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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-26.-1-20.1 OFFICE LOCATION: ~~OF SO(/ryO MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ,`O ~ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 .IL ~ Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) T Southold, NY 11971 G • ~ Telephone: 631 765-1938 ~ Fax: 631 765-3136 ~y00UNTY,~ LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: June 13, 2013 Re: LWRP Coastal Consistency Review for LAURA WEIL SCTM# 1000-26-1-20.1. DKR Shores, Inc. on behalf of LAURA WEIL requests an Amendment to Wetland Permit #4349 and Coastal Erosion Permit #4349/26-1-20.1 to reconstruct 12' of an existing 29' return; to backfill area that was scoured out with t75 cubic yards of clean sand trucked in from an upland source; construct a 4'x3' set of "inset" beach access steps; to armor the return and 27' of shoreline with toe armor consisting of 1-2 ton stone on filter fabric; replant and restore area with Cape American beach grass plugs 18" on center. Located: 2760 Village Lane, Orient. SCTM# 26-1-20.1. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Watertront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed actions are CONSISTENT with the LWRP Policies and therefore, CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of SoathoW n ~ LWRP CONSLSPENCY ASSESSMENT FORM ~ ~ J A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applies for permits* including Tows of Southold agencci~s, shall complete dtis txAF fa proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfe Cocy Review Law. This asset is intended to sopplene other information used by a Town of Soutlold agency in malong a ddem>i~n of oocy. *Fxapr ndnor exempt anions indudmg Brrildag Pcrnrits and other mirasterial permits not locoted within the C«otal Erosion Hazarddrea. 2. Before aoswmog the questions in Section C, the prepener of this Enrol should review the exempt minor action List, policies and eaplaeion.4 of each policy eaored in the Town of So~a!?oM Local Waterfiorn Reviteli~tion Program. A nronoaed action wi lobe evahtatod as to its sianificaot beaefic3sl and adverse effects upon the cal area [which includes all of Soutbold Town) 3. If any gwestion in Section C on this form is angw~ered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the ac~rievenneut of the LWRP poficy standards and condition.4 contained nr the Y review law. 17ras. eaei atw?er aaor+t be eadaired tua delad, ~ Loth saoDOrla! and non- a~noriha[ taeta. If an aetien cemnot be cxrtified as consisterd with the LWRP policy standards a~ ~ronditioffi, it shall not be rmdettakea. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: oniiae aL the Town of Sodhoid 's websibe (, the Board of Trustees all local libraries and the Town Cleric's office. E D B. DESCRII'1TON OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACiTON ~ D ! AY-82013 scrM~ 1 _ ~ D . ~ PROJE(,T NAME old own The Application Lora brio eabmilted to (checJc appropriate response): Tmrn Board ? Phraaag Board ? Bm7diag Dept. ? Board of'I}raatees 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate r+espoase): (a) Action rmdertakea directly by Town agency_~e ~ caFital ? tb) Fnmoctal asststeooe (e.g. grant, loaq substtiy) JUN 1 0 2 013 (c) Permit, approval, certification: - - _ see, q~.h ~ cQ Nature .extent ofactiaa: a esc!'~on- 'S o n ~ : n ~ F GL.rrn~f 1r~~LV1 an d ~ ~ ~ t~Ahp G~- SC'.n,~ l~~o a ~ h., ~ xn~1,~ ~ } p Q ~9-~, 3 ` X _ _ ~ law~~,nq~, . 4 ~w F Cantrell, Elizabeth From: Agena Rigdon Hoffmann <> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:51 AM To: Cantrell, Elizabeth Subject: WEIL APPLICANT PROPOSES TO AMEND WETLANDS PERMIT NO. 4349 AND COASTAL PERMIT NO. TO RECONSTRUCT 12' OF AN EXISTING 29' RETURN, TO BACKFILL AREA THAT WAS SCOURED OUT DURING HURRICANE SANDY W ITH 75 CY CLEAN SAND TRUCKED IN FROM AN UPLAND SOURCE, TO CONSTRUCT A 4'X3' SET OF "INSET" BEACH ACCESS STEPS, TO ARMOR THE RETURN AND 27' OF SHORELINE WITH TOE ARMOR CONSISTING OF 1-2 TON STONE ON FILTER FABRIC, TO REPLANT AND RESTORE AREA WITH CAPE AMERICAN BEACH GRASS PLUGS 18" ON CENTER. 1 Location of action: ~0 Q V , ~~(J P ~t ?-[i/ f- - Site acsreage: • J ~ n Present Lana use: S l ~ pu /,t y Present ~nvog elassificatioa ~i sad ~M fi a ~ 2. If an application for the propoed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following info®ation shall be provided: n (a) Name of applicant: ~ /~A,[/l.l9 . ff ~.OJ ro) dung adder: a a d ~'a ~ ~ ~3 ~d Sfi't~.e~-; ~f '7 ~ N~~ y~~ .~u i~az i (c) Telephone manber. Area Code ( C<D - ~,3~ - / 9g / (d) Application number, if arty: Un K..!"LtSLeJYt,~ Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a starve or federal agency? Yes ? No ~ If yes, which state or ferkral agency'1 C. Evaluate the project to the followiHg policies by aaalytiag how the project wiR farther support er not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best 1Vlseagement Practices that will farther each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Polity 1. Foster a pattern of deveh~pmeffi is the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes effieieat use of ~fiastnetare, stakes beneficial use of a roastal loeatioa, sad mmimizea adverse e$ects of devdopmrot See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaheatioa criteria. es ~ No Not Applicable r Atlarh addhional sheds if awry Policy 2. Protect sect preserve hisbsrie and archaeoh?gieal resources of the Town of Soatheld. See LWRP Stction III -Policies Pages 3 throegh 6 for evahaatioa criteria Yea ? No ? Not Applicable Attach additional s if a~sary Policy 3. F~httatx vistaal tlnality ud protect sonic resomres throaghostt the Town of SsnttieLl. See LWRP Section III -Policies Psga 6 throst8h 7 fir evalnstisa c~itoriat Yes ? No ? Not AppticaWg, /r i~ Attach additio>ml shorts if Y NATURAL COAST POLICIFS Policy 4. Minimize loss of Life, sttactares, atsd natssral reaoatees from 8oedmg and erosion. See LRRtP Section fII -Policies Pages 8 mrotsSh 16 for evahation criteria Yea ~ No ~ Not Applica Attach additional sheets if neu~y Policy 5. Protect and improve water tpalily and supply m the Town of Sastthold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pagea 16 throash 21 for evalaiatioo eriteiia Yes ~ No~ot Applicable Attach addRional shcets if ° Polley 6. Protect and restore the tpiality ud ftmclion of the Town of Southold etwsystems inciadmg Signifiatnt Cosatai Fish atsd Wihllife Habitats and wefdtnds. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 throng6 32 for evaluation ~rif te/r~ia. Yea No Not pplicabde mach addiiamt sheets if Y Policy T. Protect and improve air gaality m the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III -Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Yes ? No ~J~ Not Applicable Ansch addiitional abode if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous aubatanees and w(ast~ea. Sce LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evahaa6oa criteria. ? Yea ? No q4~ ~Iot App6eabte PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for pnbdic access to~reational coastal waters, public lands, and public rescue crs of the Taws of Southold. Sce L olicies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Ye~ No ? Not Applicable d ~ cu Atgch additional sheets if necessary wolu~vc coAST PoLic~s Policy 10. Protect Southold's water~lependmt saes sad promote siting of new water-dependent vacs m aaifabh locations. See LwRP Section III - Polieles; Pages 47 Ihroag6 56 for cvalaation criteria. Yes ? No ? Not Applicable r~ ~ ~ ~ Attach adaitiaaaet sheets if ae~y Policy 11. Promote saataiaable use of living oariae resources in Long Talaad Sound, the Peconie Fstasry and Town waters. Sec LwRP Sectioa III - Policia; Pages 57 thros~L 62 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No ~ot Applicable Atlach additional shxis if nxassary Policy 12. Protect agrieultaral lands m the Town of 3outheld. See LWRP Section III -Policies; Pages 62 throagh C+5 for evahtation criteria. ? Yes ? No ~ot Applicable Attach additonal sheds if neceswy Pofiry 13. Promote appropriate use and devebpmeat of energy and mineral resources. Sce LWRP Seetien III - Po ' ' 65 throu~lt 68 for evaluation criteria. ? Yes ? No Not AppBcable PREPARED BY /~_T[TLE ~ OKK.~JIIbYQJ DATE Sr S'/,~j , Z ~N lr~ 3 f4rs1 e / s ~yy U~ t~ ~~y p 9 6 ~v' r 4~+.t ~1, 'U ? ~O•~~ ~e~ ~ .~a b I~ ~ ~~~p• m~ ~ ~ ~ o~~J~ .fie.- _ .~aP ,ec yU-Z _ ~ E ` c. g~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r psi ~ '1 ~ .~r'd~~~A~ ~ ~ ~ga° .xo' - m W`~ ~ ~0~ ~ Qk y R ~ N19~~ ~co u ~3C ~P a . O~`p ~Z~ ~ \ w ur- o. c, ~,ti ~ x ,pi VO • OBI_ A6 < OYn Q ~f- UG. uM 0.'P- R ~E. F ~ ce § ~ ~s ~a ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ gxro~ ~ - ;N 4 • 4d , u I V VA, 4 ,1, ~1A ~ © ~ Ty 0 $T y y n y a y .w A / II~L rt M p\`~\ ` x e u~ V~ ~ „ n iM M1 ~~h'p $411 ~We ~ `FT ,,.a., ~ ~ ~ • ~ s~ f i ~ w4 _ ~ ~ . 4 ~ s ~ a s ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I, ~ A 1 . ~ i / ~ - \ ~ 4 ~ v -iz- ~ Pp ~ xoncs COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © [ d °ON _ _ _O _ __M-_ ~ ~ ReY PmpeM1Y TU Sehim Agnwy v a ~ m ~d.....~....~., 26 n n _ ,...m.~:. _ m.,~ ..~.~.d~.~... ~n ma.en,. _ - - _ - Ex. timber Return to be recon. w/ vinyl Prop. stone ~ - W W armor 1 W ~ W ~ y area Area to be ~ y W Prop. "inset" bcarped out Village Lane Y filled with stone beach acc ss Hurricane 75 c.y. clean sand ` ~ steps (3'x 4') Sandy °~p ' and planted with Cape American Beach m ~ ~ I > Grass plugs 18" oc ~ ~ w ~ m O ' m I DETAIL 1"= 15' o i 2 STY RESIDENCE R~~',",~,, w, A licant ro ses to recon. a 12' _ prep 5t0"e 811~f8V0i PP P Po ~ - - area ewrped °m or N~~ane sanay timber return (in place) utilizing arenl Ml n water vrep. snaer vinyl sheathing, to construct a 3'x en~ae . ,Ipna a 4'set of (inset)stone steps for ~s ~.Y. cman aria ~ amps taes~ ens gantea wiN ' beach access, to armor return and Mwrent Low wamr caw nn,eaw° ease, recon. a stone armor in a 24' area Grass purge 18'oc ~ x i that was scoured out during r~ ~ Hurricane Sandy to backfill with 75 Hw- EX.BLKD 'll D t ~ c.y. of Gean sand trucked in from an upland source and plant with IN ORIENT HARBOR Cape American Beach Grass ~ MAY - 82013 plugs 18" oc. At Orient Harbor, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, IXl Newyork. I~ ~ Applicant: Laura Weil y,~d w,„ Location: 2760 Village Lane, Orient, Town of Southold i ~ Purpose: Recon Return, toe armor, steps ' I ~ ! ~ ~ Datum: Apparent Low Water S.C.T.M.NO. 1000-26-1-20.1 i II ~ LOCUS: 41°08'07" 72°18'11" ~ ' I ~;f DKR SHORES INC, P.O. BOX 488 2 May'13 ' S'L'ALE ~ rr_ 3~r _ u • ~ ~ HAMPTON BAYS, N.Y. 11946 SHEET 1 OF 2 l - t. 2"x 12" CAP 2"x 6" FOLLOWER ----5/16"x 3" HDG HARDWARE PROP. GRADE ~I ~'i F- 3'X 4' STONE INSET STEPS I~'~ ~ GRADE ~ 3/4" X 12' LONG HDG TIE ROD I LB ' CORE CLEAN STONE SAND FIL4 m~e ~ffi ~2" X 6"x 12' CCA WALE(two elevations) WEEP HOLE IN VSP@ 9' O.C. I BEACH ~ ~ 8" X 8' ANCHOR PILES @ 6' O.C.(TYP) - ~I GRAVEL -~~FILTER i BASE FABRIC Applicant proposes to recon. a 12' timber return (in place) utilizing vinyl sheathing, to construct a 3'x 4' set of (inset) EVERLAST 4.1 VINYL SHEET PILE (TYP)- 10' LONG stone steps for beach access, to armor return and recon. a stone armor in a 24' area that was scoured out during Hurricane Sandy to backfill wRh 75 c.y. of clean sand trucked in from an upland source and plant with Cape American Beach Grass plugs 18" oc. At Orient Harbor, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. I 10" CCA PILE - 12' LONG @ 6' O. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Applicant: Laura Weil Location: 2760 Village Lane, Orient, Town of Southold / Purpose: Recon Return, toe armor, steps f' 7- Datum: Apparent Low Water ~IAY - 8 2013 ' S.C.T.M.NO. 1000-26-1-20.1 II LOCUS: 41°08'07" 72°18'11" ~ ~(~±i ~ DKR SHORES INC, P.O. BOX 488 2 May'13 SCALE 1/2"= 1' Southold town Y'~~s~k HAMPTON BAYS, N.Y. 11946 SHEET 2 OF 2 I T