HomeMy WebLinkAboutLocal Law Index INDEX - LOCAL LAWNS
Local Law No, 1 - 1964 - A Local Law Providing for Publie
Notices Relating to Adoption of
Local Laws.
L~scal Law No. 2 - 1964 - A Local Law Relating to the Estab-
I Ii
shment of a Police Department for
' the Town of Southold.
Local Law No. 1 - 1967 - A Local Law Establishing a Housing
.Code for the Towm of Southold.
Local. Law No, l - 1971 - A Local .Law to Provide that the
Offices of Assessors in the Town
of Southold Shall Continue to be
Local Law No. 2 - 1971 - A Local Law to Provide that the
Number of Assessors in the Town
of Southold be Reduced from Six
to Three.
Local Law No. 1 - 1973 - A Local Law to Amend the Penalty
Provisions of Certain Existing
Ordinances-and Local Laws of the
Town of Southold.
Local Law No. 2 - .1973 - A. Local Law to Provide for the
.Control of Litter ih the Town of
f - Southold.
Local Law No. 3 - 1973 - A Local Law to Provide for the
Licensing and Regulation. of
Peddlers and Solicitors within
the Town of Southold.
Local Law No, 4 - 1973 - A Local Law to Provide for the
'i Compilation, Renumbering. and
Tabulation of the Local Laws,
',j Ordinances and. Resolutions of
'I the Town of Southold.
Local Law No. 5 - 1973 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 100,
Article t, Sect-ion 100-12 of the
I Code of the Town of Southold, in
j Relation to Lot Area and Lot widthl
of Lots on Certain Subdivision P.Zaps.
Local Law No. 6 - 197 3 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 92,
~ Article III, Section 92-30 of the
'i Code of the Town of Southold, in
Relation to the Designation of
Certain Highway Intersections as
Stop Intersections.
~ Local Law No. 1 - 1975 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 65
(Parking at Beaches) of the Code
of the Town of Southold in Relation
to Resident. Parking permit Fees.
- Local Law No. 2 - 1975 - A Local. Law in. Relation to Expenses
of Certain Town 'Officers while in
''~I Attendance at Meetings.
Il '
Local Law No. 3 -1975 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 100
(Zoning) of the Code of the Town
'III' of Southold in Relation to Notice.
of Change of Zone; Notice of. Hear-
ings by the Board of Appeals,- and
Keeping and Housing of Animals; Site
' Plan Approval; the Length. of Multiple
Dwellings; Minimum Floor Area of
Dwelling Units; Detached or Ground
Signs; pisplay of Merchandise;`. Uses
in B-1 Districts; Expiration of i
.Building Permits; and Front Yard
' Set Back in C Districts.
Local Law No. 4 - 1975 - A Local Law Providing for the
Licensing of Home Improvement
Contractors in_the Town of
Local Law No. 1 - 1976 - A Local Law Regulating the
Running at.Large of Dogs.
Local Law No.'2 - 1976 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter
97 of the Code of the Town of _
Southold in Relation to the
Regulation of Freshwater Wet-
lands in the Town of Southold.
Local Law No. 3 - 1976 - A Local Law to Amend the Code
of the Town of Southold in
Relation to the Manner of Giving
Notice by Mail.
Local. Law No, 4 - 1976 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 92
of the Code of the Town of
Southold in Relation to Stop
-and. Yield Intersections, Rail-
road Crossings. and Parking
Local Law Noe 5 -.1976 - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 100 I
(Zoning) of the Code of the
.Town of Southold in Relation
to the Exclusion of Dwelling
Units in Certain Use .Districts
and to Redefine the Terms Public.
Water and Public Sewer.
"Local Law No_ 6 - 1976 A Local Law to Amend Chapter 69.
of the Code of the Town of
Southold in Relation to Peddling
and Soliciting.
Local Law No.. 1 - 1977 - A Local Law in Relation to
Permitting Games of Chance in
the Town of Southold.
Local Law No. 2 - 1977. - A Local Law Repealing the Exemption
on Real Property Provided by .Section.
485-b of the Real Property Tax Law. '
Local Law No. 3 - 1977 - A Local Law Providing for Written
Notification of Defects and
Obstructions on Town Highways
and Sidewalks in the Town of
Local Law No, l - 1978 - A Local Law in Relation to
.Electrical Inspections and the-
Use of Aluminum Wire.
Local Law No. 2 - .1978. - A Local Law to Amend Chapter 100
(Zoning) of the Code of the Town
of Southold in Relation to Self-
Service Gasoline Service Stations.
Local Law No. 3 - 1978 - A Local Law Pursuant to Article 8
of the New York Environmental
Conservation Law Providing for
~ Environmental ~?uality Review, of
~ Actions Which May .Have a Significant
Effect on the Exwronment. a°~
Local Law No. 4 - 1978 - A Local Law Providing for the
Establishment and Operation of
~j Recreational Vehicle Parks in
j the Town of Southold.
Local "Law No. 5 - 1978 - .A Local Law Providing for the
Increasing of Dog License Fees in
the Town.of Southold..