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1 1111111 VIII VIII (IIII IIII IIII 1111111 VIII Illll IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 05/17/2013 Number of Pages: 4 At: 01:31:25 PM Receipt Number 13-0059410 TRANSFER TAX NUN~ER: 12-22909 LIBER: D00012730 PAGE: 071 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 021.00 02.00 D15.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $255.00 TRANSFER TAX NU1+~ER: 12-22909 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County. - ~ 2?, RECORGEG Number of pages ~ 2013 klay 17 01:31:25 pt4 JUDITH A. AA5CALE CLERK OF This document wilt be public suFFOLK C©uriTv record. Please remove all L 600012x30 Social Security Numbers P 071 prior t0 recording. Grf# 12 z2s09 Deed /Mortgage Instrument ,Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 ~ FEES ' Page/Filing Fee ~1 ~ ~ r~ Mortgage Amt. Wandling 20. 00 v 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax TP-584 5 _ Sub Total Notation SpecJAssit. or EA-52 17 (County) cc~ ~ Sub Total 5~' Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (state) ~J ~ TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Count _ R.P.T.S.A. ~ Held for Appointment y Comm, of Ed. 5. 00 ~ Transfer Tax Affidavit ` Mansion Tax Certified Copy t ~ The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 ~ ~ f family dwelling only: Sub Total YES or NO Other ~ Grand Total If Np, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. 13012948 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 Dist. la 1000 02100 0200 015000 5 Community Preservation Fund Tax ServPe ~ 6CM H ~ ~~~f ~l~f ~11~Jf ~~~I~1111I~J +II!III Consideration Amount $ Agency II 1~~~~1~111~~1~~~1~f J i PF ax Due 5 Venfication _ _ Improved~_ 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant land Fratello Law, P.C. TD ~ Cheryl Fratello, Esq. 242 Crossways Park West TD Woodbury, NY 11797 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk !7 .Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11301 Co. Name ~ ~~A G~ wwwsuffolkcountyny.govlclerk TINe # C + c3 3 8 Suffolk Count Recordin Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached ~ made bY~ M (SPECIFY TYPF OF INSTRUMENT) O~ ~ ' ? ~ The premises herein is situated in Q C~i'Y ~e.s ~.('SCt(\ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~e.Q ~'°l zo~rr~~, e,~e~.~rot~s ~C~(10 ~ o !n the TOWN of In the VILLAGE _ or HAMLET of ~C~?St' MarEon BOXES 6 TWRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED fN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over EXECUTOR'S DEED (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION} j 000 STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8005-A ~a~,p0 C:\1~'I'ION:'1"1115:\GKFf;~If:N'i'tiIIUULD It f; I'KF;P.\Kf;D Rl'.\\ A'CTOKNf;I'A\D KF:VIF:N'ED FSl"A'I"I'OKNF:1'S FOK tif;L1.F:R~\\'b I'UKCI1,\.l'f:N ESErOKf: tiIGtiINC. OI ~ THIS INDENTURE, made the 26'" day of April, two thousand and thirteen, between NORMA M. MOELLER, residing at 36 Knolls Drive, Stony Brook, New York 11790, as to a'/2 undivided interest and MARGARET E. JESPERSEN, residing at 21 Camelot Street, Setauket, New York 1 1733 and JEANNE M. BARRY, residing at 78 Fairfield Avenue. Mineola, New York 11501, as to a undivided interest, as executors of the Last Will and Testament of RICHARD G. MOELLER, late of 36 Knolls Drive, Stony Brook. New York 11790 who died on the 10'x' day of February, two thousand thirteen. party of the first part, and NOR~7A M. MOELLER, residing at 36 Knolls Drive. Stony Brook, New York 11790, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that whereas letters testamentary were issued to MARGARET E. JESPERSEN and ,IEANNE M. BARRY by the Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County, New York on Apri] l0, 2013 and by vii-Eue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and/or by Article 11 of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, and in consideration of zero (0) dollars, lawful money of the [Jnited States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the distributees or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, SEE SCHEDULE `;4"ATTACHED BEING the same premises conveyed to the Grantor(s) herein by deed dated 8/21/2000 recorded 11/14/2000 in 12084 page 16,6. SAID premises kno\vn as 1 155 Aquaview Avenue. East Marion, New York 11939. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose oP, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise. TO HAVEAND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. SUBJECT to the trust fund provisions of section thirteen of the Lien Law. WHEREAS RICHARD G. MOELLER died on February 10, 2013. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year f-first above written. I P ESENCE OF: ~ ~ 4.~~ NORMA M. MOELLER Q MARG ET E. JES RS .executor JEANS E M. BARRY, executor r r L6L l l ~ao~ n~a[~[ ~,CangpooM ;saM ~[aed s~Csn~ssoa~ ZbZ •bs~ `o[[azeaq [,CaagO :uud •O•d 'n~e~ o[[azeaq :off uanla~ pus paoaa~ assa[d 6~6 [ I ~[ao,~ nna~[ `uo?asy~ ;ss~ anuand ~nalnsnbd cs [ [ asaappd Sl ao~ L ~~[[S lZ :aaS :1sl4 2I~~~I30W 'W dW2[Of~l o; aoulaax~ se `A2RId9 'W ~I~II~Id~f Pus ao~naax~ se `N~S21~dS3f 'a 1.3~[dD21dW `~~-[~[~oW 'W dw~[oN a~~a s.~o.~n~~x~ 67 ~.OLeH[sas~dx~no~ssia~ma~ - Llonop{lo~nsnlpaggenl9 (;uaw~pa[,~ou~[ae ~u?~c; [ehp!nl u13o aay~o pus aan;ru~sls) 9Zfi99092I31~ ~0N $oob meN;o a1s7S'oi?qnd ,Ue7oN ol{a1B13 ~tiaq~ 'lUa na;Slll ayz palnaaxa `pa;as (s)[enp?n?pu! ay1 ga!yn~;o3[eyaq uodn uosaad ay; ao `{s)[enp!n!pu! ayt `luawnnsul at[1 uo (s)awn?eu~?s a?ay;/aay/s~y ~Cq ?ey; pus =(sai)~Cliaedsa naya/aay/s!y u~ awes ayl pa?naaaa ~Cayl/ays/aq ieya aw of pa9pa[n~ou~[ae pus luawnalsul ull[;!n~ aq~ o} paq!aasgns (aae) sl (s)awsu asoyn~ (s)[enp?n?pu! at[; aq 01 aauaplna,faoaaeds!;es3o slseq ay?, uo aw oa panoad ao aua of umou~ ~C[[euosaad A2RId8 -yv ~I~Il~[d3f paaeadde ,C[[euosaad `pau~lsaapun aN; `aw aao3aq ~ [ pZ aea~C ay; ug hy~U3o risp~~~ ay; u0 :~ss ( OZ'~OLBWsandx~ua+ssimmo~ ( }121011 M~1~I d0 ~_LdlS Leon o~ i1o13° S n! pag~~en~ 9til•990921310'oN Aoo~ baN;o a~a~g'oi?qnd L,B7oN opa~soq {L+agO (;uaw~pa[mouyas 9u!~[e1 [enplnlpu?~o aald~o pue anl~euls) -luawna;sul a pa;naaxa `paxas (s)[snpln!pu! aq; ya?yn~~o~}[Byaq uodn uosaad ay; ao `(s)[enp!n!pu! ay; `~uawna;su? ay1 uo (s)am~eu~ls nayl/aay/s!y ,fq;eyl pus `(sa?),Cl?aedea nays/aay/s?y u? awls ay1 paanaaxa ,Cayl/ays/ay ~eyl au? o~ pa9pa[n~ou~[ae pus auaulna;sul u?y~ln~ ayl o; paq!aasgns (aae) s? (s)aweu asoyn~ (s)[enplntpu! ayl an oz aauap?na ,Cxo;ae~slics ~o slscq aq; uo aw o~ panoad ao aw o; un~ouy,C[[euosaad N~S213dS3f -L~2IdJ211~W pus 21~~"I~OW 'W dW210[~I paaeadde ,C[[euosaad =pau3lsaapun ay} `aw aao3aq f I OZ aea,S ay1 u! [iadd~o ,irp y~qZ ayl up ( ~[~lo.~~ns ~011.I.n[no~ - :•ss ( ( x210J1 M3I~[ 30 ~.I.d.1.S {s-60£ § '7d21} aaelS ~[ao,t n~a~ ulyl!M uosaad s ,tq ;uaw`tpa[mouyad SCHEDULE A Dist.: Sec: 21 Bik: 2 Lot: 15 County: Suffolk Address: 1155 Aquaview Avenue, East Marion, New York 11939 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the East Marian, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Aquaview Avenue at the northwest corner of the premises herein described. said point being 1140 feet from the easterly line of Rocky Point Road as measured along the said northerly line of Aquaview Avenue; from said point of beginning. RUNNING THENCE north 3 degrees 40 minutes 10 seconds west along the Land of Giblett 280 feet more or less to ordinary high water mark of Long island Sound; THENCE easterly along said high water mark of Long Island Sound 42 feet more or less to land of Salamone, formerly Sands; "I'1-IENCE along said line South (degrees 10 minutes l0 seconds east 300 feet more or less to the northerly line of Aquaview Avenue; Tl-IENCE along said line north 69 degrees 10 minutes 10 seconds west b0 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS (RP~217-INS): www.orps.state.ny.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ Ctl. SWIS Code I ~ / I ~ jf , ~ New York Stale Department of ~ -7 2 Taxation and Finance ~ c2. Dam Dees Recorded i ~ / / ~~7 I Once of Real Property Tax Services on aY 9eer RP- 5217 C9. Book ~ 1 r O C0. Pags ~ Real Property Transhr Report (8)10) PROPERTY INFORMATION t. Prop.rry _`srleS Saru:r~~s.~ ~'~.t.- -~r~ h~7!P_ I Location - I ~a.sE NIQi-~o(~ I _ Ilia~t I 6rrY 01t nMm ,M.IAA-C:[ {.P CCDE I. Buyer ~OQ ~ ~ IO_ir I ~~cb l` hr~Q 1 ` s I Name i- IMMEr Wa -"~EalN~1~-- ~T I FE81'17Fef; 3. Tea Intlipte where future Tax Bitls are to 6a eats p,Q I own ,p Billing N other than buyer address (al 6otlom of form) V ~ 1 C I ~ ~ Mf r r 1 I Address ~A9T}LOA'e ~(,t Knolls , s=~DY,u 31,fl~ K., STREET N~ Qn' GI 1 4. Irtdleam lM number of AssnamaM (Only N PaA d a Paroel) Chock as ewy apply: Roll petals trenshrred on Ole dead I I I q d Parcels tM ? PaA of a Parcel ? 4A. Planning Board with SubdNiston Authority ErdsU 5. Dead 4B. SubdMSlon Approval was Required far Transfer Property ~ ' x ~ , J OR I e ~+r ~Q ~ 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivisan with Mep Provided ? Stn i' _ 6. Sallar I 1 K.Y_ I NJ.9~~t_ M , . J Noma FlRarhWE 7. Cheek tlla boa Mlom whl h most aeeurelely dascAMs the use of the properly at the time d s ~^~k the boxes bNOw as Ihoy sppy: B. Oemorehlp Typo is CaMominlum ? A One Famiy Residential L"• AO~w~ I Community Service 9. New l.enaWdien On Verant Land ? ~ 2 ar 3 Farmly Residential } Canmsrelal J Indusarat 10A. Property Located within an AgdcvlWral Distnd ? Residential Varant Land ~i AtNrrtmeM K Public Sorvlce 10B. Buyor received a disclosure rrotim indicating ? U Nan-ROSidentisl Vacant Land FI Entertainment / Arnusetnant L Forest that Iho laeporty is in en AgrialWrel DNkid SALE INFORMATION 75. Cheek one or more of these condlOona ae applkstrk m transfer: 77. eats Contract DaW A Sale Between Relatives ar Farmer Relatives _ I / i av I; Selo Bclweon Related Campanlea or PaMcrs in Business 1~, One W the Buyers is also a Seaar 72. Date of Sale! Trenshr / Ova / (r~J U Buyor or Seller Is Government Agarrry or Landing Institution ear E Deed Type nM Wartanty or Bargain and Sale (Seedy Below ) Safe of Fractional a Less than Feo Interest (Spedry Bebw ) Slgnlficant Cnarrga in Property Behveen Taxahk Status and Sale Dates 73. Full SeN PAto I • ~ . ~ I H Sale el Busrnesa rs Included in Sala Riga (Full Sale Ries is the total ameum paid to Ole property irx9lding personal properly. l Other Unusual Feelers Afleding Sale Price (Seedy Bebw ) This payment may ba in the Corm OI nsh, OtlIM prepeny or gouda, Ot the esaemption Of J New mortgages ar Dept obligations.) Pfeen round ro the naemat wfxlh doper amount. 74. Indlcam Me value of pareonal I - ~ Q I _ i propeAy Included in the eats ~ _ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Dam should reflect the lamst Final Assessment Rall and Tax Bill 18. Year of Assessment Roll ham ~ty Total Auesaed Valuo (oi all petals In transhrll O i which Inhrmaeon hkon tel..-. f1 s1-er~0 n ds I ~ te. PropeRy Clap 'E,.~i ~ y I-U ~9. School Dklrlet Name 20. Tax Map Identl0egs) I Roll IdeM/Me„s) (N mon Oran four, attach s.haet wNh addhlonel Idandasr(s) ) ISI¢.C= 21 ~ ~k' ~ f l5 I I I IC's ~ I I CERTIFICATION 1 vertNy flrat en d tM Name d Inrermaden errtmml an tlrle form am torn ens earreel Ile tM t1eM d my anvwlMla one Mad) ant 1 mWrMrM that tM nLNrlrg d any vA1Nu1 hW eYhmant d mMeAM fats Mrdn ode wyevt mete tlm yrortslone d Nra vents Iw.vr wlNllw is tM mskky and ellw0 d 1Mee Inetrraeenta SE ~ TURE BUYER CONTACT INFORNATION IA' ~ (Error nfwrmr~an w ale Wm. Naa: a huYer m u.c. sotiaY~ aseocauon a7rporadaq Idm sme~ . W L, mnOanY. mlale v aaN Ihat 6 rot an kgiNdual aBEat v fdmirY. TBn a 1WIq ant Can1aG IIH:0rIa9tl0n t 1. ~ don rldhiduerrnaoraatepwbwhomnanaarWmtiwsraeardrgtlweamrwmual6sayarW. SENEN~SY.NA I1R O11TE Type or pAM vtrrAy.) BUYER SIGN TURtii f n ~ oA µ ~pt.ww Ht,•~"" tASYrurrE 1~ I Fmsr1NUE- I z~ ~13 i ewca acraATUNa wTa L I BUYER'S ATTORNEY ARFJ1Rlek TELEFrreNE MIIeIEN f/L4T Irl1NE FEreTIVI111E ~ eTRFFT NLaeER aiaECr NIIIE 5l(o I ~-l~tlo- c~?3o MEl1 COeE TELEWpNE NaNBrA I I ~ NEW YORK STATE aTr ux rowx ar•rc nF woe COPY