HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12727 P 562 i i 1111111 11111111111111 IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII 1111 1111111 IIIII Illll 1111 IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE ' RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 04/24/2013 Number of Pages: 4 At: 02:56:16 PM Receipt Number 13-0048337 ' TRANSFER TAX NUNIBER:,12-20959 LIBER: D00012727 PAGE: 562 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 077.00 01.00 00]..000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO ' TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $6p.00 NO ' Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $255.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-20959 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL ' JUDITH A. PASCALE County C1erk,.Suffalk County i i ' P RECORDED ' • 2013 Apr 24 02:56:16 FM • 1 Z JUDITH A. PRSCRLE CLERK OF • SUFFOLK GOUPiTV Numberotpages ~ - L D00612727 F 5b2 ' DT# 12-20359 This dvcumern. will be public • record. Please rl~ttaav~ aA ~ • Social• S+rcurity Numbers . prforto recording. . Deed/'Mgrt~a9elnstrumegt Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing5tamps 3 Pdge/'FTIt1lg Fee Mortgage Amt. HandiPng ~ 20. 00 1. Basic Tax • ' ~ 2. Additional Tax ~ Sub Total Nataifon ~ Spec) L~ ~ or EA 5217 (Cotmty) Sublbtal J[J Spec./Add. • EA3217 TOT. MTG. TAX R,p;r~,q, ~Aljy Dual'Town, Dual County • ~ Held for Appointmdnt. Comm. cF Ed. 5. 00 . ~ ~ TransferTax ~y. gffl~avh _ ' Mansion Tax _ [g~j~ The property covered by this mortgage is ' or will be. improved .by a •one. or two AlYSSUTCha1'gt: 75. OD ~ family dwelling only. Sub.Total _ a~ YES or NO filer . GrandT~l f NO, see appropriate. tax clause on . page # of this instnim 1 4 'DISC r~ 5ection~ .BIpCk X~I.Qn Lot f~f .G~j S Community Preservation Fun IhJ~ Beat 13010786 iooo o~~oo oioo 001000 Consideratipn Amount $ Tax VAerlfit~tldri R pTy A I~I~~III~IIII~I~Ilu~IIW ~IIII~lllul~~~II1I~ CPF Tax Due 5 SatlsFaeti, 23-APR-1 11 W Ill II 1 Improved y '6 - - - ar.,..,,~..:. - Vacant Land ' ~i ~ A _ --7.~,~~~ -~.e ~ [lip . ~ T~ Mail to: Judith A Pascale; Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Comp y T.nfoz-znation 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 ~ ~ S wuvw.strFfplkcp ov/clerk Co_ Name u>T~y~9 Ttle ~Y 0 ~4. . ~®a~n~ ~ecordimg & ~nc~orsenue~~ ~'~,ge This page forrn5 part of the attached . made nn (SPECIFY TYPE OF, INSTRiJME1JT) ~"'C^' The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK.'' oo•~ `~f~ - To In the TOWN Of ~V't'"l l.Qt-ti ~ Iri the VILLAGE r~ ~ n . n i . . g or HAMLI= f of ~ °yy ,X_.,an`'t`/ 1G ` ~ ~ Stewart title Qultclalm Deed, with Covenanffi against Grantor's Acts -Individual ar Corporation CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, made the J. Z day of 20~ BETWEEN DEBRA COADY and PATRICIA COADY REILLY, as tenants in common, residing at 18 Naples Lane, Greenlawn, NY 11740, party of the first part, and DEBRA A. COADY- 25% (twenty-five percent) PATRICIA A. COADY REILLY - 25°~ (twenty-five percent) Feb Z1, zoi~ ~ ~(akd DEBRA A. COADY as TRUSTEE for THE COADY A. REILLY IRREVOCABLE GIFT TRUST _ 25% (twenty-five percent) PATRICIA A. COADY-REILLY, as TRUSTEE, for THE EDWARD C. RIEHL IRREVOCABLE GIFT TRUST - 25% (twenty-five percent) ~da~ C~e.~ run 2'l ~ ZF~ ~3 as tenants in common, residing at 18 Naples Lane, Greenlawn, NY 11740, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE ANNEXED SCHEDULE "A" TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, If any, of the party of the first part, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF Grantor(s): ~ ~~.J i ~~~~f , i 5CliE:llt1lE A r1 [.L that. c~~rtaln plot, picc:ca ar pa,rcol. of ]and, with the ~iuildinhs and tmprovemcs~tz~ thr.r~~otti ~~r~.~ctocl, Hi,tuttte, ]yir~K rend boing in tho Town o.( Southold, County of Suffo]k and State of New 'lark, known and d~~5l~ntsted ns and Uy ,the plot nismbors 277, .:78, 279 and 28U and the ud,}oining pne.~rhaif oT plot number 2212, on n certain map entit3od "biap of Gooye l3ay E~ta.tcs", in the Town of Southold, County of i Suffolk and SLALO of New York, said map being made by Lek is Vii. Waters, L.S. of AyStar [any, 1~. 1 • , hew York dated Saptombc!r 13, 1934 i in tho Oftico of the Clerk of tha County of Suffolk on tho :3th dny i of hovumber 1934 ups and by tho mnp number 1176, being more particularly '~oundcd urci described ti follows:. Ltf:G1hN1NG at the corr~or formod by the intersection of tho northorly ride of Oak Avenuo with the weNterly :31de of Ceder Avg:nuv; Tiii:NCE South G8 degrees ;i0 minuto:. SU soconda west Along; this northurly side of Uak Avenue '17.1`l foot; 'fkti;lr'CE South 49 duRroos SO minutes 40 seconds We:;t sti31 along the northurly :;ido of Uak Avenuo 50.00 foot; THENCE North •1U d4~F;rocs 03 mi nute~t 20 r:c~c~ncf:t weet igU, UU feet ; THI:~tiCE tiurth ~iJ dc~;r~~ey 56 minutest 40 seconds cusL 72.98 foot; i THk»~'C.~.' Korth 623 dcF;rces 3U minute:: ~0 second: gust 50. f?U feet ; to the wostorly s~do ci Cedar Avonue; THENCE South 2], doKrocs 29 minuteK 20 seconds i;ust along the w~•titerly sido of Cad;ir Avenue 110.00 feet to tho corner At the point or place of Dk~:GINNING. i ~R~a2 ~r~.,~ ~.r gFJ~ ~ ( 7~~ ~~l- ~ j P~~rs~s ~~so ~S z s c~ ~g~ ~OuiNoLj i i ' ~ ~ ~ Stewart title STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: COUNTY OF On the ~Z- day of Q~C~. , 20f~ before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Debra Coady, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to within instrument and acknowledged to me that helshe/they executed the same in hislfierltheir capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individuals} acted executed the instrument. Nnnwa. t f~ t stem d Newwik u No.o2~s2+~zsa QeAeAe0ltr SuRanc County d- COIfu71b6bn Expires May 0, 2055 Notary Public ' STATE OF NEW YORK pp~~ : ss.: COUNTY OF 1,(1t~ {L On the day of rV.t(C~ , 20~before me, the undersigned, personally appeared Patricia Coady eil~ly personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upan behalf of which the individual(s) acted executed the instrument. -_N1 Notary Public N~nwM ~~Y Pubtlc, State a New 14A QUITCLAIM DEED ow ~M°~'' Title # 0~0"^~r+s Grantor: Coady 8~ Coady Reilly TO Grantee: Coady 8~ Coady Reilly ADDRESS: SECTION: BLOCK: LOT: , COUNTY: Record and Return to: Patricia A. Coady-Reilly 38 Frazer Drive Greenlawn, NY 11740 • ~ INSTRUCTIONS(RP~217~DF-INS);reww,«pe;tate.rly.ue FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Naw Y~ pepa,hneD1 ~ c1. awls cede Taxation and Finance CZ. Dab Deed Recorded I ~ /O~ 7 / ~J I OfliCe ~ RB81 PropeAy Tax Services 1 q gq w'e' RP- 5217-PDF CA Book I 1 ~ , 7 ~ ~`o / I G. Pepe ~ ~ ~ I Reel PrapsAy Trattek,r RaP«118110) PROPERTY INFORMATION sb 0 _ nn~. ~JP •mlbal sere • slluar our Sn~k~ld Sou-~l.ald I! 91 •a,v a,ar ,uses •zn Dees Z. ~ r C:oad., re~~ ~ A . C~D4ld.4 R e ~ l la Qa~ri ~t ~ ~ _ _ wI rnerrwa: 7. Tr Iodate 11r11aM klkae Tea Bile am to bo esM BllllnB dotltr tlan boyar addrre(dbWlom df«m) wrmlmavem rearrur Aeerne almtTranetw ermwr: fJlYa rax euR aPCaaF. l IrrdkaM tlm nanbar d Aaaaaurd ~e d Fatale OR ? Perl da Pemal 10tdY B PaR d ¦ ParaO Cheek r They ePpyr. ? Roll pmw6 treonferred an Drs deed yL yyr~ B,a,d antlo Srl6diraoon EAeb s. Decd X OR 0 .00 eB. Stma.~rt Appal was Raqulrad ha Transfer Propmq •maxr PErr •ramrN •Pnea ? I 8M eC. PmW Aflpravad for 316dvklon wM Ieap Pravtlad ? Coc,. ~ bra R- 6.edlar •wlouob/o Isr A 1larra G ~ ~P i c-c.Sl N i wI F,ar NrIE 7. Sclera dra daaedptkn whhdr mat aeamMy darlWa the Cheek the b«rr helBr r dmlr apps ur d Ute BraBetb at tM dlr d rN: B. Ownershb Typsa Catdorriniom ? B. Nor t.ooamlCtian a a wam tall ? 7011. PtopertY larded reehYl an AQIMkaat DIStrIC ,BB. Bid Ytloeuo alhb Dodo®hrp Ihd tlM plopory kl io an ? ' SALE INFORMATION 15. CMek elre er nears d these rndBlaru r applha6la m tyanaM: A Seto BeteMn ROlstirr «Fanr Relatl,r H. saM C«era« Dm .3/ /L' l ]j - B. sd. between Relded canopal+r «P«ho«s in Blaktoee. C. Oro d ar Buyaa N also a t;al« D Buyer«Solerm CaoaarrarrrtABetwY«Wdep hulbdla . 1=. Data d OddTnrM ( E. Dead Type nd 1YertsMy «BrOaln and SeN fSpolsry Botewl F. lade d Finalord «Lra Ban Fa tMNrl (Spady Bobr) '1s. FW Sale Pop 0.00 G. SiarlilaM Chaffee o PmpMy Between TaashM Shka end 8eb DeW H, Sds d Bualrr b Nlohldad m SaM Rm ~ (FW Sde Price ie Ba,ald ema«a paW far the prap«ly Indudstp grand Ptaparly. I. OBrx Unrnwl Forme A(Oamrp Sala Tko (Sparely Bo1B1rr) . Thu Wytn-tH may ha h aa, f«m d ash. oth« plopedy «emda, «lhs r-etOllatt d J. Nana ~ nvtpapos «oBOer agltletloro.) P,aem m«d to Ms rreared whole decor arllaord. Colrrrt(g on CarrtlBlore 14. IMlrb Bts ode d paraorml 0.00 erawrb Included In llrs cola ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dale sllBUw rallect the latent Flrtd AsaernletB Rao and Tr Btll 16. Yrr d AsaerrrraM R«I fiorn arlrkh IrdomWlon takr(YY) + '17. Teal Merced YWa ~ ~~J Mt Prepalpr CWe _ ~_^a~ •,B. Batnol Dhalet Nm ~ ~.c1A~L ZB. Tea ReP tdsdBMr(eNRdl ldartBltar(a11Mmo~ Uor bur• 1/dl~ar~sh~alwt arkh addkblal ldeoNlW(allrr~~ MM • wKJ O ~ • VCJ lJ~' - ~6?LJ CERTIFICATION I CerB1y the dl d dm Items d Ini«matlon anhaad on fhb tbm em hue and carted (te Iloe bed deny knorYdBe and trNleO aId I undamYrd tlW the neeklrq d erry aNtllrl Ne elaletrletB d rltaterlal led hamhr euh)ad rr r b Bre maldnp and MhtB d /dp Imhumarr. tFxb Yeermaon 7th bryr. Nob: a boyr Y r ~ ^ --may, maeuoa mlpseusn lace raod<oorigmr. ee:r s aeM ewr b ny m MrtlrN e0se«erkresy, M • rlbrr btl macs eNmsarldbl FielNNbspbw6le enN tabor brser esraarwnpsnflq M arms mm mmmae Type «pee tlasbd • aerER GIe n~ Cad~4 Qe-i~~4 'rya • • wr Pwr. ouob - ~ n i 6'3i ~,t - u34` wrs„amE •raallora Niarnotr.bba, .aren,wrwlua: 'a 3~ ~ (l.,v~ _ •ereetsrmera •e:IFEr woe f1~r r ~ ` _ S aIOWn •m~Te AP BUYFl2'S ATTORNEY wrworb rWt esob e«a ems wtawnam.ra~. abort I I