HomeMy WebLinkAboutLatham, Sophie & Priscila Jamieson James F. King, President ~QF S~UTy Town Hall Annex 0`~ 0 5437b Main Road Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-President ~ ~ p.0. Box 1179 Dave Bergen * ~ Southold, New York 11971-0959 John Bredemeyer G Michael J. Domino %2'~ ~ i~ Te1Fax (6316 766?6641$92 ~'~~r7UNf'1,~~ BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD D ~ ~ V Office Use Only uu D Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~~i ~ d ?~j3 Wetland Permit Application Administrative Permit ~Amendmenf/Transfer/Extension Recerved Application: Own Received Fee:$ Completed Application Incomplete _SEQRA Classification: Type IType IIUnlisted _Coordination:(date sent) '~/Sll~ - ~e~ Sri ki.n~ _LWRP Consistency Assessment Form a~~ / -CAC Referral Sent: /Vo rli~~~Ca}ian 6r ~rinP~MCn~/ rNgUr` _Da[eoflnspection: ~jl P/'~~,~g~d C~r~ GOtJe-reo' U G6~~ -Receipt of CAC Report: ~ L ~ q ~ ~ £ 6 O~ ~C -Lead Agency Determination: e~M r 7S I pp ) -Technical Review: (7k {p P(cr?eed W; S}a~~l AGLM~G~ C'. -Public Hearing Held: ~`.k Resolution: Name of Applicant ~`{'LAA.M Mailing Address a ~ ~Q ~~~"er:s p~~ ~ . Orient , r~-I ~ lqJ~~ Phone Number:( ) t'o 3 i - g a ~ s ~b Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - ?Jc~ ' ~ - 7j ~t~ l 3 g ~q Property Location: a ~ g~ ~efi\Zf S ~1ecK ~.c~ . l "~3 rn ~ ~G SDU~FGr - E'G~ ~AffDC.~ ~iye( R~ (vide LILCO Pole distance t ross streets, and location) AGENT: (If applicable) Address: Phone: Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): AreaZoning:_ ~Q,S,~en'~jt~,' Previous use of property: Intended use of property: Covenants and Restrictions on property? Yes ~_No If "Yes", please provide a copy. Will this project require a Building Permit as per Town Code? ~ Yes J~No If "Yes", be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will be required. Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Boazd of Appeals? Yes ~ No If "Yes", please provide copy of decision. Will this project require any demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept.? Yes ? No Does the structure (s) on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy? ~ Yes No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: pp `goar~lca~Tvs~ees ~~t,,,tdT~l'dRe~a~B ~R/g~(9/gC ~~c ~~a I:13 ~ l~aa~~~ ~~~~I CorrJ. F~aoo`l No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. / Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? V No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (usCe attachmelrnts if necessary): In- ~p1~Q o. ~A D.nrnll't d~~+~a~0 0 ~ L .lY1PAIL L _~gL X iS'h t~A r` j~ a,~ ![~J ~ ~a >z c ~y ~laC.¢-M e/1 6l ~a • (1 ~ c~Q~ ~ In ~ 'n la ~n ~QD IQ C~-ibi.Q„'T 1, ~ -1 / " ~ SeC~ us~ny ~1"Y ~oll~~~~l ~ Ci.(1G1 reP la c,z sic};on ~ ~a ~ n ei~ W ~`Nn Cl~al1 Sand ¢i U Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATIOON DDATA Purpose of the proposed operations: I(~-'D1Q.L2 reD~0.(zaxrnt, BL o~~og' ~ne~ ~tt,~ t~ Ius.J Vinyl Skes};wry / Q.dCiSLlna~~vnr~,en bVIK nMJ /1 r~lci$nnan'}' Oa- oen Gvj ~nQ~d~l. - J~ ~9 f ~ S ' set; on ~ `I-f^~ . I ~rn~n JSOt7Y~"G~~ue~r ~ rePlacec~ section ~ ~-o~~n ~~~il ~itk.~ elS?~n sand ~'~11. Area of wetlands on lot: square feet Percent coverage of lot: Closest distance between neazest existing structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Closest distance between nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: feet Does the project involve excavation filling? No~~ Yes ` ~ If yes, how much material will be excavated? NpYIZ cubic yards How much material will be filled? S cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited:~~ feet Proposed slope throughout the azea of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or de/posited:.(~U ~ fP~Jlnn .P_d ~azill ~ l1~ell~ nn Gfo ana i7SGCt a.wa;n r~~ir t~e~ Y C1nrI 4~ro n Gu(~ ~n~ para. Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): SI.~Dtl~L1 ~nauP ylnme ~ rtii~~h~r G o ~ r pn ~id ~C~S n s c,(,t u~ s~1~, la r lJ be d owe -~o beacl,~ LJ~ ~e' er.~ nn ~~~~-I Board of Trustees Application ~ Uiny1 Swa-~~COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed aGtivitY:1p_~~afQ d1.p~ttplluflt ~ o~~Y1eA~ -~ta-t ~2XiS~~j ~.rlY~;on~ bulk!^s.~l~l`c+nd ~laun~ent ~ C~C(1 bacV~,U as er1 • In-plate replacen~en,CJ ' coue~ ~ replaced ~ec};sn u,~~(?-w1 c(uin S~n ' 1. re wetlands p sent i m feet of the propose activi No_y~ Yes Does the project involve excavation fillin ~ No~~ Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? ~~(cubic yards) How much material will be filled? (cubic yards) I Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: {~n~ ('e~Uep r vll C'~Orer~ (zip Site. Ll,nd u~a~ n ?1 0 ..o I,,Q1~ ~lW,~_c t~ an~ Llro to 4~.t e i n •p(a[p . Describe the nature and extent of the environmental impacts to the subject property or neighboring properties reasonably anticipated resulting from implementation of the project as proposed, including erosion increase or adverse effects on natural protective features. (Use attachments if necessary) I / I I Q WDJ~(~(,i.kt.. -!'b fQ -wild ~ Pk,s~i~4 /~1~IISki~lact Q/ d,,ro%n 11.. h,~il-1' 'in 19(oS. ~F1nu M/ c~4-ia~c CuG~ C?~ ~i ~(A ~ iA .P y E ar/a~L c~ L .~l ~]2 fe.~'yfwtd "}'(.~R- Sri u_Pan__~~~ D(s~ en ~I~la~~o. Sn IKno~.~ll-~ a e ~-E..c,~'G y~ L.-~-(,c ~ uto en U r 9n,~,~en~r~ .I{ as we /aye epos l r,Lg ~ on~,, ~ ~ l c{ ~ t._S Pki.S~'i L( ~ ~('lnA ~A T ~It~ gPtt.fS PROJECT ID NUMBER 61720 SEAR APPENDIX C STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM for UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART f -PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Projec[ Sponsor) 1. APPLICANT) SPONISOR I / 2. PROJECT NAME 3.PROJECT LOCATION: oZ IgO I~tC(Y ~k i Oc~ent ~ Il°I't'f v Municipality O County S J O ~ K 4. PRECISE LOCATION: Street Addess antl pad Intersections. Prominent Wndmarks etc -or provide map I f a en~le so~h..easf o~ t~lwcow+V2' der l~ • on 1~2terts ~1ec.~ ~1. L~4 In/.~1e eaS~ o~ Ki S'keat 5. IS PROPOSED ACTION : ? New ? Expansion f~ Modificatlon /alteration j 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: LCF to rep~c~ce. old and decayed b/ulK-I,t,eac~ anc~ ~roin i Wt~ In2.t.~ yV~G~eriak . Old iMa-term cJl~~ be. f2ruoued S?(-e, . I' 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: ' Initially acres Ultimately acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER RESTRICTIONS? ~j/ I Lt/JYes ? No If no, describe brie6y: I 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? (Choose as many as apply.) I ? Residential ? Industrial ?COmmercial ~Agriwlture ? Park /Forest /Open Space ~ Other (describe) I 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PER.M`IT APPROVAL, OR,r~,FFUNDING. NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL A,G~~E,,N//ppY (Fetleral, State or Local) N~S 'D„ryt A __~N0.1 ~ I..fYes ?NO If yes, listagency name and permit /approval: ,l vv c,~o~L~old ToLa~ TrosE~es 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? I ?Yes ~lo If yes, list agency name and permit /approval: 1II2'~~A''S A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/ APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? i i Ures ? No I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant /~S`ponsor Name S ~ ~'lnunti Date: ~7 ' Signature c70 ~iv-I I..I.UNti ~l f'T'~( If the action is a Costal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment boK Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation 8t Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM ~ PROPERTY LocnnoN: s.c.r.N. p: THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS MAY REQUIRE THE SUBMISSION OF A ~01 ~ ~ STORM-WATER, GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN s-6fLTet 8e~ ~ rr 'L~ CERTIFIED BY A DESIGN PROFESSIONAL IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. SCOPE OF WORK -PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ITEM # /WORK ASSESSMEN'T' Yes No a. What is the Total Area of the Project Paresis? ~ Will Mis Projed Retain All Stone-Water Run-Oft (Indude Tokl Area of all Parcels boated within ' ~OD Generated by a Two (2') Inch Rainfall on SNe? ? ' the Scope of Work for Proposed Construdion) (s F r acres (This item will include all runotF created by site b. What is Me Total Area of Land Cleadn ) 9 clearing and/or consWdton activities as well as all and/or Ground Disturbance for the proposed Site Improvements and the permanent creation d construd'an activNyl impervious surfaces.) (s.F. / Acre) 't Does the Site Plan and/or Survey Show All Proposed PROVIDE BRIEF PROJECT DESCRII'IYON (Pra+ide Aemmaa Peaar a. Netlad) Drainage SWdures Indicating SizeBLocation7 This ? Item shall include all Proposed Grade Changes and ~C1- D(~eP1Q(,[I1A •I 1 C Slopes Controlling Surface Water Flow. o~ ~ine~r (r~ " 0p II //~I LL II 3 Does the Sife Plan and/or Survey describe the erosion ~ ? '1~ Qf(;,(Y111q i1rr1['Y; myy W ~ G[I S/((,~ and sediment control predices that will 6e used to y pp control site erosion and storm water discharges. This 7~f Pwl /I I NF ~ 1iY1 6q CI5 a ~ In item must be maintained throughout the Entire II fn~ t, ConsWdion Pedod. Grp O( CJYYI ll t' nT 7la LSC- ~ /+GI I(j^C~L1L^~ 4 Will this Projed Require any Land Filling, Grading or ' I,L II1 b ~t1~ I Excavation where there is a change to the Natural ? / ~-T•S Sec7T Cr1 O1- Q(OtA~GI1L t~ftGl CWP.r Ylvt!w Existing Grade involving more than 200 Cubic Yards Y I of Material within any Parcel? t"eo(ACerJ See(ian ~fl. glDin 4~ til~ 0.A ~-1-Q-~r~ --(--r--~="'j Will this Application Require Land Disturbing Adiviges i~ Ctan~i~~ef1 ~ ~I>tie • n Encompassing an Area in Excess of Five Thousand r (5,000 S.F.) Square Faet of Ground Surface? x010 • s Is there a Natural Water Course Running through Me ? / Site? Is this Projed within the Trustees judsdiclion •V/ Generel DEC SWPPP Ramuiremanq: or within One Hundred (100') feet of a Wetland a Submission of a SWPPP b required for aA ConsWtlbn ectrviaea invoNirg soil Beach? disNrbances of one (1) or more acres; indudbg disturbances W less than one acre mat ~ Will Mere be Site preparation ot1 Existing Grade Slopes ? are pert of a brgar common plan mat w01 u0imarey disturb one or mesa aces of brM; which Exceed Fifteen (15) feet of Vertical Rise to indudirg Construction arA'Nitles ImroNing soi disturbances of less man one (t) acre where One Hundred (100') Of Horizontal Distance? the DEC has detemtlned Ihet a SPDES permit b required for storm water discharges. (SWPPP's Shall meat tM Minimum Requiremenla of tM SPDES Gerrerel Permit $ Wfll Driveways, Parking Areas or oMer Impervious for Storm Waror Dbehargaa Rom Cautructlon aetlvity -Permit No. GP-0.10-001.) Surfaces be Sloped t0 Dired Storm-Water Run-OR ? t. the SWPPP fheA be prepared prbr ro the submitlal of me NOT. The NOI ahal be Into and/or (n the diredlOn of a Town ' hf-of-wa ' submMed ro the Deperbgent qbr ro the mrtniencemenl of wrutrudlon ecWhy. ~ ~ 2. The SWPPP alien dasaibe the ereaion end sadprem conbd Prectlces erM whew 9 Will Mis Projed Require the Placement of Malarial, i, required, poatconstrurAion akxm water management prectlcm met wpl t» used and/or Removal of Vegetation and/or the Constructlon Of airy , / rxxrsbucted ro reduce me poNtenb In srortn water dbchargea and ro assure Item WNhin Me Town Right-of-Way w Road Shoulder compibnce wiM the remit ant caWhbna of Ihb permit. In addhbn, the SWPPP shaA Area? Imib ibm veil NOT 6e1uM tle tmtrnatlm alpdvevyAgom.) identify potential sources of poluNOn whlM may reesonaby be expected ro aRect me qualify of storm water discharges. NOTE: If Arty Mswer ro QrrptloM One mrough Nine b Mswered witlr a OMek Ma1k 3. Aa SWPPPa mat require me postconsinrcibn stoml water management precace in a Box and me consWetlon sNe disturbance b between a,000.3.F.81 Aae in area, wmponanl she0 be prepared by a qualtlbd Design Prefessbnal Licensed In New York • $lorm-Wabr, Cwading, Drainage d Erwbn Control Ptae b RpWrsd by the Town of that is knowletlgaebb In the pdndples and practices of Storm Water Management Southold and Must M SubmRbd for Review Pdar to bsuarrcw of My BuiMing ParmR ' MOTE: AChaeA Mark (.t) aka Mower la exA Owatbnb Ragiwed fareCMlPble Appieatlon) S1'A1'E OF NI'W YORK, CfJ(viV1E D. BUNCH COUNTY OF SS N^isy Fubilc State of NeW York I,.. No atR^~ea~~or,~ /k . -.tftolk 4"i.ni• i That h ~tt2. bein du) sworn, de ' ~zs r k i ~n s 7 ~iRami;ori;ai~a;ai'si~M;;~oocume;;ij 8 Y poses an¢~e,t~(rTte/glapmv~h~gtepiplf~are2 emvt, And that he/she is the (Owner, Cunlrector, Agent, Curyorele Officer, elc.~ Owner and/or representative of the Owner or Owners, and is duly authorized tc1 perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his lufowledge and belief; and that the work will be performed in the manner set forth in d1e application filed herewith. Sworn to beffore me this; ~..5-. f- daY of , 20..13 ll /I' Notary Public:...... Akki~.~ ~i4?Y'~,1, , (Signature o(Applicanq FORM - 06/10 Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York 5op~:, 2 (.a,. BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSE AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REV~~LI/EW OF TH~IS~A~P~PLICATION. Signature of Property Owner SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS I DAY OF 20~ Notary Public C~NNlF Ci. EiUNC`i-! Notary Puhric. Stats of P.;<?~?: 'r ue;c No. Q+i:11~9~350': ?,~~~~r, (!!nrUflOlk Gt~:Alf¢~~~ _ _ _ APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conFliMs of interest on the Dart of town officers and emplgyees. The outpose of rhie form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessarv to avoid same. II I YOUR NAME: SaOUn e. L~-~QYtti (Last n e, fast name, ¢riddle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other, person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (lf"Other-, name the activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employer of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person - I>escribe the relationship between yourself (the applicentlagenUrepresentative) and the [own officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or drscribe in the space provided The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5°k of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in anon-corporate entity (when the - applicant is not a corporation); - C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Submitted this day of 200 ~O 13 Signature Print Name p A.tG ~~f..Mn Form TS I ~ Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for pemuts* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that aze subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Fxcept minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the prepazer of this form. should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A nronosed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal azea (which includes all of Southold Town 3: If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standazds and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be exalained in detail listine both suuaortine and non suuaortin¢ facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF STTE AND PROPOSED ACTION PROJECT NAME ~pP(,t,~ 1 ~ ,cn. The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board ? Plauning Board ? Building Dept. ? Board of Trustees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response}: (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ? (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: I-Y Nature and extent of action: LEI f ( Location of action: ~ ~p'~pr ~ N e G ~ KCI • ~ T G (Y~ 1~~ Site acreage: Present land use: ~jp/i t.~„ nn Present caning classification: ~p S'. Gk er\-li aX 2. If an application. for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:~~,;~2 l~-}(~,~ (b) Mailing address: 01l g0 ~~P r ~ ~~~c~ O f i, e T`~ ~ ~ q S (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( ) 3 ~ ~ g a ~ - S (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ~No ? If yes, which state or federal agency? ~EL' C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. AEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LW12P Section III -Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ~ Not Applicable Attach addiuonal sheen ~f necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III P~,o~ l/icies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No L_'J Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH -Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No Not Applicable a b~IK Imo. o i Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria Yes ? No ? Not Applicable To 2~[~tp_e. bead.. -ran+' M erosion . r Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI -Policies Pages 16 th~r-o~u/gh 21 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No ~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section HI -Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ? ? Yes No Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No Not Applicable Attach addihonal sheets ~f necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWY2P Section III -Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ~NOt Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. n ? Yep---1 No U Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORHING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No Q Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town~,w~aters. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No I"I Not Applicable ` Attach addihonal sheets ~f necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evNaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No I~ Not Applicable Attach additional sheets ~f necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies;/Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No L~ Not Applicable PREPARED BY .~Ol.~le ~ TITLE n~ner DATE ~ ~ 13 i,, ~ P~~~~ n r ~ p ~ ~ S ~~~~5 ~ t9 "~~bt" a~ _ ~ r. ~ ~~~~V~ ~ ~ ri ~ J U L- 4 2013 ~ Southold Town ~ S ~ ~ i~ <<II~ ~YS~~~ a a ~,yl~ _ API`R Ol'LD AS 1`CR T:RD2$ 1PR-~ Ada) CO~LIITiO~$ OF ~~'c~~'~ - gb~Tc T~ Yom' ~ t ~ . ~ /p ~ Gw . ' /Mr~i WMI~- ~ ~ rtr~s Lm JM'!'~L. 1 Eil%C1RMi~ r s~ ~,~~~.a of r v _ « - 1 p~l~' JL h ` ~~,~Y Y l ~L.I"' ~ ~t~k^'~`r r V. '1.. Y , .n. ~ ~ a ~Y~~ a m ~ z ; M ~ db 0 p o K O~ ~ 0 y~ ° ~ ~ ~~F~tBO~ ~ ov' " ~ n , ~a7~ o~~~o~~~ D M= r ~ - 4 2013 I o JUL o I ~ Southold Town ar fTr e ~~y Z~,li' <~t ~w ~~~p ~ alr~ C'e~ 7IOQtt. log B~ ~ ~W ff""~~''~~ ~ OU Cf''rpl i1sM~ID IdriL~ f7~rs' ~ tl V~ o Te e G k Itis) 6'x4° ~ 6~aL' F{aRP1wh+F1 MAtE>S 7 ~ p o ,c o A r~Atsi ~ ~ o " f 0 f. p t~- ~ c K 0 ~ ~ ~~D l~k N~ 70r QM • y o ~ ~d ~h~><q ~ ~IN4~ g x r- u ~ 1 `D~idp ~ ~'FA o ri ~ ~ u 9+~ ' a oy,~ X • 0 ~ D ro' Ber* uW tek Dp?~ wrM 8'xg~ retnckL gsrcrMal wll~ ~ w~ r~ wM AIMf ~ e'-1~ fp'1 ~4u- ~ ~ cx JUL - 4 2013 i ~+v Mec3.r _~IA _ C~e1rNr l.l4es.t O+~UL.1~L~.YgUc ~le?1 to cJ_ Southold Town ~et I~ ~iY1YIY _,.QF'. pv~?04l~. _ . Boar f Tm a - S' Eilsr~ra a ~ _a(rt ~14u.R+c+tr Nezk RaAD OFi ~1NOoN RI?s~ s~t~?%t1 Mwl+:wrrou to IN~3.1R~f C~ta~s SEoIaN •np~q a2aD~&:b 61/uW6fd 1uD R. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation _ Division of Environmental Permits, Region One SONY @ Stony Brook, 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409 Phone: (631) 444-0365 Fax: (631) 444-0360 Website: www.deany.gov loemane~. Commissfoncr February 22, 2013 ~~~1~~~~ Sophie Latham D 168 Central Avenue Greenport NY 11944 JUL - 4 2013 Re: NYSDEC Permit Modification # 1-4738-03916/00001 Southold Town Latham Property ar U 2180 Peters Neck Road Orient SCTM # 1000-32-1-6.1 Dear Permittee: In conformance with the requirements of the State Uniform Procedures Act (Article 70, ECL) and its implementing regulations (6 NYCRR, Part 621) we are enclosing your permit. Please carefully read all permit conditions contained in the permit to ensure compliance during the term of the permit. If you are unable to comply with any conditions, please contact us at the above address. Also enclosed is a permit sign which is to be conspicuously posted at the project site ane proter,ted from the weather, and a Notice of Commencement l Completion of l;onstruCtiun. Sincerely; Matthew R. Penski Environmental Analyst 1 cC Habitat - TW File NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMEN'T' OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION DEC PERMIT NUMBER ~ EFFECTIVE DATE 1-4 7 38-0391 6/00001 ~ January22,2010 FACILITY/PROGRAM NUMBER(S) PERMIT EXPIRATION DATE(S) Under the Environmental Conservation Law Janua 21, 2015 TYPE OF PERMIT ¦ New ? Renewal ? Modification ? Permit to Construct ? Permit to Operate I ? Article 15, Title 5: Protection of Wa- ¦ 6NYCRR 608: Water Quality ? Article 27, Title 7; 6NYCRR ters Certification 360: Solid Waste Management ? Article 15, Tiile 15: Water ? Article 17, Titles 7, 8: SPDES ? Article 27, Title 9; 6NYCRR Supply 373: Hazardous Waste Management ? Article 19: Air Pollution ? Article 15, Title 15: Water Control ? Article 34: Coastal Erosion Transport Management CI Article 23, Title 27: Mined Land ? Article 15, Title 15: Long Reclamation ? Article 36: Floodplain Island Wells Management ? Article 24: Freshwater Wetlands ? Article 15, Title 27: Wild, ? Articles 1, 3, 17, 19, 27, 37; Scenic and Recreational Rivers ¦ Article 25: T(i~dal Wetlands 6NYCRR 380: Radiation Control L~ PERMIT ISSUED TO TELEPHONE NUMBER Sophie Latham ~O? = ~~~3 631 827-4540 ADDRESS OF PERMITTEE 168 Central Avenue, Green ort NY 11 44 Southold Town CONTACT PERSON FOR PERMITTED WORK ~ TELEPHONE NUMBER NAME AND ADDRESS OF FROJ F_CTiFACILI rY Latham Pro ert . 2^, 80 Peter s Neck Road- Orien[ SCTM # 1000 32-1-0 1 _ COUNTY ~ ~ iC~t+ W,ATFRCOl IRSE NVTM COORDINATES Suffolk Southold Orient Harbor E:727.7 N:4556.5 Description of Authorized Activity Remove 75 feet of exposed timber groin and replace with a 65 foot low profile groin. Remove the existing 12 foot long high profile groin and replace with 12 feet of low profile groin. Remove and replace in-place the existing 18 foot bulkhead return, place 5 cubic yards of clean backfill, and place 4 cubic yards of toe armor at the landward end of the return. All work shall be performed in accordance with the plans prepared by Sophie Latham on 6/15/09, and stamped NYSDEC approved on 1/22/10. By acceptance of this permit, thepermlttee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL all applicable regulations, the General6onditions specified see pa es 2 - 4 and any SpeciaPGonditions included as part of this permit. PERMIT ADMINISTRATOR: ADDRESS I SUNV @ STONY BROOK 50 CIRCLE ROAD, STONY BROOK, NV 11790-3409 JohnAVViel d jfirp) ~9THORIZE SIGNATURE, DATE ` ~ ~ Page 1 of 4 , ~ Januar 22, 2010 - NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined to the upland area landward of the bulkhead or on a barge. 2. Prior to any construction or removal of bulkheads or other shoreline stabilization structures, all backfill must be excavated landward of the structure and retained so as not tp enter the waterway, tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas. 3. All peripheral berms, cofferdams, rock revetments, seawalls, gabions, bulkheads or other approved shoreline stabilization structures shall be completed prior to placement of any fill material behind such structures. 4. The new bulkhead return shall be constructed in place of the existing bulkhead return with no seaward extension of the outermost bulkhead face. 5. No permanent structures shal I be installed on the authorized bulkhead return without first obtaining written Department approval (permit, modification, amendment). 6. All fill must be waded to match the elevation of the land immediately adjacent to the bulkhead return. 7. The authorized groin shall not exceed 18" in height over the existing grade ofthe downdrift beach and shall not extend seaward of apparent low water. 8. The authorized groin shalt not extend beyond property lines, interfere with navigation, and/or interfere with other landowners riparian rights. 9. No permanent structures shall be installed on the authorized groin without first obtaining written Department approval (permit, modification, amendment). 10. All fill shall consist of "dead' sand, gravel or soil (not asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris). 1 1. No excavation of the beach is authorized for the purpose of obtaining till or stone material. 12. All disturbed areas where soil will be temporarily exposed or stockpiled fur longer than 48 hours shall be contained by a continuous line of staked haybales i silt curtains (or other NYSDEC approved devices) placed on the seaward side beriviceu the till and the wetland or pmtectcd buffer area. Tarps arc authorized to upplerncnf these apprcr, ed method,. 13. 7lTe use of wood treatal with pentachlorophenol or other wood treatment not specitically approved by } thcUcpattmcnth~ruscinwctlandsandiormarincwaters,isstrictlyprohibitedintheconstructionofstructures that toil! he in contact wuh tidal waters. ]4. TlTere shall be no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 15. Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas. 16. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the permittee and contractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of, and understand the terms and conditions of, this permit Within 30 days of the completion of the project, the bottom portion of the fora must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work.. ur~~l~rl:~nl ~rwslw PAGG ~ OF d 1 ~173b-0391600001 NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION NOTIFICATION OF O"CHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS Item A: Permittee Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Ltdemnification The pennittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its repre_aentatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits. actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the pennittee's acts or omissions in connection with the permittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of, the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether i? compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The pennittee is responsible for informing iLs independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the pemtittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the pennittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The pennittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, easements and rights-of-way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This permit does not convey to the pennittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in order ro perform the permitted work nor does it authorize the impairment of any rights, title, or interest in real or personal property held or vested in a person not a party to the permit. (GENERAL. CONDITIONS General Condition l: Facility Inspection by the Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Environmental Conservation (the Department) to determine whether the pennittee is complying with this permit and the ECI_ Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71-030 t and SAPA 401(3). The pennittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the pernit area when requested by the Department. A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps. drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at fhe project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the pemtit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. General Condition 2: Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this pemtit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determimuion previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, zondition~ or requirement, contained in such order or determination. General Condition 3: Applications fur Permit Renewals or Modifications the pemtiuee must submit a separate tt ritten application to tlm Deparume ~ 1 ~r n°nr~.cnl. mndific m ..t nr tr(mai'r of thi, pemtit Such application must include any forms or supplemental mii~rnatinn the Deparuneni requires. Am renewal. nxtJitiuation or Transfer granted by the Department must he in ~criiin 11ic pennittn~~ must submit a r newal apph ui u a i .tj 1QO days bc(orc rspuaU~n,.f pa nun irr ~t.n~ .'!rr.:.. ~t ,_~r ~~.Jl~InuLt~. ~..,t~a (~SPD1.:S}. hazardous Waste Management Pacihties U{\4M1-j. major Air follutiun Control (APC) and Solid Waste Management Facilities (S W MP):. and h) 30 days before expiration of all other permit types. Submission of applications for permit renewal or modification are [o he submitted to: NYSDEC Regional Permit Administrator, SUN}' {rr. Stony Brook, 50 Circle Road, Stony Brook NY 11790-3409 General Condition 4: Pernut Modifications, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Dcparunent reserves [he right to modify, suspend or revoke this perit in accordance with F NYCRR Part 6'_' 1. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a) materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b) failure by the pennittee to comply faith any terms or conditions of the permit; c) exceeding the scope of the project as described in the permit application; d) newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions. relevant technology or applicable law or reculations since the issuance of the existing pernit; e) nmtcompliance with previously issued pemtit conditions. orders o1 the commissioner. any provisions of the Environuental Conservation Laty or regulatiuns of the Dcparmtent related to the permitted activity. DEC Pf:RMIT NUMBER 1-4 738-0 391 6/00001 PAGE 3 OF 4 NEW VORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ADDITIONAL GENERAL CONDITIONS FOR ARTICLES 15 (TITLE 5), 24, 25, 34 AND 6 NYCRR PART 608 (TIDAL WETLANDS) 1. If future operations by the State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of EnvirormTental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstmction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner may be ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this permit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Enviromnental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion ofthe uncompleted structure or f ll and restore to its former condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shat] be made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. 2. The State of New York shall in no case be liable Cor any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorized which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the Stale for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any sucli damage. 3. All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fuels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete, leachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the p~aject. 4. Any material dredged in the conduct of the work herein permitted shall he removed evenly, without leaving large refuse piles, ridges across or along the bed of a waterway or floodplain, deposits within any regulatory floodway, or deep holes that may have a tendency to cause damage to navigable channels or to the banks of a waterway. 5. There shall be no unreasonable interfcrcnce with navigation by the work herein authorized. 6. If upon the expiration or revocation of this pcmtit, the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall, without expense to the State, and to ;uch extent and in ,uch time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or till and restore the site to its former ernTdition. No claim ;hall be utadc against the State ofNcw York on account ofany such remo~'al or alteration. If granted under 6NYC)ZR Pau GUS, ii~r J'tS Dcparuucnt of inrirrnuuental ~bnscrvation hereby certifies that the subject project will not coulravcne cl flucm limitations orother hnutauons or standards under Sections 301, 302, 303, 306 and 307 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 (PI. 9~ ? 17) provided that all of the conditions fisted herein arc met. 8. At least 48 hours prior to commencement of the project, the pennittee and caTtractor shall sign and return the top portion of the enclosed notification fora certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit. Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion of the form must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work and, i f required, a survey. 9. All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance widT the approved plans submitted by the applicant or his agent as part oC the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by: Sophie Latham on 6/ 15/09, and stamped NYSDEC approved on 1 /22110 DEC PERNIffNUMRER PAGE 4 OF 4 1-4738-03916/00001 \N:W YORK STATE DEPARTME!~"f OF EV'VIROI~IENTAI. COVSERVAT[O5 ~ Facility DEC ID i-4738-03916 PERMIT ~ ~ ~ V E D Under the Environmental Conservation Law Permittee and Facility Information South owu Permit Issued To: Facility: SOPHIE LATHAM LATHAM PROPERTY 168 CENTRAL AV6 2180 PETERS NECK RDSCTM1000-32-1-6.1 GREENPORT, NY 11944 ORIENT, NY 11957 Facility Location: in SOUTHOLD in SUFFOLK COUNTY Facility Principal Reference Point: NYTM-E: 727.7 NYTM-?~~: 4556.5 Latitude: 41°0740.4" Longitude: 72°1714.8" Project Location: 2180 Peter's Neck Road, Orient Authorized Activity: In-place replacement of 380 linear feet of existing functional bulkheading and placement of 80 cubic yards of clean backtlll. In-place replacement of the existing landward 44.5 foot section of groin /jetty and cover the replaced section of groin /jetty wit11 40 cubic yards of clean sand fill. Plant the fill / disturbed areas with native grasses, plants and or shrubs. All authorized activities shall be done in strict conformance with the attached plans prepared by Sophie Latham on 12/2/12, and stamped "NYSDEC APPROVED" on 2/22/L3. ARNO-DEP Permit Authorl~ations Tidal Wetlands -Under Article 25 Pcimit 1D 1-473 8-03 9 1 610000 1 New Permit L-ttecti~e Date: (,23;21110 Expiration Datc: Ir21i201~ Modification # I 1{ffecti~~e Date: 3/22/2013 Expiration Date: 2/21/2018 \YSDEC Approval By acceptance of this permit, the permittee agrees that the permit is contingent upon strict compliance with the ECL, all applicable regulations, and all conditions included as part of this permit. Permit Administtator: JOItN A WIEL.AND, Deputy Regional Pcnnit Administrator Address: NYSDEC REGION I HEADQUARTERS SUNY ~ STONY I3ROOK50 CIRCLE RD STONY BROOK N~ 1 1 790 -3409 I ~ Authorized Signature - ~ Date /.S C~ Yage 1 of 6 \EW YORK STA"tE UEPANTJIEV'I OF E1V[RONMES'1:4I. C05SERVA"CIOS ~ Facility DEC Ill 7-4738-03916 Distribution List Habitat - TW Environmental Permits Permit Components NATURAL RESOURCE PERMTT CONDITIONS GENERAL CONDITIONS, APPLY TO ALL AUTHORIZED PERMITS NOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMIT"I'EE OBLIGATIONS NATURAL RESOURCE PERMIT CONDITIONS -Apply to the Following Permits: TIDAL WETLANDS 1. Regulated Activities Authorized By This Permit This permit ONLY authorizes those regulated activities /structures identified under the section titled "Authorized Activity". The Department does not issue after-the-fact or as-built permits. This permit does not authorize activities, or legitimize the existence of stnuctures, which would have required a permit but for which no permit or other authorization has been granted by the Department. 2. Notice of Commencement At Icast 43 hours prior to commencement of the project, die pennittee and contractor shall sign and return the top poiZion of Che enclosed notification form certifying that they are fully aware of and understand all terms and conditions of this permit Within 30 days of completion of project, the bottom portion o1 the fimn must also be signed and returned, along with photographs of the completed work. 3. Post Permit Sign 'fhe permit sign enclosed with this permit shall be posted in a conspicuous location on the worksite and adequately protected from the weather. 4. Conformance With Plans All activities authorized by this permit must be in strict conformance with the approved plans submitted by the applicant or applicant's agent as part of the permit application. Such approved plans were prepared by Sophie Latham on 12/2/12, and stamped "NYSDEC APPROVED" on 2/22/13. 5. Storage of Equipment, Materials The storage of construction equipment and materials shall be confined to the upland area landward of the bulkhead or on a barge. e. Excavation for Bulkhead/Structure Prior to any construction or removal of bulkheads and other shoreline stabilization structures all backtill shall be excavated landward of the structure and retained so as not to enter the watenvay, tidal wetland or protected buffer area. 7. Replacement Bulkhead Maximum ttcight The top elevation of the replacement bulkhead shall be no more than 18 inches higher than the existing bulkhead. Page 2 of 6 NEW YORKS"1'A'C1:llEVAR'CV11;~''1 OF FIVIRONMEV"CALCO~SERVATIO~ ~ Facility DEC [D 1-4738-03916 8. No Seaward Extension of Bulkhead The new bulkhead shall be constructed in place of the existing bulkhead with no seaward extension of the outernrost bulkhead face. 9. No Runoff Over or Through Bulkhead or into Wetland Upon completion of the bulkhead replacement authorized herein, there shall be no discharge of runoff or other effluent over or through the structure or into any tidal wetland or protected buffer area. t0. No Structures on Reconstructed Bulkhead or Pilings No structures, other than structures specifically authorized by this permit, shall be constructed on the reconstructed bulkhead or pilings without further authorization from the Department (new permit, moditied permit). ll. Jet-in Bulkhead E3ulkheads constructed directly adjacent to vegetated tidal wetlands shall be hand driven orjetted in with no disturbance to the tidal wetland. Trenching is strictly prohibited. 12. No Structures on Groin /Jetty No permanent structures shall be installed on the authorized groin /jetty without first obtaining written department approval (permit, modification, amendment). 13. Backfilling The installation of the approved replacement bulkhead shall be completed prior to the placement of any fill material behind the structure. 14. Clean Fill Only All fill shall consist of clean sand, gravel, or soil (not asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris). 15. No Beach Excavation For N ill No excavation of the beach is authorized for the purpose of obtaining fill or stone materials. 16. No Dredging or Excavation '~o dredging, excavating or other alteration of shoreline or underwater areas is authorized by this permit, nor shall issuance of this permit be construed to suggest that the Department will issue a permit fur such activities in the future. 17. Use of Treated Wood 'hhe use of wood treated with creosote, pentachlorophenol or other wood treamient not specifically approved by the department t~rr rrse in wetlands and/or marine waters, is strictly prohihited in the construction~of structures that ~+~ill be in cnntaci with tidal waters. 18. No Disturbance to Vegetated Tidal Wetlands There shall be no disturbance to vegetated tidal wetlands or protected buffer areas as a result of the permitted activities. 19. Planting Disturbed Areas All areas of soil disturbance (includes placement of fill) resulting from the approved project shall be stabilized with appropriate vegetation (native grasses, plants, shrubs etc.) immediately following project completion or prior to permit expiration, whichever comes first If the project site remains inactive for more than 48 hours or planting is impractical due to the season, then the area shall be stabilized with straw or hay mulch or jute matting until weather conditions favor germination. 20. Temporary Mulch, Final Planting If planting /seeding is impracticable due to the time of year, a temporary mulch shalt be applied and tidal planting /seeding shall be performed at the earliest opportunity when weather conditions favor gemination and growth but not more than six months after project completion. Page 3 of 6 v ~b;w YORK STA"I'H DEPAR'CVIE?\T OF FVvIRO~~tF:ATAI, CONSERVAI'10A ~ Facility DEC ID t-4738-03916 21. No Construction Debris in Wetland or Adjacent Area Any debris or excess material from construction of this project shall be completely removed from the adjacent area (upland) and removed to an approved upland area for disposal. No debris is permitted in wetlands and/or protected buffer areas. 22. State Not Liable for Damage The State of New York shall in no case be liable for any damage or injury to the structure or work herein authorzcd which may be caused by or result from future operations undertaken by the State for the conservation or improvement of navigation, or for other purposes, and no claim or right to compensation shall accrue from any such damage. 23. State May Order Removal or Alteration of Work If future operations by Che State of New York require an alteration in the position of the structure or work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of the Department of Environmental Conservation it shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the free navigation of said waters or flood flows or endanger the health, safety or welfare of the people of the State, or cause loss or destruction of the natural resources of the State, the owner maybe ordered by the Department to remove or alter the structural work, obstructions, or hazards caused thereby without expense to the State, and if, upon the expiration or revocation of this pernrit, the structure, fill, excavation, or other modification of the watercourse hereby authorized shall not be completed, the owners, shall, without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Department of Environmental Conservation may require, remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or fill and restore to its fanner condition the navigable and flood capacity of the watercourse. No claim shall be made against the State of'Vew York on account of any such removal or alteration. 24. Precautions Against Contamination of Waters All necessary precautions shall be taken to preclude contamination of any wetland or waterway by suspended solids, sediments, fhels, solvents, lubricants, epoxy coatings, paints, concrete. Icachate or any other environmentally deleterious materials associated with the project. 25. State 17a~~ Reyuirc Site Restoration If upon the expiration or revocation of this permit the project hereby authorized has not been completed, the applicant shall. without expense to the State, and to such extent and in such time and manner as the Deparhncnt of Environmental Conservation may Iswtiilly require. remove all or any portion of the uncompleted structure or till and restore the site to its Former condition. No claim shall he made against the State of New York on account of any such removal or alteration. GENERAL CONDITIONS -Apply to ALL Authorized Permits: t. Facility Inspection by The Department The permitted site or facility, including relevant records, is subject to inspection at reasonable hours and intervals by an authorized representative of the Department of Em~ironmental Conservation (the Department) to deternine whether the pennittee is complying with this permit and the ECL. Such representative may order the work suspended pursuant to ECL 71- 0301 and SAPA 401(3). fhe pemrittee shall provide a person to accompany the Department's representative during an inspection to the permit area when requested by the Department. Page 4 of V \EW YORK STA'CE UEPAR"tNE:~'P OF ENVIRONMEV'CAL CO~SERVA'CIOA ~ Nacility DEC ID 1-4738-03916 A copy of this permit, including all referenced maps, drawings and special conditions, must be available for inspection by the Department at all times at the project site or facility. Failure to produce a copy of the permit upon request by a Department representative is a violation of this permit. 2. Relationship of this Permit to Other Department Orders and Determinations Unless expressly provided for by the Department, issuance of this permit does not modify, supersede or rescind any order or determination previously issued by the Department or any of the terms, conditions or requirements contained in such order or determination. 3. Applications For Permit Renewals, M1[odifications or Transfers The pennittee must submit a separate written application to the Department for permit renewal, modification or transfer of this permit. Such application must include any forns or supplemental information the Department requires. Any renewal, modification or transfer granted by the Department must be in writing. Submission of applications for permit renewal, modification or transfer are to be submitted to: Regional Permit Administrator NYSDEC REGION l HEADQUARTERS SONY @ STONY BROOK;50 CIRCLE RD STONY BROOK. NYI 1790 -3409 4. Submission of Renewa? Application The pennittee must submit a renewal application a[ least 30 days before permit expiration for the frillowing permit authorizations: Tidal Wetlands. 5. Permit ModiFcations, Suspensions and Revocations by the Department The Department reserves the right to exercise all available authority to modify, suspend or revoke this permit. The grounds for modification, suspension or revocation include: a. materially false or inaccurate statements in the permit application or supporting papers; b. failure by the penuiticc to comply with anv terms or conditions of the permit; c. exceeding the ;cope of the project as dec~ihed in the permit application; d. newly discovered material information or a material change in environmental conditions, relevant technology or applicable law or regulations since the issuance of the existing permit; e. noncompliance with previously issued permit conditions, orders of the commissioner, any provisions of the Environmental Conservation Law or regulations of the Department related to the permitted activity. 6. Permit Transfer Permits are transferrable unless specifically prohibited by statute, regulation or another permit condition. Applications for permit transfer should be submitted prior to actual transfer of ownership- Page 5 of 6 ' \EW YORK STATE DEPARTMEST OF ESVIRO~YIE1'rAL COVSERVATIOA Facility DEC ID 1-4738-6391G ;vOTIFICATION OF OTHER PERMITTEE OBLIGATIONS Item A: Permittec Accepts Legal Responsibility and Agrees to Indemnification The pennittee, excepting state or federal agencies, expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Department of Environmental Conservation of the State of New York, its representatives, employees, and agents ("DEC") for all claims, suits, actions, and damages, to the extent attributable to the petmittee's acts or omissions in connection with the pennittee's undertaking of activities in connection with, or operation and maintenance of; the facility or facilities authorized by the permit whether in compliance or not in compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. This indemnification does not extend to any claims, suits, actions, or damages to the extent attributable to DEC's own negligent or intentional acts or omissions, or to any claims, suits, or actions naming the DEC and arising under Article 78 of the New York Civil Practice Laws and Rules or any citizen suit or civil rights provision under federal or state laws. Item B: Permittee's Contractors to Comply with Permit The permittee is responsible for informing its independent contractors, employees, agents and assigns of their responsibility to comply with this permit, including all special conditions while acting as the permittee's agent with respect to the permitted activities, and such persons shall be subject to the same sanctions for violations of the Environmental Conservation Law as those prescribed for the pem~ittee. Item C: Permittee Responsible for Obtaining Other Required Permits The permittee is responsible for obtaining any other permits, approvals, lands, casements and rights-of- way that may be required to carry out the activities that are authorized by this permit. Item D: No Right to Trespass or Interfere with Riparian Rights This perniit does not convey to the permittee any right to trespass upon the lands or interfere with the riparian rights of others in ordor to pu~furm rho pcrn~ittcd work nor does it authorize the itnpainnent of any tights, title, or interest in real or personal proherq- hold or rested in a~ person not a party to the permit. Page 6 of fi Kt ! t t ti pin N~ yx, .n$1 r,,~) yy~~ t " +cx •bl~R ~ K i." 'Ss ~ •f.^ `~ea~! ? t ~ Afi 4!C?• . ,',~,+y'f~~"1;~ Jr i~ t Fyp~~, ~Ky~ 'd ~ ~ ~~r~,~,,~, _ ,"i'~F ~";TR ~~'tsi mil' '#`~'6~.~~+~..~'. - _ IMG_7738 IMG_1739 IMG 1740 ~ `t' t. t ,1 IMG_1741 IMG_1742 - 4 1~~3 I G 1743 Soi~tholtl Town tl' - - - ~}Y it - ~k+ ~ yLj~y' r F. t' :l' Its ~ .~~7. MY, iF l~~.,.w_~' _ IMG_1744 IMG_1745 IMG 1746 F,2~f CT ~o,~l~~ c~9-77o.J ~'~~~llE ~ s.~Tl~~-~ ~ Iq _ ~ . l IMG_1747 ~.I ~ • v1 ~ ' .~;j~"'~F_`^'~""" Y ~ n a ` it i 1-~w ~ a J 'r'id !.w ~ ~ ~ • i° ~ Iii w:~~ ~ r ~~~~9~~ 'vim Ff.'~+'~ ~ r .~I"' M 1Y"?d ~ 2~i! w~sy~!P ''1~ Q~! ~ ~ ~?~r.h.v~~4 r.~. • b. 9{„_ ,w Via. ~ ~~i.. - µ1t ~ s~.,~r Vin' M c .f~ w,~~ ~ a' a i'`~i . ` r .w* kit", ~ 4 - r j i ~ JUL - , . 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S > ~ ~ 'qtr w tea; , f.Y~t ~ ~Y f s~~l.` raj ~''y) fa p. f ~ is 2~ t 9~"~~ . a ~ .y '~'4 ~.a ~ b. ~ ~ e • - ft ~ , RED s ~I ~ ' { .i 9. d / X11 . , i.;,: ti ~ ~ I ~ ~ 1 1 'F~si i. ,fir j ~i r~ t i ~ n ~ .n << ' '~t` ~ P' 'f ~ ' ' t. , i ~ .R No. f~lg ~ ~041~ p ~~~BV~ ~ D D JUL -42013 Southold Town r ~ Issued To ~ ~ ~a,+~nt~ ~ Date~ls Address a~~o P~~.rJ's ncc~ t~'i THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED DURING .CONSTRUCTION TOWN TRUSTEES OFFICE,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, N.Y.11971 TEL.: 765.1892 BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK PERMIT N0.6918 & 6918C DATE: NNE 18.2008 ISSUED TO: SOPHIE LATHAM & PRISCILLA JAMIESON D ~ ~ ~ 8 V PROPERTY ADDRESS: 2180 PETER'S NECK RD.. ORIENT JUG - 4 2013 SCTM#32-1-6.1 Southold iowtt AUTHORIZATION i Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 and/or Chapter 111 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the mating held on June 18. 2008 in consideration of application fee in the sum of E500.00 paid by So ie Lathe & Priscilla t and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, tbe Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to replace western 200' of existing 381' bulkhead using vinyl sheathing; remaining eastero 181' section currently buried is permitted to be replaced when and it exposed; and existing 13' jetty at western end of bulkhead to be removed. Existing groin st eastern section to be replaced with a vinyl sheathing low-profile groin no higher than 18" above grade on the down drift side 65' seaward of exposed landward end pile, and all as depicted on the survey prepared by John T. Metzger last dated June 24, 2008, and stamped approved on July 18, 2008. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Troatees hereby cattses its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Aoard as of this date. ii ~ ~ Jill M. Doherty, President ,~pf SO~ry Town Hall annex James F. King, Vice-President ~O~ ~6 64375 Mein Road s P.O. Box 1178 Dave Bergen ~ T Southold, New York 11871-0969 Bob Ghosio, Jr. John Bredemeyer Telephone (881) 765.1892 ~ Fax (631) 786-8641 n BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES lanai rn1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD U JUL - 4 2013 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Southold Town # 0596C Date October 22.2010 THIS CERTIFIES that the r~placPment of 108' of bulkhead using vinvl sheathing• rettloval of 13' iettv at western end of bulkhead: re~acement of eastern section of existing groin with vlnvl sheathing and low profile no higher than I8" above grade on file down drift side 65' seaward of Wised landward end pile At 2180 Peter's Neck Rd.. Orient Suffolk County Tsx Map #32-1-6.1 Conforms to the application for a Trustees Permit heretofore filed in this office Dated 4/4/08 pursuant to which Trustees Wetland Permit #6918 and Coastal Erosion Permit #6918C dated 6/ 8/ 8 Were iasaed and conforms to all of the requirements and Conditions of the applicable provisions of law. The proj¢M for which this certificate is being lsaued is for The rep(a~~r+ent of 108' of bulkhead usine vinvl sheat}Lna• removal of 13' iettv at western and of bulkhead reQlacement of eastern section of existing gloin with vinyl_ shearh,nQ and low- profile no higher than 18" above toads on the down drift side 65' seaward of exposed landward ile. The certificate Ia issued to SOPHIE LATHAM & PRISCILLA 7AMIESON owners of the aforesaid property. ~Q, ~ _ rthorized Signs ~I N .0 ~ \ / T ~ o ~ ~ e~ ~ ~ i ~ww~ p'u're ~ i . _ 1 ~rv 'd., ~I ,x, ~_p`. ~(4\ WW1 °q? - ien = - - ~ CAIINIY OF WPFOLK © m s nox ~ _ Reel Prape~ty Tex Serviro~per¢y v N SURVEY OF PROPERTY AT ORIENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. \ 1000-32-01-6.1 JANUARY 25, 2008 APRIL 1, 2008 IAddlloncJ ~=o~_~~ ~~~~o~~ ~ ~N`~~. JUL - 4 2013 yEi i0~ Southold Town y~`~ ry1~ ~ ~b a T 0~~ ~ o°~ fN o. ~P h / sSB. ~Pi~h, ' 9!V R'q.? lOF ~ . 0 / fy~ t. / '4Y \ ~ of v~~ua+r Jy S 86'30'00"E , h~ 70.Otl' ~ ~ ~0 'oq q / '~yYr ` \ wavuvEyr ~ o 9 2 '~~f ~ Jy, \ YP} /J 0' •\AL'2 \ "4cty ~ ~4 60.0' ~ Ns~~ \ ~AyyQ< oFTD o~~ N 0 ~ ~ ~Pp~o O ~ J s, Ny'v2,~ ~ ~ ~~b ~ 4ti ~^k l 4l \ o\ ~ h O,.p__ ~ ~ \ y _r~ ~ ~ N[1YUUEV) r ~ COASTA p EOROOSIO~N H49 f1 28 A83 A MAP ~ ` _ _ .CEO= rJew~>' N7gY16:3¢"w ~ ucw rocr w~ICa gg p~tl~T~ful~Ei~> O'P~., o/ ~ `c~, 96,29' ~ P :c .~dl a'~ yy / 9618 P CONJC $U X10 ~ ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO 7HI5 SURVEY IS A VIOCAiION (631) 765-.(1020 -1797 OF SECRON 72090E I]JE NEW YORK STA7E EDb'CAROhV CAW. p, p, pOX 909 79,OZZ SO. EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUBDIVi510N 2. ALL C:ERRFICAPONS 1230 TRAVELER STREET /AREA= HEREON ARE YAL/D F[W 7NIS MAP AND COPIES RIERIEOF ONLY /F 00_'10 rJ SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE /MPRESSEO SfA! OF INE SURVEYOR $OUTHOLD, N. Y. 11971 CJ 1 TO TIE LINES WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON.