease < Eclipse Educational 4E--. Easel �A Ecliptic Educative 5 Easement Economic Educator v Easier s Economical d"' Educe Easiness o Economist Effect: 9 East Economize Effaceable Easter Economy 1� Effacement 2B Easterly 2e Ecstasy Effect Eastern Ecstatic Effective Eastward yG9 Ecstatically �i/ Effective. nese Easy a Eczema Z r Effectual Eat el' Eddy Effectuallr 62 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Effeminacy ---. Egotistiosl c , Election .2_-6 Effeminate Egregious c_a Electioneer 2 d Effeminate- Je--...vf Egress Elective ness -�j Effervesce Egypt Elector Efferves• Egyptian Q_---^'--Meetoral CeIICe Effervescent � Eider a--g-'^-"Electorate 02 Effete Either v Electric Efficacious Ejaculate L Electrical Efficacy Ejaculation Electrician 7 Efficiency Ejaculator ° Electricity �f Efficient � Eject Electrifies- tion Effigy y� Ejection Electrify Effluence L — Ejectment Electrode ./ Effluent a Eke e _ Eleetrolier Z Effort Elaborate ` Electrolysis Effrontery Elaboration R"--P Electrolyze Effulgence Elaborative ¢ %� Electro- magnet �. � Effulgent Elapse ` Eleetrom q 1 star of Effuse cry Elastic Eleetrop. atby Effusion Z�, Elasticity ( Electroplate Effusive a Elate e1 Electrotype Egg Elatedly Electrum s v Ego Elation a_.P-y Eleemosy. nary e--a,- Egoist <,__y- Elbow Elegance . � Egoistical Elder Elegant s—Egotism Q.--P Eldest :7, Elegy �� Egotist a Elect —.r' Element GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 63 c = Elemental o�� Elongation Embellish ' ,-r Mementary e--r Elope Embellish- ment Elephant �� ElopementEmber 77, Elevate Eloquen{t Embezzle e Elevated ._r Else Embezzle'went. Elevation Elsewhere Embezzler Elevator Elucidate Embitter Elf Elucidation Emblazon e Elicit �._�� Elude Emblem sa Elide Elusive Emblematie vy Eligibility o- Emaciate Embodiment �� Eligible Emaciated Embody Eliminate Emaciation Embolden �a Elimination - Emanate Emboss Elision a---r Emanation Embrace e r Elite e-�z Emancipate Embroider a-, Elixir Emancip Embroil tion Elk c EmasculateEmbryo Ellipse Embalm . -----/Emerald �v Ellipsis Embank —7o o Emerge v� Elliptic Embank• --7' Emergencies ment Elliptical Embargo, :7- Emergency ._ Ehn Embark Q^' Emeritus v_...� Elocution Z17 Embarrass -R-r Emersion Elocution- Embarrass-. Emery ary ment Elocution- Embassy Emigrate ist Elongate Embattle ---""-:> Emigration 64 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY - Eminence o- Enamel Enemy e Eminent Enamored -y Energetic O P E� Emissary a r Encamp -7 Energy 0 6 Emit Encamp- Enervate went .---K -"Emolument '7_1 Enchant Enfeeble r-y Emotion . "Enchanters `7 Enforce Emperor Enchant- f�^ Enfranchise went Emphasis Encircle 1--,6 Engage Emphatic 1�_Encomium 1 -- .Engage —�� ment Emphatic. Encompass Engender �8 ally Zr Empire Encore Engine - � Empiric. Encounter Engineer _z f Employ Encourage a English Employee --z Encourage- Engrave meat Tom_ Employer -� Encroach r Y Engross Employ- Encumber o r Enhance ment Emporium Eneum- Enigma branee ' Empower _ Encyclopedia . --p Enigmatic, Empress End ..+�OEnigmatie- ally Emptiness Endanger Enjoin Empty Endear Enjoy Emulate �L Endeavor Enjoyable --7 Emulation Endless Enjoyment z Emulous - Endow Enlarge o r Emulsion _�'`—Endowment Enlarge- ment y Enable --"" Endurance V o Enlighten (a o"- Enact Endure -..__s1--"Enlighten ment GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 6S _+ Enlist Enthrone Envious Enlistment -3 Enthusiasm Environ- ment Enliven Enthusiast Envoy Enmity Enthusiastic Envy Ennoble Enthusiastic- Eon ally Ennui - Entice 4::.y'' Epaulet Enormity �" Entire ' Ephemeral - Enormous Entirely Epic Enough Entireness Epicure Enrage Entirety Epicurean 7� Enrapture Entitle 4'-- Epidemic Enrich 'A Entity 6f Epidermis - Enroll Entomology Epigram .----Enrollment = Entrance !� Epigram 0 matic -Z_ Ensconce Entrant (gyp Epigraph Z--' Enshrine Entreat Epilepsy a Ensign Entreaty Epileptic Enslave ' ` Entree &_ Epilogue -2 Ensue ' ' Entry Episcopal Entail � Entwine Episode Entangle Enumerate Epistle Enter m Enumera- Epistolary _ tion Enterprise Enunciate Epitaph Entertain Enuncia- Epithet tion Entertainer Envelope 61 Epitome r Entertain. Envenom 6-5-7 Epoch ment -r Enthrall _Enviable Equability 66 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Equable .�O Erasure %7. Escutcheon �- Equal Q Ere s.— Eskimo s^^ Equality Ereet V— Esoteric Equalise- a„ Erection Especial tion Equalize -.-- Ermine y Espionage r� Equally a y Erosion !� Espouse ,-Zj 1 Equanimity Erotic b, Eapy Equation v Err -%_0 Esquire ,--e Equator Errand Essay Equerry a p Erratic st Essence e � Equestrian <..� � Erratum Essential yr Equilibrinm Erred Establish Equine e p Erroneous (� Establish- - went s a= Equinoctial Error y Estate r r Equinox Erudite ��� Esteem e� Equip o ->� Erudition 91-r Estimable Equipage Erupt Estiriablv Equipment y Eruption 9'�6 Estimate s� Equipoise e Erysipelas 9'� Estimation T(F Equitable so_o—Escalator %j Estrange ' Equity Escapable fg1 Estrange G went a Equivalent Escapade Et cetera 2 Equivocal st(/ Escape , Etch cy s Era Escapement �J� Eternal �o Eradicate Eschew �J Eternity a...,�' Erase X-r, Escort Ether Eraser $ Escrow Ethereal GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 67 Ethereality Evaporate Ewe s� Ethical Evaporation a'-, Exact al-3 Ethics Evasion Exaction 4"'40 Ethnog• q� Evasive ol—" Exactitude raphy 1 o--�, Ethnology � Eve a%"" Exactness Jo Ethology 2 Even Exaggerates t Etiquette L. Evening 4J Exalt o—" Etude 2— Evenness "' Examine- tion. 6-% Etymology 21 Event -2-"'"'" Examine Eucalyptus G%y Eventful 9 Examinee o P Eucharist L/ ' Eventual -� Examiner oYU Euchre �J Ever-y' Example Eugenics yy Q Everlasting Exasperate Eulogist G- Evermore Excavate Eulogium ly Everybody sa Excavation oar Eulogize `G Everyone 9/� Exceed Eulogy Everything Exceeding- ly Euphemism Everywhere Z--- Excel-lence Euphony Evict L_ Excelsior o Europe fj Eviction Except European `'" Evidence Exception 9 Evacuate �yy Evident 1� Excerpt Evade C Evil y' Excess Evanescent /r Evince p� Excessive Evangelical h Evoke / Exchange ` Evangelist 2, Evolutien jj Exchange- ( ability Evangelise Z, Evolve Exchange able 68 OREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Exchequer Z, Exercise e-1-- Esoteric Excise Ci Exert 90 Exotic Excitability is Exertion & Expand Excitable <Z-, Exhale d+ Expanse oY Excite Exhaust Expansibil- ity og '" Excitement Exhaustion Expansible ?�- Exclaim Exhaustive !;4' Expansion 9-7 Exclama. �� Exhaustless Expansive tion Exclama- Exhibit Expatiate tory Exclude Exhibition i� Expatriate 9/ Exclusion Exhibitor 4- Expatria- y{ p tion -,/ Exclusive P v Exhilarate (� Expect 5 Excommuni- �� Exhilara- (� Expectance g_.�.,. Cate tion e' Excruciate P/ Exhort Expectant 3 Exculpate Exhortation Expectation 9� Excursion Exhume G Expectorate, P-- (f, Exigent Expedience Excuse Exile Expedient $y Execrable Exist-ence � Expedite V-01 Execrate .7' Exit 455"y� Expedition 9-^ Execute YExodus Expel 9 Execution Ex officio Expend Executive Exonerate Expenditure '-,-__,Exemplary % Exorable Expense ..CJ` Exemplify (/ Exorbitant Expensive Y Exempt Z. Exorcise Experience .P-- Exemption 71 Exordium G Experiment GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY (�9 c— Experi- Expostula- o� Extirpate mental y tion Expert Exposure 9t-- Extol Expertness Expound �"� Extort Expiate (f Express - Extortion Expiation C Expressage 9... Extra Expiration Expression ?- Extract 6 Expire Expressive Extraction Explain Expulsion 9i Extradite (,. Explanation --- Expurgateri ? Extradition (,,", Explanatory % Exquisite Extraneous Expletive s Extant Extraordi- 9 Explicable � nary Extempo- E nary gan{tie raneous + Explicit q Extempo- '— Extreme �p rary Explicitness 9 Extempore ---r Extremist Explode 9 Extend g— Extremity ,.s Exploit 9 "T Extension ?-z� Extricate Exploita. %� Extensive. Extrication tion C o Exploration 9"" Extent Extrinsic �^_ Explore %" J Extenuate / Exuber_{,ee � , Explosion �� Extenua- A Exude tion Explosive L-� Exterior X, Exult Exponent 9--b Exterminate 9✓ Exultant Export --9 Extermina. Exultation tion P Exportation s _ External O Eye G Expose Extinct --- Eyelet rExposition Extinguish Eyesight Expostulate Extinguish. '° able 70 G AFGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY r Fahrenheit Falsify Fable Fail Falsity d Fabric Failure 2,p Falter Fabricate oZ Fain Fame Fabulous Faint ot- Familiar Fagade of - Faintness �c Familiarity y? Face Fair Y Familiarisa. tion �J Facet Fairy -2--P Familiarize Facetious Ol Faith a l s- Families Faeial , Faithful Family Facile of- Faithless -- Famine Facilitate ' Faithless. Famish nese Facilitation Fake x,1--7 Famous Facility eZ Fakir Fan _ Facsimile Falchion vl� Fanatie o2- Fact Falcon Fanatical �j Faction l Fall Fanaticism Factious �3o Fallacious Fancier l Factitious -S Fallacy Fanciful Factor Fallen Fancy Factory =,I i Fallibility Fang v Factotum Cyt Fallible Fantastic oly' Faculty (�_. Fallow Fantastical Fad False 12- Fantasy Fade Falsehood Far Fag Falsetto -+ Farce �"' Fagot Falsification Farcical OREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 71 Faro Fathom �' Fed �- Farewell -'Fathomless y Federal �1 Farina �^ Fatigue A F derali. Farm Fatten k Federalist Formable �� Fatuity Federate Farmer e)-7 Fatuous �� Federation Farrier �1 Faucet Fee o'L Farther y Fault Feeble Farthest 2-" Faultless Feebleness ' Farthing 21--; Faulty A Feed Fascinate y Faun Feel Fascination 2- Fauna o Feelingly Fashion Favor Feign c� Fashionable Favorable -2' Feigned 9" Fact �s Favorite Feignedly cy� Fasten Fawn _2-1 Feint Fastener Fealty .leo Felicitate Fastidious mL Fear Felicitation Fat - Fearful Felicitous Fatal Fearless a L Felicity ' Fatalism Feasibility -4-- Feline --'P Fatalist r� Feasible Fell Fatality Feast .Z Fellow Fate Feat e L d Fellowship dl Father 1 Feather Felon -2'— Father-in- Feature -.Z� Felonious law �'- Fatherland l� February -4- Felony 32 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY .Z-- Felt _ Festival �° Fiduciary -2---- Female Festive Fief —b Feminine Festivity eL J Field eL Femininity Festoon Fiend .1 Femur Fetch Fiendish Fence Fetish -2r Fierce ov Fend Fetter -2e- Fierceness Fender Feud 9 Fieriness Ferment Feudal Fiery Fermenta. eZ�Feudalism Fife tion Fern Fever Fig eZ y Ferocious ) Feverish Fight Ferocity es Few Figment Ferret Fiance Figurative e1 Ferrule Fiasco 1^' Figure Ferry Fiat .L�Filament Fertile Fib Filbert Fertileness Fiber Filch Fertilization Fibrous File Fertilize Fiehu aLse--'Filial -2--- Ferule Fickle Filibuster Fervency 1 Fickleness �(� a Filigree Fervent Fiction _Z_..- Fill Fervid W Fictitious L P' Fillet Fervor � Fiddle Fillip Festal �""-'Fidelity I_ Film ylv Fester Fidget -,-,' ---'Filminess GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 73 -Z Filmy y1 First LZ_ Flank R oL.° Filter First-class 4--Flannel, Flannel -� Filth First-rate Flap ^� Filthiness Fiscal L z Flare Fin q� Fish Flash �^- Final Fisher Z Flask v Finale Fishery Flat Finally Fissure a Z. -- Flatness „ioT Finance y) Fist L--d Flatten dlv--- Financial Fit L D ° Flatter Financier Fitful Z--�g Flattery al Find Fitter Flaunt Finder Fix L Flavor Fine Fixative LL Flaw ca-J--- Fineness Fixture e-. Flax .1r Finesse Fizzle L--2 Flaxen Finger Flabby Flay Finical 4-.-o3,--Flaeeid L Flea a)e Finis e--. --Flag Fleck -i Finish 2 g Flagon Lw> Flection Finite Le Flagrancy L Fled -L Fir Lo-^ Flagrant 1. Fledge Fire Flail L o Flee -2�--"""Fireman e, Flake Z v Fleece -2--- Firm :�_,,,o-.r-Flakiness Z. o Fleet -2-, —Firmament L_¢-" Flame •' Fleetness ,L-- Firmness Ls>j Flange l ,o Flesh 74 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY L7 Fiew Floes a� FIux L✓P� Flexibility L--4`2 Flotilla Lv Fly Flexible Flotsam Foam Flicker Flounce Fob �.cz. Flier L.-- —Flounder y Focus Flight L_........ Flour /)/ Fodder L.a Flimsiness 4--. Flourish G Foe Flimsy e a'" Flout 2 Fog C---7 Flinch �,... Flow 2---' Foggy I— K Fling L. Flower (O Foible Lam✓ Flint 1 - Flown t� Foil ( Flip e .>----- Fluctuate Foist 1 Flippancy G. Fluctuation Fold Flippant Flue Foliage Flirt . Fluency Folio L� Flirtation Fluent 2-+ Folk L.---� Flit '—'V Fluffy 2 Follow ' Float (��/Fluid Follower Z.....�-. Flock G_.-� Fluidity " Folly e--- Floe L - ----Flume L---- Foment e-------Flog----Flog L-- Flung, — n Fomenta- tion L✓'Flood L Flunk l/ Fond L Floor Flurry �" F Fondle Z--- y Flop , Flush �'// Fondness L---e Florescen{te j._,yy Fluster Food L—,--ficrid L-- Flute Fool Florist L-✓ Flutter Foot GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 75 Fop Z Foreign Forgave M1 For Foreigner Forge lJy Forage 2, Forelock 1� Forger !fin Foray Z- -- Foreman Forgery 1 Forbade 1 - Foremost �? r Forget Forbear Forenoon 1 v) Forgetful J Forbearance �y..G� Forensic Forgetful. (� ness Forbid Foreordain Forgivable Forbidden Forerunner 1 a Forgive JForce Foresaid 4" Forgiveness Forceful Foresee 2— Forgot Forceps Foreshadow' 2-�Forgotten Forces Foresight Fork ll Forcible Forest _2, Forlorn `Y Ford i Forestall L Form Forearm 4 yj Forestation 1- Formal Forebode Forester 1 Formality Forecast 9 Forestry -r Formation Foreclose Foretaste 1- Former Foreclosure Foretell 2— Formerly Foredoom Forethought Formidable Forefather Forever L `p Formula Forefinger Forewarn Formulate Forefront Forewoman Forsake Forego Foreword Forsooth ,d�Foreground > Forfeit Forswear )� Forehead Forfeiture l Fort 76 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY l Forth CJD Foyer &,-, Fraught Fortheom- Fracas ern Fray ing Forthwith Fraction e--,w Freak Fortification x.07 Fractional Lam- Freckle Fortify Fractious Free Fortitude Fracture Freedom Fortnight Fragile Freely Fortress --e""''---Fragment V Freeze Fortuitous a-,-- Fragmen- Freight 7 tarp Fortuity l.,r Fragrance French Fortunate Frail /L / Frenzied Y Fortune Frailty Frenzy ` Forum Lr Frame (:L, Frequen{ty Forward Franc Fresco t y Forwarder France 1�1 Fresh Fossil Franchise Y Freshen �y Foster Frangible �e Freshet !/ Fought t/Z¢ Frank 4Z __ Freshman Foul e-sz— Frankness Fret Foulard c-, Frantic Z) Fretful Found Frantically Friar L Foundation to Frappe Fricassee Founder Z,"—Fraternal I a? Friction Foundry Fraternity L Friend-ly Fountain jy Fratricide Friendless off- - Fowl i� Fraud Friendship Fos 1 Fraudulent e--6 Frigate GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 77 Fright L -✓) Fructify Fundamen- tally Frighten L->— Frugal Funeral .Frightful Z- Frugality - Funereal Frigid L/ Fruit 1i Fungi Frigidity Fruitful Fungus Frigidness Fruition 1_i Funnel Frill Frustrate Funny �j Fringe Fry For l Frisky Fuchsia Furbelow Z P° Fritter Fudge J Furbish Frivolity 4 ..- Fuel }/ Furious, 1y Frivolous Fugitive Furl Frock l- ---Fulerum Furlong Frog Fulfill .2, Furlough G� e Frolic Fulfillment 2e Furnace L- From F.11-y ly Furnish �✓ Front Fuller Furnisher Frontage FuIlest Furniture Z- Frontier Fulsome -- Furor 1rf Frontispiece L Fumble Furrier p Frost (�-'- Fume Furrow Frosty - ^ Fumigate Furry Froth Fumigation Further Froward L Fun r Furtherance s' Frown Z Function Furthermore Frozen .% Fund 2e Furthest Fruetitiea- Fundamen. )52 Furtive tion tal 78 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARRY Fury Fuse l) Future Fuse Fustian /✓ Futurity Fusillade Futile Fuzz Fusion Futility Fuzzy GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 79 Q : _Gangrene Gastritis^ Gable a o Gangway r-!y Gate Gad - Gap .-zr= Gateway a >-Gaelie Garage a Gather Gag Garb �� Gaudily Gage Garbage Gaudy Gain Garden .-i/ Gaunt ,---I)r Gait Gardener r--+-"r Gauntlet Gaiter ---z,—Gargle -+ Gauze n Gala o r_ )Garish Gavel -�- Gale -----"T3arland a Gay e a Gall Garment -tf' Gayety �s Gallant Garnet Gaze 9 aliantry �- r Garnish Gazelle Gallery . ,/ Garnishee Gazette -z a Galley - Garnish. Gear ment Gallon -Q✓ Garret --3 Geese Gallop --+_-a.- Garrison —� Geisha Gallows �r Garrulity Gelatin Galvanic --------Garrulous �' Gem Galvanize a' Garter G//�' Gender Gamble Gas may/ Genealogist a� Gambol Gaseous Genealogy 7C/ Game Gash General ,--z,—Gammon Gasoline �` Generality --z,- Gamut Gasp / Generalize 'a- Gang Gastric df Generalship so GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY h� Generate` Geograph• Giddiness / // icany h Generation Ito Geography -a/� Giddy Generator j Geologically Gift Gencrio tf Geologist Gifted Generosity Geology b^ Gig Generous Geometrical o� Gigantic Genesis !� Geometry r-2, --Giggle - Genial 4., Geranium q/ Gild Geniality Germ Gill � Genially -d German --_ /Gilt 1/12 Genitive Germane --a--.-o"Gimlet Genius f� Germicide Gin G� Genteel 6 b Germinate �j Ginger 11 Gentian € / Gerund ` Gingerly GR"� Gentile Gerundive ----,,Gingham U Gentility y� Gesticulate /_ Ginseng C� Gentle Gestieula- Giraffe 7 tion / 6 -Gentleman yf Gesticulator .--/ Gird Gentlemen Gesture a Girder Gentleness Get ----�- Girdle Gently Geyser Girl Gentry _-72)_ Ghastly Girt fj Genuflection a a Gherkin Girth aL. Genuine ,----e_ Ghost yf Gist Genuine- 11�/ Giant 1� Give-n nese ,!? Genus Gibbet r�/ Gizzard Geograph- Giblet -- Glacial ical GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 81 --� Glacier Gloom .-y Gobble Glad --------Gloomy ty Goblet - Gladden Glorify Goblin Gladder -s Glorious .---✓ God Glade --- Glory Godfather Gladiator - ,Y GlossGodlew Gladness -_,jjlossary ,--- vGodlike ____5x----Glamour Glossiness ✓ Godliness --Q Glance Glossy ,/� Godly Gland Glove _-✓� Godmother Glare Glow v Godspeed P Glass ►Glucose ,v Goiter -P_ Glaze -- > Glue Gold —Gleam Glum --------Golden --P- Glean ---------Gluten Golf a Glee i Glutton r ((ondoia -1" Glen --'Gluttonous t i ondolier -y Glib -ria-Glycerin Gone .--LGlide --4,_ Gnarl -rGong -- Glimmer -74' Gnash Good �•-r{}limpse __6 Gnat6 Good-by Glint Gnaw Goodly ---� Glisten -L Gnome ----e Goodness ---''Glitter Qo a Goody —�Gloat a/� Goad ^oj Goose Globe `-z-- Goal -z Gore --_y Globule .-z/ Moat �� Gorge $z GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Gorgeous 'Q Gradually --,r Grasp �Gorilia —��Graduate' P Grass c. Gory --t-0--1Graduation Grate —� Gospel Graft �n� Grateful Gossamer Grafter Gratifica- tion Gossip r e Grail 6J Gratify --✓ Got Grain s Gra tie —7 Gouge Grained Gratitude Gourmand - s''Grammar v-p 9 Gratuitous z✓ Gout o s%-Gramma- —� Gratuity Tian Govern Grammatic -->p Grave Governable ----5 .2 Grammat- /ti y Gravel �r ical G Governess -" `B Grammat- Graveness ically L Government Granary Gravitate Govern- '. Grand Gravitation �-- mental Governor Grandeur j Gravity } Governor- Grandfather Gravy y slop r� Gown Grand ti o Gray mother �p Grab ---may/ Grange tis+' Grayness (. %e Grace - sus Granite Graze Graceful — Grant r,-e Grease ----C_—Graceless `'` Granulate Greasiness �P Gracious ------'�Granule Greasy .-- Gracious- Grape Great ness Gradation -- ' Graphical s Greatly Grade �p Graphite Greatness Gradual —� Grapple - V Greed GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 33 Greediness — Groan Grumpy .� Greedy --,r Grocer —/ Gru& !� Greek --%.t Grocery r a Guarantee Green -------Groom Guarantor Greenish , Groove — Guard p Greenness r�� Grope Guardian Greet —tis Gross �'Guardian- ship r s^Gregarious r, Grossness —y Gudgeon Grew ---,--,—' Grotesque `a /Guerrilla y G ddle Grotto Guess Gridiron Grouch Guest Grief -"v--Ground Guidance Grievance ,--ti (;roundless r t� Guide y Grieve Group Guile / Grievous o3 Grouse ------^ -Guileless g Grill vy Grove -— - Guilt ,p Grim /r .q Grovel Guiltily 9 P Grimace/ Grow — �` Guilty Grime 1"D— Guinea Grin Growth Guise Grind Grub -""el, Guitar Grip �j( Grudge ---7 Gulch �e Grisly �—y/ Grudgingly -- y Gulf O r-� Grist Gruel ..----a_.,..Gull _-Bristle 3 __Gruesome —>_y Gullible Grit �� Gruff �( Gulp Grittiness Grumble -- -- Gum 84 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Gumption Gutter Gymnastics Gun ---,Guttural Gypsum Gush GUY Gypsy Gusset --z-- Guzzle Gyrate Gust ��--z" Gymnasium P Gyration GREGG SHORTHAND,DICTIONARY g$ H Halo 6-YoHappiness b a Haber- v Halt b Happy dasher Habiliment Halter ¢Q,_ Harangue Habilitate Hamlet iP Harass Habit o Hammer �j Harbinger Habitable Hammock day Harbor Habitant Z Z, Hamper Hard Habitation Hand o� Harden Habitual Handbook Harder Habituate Handful �. Hardihood a Hack A?" Handicap �� Hardiness Hackney -� - Handicraft �� Hardness Haddock =-�� Handiwork Hardship o- Hag Handker- Hardware chief b a Haggard Handle �� Hardy Haggle Handsome cz. Hare ,L/ Hail Handwrit- Harem ing d_...--Hailstorm =-_y Handy Q Hark Hair P Hang a - Harm o_y Halcyon Hangar Harmless Half Hank Harmonic Halibut Hanker i:, Harmonious < Hall Hansom Harmonize Q 4 Hallow Haphazard _ Harmony Halloween Hapless a r Harness i , Hallucinate Happen o7. Harp ,i_--sem Hallucina. 9— Ha pdy Harrow tion 86 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY P Harsh 2 Havoc d-- Hearth L Harshness Hawk o'er Heartless Qy Harvest Hawser o" Hearty �/ Harvester Hawthorn Heat Hash O Hay e Heath Hasp Hazard Heathen 3 Hassock 6� ? Hazardous 6" Heathenish `Y Haste 9_ Haze Heather 2 Hasten / Hazel Heave 9" Hastily Hazy Heaven Hastiness He Heavenli- ness Hasty Head Heavy 1' Hat Headed Hebrew Hatch 6" Head- Heckle q quarters Y Hatchet = Heal a °� Hectic 4� Hateful ¢ / Health s Hectograph ZT-' Hatless a l Healthful Hedge a ? Hatrack a.,.r °� Healthier Heed Hatred 4-�' Healthy Heedless Haughtiness �. Heap v Heel .Haughty a Hear K Height �— Haul Heard Heighten z/ Haunt Hearsay Heinous Hauteur Q. Hearse (2- Heir 1 Have o' Heart 'Z- --Heirloom Haven Heartache' Held Haversack Hearten Heliotrope GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 87 i.---Helm Heredity 6 Hewn v-� Helmet Herein ry Hexagon Help % Hereinafter Hiatus Helpful Hereinbe- 6:— Hibernal fore Helpfulness ' Heresy Hibernate Helpless 'O Heretic �y Hibernation aL� Helplessness a� Heretical Hiccough Hem Heretofore a✓ Hickory Hemisphere -L/ Hereunto Hidden --'^Hemlock m Herewith Hide Hemmed dj Heritage Hideous Hemorrhage f� —� Hermetical d y^ Hiero- glyphic �T Hempo Hermetic- High ally Z.- Hemstitch Hermit GR Higher e Hen —7 Hermitage IF Highest .%- Hence a Hero Highland Henceforth G Heroic B Highly 6 --a Heptarehy L- — Heroine Highness Her Heroism og Highway .—� Herald a, Herself ask - Hilarious Herb Y S Hesitancy A Hilarity Herculean % J Hesitant Q Hill Herd Hesitate ¢ - Hillock a-+ Here Hesitatingly v.,6 Hillside Hereafter 94 Hesitation Hilt Hereby Heteroge- c r Himself ° neous Hereditary a Hew Hind gg GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ,L-^ Hinder Hoarseness Homelike >:i`-"- Hindrance Z-1 Hoary r Homeliness 7 Hinge < Hoax Homeopathy (J Hint Hob c Homesick Hintingly Hobble Homesick- ness Hip Hobby Homestead Hippodrome a Hockey / Homeward Hippopota• G� Hod Homicide mus Hire a Hoe Homily �^ Hireling Hog — Hominy iy Hirsute HogsheadHomoge- neous j His Hoist Homonym Histology t Hold .1-�Homony- mous 9 Historian /' Holder Hone 9^ Historic --/ Hole f Honest g'`^ HistoricalHonesty History L-- Holiness Honey g �sO Histrionic J Holland Honeyed Hit Hollow t Honk Hitch Holly Honor Hither r Holocaust Honorable Hitherto ;L --r' Holster K - Honorary Hive Holy / Hood Z-' Hoar `7 Homage J Hoof Hoard Home Hook L-- HoarinessHomeless Hoop Z­e Hoarse Homeless- Hoot mess GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY gg �y Hop Hospitable. �� Huddle Hope L Hospital JI, Hue f Hopeful Hospitality Huff L Hopefulness Host «- Hug' Hopeless Hostage 7 Huge -t, Hopeless- 9-e Hostess "'-'`d Huguenot nese Hopper Hostile z_ Hulk f� Horde Hostility i Hull 4.-g Horizon v Hot HUM J Horizontal ! iR� Hotel ems- - Human L-- Horn Hound zS Humane s - d Hornet Hour - Humanist Z--Y Horography o Hourly e- Humani- tarian v Horology j House Humanity Horoscope Z Houseful a• Humanness y Horrible Z-- Household Humble Horrid 2:- Householder ( Humbug �y Horrify House- ---.-'13umdrum / . keeper Horror Hovel Humid L-e Horse 2 Hover I/ Humidity r Horse power d' How ` " Humiliate Horseshoe However Humiliation �Horticul- e;__ Howl i-✓ Humility tural �- ~Horticulture Howsoever Hummer Hosanna Hub o Humor f Hose Hubbub Humorous `G. Hosiery ''3p Huckster 7 Hump 90 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY '7 Hunch 1 Huskiness Hygienic ✓ Hundred 2 D Husky cs-- Hymen Hundredth L i Hustle a Hymn i Hunger Hat Hyperbole Hungrily -f: Hyacinth Hypercritical Hungry Hybrid Hyphen 1 Hunt Hydrant o Hypnotic 0 �+ Hunter Hydrate 4 1— Hypnotism O �~ Hurdle — Hydraulic Hypocrisy m Hurl ti Hydro- � Hypocrite chloric Hurricane / Hydrogen a Hypocritical Hurry Hydrometer Hypotenuse m Hurt Hydropathy Hypothecate 0 Hurtful Hydro- Hypothesis t v phobia ? Husband L y' Hydroplane Hypothetical Tom, Husbandry Hyena g Hysteria j Hush Hygiene Hysterical r Husk GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 91 I 6 Idly Inness .` Iambie Ido1 z_y Illogical Ice IIdolatrous /g--=--a Illuminate Iceberg ------'Idolatry - Illumination 0�- -- Ice cream Idyl -- -Muminator Icicle If Illumine e--- Iconoclast Ignite g r Illusion �y Idea ignitible s y Illusive 6 Ideal r '*> Ignition Ja--y Illustrate y_-r Idealism Ignobility p Illustration J IdealistA"j( Ignoble a 9, Illustrative Idealistic �^---( Ignomin- fa._3 r Illustrious ions 'Ideality e-�Ignominy —r,- Illustrious. ness Idealization -------Ignoramus Image 6 Idealize e ' Ignoren{t Imaginable Identical Ignore /( Imaginary Identifies- Q-� Ill Imagination tion Identify < Illegal Imaginative Identity =_-..---,_..Illegality Imagine e� Idiocy a Illegibility / Imbecile Idiom /ell Illegible Imbecility 6 Idiomatic Illegitimate. Imbibe e� ,Idiosyn- Illiberal 7,7 Imbue craz Y Idiot =---� Illicit _---% Imitable l Idle d Illimitable a Imitate 6' Idleness dy Illiteracy. - ` Imitation Idler �� Illiterate 6� Imitative 92 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 1� Immaculate J Immunity Z J Impend Immaterial - Immure / Impenetra• Z~( bility Immaterial- Immutable Impenetrable ity m Immature -Z Impact Impenitent Immeasura- Impair - ) Imperative bility Immeasur- Impalpable Impereepti- able /' bility Immediate-ly Impanel ( Impercep- tible _------.-Immemorial ___.� Impart 75 Imperfect ---� Immense ImpartialImperfee- tion --�- Immensity Impartiality — Imperial 71 Immerge 7� Impartially f Imperil ® * Immerse Impassable Imperious e a Immersion 7 Impasai Imperious- bility ness d - Immigrant Impassion• Imperishable ate Immigrate y Impassioned _Impermanent s Immigration 3 Impassive Impersonal Imminence Impatience Impersonate - Imminent Impatient Impersona- tion Immobile Impeach Impertinence' Immobility Impeach• _ _ Impertinent able Immoderate Impeach- �j Imperturba- ment ( bility Immodest Impeceable Imperturb- T able Immoral Impecuni- Impervious ous Immorality Impede Impetuosity --liamortal _ Impediment Impetuous ,----Immortality �� Impedi- Impetus menta a-�j Immovable Impel --ZImpiety GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 93 7 ImpingeImpractica- Impudence /h -z bility —�/ Impious Impraeti- Impudent cable Implaea- Impractical Impugn .bility Implacable "Imprecate �r Impulse Implant Impregna- Impulsive --7*:_�- bility Implement .__ Impreg- Impunity nable Implicate z Impregna- Impure tion Implication Impresario -� Impurity -�� Implicit Impress Imputation Implore Impressible --� Impute Imply Impression Inability Impolite Impression- Inaecessi- T D able" bility Impolitic � Impressive �� Inaccessible Import - Imprint 0^6 Inaccuracy Importan{a Imprison _ " Inaccurate Importation �— Imprison- --7 Inaction ment Importer Improba- -a) Inactive bility 4/6 Impoitnnate Improbable / Inactivity 7�- Importune --r__—Impromptu S� Inadequacy Impose Improper d 6 Inadequate Imposition Impropriety Inadvert- ency -� Impossi- Z, Improvable Inadvertent bility Impossible --z: Improvement a Inalienable Impostor Improvident e U Inane Impotency Improvise ----v Inanimate -�- Impotent -�? Imprudence Inanition Impoverish '_Imprudent 1 Inanity 44 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY dam_ Inapplicable Incertitude Incertitude Incommode Inapt -Z,) Incessant Incompa- rable Inaptitude 7 Inch Incompat- ible Inarticulate -V-- Incident = Incompe- tency �7 Inasmuch ,v�Ineidental Incompetent -5— Inattention Incipient Incomplete Inattentive Incision Incompre- hensibility Inaudible Incisivel Ineompre- �" ~Z-1 hensible o-G�-- Inaugurate Incite Incompress- ible Inborn IncivilityrJ Ineoneeiv- able Inbound Inclemency -7 Inconclusive Incalculable Inclement -- --- Incongruity ✓P Incandes- `7 Inclination Incongruous cent Incantation - Incline Inconse- quent Incapable Inclined �d Ineoneider- ate Incapacitate Inclose �� Inconsist- ency Incapacity Inelosure, --7 Inconsistent Incarcerate % Include Inconsolable Incarnate Inclusion Inconspicu- ous -^ > Incarnation Inclusive Inconstant Incautious r Incognito Incontest- able Ineendia- Ineognizable Incontinent riem Incendiary --e, Incognizance Ineonveruen{te Incense �s Incoherency r incorporate j� Incentive ---z--- Incoherent 7L--Incorporeal Inception Income Incorrect Inceptive -3 Incommen- y Incorrigi- t curable // bility GREG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 95 y Incorrigible Indefatiga- Indigestion / bility -y Incorrupt- Indefati- �'/ Indignant ible gable { Increasable Indefinable Indignation —e Increase �,-Z Indefinite A Indignity Increasingly -1'2- Indefinite- "Indigo gess Ineredibil- " ? Indelible r^ Indirect ity 9 'Incredible - " Indelicate �~Indirectness ---------Incredulity Indemnify Gj Indiscern- ible --o�Incredulous �J Indemnity Indiscreet —Increment" _r' Indent Indiscretion 6lneriminate "' Indentation --^�- ' Indiscrimi- nate Incubator aa- -711 Inculcate t' Independeu{ Indispen- sable Inculpate -- 4 Indetermi- Indispose nate Incumbency Index /� Indispu- table y Incumbent Indian Indisso- ( luble Incur — Indicate ��- Indistinct Incurable Indication �( Indistin- guishable -y IAcursion Indicative Indite Indebted ' Indicator Individual ;Indebted- Indict � Individual. ness ity Indeeipher- Indictable Indivisible able IndecisionIndictment �` �r Indolence ' Indecisive Indifferen{t .Indolent Indecorous Indigence --'` Indomitable /;----Indecorum Indigenous Indorse / Indeed --61 Indigent Indorsee 96 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY �— Indorsement Inert Infelicitous t- Indorser Inertia Infelicity Indubitable Inertness Infer Induce Inestimable 7 f Inference Inducement Inevitable Inferior ? Induction Inexact Inferiority r ' Indue ! Inexaeti- Infernal tude Indulge-neo Inexcusable Infest if--'Indulgent Inexhaast- Infidel ible Indurate Inexorabil- 7/� Infidelity ity f Industrial Inexorable Infiltrate Industrious Inexpedi- Infiltration enee Industry Inexpedient Infinite Inebriate Inexperi• Infiniteness ? enee Ineffable Inexplicable •21 Infinitesimal 3 Ineffective Inexplicit )` Infinitive Ineffective- Inexii - Infinity mess ibleress 2-1 Zf Ineffectual Infallibility Infirm Ineffectual- { Infallible Infirmary ity �2- Z� Inef ee –71 i Infamous � Infirmity tually Inefficacious - Infaney Inflame Inefficacy Infant Inflamma- Z–- bility Inefficiency Infantile Inflam- mable Inefficient , Infantry 7-, In�nma- w—Inelegant Infatuate Inflamma- tory e�f Ineligible Infatuation Z� Inflate o+r"`• Inequality Infectious �� Iuflatioa GREGG SHORTHAND,DICTIONARY 97 Inflect Ingratiate Injure- Inflection r p Ingratitude 17 Injuries FF Inflexibility -----'- Ingredient 1 Injurious r Inflexible _i Ingrown Injustice Inflict Inhabit f^ Ink 7 Influence Inhabitant ®•�_,.�, Inkling Influential Inhale -.__- Inlaid 1-1 Influenza --'�Tnharmoni- Inland on$ Influx Inherent Inlay Inform o Inherit _ {, Inmate Informality Inheritable Inmost 2— Information ��r Inheritance Inn 2 Informer Inhibit Innate Infraction Inhospitable Inner Infrequenfty Inhuman Innermost Z7 Infringe Inhume � Innervate 7 Infringe Inimieal Inning went 21- Infuriate « a d Inimitable Innocenti; Infuse - Iniquity Innocuous 7 Ingenious -7� Initial 7 Innovate Ingenious- _ Initiatebd y Innovation nes q/ Inginue Initiation ;--� Innuendo Ingenuity -7!�2 Initiative ..-7 Innumer- able Ingenuous v Initiatory Inoculate Inglorious Inject Inocula- 7 tion Ingot Injudicious Inoffensive t' Ingrain 7 Injunction �+�� Inopportune 98 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Inordinate ;6 Inside Installment w Inorganic Insidious 7 Instan{te Inquest Insight x'3 In - neonsneous --a Inquire Insignia Instead c Inquirer y Inaignifieanfte Instep ---a Inquiry Insincere a Instigate Inquisition Insincerity y, J Instigation y� Inquisitive Insinuate Instigator 2 Inquisitive- _Z17 Insinuation Instill ness Inquisitor Insipid 7� Instinet Inroad s Insist 1 Instinctive Insane Insistent v Institute Insanity Insolence z� Institution Insatiable tea/ Insolent Instruct _yam Inscribe Insoluble Instruction Inscription Insolvency Instructive Inscrutable y Insolvent ��- Instructor Insect `r_____®j Insomnia Instrument Insecure ?�J Insomuch —' Instrumen- tal Insecurity Inspect Instrumen- I tality Insensate Inspection _�— Insubordi- nate Insensibility T Inspector Insufferable Insensible Inspiration Insufficient Inseparable Inspire Insular Insert Instability Insulate Insertion Install T? Insulation Inset Installation �� Insulator GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY gg Insult Intensive Interleave Insuperable r Intent fl Interline (7� Insupport-. Intention Interlock able Insuppress- Intentional Interloper ible -7 Iusur f e u/ Intercede _-��Interlude ance ? Insurer (� Intercept — Intermedi- ate + Insurgent p' Intercession Interment Insurmount L Intercessor Intermina- able ble Ti Insurree- Interchange ny Intermingle l tion Intact f Interchange- Intermis- ability sion Intaglior Interchange- tent Intangible Intercol- _- Internal legiate Integer Intercom- r� Interna- manicate tional -:-�J.tegral _ Intercourse n Interpolate Integrate 7�:� Interdict Interpola- tion Integration Interdiction l Interpose Integrity 7 Interest Interposi- tion ;7- Intellect-uaI 5- Interested l Interpret fIntelligence Y Interested- Interprets- nese tion Intelligent l Interests Interpreter Intelligible -L Interfere Interrogate Intemper- r Interfer- Interroga- ance ence tion Intemperate Interim Interroga- tive -/� Intend Interior " Interro- gator �r Intense L Interject > Interroga- tory �J Intensify �j Interjection Interrupt r� Intensity Interlace Interrup- tion 100 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ,i-. Intersect Intractable Inure Intersection Intractile z_---Inurement 4 Intersperse Intransitive � Invade Interstate Intrench Invalid Interstice Intrepid off' Invalidate Interurban G/ Intrepidity A Invalidation Interval r� Intricacies Invalidism �JJ Intervene '> Intricacy Invalidity Interven- 7::�r Intricate Invaluable tion Interview " Intrigue Invariable Interweave Intrinsic Invasion -� Intestate /� Introduce Invective Intestine Introdue- Inveigh tion Intimacy Introdue- Inveigher r tory Intimate ( Introspect Inveigle Intimation Introspee- Invent tion Intimidate Introspee- Invention / tive Intimida- Intrude Inventive tion _ Into Intruder Inventor Intolerable i Intrusion Lam' Inventory 'Intolerance Intrusive Invert Intolerant 'r Intrust Invest ' Intonate Intuition Investigatp ---'7 Intonation 2 Intuitional Investiga- tion Intoxicate - Intuitive Investigator Intoxication -� Inundate �✓ Investment Intraetabil- - Inundation Inveterate ity GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 101 Invidiena Q--3„_... Irksome Irritation Invigorate o-- Iron Ir-ptioh y InvineioleIsland Inviolable. ��` Irrational ate..-� Isle Inviolate a "_ i Irrational- fL-,- Isolate ity 7) Invisible Irrefutable �_fv Isolation Invitation Irregular e---p Isosceles Invite —_Irregularity Issuance Invocation Irrelevant x Issue Invoice Irremedi- Isthmus able Invoke .� Irrepara- It / bility Involuntary' < Irreparable 's Italian Involution Irrepress- e—_Italic ible Involve y Irreproaeh- Italy able Invoiceer- �r Irresistible Itch able y- Inward ate, Irresolute Item d Iodine Irrespec- Itemize 1 tine -' Iodoform Irrespon- p Iterate aible e" Iota J Irretriev- 6 Itineraney able Ipecac Irrevocable 6�-r. Itinerant Irascibility' w Irrigate b p Itinerary Irascible r j. Irrigation 6 Itinerate Irate of Irritability Itself Irideseen{te � Irritable Ivory ae-e his d Irritant �� Ivy 01-> Irish Irritate 102 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY J 41", Jealous �_ Jingle Jabber L'. Jealousy Jinrikisha Jabot Jeer Job �/I Jacket do Jeeringly � Jobber Jade Jehovah L/� Jockey o� Jag `� Jelly Jocose Jagged G o Jeopardize Jocosely Jail Jeopardy / Joeoseness Jailer & Jerk G/.� Jocular d— Jam JerseyL/ Jocularity Jangle Jest 16/ Jocund �✓ Janitor Jester G//– Jog IZ— Janitress y� Jesuit Gv Joggle January Jesus l� Join / Japan f Jet G- Joiner 6 Jar Jetsam G/ Joint / Jardiniere Jetty 1�1 Jointure 6/ Jargon Jew Ie/i Joist b Jars / Jewel L// Joke 2--_ Jasmine Z - Jeweler Joker Jasper Jewelry Jokingly Jaundice Jib Jollification Jaunt Jibe ! a JoIlinees Gam' Jauntiness Jiffy /J Jollity G/ Jaunty �6 Jig Jolly / Javelin / Jiggle Z–, Jolt 6 Jaw Jilt Z-- Jolted GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 103 G a- Jonquil Judicature Z— Junior Jostle Judicial Juniper Jot !/" Judiciary Junket 6/ Journal /i' Judicious Jurisdiction b= Journalism Judicious. 14 Jurispruden{t / nesa 6/* Journalist <----, Jug h f Jurist b/- Journey Z- - Juggle Juror 69 Journeyman �--------�Juggler Jury / Jovial Jugular Juryman 4� Joviality Juice Just Joy Juiciness / Justice Joyful Juicy f� Justifiable (v Joyfulness Julep 11� Justification Joyless �// July Justifier Joyous 7 Jumble Justify Jubilant Jump Z/ Justness Jubilee C Junction Jute Judge ff / JunctureILI Juvenile Judgeship G June Juvenility Judgment t..-� Jungle Jurtapoai- .tion l04 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 8 � Kiln --eKnack -� Kaiser � Kilogram Knave `Z Kaleido- Kilowatt Knavery scope Kangaroo �;,�Kimono Knavish o_ Keel a- Kin Knead -ate Keen -a Kind Knee .a_ Keenness .a Kinder- Kneel garten 7 Keep 'Kindle Knell Keeper m- Kindliness Knife Kennel Kindly Knighthood 2 Kept a �K'indness 6 Knit - --_--- Kernel -,- Kindred Knob Kerosene -'a- King Knock ,- Kettle a _ Kink Knoll a Key -a- Kinship Knot Keyboard �_ Kinsman Know moo/ Keynote Kiss o Knowingly 1-21- Khaki Kitchen Knowledge Khedive .y Kite _ Knuckle y Kick r Kith i/a� Kodak Kidnap zr' Kitten r� Kosher ,! Kidney Klepto. . ,_p Kumiss mania Kill GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY lb$ L s" Laity Lappet « y.� Label Lake -7- Lapse Labial Lamb ._.,:2 � Larcenous Labor `y--Z- Lambent .-Qz, Larceny y Laboratory -,Z:_�6/Lambregnia --,-/Lad y� Laborious Lame. Larder C« Labyrinth --a----Lament Large Lace .._..r- Lamp �7- Largely' Lacerate - Lampoon Larger za ---o Lack Lance Largest --->''Lackadaisi- s'1 Lancet _sz ' Lariat cal v > Lackey _ Land Lark Laconic Landau Larva Lacquer --O-'-Landholder �/ Laryngitis Lacrimal Landscape Larynx ----c--Lacteal Landward o Lash Lactie `_s- Lane ---e- Lassitude y-' Lad Language _ Lasso ----' LL.dder Languid ._. Last Ladle a f Languish -� Latch --Lady �a . Languor Latchkey ----Lag ` Q a Lanky F' Late -----,"-Laggard Laggard �'�-Lantern Latency a--„--LagoonLap Lateness Laid �� Lapel --e; l Latent —2- Lain Lapful - "✓Lateral ---4-, Lair _ o Lapidary --s' Latest 106 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY --- Lath Lavishness Learnable- .sx Lather v Law Learned d, Latin Lawful Learner Latitude ------Lawless Leasable --' -Latitudinal Lawn- e' Lease —- 'Latitudinous Lawyer ­C_ Leasehold Latter, Lax f Leash - Lattice --e-- Laxity Least Laud --e Laxness Leather Laudability `n Lay Leave ,_ --(,"Landable Layer Lecture Laudableness ._s------'Layman -'Lecturer "��y.L�audanum �--gf Laziness �.y Ledge ----"-Laudatory Lazy Ledger Laugh o Lead Leeward Laughingly - �r Leaden +a Leeway Laughter Leader Left ,_:,C L ghterless ' Leaf Legacy ., Launch �J Leafless Legal _a i Launder r League -C_Legality ''Laundry --'•-'Leaguer - --p Legalization Laureate Leak —y,Logalize ,_--�Laurel Leakage Legate Lava (^ Leakiness Legatee Lavatory _9 Lean r J Legation Lavender --7- Leap . s Legend Lavish o- Learn 1� Legendary GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 107 Legerdemain Lessen y- Liberal ~ �r Legibility �_.� Lessened & Liberalism Legible ---e. Lesser Liberality Legion Lesson Liberally Legionary y Lessor Liberate 7 Legislate Lest Liberation 7 Legislation o Let Liberator Legislative Lethargy Libertine Legislator Letter Liberty Legislature � Letterhead .yam Librarian �^ Legitimate Lettergram (� Library zn Leisure Letterpress Libretto —Lemon ---P Lettuce (�� License Lend y Levee Lichen R--/ Lendable % Level Lick (¢ Lender y Levelness -e Licorice _-- Length Lever �� Lid U a_ Lengthen —j Levity v Lie Lengthwise Levy y Liege Leniency Lexicogra- ._p Lien pher _ Lenient Lexicogra- Lieu phy v Lens -e Lexicology Lieutenant ¢-� Lent --.e.. Lexicon Lieutenant- ship 6/ Leopard Liability Life Leprosy ._,v Liable Lifeless Less f Liber Lifelike _ Lessee -1P Libeler Lifelong 108 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Lifetime a Limousine 'Liquefaction Lift ._P Limp -- �Liquefiable ------'Ligament - Limpid Liquefy --z—Ligature —,---r_�Limpidity Liquid �..« Light , r 7:.-Limpidness ----- Liquidate Lighten ^Linden ti--��L-iquidation Lighter s Line e?l Liquidator a Lightly Lineage Liquor s—- Lightnesg `_,' Lineal -t' Lisp Lightning r:lLineality - C Listen p/ Likable s 9 Lineally Listless �( Like Linear ✓ Literal Likelihood .._¢_- Linen ----Literalism Likely ._..,s= Liner `PP Literalize Liken Linger Literally t Likeness --,---Lingual — Literary Likewise -R Linguist `% Literature m"^Lilcoy Linguistic Lithe e,--° Lily ---------Liniment Lithia Limb n Link -' Lithograph �C Limber ----Linoleum ✓�� Lithographer Lime --x Linotype Lithographic p-� Limit ——'"Lintel 9 Lithography Lixhitable Lion, -----Litigate Limitation Lip Litigation r--i Limited Liquation �' Little --`Limitless Liquefacient 9'~ .Littleness GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 109 Liturgy Loftily Lord Livable �,.� Loftiness �'Lordship Live - Log Lore Livelihood y Logic Lorgnette Liveliness -y/ Logicality -----y Lose Livery —7 Logically Y Loss _y Livid Logicalness Lot Lizard 7Logician - > Lotion t-� Load F°' Loiter -y 'Lottery ry Loaf Lombard Lotus Loam Lone Loud Loan Loneliness 7 Lounge Loath —Lonesome Love moi^ Loathe Long Loveliness Lobby Longer F Low Lobster Longevity - Lower Local Longingly ---9"Lowland ,,Locality 7 Longitude P' Lowliness LocateG Look -;D Lowly, 7 Location Loom Loyal-ty Lock .� Loop Lozenge -, Lockers Loophole y Lubricate v v Locket ---:7 Loose 71 Lubrication -,Locomotion y_ Loosen y Lubricator ----2 Locomotive g� Looseness (��%� Lucid / Lodge Loquacious - -Lucidity Loft J Loquacity �/` Lucidness 110 GREGG SHORTHAND,DICTIONARY Luck Lump �­-Lusterless Luckiness — Lunacy j Luxuriance —�Luckless Lunar 3V/Luxuriant Lucrative o Lunatic ?d Luxuriate Ludicrous ------7 Lunch ___3 Luxurious Luggage z Luncheon -3 Luxury Lugubrious -- Lung Lyceum Lukewarm —�7 Lunge P? Lymphatic 0 Lull Lurch x---17 Lynch 6 Lullaby Lure Lyncher Lumbago ---,— Lurid R-T Lynx Lumber Lurk Lyre ,_.,__--._..Luminary ---3 Luscious a Lyric a----- Luminous 3' Luster R Lyrically GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 111 M �s Magnate ---'—Maintenance Maeadamiza- d Magnesia -7: Majestic tion �9 Macadamize Magnet 7: Majestically p Macaroni Magnetic Majesty -=y Macaroon Magnetism Major a Macerate yQ Magnetiz- Majority ( able Machinate R Magnetiza- Make tion s +r Machination a Magnetize -"z'' Maker —f' Machine y Magnifiable -- Malady Machinery 1� Magnifica- Malaria tion -- Machinist > Magnificen{te --�Maledietion -- Mackerel Magnifier � Malefaction Y Mackintosh - Magnify ---,e:;;7 Malefactor - Macron 11lagniloquen{te Malevolence Madam % Magnitude Malevolent �r Madden Magnolia Malfeasance Made —;—Mahogany Malforma- tion 6� Madonna —6 Maid ,_. _r Malice " Magazine _6 Maiden Malicious Magenta Mail __s1 n'Malign Magic —�� Mailable e Malignancy Magical Maim a m—Malignant Magician Maimed _...c Malleability Magisterial 1Main e� Malleable v Magistrate —--'41ainland �v( Malleation Magnanim- -----1 Maintain z r Mallet. ity Magnan- Maintain- Malt mous able 112 GREG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Mammoth Manipula March tine Man - Manipulator Marcher Manacle -- a Mankind. _Z_ Margin -7 Manage 'Manlike -f' Marginal /7 Manages- Manliness L•_,-e_p_ Marine 1r bility 7 Manageable Manner Mariner Management Mannerism Marital G Manager -4 Mannerliniam _-- --Maritimo -- 7 Managerial s Mannerly _2 Mark —� Managership, Mannish - Marked Mandarin Manor --� Market --/�.-Malate --� Mansard _ y Marketable _- 1-- 4ALdatory - Manse ------Marmalade --! Mandolin. ---7 Mansion -------Marmot Maneuver --------Mantle 2 Maroon Mangle Manual Q Marquis /Manhood - Manufactory / Marriage o Mania Manufacture - Marrow Maniac Manufac- QP Marry turer Manicure --L Manuscript Marsh Manifest Many +" Marshal Manifests- - Map Marshiness tion ---7 Manifesto Maple Mart - f Manifold Mar - - Marten Manikin e��Marauder Martial Manipulate - 2- Marauder -v Martinet Mauipula- Marble Martyr tion GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 113 -a"'" Martyrdom 7 Mastication g Mattress^ Marvel-ous Meatif -E' .Mature Mascot ---C-�Mastodon 5-' Maturity ya Masculine - Mastoid Maul - „� Maseulinity, - £ Mat --,-,Mausoleum--�" Mash Matador Mauve ---eg Mask Match Maxim Masked Matchable _{� Maximize Masons Matchless � Maximum - Masonie Material May Masonry Materialism. _---e' Mayonnaise --e^ Masquerade - { Materialist -4 Mayor Masquerader y Materialis- ---Q-/Mayoral tie --t^ Mass - Materialize �`-� Mayoralty --e,. Massacre -' Materially _6 Meadow Message `� Maternal _ Meager Masside --6�a Mathematic- _ Meal al Massiveness - A `�Mathemati- Mealiness ciao Mast --6'9 Mathematics Mean r' Master d Matricide - Meander Masterful Matriculate Meaningless Masterless Matricula- Meanness 7 tion ..-ez , Maaterliness ='----Matrimonial --� ^Meantime Masterly - "-----Matrimony Meanwhile Masterpiece Matron Measles -ee-, Mastery .---b Matter .p Measurable --e_-- Masticate --G' Mstt061C Messurable- ness- 114 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY _ Measure -e' Medium ------,-Memoirist Measureless _-��Medley % Memmorabil- ( ity Measurement - - Meek Memorable d Most d Meekness Memorable- ness _._�.�. Mechanic d Meet Memoranda Mechanical __- --z1 Megaphone Memoran- dum Mechanician .---e_.a--Melaneholie -Memorial --d-zo---Mechanism, — Melancholy -- Memorize Meehaniat -- Q--pMeNe Memory. -^ Medal --Meliorate Menace - Medallion - Melioration --f' Menagerie. Z✓hleddler .--w--"Meliorator. G—o Mend Meddlesome Mellow ---Mendable Mediate —Mellowness - ��" Mendacious Mediation Mellowy _ Mendacity Mediator __----"-Melodeon -'f Mendicancy .d Medical �'?�Mselodious Mendicant Medicate - - Melodrama Menial Medication -----'Melody Meningitis ,e R Medicinal Melon ---3Mensura- r hility Medicine ..--a___.-Melt Mensurable - Medieval Member Mensurable- ness ��Medioero 7- Membership - -� Mensuration ^�Medioerity Membrane ------Mental Meditate Membranous --`-"Mentality Meditation "'Memento - Mentally Meditative _ Memoir -----"-"'Menthol GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY IIS Mention _ ems- Merriness Method { Mentionable ----e� Merry ^Methodical Mentor Mesh Methodist --' 3Kentorial - Mesmeric Metric Q Mercantile Mesmerism Metrical �? Mercenary - Mesmerize Metrician QED, Mercerize _. Mesmerizer Metrology Merehandis- y Message Metropole able f _ Merchandise Messenger Metropolis Merchant Messrs. G Metropoli- tan Merciful - Metal _-s--'Mettle -a Merciless -.4—Metallic -d-"--"Mettlesome Mercurial Metallize- Mexican tion ' -e. Mereurify -.-s Metallize Miasma a Mercury _c 1 Metallurgy Microbe __ems Mercy -_4- Metamor- _�,-._r Microscope phose Mere - Metaphor Microscopic Merely Metaphorical .Middle �y Merge ---d? Metaphysical Midge Merger �s Metaphysics 7�s Midget Meridian -d`" Meteor L� Midland R Merino Meteoric �9 Midnight -� Merit MeteorieaI - Midst Merited - d Meteorite --' —Midsummer s Meritorious -E`< Meteorology Midway - Mermaid •-- Meter Mien --Merriment 7 Meterage —i Might 116 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY -� Mightily Mimic ----a Minuet -e'- Mightiness ----- Mimicry - Minus Migrate _ Mince G Minute ® Migration -m- Mind Minutely -�Migratory _-� Mindful Minutia Q Mild Miner - Miracle Mildness ----Mineral o^Miraculous Mile Mirage tion - m Mileage - - ---FMineralize --R-- Mirror. �4 Militancy Mineralogy - _-✓ Mirth Militant Mingle - Mirthful e o MilitaryMiniature Mirthle�t Militate - m---�Minimize- 1 Misanthrope tion y Militia -.-- - c=Minimize -u-� Misanthropy --Milk -.-s-----Minimum Misappre- hension Mill Minion .Misappro- priate _,_,.a_�Millenarian -.-yam Minister y� Misbehave __->._•.----=Millenary ----cr...�Ministerial / Miscellane- ous -a_--MillennialMinistry, _ �oMiscellany Q-a-m-Millennium Mink Mischief -Miller Minnow Mischievous e Milliner -- Minor Miseoneep- tion __.._��Millinery -._--.-- Minority /'Misconduct Million -,—Alinstrel - � Misconstrue. tion a-�Millionaire Mint - r Misconstrue -,Millatone Mintage - 1 Miscount. Mimeograph - -y! Minuend a / Miscreant GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 119 Misdemean- Mistrust modem• or �1 Miser Misty --Modernness Miserable _r� Missunaer- Modest Misery nr Misuse --Modienm Misfit Mite Modifiable Misfortune --F' Mitigant �� Modification ---z..-a Misgiving -- '^�Mitigate Modifier - Misguide _6' Mitigation. Modify Mishap Mitten Modulate Misinform ,- Mix Modulation ( Misinterpret _g— Mixture -- / Mohair --_Misnomer — Mnemon}cal Moiety Misprint - 33ftemonics --cP Moist Misprision Moan — Moisten Misquote --✓" Moat — Moisture Misrepresent 7 Mob — 'Molasses Missile Mobile Mold -, Mission �j Mobility �Molecule MissionaryMobilization --< a Molest Missive � Mobilize - Molestation /_--e Mist Moccasin Mollifiable --ry Mistakable Mock - -) Mollification Mistake o Mockery -��Mollifier Mistaken -- L Mode Mollify Mr. --- Model --s—Moment -r Mrs. y� Moderate --- Momentarily Mistress z�� Moderation �Momentary 118 4GREO(l SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ----7 Momentous 'Monotonous -z r Morose _-__J Momentmn Monotony Moroseness - Monarch _-tp Monster - ry Morphine -------Monarchal --z. Monstrosity -� Morsel Monarchy - -r Monstrow! ^-"'Mortal --e—Monastery Month -a✓Mortality y.Monastical —Monument - PMortalize Monday Monumental --G Mortar Monetary Mood _ Mortgage - Monetize - Moodiness - s Mortgagee Money Moon Mortgagor __4--Moneyless =-,_aMooulight Mortifica- tion ----.s-Monitor Moor Mortify _----Monitorial - Moose _----'Mortuary ---- -?Monitorship Moat -- Mosaic Monk Mop Mosque --.b Monkey --v_ MoralMosquito Monocle --=--. -Moralist — Moss Monogamy .Morality -- Most Monogram ---K- IrMoralization Moth Monograph =-�Moralize Mother ------Monolithy Morbid '"Mother-in- - law More Motherless Monopolist Moreover ---+" Motherli- ness Monopolize Morgue - v Motion - Monopoly Morning Motionless ----Monotone Morocco -- -2 Motive GREGG SHORTHAND DICl!IONg.RY 119 -----Motley Muff Murder w Motor — Muffin --�` Murderer — * Motorist _� muffle __ .,- Murderous -----'Mottle Mug a Murky — motto —z a`Mulatto Murmur ---1 Mound ----zs Mule _,.._e---7Murmurous / Mountain aL Multifarious __ Muscle /`Mountaineer Multiformity _ Muscular -- Mountainous — Multigraph Muscularity Mounted Multiple 3 Muse: Mourn. Multiples __ _ Museum - Mournful G a— .Multipli- —z�Mushroom cand .— 57 Mouse ( Multiplier _,�. Music ---a^" Mouth Multiply ..,..� Musical Mouthpiece Multitude, Musician' Movable7-- Multitude- y� Musketeer none Move Mumble Muslin ---�—— Movement �Mummery .T Must Mow Mummy Mustache Mown 7 Munch 3 u Mustang 7 Much Mundane Mustard Mucilage Municipal --3 o Muster Muck --� Municipal- Mustiness ity Mucous 9;r Munificence --7.- Musty y�— Mud Munificent r� Mutability ! Muddiness _> Munition Mutable' - /- - Muddle ___Mural Mutable- nese 120 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY —— Mutation Mutuality j Mystic --� Mute Muzzle Mystical Mutilate myopia f Mysticism —� Mutilation ---,,---Myriad � Mystification ---Mutilator Myrtle y� Mystify ---,,'Mutineer Myself s Myth /? Mutinous �� Mysterious a Mythical —>! Mutiny _ Mysterious- Mythological nese s Mutton Mystery Mythology -- Mutual GREGG MORTSAND DICTIONARY „121. N �o Nasality � Navigabil- ity -o-� Nag ��_�s--NNatal- Navigable - - Nail --cs" Natatorium Navigate e.._ Nailer 1�1 Nation -2� Navigation p Nainsook �V� National Navigator Nalve _Nationalism 7 Navy Naivete 'Zf o Nationalist v Nay Name Zf f Nationality Near Q Nameless �� Nationaliza. Nearly tion g Namely Nationalize Nearness' Nap Nationally Neat Napery -6J Native Neatness p Naphtha Nativity Nebulosity Naphthol /� Natural Nebulous Napkin P Naturalist y Necessarily Napless 6 Naturalistic -y Necessary �3 Narcissus -e--P Naturalize 71-- Necessitate Narcotic Naturally .-�r Necessity -e n Narrate zs- Naturalness Neck E� Narration -6 Nature g - Necklace Narrative - Naught 4 Necktie -aa Narrator Naughtiness a Necrology --k_— Narrow Nausea -aNeeromaney Narrower Nauseate �/� Nectar --g-<° Narrowly _ Nautical -d Need -� Narrowness -------Nautilus, Needed Nasal Naval -d4 Needful 122 4REGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Neediness -�7- Nerve Nice -e' Needle Nerveless Nicety --'--Needlework Nerveless-, 7 Niehe nese Nefarious Nervous Nick �--1 Negation y Nervousness Nickel - Negative Nest Nickname -� Neglect , Nestle a z Nicotine Neglectful -d Net -e Niece Negligence dr Nettle .-a Niggard Negligent d Network Niggardli- ness e-> Negligible Neuralgia r, Nigh Negotiabil- _�,.p Neurotic Night ity b j Negotiable - Neuter G - lNightingale (. y Negotiate -;Z-- Neutral Nightmare Negotiator Neutrality �- Nighttime Negro = -$ Neutraliza -.-L� Nihil tion �w Neighbor `__.f' Neutralize Nihilism C Neighbor- Never -R— Nihilist hood Neighborli- Nevermore Nimble ness Neither Nevertheless � Nimbleness -®- Nemesis New 7 Nimbus s Neologism z Newer m.( Nine Neologist Newly 7- Nip 9 Neologize Newness om^ Nippers G Neology Newspaper Nitric �- Neophyte Newsy J Nitrification Nephew { Neat f Nitrogen GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 123 Nitrons - ---.--iNoncommis- Northward, sioned Nobility Noneommit- -y Nose tal Noble - Noncompli- -�_a Nosegay anee y Nobleman _- ✓�Noncondne• --�,�Nostril (_ for Nobleness _72, Noneon- - _- Nostrum forming Nobody 1Voncon- Not 1 P formist �-✓—NocturnalNoncon• Notability formity, E Nocturne --",9 Noneon- Notable tagious Nod r- -✓l Noneontent z-�otarial ---e Noise <, '` Nondescript ' Notary Noiseless a- None - Notation Noisy -z Nonentity Notch C Nomad --.jT Nonessential Note Nomenels- Noninter- Notebook ture vention -------Nominal Nonpareil �i''� Noted - Nominate -- , --Nonresident �`ro Noteworthy Nomination -=-r- Nonsense Nothing -z ---67Nominative --:5, Nonsensical Nothingness - G Nominator Nook Notice Nominee Noon Noticeable Nonability �� Noonday Notification s o� Nonaceept p Noose Notify ante Nonagena- Nor y Notion rian Nonappear- Normal -d Notoriety once Nonarrival North -✓" Notorious Nonchalant Northern Notwith- standing Noncombat- -�p Northerner Noun ant 124 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY a-r Nourish Nudge --o---- '"`"'Numerator Nourishable Y Nugatory Numerical A.� Nourishment r Nugget -- Numerous y Novel Nuisance Nun Novelist z Null ? Nuptial Novelty Nullification r Nurse November -_-� Nullify Nurture 1 Novice `_ Nullity —/ Nut 17 Novitiate -- Numb Nutriment Now Number i Nutrition Nowadays Numberless f Nutritio. -�Q- Nowhere .s------- Numeral Nutritiva Noxious -----,'Numerate Nutshell Nozzle s Numeration s] Nymph —. 9 Nucleus GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 125 0 �ffy Obligation Obstacle Oak C�� Obligatory Obstinacy Oar Obligey Obstinate i Oarless Obliges �y( Obstreperous ,;;_____.Oarsman Obligingly, f Obstruct Y Oasis yC Oblique ! Obstructer Oath C Obliterate Obstruction "l�atmeal i� Obliteration yy Obstructive Obduracy Oblivion [/ Obtain t/- Obdurate Oblivious {i/ Obtainable Obdurateness y� Oblong tt Obtrude v Obedience C a Obloquy Obtrusive �y Obedient Obnoxious (ii Obtuse Obeisance Obscure Obverse j Obelisk _ Obscurity �y Obviate <�ff Obesity Obsequious / Obviation 6 Obey / Observable Obvious 1-1 Obituary � Observance � Occasion t Object Observant J Occasional Objection Observation d-� ✓Occidental Objection-. Observatory i Occult y able �ty Objective Observe Occultation (7 Objectively Observer Occupancy Objectivity Obsess �1 Occupant ( Objector Obsession 7 Occupation y Objurgate Obsolescent Occupier C .--.Obligate Obsolete Occupy 126 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Occur 9 Officeholder Omnipresence a -r Occurrence Officer y Omnipresent y Ocean Z Official -T�^ Omnipreva- lent Oceanic Officially _-.- Omniscience Ocher Offieiate Omniscient O'clock Officious Once "Octagon Offset One Octave Often Oneness October // Oftentimes Onerous y Octopus ��ry/ Ofttimes n-7- Oneself is Ocular on Onion Oculist Oiliness Only f Odd Ointment -> Onrush Oddity --' Old Onset Oddness <- Olden -t�Onslanght Odious Oleomar. / Onward garfne Odor Olfactory - Oolong ---''Odorless *---Oligarchy ,. Ooze Of y Olive Opacity Off /E--�-� Omelet �F/ Opal ,V Offend Omen Opaque .,7— Offender Ominous Opaqueness Offense =---� Omission Open Offensive -s Omit Opera Offer OmnibusOperate Offhand Omnipotence 4!� Operation P, Office L Omnipotent 49, Operative GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 127 n Operator `r Optician Ordeal Opiate a z" Optimism Order Opine Optimist -r Orderable Opinion Optimistic Orderless Opinionable Option Orderliness Opinionated Optional Ordinal j Opinionative r Opulence Ordinance Opium Opulent — Ordinary Opponent Oracle d'ra Ordinate Opportune Oracular v�v T Ordination Opportunist Oral / Ordnance Opportunity Orange Ore Opposability Oration v Organ Opposable Orator — Organic Oppose Oratorical -- Organism Opposer t Oratorio r Organist Opposite —I— Oratory Organiza- bility Opposition y Orb Organizable Opgositive y( Orbit Organization Oppress 6 Orchard Organize Lp Oppression � Orchardist Orient Oppressive G Orchestra r----oriental Oppressive- —9--..0rehestral y Orifice cess y/ Oppressor Ordain Origin �j Opprobrium Ordainable y Original Optie Ordainer /�yp Originality Optical Ordainment Originate 128 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY y Origination " Ostensible ax-- Outlet y�y Originative 5 '� Ostentation Outline �y Originator Ostentatious a—s'J Outlined j,ems; Oriole Osteopath w- Outlook r Ornament yr— Ostracism o" -Outnumber Go _ Ornamental Ostracize d' Output Y — Ornament&- Ostrich Outrage tion Ornamenter Other of Outrageous 6 6 Ornate ro Otherwise 4Y Outset s 6 Ornateness Otology Dai Outside s'4 Ornithologie- Ottoman. d� Outsider al 6: Ornitholo- Ought a3'" Outstanding gist ---a- Ornithology d * Ounce zP"" Outward Orotund Our clp ' Outwit Orphan -> Oursolves Oval Orphanage O Outql? Ovation G/ Orphanhood d�� Outcast L Oven Orthodox 6 Outcome Over Orthoepy �� Outcry m Overact w Orthography Outdoors y Overalls k_- Oscillate o' Outer Overboard p Oscillation O' Outermost j Overcharge Z—.," Oscillatory D3 Outfit j Overcome fz--. Osculate CO1 Outfitter ? Overeonfi- f dente 5— Osculation a Outgrowth Overdo 7 Osseous 0— Outlaw �- Overestimate h'r/ Ostensibility ---` Outlay e-- Overflow GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 124 Overhaul ok Oversight R Ownerless Overhead % Overt j Ownership v Overhear Overtake v Ox Overjoy Overthrow ti . Oxalis Overlook �� Overtime > Oxidize 4 Overpower Overture "-Z Oxidizer �— Overrule -2 """Overwhelm J Oxygen Oversee 4; Owl .ey Oyster Overshadow Own Ozone Overshoe Owner 130 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY P Painful Palpability 61 Pabulum Painless Palpable Paces. Painstaking ILO Palpation Jrt Pacifiable Paint C--r- Palpitate Pacific Painter 'L� Palpitation Pacification Pair Palsy Pacifier Pajamas ✓ ' Paltriness Pacify Q Palace Paltry Pack Palatability ,efe- Pamper Package Palatable -1�-7 Pamphlet Packer C;�­ Palatableness Panacea �y Packet C> Palate _z5--r" Pancreas Pact 4Z_,� Palatial 'o Pancreatic d Pad G-v Palaver 4a�Pandemo- nium. / Paddle Pale / Panel d Paddock Paleness Pang e —Padloek Paleograph Panic Pagan Palette Pannier -'z— Paganism _ Palisade Panoply (� Page Pall P 9 Panorama Pageant Pallet �` Panoramio 6��,oPageantry �--°'` Palliate Pansy C/(,�-v Pagoda C y Palliation Pant Paid C--' Pallid Pantheism Pail Pallidness Panther Pailful Pallor '2��Pantomime Pain Palm 4�'���-�Pantomimic GREG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 131 6i,Pantomimist C Parapet _Parochialism Pantry Parapher- /g Parody nahPapacy � Paraphrase �.�.-- Parole Papal Parasite y Paroxysm 6 Papalize O Parasitical a Parquet �6k Paper (� Parasol. Parricide Papist Parboil Parrot Papyrus Parcel <2�, Parry Par Parch Parse Parable Parchment C� Parsimonious Parabolical �✓ Pardon Parsimony li Parachute Pardonable Ct Parsley L Parade (�� Parent 4 Parson Y Paradigm Parentage Gy Parsonage Paradise (S-7 Parenthesis (i Part Paradox d Parenthetical e" Partake �^ Paradoxical �rParenthood e a'O— Partaker Paraffin ia: Parentless Partial Paragon y. Pariah � Partiality- ----i artialityr---i Paragraph �7 Parishioner Participant Parallel 'z– Park Participate r Parallelism --9' Parlance Participation l `---',.--� Parallelo• C--_-o Parley � Participator gram Paralysis C Parliament Participle ( G Paralytic l_...-.Parliamentarq Particle Paralyze C,-----Parlor Particular Paramount 4 <-- Parochial 6 Particularise 1 132 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY �t Partisan � Pasty, 61 Patronizing ly Partiesuship Patch. Patter // Partition �// Patent Pattern (/ Partner 4� Patentable r Paucity Partnership Patentee Pauper l Partridge Paternal Pauperism Party d ,Path Pauperize Pass 0 Pathetie Pause Paseable PatheticalFF Pave Passage // Pathology Pavement �, Passenger s Pathos gl .Pavilion "fo Passion Pathway •G� Pawn �o Passionate o Patience Pawnable Passionless // Patient (L Pawnbroker Passive Patois 6 Pay Passivity Patriarch Payable Passport Patrician Payee Password d Patricide Payer Paste Patrimony Paymaster Pasteboard �� Patriot Payment Pastime 60 '•Patriotie Pease Pastor �/' Patriotism Peaceable „Pastoral Patrol Peaceful Pastorate C--,------Patrolman Peach Pastry Patron 6—' - Peacock Pasturage Patronage Peak Pasture Patronize ! Peal GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 133 Pear 4' i Peerless Penitential Pearl f Peevish Penitentiary Peasant Peevishness Penman Peasantry Peg Penmanship Peat <...+---Pelican Pennant Pebble C---£--Pell-mell 6'e� Penniless 6- Pecan / Pelt �/ Penny Peculate Pelvis L Penology Peculation Pen Pension Peculator 1L Penal �d Pensioner 6-- Peculiar-ly Penalize Pensive Peculiarity C Penalty Pensiveness Pecuniary "I Penance er+ Penult 4' � Pedagog Penchant 4-'� Penurious G - Pedagogical 4�/ Pencil 4. Penury �,i-7 Pedagogy Pendant e-1, Peony ,,' —Pedal (5-----Pendulum (C People z " Pedant li / Penetrability Pepper Pedantic ( Penetrable L(�' Pepsin Pedantry Penetrable- Peradven- nesa ture I/ Peddler G� Penetrate Perambulate Pedestal Penetratingly (f Perceivable Q. Pedestrian �� Penetration � Perceive Pedigree Penetrative <j Perceiver Peep Peninsular G Percentage iv Peer Penitence < Percept Peerage Penitent Pereeptibil. ity 134 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Perceptible Perfunctori- Permutable ness / Perception Perfunctory - > Permutation Perceptive Perhaps C--e Pernicious Perch Peril C Peroration Perchance Perilous Peroxide G v Percolate Period C , Perpendieu- v lar G.-_..r—Percolator Periodical Perpetrable G Percussion Peripatetic Perpetrate O Ep Perdition Periphery Perpetration Peremptori- Periscope C Perpetrator ness C n Peremptory Cy Perish Perpetual Perennial �y� Perishability Perpetuate C1 Perfect Perishable Perpetuation C1 Perfecter Perishable- Perpetuity ness Perfection Peristyle Perplex Perfectness Peritonitis �1 Perplexity Perfidious Perjure C Perquisite Perfidy Perjurer Ca Persecute C, Perforate _ Permanence Persecution �P Perforation C.----Permanent C� Persecutor Cy Perforator G -� Permeability Persever- (� ante Perforce 1 Permeable Persevere Perform C ( Permeate T Persist G Performance 6� Permeation Gy, Persistence Performer C Permissible C� Persistent Perfume G—{ Permission Cy Person-al Perfumery C.— Permit I;- Personable GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 135 C� Personage CZ- Perusal e' Pettiness A f� Personality 4�1 Peruse Petty Personate <;�Z_ Peruser Petulance Personation Pervade Petulant Personator Pervasion Pew �a Personill tion Perverse Pewter -1 Personnel Perverseness Phaeton Perspective Perversion Phalanx Perspicacious j Perversity -2 Phantasm Perspicacity Pervert -2� Phantom Perspicuity Pervious Pharmacy fr Perspiration CJ! Perviousness Pharynx Perspire ZPessimism Phase Persuade Pessimist Pheasant ( Persuader Pessimistic Phenomenal r Persuasibil- Pest Phenomenon ity Persuasion �y Pester Phial Persuasive Pestiferous Philanthropic Pert Pestilence PhiIanthro- pist `✓� Pertain Pestilent Pestilent !` Philanthropy Pertinacious J Petal. -2-.-PhiIharmonio Pertinacity Petition Philology 6� Pertinent GLc Petitionary -✓ Philosopher �j Perturb Petitioner -2--f- Philosophical Perturbabil- �� Petrifaction Philosophize !( ity �y Perturbable Petrify -L-C Philosophy Perturbation `__�- -Petroleum <L--Phlegm 136 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY o Phlegmatic Piano Pillager Phlegmatical Pianola Pillar Lo Phonetic Piazza o Pillory Phonic .a Pica Pillow Phonograph Picayune 6---✓ Pilot 1-.. Phonographer o Pick Pin ZPhonographic - Pickerel Pinehers Phonography 4�-e Picket Pinch Phonology G,.....- Pickle c,C Pine Phosphate e-- Picnic Pinion Phosphorate 4:- ^--'pictorial .4� Pink Phosphorus l Picture 4�' Pinnacle Photograph Picturesque � Pint l� Photographer Pie Pioneer Photographic Piece Pious .1a Photography _ ,.Piecemeal � Pipe Phrase Pier, rr✓" Piquancy �p Phraseogram 4'— Pierce Piquant �p Phraseology m4" Piety Pique Phrenology Pigeon Piracy Physical Pigment Pirate Physician oy Pike Pistol Physics �-- ' Pile Piston ��_,__Physiognomy Pilfer lj�' Pitch o Ph siol y' gy �.. � Pilgrim � Pitcher Physique �� Pilgrimage 4v Piteous o� Pianist Pillage, 61-' Pithy GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 137 Pitiable CA_Plank Please Pitiful Plant Pleasurablo e✓ Pitiless C�Plantation Pleasure Pittance (L-9--Planter Plebeian Pity C� Plaster Pledge Pivot �y Plastic Pledger G7 Placability C-,—. Plate C-�Plenary .Placable Plateau Cir Plenipotenti- ary C.�Placard G l�- Platen Plenitude C e d Placate ) Platform Plenteous Plaee' <---"-platinum, Plentiful C� Placeless .Platitude L_F p .Plenty �i Placid C n'�Platter s� Pliability C-�-�Plaoidity C (i Plauditory Pliable Plagiarism C Y( Plausibility Pliant L,v Plagiarist ( Plausible C� Pliers !� Plagiarize L_f� Play C Plight C_., Plague C_„sz,. Player Plod C,..''''-Plaid C� Playful' G_ Plodder Plain C- —Playground C-- Plot G s+ r Plaint C�Playmate C Plow Plaintiff C— Playwright C-w^ Pluck C_ Plaintive C 9 Plea �__ a-Pluckiness < " Plait L✓ Plead C- -a Plucky C Plan Pleasant C—Plug Plane L Pleasantness (L.--" Plum Lid Planet � � Pleasantry C--7Plumage 138 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY C.-. Plumber -P-- Pointer 4: . Polo L -Plume i Poise 4' - Polygamy 7-PIump Poison 4 �Polytechnie C------Plunder Poisonous Pomade derer l Poke G Pommel G. 7 Plunge Poker 7 Pomp /C - Plnral 4--� Polar Pomposity L-- -Plurality / _ Polarity y Pompous Plus Polarization, I--- Pond C__y Plush 6-�^-P Polarize 4i' Ponder Plutocrat I-- Pole G- ' Ponderous C Plutocratic �v Police Pongee C a Ply K:A—Policeman 4� Poniard o Pneumatic Policy Pontiff - Pneumonia Polish Pontoon Poach 4L,, Polisher 6'- Pony Poacher p Polite Poodle. tr Pocket 4�-� Politeness / Pool o% Pod 'o Politic Poor Poem Q Political Poorhouse Posy 4 � Politician Poorly Poet l_--S Polities Popcorn Poetical Polity Pope Poetry Poll Poplar Poignancy -' Pollen Poplin Poignant -^ Pollute Poppy s Point e-', Pollution Populace GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 139 Popular 4 Portion iii- Postgraduate (� Popularity C�- Portionless t'% Posthaste Populariza- 6�'° Portliness �� Posthumous tion Popularize 6— Portly Postman Populate Portrait Postmark 41 Population Portraiture ( --F' Postmaster Porcelain � . Portray Postmeridian Porch 6�' -''Portrayal (--=--Post-mortem Pore / Pose FI Post-office Pork y Position 1�1- Postpaid 3 Porous Positive Postpone 4Z Porousness Positiveness Postpone ment S Porpoise Possess ion Postscript 5 rr st s.} Porridge y Possessive �,y-J Postulant, Port Possessor Postulate Portability Possibility Posture Portable Possible G Pot Portage Post- �' potash G— Portal (Ij Postage ';2— ' Potassium Portend Postal Potato G" Portent Postal card Potency l/ Portentous l ' Post card r/ Potent Postdate �/� Potentate Porter t/ Porterage K Poster �� Potential Portfolio Posterior Pothook z Portico Posterity Potion Portiere 1�-- Postern Pottage I40 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Potter Cv Prate Precipitant Pouch Pratingly Precipitate Poultice Cq"'' Prattle Precipitation Poultry Ce- Prayer Precipitous 4 Pounce Prayerful {� Precise Pound Cc-._-. Prayerless 5f Precision Pour Preach (f�— Preclude Pout Co Preacher G>-r, Precocious Poverty :6i Preamble �, Precocity d� Powder Cor Prearrange �� E_,.Precursor Power Cff Q Precarious Predatory Powerful Precarious- C9"r Predecessor nese OC- Powerless Cs"f Precaution Predestinate. G_-� Practicabil- Cg Precede ��Predestina- ity tion y Practicable Precedence Cr' Predicament 4— Practical Cp/- Precedent Predicate C- ✓ Practice Precept Predication C--,, Praetieian Preceptor ���� Predict C.�d Practitioner Preceptorial Prediction o Pragmatic Preeeptory 6- 'Predilection --6Pragmatism Preceptress G9 Predispose C¢,. Prairie Precinct (fo--Predomi- nanee Praise Precious Predominant Praise- Precious- C� Predominate worthiness nese Praise- Precipice &- Predomina. worthy tion Cf�r Prance Precipitable G4�Preeminence Prank Preeipi- 6,-----Preeminent tansy GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 141 {;✓ Preempt Preparation Preservative G Preemption Preparative /LJ Preserve �v-- Preen C Preparatory Preside Preface C a Prepare z Presidency Prefatory ((�o Prepay < �- President Prefect Prepayment Ce,,-7 Presidential Prefer Preponder- Press ance �p Preferable Preponder- o Pressed r ancy r_ Preference Preponderate X Pressure �v Preferential Prepondera- Prestidigi- j� tion tator Cy Preferment Preposition Prestige CCP- Prefix Prepossess Presumably Prejudice Prepossess- CL_ Presume j ingly Prejudicial C-_ Preposterous ClPresumedly Z .a Prelate Ca z� Prerequisite Presumption (S,,r Preliminary Ca Prerogative Cl /"j Presumptive �+r Prelude Presbyterian Presuppose C �l Premature Prescience ` Presupposi- tion C�/ Premeditation 4� PrescribeCC,--'Pretender 6' Pretend Co Premier � Prescription Gam" Pretender �n c^ Premise Prescriptive C!" Pretense Cir Premises C Presence 4f�,' Pretension Com.---Premium Lam, Present 3 Pretentious C�Premonition Presentable Preternatu- ral Preoccupancy Presentation C Pretest Preoccupation .--Presentiment Prettiness Preoccupy Preservation Pretty I42 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Prevail 6,-r Prince Problematic O Prevalent Princely Procedure Prevaricate Princess Proceed Prevarication Prineip{le al Proceeds Prevaricator G Principality 4 Process Prevent Co Principally � Procession Prevents- CS- Print Processional bility Cp Preventable Cr Printer C: L Proclaim G(C/ Prevention Viz_ Prior <f----s---,Proelamation Preventive Priority Proclivity Cy Previous � Prison C� .Procrastinate Prevision Prisoner C Procrastiha- tion Price Pristine P Procrastina- tor C€ Priceless Cp Privacy <�— Procure Prick `/fin Private _ /l Prod C Pride Privately --teProdigsl Prideful Privation C�/`� odigalitp Cp Priest "�'�rl Privilege Prodigious Priesthood / Prize Prodigy C---- Prig G/ Probability C' Produce L Prim ( Probable G/'P Producer 6o 'Primal Probate Producible rte- Primary Probation ( Product 6-- Prime Probationer 4/� Production Cr- Primer CJ Probe G.�Productive 6r--f Primeval tfCr Probity C1 Profane /Ca Primitive ( Problem oL Profess GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 113 Profession Project (- --z--rPromulga- tion Professional Projectile C—_Promulgator Professor Projection — Prone Proffer Projector Proneness Proficiency C__i2 Proletarian Prong Proficient �--PProletariat Pronominal Profile Prolific Pronoun Profit (f---e Prolix f T Pronounce Profitable C.�Prologue Pronounce- able Profitless C_ Prolong Pronunei- ation .^Profligate Prolongate Pronuneiator ProfoundC_ yProlongation �� Proof Profundity C.----�/Promenade Cly Prop C Profuse C._,._._-r Prominence (C Propaganda 7 Profusion (t,___---Prominent Propagate Progenitor G— Promiscuous Propagation Progeny C__ Promise Propel -- Prognostic "L Promissory Propeller v --"� Prognosticate 6--" promontory Propensity 6, Program Promote �r Proper CProgress Promoter Property Progression y Promotion Prophecy G — Progressive Prompt Prophet Prohibit C—~Prompter Prophetical O Prohibition C-- Promptitude Propinquity Prohibition ��Promptness Propitiate j iet Prohibitory G--z..-rPromulgate � Propitiation 144 GREGG} SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Propitious Prospective Proven Propone Prospectus Provender Proportion 4 Prosper G^' Proverb Proportion- ( Prosperity Proverbial able Proportional Prosperous Provide Proportion- C„moo Prostrate G/ Providence ate Proportioned Prostration Provident Proposal Prosy Providential, Propose Protect Province Proposition Cv' Protection, Provincial Propound Protective- Cy Provision PropounderProtege Provisional .1 Proprietary C R Protest Ptoviso .s �l C Proprietors Protestant Provocation Com” Propriety C--37 Protestation Provocative G Propulsion C Protester Provoke n Pro rata Protract Provost Prosaic C/ Protraction Prowess Proseenium C-...�Protractor C-oc_...fProwl Proscribe C, Protrude Proximity ,. Proscript Protrusive 4 Proximo C" Proscription Protuberance C, Prosy Cy Prose Protuberant G,' Prude Prosecute /Ca Proud Com' Prudence Prosecution a / Proudly C Prudent Prosecutor c e Proudness <f-- Prudential C v Prospect Prove Gf Prune GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY kqg Pry 4....- Pulley �� Purchaser Psalm <L–---'-""'p Pulmonary Pure Psalmist Com- Pulpit G---'5'—Purgat017 Psalmody Pulsate Purge 4./ PsalterC16 Pulsation j Purification �✓ Pseudonym C r Pulse Purifier G Pshaw Pulveriza- Purify tion e;-- Psychical C Pulverize Puritan o Psychology zf�' Pumice Purity /-- Ptomaine ( Pump C-- Purloin Public ( Punch Purple { Publication C,.i Punctilious Purport Publicity Punctual C Purportless j Publish � Punctuality G J Purpose t Publisher Punctuate i. Purr Pucker Punctuation Purse Pudding Puncture Purser C✓ Puddle / Pungent G Pursuance eC - Puerile y Punish / Pursuant Puff Punishable Pursue i Pugilist Punishment Purvey Pugnacious Puny " Purview Pugnacity Pupil Push Puissance Puppet Pusillani= / mous Puissant � Poppy Put Pulchritude Purchasable Putative Pull �� Purchase Putty 146 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Puzzle Puzzler �c, Pyrography ��_Puzzlement C—," Pyramid Pyrotechnics GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 147 Q -3—ss Quarantine -ZZ Questionless; Quack --t R QuarrelQuestion- �� mire' a-9 s�Quackery ------2---Quarrelsome Quibble Qnadranglo Quarry Quick Quadrant =-p --Quarryman --a Quicken -7,-' Quadrate -v' Quart a , r Quickness Quadratic . r/° Quarter .-r Quicksand Quadrennial Quarterly, a z _Quicksilver n/ Quadrilat- Quarter. �_ Quiet - eral master ��Quadrille v Quartet Quietude .-2/ `�Quadruped Quarto !arl Wetue Quadruple --z,- Quatrain s- Qum Quaff G Quaver Quilt Quagmire ra Quay a r Quince Q Quail a Queen - Quinine Quaint Queenliness a Quintes• Bence -�/- Quaintness _ Queer a-y Quintet -a Quake Quell Quip Quaker 7 Quench --.P-- Quire -a o Quakingly /�j Quenchable a-^ Quirk z Qualifica. ( Quenchless --a' Quit tion ry Qualified --------Auerulous --?f Quite Qualify ± > Query 2 Quiver Quality Quest 2, Quiveringly Qualm 7 Question r Quixotic a..i""Quandary Questionable Quin .+C Quantity �---?✓ Questioner �� Quizzical 148 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY T.✓ Quoit Quota 7/ Quote - --�Quondam Quotable =i Quoth Quorum Quotation Quotient GREGG &HORTH"D DICTIONARY 149 R o Ragged Ranehman Rabbi Raggedness _s� Rancid ya Rabbinical �� Raid .s'�Rsncidity (;w Rabbit Rail R.4dnft Rabble Raillery -52, Rancor Rabid Railroad 3 Rancorous Y Race ' Railway Random `- i Racer Raiment Range Rack Rain �j Ranges ,s a' Racket L% :Rainbow' `. �_ Rank Racy -f Raise Rankle Radiance Raised �.t'�, Ransack Radiant Raisin .sal.._-.--Ransom dp Radiate v- Rake -Ransomer 9 Radiation --c,? Rakish -,,-..Ransomlew Radiator Rally -PRant s' Radical -' Ram Rap Radicalism -97 'Ramble yp Rapacious .Radicalness I Ramification Rapacity Radish Ramify Rapid Radium / Rampage Rapidity Radius Rampancy Rapier �. Raffle Rampant Rapt Raft -x--r Rampart Rapture P Rafter �mrod ,a Rapturous Rag .A-,z--Ramslmokle Rare Rage ``7 Ranch �° Rarefy. 150 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Rareness Ravine .sem-- Ream Rarity Ravish 44 --6,Reanimate Rascal Raw '7' Reap Rascality Ray Reaper -� Rash -F_' RazeReappear If y� Rashness -Z f . Razor •--f-0 Reappoint Rasp -7, Reach e Rear Ratchet Reachable Rearrange Rate r, React Reason -Py Rather Reaction 7 Reasonable Ratification Z,m Reactionary Reasoner Ratifier Read _ r Reasonless Ratify Readable Reassure Ratio � � Reader Rebate Ration ""� Readily yd Rebel i Rational Readiness y Rebellion Rationalism Ready Rebellious Rationality 9 Real Rebound Rattan Realism y Rebuff 'Rattle -yy Realist J(y Rebuild c > Raucous pyo Realistically (� Rebuke Ravage � i Reality y Rebus Ravager -R---S Realization Sty Rebut Rave Realize Cy Rebuttal Ravel Really G v Recall Raven ---- 'Realm Recant Ravenous _.-- "Realty Recapitulate GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 151 Recapitula- -----Reckless Reconstruct ~ �1 tion Recapture Reelcon "7 Reeonstrae- tion o� Recast Reclaim y Record Recede =r Reclamation ✓ Recorder 6o Receipt Reclination o f Recount Receivability —:f Recline .a� Recoup Receivable J Reclined Recourse g Receive `� Recluse Recover Receiver `' Reclusion Recoverable Receivership r Recognition j Recovery 51 Recent Recognizable �� 5 Recreant Receptacle p Recognize -r Recreate Reception s Recoil Recreation Receptive Recollect `--"Recriminate �y Receptivity > Recollection Recruit Recess --Recommend Rectangular Recessional ( Recommend- -�Reetifiable able y� Recipe 7 Reeommen- Rectification 6 dation Reeipienee Recompense Rectifier Recipient Recompose d '2 Rectify Reciprocal Reeompoai- a�' Rectilineal tion Reciprocate Reconcilable Le Rectitude Reciprocity Reconcile -----Rector Recital Reeoncilia- ---- -Rectory tion Recitation -���.Recondite j Recumbent -�� Recitative P Reconnoiter --7 Recuperate 4Y Recite .....-3 Reconsider --7 Recuperation 152 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Recur Refine Refutability -.1 Recurrent .._ Refinement Refutable Red Reflect Refutation Redden ReflectionRefutatory Redeem Reflective Refute Redeemable Reflector d Regain Redemption z Reflex — Regal �t Redistribute Reform --'Regale Redistribu- Reformation -------Regalia tion �c _Redness Reformatory Regard Redolent ;7a Reformer -P/ Regardable Redouble Refract {� Regardful Redoubtable Refraction p_ Regardless Redound Refractor Regatta Redress �sv Refrain Regenerate Reduce Refresh Regeneration t Reducible Refreshment Regent 6Reduction Refrigerate ?_ Regime ------'Redundancy Refsigera- y Regimen tion / Redundant y Refrigerator Regiment Reef /� Refuge L, Region -v Reel Refugee Register Refection y Refulgent Registrar Refer-encs Refund Registration Referable Refusable Registry Referee. Refusal Regret Referendum Refuse j Regretful GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY .153 Regrettable Relate Religions Regular R Relation Religiousnesxs c Regularity Relative 4 Relinquish Regulation Relativity Relish Regulator Relax Relishable y� Rehabilitate Relaxable Lam.-y Reluctance � J Rehearsal .e_ Relaxation -¢- Rely Rehearse t.1? Relay Remain .sz Reign Releasable Remainder r Reimburse :--e Release P 'Remand Reimburse- --Relegate Remark ment 'Reincarnate -R Relegation J Remarkable ��^ T Reinearna- "�Relent 2-/-ttemedial tion -C_Reimplant -' ~Relentless --- —Remedilem y- Reinstate Relevance R'"9 Remedy r----Reinstate-. Relevant - Remember ment o Reiterate Reliability y - r Remem- ( ts=r branee r-� Reiteration _71P Reliable Remind y Reject .Reliance p �� Reminder Rejeetable a s�Reliant Remindful Rejecter. e_ Relic --'Reminiseenf!a �e Rejoice. Relief --n Remissness Rejoicingly Relievable .p-- Remit-tauce, Rejoin P Relieve �^-�R--e-mnant 7_ Rejoinder G Reliever ---"—Remodel Rejuvenate Religion .< -f Remonstrance Relapse / Religionist a--sc Remorse 154 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Remorseless Reorganize Report RemoteRepair - Reporter ----'Remount �j Reparable Reportorial -� Removable (y Reparation Repose- Removal yip Repartee Reposeful Remove Repast y Repository ----7 Remunerable Repay L� Reprehend (--- Remunerate -� Repeal Reprehen- sible P- >Remunera- y Repeat Reprehension tion (, Remunera- Repeatedly y Reprehensive tine Renaissance • Repel Represent p Render ,/Repellent y Represents. S tion Rendezvous Repent �? Represents, tive a Rendition Repentance y Repress ,_,n.+'�f R/enegade -� Repentant `r Repression Renew R6pertoire Reprieve ,..a- Reuewal y Repertory Reprimand a-r Renounce ty� Repetition Reprint Renovate y(� Repine Reprisal Renovation oY-- Repiningly Reproach 9 Renovator r Replace Reproachful s- Renown Replenish Reprobate -t Renowned y Replete y Reproduce --I— Rental Repletion Reproduction Renunciation y _ Replevin y Reprove RenunciatoryReplica Reptile y Reopen 7 Reply 7- Republic GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 155 Republican ��/ Resent -?,/ Resound Republish Resentful Resource �! Repudiate Resentment ---e Respect Repudiation Reservation y Respectable Repugnance Reserve Respecter Repugnant Reservedly Respectful Repulse Resoxvoir Respective y Repulsion C.;" Reset --I, Respiration Repulsive Reside Respire Reputable r Residence Respite Reputation -e-- ' Resident Resplendent y Repute -e -r Residential Respond b- Request -e-' Residue y ReaPo�ble r Requiem -Reeidnnm S� Responsive �i Requirable -_V.- Resign J Restaurant -- z3t Require G—, Resignation P Restful -3 Requisite Resile Restitution Requisition r_Resilience .vr' Restive ,----r, - Requital ? Resist -moo Restoration Requite Resistance -..e-.6�2 Restorative -v,l Rescind `z� Resistless "r Restrain y Rescindable ., Resolute Restrainedly vy3 Rescue .. r Resolution Restraint Rescuer y Resolve Restrict Research / Resonance Restriction Resemblance Resonant Result Resemble Resort .✓� Resultant 156 GREOO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY .�� Rkenmk 7 Retrench Reversal i2-1 �Z Resumption Z- Retrenchment Reverse Resurrection Retribution Reversible Resuscitate Retrieve , Reversion r' Retail Retriever ((( � Revert Retain r Retrocede Revery Retainable P' Retrocession Review Retainer Retrograde Revile ,o Retaliate tir Retrogres- y Revise f sion �/ v Q Retaliation < Retrospect y Revision Retard Retrospec- Revival tion Retardment Retrospee-. `'� Revivify tive -.6Retention / Return Revocable Retentive Reunion Revocation p Reticen{t o Reveal 2 Revoke Reticuley Reveille � Revolt s Retina �y p Revel Revolution Retinue Revelation Revolution- ary Retire Revelry Revolution- ( ize Retired Revenge Z, Revolve -•�—Retirement Revengeful ZRevolver Retort Revenue Revulsion Retouch /// Reverberate of Reward Retract Revere Rewarder ? Retraction Reverence Rhapsodize Retractor f Reverend y_ Rhapsody `i Retreat / Reverential 1>"" Rhetoric GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 157 Rhetorical Rightful Rivet r d Rhetorician s Rightly Rivulet -a Rheumatic y Rigid Roadster --l—Rheumatism Ly/^ Rigidity Roadway _4 -" Rhinestone I/o----41-----Rigmarole Roam s y Rhinoceros Rigor Roar Rhubarb - Rigorous Roast fl Rhyme -----P-Ringlet Robbery -�-^ Rhymeless r r Rinse y Robe v Rhymer Riot ty Robin Rhythm Riotous L� Robust P Rhythmic Rip Robustness Ribbon Riparian Socket Rice Ripe Rod 71 Riches Zv Ripen Rodent Richness Ripened ti^ Rogue -4"'r Riddance Ripeness -$ A Roguery -, Riddle Ripple Roguish -� Ride Risen r Roister tisr ' Rider �� Risibility Roisterer Ridge -"r Risible Roll P" Ridicule �� Risky —Romance P Rifle a Ritual ` Romancer Rift -"` itualism. Romantic, Rig Rival Romp �j Righteous Rivalry Roof //� Righteous- River -p Rookery pegs 158 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Room Roughness Ru91er Roominess —,—Roulette y a�Rugged Roomy Roundly —Ruggedly Roost -^ �J Roundness Ruin Root —!13 Rouse z Ruinous r Rope .-a' Rout Rule Rosary -✓ Route ...,_...----^Ruler . 4 Rose s Routine Rumble Rosebush a Row Rumbler Rosemary Rowdy ---6 Ruminate Rosette Royal —Rumination Rosewood � Royalty --7 Rummage Rosin RubRumor ..-j.o Roster Rubber Rumple --,---Rostrum � Rubbish y Rupee Rot Rubicund ------ Rural Rotary Rubric g Ruse -�' Rotate Ruby Rush Rotation Rudder Russet Rotten / R>udiment Y Rustic Rotunda --,- Rudimentary Rusticity' Rouge Rueful Rustle Rough Ruffian ---Ruthless Ruthless Roughen Ruffie GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 154 8 Sagacious 4--" Saltness 5 a Sabbath Sagacity 16-r Salubrious Saber r---+-----Sagamore (L-.-�—Salutary Sable J Sage Salutation Sabotage E— Sail f` Salute d--- Saccharine 4�1 Sailboat Salvage Sacerdotal .-r Sailor 16-.q Salvation Sachem Saint Salve Sachet �� Sainthood -4-- Sameness Sack of 'P Saintlike Samovar ,�'- - Sackcloth Saintliness j Sample %'-- Sacrament d- Sake aG ' Sanatory h1�--' Sacramental .a- Salaam aZ Sanctification Sacred Salacious -4/1 Sanctified Sacrifice 6-- -- Salad n1lJ Sanctify Sacrificer 6-.m----Salamander ^ Sanetimoni• on$ Sacrificial C.,� Salary � Sanctimony Sacrilege E---D-?Saleratus Sanction Sacrilegious I? -- Salesman Sanctity Sad <.�r Saliency Sanctuary Sadden 6� Salient �-Sanctum Saddle Saline Sandal Saddled Saliva Sandstone Sadness Salivation Sandwich Safe Sallow d Sane L Safeguard -,I--- Salmon Sanguine Saffron ti/ Salt �Sanitarium 160 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY d ° Sanitary Saturdays Standalone _2e- Sanitation Satyr Scant Sanity Sauce Scantily 7r� Sanskrit Saucer Scantness 6 Sapient Sauciness -- Scar (fd Sapling - Saunter +---r Scarce c�G Sapphire Sausage Scarceness 6-9, Sarcasm Savage ,- J Scarcity Sarcastic Savageness Scarf r Sarcastically Savant r e� Scarify Sarcophagus Savingly Scarlet G� Sardine Savior Scathe 6�.... Sardonic Savor Scatter `I Sash Savory Scenario �yy Sassafras I/ Sawdust Scene L/ Satchel 03,_ Saxon See nery d�— Sateen d Say Scent -'� Satellite Scabbard i5f Scepter Satiate f�i �- Scaffold Schedule Satiety Gr �/ Scald + a Scheme d ^ . Satin +-Q-- Scale - Schism r1 Satire t Scallop Scholar Satirical r�r Scalp t- 7 Scholarship Satisfaction r Scamp > y Scholastic Satisfactory r 3 Scan School D Saturate Scandal ��chool-. master al� Saturationi ��Scandalize rte._ --Schoolroom GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 161 �-= Schooner ----- -Scragginess � Scuffle c i"' Sciatica --o"'- Scraggy r-z.,.. .a Scullery �* Science t Scramble + Scullion f J Scientific >-r Scrap ulptural e Scientist , Scraper r Sculpture Scimitar Scratch Scurvy Scintillate + Scrawl ------'Scuttle. m� Seiou t Scrawny d Scythe Z_r Scissors Scream Seal t y Sclerosis Screech -- Seam _ �oSelerotic ¢- Screen -' Seaman Scoff s Screw ---""-'Seamanlike Scoffer Scribble - r Seamanship Y / Scold Scribema- P Seamstress r q ' Scoop Y-a - Scrim 4f, Seaport s y< ScopeScrimmage Z—, Sear �y Seoreh Scrimp !y Search Score + Script. 6 Searcher i - Soorn ',:".Scriptural Seared j Scornful Scripture Season Scorpion Scrivener Seasonable Scoteh Scroll -rte Seasonleas ,-: Seonndrei Scrub " Secede ,-� Scour tr Scruple y�' Secession 7 Scourge ry( Scrupulous � Seclude rte+ Scout t i g'Scrutinize 7 Seclusion Scowl ' +' Scrutiny o Second 162 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY y Secondarily ---7 Seductive i Self-interest Secondary �` Sedulous C/ Selfish G Secrecy J� Seedy '4- Selflahnesa' a Secret Seek SeMpos- sessed ,",_,,.,SeeretarW a1 - Seem Self-pos- session Secretary a- Seemingly `4-n' Self-reliance ,x o' Secrete 6_i Seer �- F Self-respect Y Secretion a Seethe f `� Self-restraint d✓ Seet a Segment `d Self-sacri8ea Sectarian ,P-�Segregate Selfsame deetarianism ]�Segregatioa Self-sufficient .' Section o Seine Selvage off,, Sectional' 9' Seizable Semester d-✓ Sector t9 Seize ,y a Semicolon .x� Secular X' Seizure Seminary Secularism �~ Seldom - Semitone Secularist o Select -X6 Senate ' Secure E . Selection Senator Security ` Self Senatorial y Sedan `� Self-centered Senatorship Sedate Self-conceit Sender Sedative Self-con$- y � Seneschal O denee a' Sedentarily e Self-conscious Senile Sedentary �✓ Self-control W Senior Sedge �� Self-defense .t Seniority Sediment ` Self-evident �, Sensation Sedition i Self-govern- $eneationsl ment GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 163 Sensation- Seraph N----'""Settlement alist Senseless 6 Serenade — Settler Sensibility Com— Serene Sever Sensible ��/ Serenity Severable Sensibleness /1", Serge Several Sensitive J Sergeancy Severance sf..`. Sentence &� Sergeant Severe Sententious E-e— Serial Severity 3y Sentient 4 y Series d— Sewer a--''— Sentiment Serious a r Sewerage Sentimental 6 Sermon Sexagenarian Sentimen- 6----P•Sermonize Sextant • talist Sentinel Serpent -J- — Sexton ' Sentry Serpentine � Shabby s Separable — Serum el-I Shack C Separate L/ Servant d. Shackle C; Separation Serve Shad GSeparator Service Shadow Sepia Serviceable Shadowlese September �j .Servile S Shadowy, Septum /' Servitor Shady Sepulcher Servitude Shaft Sepulchral Q Sesame- Shaggy a Sequel 9' Session o`er Shake mar Sequence- Setback el-- Shaken Sequestered a" Settee J Shall k Q. Seraglio a — Settle 0-- Shallow 164 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY f - Sham Sheepish Shipper Shamble 6 Sheer Shipwreck Shamefaced Sheet Shipyard Shamefaced- Sheik 6 Shirk ness ,4 Shameful o'er--- Shekel d Shirr v� Shameless 4--, Shelf Shirt Shampoo C, Shell Shiver _4— Shamrock 11- . Shellfish 4� Shoal Shanty p Shellproof L-, Shock 6 Shape Shelter o Shockingly j$ Share L ----thelterleas Shoddy 6 Shareholder 6; Shepherd Shoo (z Shark b�6 p Shepherdess y Shoot Sharp Sherbet Shop Sharpen Sheriff ! Shore 6' Sharpened f� Sherry .. Short Zb,J Sharper Shield Shortage Cif`• Shatter Shift Shortcake Shave ( Shiftless Shortcoming Shawl C_-� Shilling Shorten d She d— Shimmer !/ Shorthand Sheaf Shine �'� Short-lived d Shear ,c�� Shingle G Shortly 6 Sheathe t Ship Shortness i Shed Shipboard o Shortsighted i d Sheen Shipbuilder (! Shot Sheep — Shipment Should GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 165 4-- Siloulder. L Shun v d Signet a�, Shout L-11 Shunt Significan{to Shove 1✓ Shut r- Signification 2- Shovel Shutter r -� Signify ai-- Shower k--` Shuttle 4CL- Silence G Showily cA- Shyness ° Silent C�- Showroom 'Sibilance -; Silhouette 'Showy Sibilant € Silk C.s Shred d^ Sick Silken f Shrew d Sicken - - ^ Silkiness -� Shrewd d Sickle Sill • Shriek Sickness Silver G e_i Shrilld� Side P -�- Similar t_.9--7 Shrimp d Sidereal -L_' Similarity, c_v Shrine I Siege ,+- Simile �a Shrink 5?— Siesta Similitude R Shrinkage Sieve Simmer Shrive Sift Simper Snivel Sifter Simple [� Shroud d Sight Simpleness Shrub O Sighted Simplicity r-1 Shrug Sightless Simplifies. I tion Shrunken Sign Simplify Shuck dj Signable Simulate 4i' Shudder (Y' Signal a Simulation S Shuffle s Signature z Simultaneous Shuffling Signboard -Ir Since 166 GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ,yt Sincere-ly y/ Sized C— +Slack dr Sincerity e--, Sizzle Slacken �-� Sinecure .-Z Skate L T Slaokened .L� Sinew rg- Skein Slag o4. Sing s.— Skeleton C---- Slam -2— Singer Skeptic C---'—Slander v+ Single Skepticism, t- ' Slanderoua Singly r} Sketch C_ z- Slang Singular-ly —I- Skid L-P--' Slant —tz_ Singularity . Skill c_ta Slap -Avg Sinister c /Skillet L_� Slash .� Sink Skillful X-. Slate Sinuosity >a Skim L_,- -Slattern -+y Sinuous •a Skin Slaughter 1y Siphon Skip 1_e Slave Siphonal Skipper / Slavery Sir ----e Skirmish Sled Siren ' d Skirmisher £_{ Sledge < <- Sirloin Skirt L Sleek t' Sister —v' Skit Sleep )°/ Sisterhood +-'a' Skittish t--.0 Sleeper fes--"' Sister-in-law y Skulk E-,�:f Sleepiness .r-e Sisterly Skull L_ Sleepless d' Sit .Ti Sky ly Sleeve 0�1'' Situate --a--Skylight � Sleeveless 11-f Situation -j�, Skyscraper ( 47 Sleigh g' Size t7— Slab r.� Sleight GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 167 L.J Slender i_.,...- Slowness Smile t_...-r Sleuth i.- zr-Sluggard ..t--m Smilingly Z.� Slice t._---J Sluggish R? Smirch i_...c� Slide t_.3 Sluice .--c,r Smite �.F Slight C-_-r Sluiceway 1 -e'- Smith Slightness z.__ Slum Smoke L_- - Slim '1_7 1_ 7 Slumber Smokeless Shme c� 7( Slumberer — Smokxr SlimnessE�7( Slump .+----`-3-Smokiness Slimy Slur molder -� Sling Slurred +' Smooth Slip L r Slush Smoothness Slipper t a' Sly 1 r Smother Slipperiness t___6> Slyly Smudge. t Slippery t__v Slyness y 1--r-- Smuggle C---- Slit Smack Snag 'LZ Sliver Small -� Snail G Slogan Smallness •-r" Snake t y Sloop -z Smallpox Snap t Slope .2-. Smart Snapper Slot Smartness Snappish Slothful Smash Snarl Slouch Smatter - Snatch C—a, Slough --n Smear s e Sneak Sloven f 4 Smell Sneer Slovenliness -Q- Smelt Sneerer F- Slow t 5'- 'Smilax f P Sneeze i68 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY r� Snicker j Society �-�/Solemnity Sniff f Sociology Solemniza- tion Snip t y Socket .a-f' Solemnize Snivel Z-- Socratic 4--Solemnness Snobbery L'" Soda G Solicit sy Snobbish Z-"' Sodality I---ei Solicitation Snobbishness 7/" Sodden Solicitor Snore 2-pSodium 4—e55, Solicitous -� Snort v Sofa Solicitude Snowball Soft 4-,-- 1 zn Snowy Soften Z--''Solidarity h Snub z Softener ��Solidify (� Snuff <e Softness k-,----Solidity /1- Snug L Soggy Solidness s -->- Snugness Ic__, Soil Soliloquize Z--� Soak Soiled -R--''Soliloquy Soap Soiree L- Solitaire _r �- Soar Sojourn 4- -"'VySolitary Sober Solace Solitude Cv` Sobriety L� SoIar I y Soloist Sobriquet P Solarize z P Solstice Sociability :_..y.- Sold G.._..-- Solubility �y( Sociable 1/ Solder r Soluble (/ Sociableness y Soldier (I__l Solution Social 4--;r Solecism Solvability Socialism 4--- Solely Solvable Socialist Z---Solemn Solve GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 169 Solvency 1✓ Soot al-I Sound Solvent lr Soothe Soundless Somber Sophism Soup ZSomberness y, Sophist h--- Sour Z_ Sombrero / Sophistical f Source 1 Somebody Sophisticate Sourness z�y Somehow z1 Sophistry d South t. SomersaultL_ Sophomore 9 Southeast 1 L- Something t -� Sopranist Y, Southeast- erly Sometimes 6;— Soprano °— Southern Somewhat Sorcery A-- Southerner c> Somewhere 2-/ Sordid 51 Southwest e-----7'Somnambular 21 Sordidnessy' Southwest- ern L J Somnambu- 2 . Soreness Souvenir (� lation Somnambulist d—Sorghum Sovereign omnolent Sorority Sovereignty s-- Son / Sorrel ll_ Sower Sonant Sorrow Space dam'' Sonata Sorrowful Spacious Z__ Song 2. Sorry Spade Z5 Songful ti Sort 6-- Spaghetti Z-Z, Songster 2-- Sortie J Span 2—,—.e Songstress Soubrette Spangle Son-in-law Souffie Spaniard Z 6 Sonnet 2/ Sought C_e__. Spaniel 21----:7 Sonorous 2_ m Soul Spanish Soon 2 ._--$oulleas I,— Spare 174 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARRY Spark Spectator tJ Spinach /� Sparkle � Specter jdj� Spinal 4a— Sparrow fpeetral c J/— Spindle Iff. Sparse �Spectrum Spinet h Spartan f Speculate 4, Spinster Spasm Speculation 4 Spiral Spasmodic Speculative // Spire d' Spatter Speculator t Spirit I" Speak j Speech C'�_� Spiritless (,r Speaker Speechless Spiritual (� Speakership Speechless- —' ,_s.___Spiritualism' nese Spear �9�...� Speech- (f—__e Spiritualist f� mak er Spearfish {//� Speed GSpirituality Spearmint 4� Speedy ( Spirit.. Special Spell Spite Specialize Spellbound Spiteful Specialty Spend Splash Species �/ Spendthrift ,,._-� Splendid Specific Spheref Splendor Specification - Spherical Splice Specify Sphinx (L� Splint _ Specimen Spice L---Splinter Specious 4� Spicy L---' Split Speck ' Spider L,y Splurge G� Speckled L Spigot Spoil Spectacle o� Spike fe - Spoiler 1�� Spectacular Spin c, _ Poilsmsn GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 171 Spoke <f— Spring r-I,' Squatter �- Spoken Springtime r y Squaw Sponge Sprinkle -z Squawk Sponginess tjj�a Sprint Squeal Spongy cF Sprite r-r� Squeamish Sponsor Sprocket +4 Squeeze GIS, Spontaneity 4fo- Sprout Squelch t✓ Spontaneous Spruce Squib Spool Spry r a.J Squint Spoon ff Spunky t^*3 Squire j Spoonful G Spur Squirm (i Sport Spurious + a Squirrel Sportivej� Spurn Stab f4z Sportsman 4� Spurt Stabber Sportsman. 1�1 Sputter Stability p Ship L� Spot & Spy Stabilize 4-` Spotless Squabble Stable L Spotted t>�,� Squad Staccato Spouse s-�Squadroa `'y-Stack 11 Spoutj-:-�Squalid Stadium Sprain -1---�-'Sgnalidness Staff 4_, Sprawl -M--- Squall Stag lv Spray _� -Squalor sf' Stage Spread Squander y��, Stagger (f,-' Spreader' rS---Squanderer r`'-` Stagnant C...e�Sprig t-Q Square �"6 Stagnate (:lPP Sprightliness Squash A-0-7 Stagnation 172 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Staid , Star r� Statute d Staidly Starch D Statutory Staidness ^ Stark Stave >'- Stain A,"-- Starred Stay Stainless �' Started I--,' Stead Stair ✓ Startle 142 Steadfast Staircase r` Starvation Steadily Stake 4a{' Starve ;11 Steadiness Stalactite Y State Steady w Stalagmite Stateliness e- Steal ,C-- Stale Y' Stately r4 Stealth s Stalk - Statement Steam Stalked Stateroom Steamboat Stall 1 —"" Statesman �M Steamer y•-- Stalwart >-- -`nStatesman- Y � Steamship like Ys" Stamina --'Statesman- r� Steep ship r✓'J Stammer Statical Steeple r�r Stamp Statics Steer ✓�Stampede Y! Station Steerage Stampero Stationary Stem Stanch Stationer Stencil ✓' Stand Statistician Stenographer Y Standard Statistics Stenographic Standardize ` Statuary Stenography p Standpoint Statue Step Stanza Statuette Stereopticon Stapley Stature Stereoscope GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 173 ,—P Stereotype y�_ Stimulator Stoppage~ Sterilize ,'"��Stimulus 'IrS Stopper Sterling rI- Sting vy Storage Sternly ✓� Stingy r Storehouse A;,-- Sterner y ' Stint Storm Sternness C Stipend """ Storminess a�3 Stertorous Stipulate Stormy Stethoscope Stipulation y` ' Story Stevedore ° Stir �✓ Stout y� Stew r"?, Stirrup ry Stove s Steward Stitch /ry Stowage Stewardess Y Stock /r--' Straddle rQ Stick y p Stockade ,� Straggle Stickiness Stockholder a,�Straggler r� Stiff Stocking Straight rP Stiffen Stoic �-�' Straighten Stifle y% Stoical "Y Straight. forward ' Stigma — Stoicism Strain Stigmatic "` Stoker Strained ✓ `Stigmatize >` /Stolid �^ Strainer Stile Stomach r p Strait Stiletto Y"` Stone > � Strand y' Stillness "" Stonework 7 Strange .' Stilt r` ' Stony �y Strangeness r, Stimulant l'z Stool L� Stranger yStimulate Stoop Strangle Y--f Stimulation j1 Stop WQ;- Strangulate 174 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Y-r Strap r =- String Study, A-1' Stratagem >-Z�) Stringent r� Stuff —7, Strategic Strip rq Stuffiness s^�f Strategist rr Stripe Lr� f Stultify Stratify Striped J Stumble :— r Stratum y_,. Stripling (r Stump ;, f Strawberry Strive t Stun .x- r Stray 3" Stroke Y Stunt Streak r,�Stroli Stupefaction Stream r- Strongyf Stupefy W"�-- Streamer r Stronghold /fes 1 Stupendous � treamlet Strop C/r/i Stupid Streettrnetnral Stupidity Strength 3 Structure 'G Stupor Strengthen >^ "'Struggle Sturdiness Strengthened >— Strang I---- Sturdy y '"3 Strenuous >�Strychnine Sturgeon y-+' Stress Stubble Ly' Stutter '7- Stretch ( Stubborn Sty Y-Z° Stretcher Stubbornness >," Style Stricken " Stucco Stylish r`^ Strict �'� Stuck ss'r Stylist ,^� r Strictness Stud q�� Stylographie Stride Student / Suave + Strident y /Studied / Suavity + Strife Studio '✓g Subacid »�' Strike I-- Studious >1 Subagent GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 175' tP Subaltern Submission k--"9 Substantive Subeommit 1--f Submissive i Substitute tee J/ Subconscious .z--d Submit Substitution Subdistrict f/ Subordinate J Subterfuge Subdivide Subordina- lye-.1�- Subterranean 11 tion Subdue Subpcena Subtile r Subdued Subrogate Subtility Subeditor z< - Subrogation Subtle �< Subequal -t Sub rosa Subtraet Subhead t._.- Subscribe >^ 7 Subtraction Subjacent L�4 Subscriber Suburb Subject J-, Subscription j Suburban 1 Subjected Subsequent 6 Subvert j Subjection Sabserve Subway Subjective 9 Subservience h Success y Subjoin (/ Subservient Successful Subjugate Subside Successive Subjugation 9 Subsidiary �� Successor Subjunctive Y` Subsidize Succinct Sublease ' Subsidy t- Succor L P Sublet Subsist Succulent Sublimate T Subsistence �s — Succumb Sublime 4--. Subsoil / Such �-� Sublimity t r Substance � Suction -Q—Submarine ;�' Substantial Sudden Submerge !' ' Substan- Suffer tiality -4y Submersion Substantiate Sufferable 176 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Sufferance —h Sulphuric ) Superfluous 9 Suffice h Sulphurize m" ""Superhuman / Sufficient 9h__�� Sultan 'z Superimpose Suffix h� "Sultriness ''✓3 Superinduce Suffocate 't_ .i` ° Sultry Superin• tend-ent Suffocation, z Sum Superior Suffrage a 9 Summary '� Superiority Suffragette 1- Summer 6' Superlative Suffragist Summit '- -- Supernal ;l Suffuse Z--.---- Summon Superna- tional Suffusion 1 Sumptuous Supernatural Sugar Sunbeam 'a Supernumerary 3 l 1 Suggest-ion � Sunburn l Superpose Suicidal + Sunday '1 Superscribe Suicide 1~ Sunder d Supersede 41 Suit 2---" Sundry Superstition Suitability Sunk �i,/ Superstitious �j Suitable Sunlight '� Superstrue- tune Suite Sunshine Supervene l l/ �^ Suitor Super- Y Supervise abundance 4_ a-Sulkiness '� Superannu- Supervision ate h..,..--> Sulky '� Superannu- Supine ation Sullen '� Superb Supper h.-_-' Sully ?� Supercilious gL ro-, Supplant A_j Sulphur p Superficial Supple y Sulphuration Superfine s Supplement Sulphureous �1 Superfluity <r_�Supple- mentary GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 177 t_sic Suppliance C--P Surmise f Suspicious Suppliant Surmount Suspiration Supplicate Surname Suspire Supply �o Surpass -F' Sustain Support (f, Snrplies f-' Sustenance '7 Supportable Surplus Swain (fes Supporter Surprise r,._..,K Swallow C Suppose C Surrender Swamp Supposition C ; Surreptitious L Swan '> Suppress Surrogate G Sward 'j Suppression �Surrogation v "" Swarm '--� Supremacy C--," Surround Z Swarthy Supreme Surveillance L Swath y9 Surcease Surveillant a' Sway Surcharge Survey Swear Surd Surveyor Sweat ti Sure-ly i Survival Swede A.-- Sureness � Survive' � Sweep ' Surety Survivor Sweet 1 Surf r Suseeptibil- Sweeten t ity Surfacef7 Susceptible �._..— Swell 1 Surfeit �2 Susceptive E—i' Swelter /g Surge — Suspect Swerve /L Surgeon Suspend Swift C o Surgery z Suspense Swiftness Surgical -'�7 Suspension Swim c----Surly J/ Suspicion Swimmer 178 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY „i ' Swindle Sylph Syncopation. ,3�Swindler C_;, Sylvan a '^ Syndieal Swing C.__- Symbol '^ Syndicate Swirl pc7 Symbolic Synod y Swiss ` t Symbolize +. Synonym f Switch mz.- Symmetrical _ - Synonymous Swivel ,z,-6 O Symmetry y Synopsis 4-- Swollen Sympathetic (� Syntax Swoon Sympathize a✓' Synthesis Swoop Sympathizer a 2 Synthesist 2-r Sword d Sympathy exp Synthetic js y Swordfish Symphony Synthetical L-- Sworn Symposium Syringe Swung Symptom Syrup Sycamore Synagogical Jt System Syllabic ✓o" Synagogue tp Systematic Syllabifies- Synchronism Systematic- ] tion ally Syllable Synchronize %�f Systematizer tion E_ o Syllabus �_� Synchronous (F Systematize k�( Syllogism Syncopate GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY J79 T �_L..-1-- Tailor �7 Tangible Tab. 3" Taint Tangibleness Tabernacle Taintless L� Tangle Table �" Take Tank Tableau !Z Tale `z Tanner Tablet A--" Talent 524"" Tannic Taboo I"�alisman Sts Tansy Tabor i` Talk � Tantaliza. tion Taboret i--"2 Talkative Tantalize Taborine, �Z Talkative., Tantalizer nese ,. Tabular i " Talker 1 Tantamount Tabulate Tall Tap Tabulation 37- Tallow Taper (� Taeit Q /Tally Tapestry Taciturn - --"'; Talmud Tapioca .�� Taciturnity 9--- Talon 9 Tar Tack , Tambourine Tardily Tackle 9-- Tame Tardiness Tact 52- Tameness Target Tactics 37-n Tamer Qf Tariff Tactile Tammany $ Tarnish ✓ Tactility Tamper p� Tarpaulin 6^- Tactless Tan Tarry Taffeta Tandem Tart ' Taffy. 2-- Tang Tartar 1— Tag Tangent Tartness JZ---- Tail Tangerine Task 180 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARYYy ,e--F Taskmaster Fj Tehrful r Temperance Tassel -- Tearless t Temperate P Taste Tease - � Temperature Tasteless Teaspoon �� Tempered. e° Tasty Teaspoonful Tempest Tattoo �' Technical Tempestuous Taught O' !'Technicality Templar Taunt .°l"�^ Technique Temple Taut Tectonic /-'- - 'Temporal �G Tautology 1-1� Tedious Temporality Tavern Tedium Temporary Tawdriness Teeth / Temporize Tawdry1-'i Telegram Tempt Tawny Telegraph /mss Temptation Tax R- Telegrapher / Tempter o^ Taxable �--"'� Telegraphic � Tenable D Taxation '' Telegraphy / Tenacious Taxicab Telepathy ' Tenacity s Taxidermist Telephone Tenancy Taxidermy F -z Telescope r Tenant Taxpayer Telescopic /� Tenantless Teach j' Tell Tend Teachable Teller Tendencies Teacher Temerity //� Tendency Teak ��� _T_emper /_��° Tender t Team C 'Tempera- / TenderIy went Tear 1--'n--Tempera- Tenderness mental GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 1$l / Tendon Terrify P'= Textual e-Q Tenement � Territorial a Texture, Tenet y Territorially Thanatopsis Tennis Territory r• Thank r Tenor Terror Thankful Tense ` Terrorist Thankless Tensile f `�' Terrorize ry a Thanksgiv- ing Tension Terse That Tent -X� Tersely rf Thatch Tentacle A-;�,p Tertiary Thaw Tentative e- Test r The K-„.e Tenuity e�'" Testament Theater r=� Tenuous Testator Theatrical ems"`� Tenured Testatrix Theft Tepid Tester Their Tepidity V"�2 Testifier - Them Term Testify r"- Theme Termagant .Testimonial r Then P--^--''Terminal Testimony r T Thence ?-""'s Terminate Tetanus Thenceforth Termination Tete.h-tete Thence- forward Terminus Tether e---g Theocracy R-P Terrace Teuton Theologian ,-e-^—Irerrestrial i Teutonic -, Theology Terrible Text Theoretical ' Terrier Textbook a Theorist Terrifie s Textile -R-P Theorize 182 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY R n' Theory Thievery Thou Theosophist Thievish Thought Theosophy E Thigh Thoughtful There "7 Thimble �� '�Thoughtless Thereabouts n Thin Kal Thousand Thereafter A Thine sr Thousandth ✓ Thereat r Thing f Thrall Thereby Think Thrash Therefore i Thinkable Thrasher Thereof ( Thinker ° Thread �- Thereon - Thinness Threat ✓" Thereto s' Third b Threaten Thereunto Thirst 9 Three f Thereupon 1 GF Thirstily t"� / Threshold s Therewith Thirty Thrice _¢ _ Thermal /) This Thrift ..fl-`Thermometer e _,, Thistle Thriftiness Thermostat Thither Thrive .may Thesaurus _ Thong Throat 1,9These -�--E'' Thorax Throb 17 Thesis Thorn ( Throne They Thorny -t Throng r^ Thick —9 Thorough-ly i Throttle r" Thicken ✓/ Thorough- Through r bred Thicket Thorough- s Throughout fare ' Thickness s'' Thorough- Throw news i9 Thief Thome v^ Thrower GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 483 Thrown �- Tighten Tissue Thrum ( { Timber Titan > Thrush Time Titanie S Thrust Timekeeper Tithe r� Thud Timeless Title Thug Timely Titmouse Thumb Time-table -'----Titular r Thump ,d Timid To �✓ Thunder r Timidity Toad Thunderbolt �3 Timorous t- tr Toastmaster ..�-s Thursday Timothy Tobacco Thus Tinetion Tobacconist rE Thwack Tincture y Toboggan Thwart i Tingle Com" Tocsin Thyme Tinker To-day t O Thyroid Tinkle Toe 9 Thyself r� Tinsel i'^a Toga Tiara Tint Together Ticket / r7 Tintinnabu- `r- Toiler lation �^ Tickle Tintype Toilet Tidal 9 Tiny Tokay Tide Tippet Token Tidewater J" Tipsy Tolerability Tidy Tiptoe Tolerable Tier Tirade, Tolerable-cess P Tiffin Tire —Tolerance ���' Tiger Sz- Tiresome Tolerant 1.84 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY/ Tolerate Topic d Totem Toleration Topical Totter ToIITopmost Touch i Tomahawk r Topographer Tough Tomato Topographic Toughen r "✓" Tombstones Topographi- Toupee cal To-morrow Topography / Tour Tone Toque ° Tourist Tongue Torch �J Tournament Tonic —' Torment P d Tourniquet To-night i`---r Tormentor Tout Tonnage Tornado Toward TonsilTorpedo Towel Tonsillar Torpid U' ' Tower Tonsillitis Torpidity / Town Tonsorial �i Torpor Township /¢ Tontine Torrent Topic i' Too Torrential Toxin i Took �/Torrid Toy i - Tool C Torso r A Trace Toot Tortoise Traceable Tooth / Tortuous a Trachea Toothache Torture Trachoma Toothpick 3 Torturous Track Toothsome Total r Tract Top e%— Totality r / Tractability if Topaz Totalization —""/( Tractable GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY lg5 rTractable �a Transact Transition ii nese - 'Traetile Transaction / Transitive Traction Transatlan- i� Transitory tic p Trade Transcend Translate Tradesman Transcend- Translation ent Tradition ✓ Transeen- 'ter'`' Translator ntal -^--'Traditional r Transeen- '��--�' Transliterate dentalism L ..Traditional- -� Transcon- 2 ` Transloeate ism tinental ,` '`Traditional- Transcribe Trauslucent istic Traduce, Transcript -----Transmigrate Traffic Transcrip- '- Transmigra- tion tion Tragedian (� Transept i Tranamissi- bility Tragedy Transfer �� Tranamis- sible Tragic Transfers- %---7 Transmission ( bility Tragiealuess Transferable '- d Transmit Trail ]�i— Transfigure ' Transmute a Trainer Transfix Transom .� Traitor 'Z- Transform Transparent r �- -3 Traitorous 1> Transforma- Transpire r tion -'---"Trammel L' Transformer � � Transplant r . s Tramp Transfuse Transport --Z-,Tramp's Trample r� Transfusion Transporta- tion Tramway -11, Transgress l Transpose r �r Trance Transgres- Transposi- sion tion Tranquil rte-"'tib,.Transgressor Transub- stantiate Tranquilma- ,r Transient Transnb tion stantiation ---O.,.,•Trangwllity Transit �� Transversal 186 GREGG SHORTHAND'DICTIONARY Transverse r Treble Trichina . f?� Trapdoor A Tree Y Trichinosis Trapeze Trellis .�"'�' Trick, Sr Trapezium Tremble ' Trickery Trapezoid Tremendous a Trickiness Trash z-Tremen- Trickle dousness Travail o Tremor — -�Tricolor P Travel ------'Tremulous �� Tricuspid Traveler Tremulous- Tricycle nese Traversable Trenchant Trident Traverse "J Trend -1�2"—''Triennial Travesty ^P Trephine -;f Trifle Treacherous o� Trepidationr Trifler Treaeher- Trespass Triform oneness Treachery Triformity Treacle Triad Trigger �T—re'adle —' Trial .�-d"''---�Trigoual ,'--Treadmill Triangle' -------.,Trigono- metric Treason Triangular Trigonom- etry Treasonable Triangular- " Trigraph ( ity ^r Treason- a Triarehy �Trihedron ableness Treasure Tribulation, Trilateral r� Treasurer Tribunal s Trilemma Treasury (yV/ Tributary Trilinear o l Treatise Tribute --R Trilingual °'—Treatment (� Tricennial Triliteral ..�'` Treaty Triceps e— Trill GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 187 R-� Trillion -d Trite ✓r Trounce f .-4--"-'Trilliun a J Triumph Trousers 7 Trilogy .s'Z,,,,,Triumphal .� Trousseau "-✓ TrimTriumphant r Trout - -EL-Trimembral --Iz Triumvir Trowel --9—" Trimester -e-' Triunity i f Troy --r'�Frimestrial Trivalenee Truancy Trimeter Trivalent J Truant r s' Trimmer Trivial Truce . - Trimness Triviality Traceless Trinity i-"'a Troche r Truck P / Trinket i ' Trou Truculence Trinomial --------Troller � Trudge Trio i t- °Trolley True Trip Trombone i Trueness I' Tripe ! Troop Truly Tripedal Z Trooper Trump Triple Trophy Trumpery Triplet Z Tropic j Trumpet Triplicate Tropical -�jj Trumpeter ® - Triplication Troth Truncal Triplicity i Trotter i Truncate Tripod y_ Troubadour --7 Truncheon Tripper Trouble Trundle Trisect Troublesome Trunk .,f-j Trisection Troubiomf "j Trunkful Trisyllable (� Trough �` r Trust 188 GREGG SbORTHAND DICTIONARY Trustee -_---_--Tumult 9� Turnpike Trusteeship �- Tumultuous y 'Q Turnstile Truster /' Tune Turpentine Trustful i7 Tuneful ✓ Turquoise r l Trustworthy Tuneless -4--" Turret G Trustworthi- i ri" Tungstens Turtle ness Truth i Tunic t Tusk Truthful i Tunnel /1 Tussock Try Turban "7 Tutelage .--Ci Tryst ^f Turbid -- Tutor i Tub ry Turbidness -7 J Tutorage f° Tube (/ Turbine /r^"' Tutorship (� Tubercular Turbulence �� Tuxedo Tuberculiny i Turbulent Twaddle Tuberculosis Cir Tureen Twain Tuberous Turf Twang Tuck Y Turk Tweak Tuesday 'a Turkey Tweed Tuft r Turkish ( Tweezers Tug F "'"° Turmoil �-' Twice Tuition Turn �'` Twig Tulip Turncoat -F- Twilight Tulle i Turner - Twill J Tumble Turnip f Twin (r Tumbler a Turnkey ¢ Twine ( Tumblerful Turnout t7 Twinge ( Tumor f Turnover /� Twinkle GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY lkg R^ Twirl Typewriter A Typographic Twist . Typewritten ( Typography Twitch Typhoid z n' Tyrannical Twitter Typhoon Tyrannieide Twofold Typhus mss' Tyrannize Tympanum Typical Tyranny Type (� Typify ¢J Tyrant Typesetter Typist %� Tyro 140 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY JJ U Unabridged n Unauthentic ✓i Ubiquitous Y Unacceptable Unauthorized Ubiquity zy✓�Unaccommo- Unavailable dating ^ a Ugliness Unaccom- y Unavoidable plished Uglya y Unaccount- t_' Unaware able i Uhlan J Unaccus- Unbalanced toured .- Ulcer Unacquaint- Unbeknown ed .2_o Ulcerate Unadorned Unbelief .Y.p Ulceration Unaffected � Unbeliever Ulcerous Unaided Unbend 39 Ulster --' /Unalloyed y Unbound Ulterior / Unalterable �e Unbreakable �- Ultimate ( = Un-American Unbroken Ultimatum �'�T'/ Unanimity Unbusiness like ^� Ultimo U"" Unanimous 1 Uncalled Ultraism Unanswer- Uncanny able Ultraist -o-r� Unanswered Uncere- monious Ultramarine Uuappreci- - Uncertain ative Ultramon- Unapproach- ��-� Uncertainty 0 7 tone able �✓ Ultraviolet Unarmed Uncharitable n Ululate Unassailable Uncivil o ? Mulation „2of_ Unassuming 1. Uncle Umbrage -511 Unattached 9 Unclean Umbrella Unattainable Uncomely Umlaut Unattempted Uncomfort- able Umpire J Unattractive Uncommon Unable / Unsuspicious Uneemmuni- eative GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 191 Uneompan- Undeceive Undersized ionable Uneomplain- /€ Undecided Understand ing �yUncompli- Undeniable Understand- mentary able F Uneompro- .... Under Understudy mixing /l UnconcerneUnderbid '� Undertake Uneon- Underbred Undertaker demned / �1 Uncondi- t Underbrush Undertone tional Uncongenial / Under- Undertow / charge J a Unconnected a/ Undercur- Undervalue rent -- Unconquer- r Undercut e/ Underwent able Unconseion- Underdone �' Under- able writer Unconscious Under- Undeserved estimate Uneonsumed ti Undergo Undesirable Uncontested �-�Undergradu- a'2--, Undeveloped ate Uneontra- Under- /L, Undeviating dieted ground a r Uncontrol. Undergrowth —�� Undiscern. 1 lable ing Uneontro. Under- Unzov- vertible handed o Bred Unconvinced Underlie / Undisguised Uncorrected '_ s' Underline Undismayed Uncouth Underling --6' Undisputed Uncover Undermine Undisturbed ., Unction 's Underneath Undivided Unctuous t� Underpay Undone Uncultivated Underrate �' Undoubted Uncurbed Underscore —� Undue Undated Undersell J Undulate Undaunted Undersign // Undulation 192 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Unearned Unfruitful __.� Unimportant Unearthly Unfurnished Unimproved Uneasy ✓ Ungainly Uninformed Uneducated Ungovernable 7 Uninjured Unemployed J1 Ungraciousr Uninsurable Uneneum- ngram- <`t UninteAee- bered matical tual r 1 o Unengaged yf Ungrateful _,_/ Uninteu- _ tional Unenlight- Unguent Uninterest- ened ing <sa Unenter- p Ungula Union prising Unequal --,, ,_,Ungular Q, - Unionism =-e Unerring Unhappy P Unionist Uneven ry-o Unharmed Unique Uneventful e Unhealthful Unison Unexampled Unheard "f Unit g Uneaeep- Unhesitat- � Unitarian S tionable ingly Unfair u Unhonored Unite Unfaithful Unhurt _/ Unity Unfamiliar Unieity Universal Unfashion- Unicorn d 7 Universalism able l Unfavorable Unification Universalist Unfeigned o Uniform Universe Unfilial J Uniform ity 'e7 University Unfinished Uniformness �/ / Unjust Unfit el71 Unify �`2 Unkempt Unfold Unimagi- T Unkind native Unfortunate Unimpeach- Unknown able Unfounded —� Unimpeded Unlawful GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 193 Unless Unrighteous '. o Untranslat able -._.._E' Unlikely Unrivaled Untraveled 'Unload Unruly Untried ° Unlock -yam Unserupu• �"`�^Untrodden ( lous r Unlucky Unseal rJ Untroubled —U Unmake 7 Unseasonable s Untrue __6) Unmindful Unsettled Untrust- worthy Unmistak- Unsightly Untruth able �6 Unnatural Unsociable Unused "-9 Unnecessary Unsophisti- n-- ---eUnutilized sated Unnerve Unsound 7 Unusual-ly 4'- Unnoticed Unspeakable Unutterable Unpaid Unsuceess- l( Unvaried ful ✓ Unparalleled 2. Unsung :,__o Unwarlika Unpleasant 3✓ Unsuspected Unwar- ( rentable Unpopular Unsyste> _,2 Unwary matic y Unpracticed Untangle -.-._—Unwhole- some Unprece- f Untenable 9 Unwieldy dented t Unpreju- Untie -L--c' Unwilling diced ness z Unprincipled 19 Until Unwise - Unprofes- Untimeliness Unwitting r sional Unqualified �9 Untimely Unwonted Unquestion- Untiring Unworthy able d Unread Unto Unwritten Unreasonable / ) Untold /'Unyielding Unreserved `' Untrained Upbraid Unrest Untransfer> Upbuild able �, 194 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Upheave 6�" Upward (, Usurer / Uphold -> Uranic L p Usurious Z_ Upholster Urban Usurp Upkeep Urbane 1� Usury Upliftc� Urbanity old-'` Utensil L Upon Z Urchin �—9� Utilitarian Upper UrgeUtilitarian. j ism - Uppermost Urgent oy._� Utility Zs✓ Upright Urn o----' Utilize Uproar m� Usage �` Utmost Uproarious fo Useful ey Utopian Z Upset. oc_ Useless L Utter Upside d Usher r Utterance Upstairs 7 Usual-ly Utterly j Upstart 2— Usufruct .,9"-"` Uttermod GREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY .195 V Valet Vapidity Vacancy �A Valet.& Vapor narian Vacant —2,� Valiant Vaporize Vacate �)-�"" Valid Vaporous Vacation aC_9'" Validity Variability Vaccinate Validness ( Variable a) Vaccination —2-e Valise Variance Vaccine —Z,' Valley olr Variant Vacillate Valor �) Variation Vacillation Valuable Varicose 11 Vacuity )� Valuation Varied Vacuum C Value �s Variegate Vagabond Valueless -2--7 Variegation v > Vagabond- Valvate Variety age Vagary / Valve �) Variform Vagrancy �j Valvular o4) Various ,4--, Vagrant —4- Vamp (r Varnish ,21 Vague —2c Vampire Varnisher v` Vagueness Vandal Vary Vainglorious 2-- Vandyke Vascular Vainglory Vanguard Vase Vainness )� Vanilla Vaseline Valance 4 y Vanish Vassal Valediction Vanity Vassalage —1-1�Vsledic- —I,)— Vanquish Past Valedictory ) Vantage ,)— Vastness Valentine Vapid ) Vatican 196 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Vaudeville ) Vender 4- Veracious Vault Gf) Vendible Veracity Vaunt (!� Vendiion —2.--�9 Veranda Vauntful Veneer Verb �> Peal Venerable Verbal aG Veer Venerate ) Verbalize Vegetable Veneration Verbena Vegetarian e/p Venetian Verbiage Vegetate Vengeance Verbose Vegetation Vengeful ) Verbosity, ,1--r Vehemence Venial �!' Verdant Vehement Venison d Verdict J� Vehicle Venom Verdure Vehicular Venomous Verge Veil Venosity Verifiable Veinless Venous �� Verification 7 )` J a2-- 6 Vellicate Vent Verify -� Vellum Ventilate Verily Velocipede Ventilation �) Veritable -1-; Velocity Ventilator / Verity Velvet Ventricle d))'s� Vermicelli Velveteen Ventrilo- Vermicular ) quism ? Velvety --/"� �,Ventriloquist f Vermiculate Venal !/ Venture Vermiform �✓ Venality Venture- Vermilion some Vend G' Venturous �J""" Vermin Vendee Venus Verminous GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 197 c- Vernacular Vesture ) Victory j4-J.— Vernacular- Veteran h Victual ism �^ Vernal f "' Veterinary ,f View Versatile Veto et / Viewless yJ Versatility Vex Vigil yJ? Verse Vexation Z Vigilance y/ Versed !! Vexatious Vigilant y� Versicle �)) Viaduct Vignette Versification Vial ) Vigor / Versify a% Viand )`3 Vigorous lJ Version Vibrant o2. Viking Ve;sas � Vibrate Vile Vertebra Vibration -41- Vilify Vertebral 1� Vicar j Vilipend Vertex f y Vicarage v Villa Vertical �2, Vicariate Village )� l Vertigo --2--y Vicarious Villager e/ Very Vice r Villain Vesicle Vice versa Villainous Vesper Vicinage Villainy Vessel �J Vicinity -21- Villiform Vestal -/ Vicious -4—'Vinaigrette Vestibule Vicissitude Vincible Vestige Victim �2,Vinculmn Vestment /1✓ Victimize Vindicate .o Vestry Victor .1i1`�� Vindicative ),,,._..--Vestryman )--I Victorious G'` Vindicator 198 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONAR}Y Vindictive Virtue o)f Vitally Vine Virtueless Vitals Vinegar Virtuous v)_ Vitiate Jti"'v Vinegary eG1 Virulence G� Viticultural ) �t� Vineyard Virulent f''�"� Viticulture Vintage Visage Vitreous G Vintner ✓ Vis-&-vis )--I- Vitreousness Via, Viscount ))'4* Vitreseenee Violable IL- Viscountess Vitrie o Violate Viscous Vitrifaction Violation Vise Vitrifaeture �s Violence Visibility ] Vitrifiable Violent Visible ( Vitrify ?? Violeseent p1 Vision Vitriol ,L1 Violet Visionary Vitriolation �G11 Violin Visit �) 4 Vitriolie Violinist y1 Visitation ) Vitrite Viper Visitor / Vitta )� Virago )� Visor Vituperable Virgin 90 Vista ) Vituperate Viridescence g!_ Visual 3 Vituperation Gd Viridityp Visualize So� Vituperative -1 Virile } Vital Vivacious Virility Vitalism Vivacious- ) ness d Virtual d✓ Vitality Vivacity Virtuality ) Vitalization Vivid f� Virtually oh f' Vitalize Vivifieatiott, J GREG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 194 Vivify Voidance )- Voluptuary Vivisection ) Volant 4) Voluptuous Vivisectional �)o� Volatile CG y, Volute Vivisector 4J9""",".,Volatileness, T Volution ZVixen 1�,�^--�'Volatilize 4))p Voracious Vixenish 2--Voleanie G)) Voracity ' Vizier _ Volcanicity Vurtex )�y Vizierate 2,,,.1 Volcanist 1j Vertical Vocabulary ), Volcano t/) Vorticose Voeabulist 4_y Volition Votary k) Vocal 1,'^) ^ Volitional �J- Vote Vocalic Z--/ Volitive `J Votive ? Vocalism 2L, Volley �) Vouch Vocalist Volt Vouchee 4 Vocalization ) Voltage Voucher h�y Vocalize ) - Voltaic s�1 Vow Vocation 4)s Voltameter CJ/ Vowel 2 Vocative 4_ Voltmeter �p Vowelize 9 Vociferant 2— Volubility Voyage Vociferate )4 Voluble Voyager Vociferation" 4�1 Volume Vulcan Vociferous ��Volume- C,�Vuleanian 11 ) scope G-- Vogue G)� _Volumeter 2--,-6"`Vuleanie 2-------Volumetric-- --Volumetric Vuleaniza- ) tion Voiceful ,--"7vOlnminons /�,�--,tioVulcanize Voiceless Voluntary Vulgar �✓ Void 2- -- Volunteer Vulgarism 200 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONAR7Y Vulgarity C_� Fulnerabil- C_ -' Fnlnerary ity �y Figariza- Vulnerable 4 Vulture t y tion ) lc i Vulgarize /n Vulnerable- Vulturous se _(/ ne GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY 20I W z Wall at Wariness Wabble '' Wallet Warlike Waddle z,- Wallow z Warm Wade -A. Walnut z Warmth Wafer --a Walrus yz Warn 1 Waffle Waltz ( Warp Waft z� "�'Waitaer Warrant Wag Wampum Warrantable Wage z-- Wan ° Warrantee Wager z✓ Wand Warranter a v Waggery z - Wander ? Warrior Wagon z Wanderer 71 Wart Wagonage, "P- Wane Wary a Wagonette ? Wanness Wash y Wagonful Want Washbowl / Waif Wanton Washer Wail z War p Washout y Wainscot Warble — Washstand Waist Warbler e Wasp Waistcoat Ward Wassail Waiter �/� Warden Waste P Waitress a/ Warder Wasteful Waive Wardrobe Waster Wake —1--o Warehouse '7 Watch Wakeful —z- Watchdog z Warehouse- man Waken Warfare Watchman v Walk —2�- WariIyj Watchword 202 OREGO SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ys Water Weary Wench ,,,—Watermark"`-�_'"'W-'atermark e-�- Weasel � Wend , Watermelon Weather a. Were o� Watery Weathercock 'vest v� Watt Weave Westerly Wattmeter Weaver Western Wave Web y^ Westerner Waver X-" Wed Westward Was X Wedded 2 Wetness Waxberry Wedge 3 Whack Waxwork ^Wedlock -7� Whale Waybill a Wednesday Whalebone Wayfare Weed Wharf Wayfarer a^ Week Wharfage Waylay ( Weep Whatever a� Wayward --y' Weight of Whatsoever e Weak m2/ Weird Wheat Weaken —Welcome Wheaten Weakly Welcomeness 2-�.Wheedle Weakness `_---�Weleomer -2— Wheel ._.� Wealth / Weld Wheel, barrow -° Wealthy Welfare :z � Wheelhouse Weapon Well y' Wheeze a� Wear y Well-bred a - When --- Wearer -----""' Well-known 3-r Whence Weariness Welsh Whenever' .z Z_- Wearisome Welter Where GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY -203 Whereabout 'Whinny Whoop {¢� Whereas Whip j Whose d C-1 Whereat a� Whir Whosoever rWhereby _i. Whirl O Why c, Wherefore -2�Whirligig y� ';Nicked c� Wherein Whirlwind ��~ Wickedness a--- Whereinto Whisk Wicker WhereofWhiskers Wicket Q_ Whereon Whisky Wide Wheresoever Whisper Wide-awake e Whereupon y' Whist a Widen eL Wherever Whistle 1-11, Wideness �- Wherewith White Widow Q•�"` Wherewithal Whitecap Widower Whet 1�1 Whitefishes Widowhood g Whether Whiten Width a� Whetstone or~ Whiteness a_._._ Wield a Whey 0/ Whitewash Wielder 1 Which a Whither y Wife Whiff a^- ' Whittle Wifehood -� Whig Who Wig While /7 Whoever a Wiggle --� Whilst Whole y--z----Wigwam y Whim Wholesale Wild i- Whimper �- Wholesome - Wilder „j._..r Whimsical Whom _2__-''-Wilderness �,� Whine T, Whomsoever -z—/ Wile 204 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY _ Will yy`' Wintry P-- Witness 7 Willful ( Wipe Witticism Willingly m Wire Wittily --ti Willow "�` Wireless Wittiness z. Willowy a`" Wiriness Witty Wilt r Wisdom �i Wizard 3-- Win c Wise �F- Wizen .7-f Wince 7 Wish Woebegone Wind Wishable Woeful yL9 Windfall Wishbone Woefulness Y Windiness Wishful ��/ Wolf y� ��Windlass Wisp �l Wolfish Y Windmill �y Wistful r Woman, Window /� Wit /Womanhood Windowpane Witch -- d Womankind 2 Windpipe Witchcraft - -"'-- Womanlike ,;2 " Windstorm Witchery Womanliness .7,/ Windward With Wonder Wine "I Withal � Wonderful a Wing o-' Withdraw Wonderment a� Winged Withdrawal --_-7 Wondrous .z Wink Withdrew Wont .� Winner 2 Wither Woo y Winnow e "� Withhold ^✓ Wood. Winsome a Within Wooden Winsomeness c Without �✓,'" s�Woodenness y�' Winter t Withstand ^✓ Woodland GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY ,SOS —/�--Waodman z✓— Worn � Wreckage Woodpecker V Worry Wren Woof Worse —,7 Wrench Wool �r Worship .G Wrest m—t" Woolen Worshipful �.. � Wrestle Wooliness 1 Worst 7, Wretch n. Woolly 3/ Worsted �/ Wretched. // ness / Word r Worth --.---Wriggle Wordbook +^ Worthiness ._z., Wring -� Wordless Worthless z, Wringer Work m Worthy e Wrinkle Workable Would .-61- Wrist Worker Wound s Writ Workhouse -12�Wrangle Write Workman .s2,_.--Wrangler —sa- Writer --7 Workman. Wrap Writhe ship World Wrapper �� Written Worldliness Wrath Wrong Worldly .-51 Wrathful �' Wrote Worm Wreath ,.d Wry ri Wormwood - a Wreck 206 GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIONARY X P-1 Xanthoua Xylograph Y Xanthian Xebec Xylographie Xanthie s Xylene Xylography l P Xanthine Xyletio 6--e Xyris G Xanthippe g Xylie GREGG SHORTHAND DICTIO14V 207 Y Year e/ Yodel s- Yacht Yearbook r a Yoga eti-- Yachtsman �. Yearling r Yoke 62; Yahoo Yearn Yolk Yak Yearningly YOU, Yam Yeast Your Yankee Yell Young Yard - Yellow Younger d Yardarm Yellowness �j Youngster o� Yardful Yelp Yourself ,----Yardstick ---- Yeoman Youth Yarn "Yeomanry s, Youthful o_.... Yarrow O Yes m-D Yucca Yaw 3" Yesterday Yoga .:-I— Yawl S Yet - Yule Yawn Yield Yuletide O Ye a c'Yielder -r' Yumas Q Yea 208 GREW SHORTHAND DICTIONARY Z 4 Zepbyras 2--- Zonal G Zager Zero 1 Zone Zeal Zest Zoneless 6 Zealot Zigzag L� Zoologist C--' Zealotry —4_ Zinc Zoology Zealous j Zincifieation 4/ Zootomy Zealousness ✓-, Mucous �m Zouave (n Zebra a- Zither Zwieback ,Jd4� Zenith 21� Zodiao d—p Zymotio d. Zephyr Zodiacal