HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-83.-2-7.3 OFFICE LOCATION: ~~OF SOUjyO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ~0 lQ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ~ ~ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Tele hone: 631 765-1935 Southold, NY 11971 G Q P ~ Fax: 631765-3136 o~yCO~ LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: June 18, 2013 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for SCOTT KAUFMAN SCTM#1000-83-2-7.3 En-Consultants on behalf of SCOTT KAUFMAN requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to remove existing damaged stairway and terrace retaining walls; construct along eroding toe of bluff approximately 210 linear feet of stone revetment, including angled westerly return, all consisting of approximately 3 to 5 ton stone placed over 50 to 100 pound core stone and filter cloth; restore bluff face using terrace retaining walls, approximately 600 cubic yards of sand re-nourishment (including approximately 350 cubic yards to cover proposed revetment), and native plantings; construct a t3' wide berm with t50 cubic yards of sand/loam within 15' wide vegetated non-turf buffer to be established adjacent to bluff crest to control storm-water runoff; and construct a new 4'xt50' elevated bluff stairway with landings. Located: 2050 Dignans Road, Cutchogue. SCTM# 83-2-7.3 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed actions are CONSISTENT with LWRP Policies and therefore, CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney 7`own of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS I. A II applicants for perm its" iucludiug Taw n of Southold a¢eacies, shall complete this C C A f for proposed actions That are subjeet to iho Town of Southold W aterfronc Consistency Review faw.Ihis assessor ent is intended co supplem eat ocher inform alioo used b) a Tow n of Southold agency in m a k i n g a d e c e r m i n a t i o n o f c o n s i s l e o c y. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, each answer must be explained in detail, listing both supporting and non- supporting facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. E, B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION ~ D SCTM# 83 - 2 _ 73 uuu uuu IdAY 2 8 2013 PROJECT NAME Scott Kaufman outhold own The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): e tru to Town Board ? Planning Board ? Building Dept. ? Board of Trustees Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital ? construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) fib) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) ? . (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: JUN I 0 2013 Remove existing storm damaged stairway and terrace retaining walls; don~truct~long eroding toeof bluff approximately 210 linear feet of stone revetment, including angled westerly return, all consisting of ~pRroxima[ely 3 to 5-ton stone placed over 50 to 100-Ib core stone and filter cloth; restore bluff face using terrace retaining walls, approximately 600 cubic yards of sand renourishment (including approximately 350 cubic yards to cover proposed revetment), and native plantings; construct a +/-3' wide berm with +/-50 cubic yards of sand loam within I S' wide vegetated nonturf buffer to be established adjacent to bluff crest to control stormwater runoff; and construct a new 4' x +/-50' elevated bluff stairway with landings, all as depicted and further described on the site plan prepared by Jeffrey T. E3utler, P.E., P.C., dated February 17, 2013. Location Of action: 2050 Dignans Road Cutchogue Site acreage: 7.4 acres Present land use: Residential, single family dwelling. Present zoning classification: R-80 & A-C 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: Scott Kaufman (h~ Mailing address: 62 Cooper Square, Suite 3B New York, NY 10003 (c) Telephone number: Area Code 212-42t-t412 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ®No ? If yes, which state or federal agency?NYS DEC C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned far completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ?Yes ? No ®Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ? Yes ? No ®NotApplicable _ I Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ?Yes ? No ®NotApplicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III -Policies Yages S through 16 for evaluation criteria ®Yes ? No ? Not Applicable See attached narrative addressing Chapter 275, Chapter I I 1 and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Policy No. 4. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ?Yes ? No ®NotApplicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ?Yes ? No ®NotApplicable The subject property is located along a stretch of Long Island Sound shoreline running pazallel with Oregon Road that has been severely impacted by extreme and accelerated erosion during several Nor'easter and other significant storm events since 2009, including the most recent and avulsive losses experienced during the Christmas 2010 Blizzard; Tropical Storm Irene in September, 2011, and Super Storm Sandy in October, 2012. In response to this accelerated shoreline erosion, owners of private properties located within this geologic cell have been forced to replace or construct new shoreline stabilization structures, such as the rock revetment constructed 10 properties to the east of the subject parcel pursuant to Town Wetlands and Coastal Erosion Permits 7506 and 7506C issued in 201 I. Previously, following the episodic storm events of the early 1990s, the adjacent property to the east was stabilized with more than 400 linear feet of timber retaining wall and stone toe armor pursuant to Town Wetlands and Coastal Erosion Permit 4870, except for the most westerly +44 feet of the property, which presently separates the westerly end of that structure from the subject property. However, the current owner of that property recently submitted an application to extend the existing retaining wall to the easterly property line of the subject property. Hoping to avoid the need for the expensive remedy of hard stabilization himself, Mr. Kaufman has been carefully monitoring the condition of his bluff for the better part of the past decade, during which time the property has experienced similazly severe erosion. The ongoing bottom-up erosion of the bluff is evidenced by a landward transgressing bluff toe; a steepening bluff face; the collapse and loss of the lower two-thirds of the bluff stairway; the complete failure of a past attempt to stabilize the bluff face without hard toe stabilization using now collapsed and lost terracing that was present in 2009; and a deterioration in the vegetative condition of the bluff face from one that was reasonably well vegetated in 2009 to one nearly completely denuded of its vegetation by the end of 2012. Therefore, the owner is now proposing to remediate this ongoing process of loss with an erosion control project designed in accordance with the generally accepted eroding bluff stabilization practices recommended by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, which is to simultaneously stabilize the toe, top, and face of the bluff by implementing a combination of structural "hard" toe stabilization and both structural and "soft" sand and vegetative bluff face renourishment. Specifically, a stone revetment is proposed to stabilize the toe of the bluff, which will occur first. Then the bluff face can be stabilized with terrace walls and renourished with sand and planted with native vegetation, including beach grass for groundcover and woody plants such as northern bayberry and beach rose. A I S' wide nonturf buffer to be planted with native vegetation will be established adjacent to the bluff crest, inclusive of a small berm, which together will slow the potential rate of sheet flow runoff down the bluff during heavy rain events and increase the absorption capacity of the upland area behind the bluff to reduce the volume of surface water runoff reaching the bluff. Pursuant to principles set forth by Chapter 275-11(B)(1)(b), the proposed stone revetment is proposed in an area suffering from extreme erosion, as described above. Pursuant to Chapter 275-I1(B)(1)(b) and Chapter Ill-15 and consistent with Policy 4 ofthe Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), the revetment will be installed with a sloped face and angled return; will be covered with sand; and will not encroach on the beach surface seaward of the existing, eroded bluff toe so as not to cause a measurable increase in erosion at the site or adjacent properties or result in any other adverse impacts on adjacent properties or natural coastal processes and resources. In fact, as noted above, the adjacent easterly property owner has separately submitted an application to extend the existing retaining wall on that property to the subject property's easterly property line, which would allow the proposed revetment to tie into the adjacent structure to the east. Further pursuant to Chapter 1 I 1-15, the purpose of the proposed structure and integrated erosion control remediation plan as described above is designed specifically to stem the continued denuding and loss of the bluff, the property's natural protective feature; and the design has been engineered in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and is likely to control long-term bluff erosion at the site through long-term maintenance and its intended ability to withstand inundation, wave impacts, weathering and other effects of storm conditions for a minimum of 30 years. The project is further consistent with Policy 4 of the LWRP because the structure is being proposed only where 1)non-structural, vegetative means alone have proven not to be sufficient at stemming the ongoing bluff erosion; 2) the natural protective feature, i.e., the bluff, cannot be effectively enhanced without effective stabilization at its toe, as evidenced by the previously tried and failed attempt to terrace the bluff face without toe stabilization; 3) a hard structure is the only design consideration that can practicably and effectively provide such toe stabilization; 4) the proposed structure has been limited to the minimal scale necessary and is based on sound engineering practices; 5) vegetative restoration and enhancement is and will remain part of the long-term remediation plan design; and 6) there will be no significant direct or indirect costs incurred by the public as a result of the project. Ultimately, the goal of the project is to stabilize, restore, and enhance the natural protective feature of the property for the purpose of minimizing the loss of structures and natural resources from erosion, which is consistent with the goal of Policy 4 of the LWRP. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ®Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. ® Yes ? No ? Not Applicable The proposed structure will be installed at the existing toe of bluff and above high water associated with Long Island Sound and will not prevent or inhibit public access along the beach. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES 'Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-de eudent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ®Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluatiou criteria. ? Yes ? No ®Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ®Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ® Not Applicable PREPARED BY TITLECOASTAL MGMT SPECIALIST DATEOCT. 25, 2011 RO E.HERRMANN Amended on 8/1/05 SCOTT KAUFMAN, 2050 DIGNAN'S ROAD CUTCHOGUE _ yY 1 a Yr. _ _ Figure 1. Looking southwest at Kaufman parcel, adjacent parcel toe ' and westerly end ojbulkhead to east in 2009. MAY 2 8 2013 Southold Town oar t Tru tee Figure 2. Looking southwest at Kaufman parcel, adjacent parcel to east, and westerly end ojbulkhead to east in 2012 after Super Sform Sandy. SCOTT KAUFMAN, 2050 DIGNAN'S ROAD, CUTCHOGUE Figure 3. Looking southeast at Kaufman parcel and adjacent parcel to west in 2009. . _ , <<ti Figure 4. Looking southeast at Kaufman parcel, adjacent parcel to east, and westerly end of bulkhead to east in 2012 after Super Storm Sandy. SCOTT KAUFMAN 2050 DIGNAN'S ROAD, CUTCHOGUE r . _ x;c _ ~ a - I s _ ~ ~ Figure S. Looking south at stairway, terracing, and vegetation present on subject bluff in 2009. Via..-~ - - r` .a : y Figure 6. Looking south at ca[lapsed stairway, jaded terracing, and denuded, eroding b[uffjace on subject parcel in 2012 after Super Storm Sandy. m i w ,a ~.e ;N w ~~NO i w ~ ~ p ~m - r p s5 xn ~otl Y scHO a co ss ~ A / '~',io ~ ~ ;:,o ~ BIB ~ i~ N ~ eiY~ vVa~ mnmor~..,a .wa ~ ~ ~ a n c~G ~ ~ vµq wn ~ y ~ 4 q ~ s me~e~x.mno gar a.Y~ 'z ~ M 6 `O`?o,~ 4 A i;~ eY°Rn 9 t ~s d li 9~ • V ~ a~ / \ ~ 0 4 a '°k :wa ;°a e I~ O me J P L rt y f C~ i~ g ` ~ ~i~ ~ @ ~ z ~~y ana~u i~ p a r { ' ~ ~ - P n II~F ~ 4 I y ~I xryu 4n` .wwxo rmuw. rm aci rw. ru rc~.ro seeaec xo eeerc uo xesscrw vt eE~w ,F` ~ mom. ®.o,am ~w~a~o onaa~.: a. «o. 3 I i ~ ~ _ -w.c. - t---_ aE. r~~..om v. vc. w.~ ~ ~ iip ~ O _ ~ m rvonc[ COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © v nou c ~ _ E - ..r.. u „ _ fleel PntmM1y Tex Serum Apenry v Ec83rv x vow ~ .w~.~ w~ v.r ~w.~rxnwh e wwammm.cm ® n vwreervrw o+ar i~ LONG N 85'29'20" E ISLAND soUND 206.69' .? ) BU~ / / '% SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUATE OREGON, NEAR CUTCHOGUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-85-02-7.5 SCALE 1"=50' JUNE 25, 2005 FEBRUARY 17, 2008 UPDATE SURVEY ~ ADDED TOPO JULY 25, 2008 STAKE PROPOSED TENNIS COURT JUNE 2% 2011 UPDATE SURVEY ALONG EAST PROPERLY LINE & BOTTOM OF BLUFF TOTAL LOT AREA = 322,135 sq. ff. (TO TIE LINE) 7.595 oc. NOTES: 1, THIS PROPERTY IS SHOWN AS LOT 3 ON SUBDIVISION MAP MADE FOR PETER KALAMARAS 2. FLOOD ZONE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM: FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP No, $6105C0142 H ZONE VE: COASTAL FLOOD W~TH VELOCI3Y HAZARD (WAVE ACTION); BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS DETERMINED ZONE X; AREAS DETERMINED TO BE OUTSIDE 500-YEAR FLOODPLAIN. 3, ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO N.O.V,D. 1929 DATUM EXISTING ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS: ~ EXISTING CONTOUR LINES ARE SHOWN THUS: ......... s ......... CERTIFIED TO: SCOTT KAUFFMAN BANK OF SMIIHTOWN FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Nathan Taft Corwin III Land Surveyor Successor To: StaMe'/ J. laaksen, Jr, LS. dosepfi A, Ingegno L.S. PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (631)727-1727 25-4181 -- L 5TAIRT OF OEhiOLITiON 5NALL ONLY BE¢IN AFTER THE OE"4OLITION I. NO BEB~IO 5,HALL BE PER/fill ItU TO FALL BEN4AP, B OF ANEA OP ~,OEK OE ,_~0 FOt~ J, qOl~K IN THIO AP-,.~A I LANDI~ TO BE REI"E)VEB -~'~i~ / 2, 5EL FILL AND OOMpAOTION HOTE5 PRIOR fO ANY 5lTL HOP`K, 2q 20 i ~ ~ ~A~ ON 6i1415 D~2 ~ . ~--,,--~ .... ~ FORP~HOLITION, L~ATIONOFEUa~F~EE~SA~ETIHATEDTO 4.~RIEONBLUFFFACE~L~DPRI~TO~T~T¢ ~ '~ /~ARY ~,=o~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~/ FOR HORK IN THIS A~A TH~ A~OY OF THE LOCATION ¢ THE ~ 5T~T~ S~ ~, ~E PAlP 5TAI~Y, LANBI~ ~P ~RT 5~, zo~ ~ ~L,~¢-~ .,~· : 5EL PEOPOEED PARTI~ PLAN .... / , THl~ ~lrE, L5 ~BN¢. THE ~ ~ CT~ ~L NILL ~ I~T~ED JABOT I~, 20~5 ~ ~ - ~ ~/ ~ I EXISTI~ 5TO~ DA~ ~ACH ~ STAIR I ~O~A~E H[TH ~L FEDEX, DTA~ ANP L~AL C~E5 A~P ~ ~AOE EL~ATION ¢ ~H TO HATCH EIa~I~ THE A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OF ~ ~ ~E ~ ~. ml~ HI~H, (DELOH D~ AG ~IG~D IN 5EOTI~ A, ~ ~2. ~ J ~5TO~ DLU~ ~E EL~ATIO~. ~ OR ~LLIED A~A5 ~L DE ~ET~D TO ~E ~L ~ T~ ~ g~ ~ ~ ~ ~2 ~ ' ~ J PL~T ~UFF F~ HITH ~TI~ ~ATIOI k ~o~ J I~Pl~ ~ ~T LIMl~ TO BEtH ~T~ ~ STAIR TO ~, ~ BEtH ~ STAIR ~ ~m~ STONE H~, (~ G~) ~ P~lO~ IN ~TION A ,~ ~2. AD~C~T ~F FACE. ~ % % J4 ~ ~ ~% J ~ ~ ~ITGH ~ (~ PLA~I~ ~. ~L ~& ~L E H~LED TO ~ ~ ~ a~ q. 5~ ~lLL, ~-~TATION AND ~61~ ~E OF ~T5 ~/ / ( ~ ~ [ ~ ~ A~OXI~LY t~D' ~OH ~ (a~ox. EL. -ED'). ~' ~ (~E PHc HO.2) Fm P~ A~ ~¢1~. / ~ ~ ¢ ~ /EX[* ~ ~ % % ~ * I ~H~OR ~ITIO~ ~B P~N~) cENERAL NOTE¢, E. ~E ~STO~ ~1~ BE I~T~LEB ~ mAT ~E~ ~ %~ ~ ~ T~ LAY~ ~ 5TO~ Hl~ 5iT L~ ¢ ~E BA~ 5T~5 I0. ~E EXIETIN¢ ~P/~ e T.O. ~P ~lN ~E P~D ' J ~ k/ ~// ) ~ D. NO DEBRIS 5~L BE PE~ITTED TO FALL INTO NdmeH~mNe P~PERTI~ OR Co~ ¢ ~NIOA ~ ~A~ OP P~EP ~LKHEAg E. ~E A~X. ~ ~.~. OF 5~DY PILL ~ ~ATIB~ ~O ~ L% ~ c~ VACANT Ho~. ~ER A~ 5TONE P~ 5~TI¢ 'A', P~ b,2. HON. . ~ %, ~THAN T~ ~lN, ~ ~R~ . ~ ~ ID~& ~AIN ~AD (~ ~ · JAHEEPO~T, ~ Ilq4~ Ex, ~ / ~ ~ Is~ND soUND ~ ~'~'~ ~'~ ~ ~ ~' LONG ~ET U~AI'ED. JAN. lb, 2015 Ex UTIL ~ % . . ' ' ' ~ E~ ~oP~ ~x, ~L~C BL~ ~ST BE CL~ ~ OF ~TIE ~1~ ALO~ HT~ BEACH CO~AT~LE O~ S~ 20b.~q' ~ ~ . , ~ , · ~ ' ' ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~x e~ ¢ ~ST BE P~C~SED ~OM ~ - ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ~ ~ ~PRO~D ~L~ S~. ~ 0 - BOTTOM OF BLUFF JANUARY I~', 2015 _ ZONE X-/ PROP. :~2lO' L~ '3TONE IREVETF4ENT ~ FOR RECgJJIREr4ENT5 - INE, LUDIN~ :biD' L~ !,~!EETERLY RETURN, ~ FOR ELEVATION 5EL ?~ECTION 'A ....--- ~ FILL AND PLANT OVeR PROPOSED P. EVETHf::]~T 5TONEB, 5EL I;:'~4~ @@ ~" RE-VECETATE PROP. 15' HIDE LANPC-~GAPE BUFFER (AND BEPJ'4) HITH % SEE PLANTIN~ DH6~ No.2 NOTE FOR 6tUANTITIEE, THIS PROPOSED :k2'/O ~L6 lANDEd. APE BEP4"I, INSTALLED TO INHIBIT STORM HATER RUNOFF ON BLUFF PAGE, FOR INFOP. HATION SEE D~. No.2 24- BOTTOH BEUEF 7 ~90' LONG HOOD B.EAGH AOOE55 STAIR, INCLUSIVE OF EI~Y BTEPE, (I) ENTRY PLATEOP. H N/BENC, H, ¢5) LANDIN¢5 - (I) k,V AND 4-' NIPE x +~4 L~ BEACH 0TAIP`, BEE DH~ No~ FOR INEORHATION DP~ No,2 FOR INSTALLATION REGJJIRL:~IENT5 AND BO,~D NOTE FOP. ~TY'5 (THIS SHE) ,S HP STEp5 HORELL, LLC' VACANT LINE A5 E~,ALED FROH AREA HAP PHOTON o. 5D-45q-6~ SHEET 50P 4q 5lTL PLAN PROPOSED PARTIAL 5lTL PLAN 6O 20 I0 0 20 40 DRAIN oF NeW ¥0~ Cfi (for other alatos) By law, excavators and ~onlractom working in the five bomugh~ of New York City and Na~lu and Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contoct DigNet, t-800-272-4480 ~' 81 ~, at lea~t 48 houm but no mom than 1D wo~ng days (exCluding weekends and legal holidays) prior to beginning anylmechanized digging or excavagon work to ensure underground Itnes am marke¢, responsibility-NOT the homeowner's-to ~ontoct Excavatom and contractors can also su~mlt DigNet, Having utility lines marked prior to locate requests calma, through ITIC. If you do not digging la free nf charge, ~urrantly usa ITIC, pleas~ call 1-80D-524-7603 for more Information, PROPOSED SHORE F~E~TORATION PLAN FOP-.: AREA OF BITE: D22,1D5 ~l,F, N,~· (7~5 ACJ UPLAND EX. BLDD AREA: PHELLING NORTH RF OVR FOP. CH ~T RE ~ POP, CH ~303 5.F. NL. ~ RE OVR POP-.CH HOOP pEOF. LOT COVERAGE 6AL6., TOTAL BLD¢ AREA / AREA OF 51TE = LOT 2,'452 ~2.ET. / 522,1~5 5Q.FT. LOT OOVEP. A~E = 0.1~ AN ESTIMATED :tEO OJ.YB5 OF 5AND/LOAH IG J REd~JIREO FOR 11-E PURPO~ OF BUILDIN6 Tile I PR~gSEO BERN AT THE TOP OF 1TIE BEU~. l$ R~;~JIRSQ FOR ~ RJP. POEE OF STABILIZII~ P1511,P4~ED 50IL AND TO REDt~,E EROSION ' PLANTINE, ON BLUFF FACE ~ OVR ~ENT. APEP. OXIHA'TE AREA = :I:12,D55 5F NOTE. TH~ AI42UNT OF P.E-VEBETATION HIL1 BE LESSENED BY THE AREA OGEt~IED BT' EETABLIEHEP, 5TABLE E)(15T/NG VEi~ATJON PLANTIN¢ IJF'LAND IH BUFFER AND ON BHRH. ~XIMA'TE AREA = :~,q~.~ 5F PROPI~TYLINE OBJEGTTOBEREPIOVED EXISTINDE~ILPlND EXIETIN~OONTOtJ~ PROPOSED 5TONE REVE'iHENT EXIETIN¢ 5POT ELEV. PHOTO KE'i' UTILITT POLE ~: TO BE REHOVED el = ELEVATION MAY 2 8 .%. LOCATION NOT TO 5CALL HACHINB2.y ACGE55 FOR STEEL I~JLKt4EN) 15 PRGPOSED FROH THE REEIPb-NCE5 EAST BluE OF DHELLIN~ PROPOSED 5tO~ REVETHEt~, RE-V~6DrATIOI, I ~ TERE. ACIi,~ REC~'HT'5, 5EL ELEVATION 'A', SHE, No.2 PROP05~ ~ACH ACOE55 STAIR B55[GN ~ CONETRIJCTION RE61'M'FS, 5~E DH8 No3 O PA®E= 1 of 5 , orN WY dff EN RAL NOTE , ~V~Ep ON p~ ~ ~ RETAIN NA~ FORM ~. NO D~B~I5 ~ALL ~ ~E~IT~P ?0 FALL INTO NEI~H~RiN~ ~ ~ ~ ) ~ 9P~T NITH NILT-P~OF P~PERTIE5 ~ 5~ ~ ~P~ED ~ULKH~D ~ ~ A6CORDIN~ TO MP~ ~ IN~T~CTION~ bu~nomomthanlOwo~lnoday~(excludi. O ~lJino81%thena~onal~llb~fomyoudlo ~ .~ ~ ~ / ~ ESTABLiSHEDVE~ETATION a~ mechinlze~ dlgolno or ~x~v~on ~ to p~mon~l pmp~Ay, It I~ ~e ~n~¢~ ,, - ~~ OR HEAN5 OF STAbiLiZATiON ~~ ~ H055 ~,1 ~TIO BY VOLDHE IN q ~'~I~TOS~P~ST~ ~PI~AL ~ LATE~-~TER ~A~H LAYER UNTIL ~ 50LLIE5 LANDNAR~ ~ EX. 5TO~ HALL ~ONT~TOR OF TH~ R~PONSIBILIT7 TO ~TIF~ ~E ENSINEER OF 5~IAL P~BLEHS, AND IN TH~ ~, 2. ~1~ ~IL ~T DATA ~ANTIGIPATED ~OV~ HILL BE ~A~D ON THE ~NIT 605T5 PROV[DEP Nl~ THE BASE BID, T~ 6051 ~X GONS~OTION EGUImENT ~P LOADED TmC~5 ~XH 5OFT AREA5 ~L DE REPORmP m THE ~' EL. 22~' 2. ~INTAINI~ENelNEER pRyFOR 51~OETERHININ¢~NDITIONS,THE HETHOP OP TREA~ENT ~l~P, IP ANY, PLANTIN¢ ~ ~UL~ I ED eHImAriO OFFI, - I. P ILAm5 A mOI IHI RFILL HAmRI 5. T"EOEOT CILE (~H~HPATI~LE~INSI~Fmme ~OSEOF~TORINO SF, CTION 'A HATERIAL ~ALL ~P AD~C~T ~OTEX~ILE HATERIAL ~Y A HINIHUH OF }Z' A5 NECE~A~Y TO CO~E B~FF~ ~E EL~ATION TO THE INTENgED A~. ~OTE~LE FABRI6 5HALL ~ ~mlSOEX, ~PAR ~401, STFISO~, OR ~P~ ~OI A5 5. ~LLIE5 m LOH POImS NImlN THe ~EA OF H~ 5H~L ~e ~IL~P PROFILE OF PROPOSED 5TO~ VE ENT, HA~E~D ~ ~XON 6HEHIGAL AT I-~-5~-E~N, AND ~DED TO T~ L~L ~ ~. B~KPILLIN¢ TAPHOLES, ET6 S m. ~RRACIN8 A~ - ¢ETATION . ~LE~ OTHE~ISE I~IOA~ ON THE Sl~ ¢ e~PlNe ~AN. a. ~ ~ZONTALLY A6~ BLUFF THE E~INEER HILL EN6AgE AN I~E~NPENT ~Tl~ LA--TORT TO PE~ORH (I) A 5TABARD P~TOR TEST ~L A~Y Fl~ IN 12" LIFTS, TAHP NAT,~ ~IL IF NO FILL 15 ~ED) AT LEAST ]2 H¢~ B~ORE THE 60N~OTOR INITIA~ 60MP~T,O, AND PL~T P~P~D ~ATION AND I~T~ ~R~IN8 BEFO. ~ OF I,. %0~ OF h2 5L~5 ¢ hi OR ~ ?ROM mE OON~T m~Tr AND THE ~STINO (2) ~ILU ~ mPEAmP. NOTE: I 1 · 1 IL T~ 60N~6TOA ~T ~H~E ~E EXISTIN5 5ANITA~ 5YSTEH JN A~60~A~E NITH ~E 5T~D~ OF ~g Pg~BD ~BGB~A~ON 12. CONT~TO" IS ~e~PON~"~L~ ~" HAVl"~ THE ~PANE ~ANK ~HP~P O~ AND C~RTIFIEP AS EHPTY PRIOR MO~O~G O~R 3 GRO~NG SEASONS. 3 2 By law, excavatars and contractors warklng in the five boroughs of New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island must contact DigNat, 1-800-272-4480 or 811, at least 48 hours but no mom than 1 g working days (excluding weekends and legal holidays) pdor to beginning any me=hanlzed digging or excavation work to can contact us dimly at 1-800-272-4480 or by calhng 811, the national call before you dig responsibility-NOT the homeowne¢~--ta mantact DigNeb Having utilily lines marked pdar to digging iii free of charge. ~X PH~LLIN® ~ ~ EL, B&O' EL. 56.0' EL, 54,0~ ENEF AL NOTES I. CONTRACTOR 5HALL CHECK AND VERIFY ALL CONDITION5 TO THE 51TE PPJOR TO 5TARTIN6 OF HONK AND NE 5HALL FAHILIARIZE HIHSELP HITH THE INTENT OF THESE PLAN5 AND HAKE HONK AC:~EE HITH 5AIHE, 2. ALL HONK 5HALL CONFORH TO THE NEH YORK STATE I~IFORH FIRE PREVENTION D~ILDIN¢ CODE AND ALL RDLEB AND REC:~LATION5 OF THE TO~JN OF 501ffHOLD. 5. IF IN ~ COURSE OF CONSTR~TION A CONDITION EXIST5 HNIC, H DISAGREE5 HITH ]I~AT A5 INDICATED ON I~ESE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR 5HALL 5TOP HONK AND NOTIFY THE Er~INEER. 5NOULD HE FAIL TO FOLLOH THIS PP. GC, ED~RE, AND CONTIhlJE HITH ~ HONK, NE 5HALL A55Ut4E ALL RESPONSIBILI'P( AND LIABILI~h' ARISIN~ THEREPROM. 4. E, RADIN~ AP,~bI, IO NEH CONSTRICTION eHAI.L 5LOPE AHAY AND BLEND INTO INTO EXISTIi~ 5LOPE, 5. ALL FOOTINE~ .SHALL BEAR ON [~1215~RBED 50IL HITH A HINIHUH 50IL PRES~RE OF 2 TONE PER E~.FT. AND 5HALL HAVE A HINli"I~ OF &',-O" OF (.,,OVER, b, DEEI~N TIHEER 5~'u5 - DOI~LA5 FIR ~ NO, 2 ~RADE FB . 8,2.5 PSI~ E · 1~200~00 1, PO NOT 5bALE PRAHINE~. MITTEN DIHENSION5 ¢'~F'ERBEDF SCALED DIHEi~IONS, THE FNE'INEER HA5 NOT ~EN RETAIHED FOP-. ON 51T~ INEPEGTIONE AND/OR OBSERVATIONB OP THE CONSTRb~,TION. 8, ALL HETAL JOIST H~5 ANO OTHER HETAL CONNECTOR5 REClUlRED 5HALL DE "TECO CONHECTORS" OR EGUAL AND 5HALL. BE CAPABLE OP HANDLIN~ LOAD5 · CONNECTION POINTS. INSTALLATION5 5HALL BE IN BTRIC~T COHEORHANCE HITH HANUPACllJRER5 c'~CIFICATION5 AND RECOHHENDATIONS, q. 5TALE5 TO COHPLY HITH liEN YORK ETA'rE E~JILDIE6 COPE, I0, ALL LUHBER 5HALL BE C,C,A II ALL POST AND ~CK NARDHARE 5HALL DF HOT DIPPED ~ALVANIZED, U.O,N. IN ACCORDANCE NITH ASTH 12. TREAD5 AND PLATPORH e~RPACE5 TO BE BIJILT HITH ~NTREATED ~20D OR COHPOSITE HATERIAL. EL, EL, 4~,01 EL, 42.0: AN[2 PLATFORi"I F, UI~FAOE-~ TO DE EAJILT HITH UN'i'P~ATED HOOP Or~ COlVrposl'r~ PIATERIAL DALV. HURRICANE GLIF~ TYP. AT ALL CONNECTIONG 03' PLANTINGS, (TYPICAL) PO~T~ TO EXTEND e~gl/ (HIN) LJ CCONS'f'RUCCTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 2"Xl2" C,d,A 5TRI NC;~ R.5 ¢ I~'" OiCi 2JlX,~'l CCA ~1~" O.C,. 2"XlO" E.,GA ~IP-12ER CC,A BEACCH ACCCCE 5 5TALE PLAN 50ALE, N,T,5,. SF, CTION 'B' PROPOSED E EAC, H TAIR PROFILE SC. ALE: N.T.5. BEACH ACC, E55 STAIR5 - OPE OF INORK: I. CONBTR/~CT A ~50'L¢ BET OF 5TAI~ NITN (I) 4~' LC 5TAI~ (I) 4'xb' ~ PLATFO~ W ~, 4'~' Le 5TAI~ (I) 4~¢' LANDIN~ W ~H, 4'~tlO' L¢ 5TALE, (I) 4~4' ~NDI~, fl) 4~' L8 STAIR, (I) 4'x~,T ~1~ AND (I) 4'~14' Le STAIR TO BETH, A. HA~RIALG TO BE ~ (STAI~ U.O,~: I. 2xl2 2. 2xlO T~P5 ~, 2x4 CLEA~ 4. 4x6 P~ 5, 2~ TOP ~IL ~. ~4 HIP ~IL 2, ~L HA~RE TO DE 4, SEE PILL, ~-~TATION AND TE~I~ ~E~E N'r's DUILDIN® CODE I # I EL. 10.o' I EL. 40' APF~OX. 9.H.H.~: EL. D.4' 3 of 5