HomeMy WebLinkAbout Local Law Index ~ Local Law No 4 1984.- A Local Law in .relation to the
computation of the number of lots
in a Cluster Aevelopment.
Local law No. 5 - 1984.- A Local Law in relation to penalties
for violations of the Southold Town
Zoning Code.`
Local Law No. 6 - 1984.- A Loea2 Law in relation to authorizing
the issuance of Wetland Permits by Board
of Trustees.
Local Law No."7.- 1984 - A Local Law to provide for the-administratiol
and enforcement of the New York S'k'ate
Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Local Law No. 8.- 1984 - A Local Law in relation to permit fees
for signs..
Local Law No. 9-- 1984 - A Local Law in relation to permits and
licenses for vehicles transporting refuse
into Town refuse disposal areas and penalties
~ for offenses.
Local-Law No, 10 - 1954.- A Local Law in relation to residence
p ing permit fees.
Local Law No. 11 - 1984 - A Local Law to amend the Southold Town
Code in relation to parking of vehicles.
Local Law No. 1 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning Code fees..
Local Law No. 2 - 1985 - A Local Law;in relation to electing a
retirement incentive program as authorized
by Chapter 665, Laws of 1984, for eligible
Local Law No. 3 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to a partial real
property tax exemption for Senior Citizens,
Local Law No. 4 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to building set-back
requirements on lots adjacent to water
bodies and wetlands.
;.Local Law No. 5 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to mooring permit
fees in West Harbor.
Local Law No. 6 -.1985 - A Local Law to amend the Town Wetlands
Ordinance in relation to definitions,-
administration, enforcement and action
on applications.
Local Law No. 7 - 1985. - A Local Law to amend the Zoning Code in
relation to dwelling unit density.
Local Law No. 8`- 1985 - A Local Law in relation to license fees
for junkyards.
Local Law No. 9 - 1985 - A Local Law to amend the Southold Town
Code in relation to parking of vehicles.
I Local Law No. 10 -1985 - A Local Law in relafi_an,to requirements
for highway excavations.
Local Law No. 11 - 1985 - A Local Law to amend the Zoning Code in
relation t
t densi
g t .
( enactment of Local Law No. 7 - 1985)"
Local Law No. 12 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to the disposal
of Scavenger Waste in the Southold T1?aste-
waver Disposal District.
Local Law No. 13 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation. to parking restrictions,
stop intersections and yield intersections.. }
Local L.aw No. 14 -;1985 - A Local Law to provide fora Moratorium in
certain. zoning use districts.
Local Law No. 15 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to the regulation of
floating homes in the Town of Southold.
Local Law No. 16 - 1985 - A Local Law providing for the defense of town '
officers and employees.
Local. Law No. 17 - 1985 - A Local Law in relation to the requirement of
a parking permit for parking vehicles at beach
and recreation facilities.
Local Law No. 1 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to Accessory Apartments
in'existing dwellings.
Local Law No. 2 - 1986 - A Local Law to provide regulations. for the use and
operation of public sewers. (Fishers Island Sewer District).
Local Law No. $ - 1986 - A Local Law irr re{ation to fees for the demolition or
relocation of buildings.
Local Law No. 4 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to Accessory Apartments in
in existing dwellings.
Local Law No. 5 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to bed and breakfast' ,facilities..
Local Law No. 6 - 1986 - A Local Law to make provision for affordable housing
for `moderate income families. i
Local Law No. 7 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to the disposa+ of, discarded
vehicles and discarded fuel tanks at the Towwn Refuse
Disposal Area.
Local. Law No. 8 - 1986 - A Local Law in relat'?on to stop intersections.
Local Law No. 9 - 1986 - A LocaF Law to repeal the Home Improvement
Contractors Law.
'i '
Local Law No. 10 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to parking of motor vehicles.
.Local Law No. 11 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to stop and yield intersections
II and parking of motor vehciles.
Local Law No. 12 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to the disposal of discarded
vehicles and discarded fuel tanks at the Town Refuse area
Local Law No. 13 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to parking restrictions.
~ Local Law No. 14 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to affordable housing.
Local Law No. 15 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to Wetlands Permit Fees.
Local Law. No. 16 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to Board of Appeals Fees.
Local Law No. 17 - 1986 - A Local Law in relation to .fees for Building Permits
and Certificates of Occupancy.