HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12727 P 14 1111111 till IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII 111111 IIIII 11111 IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Retarded: 04/18/2013 Number of Pages: 4 At: 01:26:59 PM Receipt Number 13-0045809 TRANSFER TAX NUN~ER: 12-20529 LIBER: D00012727 PAGE: 014 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 098.00 03.00 005.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deea Amount: $250,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $250.00 NO TP-564 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $O.DO NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $3,500.00 NO Fees Paid $3,880.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-20529 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A HILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County Number of pages ~ REC~R6E11 2013 u r iS C1:2e:Si PM R JUDITH A. PA~C:ALE CLERK L~F This document will be public SUFR7Lk: CCijlflT',' record. Please remove all L D00Ca2r2~ Social Security Numbers ~ 014 DT# it-2D`29 prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee ' I Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 ~ ~ - Sub.Total _ ' Notation SpecJAssit. or EA-52 17 (County) ~ / Sub Total ~ Spec. /Add. TOT. MTG. TAX EA-5217 (State) - Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ ~ ~ Transfer Tax ~ _ Q' ` ` Mansion Taz Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surchazge 15. 00 ~ family dwelling only. Sub Total ~ J YES or NO Other Q_ G(\ Grand Total O If N0, see appropriate tax clause on ~ # of this instrument. r - 4 Dist. /l 13009402 loon o9aoo osoo oosooo 5 Community preservatioa ]Had Real Properr P T ~ Consideration Amount $ ~ ~i Tax Service R CWH A II~~III111~I~II~~I~I~I~llflllll~ifl~lllll~l~~llll CPF Tax~Due , $ Agency 09-APR-1 Verification - Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land C~DG6l~vs Y- ~A.cli~1BO TD P, o ~ Box ~s ~ ~a~r,~~K, N y /~gsa TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Com an Information ' 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 c . a e Sr~waRr Trc~ /.vs vrww.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# 3T S-o g Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached .RA~t'GAi~/ ANJ~ .SALE ,made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~f)/n~tA ,(j~A,r~ AEGLY, F~K/y The premises herein is situated in /A!>9E2A 8~~~~ G~san/ SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ' TO In the TOWN of So u rtio.~n A<e~ S fylA A~~ .7X1 ec y In the VILLAGE ~aNa~~ /YI,9~2cy or HAMLET of ! ~CaA/!~_ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED 1N BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDIIVG OR FILING. ~z-aot~aoark i.....,..~ T~~ lit PPyyooRF~Yww ~,ar,~ • 64l - S~dN.YB.T.t7. rem i00t: 6+Pe nd aala dead. W5v1Y.Ghtnl~Crg.eOnt _ w~ earaem +i:~ paetds arts--Ind a tarp: siasM d~1, 11-9i tONSUL7 YOOR LAWYER BEFORE 5tGNING 711151N57RIlhtEN7 - THIS iNSI'RIihIF11T 51tOlILD BE USEO BY LAWYERS OFILY THLS LVDE\"TGRE, mode oa Januarya,~ 2013 BEIZVEEv PAMELA BLAKE KELLYr F]?C)a ~Rrn~-a g,.AKc G~c~anJ~ ll08 ~N~ Sr •l Cp ~RDi~ c~7-y, N y ~/.3~0 party of the Frost part, and ALBERTA S . and DONALD R . MARCY !t 3 W a r-~ pu a Hu s~~wb, S4 FR ~R ~ ~ • ~ I~AblSanl, NJ d"~"~0 r party of the srcortd past, , \YIT'YESSETH, that die gamy of the 5rst part, in consideratiout of Ten Dolhus and other valuable consideration paid by the patsy of the strand part, does hereby great and release auto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of fhe second Bart forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of laud, with the btrildmgs and it»provements thereon rsrctrd. situate, lying and being in the ~ s~~u r4 f}~J~Cf~r=D f>~ieS721 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LOCATED AT 825 ARROWHEAD LANE, PECONIC, NEW YORK 11958, SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER 51000-096-00-03-00-005-000 D'EivG ~0 I A/7i<7l(dFd ~ SE THE SR-~ P1~rnis~s' BEd ~ ~ B oR-T~ Ja/a&l&~ qxD ,e~ca~eA~ ~/~s/sa .nl ,CiaE~ 9 a ~A6~ a~'7'_ D~~ it N4 ~pRAE~ d~S~(° ~N•U,C3ER /eII.S~O TOLE 17iER with a!1 rigkt, title atld interest. i f arty, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the abort tfrsnibcd premises to the center lines thereof. 'PDGETHER with the apltttrtenanca attd all the estate and rights of the party of the f rst part in and to said preemses: T'O HAVE AI+TD I'O HOLD the prrm+rk herein greeted uata tht party of ' the t:etond part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the seramd put forever. AND the party of the lust part covenants that the party of the first part has sort done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encwrtbesed in any way whatever, except as aforesaid AND the party of the lust part, is compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, etrvenants flan the party of the first pars will recrivr the consideratitm for this cotrveyauce and wilt hold the right to texrive such coatsideration as a trust fiord to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same fast to the payment of the cost of the improvernart before uQrtg arty part of the total of the same far arty other purpose. The word 'part}r' shall be construed as if it nod "parties' whenever the senu of this indenhue so requires. Iti R'IT~'ESS ~~'LIEREO£, the party of the first part has doily caecrtttd this deed the day end year fire above written. m P~mE~ BcRx~' ~E~t y, x ~ PAmE~A B.cR~e G~.tr AClOIOWLEDGMENT tN NEW YORK STATE t~ 3a9a} AC%NONfLEDGt/[7IT 8Y 511t33(7ttlrotG INIrNFSS(ESy State of N~ York, County of NASSAU ss.: State of Counh of ss: ~ JANUARX~3. 2013 ~ ttttdclsiB~d personally ~ PAMELA SLAKE KELLY ~ ~ rmdrrsi~ed ~ t~r,~~ ~t~ Ei l~c~so~ personally Imowa to me or prow to me oa the basis of sans- PAY aPpc~ factory eczdtrtce to be the individual(s) whose mint(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me the subscribing witness(es) to the forcgotrtg insktttndrt, with that helshdthey executed fire same in hislher/their cape- whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly m city(ics), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the sworA did depose and say that he/shdthry rrnde(s) i>a (rf rkr ~ ~ instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of pia al • u in a dry. rncludr rh. strwt and rind mr+n6o, jf arry, MARGARET' I.~hillflr indnzdual(s) acted, executed the instnmrent. detr~' NOTARY pLJRI~C. State of New Y No. 4743281 Qualified in Nassau County as r~ar~t 1 Cottttnission Expires Dec. 31, 7A AGar10YYLEnGMENTQUT&rUENFW YOR% STATE 1RPt. xsay that State of Catmty of ss.: to be the individwsl(s) deaaibed ixt and who executed the fore- On before me, the imdcnigned, 6oiag irrshnntatt; that said subscribing witness(es) was (were) present toed saw said t~sO°~y appeared execute the same: and that said witness(es) at the came time personally known to tin or ptnved to the mi the basis of saris- subscribed hisllxrlt6eir name(s) as a witness(es) thereto. factory etiidence to be the individaal(s) whose name(s) is (ate) NM, Yor;t Smfr 6uor dry orpollt&aI rvLdNfrfan and subsmbed to the within insKUmtrit and acknowledged to me that helshdthey executed the same in hisRitrltheir eapaci- rrwr ar eamay or otArrptan acb~msld~Na~t mkm And that s a i d ty(ies), and that by hislhedtheir sigmture(s) on the instrument, subscribing witness(es) wade such appearance before the thr individual(z), or the person upon behalf of which thr undersigned in individual(s) acted. executed the instramtnt, and that such , individual made zttch appearance before the undtriigotd in ) (hueY city a polrfitn! ru6drvlsfon and slate w caorry or otho plat. ac- ~orLdg+nrat m1;.nJ F.riB^ahv. and ojjlw ofindlrldaal mkbg aeknonAd~eadf (rt~aau+r and a,Qtn of rndrYidsral tnkm,~ ar~bwMtw~ae.~pJ l~U bargain anD ~bnic $9tCD s>:crloN CX?$ • 6~ ~1~rsncrneuxracau~srcru.TOrt~sacrs BLOCTC O~'J• ~J I.OT oc~• o~ JCa ~l~d . Title No. COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLK / ~LJST' PAMELA SLAKE KELLY RETURN BY At.1tI. TO: TO ALBERTA S. and DONALD R. MARCY Itss~da ~ trw ~1sa~GfQn. , r C S ° ~ NEW YORK METRt7 S~~W~r~ ° ~ ~ P=` 600-853-4803 212.922-1593 fax title insurance company stewartnexryork.com SCHEDULE A -DESCRIPTION Title No.: ST13-165{16 AMENDED 311 112 0 1 3 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 5 on that certain map dated December 14, 1962, entitled "Map of Arrowhead Cave at Indian Neck Peconic, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York", filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on June 20, 1963 in Fife No. 3810, Abstract No. 4323; said lot being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Arrowhead Lane distant the following two (2) courses southerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly side of Arrowhead Lane and the southerly side of Indian Neck Road; said point also being the division line between Lots 4 and 5 as shown on abovementioned map: (1) South OS degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East, 556.00 feet; {2) South OI degree 17 minutes 40 seconds East, 203.01 feet to the [rue point ar place of beginning: RUNNING THENCE along the division line between Lots 4 and 5 as shown on abovementioned map North 84 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds East, 135.83 feet; THENCE South 05 degrees 50 minutes ] 0 seconds East, 160.00 feet to a set wood stake; THENCE South 84 degrees 09 minutes 50 seconds West, 148.57 feet to a woad stake set at the easterly side of Arrowhead Lane; THENCE along said easterly side of Arrowhead Lane North Ol degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds West, 160.63 feet to the division line first abovementioned, the point or place of BEGINNING. For Deed Description Only (Not for Policy): Being and intended to be same premises described in a certain deed from Thomas S. Gleeson and Pamela B. Gleeson, dated 7/25/1986 and recorded 8/8/1986 in Liber 10056 page 287. 1 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS (RPS217-INSi: www.orps.state.ny.us FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Naw York State Department of c+.swlscoda 1 3~1/g , S!~ I Taxation and Finance C2. Data Dead Rawrdad / I O / ~ 3 Once of Real Property Tax Services ~1 on uy wr C3. Book I ~ ~ !~1 , I C4. Page Real Pro RP- 5217 party Transfer Report (8110) PROPERTY INFORMAfTyION 4 1. Properly I 0~5 I ~7~I~OLG4fE19~ LAn/E I Looaflon -!,Rp~7ppGE1~91pEE I Sa a refarL~ I PECOtir/ e. I I cirr aR roAm wLLACE zwccoE 2. Buyer I /l79~Gy fJLBOers1 S. ----I Name 1/$TWW~/ AhL`61~-.- - - FIRST hANE I M~Kcy I ~Orvsl~.e le • I ~7LSTTaWFTtMR1LE9 _ --•~R4' A Tax Indsare where Wlure Tax Bills are ro be sent BIIIIng N alter Than buyer addrss8 {M bottom Of form) _ I Flayl I Address I I ~srREET~a ago sn~raix@ ° E:RD ISF~fi~~ IndlCBta MB number Of AaseeenLard (Only M PaR of a Parcel) Clmok Y tMy apply: Roll parcels irenaferred on ale deed ~ ~y ~ / 18 of Parcels OR PaA M a Parcel 4A Planning Board with SubdiNslon Aulhonty Exists a. Daed ea. SubdlNSion Approve! was Re4wrod for Trensler PFOperbl X I ~ OR I ~ ~ `s o~I 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivuam wNL Map Provldad SW SPA pp 8. Sells I ~LGES o~ , /f jK~q 1(~.y _ I _ /AMEc11 S•~.r~ Name ~R~A Lr - - TiBYYuD€ 7. Chock Iha lms halorr whooh moat aaursMly tteseribes the uw d ale propergr et the time OT Mk: Check the boxes below es Ihsy apply: ? B. Ownarehip Type is Clsldominlum A One Family Rssidentlel G Agricuflural 1 Cammundy Servlca B. New Construction on Vacant Land Lj 2 a 3 Family ResWerdlRl F CommerrJel 1 Industdel +OA. proporry LOCaled wiNin en ApAalWml Disbtd C C ResidenGel Vacant Land G Aparlmem K Pulls Stmrice 10B. Buyer revalued a disclosure naive indlcatirg ' 1) Non-Residangal Varxrnl Land H Entertainment I Amusemam L Forest Thal the properly is in en AgnalWrel Disaid SALE INFORMATION 15. Cheek nns a more of alas oondltloles as sppllcabk to transfer: 71. Sale Contreel Data I a / / / /3 I r1 Sara Balarean Relatives a Former Relatives r i d+' It Sale Between Related Companies or Parblere in Blsiness C Ona of the Buyers is also a Seller +2. Date or SeN I Transfer ~3 / .•t~ d l 3 I D Buyer or SaAer rs Govammenl Aganry or Landlrg Inshtulian Monrfi car F ~ Deed Typo not Wananry or Bergeln and Sale (Speaty Bebw ) 1: Sala of Freetiorwl or Lass than FBO Interest (Specity Belpvv ) Signlflrant Change in Properly Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates 1 S. Full Sale Prlee I- . 1 ~ a IS 1 d 0 , G , 0 e 0 0 I I I ~ Sala ed Business Is Incuded In Sale PAee i (Full Salo PrLce is the fatal amount yard for the property mduding personal propeAy. I Other Unusual Factors AtTecting Sale Price (Spedty Below ) 7hls payment may be in the form of cash, other propedy or goods, ar the assumpban of J None mortgages or other ohligalions.) Please round to the nearest whole dolor amount. 14. Indlute the value of personal I - 6 _ 0 , 0 proporgr Included In the wN 3- _ _ _ _ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data should rofloct the latest Final Asttessment Roll and Tax Bill 18. Year of Aseessmsnt Roll Tram.: ,1 r'' iT Total Assessed Velua of ail rJ[ _ . , whoh Illfomlatlon tak~sn Ifs/1 S I ( w?eal• In tr¦ne(a ' / . O, O .d 16.:Property Clew ~~7 . ' . ~ I U T9. School DlstAst Neme ' JO~I ]~{Y/~ , . _ - - . J ZD. Taz Map Ydanltaar(s) f Roll IdentMer(e) (H more than four, allseh sheet with eddkbnal IdanBaor(s)) I I l~ 00 -D4,~ • ~L - b3.0e - bOS,ann I I _ _ CERTIFICATION 1 Gray tlmt as of era 1[arru of InfomLellan anbred on 1Na farm em !rw end rAlrnet tM Mat a• my erm.dadse end Mllal) aM I IRWareund tket dra etsklna al any wlllfal lalae efammMl e/ mamAal fee! Irereln wal mmJaa[ ma to Ufa arovlalam a11M penal few mletlrs to arR makhra and alep of felea Inetremente. //J/~/~,/~F~ ~ ~ SELLER SIGNA RE BUYER CONTACT INFORMATION ~--""v\a--' /1 ~ n J IEnlar hkr. vSAn fw the txlYer. NaOS If euYar a LLC. sadelY. assaclaLOn. mrPAra'do+. Nlgt stall if./d,vyf~n - J La1R,tl1'y. a611a IX Fllllly Ihil I9 !!31 tl'l ll!d.VF}Jill tlgNll Q IId40Ary, IMn A MmA AM fY!I•%I Inramld:lAll 6 /-3 gran:wieau.~saao.alewry•+herx,.,..~wq~a.ear!..!q!1!.s!nlMew!!~a.-!,.ler!.,.Iw.e _ ~ywtu:.t/ ~ _ Qi% µ ,Q/' ~L TYW ar Prln! aNerb.) r,/(frQr•M_/•~(~ %~"p~~BUYER SIGNATURE aE/q/ i I J~_ G~,t!i,PJr~d~ S .~,d p~'r3 i -u/),~1: r/a/w~'E ~ r! .wFE - - 911YEnRMadIT11PF rHre I yr /~I BUYER'SATTORNEY Aq;q I.VL`E IEL\\\k~~~~111 E?hvuaEa lrj ~ ~ rcu ?~y?-~ IAST YAtt FFET MMF ~ ! ~ SraCC-IAMBER Sr'F-k11A1ME ARN CgIF TELF.P•grE NalBEq -.----g- n~.ao~~or,1. I NT I ox~yb- NEW YORK STATE c!r dq r;w+ S'AIE rrrr/~ COPY `yl