HomeMy WebLinkAbout Local Law Index INDEX -LOCAL LAWS
~ Local Law No. 1 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to accessory apartments
in existing: dwellings.
Local Law No. 2 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to bed and breakfast
facli ies.
Local Law. No. 3 - 1987 - A Local taw to establish Sewer Rents in the
Fishers Island Sewer District.
Local Law No. 4 - 1987 - A Local Law to amend Chapter 92 ofthe Cade
of the Town of Southold in relation to traffic
Local Law. No. 5 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to boat operators,
boat equipment and anchoring in West Harbor.
Local Law No. 6 1 1987 - A Locai Law in relation to bazaars, fairs,
it carnivals, circuses and .public shows and
Local Law No. 7 1 1987 - A Local Law authorizing the issuance of
1 - appearance tickets by traffic control officers.
Local Law No. 8 1987 A Local Law to amend Cha ter 92 of the Code
of the Town of Southold in relation to traffic
Local Law No. 9 ~ 1987 - A Local Law in relation to flood damage
prevention .
Local Law No. 10 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to license fees for
Peddling and Soliciting .Licenses.
Local Law No. 11 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to Parking Permits
at Beaches.
Loca! Law No. 12 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation .to the Taking of
Local Law No. 13 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning.
Local Law No. 14 - 1987 - A Local Law in relation to the Regulation and
Control of Alarm Systems.
Local Law No. 1 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Bazaars, Fairs,
Circuses and Public Entertainment.
Local Law No. 2 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Open Space or Open
Area Preservation.
Local Law No. 3 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Boats, Docks, Wharves.
Local Law No. 4 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Scavenger Wastes.
Local Law No. 5 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Wetlands.
.Local Law No. 6 1988 - A Local Law in relation to the Regulation and
Control of Alarm Systems.
Local Law No. 7 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Taxation.
Local Law No. 8 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Vehicles & Traffic.
Local Law No. 9 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Wetlands.
Local Law No. 10 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Wetlands.
Local Law No. 11 - 1988 - A Local Law in rela#ion to Garbage, Rubbish
and Refuse.
_ I
Local Law No. 12 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Garbage, Rubbish
and Refuse.
Local Law No. 13 - 19:88 - A Local Law in relation o Street Excavations.
Local Law No. T4 1988 - A Local Law in re',lation to .Zoning.
Local Law No. 15 - 1988 - A Local. Law in relation. to Zoning.
Local Law No. 16 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning.
Local Law No. 17 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Boats, Docks,
Local Law No. 18 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Peddling and
Soliciting .
Local Law No. 19 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Appearance Tickets.
Local Law. No. 20 - 1988 - A Local .Law in relation to Zoning.
Local Law No. 21 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Environmental
Quality Review.
Local Law No. 22 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning.
Local Law No. 23 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning.
Local Law No. 24 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Vehicles & Traffic.
Local. Law No. 25 - 1988 - A Local Law in .relation to Zoning.
Local Law No. 26 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Vehicles & Traffic.
Local Law No. 27 - 1988 - A Local Law in relation to Sewers.
Local Law No. 28 - 1988 - A Local Law providing fora Four Year Term
of Office for the Superintendent of Highways.
` Local Law No. 29 - 1988 - A Local Lave in relation to Garbage, Rubbish
and Refuse'r
Local Law No. 1 - 1989 - A Local Law to amending the Southold Town
Zoning Codil~ and the Zoning Map incorporated
therein, to i implement,. in whole or in part, the
recommenda~,tions of the Master Plan Update
prepared b{~ the Planning Board..
Local Law No. 2 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Garbage,. Rubbish
and RefuseL
Local Law No. 3 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning.
Local law No. 4 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Wetlands.
Local Law No. 5 - 1989 - A Local La~v in relation to Vehicles & Traffic..
Local Law-No. 6 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning (accessory
and perm~tt~ed uses) .
Local Law No. 7 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning (Rooms for
Local Law No. 8 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Zoning (Agricultural
Operations)i .
Local Law No. 9 - 1989 - A Local La}W in relation to Zoning (Site Plan
Article) . !i
Local 'Law No. 10 - 1989 - A Local La~nr in relation to Fire Prevention
and Buildiryg.
Local Law No. 11 - 1989 - A Local Law in relation to Garbage, Rubbish
and Refusei.
Local Law No. 12 - 1989 - A Local Lary in relation to Vehicles S Traffic.