HomeMy WebLinkAboutAU-07/02/2013 Fishers IslandISISH~RS ISLAND FERRY D1S1RICT VENDOR 001395 ADVANTECH CONSULTING CORP 07/02/2013 CHECK 1237 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM 5710.4.000.500 966201 IT OUTSOURCING-6/13 TOTAL 1,000.00 1,000.00 ONE PAY ER OF IRU.~D ~ CT 06078 ~6 00~50~ ~ III .~Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Advantech Consulting Corp. Vendor Telephone Number 860-668-00dA. Vendor Contact P.O. Box 95t Suffield, CT 06078 Vendor No. 1395 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 966201 61t/20t3 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 ITOutsourclng June 8M5710.4.000.500 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Department Certification Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes fi.om which the Town is exempt are excluded. hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly pafformed and that the quantities thereof beve been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Company Name ~-"',~ Date /~7 '/~q'~,~ Title Advar~Tech Consulting P.O. Box 951 Suff~'eld, CT 06078 Invoice DATE INVOICE # 6/1/2013 966201 BILL TO Fishers Island Ferry P.O. Box H Fishers Island, NY 06390 TERMS DUE DATE PROJECT Due on receipt 6/1/2013 QTY DESCRIPTION RATE AMOUNT IT Outsourcing -6/1/13 thru 6/30/13 1,000.00 1,000.00 Thank you for your business. Contact us at (860) 668-0044. Total $1,ooo.oo Unpaid invoices over 60 days past due date subject to late fee and interest charges. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 001327 AIRGAS EAST, INC 07/02/2013 CHECK 1238 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 9016327860 (2)PROPA/qE FORKLIFT 93.97 TOTAL 93.97 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number I Vendor Address P.O. Box 827049 Venaor Name Philadelphia, PA 19182-7049 Airgas East Vendor Telephone Number 860~.~?.~3055 Vendor Contact Invoice Number Invoice Date 513112013 invoice Total Discount $93.97! $93.97 Net Purchase Order Amount Claime Number $93.97 9016327860 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. $93.97 Signature~itle ~ Company Name ~f Date Vendor No. 1327 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Cler ~. Description of Goods or Services Forklift Fuel General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.000 Department Certification 1 hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved. T(~ ENSURE PROPER CREDIT. PLEASE RETURN THE UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE, FO~ QUESTIONS ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL: 216-642-1500 1016815788 PR 33A 2 CL PROPANE INDUSTRIAL 33A CGA 510 (Vol: 64.000 LBS) Hazmat Flat Rate 2 2 42.61 CL 85.22 N Sale subtotal: 85.22 8.75 SHiP TO: 2576547 li as F,S.ERS ,SLA. D www.airgas.com FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H Airgas USA, LLC FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 6055 Rockside Woods Blvd Independence, OH 44131 ~L-~,~o Page 1 of 1 REV 1113 93.97 Airgas USA, LLC Acct No 8606074318 PNC Bank, ABA No 031000053 STANOARDS GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABLITY~ FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON- ~NFRINGEMENT AND ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY 13E ALLEGED TO ARISE AS A RESULT OF CUSTOM OR USAGE Airgas SHIPPER: AIRGAS USA, LLC 131 CROSS RD WATERFORD, CT 06385-1204 SHIP TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 US 631-788-7463 DELIVERY ORDER SOLD BY: AIRGAS USA, LLC 130 CROSS RD WATERFORD, CT 06385-1204 800-962-0285 SOLD TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 US FOR LOCATION NEAREST YOU VISIT WWW.AIRGAS.COM DELIVERY ORDER # 8016815788 PAGE 1 OF 1 ORDER DATE: 05/31/2013 SCH SHIP DATE: 05/31/2013 PRINTED: 09:39 05/31/2013 SALES ORDER: 1015063266 CUST PO # STEVE RELEASE# ORD BY ENT BY RANZARMSTR Order Type Payment Terms Incoterm Customer Pick Up NET 30 Acct Front Counter Route Sales Plant Sales Total Containers, Office erg Ship Return Customer P ck Up N329 N309 NO00 I Qty UOM HM Description & Hazard Class Qty Containers Vol Shipped Type Order Ship Ret h/Vt 2 CL X UN1978 PROPANE 2.1 Llne/f 10 Materlal#PR33A Stor, Loc, F001 2 2 2 64 PROPANE 32LBS ALUMINUM LB EMERGENCY CONTACT:l-866-734-3438 II .~C^R9SO..ER~D FOLLOWING SOU ~ POINT C E, AIRGAS WEB SITE AT 4*',~*~"~.AI R O A S. C O M> OR BY ACCEPT REJECT TH~S IS TO 1FY THAHE ABe ~MED MATERIALS ARE PROPERLY C~SSIFIEO DESCRIBED, / PAC~G ' ARKED ~ ~LE ARE JN PROPER CONDITION FOR T~NSPORTATIONL CUSTOMER MUST THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO I~Rq~[AS' STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS INTERNAL USE ONLY Delivery # 8016815788 Fille y~_~j/¢, Staging Area Total PKGS Tracking/Pro Number Freight Charges Iii IIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllll II III TERMS AND CONDITIONS WARNING; TRANSPORT ANO USE OF COMPRESSED GASES MAY BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. DO NOT TRANSPORTWITHOUT PROTECTIVE CAPS, IN CONFINED SPACES OR IN ANY O~ER IMPROPER MANNER. ALWAYS TRANSPORT CYLINDERS IN A SECURED UPRIGHT POSITION. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES T~A TIT HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM SELLER, SAFE HANDLING OF COMPRESSED GASES. 1 ,&NY AND ALL PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES DELIVERED TO OUYER BY SELLER OR SELLERS REPRESENTATIVE ARE COVERED DY THIS DELIVERY TICKET THE CYLINDERS FITTINGS AND CAPS COVERED BY THIS D©CUMENT ARE RENTED OR LEASED BY SELLER TO BUYER NOT SOLO BUYER SHALL NOT PERMIT CYLINDERS OR OTHER STORAGE CONTAINERS FURNISHED HEREUNDER TO BE RLLED WITH ANY PRODUCT NOT FURNISHED BY SELLER OR SELLER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ALL CYLINDERS (OTHER THAN THOSE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL LEASE) ARE RENTED AT CURRENT DAILY RATES BEGINNING WITH THE DATE OF DELIVERY RENTAL CHARGES ARE ASSESSED AS OF THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH OR AT THE START OF EACH ANNUAL LEASE PERIOD, AS APPLICABLE BUYER SHALL RETURN IN GOOD CONDITION ALL CYLINDERS COMPLETE WITH CAPS AND FITTINGS AND SHALL PAY SELLER UPON DEMAND THE REPLACEMENT VALUE OF (I) ANY LOST OR DAMAGED CYLINDERS CAPS OR FI%I INGS OR (11) THOSE CYLINDERS NOT RETURNED TO SELLER WITHIN THREE (3) MONTHS FROM DATE OF SHIPMENT TO THE BUYER (OTHER THAN THOSE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL LEASE) OR IF DAMAGED AND THE DAMAGE CAN BE REPAIRED THE COST OF MAKING SUCH REPAIR PAYMENT BY THE BUYER OF CHARGES FOR DAMAGED LOST OR DESTROYED CYLINDERS SHALL NOT GIVE ANY OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE CYLINDERS fO THE BUYER UPON SUBSEQUENT RETURN OF ANY PURPORTEDLY LOST OR DESTROYED CYLINDERS SO PA~D FOR SELLER WILL REFUND THE AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID WITH RESPECT TO ITS LOSS OR DESTRUCTION TO THE BUYER LESS THE COST IF ANTM OF PU%[ lNG SUCH CYLINDERS IN REPAIR AND LESS CYLINDER RENTAL ACCRUED TO THE DATE OF RETURN 2 ANYTAXESIMP©SEDBYFEDERAL STATE OROTHERGOVERNMENTALAUTHORITYONTHESALE USEORPOSSESSIONOFGOODSSHALLBEPAIDBYBUYERINADDI~IONTOTHEPURCHASEPRICE 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN A CONTRAC% BUYER SHALL MAKE PAYMENT IN FULL WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SELLER'S INVOICE A LATE PAYMENT CHARGE OF 1 5% ON THE UNPAID PAST DUE BALANCE WILL 8E ASSESSED MONTHLY (MINIMUM TWO DOLLARS ($2 00) OR THE MAXIMUM LAWFUL RATE ALLOWABLE IN THE STATE WHERE THE GOODS ARE DELIVERED WHICHEVER IS LESS BUYER SHALL BE IN DEFAULT HEREUNDER UPON BUYER'S FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT AS REQUIRED HEREIN OR UPON BUYERS FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN OR UPON THE INSTITUTION OF ANY VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUNTARY BANKRUPTCY INSOLVENCY, RECEIVERSHIP OR DEBTOR RELIEF PROCESSING BY OR AGAINST BUYER OR UPON BUYERS MAKING OF AN ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS IF SELLER EMPLOYS ANY COLLECTION AGENCY OR A~ORNEY TO COLLECT ANY AMOUNT DUE SELLER AND/OR TO REPOSSESS ANY GOODS BUYER SHALL PAY ALL COLLECTION FEES ATTORNEYS FEES AND COURT COSTS ~N ADDITION TO THE AMOUNT OTHERWISE UNPAID SELLER MAY BRING SUIT FOR THE COLLECTION OF ANY SUCH AMOUN~r IN ANY JURISDICTION OR VENUE SELLER MAY SELECT 4 NO GOODS SHALL BE RETURNED TO SELLER WITHOUT SELLERS WRI%IEN AUTHORIZATION BUYER SHALL PAY A FIFTEEN PERCENT (15%) RESTOCKING CHARGE ON ALL GOODS RETURNED TO SELLER EXCEPT FOR RETURNS PROVIDED FOR UNDER SECTION 5 HEREOR 5. SELLER SHALL BE LIABLE ONLY FOR THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE GAS CYLINDERS AND PRODUCTS, INCLUDING ~E REPLACEMEN~- OF GASES MAT DO NOT MEET ITS PURITY SPECIFICATIONS WITH GASES THAT DO MEET SUCH SPECIFICATIONS. BUYER KNOWINGLY AND FULLY ASSUMES THE RISKS OF TRANSPOR77NG AND USING COMPRESSED GASES. BUYER SHALL WARN AND PROTECT ITS EMPLOYEES AND OTHERS EXPOSED TO THE HAZARDS POSED BY BUYER'S STORAGE AND USE OF THE PRODUC[ SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT (EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY pROVIDED HEREIN), INDIRECT SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL AND/OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. ARISING OR ALLEGED TO ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER OR WITH ANY PRODUCT, OTHER ITEMS OF SALE, OR EQUIPMENT SOLD OR LEADED HEREUNDER, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGE RESULTS FROM ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR I$ RELATED 70 STRICT LIABILITy. OR OTHERWISE. 6 ALL PRODUCTS OTHER ITEMS OF SALE CYLINDERS AND OTHER CONTAINERS FURNISHED HEREUNDER SHALL CONFORM TO THE DESCRIPTION THEREOF PUBLISHED BY THE MANUFACTURER AT THE TIME OF SALE AND WILL MEET SELLER S PURITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL GAS PRODUCTS SELLER SPECIRCALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED STANDARDS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES* INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILitY, ~TNE$S FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT AND ANY WARRANTIES THAT MAY BE ALLEGED TO ARISE AS A RESULT OF CUSTOM OR USAGE* ALL CLAIMS BY BUYER HAVING ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY PRODUCT OR EQUIPMENT FURNISHED HEREUNDER BY SELLER SHALL BE MADE IN WRITING WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS AFTER THE DELIVERY THEREOF AND FAILURE OF BUYER TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE SHALL CONSTITUTE A COMPLETE WAIVER BY BUYER OF ANY SUCH CLAIMS AND DEFENSE FOR SELLER AGAINST ANY SUCH CLAIMS 7 THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FROM BUYER MAY INCLUDE VARIOUS ITEMIZED CHARGES INCLUDING CHARGES FOR THE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AND FOR COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CHARGES FOR HANDLING DELIVERY AND SHIPPING; AND/OR CHARGES FOR ENERGY OR FUEL NONE OF THE CHARGES REPRESENT A TAX OR FEE PAID TO OR IMPOSED BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY AND ALL OF THE CHARGES ARE RETAINED BY THE SELLER SELLER HAS NOT SPECIFICALLY QUANTIFIED THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE CHARGES AND THE ACTUAL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHARGES, WHICH CAN VARY 8Y PRODUCT SERVICE TIME AND pLACE AMONG OTHER THINGS 8 CERTAIN AIRGAS COMPANIES ARE US GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS AND ARE SUBJECT TO AND ADHERE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL LAWS EXECUTIVE ORDERS AN{) A]TENDANT RULES AND REGULATIONS SPECIFICALLY EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 11246 THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 AND THE VIETNAM ERA VETERANS READJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE ACT OF 1974 ALL AS AMENDED 9 IF ANY TERM OR CONDITION OF TH!S DELIVERY TICKET IS HELD INVALID THEN SUCH INVALIDITY SHALL NOT AFFECT ANY OTHER TERM AND CONDITION OF THIS DELiVERy TICKE% WHICH SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFEC% EMERGENCYRESPONSEINFORMA~ON ACETYLENE MAPp POTENTIAL HAZARDS CO ~ LIQUID CO¢ UQUID ARGON LIQUID N~ pOTENTIAL HAZARDS ARGONNITROGEN HELIUM POTENTIAL HAZARDS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013300 ATLANTIC EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS 07/02/2013 CHECK 1239 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 8917 RP RAMP NL CHAIN HOIST 6,406.52 TOTAL 6,406.52 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher I Vendor No. 13500 Vendor Tax ID Number or Sccial Security Nmnhar Atlantic Equipment Installers, Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 203-2844)402 Invoice Numhar 8917 Invoice Date 5/1912013 Invoice Total $6,406.52 Discount $6,~06.52I Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that thc foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except os therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and orang, and that taxes from which the Tovm is exempt are excluded. Vendor Address P.O. Box 547 65C North Plains Industrial Road Walllngford, CT 064924)547 Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $6,406.52 $6,406.52 Signature ~~ Title Company Name Date Check No. EnU~red by Audit Date JUL 0 ~' 7.013 Description of Goeds or Services RP Ramp NL Chain Hoist SM5709.2.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certify that the rrauerials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved ATLANTIC EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS, INC. P.O, BOX 547 WALLINGFORD, CT 06492-0547 (203) 284-0402 5/19/2013 Invoice 8917 Fishers Island Ferry District Attention: Steve Burke 261 Trumball Drive Fishers Island, NY 06390 Net 30 Order13-10783 REPLACEMENT HOISTS Provide and drop ship the following hoists as requested by Steve Burke: o (1) CM Lodestar 2 ton hoist with 15' lift o (1) CM Cyclone hand chain hoist with 15' lift o Freight Charge 4,163.00 1,625.00 236.00 4,163.00 1,625.00 236.00 Sales Tax (6.35%) TOTAL $382.52 $6,406.52 ATLANTIC EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS, INC. P.O. BOX 547 WALLINGFORD, CT 06492-0547 (203) 284-0402 5/19/2013 Invoice 8917 Fishers Island Ferry District Attention: Steve Burke 261 Trumball Drive Fishers Island, NY 06390 Net 30 Order13-10783 REPLACEMENT HOISTS Provide and drop ship the following hoists as requested by Steve Burke: o (1) CM Lodestar 2 ton hoist with 15' lift o (1) CM Cyclone hand chain hoist with 15' lift o Freight Charge 4,163.00 1,625.00 236.00 4,163.00 1,625.00 236.00 Sales Tax (6.35%) TOTAL $382.52 $6,4O6.52 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 014223 BANK OF AMERICA 07/02/2013 CHECK 1240 FUND & ACCOUNT P. 0. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION g-MOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5709.2.000.000 SM .5709.2.000.000 SM 5709.2.000.000 SM 5709.2.000.000 SM 5710.4.000.800 SM 5710.4.000.500 SM 5710.4.000.000 SM 5710.4.000.000 SM 5710.4.000.000 SM 5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 7335 0513 7335-0513 7335-0513 7335-0513 7335-0513 7335-0513 7335-0513 7335 0513 7335-0513 7335-0513 MONTHLY REPORTING FEE RP-HARDWARE RP-TOOL BOJkRD CROSBY ANCHOR SHACKLE TRAWLEX CHAIN CROSBY ANCHOR SHACKLE RAMPS (6)SAFETY VESTS TREND MICRO BUSINESS ~\PETCO-CUSTOMERS PETS 7335 0513 j~ 7335-0513 &~ TANP SM -5711.4.000..000 7335 0513 ~' L~OR ~W ~oSTERS 15.00 18.04 38.47 30.26 418.59 272.31 12.68 286.70 67.37 18~07 70.78 31.86- 53.13 500.00 190.28 1,959.82 14223 Town of Southold, New York - Pa~'ment Voucher PO Box 15731 V~dorNam~ W mington, DE 19886-5731 Bank of America 888-449-2273 Entered by ~ Audit Date JUL 0 2 2013 613/2013 To~ $15.00 62155759600 5/2/2013 $18.04 62150275188 518/2013 $38.47 400919591 5/1612013 $30.26 10025848 5/22/2013 $418.59 5/1612013 $272.31 62150252122 5/2812013 $12.68 700293154 513012013 $286.70 12309772926 513012013 $67.37 5131/2013 $18.07 62150155945 513112013 $70.78 Numlm $15.0(~ Fee · RP $418.50 $12.68 $286,70 Defender Crosb¥ Anchor Shackle Trawlex Chain Defender Croaby Anchor Shackle Defender Safet Trend Micro Business Securit7 $70.78 $53.13 $500.00 $190.28 Petco Customer pets 513112013 Return 513112013 5/1/2013 $500.00 262370 5128/2013 $190.28 Labor Law Center Posters SM5710.4.000.000 SM5710.2.000.200 SM5710.2.000.200 SM5709.2.000.000 SM5709.2,000.000 SM5709.2.000.000 SM5709.2.000.000 SM5710.4.000.800 SM5710.4,000.500 SM5710.4.000.000 SM5710.4.000.000 SM5710.4.000,000 SM5710.4.000,000 ),4,000.000 8M6711.4,000.000 Payee Certification Department Certification Bank of America Commercial Card FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST GORDON MURPHY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7336 May 02,2013 - June 03, 2013 Company Statement MailBillinglnquirieato: BANKCARD CENTER PO BOX982238 EL PASO, TX 79998-2238 Customer Service: 1 888.449.2273 24 Hours TTY Hearing Impaired: 1.800.222.7365 24 Hours Outside the U.S,: 1.509.353.6656 24 Hours For Lost or Stolen Card: 1 888.449.2273 24 Hours Statement Date ........................................... 06t03/13 Payment Due Date .................................... 06/23/13 Days in Billing Cycle .......................................... 33 Credit Limit ................................................ $40,000 Cash Limit ................................................ $8,000 Total Payment Due ................................. $0,700,35 ..................................... $6,806.53 Payments ........................................................ $0,00 Credits ........................................................ -$31.86 Cash ............................................................... $0.00 Purchases ................................................ $1,976.68 Other Debits .................................................. $0.00 Overlimit Fee ................................................... $0,00 Late Payment Fee ........................................... $0,00 Cash Fees ...................................................... $0.00 Other Fees ................................................... $15.00 Finance Charge .............................................. $8.00 Current Balance ....................................... $8,766.35 Your account is past due. If payment I~s already been made, thank you and please disregard this reminder. Account Number Credit Limit Credits BURKE, STEPHEN XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6137 10,000 31 86 MURPHY, ~ORDoN XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-3048 10.000 0.00 Purchases and Cash Other Debits ~otal A~tivfly 0.00 1,286.40 1,254.54 0.00 690.28 690.28 Posting payments: Payments received by mail at the remittance address shown on the Payment Coupon portion of the face of this statement on a' banking day will be posted to your account on the day received. If we receive your mailed payment on a non-banking day, we will post it to your account on the next banking day. There may be a delay of up to 5 banking days in posting payments made at a iosation other than the mailing address listed on the front of your payment coupon. Service for the hearing impaired (TTY/TDD): Contact our service for the hearing-impaired at 1.800.222.7365. Telephone monitoring: For the purposes of monitoring and improving the quality of service, Bank's supervisory pemosnel may listen to and/or record telephone cells between Bank employees and any person acting on Company's behalf. Disclosure: We may furnish to your employer information concerning your use of your account. To read more about our information disclosure, please visit w, Nw. pankofamerica.com/corccratecarddisclceure or call the customer service number listed on your statement to request a copy. In case of errors or questions about your bill: Errors or questions about your bill must be received in writing no later than 60 days after we sent you the first statement on which the error or problem appeared. Please mail this information to BANKCARD CENTER, PO BOX 982238, EL PASO, TX 79998-2238. Your letter must include the following information: · The company name, cerdholder name and account number in question. - The dollar amount of the suspected error. · A written description of the error and why you believe them is an error. If you need mom information, describe the item you are unsure about. For questions regarding transactions, generat assistance, and reporting lost and stolen cards, call: Within the U.S. Outside the U.S. 1.888.449.2273 1.509.353.6656 (collect calls accepted) Bank Of America FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST GORDON MURPHY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7335 May 02, 2013 - June 03, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Date Date Desc#p~on FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST Account Nmnber: YJG(X-XXXX-XXXX-733~ Reference Number MCC Charge Credit To~al Activity 05124 05/22 05/24 05/23 05/30 05/28 05131 05/30 05/31 05/30 06/03 05/31 06/03 05/31 06/03 05/31 06/03 05/31 MURPHY, GORDON 06/03 06103 BURKE, STEPHEN Account Number: XXXX-Y0(XX-XXXX*8137 05/0~ 05/~-----T~H~bM~E--POT621*5 ~/ATERFORD dY 05/10 05/08 THE HOME DEPOT 6215 WATERFORD CT 05/22 05/21 DEFENDER INDUSTRIES INC 800-435-7180 CT HARDING COMPANY NORTH HAV203-865-0422 CT DEFENDER INDUSTRIES INC 800-435-7180 CT THE HOME DEPOT 6215 WATERFORD CT DEFENDER [NDUSTRIES,INC. WATERFORD CT DRI*TREND MICRO SB orderfind.comMN PETCO 949 63509491 WATERFORD CT THE HOME DEPOT 6215 WATERFORD CT THE HOME DEPOT 6215 WATERFORD CT THE HOME DEPOT 6215 WATERFORD CT MONTHLY REPORTNG FEE C15 0065 15.00 24610433123010183211404 5200 24610433129010183333103 5200 24610433141004002036538 5965 24258023143980013036464 5099 24610433143004001205785 5965 24610433149010183843875 5200 24610433150004095003708 4468 24430993151400680058281 4816 To~I Activity 1,~S4.S4 Account Number: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.304~ 05/b2 05'-/b-1-'-- PAYPAL*-~R~OME--W~'- -~K)2-935-7733 RI 24492153121849875848364 5944 05/29 05/28 LABOR LAW CENTER COM 800-7459970 CA 24755423148151489797188 5111 3~.47~,,,~ 30.26 418.59 272.31 ~'/'~ 12.68,/'j 2~.70~/ 67.37 241~7315173~2788~ 5~5 18.07~ 2~1~315201018~2~ 52~ 70.78 2~10~315201018452~ 5200 53.13 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. Annual Balance Subject Finance Charges by Per_centage Rate to Interest Rate Transactio~n Type PURCHASES 9.25% V $0.00 $0.00 CASH 9.25% V $000 $0.00 V = Vanabifi Rate (rate may vary), Promo~onal Balance = APR for #mEed ~me on specified transactions. BankofAmerica "~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST GORDON MURPHY XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-7335 May 02, 2013 - June 03, 2013 Page 4 of 4 Defender® Invoice 42 Great Neck Road Waterford, CT 06385-3336 CUSTOMER NO: ~oo2o~6'7G PAGE: Fishers Island Ferry District S Defender ~tlet Pick-up 261 T~%ball Draw H H RJ Burns Fishers Isle, NY 06390 I Call: 860-912-9698 P Waterford, CT 06385 T T 0 0 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. ORDER DATE ORDER NO. TERMS 05/21/2013 400919591 05/16/2013 1361817 Credit Card PURCHASE ORDER NO. SHIP VIA FOB SLS/IS SLS/OS Store Pick UP Shipping Pt Judy Drake ORDER SHIP B/O PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRICE DISC EXTENDED 10 1 9 001421 CROSBY ~CHOR S~CKLE 3/~" $28.45 0 $28.45 SUB-TOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL 06/11/2013 TU~ I~:IA ~AX ~002/002 MgM HARDING COMPANY-CT 78 RESESCHI ORIVE NOR'I~H 14AVF..N. CT 06423-0479 203.665-0422 FAX 203-624-3332 So{d To; 1000000 CASH SALE HARDING COMPANY NORTH HAVEN, CT 06473 Ship To: Invoice 10025848 Page I Date 05/16/2013 1000000 FISHERISLAND FERRY 5WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Customer PO Numbe~ Ship Deli Saleapemon ' 'Terme Tax Code 05/16/2013 10 - HOUSE ACCOUNT CASH/CR. CARD RJ BURNS Document Freight 00339583 Prepaid Item Number I Description Beckorder 0 Ordered Shipped 40 40 only be retL'ned with Specially cul ordered or :turned. Fre~ ht and ;sed 'Price 8hip Via 550110802 112" TRAWLEX CHAIN - BLACK RETURN POLICY: Material ma the wdtten authorization of ALP. fabricated material may not be r restocking charges may be asse Taxes: CT- STATE 6.35 CT CUSTOMER PICK UP Per Extra, sion 9.8400 FT 39360 24,99 ~-~- Industries, Inc. - ....... Lockbox tt1712, PO Box 8500 Philadelphia, PA 19178-1712 Remit To: MorCllafldlso 39360 Defender® 42 Great Neck Road Waterford, CT 06385-333§ Invoice CUSTOMER NO: zoo2o~e?e PAGE: Fishers Island Ferry District S Defender Outlet Pick-up 261 TrUmball Draw H H RJ Bu~s Fishers Isle, NY 06390 ~ Call: 860-912-9698 P Waterford, CT 06385 T T 0 0 INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. ORDER DATE ORDER NO. TERMS 05/23/2013 400920775 I 05/16/2013 1361817 Credit Card PURCHASE ORDER NO. SHIP VIA FOB SLS/IS SLS/OS S~ore Pick UP Shipping Pt Judy Drake ORDER SHIP BIO PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION PRICE DISC :EXTENDED i0 9 0 001421 CROSBY ANCHOR S~ACKLE 3/4" $2~.45 0 $256.05 SUB-TOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL ~ TREND MICRO to tft, e clou~ Small Business Online Store (US 8~ Canada only) For Home For Business Security Intelligence Why Trend Micro Support oF( Review Your Order FW: Trend Micro Small Business - Order Confirmation (Order # 12309772926) Page 1 of 2 FW: Trend Micro Small Business - Order Confirmation (Order #12309772926) Gordon Murphy Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:34 PM To: J Miller From: trendsb.cs@digJtalriver.com [maJlto:trendsb.cs@digitalriver.com] Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 2:26 PM To: info Subject: Trend Micro Small Business - Order Confirmation (Order #12309772926) Dear STEPHEN BURKE, Thank you for ordering from the Trend Micro Small Business online store. The following email is a summary of your order. Please retain this email as your proof of purchase. Please look for the following in your credit card billing statement: DRT*Trend Hicro SB Billing Information Order Information STEPHEN BURKE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 261 Trumbull drive Fishers Island NY 06390 631 788 7463 info@fiferry.com Your Order Order Number: 12309772926 Order Date: 5/30/2013 Product Term Users Unit Price Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Advanced 12 (Renew) Month 2 $31.01 Expiration: 2014-05-23 Artivation £nde: NM-YDYR-ZZT8(~-YZECS-KES3G-FINR~aJ-HNGWH Price $62.02 Subtotal $62.02 Tax $5.35 Total $67.37 https://mail.fiferry.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=-IPM.Note&id=RgAAAADPWB6lICAdRZSFvr3... 6/4/2013 FW: Trend Micro Small Business - Order Confirmation (Order #12309772926) Page 2 of 2 Suppo Please note, this email message was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message. For assistance with: installation, registration, activation, use of your product, and for technical help, please contact Trend Micro at: (888) 608-1009, or submit your request online at: https://esupport,trendmicro.com/smb/default.aspx, For billing questions or additional assistance with your order such as: inquire about order status, delivery, returns, invoices, or other order-related issues, please contact Digital River at: http://buyonline.trendmicro,com/store/trendsb/en_US/html/pbPage. FAQ en US or email trendsb.csC~dieitalriver, com. https://mail.fiferry.com/owa/?ae=Item&t=IPM.Note&id=RgAAAADPWB6IICAdRZSFvr3... 6/4/2013 5/31/t3 12:0~M E)49 02 2 Sales Associate~ 247 Francles IIEM DESCRIPTION PRICE 03?38?006 P£TC !7.5C gASIC N 16.99 Taxable Total $t0.99 Tax 6,3500% 1.08 S~ Total $18.07 F!na) Total $1807 Visa CreOit CaFG 18.07 Acct~ XXXZ×XX×XYJ(~6t37 quth# 083303 It~ber of Itees I T: Taxable N: Non-Taxab)e {!)Store Discount not subject to sales tax (2)Manufacture coupon subject to sales tax lha~ you %r shoppmg at Petco! Questions/Comments? 888-824-7257 Petco provides ~formation on housin;, equ!pment, clewing, environment and feeOing for al! the animals we offer. Ask for an in-store Care Sheet or )og onto m~.l)etco.com. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmtlllllllllllllll ~949247027433201305339000000005 ~~' 'More say. ing. More doing;' ~21~_ )C£r_,l ii6~Cl 01~/31/i3 i2 ;!il PM 12'~1E' [;E~ ~POSE ELL~ ~ L~IOT~L !~ES T~ 3.17 10T~ ~o3.13 Jl! l!JJ!l!!lJ!!!J Fi.lC f 'D BAYS P~IC~ ~ 1 96 C8'~/~13 ~TAILS. ~AC~ IN ESS T~ 2 ENTER FOR A OHANCE ttO~E OEPOT CiIFI S'~ ~ Yc~ (~ ri~ With l,s U~ 1 ~2E;1 114091 More saving. I~ore doing;" -~9.~ ~lOl~ 1 ~ ~ES T~ lOT~ -$31 ~ -3t .~ X~J~VISA iA REFUND~CUSI OMER (:OPY c~%'~ss T~ ~ E~ FOR A cHANCE )u ~:E~Ol GIFT HOM~ ~ARD ~ C~ l~ ~ ~ E~STA ~ LA ~ U~F ID: 1~2~6 146387 Entrants .~Emt~ m~_.j.~, on ~ebsile. No More saving. More doing: ,)~26~I[752t ;~ ~ <~.> 2~2 .ET I' 61 5~TC'l~ ~, 55 5kh~ TA~ '1.23 lOT~ $70. ~T'- :~E 9';~,'~1~ TA ~ETU~N P'(ICY ~IN]T~4S F:_ICY :D C~YS F~]CV E~X~S q I ~[ C~/~/~13 LIMIT / ~' ~I~. R. EA'~ SEE , ~T~LS. C:~E~ E~SY A~, ~.SF ~S ENTE~ FOR A CHANC'E TO WIN A )tOME OEPOT GIF1 Ue.er ID: 1 ~83)4 112180 I~ ~wor~: ~tr~gls ~,s~ :~ 18 cf' 0)~' To Gor~don Murl)h~ Sent: To: Subject: service@paypal.com Wednesday, May 01, 2013 11:11 AM Gordon Murphy Your payment to Wholesalegemshop.com PayPal' You sent a payment of $500.00 USD to Hello Fishers Island Ferry District, May 1, 2013 08:10:25 PDT Receipt No:3889~089-3958-9847 This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to PAYPAL *A ROME WGS. Save time with a PayPal account Create a PayPal account and save your payment information. You won't need to enter your payment information every time you shop online. Shop with confidence We keep your financial information secure. Transactions monitored 24/7 Our fraud specialists help protect your account. You're protected Zero fraud liability for eligible unauthorized purchases. See e~iqibility Merchant information: Wholesalegemshop.com in fo~,silverqe m sh op. corn http://w~w.wholesalegemshop.com 401 709-4420 Instructions to merchant; None provided Shipping information Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive Fishers Island, NY 06390 United States Description Supplemental Payment Payment Type: Other Shipping method Not specified Unit price Qty Amount $500.00 USD 1 $500.00 USD Total: $500.00 USD Receipt No: 3889-4089-3958-9847 Please keep this receipt number for future reference. You'll need it if you contact customer service at Wholesalegemshop.com or PayPal. ~.~enter S_ecudtv Cente( Please don't reply to this email. It'll just confuse the computer that sent it and you won't get a response. Copyright © 2013 PayPal, ]nc. All rights reserved. PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131. PayPal Email ID PP1469 Whitecava~le, Diana From: Sent: To: Subject: Cushman, John Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:39 AM Whitecavage, Diana; Russell, Scott FW: Credit Card bill Below FYI. From: Don Lamb [mailto:dlamb~fiferrv.com] Sent: Thursday, 3une 20, 2013 11:29 AM To: Cushman, 3ohn Subject: RE: Credit Card bill John, The bill is for our grant writer consultant. He has the PayPal account we sent the first payment to until he set up his account with us as Aaron Rome. I am told we communicated this with Diana and apologize you were left out of the loop. I admit it does look very suspicious spending money on gems. I assure you that is not the case. Thanks for catching it and again I apologize for not including you originally. Donald From: Cushman, .lohn [mailto:.lohn. Cushman(~town.southold.ny.us] Sent: Thursday, .lune 20, 2013 9:39 AM To: Don Lamb Cc: Russell, Scott; Whitecavage, Diana Subject: Credit Card bill Don, There is a $500 item on your credit card bill for PayPal for Wholesalegemshop.com. Really? Please advise. Thanks. John John Cushman Town Comptroller Town of Southold 631-765-4333 htr p://www.southoldtownny.gov THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, OR THAT CONSTITUTES WORK PRODUCT AND IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THE COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE 631-7654333 AND DESTROY THE DOCUMENT. THANK YOU. Gordon Murph~ From: Sent: To: Subject:. Sales < sales@laborlawcenter.com > Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:38 PM Gordon Murphy LaborLawCenter.com Receipt 12534 Valley View Street, Suite134 Garden Grove, CA 92845-2006 Phone: 800.745.9970 Fax: 714.276.6445 RECEIPT Bill To: Gordon Murphy Ship To: Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Dr Fishers Island, NY 06390-0607 United States 6317887463 Gordon Murphy Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Dr #607 Fishers Island, NY 06390-0607 United States 6317887463 262370 534208 gmurph~tkrry.com 5/28/2013 2:38:02 PM Payment Method I Card Name I Card Number I s.. Via CREDITCARD Gordon Murphy ****3048 UPS Ground Qty I Item# I Product Description I Sub Total 1 FREELLC 155 OSHA Safety Communication Poster - FED200 -English 1 CT50 Connecticut Labor Law Post. s -En~liah CT & Federal I NY50 New York Labor Law Posters -English NY & Federal 2 RIS-MVHR695VP- Forldifl Tnfffic Keep Clear-Plastic 7" x 10" R2685 2 FED065 Federal Forklift Posters -English 2 FED080 HazMat Label Reqerence Guide -English Special Inatruetions/Notes $29.94 $29.95 $29.95 $20.56 $35.98 $43.90 Sub total: $190.28 Shipping: (UPS Ground): $0.00 Tax: $0.00 Total: $190.28 365-Day Satisfaction Guarantee If you are not completely satisfied with your order, please return the product(s) within 365 days of receipt*. Click here for more details. * Customized posters are final sale--refunds will not be issued. All items returned must be in sellable condition or a 20% restocking fee 7M 7M may apply. Services, such as the Compliance Protection Plan and e-Compliance , will only be granted full refunds within 90 days of purchase. To ensure futura receipt of poster updates, please add ~laboHawcenter. com to your email address book. For assistance on adding Shipping & Delivery All ordem (except to PJaska and Hawaii) are shipped via UPS. Orders to Alaska and Hawaii am shipped via USPS. Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email notification with a tracking number. If you do not receive this email after 2 business days, please contact us. Poster Update Emails the domain to your Safe Senders List, please click here. Please contact us at 800-745-9970 with questions or concerns. Thank you for your pumhase, LaborLawCenter. com 12534 Valley View Street, Suite 134 Garden Grove, CA 92845-2006 Phone: 800.745.9970 Fax: 714.276.6445 www. La borLawCenter .corn Bill TO: Gordon Murphy Fishers island Ferry District 26! Trumbull Dr Fishers Island, NY 06390 0607 UN[TED STATES 6317887463 ii ORDER # I CUSTOMER ID I 262370 534208 [UPS REFERENCE KEYI E-MAIL PACKING SLIP Ship TO: Gordon Murphy Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Dr 7/607 Fishers [sland, NY 06390-0607 UN[TED STATES 6317887463 gmurphy~fiferry.com DATE OF PURCHASE~ COUPON I PAYMENT METHOD C.EDrrC^RD NUMBER SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS/NOTES I SHIP VIA I 262370-328169 UPS Ground I PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ITEM # 1 / FREELLC!55 OSHA Safety Communication Poster- FED200-English 1 ~' CT50 Connecticut Labor Law Posters-English CT E Federal ] ~/ NY50 New York Labor Law Posters-English NY & Federal 2~'/ R[S-MVHR695VP-R2685Forklift Traffic Keep Clear Plastic 7" x 10" 2/ FED065 Federal Forklift Posters-English 2 v'~ FED080 HazMat Label Reference Guide-English Thank You for Your Business] Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please return the product within 365 days of receipt* for an exchange or refund. * Customized posters are final sale--refunds will not be issued. Ail items returned must be in sellable condition or a 20% restocking fee may apply. Services, such as the Compliance Protection PlanTM and e-ComplianceS% will only be granted full refunds within 90 days of purchase. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002139 BD REMODELING & RSTORATION INC 07/02/2013 CHECK 1241 FI/ND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION ~JqOUNT SM .7155.4.000.000 19384 SVC CA~L-TUR/q ON WATER 112.50 TOTAL 112.50 Vendor Name BD Remodeling and Restoration Inc. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number I Vendor Address P O Box 447 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Vendor Telephone Number 631-788-7919 Vendor Contact Vendor No. 2139 Check No. Entered by ~ Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Clerk . Invoice Invoice Invoice Number Date Total Discount Description of Goeds or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 19384 614/2013 $t 12.50 Service call for water at SM7166.4.000.000 Movie Theater $t12.$0i Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. Net Purchase Order Amount Claime Number $112.60 $112.50 Signature ~r~?/ Title.~/~ Company Name~'~ ~''~ ~"/~ Date Department Certification I hereby ceftin/that the materials above specified have been received by me m goal condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been vert fled with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Tit,e Date PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION wiTH YOUR PAYMENT Please remit payment to: P.O. Box 447 Fishers Island, NY 06390 TERMS: INVOICE ID: DATE: CUSTOMER ID: Amount Due: Job #: 41-6~9 Scope of Work: Plumbing Service Service call to mrn on the water at the Movie Theater for the 2013 season. UPON RECEIPT 19384 June 4,2013 FIFEKR-104 $112.50 Amounts BD Labor 1.50 Subtotal for Job#: 41-659 Subtotal of Current Billings Sales Tax Total 112.50 112.50 112.50 0.00 $112.50 Page 1 of 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002433 WILLI~2q BLOETHE 07/02/2013 CHECK 1242 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5713.4.000.000 063013 MAIL TP~ANSPORT-2ND QTR 2,250.00 TOTAL 2,250.00 OF .'00h~h8,' ':0~h05h~q': ~6 00~S0~ Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securii~' Number Fishers Island, NY 06390 William Bloethe Vendor Telephone Number VendorContact Vendor No. Check No. 2433 IT/4o Entered by Audit Date JUL Town Clerk Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number : Date Total Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number Vendor Address P.O. Box 446 Discount Amount Claimed Number $2,250.00 $2,250.00 6/30/2013 Mail Transport 2nd Quarter 2013 SM6713,4.000.000 $2,250.00 $2,250.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereb3 ceCti~ that the foregoing claim is truc and correct, that no pan has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated ~s actuall'~ due and o~ing and that taxes from ~rhich the 'I ov, n IS exempt are excluded Compan5 Name /C.~-.~ Date Department Certification I hereby certi~ that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution the services properl5 perl'ormed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the excepBons or discrepancies noted, and payment ~s approved L- Signature To: Cc: Subject; GSMurphy < gmurphy@fiferry.com > Wednesday, March 07, 2012 5:27 PM Debbie Doucette Margaret Dougherty (W) Mail Contract Debbie, Please be advised that Bill Bloethe has been given the island mail delivery contrac~ effective ~- April 20:t2 for two years t(nminatmgon3~March2014' For services rendered Mr. Bioethe will be paid quarterl¥ in arrears °n an annual rate °~ $9,000.00. hewillnot be invoicinB the District' Would Pegsy and you please set QB up t° handle the next tw° years' Idonotknowh°,wthecurrentpaymentstructu~e works, but recommend that we keep it in effect until the new contract Boes live, Gordon S. Murphy Assistant Manager ~6317887463 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002776 CHARLES BURGESS 07/02/2013 CHECK 1243 FLrND & ACCOUNT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 9060.8.000.000 060113 060113 060113 060113 060113 060113 060113 5234601150 5307000864 PRESCRIPT ARREARS-10/12 94.41 PRESCRIPT ARRE;~RS-11/12 94.41 PRESCRIPT ARREARS-12/12 94.41 PRESCRIPT ARREARS-i/13 94.41 PRESCRIPT ARREARS-2/13 94.41 PRESCRIPT ARREARS-3/13 94.41 PRESCRIPT ARREARS-4/13 94.41 1ST QTR 2013 REIMB. 436.94 2ND QTR 2013 REIMB. 436.94 1,534.75 ONE ORDER OF WATERFORD eT 06,385 OO~5O8 ~ III Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 2776 i[CheckN°' I¢~q ,' Entered by' !Audit Date Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securip, Number Vendor Address 14 Hamel Court 1Waterford, CT 06385 Burgess, Charles Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Contact I JUL 0 ~ zui3 To~vn.Clerkf ~-'~' ×) ~ '/ [moice Invoice I Invoice Number Date Total Discount "'~}~,~,99~e- 6/1/2013! $94.41 Net Purchase Order Description of Goods or Serx ices General Ledger Fund and Account Number Anthem Retiree SM9060.8.000.000 i Prescription Plan $94.41 $94.41 i- i'3 [{ ') i90% Reimbursement - i '~ i$104.90 less 10% ($94.41) $94.41 i ~ r $94.41 [ ~ .7 il ~ ICharles Burgess Ck#'s $94.41 ~* 5 ['~ '3128,3134,3146,3149,3152 $94.41 - H/i ~&3156 Reimbursement of payments $94.41 $94.41 $94.41 $94.41 $94.41 I $660.87 Payee Certification I'he undersigned (Claimanl) (Actin~ on behall of the above named c}aimant) does hcrcb) cenif~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct that no part has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actualb Department Certification I hcrcb) ceftin\ that file materials ahoxc specified have been rcceixcd bx me in geed condition ~ithotll suhstdution, th~ services proper]5 perlbrmed and that thc quantities thereof haxe been xerified x~ith the exccplxlns or discrepancies noted, and payment LS approved INDIVIDUAL MARKET INVOICE h..q¢.hi h..i,iHIIt.dllqr. .qHht"rIMriidll. #CTBSAOO~RCTI# 000130 121112 121312 CHARLES D BURGESS h HAHEL CT NATERFORD CT 063B5-2008 08~2M20101 CHARLES W BURGESS 523~601150 70108q2920101 PRODUCT I CLASS I PERIOD COVERED AMOUNT I MEDIGAP PLAN N,CDPAY 420. 1 01/01/2013 - 05/31/2015 + Sq~5.q9 MEMBER NO: MEMBER: INVOICE NO: BILLING ACCT NO: For plans renewing 1/1/13, this bill reflects your rate change. JTOTAL AMOUNT DUE BY JANUARY 1, 2013 ~fi85.q9 j If you have any questions regarding this invoice or your coverage with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue _ Shield, please call our dedicated Customer Service Unit during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. The to free number s 1-800-633-6673 . OOOf19f158646303B5DOqOOOOTO108429201011BD5234601150121212BOlOf150OOOO4854flfl KAREN C BURGESS 3143 CHARLES W BURGESS INDIVIDUAL MARKET INVOICE ..mlHl.lhllh.ll.,...I,l.l,r.,,,I.,,I.Illl.llll.hr.l,, #CTBSAOOqRCT1R 000088 031213 031313 CHARLES W BURGESS q HAHEL CT WATERFORD CT 06585-2008 MEMBER NO: 0842M20101 MEMBER: CHARLES W BURGESS IhVO~CE hO: 5:507000864 BILLINC ACCT NO: 7010842920101 : PRODUCT ['~-~t~ T PERIOD COVERED I AMOUNT MEDIGAP PLAN N,COPAY 820. ] 04/01/2015 - 06/30/2015 + ,9485.49 iTOTAL AMOUNT DUE BY APRIL 1, 201.5 5485.49 :If you have any questions regarding this invoice or your coverage with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue i Shield, please call our dedicated Customer Service Unit during normal business hours, Monday ! through Friday. The toll free number is 1-800-633-6673 . 001061991789030500400007010842920'1,01100530700086403t21300109500000485495 ~ ~- KAREN C BURGESS 3154 (; ~'~ CHARLES W BURGESS ~ (~C/~;.~ &(~/~/ WATERFORD CT ~ ~ Citizens Circle Account Citizens Bank Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 2776 Check No. Entered by ~3(& Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securit5 Number Charles Burgess Vendor I elephone Number Vendor Contact Number 5234601150 5307000864 Invoice Invoice [ DaTe Total I)iscount Vendor Address 4 Hamel Court Waterfordl CT 06388 Net [ Number Purchase Order Amount Claimed 1/112013 $436.94 $436.94 4/1/2013 $436.94 $436.94 $873.88 $873.88 Payee Certification thc undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the aboxe named claimant) does hercb5 certil}, that the Ibrcgoing claim is true and correct, that ilo part }las been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actual/5 due and ox~ing and that taxes from which the logan is cxcmpl are excluded Audit Date JUL 0 8 2013 :o,~ Clerk ' iAnthem BC/BS Retiree Stand Alone 90 '/o Reimb[ $485.49 less $48.55 jCharles Burgess Ck#3143 !Quarterly 111113.3131113 lr-~ C Anthem BC/BS Retiree Stand Alone 90% ReimbL $485.49 less $48.55 Charles Burgess Ck#3154 !Quarterly 4/1/13-6130/13 9~6t( General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM9060.8.000.000 SM9060.8.000.000 Department Certification I hereby, certif}, that the materials above specilied haxe been received b5 me m good condition xxithout substitution the services proper}5 · Anthems. I Bue MedicareRx' (PD P) 271437726 G0230329901 i,,il,buliqlb,iu,,,I,U,lhbi,l,mUhulli,,,Iq,hfl,,Ii CHARLES W BURGESS .4- HAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 06385-2008 Balance Due 11/01/2012 $104.90 Please return the top portion of this form with your payment. See reverse side for payme/~t options. Retain the bottom portion of this.form .fo/' your records Per your Evidence of Coverage booklet, if you and your spouse are both enrolled in the plan, your monthly premium payments must be paid separately. We require one remittance advice and one payment per account. The remittance advice is located on the reverse side of this statement. This will ensure each member account is credited appropriately and timely to prevent disenrollment from the plan, which will result in a lapse of coverage. If you are disenrolled from the plan, you may only re-enroll during a valid election period. Anthem Participant ID: G0230329901 Date: 10/06/20t2 I Blue MedicareRx'(PD P) Transaction Premium Balance Due Date Description 10/01/2012 October 2012 KAREN C BURGESS CHARLES W BURGESS 3128 Citizens Bank Connecticut Citizens Circle Account Amoullt 104.90 104.90 Paae 1 · Anthems. Blue ~edicareRx'(PI] P) 271437726 CHARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 06385-2008 G023032990 ! Balance Due I12/0]/2~112 /'lease retttrn the lop ts~,rtion of thisJ~)rm with yot#' paymenL ,¥ee re verse side.fi% paymettt Ot)liotls. Relaltt the bollom portion of this.[brm.Jot'your records Per your Evidence of Coverage booklet, if you and your spouse are both enrolled iii the plan. your monthly premium payments must be paid separately. We reauire one remittance advice and one payment per account The renfittance advice is located on the reverse side of this statement. This will ensure each member account is credited appropriately and timely to prevent disenrollment from the plan, which will rest,It in a lapse of coverage If you are disenrolled from the plan. you may only re-enroll during a valid electiou period. Anthem . . Participant ID: G0230329901 Date: 11/13/2012 I Blue MedicareP, x' (PD P) Transaction Premiuln Balance Due Date Description Amount I 1/01/20t2 November 2012 10490 ~04.90 3134 ~EN C BURGESS CHARLES W BURGESS ~,~ _7 - . .:: ,. Citizens C{rde Account Citizens Bank Plan DescriPtiOn: Blue Medicare~sM premier (PDP) Customer Care: 1-888-620-1747 AT 01 001677 85306 E 8 A**3DGT CHARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 06385-2008 Anthem . I Blue MedicareRx' (PDP) ' $205.60 ! 01/01/2013 i G0230329901 I Payment Options For check payment or automatic withdrawal from your bank account (ACtt), use the tbnn below. For credit card payment or withholding from your SSPu/RRB check, call 1-888-620-1747. Previous Balance Payment Activity Since Last Invoice as of ! 1/13/2012 Payment Type Date Received Check Pa3anent 1 I/27/2012 Activity DetaiI Transaction Type Premium Month Premium JANUARY 2013 Premium DECEMBER 2012 Amount Due $104.90 -$104.90 Amount -$104.90 $205.60 Amount $100.70 $104.90 $205.60 /'lease retain the top portion./or your records '~'~'~ --.~1~ KAREN C BURGESS 3146 CHARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL CT 5t/011/2111 ~a ~ O- ~ ~ DoLLars ~ ~rX ....... Citizens Bank Connecticut Citizens Circle Account Plan Description: Blue MediCareRxsM Premier (PDP) Customer Care: 1-888-620-1747 AB 01 020836 98694E 56 B**3DGT C;IARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL WAI'ERFORD CT 06385-2008 Anthem . . Blue MedicareRx' (PDP) $306.30 i 02/01/2013 , G0230329901 Payment Options For check payment or autoTnatic withdrawal froln your bank account (ACH), use the form below. For credit card payment or withholding from your SSA/RRB check, call 1-888-620-1747. Previous Balance $205,§0 'C_ustomer Care: 1-888-620-1747 AB 01 020836 98694E 56 B**3DGT II"lh%lql,,hq"dl,'nll~v'"ll"H,%m CHARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 0638522008 Anthem . Blue MedicareRx' (POP) .... : ~ _ 02/0U~2013 ........... G 230329901 Payment Options · For check payment or automatic withdrawal from your bank account (ACH), use the form below. / ' For credit card payment or withholding from your SSA/RRB check, call 1-888-620-1747. Previous Balance $205.60 Payment Activity Since Last Invoice as of 12/10/2012 $0.00 Activity Detail $100.70 Transaction Type Amount Premium $100.70 Am0unt'Due $30630 _Premium Month FEBRUARY 2013 KAREN C BURGESS CHARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 0(~85 Pay to the / ~ 3149 Citizens Circle Account Citizens Bank Plan Description: Blue MedicareRxs~4 Premier (PDP) Customer Care: 1-888-620-1747 AT 01 037713 11490Bl19 D**3DGT 'l"q'dhh'~'hl'lhlMIhl'~'q%l"h'ml¥'l'HIII~ CHARLES W BURGESS 4 HAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 06385-2008 Anthem . Blue MedicareRx~ (PDP) ,/) AMOUNT DUE $100.70 DUE DATE MEMBER ID 03'01 '2013 G0230329901 Payment Options For check paytnent or automatic withdrawal from your bank account (ACH), use the form below. For credit card payment or withholding from your SSA, RRB check, call 1-888-620-1747. Previous Balance Payment Activity. Since Last Invoice Payment Type Check Payment 00003149 Activity Detail rransaction Type Pre~nium Amount Due Date Received 01 28/2013 Premium Month MARCH 2013 -$100.70 Amount -$100.70 Amount $100.70 $100.70 $100.70 $100.70 ~ KAREN C BURGESS 3152 ~ .~) CHARLESWSURGESS ~,-,~&~'~'O! Citizens Bank Fo r Date - '--'"'---' Dottars Citizens Circle Account Customer Care: 1-888-620-1747 AT 01 038739 28133B123 D**3DGT id,,H,hllHhU,lhllhl,,q,"Hm,hHIhmmqiH~qh CHARLES W BURGESS 4 I IAMEL CT WATERFORD CT 06385-2008 Blue MedicareRx' (PDP) AMouNT DUE 1 DUE DATE MEMBER ID $100.70 04/01/2013 G023032990 I Payment Options For check payment or automatic withdrawal l?om your bank account IACH ~. use the form below. For credit card payment or withholding from your SSA/RRB check_ call 1-888-620-1747. For one time credit card payment through our automated system, call 1-877-358-6792. Previous Balance $100.70 Payment Activity Since Last Invoice -$100.70 Payment Type Date Received Amount Check Payment 00003152 02/27/2013 -$100.70 [ctivity Detail $100.70 transaction Type ?remium Month Amount Premium APRIL 2013 $100.70 Amount Due $100.70 q KAREN C BURGESS 3156 ~ ~':'~ CHARLES W BURGESS WATERFORD CT ~5 ~ 79 , ~ · , /~¢, ~y to the ~ ~ ~ -~ /,~u, ~ Citizens Bank FISHERS 1SLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002918 CABLEWORKS, INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1244 FUND & ACCOI/NT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOLrNT SM .5709.2.000.000 SM .5709.2.000.000 41586 M3~NUAL CHAIN F~LLL-NL 591.49 41647 CHAIN LUBE-NL 13.32 TOTAL 604.81 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher i 2!} 18 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securib Nmnber Vendor Address 58 Highland Drive/PO Box 661 Putnam, CT 06260 Vendor Name CABLEWORKS, INC. Vendor Telephone Number 860-928-0475 Vendor Contact Check No. loqqq Entered by j~ Audit Date JUL 0 ?. 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total i DiscountAmount$691Claimed49 Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 41586 512912013 $591,49L . Manual Chain Fall NL SM5709.2.000.000 $13.32! 41647 5131/2013 $13.321 $604.81! $604.81 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on bebalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cerd~ that the tbregoing claim is true and correct that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes fi-om which the Town is exempt are excluded Chain Lube NL SM5709.2.000.000 Signature Company Name - ~'~/~/ Department Certification I hereby certi~ that the materials a[x)ve specified have been received by me in good condition without substdution, the services properly pedBrmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with thc exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved W~IE ROPE ' RIGGING PRODUCTS your I,IFT eo,meclioq 58 HIGHLAND DRIVE · RO, BOX 651 · PUTNAM, CT 06260 800/869-0194 · 860/921~0475 · FAX 860/928-6709 Sold To: Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbal Drive-Mai n Offi ce P O Box 602 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Invoice Invoice Number 41586 Invoice Date: May 29, 2013 Page: Ship To Fishers Island Ferry District New London Terminal 5 Waterfront Park New London, CT 06320 Customer ID £i£erry Sales Rep Customer PO STEVE BURKE Shipping Method UPS Ground Payment Terms Net 30 Days Ship Dine Due Date 5/24/13 6/28/13 Quantity Item 1.00 T-MISC De scri pn o n IiARRING 1 ON 2['ON CF020 X 10' OF I.IFT, NICKEL DiFI:USED LOAD CItAIN AND ZINC PLATED HAND CHAIN. S/N: CF40276B020595. UPS TRACKING NUMBER: lZ1825570353636561 Unit Price Extension 572.000 572. oo We appreciate your businessI Visit our now website: www.cableworksusa.com Check/Credit Memo No Subtotal Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amoun! Payment/Credit Applied TOTAL 572.00 19.49 591.49 $591.49 cd um- WffiE ROP~ · RIGGING PRODUCTS I'ollr I,IFT COlilleCfiOll 58 HIGHLAND DRIVE · RO. BOX 651 · PUTNAM, CT 06260 800/569-0194 · 860/928-~75 · F~ 860/928-6709 Sold To: Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbal Drive-Main Office P O Box 602 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Invoice Invoice Number 41647 Invoice Date May 31, 2013 Page: Ship To Fishers Island Ferry District New London Terminal 5 Waterfront Park New London, CT 06320 Customer ID Customer PO fiferry STEVE BURKE Sales Rep Shipping Method , Our Truck Payment Terms Net 30 Days Ship Date Due Date 5/30/13 6/30/13 Quantity Item 1.00 T-VITALIFEBIO 1.00 Description !VITALIFE BI() LUBE ENVIRONMENTALLY ~RIENDI,Y WIRE ROPE I,UBRICANT 12 OZ. CAN. MSDS SHEET Unit Price Extension 13.320 13.32 We appreciate your business! Visit our new website: www.cableworksusa.com Check/Credit Memo No Subtotal Sales Tax Freight Total Invoice Amounl Payment/Credit Applied TOTAL 13.32 13.32 $13.32 is an acknowledgement that a Bill of Lading has been issued and is not the Original Bill of Lading, nor This Memorandum a copy or duplicate, covering the ~ fly named herein, and is intended solely for tiling or record,~-~ (Name of Cameo (SCLC) DATE f /~ TO:consignee ~ J¢~'~ ~ FROM: ~/¢'~/--4;~_-, I Ship.er CABLEWORKS, TNC 800-869-0194 Street /Street 58 HIGHLAND DRIVE Destination ~/~/ ~.4'"'~_~.~_ ,fV* Zipcode I Origin PUTNAM, CT Zipcode 06260 No. ~ Kind of Packaging, Description of Articles, Weight ' Shipping ~.Subject to RATE CHARGES / $ per. checked OLLECT 'Mark with en "X" to designate Hazardous Material as defined the T~le 49 Oede of Federei Regulations. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 003371 CITY OF NEW LONDON 07/02/2013 CHECK 1245 FLrND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.100 27360-0313A LATE PAYMENT-12/12-3/13 6.95 TOTAL 6.95 SIX ~ND 95/i00 DOLLg%RS ' P.~Y TO THE ORDER OF C~yOF:$~EW LONDON 4127 WOBLFR_Nt~ 01888-4127 ""00 ;, ~[,5," ~:0~.L, 05[,6[,': 6.q OO&SO~ ~,.' Vendor No. Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher 3371 Vendor rax iD Number or Social S¢curit5 Number Vendor Name Vendor Address P.O. Box 4127 Woburn, MA 01888-4127 Check No. Entered by Audit Date dUL 0 ~. 2013 City of New London/Dept. of Public Utilities Vendor Telephone Number 860-447-5222 Vendor Contact Invoice Number Invoice Invoice ] J Net j Purchase Order J Date Total Discount Amount Claimed NumberI Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 512812013 $6.95 $6.95 Late payment for ! SM5710.4.000.100 NL Terminal 12~19112-3115113 $6.95! $6.95 Payee Certification ]'he undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certit\ that the/bregoing clann is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actuall~ due and o~ing, and that taxes fi'om which the ]o~n is exempt are excluded , Department Certification Signature UT4','TivZ~ ~ 2013 10:48AM CITY OF NEW LONDON Account History - Combined Inquiry Customer ID: 39337 'Location ID: 27360 Cycle/route .... Initiation date : Termination date : T~pe options, press Enter. 5=Display Trn Tm/Due Opt Type Date LB PMT 5/28/13 30 ADJ 5/24/13 29 ADJ 5/24/13 28 ADJ 5/24/13 BL BILL 4/22/13 - LB PMT 3/04/13 BL BILL 1/31/13 LB PMT 1/22/13 10:37:03 Name: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Addr: 5 WATERFRONT PARK 06 01 Amount due . 4/21/05 Pending ......... Customer/location status Description Cancel Comment DSHORT 05281399 3% FIRE INT. INSIDE 3% SW INT. INSIDE 3% WA INT. INSIDE CYCLE BILL DSHORT 03041399 CYCLE BILL DSHORT 01221399 A 6.95 .00 F3=Exit FS=Adjustments F10=Change view FT=Pending F11=Pa~ments Tm/Pry Reference Running Amount Date/Num Balance 173.08- 6.95 2,95 4/22/13 180,03 2.00 4/22/13 177.08 2.00 4/22/13 175.08 173.08 4/22/13 173.08 309.20- .00 307,16 2/01/13 309.20 139.11- 2,04 More... FS=Charges F9=Print history Fll=Cancel F24--More keys FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 003891 CWPM, LLC 07/02/2013 CHECK 1246 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# IAF~OICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 36102187 REFUSE RMVL/NL-6/13 345.67 TOTAL 345.67 ~SONS 06062 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securi~ Number Vendor Name CWPM, LLC Vendor Telephone Number 860447-1473 Vendor Contact Invoice Number i Vendor No. '3891 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 g 2013 Vendor Address PO Box 415 [Plainville, CT 06062 Net I Purchase Order I Discount [Amount Claimed I Number $345.67 June Refuse 2013 $345.671 , $345.67 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf o 'the above named c aimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes fi'om which the ¥own is exempt are excluded Compan}rName Date I//~ _/~'~ ~'~J Department Certification I hereby certi~ that the materials above specified have been received by me In good condition without substitution, the services propefi5 performed and that the quanfitics thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment ~s approved Signature litle Date Invoice Invoice Date lotal General Ledger Fund and Account Number 36102.187i 6/1/2013 $345.67 flM5710.4.000.000 STATE ST PRIOR BALANCE 672.20 06/01/13 CONTAINER SER 06/01/13-06/30/1 204.75 06/01/13 FE RECYCLING SER 06/01/13-06/30/1 42.00 06/01/13 RECYCLE SERVICE 06/01/13-06/30/1 36.75 06/01/13 BOTTLES & CANS 0~,/01/13 FTNANCE CHARGE 04/01/13 4.97 06/01/13 FUEL SURCHARGE 06/01/13 36.86 For your convenience, we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. Tax 20.34 INV# 36102187 CURRENT 30 DAY 60 DAY 90 DAY DATE 06/01/13 ACCT# 1007831 345.67 340.70 331.50 PAGE 1 OF 1 1 5% per month late charge assessed on past due amounts PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT 1,017.87 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 005414 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS, INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1247 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOI/NT SM .5710.4.000.000 S100670463.001 FINANCE CH3%RGE 5.53 TOTAL 5.53 vzvgm~o s~/~oo r>oLhmp. S' : PA ;191'78 - 9761 IVendorNo. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 5414 Check No. Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Electrical Wholesalers Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 800-522-3232 Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice I Number lolal Discount St00670463.001 $5.53i Invoice Date 5/25120131 Vendor Address Lockbox 9761 P.O. Box 8500 Philadelphia, PA 19178-9761 Net I Purchase Order Amount Claimedl Number $5.53 Description o£Goods or Services Fiance Charge 4 Entered by ~ Audit Date JUL 0 ~ 2013 Town Clerk General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.000 $5.63 i $6.63; I Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certit~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, cxcept as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature Department Certification I hereby certit~ that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the SOl.rices properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS-HSS 701 MIDDLE STREET MIDDLETOWN CT 06457-1547 860-522-3232 Fax 860-548-3548 BILL TO: 8 1 MB 0.405 EOOO3X 1004 0702127364 P1462535 0001:0001 ,,,I,.Ihmm. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DI PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 SHIP TO: INVOICE CUSTOMER NUMBER SUB ACCOUNT # 27352 27352 INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE S100670463.001 05/25/13 REMIT TO: ELECTRICAL WHOLESALES, INC LOCKBOX # 9761 PO BOX 8500 PHILADELPHIA PA 19178-9761 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DI BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0475 I CUSTOMER PO # JOB NAME I RELEASE # I ORDERED BY SALESPERSON Serv Chrg WRITER SHIP VIA TERMS SHIP DATE ORDER DATE Service Charge 05/25/13 05/25/13 ORDER QTY SHIP QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXT PRICE lea lea MISC: SERVICE CHARGE 5.530E 5.53 This Finance Charge is being assessed to your account due to invoices that are outstanding beyond our terms Subtotal 5.53 Invoice is due by 06/25/13. Shipping Chgs 0.00 Tax 0.00 For complete Terms & Conditions go to: Payments 0.00 http://www.ew-ct.com/CustomerEWTC.pdf Amount Due 5.53 pany Visit us at www.usesi.com TO VIEW ONLINE GO TO: http;//ew.billtrust.com USE THIS ENROLLMENT TOKEN: FML HKS FSK Page 1 of 1 0001:0001 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 005442 EMPIRE DENTAL 07/02/2013 CHECK 1248 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 5158567 DENTAL PREMIUM-7/13 1,616.16 TOTAL 1,616.16 75320-2837 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Secur fly Number Empire Dental Vendor Telephone Number 800-928-6459 P.O. Box ~837 ~DDePartment 83703 atlas, TX 75320-2837 Vendor Contact Vendor No. 5442 Check No. Entered by ~f~f--~ Audit Date ~ dUE 0 Z 2013 t ln~oice Net I Purchase Order I Number Discounl ~ Number Descriptinn of Goods or Serqces General Ledger Fund and Account Number 5158567 Date Total 611412013 $1,616.16 $1,616.16! 7/1113-7131113 $1,616.16 $1,616.16! SM9060.8.000.000 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant} does hercb3 cerlifx that the foregoing claim is true and correct that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually d.e and oxxing, and tha~ taxes I¥om which the Toxin is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Fitle '~_ I Department Certification I bereb3 cem~ that the materials above specified have been received h', mc m good condition without sufisPtation, thc' services proper/3 performed and that the quannt~cs there&have been verified ~qth the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pa~, ment is approved Signature .~ I die Dale STATEMENT EMPIRE PO BOX 856 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440 0856 ACCOUNT NAME FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT ACCOUNT ENY4561251 BILLING DATE 06/14/2013 BILL/PYMT INQUIRIES 877-606-3409 EMPIRE DENTAL PO BOX 202837 DEPARTMENT 83703 DALLAS TX 75320-2837 EMPIRE PO BOX 856 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-0856 FISEE~S IELJIND FERRY DISTRICT-BROKER ATTN: ~RY CENTER 261 TRU~BULL DR PO BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 ACCOUNT NAS~E FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTEICT ACCOUNT ENY4561251 INVOICE 5158567 BELLING DATE 06/1&/2013 SUBSCRIBER PERIOD 07/01/2013 - 07/31/2013 BILLIEG/PYMT INQUIRIEE 877-S06-3605 CLAIM PERIOD EMPIRE DENT. AL PO BOX 202837 DEPA~4ENT 83703 DALLAS TX 75320-2837 39.46/ES/MO YOUR BALANCE IS CUE BY TEE FIRST OF TEE MONTH. PLE~.SE INCLUDE A STATEMENT COPY WITH YOUR PAYMENT. SUBSCRIBER LISTING MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-0856 SUBSCRIBER LISTING FISHERS ISLAMD FERRY DISTRICT BOX 856 MINNEAPOLIS FiN 55440-0856 ACCOLS~T ENY4561251 BILLING DATE 06/14/2013 ENROLLMENT INQUIRIES @00-928-6¢59 5~58567 SUBSCRIBER PERIOD 07/01/2013 - 07/31/2013 CUSTOMER REPORTING NUMBER 456125-0001-0001 F~SHERS ISLAND PERRY DISTRICT FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 006412 FISHERS ISLAND UTILITY CO 07/02/2013 CHECK 1249 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 5710.4.000.200 SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM SM 5710.4.000,200 5710.4.000.200 5710.4.000.200 5710,4.000.200 5710.4.000.200 ,5710.4.000.200 .5710,4,000.200 .5710.4.000.200 .5710.4.000.200 .5710.4.000.200 .5710.4.000.200 .5710.4.000.200 .5710.4.000,200 027700-5/13 027750-5/13 027750-5/13 027800-5/13 027800-5/13 027800-5/13 027900-5/13 028000-5/13 028000 5/13 ELECTRIC-FRT SHED-5/13 ELECTRIC-WHISTLER-5/13 WATER-WHISTLER-5/13 TELEPHONE-THEATRE-5/13 ELECTRIC-THEATRE-5/13 WATER-THEATRE-5/13 ELECTRIC-AIRPORT-5/13 TELEPHONE-FRT OFFFC-5/13 ELECTRIC-FRT OFFC 5/13 028000-5/13 WATER- FRT OFFC- 5/13 028100-5/13 ~PHONE- MGR OFFC-5/13 028101-5/13 ~ ~%HONE-MGR COMP-5/13 0~ ~23~ ~ 5/'[~ ~j~ . .T~E ~ONE - ~E X - 5 / 13 .S7~ 028~35-S/13 ':~ . s 7 ~ o. a. 0.9 o ;~vz~,~~~~~uzg~ ~ s / ~ z - 5710 . 4 - 000~:26~~ ':' .:*'~ LINE-5/13 .5710.4,000.200 028150-5/13 TELEPHONE- F~ ~CH-5/13 . 5710 . 4 . 000 . 200 028200 -5/13 TELEPHONE-PUB. PHONE-5/13 142.63 47.41 196.78 35.69 225.05 134.17 95.01 134.19 372.58 27.72 161.33 35.94 51.03 37,08 29,67 93.37 54,95 157.66 34.94 TOTAL 2,067.20 TWO THOUS~2qD~IXT¥ ~E%'E]N' ~ : 0604 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Pa' ~ment Voucher 6412 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securiw Number Vendor Address PO BOX E Vendor Name Fishers Island, NY 06390 FISHERS ISLAND UTILITY COMPANY Vendor Telephone Number 631-788-7744 Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice j Invoice Number Date [ Total Discount 028135 5/31/2013: $51.03 0-i8Y35 -~/3~61~ ! $37.08 028135 8/31/2013] $29.67 028145 5/31/2013 $93.37i Description of Goods or Services Tel Annex-5113 Elec Annex-Si13 Entered by Audit Date Net Purchase Order J AmoUntS61 Claimed .03Number $37.08 I - $29.671 Water Annex-5/13 $93.37i Tel Freight DSL 5113 $54.95 Tel UPS Line 5/13 $157.66 Tel Fax Line 5113 $142.63 $35.69 i $225.051 Theater Elec-5/13 $134.17 ! Theater Water-5/13 $95.01i Airport Elec-5/13 $134.t9 Frt Shed Tel - 5113 JUL 0 ~. 2013 Town Clerk General [,edger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.200 SM57t0.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 028146 5/3112013 $54.95 SM5710.4.000.200 028150 5/31/20131 $187.66 SM5710.4.000.200 Frt Shed Elec 5113 Theater Tel 5/13 5/31/20131 $142.63! 513112013 $35.69i 513112013! $225.051 ~ I 5/31/2013 $134.19 027700 027800 SM8710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 028000 027800 SM5710.4.000.200 027800 5131/2013i $134.17i SM5710.4.000.200 027900 5/31/20131 $95.01 SM5710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 028000 5131/2013 $372.58 $372.58! [Frt Shed Elec-5113 028000 513112013 $27.72 $27.72 Frt Shed Water-5/13 028100 513112013 $161.33i $161.33i FI Office Tel-5113 028101 5/31/2013 $35.94 $35.94 ! FI Off Computer Tel-5/13 027750 5/31/201~3 $47.41i I $4~.41j ~WWhistler Ave files-6/13 027750 5131/2013 $196.781 / $196.78! Whistler Ave Water-5/13 028200 5,31,2013! $34.94i / $34.94T .ub,,cDock.ho.eS,13 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf oftbe above named claimant) does hereby ccrti~ that the [~regoing claim is true and correct that no part has been paid, except a~ therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded SM5710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 SM$710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 SM5710.4.000.200 Department Certification hereby ceftin, that the materials above specified have been received b? me in good condition without substitution, the services properly pedbrmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the excephons or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved FISHERS ISLAND UTILITY - VENDOR #6412 INVOICE# SUFFIX DATE AMOUNT DESCRIPTION FUNDIACCT# 327700- 5/13 5/31/13 142.63 Electric-Frght Shed- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000.200 327750- 5/13 5/31/13 47.4'~ Electric-Whistler Ave 5/13 SM.5710.4.000.200 327750- 5/13 5/31/13 196.78 Water-Whistler Ave 5/13 SM.5710.4.000.200 total - $244.19 927800- 15/13 5/31/13 35.69 Telephone-Theatre- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000.200 027800- 5/13 5/31/13 225.05 Electric-Theatre- 5/13 SM5710 4.000~200 027800- 5/13 5/31/13 134.17 Water-Theatre- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000~200 027900- 5/13 5/31/13 95.01 Electric-Airport- 5/13 SM.5710.4~000.200 027950- 5/13 5/31/13 0.00 Electric-Annex #2 5/13 SM.5709.2.000.100 028000- 5/13 5/31/13 134~19 Telephone-Frght Offc- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000 200 028000- 5/13 5/31/13 37258 Electric-Frght Offc- 5/13 SM.571Q4.000.200 028000- 5/13 5/31/13 2772 Water-Frght Offc- 5/13 SM.5710 4.000~200 total-534.49 028100° 5/13 5/31/13 16133 Telephone-Mgr Offc- 5/13 SM.5710~4.000 200 028101- 5/13 5/31/13 35.94 Telephone-Mgr Comp- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000 200 028102- 5/13 5/31/13 000 Telephone-ATM Line- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000 200 028135- 5/13 5/31113 51.03 Telephone-Annex- 5/13 SM.5710~4.000 200 028135- 5/13 5/31/13 3708 Electric-Annex- 5/13 SM 5710 4.000 200 028135- 5/13 5/31/13 2967 Water-Annex- 5/13 SM5710.4.000 200 total-Il7.78 028145- 5/13 5/31/13 93.37 Telephone-Computer- 5/13 SM5710.4.000.200 028146- 5/13 5/31/13 5495 Telephone-UPS Line- 5/13 SM5710,4.000.200 028150- 5/13 5/31/13 157.66 Telephone-Fax Mach- 5/13 SM.5710.4.000.200 028200- 5/13 5/31/13 34.94 Telephone-Public Phone 5/13 SM5710.4.000.200 TOTAL 2,067.3~ BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments . Total AdjustmenTs ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE Current Electric Charges - See Page 5 ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due .00 .00 .00 .00 473.45 .00 .00 473.45 .00 .00 .00 .00 473.45 11001028 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office ~- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI,~IEES ISLAND bTILITY COltPA~ FI,.~I~F.S ISLAND, NY 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-188-0023 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027700 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business a~counts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FCC approved cnarge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. 110O1O29 PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-188-0023 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027700 BILL DATE 05/31/13 THE FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Electric Charges Electric Class - 5 CURRENT CHARGE: Energy Charge Fuel Adiustment New York State Tax Total Current Charges $132.32 10.31 0.00 $142.63 Meter Readings Energy used Current Previous MASTER 24522 24151 REG. 371 KWH DEMAND 4.80 .01 DMD. 4.79 KW DATE 5/28 4/29 DMD. MIN. 2.39 METER MULT. 1 NY SURCHARGE FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR .0278 PER K~/H TOTAL ENERGY CHARGE Amount 78.82 53.50 .00 $132.32 11001030 UNDERSTANDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Your contract is on a non-transferable annual basis. Federal and State Taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our . rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. BASIC MINIMUM CHARGE: Covers maintenance of electric lines, metem and other costs. This charge will be billed whether or not you use any energy. KWH (KILOWATTHOUR): A KWH equals 1000 watt-houm of electricity use. One KWH equals the energy needed to run a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours. FUEL ADJUSTMENT: A charge that reflects changes in the actual cost of fuel purchased by the utility. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 1. CLASS 2. CLASS 7. Minimum Charge $10.60 Minimum Charge $32.37 Minimum Charge $23.12 First 1,000 KWH $ 0.1790 All KWH $ 0.3237 All KWH $ 0.2255 Over 1,000 KWH $ 0.2067 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 5. Minimum Charge $15.90 Demand charge $11.17 per KWH Energy charge $ 0.1696 per KWH UNDERSTANDING YOUR WATER BILL Water usage is billed monthly. Your contract is on a non-transferable basis. Monthly minimum charges are based on meter size and class. Federal and State taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. CLASS 1. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $23.10 3,000 3/4 $30.80 4,000 1 $53.90 7,000 1 1/4 $77.00 10,000 1 1/2 $100.10 13,000 2 $161.70 21,000 3 $308.00 40,000 4 $508.20 66,000 6 $1001.00 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $7.70 per thousand gallons. CLASS 2. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $29.67 3,000 3/4 $39.56 4,000 1 $69.24 7,000 1 1/4 $98.91 10,000 1 1/2 $128.58 13,000 2 $207.71 21,000 3 $395.63 40,000 4 $652.80 66,000 6 $1,285.81 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $9.89 per thousand gallons. BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments TOtal Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Electric Charges - See Page 5 Current Water Charges - See Page ~ ~ ~ i i i ~ Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due .00 .00 .00 .00 13.01 .00 .00 13.01 23.10 .00 .00 23.10 36.11 280.30 110O1031 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI,~tF. RS ISLAND IffILITY COI~ANY FI,~ItEP. S ISLAND. NY O639O Fishers Island PAGE 3 ~ELEPHONE NUMBER 631-188-0122 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027750 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-lin~ business accounts w~ll be charged a monthlv Access uecovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FOC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. 11001032 PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-188-0122 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027750 BILL DATE 05/31/13 THE FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Electric Charges Electric Class - 1 CURRENT CHARGE: Energy Charge Fuel Adjustment New York State Tax Total Current Charges $42.46 4.95 0.00 $47.41 Meter Readings Energy used Current Previous MASTER 58736 58558 REG. 178 KWH DEMAND .00 .00 DMD. .00 KW DATE 5/28 4/29 DMD. MIN. .00 METER MULT. NY SURCHARGE FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR .0278 PER KWH TOTAL ENERGY CHARGE Amount 42.46 0.00 .00 $42.46 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS CORP. BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Water Charges Water Class - 11 CURRENT CHARGE: METER READING/DATE CURRENT PREVIOUS CUBIC FEET (CU FT x 7.5 = GALLONS) 78610 5/28 77012 4/29 1,598 11,985 ~urrent Water Charg~ ross Receipts Tax uredit (per PSC) Connect Service Total Current Charges 92.28 0.00 104.50 $196.78 11001033 UNDERSTANDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Your contract is on a non-transferable annual basis. Federal and State Taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. BASIC MINIMUM CHARGE: KWH (KILOWATTHOUR): FUEL ADJUSTMENT: Covers maintenance of electric lines, meters and other costs. This charge will be billed whether or not you use any energy. A KWH equals 1000 watt-hours of electricity use. One KWH equals the energy needed to run a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours. A charge that reflects changes in the actual cost of fuel purchased by the utility. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 1. CLASS 2. CLASS 7. Minimum Charge $10.60 Minimum Charge $32.37 Minimum Charge $23.12 First 1,000 KWH $ 0.1790 All KWH $ 0.3237 All KWH $ 0.2255 Over 1,000 KWH $ 0.2067 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 5. Minimum Charge $15.90 Demand charge $11.17 per KWH Energy charge $ 0.1696 per KWH UNDERSTANDING YOUR WATER BILL Water usage is billed monthly. Your contract is on a non-transferable basis. Monthly minimum charges are based on meter size and class. Federal and State taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. CLASS 1. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $23.10 3,000 3/4 $30.80 4,000 1 $53.90 7,000 1 1/4 $77.00 10,000 1 1/2 $100.10 13,000 2 $161.70 21,000 3 $308.00 40,000 4 $508.20 66,000 6 $1001.00 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $7.70 per thousand gallons. CLASS 2. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $29.67 3,000 3/4 $39.56 4,000 1 $69.24 7,000 1 1/4 $98.91 10,000 I 1/2 $128.58 13,000 2 $207.71 21,000 3 $395.63 40,000 4 $652.80 66,000 6 $1,285.81 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $9.89 per thousand gallons. BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges A · ..... Current Electric Charges - ~ee Page 5 ...... Current Water Charges - See Page b ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due 35.69 .00 .00 35.69 128.78 .00 .00 128.78 18.65 .00 .00 18.65 183.12 578.03 11001034 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FISg'~II.S ISL4ND OTILITY COIIPARY FISg'~ItS ISLiND, NY 06390 Fishers island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7031 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027800 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts will be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FCC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06101/13 - 06/30/13 Description Quant ltv BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ TOLL RESTRICTION 1 ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 ~otal Equipment And Service Charges eoeral Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 2.OO 9.2O .35 Total 2.00 9.2O .35 33.51 33.51 1.43 34.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 DescriPtion Quant ltv INS. WIRE/JACK MAINT. BU Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges Total .75 .75 .75 11001035 PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7031 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027800 BILL DATE 05/31/13 THE FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Electric Charges Electric Class - 5 CURRENT CHARGE: Energy Charge Fuel Adjustment New York State Tax Total Current Charges $205.03 20.02 0.00 $225.05 Meter Readings Energy used Current Previous MASTER 323 314 REG. 720 KWH DEMAND .05 .01 DMD. 6.00 KW DATE 5/28 4/29 DMD, MIN. 6.00 METER MULT. 80 NY SURCHARGE FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR .0278 PER KWH TOTAL ENERGY CHARGE Amount 138.01 67.02 .00 $205.03 FISHERS ISLAND ~ATER WOI~KS CORP. BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Water Charges Water Class - 21 CURRENT CHARGE: METER READING/DATE CURRENT 1 5/28 PREVIOUS 1 4/29 CUBIC FEET (CU FT x 7.5 = GALLONS)  urrent Water Charg~ ross Regeipts Tax uredit (per PSC) onnect Service Total Current Charges 29.67 0.00 104.50 $134.17 11001036 UNDERSTANDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Your contract is on a non-transferable annual basis. Federal and State Taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our . rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. BASIC MINIMUM CHARGE: Covers maintenance of electric lines, meters and other costs. This charge will be billed whether or not you use any energy. KWH (KILOWATTHOUR): A KWH equals 1000 watt-houm of electricity use. One KWH equals the energy needed to run a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours. FUEL ADJUSTMENT: A charge that reflects changes in the actual cost of fuel purchased by the utility. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 1. CLASS 2. CLASS 7. Minimum Charge $10.60 Minimum Charge $32.37 Minimum Charge $23.12 First 1,000 KWH $ 0.1790 All KWH $ 0.3237 All KWH $ 0.2255 Over 1,000 KWH $ 0.2067 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 5. Minimum Charge $15.90 Demand charge $11.17 per KWH Energy charge $ 0.1696 per KWH UNDERSTANDING YOUR WATER BILL Water usage is billed monthly. Your contract is on a non-transferable basis. Monthly minimum charges are based on meter size and olass. Federal and State taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. CLASS 1. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $23.10 3,000 3/4 $30.80 4,000 1 $53.90 7,000 1 1/4 $77.00 10,000 1 1/2 $100.10 13,000 2 $161.70 21,000 3 $308.00 40,000 4 $508.20 66,000 6 $1001.00 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $7.70 per thousand gallons. CLASS 2. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $29.67 3,000 3/4 $39.56 4,000 1 $69.24 7,000 1 1/4 $98.91 10,000 1 1/2 $128.58 13,000 2 $207.71 21,000 3 $396.63 40,000 4 $652.80 66,000 6 $1,285.81 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $9.89 per thousand gallons. BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments . Total AdjustmenTs WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total AdJustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Electric Charges - See Page 5 ...... Current Amount Due by 06/25113 Total Amount Due .00 .00 .00 .00 100.51 .00 .00 100.51 .00 .00 .00 .00 100.51 95.01, 195.52 11001037 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI,.~II~P.S ISLAND bTILITY FI,~ES ISLA,~, NY 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-188-0576 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027900 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FCC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. 11001038 PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-188-0576 ACCOUNT NUMBER 027900 BILL DATE 05/31/13 THE FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Electric Charges Electric Class - 5 CURRENT CHARGE: ~nergy Charge uel Adjustment New York State Tax Total Current Charges $91.45 3.56 0.00 $95.01 Meter Readings Energy used Current Previous MASTER 6100 5972 REG. 128 KWH DEMAND .36 .01 DMD. 4.82 KW DATE 5/28 4/29 DMD. MIN. 4.82 METER MULT. 1 NY SURCHARGE FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR .0278 PER KWH TOTAL ENERGY CHARGE Amount 37.61 53.84 .00 $91.45 11001039 UNDERSTANDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Your contract is on a non-transferable annual basis. Federal and State Taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our . rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. BASIC MINIMUM CHARGE: KWH (KILOWATTHOUR): FUEL ADJUSTMENT: Covers maintenance of electric lines, metem and other costs. This charge will be billed whether or not you use any energy. A KWH equals 1000 watt-hours of electricity use. One KWH equals the energy needed to run a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours. A charge that reflects changes in the actual cost of fuel purchased by the utility. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 1. CLASS 2. CLASS 7. Minimum Charge $10.60 Minimum Charge $32.37 Minimum Charge $23.12 First 1,000 KWH $ 0.1790 All KWH $ 0.3237 All KWH $ 0.2255 Over 1,000 KWH $ 0.2067 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 5. Minimum Charge $15.90 Demand charge $11.17 per KWH Energy charge $ 0.1696 per KWH UNDERSTANDING YOUR WATER BILL Water usage is billed monthly. Your contract is on a non-transferable basis. Monthly minimum charges are based on meter size and class. Federal and State taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. CLASS 1. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $23.10 3,000 3/4 $30.80 4,000 1 $53.90 7,000 1 1/4 $77.00 10,000 1 1/2 $100.10 13,000 2 $161.70 21,000 3 $308.00 40,000 4 $508.20 66,000 6 $1001.00 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $7.70 per thousand gallons. CLASS 2. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $29.67 3,000 3/4 $39.56 4,000 1 $69.24 7,000 1 1/4 $98.91 10,000 1 1/2 $126.58 13,000 2 $207.71 21,000 3 $395.63 40,000 4 $652.80 66,000 6 $1,285.81 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $9.89 per thousand gallons. BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges _ . ..... Current Electric Charges - ~ee Page ? ...... Current Water Charges . See Page 7 ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due 113.84 .00 .00 113.84 451.88 .00 .00 451.88 20.20 .00 .00 20.20 585.92 .58 1,120.41 11001040 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m, - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m, FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI~I~,RS ISLAI~ UTILITY CO]tPA]~ FI,.~I~RS ISLAND, ~ O6390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7345 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028000 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line bus ness accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FOC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 Description Quant ltv BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 9.20 .35 Total 9.2O .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/15 - 06/30/13 Description Quant ltv INS. WIRE/JACK MAINT. BU ~ ALARM SVC MONTHLY CHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges 30.00 Total 30.00 33.75 33.75 33.75 11001041 BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7345, ACCOUNT NUMBER 028000 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Originating # 631-788-7345 No DaTe Time 1 4/22/13 9:16AM 2 4/22/13 11:55AM 3 4/22/13 3:55PM 4 4/23/13 8:42AM 5 4/23/13 9:08AM 6 4/23/13 9:36AM 7 4/23/13 11:20AM 8 4/23/13 12:05PM 9 4/23/13 12:56PM 10 4/23/13 2:09PM 11 4/23/13 3:32PM 12 4/24/13 12:16PM 13 4/24/13 1:53PM 14 4/24/13 5:00PM 15 4/25/13 9:58AM 16 4/26/13 11:45AM 17 4/26/13 2:32PM 18 4/26/13 2:46PM 19 4/29/13 7:33AM 20 4/29/13 1:04PM 21 4/30/13 8:14AM 22 4/30/13 8:15AM 23 4/30/13 8:15AM 24 4/30/13 8:16AM 25 4/30/13 8:17AM 26 4/30/13 8:17AM 27 4/30/13 9:08AM 28 4/30/13 9:40AM 29 4/30/13 2:29PM 30 4/30/13 4:27PM 31 5/01/13 10:25AM 32 5/01/13 10:43AM 33 5/01/13 10:45AM 34 5/02/13 11:55AM 35 5/02/13 1:45PM 36 5/02/13 1:56PM 37 5/02/13 2:14PM 38 5/02/13 2:20PM 39 5/02/13 2:55PM 40 5/06/13 8:09AM 41 5/06/13 1:17PM 42 5/06/13 1:32PM 43 5/07/13 9:14AM 44 5/07/13 IO:06AM 45 5/07/13 12:17PM 46 5/07/13 1:37PM 47 5/08/13 9:09AM 48 5/08/13 11:23AM 49 5/08/13 1:56PM 50 5/08/13 3:15PM 51 5/09/13 8:31AM 52 5/09/13 12:05P~ 53 5/09/13 3:47PM 54 5/10/13 9:20AM 55 5/10/13 12:44PM 56 5/10/13 1:19PM 57 5/10/13 2:09PM 58 5/10/13 2:58PM 59 5/13/13 1:15PM 60 5/14/13 12:18PM 61 5/14/13 1:39PM 62 5/14/13 1:42PM 63 5/14/13 3:22PM 64 5/15/13 8:23AM 65 5/16/13 11:55AM Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Detail of Itemized Calls Min Loc Called Area-Number 3 New London CT 860-442-0165 3 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 ~all. ingfd CT 203-741-1121 3 ~ridgeport CT 203-650-0127 13 ~outhold NY 631-765-4333 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 New London CT 860-442-1145 3 New London CT 860-442-0165 8 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 Norwich CT 860-705-0024 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 EIIsworth ME 207-266-1193 1 Queens NY 347-730-2913 3 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-235-9638 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-984-0657 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-701-0074 1 New London CT 860-437-8666 2 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 Rutland VT 802-282-6675 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-235-9233 1 ~ridgeport CT 203-650-0327 1 ~ew London CT 860-912-2277 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 Manchester VT 802-688-8099 1 Atlanta GA 404-290-1650 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 ~eep River CT 860-790-5514 ~ ~ew London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-912-2277 1 New London CT 860-442-0788 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 11 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-460-2462 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 4 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 Hicksville NY 516-728-6771 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 2 Southold NY 631-765-4333 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 8 Southold NY 631-765-4333 2 New London CT 860-442-0165 1 New London CT 860-333-7290 P T Amount D 1 1.20 D 1 1.20 D 1 .80 D 1 1.20 D 1 4.68 D 1 .40 D 1 .80 D 1 1.20 D 1 3.20 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .36 D 1 1.20 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 4.40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .40 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 D 1 1.60 D 1 .40 D 1 .36 D 1 .40 D 1 .72 D 1 .40 D 1 2.88 D 1 .80 D 1 .40 :" at&t BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7345 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028000 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Originating # 631-788 7345 Dale Ti~ N~ 5/16/13 1:0~ 2 5/16/13 1:0 3 5/16/13 2:0, 4 5/17/13 7:5; 5 5/17/13 8:2: 6 5/17/13 9: 7 5/17/13 9: 8 5/17/13 9 5/17/13 1:0' 10 5/17/13 2:2: 11 5/17/13 3:21 12 5/20/13 9:4, 13 5/20/13 2:51 14 5/20/13 3:5! AT&T Total Itemized C; Interstate Gross Rece Universal Connectivi Total AT&T Lom P-Rate Period D-Day T-Call Type l-Direct Dia Detail of Itemized Calls Min Loc Called Hicksville NY Queens NY New London CT Hicksville NY Hartford CT New London CT 2 New London CT New London CT New London CT New London CT 3 New London CT 7 New London CT New London CT New London CT Total LIIs pts Tax 4.44% r Charge Distance Charges ,pplied Area-Number P T 516-728-6771 D 1 347-730-2913 D 1 860-235-9638 D 1 516-728-6771 D 1 860-221-4991 D 1 860-442-0165 D 1 860-442-0165 D 1 860-442-0165 D 1 860-326-8347 D 1 860-625-3796 D 1 860-442-0165 D 1 860-442-0165 D 1 860-442-0165 D 1 860-235-9638 D 1 Subtotal For 631-788-7345 Amount .36 .36 .40 .36 .40 .40 .80 .40 .40 .40 1.20 2.80 .40 .40 57.68 57.68 57.68 2.44 7.38 67.50 11001042 PAGE 7 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7345 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028000 BILL DATE 05/31/13 THE FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Electric Charges Electric Class - 5 CURRENT CHARGE: Energy Charge Fuel Adjustment New York State Tax Total Current Charges $329.49 43.09 0.00 $372.58 Meter Readings Energy used Current Previous MASTER 52884 51334 REG. 1550 KWH DEMAND 4.55 .01 DMD. 4.54 KW DATE 5/28 4/29 DMD. MIN. 3.19 METER MULT. 1 NY SURCHARGE FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR .0278 PER KWH TOTAL ENERGY CHARGE Amount 278.78 50.71 .00 $329.49 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS CORP. BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Water Charges Water Class - 11 CURRENT CHARGE: METER READING/DATE CURRENT PREVIOUS CUBIC FEET (CU FT x 7.5 = GALLONS) 72430 5/28 71950 4/29 48O 3,600 ~urren~ Water CQarg~ . ross Receipts /ax ureoit (per PSC) Total Current Oharges 27.72 0.00 $27.72 UNDERSTANDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Your contract is on a non-transferable annual basis. Federal and State Taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. BASIC MINIMUM CHARGE: Covers maintenance of electric lines, meters and other costs. This charge will be billed whether or not you use any energy. KWH (KILOWATTHOUR): A KWH equals 1000 watt-hours of electricity use. One KWH equals the energy needed to run a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours. FUEL ADJUSTMENT: A charge that reflects changes in the actual cost of fuel purchased by the utility. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 1. CLASS 2. CLASS 7. Minimum Charge $10.60 Minimum Charge $32.37 Minimum Charge $23.12 First 1,000 KWH $ 0.1790 All KWH $ 0.3237 All KWH $ 0.2265 Over 1,000 KWH $ 0.2067 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 5. Minimum Charge $15.90 Demand charge $11.17 per KWH Energy charge $ 0.1696 per KWH UNDERSTANDING YOUR WATER BILL Water usage is billed monthly. Your contract is on a non-transferable basis. Monthly minimum charges are based on meter size end class. Federal and State taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. CLASS 1. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $23.10 3,000 3/4 $30.80 4,000 1 $53.90 7,000 1 1/4 $77.00 10,000 1 1/2 $100.10 13,000 2 $161.70 21,000 3 $308.00 40,000 4 $508.20 66,000 6 $1001.00 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $7.70 per thousand gallons. CLASS 2. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $29.67 3,000 3/4 $39.56 4,000 1 $69.24 7,000 1 1/4 $98.91 10,000 1 1/2 $128.58 13,000 2 $207.71 21,000 3 $395.63 40,000 4 $652.80 66,000 6 $1,285.81 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $9.89 per thousand gallons. BILLING SUMMARY ~LEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total P~yments . Total Aojustmen[s ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments . Total AdjustmenTs WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments . Total Adjustmen[s Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due 240.88 .00 .00 240.88 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 240.88 161.33 402.21 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany. New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p,m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERSISLANDTELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERSISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FIS~t~P.S ISIAI~ IJTILITY COlt~AI~ FI,.~I~ES I$IAND, NY 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7463 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028100 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line bpsiness accounts wi!l be charged a mgnthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line Business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FCC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06130/13 DescriDtion Quantity BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 9.20 .35 Total 9.20 .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 DescriPtion ~ BUSINESS MULTI HUNT SRVC Total Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges 3.00 3.00 3.00 110O1044 BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7463, ACCOUNT NUMBER 028100 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Originating # 631-788-7463 No Dale Time 1 4/22/13 8:30AM 2 4/22/13 8:32AM 3 4/22/13 8:54AM 4 4/22/13 12:13PM 5 4/23/13 8:22AM 6 4/23/13 8:37AM 7 4/23/13 9:33AM 8 4/23/13 10:14AM 9 4/23/13 10:16AM 10 4/23/13 11:20AM 11 4/23/13 3:29PM 12 4/24/13 8:52AM 13 4/24/13 5:00PM 14 4/24/13 5:03PM 15 4/29/13 8:45AM 16 4/29/13 9:23AM 17 4/29/13 11:41AM 18 4/29/13 12:54PM 19 4/30/13 8:47AM 20 4/30/13 10:47AM 21 4/30/13 3:31PM 22 4/30/13 3:33PM 23 4/30/13 3:58PM 24 4/30/13 4:54PM 25 5/01/13 2:46PM 26 5/01/13 2:47PM 27 5/02/13 9:42AM 28 5/02/13 9:44AM 29 5/02/13 11:53AM 30 5/02/13 12:03PM 31 5/02/13 3:54PM 32 5/02/13 3:56PM 33 5/06/13 10:42AM 34 5/06/13 12:11PM 35 5/07/13 7:31AM 36 5/07/13 IO:OOAM 37 5/07/13 11:29AM 38 5/07/13 11:32AM 39 5/07/13 11:59AM 40 5/07/13 3:48PM 41 5/07/13 5:20PM 42 5/08/13 7:34PM 43 5/09/13 9:47AM 44 5/09/13 4:50PM 45 5/10/13 10:15AM 46 5/10/13 IO:20AM 47 5/10/13 12:19PM 48 5/10/13 12:33PM 49 5/10/13 5:07PM 50 5/13/13 IO:04AM 51 5/13/13 lO:lOAM 52 5/13/13 11:33AM 53 5/13/13 11:34AM 54 5/13/13 12:40PM 55 5/13/13 1:50PM 56 5/14/13 11:41AM 57 5/14/13 11:45AM 58 5/14/13 3:1OPM 59 5/14/13 3:52PM 60 5/15/13 11:32AM 61 5/15/13 11:49AM 62 5/16/13 9:50AM 63 5/16/13 10:54AM 64 5/17/13 8:06AM 65 5/17/13 8:lOAM Detail of Itemized Calls Min Loc Called New London CT New London CT 3 New London CT 2 Windsorlks CT Norwich CT 2 Silverlake IN ~lbany NY 2~ ~outhold NY 6 Southold NY 1 New London CT 1 Hartford CT 2 New London CT 2 New London CT 1 New London CT 1 New London CT 1 Norwood MA 12 Greenwich RI 8 New London CT 1 New London CT 6 Hartford CT 1 ~ystic CT 2 mystic CT 51 Norwood MA 2 New London CT 1 New London CT 4 New London CT 1 New London CT 1 New London CT 1 New London CT 2 Scranton PA 1 New London CT 6 Providence RI 1 New London CT 1 New London CT 5 New London CT 2 New London CT 1 Mystic CT 1 New London CT Mystic CT ~ New London CT 2 New London CT 1 New London CT 2 Norwich CT Old Saybrk CT ~ New London CT 2 New London CT 3 Southold NY 1 New London CT 1 Norwich CT 1 New London CT 1 Old Saybrk CT 1 Southold NY 4 Southold NY 3 Southold NY 4 ~ent.rai~lp NY 1 ~ew LOndOn CT Ledyard CT ~ New London CT 6 New London CT 5 Greenwich Ri 1 Albany NY 7 Boston MA 32 New London CT 1 New London CT 1 New London CT Area-Number 860-443-7394 860-442-0165 860-443-7394 860-668-0044 860-889-2738 260-352-2141 518-257-1329 631-765-1891 631-765-1891 860-442-0165 860-462-8527 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 781-551-2489 401-336-2182 860-442-0165 860-443-4381 860-986-7634 860-536-1164 860-536-1164 781-551-2489 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-287-9480 570-351-2893 860-442-0165 401-368-2401 860-912-6923 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-447-1473 860-572-8939 800-442-0165 860-572-8939 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-389-2277 860-887-1998 860-388-4631 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 631-765-4333 860-442-0165 860-885-8785 860-442-0165 860-227-3099 631-765-1939 631-765-4333 631-765-4333 631-853-6416 860-442-0165 860-381-9062 860-442-0165 860-439-7500 401-336-2182 518-474-3084 617-226-8108 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 860-442-0165 PT D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 E 1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 D1 Amount .40 .40 1.20 .80 .40 .80 10.08 .36 2.16 .40 4O 8O 8O 4O 4O 4O 4.8O 3.20 .40 2.40 .40 .80 20.40 .80 .40 1.60 .40 .40 .40 .80 .40 2.40 .40 .40 2.00 .80 .40 .40 3.20 4O 8O 4O 8O 8O 4O 8O 1.08 .40 .40 .40 .40 .36 1.44 1.08 1.44 .40 1.60 .40 2.40 2.OO .36 2.80 12.80 .40 .40 at&t BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7463 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028100 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Detail of Itemized Calls Originating # 631-788-7463 No Date Time Min Loc Called Area-Number P T 1 5/17/13 9:59AM 1 ~orthamptn MA 413-387-7128 D 1 2 5/17/13 10:57AM 2 mew London CT 860-442-0165 D 1 3 5/17/13 2:52PM 4 New London CT 860-442-0165 D 1 4 5/18/13 7:07AM 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 N 1 5 5/20/13 10:17AM 2 WPalmBeach FL 561-827-3655 D 1 6 5/20/13 11:40AM 1 New London CT 860-442-0165 D 1 Subtotal Total For 631-788-7463 AT&T Total Itemized Calls Interstate Gross Receipts Tax 4.44% Universal Connectivity Charge Total AT&T Long Distance Charges P-Rate Period Applied D-Day E-Evening N-Night T-Call Type 1-Direct Dia Amount .40 .80 1.60 .33 .80 .40 107.09 107.09 107.09 4.55 13.75 125.39 11001045 BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month ,Total Payments . Total Adlustmenzs ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges ...... Current Amount Due by 06125/13 Total Amount Due 35.94 .00 .00 35.94 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 35.94 71.88 11001046 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI~t~RS ISLAM) bTILITY CO]IPAI~ FI~t~l~ ISLAM), NY 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7580 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028101 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-I ne business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. A mu t - ne business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. Th s FCC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 DescriPtion BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 9.2O .35 Total 9.20 .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 . 06/$0/13 DescriDt on Quantitv BUS NESS MULT HUNT SRVC 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges Total 3.00 3.00 3.00 11001047 BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments . Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total AdJustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges A _ · ..... Current ElecTric Charges.- zee rage 5 ...... Current Water Charges - zee Page ~ ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due 57.84 .00 .00 57.84 47.33 .00 .00 47.33 21.70 .00 .00 21.70 244.65 11001048 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS; Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 I,.~LAND UTILITY CO]tPANY ISLAND, NY 06390 Eishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7744 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028135 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts will be charged a monthlv Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This EOO approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06130/13 Descrintion Quant ltv BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 9.20 .35 Total 9.20 .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 Description Quantity INS. WIRE/JACK MAINT. BU ~ OFF PREMISE CHARGE 1 OFF PREMISE 1/4 MILE BUS 4 Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges .50 1.30 Total .50 5.20 6.45 6.45 6.45 11001049 BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7744o ACCOUNT NUMBER 028135 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Detail of Itemized Calls Originating # 631-788-7744 No Dale Time 1 4/25/13 9:51AM 2 4/25/13 9:57AM 3 5/04/13 12:36PM 4 5/08/13 10:43AM 5 5/11/13 11:26AM 6 5/15/13 9:31AM 7 5/15/13 9:57AM 8 5/15/13 IO:04AM 9 5/15/13 IO:06AM 10 5/15/13 11:40AM 11 5/15/13 12:44PM 12 5/16/13 12:19PM 13 5/17/13 9:54AM 14 5/17/13 IO:30AM 15 5/20/13 11:50AM Min Loc Called New London CT New London CT New London CT Greenwich CT New London CT 2 New London CT New London CT 2 New London CT 2 New London CT 1 New London CT New London CT 5 New London CT 3 New London CT New London CT 2 New York NY Total AT&T Total Itemized Calls Interstate Gross Receipts Tax 4.44% Universal Connectivity 6harge Total AT&T Long Bistance Charges P-Rate Period led D-Day N-NightAppl Area-Number P T Amount 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 N 1 .33 203-869-4106 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 N 1 .33 860-442-0165 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .80 860-514-2660 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 2.00 860-442-0165 D 1 1.20 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 917-859-4600 D 1 .72 Subtotal 9.78 For 631-788-7744 9.78 T-Call Type 1-Direct Dial 9.78 .46 1.40 11.64 PAGE 5 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-7744 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028135 BILL DATE 05/31/13 THE FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Electric Charges Electric Class - 5 CURRENT CHARGE: Energy Charge Fuel Adiustment New York State Tax Total Current Charges $36.91 0.17 0.00 $37.08 Meter Readings Energy used Current Previous MASTER 35584 35578 REG. 6 KWH DEMAND 1.80 .01 DMD. 1.79 KW DATE 5/28 4/29 DMD. MIN. .00 METER MULT. 1 NY SURCHARGE FUEL ADJUSTMENT FACTOR .0278 PER KWH TOTAL ENERGY CHARGE Amount 16.92 19~99 .00 $36.91 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS CORP. BUSINESS OFFICE (631) 788-7251 Detail of Current Water Charges Water Class - 21 CURRENT CHARGE: METER READING/DATE CURRENT 380 5/28 PREVIOUS 350 4/29 CUBIC FEET 30 (CU FT x 7.5 = GALLONS) 225 ~urren~ Water Charg~ ross Neceipts Tax uredit (per PS6) Total Current Charges 29.67 0.00 $29.67 11001050 UNDERSTANDING YOUR ELECTRIC BILL Your contract is on a non-transferable annual basis. Federal and State Taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our , rate schedule can be obtained at the offices o1 the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. BASIC MINIMUM CHARGE: KWH (KILOWATTHOUR): FUEL ADJUSTMENT: Covers maintenance of electric lines, meters and other costs. This charge will be billed whether or not you use any energy. A KWH equals 1000 watt-hours of electricity use. One KWH equals the energy needed to run a 100 watt light bulb for 10 hours. A charge that reflects changes in the actual cost of fuel purchased by the utility. RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 1. CLASS 2. CLASS 7. Minimum Charge $10.60 Minimum Charge $32.37 Minimum Charge $23.12 Fimt 1,000 KWH $ 0.1790 All KWH $ 0.3237 All KWH $ 0.2255 Over 1,000 KWH $ 0.2067 COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC RATES CLASS 5. Minimum Charge $15.90 Demand charge $11.17 per KWH Energy charge $ 0.1696 per KWH UNDERSTANDING YOUR WATER BILL Water usage is billed monthly. Your contract is on a non-transferable basis. Monthly minimum charges are based on meter size and class. Federal and State taxes are billed where applicable. A complete copy of our rate schedule can be obtained at the offices of the Fishers Island Utility Company office building. CLASS 1. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $23.10 3,000 3/4 $30.80 4,000 1 $53.90 7,000 1 1/4 $77.00 10,000 1 1/2 $100.10 13,000 2 $161.70 21,000 3 $308.00 40,000 4 $508.20 66,000 6 $1001.00 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $7.70 per thousand gallons. CLASS 2. Meter Size Minimum Charge Minimum Usage (Inch) (Gallons) 5/8 $29.67 3,000 3/4 $39.56 4,000 1 $69.24 7,000 1 1/4 $98.91 10,000 1 1/2 $128.58 13,000 2 $207.71 21,000 3 $395.63 40,000 4 $652.80 66,000 6 $1,285.81 130,000 Water usage over the minimum is billed at $9.89 per thousand gallons. BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total ~yments Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges ...... Current Amount Due by 06/25/13 Total Amount Due 106.51 .00 .00 106.51 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 106.51 199.88 11001051 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State ~ublic Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Bectric Corporation The Fishers island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI,~I~RS ISLAND I.)TILITY COJtPANY FI,~I~RS ISLAI~, l~ 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5522 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028145 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts w~ll be charged a monthIv Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FCC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 DescriDtiQn QuaBt ltv BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 9.20 .35 Total 9.20 .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges EquipmentofnOr Period: Descrieti ADSL+ 12 MOS.SERVICE 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 Quantity 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges Total 59.95 59.95 59.95 BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5522. ACCOUNT NUMBER 028145 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Detail of Itemized Calls Originating # 631-788-5522 No Date Time Min 1 4/30/13 IO:05AM 1 Loc Called Area-Number P T E Hampton CT 860-267-7851 D 1 Subtotal Total For 631-788-5522 AT&T Total Itemized Calls Interstate Gross Receipts Tax 4.44% Universal Connectivity Charge Total AT&T Long Distance Charges P-Rate Period Applied D-Day T-Call Type 1-Direct Dial Amount .40 .40 .40 .4O .02 .06 .48 BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments . Total AdjustmenTs Current Account Activity * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE ;*; ..... Current Telephone Charges ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due 80.37 .00 .00 80.37 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 80.37 54.95 135.32 11001053 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI,~II~ES ISLAM) I]TILITY (X)ItFANY FI,~I~P,S ISIAI~, NY 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5673 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028146 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FOC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 Descrietion Quantity BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE -----i-" ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 9.20 .35 Total 9.20 .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 110O1O54 BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5673' ACCOUNT NUMBER 028146 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Detail of Itemized Calls Originating # 631.788-5673 No uate Time Min Loc Called 1 4/22/13 9:02AM 2 New London CT 2 4/23/13 9:40AM 3 New London CT 3 4/23/13 11:57AM 1 New London CT 4 4/23/13 2:41PM 1 New London CT 5 4/23/13 4:02PM 1 New London CT 6 4/24/13 8:23AM 2 SouthinQtn CT 7 4/24/13 10:23AM 1 New London CT 8 4/25/13 8:46AM 1 Poughkepsi NY 9 4/26/13 8:52AM 1 New London CT 10 4/27/13 IO:30AM 2 New London CT 11 4/29/13 11:53AM 1 New London CT 12 4/30/13 9:27AM 1 New London CT 13 4/30/13 9:28AM 1 New London CT 14 4/30/13 9:29AM 1 New London CT 15 4/30/13 9:36AM 2 New London CT 16 4/30/13 1:24PM 1 New London CT 17 5/01/13 IO:20AM 1 Norwich CT 18 5/01/13 1:57PM 1 New London CT 19 5/06/13 1:16PM 1 Babylon NY 20 5/14/13 9:04AM 1 New London CT 21 5/14/13 9:44AM 1 New London CT 22 5/14/13 12:31PM 1 New London CT 23 5/14/13 1:57PM 5 New London CT 24 5/14/13 4:44PM 2 New London CT 25 5/15/13 9:08AM 2 New London CT 26 5/16/13 3:12PM 1 New London CT 27 5/16/13 4:06PM 1 New London CT 28 5/17/13 9:21AM 1 New London CT 29 5/17/13 10:16AM 1 New London CT 30 5/17/13 2:08PM 1 Rochester NY 31 5/20/13 IO:03AM 3 Babylon NY 32 5/20/13 IO:08AM 1 Rochester NY 33 5/20/13 2:23PM 1 Gardencity NY 34 5/20/13 2:24PM 1 Norwich CT AT&T Total Itemized Calls Interstate Gross Receipts Tax 4.44% Universal Connectivity Charge Total AT&T Long Distance Charges P-Rate Period Applied D-Day N-Night T-Call Type 1-Direct Dial Total Area-Number P T Amount 860-442-0165 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 1.20 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-501-2351 D 1 .40 860-442-0669 D 1 .40 860-302-8809 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 845-656-1677 D 1 .36 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 N 1 .66 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-287-0517 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-608-2532 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 631-943-7487 D 1 .36 860-857-7670 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0669 D 1 .40 860-442-0669 D 1 2.00 860-442-0669 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 .80 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-912-2277 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 860-442-0165 D 1 .40 585-315-9256 D 1 .36 631-943-7487 D 1 1.08 585-315-9256 D 1 .36 516-790-5381 D 1 .36 860-303-2960 D 1 .40 Subtotal 18.74 For 631-788-5673 18.74 18.74 .81 2.46 22.01 BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE ~alance From Previous Month Total PaMments Total Adjustments ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... ...... Current Balance ......... * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges ...... Current Amount Due by 06/25/13 Total Amount Due 162.70 .00 .00 162.70 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 162.70 157.66 320.36 11001055 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by cal~ing 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday- Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI~gt~RS ISLAND I)TILITY CO]tPARY FIll'II'RS ISLAND, RT 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5523 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028150 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-lin~ business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly ~ccess ~ecovery 6harge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line eusiness accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FCC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FCC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 . 06/30113 Descriotion Quantitv BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic 6harges 9.20 .35 Total 9.20 .35 31.51 31.51 1.43 32.94 Detail of Current Non-Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06101/13 - 06/30/13 DescriPtion Quantitv ADSL+ 12 MOS.SERVICE ~ Total Equipment And Service Charges Total Non-Basic Charges ¢ Total 59.95 59.95 59.95 11001056 BILLING DETAIL AT&T PAGE 4 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5523. ACCOUNT NUMBER 028150 BILL DATE 05/31/13 Detail of Current AT&T Long Distance Charges Detail of Itemized Calls ~riginat~ng # 631-788-5523 o ua~e Time Min Loc Called 1 4/24/13 9:48AM 2 Niantic CT 2 4/24/13 10:06AM 2 Hartford CT 3 4/24/13 10:08AM 3 Hartford CT 4 4/26/13 12:24PM 2 Portland ME 5 4/29/13 2:15PM 3 Naugatuck CT 6 4/30/13 8:56AM 2 Hartford CT 7 4/30/13 2:16PM 3 ~ahway NJ 8 5/10/13 2:22PM 2 uak Harbor WA 9 5/14/13 3:40PM 1 Willoughby OH Total Detail of Other Charges and Credits Description Federal Carrier Line Assessment @ Single Line AT&T Total Itemized Calls Other Charges And Credits June Acct C~g Interstate ~ross Receipts Tax 4.44% Universal Connectivity Charge Total AT&T Long Distance Charges P-Rate Period Applied D-Day T-Call Type 1-Direct Dia Area-Number P T Amount 860-739-2090 D 1 2.78 860-571-7979 D 1 2.78 860-571-7979 D 1 4.17 207-552-2487 D 1 2.78 203-729-6030 D 1 4.17 860-541-7173 D 1 2.78 732-396-1369 D 1 4.17 360-678-8890 D 1 2.78 440-953-8160 D 1 1.39 Subtotal 27.80 For 631-788-5523 27.80 Total 0cc's 4.95 27.80 4.95 20.95 2.75 8.32 64.77 BILLING SUMMARY TELEPHONE Balance From Previous Month Total P~¥meots . Total AajusTmenis ELECTRIC Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments WATER Balance From Previous Month Total Payments Total Adjustments Current Account Activity * DUE IMMEDIATELY .... OUTSTANDING BALANCE *** Current Telephone Charges ...... Current Amount Due by 06125113 Total Amount Due 79.64 .00 .00 79.64 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 79.64 3~94~.~, ~14.58 11001057 CONSUMER COMPLAINTS Fishers Island Telephone, Electric and Water If the Fishers Island Telephone, Electric or Water Company fails to "Satisfactorily" resolve a service or billing complaint within a reasonable period of time, customers may refer their problems to the Consumer Services Division of the New York State Public Service Commission by writing to: Consumer Services Division Three Empire State Plaza Albany, New York 12223 Or by calling 1-800-342-3377 If, however, you feel that your problems may be handled at the local level, please ask to speak with the President of The Utility Company, Robert Wall, who may be reached at 788-7251 during business hours. Fishers Island Utility Co., Inc. Since 1918 Management For: The Fishers Island Electric Corporation The Fishers Island Telephone Corporation The Fishers Island Water Works Corporation, General Office -- 788-7251 Office Hours: (Monday - Friday) 8:00 a.m. - 12 noon & 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORPORATION BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7543 POWER PLANT ................. 788-7520 ELECTRIC EMERGENCY AFTER BUSINESS HOURS For Emergency Assistance ...... 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND TELEPHONE CORPORATION DURING BUSINESS HOURS: Information & Assistance ....... 788-7001 Repair Service ............... 788-7001 AFTER BUSINESS HOURS Emergency ................. 788-7815 FISHERS ISLAND WATER WORKS BUSINESS OFFICE .............. 788-7251 SUPERINTENDENT Water Plant ................. 788-7422 Emergency .................. 788-7815 UTILITY COMPANY President's Office ............... 788-7251 Residence ..................... 788-7710 FI,.~t~F..S ISIAM) UTILITY CiY~ FI,.~RS ISLAI~, l~ 06390 Fishers Island PAGE 3 TELEPHONE NUMBER 631-788-5559 ACCOUNT NUMBER 028200 BILL DATE 05/31/13 As of July 2nd 2013, all residential and single-line business accounts w~ll be charged a monthly Access Recovery Charge of $1.00 per line. All multi-line business accounts will be charged $2.00 per line. This FOC approved charge allows local exchange carriers to recover part of the revenues lost through FOC required reductions to access rates. BILLING DETAIL Detail of Current Basic Charges Equipment for Period: 06/01/13 - 06/30/13 Description Quant ltv BUSINESS LOCAL SERVICE ~ TOLL RESTRICTION 1 ENDUSER CHARGE ANNUAL (M 1 E-911 SURCHARGE 1 Total Equipment And Service Charges Federal Universal Service Charge Total Basic Charges 2.00 9.20 .35 Total 2.00 9.20 .35 33.51 33.51 1.43 34.94 11001058 FISHERS ISLAND FEILr~Y DISTRICT VENDOR 006482 PAUL J. FOLEY 07/02/2013 CHECK 1250 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.g INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 060113 REIMB RX-JUN'13 90.63 TOTAL 90.63 NII~ETY JL~-D 63/100 06320 Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securit) Number Vendor Address 690 Williams Street Vendor No. 6482 New London, CT 06320 Paul J. Foley Vendor Telephone Number V~ndor Contact I Check No. I Entered by k(~ Audit Date JUL 0 g 20]3 Town Clerk Number Invoice Date 6/1/2013 Total ! Discount Net Amount Claimec $90.63 Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services [Anthem Retiree Prescription Plan 90% Reimbursement General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM9060.8.000.000 $90.63 $90.63 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalt'of the above named claimant) does hereby certii% that the foregoing claim is true and correct that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from x~hich the To,,~n is exempt are excluded Signature Title ;100.70 less 10% ($90.63) Paul Foley Ck #2280 Department Certification I hereby cenif~ that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly pertBrmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the excepttons or discrepancies noted, and payment ~s approved 06120-4/32 i MedicareRx'(PDP) GO PAPERLESS. See Pi } neat {.)pt on> bclo,~ for automatic monthly premium payment deductioD options. DUE DF, E DATE MEMBER I1) 7i~ 0¢~ O! 20!3 G0230330801 Pax merit Oplions · , ::, ... ~ q;- :,~ ..... ,- ha.I..~,' .cram ¢ X('tIi. use the tbrm belo~k : ' ' ~'. ' SSA RRB check, call 1-888-620-1747. one time crcdil card pa) ment dm:tgi oin automated ~ystem. call t-877-358-6792. Prt~x h)lls ~aJallce :~k Pa} mcnl 000012t)7 (i4 .z ) _0 [ _~ -$100.70 ...... }1 h~ 10i; $100.70 ~mDun[ Due PAUL J. FOLEY 2280 690 WILLIAMS ST. NEW LONDON, CT 06320 51-7218/2211 ~Un~ ~nk 4100.70 $100.70 $100.70 $100.70 bTSHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 007317 GNCB CONSULTING ENGINEERS,PC 07/02/2013 CHECK 1251 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT H7 ,5720.2.400.100 19809 BID & CONSTRUCTION 650.00 TOTA~ 650.00 iii ],ii' i."O~],L, 0Shgl, l." 6~q ~ ],ii' ~," ntered by 860'388.1224 x v~ ~ Old SeYbrook, CT 06475 ~en Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 6376 Check No. Entered by Audit Date Town Clerk General Ledger Fund and Account Number Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Fishers Island Ferry District-Capital Projects Vendor 'I elephone Number 6314654333 Vendor Contact John Cushman Invoice Invoice Number Date Total 5/31/2013 Vendor Address F,O Box Southo d, NY 11971-0969 Net Purchase Order Amount C'a n ed Number $650.00[ HT.~ Jneers SM.9901.9.000.000 I / I I $650.00 Payee Certification $650.00 Department Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cerfit}~ that the tbregoing claim is true and correct, that no pan has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owillg and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature Title Compare Name Date [ bereb~ certi~ that the materials above specified have been received by' me m good condition without substitution, the set,ices properly performed and that the quantifies thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrcpancies noted and payment is approved Date GNCB Consulting Engineers, P.C. PO: Box 802/130 Elm Street Old Saybrook, CT 06475 860-388 1224 xl 12 Fishers Island Ferry District PO Drawer H Fishers island. NY 06390 Accounts Payable INVOICE No 19809 05/31/2013 FIFD Ramp 11003.00 For Services Rendered Through 5/31/2013 Professional Services Survey Engineering Repod Design Redesign Bid & Construction Counter Weight Towers Total Professional Services invoice Amount Prior Billing Information Invoice Contract Amount Previously Billed % Complete Invoice Amount $4,000 00 $4,000,00 100.00 $.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 100.00 $.00 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 100~00 $.00 $21,000 00 $21,000,00 100,00 $.00 $6,500.00 $5,850.00 100.00 $650.00 $.00 $.00 0.00 ~ $50,000.00 $49,350.00 $650.00 0 - 30 31 - 60 61-90 Over 90 Balance 11003.00 FIFD Ramp 19707 19782 Total for 11003.00 Total Prior BiLling 3/31/2013 $2,000.28 $2,000.28 4/30/2013 $1,950.00 $1,950.00 $1,950.00 $2,000.28 $3,950.28 $1,950.00 $2,000.28 $3,950.28 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 009682 GOOSE ISLAND CORP 07/02/2013 CHECK 1252 FI/ND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.200 25881 74.8 GAL #2 FUEL OIL 350.81 TOTAL 350.81 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Goose Island Corporation Vendor Telephone Number 631-788-7311 Vendor No. 9682 Vendor Contact Vendor Address 1633 Central Avenue PlO. 8ox 49 Fishem Island, NY 06390 Check No. 1 53 Entered by .~ Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Town Clerk $350.81 i $350.81 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf oftbe above named claimant) does berebv certify, that thc tbrcgoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Tov,~q is exempt are excluded Signature l ide '~ Signature . , Companx Name Date I itlc $350.81 Department Certification I hereby certi~ that the materials above specified have been received by rne in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Date . Invoice ] Invoice Invoice ] Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimec Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 25881 5/16/2013 $350.81 ] 74.8 gals @ $4.69 8M57t0.4.000.200 Goose Jsland Corporation 1633 Central Ave #49 F'ishers Island, NY 06390-0049 Invoice Date Invoice # 5/16/2013 25881 Bill To FI Ferry District P.O. Box H Fishcrs Island, NY 06390 Description Qty Rate Amount #2 Ultra Low SuH'ur Fuel Oil 74.8 4.69 350,81T Sales Tax (0.0%) $o.oo Total $35o.8 Balance Due $3so.8~ GOOSE ISLAND CORP. P.O, Box 49 FISHERS iSLAND, NEW YORK 06390 [] Dyed unmarked Heating Oil: Not for use in highway or non-highway locomotive or marine engines. P,M. 2588~ PRODucT GALLONS AMOUNT $ __ r: o^s. '~ c"~ TAX X TOTAL DELIVERY RECEIVED PER A F~OVE METER READING FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 011557 ANN KOWALCZYK-BANKS 07/02/2013 CHECK 1253 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION 3~/MOUNT SM .5710.4.000.600 SM .5710.4.000.600 043013 JA/qITORIAL-4/13 250.00 053113 JANITORI~kL-5/13 250.00 TOTAL 500.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor 'Fax ID Number or Social Security Number ] Vendor Address Vendor Name Ann Kowalczyk Banks Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Contact Vendor No. 11557 P.O. Box 384 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Check No. Entered by Audit Date Invoice Invoice Invoice Number i Date Total Discount General Ledger Fund and Account Number $250.001 8M5710.4.000.600 $250.00 -'600;0 i2, 4130/201 ~ 5/31/2013 $250.00 ' Net Amount Claimed $250.001 Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services Janitorial/April JanitoriallMay SM5710.4.000.600 i ssoo.ooI $500.00 Payee Certification Fhe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf o£the above named claimant) does bereb5 certif}, that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. i Department Certification I hereby ceftin' that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly perlbrmed and that the quantities thereof bave been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pa) ment is approved Signature FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 011564 THOMAS KRAFT 07/02/2013 CHECK 1254 FI/ND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.300 SM .5710.4.000.300 SM .5710.4.000.300 SM .5710.4~000.300 20348 20348 20348 20348 RP 4530.0 GAL @$2.961900 13,417.41 CT EXCISE TA~-$.5120/GAL 2,319.36 S-F COST RECOVERY.0019 8.61 LUST TAX $.0010/GAL 4.53 TOTAL 15,749.91 , 'Toivn of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher Vendor No. 11564 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUt. 0 1~ 2013 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securi 5 Number 45-41 I 1778 Thomas Kraft dba Dime Oil Company Vendor Telephone Number 203-754-5334 Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Number Date folal i Discount 20348 6/6/2013 $13,417.41 I __ · $2,319.36_ 13:0. Box 11125 Waterbury, CT 06703 $8.61~ __ $8.61 _ $4.53 Net Purchase Order Amoun! Claimed i Number Description of Goods or Services $13,417.41 RI:' 4530.0 Gals @ $2.881800 CT Ex¢iss Tax - $.5120/gal $2'319'38i is-g Coat Re¢oYs~ .0019 $4.53 LUST Tax - $.0010/gal ' L ! i $1s,748.911 49.91 Payee Certification ~ fhe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named clmmant) does hereb5 certit},, that the tbregoing cia m s rue and correct, that no part has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and o~ing, and that taxes from which the To,an Is exempt are excluded Signature~-~~'~'~- Title General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.300 Department Certification [ hereby certil5 that thc materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly perlbrmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pa5 merit ~s approved Date Dime Oil LLC PO Box 11125 Watgrbur'y,CT 06703 Phone: 203-75~-5334 Date: 06/06/2013 Re; Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box H Attn Accounts Payable Fishers Island, NY 06390- Fishers Island Ferry Dist 5 Water'front Park-Race Point, New London ACCOUNT NUMBER: AMOUNT ENCLOSED; 4~20165 P3ge : 1 Terms: NET 30 Days From Invoice Date Oate Invoice Charges and Credits Amount 06/06/13 203~8 Fuel Invoice Total 06/06/13 20368 ~20R Off Road Diesel 4530.0 GALS @ 2,961900 13417.~1 Dyed Diesel Fuel for Off I~oad Use ONLY, S-F Cost Recovery ~ 0.0019 8.61 State Excise Tax DSL @ 0.5120 2319.36 LUST TAX @ 0.0010 4.53 15749.91 15749.91 Amount Due ~Please include account number' with payment~ Fed ID# 45~111778 Dime Oil LLC 203'-754-533~ Ac:count: a420165 Fishers~$1on~[ Ferry Dl§t 5 WotedfPont Fork-R~r~e~o[ht~ 1 S~te,Stree~ FOR ~PS ~ ~ndon, ~ .0632e- ~ Foctor: 0~0 Lost ~v:051~7115 ~, J~N 8~:~*I~Sn-ex83-~t~t-I ~ ~ign}yl'StQt¢St-~ RR trQczs DIME OIL coMPANY, LLC- '~ ~p.O. 80~11125 ,~ ~'T' WATERBUR~CT ~703 ~' " OFDEL (203).~'~334 TMFI ~ ~ CA~ ORDE~DATE -0165 %8521 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013054 MAPLE PRINT SERVICES, INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1255 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 2025 BUSINESS CARD-D.LAMB 49.00 TOTAL 49.00 ~a O0 ~ 50 ,' Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 13054 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securib Number Maple Print Services, Inc. Vendor [elephone Number 860-381~5470 Vendor Contact 255 Rt. 12, Suite 699 iGroton, CT 06340 Check No. 1355 Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 ?n Clerk ~, ,,~ g Invoice Invoice [ Invoice NetNet Purchase Order Number Ii Date i Discount Amou Number 2025 614120131 $49.00 $49.00 Description of Goods or Sen'ices Business card DonLamb General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.000 I i I I ! ~ $49.00 I $49.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certdS, that the foregoing claim is true and correcL that no pan has been paid, except as therein state& that the balance therein stated is actuall5 due and owing, and that taxes t¥om which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title Compan3 Name Department Certification l berebv certi~ that the Fnaterials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly, perforated and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies Doted, and pasment is approved Signature Title [)ate /l~/laple Print Services Inc. 255 Rt. 12 Suite 699 Groton, CT 06340 Bill To: Fishers Island Ferry District 261Trumbull Dr, Fishers Island, NY 06390 k, /X_.,~~ Print. ~r ~' Services, Inc. 6/4/13 INVOICE invoice#2025 Item I~ty printing 500 Description bc Donald Lamb Subtotal Sales Tax (6.35%) Total Amount $49.00 $49.00 $0.00 (out-of-state) $49.00 We now accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Net terms 30 days, 1.5% interest monthly on invoices open over 30 days, Phone # 860-381-5470 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013564 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1256 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION ~n340UNT SM .5710.2.000.000 SM .5710.2.000.200 52417058 BOAT STROBE BATTERIES 69.43 52533980 RP BILGE REPLUMBING 245.10 TOTAL 314.53 "' 0 0 I, ~ S r= ,' ~7690 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 13564 Check No. Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securi~, Number Vendor Name McMaster-Carr Su.pply Co. Vendor Telephone Number 609-689-3000 Vendor Contact Number ! Vendor Address P.O. Box 7690 Chicago, IL 60680-7690 Entered by ~ ~ Audit Date JUL 0 ~, 2013 Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 52417058 Boat Strobe Batteries $M5710.2.000.000 525339801 Invoice Invoice Date Total Discount 5/23/2013 $69.43 5/24/20!~~ $24~A0 Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $69.43 $245.10 RP Bilge Replumbing SM5710.2.000.200 $314'53i Payee Certification Thc undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe aboxe named claimant) does bercby ccrti[} that the tbeegoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein staled, that the balance therein stated is actuall) duc and ovdng, and that taxes l?om ~hich the Tovm is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title ~ Compan> Name ~P Date $314.53 Department Certification I hereby certif5 that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the serviccs properly pertbrmed and that the quantities thereot'have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature .5 ' litle :~*'" McMASTER-CARR, - 609-689-3000 609~259-3575 (fax) nj.sales@mcmaster,com Billed to FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P O DRAWER H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Invoice Purchase Order Total Invoice Invoice Date Payment Terms STEVE $69.43 52417058 5123/13 2% 10, N~ 30 Deduct $1 25 on merchandise if paid by 6/2/13 Shipped to Fishers Island Ferry District 5 Waterfront Park New London CT 06320 Mail Payment to Your Account McMaster-Carr PO Box7690 ChicagolL 60680-7690 260910000 Steve placed this order. Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 1 7690K22 Disposable Lantern Battery, Carbon Zinc, 6 Volts, Screw Style Terminal, 4.3" H 12 12 0 Each 5.20 62.40 Each Merchandise Shipping 62 40 703 Total $6943 Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 3422897-01 5/23/13 16 lb UPS Ground 1Z0835200358670244 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaater-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 1 SP 1152 McMASTER.CARR - 609 689-3000 609-259-3575 (fax nj sales~rncmaster corn Billed to FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P O DRAWER H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 0607 Invoice Purchase Order Total Invoice Invoice Date Payment Terms JOHN $245.10 52533980 5/24/13 2% 10, Net 30 Deduct S4 63 on merchandise if paid by 6/3/13 Shipped to Fishers Island Ferry District 5 Wate~flont Pafk New London CT 06320 John placed this order Line Product Mail Payment to Your Account McMaster-Carr PO Box7690 ChicagolL 60680-7690 260910000 Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total 4549K652 2 4638K738 3 4549K219 4 4638K 138 5 4638K576 6 4549K679 7 4549K749 8 4549K682 9 4549K875 10 4549K671 11 4549K672 Standard-Wall Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Nipple, 1-1/2 Pipe Size X 2" Length Low-Pressure Galvanized Iron Threaded Pipe Fitting, 2 Pipe Size, Union Standard-Wall Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Nipple, 2 Pipe Size X 3-1/2" Length Low-Pressure Galvanized Iron Threaded Pipe Fitting, 2 Pipe Size, 90 Degree Elbow Zinc-Plated Iron, 2 X 1-1/2 Hex Reducing Bushing Standa~d-Wall Pipe Nipple, 2 Standard-Wall Pipe Nipple, 2 Standard-Wall Pip6 Nipple, 2 Standard Wall Pipe Nipple, 2 Standard-Wall Pipe Nipple, 2 Threaded Standard-Wall Pipe Nipple, 2 Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Size X 6" Length Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Size X 7" Length Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Fip~ Siz,; X O" Leugtl' Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Size X 4" Length Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Size X 2" Length, Fully Galvanized Welded Steel Thread Pipe Size X 2-1/2" Length 2 2 0 351 7.02 Each Each 3 3 0 2661 7983 Each Each 1 1 0 571 571 Each Each 2 2 0 15 48 3096 Each Each 2 2 0 1104 2208 Each Each 2 2 0 976 1952 Each Each 1 1 0 1436 14.36 Each Each 1 1 0 1583 15 83 Each Each 2 2 0 6.56 13.12 Each Each 3 3 0 450 1350 Each Each 2 2 0 482 Each Each Packing List Shipped Weight Calrier Tracking Merchandise Shipping 231.57 1353 Total $245.10 3483334-01 5/24/13 2 lb UPS Ground 1Z6028360328688294 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 1 of 2 MP §2 ~F' McMASTER-CARR~, 609-689-3000 609-259-3575 (fax) nj.sales@mcmaster corn Invoice Purchase Order Invoice Invoice Date JOHN 52533980 5124/13 Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 3483334-02 5/24/13 27 lb UPS Ground 1Z0835200358769264 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company Page 2 of 2 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013554 MONTVILLE HARDW~dEE & SUPPLY 07/02/2013 CHECK 1257 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 J017764 SHOP & BOAT PLARDWARE 168.73 TOTAL 168.73 6382 ~i'00~57,' ,:0~h0Shh~,: r=a oo~5o~ i,.' Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No, 13554 Vendor lax ID Number or Social SecuriD Number Vendor Name Montville Hardware & Supply Vendor [elephone Number 860-848-3616 Vendor Contact Vendor Address P.O. Box 507 i Uncasville,~¥ b~382 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 '~p)v n Cl~rk ,~, J0'i7764 5/1812013 Invoice [n¥oice Invoice ~16N~t8.73 Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount ~Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Serxices Genera[ Ledger Fund and Account Number $168.73~ i Shop & Boat Hardware SM5709.2.000.000 $168.73 $168.73 Payee Certification Department Certification I hercb5 ccriifx that the materials above specified have been received b'~ me in good condition without substitution, the services properly ~erlBrmed and that the quantities thereof ha~e been ~erified x~ith the exceptions or discrepancies noted and payment ~s approved Signature Montville Hardware & Supply PO Box 507 907-A Route 32 UNCASVILLE, CT 06382 Phone: (860) 848-3616 Fax: (860) 848-0858 To: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Statement Date 5/25/2013 Account # FISHERS Due Date Amount Due Amount Enclosed 5/25/20! 3 $168 7~ Date Description Amount Balance 04/25/2013 Balance forward 0.00 05/18/2013 INV #1017764. I68.73 16873 CURRENT 1-30 Days Past Due 31-60 Days Past 61-90 Days Past Over 90 Days Past Amount Due Due Due Due 168 73 u,uuO 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 $168.73 MONTVILLE HARDWARE AND SUPPLY, INC. 907A ROUTE 32 · P.O. BOX 507 · UNCASVILLE, CT 06382 PHONE (860) 848-3616 FAX (860) 848-0858 Order ,o. Oa,e .5--/'7 2o Name -~(~1 0~_~2 --~q ~ Address IPhone: .~ '~~_ = ~ u ~ I I ' I ' I I I .I '~ I I I I J 017764 "'"'v'"~ By ~OTAL FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 014021 NATIONAL AUTO PARTS SVCE,INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1258 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOLTNT SM .5710.2.000.000 SM .5710.2.000.100 SM .5710.2.000.000 947066 947692 950544 ANTIFREEZE 239.80 MU 2 GENERATOR OVERHAULS 207.65 OIL FILTERS 390.84 TOTAL 838.29 EIGHT~UNDRED n'OO ~ 25S'~" m."0 2 ~t, OS~;Sm: OD ~ 50 2 % IIm Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher NAPA Vendor Telephone Number 860-445-8181 Vendor Contact Total Vendor Address 150 Bridge Street Groton, CT 06340 51112013 5/712013 Net Amount Claimed Vendor No. 14021 Purchase Order Number Check No. Entered by ~ Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Town Clerk Discount Description of Gonds or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 947066 $239.80 $239.80 i Antifreeze SM5710.2.000.000 947692 $207.65 ; $207.65 MUNN 2 Generator ovhl SM5710.2.000.100 950544 513012013 $390.84 ~ $390.841 Oil Filers SM5710.2.000.000 $838.29! Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) IActing on behalf of the above named claimant I does hereby certi~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no par~ has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the 1 ox~m is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title $838.29 Department Certification I hereby ceriif.~ that the materials above specified havre been received by mc m good condition without substitution, the services properly per tbrmed and that the quantities thereof'have been verified with the excepbons or discrepancies noted and payment is approved Title ' ~ Date 150 Bridge Street Oroton, Ct. 03640, CT 06340 -- (860) 445-8181 Time: 14:29 Date: 05/0] /2013 Page: 1/1 Invoice Number 947066 PO Box 4H rs island, NY 8 Employee: 3 , Rob Sales Rep: 0 ~ Salesman AccounEing Day: 1 ] OAL Part N~g~ff ~iD~.._ i~-- P~qs~g~riD~i0n ~an~it¥ PriCe Net Total 20.00 13.99 11.9900 239.80 Tax Exemption: Terms: Net 20th Customer Si!~lature RESERVE ONLINE PICKUP IN STORE QUICK AND EASY CUSTOMER COPY Subtotal 239.80 TABLE 1 6.3500% 0.00 Total 239.80 Charge Sale 239.80 Time: 09:57 Date: 05/07/2013 Page: 1/1 Invoice Number 947692 Employee: 35 , Erik Sa]es ReD: 0 , Salesman Line Description Quantity Price r'~ rJ, i',- ~. 00 29.52 Net Total 2.9900 71.76 ]4.9900 44.97 16.4900 49.47 9.4900 18.98 7.4900 22.47 DeLivery: ( USTOMER COPY Subtotal 207.65 TABLE ] 6.3500% 0.00 Total 207.65 Charge Sale 207.65 National Parts Service inc. 150 Bridge Street Groton, Ct. 03640. CT 06340 (860) 445 8182 Fishers Island ~erry Distzict PO Box 4H Fishers Island, NY 06390 Time: 10:26 Date: 05/30/2013 Page: 1/i Invoice Number 950544 Employee: 33 , Joe Sales Rep: 0 , Salesman Part Number Line Description FIL NAPAGOLD OiL FILTER FIL NAPAGOLD OiL FILTER FiL NAPAGOLD OIL ~iLTEH F1L MAPA TPJtNS FILTER FIL NAPAGOLD (}IL FIL2ER Quantity Price Net Total 4.00 52.25 28.9900 115.96 2.00 , 22.23 12.4900 24.98 6.00 52.25 31.4900 188.94 2.00 19.34 11.4900 22.98 2.00 34.30 18.9900 }?.98 Subtotal 390.84 TABLE 1 6.3500% 0.00 Total 390.84 Charge Sale 390.84 .40TO m NATIONAL PARTS SERVICE, INC. 150 BRIDGE STREET, GROTON, CT 06340 GUILFORD. CT 06437 WATERFORD. CT 06385 OLD SAYBROOK. CT 06475 PHONE: (860) 445-8181 FAX: (860) 445-6414 BILL TO Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box 4H Fishers Island, NY 06390 STATEMENT ACCT# SM# ~ PAGE I 1297 0 1 DATE ~ TYPE I REFERENCE I AMOUNT 04/25/2013 INV 946302 228 29 05/01/2013 INV 947066 239 80~_/~ 05/07/2013 INV 947692 207 65, 05/30/2013 INV 950544 390 84,/ Summary as of 05/31/2013 Previous Balance 226.29 -/(+) Payments 0 00 +/(-) Purchases 83829 Currenl Balance 1,066 58 Future Dated 0 00 I P.O./CHECKJJ.E.I 838.29 228.29 0.00 0.00 DATE 05/31/2013 Total Owed 1,066.58 TERMS Net 20th T o t a I D a t i n g 0.00 STORE 200001180 Total Due---> 1,066.58 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 014505 NORTH ATLANTIC POWER PRODUCTS 07/02/2013 CHECK 1259 FUND & ACCOUNT P. O . ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710,2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 CQ130620840 ZQ130602530 RP OIL PRESSURE GAUGE 301.76 CREDIT-RP OIL PRESSURE 230,40- TOTAL 71.36 70 THE ORDER OF BLXrD [ 44060 " Vendor No. [Check No. Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Name North Atlantic Power Products Vendor 'I elephone Number 603418-0470 Vendor Contact Vendor Address Exeter Branch 15 C°ntinental DrJW Exeter, NH 03833 14505 [n'vroice I IlYvroice ' [nvoice I I Net I Purchase Order I I Number Date Total Discount ~Amount Claimed[ Number Description of Goods or Scrx ices General Ledger Fund and Account Number I Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 g 2013 CQ130620840 ZQ130602530 6/4/2013 $301.76' $301.76 i RP Oil Pressure Gauge (E-$2: C "~ ?eturn RP Oil Pressure SM6710.2.000.200 SM5710.2.000.200 $71.36 Payee Certification ('ompa,,)Name FP ,a,e I $71.36; Department Certification I hcreb) ccrtll}, that the materials abo~e specified haxe been rccmxed b) me ul good condition ~ithout substitution the services properl5 perlbrmed and that the quantities thereof haxe been verified ~Mth thc exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pa~,inent ~s approxcd Signature Title Date North Atlantic Power Products Exeter Branch 15 Continenta~ Drive Exeter, NH 03833 (603) 418-0470 (603) 418-0471 INVOICE Invoice Date Customer CQ130620840 06/04/2013 101065 Sold to FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P O BOX 607 EMAIL ACCOUNT 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Shipped to FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Reqistration Notes QuantiW Product Id Description Unit Price Total Price Delivery CQ29449-1 Order: CQ29449 CustPO# VERBALJOHN 4 TD B1703D HC FO 05/30/2013 Entered by Mark Trombley GAUGE PRESSURE ++SEE NO Handling Charge Outbound Freight Shipping Method: Wilt Call 72.00 28800 576 8 00 Due Date Payment Amount Paid 06/14/2013 On Account 30176 Tax Non-Taxable Basis Tax rate 0 00 Tax Amount 301 76 0 0000 % North Atlantic Power Products Exeter Branch 15 Continental Drive Exeter, NH 03833 (603) 418-0470 (603) 418-0471 Sold to: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P 0 BOX 607 EMAIL ACCOUNT 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 REPRINT CREDIT MEMO Credit Memo Date Customer ZQ130602530 06111/2013 101065 Page 1 of 1 Shipped to: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Reqistration: Notes: Quantity Product Id Detivery: CQ29548-1 Description Enlered by: Mark Trombley Unit Price Shipping Method: Will Call Total Price Order: CQ29548 0513012013 Cust PO~: VERBAL JOHN TD B1703D GAUGE, PRESSURE ++SEE NO Notes These items were originally invoiced on invoice CQ130620840 dated 06/04/2013 Pads retumod with a restock fee 5760 (230 40) Due Date Payment Amount Paid Tax Basis Tax rate Tax Amount 06/21/2013 On Account (230 40) Non-Taxable (230 40) 0 0000 % 0.00 FISHERS ISLAArD FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 014193 NORTHEAST UTILITIES 07/02/2013 CHECK 1260 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION ~J~OLrNT SM .5710.4.000.100 51981034010513 NL NEW TERM SVC-5/2-6/3 1,297.88 TOTg2L 1,297.88 "'DO ~, ~:O 8 ;,hO Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor 'Fax ID Number or Social Securit~ Number ] Vendor Address : PO Box 150493 Vendor No. 14193 ! ~artford, CT 06115-0493 Check No. Northeast Utilities Entered by ~,~ Audit Date Vendor Ielephone Number 800-286-2000 Vendor Contact JUL 0 Z 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Number Date Total 51981034010-- 61312013 $1,297.88 I Town Clerk I Net Purchase Order Discount l Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number NL New Term Service 8M5710.4.000.100 $12113-613113 $1,297.88 $1,297.88 $1,297.88 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf o£the above named claimant) does hereby cerii~ thai the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes ffoln which the Town is exempl are excluded Signature ~ Title Department Certification I hereby ceftin, that the materials above specified have been received by me in good conddion without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature Title [)ate 0d37780 ~,xx3~,,,, ~ Connecticut ~I~ Light &Power A Nor tt~e'ast Utilities ~_~lllpany Contact Information Emergency: 1-800-286-2000 (anytime) Web Sits: www.cl-p.com Email: C LPC ustomeCSe rvlce@cl- p.com Residential customers: Customer Service: 1-800-286-2000 860-947-2000 Hartford/Meriden (M-F 7-7 & Sat 10-3:30 pm) Business customers: Customer Service: 1-888-783-6617 (M-F 8-5) simplify your life u~e eBill and ePay at www.cl-p.cem Or Pay by Phone 1-888-783-6618 Electricity Supplier CONNECTICUT GAS & ELECTRIC INC 290 NW 165TH ST PH 5 NORTH MIAMI BEACH FL 33169-645 1-866-568-0289 PAGE 1 OF 4 J Due Date ] Total Amount Due Aug 2, 2013 $2,717.11 FISHER ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Statement date: Jun 3,2013 Customer name key: FISH Account number: 51981034010 Your account summary Amount due on May 2 $1,419.23 Balance Forward $1,419.23 The 'Balance forward' includes $784.02 generation charges New Charges/Credits Electricity Supply Services $693.72 Delivery Services ~ Total new charges Total amount due $2,717.'1'1 Payment due upon receipt un ess other arrangements have been made. Your account is overdue, if payment has been made, thank you and please disregard this notice. Detail for Service at: 5 WATERFRONT PARK, NEW LONDON CT 06320-6310 Service reference: 952682001 Billing cycle: 01 Your meter reading for meter # 886118182 For billing period: May 2 - Jun 3 (32 days) Actual reading on Jun 3,2013 Actual reading on May 2,2013 Diffemnce Meter constant Billed usage Total demand use: 26.80 kW Next read date off or about: Jul 2, 2013 89657 7 88837 = 820 xlO = 8,200 (continuedon nextpage) 0037780 PAGE 2 OF 4 Aeconnt number: 51981034010 Compare your electricity usage Average usage in Jun 2012 (66 F) 300 kwh Average usage in Jun 2013 (76 F) 256 kwh Energy Profile J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J 2012 20r3 Demand Profile J J A S 0 N D J F M A M J 2012 2013 Electricity Supply Detail CONNECTICUT G~S & ELEC Generation SrvcChrg*~ 8200.OOKWH x $0.084600 Subtotal $693.72 $693.72 CL&P Delivery Services Detail DISTRIBUTION RATE: 030 Transmission Dmd Chrg 24.80KW x $5.780000 $143.34 Distr Cost Srvc Chrg $38.50 DistrChrgperKWH 8040.OOKWH x $0.017800 $143.11 160.OOKWH x $0.017800 $2.85 Distribution Dmd Chrg 24.80KW x $6.060000 $150.29 CTA Demand Chrg 24.80KW x $0.550000 $13.64 FMCC DeliveryChrg 8200.OOKWH x $0.009380 $76.92 Comb Public Oenefit Cbrg* 8200.OOKWH x $0.004330 .~ $35.51 Subtotal $604.16 Explanation of your charges *The Combined Public Benefits Charge represents a combination of three charges formerly known as: "Conservation and Load Mgmt Charge, Renewable Energy investment Charge, and Systems Benefits Charge." **Effective January 1, 2007, the Generation Services Charge (GSC) and the Bypassable Federally Mandated Congestion Charge (BFMCC) have been combined into the "GSC Charge" listed in the Supplier Services section of your bill. The GSC reflects all of the cost of procuring energy from CL&P wholesale suppliers. The BFMCC portion of this line item is $O.O015/kWh. If you multiply this BFMCC rate by the number of kWhs on your bill, you can calculate the dollar amount associated with the BFMCC. (continued on next page) 0037780 PAGE 3 OF 4 Account number: 51981034010 Generation Rate J J A S 0 N D J F M A NI J 2012 2913 Account messages We are pleased to introduce our new Business Center! Get expert service and solntions from seasoned business customer service representatives and account executives, focused on yonr unique energy needs. We provide what you value most: excellent service, ways to manage your costs, including the latest energy efficiency offerings, and timely information on power quality and reliability, competitive energy supplier choices and more. tf you have questions about your bill or your account, call our Business Contact Center at 1-888-783-6617, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. We look forward to serving you! Scan this with your smartphone! It will simplify your life Go to your app store to get a list of bamode reader apps for your mobile device. (continued on next page) PAGE 4 OF 4 ' ACCOUnt number: 51981034010 Customer Billing Information Questions and complaints ff you have a question or complaint about your bill or any payment arrangement, call the number listed on the front of the bill, or include a note with your payment on a separate sheet of paper. A complete explanation of your rights is available upon written request to the company or by calling customer service at the phone number listed in the upper left corner of the bill. Tmmination of service and customer rights You have the right to dispute a termination notice. You may also have service continued between November 1st and May 1st ff you qualify for hardship status or have a serious illness or life-threatening condition. Third-party noUce You can ask us at any time to notify a third party if your service is subject to being shut off. For additional information, you should call ftm number listed on the front of the bill or include a note with your payment on a separate sheet of paper. Electric suppliers Information about licensed electric suppliers, including rates and charges, contract terms and conditions, energy sources and emission rates, is available from the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), 10 Franklin Square, New Britain, Connecticut, 06051, by visiting www.ctenergyinfo.com Check processing By sending your check, you authorize CL&P to use the check information to create an electronic funds transfer. The electronic transfer, for the original check amount, will be processed on the day your check is received. The check will be destroyed and an image of your check will be stored for 2 years, g the electronic transfer cannot be completed, a demand draft of your check can be created and used in place of the original. Security Deposit PURA Regulation 16-11-105 allows the Company to collect a security deposit from commerciaFindustrial customers with either no credit or negative credit history with the Company. Commercial/Industrial customers with a timely bill payment history will not be assessed a securify deposit. Security deposits, along with accrued interest will be refunded to the Customer after 12 consecutive months Information and questions For information or questions regarding your account, please contact CL&P at 860-947-2600 or 1-800-266-2000. For other consumer questions and unresolved complaints, you may call PURA Consumer Services toll free at 1-600-382-4586. Informacibn en la Factura para el Consumidor Preguntas y quejas Si usted tiene algeria preguma o queia sobre su lecture o sobre algdn arreg~o de pago, Ilame al nQmero listado al freme de esta factu~a o incluya una note separada cuando envie so pago Una explicaci0n detallada de skis derechos como consumidor est~ disponsible si Io pides por escrito a la compadia o si llamas al centro de servicios al consumidor al ndmero listado arriba, a la izquierda en su factura. TerminaciBo de serviclo y sus derechos como consumidor Usted tiene ei derecho de refuter la carte de terminaci0n. Tambi~n podr~ continuer el servicio entre el 1 de Noviembre y el 1 de Mayo, si usted ca[ilica como consumidor con dificultad econdmica documentada o tiene algona enfermedad serJa, o una situacidn de vida o muerte existeme en su hogar. NotiticaciBn a una tercera per.~ona Usted puede solicitar en cualquier momento quo nos comuniquemos con una tercera persona si su servicio est~ en desgo de ser desconectado Para m~s informaciUn, Ilame al nQmero tistado en su factura incILJya una nora separada Proveedores de energia el~ctrica energia y tarifas de emisidn, es dispo~ible a Ins consumidores a trav~s de la Autoridad de Erupt&sas de Servicios Pdblicos (PURAh 10 Franklin Square, New Britain, Connecticut, 08051, o visitando Procesamiento de cheques cheque es recibido, El cheque ser~ destruido y una copra electrdnica ser~ guardada por 2 a~os. Si la transferencia electr~nica ~o puede ser completada Dbposito de Seguridad Segdn la regulaci0n 16 11 t 05 de la PU RA, la quo pe~mite a la Compania cobra~ un se le cobrer~ on depOsito de seguridad Los Uepdsitos de seguridad junto con el consecutivos de been historial de pago. Para informacibn o preguntas CL&P al 860 947 2000 o 1 800 286 2000 Para m~s ~nformacidn y para asistencia sobre disputas no resneltas, llame a PURA al ndmero 1 ~00 382 4586 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 016170 H.O. PENN MACHINERY, INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1261 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 PSCE4635236 RP OVERSPEED 754.84 TOTAL 754.84 ~0 ~8 O0 ~ SO B Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name H.O.~enn Machinery Co. Vendor Te]ephone Number 845-452-1200 Vendor Contact PSCE4635236 5/17/2013 ] Vendor Address 122 Noxon Road Vendor No. 16170 Poughkeepsie, NY 12603-2940 Inyroice Net Total Discount Amount Claimed Purchase Order Number Description of Goers or Services Check No. Entered by ,~ Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Town Clerk General Ledger Fund and Account Number $754.84 $754.84 RP overspeed SM5710.2.000.200 $754.84] Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereb5 certi$ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~ litle ~ Compare Name _Date /~/ ~'~ $754.84 Department Certification hereby ccrti~) that the materials above specified have been received b) me m good condition without substitution, the services properly pert~)rmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Date H.0.PENN CUSTOMER INVOICE H. O. PENN MACHINERY COMPANY, INC. BLOOMINGBURG, NY 783 BLOOMINGBURG RD, 12721 645-733~6400 BRONX, NY 699 BRUSH AVENUE, 10465 718-863-3800 HOLTSVlLLE, NY 660 UNION AVENUE, 11742 631-758-7500 NEWINGTON, CT 225 RICHARD STREET, 06111 860-666-8401 POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 122 NOXON ROAD, 12603 845-452-1200 SOLD TO: 000046 * 000046 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRIC PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 SHIP TO: O01 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEWLONDON CT 06320 INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER NO. CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER NUmBi~R =a uR= DIV SALESMAN TERMS PAGE I'S( E46~5236 ',)5 17-13 ]8697 ~,)HN 94 C /~ 1 04C / 38}J'13A 05 17-!3 i0 I0 198380 L8 QUANTITY ~ ~TEM I *NR I DSSCRI~TION UNiT PRICE [ E~ENSlON '&FTS SALES FERSQN: MET, J. FENN C 6"2.25' 672.2 TO'FAL PR~TS 4!).{} 7 [' FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 016492 PITNEY BOWES, INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1262 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION ~JqOUNT SM .5711.4.000.000 761110 PSTG METER RNT 7/1-9/30 101.27 TOTAL 101.27 P~I Y OF INC~. 15250-78R6 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security' Number Vendor Address ~p 00-o495050 O Box 371896 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7896 Pitney Bowes ~ Vendor Telephone Number 800-228-1071 Vendor Contact Vendor No. 16492 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 ?. 2013 /Town Clerk 761110 6/3/2013 $101.27 Net I Purchase Order Amount Claimed] Number Description of Goods or Services $101.271 l pstge Mtr Rental General kedger Fund and Account Number SM57tl.4.000.000 $101 27! $101.27 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereb3 cerli(x that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actuall? due and o~ing and that taxes thom which the Town is exempt are excluded Compan5 Namer FP Date Department Certification [ hereb~r ceriif5 that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution~ the services properly, pertbrmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified ~ith the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and paymenl is approved Signature Title Pitney Bowes Fishers island Ferry Billing acct number 1953-2824-86-9 Invoice number 761110 Online Account Management Register for HyAccounl Fa wwwpbcom/myaccount. ChckViewand Pay B~lls for onhne payments Your billing account number ~s 19532824869 Questions about your bill? From 8 a.m. to 8 p,m. EST call 1-800-228-1071 Important Contact Information · Pay by Phone: 1-800-228-1071 Enter 19532824869 as your accl number · Service on your product: 1-800-522-0020 · Web Go to wwwpbcom/contactbiHmg · Add Postage to your Meter: 1-800-2&.3-7800 · lo order Supplies 1-800-243-7824 or visit www pb corn/supplies Rental invoice# 761110 June 3, 2013 Invoice Summary Rental charges Total tax Payment due by July3, 2013 See reverse side for invoice details, $93.23 $8.04 $101.2'/ Avoid [ate charges - Mai[ your payment with the coupon betow and arrow up to 7-10 days for mait and processing time. Pitney Bowes June 3, 2013 1953-2824-86-9 761110 Rental invoice details Invoice Number Invoice Date Order NUmber 761110 06/03/13 04670315 Invoice Total Installaccount number: 1953 3834-86-7 Equip location; Fishers Island Ferry, 52 Trumbu[[ St, Fishes Island NY, 06390-0000 Item 1 RentaIPeriod: 07/01/13 09/30/13 Product Code IPCN): KTMO Serial #: 0002929044 Description: Mailstation 2 Meter Rental State County Charge Tax Tax $77.25 $373 $4.31 City Item Tax Total $0.00 $85.29 Refilt char[es_at__$~7:99J~er single char_c~_e $1598 Refill dates: 04/30/13 03/28/13 $101.27 Total for invoice # 761110 $101.27 Important information Page 2 of 2 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 018110 RED HAWK FIRE & SECURITY, LLC 07/02/2013 CHECK 1263 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 2696486 SEMI ANNL FIRE ALARM 425.40 TOTkL 425.40 PAY RED ~7/E PO ORDER BOSTON ~A 02284-2422 OF Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 181 ~ 0 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securib Number 90-0008456 32 Char Drive Red Hawk Fire & Security Vendor Telephone Number 877-387-0178 Westfield, MA 0'1085-1468 Entered by ~ Audit Date JUL 0 ~ 2013 Town Clerk invoice Invoice I Invoice : Net Purchase Order Number Date [ Total Discount Arno nt Claimed~ Number Description of Goods or Serx ices General Ledger Fund and Account Number Semi Annual Fire Alarm Inspection 2696486 5/22/2013~, $425.40 $425.40 ' SM5709.2.000.000 ~ $425.40 $425.40 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf oftbe above named claimant) does hereb~x certiS: that the ~bregoing claim is true and correct, that no pan has been paid except as therein stated that the balance lherein stated is actualb due and owing, and that taxes from which the Toxin is exempt are excluded Department Certification I hereb? certif.~ that the materials above specified have been received b?, me m good condition without substitution, the services properly, performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, and paymem is approved Signature Iitle Date RED HAWK Fire & Security · 55 Robinson Blvd Orange, CT 06477 Phone: 877.387.0178 Fax: 713.752.5991 Remit To: 32 Char Ddve, Westfield, MA 01085-1468 Bill To: 30500-00-029 Fisher Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive, Drawer H Fisher Island, NY. 06390 Ship To: WST-1648-US1 Fisher Island Ferry NY 5 Waterfront Park New London, CT. 06320 Invoice Number: 2696486 Page 1 of 1 05/22/2013 Due Upon Receipt 4508-US1 2576468 Item ID Description Service Date Hrs/Qty Unit Price Ext. Price INSPECTION 05/14/2013 1.00 400.00 400.00 Job Scope FA INSPECTION Work Summary Semi Annual fire alarm inspection complete. Sales Total $400.00 Tax Total $25.40 Net Amount $425.40 A FINANCE CHARGE WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE ACCOUNTS AT THE RATE OF ONE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT(1.5%) PER MONTH, OR AT THE HIGHEST LEGAL RATE, WHICHEVER IS LESS. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019823 SULLY'S MOBIL MART 07/02/2013 CHECK 1264 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 516645 23.407 GAL GAS 88.76 525414 13.9 GAL GAS 51.21 526863 23.86 GAL GAS 89.67 TOTAL 229.64 Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 382 Vauxhall Street Vendor Name New London, CT 06320 Sully's Mobil I Net Vendor Telephone Number 860-443-5938 Vendor Contact [n~roice Invoice Vendor No. 19823 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 2 2013 Number Date 525414! Description of Goods or Services Total Discount Amount Claimer 611/2013 $51.21 511012013 $89.671 5/16/2013 $88.76 Purchase Order Number FIFD TrucgFuel General Ledger Fund and Account Number Signature ~itle ~ Payee Certification l'be undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certd~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Fown is exempt are excluded FIFD/ruck Fuel FIFD Truck Fuel 516645 SM6710.4.000.000 Department Certification ] hereby certif~ that the materials above specified have been received by me :Ii good conddion without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature )~: Title Date $229.64 $229.64 i $88.76 $51.21 SM$710.4.000.000 626863 $89.67 SM57t0.4.000.000 Mobir SULLY'S MOBIL 382 Vauxhal[ Street New London, CT 06320 (860) 443-5938 All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this ~[hank 52541 4 C~o Mobir SULLY'S MOBIL 382 Vauxhall Street New London, CT 06320 (860) 443-5938 DATE Att claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill Thank 526863 °Y'°u SUL['Y'S MOBIL 382 Vauxhall Street New London, CT 06320 (860) 443-5938 ~.0. # Stock All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by ibis bill ~2'hank 5166q5 Sullv's Mobil Mart SIJLi,;Y'S MOBIL U,,~,,~.'~® 382 Vauxhall Street New London, CT 06320 (860) 443-5938 Stock ~ Statement 5/30/2013 J';'-~ ~'/? / Terms Amount Due Amount Enc. · / ,)~,)~. Net 30 $378.66 ! t~ )Z_,,i ansaction Amount Balance "~-° 149.02 51.21 200.23 ,. 89.67 289.90 --- 88.76 378.66 ~hanl~ : ~* 5 "You CURRENT 1-30 DAYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS AMOUNT DUE DUE DUE DUE PAST DUE 284.19 94.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 $378.66 All accounts art: due in 30 days. Please pay promptly. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019818 SUMMIT HANDLING SYSTEMS, INC. 07/02/2013 CHECK 1265 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 04P7040650 FI FORKLIFT STARTER 394.62 TOTAL 394.62 ORDER OF :~DEF '~ r ~OAD NORT~ I~3%VEN CT 06473 ""00;, ~=51~' ~:0 ~-[,05t, r~[,C Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 19818 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securi~ Number 06-0789485 VendorName Summit Handling Systems, inc. VendorTelephone Number 203-239-5361 Vendor Contact I Vendor Address ~1t Defco Park Road :North Haven~ CT 06473-1i~3 Check No. Entered by ~X.(~ Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Town Clerk Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Ser¥ices General Ledger Fund and Account Number 04P7040650 512912013 $394.62 $394.62 FI Forklift Starter SM5709.2.000.000 $394.62 , $394.62 Payee Certification Tbe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does bereb5 ceriil~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as ~hcrein stated, that the balance therein stated is actualb / due and owing, and that taxes from which the ['own is exempt are exc}uded Department Certification ] hereby certii¥ that tbe materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the serxices properly performed and that the quantities thereol have been verified ~nth the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and paymenl is approved Signature [)ate 11 Defco Park Road · North Haven,CT 06473 · (203) 239-5351 · Fax (203) 234-8090 39 Murphy Road · North Franklin,CT 06254, (860) 642 4377 · Fax (860) 642-4521 37 Ramah Circle · Agawam, MA 01001 · (413) 789-4537 · Fax (413) 789-4361 2500 Route 208 · Walden, NY 12586 · (845) 764-8466 · Fax (845) 522-8173 63 Mall Drive · Commack, NY 11725 · (631) 236 4466 · Fax (631) 864-2382 PLEASE REMIT TO: SUMMIT HANDLING SYSTEMS, INC. 11 Defco Park Road North Haven, CT 06473 PAGE 01 INVOICE NUMBER 04P7040650 DATE 05/29/13 498910 498911 FISHER ISL~LND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. BOX H FISHER ISLAND, NY 06390 JOHN )HI IINAL []SHIPPING POINT DESCRIPTION 1200 28100-20553-71 STARTER ASSY TOTAL MATERIAL Shipping/Handling SALES TAX INVOICE TOTAL FISHER ISLAND FERRY DIST FOOT OF STATE STREET NEW LONDON PIER NEW LONDON CT 06320 --- Net 10 days - TOTAL 360.00 360.0E 360.0( 11.0( 23 .5~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002315 THE BluKKE GROUP 07/02/2013 CHECK 1266 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# IA!VOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 IN41031025 SEWAGE HOSE Pg~RTS-TRMNL 424.60 TOTAJ~ 424.60 6lq 00;,50 i Vendor No. [Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 2315 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number i Vendor Address Dept. 1340, P.O. Box 4110 Vendor Name Woburn, MA 01888-4110 The Blake Group Vendor [elephone Number 860-243-1491 Vendor Contact JUL 0 Z 2013 Clerk .-. .~ ..~ Invoice ln'~oice Invoice Number Date Total I IN41031025 5/30/2013 $424.60 Net Purchase Order ] Discount :Amount Claimed Number r Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number $424.60 Sewage Hose Parts for ! SM5709.2.000.000 $424.60[ $424.60 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cerdfy that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no pan has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature g'ompany Name Department Certification I hereby certify that thc materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properl5 peHbrmed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment Is approved Signature BLAKE EQUIPMENT 4 New Park Road East Windsor, CT 06088 860-243-1491 s 0 L D T 0 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O, BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 INVOICE PLEASE REMIT TO: THE BLAKE GROUP P.O. Box 4110 Dept 1340 Woburn, MA 01888-4110 Your Source for Solar and Geothermal Products! .... S H P FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FOOT OF STATE STREET T NEW LONDON CT 06320 O IN41031025 ORDER# / SHIP# 11949481101214 INVOICE DATE 05/30/13 PAGE I SALESMAN: HunterWard-316 PROC.LVL: 31 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER )RDER ORDER SHIPPED VIA TERMS · ~(~:T NUMBER ORDER NO TYPE DATE 9105621 RACE POINT FERRY RG 05/03/13 2~ 10 Prox, Net EOM I 0 LiNE iTEM QUANTITY DiM DESCRiPTiON UNiT PRiCE )lSC, AMOUNT NUMBER NUMBER i TSD200X100 50 EA TIGER S+D EPDM 2" HOSE 9.06 317,50 2 200EAL 2 EA ALUMINUM CAM LOCK 2" INSXMALE 11.20 16.00 3 200CAL 2 EA ALUMINUM CAM LOCK 2" INSXFEMA 20.66 29.50 4 20OVAL 2 EA ALUMINUM 2" DUST CAP 17,54 25,00 5 200WAL 2 EA ALUMINUM 2" DUST PLUG 7.66 9,00 6 FUELSURCHAR~E I EA TEMPORARY INCOMING SURCHARGE 2,25 2,25 CT Sales Tax 25,35 \ If paid by 07/10/13 416.61 FED ID #06-0691005 399.25 25.35 0.00 424.60 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX MISC./FREiGHT GRAND TOTAL ORIGINAL INVOICE So, Wincsor, CT 06074 Phone: 860 289-4724 800 539-7867 Fax: 860 289-4762 ORIGINAL SHIPPING DOCUMENT The Blake 9105621 s FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT o P.O. BOX H L FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 D T 0 T 0 P: 631 758-7463 F: 631-755-5523 IPPED FROM: 31 South Windsor Connecticut CUSTOMER CUSTOMER 9105621 RACE POINT FERRY TERMS ~ 10 Prox, Net EOM INE ITEM MSER NUMBER 1 TSD200X100 2 20DEAL 3 200CAL 4 20OVAL 5 200WAL FUELSURCHARGE 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FOOT OF STATE STREET NEW LONDON CT 06320 Un/ess Otherwise Noted ' FREIGHT TEnrvl S METHOD Best Way SALESMAN Hunter Ward-316 DESCRIPTION TIGER S+D EPDM 2" HOSE ALUMINUM CAM LOCK 2" INSXMALE ALUMINUM CAM LOCK 2" INSXFEMAL ALUMINUM 2" DUST CAP ALUMINUM 2" DUST PLUG TEMPORARY INCOMING SURCHARGE ORDER NUMBER 1194948 ORDER DATE 05/03/13 05/03/13 BIN LOC NO/LOC NO/LOC NO/LOC NO/LOC NO/LOC JOB · PROC LVL 31 Adar~ ORDER ENTERED By Friedrich . South Winds PRICE DISCOUNT 9.06 11.20 20,66 17.54 7,66 2.25 SALES TAX TOTAL 317.50 16.00 29.50 25.00 9.00 2.25 25,31 424.63 ORIGINAL FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 012326 THE DEPOSITORY TRUST & 07/02/2013 CHECK 1267 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .1310.4.000.000 4010 AUDIT CONFIRM REQUEST 42.00 TOTAL 42.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 12326 Vendor ]'ax ID Number or Social Security Number '--The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation Vendor Telephone Number 55 W~iter Street New York, NY 10041-0099 Vendor Contact Wanda Clements/OBC/Location Jersey Cib 04-I 15B Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 ?. 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Number Date I'otal Discount 40101 $/7/2015 $42.00 Net Purchase Order ' Nt~mber Description of Goods or Services [Audit Confirm Request Per Marcia Marien and John Cushman Oeneral Ledger Fund and Account Number SM1310.4.000.000 : Payee Certification I he undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certifx that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no pan has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actuall3 due and owing, and that taxes t¥om which the Fown is exempt are excluded Signature _ ~itle Department Certification I hereby cerd~ that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition withou~ substitution, the services propcrl) peffon~ed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature I itle Date Depositow Trust and Clearing Corporation Audit Confirmations Attention: Mike Incorvaia and Wanda Clements 55 Water Street New York, New York 10041 CDCONFIRMATIONS@DTCC.COM Fax ~Urgent X for Review [] Please Comment f~ Please Reply [] Please Reoyole · Comments: ) 99£~S9Z~£9~8:o± Wanda Clements Special/st June 07, 2013 File #: 4010 Southold Town Of 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Dear: John Cushman Audit Tel: 212-855-86631 DTCC Tl~e Oeposffoo/ Trust & Clearing Corporation 5.5 W,~I~ Street We are in receipt of your confirmation request regarding Southold Town Of. In order to proceed with your request, your remittance to cover the related research fee will be required. In addition, it is essential that you include a copy of om invoice with the return of your payment. The exclusion of ottr invoice may prolong your completed audit request. The following f~es are effective as of March 20, 2006: ® A confirmation letter with up to 5 CUSIPs $22,00 · Each additional CUSIP $5.00 croP,total: -' t ....... ---- Upon receipt of your funds, your confirmation will be mailed to your auditors. Please make check payable to the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation, mid forward to: The Depository Trust & Clearing Corpora0on Operatlous Balancing and Control 55 Water Street, ISL New York, NY 10041 Attn: Wanda Clements (212)-855-8663 Sincerely, Wanda Clements U~:aeed 99£~S9ZI£9~8:0± 6i~bSSSaIa :moa~ WdOb:aO £IOa-ZO-NnP Whitecavage, Diana From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Gordon Murphy <gmurphy@fiferry.com> Monday, June 10, 2013 8:27 AM Whitecavage, Diana J Miller RE: DTCC invoice Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Thanks From: Whitecavage, Diana [mailto:diana.whitecavageCtown.southold.ny.us] Sent: Nonday, June 10, 2013 8:25 AM To: Gordon Murphy Cc: Don Lamb; .1 Miller Subject: DTCC invoice Good Morning Gordon, Please see the attached and process for payment. Thankyou, 'J ~ana ~Vfi~tecaYa~qe Account Clerk Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 021304 ULINE 07/02/2013 CHECK 1268 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 51233356 SHRINK WP3%P 153.93 TOT~LL 153.93 ONE PAY TO THE ORDER OF ~:OB~hOSh~hl: 5~ 00~508 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 2'1304 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securd5 Number ULINE Vendor Telephone Number 800-295-5510 Vendor Contact Vendor Address Att~ _Accounts Receivable 2200 S. Lakeside Drive !Waukegan, IL 60085 Check No. Entered by Audit Date JUL 0 g2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Purchase Number Order Number i Date Total Discount Description of Goods or SeC'ices ~ General Ledger Fund and Account Number 51233356 5/22/2013 Net iAmount Cla~med $153.93'! $153.93 ~Shrink Wrap SM8710.4.000.000 r $153.93 , $153.93 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf'o£the above named claimant) does hereb~ cer~i~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid. except as therein stated, that the batance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes t¥om which the Town ~s exempt arc excluded Department Certification hereby cer[i¢ that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the sep, ices properl~ performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted and payment is approved Signature CompaD.x Name 1,800 q ~ 2OO5 51233356 ~NVOtCE 54875634 MDG201000007709 1 AB 0384 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 ~:.~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320 2461167 POLLY UPS GROUND 5/22/13 5/22/13 NET 30 DAYS 5/22/13 8 RL S-642 18X1500 80GA ULINE BLOWN WRAP 16.00 128.00 ORDER PLACED BY: POLLY FORD SMICHAELS/I 12800 25.93 15393 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 021506 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 07/02/2013 CHECK 1269 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.700 SM .5710.4.000.700 26639213 W/E 5/25/13 26.17 26639223 W/E 6/1/13- (3)PKGS 62.76 TOTAL 88.93 EIGHTY EIGHT A/~D 93/1~0 DOLLARS P~4Y TOTtI~ ORDER OF UNITED PO BOX 5 PHtLADELPHIAPA 19t70~0001 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 21506 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securit? Number i Vendor Address P.O. Box 7247-0244 !Philadelphia, P~ 19170-0001 United Parcel Service Vendor Telephone Number 800-811-1648 Vendor Contact Check No. Entered b.,, ~ Audit Date JUL 0 Z 2013 Invoice I ]n;roice Number Date Discount General Ledger Fund and Account Number 26639213! 512512013 $26.17 $26.17 SM57t0.4,000.100 26639223 i 6/1/2013 Invoice Net i Purchase Order wle 5125113 ]oral Amount Claimed; Number Description of Goods or Services $62.76 $62.70 wle 611113 ~3'~ P~35 i SM5710.4.000.700 I $88.93 $88.93 Payee Certification lhe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that thc foregoing claim is true and correct that no pert has been paid, excepl as therein stated, thal thc balance therein stated is actually duc and o~ing, and that taxes from which the Fox~n is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title ~ Department Certification I hereby cer~i~ that the materials above specified have been received b~ me tn good condition without substitution the sePdces properly performed and that Ibe quantities thereof have been ~efified wHh the exceptmns tlr discrepancies noted and payment is approved Shipped from: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 1 STATE ST NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date May 25, 2013 invoice number 0000026639213 Shipper number 026639 Control ID 50W3 Page I of 3 m 0736A00000266394 77366400037154 FP 01 063461 60921G210 A**3DG~ FISHER ISLAND FERRY PO BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06590 Sign up for electronic billing today! Visit ups.corn/billing For questions about your invoice, call: (800) 811-1648 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.E.T. UPS P.O. Box 7247-0244 Philadelphia, PA 19170-0001 Account Status Summary Weekly Payment Plan Amount Due This Period $ 26.t7 Amount Outstanding (prior invoices) $ 302.57 Total Amount Outstanding $ 328.74 Please include the Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment See Account Status for details. New international freight f~ature_s in July Effective July 8, 2013, new service enhancements will be available for UPS Worldwide Express FreighhM For additional reformation and rates, please refer to ups.corn/rates on or after July 6. Thank you for using UPS. Summary of Charges Page Charge 3 Adjuslmenls & Other Charges $ 2 00 3 Fees $ 2 17 Service Charges $ 2200 Amount due this period $ 26.17 UPS payment terms require payment of Ihis invoice by June 5, 2013. Payments not received by June 19, 2013 are subject to a late fee of 6% of the Amount Due This Period. (Details in UPS Tariff, available at ups.corn) i~ps.com. The published fuel surcharge is Z5% for UPS Ground Services and 11.0% for UPS Air Services, UPS 3 Day Select, and Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date May 25, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639213 Shipper number 026639 Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding (prior invoices): Please include the Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment invoice Number Invoice Date Due 0000026639153 04/13/2013 $ 66 15 0000026639173 04/27/2013 $ 3624 0000026639183 05/04/2013 $ 119 51 0000026639 t 93 05/11/2013 $ 27.97 0000026639203 05/18/2013 $ 25 62 Tolal $ 302.57 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received as of 05/24/2013. Please ignore this message if a recent payment has been made for any outstanding invoices. Adjustments & Other Charges Miscellaneous Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date May 25, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639213 Shipper number 026639 Page 3 of 3 Billed Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 2 00 FOR 1 PRINTERS AT $2 00 EACH FOR 24 MAY-2013 Total Miscellaneous 2 CO Total Adjustments & Other Charges 2 co Fees WeekEnding Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 0427 Late Payment Fee 36 24 6 00 % 2 17 Pursuant to the UPS a late payment fee has been assessed ]oral Fees 2 17 063461 Shipped from: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 1 STATE ST NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date June 1, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639223 Shipper number 026639 Control ID 021T Page 1 of 3 0736A00000266394 77366100038260 FP 01 063974 63171[209 A**3DGT FISHER ISLAND FERRY PO BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06590 Sign up for electronic billing today! Visit ups.com/billing For questions about your invoice, call: (800) 811-1648 Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.E.T. or write: UPS P.O. Box 7247-0244 Philadelphia, PA 19170-0001 Account Status Summary Weekly Payment Plan Amount Due This Period $ 62.76 Amount Outstanding (prior invoices) $ 235.61 Total Amount Outstanding $ 298.27 Please include the Return Portio. of each outstanding invoice with your payment See Account Status for details. New international freight features in July Effective July 8, 2013, new service enhancements will be available for UPS Worldwide Express FreighhM. For additional information and rates, please refer to ups.cum/rates on or after July 6. Thank you for using UPS. Summary of Charges Page Charge Oulbound 3 UPS WorldShip $ 31 59 3 Adjustments & Other Charges $ 200 3 Fees $ 7 17 Service Charges $ 22 00 Amount due this period $ 62.76 UPS payment terms require payment of this invoice by June 12, 2013. Payments not received by June 26, 2013 are subject lo a late tee of 6% of the Amount Due This Period. (Details in UPS Tariff, available at ups.cum) Note: This invoice may contain a fuel surcharge as described at ups. com. The published fuel surcharge is ~5% for UPS Ground Services and 11.0% for UPS Air Services, UPS 3 Day Select, and International services. For more information, visit ups.com. m Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date June 1,2013 invoice number 0000026639223 Shipper number 026639 Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Payments Applied Amount Invoice Number Invoice Date Paid 0000026639153 04/13/2013 $ 66 15 0000026639163 04/20/2013 $ 27 08 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding (prior invoices): Please include tile Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment Balance Invoice Number Invoice Date Due 0000026639173 04/27/2013 $ 36 24 0000026639183 05/04/2013 $119 51 0O00O26639193 05/11/2013 $ 27 97 0000026639203 05/18/2013 $ 25 62 0000026639213 05/25/2013 $ 26 17 Total $ 235.51 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received as of 05/31/2013. Please ignore this message if a recent payment has been made for any outstanding invoices. Delivery Service In voice Invoice date June 1,2013 Invoice number 0000026639223 Shipper number 026639 Page 3 of 3 Outbound UPS WorldShip Pickup Pickup Number of Billed Cate Record Message Codes Pack~tges Charge 05/28 9121174230 1 1061 9121174241 2 2098 Total UPS WorldShip 3 Package(s) 31 59 Total Outbound 3 Package(s) 31 59 Adjustments & Other Charges Miscellaneous Billed Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 2 oo FOR 1 PRINTERS AT $2 00 EACH FOR 31-MAY 2013 Total Miscellaneous 2 oo Total Adjustments & Other Charges 2 00 Fees WeekEnding Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 05/04 late Payment Fee 119 51 6 00 % 7 17 Pursuanl lo the UPS Tard! a late payment fee has been assessed Total Fees 7 17 063974 2/2