HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 S •r • ~ m ~ Postage $ " N CeNfietl Fee t7 Retum Receipt Fee ~ R?simelk t~ (Endorsement Required) ~ ~ Hare ~ Restdctetl Delivery Fee ~ (Endorsement Required) rJ ~ Total Postage 8 Fees $ lr^- - O ~ .`jent TO " Stree, AOf No.; M1 ar PO BOx No. } A P- CifY Sfate. ZlP+4~ -a-'i~----.M-eY'~ -------v-- O ¦ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Sgrretue ~p~! Item 4 if Rea4'icted Delivery is desired. X /yp qp~t ¦ Prim your name end address on the reverse so that vre coif return the card to you. g. py ~ pip py~ C: Dab d Delvery ¦ Attach this card to the hack of the mailpiece, or on the from if space permits, o/~/ Z /X D. Is deMrery addreeadR01a1R ieml Main 1. Article Addreaeed to: H 1'EB. ~ ~Y ~ Q ~ Toy Maco.>1q ST,~t.R Coy-ree~o.+d;n Sec. s aM~l~ (~hotun+ ~evnon ~v~. i t~'Y0~ ~ 175 3 QPCertllletl Metl 0 Btplees Meg " f7 fieBbtered ? FisMn ReoMpt far MerdlerMiae ? Insured Mall ? QO.D. 4. Heshicted Delivpyt (D~s rbe/ O Yy F ~`'~'fYUrear 7009 0820 0001 7820 8334 Anm . - SQL ~ 1A o~~gUFFO(,~co ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE,1vINIC oy Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK G ~ P.O. Box 1179 w Z Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS O ~ .iC Fax (631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER y~ 0~ Telephone (631) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER wwwsoutholdtownnygov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 22, 2013 Joy Macana SBRA Corresponding Secretary 242 Mount Vernon Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Dear Ms. Macana: This office has been advised that your clean-up deposit may be returned to you at this time. Enclosed find your check #3604 in the amount of $500.00. If you have any other questions please contact me at the Town Clerk's office. Very truly yours, ~,,,~~i Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk enc SUFFOLK BICYCLE RIDERS ASSOCIATION 3604 P.O. BOX 404 5,-n,arzzn ST JAMES, NY 11780 ~ ~'7 I eo5as f1 DATE -T• ` , PoYFIE ~OW1/~ O\ ~UII'INO~~ ~ ~ 700~W OR DEng OF d0 1/. n,W O I O DOLLARS B s=•~ r~ u FOR SQGJV'i'ty ~tD031~Jl/,IC/.IIA-Gl1V,C_[pJ3U.(eJ, w n'003604u¦ ~:22i~72i861: OL64003964u' Rudder, Lynda From: Flatley, Martin Sent: Monday, July 22, 2013 8:22 AM To: Rudder, Lynda; Blasko, Regina Subject: RE: clean up fees Yes, the only thing that remains is their paint on the roadway, which hopefully will wash away. Chief Martin Flatley -----Original Message----- From: Rudder, Lynda Sent: Mon 7/22/2013 8:21 AM To: Flatley, Martin; Blasko, Regina Subject: clean up fees Can the deposit be released for the SBRA bike-boat-bike ride 1 r . o~OgOfFO(,~Co ELI7.ABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC l/y Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK C ~ P.O. Box 1179 y 2 Southold, New York 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS WO ~ ~ Fax (631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER 'f'~ Telephone (631) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ~.a wwwsoutholdtownnygov FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER ~sa~ clean de~'~-1- OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK i n ~-~c TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 23, 2013 Joy Macana SBRA Corresponding Secretary 242 Mount Vernon Avenue Medford, NY 11763 Dear Ms. Macana: The Southold Town Board, at its regular meeting held on May 21, 2013, granted permission to SBRA to hold its Bike-Boat-Bike event on June 2, 2013. A certified copy of this resolution is enclosed with provisions and Town aolicy for the event listed that must followed. An insurance policy naming the Town of Southold as additionally insured has been filed with this office. Please contact Captain Kruszeski at the Police Department, as soon as possible, to coordinate traffic control. If you have any questions please contact me at the Town Clerk's office at 631-765-1800. Good Luck with your event. Sincerely, ~~~'~1 Lynda M Rudder Deputy Town Clerk enc k Southold Town Board -Letter Board Meeting of May 21, 2013 aW.rkr tl®~ RESOLUTION 2013-403 Item # 5.3 ~ ~ ADOPTED DOC ID: 8843 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2013-403 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 21, 2013: RESOLVED the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby ¢rants permission to the Suffolk Bicycle Riders' Association (SBRA) to use the followin¢ roads for their Annual Bike -Boat -Bike event on Sunday. June 2.2013, be¢innin2 at 7:00 a.m., Main Road, New Suffolk Avenue, Grathwohl Road, Route 48, Cox Lane, Albertson Lane, Mill Road, Soundview Road, Soundview Road Ext., Lighthouse Road, Moores Lane, Albertson Lane, Youngs Avenue, Calves Neck Road, Hill Road, Wells Road, Oaklawn Avenue, Jockey Creek Drive, Ackerly Pond Lane, North Bayview Road, Main Bayview Road, Cedar Avenue, Cedar Beach Road, Bridge Lane, Oregon Road, Wickham Avenue, Westphalia Road, Sound Avenue, and Factory Avenue providing 1. They file with the Town Clerk a One Million Dollaz Certificate of Insurance naming the Town of Southold as an additional insured; a $100 filing fee; a remuneration fee of $22.00 for traffic control; $500.00 deposit for clean-up (deposit to be returned after event upon recommendation of Chief Flatley, Southold Town Police Department); 2. Coordinate traffic control upon notification of the adoption of this resolution with Captain Kruszeski 3. No permanent markings be placed on town, county or state roads or property for the event; 4. Any road mazkings or signs for the event be removed within twenty-four (24) hours of the completion of the event. Support is for this year only, as the Southold Town Board continues to evaluate the use of town roads. EQ.r~.~. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED (UNANIMOUS] MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell Generated May 23, 2013 Page 12 ***RECEIPT*** Date: 05/23/13 Receipt: 150790 Quantity Transactions Reference Subtotal 1 Event Fee 6/2113 $100.00 1 Remuneration Fee 6/2/13a $22.00 Total Paid: $122.00 Notes: Payment Type Amount Paid By CASH $122.00 Suffolk, Bicycle Riders Assoc Name: Suffolk, Bicycle Riders Assoc P O Box 404 St. James, NY 11780 Clerk ID: LYNDAR Internal 1D: si2n3a Rudder, Lynda From: joy macana <joyseraph62@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 2:26 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Subject: Re: SBRA Yes, please process our application for permit. Our event continues to meet the criteria as set forth by the Town Board. On Mon, May 13, 2013 at 11:55 AM, Rudder, Lynda <Iynda.rudder(a~town.southold.ny.us> wrote: The Town Board has adopted a new policy (I have attached a copy). They are willing to approve your application but request that the number of attendees/participants be limited to 600. Please advise if you would still like the application processed with the limitation on participants. i . Rudder, Lynda From: Flatley, Martin Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 4:21 PM To: Rudder, Lynda Cc: Kruszeski, Frank Subject: Bike-Boat-Bike I have no objections to the Bike-Boat-Bike event being held, they did tell me also that their riders would be confined to 600. After our discussion, there will be no cost to our department as they have planned to leave their location in small groups and will make all turns at traffic control device locations. ~u.~ ~ Chief of Police Southold Town Police Department 41405 State Rt. 25 Peconic, N.Y. 11958 631-765-3115 t Rudder, Lynda From: Flatley, Martin Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 10:21 AM To: Rudder, Lynda; Blasko, Regina; Kruszeski, Frank Subject: RE: SBRA bike ride Lyn, This is another event that puts over 1,000 bicyclists on our roadways and I think should be discussed by the Town Board. As was my last reply on the Century Ride our initial cost is only $16.46 for one hour of a Traffic Control Officer, but we do handle aided cases, MVAs, etc. all day for riders. If the Board doesn't object, I will work with it. Chief Martin Flatley -----Original Message----- From~ Rudder, Lynda Sent Mon 3/1S/2013 1010 AM To Flatley, Martin; Blasko, Regina; Kruszeski, Frank Subject SBRA bike ride Here's another one. Please approve/disapprove and provide cost i March 1, 2013 Town of Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 ATTN: Lynne Attached, please find the necessary documentation as requested, for use of (named location) on (date), in regards to Suffolk Bicycle Rider's Association (SBRA)`s BBB (Bike-Boat-Bike) event. Documentation will include any requested items from below: Application for Permit Permit Fees Proof of Insurance Proof of Receipt of Not-for-Profit Application Please contact me should there be any questions, and notify as per approval of Application. , Jo/y" tJlacana SBRA Corresponding Secretary 242 Mount Vernon Avenue Medford, NY 11763 ~gySera hD 62@gmail.com (631)375-7042 CC: R. Devito P. Olivieri J. Matzelle gPP\,cu'~lo , ~'ee . ~ 500 aPPOSi'4 - C~pnn u~ ~OfSO(/r ~ remuy~e/'~~ior ~i~~ y0l Cc n'l-r'C ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC 'l O Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK ~ ~ P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS e/' ~e Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER ~ • ~O Fax (631) 765-6145 FREE OM OF IANNFORMATION OFF CER OyC~U~y 1 t,~~ utholdtown northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERH TOWN-0F SOUTHOLD APPLICATION for a SPECIAL EVENTS P"ERMIT `n 1 Organization's Name: =~~~J~~ ~3 (•~1 C \ F ~~Lc, c~~-~ f~ S" ~ ~ I r" I t U v~ Mailing Address: Q. C . i-{l:',~~ ~ 1~g ~ }~~y Contact's Name: 5~~~~ l`~1c~CCovlc~' IC~Y'~('C~goY~c~u~Q SeCre~ ~ i ( Contact's Phone Number: ~f 37 S - h~!'~ Email Address: _ ~o v 5.0 ,r (o a v, u t~ cowl Type of Event ~~'t n p- Est o ~n~ ~ via e-ci~~ Date(s) of Event: Cp ~ Time of Event: -1 a m - p Location of Event e c ~`{-~cti e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ he ~ ~ ~ yv) a - (Use additional paper if necessary) Anticipated number of attendees/participants: ~ C C C'~ Is this aNot-for-Profit Event Yeas or No ~ u v ACS ~n~ 5 ~ n C ~ c Ina if` 1 IfNot-for-Profit, identify the Recipient of Proceeds: pQ~'A ~ E' e v~ ~~C ~100~ S ~ ~-`~Bxi}~ ~as~~~Y~~ Cc~rf.~~ Stdn~~ ~ccX:~1~ ctn'~ens~ C`l€i~'~c Are any special requirements n eded for this event? (i.e. Marine police, road closures, etc) If so F'~ h roSl S please attach an explanation to this application. ~ Use , ~ s n ~ ~1 Have you read the copy of the Town's regulations concerning Special Permits attached to this application? Signature ~ ? Date Axls aoooloanol CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE 02/18/2013 PRODUCER TXIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEn AS A MATIEfl OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGMS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDEfl. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY AmerlCan SPeClaty n SUranCa t4 RISk SeNICeS, nC. OR NEGATIVELY AMEND E%TENp, OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BV THE POLICIES 142 North Main Street BETNEEN THECSSUIING NSURERISL AUTXORI2ED REPR SENTIgT VE OR PRODUCER. AND Roanoke, Indiana 46783 THE CERnECgTe HOLDER. INSURED INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE League of American Wheelmen dba League of American Bicyclists INS. A: AXIS Insurance Company 1612 K Street NW, Suite 510 INS. B: Washington, DC 20006 INS. C: SUFFOLK BICYCLE RIDERS ASSOCIATION 37 FRANKLIN STREET BRENTWOOD, NY 11717 CERT NUMBER: 1001090088 COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOT WITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANV CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAV BE ISSUED OR MAV PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUGH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INS POLICY POLICY POLICY LTR TYPE POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE EXPIRATION LIMITS General A re ate -Per Club 3,000,000 GL AXGL04102049-13 02/0112013 02/01/2014 Products-Com toted O orations A re ate 3,000,000 A 12:01 a. m. 1201 a.m. Personal and Advenisin In u 1 000 000 Each Occurrence D t Premi a Rent An Pr m e 1 000 000 Medical Ex ense Limit An One Person Excluded Each Occurrence 1,000,000 XS AXX504100505-13 0210112013 02/0112014 General A re ate 1,000,000 A 12:01 a.m. 12:01 a.m. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONSILOCATIONSNEHICLESIEI(CLUSIONS ADDED BV ENDORSEMENTISPECIAL PROVISIONS - The Cedi(cateholtler is only an additional insured with respect tp liability caused by the negligence of the Named Insured as per Farm AXIS 1003-Atlditional Insuretl-CeRificaleholtlers, but only with respect to BIKE BOAT BIKE on June 02, 2013. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SHOULD ANV OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES PO BOX 1179 BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 THEREOF, NOTICE W ILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE I~.~l.t.,~.y American Specialty Insurance & Risk Services, Inc. also conducts business as A S Insurance & Risk Services Agency in the stale of New York. NYS DEPARTMENT OF STATE ILING RECEIPT INCORPORATION (NOT FDR PROFIT) 'ORATION NAME SUFFOLK BICYCLE RIDERS ASSOCIATION INC. FILED DURATION 8 COUNTY CODE FILM NUMBER CASH NUMBER 04/14/80 P SUFF A660207-4 yi7918 NUMBER AND KIND OF SHARES LOGRTION OF PRINCIFF.L OFFICE SMITHTOWN RENTS' TYPE A GW RECEIVED APR 221980 ADDRESS FOR PROCESS REGISTERED AGENT INITZ E WEISS PC LARKFIEID RD ST NORTHPORT NV 11731 4ND/OR TAX PAID AS FOLLOWS NT OF CHECK S DOO5O DD AMOUNT OF MONEY ORDER S AMOUNT OF CASH 3 'S nL) DOLLAR FEE TO COUNTY $ D50.1)0 FILING b TAX NAME AND ADDRESS S CERTIFIED COPY § CERTIFICATE [NITZ E WEISS CP 'r IARKFIELD RD TOTALPAYMENTS OOOOOSO.OO _ 3T NORTHPORT NY 11731 REFUNDOFS j TO FOLLOW f ~5t8 (t/~8) BASIL A PATERSON - SECRETARY OF STATE 25 2010 "Bike -Bout -Bike" ~ 25 She/tens/aad Suffolk Bicycle Riders Association ms's/~°u/°"d 25 Mile Shelter Island Tour :Drive to Greenport HS 13 mi East on Rt- : ~ ' 25, then left on Moores La I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n ~ - ~~A{~la ~:~dir'rni I R 3rd St U on Leaven Fer 24 46 0.05 I L Main Rt-25 24.51 0.48 This Ride Is: Flat Rollin Hil] I R MOOres - HS Parkin LOt 24.99 Please Note That This Ride Is Hilly ~ ~ "~i~ g I Tum °~_~~~fl =`htl ~oriiti~; I Le end Exit HS Parkin Lot Lefton Moores Lane 0.10 I R - Ri ht Tum T -End Of Road BR -Bear Ri ht TLR Main St. Rt-25 / 9th 0.10 0.11 I L - LeR Turn S - Strai ht BL -Bear LeR L Wi ins to Fe 0.21 0.44 I U - "U"Turn - round-t+i '!i~te.. I IMPORTANT! Leave fer onto Summerfield 0.65 0.10 I R Grand 0.75 0.35 I Don't get ticketed Shelter Island Police strictly BL New York 1.10 0.52 I enforce all traffic regulations. Be prepazed to make R West Neck /Shore 1.62 1.47 j complete stops, placing one foot down at all stop L Nostrand 3.09 1.00 I signs before proceeding. Ride single file. L West Neck /Bootle ers 4.09 1.31 I TR West Neck 5.40 0.15 I R Menantec 5.55 0.94 I I j I Tum o~ At~mi For;riti I Share The Road! L Smith 6.49 0.46 I R Midwa 6.95 1.07 I TR Midwa /Lake 8.02 0.79 I TR South Fe Rd Rt-114 8.81 0.75 I I S$~1?~. ~ ~ nt4Stattom CCoses 4;:.. ~'M I U Fer sli -Rest Sto 9.56 1.35 I S Cartwrt ht at Rt-114 turn 10.91 1.41 I TR Ram Island Rd 12.32 0.76 I I R Ram Island Drive 13.08 1.79 I BR South Ram Island Drive 14.87 1.00 I TL North Ram Island Drive 15.87 0.99 ~ S Ram Island Drive 16.86 1.79 I TR Gardeners Ba / Dinah Rock 18.65 1.92 I BL Count Club I 20.57 0.88 I TR Gardeners Ba 21.45 0.86 I R Gobbets 22.31 1.03 I TL Wnthro 23.34 0.51 I TR Rt-114 to Green ort Fer 23.85 0.61 I I I I Z? I ---------------------------L------------------------ Emergency: 911 Sag: (631) 219-2684 ssMU~swm ww mia c~~ea arsa~mio ~:vm rrn ~ I ~••?Traff'ic Regulations Rre Strietty En#orced On Shelter Island K. 5~rt3End Rb" Green ort Greenport High School sc Coun Club Bike -Boat -Bike ~v~{o1K tcy~e Dinah Rock Shelter Islnnd Tour o / z5 T 25 Miles HILLY Buy Round Trip • q, Perry Ticuker hers Wi ins Gobbets Facility Symbols Gardiners Ba Food Store t ~ Ram Islena Dine f Water F Grand Guess Winthrop New York NoM Ram Island Drive y I „a Ram Island Rd. Y F F ~ Ram Island W. Neck /Shore ~ (Hillyp Cartwright W. Neck /Bootleggers ~,a. Menantic ET+o~ South Ram Island Ddve r T Smith 1 y Nostrand ~ ~4 Midway Shelter Island Important: 1 seliA Rehaenmane Sita0on • Traffic Regulations Are Strictly Enforced on Shelter Island Shelter Island Cbeas At J:90 PM • Be Courteous, Share The Road • Refer To Cue Sheet & Maps For Rest Stop Hours Midway /Lake • All Rides End At 6 PM • For All Emergencies Call 911 OK 05/1712007 WP Q I ~-?Tra~ic Regulations Are Strictly En#orced t)rt Shelter Island «-e Start&End Hlyl, Greenport Greenport High School sc ~ ,roan cwc Bike -Boat -Bike ~~,o~k r~y~P ~ Dinah Rock Shelter Islnnd Tour 34 25 1! T Z 25 Miles, HILLY ~ Buy Round Trip Ripg~ Asso~~a~` Ferry Taker WI IOS Gobbets Facility Symbols i Gardiners Ba ~ Food Store E ~ Ram Island Drive f Water Guess Grand Winthrop NeW YOrk Narih Ram Island Drive y uo ti Ram Island Rd. Y ~ ~ F W. Neck /Shore Ram Island ~ (Hill I) 1 Cartwright W. Neck /Bootleggers Menantic SouM Ram Island Drive 5~ ~ E'MOMM14 Smith y y Nostrand ~ ~ ~y Midway Shelter Island ~ ortant ~ SBRA Rerreshmant atadon Shelter Island • Trafic Regulations Are Strictly Enforced on Shelter Island Closes At 3:30 PM • Be Courteous, Share The Road • Refer To Cue Sheet 8 Maps For Rest Stop Hours Midway /Lake • All Rides End At 6 PM • For All Emergencies Call 911 OK 05/172007 WP B11Ce - t30tat - B11(e EastHarion ~v~p\K Bicyc 50 Mile Route 6 Buy Round Trip ~ Ferry Tuket seRA Retreahmene Station Green art Rip%rs Assoc~a~°~ Ho ~ At13 00 PM Ny°„tlnn, Ca°I ~ y r yr Coo Ram bl°IM Dr a MW SL Rt35 Facility Svmbols t ~ FOOd Store Rt~alMldtlN ~Y~ R,mMI.naRa a..mw Winikm Water '""°'°.Rd M°'n""` w Nsdc / alarm n-- Youn ht Guess soundvkw y smllh t < helter Island Southold N°•~ 4 15 Midwa SERA RatraahmaM Station " r o•h..N.°kRa + Sheller Island r R W Neck /Boo Cloaea At 9:30 PM Nltl Rd P nic Oaklawn j/ M ItaW t MITI RlN/Middle 4 r E On n R°.y IRa IeW a„ F ~ }•+Traffic Regulations Are Strictly Enforced On Shelter island a ~ IC C~ R~~ North Haven Mill y yap„101,, ~4 Cutchague MItldN/Rtu N a`°"'"°M • Traffic Regulations Are St~rlctly Enforced On Sheffer Island € Be Courteous, Share The Road W° ' New Suffolk Refer To Cue Sheet & Ma s For Rest Sto Hours Nassau Point P P Sa Harbor • All Rides End At 6 PM sank """S""°R ForAll Emergencies Call 911 ® Matlituc Start & End North Fork Bank ~ td Add'I Parking At High School 6$ ` 2010 "Bike -Boot -Bike" ~ 68 Suffolk Bic cle Riders Association 68 Mile Ride This Ride Is: Flat Rollin Hill 1 _ I :.urn` , .:~h _ 'fit=inE :F6nmi' TURN' Qn ~ ~ Pi~tw nil ~ ~4>~~6 I R Watermill Towd Hard Ri ht 36.11 0.85 b If Startin From Ca ital One Bank a I L Ed a of Woods 36.96 2.44 I S Little Fresh Pond Ma'ors 39.40 0.60 TL Main St. Rt-25 0.66 I R New Suffolk I S Lake Side Drive North Sea 40.00 0.14 b If Startn From Mattituck Hi h School >l i TR Parcish / Bi Fresh Pond 40.14 1.15 TR Main St. Rt-25 0.70 TL Scotts -Millstone Brook 41.29 0.26 L New Suffolk I S Millstone Brook W. Neck 41.55 0.77 I TL Barkers Island Rd 42.32 0.74 I S Tuckahoe Rd NOT Tuckahoe Ln! 43.06 0.90 Ttirh' "@1n ~t min ~ Laml't I S Tuckahoe Rt-27 43.96 0.40 New Suffolk 0.00 2.93 I R Montauk H 44.36 1.09 L Grathwohi 2.93 0.82 ( R Hills Station 45.45 0.70 TL New Suffolk 3.75 0.75 I L Lan view 46.15 0.93 TR Main St. Rt-25 4.50 0.91 I TR Peconic 47.08 0.21 L Cox CAUTION! 5.41 1.09 I TL North CR-39 47.29 0.56 R Middle Rt-48 6.50 2.02 ~ BR Old North 47.85 0.47 L Mill 8.52 0.31 I TR Canal Rd - 58; 'xFtesr~ . 48.32 0.00 R Sound View 8.83 3.06 I S Leave ark onto Canal Rd. 48.32 0.25 TR Sound View 11.89 1.30 I TR North Shore Rd CR-39 48.62 0.25 TL North Rt-48 CAUTION! 13.19 0.80 I TR Montauk H 48.87 0.11 R Albertson / Cassid 13.99 0.83 I R Newtown Rd 1 Rt 48.98 0.63 L Main St. Rt-25 14.82 1.40 I TL To Sta On Newtown Rd 49.61 1.26 I -1----------------------- I _ Tum On ~4t inf-. °Forlml I 'lei :Oil " At'mt F,or mi i RL 9th / i ins 16.22 0.51 I TR ~ Red Creek 50.87 2,12 Take ferry to Shelter Island One Way, Pay On Ferry I BR U er Red Creek Red Creek 52.99 0.86 Traffic Re ulations Strictl Enforced On IslandE ~ BR Red Creek 53.85 0.62 Exit Fer onto Summerfield 16.73 0.10 I TR Flanders Rd Rt-24 54.47 4.26 R Grand 16.83 0.35 I R Cross River Rt-105 58.73 1.55 BL New York 17.18 0.52 I Water Available At Indian Island Park Past olf course R W. Neck -Shore 17.70 1.47 I R Hubbard Av Exit Ram 60.28 0.16 L Nostrand 19.17 1.00 I TL Hubbard Av 60.44 1.03 L W. Neck -Bootle ers 20.17 1.31 I TR Meetin house 61.47 0.29 TR W. Neck /Shore 21.48 0.15 I L Peconic Ba 61.76 5.93 R Menantic 21.63 0.94 I L Si sbee 67.69 0.51 L Smith 22.57 0.46 I ~If Returning To Capitol One BankE R Midwa 23.03 1.07 ~ L Main / Rt-25 68.15 0.16 TR Lake /Midwa 24.10 0.79 I R North Fork Bank 68.31 TR South Fe Rd. Rt-114 24.89 0.75 I ~If Returning To Hi h SchoolE SBI~A[Rafres'rn~S~ojs I R Main / Rt-25 67.64 0.75 Take fer to North Haven One Wa , Pa On Fer S Rt-114 on exitin Fer 25.64 0.97 ~ L Into Hi h School Parkin Lot 68.39 BL Rt-114 Sunset Beach 26.61 0.97 I kl~'' ~ S~l~r S Lon Beach at Roundabout 27.58 1.75 I TL No ack Becomes Ston Hill 29.33 1.20 I BR Brick Kiln 30.53 1.33 I Le end TR Scuttle Hole Rd 31.86 2.25 I R - Ri ht Turn T -End Of Road BR -Bear Ri ht BR Head Of Pond 34.11 1.37 I L -Left Turn S - Strai ht BL -Bear Left TLR Deerfield - Head Of Pond 35.48 0.63 I ~ I----------------------- Emergency: 911 Sag: (631) 219-2684 69 WIa CUe Aea-IDIO.hc V2VHIIO BOJ:W PM 106 & 137 2010 "Bike -Boot -Bike" 106 & 137 Mile Rides 9 Tum. :u~°°~€~«",. ~',:`sr nfi ~ ~e~R,~ "'?;k~rtia `F"'~'~a ~ 133 Mile Route R Roses Grove 71.17 0.63 I 7~_J(#N ~ #an tA~ ,iml ~~`+Sr.ttt L No ack 71.80 0.55 I L Cross H out of rest sto 0.00 0.31 L Water Mill Towd 72.35 1.33 I TRL ~"~Landin / ~`~Bendi o 0.31 0.57 BR Seven Ponds Great Hill 73.68 0.93 I TL Promised Land 0.88 1.54 R Ed a of Woods 74.61 2.11 I S Little Fresh Pond Ma'ors 76.72 0.60 I R Nea ea ue Meadow 2.42 1.25 S Lake Dr North Sea 77.32 0.16 I TL Montauk Hw 3.67 1.69 TR Bi Fresh Pond / Parrish 77.48 1.15 I BR Old Montauk H 5.36 3.98 TL Scotts -Millstone Brook 78.63 0.26 I BR Montauk Point State Pkw East 9.34 6.04 S Millstone Brook W. Neck 78.89 0.77 ~ U Hw loo s west at li hthouse 15.38 0.00 TL Barkers Island Rd 79.66 0.76 I S Montauk Point State Pkw West 15.38 6.02 S Tuckahoe Rd (NOT Tuckahoe 80.42 0.91 I BR New Montauk H 21.40 4.14 Ln Sebonac I BR Montauk Hw 25.54 1.69 S Tuckahoe Rt-27 81.33 0.41 I R Nea ea ue Meadow 27.23 1.25 R Montauk Hw 81.74 1.08 I TL Promised Land 28.48 1.54 R Hills Station 82.82 0.69 I R Bendi o 30.02 0.54 L Lon view 83.51 0.93 I TRL P°Landin / ~`~Cross 30.56 0.34 TR Peconic 84.44 0.22 I TL North CR-39 84.66 0.56 I TL Fresh Pond Re'oin 100-mile ride 30.90 BR Old North 85.22 0.45 I Total Extra Miles ~ 30.90 TR Canal Rest Sto 85.67 0.10 I S Leave ark onto Canal 85.77 0.25 I I I ~--1------------------------~- T,uft1 it ftit~*tmt' ~ `~r j TR North Shore Rd CR-39 86.02 0.25 I Le end TR Montauk Hw 86.27 0.11 I R - Ri ht Tum T -End Of Road BR -Bear Ri ht R Newtown Rd 86.38 0.63 I L -Left Turn S - Stral ht BL -Bear Left TL To Sta On Newtown Rd 87.01 1.26 I TR Red Creek 88.27 2.12 I BR U er Red Creek Red Creek 90.39 0.86 I Shnre The Rond! TR Red Creek 91.25 0.62 ~ TR Flanders / Rt 24 91.87 4.26 I R Cross River / Rt 105 96.13 1.55 I R Exit Ram From Rt 105 97.68 0.16 I TL Hubbard 97.84 1.03 I TR Meetin house 98.87 0.29 I L Peconic Ba 99.16 5.93 I L Si sbee 105.09 0.51 I ~If Returning To Capitol One BankE I L Main / Rt-25 105.60 0.16 I I R North Fork Bank 105.76 I ~If Returning To High SchoolE I I R Main / Rt-25 105.60 0.75 I L Into Hi h School Parlci Lot 106.35 I m 6i1d Of°itiil~ 4D I I I I I Emergency: 911 Sag: (631) 219-2684 oun~~nnweaes~.,..sosm~ ~~~m~o ~Jy~plk Bicyc SBRaRarreshmentstatlon e Horton Point Bike - Bont -Bike Cloaas At 3:00 PM ~ ro ~ ~ 65, 100 dr, 135 Mile Routes eyo..Ny Riders Assocta~~O~ ~ P.~n.+. Traffic Regulations.9re Striclly -,,,v". ~ sr~.rreNa EnforeedOnShelterlsland w. N.wr tt .eK sBRA Refnchmant Statlon Facility Symbols w 5 NweN saRA Ratnshment statbn ~ wMrNrbw seNuora Shelter Island Amagansett Food Store ,Mw Closes At 3:00 PM Closes At 3:70 PM Water p~~ w.Ntlr aaN..eb PwITJI Nw'M GM Guess r „ y es•eh» u.a a+u, F RONIIJCANYf W WNwN M"YY ee^.. lanN~q Starl & End S odor CINCFo e North Fork Bank ~ Riah I I ~ oM S",,. Add'I Parking At High School scnow 25 ~ 'I ~ t I a ~ MaoNNCk GrathnoM 11 y w m i , ° Nw t+ea g3' New SN Olk ~ rrran Nwi~ _ ~c,.ew,o•aole Il LNNre7 ® en' 8 ,t' Na ~ ~ 'Norrhvirle ~ y4 ~ ttd 27 / ROsln! rttln/ y i Nfr N J M 25 WFrm y ~W + r u N e Msetl hove i e wre.mnsroe. a•uw. xe" Ne. r ~ r we a ~ t e e ~ ~ w sewn" eha ~ syt awaaa na. pmn N SBRA Reheshment Ststlon ~ ryy~c,n a * ~ Meschutt Park t , rw,r r,lee NW Gww ~ ' v 10 Cyr y pyd Llosu At 6:70 PM N / SagepoNOrk NMwn aeXNn bWtl eMeh _ 27 / n.mc K "rt" ~ d h~,"`' ~ 135 Mile Route N n~."Nn~ ` a © Na r tl j ~ 27 Rewpmn Bays GaN Iclantl R CRJO '..S 11 M uk a u- sa. Important: " F~QN~ Traffic Regulations Are Strictly Enforced On Shelter Island e w Montauk Point Be Courteous, Share The Road i I s1°tl-„y P~ ¢ues- sa ~ Refer To Cue Sheet & Maps For Rest Stop Hours • All Rides End At 6 PM w e~ ForAll Emergencies Call 911 c~n~„~N