HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubject File N 5UBDIVI .� ION OE PROPERTY "THE ORCHARD5 " � W E Po SITUATE : ORIENT .. .... TOWN : 50UTHOLD 72 �� TO GREENPORT A 5 U E EO LK CO U NTY, NY S D 5UFFOLK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - 27 - I - 3 RECEIVED MAPPED OG- 1 5- 201 3 OCT 2 4 2023 0�o SITE REVI5ED 1 2-05-2014, 01 -2 1 -201 5 Southold Town 1 - 14-201 5, 03- 1 E;-2018, 1 1 -20-2018 Planning Board 05-08-201 9, 05-29-201 9, OG- 18-2013 07-08-2020 (BLDG ENVELOPES 5Y LAHTI ENG.) ROPE 02-04-202 1 (SCWWM COMMENTS BY LAHTI ENG.) 0�0 FPRM 03- 1 G-202 1 (5CWWM COMMENTS BY LAHTI ENG.) 05-G-202 1 (5CWWM COMMENTS BY LAHTI ENG.) ��� KEY MAP OG-7-202 1 (LOT LINES/AREAS UPDATED BY LAHTI ENG.) s� I " = G00' 1 1 -3-202 1 (5CWWM COMMENTS BY LAHTI ENG.) o 01 -27-2022 (UPDATE PER 5CWWM INDIV. LOT 5AN1. PLANS) s �� 1 0-02-2023 (UPDATE PER TOWN PLANNING) ' °'' 0 0 � cam �o� 70 F OWNER/APPLICANT: Steven A. Martocello �`�,. 24 Miller Woods Drive S36.02'00"E Miller Place, NY 117G4 34.02' s� BUILDING LOT /o p SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES GREAT RIVER, N.Y. Date / C �� RBARN ESERVE pp vt� AREA �o / �3 This is to certify that the proposed subdivision or developement / ��p ^ /pp � for T ORCHARDS in the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD with a total of 5 lots was O?`00� �`,�/ h OHO N31'2945"E O\ o/ram O, approved on the above date. Water Supplies and Sewage Disposal / 55 77' Ob \�S /,oh F Facilities must conform to construction standards in effect at the / �s�o�t��/ryoi time of construction and are: subject to separate permits pursuant to those standards. This approval shall be valid only if the realty subdivision/developement map is duly filed with the County Clerk / Qs within one year of this date. Consent is hereby given for the filing of this map on which this endorsement appears in the Office of the County Clerk in accordance with provisions of the Public Health Law and the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. Director, Division of Environmental Quality 2 // O j 3r. O' o %0 406,701.903 S.F. GROSS o- 011 Co�� p 58,896.51 S.F. BUILDING LOT `O 347,805.42 S.F. OPEN SPACE INCL. BARN RESERVE (TITLE RESERVED TO APPLICANT) 20,791.65 S.F. BARN RESERVE 0 3 _ 0 068377 off' A��FESSIONP� �� � LOT 2 •��. S36'05'30"E so, ^� 40,305.86 S.F. 2.88 Orch �s�ss s4sso y �R C� arCC/ �0 (� o w "4P kP 'N 2�2 200 A. 12387 �S7 o 70 F N62'18'10„W 1�66IQ 1' F F ago o). ��`L �,� 27.93 9 �tK N46'46'00"W 25.00' 20 4p6 ORS N43'14'00"E 9,72' O 0> p ��.�` ® icy i�P A-92. 33 R- 43-45.17' 1� r (� P ^.'`o`L.o° LOT 4 TH15 5UBDIV15ION HAS BEEN ADOPTED PURSUANT TO THE TERMS OF St, ��` tK °` 40,670.43 S.F. 41 THE AMENDED CHAPTER 240, SUBDIVISION OF LAND, WITH AN °o ��t `'N6 , O� S49'1200E 6,st9Sp, LOT 3 EFFECTIVE AMENDMENT DAME OF 4SS, �t` �JQ 18.21 ��• 44,791.82 S.F. O SS o0oy ��k. g N43'14 00"E 00� ,�04k 86 a 'Vs1s� �V 6822' c �OOo� 02 P R=28.00 O k�616pjo ��� 2�6 rD 00- , „�'`.��` L=42.79' o) ?�3 `�� '`�6�' 0 d 2stK d=87.5667- LOT 5 �s• �o. ti \� 39,590.16 S.F. A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RE5TRICTIONS HAS BEEN FILED IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE. THE COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS 2 �° oo"w2 C��k1k�.p�0 AFFECT THE SUBDIVISION AND PROPERTIES WITHIN IT. �� pis, `3�•353682. �O�` zoo, o DATE: BY: O ass, REQUIRED SETBACKS(IN FEET) 20� yS6 3�5, LOT# FRONT YARD 1 FRONT YARD 2 SIDE YARD REAR YARD Area = 575,482 5q. Ft:. ( 13.303 ACRES) ��� ��� 2 25 50 AND 20 50 DEVELOPMENT 15 FOR 5 LOT5 � 3 25 20 AND 20 50 GROUND WATER MANAGEMENT ZONE 4 `� 4 25 50 20 50 FIRE DISTRICT NO. 25 15 1 25 150 125 20 5CHOOL D15TRICT NO. 2 PROPERTY ZONE R-80 LIMITS OF CLEARING (IN SQUARE FEET) ELEVATIONS REFERENCE NAVD 88 5 U RVEY BY J O H N C. E H LE R5 5 L.5. ss p� LOT# PERCENT AREA 1 50 29,448 NOTES: P RO P05 E D 5 LOT 5 U B D I V 15 I O N Unauthorized alteration or addition ' a survey 2 50 20,153 map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a � ® MONUMENT FOUND violation of section 7209, sub—division 2, of the �s' °0 3 50 22,396 ® PROPOSED MONUMENT LAHTI ENGINEERING AND New York State Education Law. 99 4 50 20,335 0 PIPE FOUND 5 50 19,795 0 REBAR FOUND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING , P . C . 99, ® PROPOSED PI PE/ROD PROPOSED LOTS 2,3,4 AND 5 EACH HAVE ONE QUARTER(1/4)OWNERSHIP OF THE PROPOSED PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY _. —, _. _ WIRE FENCE 44, 2 1 G8-3 18 NE5CON5ET H". N .Y.S. LIC. NO. OG8377 GRAPHIC SCALE 1 °— I Q�' STONY BROOK, NY 1 1 750 OFFICE: G3 1 -75 1 -G433 ALTERATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS, UNLESS MADE BY A LICENSED PROF., IS A VIOLATION OF PROJECT I G-028 SECTION 7209 OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW. N fINAL LOAD AND DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE F I NAL PLAT OE CLU5TERED "to 2 W E PD M � 5UE) DIV15ION Of THE ORCHARDS 72' 11�1\ TO GREENPORT ° 0 5UFFOLK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - 27 - I - 3 0 REV 1 2- 1 5-2024 ADDED DRAINAGE TO 5AT15FY NY5DEC WQv oR�y SI TE 0 P� �s sr�'FF N P� T RD PO 33� KEY MAP s� I " = G00' I o rr0 Q• � N C� �3 \ S36 .�E 34.02' N '` ��� ) '!gyp• S� � Ol I 1 /p 9O,` OLE H #I . O \ O �00. i �h/'�� tom• / �J31'29'45S E �O��i 0,,55.77' r 0 SO �x V (c\ / li li &\'O C; / I I O \O' r� I 00'v 1/ I II Qs � I / } I I I 0 / nrL I 11 II 70a qp of NEW ,/�4 I I --- �'�Q'P�J O Sfpy` Acb O �� �O C� W - 6g Ln �1p FE /8 ` i 'S l ` S36'05'30"E SS m� s >> I� a /I \ '' 2.88' o LOT 2 Or, N� - , �� \\ ss v8 0 . \`,� \`.� \\� \�`. BUILDING 9> < ENVELOPE(TYP.) /,5 <j0' �.\ /p� p 9 00 �' r<i! 6'•��� 2 ^' \ V6'h��'O Ds ���'�D //\OO�i\\\ TESTtK Q O�3 ,• � D(' ��'v� i I6d'' 0"WN91 � 4�6�'0 0"Wg0 " 1 N46; /> T 43*14'00"E 9.7' R=28.00 L=45.17 - 1 ") 'S r� i / Loy/4 /p`1'o i A=92.4333' /r� To \g�� ��`91 \ LOT 3 \\ Ot9 r S412�80"`E� Nra2 2° L ' N6�s�Ss, �� �18.21' / O ff, , 00•, Nti tK, Q� / N43-14'00"E /V�Q'� �68 r p , ' 20.02' \\F \\ , Z c�� e/ 00"�, ?? .r ,�'��.� �42.79'28.00 \\?0 � ��,Gs olN �o�• 0��- Co 26 31 ° . ItCK A—;�--87,5667' LOT 5 \ 6. O• i `L ���� eo L 4 , w2 _ \'/o J S O /S6 TEST HOLE#I DATA TEST HOLE#2 DATA ALBRECHT EXCAVATION ALBRECHT EXCAVATION 1 1- 1 7-201 5 1 1-17-201 5 GRADE EL= 13' GRADE EL= 1 2' S 'ML LOAM ML LOAM VP CL LOAM d SAND \ /S6 RECEIVED 5M SILTY SAND 2 — SM SILTY SAND FEB 2 0 2024 -- 7' -- Southold Town SW SAND t GRAVEL 5W SAND t GRAVEL ss Planning Board 10-02-2023 SURVEY BY JOHN C. EHLER5, L.S. WATER IN WATER IN NOTES: PROPOSED 5 LOT SUBDIVISION Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey SW SAND E GRAVEL SW SAND t GRAVEL map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a / ® MONUMENT FOUND violation of section 7209, sub—division 2, of the a6 ® PROPOSED MONUMENT LAHTI ENGINEERING AND New York State Education Low. ' 14' 0 PIPE FOUND 99- 0 RE13ARFOUND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING , P . C . ® PROPOSED PIPE/ROD — —Y — — WIRE FENCE 44 oT PROPOSED STREET TREE 2 1 G8-3 18 NE5CON5ET I-1WY. N .Y.S. LIC. NO. OG8377 ® PROPOSED BUFFER STAKE STONY BROOK, NY 1 1 790 OFFICE: G3 1 -75 I -G433511FET OF 2 GRAPHIC SCALE I It= 1 00 ALTERATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS, UNLESS MADE BY A LICENSED PROF., IS A VIOLATION OF PROJECT I G-028 SECTION 7209 OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW. LOAD AND DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION STAO+00 STAO+50 STA1+00 STAl+50 STA2+00 STA2+46.83 EL. 12.00 EL. 11.75 EL. 12.00 EL. 11.75 EL.12.00 EL. 12.23 PLAN FOR THE f I NAL PLAT OE CLUSTERED 7--- PROPOSED _ROADWAY ORIGINAL GROUND SUBDIVISION Of THE ORCHARD5 SURFACE ALONG CENTERLINE ELEVATION PROPOSED STORMWATER CATCH BASIN AND LEACHING POOL /000.-_ 5 U f=FOLK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - 2 7 - I - 3 PROPOSED S CATCH BASIN ANNDD L LE STORMWATER G POOL REV 1 2- 1 5-2024 ADDED DRAINAGE TO 5AT15fY` NY5DEC WQv ROADWAY PROFILE -� HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 5' _ (� v, PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED 10'0 X YH LEACHING PROPOSED 10'0 X YH LEACHING DRIVEWAY BUILDING LOT#4 RINGS STORMWATER POOL WITH RINGS STORMWATER POOL PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB DRIVEWAY BUILDING 24"0 SOLID MANHOLE AT GRADE LOT#2 74 11.75 FLOW LINE - /` / , I 11.5 FLOW LINE 11.75 FLOW LINE �/�/`y I 11.75 �-'v�FLOW LINE 11.98 3. 1" RADIUS 6 LP4 0 _ _ _ _ _ PROPOSED 10'0 X 5'H 11.50 10, LPI 1 LEACHING RINGS 1 l ° DRAINAGE ZONE I STORMWATER POOL LP2 DRAINAGE ZONE 2 12.00 m \ / ` / PROPOSED ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE 12.00 12.23 n' �p HA STA0+57.50_ _ _ �- STAO+S / \� ° STA1+00 STA1+5 \ \ STA2+00 STA2+00.30 STA2+46.83 D•°, ROAD SURFACE STAO+00 11,75 I PROPOSED 18"0 11�.75 \ PROPOSED ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE °_� PROPOSED 18"0 F-- �, PROPOSED 20, RIDGE LINE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE \ •° EXCEPT AT EXPANSION JOINT 7A CONCRETE CORRUGATED METAL PIPE F_ 7 1 0 1 r -I \ . n, CONTINUOUS #5 REBAR DRIVEWAY APRON ` CBI _ _ ` LP5 / PROPOSED CATCH BASIN----�{ CB2 \ 11.74 PROPOSED CATCH BASIN \ 1 \ ,w°' , REIN. CONCRETE CURB WITH 1 FLOW LINE�/�� 11.75 1.50 11.75 11.98 �-'w FLOW LINE FLOW LINE�/` 11.57 \ �--^n.FLOW LINE HA STA0+50 ten,FLOW LINE 11.92 „ \ / o 8" RADIUS AT EXPOSED TOP EDGE EDGE OF EXISTING 11.50 / ROADWAY PAVEMENT v LP3 \ SUBGRADE I �-STANDARD COMPACTED NDARD PROCTOR DENSITYS% DRIVEWAY PROPOSED 10'0 X 5'H LEACHING PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB 11.68 1 11.98 BUILDING RINGS STORMWATER POOL WITH DRIVEWAY BUILDING LOT#5 /PROPOSED 10'0 X YHLOT#3 24"0 SOLID MANHOLE AT GRADE PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE FLOW TYPE "B " CURB DETAIL \ / LEACHING RINGS PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS TORMWATER POOL PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB SCALE---------------------N.T.S. ZONE 1: 1,600 SF R.O.W.X 2"RAINFALL X 1.0=267 CF/(68.38 CF/VLF OF 10'0 POOL)=3.9 VLF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPOSED(3)10'0 X 5'RING HEIGHT NOTES: ZONE 2:3,466 SF R.O.W.X 2"RAINFALL X 1.0=578 CF/(68.38 CF/VLF OF 10'0 POOL)=8.5 VLF PROPOSED(2)IYO X 5'RING HEIGHT LEACHING POOLS DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 38-1. ADDITIONAL DRAINAGE CAPACITY IS BEING PROVIDED BECAUSE THE IMPERVIOUS ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI AT 28 DRIVEWAY/PARKING AREAS FOR PROPOSED BUILDING LOTS 2,3,4 AND 5 WILL DRAIN TO DAYS WITH MIN. 4% - MAX. 6% AIR ENTRAINMENT THE PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY.THE WATER QUALITY VOLUME REQUIRED TO SATISFY THE 11.78 0.a CRITERIA OF THE NYSDEC SPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR STORMWATER DISCHARGES FROM SCALE: 1" = 10' 12.04 CONCRETE SHALL BE MONOLITHIC POUR USING FORMS FRONT AND REAR PROPOSED ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY IS BEING PROVIDED BY THE USE OF UNDERGROUND FIRE WELL STORMWATER LEACHING POOLS IN THE PRIVATE RIGHT-OF-WAY. TURNARO AREA PER TOWN OF S UTHOLD REQUIREMENT EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL HAVE WOOD FLOAT FINISH. 16.0 ' *GROUNDWATER NAVD 88 ELEVATION 2 FEET 0 5 10 15 20 2'00' 1/2" PRE-MOLDED BITUMINUOUS EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE PLACED 5' GRAPHIC SCALE MIN., 20 MAX. ON CENTER FLOW PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE LP2 WILL NOT HAVE THE CURB PIECE AS IT LIES a IN THE LOCATION OF THE DRIVEWAY FOR P OPOSED CONCRETE CURB I BUILDING LOT#4.USE FLUSH GRATE AT DROP 0 6"H PRECAST REINFORCED CONC. COLLAR DRIVEWAY CURB. 12.13 LP4&LP5 WILL HAVE SOLID MANHOLE COVERS 11.89 T Q W N F S O iJJ T F i O L D HEAVY DUN CAST IRON MANHOLE FRAME & SOLID AT GRADE IN LIEU OF A CURB INLET STANDARD S T R E E T T R E E D Mr A I L COVER (NEENAH FOUNDRY MODEL 3067 OR EQUAL) HA STAO+00.84 HA STAO+00 ASPHALT PAVEMENT SEE ROAD PLAN PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE OF NEW 5'-0" MINIMUM � - P�SOSEP O;8 PRECAST REINFORCED ' CONCRETE SLAB 00 EL. 9.83' °1 r a. a REINFORCED CONCRETE �� I 25'RIGHT-OF-WAY I ? a LEACHING POOL ®®® ® ® ® ® Q F �O 068377 ��C 18"0 CORRUGATED RIGHT OF WAY C.L. RIGHT OF WAY Z I x > A��FESS40NP� METAL PIPE PER i ® ® ® 12.50' I 12.50' y TOWN OF SOUTHOLD _ 1_E. 7.00' ( I DOUBLE STRAND REINFORCED RUBBER ®®® 23 ® ® ® 4.5' I 16'ASPHALT PAVIID ROAD SECTION I 4.5' i i 2 WIRE TWISTED HOSE - 2 PIECES CE3 1 00 ®® ® ® O $ in cp SLOPE 1:3 MAX.TO EXISTING GRADE I I CB2 WILL NOT HAVE THE CURB PIECE AS a COMPACTED I I TYPE"B"CONCRETE CURB I I B' LONG CEDAR STAKE HEAVY DUTY CURB INLET TYPE CAST IRON ®® ® ® ® ® SAND GRAVEL 3"CROWN(TYP.) IT LIES IN THE LOCATION OF THE / MULCH 2�" to 3" KINIMUM FRAME & GRATE (NEENAH FCUNDRY •N CALIPER @ 4 MODEL 3067 OR EQUAL) DRIVEWAY FOR BUILDING LOT#5.USE COMPACTED ►� PRECAST REINFORCED FLUSH GRATE AT DROP DRIVEWAY CURB. SAND/GRAVEL J ®®® ® ABOVE GROUND CONCRETE COLLAR - 2 1/2"BINDER COURSE 4'TO BE CLEARED .zW. 6" SAUCER RA I I RAKED& __--- 00 a 4"TOPSOIL FINE GRADE SEEDED J �. 8" PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER 0 10'-0" DIA. 1' MIN. 1 a 6" TOPSOIL �O 4"COMPACTED BASE COURSE EL. 9.83 Oo 3/4"STONE BLEND OR CRUSHED CONCRETE ' .. C�p O - M 18"0 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE 00 I.E. 7.08 �$ ROADWAY SECTION MONOLITHIC PRECAST 18 6" 2'-b" b" AROUND TRUNK LOOSEN BURLAP SCALE: N.T.S. REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASIN 6q�j g I:1. MIN. BALLMIN, TOPSOIL (25Z MANURE) DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 15-3 6" 48" 6" N -5¢ PLANTING PIT OPENING IN BOTTOM OF CATCH BASIN NO SCALE Prepared and Approved By DRAWING Recommended By: Superintendent of Bigirwaya W"Eg TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CATCH BASIN STORM WATER LEACHING POOL- CURB INLET JAMS A. RICaTER ���,�. 0 �. D ril 20, 1593 4 5- ARCHITECT L. SCALE----------N.T.S. SCALE--------------------------------------------------- N.T.S. APPROX 16' TO EXISTING ROAD PROPERTY DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 34-1 DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 33-1 I I LINE DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 15-3 `O STREET TREE CALCULATION- 5 REFERENCE NAVD 88 EXIST. ROAD PITCH BASED ON SITE PLAN GRADES 5 U RV EY BY J O H N C. E H LE RB 9 L -x ----x • °.¢- x x x .a-x '= WEST SIDE OF PRIVATE R.O.W.:251.42 LF X(1 TREE/40 LF)=6 STREET TREES REQUIRED 10-02-2023 GENERAL NOTES: EAST SIDE OF PRIVATE R.O.W.: 157.44 LF X(1 TREE/40 LF)=4 STREET TREES REQUIRED P RO P05 E D 5 LOT 5 U D D I V 1 S 1 O N Unauthorized alteration or addition 's a survey MID - EPTH W.W.F. NOTES: map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUMCOMPRESSIVESTRENGTHOF3,000 REINFORCED CONCRETEJ MID-DEPPTH OF SLAB * 0 MONUMENT FOUND violation of section 7209, sub-division 2, of the PSI AT 28 DAYS WITH A MINIMUM 4/0-MAXIMUM 6/"AIR ENTRAINMENT. DRIVEWAY APRON STREET TREES SHALL BE CORNUS FLORIDA RUBRA(PINK FLOWERING DOGWOOD) New York State Education Law. ® P ROP05 E D MONUMENT LAHTI ENGINEERING AND 2. NO STREET TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 20 BASE UNDER APRON TO BE FEET FROM THE ENDS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY CURVE RADIUS. COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 95% O PIPE FOUND p STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY ` , ENVIRONMENTAL COMSULTING , I • C . 3. STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE 18 INCH WN OFER,14 GAUGE® REBAR FOUNDGALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL PER TOWN OF SOU'II7-TOLD 0 PROP05ED PIPE/ROD SPECIFICATIONS. FEB 2 G 2024 asT PROPOBED STREET TREE 2 168-3 18 NEBCONBET HWY. N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 068377 DRIVEWAY APRON SECTION _ Southold Town SCALE: N.T.S. Planning Board STONY BROOK, NY 11790 Off ICE: 63 I -75 I -6433 ALTERATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS, UNLESS 5HEET 2 Of 2 MADE BY A LICENSED PROF., IS A VIOLATION OF PROJECT 16-028 SECTION 7209 OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW. FINAL ROAD AND DRAINAGE FLAN FOR N N TH E F I NAL FLAT OE CLUSTERED C � r SUBDIVI `DION OE THE ORCMARD5 72' D 0 0 TO GREENPORT S0 SITE E ��" STRFF T 00 F PRM ?,ONO KEY MAP s� I " = G00' o. 0 R°F �(0 S36'02'00"E 34.02' s /o �0 /ph 29, /•tip O. O)�` O O \Oe i ' �- N31'29'45"E �o\� /ram °°, 55.77' OF\�i5O .pry/•ate - O\ /1 / O.V � QP / / / s F OF NE4, / * 3v �9y * � oo �/ �,��'•o sue. 1.1 0 00 J' 068377�oA 00, \\ SI'�OFESO�P�� qj /8S / K S36'05'30"E Aso m a / LOT \\ rch �6�ss 64 BUILDING p�1 ENVELOPE(TYP.) /^�O �O kP 2�2 •Y 0 2 O O O / � N�,&'.s. 0.1 W 3900,. ��� tK 2 .93 \69�� �tK N�6'46'00"W 400' 20 4�6 fit` ,lv o`L'S > To 43*14'00"E 9.72' m� o O, `° � �92.4333'-45.17'\ LOT 4 ° V To ° R`97 \ LOT 3 \ p0 �L O��r /� S49'12'6r sit• r // 18.21' ~\9>2,0'!y\\ \ /8 200 N6�SS O�04W 7g K. T r� / N43'14'00"E \\°°F \\ � 6 iVs • 8 p 20.02 2/6 a 4SS0 22' o ��o� \R=28.00 \\ ?O) 22\ �c� '0 0 ly T '5 42. ' \ \ 0o no 263�, °�� .�`� ��7�566779 ' LOTS \��d• '�o• `L ��� ' 6 �� �/$, �3�•3S23s 82. Off` zoo, d Ise, /0/' I 0-02-2023 SURVEY BY JOHN C. EHLER5, L.S . ss NOTES: P RO P05 E D 5 LOT 5 U B D I V 15 I O N map alteration or addition ' a survey RECEIV ED bearing g a licensed land surveyor's seal is a / MONUMENT FOUND violation of section 7209, sub—division 2, of the New York State Education Law. OCT 2 2023 ® PROP05ED MONUMENT LAMTI ENGINEERING AND bj PIPE FOUND 99' �outnold Town O ® REBAR FOUND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING , F . C . Planning Board ® PROPOSED PIPE/ROD - — — - WI RE FENCE 4q, oT PROPOSED STREET TREE 2 1 G8-3 18 NE5CON5ET HWY. N .Y.S. LIC. NO. OG8377 ® PROPOSED BUFFER STAKE STONY BROOK NY 1 1 790 OFFICE: G3 1 -75 1 -G433 GRAPHIC SCALE I "= 100' ALTERATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS, UNLESS 5HEET I Of 2 MADE BY A LICENSED PROF., IS A VIOLATION OF PROJECT I G-028 SECTION 7209 OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW. LOAD AND DRAINAGE CONSTRUCTION STAO+00 STAO+50 STAl+00 STAI+50 STA2+00 STA2+46.83 EL.12.00 EL. 11.75 EL.12.00 EL.11.75 EL. 12.00 EL.12.23 FLAN fOR THE F I NAL FLAT OE CLUSTERED '�Y,PROPOSED ROADWAYORIGINAL GROUND 5UBDIVIDION Of THE ORCHARD5 SURFACE ALONG CENTERLINE ELEVATION PROPOSED STORMWATER CATCH BASIN AND LEACHING POOL 5 U Ff=O LK COUNTY TAX # 1000 - 27 - 1 - 3 PROPOSED STORMWATER CATCH BASIN AND LEACHING POOL ROADWAY PROFILE �- HORIZONTAL SCALE: 1" = 50' VERTICAL SCALE: 1" = 5' , (� v. PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB _ o _ 11.75 FLOW LINE ��� I 11.5 "�^�FLOW LINE 11.75 FLOW LINE �/�` / \ 11.75 "-'��'FLOW LINE 11.98 3 6 1" RADIUS PROPOSED 10'0 X 4'H PROPOSED 10'0 X 5'H 1 1].50 LEACHING RINGS ` LP1 LEACHING RINGS 1 / STORMWATER POOL DRAINAGE ZONE I ( STORMWATER POOL LP2 DRAINAGE ZONE 2 TEEXCEPT 12.00 HA STA0+57.50 STA0+55 ° STAl+00 STA1+5� STA2+00 STA2+00.30 ROAD SURFACE STAG+00 11.75 11.75 \ STA2+46.83PROPOSED 18"0 PROPOSED ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE PROPOSED 18"0 \ PROPOSED ASPHALT ROAD SURFACE PROPOSED RIDGE LINECONCRETECORRUGATED METAL PIPE CB1 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CB2- \DRIVEWAY APRON PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED CATCH BASIN---�{ \ ONTINUOUS P REON AT EXPANSION JOINT 150 11.75 1.50 11.57 \ 11.75 HA STAO+5011.74 FLOW LINE -r-'w FLOW LINE FLOW LINE�`-� -���FLOW LINE --'�ti FLOW LINEREIN. CONCRETE CURB WITH 1" RADIUS AT EXPOSED TOP EDGE 8' EDGE OF EXISTING ROADWAY PAVEMENT \ LP3 �1 _- SSUBGRADE TANDARD COMPACPROCTOTED DETOIT95% PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB t 11.68 / 11.98 PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE )) )) PROPOSED 10'0 X 5'H \ / FLOW TYPE B CURB DETAIL PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE LEACHING RINGS DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS STORMWATER POOL PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB SCALE---------------------N.T.S. oN ZONE 1:1,600 SF X 2"RAINFALL X 1.0=267 CF/(68.38 CF/VLF OF 10'O POOL)=3.9 VLF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROPOSED(1)10'0 X 4'RING HEIGHT NOTES: ZONE 2:3,466 SF X 2"RAINFALL X 1.0=578 CF/(68.38 CF/VLF OF 10'0 POOL)=8.5 VLF PROPOSED(2)10'0 X Y RING HEIGHT LEACHING POOLS DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 38-1. ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PLAN CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 PSI AT 28 *GROUNDWATER NAVD s8 ELEVATION 2 FEET 11.78 DAYS WITH MIN. 4% - MAX. 6% AIR ENTRAINMENT PROPOSED ELECTRIC 14N SCALE: 1" = 10' 12.04 CONCRETE SHALL BE MONOLITHIC POUR USING FORMS FRONT AND REAR FIRE WELL TURNAROUND AREA PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD REQUIREMENT EXPOSED SURFACES SHALL HAVE WOOD FLOAT FINISH. 16.0 ' 0 5 10 15 20 2.00, 1/2" PRE-MOLDED BITUMINUOUS EXPANSION JOINTS TO BE PLACED 5' GRAPHIC SCALE MIN., 20' MAX. ON CENTER FLOW PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE a PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB 30 a 6"H PRECAST REINFORCED CONC. COLLAR u' 12.01 12.13 11.89 ToWN OF S'OLJTHOLD HEAVY DUN CAST IRON MANHOLE FRAME & SOLID Sr A N D A R D STREET TREE D E T A I L COVER (NEENAH FOUNDRY MODEL 3067 OR EQUAL) HA STA0+00.84 HA STAG+00 ASPHALT PAVEMENT SEE ROAD PLAN PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE .��,OF NEWr s'-o" MINMMUH OSEjo �,� PRECAST REINFORCED _ CONCRETE SLAB y 00 EL. 9.83_ G4 4' O n REINFORCED CONCRETE oU$ I 25'RIGHT-OF-WAY I � w �)) LEACHING POOL ® ® ® ® ® 0068377 ' ------� RIGHT OF WAY C.L. RIGHT OF WAY I _ A�OFESSIONP� 18METALO PIIPEAPER 1 ® ® ® 1 I 12.50' 12.50 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i _, I_E. 7.00' ;'� I I DOUBLE STRAND REIFiFORC£D RUBBER 10 0®® ® ® ® ® 4.5' I 16'ASPHALT PAVI D ROAD SECTION I 4.5' / 12 WIRE TWISTED HOSE - 2 PIECES C6 1 ® ® p��$ in cp�®® I I I ' '. SLOPE 1:3 MAX.TO EXISTING GRADE HEAVY DUTY CURB INLET TYPE CAST IRON ®0 ® ® ® ® COMPACTED ( I 3"CROWN(TYP.) TYPE"B"CONCRETE CURB I I ( 8' LONG CEDAR STAKE FRAME & GRATE (NEENAH FOUNDRY SAND/GRAVEL - __ I MULCH 24" to 3" MINIMUM MODEL 3067 OR EQUAL) SANMPACTEDD/GRAVEL D/GRAVEL`� ®®® ® ® 0 CALIPER @ 4 PRECAST REINFORCED °� 0o ABOVE GROUND CONCRETE COLLAR - c 2 1/2"BINDER COURSE 4'TO BE CLEARED z SAUCER GRADE 11.50 RAKED& a ' -- -- op a : 4"TOPSOIL FINE GRADE SEEDED --�---- =IffJ 6" TOPSOIL 8" PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE COVER 10'-0" DIA. 1' MIN. ( - - z • 4"COMPACTED BASE COURSE d _ EL. 9.83 -- ° 3/4"STONE BLEND OR - p CRUSHED CONCRETE °• _ s 18"0 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE ° •• �Q� ROADWAY SECTION I.E. 7.08 `�V � LOOSEN BURLAP MONOLITHIC PRECAST 18 SCALE: N.T.S. b" 2'-b" b" AROUND TRUNK REINFORCED CONCRETE CATCH BASIN ,. 049 z - iv. MIN. BALL IN TOPSOIL (25% MANURE) W DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 15 3 6" 48" 6" iv NO PLANTING PIT OPENING IN BOTTOM OF CATCH BASIN _ oU� g NO SCALE Prepared and Approved B P PP y DRAWING Recommended By: Superintendent of 81=t:vty■ l"IER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CATCH BASIN STORM WATER LEACHING POOL- CURB INLET JAMESA. RICaTER �ZZ_. Dpi�ril2D, 1- 45-1 ARCHITECT MYMND L. SCALE----------N.T.S. SCALE--------------------------------------------------- N.T.S. APPROX 16' TO EXISTING ROAD 4 PROPERTY DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 34-1 DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 33-1 i ( LINE E DETAIL BASED ON TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD DRAWING 15-3 ELEVATIONS REFERENCE NAVD 88 i STREETTREECALCULATION- EXIST. ROAD ( PITCH BASED ON SITE PLAN GRADES SURVEY BY J O H N C. E H LE RSI� L.5 . -X T x • X ' X x •, x '- WEST SIDE OF PRIVATE R.O.W.:251.42 LF X(1 TREE/40 LF)=6 STREET TREES REQUIRED 10-02-2023 GENERAL NOTES: EAST SIDE OF PRIVATE R.O.W.: 157.44 LF X(1 TREE/40 LF)=4 STREET TREES REQUIRED NOTES: _ PROPOSED 5 LOT SUBDIVISION Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey 6X6-10 10 W.W.F. 1. ALL CONCRETE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 3,000 _ map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a ° o REINFORCED CONCRETE MID-DEPTH OF SLAB 13 MONUMENT I OU N D violation of section 7209, sub-division 2, of the PSI AT 28 DAYS WITH A MINIMUM 4/0-MAXIMUM 6/o AIR ENTRAINMENT. DRIVEWAY APRON *STREET TREES SHALL BE CORNUS FLORIDA RUBRA(PINK FLOWERING DOGWOOD) New York State Education Law. ® PROPOSED MONUMENT LAHTI ENGINEERING AND 2. FEET STREET TREE SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN A MINIMUM LENGTH OF 20 BASE UNDER APRON TO 5BE % � ��e 'E D FEET FROM THE ENDS OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY CURVE RADIUS. COMPACTED TO MINIMUM 95% `�' o PIPE FOUND F . C . STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY ENVIRONMENTAL CON5ULTING , I . C • 3. STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE 181ER T DIAMETER 14 GAUGE ® REBAR FOUND GALVANIZED CORRUGATED METAL PER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O C T 2 4 2023 ® PROP05ED FIFE/ROD SPECIFICATIONS. DRIVEWAY APRON SECTION Southold Town o ST PROP05ED 5TREET TREE 2 1 G8-3 18 NE5CON5ET HWY. N .Y.S. LIC. NO. OG8377 Planning Board SCALE: N.T.S. STONY BROOK, NY 1 1 790 OffFICE: G3 1 -75 1 -G433 ALTERATION OF THESE DOCUMENTS, UNLESS H E ET 2 Of 2 MADE BY A LICENSED PROF., IS A VIOLATION OF PROJECT 16-028 SECTION 7209 OF THE STATE EDUCATION LAW. � 33� s 0 70, <11 szg' \ R75' S36'02'00'E / \ 34.02' \ s SINGLE \ �6'• nj6 / FAMILY \ �� O� Ca HOME LOT SO O CC 0", alb F82�\ //�S� BARN / °�'\ nab RESERVE AREA rY / 0 \\ / h / O• 5T / o o s6' 70, F F O O /p h / Q) �O A164 SS' VEG O=ryh \ BUFFER � 2 76.00 0/ // BUILDING ENVELOPE(2EPRESENTED / \ BY DASHED LINE TTPE-TYPICAL) S 50' , \ R 50' / S36'05'30"E EG /' `\ 8.07' uS O BUFFER c \rh �64 SS 64sso \ �r� w 0 w o ,o eo Leo VEG 200 wmics u w BUFFER \\ LOT2 R 50, ,^�$20' F 25\41,634 SF /S 20' S Z'. / \ \ VEG F 25'\\ \\ BUFFER F _ VEG ' /F25' 40 �\ \\ \ O MAR 0 2 2023 BUFFE2<- LOT 4 / qP // \ \ \ `9 �p o N64 F,50, 40.056 SF// 441 F 25'/ `\S 25' \\ `\ 00. t�62 200, SSD„ ti / \ \ \ Southoid I own 'w 7s ' `\ \\ LOTS Planning Board s s \ \ a\/Z \\ °° �� � LOTS \ Op /�0 / \ 41,030 SF \ V' p0 o F2 50' o BUFFER /R20'�°� THE ORCHARDS �� 'S o 5°°� REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT o SCALE: 1" = 60' O /S6 ------------------------------- /2e' LAHTI ENGINEERING FEBRUARY 24, 2023 s� �o o, 1 ` V 11 00 / \ �3 OO S 2� \ R 75' S36002'00"E / \ 34.02 \ s � SINGLE / FAMILY \ / sue, OC HOME LOTco 00 / h 9b\ / BARN / �' RESERVE >6 \ / \ AREA (off / Opo / .0 vo �^j s / 001, •� c I <<\ <v / ,�D / %C) 1-6 aQ) / N64 S cV� / �y� VEG �p, 20 16S 0Q''� / j / \. BUFFER 00' / BUILDING ENVELOPE (REPRESENTED / \ / BY DASHED LINE TYPE - TYPICAL) S 50' / \ R 50'. S36°05'30"E 0 EG / \ 8.07 �S Or' �6 N6 . .BUFFER./ ch � ss 4 ss o VEG \ / 0 40 60 120 IGo GRAPHIC SCALE j� BUFFER 00, \ LOT 2 / S 41\ S 2W/ 'a R 50' . / \S 20' 634 SF /S 20' \ . o F 25' \ / 106 \. 0 6 so, < \ R 50t \ \ VEG F 25 \ \ \ BUFFER VEG /F 25' A4� ` \ �O O rho BUFFER LOT 4 O o 6 F2 50' 40.056 SF / / Q F 25'/ ` \ 00, LOZ`3 0 6S s � ' .,� \ \44,527 SF 0 9 \ \ /S 20' Oj \ � ��E O LOT 5 \ �� �'� r-- - -- -1 �O /231 '\ 41,030 SF \ 2' MAR 0 2023 O � o I�2 50' � � / o L"-Soufhoid town Planning Board VEG / R 20' vv �•� BUFFER � THE ORCHARDS REVISED PRELIMINARY PLAT �� _ \ o SCALE: 1 -� 60' ------------------------------- LA TIENGINEERING FEBRUARY 24, 2023 FRFLIMINARY FLAT FOR THE CLUSTERED N! N STANDARD SUBDIVISION OE THE ORCHARDS 51TUATE : ORIENT TOWN : 5OUTHOLD E 5 U E EO Lr\ CO U NTY, NY d TO GREENPORT MAPPED JUNE 15, 2013 0 o� � C D FIRE DISTRICT NO. 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 ° SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX # � SITE i 1000 - 27 - I - 3 p E C E V E AR APPLICANT: JAN 2 9 2015 Steven A. Martocello Southold Town 24 Miller Woods Drive I Planning Board r o 6 y pRM =0 oo 'ss 8a� Opp F I Miller Place, NY 11764 c KEY MAP, ;' �6� _ i GOO SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES O� �' �C�SQ�d `•/ S K I Hauppauge, New York �?0 TYPICALhis is to certify that the proposed Realty Subdivision or Development LOT PLAN N� w oXo for in the not to scale with a total of lots was \� with a total of lots was 2s V� +/ /�, 9� roved on the above date. Water 5u Iles and pp pp Sewage Disposal �NQ.G�G'� Facilities must conform to construction standards in effect at the time of Q O �� O o construction and are subject to separate permits pursuant to those �Q / �o��;o�e0 standards . This approval shall be valid only if the realty � / `��� / Szs ROAD subdlVlslon/developmcnt map is duly filed with the County Clerk within ne year of this date. Consent is hereby given for the filing of this map n which this endorsement appears In the Office of the County Clerk In ccordance with provisions of the Public Health Law and the Suffolk aunty Sanitary Cade / V VITO A. MIND P.E 6 a Director, Division of Environmental Ouality "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS or)�3jn paw r�A s HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS CORRECTLY SHOWN AND 984 �9s� ,, � house ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE CORRECT, 3'gC�Q 01 JOHN C. EHLERS N.Y.P.L.5, LIC # 50202 "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER SUPPLY(S) AND/OR SEWAGE "Cq? o O DISPOSAL SYSTEMS) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR F� �� s UNDER MY DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY �o ` ,> `� �q h� OF THE SOIL, SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS , ALL LOTS, AS ° "bSFo �d SERVICES PROPOSED, ORM TO THE UCTION STANDARDS KINEFFECTUNTY DAS OFnTH15 DATEENT OF ." h�4a5 �s ' � a 6,° �090 �� Well a v r/O� �C� 6c�o�8 \ gyp,' \ 6 C, y IN IN I o IIN N. , � , SE�T I C SYSTEM DETAIL NOTES: ^ TOTAL AREA = 579,542 Scl. Ft. 0� ``��� s"' \` F ° ,�S �� NOT TO SCALE TOTAL AREA = 13.304 Acres �6 `' �'` .' �°;'" �. m MONUMENT FOUND OPEN SPACE = 347,799 5c1. Ft. s , OPEN SPACE = GO. % o`er >` o LOT I = 58,967 5 Ft. ��s s `�'\ CAST IRON FRAMES o PIPE FOUND L � S - ,� .� E '3�, ,� ® REBAR FOUND LOT I = 10. 175 %� O w �� is �� AND COVERS TO GRADE FI I D CAST IRON FRAME AND LOT 2 = 42,094 Sq. Ft. F ` �'� L M oNRY :COVER TO GRADE �` 24n IMIN` :MASONRYCHIMNEYS PROPERTY ZONE R 80 LOT 2 = 7.418% ° 2 O MINIMUM PfrCH t "MIN Till r h 0 1/4"PER FOOT 6" '12" I✓IN. LOT 3 = 49,800 SGi. Ft. 4$ \'�j�x MIN•4"DIA.PIPE I " 1/8"PER F SHALLOMIN W LOT 3 = 8.592 % 35, >.�2 ` , `'a L MIN.1 4^UDIA, E ALL LOTS 20% MAX. LOT COVERAGE LOT 4 = 40,012 5c1. Ft.LOT 4 = G.904 % a LOT 5 = 39,9G8 5cl. Ft. ° "MIN. °®®MIN " ELEVATIONS REFERENCE SUFFOLK COUNTY TOPO MAPS LOT 5 = G.89G % Fc. , 1000 GALLONMONOUTH1 / SEI TANK o MCOME M i GRAPHIC SCALE ! "= 100' � WALL 1' ,' REMOVE IMFERVIOUS SOIL WITHIN "s AREA 3 3'HORIZONTALLY AND G'VERTICALLY, Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey BACKFILL WITH CLEAN MATERIAL• mop bearing a licensed land surveyors seat Is a REVISED �� � t�,�U violation of section 7209, sub—divlsion 2, of the �'2014 SEA50NAL Hi GROUOD WATER, New York State Education Law. JOHN /� . EHLERS LAND SUNV EYO I� �,� C'.IEH �NEW 12_05_20 ! 5 SEASONAL HIGH "Chiiy copies from the original o/ this survey {/V- marked with on original of the land surveyors A\ �1 �` GROUND WATER stamped seal shall be considered to be valid true Q• �` copies" O ••Certifications indicated hereon signify that this � THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING survey was prepared In accordance with the ex— + ^�, BOARD,survey Code of Practise for Land Surveys adopted G EAST MAIN STREET 1 ARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD B by the New York State Association of Professional N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 •. � Y RESOLUTION DATED, Land Surveyors, Said certifications shall run only J to the person for wham the survey g5 prepared, RIVERHEAD NY 1 1901 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 an on , . .his behalf to the title company, governmen— � DATE: BY: , tol agency and lending institution listed hereon, and USED LAND > the assignees of the lending Institution, Cto DATE: lions are not transferable to additional institutions, 05-215 I II II N N SUBDIVISION FOR THE ORCHARDS 51TUATE : ORIENT : Ap TOWN : 50UTHOLD 5Uf fOLK COUNTY, NY 2 _ Co TO GREENPORT MAPPED JUNE 15, 2013 o REVISED 1 2-05-2014 3� FIRE DISTRICT NO. 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 2 F 5UFFOLK COUNTY TAX # A OA'° rFST�Op O o�,c SITE 1000 - 27 — I - 34 APPLICANT: D E CE 0 V Steven A. Martocello DEC — 9 2014 co °' "A 24 Miller Woods Drive Southold Town �, o�p Miller Place, NY 117G4 Planning Board o o °^,3s�°G,,q '' KEY MAP I " = GOO' SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES -) 0 Hauppauge, New York �, $ TYPICAL PLOT PLAN his is to certify that the proposed Realty 5UbdIVl5ion or Development for in the "OIL not to scale �fYj" with a total of lots was with a total of lots was approved on the above date. Water 5upphe5 and Sewage Disposal ?� �/ / C1, ✓°��°�2�% FaClIItleS must conform to construction standards in effect at the time of 4QQ �O , / �y� 'L�S n� G��y 9 (` " c construction and are subject to separate permits pursuant to those �� �O� o �� �� ROAD standards . This approval shall be valid only if the realty subdivision/development map Is duly filed with the County Clerk within one year of this date. Consent Is hereby given for the filing of this map n which this endorsement appears in the Office of the County Clerk in ccordance with provisions of the Public Health Law and the Suffolk &70 aunty Sanitary Code V VITO A. MINE] P.E Director, Division of Environmental Quality S� S�3 o house "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT TH15 MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS > 983 39 � �O HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE CORRECT. 's,2 h° off O �w COMPLETED JUNE 15, 2013 * THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS: F�. Qoa a Co / G JOHN C. EHLERS N.Y.P,L.S. LIC # 50202 � f "I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AND/OR SEWAGE sFOT oh o� DISPOSAL SYSTEMS) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OP DY �E'4°S Ric/NF�s �o u'6,° 9w� o well UNDER MY DIRECTION, BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SOIL, SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS , ALL LOTS, AS9�ji a SFpq�T/o '' OS� PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE 5UFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF TH15 DATE.' 0\2 �v o. o I(R sYo2F !49 E3 O� ! 9c0°� SEPTIC 5Y5TEM DfTAIL NOTES: o NOT TO SCALE r� ■ MONUMENT FOUND °� s4° o o�� ° s 0 sF DES /,��j �� CAST IRON FRAMES FINI FED CAST IRON FRAME AND O PIPE FOUND s GRA Qn 8°cb AND COVER,5 TO GRADE COVER TO GRADE • REBAR FOUND w �c ,,�� 24" �I IMIN ;MASONRY CHIMNEY5 MASONRY \ �` ��i6"MIN. CHIMNEY ` Fj .eo I/4"PER FOOT G�� 2,. 2'Mom. o MINIMUM PITCH ' SHALLOW PROPERTY ZONE R-80 43 ugh MIN.4"DIA.PIPE L MINIMUM PITIOH DOME , 3S �> 'c'O MIN.4"DIA.PIPE ALL LOTS 2007c MAX. LOT COVERAGE ®�®® MIN. k o 1 000 GALLON ELEVATIONS REFERENCE SUFFOLK COUNTY TOPO MAPS MovoLlTHlc F4. /, SEPTIC TANK 0O ° O MOOMUM SIDE GRAPHIC SCALE I "= 100' N ; REMOVE IMPERVIOUS 501E WITHIN AREA 3' 3 HORIZONTALLY AND G'VERTICALLY. BACKPILL WITH CLEAN MATERIAL, ��// UU gg ��pp, p SEASONALnhIGFI GRO D WATER "Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violation of section 7209, GROUND WATER sub—divislon 2, of the SE SON L HIGH .. New York State Education Law." JOHN C . E N L E R5 LAND 5 U RV EYO R ` �ire401 "Only copies from the original of this survey L�` ,5�,e marked with an original of the land surveyor's "£ r T` >� a` stamped seal shall be considered to be valid true I'+. `C- „ S) ` THIS IS 'TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING copies"' y1 BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION DATED, "Certifications indicated hereon signify that this t surveywas prepared in accordance with the ex— ��"' ' p G EAST MAIN STREET x i . NO. rJ 0202 ,sting Code of Practice for Land Surveys adopted N.Y.S. LICy the New York State Association of Professional '` Land Surveyors. Said certifications shall run only to the person for who the survey is prepared, RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 1 1901 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 -', ;' �ry and on his behalf {o the title company, governmen— � �a,.p DATE: BY: tat agency and lending institution listed hereon. and ir��r,S•, to the assignees of the lending Institution. Certifica— loncgl5landland5urveyor.com 05-215 tions are not transferable to additional institutions N SKETCH PLAN N "THE ORCHARDS" F �- SITUATE: e P ORIENT T TOWN OF 50UTHOLD TOGRFENP°RT 5UFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK MAPPED JUNE 15, 2013 5UFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBER t,,, s °R SITE 1000-27- 1 -3 PATFICKwOrFor Wo / "R� RppO G111J qZ O of. F 95�aoo, STD alp FIRE DISTRICT No. 20 "o SCHOOL DISTRICT Nos. 1 2 'oti T � O FPftM pOP� APPLICANT: KEY MAP I GOO' Steven A. Martocello LOT 1 BUILDING 24 Miller Woods Drive / o DING AREA / Miller Place, NY 117G4 / r�s• / O 1 1 OCT 292013 / P° b0 / c 9c9' O �0N As6, LOT 2 �6 �e SFe S°'cy3 / LOT I es p OPEN SPACE 0 �/ NS P LOT 3 wo / / o AREA CALCULATIONS: • TOTAL AREA 579,542 Sol. Ft, or 4,'amw r s °9d°moo 13.304 Acres "sPMeey lids °t- SopW "s Ns LOT os s,3� • LOT I OPEN SPACE (GO % of TOTAL AREA) 2 w � 347,725 Sq. Ft. or 7.983 Acres �o N F °�° os O py P� Qot- .fig 4 `b. 9y �Nd a"d�' ° ¢. 2 W �✓.. • LOT I BUILDING AREA kahcwyorpor ��,� 3 �h°s 52,002 Sa. Ft. or 1 . 195 Acres °f s�� 1/LiOII LOT 5 • LOT 2 Area 40,076 Sa. Ft. �"sPo"° fo �'an° �"s4ssoow 20. 62. R.O.W. ,07G Sal. Ft. / \ Total 43,076 Sq. Ft. or .988 Acres �"'"rr°f � J Jgrwo�f 5 O\ O4ti/��oSJY�Y • LOT 3 ia, h� s Area 40, 140 56t. Ft. R.O.W. 5,3 12 Sc[. ft. F, s o RErge�„ j �we(A Total 45,3 12 Sq. Ft. or 1 .04 Acres o,�ow a�HNEFRi�°•'m� • LOT 4 Area 40,018 S61. Ft. sh" of. R.O.W. 5,000 Sa. Ft. " e Total 45,0 1 8 So . Ft. or 1 ,033 Acres `a^b� • LOT 5 Area 40,095 561. Ft. R.O.W. G,314 S61. Ft. Total 4G,409 Sq. Ft. or I .OG5 Acres • R.O.W. Area 19,G2G 561. Ft. or .45 1 Acres "lino uthanzed of teration o addition {a a rvey map bearing ° licensed land surveyor's seal is Notes: mmaimn of secthe ion 7zork State Eislen le of w" ELEVATIONS REFERENCE SUFFOLK COUNTY TOPO MAPS J O H N C . E H LE RS LAND SURVEYOR New Yore State l or this L°w" OF s,"Z ..only with from me of then or mu survey surveyors PARCELS LIE IN ZONE DISTRICT R-80 hp�o Nc.Eh/F�U ; marked l s al e con ar the land sal true y , ill J� stamped seal shall be considered to be valid true TOTAL AREA = 579,542 S.F. or 13.304 Acres copies - TOTAL * "Certifications indicated hereon signify that sthis — survey ode of Practice In for Lend Su with the t GRAPHIC SCALE I "= 100' G EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 ` - y III Nede °I State its L°^° Surveys adopted F�� -gC�'y- by the Plew York Stale Aseoolailon of Professional SF �, Land Surveyors. Said cerlinoobons shall run only Revisions: RIVERHEAD, N.Y. 1 1901 3G9-8288 Fax 3G9-8287 `^ `° m the person for whom the survey is prepared, and an his behalf to the title cam pony, ern men OG-28-201 3 ial agency and lending m im sumn listed hereon, and 10-09-2013 Ionglslandland5urveyor.corn to the gesignees of the lending institution. Certified- hers o not tronederoble to oddillonol in s ll lutlons Land No D oelluioenedy oP. S HIUEAKI ARIIZUMI / p Exlsting Resource * Site AnalYsls Plan Land Now or Formerly ref,. GL NIS BERRY \ JULIE CAKTNER \ I\E ANNE 5WICK VVV Proposed Standard 5UbdIVI51on for "The Orchards" WILDAMTERRY"' g 0 Land Now or Formerly F. SITUATE : ORIENT s00, D°MINK E pe TOWN : 50UTHOLD 72 oY SUFIFOLK COUNTY, NYo� E SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX # / zg S 1000 - 27 - I - 3 / P`ti�V� USDA 501L DATA / p��me a HaA—Haven loam. 0 to 2 percent slopes / ws Map Umt Setting / / / ZZ Mean annual precipitation:45 to 50 inches Pany h / \ / va Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F / p� '�T�C°w p�Ft Frost-free psnc& 150 to 225 days Map Unit Composition .9 Sw �gio 0 G O Haven and smular sods. 75 percent OCT0�9 \ \ Minor components 25 percent a, Description of Haven landform: Outwash plains ) \ ( \ Iandform position (two-dimensional).Summit Q landform position (three-dim io ensn al):Tread Down-slope shape Convex Across-slope shape: Convex / LOT I I e 'G Parent material: marry glaciofluvial deposits over sandy and gravelly glagofluvial deposits BUILDING ARPA Properties and quahties Slope: O to 2 percent P 30 PATR Copy oaFnt ,A Depth to restrictive feature: More than 50 inches ? UTjy 'f\0/ 0 Capacity of the most t drained tin layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderate) high to high(0.20 to 1.96 irVhr) / O[°TO T [/D�G'VO °f 5 /N 06 �o Capacity 9 Y Y 9 9 �V I P e, O, a"O Depth to water table:ing More than 80 inches / ROT Frequency of flooding: None a, Frequency of prancing: None / / '35 4,{ND Available water capacity: Low(about 4.3 inches) Interpretive groups Farmland classification:All areas are prime farmland h / \ Land logic Se l(Group igated): Hydrologic Soil Group 13 C U / n/oW a�ot tim v y S / K�/GS Forme /gym LOT 2 �� are LOT I as 'ss „ // OPEN SPACE ° \ LOT 3 m t; 03 Y \ ° v °rnF�-�0 I OOn"Ow aCa" 03 o`�ai F 9a/�atoa ti oo, "lye Dwelling Jam ry Land now or formedy of '-fin [des F ANITA TREHAN no I mrr q, W e .o °r.. 2pa SsoO„W Ns NS LOT 4 °s. 5 ^ oC, .2 O6 ^� , �. \ / 1 5N a �do4I, o" / \ roti oh'°W owe/6n yx°e,`�� pd',� LOT 5 [eY A62 2p S/p N�.or 2/6, urine rr}} � pO,W Zp� a Land now orlfow'imerl oF: \ Ana ° 2 �!'°F' 'h6 Q /2� h "�NCFMaPK D°w"e/�n'J o MADELYN EHRIICH �ROeFRT.ef�o me l>2/ PLC m� / zp� rR�F If TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PROTECTED LAND \eNRy°t. SUBDIVISION/SITE PLAN OPEN SPACE .,F Fa \\� n a AY F/ 4. "9 SG V/S/ w orC3ryt ,/Oh 4q°�orm /26 Av PROJECT LOCATION \ \ </ ° yNPRgN�o, s Np Pry AEVISEO \ \ / to B�FRnow°Nelhry �bnaOw m slzyq�oek ss. °hN M e�D°e,°f ' RReo NEtFiw�" r. z'^b„o �a GRAPHIC SCALE I "= 100 \ \ ejytl�R �,,�1iE PmG sren.,ot / � SpO \ k Nam""�yoF/ 'Uraut„awed alteration or add)lion to a survey map bearing o Ilcensed land surveyor's seal Is a '\ violation of section 7209. sub-dwls:on 2, of the , New York Slate Education to.Onl JOHN C . EHLERS LAND SURVEYORw � ���� "dia capres rraai the arlgmm nr u,ie -,,s .lk G ENW �p \ //s / cy9 @QPwFam9 QJJ an.es wit„ al anginal da the loon a old tr 's tiQ O,ZN [F_ slumped seal shall be considered to be valid true copies' "Cerbbcobons indicated hereon signify that this * * \ 99 \ survey was prepared , aeeardnnee with ad G EAST MAIN STREET \ / Isurvir, Cade of o'sed i far Land Surveys adapted N .Y.S. L C. NO. 50202 by the New York Slate Assanntion of Professorial Oc,l 2 JF, \ 9y, / / / Dwelling Land 5a...yor= Said certiticollona shall ran only RIVERt1EAD, N.Y. 11901 P o ,„eperson for who the survey s prepared, 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 ,�LAHI and now or foh. rmer o AIM— end an Me be„mf to me title e mpon y, 9avernmer uaY \ MARGERY MAYER 4q, / / THECDCRE ,aI agency and lending t Institution listed hereon. and to the assgneea of the lending Institution Cer,lfma- Iongl5landland5urveyor.com turns o e at transferable to additional Institutions IN N w+ SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY s ti A D7'y�111 11� ORCHARDS ehonTf YY E P D D 5 7/ AMe 4onFo7�en ORIENT S TO 6REENPORT A ° TOWN OF SOUTHOLDo S ° SUFFOLK GOUNTY NEW YORK MAPPED JUNE 15, 2013 O. 3 ^ion 9 oR 51TE SUFFOLK GOUNTr' TAX MAP NUMBER ° cq� R0 1000-21- -3 ' ^ p�e DISTRIGT No. 20 �p �/i GHDOL DISTRIGT Nos. B 2 35� � �p9 �u 1 2ot3 as / g KEY MAP 9 pPRM A PLIGANIT; / fi e 3 's Steven A. Mortocello F -oS'4o 24 Mlller Woods Drive Mlller Place, NY II'764 v °^ TYPIGAL PLOT PLAN not to scale ROAD �98 l h IN houee $ S�3 p L SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 9wppwgq NewY k AD3Y h o d Well \ TM.i.mmtlty that mepropowd mme popowd Realty Subdivid000e Dewlapmeat / o^ bmvvW ®the Wove dua W 8upMiea ud Saw �wu < s P¢Wtl ®utu® Wconffhucdm MUWWemeHwt rt�me dime of ceaebucdon and ua ubJect m 9a>99 Oqumhor 6evW�d �i[CledcMWv 7mu ohidfi m.CovcmtLhmeby Evan fmlhe eEop o[th4 m� SEPTIG SYSTEM DETAIL �%y /gs. PS�� g 99 ion �e� ca�imtyy5m myt�le.dov�dih' Pu61"H°dm Law and the Suffolk NOT TO SCALE WrOA.MINSIPE. /S T �•DWIofBaN�®� .-,�o Fw.e �a Fa. a w� ry H63 a ���.a�,�aa � usrr�arcewaF 5o3e vl' o ,y Quality n�rerµn FlTCX w in^FaeFxr ° \ 9a C'y ne �•a,w nre 'i g q < 09 �meun s"O�ni r,v •a aq ea 9jSXX� N �!/,S aco \ Qc?�j N Gq S uwiG.wm a.Erx nnreaw. 9 � /60• \ a`�. "niw . y' o S \ e� L < e� [ g° gr6 9 �9 2q T 50ARDTH15 15 TOF GERTIFT THE¶OM OFTHAT TH15 5UBDIV1510N PLAT HAS BEEN SOUTHOID BY RESOLUTION DATED, BY THE PLANNING DATE.__—_—_ Oda Dhe/gry9 OWB///h9 Notes: MONUMENT FOUND G SPIKE FOUND ���';' DHEREBY CERTIFY h1AT THE WATER 5UPPLY(5) AND/OR SEWAGE 'I HEREBY GERTIFY THAT TH15 MAP AA5 MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS .2 ISPOSAL 5YSTEM(5) FOR TH15 PROJECT WERE DESIGNED BY ME OR COMPLETED JUNE I5,2015 a THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS N UNDER MY DIREGTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROU6H 5UDY HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR P051TIONS CORRECTLY SHOWN AND �'"'a"�^^m'•m emu°^^"^'w"^ OF THE SOIL, SITE AND 6ROUNDNATER CONDITIONS , ALL LOTS,AS ALL DIMENSIONAL AND 6EODETI6 DETAILS ARE CORRE 7�7 ELEVATIONS REFERENGE SUFFOLK GOUNTY TOPO MAPS PROPOSED, CONFORM TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH of Nfh� ,TO1Z1V C. FREERS LAND SURVEYOR SERVICES GCONFO M ON STANDARDS IN EFFECT A5 T THIS DATE. R6VIS OnS: A,Q°�`' o 06-28-203 N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 50202 PARGEL5 LIE IN ZONE DISTRIGT R-80 i oRAPwG scALE I"= loo' y � � 6EASTMAINSTREET * t 369-8288 Fax 369-8287 TOTAL AREA = 5Tq,542 S.F. or 13.304 Acres O 100 200 300 ---- JOHN a EH N:P+LS uG a so2o2 / e• RIVERHEAD,N.Y. 11901 `�ys sopa2 +° REP—C:\USM\John\Dmpbox\05\05\05-215 sketchplan.pm � U 5 LOT YIELD MAP N "THE ORGHARDS" E 51TUATE: ORIENT TOWN: 5OUTHOLD 5R 25 5UFFOLK COUNTY, NY 9h9� W C SURVEYED 06-05-2005 SUFFOLK GOUNY TAX + ei�ho Qc 1 1000 - 27 - I - 3 0 TO GREEIJPORT A 5Q Oh�/ APPLICANT: Steven A. Martocello JUL 24 Mlller woods Drlve 1 2013 , Mlller Place, NY 11704 yq c tPN KEY MAP MA - 9 h Oa < o °Pc kCF'o m e^ c Do�O />86o he 3e^'Go 'q p `sh ryq.�0 r oc�s/9 sso S i T Q FT � he SQ qpW .10 04 �0 \ \ yy 5 Q� u` N6� \ \ b v o `9 �' 150 � �hh 3� o 80bob 224 sq'�T FIRE DISTRICT No. 20 SCHOOL DISTRIGT Nos. 1 ff 2 ��S 5 4�No.NE�'D NOTES: p ¢ _ s ... . REBAR FOUND sFOLAND SUP,�o s _ '+ gym,17 MONUMENT FOUND GRAPHIG SCALE I"= 100' JOHN C. EHLERS LAND SURVEYOR 0 PIPE FOUND 6EAST MAIN STREET N.Y.S.11C.NO.50202 AREA = 13.30 ACRES O 100 200 3100 RIVHRBEAD,N.Y.11901 369-8288 Feu 369-8287 REF.-Q%UIIm1J0bA\Dmp60xW5WW-215 m hye 02-27-2013.pro October 30th, 2024 Steven A Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place,NY 11764 Mr. James Rich III, Chairperson Town of Southold Planning Board - -�- " 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 OCT Southold,NY 11971 owit nt rown..- Planning Board Re: Conditional Final Plat Approval- Setbacks of Lots#2-5 Considerations Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision- The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Dear Mr. Rich: After the extensive discussion at our last working session on September 9th, 2024. We believed that we had arrived at an agreement for adjustment to the setbacks on this subdivision. After communication with the Town of Southold Planning Dept. prior to the adoption of the Conditional Final Plat Approval set for October 7th, 2024 public meeting, it came to our attention that there may have been a misunderstanding about what we previously discussed. Below lays out what we believe was discussed to at the September 9th, 2024, working session as well as an additional adjustment that could make Lots#2-5 more livable. Attached to this letter are 3 drawings that represent the following. • Attachment-A: Setback Design Prior to September 9th, 2024, Working Session • Attachment-B: Setback Design After September 91h, 2024, Working Session • Attachment-C: Setbacks Proposed for November 11th, 2024, Working Session Setbacks Desi n Prior tea Se tenber 9'h 2024 Wcarkin Session Prior to the working session on September 9th, 2024, the main issues of discussion were the below. • All the lots have front yards facing different directions. • Lot#3 &#5 with property lines adjacent to Holyoake Ave had setbacks of 20'Non- Vegetative Buffers. CC:Alex Martocello Paticia C.Moore—The Moore Law Group William Lahti—Lahti Engineering&Environmental Consulting PC Heather Lanza—Town of Southold Planning Dept. Director Mark Terry-Town of Southold Assistant Planning Dept. Director Page 2 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/17/23 Setba ion At discussion at the working session was increasing the setback for property lines along Holyoake Ave for Lot #3 & #5. An increase in those setbacks would severely impact on the buildability and livability of the homeowners living in those lots. After discussion with yourself and the rest of the Planning Board, we believe we arrived at the following design adjustment. • Adjust Lots #2-5 to have the front yards face inward towards the Private Right of Way — which would allow the ability for all lots to have a more balanced area to build as well as have backyards that are not severely restricted by existing setbacks. • Lot#3 & #5 with property lines adjacent to Holyoake Ave would have the setback increased to 30' Natural Vegetative Buffer. • Reduction of Side-Yard setbacks for Lots#2 & #3 from 50' to 30' along the north side of the property — this would allow Lots #2 & #3 to remain appropriately buildable while still maintaining a Natural Vegetative Buffer on the external facing property line. • Reduction of the internal Side-Yard setbacks for Lots #3 & #4 from 20' to 15' — this setback adjustment would help these lots to be more buildable given the new larger 30' Natural Vegetative Buffer on the Holyoake Ave side (now the rear yard of these two lots). Setbacks Proposed for.Discussion at the Noveqlber 111 2024,. i or ingMSession After some additional discussion with our design team, to keep this 4-lot cluster as symmetrical as possible and in keeping with good design practices, we would like to request the following. • Adjustment to the internal facing side-yards for lots#2 &#4 from 20' to 15' —this would match the setbacks for Lot#3 &#5 which again help in allowing these lots to be more buildable and livable for the future homeowners. Finally, I would like to say that the Natural Vegetative Buffer requirements on this subdivision differ from typical setbacks in that no secondary structures or improvements, with the exception of water wells and sanitary systems, can be placed in these area. This requirement restricts the typical buildability and livability of these lots more than is typical. As a result, the setbacks at discussion here have a very large impact on the final result of this subdivision and the future homeowners who live there. I'd like to thank the Planning Board for its consideration of this issue and for continuing to work with us. Thank you. Sincerely, teven A Martocello Attachment-A: Setback Design Prior to September 9 , 2024, Working Session m > ^ ~ BUILDING eN­V oE(REPRESENTED R+ . BY DASHED LINE TYPE-TYPICAL) » S+ � LOT » © < y r+ �2 «�®»!A y» S2 2 w &7« « »F2 ^\ gy y \ . . » ° R 7 \ £y « n - ^®^ �I4 *^ . e �^ �±7 y — y e+ . : !2» « S2 ©© `6y « xLOT3 ~22\ \44,7g�SF © z = ^ « «§7 g « U\ LOT5 �Z , 3M90.SF . E+ - / - ° . Z6 ^ &y « « § g yy ! ! "CT 31 202, ! + | Planning a Attachment-B: Setback Design After September 9th, 2024, Working Session .-�f. �� \ 1 - BUILDING ENVELOPE(REPRESENTED R 50'(V) f S\30'(V) _ BY DASH-DOT LINE TYPE-TYPICAL) t i LOT 2 \ `c �. 40,305.86 SF e R 50'(�) S 20' S 20' 'F 25' F 25' F 25'\ \ S\30'(V) R 50'(V) F 25 5� I J / \ LOT 4 25' \ v 40,670.43 SF ' \ F2 50' (V) � � � ��= F 25' l �I5' *, 1 \ LOT 3 44,791.82 SF R 30'(V) .. C LOT 5 � 39,540.16 SF f 2\ F2 50'(V) � !R30'(V �-` s i RECEIVED cc G'A Mamma Boards Attachment-C: Setbacks Proposed for November 1 lth, 2024, Working Session 1_6 ZZ V 80 IN 0, _»Z BUILDING ENVELOPE(REPRESENTED R 50'(V) S\30'(V) BY DASH-DOT LINE TYPE-TYPICAL) Q <1 I! y ^ C�) SF « 0 R 50'(V) F 25'/- S-15' S 15' '6 /F 25' F 25"\ S\3 0'(V) R 5Y(V) F 25' IJ �x /F 25' LOT 4 N 40,670.43 SF F2 50'(V) 25' I, 44,791.82 SF R 30'( 9 Ck LOT 5 39,590J6 SF -Z F2 50'(V) ZZZ 30'(V) Z RECEIVED Z, CT 3 1'U" \/ \ . . . , —S-0—Uthol4 T6.—n— Planning Board From: Terry, Mark Sent: Monday, October 7, 2024 1:23 PM To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW: Orchards RECEIVED 7 2024 Please file 0 caut�� c� `own From: Patricia C. Moore<pcmoore@mooreattys.com> Planning Board Sent: Monday, October 7, 2024 1:19 PM To:Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us> Cc:James H Rich (jhrichiii.stpb@gmail.com)<jh rich iii.stpb@gmail.com>; Alex Martocello<alex@theubigroup.com>; Steve Martocello<sam@theubigroup.com>; Betsy Perkins<betsy@ moo reattys.com>; Madison Messina <madison@mooreattys.com> Subject: Re: Orchards HI Mark- the setbacks of these lots are extremely important to get right. Please pull the resolution from the meeting agenda because we need to get the OK for the proper setbacks. When the Holyoke Road changed-the other setbacks were impacted. Please schedule another work session to review the setbacks. Thankyou Pat Patricia C. Moore, Esq. PLEASE BE SURE TO COPY MY ASSISTANTS 1aat araancaa s r u Ike urn�ac ,rott w, and m dws rrr n�c�crraa Y/5&'a M .......... •••.• Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020 Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY 11971 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765.4330 wwww".mooreatt .corn On Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 9:45 AM Patricia C. Moore< cmoore rnooreatt s,com>wrote: Hi Mark. I did not hear from Jim yet. I am at a building department inspection now. I can be reached by cell: 631-235- 3083. Could this be discussed at the work session? Pat Patricia C. Moore, Esq. PLEASE BE SURE TO COPY MY ASSISTANTS 4 t p"raa caca,u zy s cearra,Ga ra anab *a ay5, r 1ru and ,a01�.+n. ra�crc e t _cqM ...... _.µ Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020 Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY 11971 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765.4330 www.moore4ttys.com 1 On Fri Oct4, 2024at 11:30AK8 Terry, Mark wrote: T can't make that modification. You will have 1Q speak hoJim. From: Patricia C. Moore Sent: Friday,October 4` 2O2411:1SAK8 To:Terry, Mark Cc: Alex K4artocm||o< ; Steve Martoce||o< ; Betsy Perkins < >; Madison K8essina < Subject: Re: Orchards sorry Mark-one more item- would make sense to have the side yards for Lots#2 &#4 adjusted to the 15' (down from 3O')as well to match the side yards from Lots#3 &#S. The Board did not seem opposed to adjusting the (inside) side yard setbacks. It will also be easier for the building department and property owners to follow...consistency of the property lines. Let usknow. Pat Patricia ^ �� �u� �� � ������� C. �v�K�K���» ��0q. PLEASE BE SURE TO COPY MY ASSISTANTS ' and cq ----------- Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY11V71 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765'4330 On Fri, Oct 4, 2024a1 11:05AK8 Patricia C. Moore<pcmoore#Dmoore >wrote: Hi Mark-Thank you for placing this file onK8onday'scalendar. VVe went back to our notes from the last work session and vve are sharing our notes with you: 2 • Design Adjustments o Turning all the houses in-facing Pearl Lane (private ROW). o Reducing the setback on the North Side of the 4-lot cluster from 50'to 30' (Lots#2 &#3). o Putting a 30'Vegetative Buffer on the East property line (Property Line Abutting Holyoake- Lots #3 &#5). o Reducing the setbacks for side yards between lots#3 &#5 from 20'to 15'. • Language needs to be added to allow for SCDHS items to be placed in the vegetative buffers i.e.Well & Septic. Please confirm. If there is anything that we misunderstood or we are missing from our notes, please let us know. Pat Patricia C. Moore, Esq. PLEASE BE SURE TO COPY MY ASSISTANTS tl w k5 �a roa ,k4�s,c rrow,k*,k&iraAcrr ,�w,t �,mq!and nrad'kQL M nrpa s,5aarra ...•........ Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020 Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY 11971 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765.4330 WW'mooreatt s.ccm 3 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — Se ternber_9� 024 �- Pa 1 ........_ Pro ect Name: ,U Mazzoni Standard Subdivision _ SCTM# 1000 9 3 2-8.2 Location: j 500 Soundview Drive, approximately 782' to the north of NYS Route 25 and 256' to the east of Sound View Drive, Orient p proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 22.94-acre Description:[ 1.. ­­11 ­­­ ... This�ro.���os._.����� . . � ....� al ' parcel into 5 i lots where Lot 1 = 2.06 acres, Lot 2 = 2.08 acres, Lot 3 = 2.08 acres, Lot 4 = 2.00 acres, Lot 5 = 14.71 acres inclusive of a right-of-way, 6.87 acres of Open Space and 6.00 acres of a Conservation Easement held y b the Peconic Land Trust (PLT) located in the R-80 Zoning District ..._.. .......wk�.._...... 1. _...r. ryµm . _. ....... ..... ....__._ Status Conditional Preliminary Approval Action Update p Attachments None ....... Project Name 9Y P........_ ___...._ . J,.... .......9 9 5 & 6 Ar ro oulos Resubdivision SCTM# 1000 5 Description. Th86propos proposal o merge m.w Avenue, Southold.... SCTM#1000-59.-9-6, formerly a paper street, with SCTM#1000-59.-9-5, a 2.05-acre lot with an existing house, to create a single 2.47-acre faarel in the R-80 Zoning District ........... Status: New Application ... ..w _..... .. . . ...._... wwwww_.w.w. ._....a.,. . mpletoness Action~ Review for C°__ .. ..... _.... ____._..... Attachments I Staff Report Project Name: en .A . I The Orchards SCTM# 1000-2 7 1 3 GocationI 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a -ac i 13.3re parcel into five lots where Lot 1=9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2=0.99 acres, Lot 3=1.14 acres, Lot 4=0.92 and Lot 5=0.92 acres in the R-80 f Zoning District. Status Conditional Prelimina Plat Approval Action: Review Public Hearing Comments Attachments Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date September 9, 2024 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located at 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10, 2014 Conditional Preliminary Plat Public January 11, 2021 Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval was granted on June 6, 2023 A Final Plat Application was received on October 24, 2023. The Planning Board determined Final Plat Application to be complete on February 5, 2024. Public Hearing held and closed on August 5, 2024 IV: Action to review Public Comments Conditional Final Plat Approval V: Analysis 1. General opposition comments to the proposal. 2. Concerns about the duration of construction and adverse impacts to the neighborhood from traffic and noise. 3. Concerns about the location of Halyoake Avenue and the representation on the survey. It is incorrect. Also, there is concern about the 20‘ setback on lot 5 to Halyoake Avenue and a lack of a vegetative buffer. Southold Planning Department Staff Report Staff: The plat submitted on July 1, 2013, and prepared by John Ehlers shows the paved section of Halyoake Avenue (Referred to as Platt Road) much closer to the parcel boundary than the following submissions. The southeast property corner of the parcel overlays the pavement area. The October 2013 plat showed a different, inaccurate configuration for the road. All of the following plats also showed inaccurate configuration. 4. Concern about development proposal in general and the type of open space being created. The author says open space is natural green space and not corn crops with fertilizer use. Recommends no crops. Staff: Open space is defined in the Southold Town Code under Chapter 240. Subdivision of Land Article XI. Cluster Development § 240-44. Protection and use of open space lands created by cluster development. The use restrictions of open space allow both open space in its natural state and agricultural. The proposal to grow corn meets this section of the code. 5. Opposition to light pollution, water quality degradation, monster houses, and of- character architecture. Staff: The Planning Board is requiring a Covenant and Restriction on the property that will state that the maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code. The zoning code was amended by the Town Board by local law on October 18, 2022 (L.L. No. 10- 2022). Additionally, the Planning Board is requiring. Open Space, Including Barn Reserve a. Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. b. Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. Lot 1 Building Area and Residential Lots a. To minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time, water supply wells shall be spaced as evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. Install low-flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions) are required. c. Use low-flow plumbing fixtures. 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Residential Landscape Requirements: Irrigation Controls a. The following is required to reduce residential irrigation. i. The total long-term permanent irrigation of each residential lot shall be limited to 15% of the lot area that has not been improved with structures; ii. Lawn areas shall be minimized; will be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species; iii. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures; iv. Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems to water only when necessary, during times of low soil moisture; v. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. Fertilization, herbicides, and pesticides b. The following Best Management Practices for fertilization, herbicides, and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides capable of entering the groundwater. i. Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture; ii. Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year; iii. Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it’s needed; iv. Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited; Natural Vegetated Buffers and Clearing Limits 1. 50’ Vegetative Buffers a. A vegetated buffer shall extend 50 feet on Lots 2,3,4 and 5, as shown on the Subdivision Map with the notation “50’ Vegetative Buffer”, and hereinafter referred to as the “Vegetated Buffer”. The purpose of the Vegetated Buffer is to preserve existing vegetation and allow landscaping with native species. 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report b. Prior to clearing or grading the limits of the buffers shall be clearly marked with stakes c. Prohibited in the Vegetated Buffer i. The cutting, removal or disturbance of trees greater than 6” dbh. ii. Placement of structures, except fences are permitted iii. Excavation and grading iv. Removal of soil v. Dumping of fill or noxious materials d. Permitted in the Vegetated Buffer i. Removal of dead or diseased trees that have been determined to be hazardous to life and property, only after submitting an arborist’s report to the Planning Board and receiving their written approval to remove the tree(s). ii. Fences iii. Planting of native, drought tolerant vegetation. iv. Mowing and routine landscape maintenance. Flood Tolerance The four clustered homes on lots 2, 3, 4, and 5 shall be designed to tolerate sea level rise and flooding events over time. 6. Concerns about the inaccuracies shown on the Final Road and Drainage Plan a. Halyoake Avenue is only 5’ away from property markers. The property line is not 17’ from the Halyoake Avenue. b. The 20’ setback buffers on lots 3 and 5 are insufficient due to the misrepresentation of the location of Halyoake Avenue. c. The 50’ buffer shown on the plans abut the Orchard Street and Halyoake Avenue intersection street edge. This is dangerous and may impede sight lines. d. Halyoake Avenue mislabeled Platt Road and incorrectly shown on plats and plans. e. Identified issues with setbacks and vegetated buffers. Staff: It is recommended that Halyoake Avenue be accurately shown on the Final Plat and that buffers be applied to Lots 3 and 5. The buffer type should be natural vegetative. V. Planning Board Considerations: 1. Require amendments to the Final Plat (October 24, 2023) a. Label the Plat “Final Plat Clustered 5 Lot Standard Subdivision” in title block. b. Add the language “This subdivision is clustered under ….” c. Amen the Required Setback Table to increase Lots 3 side yard to 30’ from the east property boundary and Lot 5 rear yard to 30’. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Final Road and Drainage Plan (February 20, 2024) d. Show the correct built dimensions and placement of Halyoake Avenue. e. Show street trees on lots 2, 4, 3, and 5 spaced at 40’ on-center for the length of Pearl Lane. f. Show the 50’ buffers on Lots 2, 4 and 5. Note that metes and bounds will be required for all buffers in the future. Label the buffers “Vegetated Buffer”. g. Show a 30’ wide buffer on Lots 3 and 5 running along the east property boundaries. Label the buffer “Vegetative Buffer.” 2. Consider issuing Conditional Final Approval. 5 Town Hall Annex„ MAILING ADDRESS: 5 4375 StateFICE RouteRoutex CATION: � ' " ,, P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �� w Southold, NY � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov ou PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 6, 2024 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Public Hearing for Final Plat Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: A Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, August 5, 2024 regarding the above-referenced application. The Public Hearing was closed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Respectfully, James H. Rich III Chairman LAW OFFICE OF PATRICIA C. MOORE T 51020 MAIN ROAD RECEIVED SOUTHOLD NY 11971 631.765.4330 8 Planning Board MEMORANDUM ....... ...................... ................ ............................... ...... ........ .......... TO: Planning Board ..................................................... FROM: PATRICIA C.MOORE (BY:KD) SUBJECT: Posting Affidavit- Martocello DATE: August 5, 2024 CC: COMMENT: Enclosed please find: ............................... .................................................. 1. Affidavit of Posting 2. Green Return Slips .......... .............. ...................................................... ................... .......................................... ............................................................ ...........................__................. PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK ----------------------_----------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING Steven A. Martocello Regarding Posting of Sign Upon Applicant's Land Identified as 1000-27.4-3 ------------------.---------------------------------------_-- -X COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, Patricia C. Moore, of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 26th day of July, 2024, 1 personally placed the Town's official Poster, with the date of hearing and nature of the application noted thereon, securely upon the property, located ten (10) feet or closer from the street or right-of-way (driveway entrance) - facing the street or facing each street or right-of-way entrance*; and that hereby confirm that the Poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the subject hearing date, which hearing date was shown to be MONDAY, August 51h, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Patricia C. Moore �i Sworn to before me this — day of August 2024 �4)% III, " . 1 J Notary Public KYLEE S DEFRESE NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK No.01 DE6420156 Qualified in Suffolk county My commission Expires 08-02-2025 ENDER: •MPLETE THI,�',,—�ECTION COMPLETE • ON DELIVERY If Corrlplete items 1,2;a AM Signature ' 0 Agent ` ■ Print your name and Ildrp �Dn the reverse X �"' so that we can return tie to you. [7 AddMSM sl Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by rtn Name) Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. C 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address diffe from item 1? C0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: p No KT IRR TRT McLinskey JP iRR TRT McLinskey PO Box 623 Jul- 31 � . Orient,NY 11957 Service 1"ype ❑ y Men Express® 13 re ❑Registered ❑Adult Sdgnetu -, MaIITM ❑Adult Signature Restricted ❑arred-Y,.nod Conow9590 9402 8702 3310 8041 10 a c Mai estdcted Delivery ❑slg ao re Conflrmaflon*M ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Article Number(Fran' film service labe# ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Insured Mall Insured Mell Restricted Delivery r PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt ------------- 2' Complete items 1,2,and 3. �` Slgtta 8 Print your name and address on the reverse �Agent so that we can return the card to you. D Add resses le Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B R Ivd by rintary Mama C. a pry or on the front if space permits. ' -A ? . t. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery add different from Um 11`'0 Yes If YE ,enter deliver address below: p No S.tefaa Fcuera13cs,ca. Carol Huang � 14()4 Cedar Hill Avenue Dallas, TX 75208 ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Priority Mail Mall ressG ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered Mall 9590 9402 8702 3310 8045 23 ❑CeCertified fled Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Signature cooftnaticn ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Article Number(transfer from service la") ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Insured Mall Mrll Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt r66MPLLTE THiS SECTION • ON DELIVERY Complete items 1120" :° A.Sig Print your name ".rfn the reverse 13 Agent so that we can return 'd" °to you. 0 Addressee el Attach this card to the back of the mallplece, B. rated rne) C. D of a77- 1. or on the front if space permits, Artlole Addressed to: D. Is dell different from item 1 t If YES,enter delivery address below: p No Craig Smith Kolly 5m;th 552 i-iawtho_*-:i Lane Wine etka,�IL 60093 3. Service Type U E3 Adult❑Adult Signature ❑ture Restricted Delivery p m re m ❑Certlfled Mall® ry 9590 9402 8702 3310 8041 03 ❑Certreed Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirnodon*� ❑Collect on Delivery Cl Signature CpMmmatlon 2. Article Number(transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Insured Meal insured Malt Restricted Delivery PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt „. . , • • • • DELIVERY 09, Complete items 1,2,and 3. tlarre ` 11 Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Agent so that we can return the card to you. ❑Addressee la Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, S. Racei ed by(Print ed(dame) C. Da of De Ive y or on the front if space permits. L m 1. Article Addressed to: D. 1 dellvef address different from Rem 1? Y if YES, ter delivery(address below: p No Fredrica L Wachsb>,rger Sylvia Newman JUL 3 202�' r0 Box 473 Orient,NY 11957 3. Service III ICIII111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 'III Illlli ape ❑� edMaIiTMess® ❑Adult Signature ❑ ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑R�6stered Mail Restricted ❑Certified Mai* DslOvsfy 9590 9402 8702 3310 8040 97 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConflnnatlonTm ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Article Number sled'from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Insured Mall l inwred MAGI Restricted Delivery dyer” PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt u , M Complete items 1,2,and 3. A, Sig store • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Addressee ry in Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 6. Received by(Prime Date del ery or on the front if space permits. � 0� 1. Article Addressed to: D. is delivery address different from Rem 1? ❑Yee If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 2610 Orchard LLC 24 West 130,h Street New York, NY 10037 II I I I I III III II I I III I I I I II I I II II II 3. Service Type ❑priority Mail Express® ❑Adult Signature ❑Regis Registered MaIIT"' ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Registered Mall Restricted ❑Certified Mall® Delivery 9590 9402 8702 3310 8044 62 ❑certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation TM ❑Collect on Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Insured Malt ❑insured Mail Restricted Delivery over PS Form 3811,July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt I From: Michaelis, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 8:13 AM To: Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW: [SPAM] - Martocello Attachments: neighbor 1.pdf; neighbor 2.pdf; neighbor 3.pdf s�bf Psi H� t -.... ---------.m._._._...._._..v.._.. .. . _Jessica Michaelis AUG Senior Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department —9."` out'HN" "Tciuvr . ..� 54375 NYS Route 25 Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 r 3_.._..., Southold,NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Emaileiclutl. lcltca � a , From: Erin Fauteux<erin@mooreattys.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 6, 2024 10:40 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Patricia C. Moore<pcmoore@mooreattys.com>; Kylee DeFrese<kylee@mooreattys.com>; Betsy Perkins <betsy@ mooreattys.com> Subject: [SPAM] - Martocello Good morning, Please see attached return slips for the above. We received them this morning. Thank you, Erin Fauteux PLEASE REPLY TO ALL Mailing & Physical Address: Moore Law Offices 51020 Main Road William D. Moore, Esq. Southold NY 11971 631.765.4663 Fax Number: Patricia C. Moore, Esq. 631.765.4643 631.765.4330 www.rnoorea s.corn ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 1 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ Compfeth'itefiris 1, 2, and 3. A. SI na re ` ■ Print your prime and address on the reverse X — nt so that we can"return the card to you. 44�Adcdlressi ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Rece ved by t0finted N m Y/' p� or on the front If space permits. �1.� 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is deliv*address different from item 1?-0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below; ❑ No Monique Holmes 103 West 117th Street Apt 3 New York, NY 10026 3 Service Type o Reorlry Mail Express® a Adult s►eneture o Registered Mail- 0, Adult stgnawre Restricted oeuvery 0 Mered mall Restrk 9590 9402 8702 3310 8041 27 a cGertifieedd MMaill Restricted Detl" 0 Signature Confl"lon 0 Collect on Delivery Cl signature Confirmation 2. Article Number(riansfer from service label} 0 Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Insured Mail tonsured v Mail Resbicted Delivery Pew FOrM 3811, July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receir y COMPLETEj SENDER: SECTION ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. A. Signature ■ Print your name and address on the reverse x O A9� so C. Date of De that we can return the card to you. � Addn ■ AtVch this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) ] or on the front if space permits. 11 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? O Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: p No John A Prizemar Diana S Prizeman 131 flicks Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 3. Service Type 0 Priority Mail Expm !I 11H�I I II III II II 1 I III 1 11 I t� I IIII��� I!� El Adult Signature 0 Registered Mc 0 NTM' Adult Signature Restricted Delivery p Registered Meal RE 9590 9402 8702 3310 8044 48 0 Certified Mail estricted DeUvely 0 Signature Confirm 0 Collect on Delivery 0 Signature Conflrm 2. Article Number(lrensfer from service label) 0 Collect on Dellvery Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliver 0 Insured Mall ❑Insured Mail Restricted Delivery over$500) Ps Form 3811, .luly 2020 PSN 7530.02-000-9053 Domestic Return Re i5w-uuu-ru-uayL rv5a uGUG^I'lf' (DD9$JOAO) ASA"a PWASQU pW pwnsul 0 IIeW Peirtsul ❑fJOAtleo PeloPMd &AAlea AWWsd tieAlea uo P91o0❑ (le4g!eoIAje ujay e/suajj jeqwnN el0llJV uope"poo einpuSIS° AJDAIRa uo P91100 ❑ ,,uo Lu4uoo airus ft° A;Mrea Pexowmd M Powm ° E6 M708 0 LEE ZOL8 MV6 0696 AJONlea eIIun PewAO ❑ I ° °` d uft rulmw P�88ed o �ueus B�pV❑ GWAJdx3 IIBW IJd o edAl III II I II IIII I I II I i I I III I I II III!II IIII IIIIII I it eolnieg £ 9wo I kN `N.rok Mam t- IdV lxmiS 41tt IsaAk Ott Uos!rlTof _LXd P•PT&aPd ON Q :nnoleq sselppe AjoAllep je}us 193A M seA ❑ 4 G UM W04 3uwsMP smPPe AjGAIIeP si 'a :oi POSMPPV 913wv •s4uued eolads p Jua4 e4j uo jo AGeAllea jo elea '0 (ounW pejuAd)Aq PeAlemb '8 'eaeldllew 941 jo Moeq e43 o3 f»s143 4oBUV sesseaPPV ❑ -noA of peso o4l wnUm ueo eM;84t os WODY❑ esism e4}uo smppla pus eweu anoA iulid a,Fieu61S b '£ PUS 'Z 'CIKUG)l eleldwoo • . . • LAW OFFICE OF PATRICIA C. MOORE 51020 MAIN ROAD RECEIVED SOUTHOLD NY 11971 ...._.w...... _ .........M.... ..._...._.. 631.765.4330 G0.. 2 6 2024 ow n.­. Planning Board MEMORANDUM , TO: Plannin3, Board FROM:: PATRICIA C.MOORE SUBJECT: Mailin Affidavit- Steven A. Martocello .......... DATE: July 26, 2024 CC: COMMENT: Enclosed please find: 1. Affidavit of Mailing 2. Postal Receipts 3. Mailing List ............... .._..—___________ ... .............................................................www ................. PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK _---__—-----------------------------__­__.---------- -x In the Matter of the Application of AFFIDAVIT Steven A. Martocello OF MAILINGS SCTM Parcel #1000-27:1-3 -------------------------------------------------x COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) I, ERIN FAUTEUX, residing at EAST MARION, New York, being duly sworn, depose and say that: On the 26th day of JULY, 2024, 1 personally mailed a true copy of the Notice set forth in the Planning Board Application, directed to each of the persons listed on the attached list at the addresses set below their respective names; that the addresses set below the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at Southold, New York, that said Notices were mailed to each of said persons by CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT. Attached hereto is the white receipt post-marked by the Southold Post Office on said date. ERIN FAUTEUX Sworn to before me this 26tn day of J ly, 2024 S . J�I "V'�e Notary Public) KYLEE S DEFRESE NOTARY PUBIC-STATE NoLNEW YORK 01 DE6420156 Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires 08-02-2025 row r p 7W :. . (r�- _I ( _� ru ettzij m ffnj ru $ � twtrtw' zv-RWi cr�+^:t"brha eddraem u'md,"0 (c nui+rw•k kueM"..mrdd'Furtarr«dalrp'rug '6ta, ❑Return Recelpt(hardoopy) $ruopy} $ Postmark C3 ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ y„ ... Postmark ❑Return Receipt(slectronlc) $.�.,�., ❑CerlYfied Mail Restdcteai Dethtery $, ..,„.,.,-,..„!.„-u.i Here O '.. ❑certfed Mail Restricted Delivery $ Hore � ❑Adult Signature Required $ M ❑Adult Signature Required $ ' ❑�udUR Slgrwu«one Swrtr'Ictod 090d1egw$ -.. .. ❑Adult glgpanra,Ykwrrgh Restricted Delivery$,.,,..,,,,, , o " ;a a ,a �- _ _. a _ ....."...-.. _ __ tvaataz Pest" ru Craig Smith ru j Ott"°�d ru �rarrc�d Clara Serra �..""".�...... N ru o Kelly Smith •"„•• u�t t as Un 173 Duane Street '` 552 Hawthorn Lane New York,NY 10013 � ��� Winnetka, IL 60093 r` _n C CO m m ru ru M C3 C,srt(ftad AhafV F'ee t"'`rr"r,� rLl ra�utiry s- (check box,add fee as appropnere/ fLl xYrs Sen ices aes!check box,add fas as approp¢to) r C3 Return Receipt(hardcopy) $................. 0 ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $__ r «« ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $_-_"----_µ„„„ _ Postmark pt(electronic) $„...._ Pt'a ❑Return Receipt t ..._....„„„„. Q ElCertlfled Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here O El Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ .., ('�, E]Adult Signature Required $ r� ❑Adult Signature Required $ ru ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ � ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery. . ..:;;; ......... . P »> _._..,.,._.,_......_..........__--._.-........._....:�.'...:","�'-...�......_" o t� ata"fir, � . tat r�� a ..._"""._ Brian T Fuhrmann Trust _--W-- o John A Prizeman ___--... �rd RF Maria Marill Living Trust n, Diana S Prizemancc 6WIar Ln 6;'9f .._..._.M Ln 3201 Vista Drive 131 Hicks Street �t a Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Brooklyn,NY 11201 Ln ` m m ru ru C®trilled Ahab R®e 'Gertit�led.'-'at tr ,$ Er , rU t w treSetua tw;da�trox «rt r�sr ur RJ titssn ices d e®s(ot Eck box,as" rdutuJ 0 Row n Swept Vr4e ,"a%9"& $..................................„.... O ❑Return Receipt(hardcopy) $ ,....,�...�, ..,........ :�; ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $'----, .... Postmark [I Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark l� �Certified Mau Restricted Delivery $ � ❑Elcoretfled Mall Restricted Delivery $,................._._,. Here r'� Adult Signature Required $ f1J Adult Signature Required $ rU []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ El Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ Lr) t"tin.....w,..._____......»..... ...............�.,.�...._.. .. .. Ut ,............_...-.,..,....M.,.,.u.....,,......._......--- �" ttb� POa,fge C3 o -- Mark F Ferraris So 'ta Qnt 7V 2610 Orchard LLC a th coN 1171 t a' an Zollner Ferraris 24 West 130 Street ....� 268 Eakins Road rr W N New York,NY 10037 „"" °' " Manhasset,NY 11030 C3 M mLn Co Ea C0 M r nLj M U C3 ru Er C3 ruEr 77! ------------------------------ C-3 ru E3 "P C3 0 AM=RecOpt(hardcopy) $,.,....... 0 Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark r%- C3 El certined Mail Delivery Here ru r"- Adult Signature Required $ LrI r1i E]Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ IC-3 Lr' —------------- r-I ' I= ........... C3 $ S Avigdor Orlih C3 Fredrica L Wachsberger Erad CIO N';R�if�d Rivka Orlin rr Sylvia Newman ........ Ln ro Ir Uy"80iti; 108 E I"Street i-n PO Box 473 New York,NY 10009 Orient,NY 11957 ru [r M C0 ru M ru M Gertitled fail Fee—----- ru C3 Certifier AAail Fee Er C3 ni Ir $ C3 0 fthan Receipt(yvteocopy) $ ....... ru box add fee—as appropriate) El Return Receipt(eloctronle) $ Postmark C3 [3 Return Rocalpt(hardcopy) r3 E3 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ E]Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark C3 Ado�t Signature Required $ Here C3 E]Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here nj I Ej Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ❑r- []Adult Signature Required $ LrI rLi []A Signature Restricted Delivery$ .........O ... Lr) , �Ptteta�� C-3 o $ Peter Marren r C3 rtt �Ir Margaret Newman Richard PRT Johnson C0 r CO NiWA Ln Er PO Box 532 Ln 440 West 44'hStreet Apt 4 Orient,NY 11957 a- New York,NY 10036 W -0 fld r MI Er r-I C3 cc MI= M M ni ru C3 r3 Certified Mail Fee Er Er $ nJ 'aii'6eWt'6-e9Tr6sS(a,;a roy rLJ 7he�'k'b ox,—add fee a-s q-pp'-m"pribie—) C-3 El Return Receipt(hardoopy) $ C3 []Return Receipt(heracopy) $_ C3 El Return Receipt(dGaroblo) $--- Postmark E]Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark r%- [:]Corffled Mail Restricted Delivery $ Here C3 r` E]Certified Mail Restricted Delivery $ • Here ru ElAdult Signature Required $ ru []Aduft Signature Required $ Ln C]Aduft Signature Restilcted Delivery$ Lr) It Sinture Restricted Delivery$ ------------- vostag� postage 0 S C3 r-3 166 fir a, r C3 ror r-3 Er Jessica P. Ginsberg it gent TO Jessica P. Ginsbe'rg Co cc N&tWFtdA$if Ln 421 Classon Avenue#5 Ln 1750 Platt Road Er CWy"MWKA".'I Brooklyn,NY 11238 dhV'&6ti"kjA Orient,NY 11957 tlm--............. ................. .. ......... ................. ,, '', . ..... I�M-.. r N MEE= rnErrp �® r%- m .- ruru m o �ered�Mad#i SP _"t omox ndi feee sw e p_p cP ew_4o}_w Q' ru []Return Receipt F (check box,e$fee e�appropriate) O [I Return Rea Receipt(ha dcopy) $ f1J []Return Receipt(electronic) $.._..._._„,.....,.„,..,w.�.�.,......, Postmark Q {�Return Receipt(haedcapy} E3 [�Certffled Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here (electronic) $ Postmark Adult Signature Required $ 0 ❑Cedffed Mall Restricted Delivery $.� Here ru []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ r- []Adult Signature Required $ to .w_.. .___� . "_. . rU [j .,.„„.Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$.,_,„,YWw YWµ _..�.�,w..,..... Postage Lr) POs4a e .,.®... m_...... .. O a _ Stefan Feuerabendt r- "'Ont t o f Gabrielle Brown -• Carol Huan °' g tr Arianne Gold r cr tl tkt" tto Ln 1404 Cedar Hill Avenue to 2605 Orchard Street •-" Dallas, TX 75208 °r ref Orient,NY 11957 M1e a ru ® tJ C%- ru ru. „. __w ___ '.. ......... � m z e edfiet�Mail Pre �„ a certified„tvtaii Fee _._.......----„„ ". .......... fr $ iT ru sm u t Gs[s deb'uM o"rcx ad f raa r m t prof rur [11 F cir3 servioes K Fees(check box,add%v es"appropriate) O „ Rrtxtuw rr Rak;:elpt(twtumticcrvPy} $„„ ....... ... ...a...„. 0 ❑Return Receipt(haideopy) []Return Receipt(elactrenlc) $ _ Postmark C3 []Cedifled Mall Restricted Delivery $ Here ❑Return Certified Malpteelaotred D} $ Postmark r" []Aduft Signature Required $.,„ ,,.._ .,.,.,,.", 0 []AdultiMali Restricted Delivery $ Here rU []Adult Signature Required $ Adult Signature Restricted Deily $ ._,. ....,.,.. (U I _ 9 Delivery lJ') POdfa�«»«« ..�...........www.,..,.,,,�„„....m ......ww Lr) [J Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ' �... ...„. __................. o r9 a se[µ r%-- ri "thaturrN Pahttgt a i Ta Wo a -„ '-~~ Orient HB LLC Ir Orient HB LLC Ir NR r 'x' fare 173 Duane Street#75 fWWW N 173 Duane Street#75 "' Ln °^ (' efe New York,NY 10013 New York,NY 10013 M . .a r W w fi.m t- " ,, ,. r� p ED EDj F ru trerti9ied®d PVlail Pee ru "ertifietl Pviail Pee . .,...."""'...""".„. """'......... nu s ru 1-3 d; rosF®a"s(cnact�ox,a(i.n aprrrap.„ `:foa�reat Saw(rfwh oxeltri"w anae �. R;t Urn ftvlpt(hardcopy} $......... ........_.. "] � [ Retra�rt Ckn�.atpt prvanlauPyf $....„.„.......,.. ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark RJ ❑Return Receipt(electronic) $ Postmark M (,Ca liffled Mall Reps ncled Igelllveiry $' .............................. Here 1:3 D Certified Mall Restricted Delivery $ E::l []Adult Signature Required $__. p � El Adult Signature Required $ Here []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ .,....,..M..,.,„w C3 []Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ 0 r� � $ ru ru � Jay McKasty ,,, NW 0 ru ' i7R7 Monique Holmes ru 205 Old Farm Road ru , p ei#d"sr Wrra p "�aost artMWtW 7 r- PO Box 207 103 West l l7th Street Apt 3 .._.Orient NY 11957 Ifs New York,NY 10026 t.. o, 7--=f �/q�r � a � / G,.�„�' �F � �r� �w� �wiw�n//nJ eenJ l eas ���dp,����W&;;r,ur�drMlatir $...._..a.„.„.„„..ww.� nJ IL putlek�rouawa(a9axM1scrrlry ........_ Postmark C3 EI C`.OvIffled'OwtO V�Wilctud Delivery $.................. � Here Q AAdu Slguneuv,DRequlrmd $.................................„m............. _„ d§'au0a allgmnrttr.udar Reric;frart I:)alFveaeyO$ ru __7'76 KT IRR TRT McLinskey ru w' ru ..., ... JP IRR TRT McLinskey PO Box 623 Orient,NY 11957 MARTOCELLO NEIGHBOR LIST Orient FIB LLC 173 Duane Street#75 New York NY 10013 9589 0710 5270 0290 2347 62 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-2.2 Orient HB LLC 173 Duane Street#75 New York NY 10013 9589 0710 5270 0290 2347 79 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-2.3 Gabrielle Brown Arianne Gold 2605 Orchard Street 9589 0710 5270 0290 2347 86 Orient NY 11957 _.. _ ..._ . . . _.._. .. ,,_..._ Sctm: 1000-27.-1-4 ,- ..- Stefan Feuerabendt Carol Huang 1404 Cedar Hill Avenue 9589 0710 5270 0290 2347 93 Dallas TX 75208 � Sctm: 1000-27.4-5 Jessica P. Ginsberg 1750 Platt Road Orient NY 119579589 0710 5270 0290 2348 09 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-9.2 Jessica P. Ginsberg 421 Classon Avenue#5 Brooklyn NY 11238 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 16 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-10.5 Richard PRT Johnson 440 West 44TH Street Apt 4 9589 New York NY 10036 0710 5270 0290 2348 23 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-10.4 Avigdor Orlin Rivka Orlin 108 E 1ST ST 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 30 New York NY 10009 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-10.3 Mark F Ferraris Nan Zollner-Ferraris 268 Eakins Road 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 47 Manhasset NY 11030 Sctm: 1000-27.-2-2.10 2610 Orchard LLC 24 West 130th Street New York NY 10037 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 54 Sctm: 1000-27.-3-2.4 Brian T Fuhrmann Trust Maria Marill Living Trust 3201 Vista Drive 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 61 Manhattan Beach CA 90266 Sctm: 1000-27.-3-23 John A Prizeman Diana S St 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 78 Street 131 Hickss Streett Brooklyn NY 11201 Sctm: 1000-27.-3-2.2 Fredrica L Wachsberger Sylvia Newman 3180 Orchard Street 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 85 PO Box 473 Orient NY 11957 Sctm: 1000-27.-3-3.1 Peter Marren Margaret Newman 2610 Orchard Street 9589 0710 5270 0290 2348 92 PO Box 532 -- Orient NY 11957 Sctm: 1000-27.3-3.2 Clara Serra 173 Duane Street 7022 2410 0002 0224 0677 New York NY 10013 Sctm: 1000-18.-5-23 KT IRR TRT McLinskey JP IRR TRT McLinskey 7022 2130 Orchard Street 241� 0002 0224 PO Box 623 06 91 Orient NY 11957 Sctm: 1000-25.-54 Monique Holmes 103 West 117th Street APT 3 7022 2410 0002 0224 _0707 New York NY 10026 Sctm: 1000-25.-5-5 Jay McKasty 205 Old Farm Road PO Box207 7022 2410 0002 0224 0714 Orient NY 11957 Sctm: 1000-25.-5-6 Craig Smith Kelly Smith 552 Hawthorn Lane 7022 2410 0002 0224 0684 Winnetka,IL 60093 Sctm: 1000-27.-1-2.1 RECEIVE � JUL 2 � tt� l down Planning Board AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Steven Martocello, East End Holding Company, LLC Address: 24 Miller Woods Drive, Miller Place, NY 11764 Land Owner(if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project:This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. The property is located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, in Orient. Property Location (road and tax map#): 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27.-1-3 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names&addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.1:Craig& Kelly Smith, 552 Hawthorn Lane, Winnetka, UL 60093 SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.2:Orient HB LLC, 173 Duane Street,#75, New York, NY 10013 SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.3:Orient HB LLC, 173 Duane Street,#75, New York, NY 10013 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. i Signature � � �Applicant/Agent 9 Date 1. PB Resolution setting the hearing — This is your copy of the Planning Board resolution that set the public hearing. 2. List of adjacent prop erty owners to notify — This is the list of the adjacent property owners that you must mail the notice of hearing to. These notices must be mailed by certified mail, with return receipt. 3. Notice to adjacent property owners and copies of the tax map pages — These are the documents that must be mailed to the adjacent property owners (certified w/ return receipt). Some applicants like to include a cover letter, but a cover letter is not a requirement. 4. Agricultural Data form and copies of the tax map pages — This form must be signed and mailed (certified w/ return receipt) along with the copy of the tax map page to the property owners listed at the bottom. 5. Affidavit of Posting — This affidavit must be signed, notarized and returned to the planning department by August 2nd with the certified mail receipts and any green cards that you have received. 6. Southold Town Code related to Public Hearings — This is just a copy of the Southold Town Code related to public hearings for your record. 7. Zoom Instructions — This is a copy of the zoom instruction for the public meeting for your record. One of these is included in the "notice to adjacent property owners". Feel free to call me with any questions. Jessica Michaelis, Planning Board Secretary 631-765-1938, jessicam@southoldtownny.gov Notice to Adjacent Property Owners The Orchards Subdivision 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27.-1-3 1. 1000-27.-1-2.2 2. 1000-27.4-2.3 3. 1000-27.4-4 4. 1000-27.4-5 5. 1000-27.4-9.2 6. 1000-27.4-10.5 7. 1000-27.4-10.4 8. 1000-27.4-10.3 9. 1000-27.-2-2.10 10. 1000-27.-3-2.4 11. 1000-27.-3-2.3 12. 1000-27.-3-2.2 13. 1000-27.-3-3.1 14. 1000-27.-3-3.2 15. 1000-18.-5-23 16. 1000-25.-5-4 17. 1000-25.-5-5 18. 1000-25.-5-6 Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adiacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Standard Subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-27.-1-3; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District; 4. This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, and Lots 2 through 5 are each +/- 1 acre in the R-80 Zoning District. The property is located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, in Orient. 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information, by appointment only, during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2"d FI., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, or would like to request an appointment you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765- 1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on Town Records/Weblink icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Standard Subdivisions", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: JessicaM(a)southoldtownny.gov, 6. That a Public Hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, August 5, 2024 at 5:01 p.m. at the Southold Town Meeting Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold and virtually via the Zoom online platform; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to be heard at such hearing. It is not necessary to attend this hearing to participate. Written comments received prior to the public hearing date are acceptable. Written comments may be submitted via letter or email to: Jessica M(�southoldtownny_gov Petitioner/Owner Name: Steven Martocello, East End Holding Co., LLC Date: 7/16/2024 g�fFO(K '�1 MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: '0X0 CMG P.O.Box 1179 Town Hall Annex = y� Southold,NY 11971-0959 54375 State Route 25 � Z Telephone:631-765-1938 %8 Prowww.southoldtownny.gov (cor.Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) y !� Southold,NY �JQ1 �a0 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING Monday, August 5, 2024 5:00 p.m. Options for public attendance: • In person: Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold. or • To join via computer: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81276545882?pwd=lVifeyEhOX8EXdOBaWxOEFi RHNP009.1 Or Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 812 7654 5882 Password: 779348 • Join by telephone: Call 1(646) 558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above) C4 A11 l Are vie ---------------—-------- INg. 09'a P.D.65 ' "a a ..a^ %* 1��.•;.`' yn3 yes " °�.a %% 22 t CO ......... .......... IIIII IIIII .M.nqn nnp11111 7TIFF 171 ill 11 11111111111111 111111 11111111111111 1 0 C'O aen uairN _ as MOLlIVry •:� •� •tea .qi� "� 5�lps J �q ,, • � •� RF " v s0^3 he 9F m z'd Q'� '•�; � - J O £ J n mJ R� � A� r RyR•Y•;i.t• �•� r ., �:' �; 5 . •Rt�.'', e� mg , o ;\�O • ,. ra �C. '., � IIII I ;hb,'y•��:' `,R� w _ � _ .R Fat I gl ygN � r e? IIII I �'••yl0'� ^. ~ _� ^.._ .. - ��"%G.o 3o III I �W 4EuE� .aee9s"sS$�soa�°'"ao��d�s�a9"-=$saa�d��ss I I &£ i HIE _z SI n o tn9ot' ✓ ,may �� � � s �� w s •��' " a l� IIII - a-r I 3 ddlli I_—may _ �_�, __ • - �` - � -�� ST.Y r y - i R I�t I I I m rjfo � , $ - NO H 10 •�"_ ! IIII I 13 sin d IIII I �ssags� ohs=�� AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Steven Martocello, East End Holding Company, LLC Address: 24 Miller Woods Drive, Miller Place, NY 11764 Land Owner(if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. The property is located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, in Orient. Property Location (road and tax map ft 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27.-1-3 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.1: Craig & Kelly Smith, 552 Hawthorn Lane, Winnetka, UL 60093 SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.2: Orient HB LLC, 173 Duane Street, #75, New York, NY 10013 SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.3: Orient HB LLC, 173 Duane Street, #75, New York, NY 10013 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. Applicant/Agent Signature Date 4 r o awn 'nivw 9 � 8 3 AY9 SNJ01�VN •�°G1ps OF" . . - M. a ID bg • .. d r m z o 1p €tls r a has "� •. .a`�' 3 1 1 1 1 1 f s " .....��.• i 9 III I HF3w? .•� �«�'� �� III I I :loll o°a�4g6a 1 R�,=M 3 N AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 8/2/24 **************************************************************************************************** Re: The Orchards Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000- 27.-1-3 Date of Public Hearing: Monday, August 5, 2024, 5:01 p.m. 7/18/24, 1:49 PM Town of Southold,NY Public Hearings,Notice of Town of Southold, NY Thursday, July 18, 2024 Chapter 55. Public Hearings, Notice of [HISTORY:Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1995 by L.L. No. 25-1995. Amendments noted where applicable.] § 55-1 . Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L. No. 12-2003] Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated, proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant, petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property, nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant, petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. § 55-2. Videoconferencing for public meetings. [Added 6-21-2022 by L.L. No. 6-20221 The Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes members of the Town Board and all members of the Town's public bodies to participate in meetings using videoconferencing technology in a manner consistent with Public Officers Law§ 103-a and the Town's videoconferencing policy adopted by the Town Board. https://ecode360.com/print/SO0452?guid=5157337 1/1 LEGAL NICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to §276 of the Town Law, and Article XXIV of the Southold Town Code, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York, and virtually via the Zoom online platform, on the 5th day of August, 2024 on the question of the following: 5:01 pm The Orchards Subdivision, located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Num.1000- 27.-1 -3 Options for public attendance: In person Location: Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold To join via computer: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81276 545882?pwd=lVifeyE h 0X8 EXd O B aWxOEFiRHNP009.1 Or online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 812 7654 5882 and Password: 779348 To join by telephone call: 1 (646)558-8656 and enter Meeting ID and Password when prompted (same as above). Dated: 7/16/2024 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD James H. Rich lll, Chairman Town Hall Annex � ���� ���.�� �'.,.°.,;. MAILING ADDRESS: OFFICE LOCATION: * ra ��, P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 n�� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NYwx Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov wry w PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 9, 2024 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Set Public Hearing for Final Plat Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, July 8, 2024: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3- acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2014 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2014 the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat application; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2015, public meeting, the Southold Town Planning Board classified the action as Unlisted pursuant to SEQR and set a public hearing on the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Subdivision of the Orchards dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015, and WHEREAS on March 11, 2015 the Suffolk County Planning Commission responded that they considered the application to be a matter for local determination; and Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 12 July 9, 2024 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Southold Town Planning Board declared Lead Agency status and that Type I procedures would be used for the review of this Unlisted Action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful; and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, took lead agency for the action and made a determination of significance for the proposed action and issued a Positive Declaration; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2015 the Orient Fire District approved the location of the Fire Well on the plat; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement was submitted; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2020, the Southold Town Planning Board found that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement adequate for public review and comment; WHEREAS, on December 7, 2020 the Southold Town Planning Board held a public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the subdivision application and held it open until January 11, 2021; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, the applicant submitted a Final Environmental Impact Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed and revised the Final Environmental Impact Statement; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, the Southold Town Planning Board accepted and adopted the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023 and pursuant to SEQRA, the Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2023 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of the Orchards" dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015 prepared by John C. Ehlers, Licensed Land Surveyor and all conditions have been met or forwarded; and Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 13 July 9, 2024 WHEREAS, on May 15, 2024 the Southold Town Fire Marshal approved the access road design; and WHEREAS, on October 24, 2023 the Final Plat Application was received; and WHEREAS, on February 5, 2024 the Southold Town Planning Board determined Final Plat Application was complete; and WHEREAS, at their work session on June 17, 2024, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the Final Plat application for required revisions and found that the application was ready for a conditional determination; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the Final Plat application and found that it is in compliance with the requirements of§240 Subdivision of land, of the Town Code; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, August 5, 2024 at 5:01 p.m. for a Public Hearing regarding the "Subdivision of Property The Orchards" prepared by Lahti Engineering and Environmental Consulting P. C., dated June 15, 2013 and last revised October 2, 2023. The public hearing packet regarding the Town's notification procedure and the sign & post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office at the Southold Town Annex when you are contacted to do so. Please return the Affidavit of Posting/Mailing, included in the packet, along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, August 2, 2024. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, James H. Rich III Chairman Southold Town Planning hoard `Nark Session —June 17 2024 Pa e 2 Project Name Evans Standard Subdivision SCTM#: . 1000 107 3-2 LocatDescription: WWWµW� This Goeosal is for standard subdivision o—mm- ....�..._.w__��.. _ .�w.w.. ip proposal _ f a 5.68-acre parcel into 2 lots, where Lot 1 is 1.5 acres, and Lot 2 is 4.18 acres in the R-40 Zoning District. S A Status: New Application _ ... . ... Attachments:. m. �.. .. _._. achments: Staff Report---- . �.. N Action , Review for Sketch Plat Completeness.. . .�wwwwww ...., Protect Name 24 8G2 62 Eli"ahs Lane,'Cut_cho ue SCTM# 1 08 8 6 3, 6 4 6.5 000 1 Location,. Description: This standard subdivision proposes to sub parcel i 'p ' _ divide a 28.9 acres parcel into 3 lots; where lot 1 is equal to 5.08 acres and includes a 2.00-acre development area and 3.08 acres of open space and lot 2 is equal to on which de velopment m ent rights have been sold and lot 3 .63 acres u g 19 p p equals 4.17 acres and includes a 1.64 development area and 2.55 acres of span space in the AC Zoning District . �.. tus. w.,m_........ Conditional Sketch Approval Action. w. ..... v. __.�........_ . __Preliminary Plat Completewnass _ ._ Attachments: . _Staff Report ...... _........... _ .._.._... . __. Area - Lot Creation 08 1-4 ... .�. _ _w._.... _..... 1000 100 4-41 &4 2 Project Y P P __. _._.w v CTM# ect Name: m Sidor Family Open Development merit , S ...n Mattituck Description` .' TO s proposal s y forrt the creation of three lots from a 61-acre open 1 development area that was approved by the Planning Board and Town Board in 2014. Proposed Lot 1 equals 2.6 acres, Lot 2 equals 2.7 acres, and Lot 3 equals 1.8 acres. This property includes a LIPA Easement and 53.9 acres of preserved open space in three Agriculture Reserve areas where A equals 18 acres, B equals 18.7 acres and C equals 16.5 acres, all in the AC zoning district.,,-. Status: Review forConditional ch .. ... anon Status. ........�.... .. Conditional t�nPaaltr Final Iptar �rr .... .... �.....�......... . ... Attachments: Staff Report _.... �G " Project Name; _The Orchards SCTM# G 1000 27 1 3 " Locatiopn_ 2595Orphar tr e d S f0efp Orientw.._.. Descri ti,on: This p ro osal is r a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 B Zoning District. w....,_ .... _ Status ___.... .onriMtrtra! Prelimlrrary _.. Action: Review for final Plat Hear'rI _ ._...._. _ . _._. _... „_..._...__. .... .....w p Attachments i Staff Repq, Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date June 17, 2024 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10, 2014 Conditional Preliminary Plat Public January 11, 2021 Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval was granted on June 6, 2023 A Final Plat Application was received on October 24, 2023, The Planning Board determined Final Plat Application to be complete on February 5, 2024. IV: Action to review Set a public hearing on the Final Plat V: Analysis Preliminary Plat Conditions: Outstanding required changes to the Plat as follows: 1. Redesign the access to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, showing a right of way that meets all applicable Town Code and Fire Code. Southold Planning Department Staff Report Complete: Note that on the Final Plat, the ROW division is not shown; rather, it is noted on the plan as "Lots 2, 3, and 4 have '/4 ownership of the proposed private right of way." The Final Plat will need to be revised as a condition of Conditional Final Plat Approval to show each lot's ownership portion of the road as a continuation of their lot. In an email on May 15, 2024, the Southold Town Fire Marshal indicated that the road design looks to be in compliance with the NYS Fire Code. 2. Draft Road and Drainage Plan: On May 16, 2024 the Town Engineer issued the following comments: a. The proposed apron connecting the road to Orchard Street must be constructed of asphalt for a minimum of 5' from the existing edge of the asphalt pavement. Show the asphalt apron on the plans and provide details for the construction of the asphalt apron. b. Please note that the proposed site plan includes more than 1 acre of proposed land disturbance that has the potential to directly discharge to waters of the State. The applicant must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final approval of this site plan. As the stormwater runoff from the proposed development does not have the potential to discharge through the Town's municipal stormwater system, the Town will not review or approve the SWPPP nor will it sign the MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form. The applicant should apply directly to the NYSDEC for a SPDES Construction Permit. The Town must be provided with documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage from the NYSDEC prior to final approval of the site plan. Please note that for Town purposes only, the SWPPP can be submitted with the site plan application in lieu of separate drainage and erosion/sediment control plans provided that the SWPPP satisfies both NYSDEC and Town of Southold regulations. On February 20, 2024 the department received a revised road and drainage plan, a SWPPP and NYSDEC MS-4 acceptance form. c. Revise the "Roadway Section" to note that if crushed concrete is used to construct the 4" compacted base course it must be New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Specification RCA. 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report d. Revise the drainage plan and details to show 15" diameter corrugated exterior, smooth wall interior high density polyethylene pipe in lieu of 18" diameter corrugated metal pipe. 3. Show locations of property monuments delineating each lot and the right of way. Additionally, show locations where stakes are to be installed at the landward limit of buffers before clearing. Not all are shown. A property monument on the standard boundary line between lot 2 and 4 is not shown and at the intersection of Lot 4 and the adjacent lots rear property line. Property monuments are also not shown for the Lot 1 building envelope, flag, and barn reserve area. Will be included in the conditions of Conditional Final Plat Approval. 4. Submit two copies of a draft cost estimate of public improvements required under Articles IX, Bonds and Other Security and X, Required Public Improvements; Inspections; Fees. This cost estimate will be required to be submitted during the Final Plat application review. Note that the stormwater controls proposed by the SWPPP must be included within this estimate. Provided. Dated October 16, 2023. Street trees are missing from the estimate. Include the street trees in a updated draft Bon Estimate. Need to send to Town Engineer. A performance guarantee will be required for the Final Plat decision. An Administration Fee in the amount of $8,000 (4 x 2000.00) or 6% of the performance guarantee, whichever is greater, pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-37 Administration fee will be required to be submitted prior to Final Plat approval. The performance guarantee, administration fee, and park and playground fees were not submitted and can be submitted will be included in the conditions of Conditional Final Plat Approval. V. Planning Board Considerations: 1. Set a public hearing on the Final Plat on July 8, for August 5. 3 MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. ALBERT J. KRUPSKI, JR. SUPERVISOR TOWN ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765—1560 Fax. 631 4 ) 765 9015 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mark Terry May 16, 2024 Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning Department 54375 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RECEIVED .------...... .........._...a.............._ Re: The Orchards Standard Subdivision MAY 1, "1 2024 SCTM #: 1000 — 027. — 01 — 3 S� - - -- Tow, P9anning Board Dear Mr. Terry: "—"`" "", — As per a request from your office, I have reviewed Sheets 1-2 of The Final Road and Drainage Plan for The Final Plat of Clustered Subdivision of The Orchards prepared by William Joseph Lahti, P.E., dated October 2, 2023. Please have the applicant submit revised plans that address the following: 1. The proposed apron connecting the road to Orchard Street must be constructed of asphalt for a minimum of 5' from the existing edge of the asphalt pavement. Show the asphalt apron on the plans and provide details for the construction of the asphalt apron. 2. Please note that the proposed site plan includes more than 1 acre of proposed land disturbance that has the potential to directly discharge to waters of the State. The applicant must prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and obtain a State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit for Construction Activity from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) prior to final approval of this site plan. As the stormwater runoff from the proposed development does not have the potential to discharge through the Town's municipal stormwater system, the Town will not review or approve the SWPPP nor will it sign the MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form. The applicant should apply directly to the NYSDEC for a SPDES Construction Permit. The Town must be provided with documentation that the proposed project has obtained SPDES coverage from the NYSDEC prior to final approval of the site plan. Please note that for Town 12uToses onl the SWPPP can be submitted with the site plan application in lieu of separate drainage and erosion/sediment control plans provided that the SWPPP satisfies both NYSDEC and Town of Southold regulations. 3. Revise the "Roadway Section" to note that if crushed concrete is used to construct the 4" compacted base course it must be New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Specification RCA. 4. Revise the drainage plan and details to show 15" diameter corrugated exterior, smooth wall interior high density polyethylene pipe in lieu of 18" diameter corrugated metal pipe. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. Sincerely, Michael M. Collins, P.E. Town Engineer From: Visser III,Fredric Sent: Wednesday,May 15,2024 8:31 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica;Verity,Mike Cc: Terry, Mark S v A r Subject: RE:Orchards Subdivision PBS HL,/`1T RECIVED Good morning, I apologize for the delay, i. ...__. . .. w..._D The proposed subdivision look to be in compliance with the NYS Fire Code. MAY 1 j Fredric Visser, Planning Board Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web: https://Southoldtownny.gov/1736/Fire-Marshal Email: Fredv@southoldtownny.gov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 FIRE MARSHAL V say 1AA1 AAA ww From: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> Sent: Monday,April 29, 2024 2:08 PM To:Verity, Mike<Mike.Verity@town.southold.ny.us>;Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Cc:Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: Orchards Subdivision As per Mark, Orchards Subdivision map attached. Jessica Michaelis Senior Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email.Jw , g:1 1 c �w�tljol&( r,NLn� �. (L 1 C11°F[('T LOCATION. MAILING AI)I)1TI SS: 54375°"Ude 11,aauta mi � Sout.ho hl, N'Y' 11.3'71 Saourti laoN, NY �, Telephone:631 765-1)t38 z ti 1i 111aL-11.1'ML*gl..1,'WG BOARI) OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Michael Collins, Town Engineer From: Mark Terry, Assistant Town Planning Director�"\ Date: March 5, 2024 Re: The Orchards Standard Subdivision Application Name: The Orchards Standard Subdivision Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) ✓ Final Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 2/15/24 ) Other (Dated: ) Site Plan (Dated: ) Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: ) SWPPP (Dated: 2116/24 ) ✓ Bond Estimate (Dated: 10/16/23 ) Project Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3- acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7,98 acres of preserved Open Space, and Lots 2 through 5 are each +/- 1 acre in the R-80 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. r A r . ... ....-.......... LAHTI ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING., P.C. 2168-318 Nesconset Hwy Stony Brook, NY 11790 Tel (631) 751-6433 s L) F February 16, 2024 RECEIVE Mr. Mark Terry FEB . .. . ,.._. Town of Southold Planning Department 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 ' Planning ..p"�swvn....., Southold NY 11971 Board Re: SWPPP and Revised Roadway Design Submittal Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision- The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Dear Mr. Terry: Enclosed please find the following items associated with the Final Plat submission for the above referenced subdivision: 1. Six (6) copies of the revised Final Road and Drainage Plan. Please discard the plans submitted in October 2023. The design has been revised to increase the stormwater drainage capacity. 2. Four(4) Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) 3. One (1)NYSDEC MS-4 acceptance form for the SWPPP. Upon Town approval of the SWPPP, please send the signed form to my office so that we may file the NOI with the NYSDEC. Upon completion of the Town's review,please direct your comments to this office. Sincerely, William I La ,P.E. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: 4 54375 ee Route 25 ', P.O.Box 1179 Town Hall AnnexP.O. ��� � ,k„�, Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 8, 2024 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision: The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Planning Board staff met with the Town Engineer yesterday to discuss the proposed subdivision. The review cannot proceed without the.submission of a SWPPP, as required in the Planning Board's June 6, 2023 resolution item 10. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, N%YVLT-�( C4 Q Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Director of Planning Cc: Alex Martocello Southold Town Plannina Board Work Session— Februa 5 2024=Pg_qe 2 Prcr' . .. .__..„..._ J • sect Name The Orchards �w SCTM# 1000-27-1 3 Location:_ _ 25954 Orchard Street�wwOnent Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into five pots where Lot 1 =9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1,14 acres, Lot 4 onditional= 0.92 and Lot 5 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zonis District Status. _._._,, ._..... ._ C P_. _._ _...reliminarr�t Plat tion. . �... ._.. ... .Final Plat Completeness _ _w.. ._M..... e_Attachments: _.....Staff epo�t _ _.. ...__..... .._.w. .__ ..__ w ....... .. v_..._....._. . 1 L The Enclaves Hotel SCTM# µ000 63 3 15 �ocat Name: 56655 NYS Route 25 Southold Description: This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing 3,026 sq, ft. residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6,75 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning District. Status: A�aurcrved with Conditions Action.. ...,... . ...___. Review Request for Tree Clearing. ... ......-. .. ... ......_. . _._.ww... Attachments. Draft Letter _.�.... _ . ._ ., ......... .. �..._ ..... ....... [Ir w_ SCTM# 1w000 1 .�. 3, 2 4, 3 2 Location. 16505 Route 25, M... c _ 15 2 2. ect Name Vines on Mill Wine _. Description:_....._............ ... This pro is for the Ian site ' p proposed creation of a 5,200-sf. sq. ft. winery with no � retail tasting room on a ±1.94-acre parcel in the R-80 Zoning District to be merged with adjacent farmland totaling 49.85-acres with development rights held by Southold Town in the ACaZoning District Statusw mo _...... ...._. . Pending Attachments: Review for Completeness _ . ion:Act-..ii.:.__ .� .. Staff Reood ..... .w._�.._ Pro ect Name Vines on Mill Winery &House Resubd vision little White FSCtM#: 1000 115 2 2.3, 24, 32 Location 16505 Route Z5, Mattituck ree parcels SCTM#10 Desch tion: This proposed resubdivision application lication is to merge t 00- P P p p 115.-2-2.3, 2.4, and 3.2 totaling ±51.79-acres. Lot 2.3 is 1,94 acres with development rights intact, Lot 2.4 is 32.69-acres and Lot 3.2 is 17.46-acres both . .. .,. with development rights held bar Southold Town. Status. � w wwwwwµ_ �tion w_ ... ......._ .... ._.. Review for Carrpiet:na .. ... ... .._ ._.. µww �._ .._ Attachments,..... ..... Staff Report.M_ ........... �_u....Mw_.. __ ....... . .. . ......www�_....... ... ....... �w _.... Discussion: ❖ January 2024 Draft Monthly Report ❖ ZBA Request for Comments: • Barbara Thermos &Alexandra Lapentanos, 355, 405, 455 Sound Beach Drive, Mattituck, SCTM#1000-91-1-19, 20, 21, Hearing: 4/4/24 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date February 5, 2024 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10, 2014 A Final Plat Application was received on October 24, 2023. IV: Action to review Final Plat Application Completeness V: Analysis REQUIREDXTINAL Pt-AT COMPLETENESS' SUBMITTED ..Final ---......tion Form .....W ___._._. _._w_..._..__.._w..M Yes-------,.._.......... __...........___w w__.. ........_._._............................ _ _.___ Final Plat Flat Fee www_ �..w...................... _ Yes _.. .. ........ ._... ww.. .._..........� Standard and Conservation Subdivisions $500 ............. ................ w_.w_..........._......w 12 paper copies of Final Plat including gall required _._w_.......�. _._. Yes information pursuant to §240-21 4 M lar co ies of Final Plat .... .._.m, ._.w.._.. �. ..w.._w To be submitted at Conditional Final Plat y p' t WSmmcopi�esMof Final Road....& Drainage Plan .. .......................... Yesµµ*�4�µ. .._....w. ___.._ .......... Southold Planning Department Staff Report www_........._.....m_.__.. ...._�w........_........._... _......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,�w.ww....... ....._... _w ... ._ __ __M...._.._ • Approval from Town Engineer required Draft copies of all required legal documents: To be provided by Planning �w...... � � arming Staff • Covenants and Restrictions 2 copies of cost estimate of u. _ _ _.. ___.._.........www_.....__ .._. __._...........__ww...._ .. ..__�w_.._.............. p public improvements Yes SWPPP�,_...._...... __....... .wwwwww..ww _ wwwww. .,w....ww Road and Drainage. _......_w_w�w_........._ Plan Allconditions of Con...._. �........_._.....� __w .w ..............�...wwww.��,,,,.........��,............................. _ _..._.. — µµ..�WditionaI Preliminary Plat met No . Set Final Hearing/Review for substantial agreement Preliminary Plat Conditions: Required changes to the Plat as follows: 1. Consolidate the Agricultural Barn area with the Building Area on Lot 1 to form a continuous reserve area that further meets the purpose of Chapter 240 Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. Complete 2. Change the incorrect road name from Platt Road to Halyoake Road. Complete 3. Redesign the access to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, showing a right of way that meets all applicable Town Code and Fire Code. Complete: Note that on the Final Plat the ROW division is not shown, rather it is noted on the plan as "Lots 2, 3, and 4 have ownership of the proposed private right of way." 4. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 must be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. Complete 5. Delete the proposed setbacks and building envelopes and replace them with the following setback relief shown in Table 2: RegLot d Setbacks"77- __ Front "ard front "alrc� � 25 - 50 and 20 50 25 - 20.and 20 _50 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Lot 4 25 50 E20 _ww_._._ 50w Lot 5 25 50 25w_ 20 _._. a SHOWN —A table has been provided on the Final Plat. 6. Provide 50' vegetated buffers to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. More information will be gathered during the Final Plat review to determine whether these will be non-disturbance or vegetated buffers and whether or not specific types of plantings will be required. Complete 7. The permissible limit of clearing on lots is established by Chapter 240. Subdivision of Land Article Xlll. Preservation of Natural Features § 240-49. Clearing and is shown in the table below. Calculate the clearing limit amount in square feet for Lots 1 through 5 (Note the percent allowed to be cleared is regulated by final lot size and may change). The required buffers on the lots are included in the areas that will not be cleared. Limits of CleariN(Percent Lot Po1 _a 35 Lot 2 50 ._ ..�_ Lot 3 ..... o.o.. .._. .50 w.�. �........ __..... _. _w... Lot 4 50 Lot 5 Complete. Shown as percent and square footage in a table on the Final Plat submitted on October 24, 2023. 8. Draft Road and Drainage Plan Submit six copies of an amended Road & Drainage Plan that reflect the current design and satisfy the requirements mandated through §240-21 Technical requirements, including but not limited to the following: a. Title the plan `Final Road and Drainage Plan for the Final Plat of Clustered Subdivision of The Orchards'; SHOWN b. Verify the correct location of the fire well. SHOWN c. The road design specifications must meet Chapter 161. Highway Specifications of the Southold Town Code. SHOWN: On Road and Drainage Construction Plan Sheet 2 of 2 dated received October 24, 2023. The road cross section specifies a 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 25' wide right of way and a 16' wide asphalt paved road section. Type B curbs are proposed. d. Drainage shown on the final plans must meet the approval of the Southold Town Engineer. e. Provide test hole locations and data. Not Shown f. Provide a name for the proposed road. Not Shown g. Show locations of property monuments delineating each lot and the right of way. Additionally, show locations where stakes are to be installed at the landward limit of buffers before clearing. Not all are shown. A property monument on the standard boundary line between lot 2 and 4 is not shown and at the intersection of Lot 4 and the adjacent lots rear property line. Property monuments are also not shown for the Lot 1 building envelope, flag, and barn reserve area. h. An electric fire well shall be shown and installed at the entrance of Orchard Street and the subdivision access road to the satisfaction of the Orient Fire District. The location of the Fire Well is shown on the Road and Drainage Construction Plan Sheet 2 of 2, dated received October 24, 2023. i. Calculate and show the number of street trees required by Chapter 161. Highway Specifications Article lll. Roadway Construction § 161-44. Street trees of the Southold Town Code located 40' on center. Provide the species and planting details on the road and drainage plan. Note that street trees cannot be located within the right of way and must be shown on each lot. SHOWN on the on Road and Drainage Construction Plan Sheet 2 of 2 dated received October 24, 2023 as a calculation using 40' on center. A total of 10 street trees are proposed. The species is flowering dogwood. Prepare and submit for review a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets all of the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, Permit No. GP-0- 15-002. Town Engineering will review this plan for compliance with Chapter 236; however, the Town will not be taking jurisdiction of the SPDES permit as the runoff will not enter the Town's stormwater management system prior to discharge. Upon approval of the stormwater design as compliant with Chapter 236, the applicant will be provided with a 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report letter signed by the Town Supervisor stating that the DEC will have direct oversight of the SPDES permit and the SWPPP for this project. A Road and Drainage Construction Plan Sheet 2 of 2 was received on October 24, 2023. It is recommended that the Board send this plan to the Town Engineer for review. 9. Submit two copies of a draft cost estimate of public improvements required under Articles IX, Bonds and Other Security and X, Required Public Improvements, Inspections; Fees. This cost estimate will be required to be submitted during the Final Plat application review. Note that the stormwater controls proposed by the SWPPP must be included within this estimate. Provided. Dated October 16, 2023. Street trees are missing from the estimate. A performance guarantee will be required as a condition of the Final Plat decision. An Administration Fee in the amount of $8,000 (4 x 2000.00) or 6% of the performance guarantee, whichever is greater, pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-37 Administration fee will be required to be submitted prior to Final Plat approval. The performance guarantee, administration fee and park and playground fees were not submitted and can be submitted later. 10.The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A OWTS), as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Article 19, or proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. Required The following conditions and requirements will be provided in the Planning Board's draft Covenant and Restrictions. The maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code. The zoning code was amended by the Town Board by local law on October 18, 2022 (L.L. No. 10-2022). The purpose of the code amendment is to preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and character by limiting the maximum size of houses. Due to its adoption after the Final Environmental Impact Statement, this Local Law was not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment for this proposed action. The following is necessary to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report a. Water supply wells shall be spaced evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. The installation of low flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). c. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. d. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures is required. 11.Landscape requirements: The following Best Management Practices for fertilization, herbicides and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides capable of entering the groundwater. a. Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. b. Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year c. Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it's needed. d. Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited. e. Clearing limits are required and will be applied to reduce turf and associated irrigation and fertilization over the sole source aquifer. Supplemental plantings with native, drought-tolerant species are permitted. f. Plants used in landscaping shall be native, deer resistant and drought- tolerant. 12.Four clustered homes must be placed on the easterly side of the Subject Property. This is consistent with maximizing the open viewshed of the area by placing the two farmlands contiguous with each other. The four clustered homes shall be designed to tolerate sea level rise and flooding events over time. 13.The use of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. 14.Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. 6 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 15.The following is required to reduce residential irrigation in areas not connected to public water. a. Lawn areas shall be minimized; will be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. b. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. c. Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary during times of low soil moisture. d. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. 16.To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles on the parcel, the box turtle protocol adopted by the Planning Board and on file with the Planning Department must be followed before any clearing. V. Planning Board Considerations: 1. Consider finding the Final Plat application COMPLETE. 2. Refer the Final Plat, Final Road & Drainage Construction Plan (SWPPP), and Bond Estimate to the Town Engineer. 3. Refer the Final Road and Drainage Construction Plan to the Town Fire Marshall, 4. Allow the fees and draft C&Rs to be required as conditions if the Conditional Final Plat Approval are issued. 7 OFFICE LOCATION• MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 ��� �"��� Southold, NY 11971 54375 State Route 25 „ (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) �� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 17, 2023 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: Thank you for providing answers to the below questions. The work is approved with the caveat that this is to be a selective clearing project. The preservation of the native species and the function and values of the buffers were assessed during the SEQR review; any significant changes in the buffer outside of the below tasks may be cause to re-open the SEQR assessment. FIELD CUTTING (CLEARING) OF BUILDING ENVELOPES (DENIED) 1. The lot areas cannot be field cut mowed at this time, and the request is denied. In the Planning Board's June 6, 2023 resolution, the clearing limits of each lot are outlined. The areas that can be cleared are equal to 50 percent for Lots 2 through 5. Lot 1 is limited to 35 percent in the building lot only; the open space and barn area are exempt from clearing limits. The new road design will most likely reduce the lot sizes. Clearing limits are designated to the square footage of each lot. Therefore, it is premature to allow clearing of lots 2 through 5. FIELD CUTTING OF OPEN SPACE AREA AND BARN PRESERVED (APPROVED) 1. The Planning Board agrees to allow the field cut mowing in the open space area or barn reserve area. Southold Town Plannina Board Page 2 November 17 20_23 SELECTIVE CLEARING OF BUFFERS (APPROVED) The Planning Board agrees to the following: 1. Selective clearing, by hand of the vegetative buffers of NYS Listed Invasive Species ttj� rww.Letc,n ov/docs/lands fore§ts p4L/Lsprohibftedpjants2,pdf and listed L plants below is permitted. 1. Autumn Olive (Elaeagnus Umbellata); 2. Oriental Bittersweet (Celastrus Orbiculatus); 3. Mugwort (Artemisia Vulgaris). 2. Once the areas within the buffers to be selectively cleared are identified, please contact the Planning Department to confirm the work areas for inspection, methods of clearing, and species list of vegetation to be installed. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 631-765-1938. Respectfully, UJ2—Q— Doanld Wilcenski Chairman Cc: Alex Martocello LAIITI ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING 2168-318 Nesconset Hwy Stony Brook,NY 11790 Tel (631) 751-643 3 October 20, 2023 REC,E,I,V,ED Mr. Mark Terry O C T 2 4 7.023 Town of Southold Planning Department 9'6dt-K6I 6 oi W6--- 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Planning Board Southold,NY 11971 Re: Final Plat Approval Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision- The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Dear Mr. Terry: Enclosed please find the following items associated with the Final Plat submission for the above referenced subdivision: 1. Final Plat application form 2. Final Plat application filing fee check in the amount of$500 3. Twelve (12)paper copies of the proposed Final Plat 4. Five (5) copies of the Final Road and Drainage Plan 5. Performance Guarantee estimate Upon completion of the Town's review, please direct your comments to this office. The additional documentation required before the Final Plat hearing can be scheduled is being assembled and will be filed as soon as possible. Sincerely, William I LI ti, P.E. LAHTI ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING AP 'C. 2168-318 Nesconset Hwy Stony Brook,NY 11790 Tel (631) 751-6433 October 16, 2023 RE'QIEIIIV-E..D OCT 2023 Town Board ww_, Town of Southold Plana ng Board 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 - - Southold,NY 11971 Re: Final Plat Approval- Performance Guarantee Estimate Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision- The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Dear Town Board: The following shall serve as our estimate for construction of the public improvements required for the above referenced subdivision: 1. Electric fire well $36,300 2. 582 linear feet of concrete curb $10,000 3. (2)precast 5' x 5' concrete catch basins with inlet $6,000 4. (1) concrete storm water L.P. with inlet, 10' dia. X 4'H ring $4,000 5. (2) concrete storm water L.P.s with inlet, F dia. X 5'H ring $9,000 6. 5,066 SF asphalt roadway $10,000 7. 279 SF 6"thick reinforced concrete driveway apron $1,500 The total estimated cost of the improvements is $76,800. Sincerely, y William .). La i, P.E. September 25th, 2023 Steven A Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place,NY 11764 Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Sv 64' Town of Southold Planning Board PS L /V T' 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 R E C E T /C Southold, NY 11971 1 V 1.�D SAP ?023 Re: Final Plat Application Submission Property Accessibility '5't 6lff Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision-The Orchards Planning Board 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: We are currently in the process of finalizing our Final Plat submission for The Orchards subdivision. Originally when the application for this subdivision was submitted in 2013, the property was a fallow, inactive farm field with very limited underbrush or low growth vegetation. During the 10+ years that we have been working through the subdivision process,the property has experienced significant growth in both low growth vegetation and underbrush, including invasive species. To complete this project, the subdivision will require significant survey work. This work cannot be completed due to the impassibility of the growth described above. We are requesting permission from the planning board to do a field cut of the low growth vegetation so that the property can be fully accessible. No significant trees were identified on the property, so this would be regular maintenance of the property as it existed before. Where there are small caliber trees and bushes that we feel can be used in the vegetative buffers on Lots #2-5, we intend to keep them as is or relocated them. Additionally, we intend to begin preparation for farming operations on the 7.98 acres agricultural easement, a field cut of the property now would allow more time for the underbrush to breakdown and be reabsorbed into the soil. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, a -Mato- Steven A Martocello CC:Alex Martocello Paticia C.Moore—The Moore Law Group William Lahti—Lahti Engineering&Environmental Consulting PC Heather Lanza—Town of Southold Planning Dept.Director Mark Terry-Town of Southold Assistant Planning Dept.Director From: Terry, Mark Sent: Friday, August 4, 2023 11:00 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica;Westermann, Caitlin Subject: FW:The Orchards, Orient- Preliminary Private Right of Way Design 2-;7 • - t - 3 From:Visser III, Fredric<fredv@southoldtownny.gov> Sent: Friday,August 4, 2023 10:59 AM To:Steve Martocello<sam@theubigroup.com> Cc:Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us> Subject: RE:The Orchards,Orient-Preliminary Private Right of Way Design Hello, Being the driveway only serves 4 houses "fire access road" doesn't apply.Since the driveway will not exceed 500 feet, I will recommend you design and construct it in to the Appendix D standard of the fire code this would prevent potential damage to property,emergency vehicles, and delivery vehicles.Otherwise the driveway would fall under town code for sizes and specs. Thank you, Fredric Visser, Fire Marshal Town of Southold Phone: (631)765-1802 Web Its : soy: h ldtownny,1,owa,12M E���w- a:s1'4 Email: Eredv southoldtownny. ov PO Box 1179 54375 Main Road Southold, NY. 11971 From:Steve Martocello<sa Sent:Tuesday,August 1, 2023 3:18 PM To:Visser III, Fredric< i : : nNka:gn : yw�s > Cc:Alex Martocello<alk:�� Lijj rgaj.p....�;: Subject:The Orchards, Orient- Preliminary Private Right of Way Design Fred, It was good speaking with you yesterday about our subdivision project The Orchards in Orient. We appreciate you working with us to provide some feedback on the preliminary design before we submit the Final Plat Application. We are proposing a —200' Private Right of Way that will provide ingress/egress for Lots#2,#3,#4 and#5.Given the size and scope of this subdivision, we feel this design allows us to comply with all applicable State and Local codes while minimizing the impact to the local community's character. We've met with the leadership at the Orient Fire District and integrated into our design their professional opinions and best firefighting practices. Attached are the following documents. ? Preliminary Private Right of Way sketch accommodating a 40' Box Truck. ? AASHTO SU-40 Standards (40ft Long Box Truck) ? Orient Fire District Letter to Planning Dept.—02/24/2023 Below is the path we followed to arrive at our preliminary Private Right of Way design. New York State Fire Code ? Section 503 o This section states that all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building need to be within 150' of the Fire Apparatus Road—in this case our Fire Apparatus Road is Orchard Street. o Our engineer estimates that the furthest point of the exterior walls of the first story of the proposed buildings will be—300'from Orchard Street. o Section 503.1.4 allows for exceptions that allow for the Fire Code Official to extend the 150' distance given certain criteria—in our case we fall into the criteria of One-or Two-Family Dwellings that meet the requirements of Section 511. o LINK ? Section 511 o This section lays out the criteria for EmeMency Access Dr vewa s with criteria that we comply with. o Section 511.2.1: has a requirement of a minimum width of 12' -we are providing a 20'Width roadway& 25' ROW Width. o Section 511.2.2: Requires that a turnaround is required if the length of the Emergency Vehicle Access Driveway is greater than 500' in length—the proposed driveway will be—200' in length.Therefore no turnaround is required. o Section 511.2.6: States that a Fire Apparatus Road is required if the driveway serves more than 4 lots— the driveway we are proposing is for only,4 lots.Therefore a new fire apparatus road is not required for the subdivision. o LINK Town of Southold Code ? The proposed Private Right of Way design will meet all requirements set out by the Town of Southold Highway Dept and Subdivision Standards. Additional Information ? Preliminary Turn-Around Design (attached) o This preliminary design shows a 35'x70' Hammerhead turnaround that can accommodate a 40' Long Box Truck. o According to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials)this is the longest commercial vehicle excluding Tractor Trailer sizes. ? The Orient Fire District letter dated 02/24/2023 (attached) o Our design includes an Electric Fire Well that will be installed on the entrance of this Private Right of Way that will provide a water supply to the local fire district. o The letter also states that in the event of a fire they would back in and out of the proposed Private Right of Way. Your thoughts and feedback on the above would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Steve Martocello (917) 502-0101 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. 2 OFFICE AILING ADDRESS: 5 4Town 37 S atall Oe Route251• M P.O. Box 1179 .µ Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) m' Southold, NY "� Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 6, 2023 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, June 5, 2023: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3- acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2014 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2014 the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat application; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2015, public meeting, the Planning Board classified the action as Unlisted pursuant to SEQR and set a public hearing on the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Subdivision of the Orchards dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015, and WHEREAS on March 11, 2015 the Suffolk County Planning Commission responded that they considered the application to be a matter for local determination; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 12 June 6 2023 WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Planning Board declared Lead Agency status and that Type I procedures would be used for the review of this Unlisted Action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful; and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, took lead agency for the action and made a determination of significance for the proposed action and granted a Positive Declaration; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2015 the Orient Fire District approved the location of the Fire Well on the plat; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement was submitted; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2020, the Planning Board found that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement adequate for public review and comment; WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the subdivision application on December 7, 2020 and held it open until January 11, 2021; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, the applicant submitted a Final Impact Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed and revised the Final Environmental Impact Statement; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, the Planning Board accepted and adopted the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, the Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, at their work session on February 6, 2023, the Planning Board reviewed the Preliminary Plat application for required revisions and found that the application was ready for a conditional determination; WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed the Preliminary Plat application and found that it is in compliance with the requirements of§240 Subdivision of land, of the Town Code; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold LWRP; and be it further 2 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 13 June 6 2023 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of the Orchards" dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015 prepared by John C. Ehlers, Licensed Land Surveyor subject to the following conditions: Required changes to the Plat as follows: 1. Consolidate the Agricultural Barn area with the Building Area on Lot 1 to form a continuous reserve area that further meets the purpose of Chapter 240. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. 2. Change the incorrect road name from Platt Road to Halyoake Road. 3. Redesign the access to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, showing a 25' wide right of way that meets all applicable Town Code and Fire Code. 4. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 must be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. 5. Delete the proposed setbacks and building envelopes and replace them with the following setback relief shown in Table 2: Re uired Setbacks Front Yard 1 Front Yard Side Yard Rear Yard .Lot.2......_........_...n..-....._.. ....._....................25 u...... ........�. .�.._....�...�:.. ....... ... 50...and 20....�..� .........�,�.�.�_...,_. Lot 3µ zw5 .�_ .µ....w. . -mn� .. 20 and 20 ._w_... .....__ .w w 50._. .._..._. Lot 4 25 _._.....___50 ........._ 20 50 Lot 5w_wM...._____w_..... _ .. .._25....�w 5 ................. _ 25 ._...... wwwww....2.ortrv_ ... 6. Show 50' Natural Vegetated Buffers as defined in the Southold Town Code along the lot boundaries to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. Natural Vegetated Buffer: "A land area of a certain length and width where existing vegetation occurs prior to the commencement of any grading or clearing activity. Vegetation shall be maintained to achieve a minimum percentage of ground cover of 95%. To achieve the percentage of ground cover, indigenous, drought-tolerant vegetation shall be planted. Survival of planted vegetation shall be 90% for a period of three years. Maintenance activities within the buffer are limited to removing vegetation which is hazardous to life and property, trimming tree limbs up to a height of 15 feet to maintain viewsheds, replanting of vegetation and establishing a four-foot- wide access path constructed of pervious material for access to the water-body." 7. The permissible limit of clearing on lots is shown in the table below. Note that the percentages may change. Calculate the clearing limit amount in square feet for Lots 1 through 5. The Natural Vegetated Buffers on lots 4 and 5 will be included 3 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 14 June 6 2023 in the areas that will not be cleared. These clearing limits will be included in the covenants. Limits of Clearing_(Percent Lot 1 35 ..Lot 2 - __I_w. 50�. Lot4 .w. ..w.w......_...�.. 50_..�.,...�.�..._ Lot 5 50 8. Draft Road and Drainage Plan Submit six copies of an amended Road & Drainage Plan that reflect the current design and satisfy the requirements mandated through §240-21 Technical requirements, including but not limited to the following: a. Title the plan `Final Road and Drainage Plan for the Final Plat of Clustered Subdivision of The Orchards'; b. Verify the correct location of the fire well; c. The road design, specifications, and drainage shown on the final plans must meet the approval of the Southold Town Fire Marshall and Southold Town Engineer; d. Provide test hole locations and data; e. Provide a name for the proposed road; f. Show locations of property monuments delineating each lot and the right of way. Additionally, show locations where stakes are to be installed at the landward limit of buffers before clearing; g. An electric fire well shall be shown and installed at the entrance of Orchard street and the subdivision access road to the satisfaction of the Orient Fire District; h. Calculate and show the number of street trees required by Town Code located 40' on center. Provide the species and planting details on the road and drainage plan. Note that street trees cannot be located within the right of way and must be shown on each lot. 9. Submit two copies of a draft cost estimate of public improvements required under Articles IX, Bonds and Other Security and X, Required Public Improvements,- Inspections,- Fees. This cost estimate will be required to be submitted during the Final Plat application review. 10.Prepare and submit for review a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets all of the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, Permit No. GP-0-15-002. Town Engineering will review this plan for compliance with Chapter 236, however, the Town will not be taking jurisdiction of the SPDES permit as the runoff will not enter the Town's 4 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 15 June 6 2023 stormwater management system prior to discharge. Upon approval of the stormwater design as compliant with Chapter 236, the applicant will be provided with a letter signed by the Town Supervisor stating that the DEC will have direct oversight of the SPDES permit and the SWPPP for this project. 11.Subject to a finding by the Planning Board, a Park & Playground fee may be required to be paid prior to Final Plat Approval. 12.An Administration Fee in the amount of$8,000 (4 x $2,000.00) or 6% of the performance guaranty, whichever is greater, pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-37 Administration fee will be required to be submitted prior to Final Plat approval. 13.The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A OWTS), as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Article 19, or proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. 14.The maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code. The zoning code was amended by the Town Board by local law on October 18, 2022 (L.L. No. 10-2022). The purpose of the code amendment is to preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and character by limiting the maximum size of houses. Due to its adoption after the Final Environmental Impact Statement, this Local Law was not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment for this proposed action. 15.The following to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time is necessary. a. Water supply wells shall be spaced evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. Installing low-flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). c. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. 16.Four clustered homes must be placed on the easterly side of the Subject Property. This is consistent with maximizing the open viewshed of the area by placing the two farmlands contiguous with each other. 17.Covenants and Restrictions will be required to be drafted to the satisfaction of the Planning Board, and filed prior to Final Plat Approval. A draft will be provided by 5 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 16 June 5 2023 the Planning Department and will include the ongoing conditions identified above, and the following: a. Landscape requirements: The following Best Management Practices for fertilization, herbicides and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides capable of entering the groundwater. 1) Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture; 2) Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year; 3) Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it's needed; 4) Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited; 5) The use of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. b. Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. c. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures is required. d. Natural Vegetated Buffers and clearing limits are required and will be applied to reduce turf and associated irrigation and fertilization over the sole source aquifer. Supplemental plantings with native, drought-tolerant species are permitted. e. Plants used in landscaping shall be native and drought-tolerant. f. Street trees shall be required. g. The four clustered homes shall be designed to tolerate sea level rise and flooding events over time. h. Irrigation controls: 1) The following is required to reduce residential irrigation in areas not connected to public water; 2) Lawn areas shall be minimized; will be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species; 3) Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures; 4) Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary, during times of low soil moisture; 5) The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. 6 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 17 June 6 2023 i. To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles on the parcel, the box turtle protocol adopted by the Planning Board and on file with the Planning Department must be followed before any clearing. 18.Submission of a complete Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240-20 of the Southold Town Code, and meeting all the conditions above The next step to continue towards Final Plat Approval is to meet all conditions stated above, and the submission of a Final Plat Application and Fee. Note additional changes to the Final Plat and/or documents may be required by the Planning Board. Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board, such extension not to exceed a total of 180 days. In the event that the applicant shall fail to apply for approval of a Final Subdivision Plat prior to expiration of the Preliminary Plat Approval, all documents required by this section shall be re-submitted and a second Preliminary Plat Fee shall be paid before any application for Final Plat Approval shall be accepted or processed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman 7 From: Terry, Mark Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 11:26 AM To: Don Wilcenski (dwilski78@gmail.com); Fishers Island Museum (fimuseum@fishersisland.net);Jim Rich; Martin Sidor(E-mail); Mia Jealous-Dank; Pierce Rafferty(prafferty@fishersisland.net) Cc: Lanza, Heather Subject: The Orchards Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Heather and I met with the applicant and Pat Moore regarding the buffer on the proposed subdivision. The Board indicated that a non-disturbance buffer could be imposed in the future in a condition. The applicant argued against that and asked that the language in the pending Conditional Preliminary Plat Resolution be changed. They also indicated that a non- disturbance buffer was not discussed in the SEQR findings. I double-checked that, and they are correct; it referenced vegetated buffers. They propose that the Board consider the following: 1. Require a Natural Vegetated Buffer as defined in the Southold Town Code as a -A land area of a certain length and width where existing vegetation occurs prior to the commencement of any grading or clearing activity. Vegetation shall be maintained to achieve a minimum percentage of ground cover of 95%. To achieve the percentage of ground cover, indigenous, drought-tolerant vegetation shall be planted. Survival of planted vegetation shall be 90%for a period of three years. Maintenance activities within the buffer are limited to removing vegetation which is hazardous to life and property, trimming tree limbs up to a height of 15 feet to maintain viewsheds, replanting of vegetation and establishing a four foot-wide access path constructed of pervious material for access to the water-body. This type of buffer allows greater maintenance than a non-disturbance buffer. At a minimum, they would be located along Orchard Street. The important aspect of buffers are making them functional. Here the function is to reduce the area of irrigated turf, fertilizers and herbicide applications. They also would be used to meet the clearing limits. Let me know by email if you agree to the request. Mark Terry, AICP Assistant Town Planning Director Local Waterfront Revitalization Coordinator Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 i k RECEIVED .,a. ,,.N....,..„,..... Moore Law Group PR: 0, William D. Moore Soutiold °town Attorney at Law Planning Board w 51020 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Tel: (631)765-4663 Fax: (631)765-4643 April 5, 2023 Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Annex Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Re: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision/"The Orchards" 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM 1000-27-1-3 Dear Chair Wilcenski and Board Members: We write to you on behalf of our client East End Holding Company, LLC (Steven A. Martocello),the applicant seeking the Board's approval of the above-referenced subdivision application. This subdivision has been the subject of a lengthy review process including significant input from the community and the applicant with active and engaged participation with the Board and its staff. Several open issues must be addressed before the Board adopts a resolution approving a preliminary plat with conditions. As the Board is aware, preliminary plat approval is a significant step in the review process. Conditions set forth in a resolution granting "conditional preliminary plat approval" are binding on both the Board and the applicant at the time the resolution is adopted.' These conditions are not subject to change later in the review process. Considering these legal constraints, it is critical that the open issues be addressed at this stage of the Board's review process. The applicant hereby consents to an extension of the time in which the Board is otherwise required to act on the preliminary plat so that these issues can be resolved. (Southold Town Code §240-19(E)) ' Resolution of conditions cannot be put off for review later. The New York Court of Appeals has held that the conditions imposed at the preliminary plat approval phase must be challenged within 30 days from the date the preliminary plat approval resolution has been filed. [Long Island Pine Barrens Society, Inc. v. Planning Board of Brookhaven Town, 78 NY 2d 608, 578 NYS 2d 466 (1991)] Moore Law Group William D. Moore April 5, 2023 Re: "The Orchards" subdivision Open Issues: 1. Shared ingress /egress access for Lots #2-5 The proposed access for ingress and egress for Lots 2-5 to Orchard Street has been the subject of discussion with the Town Building Department, the Board of Commissioners of the Orient Fire District, Planning Staff, and the Town's Fire Marshall. At issue are the appropriate specifications for this access. It is our understanding that the Fire Marshall has opined that the New York Fire Code requires the access right of way to be 30 feet in width with a paved surface 26 feet in width capable of supporting 75,000 lbs. These are the specifications for a"Fire Apparatus Access Road." If the right of way serves more than four buildings, then the roadway must be designed as an apparatus access road under specification set forth in section 503. [NYS Fire Code Ch. 5 section 511.21.6] However,the Orchards subdivision access will serve only four residences. The specifications for an Apparatus Access Road do not apply. Instead,the applicable provisions of the New York State Fire Code are found in section 511 which governs "Emergency Access Driveways" serving up to four buildings. A copy of this section is enclosed for your convenience. Such access, at a minimum can be 12 feet unobstructed in width with an unobstructed height opening of 13 feet 6 inches [NYS Fire Code Ch. 5 section 511.2.1]. In comparison, the Highway Specifications set forth in the Southold Town Code require a 25 foot right of way width with a road surface of 16 feet. (Southold Town Code § 161- 15(A)). The shared driveway was described in the FEIS [Section 2-1.3 Comment T-36 "Response to Comment" ] confirming use of a 25 foot right of way to serve four lots. The FEIS was accepted and adopted by the Planning Board in its capacity as Lead Agency on September 12, 2022. There is no basis to require a shared road access for the four lots that is greater in size and scope of design than is set forth in the Southold Town Code Highway Construction Specifications. (Southold Town Code §161-15(A)). The shared access driveway for this subdivision is less than 500 feet in length. Accordingly, a turnaround at the end of the drive is not required by the New York Fire Code. [Only if the shared ingress road is more than 500 feet in length, is a turnaround "suitable for use by fire apparatus"required. [NYS Code Ch. 5 section 511.2.2]. Similarly,the Southold Town Code Highway Specifications require a turnaround only if the road serves five or more lots. (Southold Town Code §161-115(B). The road in this subdivision is less than 500 feet in length and serves only four lots. Accordingly,there is no requirement for a turnaround. In addition,the Board of Commissioners of the Orient Fire District stated in its letter dated February 24, 2023, that no turnaround was necessary at the end of the roadway for its ingress or egress for these lots. 2 Moore Law Group William D. Moore April 5, 2023 Re: "The Orchards" subdivision 2. Vegetated Buffers The proposed setbacks for the respective lots shall be vegetated buffers consisting of drought tolerant, native species. However, these buffers must not be described as "non- disturbance"buffers. The surrounding homes are well-kept and maintained properties. The existing conditions on the subject property include invasive,non-native plants in many areas which are not consistent with the neighboring properties. An appropriate vegetated buffer with drought tolerant native species best suited to the local environmental conditions is acceptable and will enhance the community. Limitations on clearing should follow the existing provisions of the Southold Town Code Section 240-49(C) which dictate limitations based upon lot size. There is no basis to create a more stringent limitation on Lot#1. Lot clearing limit should be determined when lot sizes are finalized. 3. Road and Drainage Plans The appropriate road and drainage plans will be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Southold Town Code for roads serving four lots 4. Covenants and Restrictions The covenants and restrictions associated with this subdivision must clearly distinguish between the residential lot and the farm lot reserved for active agricultural activities. Restrictions on the residential lots [Lots 2-51 must not be applied to the farm lot [Lot#1]. Agricultural operations are not governed by the restrictions associated with residential use and the covenants and restrictions for this subdivision must maintain the distinction between these uses. For example, restrictions on the use of fertilizers and herbicides, and the "box turtle" protocol should apply only to residential lots. They must not apply to the routine agricultural activities on the farm lot which are protected by laws including, but not limited to Southold Town's "Farmland Bill of Rights" Chapter 280 Article XXI of the Southold Town Code. We look forward to the resolution of this open issues so that the preliminary plat may be completed by the applicant's surveyors and engineers for the Board's review. yours, iaj D M:oore WDM/by 3 Moore Law Group William D. Moore April 5, 2023 Re: "The Orchards" subdivision Encl. cc: Paul DeChance, Esq. Southold Town Attorney James Squicciarni,Esq. Deputy Town Attorney Steven Martocello William Lahti, P.E. Alex Martocello 4 [NY]Section 511 Emergency Vehicle Access [NY]511.1 Emergency Access Driveways Emergency vehicle access for one-or two-family Group R-3 buildings and detached one-and two-family dwellings constructed in accordance with the Residential Code of New York State,hereafter constructed or moved into the jurisdiction,shall be provided in accordance with this section. Exceptions: 1.Construction of dwellings on premises which have had local site plan approval prior to January 1,2011,with no modification to approved site plan. 2.Accessory storage buildings. 3. Dwellings without electrical service and permitted to not have electrical service by the Residential Code of New York State. [NY]511.2 Driveways Driveways shall be provided when an egress door required by Section R311 of the Residential Code of New York State is located more than 300 feet(91 440 mm)from a fire apparatus access road or public street. Exception:The measurement is permitted to be increased beyond 300 feet(91 440 mm)if driveways cannot be installed because of location on property,topography,waterways,nonnegotiable grades or other similar conditions and the building is protected by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1,903.3.1.2,903.3.1.3,or Section P2904 of the Residential Code of New York State. [NY]511.2.1 Dimensions Driveways shall provide a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet(3658 mm)and a minimum unobstructed height of 13 feet,6 inches(4115 mm). [NY]511.2.2 Turnaround When driveways are in excess of 500 feet(152 400 mm)in length and do not exit to another fire apparatus access road or public street,a turnaround shall be provided suitable for use by fire apparatus. [NY]511.2.3 Turnouts Driveways in excess of 500 feet(152 400 mm)in length and less than 20 feet(6096 mm)in width shall be provided with turnouts along the driveway that are a minimum 20 feet in width for a length of 50 feet(15 240 mm)in length.The turnouts shall be placed at intervals not to exceed 500 feet(152 400 mm)along the driveway. [NY]511.2.4 Stability Driveways,including bridges and other supporting structures of driveways,shall be constructed to support fire apparatus in all weather conditions. [NY]511.2.5 Design The design of driveways,including turning radius and grade,shall facilitate passage of fire apparatus and be approved. [NY]511.2.6 Driveways Serving More Than Four Buildings Driveways,and portions thereof,that serve more than four buildings shall meet the design requirements for fire apparatus access roads as specified in Section 503. Southold Town P'lannin Board Work Session -- March 27 202 Pa ee 33 ect Name: The Orchards SCTM# 1000-27 1 3 + ► ...... .. rhrd Street OrientLocation: pDescription . —ThisPlis for aClustered Standard Subdivision. of�a 1 3.3-acre parcel into five Lot — 9acres including .. a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: Conditional Sketchµ Approval .... ' Mw Conditional Preliminary Determination Action:........ Review for Co�....._.w.. ...� .._.µ._. .��_ ....._.. ... achm. ents: Staff Discussion: ❖ ZBA Requests for Comments: o North Fork Discoveries, 31095 Main Road, Cutchogue, SCTM#1000-102-24.1 DUE: March 30, 2023 o Peconic Community School, SCTM#1000-102-1-18.1 DUE: March 30, 2023 ❖ TB Requests for Comments: o A Local Law in relation to Amendments to Chapter 280, Zoning, Accessory Apartments HEARING: March 28, 2023 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date March 27, 2023 Prepared By: Mark Terry I.Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 #of Lots Proposed: 5 III:Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10,2014 IV:Action to review Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Plat Changes V:Analysis On November 22, 2013 the Sketch Plan Application was found complete. On March 11,2014 Conditional Sketch Plan Approval was granted. On December 9,2014 a Preliminary Plat Application was filed. On January 5, 2015 the Preliminary Plat Application was found incomplete. On February 9, 2015 the preliminary Plat was found complete. On April 6, 2015 a Public Hearing was held and held open Preliminary Public Hearing was Held Open. April 15,2015 the action was reviewed to the LWRP and recommended as INCONSISTENT. On July 6, 2015 the Planning Board issued a SEQR Positive Declaration. Southold Planning Department Staff Report On August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement DIES was submitted. On December 7,2020 a public hearing was held on the DEIS and held open for written comment to January 11, 2021. The public comment period closed. On March 2,2022 the applicant submitted a FEIS prepared by their consultant. The Planning Board and staff reviewed the document and amended it for acceptance by the Planning Board as Lead Agency. On October 6, 2020 found the DEIS adequate for public review. On September 12, 2022,the Southold Planning Board adopted the FEIS dated August 29,2022 for the action. On January 9, 2023,the Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement. Staff recommends that the Planning Board adopts the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions: Required changes to the Plat as follows: 1. Consolidate the Agricultural Barn area with the Building Area on Lot 1 to form a continuous reserve area that further meets the purpose of Chapter 240. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. 2. Change the incorrect road name from Platt Road to Halyoake Road. 3. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 must be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. 4. Delete the proposed setbacks and building envelopes and replace them with the following setback relief shown in Table 1: Table 1 Setbacks _ !�+�nf'�'�ii"�M 1 f�"�"".a�.. Lot 2 25 - 50 and 20 50 ..Lot3 .. .._...w.�w ...25......_...� ... .._ m._20.and 20 50 ..Lot_4... ..w__..�..............r_.......,.25...__.__..... .w.._..w 50_. ._......_.__..20........_..�_w_ww 50.....,._.._w_. ...50_w_.__..... ........................ 9-5. Provide 50'vegetated buffers to the satisfaction of the Planning Board. Formatted:Numbered+Level:I+Numbering Style:I,z, More information will be gathered during the Final Plat review to determine 3,...+Start at:I+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.25"+ Indent at: 0.5 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report whether these will be non-disturbance or vegetated buffers and whether or not specific types of plantings will be required. 5-6. The permissible limit of clearing on lots is established by Chapter 240. Subdivision of Land Article Xlll. Preservation of Natural Features§240-49. Clearing is shown in the table below. Calculate the clearing limit amount in square feet for Lots 1 through 5(Note that the percent allowed to be cleared is regulated by final lot size and may change). The required buffers on the lots are included in the areas that will not be cleared. Limits of Clearng Percen] Lot 1 ..w 35 Lot 2 .__ __._50..... Lot 3.__. .___....�...50._.._...._. Lot 4 ... ....ww. .....50....._.._.__ _.............i .._..........._. q 40J. Draft Road and Drainage Plan "�Formatted:Numbered+Levee 1+Numbering style:1,z, 3 .. +Start at 1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at 0 25 + Indent at: 0 S Submit six copies of an amended Road&Drainage Plan that reflect the current design and satisfy the requirements mandated through§240-21 Technical requirements, including but not limited to the following: a. Title the plan`Final Road and Drainage Plan for the Final Plat of Clustered Subdivision of The Orchards'; b. The road design specifications must meet Chapter 161. Highway Specifications of the Southold Town Code. Please amend the plat accordingly. c. Drainage shown on the final plans must meet the approval of the Southold Town Engineer. d. Provide test hole locations and data. e. Provide a name for the proposed road. f. Show locations of property monuments delineating each lot and the right of way.Additionally, show locations where stakes are to be installed at the landward limit of buffers before clearing. g. An electric fire well shall be shown and installed at the entrance of Orchard Street and the subdivision access road to the satisfaction of the Orient Fire District. h. Calculate and show the number of street trees required by Chapter 161. Highway Specifications Article 111. Roadway Construction§ 161-44. Street trees of the Southold Town Code located 40' on center. Provide the species and planting details on the road and drainage plan. Note that street trees cannot be located within the right of way and must be shown on each lot. 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 6-8. Prepare and submit for review a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets all of the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, Permit No. GP-0-15-002. Town Engineering will review this plan for compliance with Chapter 236; however, the Town will not be taking jurisdiction of the SPDES permit as the runoff will not enter the Town's stormwater management system prior to discharge. Upon approval of the stormwater design as compliant with Chapter 236, the applicant will be provided with a letter signed by the Town Supervisor stating that the DEC will have direct oversight of the SPDES permit and the SWPPP for this project. 7-9. Submit two copies of a draft cost estimate of public improvements required under Articles IX, Bonds and Other Security and X, Required Public Improvements; Inspections; Fees. This cost estimate will be required to be submitted during the Final Plat application review. Note that the stormwater controls proposed by the SWPPP must be included within this estimate. .. 44-.10. A performance guarantee will be required as a condition of the Final Plat-•-, Formatted:Numbered+Level:I+Numbering Style:1,z, pursuant to 240-34. Forms of security;expiration and terms of bonds; 3, e+Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.2s"+ decision P § y /� Indent at: 0 5' default. of the Southold Town Code. - 4-2 11. Subject to a finding by the Planning Board, a Park&Playground fee may Formatted:Numbered+Level;1+Numbering Style:1,z, be required to be aid prior to Final Plat Approval. 3, ..+Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at. 0.25"+ q P P PP Indent at: o s �.._ _.. __ ... 4-3-.12. An Administration Fee in the amount of$8,000(4 x 2000.00)or 6%of the Formatted:Numbered+Level:I+Numbering Style:1,z, performance guaranty,whichever is greater, pursuant to Southold'Town Code 3,...+Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.25"+ P 9 ya g P ,.,Indent at: 0.5' §240-37 Administration fee will be required to be submitted prior to Final Plat __ ... . ._. . . .. .......... approval. U 44.13. Submission of a complete Final Plat Application meeting all the Formatted:Numbered+Level:1+Numbering Style:1,2, requirements of 240-20 of the Southold Town Code, and meetingall the 3, a+Start at.1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.25"+ re q � Indent 0.5" conditions above " ® 4-5-14, The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A Formatted:Numbered+Level:1+Numbering Style 1,z OWTS , as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' In +Start at 1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at o.zs + ) P tY P Indent at: os' Article 19, or proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or ..........., removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. 445,15. The maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Farmatted Numbered+Level:1+Numbering style:1,z, Southold Town Code.The zoningcode was amended b the Town Board b L 3,...+Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.25"+ y y ;Indent at: Os local law on October 18, 2022(L.L. No. 10-2022).The purpose of the code amendment is to preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and character by limiting the maximum size of houses. Due to its 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report adoption after the Final Environmental Impact Statement,this Local Law was not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment for this proposed action. N 4-7716. The following to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time is Formatted: at: bared Alignment: I NumberingStyle:1 2 +Aligned at 0 25 + necessary. rodent at o s ... a. Water supply wells shall be spaced evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. The installation of low flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM)flow rate.This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well overtime in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). c. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15%of the lot area not improved with structures. d. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures is required. 17. Covenants and Restrictions will be required to be drafted to the Formatted:Numbered � q +Level 1+Numbering Style 1,2, ' satisfaction of the Planning Board, and filed prior to Final Plat Approval.A draft �_I.nd,e,ntat: o s Alignment:Left+Aligned at o zs + will be provided by the Planning Department and will include the ongoing conditions identified above, and the following: 4-9-.18. Four clustered homes must be placed on the easterly side of the Subject f Fom,atted:Numbered+Level:I+Numbering Style:1,z, Property. This is consistent with maximizing the open viewshed of the area b 3,...+Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at: 0.25"+ 9 p Y ,rodent at: o s' placing the two farmlands contiguous with each other. f"Formatted Indent Left 0 5 4419. Landscape requirements:The following Best Management Practices for 1 Formatted:Numbered+Level 1+Numbering Style 1,2, fertilization, herbicides and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to 31...+Start a[ 1+Alignment Left+Aligned at o 2s + reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides Indent at:o s capable of entering the groundwater. a. Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20%of the total nitrogen in the mixture. b. Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year c. Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it's needed. d. Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited. e. Clearing limits are required and will be applied to reduce turf and associated irrigation and fertilization over the sole source aquifer. Supplemental plantings with native,drought-tolerant species are permitted. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report f. Plants used in landscaping shall be native, deer resistant and drought- tolerant. 3,20�ww_...,;The four clustered homes shall be designed to tolerate sea level rise and flooding events over time. 9-.21. The use of Agricultural Environmental Management(AEM)practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. 40-.22. Crops requiring minimal water use(irrigation)from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. Formatted:Numbered+Level:1+Numbering Style 1 2, 2 T"he following Is required to reduce residential irrigation in areas not 3 .. Start at:1+Alignment:Left+Aligned at 0 2s + w,,, g q 9 rodent at: os" connected to public water. 3)a_Lawn areas shall be minimized;will be seeded with improved turf i Formatted.,Indent Lei 1 species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance,thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. V 4)bTotal long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15%of the lot area not improved with structures. 54c Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems,to water only when necessary during times of low soil moisture. a-d.The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. 6)24. To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles on the parcel,the box turtle Formaat':"'O"".5" t Numbered+Level:1+Numbering style: 1,z, protocol adopted b the Planning Board and on file with the Planning Department 3 �+ tart at:1+Alignment Left+Aligned at o.2s°+ p P Y 9 g p indent must be followed before any clearing. V. Planning Board Considerations: Issue Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval at the April 10, 2023, public meeting. 6 From: Terry, Mark Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 7:49 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica; Palmeri, Allison E E Subject: FW:The Orchards Standard Subdivision - MAR 0 2 2023 Please file. �.. - -oia,i.o`nrh.�... Planning 0oard From:Steven Martocello<samartocello@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 12:59 PM To:Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Alex Martocello<alex@theubigroup.com> Subject: Re:The Orchards Standard Subdivision Mark, Understood. We would like to request that our meeting with the Planning Board/Department be rescheduled to Monday, March 13, 2023, Thank you. Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 11:33 AM Terry, Mark<mark,terr town. outhoId.n .us>wrote: Steve, Good afternoon, We have received your letter regarding the proposed conditions. We believe this will take a little more work in providing direction to the Planning Board therefore, can you request a deferral to March 13' or 27th via email for the file? i We also have received the letter from the Orient Fire District and now have to cross-reference what they request to NYS standards. This will require a meeting with the Town Fire Marshal. Best, Mark Terry,AICP Assistant Town Planning Director Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 (631)-765-1938 z March 1, 2023 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Donald J Wilcenski , Chairman, Planning Board Southold town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 MAR 2 2023 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971-0959 ( outh 6d i° rf a nin card Re: Response to Draft of Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval —The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Attached: Drawing of Draft Revised Conditional Preliminary Plat Dear Mr. Wilcenski, Attached are 8 Copies of the Sketch Drawing that might make it easier to read in conjunction with the Response to the Draft Conditional Preliminary Plat Letter. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours,,-.. Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 cc: Ms. Heather Lanza, AICP — Planning Dept Director Mark Terry—Assistant Town Planning Director Alex Martocello air f u Soutnoro i own ORIENT FIRE DMrRICT Planning Board 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY 117 6 1-323-2 5 ® FAX 1-323-970 Mr. Mark Terry orientfired@optonline.net Planning Board Office February 24, 2023 Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Subdivision Application Review The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-3 Dear Mr. Terry, This letter is to amend the districts letter dated July 13, 2015 regarding this Subdivision. There has been a substantial amount of time that has past, with changes made to the original submission. 3 Commissioners and the Chief of the Fire Department recently met with Steve Martocello at the proposed Subdivision site. It is the position of the District and Department on the following: An electric well subject to the districts specifications will be installed at the corner of Orchard Street and the roadway entrance to the subdivision. The road bed width acceptable for operating the fire and rescue apparatus should be at least 20 feet wide,which is the same width for existing town roads in the area. No turn around is necessary at the end of the roadway such as a cu-de-sac or T turn. The length of the road is sufficient to allow apparatus to be backed in or out. For proper access, no trees should be planted alongside the roadway. This continues to be an obstacle for the future as many current private driveways and roads in Orient are overgrown with brush and trees, which creates damage to apparatus and equipment. Y, Donald R. Sayre, istrict Secretary Fq Michaelis„Jessica :E—,�-,"`; '4 From: Steven Martocello <samartocello@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2023 7:41 AM LTN6Fi l wn To: Michaelis,Jessica Planning Board Cc: Terry, Mark; Lanza, Heather, Donald Wilcenski (dwilski78 gmai c-6m);Alex Martaceff Subject: Response to Draft of Conditional Preliminary Plan Approval -The Orchards Attachments: Response to Feb 7th Draft of Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval -The Orchards.pdf Attached are our comments on the draft conditional preliminary plat approval document dated February 7th, 2023. The purpose of the correspondence is to request the Planning Board reconsider certain conditions contained in the draft document. Please advise if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration. Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. i February 24,2023 Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Town of Southold Planning Board 54375 Route 25,P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Draft Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision-The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: On February 3, 2023, I received from Town staff the draft conditional preliminary plat approval document dated February 7, 2023. On February 7, 2023 1 requested the matter be adjourned to the next Planning Board meeting to allow us time to evaluate the conditions being placed on the approval, and the impact associated with those conditions. The purpose of this correspondence is to request the Board reconsider certain conditions contained in the draft document. The items of concern, in the order they appear in the draft document, are as follows: Item 1: Draft Condition-Page 3 Required changes to the Plat as follows,#3 "Redesign the access to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, showing a 30' wide right of way with a 26' wide road surface capable of supporting 75,000 lbs and a T turn-around(see specifications) for fire protection" Applicant Request WA-Modify the condition to provide a twenty-five (25) foot wide right-of-way with a sixteen(16)foot wide road which is consist with the Town Code. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#IA- Section 161-15 of the Town Code states, for 3 to 4 lots, a minimum right-of-way width of 25' and a road width of 16' is adequate. The Code uses the term"minimum"when discussing the right- of-way width and has footnote#1. Footnote#1 explains that a minimum right-of- way width of 50' is required when there is a potential to re-subdivide and create five or more lots. For the proposed subdivision, footnote#1 does not apply as the subdivision cannot be further subdivided to create five or more lots. Therefore, as per Town Code section 161-15, a right-of-way width of 25 feet is required, not 30 feet as requested in the draft conditions document. Furthermore, the Code requires Page 2 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 a roadway width of 16 feet(footnote 2 is not relevant to this project),not 26 feet wide as requested in the draft conditions document. Applicant Request#1B-Modify the condition to eliminate the T turn-around requirement. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#1B- 1. A meeting was held at the subject property on February 11,2023,with three commissioners of the Orient Fire Department. Based on that site meeting, the commissioners indicated they will amend their July 2015 correspondence to the Town. The Fire Commissioner's monthly meeting was held February 21, 2023 at which time they re- confirmed that they would be issuing an amended letter to the Town. The sum and substance of the site meeting with regard to the turn-around and fire apparatus access road is as follows: the fire department does not require a fire apparatus access road or turn-around. Their July 2015 letter was written without the benefit of seeing what the"final"lot configuration will be.Now that they have seen the proposed subdivision map, their intention, for fire-fighting purposes, is to utilize the new 500 gpm electric well hydrant located near the entrance to the private road as its source of water and run its hoses to the fire. As an alternate,they would back the fire truck partially down the private right-of-way serving the four houses, connect the truck to the electric fire hydrant well, and pull hoses from the pump truck to whatever house needs their services. 2. The New York State Fire Code does not require a fire apparatus access road provided the fire code official authorizes use of an emergency vehicle access driveway. While the Orient Fire Department Board of Commissioners have determined no fire apparatus road is required, the Town Fire Marshal's consent is required. The New York State Fire Code does not define "driveway"but does provide the technical specifications defining the minimum design criteria for a driveway. The plain and ordinary definition of"driveway"provided by Merriam-Webster is "a private road giving access from a public way to a building on abutting grounds". The proposed right-of-way providing access to lots 2 through 5 of the subdivision conforms to the plain and ordinary definition of "driveway". The proposed right-of-way will remain under private ownership and provides access to the dwellings on the four lots. The Applicant's proposal conforms to the New York State Fire Code requirements for an "emergency vehicle access driveway". The 2020 New York State Fire Code states: Section 503.1.1 Buildings and Facilities. Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility,building or Page 3 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exceptions: 1. The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet where any of the following conditions occur(emphasis added): 1.4 One-or two-family detached dwellings or not more than two Group R-3 occupancies that meet the requirements of section 511 (emphasis added). The nronosed 25 foot wide jight-_qf-way with 1.6 foot.wide roa way._corn lath-5gction 511. Orchard Street will serve as the fire apparatus access road with an emergency vehicle access driveway for lots 2 through 5 Section 511.1 Emergency access driveways. Emergency vehicle access for one- or two-family Group R-3 buildings and detached one-or two-family dwellings (emphasis added) constructed in accordance with the Residential Code of New York State,hereafter constructed or moved into the jurisdiction, shall be provided in accordance with this section. Section 511.2 Driveways. Driveways shall be provided when an egress door required by Section R311 of the Residential Code of New York State is located more than 300 feet from afire apparatus access road or public street. leased on the proposed ubdivision mag_an.+ Anticipated dmrelli�ipns/can�leurati(rl it is highly robable that an emergency,vehicle access drivewa would not be.reouired bv theNew York State„Fire Code because each dwelling will have an egress door located less than 300 feet from Orchard Street. However,the Applicant will provide an emergency vehicle access driveway in lieu of a fire apparatus access road so as to comply with exception 1.4 of section 503.1.1. Section 511.2.1 Dimensions.Driveways shall provide a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet and a minimum unobstructed height of 13 feet 6 inches. The proposed 16 foot wide roadway complies with the minimum 12 foot width required. Page 4 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 Section 511.2.2 Turnaround. When driveways are in excess of 500 feet in length (emphasis added) and do not exit to another fire apparatus road or Public Street, a turn-around shall be provided suitable for use by fire apparatus. The�a�d_gTer,,e� �c chicle access drivewa does not exceed 500 feet in len yt.h. Therefore nc turn around is reauired. 3. Maintaining the rural character of the area is better achieved by limiting the amount of paved roadway in the subdivision. This is accomplished by use of an emergency vehicle access driveway in lieu of a fire apparatus access road. 4. Minimizing the amount of paved roadway surface is beneficial for stormwater management. Paved surfaces create concentrated stormwater run-off that is handled via underground leaching pools. A reduction of the roadway surface area and/or use of semi-permeable paving allows the stormwater to infiltrate from the ground surface downward,which decreases the amount of stormwater contaminants recharging to the aquifer below through the process of natural attenuation of the contaminants. This surface infiltration practice is preferred by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation when compared to the use of stormwater leaching pools. Item 2: Draft Condition-Page 4 Justification for Alternative Setbacks#3 "Lot 4: ...Staff recommends a 50' front yard setback to serve as a non-disturbance(emphasis added),vegetated buffer, a 50' rear yard against the open space, a 25' front yard and a 20' side yard. Applicant Request#2-Modify the condition to eliminate the word"non- disturbance". Information in Support of Applicant's Request#2- 1. The SEQRA Findings Statement issued by the Planning Board as lead agency did not include any reference to the need for non-disturbance buffers to mitigate any potential impacts. The imposition of a non- disturbance covenant is inconsistent with the previous determination of the lead agency. 2. The requested non-disturbance buffer is the front yard of proposed lot 4 that borders Orchard Street. Orchard Street is a paved public thoroughfare fully developed with single family dwellings. The imposition of a non- disturbance buffer covenant along a public roadway that is fully developed with the same uses and residential structures being constructed on the Page 5 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 proposed lot,with no significant environmental lands anywhere in the immediate vicinity, is arbitrary. 3. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer deprives the property owner of the ordinary and customary practice of maintaining their property to keep the vegetation in an attractive condition, eliminate invasive plant species, remove scrub brush, etc. The abutting property owners have the right to maintain their property in a neat and orderly condition,which is a right that is owed to the future property owner as it benefits everyone in the area. 4. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer is contrary to the 2020 New York State Property Maintenance Code. Specifically, sections 302.4 and 302.5 require property owners to maintain their property to limit weed growth and eliminate areas for rodent harborage. 5. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer is contrary to covenant#8 on page 7 of the Town draft conditional preliminary plat approval document dated February 7, 2023,which requires a vegetated buffer including supplemental plantings. Item 3: Draft Condition-Page 4 Justification for Alternative Setbacks#4 "Lot 5: ...Staff recommends a 50' front yard setback to serve as a non-disturbance(emphasis added),vegetated buffer, a 50' rear yard against the open space, a 25' front yard and a 20' side yard. Applicant Request#3-Modify the condition to eliminate the word"non- disturbance". Information in Support of Applicant's Request#3- 1. The SEQRA Findings Statement issued by the Planning Board as lead agency did not include any reference to the need for non-disturbance buffers to mitigate any potential impacts. The imposition of a non- disturbance covenant is inconsistent with the previous determination of the lead agency. 2. The requested non-disturbance buffer is the front yard of proposed lot 5 that borders Orchard Street. Orchard Street is a paved public thoroughfare fully developed with single family dwellings. The imposition of a non- disturbance buffer covenant along a public roadway that is fully developed with the same uses and residential structures being constructed on the proposed lot,with no significant environmental lands anywhere in the immediate vicinity, is arbitrary. Page 6 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 3. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer deprives the property owner of the ordinary and customary practice of maintaining their property to keep the vegetation in an attractive condition, eliminate invasive plant species, remove scrub brush, etc. The abutting property owners have the right to maintain their property in a neat and orderly condition,which is a right that is owed to the future property owner as it benefits everyone in the area. 4. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer is contrary to the 2020 New York State Property Maintenance Code. Specifically, sections 302.4 and 302.5 require property owners to maintain their property to limit weed growth and eliminate areas for rodent harborage. 5. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer is contrary to covenant#8 on page 7 of the Town draft conditional preliminary plat approval document dated February 7, 2023, which requires a vegetated buffer including supplemental plantings. Item 4: Draft Condition-Page 4 "Non-disturbance,Vegetated Buffers" section title at bottom of page. Applicant Request#4A-Modify the section title to eliminate the word"non- disturbance". Information in Support of Applicant's Request#4A- See detailed discussion below. Draft Condition-Page 4 Non-disturbance,Vegetated Buffers#1 "The 50' setbacks are also required to be non-disturbance vegetative buffers. Show a 50' wide, non-disturbance,vegetated buffer incorporating the existing vegetation on lots 2, 3, 4, and 5. Clearly label the non-disturbance buffer on Lots 2, 3,4 and 5 `Non-disturbance buffer' and where necessary, limits of clearing. The non- disturbance buffer shall run the width of each lot. A metes and bounds description will be required to delineate the buffers included as a schedule in the Covenant and Restrictions." Applicant Request#4B-Modify the condition to eliminate the word"non- disturbance". Information in Support of Applicant's Request#4B- 1. The SEQRA Findings Statement issued by the Planning Board as lead agency did not include any reference to the need for non-disturbance buffers to mitigate any potential impacts. The imposition of a non- Page 7 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 disturbance covenant is inconsistent with the previous determination of the lead agency. 2. Town Code section 240-43F (1)requires building envelopes with a 50 foot setback from the tract boundaries and agricultural land. The Code does not require a non-disturbance buffer. 3. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer is contrary to covenant#8 on page 7 of the Town draft conditional preliminary plat approval document dated February 7, 2023 which requires a vegetated buffer including supplemental plantings. 4. The requested non-disturbance buffer is the front yard of proposed lots 4 and 5 that border Orchard Street. Orchard Street is a paved public thoroughfare fully developed with single family dwellings. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer covenant along a public roadway that is fully developed with the same uses and residential structures being constructed on the proposed lot,with no significant environmental lands anywhere in the immediate vicinity, is arbitrary. 5. The requested non-disturbance buffer is the side yard of proposed lot 2 and rear yard of lot 4 that both border the proposed agricultural land. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer covenant bordering farmland,with no significant environmental lands anywhere in the immediate vicinity,is arbitrary. 6. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer deprives the property owner of the ordinary and customary practice of maintaining their property to keep the vegetation in an attractive condition, eliminate invasive plant species, remove scrub brush, etc. The abutting property owners have the right to maintain their property in a neat and orderly condition,which is a right that is owed to the future property owner of each lot as it benefits everyone in the area. 7. The imposition of a non-disturbance buffer is contrary to the 2020 New York State Property Maintenance Code. Specifically sections 302.4 and 302.5 require property owners to maintain their property to limit weed growth and eliminate areas for rodent harborage. Item 5; Draft Condition-Page 4 Non-disturbance,Vegetated Buffers#2 "The permissible limit of clearing on lots is shown in the table below. Calculate the clearing limit amount in square feet for lots 1 through 5. The required buffers on lots 4 and 5 can be included in the areas that will not be cleared. These clearing limits will be included in the covenants." Page 8 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 Applicant Request 45A- The Town proposed clearing limit for lot 1 is 35%. Increase the clearing limit for lot 1 to 50% for the single family dwelling sub-lot and clarify the clearing limit does not apply to the Conservation Area. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#5A- 1. Lot 1 consists of two sub-lots; single family dwelling and conservation easement. The single family dwelling sub-lot area is approximately 49,467 SF when the vehicular access way land area is deducted(which is consistent with the practice for flag lots as stated in section 280-109B of the Town Code). Section 240-49 of the Town Code allows 50% clearing for lot sizes between 30,001 SF and 60,000 SF. Applicant Request#5B-Modify the sentence "The required buffers on lots 4 and 5 can be included in the areas that will not be cleared"to include lots 2 and 3. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#5B- The sentence "The required buffers on lots 4 and 5 can be included in the areas that will not be cleared." implies that the buffer areas on lots 2 and 3 cannot be included in the areas that will not be cleared. If the buffer areas on lots 2 and 3 are excluded from the clearing limits calculation, the effective clearing limit will be far below 50%. The buffer area on lot 2 occupies approximately 46%of the total lot area. For a total lot size of 39,817 SF where 46%is buffer,the area used for determining the clearing limits would be 21,501 SF. Applying the proposed 50%clearing limit as currently written in the draft document,the amount of clearing would be limited to 10,750 SF. The effective clearing limit is 27%because the buffer areas are excluded from the clearing limit calculation.A clearing limit of 50% of the total lot area(as is being done for lots 4 and 5)would yield a permissible clearing limit of 19,908 SF for lot 2. The same situation exists for lot 3 except the buffer area on lot 3 occupies approximately 32% of the total lot area which yields an effective land glcgri.rig limit of 34%. Applicant Request 45C-Add language to clarify that the buffer areas can be used for installation of the water supply wells, sanitary wastewater systems, and/or stormwater leaching pools. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#5C- 1. The buffer areas required by the Town on proposed lots 2 through 5, coupled with the minimum setbacks required by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services between existing/proposed water supply Page 9 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 wells, sanitary systems, stormwater leaching structures,property lines, and structures, makes it impossible to conform to the SCDHS regulations without installing some underground infrastructure within the buffer area. 2. The infrastructure being installed within the buffer areas is below grade and has no appreciable aesthetic impact. Item 6: Draft Condition-Page 5 Draft Road and Drainage Plan, letter c"The road design and specifications and drainage shown on the final plans must meet the approval of the Southold Town Fire Marshall and Southold Town Engineer; Minimum road specifications shall include 30' wide right of way with a 26' wide load bearing surface capable of supporting 75,000 lbs." Applicant Request#6A-Modify the condition to provide a twenty five(25) foot wide right-of-way with a sixteen(16) foot wide road which is consist with the Town Code. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#6A- l. Section 161-15 of the Town Code states, for 3 to 4 lots, a minimum right- of-way width of 25' and a road width of 16' is adequate. The Code uses the term"minimum"when discussing the right-of-way width and has footnote#1. Footnote#1 explains that a minimum right-of-way width of 50' is required when there is a potential to re-subdivide and create five or more lots. For the proposed subdivision, footnote#1 does not apply as the subdivision cannot be further subdivided to create five or more lots. Therefore, as per Town Code section 161-15, a right-of-way width of 25 feet is required by Town Code,not 30 feet as requested in the draft conditions document. Furthermore,the Code requires a roadway width of 16 feet(footnote 2 is not relevant to this project), not 26 feet wide as requested in the draft conditions document. 2. The New York State Fire Code does not require a 26 foot wide roadway to serve as a fire apparatus road provided the fire code official authorizes use of an emergency vehicle access driveway. While the Orient Fire Department Board of Commissioners have determined no fire apparatus road is required, the Town Fire Marshal's consent is required. The New York State Fire Code does not define"driveway"but does provide the technical specifications defining the minimum design criteria for a driveway. The plain and ordinary definition of"driveway"provided by Merriam-Webster is "a private road giving access from a public way to a building on abutting grounds". The proposed right-of-way providing access to lots 2 through 5 of the subdivision conforms to the plain and ordinary definition of"driveway". The proposed right-of-way will remain Page 10 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 under private ownership and provides access to the dwellings on the four lots. The Applicant's proposal conforms to the New York State Fire Code requirements for an"emergency vehicle access driveway". The 2020 New York State Fire Code states: Section 503.1.1 Buildings and Facilities. Approved fire apparatus access roads shall be provided for every facility,building or portion of a building hereafter constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to within 150 feet of all portions of the facility and all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of the building as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. Exceptions: 1. The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet where any of the following conditions occur(emphasis added): 1.4 One-or two-family detached dwellings or not more than two Group R-3 occupancies that meet the requirements of section 511 (emphasis added). The proposed 25 foot wade ri ht-of-wav with lh foot wide roadw� om:l��s tt_5kgfion 511. Orchard Street will serve as the fire apparatus access road with an emergency vehicle access driveway for lots 2 through 5 Section 511.1 Emergency access driveways. Emergency vehicle access for one- or two-family Group R-3 buildings and detached one-or two-family dwellings (emphasis added) constructed in accordance with the Residential Code of New York State,hereafter constructed or moved into the jurisdiction, shall be provided in accordance with this section. Section 511.2 Driveways. Driveways shall be provided when an egress door required by Section R311 of the Residential Code of New York State is located more than 300 feet from afire apparatus access road or public street. Based on the proposed subdivision rna and antici ted tlwellima locationslcorl� aatios� it is highly probable that an ernes enc vehicle access drivewa would not be required b the New York State Fire C_ode became each dwelling will have ara �css door locatcd less than 00 fcct from Orchard Street. However,the Applicant will provide an emergency vehicle access driveway in lieu of a fire apparatus access road so as to comply with exception 1.4 of section 503.1.1. Page 11 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 Section 511.2.1 Dimensions.Driveways shall provide a minimum unobstructed width of 12 feet and a minimum unobstructed height of 13 feet 6 inches. The proposed 16 foot wide roadway complies with the minimum 12 foot width required. 3. Maintaining the rural character of the area is better achieved by limiting the amount of paved roadway in the subdivision. This is accomplished by use of an emergency vehicle access driveway in lieu of a fire apparatus access road. 4. Minimizing the amount of paved roadway surface is beneficial for stormwater management. Paved surfaces create concentrated stormwater run-off that is handled via underground leaching pools. A reduction of the roadway surface area and/or use of semi-permeable paving allows the stormwater to infiltrate from the ground surface downward,which decreases the amount of stormwater contaminants recharging to the aquifer below through the process of natural attenuation of the contaminants. This surface infiltration practice is preferred by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation when compared to the use of stormwater leaching pools. Applicant Request#6B-Clarify that use of a stone blend emergency vehicle access driveway permitted by sections 161-19 and 161-20 of the Town Code conforms to the requirement of supporting a 75,000 lb vehicle load. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#6B- 1. The Town Code allows use of a stone blend road in lieu of asphalt paving. It is therefore presumed the Town specification for a stone blend roadway conforms to the 75,000 lb. vehicle weight requirement as the Town would not permit a stone blend roadway unless it was suitable for use as a roadway where heavy vehicles may drive. 2. Maintaining the rural character of the area is better achieved by limiting the amount of paved roadway in the subdivision. This is accomplished by use of an emergency vehicle access driveway in lieu of a fire apparatus accessroad. 3. Minimizing the amount of paved roadway surface is beneficial for stormwater management. Paved surfaces create concentrated stormwater run-off that is handled via underground leaching pools. A reduction of the roadway surface area and/or use of semi-permeable paving allows the stormwater to infiltrate from the ground surface downward,which decreases the amount of stormwater contaminants recharging to the aquifer below through the process of natural attenuation of the Page 12 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 contaminants. This surface infiltration practice is preferred by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation when compared to the use of stormwater leaching pools. Item 7: Draft Condition-Page 5 Draft Road and Drainage Plan, letter h "Calculate and show the number of street trees required by Town Code located 40' on center. Provide the species and planting details on the road and drainage plan.Note that street trees cannot be located within the right of way and must be shown on each lot." Applicant Request#7-Remove the street tree requirement. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#7- 1. A meeting was held at the subject property on February 11, 2023 with three commissioners of the Orient Fire Department. Based on that site meeting, the commissioners indicated they will amend their July 2015 correspondence to the Town. The Fire Commissioner's monthly meeting was held February 21, 2023 at which time they re- confirmed that they would be issuing an amended letter to the Town. The fire department does not want street trees along the proposed right-of-way serving lots 2 through 5. The street trees hinder fire-fighting efforts because the tree canopy's over the road resulting in height restrictions to the equipment, hoses get caught/wrapped around the street trees, and/or the tree branches strike the fire truck and fire-fighting equipment(such as ladders)being carried to the dwelling. 2. The right-of-way is not a roadway being dedicated to the Town. It is a private right-of-way. 3. The Town's proposed 50 foot buffer along Orchard Street for lots 4 and 5 provides a visual barrier that substantially screens the view of the street trees from being seen by anyone traveling along Orchard Street. 4. The Town proposed conditional approval includes stipulations regarding limiting irrigation water use and the property area that is permitted to be irrigated. The requirement for street trees adds to the burden of providing irrigation water and uses a portion of the limited private property area that can be irrigated without providing a significant benefit to the public. Item 8: Draft Condition- Covenants and Restrictions,page 7,#4"The following to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time is necessary." Page 13 The Orchards Draft Conditional Prelim. Plat Approval 2/24/23 Applicant Request#8-Add sentence to clarify the farmland irrigation water supply well is not subject to this covenant. Information in Support of Applicant's Request#8-The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation has issued a permit for the farmland irrigation well. The irrigation well was also addressed in the SEQRA Findings Statement. Your reconsideration of these items is appreciated. Upon receipt of your responses,we will take the appropriate actions to advance this project towards its conclusion. Thank you. Sincerely, Steven Martocello CC: Patricia Moore, Esq William Lahti,PE Orient Fire District Alex Martocello From: Terry, Mark aT t am-L _ Sent: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 8:37 AM RECEIVED To: Michaelis,Jessica; Palmeri, Allison Subject: FW: Resolution U. B t Qj .„3 Attachments: Orchards Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval 2_6.pdf 56-Gtl'616'"T own Planning Board Please file. _........ From:Steve Martocello<sam@theubigroup.com> Sent: Monday, February 6, 2023 1:46 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us>;Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Alex Martocello<alex@theubigroup.com> Subject: FW: Resolution Jessica/ Mark, Thank you for the above attachment associated with the Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval of the Orchards, sent on Friday. In an effort to make our meeting productive,we ask that the Work Session and Public Meeting Session as shown on the agenda be shifted to the next Planning Board meeting on February 27th, 2023. This will enable us to look closely at all of the items and be properly prepared to discuss, if necessary and would make the work session more productive. We apologize for the late notice but realized that we needed to spend more time on it than expected. Thank you for your consideration.. Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 From: Michaelis,Jessica <"essica.michaelis town.soy1hold_n .us> Sent: Friday, February 3, 2023 3:51 PM To:Steven Martocello<samartocello mal.cdrr)>; Steve Martocello<sam@theubiroup.corn> Cc:Terry, Mark<mark.ter town.southold.n .us> Subject: Resolution Attached for your reference. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Senior Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department DRAFT February 7, 2023 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval - Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, February 6, 2023: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3- acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2014 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plan Approval; and WHEREAS, on December 9, 2014 the applicant submitted a Preliminary Plat application; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2015, public meeting, the Planning Board classified the action as Unlisted pursuant to SEQR and set a public hearing on the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Subdivision of the Orchards dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015, and WHEREAS on March 11, 2015 the Suffolk County Planning Commission responded that they considered the application to be a matter for local determination; and Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 12 Februa 7 2023 WHEREAS, the Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Planning Board declared Lead Agency status and that Type I procedures would be used for the review of this Unlisted Action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful; and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, took lead agency for the action and made a determination of significance for the proposed action and granted a Positive Declaration; and WHEREAS, on July 13, 2015 the Orient Fire District approved the location of the Fire Well on the plat; and WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement was submitted; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2020, the Planning Board found that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement adequate for public review and comment; WHEREAS, the Planning Board held a public hearing on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement and the subdivision application on December 7, 2020 and held it open until January 11, 2021; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2022, the applicant submitted a Final Impact Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed and revised the Final Environmental Impact Statement; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022, the Planning Board accepted and adopted the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, on January 9, 2023, the Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement for the action; and WHEREAS, at their work session on February 6, 2023, the Planning Board reviewed the Preliminary Plat application for required revisions and found that the application was ready for a conditional determination; WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed the Preliminary Plat application and found that it is in compliance with the requirements of§240 Subdivision of land, of the Town Code; therefore, be it 2 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 13 February 7 2023 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is consistent with the policies of the Town of Southold LWRP; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of the Orchards" dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015 prepared by John C. Ehlers, Licensed Land Surveyor subject to the following conditions: Required changes to the Plat as follows: 1. Consolidate the Agricultural Barn area with the Building Area on Lot 1 to form a continuous reserve area that further meets the purpose of Chapter 240. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. 2. Change the incorrect road name from Platt Road to Halyoake Road. 3. Redesign the access to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, showing a 30' wide right of way with a 26' wide road surface capable of supporting 75,000lbs and a T turn-around (see specifications) for fire protection. a. Divide the right of way proportionately and connect to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5. Each lot will own a portion of the right-of-way. b. Provide a configuration for the road-end that is more in character with surrounding rural settings. A different turn-around will be required instead of the cul-de-sac. Use the design below entitled `Acceptable Alternative to 120' Hammerhead'. This design is from Appendix D. of the 2020 Fire code of New York State htt s://u ..codes/viewer/new ork/n -fire-code-2020/cha ter/Dlfire- a aratus-access-roads fi ure D103J aa'e— `rYP,' � 70- 20'-j -20` ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120'HAM ENNEAD 4. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 must be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. 5. Delete the proposed setbacks and building envelopes and replace them with the following setback relief shown in Table 2: 3 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 14 February 7 2023 Table 1. Setbacks Reguired.,by Town Code Front Yard 1 1 Front Yard 2 Side Yard Rear Yard Lot 2 60 - 20 both 40 75 Lot 3 60 40 20 both 40 75 Lot 4 60 40 20 both 40 75 Lot 5 60 40 20 both 40 75 Table 2. Pro osed Setbacks Established b the Pla nina Board Front Yard 1 Front Yard 2 Side Yard Rear Yard Lot 2 _ 25 - 50 and 20 50 Lot 3 25 - 20 and 20 50 Lot 4 25 50 20 50 Lot 5 25 50 25 20 Justification for Alternative Setbacks: Note that lots 3 and 5 do not have access to Halyoake Road. Staff is recommended reduced setbacks from those required by Town Code on Lots 2 through 5 due to the narrowing configuration of the parcel, two front yards on lots 4 and 5, the narrowing of lots 3 and 5 in the south and a 17.1 wide flag running along Halyoake Road. 1. Lot 2: This lot requires a 60 front yard setback and a 75' setback rear yard setback from the open space on Lot 1. Chapter 240 also requires a 50' wide setback to the open space. Staff is proposing to reduce the front yard to 25', the side yards to 50' against the property of Berks Studios and Morgan and 20', and the rear yard to 50'. 2. Lot 3: This lot tapers. Staff is recommending a 25' front yard, a 50' rear yard against the property of Morgan, a two 20' wide side yards. The narrow 17.1' wide flag of land owned by others between Halyoake Road, and the rear of Lot 3 will equal 37.12' setback in total. 3. Lot 4: This lot requires a 60' front yard setback and a 40' secondary front yard setback and a 50' setback to the open space. Requiring these setbacks would encumber the lot with a long, narrow building envelope. Staff recommends a 50' front yard setback to serve as a non-disturbance, vegetated buffer, a 50' rear yard against the open space, a 25' front yard and a 20 ' side yard. 4. Lot 5: This lot also tapers and requires a 60' front yard and a 40' secondary front yard setback. Requiring these setbacks would encumber the lot. Staff recommends a 50' front yard setback to serve as a non-disturbance, vegetated buffer, a 50' rear yard against the open space, a 25' front yard and a 20 ' side yard. The narrow flag of land owned by others between Halyoake Road, the rear of Lot 5 will create a 37.12' setback. Non-disturbance, Vegetated Buffers 4 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 15 February 7, 2023__ 1. The 50' setbacks are also required to be non-disturbance vegetative buffers. Show a 50' wide, non-disturbance, vegetated buffer incorporating the existing vegetation on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. Clearly label the non-disturbance buffer on Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. `Non-Disturbance Buffer' and where necessary, limits of clearing. The non-disturbance buffer shall run the width of each lot. A metes and bounds description will be required to delineate the buffers included as a schedule in the Covenant and Restrictions. 2. The permissible limit of clearing on lots is shown in the table below. Calculate the clearing limit amount in square feet for Lots 1 through 5. The required buffers on lots 4 and 5 can be included in the areas that will not be cleared. These clearing limits will be included in the covenants. Limits of Clearing Percent Lot 1 35 Lot 2 50 Lot 3 50 Lot 4 50 Lot 5 50 3. Draft Road and Drainage Plan Submit six copies of an amended Road & Drainage Plan that reflect the current design and satisfy the requirements mandated through §240-21 Technical requirements, including but not limited to the following: a. Title the plan `Final Road and Drainage Plan for the Final Plat of Clustered Subdivision of The Orchards'; b. Verify the correct location of the fire well. c. The road design and specifications and drainage shown on the final plans must meet the approval of the Southold Town Fire Marshall and Southold Town Engineer; Minimum road specifications shall include a 30' wide right of way with a 26' wide load bearing surface capable of supporting 75,000 lbs. d. Provide test hole locations and data. e. Provide a name for the proposed road. f. Show locations of property monuments delineating each lot and the right of way. Additionally, show locations where stakes are to be installed at the landward limit of buffers before clearing. g. Confirm the electric fire well location and specifications to provide 500 gallons of water per minute for a minimum of 1 hour using Orient Fire Districts' electric fire well specifications with the district. The district's last correspondence was in July 2015. h. Calculate and show the number of street trees required by Town Code located 40' on center. Provide the species and planting details on the road 5 Orchards Standard Subdivision Pa e 16 February 7 2023 and drainage plan. Note that street trees cannot be located within the right of way and must be shown on each lot. 4. Submit two copies of a draft cost estimate of public improvements required under Articles IX, Bonds and Other Security and X, Required Public Improvements; Inspections; Fees. This cost estimate will be required to be submitted during the Final Plat application review. 5. Prepare and submit for review a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets all of the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, Permit No. GP-0-15-002. Town Engineering will review this plan for compliance with Chapter 236, however, the Town will not be taking jurisdiction of the SPDES permit as the runoff will not enter the Town's stormwater management system prior to discharge. Upon approval of the stormwater design as compliant with Chapter 236, the applicant will be provided with a letter signed by the Town Supervisor stating that the DEC will have direct oversight of the SPDES permit and the SWPPP for this project. 6. Subject to a finding by the Planning Board, a Park & Playground fee may be required to be paid prior to Final Plat Approval. 7. An Administration Fee in the amount of$8,000 (4 x 2000.00) or 6% of the performance guaranty, whichever is greater, pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-37 Administration fee may be required to be submitted prior any Final Plat approval. 8. Submission of a Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240-20 of the Southold Town Code. Covenants and Restrictions The following will be required within a Covenant and Restriction document that the Planning Board will prepare. 1. The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A OWTS), as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Article 19, or proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. 2. The maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code. The zoning code was amended by the Town Board by local law on October 18, 2022 (L.L. No. 10-2022). The purpose of the code amendment is to preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and character by limiting the maximum size of houses. Due to its adoption after the 6 Orchards Standard Subdivision Page 17 February 7, 2023 Final Environmental Impact Statement, this Local Law was not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment for this proposed action. 3. The following Best Management Practices for fertilization, herbicides and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides capable of entering the groundwater. a. Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. b. Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year c. Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it's needed. d. Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited. e. The use of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. 4. The following to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time is necessary. a. Water supply wells shall be spaced evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. The installation of low flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). 5. Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. 6. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures is required. 7. Clearing limits are required and will be applied to reduce turf and associated irrigation and fertilization over the sole source aquifer. 8. Vegetated buffers between each lot and between the agricultural lands will be required. Existing vegetation shall be retained within the buffers and supplemental plantings with native, drought-tolerant species are permitted. 9. Plants used in landscaping shall be native and drought-tolerant. 10.Street trees shall be required. 11.Four clustered homes must be placed on the easterly side of the Subject Property. This is consistent with maximizing the open viewshed of the area by placing the two farmlands contiguous with each other. 7 Orchards Standard Subdivision Eagej 8 February 2023 12.The four clustered homes shall be designed to tolerate sea level rise and flooding events over time. 13. Irrigation controls: The following is required to reduce residential irrigation in areas not connected to public water. a. Lawn areas shall be minimized; will be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. b. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. c. Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary during times of low soil moisture. d. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. 14.To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles on the parcel, the box turtle protocol adopted by the Planning Board and on file with the Planning Department must be followed before any clearing. The next step to continue towards Final Plat Approval is to meet all conditions stated above, and the submission of a Final Plat Application and Fee. Note additional changes to the Final Plat and/or documents may be required by the Planning Board. Preliminary Plat Approval shall expire six months from the date the Planning Board adopted its resolution of approval unless extended by further resolution of the Planning Board, such extension not to exceed a total of 180 days. In the event that the applicant shall fail to apply for approval of a Final Subdivision Plat prior to expiration of the Preliminary Plat Approval, all documents required by this section shall be re-submitted and a second Preliminary Plat Fee shall be paid before any application for Final Plat Approval shall be accepted or processed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman 8 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session Februafy 6 223-- I'a 2 Project Name 1NJF FarmsAgricultural Stora B�witdin SCTM# - 1000 83 2 12.7 Location: De Description: _ This j25� esit plan ti Ror the proposed construction of a 60' x 100' (6,000 sq. ft.) agricultural pole barn, including employee bathrooms, an office and storage with a 19-space parking lot, and a 60' x 40' (2400 sq, ft.) agricultural storage shed. Status: Approved . . Action: Review for CO �_... Attachment Staff Report s_-�.. ....�. ... _ _..N..e. Project Name: First Universalist Church SCTM#: 1000 63-� ..._. 6-6.1 Location: 51970 Route 2a, Southold Description: This proposed Site Plan is for the construction of a one story 3,950 sq. ft. place of worship and 34 parking stalls. There is an existing parish house and single-family dwelling to remain, all on 1.2 acres in the Residential Office ROB Zoning District. Status:_ Pendg in mm -.Action: ._.._� .. ... _... ...- Review for Determination Attachments. Staff Report ..... _ ...._ - SCTM# 1000-27.. Project Name _ . —The Orchards. _— -1-3 . _... r This Location: 5 Orchard roposal s for Orrerxt ip p r a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into Description: five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning_District, Conditional Action: 14LRev ew forConditional Preliminary SketchApprovalDetermination . ... Attachments: Staff Project Name: Paradise & James Resubdivision SC TMk 1000-81 3-1.4 & 1000 81 1 24.3 Description: This resubdivision proposes to transfer 5,183 s ft. from SCTM#1000 Location: 5000 & 5300 Paradise Point Road, Southold^ p • p p q, -81- 1-24.3 to SCTM#1000-81-3-1.4. The land being transferred is unbuildable and _menteteratial a I not on e y an�new develop Sttus: cat � .�..� � _ • Review for Completeness ..� Action. . . �...�_�. ...... ... Attachments: Staff Reportmmmmm .......... Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date February 6, 2023 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10, 2014 IV: Action to review Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval Plat Changes V: Analysis On November 22, 2013 the Sketch Plan Application was found complete. On March 11, 2014 Conditional Sketch Plan Approval was granted. On December 9, 2014 a Preliminary Plat Application was filed. On January 5, 2015 the Preliminary Plat Application was found incomplete. On February 9, 2015 the preliminary Plat was found complete. On April 6, 2015 a Public Hearing was held and held open Preliminary Public Hearing was Held Open. April 15, 2015 the action was reviewed to the LWRP and recommended as INCONSISTENT. On July 6, 2015 the Planning Board issued a SEAR Positive Declaration. Southold Planning Department Staff Report On August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement DIES was submitted. On December 7, 2020 a public hearing was held on the DEIS and held open for written comment to January 11, 2021. The public comment period closed. On March 2, 2022 the applicant submitted a FEIS prepared by their consultant. The Planning Board and staff reviewed the document and amended it for acceptance by the Planning Board as Lead Agency. On October 6, 2020 found the DEIS adequate for public review. On September 12, 2022, the Southold Planning Board adopted the FEIS dated August 29, 2022 for the action. On January 9, 2023, the Planning Board adopted the Findings Statement. Staff recommends that the Planning Board adopts the Preliminary Plat with the following conditions: Required changes to the Plat as follows: 1. Consolidate the Agricultural Barn area with the Building Area on Lot 1 to form a continuous reserve area that further meets the purpose of Chapter 240. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. 2. Change the incorrect road name from Platt Road to Halyoake Road. 3. Redesign the access to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, showing a 30' wide right of way with a 26' wide road surface capable of supporting 75,OOOlbs and a T turn-around (see specifications) for fire protection. a. Divide the right of way proportionately and connect to lots 2, 3, 4, and 5. Each lot will own a portion of the right-of-way. b. Provide a configuration for the road-end that is more in character with surrounding rural settings. A different turn-around will be required instead of the cul-de-sac. Use the design below entitled `Acceptable Alternative to 120' Hammerhead'. This design is from Appendix D. of the 2020 Fire code of New York State htt s:Hu .codes/viewer/new ork/n -fire-code-2020/cha ter/Dffire- a aratus-access-roads#fi ure D103.1 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 28'R 70' 20'- 20° ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120' HAMMERHEAD 4. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 must be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. 5. Delete the proposed setbacks and building envelopes and replace them with the following setback relief shown in Table 2: Table 1. Setbacks Required by Town Code Front Yard 1 Front Yard 2 Side Yard Rear Yard Lot 2 60 __._._. 20 both 40 .._ 75 Lot 3 60 40 20 both 40 75 Lot 4 600 40 20 both 40 75 40 Lot 5 ..__ 60 .. ..._..__. _ _ .... - .... 20 both 40 . 75 ........ Table 2. Proposed Setbacks Established by the Pla nin!g Board Front'Yard Yard 2 Side Yard Rear Yard ard 1 Front Lot 2 - 25 _. - 50 and 20 50 Lot 3 25 20 and 20 50 ..Lot 4 .. n.25 ..... ...._5.0 20 .... 50 _.. Lot 5 25 50 25 20 Justification for Alternative Setbacks: Note that lots 3 and 5 do not have access to Halyoake Road. Staff is recommended reduced setbacks on Lots 2 through 5 due to the narrowing configuration of the parcel, two front yards on lots 4 and 5, the narrowing of lots 3 and 5 in the south and a 17.1 wide flag running along Halyoake Road. 1. Lot 2: This lot requires a 60 front yard setback and a 75' setback rear yard setback from the open space on Lot 1. Chapter 240 also requires a 50' wide setback to the open space. Staff is proposing to reduce the front yard to 25', the side yards to 50' against the property of Berks Studios and Morgan and 20', and the rear yard to 50'. 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 2. Lot 3: This lot tapers. Staff is recommending a 25' front yard, a 50' rear yard against the property of Morgan, a two 20' wide side yards. The narrow 17.1' wide flag of land owned by others between Halyoake Road, and the rear of Lot 3 will equal 37.12' setback in total. 3. Lot 4: This lot requires a 60' front yard setback and a 40' secondary front yard setback and a 50' setback to the open space. Requiring these setbacks would encumber the lot with a long, narrow building envelope. Staff recommends a 50' front yard setback to serve as a non-disturbance, vegetated buffer, a 50' rear yard against the open space, a 25' front yard and a 20 ` side yard. 4. Lot 5: This lot also tapers and requires a 60' front yard and a 40' secondary front yard setback. Requiring these setbacks would encumber the lot. Staff recommends a 50' front yard setback to serve as a non-disturbance, vegetated buffer, a 50' rear yard against the open space, a 25' front yard and a 20 ' side yard. The narrow flag of land owned by others between Halyoake Road, the rear of Lot 5 will create a 37.12' setback. Non-disturbance, Vegetated Buffers 1. The 50' setbacks serve a non-disturbed vegetative buffer and limits of clearing. Show a 50' wide, non-disturbance, vegetated buffer incorporating the existing vegetation on lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. Clearly label the non-disturbance buffer on Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5. 'Non-Disturbance Buffer' and where necessary, limits of clearing.. The non-disturbance buffer shall run the width of each lot. A metes and bounds description will be required to delineate the buffers included as a schedule in the Covenant and Restrictions. 2. The permissible limit of clearing on lots is shown in the table below. Calculate the clearing limit amount in square feet for Lots 1 through 5. The required buffers on lots 4 and 5 can be included in the areas that will not be cleared. Limits of Clearin Percent Lot 1 35 Lot 2 _50 Lot 3 50m. ....... Lot 4 50 Lot 5 3. Draft Road and Drainage Plan Submit six copies of an amended Road & Drainage Plan that reflect the current design and satisfy the requirements mandated through §240-21 Technical requirements, including but not limited to the following: a. Title the plan `Final Road and Drainage Plan for the Final Plat of Clustered Subdivision of The Orchards'; b. Verify the correct location of the fire well. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report c. The road design and specifications and drainage shown on the final plans must meet the approval of the Southold Town Fire Marshall and Southold Town Engineer; Minimum road specifications shall include a 30' wide right of way with a 26' wide load bearing surface capable of supporting 75,000 lbs. d. Provide test hole locations and data. e. Provide a name for the proposed road. f. Show locations of property monuments delineating each lot and the right of way. Additionally, show locations where stakes are to be installed at the landward limit of buffers before clearing. g. Confirm the electric fire well location and specifications to provide 500 gallons of water per minute for a minimum of 1 hour using Orient Fire Districts' electric fire well specifications with the district. The district's last correspondence was in July 2015. h. Calculate and show the number of street trees required by Town Code located 40' on center. Provide the species and planting details on the road and drainage plan. Note that street trees cannot be located within the right of way and must be shown on each lot. 4. Submit two copies of a draft cost estimate of public improvements required under Articles IX, Bonds and Other Security and X, Required Public Improvements, Inspections, Fees. This cost estimate will be required to be submitted during the Final Plat application review. 5. Prepare and submit for review a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that meets all of the requirements of Part III of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity, Permit No. GP-0-15-002. Town Engineering will review this plan for compliance with Chapter 236, however, the Town will not be taking jurisdiction of the SPDES permit as the runoff will not enter the Town's stormwater management system prior to discharge. Upon approval of the stormwater design as compliant with Chapter 236, the applicant will be provided with a letter signed by the Town Supervisor stating that the DEC will have direct oversight of the SPDES permit and the SWPPP for this project. 6. Subject to a finding by the Planning Board, a Park & Playground fee may be required to be paid prior to Final Plat Approval. 7. An Administration Fee in the amount of$8,000 (4 x 2000.00) or 6% of the performance guaranty, whichever is greater, pursuant to Southold Town Code §240-37 Administration fee may be required to be submitted prior any Final Plat approval. 8. Submission of a Final Plat Application meeting all the requirements of Section 240-20 of the Southold Town Code. 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Covenants and Restrictions The following will be required within a Covenant and Restriction document that the Planning Board will prepare. 1. The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A OWTS), as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Article 19, or proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. 2. The maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code. The zoning code was amended by the Town Board by local law on October 18, 2022 (L.L. No. 10-2022). The purpose of the code amendment is to preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and character by limiting the maximum size of houses. Due to its adoption after the Final Environmental Impact Statement, this Local Law was not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment for this proposed action. 3. The following Best Management Practices for fertilization, herbicides and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides capable of entering the groundwater. a. Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. b. Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year c. Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it's needed. d. Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited. e. The use of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM) practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. 4. The following to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time is necessary. a. Water supply wells shall be spaced evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. The installation of low flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). 6 Southold Planning Department Staff Report 5. Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. 6. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures is required. 7. Clearing limits are required and will be applied to reduce turf and associated irrigation and fertilization over the sole source aquifer. 8. Vegetated buffers between each lot and between the agricultural lands will be required. Existing vegetation shall be retained within the buffers and supplemental plantings with native, drought-tolerant species are permitted. 9. Plants used in landscaping shall be native and drought-tolerant. 10.Street trees shall be required. 11.Four clustered homes must be placed on the easterly side of the Subject Property. This is consistent with maximizing the open viewshed of the area by placing the two farmlands contiguous with each other. 12.The four clustered homes shall be designed to tolerate sea level rise and flooding events over time. 13.Irrigation controls: The following is required to reduce residential irrigation in areas not connected to public water. a. Lawn areas shall be minimized; will be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. b. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. c. Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary during times of low soil moisture. d. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. 14.To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles on the parcel, the box turtle protocol adopted by the Planning Board and on file with the Planning Department must be followed before any clearing. V. Planning Board Considerations: Issue Conditional Preliminary Plat Approval at the February 6, 2023, public meeting. 7 OFFICE LOCATION: z MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 �� "� '�� Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) " Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov cou PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 10, 2023 Attn: Steven Martocello East End Holding Company P O Box 336 Mt Sinai, NY 11766 Re: Adopt Findings Statement - The Orchards Standard Subdivision 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, 17' northwest of Halyoake Avenue, Orient. SCTM 1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, January 9, 2023: WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020, the applicant submitted a Draft Environmental Impact Statement, which has been reviewed; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2020, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, found the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020, adequate for public review and comment; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, December 7, 2020, regarding the above-referenced application; and WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was held open for written comment until January 11, 2021; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2022, the Planning Board accepted the Final Environmental Impact Statement dated February 2022, prepared by the applicant and revised by the Planning Board for review; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 2022, that the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, adopted the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval of the Orchards; therefore, be it The 0rch a rd s Page 2 January 10 , 202 Subdivision RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, hereby adopts the attached Findings Statement for The Orchards Standard Subdivision in consideration of the FEIS and pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (State Environmental Quality Review Act) and the implementing regulations of 6 NYCRR Part 617. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respec Ily, �,,, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer Southold Town Police Department Southold Town Architectural Review Committee Southold Town Highway Department Orient Fire District Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Water Authority Suffolk County Planning Commission Suffolk County Legislator NYS DEC - Stony Brook NYS DEC - Commissioner NYS Department of Transportation NYS Natural Heritage Program File FINDINGS STATEMENT STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW ACT THE ORCHARDS STANDARD SUBDIVISION HAMLET OF ORIENT,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK Date: January 9,2023 This Findings Statement is issued pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (State Environmental Quality Review Act—SEQRA) and the implementing regulations therefor at 6 NYCRR Part 617. PROJECT LOCATION: Hamlet of Orient, Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP NUMBERS: SCTM 1000-27-1-3 APPLICANT: Orchards Standard Subdivision 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, 17' northwest of Halyoake Avenue, Orient. Contact: Steven Martocello LEAD AGENCY: Town of Southold Planning Board 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Contact: Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman (631) 765-1938 PREPARER& CONTACT: The Final Environmental Impact Statement was prepared by: Town of Southold Planning Department Southold Town Annex 54375 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Contact: Mark Terry, AICP, Assistant Director of Planning (631) 765-1938 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 DATE OF PREPARATION: 2022 AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENT: This document is available for public review at the offices of the Lead Agency, 54375 Route 25, Southold,New York 11971. It is also available electronically at the following address: httL):// w,s(:)titli(,)I(ftownsi r, )v. The Town of Southold), as lead agency, subsequent to review of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement(DEIS) and the Final Environmental Impact Statement(FEIS)prepared in accordance under SEQRA hereby certifies that: > it has considered the relevant environmental impacts, facts and conclusions disclosed in the DEIS and FEIS; > it has weighed and balanced relevant environmental impacts with social, economic and other considerations; > the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 617 have been met; > consistent with social, economic and other essential considerations from among the reasonable alternatives available, the action described below is one that avoids or minimizes adverse environmental impacts to the maximum extent practicable; and > adverse environmental impacts will be avoided or minimized to the maximum extent practicable by incorporating, as conditions to the decision, those mitigation measures that were identified as practicable during the environmental review process and as set forth herein. 2 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 Descri Lion oi"Pro osed Action. This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 =0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R- 80 Zoning District as proposed on the map entitled Subdivision for"The Orchards" dated as last revised December 5, 2014. Facts Conclusions and Miti at:ion measures In accordance with 6 NYCRR §617.11, the Planning Board has considered the DEIS and FEIS for the proposed action and certifies that it has met the requirements of 6 NYCRR Part 617. The commentary received from involved agencies and interested parties was used in the analysis of significant impacts to the environment, and this Findings Statement contains the facts and conclusions in the DEIS and FEIS relied upon by the lead agency to support its decision and indicates those factors that formed the basis of the decision. Further, upon due consideration and among the reasonable alternatives available, the Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that based upon the potential significant environmental impacts identified in the documents,the following includes the mitigation measures to be incorporated into the decision to ensure that such impacts will be avoided or minimized to the maximum extent practicable. Or ni ation This document includes text (in italics) outlined in the Positive Declaration followed by the Lead Agency's discussion and findings. The Southold Town Comprehensive Plan is abbreviated TCP in the document. 3 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 Impacts on Surface and Groundwater- Potential moderate to large impacts to groundwater quantity, groundwater quality and surface waters resulting from the development of the parcels in an area not served by community sewer or public water with reliance on a sole source aquifer for potable water. The following bullets address the groundwater-related issues with direct correlation to the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan (TCP). • Goal 1 "Conserve Water Quantity". The proposal is not consistent with this goal as it does not mitigate to the greatest extent practicable the conservation of water quantity. • Goal 2 "Protect Groundwater Quality". The proposal is not consistent with this goal as it does not mitigate to the greatest extent practicable the impacts to the water quality of groundwater. o "Objective 2.9- Work with regulatory agencies to reduce pesticide and herbicide use on residential properties". While the future residential home property owners cannot work directly with regulatory agencies in support of the Town's objective, the owners have a vested interest in minimizing the use of pesticides and herbicides as the drinking water for their homes is obtained from the groundwater supply located directly below their properties. They are not served by public water supply wells as other parts of the Township are. Excessive application of pesticides and herbicides on the Subject Property could have a direct negative impact to the future homeowners. o "Objective 2.14- Work with regulatory agencies and institutions to reduce nitrogen and phosphorous loads to groundwater due to residential fertilizer." While the future residential home property owners cannot work directly with regulatory agencies in support of the Town's objective,the owners have a vested interest in minimizing the use of fertilizers as the drinking water for their homes is obtained from the groundwater supply located directly below their properties. They are not served by public water supply wells as other parts of the Township are. Excessive application of fertilizers on the Subject Property could have a direct negative impact to the future homeowners. Adherence to existing laws regarding fertilization of residential properties including, but not limited to: Prohibition on using lawn fertilizers containing phosphorous except for new lawn establishment;No application of fertilizer between December 1 and April 1; Maximum fertilization rate of 1 lb. per 1000 SF/year for turf is appropriate and expected of the future homeowners. • Goal 3 "Protect Surface Water Quality", The proposal is not consistent with this goal as it does not mitigate to the greatest extent practicable the water quality of surface water. Excess nitrogen from the proposed traditional septic systems will enter the groundwater, which in turn flows into the bay and will reduce the surface water quality and lend towards creating harmful algal blooms. 4 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 1. Impacts of Sanitary Systems on Ground and Surface Waters The potential for adverse impacts to ground and surface water quality by the construction of new sanitary systems on the lots was assessed. The Planning Board finds that the mitigation described below is necessary to reduce the potential adverse impacts from sanitary systems on ground and surface waters to the greatest extent practicable: Traditional septic systems are not permitted to be used on the lots in this subdivision. The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A OWTS), as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Article 19, or proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. The poor rate of reduction of N in effluent by a conventional septic system is greatly out- performed by the I/A OWTS. For example,the Hydro-action system has been proven to reduce effluent to 10 mg/L of N. The rate of removal of N for I/A OTWS is typically at least 50% and has been measured as much higher in monitoring by the SCDHS. 2. Impacts from Stormwater Runoff to Surface Waters The proposed action will generate stormwater runoff capable of entering surface waters.. The Planning Board finds the following mitigation necessary to minimize adverse impacts from storm water runoff to surface waters: a. As stated in Chapter 4 of the TCP, Goal 1 is to reduce stormwater runoff. The project shall conform to the Town requirements for stormwater control. Stormwater run-off from the roofs of the proposed homes shall be directed to underground stormwater leaching facilities where the water can recharge to the aquifer below. Stormwater runoff will be collected, stored, and infiltrated to groundwater via private storm water collection systems which should include passive drainage (swales) for road systems, green infrastructure treatments (vegetated infiltration basins) and minimal catch basins, piping, drywells and drainage reserve areas. b. All construction must comply with Chapter 236 Stormwater Pollution Prevention regulations that require all development to contain storm water runoff on site. c. A determination from the NYSDEC for the need to develop and file a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)will be required to be submitted to the Planning Board. If a S WPPP is required it will outline all measures that will be required to prevent stormwater runoff from leaving the site and affecting neighboring properties both during construction and after. A copy of the S WPPP shall be filed with the Town of Southold Office of the Engineer. 5 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 Based on the above mitigation, the Planning Board finds that potential adverse impacts from storm water runoff to surface waters will have been mitigated to the greatest extent practicable. 3. Impacts on Groundwater Quality The largest potential for impacts to surface and groundwaters result from the nitrogen (N) inputs from atmospheric deposition and sanitary systems in unsewered areas. Orient is unsewered. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and SCDOH standards have adopted the 10 mg/L standard as the maximum contaminant level (MCL)for nitrate- nitrogen and I mg/L for nitrite-nitrogen for regulated public drinking water systems. High levels of nitrate in groundwater have been shown to cause Methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) when consumed. As discussed above, recent regulatory and technological improvements to treat sanitary wastewater has resulted in a Planning Board policy to require IIA OWTSfor all newly created lots in Orient. The use of these systems will mitigate and reduce nutrient loads to ground water. Appendix T of the FEIS shows a nitrogen budget for the action. It is a fact that the action will increase the amount of total nitrogen from various inputs over existing conditions on the parcel. Therefore, total nitrogen should be reduced to the greatest extent practicable to prevent degradation of ground water quality over time Page 3 of Appendix T provides a calculation of N loading attributable to sanitary waste for the 5 single family residences as follows: 5 homes x 2.3 persons/home x(10 lbs. N/person/year) = 115 lbs. N per year (gross) - Conventional Sanitary system consisting of septic tank and leaching pools causes reduction of N loading as follows: Septic tank effluent: 115 lbs.N/year x 94% = 108.1 lbs./year Leaching pool effluent: 108.1 lbs./year x 90%=97.3 lbs./yr. (net) Page 3 of Appendix T Calculation of N loading attributable to residential turf grass fertilization: 71,874 SF x(2.04 lbs. N/1,000 SF/yr.) x 30% leaching rate=44.0 lbs./yr. The parcels and greater Orient are not served by public water.New private wells served by groundwater will be required to provide potable water to the 5 future residences and agricultural uses. The action required an assessment of water availability of potable water source and the impacts on existing and future development on groundwater supply including the use of irrigation. Discussions included the impact to adjacent parcels water supply (zone of influence), nutrient loading, potential contamination and the threat of salt water intrusion on private wells. 6 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 Potable water supply to Orient is sustained from a sole source aquifer and the protection and conservation of ground water is critical due to the geography and geology of the Orient peninsula. The Planning Board recognizes that the following challenges pose a threat to providing sustainable,potable, water supply to Orient: 1. Shallow freshwater lens and saltwater intrusion. 2. Overuse of potable water in irrigation. 3. Degradation of groundwater quality from the use of chemicals and fertilizers. 4. Disposal of sanitary waste. The Planning Board finds that: The applicant has not mitigated total nitrogen loading to groundwater to the greatest extent practicable. To mitigate adverse impacts on groundwater quality, the Planning Board will require the installation of I/A OWTS on the residential lots. Potable water is available to the 5 residential lots. The applicant provided a comprehensive water analysis for each lot in the FEIS. Results show that water quality will require treatment to meet SCDHS standards. The Planning Board finds that: To further protect groundwater quality, the applicant will further reduce total nitrogen loading groundwater through the minimalization of fertilized and irrigated lawn areas by reducing their total square footage, incorporating natural buffers that are drought tolerant and require no fertilization or irrigation, and integrating xeriscaping strategies. The following Best Management Practices for fertilization,herbicides and pesticides on each residential lot are also required to reduce the introduction of nutrients and synthetic herbicides and pesticides capable of entering the groundwater. a. Only apply organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. b. Maximum of 1 pound of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 pounds per 1000 square feet per year c. Phosphorus-containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. The phosphorous level must be 0.67 or lower unless a soil test indicates it's needed. d. Synthetic herbicides and pesticides are prohibited. e. The use of Agricultural Environmental Management (AEM)practices are encouraged for agricultural operations. 7 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 Mitigation to address Saltwater Intrusion in Private Wells. The Positive Declaration included a concern that the water supply-demand from the proposed action may exceed the safe and sustainable withdrawal capacity rate of the local supply or aquifer. There remains a pending concern about the depth of the freshwater lens relative to the saltwater/freshwater interface and future saltwater intrusion potential in water supply wells. The Planning Board finds that: The following mitigations to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads over time is necessary. a. Water supply wells shall be spaced as evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. The installation of low-flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). With all the mitigation described above, significant adverse impacts to groundwater quality have been mitigated to the greatest extent practicable. 4. Impacts on Water Quantity and Conservation Drought conditions on the North Fork are becoming more frequent and longer in duration. This places stress on the sole source aquifer and threatens the sustainable supply of potable water to the population. Similarly, the water budget for the parcel is constantly changing and water sources must be managed to prevent unnecessary irrigation under agricultural use and homeowner use. The annual water consumption for the 5 single-family residences is estimated at 1,500 gallons per day (GPD). Traditionally, around 40 percent or 600 gpd of the 1,500 GPD is expected to be lost to irrigation with anticipated recharge loss (e.g., surface runoff, evapotranspiration)to the aquifer. Using potable water to irrigate turf and landscaped areas poses a significant, long-term adverse impact and is unsustainable for the groundwater resources in Orient. The need to provide important areas for groundwater recharge and minimize potential moderate to large impacts is critical to preserve the long-term viability of the sole source aquifer in Orient. 8 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 Impacts from crop irrigation. The NYSDEC-approved irrigation well yield is limited to 175 gallons per minute with a maximum annual pumpage of 4,000,000 gallons for proposed Lot 1 and is proposed to be used for crop farming. The Planning Board finds that the following mitigation is required: a. The NYSDEC irrigation well permit includes monitoring requirements for saltwater intrusion, the right to require additional monitoring, and the right to modify the permit conditions. b. Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. c. The use of low-flow plumbing fixtures is required. d. Clearing limits are required and will be applied to reduce turf and associated irrigation and fertilization over the sole source aquifer. e. Vegetated buffers between each lot and between the agricultural lands will be required. Existing vegetation shall be retained within the buffers and supplemental plantings with native, drought-tolerant species are permitted. f. Plants used in landscaping shall be native and drought-tolerant. Irrigation controls: The following is required to reduce residential irrigation in areas not connected to public water. i. Lawn areas shall be minimized; will be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. ii. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. iii. Soil moisture sensors will be used with irrigation systems, to water only when necessary, during times of low soil moisture. iv. The use of drip irrigation systems is recommended. Rain barrels are encouraged. With the mitigation above, significant adverse impacts to groundwater quantity have been mitigated to the greatest extent practicable. 5. Impact to Flooding The proposed action may result in, or require, modification of existing drainage patterns. The alteration of existing drainage patterns will occur as result of the construction of the road and lots. Stormwater will be controlled on-site. 9 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 The Planning Board finds the following: a. The applicant shall contact the NYSDEC to determine the need for a SWPPP as indicated above. Nevertheless, all storm water generated from this site is required to be disposed of on-site. b. SLOSH mapping shows the parcel could be impacted by a category 2, 3 and 4 Hurricane. Future construction shall account for FEMA Flood Zone Construction Standards, high groundwater conditions, storm surges and sea-level rise to prevent loss. As a result of the above-specified mitigation, adverse impacts to existing drainage patterns are expected to be low. Impact on Agricultural Resources The proposed action could result in moderate to large impacts of a substantial change in the use, or intensity of use, of land including prime agricultural soils. Natural Resources and Environment—Land Resources (Chapter 6)— + Goal 1 "Protect Soils and Geologic Features" of the TCP includes Objective 1.1 "Protect agricultural soils from conversion to other land uses". The statement of the Objective includes, in pertinent part, "Reduce the loss of Prime Agricultural Soils and Soils of Statewide Importance to development through clustering of residential density". The Proposed Action is consistent with Goal 1 of the TCP.Nearly eight acres of agricultural soils will be permanently preserved as part of the Proposed Action by clustering of the proposed residential homes. 1. Loss of agricultural soil. The proposed action may impact soil classified within Soil Group I through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System. The DEIS states that the proposed action includes 7.98 acres of Soil Groups 1-4 combined. A total of 7.98 acres of Soil Groups 1-4 will remain undeveloped. The minimal loss of soils classified as productive agricultural soil is an unavoidable impact. The majority of the soil's groups will be preserved and retained for agricultural opportunities under this proposal. The DEIS estimation of agricultural land lost was based on the criteria set forth in the State SEQRA regulation; "irreversible and irretrievable" are modified to include all areas proposed for development, it is estimated that 5.319 acres of agricultural land will be lost. The Planning Board finds that: 1. The loss of that 5.319 acres of agricultural land Soil Group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System is unavoidable. 10 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 The proposed action may sever, cross or otherwise limit access to agricultural land (includes cropland, hayfields,pasture, vineyard, orchard, etc). The subdivision access roads on all parcels have been designed to not sever, cross or limit access to agricultural land, not interrupt farm management practices. The Planning Board finds that: 1. Lots 2 through 5 are clustered in areas not currently farmed in the southeast of the parcel. 2. The agricultural development area for the future barn will be moved to be adjacent to the residential development area to ensure that the cropland is as consolidated as possible. 3. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 will be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. 4. Preserving a minimum of 60 percent of buildable lands as uninterrupted open space is required in Chapter 240 Subdivision of Land of the Southold Town Code. i. The barn reserve area shall be consolidated with the residential reserve area to form a continuous reserve area that further meets the purpose of Chapter 240. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan. The proposed action may result in the excavation or compaction of the soil profile of active agricultural land. The proposed action may result, directly or indirectly, in increased development potential or pressure on farmland. The DEIS included a discussion on the potential loss of agricultural lands/soils and the mitigation which was achieved by the proposed subdivision. The reduction and consolidation of the development area will further mitigate the compaction of the soil profile of active agricultural lands. The proposal aligns with the TCP as follows Agriculture(Chapter 9 — a.) Goal 1: "Retain and Advance the Industry of Agriculture". The Proposed Action includes the permanent conservation of nearly 8 acres of land (60% of the Subject Property total land area) for the purpose of agriculture. In addition to conservation, the Proposed Action anticipates returning the agricultural land to productive use. Approval of the Proposed Action fulfills Goal 1 of the TCP. • Objective 1.3 "Continue to protect farmland from conversion to a non- agricultural use." The Proposed Action is consistent with Objective 1.3 of the 11 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 TCP. Nearly 8 acres of agricultural soils will be permanently preserved as part of the Proposed Action. b.) Goal 2: "Protect Prime Agricultural Soils from Depletion, Removal, and Excessive Erosion." The Goal goes on to state, in pertinent part, "Encourage crop rotation, where appropriate". The Proposed Action includes growth of row crops. It is anticipated that the primary crop will be corn. Crop rotation is a necessary part of growing corn. It is anticipated that crop rotation will be an integral part of the farm operation where alternate vegetables will be grown in lieu of corn in certain years. This fulfills the Town's stated Goal. c.) Goal 3: "Promote Best Management Practices for Agricultural Pesticides and Herbicides". Management of pesticide and herbicide applications is critical to the farm operator as the crop yield can be dramatically affected, and there is a substantial cost for use of the products. The farmer has multiple incentives to minimize the amount pesticides and herbicides used in the operation. As expressed in the DEIS, Best Management Practices will be employed as will Agricultural Environmental Management. The specifics of how these will be implemented depends upon a multitude of considerations including, but not limited to,the crop being grown,the stage of crop growth, the weather patterns, the type of crop disease or infestation, and the extent of the disease/infestation, and is beyond the scope of a FEIS. The proposed project is not consistent with the adopted municipal Farmland Protection Plan. Based on the Town of Southold"Town Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy" (Town of Southold, Peconic Land Trust 2000) the property was farmed until approximately 2001. The report indicates rye was grown on the subject property. The property has been fallow for many years, sparsely dotted by trees and primarily covered by scrub brush and grassy vegetation(DEIS) The Planning Board finds that: The subject property is located within an Agricultural District. A potential impact of the project is the loss of 5.31 acres of agricultural soils to development. A total of 7.98 acres of the property (i.e., 60% of the total land area) is required to be dedicated as open space. Adverse impacts on agricultural resources are expected to be low as a result of the design of this subdivision. Impacts on Archeological Resources The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within, or substantially contiguous to an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NYState Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)Archaeological Site Inventory. 12 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 The Planning Board finds that: A Phase I archaeological assessment was conducted on the parcel and a final report was issued June 2015. The assessment concluded there were no items of historical significance identified on the subject property.No further cultural resource study is required. Adverse impacts on archeological resources are expected to be low. Impacts on Plants and Animals The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of habitat used by rare, threatened or endangered species, as listed by New York State or the Federal Government and other wildlife through the clearing. The Planning Board finds that: Prior to beginning clearing, measures to protect the Eastern Box Turtle must be taken. As a New York State-listed species of Special Concern,the Eastern Box Turtle requires some measure of protection to ensure that the species does not become threatened. Species of special concern are protected wildlife pursuant to Environmental Conservation Law section 11-0103(5)(c). To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles, any clearing at the site scheduled from April 1 and November 15 will be preceded by wildlife surveys following the protocol below: a. Surveys for Eastern Box Turtles must be led by a herpetologist or wildlife biologist with experience locating wild box turtles, and their qualifications provided to the Planning Board for approval prior to the surveys being conducted. b. The survey effort required must equal the following: area of impact x 4 person- hours/acre =total person-hours of survey effort c. Timing of survey: i. The survey for Eastern Box Turtles must be conducted immediately preceding clearing activity. ii. Surveys must be conducted at the time of day and during weather conducive to peak activity for turtles, to the greatest extent practicable and as advised by the herpetologist. d. Prior to clearing, temporary barriers of wire-backed silt fencing shall be installed around the limits of work and turtle surveys must be conducted. e. Installation of the temporary barriers must minimize vegetation disturbance. No clearing may occur outside the Limits of Work. 13 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 f. The bottom of the silt fencing must be buried in a 4-inch-deep trench. The trench must be backfilled and compacted. If it is not possible to dig a trench, then the bottom of the barrier must be affixed to the surface. g. Once installed, the barrier shall be taut between the stakes. Slumps or loose materials will undermine the effectiveness of the barrier. No hay bales or other backing material shall be used. h. The limits of work must be encircled completely by the silt fence to exclude turtles from entering the area, but able to be opened for equipment to go in and out during working hours (and closed again at the end of the work day). i. The barrier should be installed immediately prior to the required survey. j. A person familiar with barrier maintenance shall inspect the barrier and facilitate any repairs/alterations necessary to ensure the integrity of the barrier. k. Silt fence barriers may not be removed from the site until that phase of the project is complete and is stabilized by vegetation. 1. Routine silt fence barrier maintenance is required during the Turtle Active Season (April 1 st through November 15)—Once per month a person familiar with barrier maintenance and installation shall inspect the barrier and facilitate any repairs or alterations. The turtle barrier should remain taut between stakes and any holes along the bottom repaired. in. Outside the Turtle Active Season(November 16th through March 31 st) -- If the barrier has been left in place over the winter months and construction is on-going, a person familiar with barrier maintenance shall conduct an early season inspection in late March or early April to facilitate any repairs or alteration necessary for the barrier to function for turtle protection. n. Any box turtles found during the search will be captured and relocated to an undisturbed area on the property as far from the proposed clearing as possible. o. Documentation of the dates, times, area covered, names and qualifications of personnel involved, and results of the survey must be provided to the Planning Department as soon as possible after completion, and prior to clearing. Impacts on Aesthetic Resources The action may impact scenic view sheds identified (file record) as important to the community. The proposed action will be visible from public roadways Orchard Street and Platt Road. The scenic view from the roadway has been identified as important by the community in 14 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 correspondence and public testimony (subject file). The potential impact from the siting and scale of the homes could be moderate to large based on lot size. The action has been recommended as INCONSISTENT with the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policies: Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. A. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The development of the proposed lots would interrupt the scenic qualities of the parcel; Lots 4 and 5 at their current location may interrupt the scenic character of the parcel significantly. Further the building envelope setbacks on Lots 2-4 appear to be incorrect. K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. The application does not meet or further the above LWRP policy. Due to the scenic quality and agriculture potential of the property,the impacts of the proposed design must be assessed. The clustering of structures will further Chapter 240-43 Article XI. Cluster Development. The prime farmland(agricultural soils) and scenic views into the property from adjacent properties and existing public roads (Orchard Street) are secondary conservation areas. The impacts to the scenic view shed from Orchard Street must be discussed. The Planning Board finds that: a. The lots will be clustered to not interrupt or obstruct the scenic view shed from Orchard Street and Platt Road as required by section 240-42.13 of the Town Code, b. Open space land area will be positioned to achieve maximum scenic quality and contiguous to other open space land areas. c. Four clustered homes must be placed on the easterly side of the Subject Property. This is consistent with maximizing the open viewshed of the area by placing the two farmlands contiguous with each other. d. The maximum house size shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code. The zoning code was amended by the Town Board by local law on October 18, 2022 (L.L. No. 10-2022). The purpose of the code amendment is to 15 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and character by limiting the maximum size of houses. Due to its adoption after the Final Environmental Impact Statement,this Local Law was not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment for this proposed action. With the new limits in the Town Code for house size the potential adverse impacts of the future scale and mass of the construction of a large single-family structure on each lot that could conflict with the scenic qualities of the landscape from public vantage points identified as important to the community have been mitigated. e. The development area for the future barn will be placed adjacent to the residential development area on Lot 1 to further cluster development. f. The proposed residential use is compatible with and does not conflict with the existing historic, neighborhood setting of the hamlet of Orient and the Orient Historic District. The property is zoned Residential 80 (R-80) and the properties to the north, west and south are also zoned R-80 and Residential 40 (R-40). The proposed home for the farmer, the proposed agricultural barn, and the deer fence are all usual and customary parts of agricultural activities and are therefore presumed by the Town not to adversely affect the public. Chapter 240-43. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan states "that open space land should generally remain undivided, except for roadway median strips, traffic islands, walkways, trails, courtyards,play areas, recreation facilities, drainageways, historic sites or unique natural features requiring common ownership protection. " The proposed action is not expected to result in moderate to large impacts on aesthetic resources with the mitigation measures above. Land Use, Zoning and Plans The Planning Board finds that: The current land use of Orient is residential and agricultural. The action proposes 5 new residential lots. Lots have been clustered to meet the requirements of the Town of Southold Standard Subdivision Program, where 60% of buildable lands is required to be preserved. The proposed construction of single-family residences and protection of open space do not conflict with the Agricultural Conservation and (AC) and Residential 80 (R-80)Zoning District. The purpose of the zoning district is as follows: The purpose of the Agricultural-Conservation (A-C) District and the Low-Density Residential R-80, R-120, R-200 and R-400 Districts is to reasonably control and, to the extent possible,prevent the unnecessary loss of those currently open lands within the Town containing large and contiguous areas of prime agricultural soils which are the 16 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 basis for a significant portion of the Town's economy and those areas with sensitive environmental features, including aquifer recharge areas and bluffs. In addition, these areas provide the open rural environment so highly valued by year-round residents and those persons who support the Town of Southold's recreation, resort and second-home economy. The economic, social and aesthetic benefits which can be obtained for all citizens by limiting loss of such areas are well documented and have inspired a host of governmental programs designed, with varying degrees of success, to achieve this result. For its part, the Town is expending large sums of money to protect existing farm acreage. At the same time, the Town has an obligation to exercise its authority to reasonably regulate the subdivision and development of this land to further the same purposes while honoring the legitimate interests of farmers and other farmland owners. The proposed action is not in significant conflict with the purpose of the zoning district. One family detached dwelling (single family residences) are a permitted use and mitigation to sensitive environmental features, farmland and the aesthetic character of the Town has been achieved through clustering and design of the subdivision in this instance. The Bulk Schedule of the R-80 Zoning District requires 80,000 square foot lots however, when an applicant is proposing to subdivide a parcel equal to or greater than 7 acres; Section 240- Clustering of the Town Code applies and lots are reduced in size (clustered)to less than 80,000 square feet. The reduction in square footage of each lot is proportionate to the amount of land area required to be preserved and the number of lots (density)proposed. The proposed action is not in conflict with zoning or adopted Town plans. In consideration of the land area proposed to be preserved through the sale of development rights, clustering of lots and other mitigation described, moderate to large adverse impacts to land use or zoning will not occur as a result of this action. Consistency with Community Character The Planning Board finds that: The proposal aligns with the TCP as follows Agriculture (Chapter 9) -Community Character (Chapter 5)- a. The Proposed Action is for the return of nearly 8 acres of agricultural land to active crop farming use, constructing an agricultural barn, and constructing five single family homes. b. The TCP specifically identifies agriculture as being a significant characteristic in the Town of Southold. The Town Code goes further and encourages and protects the rights of persons to farm, even if certain nuisances are created as a result of the farming operation via the Farmland Bill of Rights in Chapter 280-97 of the Town Code. As such,the agricultural aspect of the Proposed Action(i.e.,the agricultural barn and crop farming) is in keeping with the community character as defined by the Town's own publications. 17 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 c. The five proposed single-family homes also conform to the community's character in many ways. A summary is as follows: i. The proposal meets the density requirements of the Town Code ii. Section 240-42. B of the Town Code requires clustering of the proposed single-family homes. Clustering is also part of the 2020 Southold Town Comprehensive Plan as discussed elsewhere in the FEIS. This establishes the mandate that single-family homes must be clustered and that a clustered arrangement of homes is appropriate for the community character of the surrounding area. iii, No greater view shed can be provided than what is afforded by placing the two large tracts of farmland/open space immediately adjacent to each other, thus maximizing the open space character of the community. Placing the four clustered homes on the westerly side of the Subject Property would result in a disconnect between the two open space tracts of land and interrupt the view shed. The size and location of each individual proposed single-family residence is governed and restricted by the Town Code regulations The maximum house size on each lot shall comply with Chapter 280 Zoning of the Southold Town Code, which, after the adoption of a new local law on October 18, 2022, now limits house sizes (L.L. No. 10-2022) to preserve the unique scenic qualities of the area from public vantage points and community character. The purpose of this local law is to address issues concerning the maximum size of one- and two-family dwellings in certain zoning districts consistent with the Southold Town Comprehensive Plan adopted September 8, 2020, the Vision Statement of which calls for future planning within the Town to be consistent with existing community character and a periodic review and amendment of the Town Code to that end. Due to the recent adoption of this Local Law, the house size limits now in force were not previously contemplated in the SEQR process or assessment. With this restriction in place,the potential adverse impact of the future scale and mass of the construction of a large single-family structure on each lot that could conflict with the existing community character, surroundings, and qualities are mitigated. iv. The location of the future barn development area must be moved to be adjacent to the residential development area on Lot 1 to mitigate impacts 18 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 to community character(clustering development of structures) and to make a more useful growing area for crops. d. The TCP sets forth an Objective 1.1 to "Identify important scenic resources"and "Develop and adopt a Town Scenic Resources Map to achieve greater protection of viewsheds in the application review processes including assessment to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA) and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)policy standards and recommendations."As stated by the Town, a formalized map identifying important viewsheds does not exist. The Proposed Action establishes an area of protected farmland contiguous to an abutting protected open space area. e.. The TCP sets forth an Objective 1.4 to "Enhance scenic qualities through design standards and innovative site planning and architecture in public and private development projects"by developing "voluntary structural design standards for residential architecture". Currently, the Town Zoning Code governs the manner in which a residential home is designed. If the Town Objective was one day fulfilled, the standards for residential home design would still be voluntary. In either case, the design of the proposed residential homes would be governed solely by the limitations set forth in the zoning code or by mitigative actions required by the lead agency as indicated above. f. The TCP sets forth,Objective 1.5 to "Protect scenic vista outside the hamlet centers by clustering compatible developments in existing residential or commercial areas to prevent sprawl". The objective goes onto state "Cluster and consolidate new development close to hamlet centers to encourage vitality and affordability." The Subject Property is located in an existing residentially developed area, which is consistent with the Objective stated in the TCP. g. The TCP sets forth Goal 2 to "Protect Cultural Resources". The Proposed Action is consistent with that Goal. A Phase I archaeological investigation was performed for the Proposed Action in June 2015 (see Appendix P of the DEIS). It was determined that the Proposed Action had no impact on any archaeologically significant items. A search was made on the New York State Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation web site on February 4, 2021. As indicated by the search results (see Appendix R of the FEIS),no NYS OPRHP listed landmarks exist in the immediate vicinity of the Proposed Action. Two "undetermined" sites are indicated on the NYS OPRHP map. The two sites are located at 675 Holyoake Rd. and 2610 Orchard St. respectively. Both sites had building inventories submitted in 1988 which resulted in the NYS OPRHP issuing the "undetermined" status designation. A search was made of the Town of Southold"Town Register of Historic Landmarks" last updated October 18, 2017 (see Appendix S of the FEIS). The Town landmarks having an Orchard Street address are not within the immediate vicinity of the Subject Property. No Town landmarks are listed with a Halyoake Road address. 19 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 h. The TCP sets forth an Objective 4.1 to "Elevate and preserve the Town's natural heritage through preservation of the working landscapes and waterscapes and the people who interact with them. It goes on to state "Protect agricultural lands in Southold Town." The Proposed Action is consistent with that goal through the permanent protection of nearly 8 acres of agricultural land. i. As stated in the TCP, "one of the defining features of the character of Southold is its agriculture." The largest land use category in Southold Township is residential (33%) followed closely by agricultural (30%). The proposed project includes both of the predominant land uses in the Township. j. The TCP presents Goal 9 that states "Retain and Advance the Business of Agriculture". The project shall retain 60% of the Subject Property area for the purpose of agriculture with the intent to return the agricultural land to productive use. Goal 9 is fulfilled by the Proposed Action. k. The TCP presents Goal 10 that states "Continue to Preserve Farmland and Open Space." It goes on to state "Southold's character is created in large part by its open spaces, including farmland, natural lands, and parks." The majority of the Subject Property shall be farmland, which is consistent with the character and goal set forth in the TCP. Goal 10 is fulfilled by the Proposed Action. 1. The TCP discusses the hamlet of Orient in specific terms. The TCP states "Orient's character is defined by its farms and its traditional hamlet center with narrow streets lined by trees and historic buildings. Agricultural land uses cover over a third of the hamlet's land area." The Subject Property is not within the hamlet center. The majority of the Subject Property shall remain as farmland, which is consistent with the character of Orient as described in the TCP. The proposed action may create a demand for additional community services (e.g., schools,police and fire). Education for school aged children will be provided by the Oysterponds Union Free School District. Due to the aging population of Orient residents, the class size of the Orient Union Free School District is low. The introduction of school aged students to the population would be beneficial for the system. Public safety will be provided by both the Southold Police Department and the Orient Fire Department. Cumulative Impacts No significant, adverse cumulative impacts have been identified. No Alternatives were accepted. 20 The Orchards Findings Statement January 9, 2023 A copy of this notice must be sent to: Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Suffolk County Department of Health Services Southold Town Board of Trustees Suffolk County Water Authority Southold Town Engineer Suffolk County Planning Department Orient Fire District Southold Highway Department NYSDEC - Stony Brook File Any person requesting a copy 21 From: Michaelis,Jessica Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 1:02 PM To: Burke,John; Mia Jealous Dank; Cerezo, Mara; Cummings, Brian A.; Don Wilcenski home (dwilski78@gmail.com);James H Rich Qhrichiii.stpb@gmail.com); Lanza, Heather; Rafferty, Pierce; Sidor, Martin H;Terry, Mark;Wilcenski, Donald J Cc: Palmeri, Allison Subject: incoming mail: S Martocello re The Orchards Finding Statement Attachments: Letter to the Plan.Board -wrt SEQR Findings- Orchards 12-2-2022.pdf; seqrhandbook pg 137 supplemental EIS regs.pdf RECEI m �. , . Thank you, � ' � 6ufh d�®wn Jessica Michaelis, Senior Office Assistant Planning Board Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email:JessicaMksoutholdtownny.gov From:Steven Martocello<samartocello@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, December 2, 2022 12:25 PM To: Michaelis,Jessica <jessica.michaelis@town.southold.ny.us> Cc: Lanza, Heather<heather.lanza@town.southold.ny.us>; Donald Wilcenski (dwilski78@gmail.com) <dwilski78@gmail.com>;Terry, Mark<mark.terry@town.southold.ny.us>;Alex Martocello<alex@theubigroup.com> Subject:The Orchards Finding Statement Attached is a letter wrt The Orchards Findings Statement. We want to thank the Southold Planning Board/Department for its time working with us to resolve elements of The Orchards SEQRA Findings Statement. Mark-we did receive the email that you sent over earlier this morning, but had the letter ready to go. We are hoping the letter offers some clarity to our earlier discussions. Again Thank you. Steven A. Martocello 917-502-0101 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Steven A. Martocello East End Holding,LLC PO Box 336 Mount Sinai,NY, 11766 Donald J Wilcenski 12/2/2022 Chairman, Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex 51375 State Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11970-0959 Ms. Heather Lanza,AiCP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11971 Re: The Orchards SEQRA Findings Statement Mr. Wilcenski, We want to thank the Southold Planning Board/Department for its time working with us to resolve the below regarding The Orchards. We are requesting the Southold Town Planning Board,as lead agency, amend and correct the SEQR Findings Statement associated with the FEIS adopted on 9/12/2022 without requiring a supplemental DEIS or FEIS. The two specific findings statements of concern relate to limitations placed on the size of the proposed homes. The statements are: • Impacts on Aesthetic Resources: On page 15,letter `d' —"A maximum footprint of 1,750 sq. ft. for each single-family residence(principal structure)is required as evaluated in the DEIS(emphasis added)" • Consistency with Community Character: On page 18, item `iv' —The size and location of each individual proposed single-family residence is governed and restricted by the Town Code regulations. It may be necessary, however,to further mitigate the visual impacts of future homes if(emphasis added)the Planning Board finds they have not been mitigated to the greatest extent feasible. This mitigation includes reducing single-family structure size by setting a cap on the footprint square footage. A maximum footprint of 1,750 sq. ft. for each single- i Page 2 The Orchards SEQRA Findings Statement. 11/30/22 family residence (principal structure)is required,as evaluated in the DEIS (emphasis added)" Both findings' statements cite the DEIS evaluation as the basis for imposing the condition of approval. Upon review of the DEIS you will find the only discussion in the DEIS where the house footprint size is projected to be 1,750 sq. ft. appears on page 2-8, which pertains to estimating construction cost. The discussion of aesthetic resources and community character in the DEIS,which is what the findings statement indicates is the basis for imposing the house size restriction,does not mention any specific size proposed home. To the contrary,the following two statements are made in the DEIS section 4.4 titled "Aesthetic and Open Space": • On page 4-10 "The specific size, location and characteristics of the proposed dwellings has not been determined. However,each dwelling shall be constructed in conformity with the Bulk Schedule for Residential Districts as contained within the Town Zoning Code,as may be modified by the Town Planning Board for cluster development." • On page 4-12 "The size of the proposed homes shall comply with the limitations of the Town of Southold Schedule of Bulk Regulations for Residential Districts,as may be modified by the Town Planning Board." The DEIS does not provide a basis for imposing a restriction on home size,other than to say the home size will comply with the Town Code. The FEIS addresses the issue of home size in section 4.4.2,the sum and substance of which is that the proposed homes will comply with the Town Code. The FEIS also provided Appendices GG and JJ which illustrate the home sizes that were submitted to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services Wastewater Management Unit.The plans are to scale and, for lots 2 through 5,illustrate homes with a footprint of 2,796 sq.ft.The home on lot one has an even larger footprint. The FEIS provides both actual and constructive notice of the minimum proposed home size footprints. After the FEIS had been adopted by the Planning Board, ,the Town Board enacted significant changes in the Town Code to drastically reduce and restrict the size of buildable houses (Chapter 280 of the Code of the Town of Southold-Local Law 10 of the year 2022). Enactment of the new Code was the result of a lengthy process consisting of studies and public hearings to determine what the appropriate house size limitations should be based on the property lot size. The house size limitations set forth in the new Town Code provisions are consistent with the Town's adopted Master Plan. However, the findings statement adopted by the Planning Board disregards what the Town Board has determined to be the appropriate maximum size homes based on property lot size without any basis in the DEIS or FEIS for doing so. Page 3 The Orchards SEQRA Findings Statement. 11/30/22 Based on the foregoing, we request that the house size restriction be removed from the findings statement or be replaced indicating the size of the homes will comply with section 280-207 of the Town Code,as was indicated in the DEIS and FEIS. With regard to the issue of requiring a supplemental DEIS or FEIS,the New York State SEQRA Handbook,page 137(see attached),provides guidance with regard to Supplemental EIS requirements. The threshold for requiring a supplemental EIS is tied to "genuinely new"information that"the lead agency would have had no reasonable means of knowing that information sooner". In the Applicant's opinion,the threshold for requiring a supplemental EIS has not been met as actual and constructive notice of the proposed home sizes was provided in the FEIS. [See Coalition Against Lincoln,W. Inc. v Weinshall ,21 AD3d 215,223 (1st Dept 2005)] In the Orchards application,the requested amendment and correction of the adopted FEIS,does not identify any significant impacts not identified or considered in the original FEIS.No"genuinely new" information exists. The statements made in the DEIS, and FEIS already concede the proposed home sizes will conform to the Town Code. The Applicant is only seeking to construct home sizes that the Town Board,by enacting Code section 280-207,has determined to be the appropriate maximum home sizes for the proposed parcels of land. We ask the Town Planning Board, as lead agency,to consider the above and amend and correct its findings statement so that it is consistent with the adopted FEIS. If submission of a Supplemental EIS is required, please notify us as such in writing and provide the legal basis for requiring same. We ask that we continue our discussion prior to the adoption of the Findings Statement to address the issues raised, and consent to the additional time to hold such open conversation with the Board at its Work Session. Sincerely, Steven A. Martocello CC: Patricia Moore, Esq 3. Are there criteria for determining 5. How does a lead agency if newly discovered information determine that a supplemental warrants preparation of a EIS is required? Supplemental EIS? When a lead agency is evaluating whether to Yes.The lead agency is directed to consider: prepare a supplement, it should examine if changes in the project, newly discovered The importance and relevance of the information, or a change in circumstance have information,and the potential to result in any new, previously undisclosed, or unevaluated impacts that may � The present state of the information or may not have a significant adverse impact. provided in the original EIS. DEC's EAF workbooks provide guidance for The information must be relevant to the determining the magnitude, importance, and discussion of significant adverse environmental significance of an impact.This evaluation may impacts, and important for the accuracy of the take the form of a comparative memorandum. assessment of those impacts. The information For more complex changes, DEC recommends should be genuinely new;that is, the lead the evaluation be further supported by use of a agency would have had no reasonable means revised EAF when making this determination. of knowing that information sooner.The lead Should the lead agency determine that a agency should evaluate the existing EIS supplemental EIS is required, it must then follow considering the new information to be certain full SEQR procedures, including completion that relevant issues have not already been of a7eb As Stated in � reviou letter y Ip covered in enou h detail. Furthermore the � flhe h�alydy the IhOuse size extent of the supplemental EIS should be limited s. iscussio�n ryas Iliu� ited -to to a reassessment of the relevant significant �InS'tIru fiOI c�Sf alnallysisa eve adverse environmental impacts based on the dllsellosed the actual house new information identified. Sues mere urnikrnOImy arnd the A le4. What constitutes a change inat aacl;umuall house font footprints welre circumstances" as applied to example, the lead. Shown in thetwo appendices. a supplemental EIS? on comments re Therefore, 'the Ilead agency Ihad PP the public,to regq the information and made their A"change in circumstances"means any change preparing a final E fiIndings. AS 1pelr the SIE II in the physical setting of, orregulatory standards sponsor proposes handbook, -this doses not wanralrn't applicable to,the proposed project. For could chan g SDI IIS or SF IIS,. If is not r a the example, if nearby land useshave changed and assessment c information. This provision gives since the original site assessment was environmental im the IRoard a clean way of conducted,or the municipality has enacted new be required after ti utlllizirng 'the sulbmi'hed land use rules, and these changes are relevant thefinal EIS and is information (ie-folliow code, as to significant adverse environmental impacts, For generic EISs, oirilginalllly submited ) in Ilieu of then a supplemental EIS may bewarranted. typical. Potential r reguiriirg a suppllemenfai reporrt. project-specific a concept of genericElSs, 138 THE SEQR HANDBOOK,4T"EDITION I CHAPTER 5:ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — November 21, 2022 =?p_qe_2 C Pro ect Name: e Hitr e (�a!y S Tm# LOOO-1 02-1-33.3 �q� _11h _���qgq Location, 75 Schoolhouse Road, on the n/w corner of Griffing Street and School House �_Mpjo����ain Road, in !q!qj�gh� Description: This Residential Site Plan is for the development of 124 detached and attached Status: _vedwith.Conditions Review for CO's of several _�j�p p'Eo Action: wWW units Staff Report SCfm 10 0-83-3-5.3 Proiect Name: Oregon Storage Warehouses :#::: (0 Location: 11900 Oregon Road, Cutchogue Description: This..s site Ian.n is for the proposed construction of a ±69,360 s% ft. self-storage facility, and includes the construction of six (6) storage buildings: three 12,000 sq. ft. 1-story buildings, two 11,880 sq. ft. 1-story buildings, and one 9,600 sq. ft., 1-story building. Also included is the conversion of an existing 797 sq, ft. garage to an office, an existing dwelling to remain, and 20 proposed parking stalls all on 5.7 acres in the Light Industrial Zoning District. —at us: -----'-.'Lpproved .......... Action: Review for CO Building #5 &#6 Attachments: Staff Report .............. ...... —'-I SCTM�7 1000-34-2-1 Project Name: Greenport Medical Offices & Residences Location, 160 NYS Route 25, Green port Description: This Site Plan application is for the proposed construction of four(4) campus- style residential office buildings with three (3) medical office units on the first floor and ten (10) workforce housing units on the second floor of each, with 120 inag stalls on 4.7 aces in the RO and R-40 Z0n!q9_P1§!E!9t. Status: Pen in Action:o—n. Review Pro osed SEQR�AMffiptio9____ Attachments: Staff Report Protect name Baxter, William J. dutch r. SC M* 1000-102-5-9.4 Location: 2§p_Priffin 9,.,Street,, ogue Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 2.38-acre parcel into 4 lots where Lots 1, 2 & 3 = 0.6 acres each, and Lot 4 = 0.5 acres, in the Hamlet Business Zoninq District. -Status: _,6ppLove0.._,. Action: Review Revegetation Plan Attachments: staff Report Project Name . ...... The Orchards • Cfmi� 000-27-1-3HX 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7,98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot� 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the Loning R-80 Zoning,p.0 §_taiU"S_: ­_"'___—Condifi—onal§ketch ,�p oval,_p Action: Discuss SE RA Findings s.-, StaffEf!P—Ort Attachment RECEJVED n., du16oN�).Owin....... Planning Board Steven A. Marto o East End Holding, LLC Donald J Wilcenski PO Box 336 Chairman, Planning Board Mount Sinai, NY, Southold Town Hall Annex 11766 51375 State Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11970-0959 Ms. Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971 Re: The Orchards SEQR Findings Statement Mr. Wilcenski/Ms. Lanza, As you are aware, we have concerns regarding the SEQRA draft findings statement for our project. Specifically: The aesthetic impact and open space as presented was not limited to a 1,750 Sf footprint. We believe the FEIS provided sufficient information regarding the house sizes, (including in the Appendices) to avoid the need for a resubmission of the FEIS. • Impacts on Aesthetic Resources: On page 15,letter`d' —"A maximum footprint of 1,750 sq. ft. for each single-family residence(principal structure)is required as evaluated in the DEIS(emphasis added)" • Consistency with Community Character: On page 18, item `iv' —The size and location of each individual proposed single-family residence is governed and restricted by the Town Code regulations. It may be necessary,however,to further mitigate the visual impacts of future homes if(emphasis added)the Planning Board fords they have not been mitigated to the greatest extent feasible. This mitigation includes reducing single-family structure size by setting a cap on the footprint square footage. A maximum footprint of 1,750 sq. ft. for each single-family residence (principal structure) is required, as evaluated in the DEIS(emphasis added)" Both findings' statements cite the DEIS evaluation as the basis for imposing the condition of approval. Upon review of the DEIS you will find the only discussion in the DEIS where the house footprint size is projected to be 1,750 sq. ft. footprint appears on page 2-8,which pertains to estimating construction cost. The discussion of aesthetic resources and community character in the DEIS does not mention any specific size proposed home. To the contrary,the following two statements are made in the DEIS section 4.4 titled"Aesthetic and Open Space": • On page 4-10"The specific size,location and characteristics of the proposed dwellings has not been determined.However,each dwelling shall be constructed in conformity with the Bulk Schedule for Residential Districts as contained within the Town Zoning Code, as may be modified by the Town Planning Board for cluster development." • On page 4-12 "The size of the proposed homes shall comply with the limitations of the Town of Southold Schedule of Bulk Regulations for Residential Districts,as may be modified by the Town Planning Board." The DEIS does not provide a basis for imposing a restriction on home size, other than to say the home size will comply with the Town Code. The FEIS addresses the issue of home size in section 4.4.2,the sum and substance of which is that the proposed homes will comply with the Town Code. The FEIS also provided Appendices GG and JJ which illustrate the home sizes that were submitted to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services Wastewater Management Unit. The plans are to scale and,for lots 2 through 5,illustrate homes with a footprint of 2,796 sq. ft.The home on lot one has an even larger footprint. Last month,the Town has changed its code to drastically reduce the size of buildable houses (Chapter 280 of the Code of the Town of Southold-Local Law 10 of the year 2022). Based on the foregoing,we request that the conditions of approval limiting the size of the residential homes be removed from the findings statement or be replaced indicating the size of the homes will comply with section 280-207 of the Town Code. Thank you for you consideration. Sincerely, Steven Martocello 917-502-0101 Southold Town Plan ing Board Work Session -• November 7 2022 Pa e 3 Project Name: North Cliff Vineyard Agricultural #: 1000-1 ......._ 6 . SCTM 07.-5-6 3 & 6.5 Storage Building _ Location: � oW� Avenue, u " Mattituck Description. This agricultural site plan is for the r posed construction of a one- story 3,374 sq. ft. agricultural storage building on ±20 acres of farmland with Development Rights held bv Southold Town in the AC Zoningµ MDistrict. Status: Pendin Action: &....-._._ Review i Referral Rev _ m ..... _ Review for Determination Attachments• Staff B2 p2rt Pro ect NameIT The Orchards _m w SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 • Location: 2595 Orchard Street Orient Description: This proposal is for a _ n....._ _... ._..� .. p p Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 District. Status:Status: Conditional Sketch Ap roval Action Review Findings a Re ........._Attachments " Staff � ..... ._.�� �m....._ w �_.mm � ........._ Discussion: ❖ Planning Board Monthly Report for October ❖ ZBA Request for Comments: Key Capture Battery Energy Storage, 10750 Oregon Road, Cutchogue, SCTM#1000-83-3-6.1 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date November 7, 2022 Prepared By: Heather Lanza, AICP Mark Terry, AICP I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10, 2014 IV: Action to review ADOPT FINDINGS STATEMENT V: Analysis On July 6, 2015 the Planning Board issued a SEQR Positive Declaration. On August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement DEIS was submitted. On December 7, 2020 a public hearing was held on the DEIS and held open for written comment to January 11, 2021. The public comment period closed. On March 2, 2022 the applicant submitted a FEIS prepared by their consultant. The Planning Board and staff reviewed the document and amended it for acceptance by the Planning Board as Lead Agency. On September 12, 2022, the Southold Planning Board adopted the FEIS dated August 29, 2022 for the action. Southold Planning Department Staff Report V. Summary of the Main Effects of the Findings Statement on the Application: A. Changes to the Final Plat Note: (additional revisions and technical details will be described at a future work session to review the Final Plat Application details that don't pertain directly to SEQRA) 1. Consolidate the development areas on Lot 1 so that the residential reserve area and the development area for a barn forms a single continuous reserve area. This will meet the purpose of Chapter 240-43. Clustered Open Space and Southold Town Comprehensive Plan, which states: D. Open space land should generally remain undivided, except for roadway median strips, traffic islands, walkways, trails, courtyards, play areas, recreation facilities, drainageways, historic sites or unique natural features requiring common ownership protection. 2. The western boundaries of Lots 2 and 4 will be aligned to remove the "jog" in the eastern farmland boundary to improve the usefulness of the property for future farming. 3. Lots 2-5 must access a new roadway pursuant to Chapter 240-45B(15). The right of way and road design must meet the 2015 International Fire Code for width and turnaround design and dimensions, as well as Town Code Chapter 161-15 A Construction Specifications. The new right of way will likely be about 240'+/- in length, and will need to support a minimum of 70,000 Ibs for fire apparatus. 4. Show clearing limits on residential lots— it is expected that each lot will be allowed to clear up to 50 percent if they are within 30,000 sq ft to 60,000 sq ft following the redesign of the road. 5. Vegetated buffers between each lot and between the agricultural lands will be required. Existing vegetation shall be retained within the buffers and supplemental plantings with native, drought tolerant species are permitted. B. Covenants and Restrictions Note: (additional covenants that are typical of all subdivisions will be described at a future work session to review the Final Plat Application details that don't pertain directly to SEQRA) 1. The use of an innovative/alternative wastewater treatment system (I/A OWTS), as permitted under Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Article 19, or 2 Southold Planning Department Staff Report proven technology that accomplishes the goal of reducing or removing pollutants from wastewater effluent as well as, or better than the I/A OWTS systems referenced above, is required for all lots shown on the Subdivision Map. 2. The following to minimize saltwater intrusion to well heads and depletion of the aquifer over time is necessary. a. Water supply wells shall be spaced evenly as possible to minimize saltwater intrusion. b. The installation of low flow wells with a maximum 10 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate. This will help prevent the upcoming of salt water to the water supply well over time in relation to impacts from sea level rise (future conditions). 3. Crops requiring minimal water use (irrigation) from the sole source aquifer are encouraged to preserve the sustainability of the potable water supply. 4. SLOSH mapping shows the parcel could be impacted by a category 2, 3 and 4 Hurricane. Future construction shall account for FEMA Flood Zone Construction Standards, high groundwater conditions, storm surges and sea-level rise to prevent loss. 5. Irrigation controls;. Note: there are other water conservation measures, these are the main ones that are not always boilerplate. a. Lawn areas shall be minimized, and are to be seeded with improved turf species with deeper root systems and greater drought tolerance, thus requiring less irrigation than conventional turf species. b. Total long-term permanent irrigation of each lot will be limited to 15% of the lot area not improved with structures. 6. To minimize the loss of Eastern Box Turtles on the parcel, any clearing at the site scheduled between April 1 and November 15 will follow the Town Planning Board's Protocol for Eastern Box Turtle Conservation During Construction, on file in the Southold Town Planning Department and Planning web page. 7. A maximum footprint of 1,750 sq. ft. for each single-family residence (principal structure) is required, as evaluated in the DEIS. Additional restrictions and findings, including the rationale for mitigation, can be found in the FEIS. Further, the Planning Board will require additional changes to the subdivision 3 Southold Planning Department Staff Report map pursuant to Chapter 240 Subdivision of Land regulations of the Southold Town Code, and additional covenants that are more routine in nature. VI: Staff Recommendations Adopt the Findings Statement dated November 7, 2022 4 October 6, 2022 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Donald J Wilcenski Chairman, Planning Board It L Southold town Hall Annex RECUV EL) 54375 State Route 25 -" PO Box 1179 �'; � . Southold, New York, 11971-0959 u 6,5�. own Planning Board Re: FEIS Findings for Proposed Standard Subdivision "The Orchards" SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Dear Mr. Wilcenski, This is a request to yourself and Planning Board Members for an opportunity to discuss the potential FEIS Findings before a final decision is made. The intent is to ensure the findings are complementary to the planned farming activities, community character, conservation of resources, and residents occupying the Lots. We can make ourselves available at any time that's convenient for the Planning Board and the Planning Department. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 cc: Heather Lanza, AICP — Planning dept Director : Mark Terry—Assistant Town Planning Director OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 '��� � � ����� Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 13, 2022 Attn: Steven Martocello East End Holding Company P O Box 336 Mt Sinai, NY 11766 Re: SEAR Adopt Final Environmental Impact Statement The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, 17' northwest of Halyoake Avenue, Orient. SCTM 1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, September 12, 2022: WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020 the applicant submitted a Draft Environmental Impact Statement which has been reviewed; and WHEREAS, on September 28, 2020 the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, found that the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020 as adequate for public review; and WHEREAS, on October 5, 2020 the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, found the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020, adequate for public review and comment; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, December 7, 2020 regarding the above-referenced application; and WHEREAS, the Public Hearing was held open for written comment until January 11, 2021; and WHEREAS, on September 12, 2022 the Planning Board accepted the Final F~, ub: ddV `rl6 ;sIIori Environmental Impact Statement dated August 2022 prepared by the applicant and revised by the Planning Board; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, hereby adopts the attached Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Standard Subdivision of The Orchards pursuant to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law (State Environmental Quality Review Act) and the implementing regulations of 6 NYCRR Part 617. If you have-any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. cc: Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator Southold Town Highway Department Orient Fire District Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Water Authority Suffolk County Planning Commission Suffolk County Legislator NYS DEC - Stony Brook NYS DEC - Commissioner NYS Department of State NYS Natural Heritage Program Environmental Notice Bulletin File Southold Tower Plannning Board Work Session September 12 2022_ Pace 3 _...Project Name ,The Orchards __..�..-. SCTM# 1 000 27 1 3..... . f Orient Description: �.e ������ This proposal is fora ������ ��°°°°��� ���� Location,:___ 2595 Orchard Street, p p Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zonina District._ onal Sketch Ap oval ....Status. Conditi..... ,,,,...�.�....-.� Action. Review Revised FEIS .., Attachments Staff'Report me Wickham Rod....a`d`,,�..Offices_. _I SCTM# 11000 114-11-15 - t Na . Location: ,...�80 0.--Route 25, Mattituck y w.e.. ..� � .. Description: This is for the proposed conversion of a �w.. ... existing 770 sq. ft. accessory apartment to a principle office structure, no footprint expansion or basement, with four (4) parking stalls on 0.23 acres in the Hamlet Business Zoning C istrict, Mattituck. Status: .. . . proved Action: Review w� for Approval Extensionmmm&m Final Site Inspection nts: Staff Report .. _. ......m__ 13 00 Route 25 ±225 west ofµ Wickham Avenue Mattituck1 9 1 Pro ect Name I Go ins William SCTM# 1000 114 Location _ Description: This Site Plan is to convert an existing 2,187 s . ft single q. . g family dwelling to include two one-bedroom apartment units at 600 sq. ft. each and a 785 sq. ft, office pursuant to ZBA File #6677. Eight parking stalls are proposed at 13200 NYS Rt. 25„, Mattituck_,mmm the HB Zoning District. Status Approved m Action l_ p� xu ..._.. ___.._A. � Review for A roya Extension & Final Site Inspection ._ [:Attachments . Staff Repo . . .. _ .....�.._ _......w ,.. ..�.��.�._ _ � SPoep Na_m e ' Duplex Conversions � CTM 10�00...3.�5-1 .25 Location: 1205 Route 25� Gree port ..... Description: This amended site plan is for the proposed conversion of five (5) existing 1-story single family dwellings (units #19, 20, 60, 68, 74) to two family dwellings with no expansion of living area and no basement, 4 parking stalls on a Hamlet Density (HD) and R-80 split zoned parcel totaling 143 acres. Status Action: roved � Review for Approval Extension Attachments Staff Report Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date September 12, 2022 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval was granted on March 10, 2014 IV: Action to review FEIS - Determination of Adequacy V: Analysis On July 6, 2015 the Planning Board issued a SEQR Positive Declaration. On August 24, 2020 a Draft Environmental Impact Statement DIES was submitted„ On December 7, 2020 a public hearing was held on the DEIS and held open for written comment to January 11, 2021. The public comment period closed. On March 2, 2022 the applicant submitted a FEIS prepared by their consultant. The Planning Board and staff reviewed the document and amended it for acceptance by the Planning Board as Lead Agency. VI: Staff Recommendations Review FEIS (see attached document link). V. Planning Board Considerations: Southold Planning Department Staff Report • Adopt the FEIS by resolution at tonight's public hearing. • File all necessary paperwork with the NYSDEC ENB. • Prepare and review Findings at the September 26, 2022 work session. • Consider accepting Findings at the October 3, 2022 Public Meeting. 2 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session —Au ust 22 2022 - Pa e 3 - SCTM# 1000 27 1._ .�.w e.. o . �... "ro��ct Name_......... The 5 Orchard Orient ..._. � .. 3 �• d " __.._ Descr ption: This proposal is for Clustered Standard Subdivision of a Location: p en.—�..m." .A -. 13.3-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning is . .. . „ District. _ _.... �.....� - � Status Conditional Sketch Approval ��. . Review Revised FEIS _ . Attachments: St aff Repc�rt �-�---�-- _ Project Name. North Cliff Vineyard Agricultural.__....., - SCTM#, 1000-107.-5-6.3 & 6.5. Storage Building Location. 7305 Wickhami agricultural to ulanMs for the roposed constructi W _ ._�attituck Description: _.___.. This ag p p construction ro on of a one-story 3,374 sq. ft. agricultural storage building on ±20 acres of farmland with s heldy Southold Town in the AC Zoning District �.� ..�...._. .m...e.. ! De op [ t..�. _ �.. _ Pp w A lication m leten & Waiver Requests Action: �c� ests tatus Attachments: Staff Report .... - .. ......... ., ........�. —_. ._ e.._ Project. Name ves Hotel .,w Id _ .wSCTM# 1000-63 3 15 ' �_Location:__'__ : Southo 5665 nption: This proposed site plan is for the conversion of an existing5 NYS Route Desc ' � 3,026 sq. ft. residence with a 584 sq. ft. addition into a 74-seat restaurant and the construction of a hotel with 44 units, and an outdoor pool on 6.75 acres in the Hamlet Business Z - _....... , m...._ oning District, . �...... ....m_ - ___�. et Status Action r SEQRA ind ZBA Findin Attachments: NPV Report, ZBA Special Exception Aprovl & Protect Name Sport.._ _. ......�- ility m �� 00- .,..e_�Location: � rr_oll Avenue„ Pecorncc s East Recreational F 1080 Ca _ Description:— This site plan is for the proposed construction of a 2-story 45,500 sq, ft. Public Indoor Recreational Facility building and associated parking. This proposal requires a subdivision of the parcel, and a change of zoning � district (Recreational..... . Floating Zone) on 5.3 acres in Peconicrom A�C to RFZ Action. mm. Review for Completeness s: Staff Re ort ._ _., . —_.._,.. m. ._�_ .— �.w....... Steven A. Martocello RECEIVED East End Holding, LLC MAR 3 022 PO Box 336 Mount Sinai,NY, 11766 o—ut'ho4d Town Planning Board Donald J Wilcenski March 28,2022 C)(�IN -CON Chairman, Planning Board �v ro'd Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11970-0959 Ms. Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11971 Re: Response to March 2310,2022, SEQR Findings Statement Adoption The Orchards Letter SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Mr. Wilcenski As requested, we are confirming receipt of the Referenced letter wrt the establishment of target dates to complete the SEQR Findings for the Standard Subdivision of the Orchards. We understand that the new timeframe is May 9th,2022 or June 6th, 2022. Thank you. Respectfully, Steven A. Martocello 917-502-0101 Cc: Lahti Eng AJ M OFFICE LOCATION: w MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex ��� P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Southold, NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 23, 2022 Steven Martocello East End Holding Company P.O. Box 336 Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 Re: SEAR Findings Statement Adoption The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, 17' northwest of Halyoake Avenue, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: Due to staff shortages within our department, the Planning Board is requesting a target dates of May 9, 2022 or June 6, 2022 to complete the SEQR Findings for the Standard Subdivision of The Orchards. The Board is seeking your acknowledgment of this new timeframe. Please respond in writing to the Planning Department. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this letter, please contact the Planning Board Office. Repe�cFul Y 0�a Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman RECIE Steven A. ello East EndHolding,cLLC � .....W �� ' ' PO Box 336 ucno `y own Mount Sinai,NY, 11766 Planning Board Donald J Wilcenski March"28,2022 Chairman,Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11970-0959 Ms.Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11971 Re: Response to March 23rd,2022,SEQR Findings Statement Adoption The Orchards Letter SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Mr. Wilcenski As requested,we are confirming receipt of the Referenced letter wrt the establishment of target dates to complete the SEQR Findings for the Standard Subdivision of the Orchards. We understand that the new timeframe is May 91h,2022 or June 6 h,2022. Thank you. Respectfully, Steven A. Martocello 917-502-0101 Cc: Lahti Eng Al M OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 " � ►�, Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY ' Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov NV PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 23, 2022 Steven Martocello East End Holding Company P.O. Box 336 Mt. Sinai, NY 11766 Re: SEAR Findings Statement Adoption The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, 17' northwest of Halyoake Avenue, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: Due to staff shortages within our department, the Planning Board is requesting a target dates of May 9, 2022 or June 6, 2022 to complete the SEAR Findings for the Standard Subdivision of The Orchards. The Board is seeking your acknowledgment of this new timeframe. Please respond in writing to the Planning Department. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this letter, please contact the Planning Board Office. � Re �ectf I(I/yJ, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Steven A. Martocello East End Holding, LLC PO Box 336 Mount Sinai,.NY, 11766 Donald 1 Wikenski March 2, 2022 Chairman,Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex 51375 State Route 25 � PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11970-0959 4; f Ms. Heather Lanza,AICP P jnnlr�g �3fk aid Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold,New York, 11971 Re:Submission of the FEIS for 2495 Orchard Avenue,Orient, NY,11957 SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Ms.Wilcenski Attached is the FEIS as requested by the Southold Town Planning Board. we are providing the same number of copies as that provided with the DEIS submission. Included are: Five Copies for the Planning Board members a Three Copies for the Planning Department Office One Flash Drive in an electronic PDF format If you have any questions or need additional copies., please contact us. Thank you. 21 Sincerely, Steven A. Martocello yyf' 17-502-0101 1�, OFFICE LOCATION: F MAILING DRESS: 13 (Town Hall Annex �r`T �F $� w_ P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 ��' ,���" � �` Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING0 PA IC TOWN OF SOUTOLD September 1, 2021 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board has determined that more time is needed to adequately prepare the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Orchards Standard Subdivision and has extended the estimated date of completion to April 30, 2022. The reasons for the extended timeframe are the unforeseen impacts from the COVID- 19 pandemic. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Respectfully, mavt- y r llt-�w Mark Terry Assistant Town Planning Director cc: Bill Duffy, Southold Town Attorney Su From: alexmartocello@gmaiI.com b-F Sent: Friday, August 13, 2021 4:00 PM To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient- FEIS Extension Request o-c �� k „ Attachments: 'The Orchards' Request for HIS Extension 8-13-2021.pdf ��� Jessica, Attached is a request for Extension for'The Orchards'.. Please confirm that you received this email. Thank you. Best, Alex 631-291-2160 ATTENTION:This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 August 13, 2021 Donald J Wilcenski Chairman, Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971-0959 Ms. Heather Lanza, AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971-0959 Re: Request to Extend Time Period to Submit FEIS to Planning Board for 2595 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957 Mr. Wilcenski, We continue to work diligently to complete the requirements of the FEIS for 'The Orchards' Standard Subdivision at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957. Given the ongoing events and delays caused by COVID-19 and its variants, we are now anticipating the completion and submission of the FEIS by January 2022 and are asking for an extension to January 31, 2022. If you have any questions with regard to this request, please contact us. Thank you for your consideration. Sin-erely Steven A Martocello (917) 502-0101 Cc:William J Lahti, PE Lahti Engineering and Environmental Consulting, PC 207 Hallock Road, Suite 212, Stony Brook, NY 11790, (631)751-6433 Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 April 30", 2021 R,E1„„w E Donald Wilcenski Chairman, Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex '1r) 6p'dd i u°1� " 54375 State Route 25 an nhi g B o a PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971-0959 Ms. Heather Lanza,AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, New York, 11971-0959 Re: Request to Extend Time Period to Submit FEIS to Planning Board for 2595 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957 Mr.Wilcenski, We have been working diligently to complete the work on the FEIS for'The Orchards'Standard Subdivision at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957. Given the ongoing events and delays caused by COVID-19 we are asking for an extension through the end of the summer,August 31"2021. We hope to complete and return the FEIS sooner than the requested date above but cannot anticipate the delays we may encounter. If you have any questions with regard to this, please contact us.Thank you for your consideration, Sincerely, _ J Steven A Martocello (917) 502-0101 Cc: William J Lahti, PE Lahti Engineering and Environmental Consulting, PC 207 Hallock Road, Suite 212 Stony Brook, NY 11790 (631)751-6433 Steve Martocello PO Box 336 Mount Sinai, NY, 11766 Jessica Michaelis, Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 12/4/2020 Subject: Submission of Receipts,Cards,affidavit i Ref: "The Orchards" II Ms. Michaelis, Attached are the: • Certified Mailing Receipts • Green Return Receipt Cards • Affidavit of Notices • Affidavit of Posting(To be submitted prior to Public Hearing) We will be returning the Sign and Post shortly after the Public Hearing. Let me know if you need anything else. Thank You, Steven A. Martocello Affidavit (Notices) State of New York County of Suffolk The Undersigned,Steven A. Martocello(applicant), being duly sworn, herby deposes and says: The applicant sent notice to owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice was made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven days prior to the date of the public DEIS hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice included description of the street location and are of the subject property, nature of relief or approval involved,and date,time, and place of hearing. The applicant has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. I declare that,the information herein is true, correct,and complete. Executed this 4th day of December,2020.. Steven A. Martocello Affiant/Applicant NOTORY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of New York County of Suffolk SWORN to and subscribed before me,this day of c ( 2020 , µ ...., TARYVPUBLIC My commission expires: N (m, n f "h Ih�' If" ni ui illy r' pm ii xp �;'��, Thanks Steve From: Michaelis,JessicaU� , rk, Fv > Sent: Monday, November 9, 2020 9:11 AM Subject: RE: Public Hearing Packet That's perfect. Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email From: < .� -> Sent: Monday, November 9, 202 0 9:06 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica Subject: RE: Public Hearing Packet Morning Jessica, I can be there at around 1:00, if that works and will call you when I get to your building. Thanks Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 From: Michaelis,Jessica<r Sent: Monday, November 9,2020 8:33 AM uL4 Subject: Public Hearing Packet Good Morning Steven, The Public Hearing packet and sign are available for pickup at the Town of Southold Annex (former Capital One building). They will be on at the entrance outside, as we are still closed to the public. if you would like, when you get here you can call me in the office and 1 wi.11 come down to explah'i everything to you.if you would like to do that please email me, so that we can plan a daytime,. Thank you, 4 16. 1000-25-5-4 JP McLinsket Irrevocable Trust KT McLinskey Irrevocable Trust P.O.Box 623 Orient,NY 11957 17. 1000-25-5-5 Monique Holmes 22113rd Avenue Apt. 6M New York,NY 10035 18. 1000-25-5-6 John Mckasty Jay Mckasty P.O.Box 207 Orient,NY 11957 19. 1000-18-5-23 Richard Serra Clara Serra 173 Duane Street New York, NY 10013 Thank you, Jessica Michaelis, Office Assistant Southold Town Planning Department 54375 NYS Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Phone: 631-765-1938 Email: :;%. ldto From:samartocello@gmail.com<samartocello@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, November 10, 202011:27 AM To: Michaelis,Jessica<jessicam@southoldtownny.gov> Subject: RE: Public Hearing Packet Jessica, Found the Affidavit of Posting. It was stuck to one of the pages. No need to resend.... Sorry about that. 3 From: Michaelis,Jessica <jessicam@southoldtownny.gov> Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:33 AM samartocello@gmail.com RE: Public Hearing Packet Great,no worries! Here are the addresses for the adjacent property owners.Let me know if you have any other questions. 1. 1000-27-1-4 Appell Partners LLC 225 E 70th Street APT 8C New York,NY 10021 2. 1000-27-1-2.3 Orient HB LLC 173 Duane Street#75 New York,NY 10013 3. 1000-27-1-2.2 Orient HB LLC 173 Duane Street#75 New York,NY 10013 4. 1000-27-1-5 Stefan Feuerabendt Carol Huang 1404 Cedar Hill Avenue Dallas,TX 75208 5. 1000-27-1-6 Dorothy Berks 675 Holyoake Avenue Orient,NY 11957 6. 1000-27-1-9 Eve MacSweeney Veronica Gonzalez 12 W 101h Street#3 New York,NY 10011 7. 1000-27-1-10.5 Jessica Ginsberg 421 Classon Avenue#5 i Brooklyn,NY 11238 8. 1000-27-1-10.4 Richard Johnson PRT 440 W 44th Street Apt. $ New York,NY 10036 9. 1000-27-10.3 Avigdor Orlin Rivka Orlin 108 E 1st Street New York,NY 10009 10. 1000-27-3-2.4 2610 Orchard LLC 24 W 1301h Street New York,NY 10037 11. 1000-27-3-2.3 Brian T Fuhrmann Trust Maria Marill Living Trust 3201 Vista Drive Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 12. 1000-27-3-2.2 John Prizeman Diana Prizeman 131 Hicks Street Brookly,NY 11201 13. 1000-27-3-3.1 Fredrica Waschsberger Sylvia Newman P.O.Box 473 Orient,NY 11957 14. 1000-27-3-3.2 Peter Marren Margaret Newman 177 Duane Street#4 New York,NY 10013 15. 1000-27-2-2.10 Mark Ferraris Nan Zollner Ferraris 268 Eakins Road Manhasset,NY 11030 2 TE 012 At E. FARMINGVILLE 500 HORSEBLOCK RD FARMINGVILLE, NY 11738-1239 (800)275-8777 11/12/2020 11:16 AM Product Oty Unit Price Price First-Class Mai 1® 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10021 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155300865 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0763 05 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10013 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155300872 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0763 12 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10013 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301480 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 99 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter Dallas, TX 75208 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301503 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 82 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter Orient, NY 11957 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301510 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: OFOO ()Af)'f CZ'Son First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10011 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301527 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #; 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 68 Total $7.10 =irst-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 -ester Brooklyn, NY 11238 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301534 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 51 Total $7.10 =irst-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 -etter New York, NY 10036 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301541 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 44 Total $7.10 =irst-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 -ester New York, NY 10009 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301558 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 27 Total $7.10 =irst-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 -etter New York, NY 10037 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301565 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 10 Total $7.10 =irst-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 -etter Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301572 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9139 0765 03 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10009 Wefght: 01 ib 1.40 oz Estimated Del'ivert Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracke"rg #: 702012900o0155301558 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 27 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10,037 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mori 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 7020,1290000155301565 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #. 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 10 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 WeQjht: 0 Ib 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301572 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 03 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter Brooklyn, NY 11201 Weight: 0 1b, 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301589 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 97 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter Orient, NY 11957 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301596 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 80 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10013 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 10201290000155301602 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 73 Total $7.10 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 73 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter Manhasset, NY 11030 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301619 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 66 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter Orient, NY 11957 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301626 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 59 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10035 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301633 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 42 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter Orient, NY 11957 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail® $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301640 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0364 35 Total $7.10 First-Class Mail® 1 $0.70 Letter New York, NY 10013 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301657 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 28 Total $7.10 grand Total : $134.90 ,relit Card Remitted $134.90 Card Name: MasterCard Account #: XXXXXXXXXXXX0002 Approval #: 08669G Transaction #: 126 AID: AOOOOO00041010 Chip AL: MASTERCARD PIN: Not RP_171JirPd ;7J:9U :74U4 JJUL U/vM JJ Total $7.10 =irst-Class Mail@ 1 $0.70 -etter New York, NY 10013 Weight: 0 lb 1.40 oz Estimated Delivery Date Mon 11/16/2020 Certified Mail@ $3.55 Tracking #: 70201290000155301657 Return Receipt $2.85 Tracking #: 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 28 Total $7.10 Grand Total � $134.90 Credit Card Remitted . $ ,._ 134.90 Card Name: MasterCard Account #: XXXXXXXXXXXX0002 Approval #: 08669G Transaction #: 126 AID: AOOOOO00041010 Chip AL: MASTERCARD PIN: Not Required Due to limited transportation availability as a result of nationwide COVID-19 impacts package delivery times may be extended. Priority Mail Express® service will not change. Text your tracking number to 28777 (2USPS) to yet the latest sl atus. Standard Message and Data rates niay apply. You may also visit www.usps.com LISPS Tracking or call 1-800..222.1811. Preview your Mail Track your Packages Sign up for FREE @ www.inforeddelivery.co All sales final on stamps and postage. Refunds for guaranteed services only. Thank you for your business. Tell us about your experience. Go to: https://postal experience,coni/Pos or scan this code with your mobile device, ffim or call 1-800-410-7420, UFN: 352775-0738 Receipt #: 840-51170076-2-3259438-2 Clerk: 10 I a la fi Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Si at A Print your name and address on the reverse X ecidrressae so that we can return the card to you. l dd I'.Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) e of eGivery or on the front if space permits. Articl e Addressed to D. If Is delivery enter delivery address below. ❑ No Monique Holmes 22113rd Avenue Apt. 6M ° 3. Service Type ❑Prdomy Mall Express@ II I I I I III I I II I I IIII I I I II III I I I II ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered MOM ❑Certified Melt®Restricted Delivery [3Delivery d la W'Ramtdcted 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 42 ❑Certified Mali Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise '. Article Number(Transfer from,service label ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirrnatlon^" ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmation 1❑Insured Mall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over$-101) . s Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt ; m v� e m i y i u y� upp pig _ m v i w � �o�Ila� oia u"uurvRM 4 u Y,l l�"lp.0 AM1t v .l l-0,�vP i e l r'rl Corffliod Mall Fc in Ln "uiJ'a"f�sY ,aG', �a,7�nrwr68taa.m�?r�ru>5ai �mrup ',w�l�" G t. .d Retu m IRuaroaVp. gIhwdcopyw �,ji Gvtizacarrd diarmdprE(aYacWcronlr.N $ _ Pownad 173 „�IQ;arllhaw mall IIv�m9w�an ad I:]eYivary $ I 9 I A�f _ ' Here o Ad.ft Mynah ra R xpwl- V 1 2 202 L.�ftO:SlgiuAla¢e RWTACt¢ad IJwhtfuy s ,..... D' T � � TWO pat tro. arid i eM3s p or ;V O Se r T ru O uPr6 ar, t Ad a or F�u�do "V n 1 .....wld�Il "I�u rv�, VIU um r o- vv ads �i�r , F!rst-Class Mall Postage&Fees Paid USPS NrL Permit No.G-10 9590 402 5382 9189 0764 42 United States •Sender.Please Print your name,address,and ZIP+41a in this box" ' Postal Service n,.... � Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 #ell �a11/trill#1 resellN i�..illilrI�iNalii#lfi�e . mi#r unique Certifiedpardon malicious. a o, win receipt � d Mall Isbell, for — o.. provides the following @�er�e�tmla an electronic return receipt,see a retail q date for assistance.To receive a duplicate 31 Fleopro*verification of delivery or attempted rcp'uro rnrellol ror no additional free,Present this drrliveay. IUC'p0 i•PostnIstlia4t Caffiffed Mall recelptilothe ma ll'capriplont"a retail associate. sigh tura)tPazwtlsrdalncdbyIrrePaf alService RorlddarjdwWfyraarvlce w irfGhprrvlrtar for a agx6fioid laurfuar, dellivorry to the addIMSM epeci fod by nrme,or Important Reminders. to Ilia addrvmea a cutha lzed ageral. *YOU mn illdlarae Ceudfied 11n11 oravVco oltlr Adult slgnaaaa serlko,which requires the y't s9gnee to boat feast a p years of age(not ant , M rlrI,First--Clams.PackafpCaniccO, rawafahle all WAD. ac prrenty bli l ss rvfre, Ar}lalf stgmturs rrardxleted ddivory sonreica,rvwtdch as Certified Mall service is notavallable for regolre;,rho sryaaoo to be at Imat 21 yotara a6 np a International mall. and Pra olde,dolivury to Mc adrGsrda ar ePorrRruld nln�faranasC Iraguf,notnvailabfoforpurclance bynairmartolhoaddre a+i„authorlsarf,g onl 04111 CurtfWd Wdl surOrra.Iiauvovor,illy Purchwo (prat avfallablu it rd0j, nr 00rfrrwun�l fdad srrvica dee„nwr o nngo bin o"to oflwe dial your ced lltad Mtdp receipt Is insurrancc now ra fe aI,corr nii.nfly fnchfdde yrldr a qr c t d v lePatl raroaft of rn�arlinfl,b stinuld howa oertaPn Pnonry t„all lfnn . USPS posOnalrh.li you would Ilim a.Paralmarlj cn 0 For an rrdnition,al Inn,and ualin a proper° phi.,carCffrad malf roculpp lftn,,a preoent your andofnr meN on tho mraipulsca,you niay request corifficd rdull ittnoi at a ponk Cfecu".'for the foliawifip Imvlceu„ paatlum Mirag.[r y>u don't ucori a IourdrnA,on INS EEeNum r °rirat errvfec�vli9rla prOVI'Sks a nscerd Car MPd Wit recalpt,dotach the barcoded poriloo ufdcllanry(4fpclaad(npttruraaoilaient'ooladnnCwara,9• crplrlslcbuLa9iYnitdfrc n lipgare,�nr1y htru con rcqucc fl 961aa'al�cnpy futon rccoupf or bn aPprapaiate PBpg�n,an l dero[sft the rnoiffre�. olcoIf nao ver,�iron,Frr'a fiorlcup,y rolorla ranodpf;. a°cmplV'ta f'S Form"bift'1 C7e av rc,ldetarn I�`$Paa1(1f;�datG'Nk7l'r i°".�"R""tbrna p'ld 1 0 y0ro naadpans°a; IMP®9iTpNll Save this mcdpt for your records, PS Form 3800,Apol 2016(Reverser)PSN 7oaa.02�000.9047 1290 0001 5530 1633 i ) r,. / 9 is Complete Items 1,2,and 3. S(grrture P r t' Print your name and address on the reverse 17 Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addresses Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. R elved by(PHnt d flsal b e of erlivery or on the front if spaces permits. l AWis rticle Addressed to: _, D. Is delivery address diiferent from ite�I 17 13 Richard Serra If YES,enter delivery address beit�!�kf: ❑No Clara Serra 173 Duane Street 6"i0downsimmo 11 1�jI�II111 Priority 3. Service Type ❑Prio ❑Adult Signature ❑Regfsterac8 Meiln" ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Rpws4wred Mail Restricted 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 28 o Certified Mail estricted Delivery ❑a Certified Men4t1;Recelptfor ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise :. Article Number rt�ns8er from service label ❑COI ect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Conflrmatlon"m q ❑Insured MIaII ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Insured MIaU Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery (over$5t1'tk IS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt i ���� � e � 1 w � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII r- e a Ln h Vf Iutlm"u�� Vtu ICr� �+" rq M Csltlrm,,iAall Ln 1 L LLn d L7'8iu 3 P 71 ��9 d r^c Eli UJd ��u xrra Yrrl w a �. G_..i0ffirYvuxrWteApA (hamt9cj* r=l E]G?eharn Gies®Ip¢(01autmnlc) i. [„ Postmamy" %11 j Cba9rKed MWI R".h,ct-d neaC¢vrrry S.�.. -1..i..� 3 V�eUe _ C3 tDAdu,t9lendurert�. NOV 2020 r, 0 AdJU S111;9r"sature Restricted Defivevy a � f p 1 po kolp nj £x#ai Posaeg urr N I ece �� mm r,: 175 O m, ry/ O M",Y od' f team"Id" �d" 4�° .e ._j ..._.__._ _. ..._._........,.._...... „ .:.p ii w m iam w •� a. w., amu sioulli d r,,. ( ,• � mat'uei �+,, U First lass Mail Postage&Fees Paid uP ; Permit No. -10 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 28 Uniteds a Sender Please print sear name,address,and ZIP+4 In,this,bozo Postal Service Y Steven Martocello O BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 99 iJl 8 r��1 11 oil ji® ��®�i,®s 'F ®!��®, ®�1��i���� ►' �Geirtified Mail service provides i e following beiiefits. ®A receipt(this padbon of the Certified mail MOD. for,on olmllronlc relurn racorpt Moo rwrt li •A mque your w0pieee, o ocatit�n for atsirtlrnml,To[T,10ND a dvolicI le ®Elw ctnrulc srchkation of delivery or attempted rrlrrrrr noreir t for no nrrJ Intl er rMall,lcreopl to isa dutlynry. UP C i ircotrneihod Curflfiud Mall rcr,rrpt to U�1e •A moor,of+frally ry QruroludIngtho roo9trweot"c n sj,ail associate. wwch zd9naaur'li flint Co ant�nindad by tine Nola SoruI a" -Re"ivory d dolr aditrr,M sper4mo provides for pocttdtd p^frxwq. dclirn fe tkre c ddre-s eo peotCtodl by Hama,or to theaa°Aidrea�a,e oautkrorurod n^dent. frlaparaant flemindoro,' I>esiuttsignature erwce,wbO,remilres the *'your rn ly inli I1 wm o GeIbiled Mail splVirc vvldr z1flaeo to be at l au 21 yoam of arse(not Rr t-Ckusohtarlx iwr,*Cltlorrpor,',,,igo orvfce", avallableatretail) or Priority Mail-sarvca. Adullt1grOur rn,o'Brfrledsieihrory�rrutue mahNe'tr Corod d Mall service is notavaltable for rr qujaes ttta j(ploe inn Ire of lea:ll 21 ycar,of arpo International mail. 1 provkkz&Ivery In III od�dre see lsocwf�wed Yn�ul run�;uoauraga 1,,nirtcvailrabtxrf'or pnwclwyle tryorrmrs,rr to piru:mddie re"Mw roo4Yiewkxe�t ogeff valth Conihd Mad 13e Mcn&fo wovar tdr¢purcii4s So (nol avtriNafp[ t rc6aVip. of Cerbllod Moli oarvite doeu,not a horwda,ihi, as 10 mouse flint yorlx Collided Mall ror olpt I0 irrv.urranou ocvomga automatically inchafr b Will uoollptwrd oo Ieps„ql prow of rohtll irg,li chould brr 'a certain Priority Mail items. USN"purlilol"110e.it you vmuld Oka 11 po'no eh u!, a For an additional fee,annd villh a proper llil Corri led LIN retiedlvf ptcn;'a PflW'nt your endorsement on the inarJlp9rraf,You may request Coluilod r atail item at Fxlst o faro"°for kho fir°owlog e ac poofmaldwnp lq ychi iBpn q ncea4 a peg uarY ow,.aldo llalum rocei{rt soIvxfc'fall ch provide t w ord Gorllfucd W4 rcccilrt,dolnrh Ilia barundod poruon nt r+cgiraly(inv uffing th¢r rcc1p4roort`o 4dnaCnro�. of unrr,tahel ofur It fop dro m vdpleclo aprrly You f;nn vagatait a hardcrapy ret ni rooetpi or nn spIlTalulatr PMD'90,Noll dclrcoit 010 riariklcer,;. eroctrorft,Vfl0krn P'o:rnhnrder yrcturorec"O, comp oft PS Prison TI1 l ovow Vag;R&M lft,�.fj7C,RCUictr PS f'swrni 3811 to your Mj,4plert rst IMPORT'AKP Save this rocolpt for your mcords. PS Perm 3300,April 2015(Rev )PSN 7530-02-000.9047 tlp i e W Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. &g ture Print your name and address on the reverse 13 Agent so that we can return the card to you. Addres�ae 011 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Pdntec 0. Date f Del ry or on the front if space perm Ails. .._........ hint" cle Addressed tray --I ' m Item 1 � s i �" D. Is delivery address ddr,addres below. N Richard Johnson PRT If YES,enter delivery o 440 W 44,h Street Apt.4 New York,NY 10036 3. Service � , 0AdultSgnatureeRestrlcted dR Registered M � � �� Adult cce�pp DES De@[ver Mall Ictotmd t 3 Certified Mall® RefM1arra R 9590 0� 5'3 91 0762 4 0 Certified Mall Re 9cCs�d Delivery d @ercl�R..,W t to, ❑Collect on Delivery y 0 IOna@ure nli mn t@onr,, '. Article Number(7 from 9iervice label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Deli% 0 Sri +eture Con ❑Insured Mallddrraaa@lom insured Mail'Restricted Delivery Reatr7ofed Delivery S Form 3811, ❑ rssr@ 715 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 o mastic Ret.UM Receipt I li Ln t r ( e u7"r r m w a`a l ry ILn rwrU@did 6li&n,ll a Ln ^4Ik3 I"%"14YFt ginauir.l,4xbx,edd�Cew� aA�reyrtisafr{) „� .� Vw1 Re9vrn R®celpt(hmrdvmpyp $ p C1Re&uni Receipt(dectm"Ic) S,..,� „�.��� �',r���POI,tl7t�irl�'� °� � E]Certified Mail Resrrlated IJemrvJh�y�"' t rj adai asfUneuure Req.111J s �w AduEt Re StdneCura Rais@etea4 Y3aalhr®rya t C3 �rp roan Er " � tisR PmaRsrgl»�Ord i'�wca .. . `?�aA rr P nJ is "m _ O .�l �: "o a s .. _ t�� 17� p J pr d'Mr)». '�✓" _....� .,..,....." �_�_...tt' ._..,._.__... ..,....._...__........ G.y ( 6 m '•u m w - a. w..i . m 'lair �"� i ,. m t w l m" mr,u r eve r W� d R -Class Mail - Postage&Fees Paid LISPS w` Permit No.G10 9590 9 3 2 189 762 4�4 United States Sendier.Piea�se print your name,address,and �IP in this bort° Postal«.Ie Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 a ertifierl Mall service provides the following beriefits: ,A racclpt(Ibtlr wiftionof ma f.cddlod head labol). far an o eotroMr rebrjn real#rt„eon ua recall o'A unique Werrtiflerforyour mallplece. associate for assistance.To receive a duplicate a placlrowc vegrwatfon of d!elivauy or attampted reline rooeflat for oo Wdd W'.1t lee„preserot hits dePirury, 1A1PSk P-Ix narU4f Curliffod Mall remelpt bj Vic wa A record o'f dolivriy 41ncltrillnn Rho msclplonlc rotall ,rrlao9,ret+,. tif'r"nfeum)that Is WAnod by tho NAM!sorvkV, Rosifiviod hNIVery service,wwh8ch provido5 for a:;p tried p¢ordod, de&fuery to Clio sddramne spacUwd by starnon or 0o the rdd rsseu aouepoarcad bonl' ErrByao Bttdl h'arrrlsrrfrry Adult vlVnalnrr xrvira wdhsco roqutrus Itie pa you may putc#u u o cortrlhrd fdj.I orWket With &(grica to bur M WtM 21,yoaca a#ape#not firs>t-ClassMMID First-(gal,sPackaRroSewrron°s avallabterrtmial#). or Priority Mall y sarvk o. Adult arpn+9uro ra,ZcUl doilver'y rsurutco,avhicb su CerBardud Mall sorvrce Is rrwt avnihvbla.for mqulms Ilia aignoe to he at 21 years of age Intwational matt, and prowldae dotlarery to tho rW(lro7aat,aprotbed tnsiramce Gaaearape is rrtrt avaifable'Ior puirchasa by r'aarno,cr to the addre seo;;,,vthoftcd spculr wah Ceof ieat thall servkf's,linwTior;thew purc#t o (not rvozdabla at reta0b). of Cedifibd Matt cmvivo do not chnmgo Rio 7o remecro#b d yuna C rIY#dod lq ro hpt r #nsuranco eoroanaguw mkrnatfcatly Inclodod with accoptod as Mini proof of roAllntp)I slizuW bear a. m.elaio Prtoalty fAn[I itnuss. USIPS poUniark if you would paku a puzlinark on 'r Cbr an addltfomol fpe,and vwAh ra pruyrer ltaln(aedrbed Mall reccifo, prkmG mt rota ondorranuant on tho trindploco,ytiv rlroy ia,gonrat C'u3ridnad MrAl NIM sot a Post flft M"for the following Z spr& .a pustranarWrig.If youl don'T mart a racnt'mwl on Ildr -f3aurm moo pt.00rwimo„w hiah piowdles a rormrrd Certified Mni rocrolpin dat°oli the Iritcorfed posdnn ofdelu°rnry(inaludfuplhorocrplerr#sVj[4U1Ujr,l. ef#h[,Irabol;a9frxrttoMEoioalplecs%opplyr you can mqueat a Iasrrowpy raturn t'aoralpt cr oil appropriate pnsTeige„and depo:dl'fho meitpleco. OlEdranie Vomimn,txrr a Isurdcopy r'dur n roucipt, complete PS Form 3611,Ocol tslc�Return Receipt,attach PS Form 3811 to your mallplece; IMPUHTAHC nave this mcalpt for your mcords, PS Fom¢3800,April 201S(Reverse)PSN 7e30-02-000- z 7020 1290 0001 5530 1541 „ Fqm�plete Items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature ll,,Pont your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent w so that we can return the card to you. ® Addressee ii'Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) I C. Date of Delivery or-on the front If space permits. » Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 17 ❑Yes „_,.. Avigdor Orlin If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No Rivka Orlin 108 E 1st Street 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mali I"xprosse 13❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑tt istared Mall Restricted I` II I I I I I III I II I ❑ACertifled Mall® ❑Dag1v vary MaIM 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 27 ❑Certified Mail Restricted Denver' o � pt for ❑Collect on Delivery Article Number(Transfer from service PaGaed' ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery El Signature ConflrmationTm ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Conflrmatlon 1❑insured MWi Restdoted Delivery Restricted Delivery (over$50g s Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domeutk;i"tetum i"tec d t i CU ) e Ln mm tt � K!it a 4 f"a y, O rn �rtiale� lit t C� r reTt 4rio��ta�wao,V� 6!�m�r�� , ,r ti pT' .I 17 R�OW"I VideoGpt do .¢py) '� ..it ( ReeMn ReceNpl(asVanr'RlmMe) P agm rk C3 J Carmed Mauawaatd d r oWay $-- iz t r ” 14grrr A dw6x S,gnetu m Resaxbllndmd t'1e8WN IEr cc w ru 'rCAtrVl r"�"�'tdC, 'Wnd proa t aa ru �C� \� � tit C m pd rtr � T na Pry qre m w uii i. a � , V, �' USPSTRACKING# Flnt-Mass Mail Postage&Fees Paid LISPS lull L".. Permit No.G-10 I 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 27 United 'Sender,Please print your name,address,and ZfP+40 in this bs x' ServicePostal Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 13I111 Jill]Jill Jill l�li111II1lIIfl11II���'III11�111I,II�II.Jlliii� 43 I �I� , sRu m u) t� I t gptu �ti�4% IrF a I�'f zanrvq^+F vu"av�`¢v t V _ . l 6 Fla tiwPm 4das°a�l u0 QpnoaueV��p��Y� � ^. N� BG'�Wa9tlfluu;aatladN��iVI�VaNeoAuRa.�I�rA u.AW»IIVv"rtarJ '� ,._.� „ry "101111 .rk. ,aBuaNB IlxpwwaOVaund lF¢�cauuYur¢$ u ;,yy �as9r.�y,yCWP 9tm�rra Fku, ri rvak ii.�lY�mso�r� k Erru ya laa1��^ �u�p rLl OfrrrcYaar' P RVca,: s ^1I IaIIP�i, N 4 a I a MII 7020 1290 0001 5530 1558 '�` .. „I����i i�i® ® e S al iw' Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature I Print your name and address on the reverse X L Agent so that We can return the card to you. _ Addressee D li livery or on the front ifs ace back of the mailpiece, ed by(Printed Name) C. Dat of D livery B. Received � � � �� Attach this card topathe bper of D.Is delivery Ardcle Addressed to: address difiere t from Item 11 es Dorothy Berks If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 675 Holyoake Avenue Orient,NY 11957 3. Service Type ❑Priority❑Adult Signature ❑RegsteredMallTm Q Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Regfdomd Mall Restricted ❑Certified Mall® Deliivery 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 75 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise Article Number(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConflrmationTM' ❑Insured Mali ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Insured Mall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery' {over SOW is Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domesti^cLqtum Receipt rq � fl e u-) .. a m i ma m Vw w V� L n w C3 Ill Ida rafird fA Gl 1 x Lr) � . Lr) &:z l r'a"�x7rviue x� sh,swat dauwx✓� d Pnu r+�r��r�r a"7iYerp _p wec YWl Ratum N r@erhtia¢it RR! 6IR�n¢tctcaa'c ellver ?,� 9i�i..f r3 y 1 Here i 1.8skvAlr�[grrnirsrr Rrcg,�alrr.Sw �.-ri-� Y u) ”' M 't 0-A ft'W..Re-WOW naomw r r C3 ON Er rU r — �� pg .e at P{r51aa'a end�;eP l Bl .o ru 0 rrdrla�d � _ t. ! grl U 4� First!-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USP L Permit No. -10 9590 9402 5382 919 0762 75 nit StatesSender,.Please print your name,address,and IP+40 in this bo e ServicePostal _ Steven cll PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 Certified n rMail� r serviceceagI P vines time kir following a� �� P 1rm eneitt�: U. A urafrgrfo tdurgRrdlee for your r�zatplooe. a,^r DCr l tn far art i tarfaur1.�o r(ca:'w"a a riuplIIca ta��cptrgnfo vorlf�oodon of donvo or otlernp9od rut yr t rccr Ipt for rfo adr111 orhal den,pr¢a�arrot Clrls ddrliuory. E%lp5+ peslgrarkerffarl9�tlo�tlhtadlreca(ptflo'tuo A fecord of dollvauy prju,illog#,f rrralpdord',3 r'c'lymil a,.yord dl,o, r Ipfrattrrro)0"t 0a r'a rudest by ttm t'es4j3 Srir&r Ga rwlc%armluch lNovIdt", fora`,PcMad tpajod, dekwory to Vlo eddro oasis ciffod Igruirrarr,or d,"raWAVrrk Rca'fndery. to 1110 addriessee,orflfaonzed aaf.1rrof,. w lyaar maiay riurcfra^.o Caddied h4ollwrvnaico wrtCdt Adult w8�1 aoorrud uervf�sr wlifol FOUlrus�IN Ff rok-C&aa fd°rdI",r�€:t f,0aa a Iaaao np+a 5mrwil I akpnpo drr he,It Iaa.a3 21 yrn""a�r,4 W Do f prs1 or PoorlyMa�rlr N,arrrpr,a, avaalP,lalo at mfal�,. my Gr rlftfod fda;lf aerrdce is notavallafga for. Adult 5 pratature rocfrfrfcd rlaPdvary aerwpcWpa vrl dc�t�a ruts rralaui nal mall, f'oaofrr tim wlpnee Iw do it,faa E'f yr ans or age arid fdf rriraro e crarrai,apc Pia naalav a ha*for Parini ha,D by wirrrni or to strraai�daV �s as to the Ids razed agoat willhGerwirdNkilt,rarwdca ,Illupurrlpara (no f.avefpalafoatrara&fl). salGcrGPflydC'rinfPa�rwloorYiap°saotcpv�p�aktac � a°�oa ooc¢aueYrarfo aadgrnraCrraYrl'yYoeludcd vmtffa To ilfis aro fhut yoorcv lifiod 1JIai7 roarnfpt la c(rfain Priority Ida id r&frrnr, aoca�r ad t a Jeglat pjrDr)f Of Will0 A afruutd boar Fin'oo adddriirterl ford,,rnd WM„r propor Iu HS pn�trfmrk fl you maid 4ka a fau tinard Do r.^irdor;orracnk oil the nlMpd(,,i;%yaws away ra ld o01� Uf la Cefterl fond raacoippt pdr,aoo yaro sat+'Julr ttde fallova(dip sorvieaaa, cel IIU04 fdalf tarn at a f10"g ojft r-o`for .dournjrcNpr!auir,Iwv+hrrddprrrtrlrf s�n o,rrrl' flol5hil'M)6ad.Idyoudorr°Beaemktrprnatmarp�ora a cf aadlvody Ifild ad'hlo tIIo rucr a(rau1 ,d roafrarrp', o k(Ipod llalP r d.elprfu dehuofB lh[la,raostad pfir'tlon You ara rc are+ 1 S d of It kl Ubol,affda it to Bhrr afnapgilec.,df pp. cliacmilIcvoraion,Fo¢aalIardoopyWffrr11!b` prr�ulaak Mi ptrroprlakcpo,laftc,aradclop attlla drnatitnrrar, crmlalulaPSlrrrr¢ru';f',511 :ttoFprr'drrrra dyaooh al,°aft rtr pS Form;9 i 1 l Vdvirpr+1a,your marYple e, 11"PURTM SAVO INS llwdpt fair Varna MOrdL PS P'rreen 3800,Apad9 P.a1S(PdsvaM)PSN'7.�,".2-00GQG47 7020 1290 0001 5530 1510 u ° } ,f o'J - Complete Items 7address . A. Signature `�' cy C9/Agent S Print your name on the reverse ' co 4Q 4 G ( 0 Addressee so first a Carr rard to yot�, w qt I f dh*i to the back of the mailpiece, 13. Rstx ve d by(PtInrted Name) C. ofDelive ry orvo� lhe'�ont if space perrnits. I. Article Addressed to D. Is delivery add d{f fertt from item 1? Yes 2610 Orchard LLC If YES �n r dei rry aoldre below: p No 24 W 13011,Street New York,NY 10037 3. I I II IIII I I I I II I I I I II II ❑Adult S Priorityvice Type 0 ignature ❑Reglaersd l e Mal aa4 II III I I II I I p Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Re gftered l�WI Red prod ❑Certified Mal® De V 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 10 ❑Certified Melt Retrioted Dellvery ❑Raturn Rocelptfor ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfinnatlonTM 2. Artidle Number(rransfer from service IabelJ ❑Insured Mall ❑S10natur.Confirmation ❑Insured Mall Deli R stxPoted Delivery (aver 5U 3S Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt r, Ln Ln Vup r miuiil C3 m - .... — .. .. ° ..... Ln Fw1Nn r-3 El P:Immuama 4'aco4m lawuIc u 'ct ' II„tlN 'y C3 V]AduaYt°mumruavamxrrrmnfxmurrmd S V i iIN � n� m nA�ntYr 8 ouroauuauaVu'kawallinU�rtllimmVPmaway n7"w Er $�N II m 01 tt rreb e m r va i �� rq ru C3 a rrr" ru Lk -3 d'rttrhtrar� �y4b ca� IPta¢ra First:Class Mail Postage&Pees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 5382 9189 0765 10 United States 1 Sender.Please print your name,address,and ZIP+40 in this box• ServicePostal Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sin ai,al l :1 1111i11�11�)ll,irhnll i1111,�1t�i1111:1llilllllllll!►111111111>> Certified Y mill sertrloe 1provi es the following benefits: receipt(this portion of the Cartf®ed Mail local) for an oN:honor:rutum rocolpt are a ralatl av A unique Identifier for your mallpece. aaa'orratr lot as.,imaricu To racnivt a duptic°r4o Electronic verification of delivery or attempted rareluam rocr Ilal vor no ttddihonal No preaont thto USPSO-poalanarl"r1 GVttgmal Wifif rare lPtto IN delivery. retail late. e A ensued of dahvefY(tnuluddng Ica reopienrs rlpnaturml that Is rctalnuud by fire Pristn3 Service � onjV lry 1 delfwarY malrvico vacua ll pby wj�d for a sfwolllad pnrtod, to glory la tkro adttrr ue alrrcdlod by naarua,or to tfta addrr ,zea a authorizeai arni. Imayaortala apFra arW: Yuduatt,,glnatRr:raderdrujr,vrlilaaitqu@uez.the ma you may purchaa'e tyraalillud Mall ranrvlca wflit '=4'q v.1 to hn 0 leml 21 YO=OF aqn Out Firrft-f1 lAil,Flr l Cl'a�sf auy�ngo gorvipe ava iinulo at ra"trill or17rantyN9wIFrn enaarr muif ign'nlummti lt;Wddcl'ivei1 SONfCc,rul01rh Cerurlud Mail ate ha Ia cuePavfsla,hlo for p'equsrc,df o eagnce to ha at lea 121 years 01 aka 9rthsnnurtaonal nua&I„ and psividca dellvera to lite osddtmsuc eparliud het umflce aovmrapa io flotovnlla blo tar pu rchisw by name,or to the+ddru=e'o outhwi€ud Rc,ant, +wvrlfa Cerhllmd Dd d tarvlu,o.Ha varVer,R181 purcha.,o Indt avrallocle at umtaudl of Caaillla.rl Nllia� does not cluruge the rn 10 ap5urc that yeah Corlillod fkde mleuipt la wn aursJacm etmararn+Yo nudnupglk c,,9ly inafudaat wud h ercrrpti.dl ,lgnl,proof of mripawury It hr.it a r-pran1n Houly Man berm" lt'SPS paztma*-It you va mbi ldo';a p lanartaon av For Uri addltiohal feat and rvrptft u1 proper qP N alfihad Mall recatpl plmaza preat h':your cmlu'seuu^fit 031 tltm r1nFrffPlc1'P'you suey rogar t (,orlihod Will mnt of a pot office"Mr lho lol'lnvring cervica,: pedmarl augi R ytau don't nrad a po Utrnrak on MIT, Satumrdcelplrar i a,Widdhprovidersarer,ard turf edWitToC41,dnkaoht�lumhuccra dylartfort of,dIMIvm";,f(inclu&q t1w m6pfanl s aAgrtahi m) of fhs in004 oils ht to 1Mea naatllyu ,unplalY Wu can rotyuart a hardopy rulum rroe[fu ear ou alrproprtale lirdogo,,aod du rmsit tiro npatlphNO- alemtron!o vQaalon'for a imlet opy i°ohim recolpt, rurprrin T)pS Rem 3811,Vc;va frr,Se turn ffmnWpt,,anntt PS Farm 3811 to your mailplece; IMPORrrW.Save this racelpttor Your records, SS Foam 3800,Audi 2015(Rees )FSrd 753 -000-9047 _._ ............ ..... 7020 1290 0001 5530 1565 f Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature,R ® Print your name and address on the reverse XAa, , so that we can return the card to you. = Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. e v y(Printed Naha°) ate do lively or on the front if space permits. _ , Art6,c)a Addrasssed t«a D. Is delivery adder different from item 1? 0 Yes _.. , If YES,enter delivery address below. ❑No John Mckasty NOV 16 P0 01 Jay Mckasty P.O.Box 207 .a ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑RReMail Expeasa� 3. Service Type ❑Priority ❑Adult Signature Cl Registered Mall^" rrsdd Mall Restricted 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 35 ❑❑Cerrffied Maalli�Restdoted Delivery ❑Ratm Recelpt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merorrandiss 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmstlonTR ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Insured Matil Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over Ciro PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domesd®Return Receipt ; C3 N uu w• , 0 ..__116�.—___,...._..�,..__frt r"+�ritild�arl�+i til���5 Ln 8t&'a"rS �wu I r r3a f f t,c k&amrt„aAcfcP tag ua dv�sr�rd1aya(vxPaJ , �, d E-1 Return Glewfpt Qraard,wpyi '. i I tmtuvir a'Pe. prA Iaxlr3u4a�wtPrp ° f Fl a�,�7ratiwk C3 A jCwtMedMaJI tdk9tdldSMrae¢a,rruy $ _ r �� uteri C3 A auft ulggpra.ra la®cq,, u3 s , .. ar dl t'&6 lratul a I tda.Meted Dally y I p d�urtnelc i I rU Tdtstl q�ce'Ca3c es rW l c a_ , � _. n yrn c p 6 O Sort _o ru �-L Q. rt "MY " d � Fr,� lRt 4Vra rra�`LdG�f,a„q i tllq rw'�i �'7„ u.i Nex's'vwU rR auui iu�iiiii . USPS m R I G IMFR21�'l v: =No.G-10 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 35 United States 'Sender Please print your name,address,and iP+40 in this box* Postal Service ..................... Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NgY( 11766 Certk @` l... el i e Provides the f a@uerarrirslad,benefits: mcifil ed War oiir��d�Ptrl �der�o� A uraigw I lurid ier for yarafr armjlpalaaarR atald @a@ uC. Fi: aaauiaiv fra11 rrn�ud n e lu rr;cudva r cftuGallrnpF^^ p. °a�a rntall aar�aa@ear @u yapr@raaut a NP dwIvery ur a@@urnpturt rahaaYl raaafpr M a e�0 0didadr+onaa to a,aaau�6a1 @tlad aadarun d vPeii� pu&rr nrdrtf Urtddtad 'all ruuc@pt��thra aua rrrxtl ut aW ldwary iinaladlaauy tta6 r udpli n@"t ra%a@R of mo slgraatrara y @draf is ratnlmad ray llta paakat aQ,l,- RMIrdCRk d dialdvpry rjfl,Ntsa,wv@rpah provides far a apaardisr&pr,rfnrf. (@intoe ry to tfaa rdrltu os Sraa�.allad by oarnvp r)r ddda,P011011t eflV rdasz to has arddru,aaa a aaugdrnulcrtrt adrr.a6, ayma may paaa^trr.;ra tifiM Pt.,N rUrvfra,vkllr Adult afkpantura aa':autca,w6urRa raquerrt�thin Irr°t(EarnMal"nrmmmKM,napuSeljj�nlr, pnp�.io@rapIBu kdCyya"mrtd�arir+(rr)@ or 1'r@arilya'm air sarvdrad, arr,platlra ar ra M), sa Guatrfiutt NOW swuk"pia a!a artravaklaral'a fair ftjR@ ai�na@ura remtrfct,,t9 rfrd'ly ry gar Cca„uvprduPa Ial@ rnaali nmFianld rrcpirla•a.;rtdursa4rprr+,ra'YobtitfoacEyly+;rra[rYa rr m,dry tar a7na 0vaF80 ra nolavabtat,for purrbaa rr la, PTQV rur I a wertayt to fray@S Willirs @rya @tanr ra d spent @ mAtllfi Sul P eali s r�akc Haaaarrar«dray paarrPp a inmt auatlraY 1®at raa�CaOh� rcaf C nrYadlaaf 9 tnld arvar>a 60 not cRaauag,�tiro Ta a aakura fRaat yagar r quad pt yap rrr dpd 1> au uratacuuanutnrram taatuaralCcaNlyCra BudrdvaNltp ur@ asn prlgrfPy Ptapl Ihtraa,� rcraapa aelans CrgMil yprnaf of rrasrRarad,It,shpaylri burar it Far arr sdad+pdrn fr fog,,grad vmV@dl au parup r UPS 110"tin"wk Ir ywarr wtwaauddr9 f(l%!a praaarmardc a¢a a¢tars rrauro4 all @9tu adfpriurs yriuuayrr.ases@ CulfrclifeaddR mif ra4&I ®tiDPti a�a'furradWartr @xada Rmlravwutup ranla,r<a:. 33rRuraa nac.rraf er ruaa,y hrs!r parcrul da.,as auuurakuhrf i�dadldscd rparndpaP, fatty Iiha pdarcudrrrl pnrC ua rrR IrlPvary�upcpuhaaalhprp rlp@an@saadrrulurai. gdddalalahu@ rfpixltCalfaarana?ipfmap„apoly yruaauirrgtragR hrfr umpayraEumrt ulyaCurtas apprtrprdatcpasdalla,arnsdapusi@thuaaaRlpluara„ ^"•tun@raadr Uur Bart,R rar r'a hnrrpnapy ru@parry raualp3, uurrapltad'a p,r%rrea t11'Re�a srs PtnRrrrrr tCnr� CattacRrpSFarrar3tttfR�yaparrraraflp�uurs WORM Sa-thig;emiltift lee your moognis„ PS a OTT 3800,Ape®2015 yR vorMta PSN 7690-0?_000.9047 —„ �._ 7020 1290 0001 5530 1640 �. rt d plate items 1 2 and 3. S° a�"re " (—)v ❑Agent krsrY your name and address on the reverse ,.i �� „,� so,that we can return the card to you. � � ❑•Addressee E Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B eeefivad �'(Printed ltNrrra)bac r ri Da of Delivery p front if space perms f _." 11 '� or n the fro 1•,Artdpka idr d RD, D. Is defivory address dine nt fnahn!e 1? "f Orient HB LLC If YES,eater delivery a stress b low: No 173 Duane Street#75 New York, NY 10013 VI R d 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mall ❑Adult Signature ❑Registered Mall- El Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑R aterad Mail ail Rsstriirtad ❑Certified Mall® Do very 9590 9402 5382 9189 0763 12 ❑certified Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Return Rlecelptfor ❑Collecton Delivery Merchandise 2. Artl6te Number f7rardsfer fr m service label ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmationTm ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Irr sured Mall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over 02r PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic IRetu m :Receipt �m �d N O am m f M C MJ 1 `;� Ln F�"ttsz�,�Krtrt,��s1 la�n,r sorr�sr»� vdbvra�ts,mlµaw�r�lrrrrp � u F�0Irrr t eMlpt QFrxra#e.opy? ^' 1 i CRu9uur 6?tx•rolpar(¢rlaactraanIC) a"�.,,,,,,,I C'�3 pUE",tJ�Pk C) i arrtftd Mall ResbiaW rldvwy t � � - I-fcmrp s L.J�uudt,IGnature Rnquhd $��, .. k t ao t"' gyp �Pzdoa@t Gdr�rrm9ure Ytan�4ffcateu tbnnllva»ay�„ R �•„, Q i'�4'WGI'rlgp. * Er @ flya � tl"as@:�tl�cFl,rager-an ul fatr�w II rt m t� 1 a C3 13P m�a7 ru tnm cut,Pdrl ,r7 "r;c+ a01 M , US PSTPACIIING# 'rat-Cal"Mail 8,Fees Paid 0 G10 P USPS Permit=N 9590 9402 5382 9189 0763 12 United States Sender Please print your name,address,ancrz—,P+411 in this boxe Postal Service Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 . . ........ Certified Mail service provides the following benefits, ft A receipt(this portion of the GarKed Mail label). Wr apt olodmnw reWro rarxJpt,sgaa fntall *A Unique Weather for your mallplece, associaW For aiWsIancu-To Hicnive a dup[jw1le *Eloclyotuc verilicartlon of delivery or attempted r alum recOdt for n a RIMOnal W1,pru ww thil, deflVeR. WPM,-PQ0D1TbW Cbrlr[W Wil roc,eJpt to jttp 09 A rtxord of dolivory itncluulirg the rer.41cra's ralnH RSSQ'160" .Miaialuro)Mal N rejqn,(rju Ily ljjp poeWj Sorvlcr pruvfdue by name,or parlod, to nd B11clif. ImPortantRomindery -AduJI s1grillura service,which requires the ft fww purrft�,sa Crrtjjdtrj pAjd Vgvj(jj Wllh S191we to oc w least 21 years of age(not NMI-Mizz MA",Mrst-DIass Pdrklgl�SerWrm", available at retail. OF pfirMy Wfl Servi("e N CiAlied Mall rwrfte is notavallable forrequCmsra ho w te3 t 2l ya@Lpt Ofgq, 111twflatkinal mail, and psuvitI ds4,wPry to 11W adOre=,'o cpQcified InEHIRM,L UVEMN Is FWavaIW1WTuT purchase by n8p1Q,or fi)tha went wild COMW MA W*x.-,HowavoF,the pturrjjasr (tult avalkil"AL,at rw"Nji) Of Cfffil"N'tI Mail rurftto War,not Oapgq the a In ag%ua flM your rcrijifoal ijef"rrcapk lq IDSVrAM0 COVK49a RtgOinflkilly Indurltd wide rx corlain Pdodjy M,111 itor-31% aepInd oi leflal Pra'Df of MWEng,R 01011,1d boor a xv USPS ims lmad U you Vloij Id niw a tjuarmark orr For an additional fee,and with a proper IhL CD040d NL'Ifl MoMPI,I)INMP pmsenl year endorsement an the MWIPlece,You may request CpNflhM Mail Nom nt i NxA Office"for the following services: vehich WAIDU M d RAIG,If VOU dRII'l 11 110AME0,an M4 GrOlfird WH RMV,WWI hO parflon or de#vury IfndWirig 1110 sufjpjoflt,�safinaluro). mnra apply AIR rj,��cjpi or or, appropoute posted,„ 0f is Who uvallpionp. YOU can rariuv5t a hardupy rr and�j u ft e eleclrorft qer,inn,Fora hirdcnfPj rchim Torojpt„ QomplaU3 Nq form 38 11,noajgsjfr perujrj &WOW,'Mar,h PS Farm JS$I M y*urFTiaUpi%,e; IMPORrAffIft Save this Feedlot for your rmr&. PS FOMI 3800,Apdl 2015(ROVOMO)PSN 7530-02-000-9047 ........... ..... .......... 7020 1290 0001 5530 0872 ............................................ Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature r '*Int your name and address on the reverse X ❑Agent so that we Can return the card to you. ❑Address , Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name_) C. Date of Delivery or on the front If space permits, 1. Artdltr�drsad tD; . ........ D. Is delivery address different from Item 1? ❑Yes John Prizeman If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No Diana Prizeman 131 Hicks Street 3. Service II I III I I II I I I III I I IIII J I I II I II I III II ❑Adult Hype ❑Registered l Express ❑Adult Signature ❑Priority Mell*� ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ❑Reglaterad Mall Restricted 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 97 ❑Cartreed Mail ReWoted Delivery ❑Calvary acelpt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandlae Artlole Number(Transferfrarm service taboo ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmal ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Irsarud Mail RostrictedDellvery Restricted Delivery (aarrre silo ,s Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt _- nn s c0 ILn e m r a m:L fir§ v 4. muuiuVw`m wm m m +:,er"Blind-FALD f--5 : . ...._.... ._�. 8 l Lrt 0 Peh e�FW D I u Q{ s m tier no ;a �r�rax Y1CVIc�9�` ral5s a9a¢w h'Crtin aa��f,�u,��na,y'tai rr r� ._. N r�yb s °I tatmmntk 0 ' Cert�'.-U MaN f-HoR�&r%aled D aNve 5 Flare Aduttglgna7ure rdestrir Rene A:dllysiry S � Er� ka �g a amd Fa� �rU Asa . l7 d O cr aanvl p t Ala, r Awry ✓° _.._._ rr rs1i ................. m um ioi, M li„ w d n 0 m 7020 1290 �001 5530 1589 .� USPS TRACKING 0 First-,Class Mail Postage&Feet Paid USPS Permit No.GA'D 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 97 wdss� United States a Sender:Pleaseptint your name,address,and ZIP+40 In this b3x-- Postal Service Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 Gera d Mail service p m:l%v,des the following erne �t *A reGelPt(this portion of the Cooed for Vt'I roall a 00C'Ail *A unique identifier for your Enwlploca, C, t for no add&nat lov,presoll,U*'� ectro 11 is E nit Vedfift ca of defiverY or attempted rown ftrl ip )-p uqpstl' o'ntmoswt corRod Wit rU,41 to It"' Einvoly, atstlaszw"61tc- Yewrd t I the tedplcnl'a dnWry=140,Which pmAde5 fiQ jjvL,ry ko it,8rjdFpsso DVLciumh by nc,,W,or fora apar,"rhed PUMEL to 01P WthVOZwd DE10111 ft"Porta at RCRI100're. -Adult 1140W'hjrj crrioo,whk"h ruquj;pa ilift a You uns,y pura4l"J's `Q"MI si� C'Miliod PAW1 serom 'p1gc to he at if"a"A 21 YLOTS par'KU00 SONWO' avad'bloal frlajb. �,py uvr�jcti,whl4i, or FTWrity p,taiVl service. AM' tAed u Lav to CeFfli I r a mail orvice is not available for �111k e,.i�'I;1111!I;",q"rc�to 110 1�1 Wal 21 YmO M IND oHldaruWdcmdClfwcrytrnlhcwddra pr,,qpaG;jod V'101blo Inr palchil,� iv wmB or to ijui aildrezae"'� 1 0 folallp. i�,'i",il 20 �11�11!"l.HaveUVI P 04 f" rge,j l�;Eij n wse does oot chanqa firEB n To onsurathat YOM Cluni4i0d end sr redyarl.; ujo%111!slly I ncivrki d WD g'jf'pIrnl ar iep'll,proof of 1118r11s14 ft dtrjEjW bear a Certain Priority MEW horns Usps po"MIIIA.11 YEW WOUId idiots El Pw vurxk On J'aroma JEJEfitional fee,mid VA rj proper lhi,�Darbili-ld WA rpj,pjnj��pr!�SuYrloWiWr on the Vml rnay r8qUPA Cc,�t ilWr 0 tl Itom at I po�j lip ft)j[Wjn D It you don A d a 1=1 Wtffl thtc -notuni T1xcVm'rVlrV'WINEJ1 pmrvkku�a larovil curtuird N11 all pwfttl of Ejii�vq�qy plt,jsg1j Dd ulis Wid,afl�q It to tine HMAP[Emo,apply'(61'1 can rL pour,S1"t npj4JC0i)y rchjM NXTEIA Or III apprOpTIMIJ I)MIDW,2,Rd(hitineit the MaOpiuto. rftcb Djjreo vpg,,jon,For a IrAcapy ralum rou60, CORTirilts K�Riffir,Inj 1,Dxm'Xir HOW) �3oli IMpoirrAerp Mod Po Vorm .Save this pt for your records PS F.rm 3800,Apo,2015(Reverse)PSN 7630-02-000-9047 7020 1290 0001 5530 1589 Complete Items 1,2,and 3. A, 3igr�'�� ✓ W*,, Print your name and address on the reverse '" °` ❑Agent so that we can return the card to you. ® b�° 'ems . ec 6 i"Printad Name) C. Date of Delivery Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B S ,,�b or on the front if space permits. _.ote Addresseed 1. to: ... ................ D. If ® s delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes Orient HB LLC YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No 173 Duane Street#75 New York,NY 10013 3. Service Type ❑Priority Mall Expressf II III I I II L I I III III III I I III 13 Adult e Signature Mal Restricted Delivery ❑ i Mall Ree ❑ 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 99 0 certified Mall Restricted Del" ®t atum nexWpt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merc'henrllse ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑5sg'natturo Cot)I�grnr 2. ftrt4cle Number(ftnsfer from service 1e17el) ❑Insured Mail ❑signature 4 c y116 ❑Insured Malt Restricted Delivery Restricted Deliver t'curir PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Douneo�teturn;Y C3 s a CO moi ITl M lrfi 9 tMla.id(ura . _� __ tJ a q^ LnLn t' y. .,,til¢o'Sarvie.c3 dYf'�,c� y�l Rrstuvtt dianaatrt.IFeactca7YMW7 � .... �:"' g � 6� i�Return lTvaM. pt(®ledrntld) y C3 �,,,,,,i Ceurtinesd Mall Fl wtdcte d Dellvaryt b 11 h H � h—Mult Signature Mtaqulmd $ E I I dJ4 gnratura Cl Yrtcteatl lLrrrllvu¢y 3 ....... ...... P," . O f�a rat aga . ,r t.i Z' Er r u r TctnGt��Ft$ a stiff# ec f3Lhd r, t rut zzx' 0� xr9 �._ 7020 1290 0001 30 _.55 -_. �.. 1480 l First-lass,Mall Postage&Fees Paid M V` " �� Permit No.G-10 111111111 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 99 United States a Sender:Please print your name,address.and ZIP"+401 In this hey;* Postal Service Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 A receippldees sorb for you ra Certified C@ CabeQ, for an I�t ry dc'r t rec TO�u� "o a lv Gewttfted Mail sew-vice rovi t' ii er a ,�. ap re[p Bra ra thf, �Electronic vartprafiior of do@Cvery or attempted rrtrrn nsrr„�;pt for no Yrdd@@awrnl foeo tarewrart thra de@hrery. CiSR9 peels ntadted Certlg97+,d tvin t rr¢rcdpt to d)jj� mm A rowavad rd dehvory[gi,cUud"urs,q the r,,dpucud:^ aot rh rassactaAa, rtgrrharnp ghntdc rogr]ned by IN AY.Aad Sapnce- -ttrstrh ted detruery a,arv@re,urdjdrh tanvuddevs' for aara Triad poncd. dohmry W ghc arlatrt,uc cPrrlhrud&ry raarsao,or ImportanfReminders, In fix ddsara a„araullloricudattorg. a Yiau"laypasuc@r ya Crrtandr,�r�d trtodd rrr ier wsFh A dW Oflarium srrrseo„,iftlk regokL'K y@s!a of PrimHy WifaaFiaoC Claa.'r C!'tai ,�fur.I S,C,iae I r Sra&dra Som!'curry �dgdine to beat dutsad t yrame sat ar}be gdrt swawic�a. �aVaila019 al irrdoll). a Curt@tiuxl CdcFl,erarr c di,ra�r ta wtk¢.Ca@n for _AdWf oI d rra@sare re,bU on delivery reuv@:o,whjr,�Fa iraNgnratioeat ar ld. rer@udree Ahc elttuarlo gar a, sa g 21'yu^ots of puUe alc,rarrsrecrrveray d rrNI'V4194letorrauareFra,ra byCI rovldes nrime,ortalAYi rl to utrrChrreorrssdhprixed�ori@rr5t �m dlh C urhbrd CaCrt@ cr&a ktuaveaae,Aare qurchad a (raut aruah�ah@a tt6 rrRorl,@m of rrnj Pdr rN M,dg wa v9rr,Barra out cdrpnpr gdre a TQ rraaanc that your Crarhrrrd k wul mcel@aA ad cerl'�scsr r oty Wit nap rarng6m tN@y wnctreiduisP rrsrreptrd'"tq'i'al prow of esndfi p,it iun mltl da�rm o cord n dridion htah aEr�nre UPS poutrarsaw;a If youworutd @ik c a grm Aarsrwr9a arsr em rrr in adadgdloarM @'ea,aind vrrth a proiaar eeraarrnmIent ura gtmu ruatl rdcre,,you arty re ucst cerl Cur M d triadg rail a P Areas e pro ant your ! y y q Gurtr@�a;rd Cdafl tto,al u POW Cdflt.p""ter the tuA nmrreeA rn vGr are hostrnorI609.IY yaa dnT11 amndd a Ana dinaal,arr Vin dteh�ma rrcefpd cc rue+erhr,;h @uu virla a P.mernrd Certttted CUn1C recrrpA,data h dro blrcoded puudiou9 of rtnbvrry(rnrdladiaid Ylro mro@ph n@"s sd@durrturep. otttr+a dahc+A,Zk,it it Via rnmklpisre rI'Ppfy Cd C.'an rerluaA a 1121drrPY Niorra rry;rapten nulp a cfo t�ad�rvrufrrieta dwr5.tertnw crud a�4ctruafi ttrsr rarat�turc,.cugniu verwdcta ror a hgrdn, py ralumn racv+pt, rorurlalcfa PS r'urrrar SC't I,Damostia,€eturn lku'7"~1U1alPSFormIBtIu3yourrartip4,, � IMPORTANX,5ue this MOW for Nourrwacarft P5 FOrM 3800,Ann!2015(d3eneW)PSN 7s3a.o2-oe0.ao yr M .k. e ' I D . a on=:, 19 Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. Signature I Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Agent 13 so that we can return the card to you. -' dd�sp ' g Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addresd to. D. isdelivr +ad9s'sdlrentfi'nar i4s�m 17 Yes JPMcLinsket Trust It YE4,ak'riter delivery address below: ❑No KT McLinskey Trust " P.O.Box 623 O ° NY 11957 El Registered Mail Restricted 3. Service Type q Priority Mall Express® ❑Adult Signature o Certified ulltSi Signature Restricted Delivery .❑oepIsta Mall ivery 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 59 ❑oerti ed Mail Restricted Delivery °netum Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise Article Number(Transfer from sert+bCay 1SfeJ ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConfirmaClonT"' ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmatl an Ij 9ntaurad Mall Rastriclad'Defivery Restricted Delivery lover+$500l 'S Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 ADarrmfle Returri.I'tecWpt ni � �'" I i�� na o � • II�II�wl� m� u�Il M i i . �� wm� i�im i r urtCRa w.i,tall F 5 Ln _. XlrrY'i¢Cwi rcrP�ai.�8 k Fees (w^i.��"�u bws^a.�raPu"fria �'rcrp��i�frq ,� . ,�(hwdw.PU) $. c fl�� Mail l x r s� �u�� 1 �Cinim,�b " G b .... l:II.. t r� n here mow„ Il Err�m`,�aBui�P SRgieaT.uuen lrA'� dll kelVuvm�ryp$.�,., .., NOV 1 ,P °�020�� '1.. of kat Pcst a �' —" ru rq O am rr ru O a�at�c l t.A r r PO ararx Nc m� ...t r� ` �� ..w�w° uP+"•�w w. wulm eudr+uulk���, "uui i�"us vw u�+ " r uu w '�'�. 7020 1290 0001 .5530 1626 I .rr migg USP'S TRACRN6 Postage&eels Paid USPS . Permit Na.G-10 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 59 United States 0 Sender:Please print your name,address,and ZIP+41'in this box* Postal Service Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 i'id'(t�i�i+'iiii�iJ,iijitiiiiiii�,t�itiitii,iiiliiiiIiit,it it III Zert I t portion .. Ice pro des the fall...� I i ledd ail following benefits:r p( D n e Coriffied Pull labaq. for an electronic return receipt,see a retail mr A unique Identifter for your maliplece. associate for assistance.To receive a duplicate o Giortronk,Vafificalion of dolhwery or attempted ratuun recolpt for nea ardddhonal IL'u,pr ant ltuhe dallvery: ().ortduad loall roevipl fo 1kao am A record of defdwody oncluoin,p ilia racldenra rr lull a,SaConl'aa sitinaturetdlrntlarafafnodCrylhraPostelSaiF&0` kpddr,ledWivrryuaivim.%vrlultlrprrj,&jas Wr n specillo purfod, delivery to V10 eodres,5 rp sipr Glad by oarrru,yr to the auddrur gun"s uaulhloauacd egrnt Important dfeRP7frdP4rrs: _Aduh nipaalure narvias,wddrta caquurer Me a YOU may Ilflrd)130 Garhfied d"u'Iht sl,pnoo In beat hart P1 ycnn,of aipa l'na Flr191-Clams Main Fug-Ct;�s P,rcl,ago Sarvlcerv„ .avd WAP of retnli, orrflootyAWf il. crk'm -.Adult Runahjro,Testricled dalrvalrySnT kl P,whish a Cori fh d mill sawivh.c 90 ulof aw,ad p 0 fear Pagnlre s the�lpn,o to do at lunst 31 ycsrr,of ago CrterruslirlualInafl. WidPraaldF.,r6,ilivinytothe rrddra rrr,lacahfiark o IruurMce coverepm Is n0aunilabla forpirrchpaa by namri,or to tlaa;rtdr s ve s aulltmrlpsd agent vallh,C;eOi¢id Mail saaavka,Hmvoury,tbo praycb aunt av'vnue nt of Ca hMad Mmli PnIcrr riurm,not rhancya for n p'b cosure hunt your Carldiaud Strait rocoipt is wnuurrancra ccawuat@r aWflral lcaily inrludad wWf1 eccaptad na loq11 farnol ui'u11110inare,lI r8u udd iraaf a rettaln Priarut+yPAW item„ d°Fa"tau,tmw'k tlyoo would lrba n i rudmars on ru For are aul il4uronal frrc,marl a^rl"th o ppe por IM C rrliftad Mall n:er"1D'I„plea,o pro.;„rut yota, ufl0m;nifflu an iho maglp6xu,yau may rorgrsosl curdhiaal Malf Nora at a Post office"for are fal ueduth servicr; pa Psnnriaintl.11 you don t flard n poatnparl on lhb,, -6frturn recu&put Service,avdrdrhu proVrdc%p tword C"offiaed h9op welpt,daYrnah thebesr cWa�Y p. lnrr of duhvary(including Vio Terrpi t to e gnatam) of lbla babel„rh�x di to the o rrilpau ro oppi,y You can rr jvp t a hardoopy rehnsn rw pl ur an apprapOIe pestar)o„asrd leproadt the urr'8141iusve0. elcctronic v;p,d:imd.For a havrd",oWy return rocelpat, complete PS Form 3811,Domestic Ratrrm Rocaipt;attach PS Form 3811 to your mailppace; IMPORT Save this receipt for your ord% Ps norm 3800a Arm 2015(Re vane)PSR a -oz-DOM0aa POE t " . f� C( 9 Complete items 1,2,and 3. , signatuMW Print your name and address on the reverse 0 dh so thatwe can return the card to you. %' 4ddreseee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, y t °rfn d Nam µY C. Date f Delivery B. Received b or on the front if space permits, 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 17 U e Mark Ferraris If YES,enter delivery address be Q No Nan Z 1R ollner Ferraris 268 Eakins Road ' or �� i l � ��� �� ���������� �� ❑d si ig aure Ma Resmaea Delivery . gioare+�'�` id rm ❑Adult Slgnakuirre �iforlBy�Maps h�5i,prets ❑CeRlfled Mell® ❑Rs iut8 and Mail Restricted ° 690 940 6 9169 0764 66 ❑CeRwfled Mail Rest Acted Delivery ❑R very for — -- ❑Collect on Dellvery MtcotuanI 2. Articie Number(Transfer f m service jataei) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConflrmationTM ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Insured Mall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery ¢cvar$,�ttpl PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000- 053 e i - - 9 Domestic Return ReceiptEr i � r m i�ud uuNum i I i�4�u�i��� � i u a ��i uii� IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiNi����uil�i � 'm e u uu �i C3 m rRIYNr s ni i Ln t f „ N "wn4P"grECt<.' ��c Ie P54t{4'tP�V 7N t�CfcP fa^u V' �tApl,LrllY�(3de,1 '�'�° .wu� flat umn Raceelp I➢a rranir,Ub i u 6'at um uPwWpt(dft1rnvft) 3 Y P y2u a re u o Ma, $� 0 kfaWim VO Retlua5C3 F4aBvuVkM un«nY.aurva GTaa+u6uia.&aaai FPa:utpaa and 1 urom n l ? .a u t C Iti i r" i �m iu l'vlau,Arr;9Nrv,n �u e �Vahu�ii�ii� wAm�u'° "u�us i � uo uuul ll �� . ...... 7020 1290 0001. .5530 1619 - n USPSTRAC KING# First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 66 United States 0 Sender-Please print your name,address,and ZIP+40 In this box* Postal Service ....... Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 -the ol 01111 M 1,_9e icp pirov des i, oa waleGertifie Co madvEadtFpifata PE'f� " 's le ""ttIg A rEM0 0 "10 delIV81Y, nA"1recXo oi o fOl 40 V 1rIq fo rpton ak'', Ildd 9TIt 011)MisI iWim by at for a quv'ItWd po'TiDd. to i1jo addrr Odr till All POO b4ztI1N'%1,21 YeZraof"vra 0101, d a you ar, im AIIA141111 lj of nyjiiafrie tar iZ'fgtir'Advs to alw arlda Ijjprind qatit I'll arrha';o hy I'M,C�of to kiit addios'N's Rd Uw Invir, I.," (not a%'nlkable at Tat"d), w"v6CE,HVXM at a purch"'U'la as ro,on!gjr,111ar your CiDoiliod NIN rewifrti�,, of cl'irfified RIA rit'Ph%'(JOE"'no'chnu[a1 ltl�l proot of njaij fl%lLTfjiutIf bc,'��r I "Py W"'hillad Mh a r�;Rnca%rq'L'p1Tj a autrg%ucl l���S"Ip"-�,�"It";rlf'k It votj Wool I,jVVo I postff oqrbairl Mcg1tv MWI b.lms' U 15 �cjF `p_,d MJ FOUV, P� a oh for un idditiOnal alud wiffil, orc�,Yor L "'f r aiaiyursccvcnl I on the m3dIuML YQu , :0 yoolq &EVI'po�qOuicp.11ERIJ,a r,'c tj 11"UT IM It�Yafcararrliutudiwvvfi !flryr:�Aw'W;L''S jatv t"w.0KI oIttl[i tobe4nrftc oRO,ofteta floL alpW l% rotujjf DPWoprato posUgy"1111 flaf)WKuj 111A piew. YOU lean ruit;rj abardr.opy mAlfrrl MMAA F",a i"'daw r"00,la ip,�,Form 1111,1, IMPORTA%Tz Save IhN Feculp"for your Mords' Wlnijg'.rauh PS�oml 351110 VOW Mai PS Fann 380%A01 2015 pavwn)PSN 7630-0"00-9047 V60V(17 '7 a ® ® @ s ® r Oompiete items 1,2,and 3. A Signature v� rant your name and address on the reverse rPkV'' ❑Agent " o that we can return the card to you. � �Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. Reoely d by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery or on"the front if space permits, _ I-Arrrr:le hkjiia: ed_to... _ I D. Is delivery address different from Item 17 C3 Yes re Fredrica waschsbeTgeT If YES,-enter delivery address below: ❑No Sylvia Newman P.O. Box 473 Ser 0 duitSieTyre ❑Regist red aIlTm ❑?moult ga�ture ❑Registered Mal1T"' 0 Adult fief Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Degp��ered Mall Restricted 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 80 ❑certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery Mherchandlse 2. Article NUrr7bler(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confinnationn" ❑Insured Mail ❑Signature Confirmation ❑Insured Mall Restriotad Delivery Restricted Delivery over$5L1t7, PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt 0�s IlEr Ln ..�= �� � uri �� ra re f I I ,p Ill mit 'os Ln Ln E.!,VTd s NXS.as ,.F:awusv y�.d+�:dr;rAY3»w'ce0 k aae^n1:ra�rai::ryl r„i Rafts rr Haamx ptOro�x deoprydl $ r 1,� r- Puekum vaxa Pt(aleaflrcinrle) �. ,,,,_, ....... ° w A0�5tM"!'dPYrl6 4R h aG;terP�arM IUAall P�aeIXiEokawal 11:9e4'vvare� ,I ( .,,,,�„_, ,. " hueY&1 p U' C3 []Adult&gnMure I equshd �A� �nit;;p�exwakaarca llyn.�hrYatassl l:lelcual+y a.. r�,w„N, ql� )Dl- � u l' atir M , rU fauau On F11+t a,nd r m1ak1 p . a rC o ru � � t Ccs ar+t � Ali& r rtrr rt zr at ar iio oPwT�/ ...... _ ... 20 1290 0001 5530m _ 1596 c � � USPSTPACKING# First-Class Mail �IL 1 7 Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 80 United States •§;;;er:FG si�e print your.name, ZIP+40 In Oils boxO Postal Service Steven Martocello :PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 Certified Mail service provides the following benefits- *A receipt(this portion of the Certified Mail labeQ. for an electronic return receipt,see a retail *A unique ids ntiffer for your inallpreco. associate for assistance.To recolve a duplicate *Electronic verification of delivery or attempted return receipt for no additional fee,present this delivery. USPSO-postmarked Corfified Mail receipt to the as A record of delivery oncludIng the recipients retail associate. signature)that Is retained by the Postal Servics' -Restalcted delivery service,which provides for a specified pedad. delivery to the addressee specified by name,or to the addresses's authorized agent. Important RacnInders. -Adult signature service,which requires the *You may pulcha'.'o C01111 fiad 10111 ar rVica m1ah stgnee to he at least 21 years of age(not Mr9t-Ums Mall",Rrul-Cim3 RrT,,109e Svrylrd,', available rit i otill). or Priority Mail®service. -Adult signature restricted delivery service,which *CPrhfl41ri j I rjrviao J�,grilavvitabla for raqu[tes the sltjnui�,to tin at Was t 21 yaus of cgV ulwmflonl mall, antr prov*m,delivery to the addronsve ePorWetr *finstin,rico rmnage is milavaNible far pi-irthaso try namv,or to Rio addrosqaDe atithorirod QPM Witt CarkWri W[seNim Hawaviar,the ptsmtram (not awflhd)kr at ralmli), of Cartffh tj Mall oorvlc2 doo,a not clvmgo Itio, a To vin"'Uro Mal your Codified M111 recall;"•is 4).'alra,ilm arverageaulornatico4y Im'[w1ad 1,+idh accoplcd as roCg,tl prtaf ofro7fljun%t zjtQv1d bear certair,PriaritV K0 terns', USPS traAmark.if you wouN Jko o poul:#rrukon *For an additional fee,and with a proper this Carolled Mail receipt,please present your onflorsailicnI art tins trailplace,you rflaV request CUM fird Mail itarn at a NO art cp,for the WuMog rzFvkm ponitt irfking.If you don't a pos ImmV,an this IfiAurn recalpt sarvkc%which pro sides a rticord corljfiircl Mail rvcotpt,Rich flan harcmdud pardon of d alivtry QRdudfng thi rti dgfllturo), of Ibis J&el,DAN It to IN mailptoce,apply Ybo cnn xetIbWa it"'Udcopy fulum Tocolpt ar in oppotfkriato pestiq%and dopufAthe mallplece. For a harikopy r0na Tocellpi, eqmplOa,,JIS Farm 3811,Dorru7stir Return R,=T/pf,,a1t,r;h PS Form 3811 to your mallploce; IMPOKI'Affft Save this rwdPt for your racows. PS Fam 3800,April 2016(R...)Part 7530-02-00""7 ...... .......... ... .................— - Complete items 1,2,and 3. A. SIR Lire Print your name and address on the reverse P`" e'Rf so that we can return the card to you. Addressee Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, B. Recely by('lorinted • Date of Delivery or on.the front if space permits. 1. AAWl—,r Adtlr sd toy:—„ D. Is delivery address different from item 17 0 Yes If YES,enter delivery address below: El No Eve MaCSWeeriep Veronica Gonzalez 12 W 10th Street#3 3. ressO ❑Adult Signature ice e 0 Priority Mail Restri Signature ❑Registered Mallcted Delivery ❑Registered Mail ❑Adult Restricted ❑Cerfi ied Melt® Delivery 9590 9402 5382 9189 0762 68 ❑Certified Mall Restricted Delivery ❑Return Roodptfar _ ❑Collect on Delivery Merchandise 2. Article Number(Transfer from service label) ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature ConflrmationTM ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Conlirmm atlon ❑Insured Mali Restricted Delivery Restricted Detiv'eni larror "'G7gl PS Form 3811.July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 uivedfdo Asti rn' Recelpt q uuu°°V00006uoipuuuuuuuuuum e IIIIII � m rl1 7J t 1' 1¢rm7" O fr'I r rre4 4)d m-W,1 +td LnLn G,,(r,t t>5ruar FrrM;.iud A daanrr,srvclr.Are> lm(rrrt;,;v tt:,i.m .�"" " Raturn Necetpt(rrardwpy) 41, r:I ra 0 1.i a raeipt(®lec¢ nCc) „ b&�artyml 0 ElCen.1fled Droll Reacted DO My $ H'er e`. i 1..1 Adaaft Slyne.kaar®kIIaacp¢s¢r'wd $—,�,�,a «A. ..._ `4 '. IAdult SlUnature Ctmstgtdad DoWery$.. � O POV—t9e ru - ...._........... r ,rr.,o" s0 t5d ter�rd :E�d.V 7Af8 Cat[z _ .W.m.. „�,....... E .. _ fU G- - O a➢Mo at� d�6r r r�+ or o r ¢^P'�R�. tt ,� p�qy� 1, ,:.�m �'���u 6>tw�„ ,w ou w�o xo: M«.'"✓vn� � ,�"yi uw,,.W.7....i. r t 7220 129D 0001__5530. 1527 G4ii First-Giese Gail LISPS" p®�ge&Fees Paid USPS w. Permit No G10 L 2 68 print r rrsdrrlu,addt�ess,and F440 In this h 0 " 9590 9402 53821 9189 076a� Sunder:Pie P United States postal service Steven Martocello p0 BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 I wim" Now" ,�,}lii}1,��l�}�at�llllali�illl�tNll11�'111��1�lllPl�l�l�a�3}��l Certified Mall,sur rau Prr Ide tine ire 1r0�,rr urr tits tr�@r n wd",trmr4e rrtwNrr a�rrt ltt9 ra r rwUad 9,e awapti I21un peCeaz Of puw 8rlterd C�n[11m+alp. n,e ealate terrsr rtra�� .Trn rwa�rve,pugaric�rte as arr49adr WWI Wr yarIar�a�ti;06 6u a. mrtur u rerat4pt to,ne e�cE�dGedrrl Cec,tydr,e�aat d1,1 ��1e��rle wei ilie"r3V&ee at�etiwes�ur tat4erldiad �},�c�,G!k-parrdrrt�+a4deu�Csa�Citie�rn qYd recervgrR W 010 9elleer�, retrdl'r rcrrr:lete grad of a9eklwe Itrrcle 1hn9 tidura Nldpn fftl'a JpE mtru�to d a�n1lvj rq wvlm��4rlclo rem u tdrliweu ttrlire d Fc nr perhBgsrckt7ycr Grx Or sgsdarattirrep 4 w 1,q rt t2irted hY 410 Po.ldl rw4r��" Bea dlra xi dr^ u�� atirs�iizr�� nsri f(rr e s�aerdtivai pm�eiavdd�. PPTlfddk�rF rPBC C� dM19F➢4{Ud r ftY11t 4 6} �11"� r et6 WP}M1h PR CSC�,^tY4P. h Ysara lan gsner aee 9r rtbtredd 6'end erfre,a aJ69di rrr r to Naas sir l t ye.r� rt 9e prat mayew,llut le�Y4 VIIM4 Gtrrr G9, KIP,I ur�l r c 'F actsa�e 5er'AM"� �Fddslt wsdaaalrafz ru CaiaRrr@ k7�NvorV zaU1V,r r^akvkrrro Or T irr W7 PFi�,�dr rerwtrsa. u°euWiaire V°iaa.r�d�nr�,to Cr�e srt 1e�t�tl FeaAi,rW raga 0 cer�latded�MA r,ONCA rss no,"r,rleb'e�"krrr err@ pr'Vla El 9edd^dery'C,r t9ve erpe2rc"�ee��p¢6Capdead irtsarnrrtU �d dr C iti nnrron�ns to trsa ar jfCv&ee nett ti iF nldent wa urr ws ene a ceveraae r t ngPnwraNd 1p for lMua'e�aree e+e4 eu-d6bRl'M Per ry V erldfle Faferd na net Ftdwr orpr tlti perc% re t&Yzeu9t1 trerra of CerkhCdeS tr ire whcn rle;w d,ea a N r�,v7gm l�he as r b�t rd nt R 6 p n at at nd ert9 et sflllau• 1 dyuesree raver qe r ildrns tie Y4y rn 1uuFed+u,Sr fiJSPw pieeRneE 1P wur va0uhl it 1'-'F"sasrdt YrdadaR ertram1adrantyrChdldd n, ddtp teyh7ia�s9 lwai4Yrilr,apt�dp mr Vr�rrdr 61en 14ee errsl vr6tkv e proper R u,u l a V nreNI yru r&nadta den t[hl'' srnlrs�¢nentionb 01"WO�ce,yUu das�rwb �ad rI l'-'-ffmngiIfYO dar'tw�V49 P rd� 310 PradlQW149:w vkr Ftedrrn rs.car tear ee�wet rr9,toriar1,.{e^u n r�;rrar f e GPrnre1 GttedM,r eapi rclrY�rrh the�'>)'NOV 9r` er Ye7rd r„re rm,tuert m d,nrdRrsn9r retain s 160 er,ear eptsvrpdijate peMda9"ern G Sradre sd pre neNl�es�e� etl dw9flremlQr lucdiu�6Wrrssuripleflt .ifflat�rzl, eYrdn krs6rcl, lrxettnt adgprrp�k , P tcutrnmd.vcr.,ldan per e tarrtsialay¢rtnn reir"t caurHr9d1.N�'�;�r�enn ,P]rrrrdeuCNrFd'e2aan Firm,+rnP;*f� lr�"�E�rxsa.�d"t9 to y�o.�sdn erulNtasrc���p N�9p�t�1MaP����msa ttuWn meoraigpt for yemdr rsraerc e« „AoM 01�fdr�yt��r¢Sr �rt,es-baewrnnr ® 7qe1v6d mi Complete items 1,2,and 3.• Print your name and address on the reverseC.i ❑Agent dressee so that we can return the card to you. Cl of Delveryis Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, C. Date of Deliveryor on the front if space permits. rra ..a...Article, idr moo: D. a delivery address different from item 1? OI Yes if YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No AppeIldrtlterS LLC 225 E 701h Street APT 8C New York,NY 10021 3. Service Type ❑Plrlority Mall Sxpressd ❑•AAdult dult Signature ❑Reglstered MOMI ! I I I I I I II I I I I I ❑certified natuMall®Restricted Delivery ❑RDeeglsle ed Mall Reetraoted l vary ❑Certlfled Mail Restricted Delivery ❑Return Receipt for ❑Collect on Delivery 9590 9402 5382 9189 0763 05 Merchandlse ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Signature Confirmation- Article Number(rransfer from service ttfbe7J ❑Insured Mail ❑Signature Confirmation ❑insured Mall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery cower 511c -PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt { Ihll� D � dbl Ln CO C3 il. . e P, r7-I Uur�tIXil,r''ri lr ckl Lr) o ICn w IVa a7 w"3ti IX`n urckat.cIX d'o asrl+a�Mrr rap(rw r`ud�Oro IIY'ke,ti.s�rl 14Cewpat(PIx,t%rrnrdc) ( POSIM +,p C3 .A6t'aaeflVW WWI RiWAc&e➢IDdlvroeyr � s„R 4`W yy t•IXeraa ! f rI' � i.all wkEr�eryr .` M ureatulua IX��P�a�.aPxVa"aaaY 117 O Tt Eft�tia�fi . TM f Er S Sri 4, ru U � ii ,.°a awe mma^l�d i(w VV bu"II�IXt .' .,I n W6'L USPS TRACING# First-Class Mail Postage&Fees Paid USPS Permit No.G-10 5382 9189 0 9590 9402 763 05 United States 11 Sender:Please Print your name,address,and ZIP+40 In this ba x- Postal Service _ _ ..................... Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 Ln CD o s Diet m m rn Ln Ln OF Cec4rGY Wwi¢iil Bm hrpnG°-yufvrG�*'d" r<kc.a(cfW A'box add frara q gru^�rraaxarowri4 Return Re IpR(tna mcapyb r .�: " �,,,f�,eteavn IVeer�9gvk(arlec4rmrevla) a � .�..� PkaaCkei p'i r rR4feed IUYrilB kRex'.&rBckad Degfivcwy '" 1 4m. 'Uk',,p 665➢a YU". n AdaVutl4 E�p¢raRura V'Cegufrcad h Adulk 6�pnx".Ftw.Mded E.Ww ry Sw O,Gat 0 Cr h �P Or ru [,C� O wtr 7 �aatl rr„ r �C% k i � m ill N all A. Si to e • Complete items 1,2,and i "" ❑Agent • Print your name and address on the reverse X '( CI Addressee so that we can return the card to you. B. Received b (�"r7nta�F Name) C.Date of Dellvery Ill Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 1 or on the front if space permits,. D. Is delivery address different from Item 17 ❑'he's 1. Article Addressed,to. _ If yES,enter delivery address below: ❑No Peter Marren Margaret Newman 177 Duane Street#4 �� r1r�NY 10013 ,a 3. Service Type ❑l rloaaiy o toll Exp,eszO ❑Adult Signature eg MI"' it I'k&I i� III Illl if I Illlf I� II I II ❑Po k3lerodm ❑Adult Signature Restricted Dellvery to ❑RD fgaec�d tvlaRR Reaidolad 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 73 0 Ca ta��ed Malq Restricted Delvery ❑t�etaara celpt for ❑Collect on Delivery MardaandWe ❑Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery ❑Slgnatura Confirmation- Article Number ffiransfer'from service label) ❑Insured Mall ❑Signature Confirmation ❑1 naured Mad Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery over.$55dr PS Form 3811,July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 Domestic Return Receipt ; Iluul l III IIIIIIIIIII C3 ED nrldflt,eS I', dl&cc Ln n _ Ln prjrja rceraa l'cate,aacue%e.aaara f�ea,�n ugh wu�jrr�.i) , ,� Y" Ej CiraCueru IPgaaa,wb'gvM.@urarattcro�Vb t xa ....... 0 d Maas mua .Iqaat(ovlaciraniiq) a R.)ll 'Mar�l4y e � r. rklfl ed��E Aaa.,Wcted lCburONaaar9r -ipy l,J—. p A7 hyy i"I C3 l 1Aduft.MU neuuuum Ra.qufred l l oult,ftn aum raasidded urebary S Er ru aaAaW T,etru eaaad G x r ' To rlaa Y ak : r d a fro'!' Iltl'dG i� rrvi r'" nfi, ,uwi ili .0 r�"�wr,aweta✓v oam��. W, ���� a n,ti III"ii�i �'� ,e 7020 .1290 0001 5530 1602 Uses ING t,*i Mass Mail 1 podage&FeesPald uses L. Permit No.G-1q 9590 9402 5382 9189 0764 73 United sanciar Please print your name,address.andii41 in this boxy Postal Service Steven Martocello PO BOX 336 Mount Sinai, NY 11766 !llrr�llll�llrirrrilrr�,llllrrir>iul)rrl�rllrlriilrurrl�rfrll�t Certified,.....ail service provides the following benefits`.... Nm A receipt(this portion of the Certified Mail labeq. for an electronic return receipt,see a retail e A unique identifier for your maliplecs. associate for assistance.To receive a duplicate Electronic verification of delivery or atiempted return reoelpt for no addidonal fee,prevent this delivery. USPSdfi-postmarked Certined Mail receipt to the r A record of delivery(including the recipient's retail associate. signature)that is retained by the Postal Service- Roaffloted delivery service,which provides for a specified period. delivery to the addressee spechled by name,or to the addresser's authorized agent. PrttgeatrWnt f7eminders. Adult signature service,which requires the u You may purchase Certified Mali service Will signee'to be at least 21 years of age(not First-Class Mall®,Rrat-Class Package Service*, available at retail), or Priority Mail®service. Adult signature restricted delivery service,which *Ceebfred Mail service is notavallabie for requires the silicas to be at least 21 year.,of age International mall, and provides delivery to the addressen specifled a Insurance coverage Is notavallable for purchase by name,or to the addr s's authorked agent with Cerfiffed Mall service.However,the purchase (not available at retall). of Certified Mall service does not change the a To ensure that your Certified Mall receipt is Insurance coverage automatically included with accepted as legal proof of mailing,it should bear a certain Priority Mail items, LISPS postmark.If you would like a postnaark an n For an additional fee,and with a proper this Certified Mali receipt,please present your endorsement on the mallplece,you may request Certified Mall Item at a Past Offior for " the following servl : postmarking.fi you don't need a pa ark on fffifs Return receipt service,which provides a record Cartfied Make receipt,detach the barcoded portion of delivery(Including the recipient's signature). of this label,affix it to the mailplace,apply You can request a hardcopy return receipt or an appropriate postage,and depositthe malliesce. electronic version.For a hardcopy return receipt, complete PS Form 3611,Domegofieturn ftefpt,attach PS Form 3811 to your mallplece; OMPOKANM Save this imempt for your records. Ps Form 3000,April 2e15('rd'avr+.r,,.v)PSN 763e-e2-0 7 l� Y 7020 1290. 0001 5530 1602 ru M M1 Ln ra , O L, Ware-sc,Tvic. a ,a�trmd..rixm,araYdmwmmaAapr Jgghfi,�j �.�.. ❑Return Reoelpt(hvdcopY) ❑Return Receipt electmnlc $ C3 ❑certmed Mall Restricted Delivery $ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery$ ❑ Signature Required p P� t agar 0 ru "Satm Pu,51295 ricq r ru o � i i m 7323 _-1290 003�.. ----.._. 1 5530 1572 mmv 1pp� ipi, 888 i88ii Lf1 . + 9liil. w� IIIIII ill •v' w m ..� vu ., GcrPilrn�i 4zA6t 6 a�,� � Ln n Lrl Urra t RaaPiwm Rcom ¢asupuy� F°2lattdittwk Ry O �IM�kOYP� INIBUVJIOUN G�'�GY➢Illdit �bwdVVW'npinf� �,�a . � w'�sr�fpM't1VMlTW7,eSn4l'�Cl6bGt p ;r. I ® SolT; nj °s«». �7 CCU L' ..' «" '_ ,- ". I ^.`..r... p .mtrr t ty t Uri F ,%F , �� WWII a iu�,�hI��N�met n � �r 7020 1290 0001 5530 1534 ui u M1tl1j Illlllhl loll ll�°r m I uu""' uuuuu ammo uuuuu Ti m i u r s�m,iam st wx � uaeasm IrWAlpu poroavdy) ..—. .....,. n a noivnRwAlptWecftdcp _ rigwim A .:�R;asoPlM ed MW IRosAA dmi DullWy $ avuu p •rn��tra�� �.. r„ y � �` . ... r—,....-- � ti'�rRmul Fs�a!Maea�g��srudFue�� L7f5 I' ryry ni 7020 1290 0001 5530 1503 r , ~- i LAHTI ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING P.C. 207 Hallock Road, Suite 212 Stony Brook,NY 11790 Tel (631) 751-6433 December 3, 2020 Chairman Donald Wilcenski and Members of the Planning Board t Town of Southold 1 53095 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 202,0 Southold,NY 11971 Re: The Orchards DEIS Hearing: December 7,2020 SCTM# 1000—21 —7-3 Dear Chairman Wilcenski and Members of the Planning Board: The Applicant has been provided with copies of written comments received by the Planning staff for the upcoming DEIS hearing. In order to more efficiently address the public's concerns, I have prepared the following general responses to the issues raised. Detailed responses to specific public comments will be provided if deemed warranted by the Board. Multiple a .s Presented in DEIS-- 1. One purpose of the DEIS is to provide a complete history of the project and how the project was developed. In order to accomplish this purpose, it is necessary to present the various maps that were prepared and submitted to the various agencies. The two maps of particular importance are present in Appendices G and Y of the DEIS. 2. Appendix Y of the DEIS contains the current proposed subdivision map (dated July 8, 2020). The proposed property boundary lines and lot areas are consistent with the clustered subdivision map previously reviewed by Town staff. This map illustrates, in general, smaller building envelopes. The Town engineer identified the need to revise certain setbacks shown on the subdivision map previously submitted by the surveyor. My firm analyzed the various zoning code requirements for buffer areas and setbacks, then modified the surveyor's map to illustrate the correct buffers and setbacks. The DEIS was prepared based on the corrected subdivision map contained in Appendix Y. 3. Appendix G of the DEIS contains the same subdivision map layout presented in Appendix Y. Appendix G illustrates the proposed water supply wells and sanitary systems for the proposed lots. This map was required by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) to conduct their review of the proposed water supply wells and sanitary systems. SCDHS approved the proposed water supply wells and sanitary system locations as shown on this map. New York Massachusetts Connecticut New Jersey Pennsylvania Maryland Virginia North Carolina Page 2 Town of Southold Planning Board re: The Orchards DEIS 12/3/2020 "aster SuJy- 1. Domestic Water- The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) is the governmental agency responsible for assessing installation of domestic water supply wells, and the potential impacts to the residents of the proposed lots, as well as the surrounding area. The Department's staff includes professional engineers, hydrogeologists, and other persons with the technical expertise to analyze proposed projects. The domestic water wells shown on the map in Appendix G of the DEIS have been approved by the SCDHS. Approval by the SCDHS demonstrates no significant potential impact associated with the domestic water supply wells is anticipated. 2. lrri ate ion Water-The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) is the governmental agency responsible for assessing installation of the irrigation water supply well for the proposed farm operation, and the potential impacts to the residents of the proposed lots, as well as the surrounding area. The Department's staff includes professional engineers, hydrogeologists, and other persons with the technical expertise to analyze proposed projects. The irrigation water well shown on the map in Appendix G of the DEIS has been approved by the NYSDEC. Approval by the NYSDEC demonstrates no significant potential impact associated with the irrigation water supply well is anticipated. Please note the irrigation water supply well permit (Appendix O of the DEIS) includes a requirement to conduct chloride sampling twice per year. The permit also includes a provision that allows the NYSDEC to modify, or revoke,the permit if necessary(such as if significant chloride infiltration occurs). Sanita n System- 1. The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) is the governmental agency responsible for assessing installation of sanitary disposal systems, and the potential impacts to the residents of the proposed lots, as well as the surrounding area. The Department's staff includes professional engineers, hydrogeologists, and other persons with the technical expertise to analyze proposed projects. The proposed sanitary systems shown on the map in Appendix G of the DEIS have been approved by the SCDHS. Approval by the SCDHS demonstrates no significant potential impact associated with the proposed sanitary systems is anticipated. 2. The SCDHS has approved conventional sanitary systems for the proposed lots. I/A systems are not required by the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. 3. The proposed sanitary systems pose no greater risk associated with improver disposal of pharmaceuticals and household items than do the existing sanitary systems in the homes surrounding the subject property. In fact, the proposed Page 3 Town of Southold Planning Board re: The Orchards DEIS 12/3/2020 systems may afford better protection as they will consist of a septic tank(where chemical breakdown and consumption of organic compounds occurs) and separate leaching pools, whereas some of the older homes in the area may consist solely of a cesspool. Farmland- 1. One of the Town's primary goals is to preserve farmland. The site has been designed, with input from Town staff, as a cluster subdivision. This arrangement maximizes the amount of contiguous farmland preserved by the project. 2. With farmland comes the need to use fertilizers and pesticides for crop growth. The use of these necessary materials is minimized to mitigate environmental impacts, as well as to minimize the cost associated with their use. An extensive array of Best Management Practices has been developed by the Cornell Cooperative Extension, and others, to mitigate use of fertilizers and pesticides. Best Management Practices specific to the crop, and varying conditions, present on the subject property will be used. Allegation of Man Non-Compliance- Ms. Friedman, and other commenters referring to her letter, suggests that lots 1 and 2 do not comply with requirements of the Town zoning code. This is incorrect for the following reasons: 1. Proposed lot#1 has a dr wveway that connects Orchard Street to the main house area. That driveway is part of lot#1. The driveway is not a"road, street, or right- of-way" as defined by the Town zoning ordinance. As such, it is not subject to the requirements of section 240-42.H.(4) of the Town zoning ordinance. The driveway area is properly included in the calculation of property area for lot 41. 2. The"flag"portion of proposed lot#2 is 2,985 square feet,not 3,169 square feet as alleged by Ms. Freidman. When calculated using the proper flag size area,the net size of proposed lot#2 is 40,008 square feet, which conforms to the minimum 40,000 square foot requirement of the R-40 zone. Sincerely Will ain.1. l , i, P.E. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex � � P.O. Box 1179 (� 54375 State Route 25 7 � Southold, NY 11971 (coy°. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) � 'Telephone: 631 765-1935 Southold, NY tvw5v.sau tholdtawnrny.gov UNTI ` PLA?�-NING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 6, 2020 Mr, Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods IDrive Miller Place, IVY 11764 Re: SEAR DEIS Adequacy Determination Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town (Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, October 5, 2020: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five (lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, (Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, (Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, (pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review (SEAR) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Planning Board declared Lead Agency status and that Type I procedures would be used for the review of this Unlisted Action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful; and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, issued a Positive Declaration; and The Orchards 21Pag .e 0 (-,, to1.,) er 6 , 2020 WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020 the applicant submitted a Draft Environmental Impact Statement which has been reviewed; and WHEREAS, on September 28, 2020 the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, found that the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020 as adequate for public review; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, hereby finds the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020, adequate for public review and comment; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby authorizes the Planning Board Chairman to submit the Notice of Completion pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and, upon filing, the public comment period will begin; and be if further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, December 7 2020 at 6:01 p.m for a Public Hearing on the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Subdivision Approval The Orchards." Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Pp_stina alon 1 with the certified' AND the signed gree,n return receip cards before 12:00 .nioon on Friqlay, December 4, 2020. The,sigiin and the p2st_need to be returned to the Planning Board office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. The DEIS can be found here: http-./ 4.38,28,228-204ONVebLink/Browse.asr)x?startid=1035797&dbid=O The Orchards 31 P age 0 c tr) r G 20 �a cc: Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer Southold Town Police Department Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator Southold Town Architectural Review Committee Southold Town Highway Department Orient Fire District Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Water Authority Suffolk County Planning Commission Suffolk County Legislator NYS DEC - Stony Brook NYS Natural Heritage Program Environmental Notice Bulletin Town Website File Adjacent Property Owners for The Orchards Subdivision 3CTM# l0OU-27-l-3 1. 1000-27-1-4 2. 1008-27-1-2.3 I 1000'27-1-2.2 4. 1000-27-1-5 S. 1000-27-1-6 6. 1000-27'1-9 7. 1000'27-1-10S 8. 1008-27-1-10.4 9. 1000-27-183 10. 1000-27'3-2.4 11. 1800-27-3'2.3 12. 1000-27-3-2.2 13. 1000-27-3-3.1 14. 1000-27-3-3.2 15. 1000-27-2-210 16. 1000-25-6-4 17. 1000-25-5-5 28. 1000-25-5-6 19. 1000-18-5-23 Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1 . That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Standard Subdivision; 2. That the properties which are the subject of the application are located adjacent to your property and are described as follows: SCTM#1000-27-1-3 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District; 4. This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre iparcel into five lots where Lot I = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District-, 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information, by appointment only, during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd Fl., Former Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, or would like to request an appointment you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765- 1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1 . Go to the Town of Southold website www.southgId19ynny,_qPv; 2. Click on Town Records/Weblink icon located on the home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Standard Subdivisions", then "Pending", 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Je,ssicaM@solutl,)olcitowiiiiy.c. ov; J 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, December 7, 2020 at 6:01 p.m. virtually via the Zoom online platform; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such Ihearing in The Suffolk Times published in the Town of Southold-, that you or your representative have the right to be heard at such hearing. It is not necessary to attend this hearing to participate. Written comments received prior to the public hearing date are acceptable. Written comments may be submitted via letter or email to: JessicaM southoldtownnv.ciov Petitioner/Owner Name: Orient East LLC Date- 11/4/2020 OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex so P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) . Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.sontholdtown_ny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD PUBLIC MEETING Monday, December 7, 2020 6:00 p.m. This Public Meeting will be held virtually via the Zoom online platform. Pursuant to Executive Order 202.1 of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in-person access by the public will not be permitted. Options for public attendance: To join via computer: httYps://zaam us/i/92911869048?i)wd=UO15QU9igiU,)Ji)u..SzhkZilzaORHSVN3UT09 Or Online at the website zoom.us, click "Join a Meeting" and enter the Meeting ID: 929 1186 9048 Password: 946683 Join by telephone: Call 1(646)558-8656 Enter Meeting ID and password when prompted (same as above) ....................................._.....-- -...._.-_ .........._... - ......-- — o . Z, z kxpn :e�M s r' kb nw yr l ar .r w `6�skJ �yq�b& 0)"� �n(n All —22 Ayn� � � � � n dr �,� 0 � aun5lir i tq A.'c AX xx h e A - �.. ; Y " a Y` yp pp N p i Ir I i qq o o aw� xW 6 f v a]4 . ff 7 �x14 il It Pal e ww "j 0 w nd u � 1 ~F uaQ� �'7 dw t 4 w x— "Yy a a � N y „ m '� q4 A NO,Al JY w d 0 yy g yy w a n � P w � w um . Y .w Nb w" X w u � ti f < I .� .� , � �,4Lq'4 w ., �f� ✓'vkrl tdp6'�Fd ."gym s x u � � e Ilk etp I� r i rt II II �pS d � p e rr p F, M N 0 Iry i n o nw ni. !l d M �;N p pppp p � r � K F , u, mourn ;_ r w' �a Cy, I r AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for at least seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 1214/20 Re: The Orchards Standard Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-27-1-3 Date of Public Hearing: Monday. ,_,December 7. 2020. 6:01 p.m. OFFICECA N: , ax MAILING Town Hall Annex e 1'� oFso t P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � �� ' `", Southold, NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) ' e Telephone: 631 765-1938 Southold, NY www.southoldtownny.gov OOUNTY,' PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD October 6, 2020 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: SEAR DEIS Adequacy Determination Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, October 5, 2020: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Planning Board declared Lead Agency status and that Type I procedures would be used for the review of this Unlisted Action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful; and WHEREAS on July 6, 2015 the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, issued a Positive Declaration; and 2 i.3 a g e aid i �, , WHEREAS, on August 24, 2020 the applicant submitted a Draft Environmental Impact Statement which has been reviewed; and WHEREAS, on September 28, 2020 the Southold Town Planning Board, as Lead Agency, found that the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020 as adequate for public review; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act, hereby finds the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Subdivision Approval The Orchards" dated August 2020, adequate for public review and comment; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby authorizes the Planning Board Chairman to submit the Notice of Completion pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 of the Environmental Conservation Law and, upon filing, the public comment period will begin; and be if further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday,, December 7, 2020 at 6:O�m. for a Public Hearing on the "Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for Subdivision Approval The Orchards." Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55 Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification Procedure. The notification form is enclosed for our use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Plannin Board Office Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Postin along with the certified mailin receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, December 4 2020. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing is closed.. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Respectfully, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encl. The DEIS can be found here: 38.28 228 20401 m° rowse.aspx?startid=l..035797&dbid=0 http 1124. Webl.�nk/B mm _ cc: Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Engineer Southold Town Police Department Southold Town Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator Southold Town Architectural Review Committee Southold Town Highway Department Orient Fire District Suffolk County Department of Health Services Suffolk County Water Authority Suffolk County Planning Commission Suffolk County Legislator NYS DEC - Stony Brook NYS Natural Heritage Program Environmental Notice Bulletin Town Website File Southold Town Planning Board 1 ork Session -- September 28, 2020 _P g Project Name: Mattituck-Laurel Library Amended SCTM#: 1000-114-11-2 (Parking Lot Expansion) Location: 13900 Route 25, Mattituck _ n....... _ Description: This proposed amended site plan is to increase the existing parking area by 24 spaces, from 34 spaces to 58 spaces (including 5 ADA) on 1.5 acres in the RO/R-40 Zoning District. Status: Pending Action; Update _ _ Attachments:, Staff Report _ . Project Name: Lebkuecher Standard Subdivision r SCTM#: 1000 125.-2-2.2 Location: 3475 Aldrich Lane & 935 Franklinville Road, Laurel Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 35.79-acre parcel into two lots, where Lot 1 is 3.66 acres with an existing residential structure and Lot 2 is 32.13 acres with greenhouses in active farm use, in the R-80: and HB Zoning Districts ... _ Status. Pending .... _ Action: Sketch Plan Completeness Attachments: Staff Report Project Name: Zupa & Paradise Point HOA SCTM#: 1000-81-1-16.7 & Resubdivision 1000-81-3-29 Location: 580 Basin Road, Southold Description: This resubdivision proposes to transfer 5,2 11 40 sq ft. from SCTM#1000- 81.-1-16.7, the residential parcel, to SCTM#1000-81.-3-29, the road parcel, in order to provide one contiguous common access to the docks owned by the Paradise Point Association. As a result of this resubdivision, SCTM#1000-81.-1-16.7 will decrease from 75,533 sq. ft. to 70,293 sq. ft., and SCTM#1000-81.-3-29 will increase from 20,512 sq. ` ft. to 25,752 sq. ft. in the R-80 Zoning District. The Zoning Board of Appeals approved the undersized lot area in variance File: 7186, Status' Pending Action. Referral Review .. Attachments: Staff Report Project Name; The Orchards SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision of a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: Conditional Sketch Approval Action: DEIS Review Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: ZBA Request for Comments: Gentlemen's Ridge & Mini-Cedars, w/s/o Stephenson's Road, Orient, SCTM#1000-17-1-11.5 & 2.2. (Hearing: October 1, 2020) Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date September 28, 2020 Prepared By: Mark Terry I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 11. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval granted on March 10, 2014 IV: Action to review DEIS - Determination of Adequacy V: Analysis On July 6, 2015 the Planning Board issued a SEQR Positive Declaration. A Draft Environmental Impact Statement DIES was submitted on August 24, 2020. The Planning Board has 45 days to determine if the DEIS is adequate for public review. Tile timeframe expires on October 8, 2020. VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Impacts on Surface Water a. The proposed action may affect the water quality of any water bodies within or- downstream of the site of the proposed action. Recent studies have linked on-site sanitary systems with contributinL, Nitrogen to surface waters and cumulative impacts could be moderate to larue. In the Peconic Estuarv. after ......................... -—-------- AL1,11,10s1hei-ic depr?. YrOL111dw,'.i�ci- is esliinated as the second k t- st external source of _�Jtion. L, -411N.."L.-...external Nitrogen _totaling 1...t.....otaI,l--n-q 21 percent of the total Nitrogen load. or 7.450.....l.bs./...dav Groundwater Southold Planning Department Staff Report and other nonp gint sources are the primary contributors to water quality degKadAtion of ­ ------- - the llecotiic Es1qLjv )nt�ibtLling to algal blooms and poxia (SC'Dl- The Peconic Estuary has experienced detrimental chanp-es lqm-iiicrezlsed nutrient loads ultimately,,,,,, surface waters. Low Dissolved Oxyoeii (DO) conditions _ground and u �Z- - fhMoxik velopA Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorous (P). H poxi J,,Ae q�to excessive levels of N' is a result from planktonic algae blooms that feed on the nutrients. The algae die and settle to the bottom of the water body then decay, using,up Dissolved. in the itly fall below the levels necessary to susliaiii life and mo�g�g'- g- ­e�wl�1 -- often results in fish arid shellfish die offs. The impacts of the new sanitary systems proposed on down gradient surface water must be assessed, STAFF: Discussion provided on pages 2-11, 2-12 and 3-7 2. Impact on Groundwater a. The potential moderate to large impacts to existing groundwater quality and/or quantity. The action 1,hi bra area without access to ter aml coinnimiity (pibli�q) sewer, Potential adverse injpq��q groundwater quality and c1garifity could be sever and boundless and must be assessed. The eprqbabilit of the impact occuLriny- is moderate arid would affect the area pqprilaliori. STAFF: Discussed on pages 1-2, 2-7 and in Section 3.2 on pages 3-3 through 3-7. Section 5.5 on pages 5-4 and 5.5. Appendices H, J, L, M, N and O. b. The proposed action will require new water supply wells, or create additional demand on supplies from existing water supply wells. The parcel is not scr\/cd by i)ublic water. New private wells served by uoundwater will be,�rgqjtired to pa)*Vide potable waterlto future residences. The action must be assessed to water availability of a potable water source and the impacts of future development on ..... .......... -PAL STAFF: Discussed in Section 3.2 on pages 3-3 through 3-7. Section 5.5 on pages 5-4 6 t) t3 and 5.5. Appendices H, J, L, M, N and O. c. Water supply demand from the proposed action may exceed safe and sustainable withdrawal capacity rate of the local supply or aquifer. Water sup v denjqj of lLotabt ,grouiidwater for the potential lots must be assessed. ................... -pL— 1A STAFF: Discussed in Section 3.2 on pages 3-3 through 3-7. Section 5.5 on pages 5-4 t5 and 5.5. Appendices H, J, L, M, N and O. Southold Planning Department Staff Report d. The proposed action may allow or result in residential uses in areas without water and sewer services.. 1-te 1aa.rcels are located within an aareaa with rio availabi1,it�d�, illy �Li(-watcr or seyveers. Suffolk County Department of Health Services ap rgyals will...be required. Assessment of poteaitial impacts tc .,()rc taaa&\;adcr liaaita„tae,,v saiiitaa ...:.��ystt aa�t ( l'iarinaceutic:als aaald perso"al catW„c„l rc cl uc c,staci l+�s, herbi„cedes and fertilizers must be included. laarpaacj� 1, aad'jacent pggp itres must also be discussed, STAFF: Discussed on page 3-6 and 3-7 e. The proposed action will require wastewater discharged to groundwater.. m The amount of wastewater gallons per,day (gpd) discharged to groundwater and compliance wit„h Suffolk County Department of Health Services regulations must be discussed. STAFF: Discussed on pages 1-2, 3-4 through 3-7. f. The proposed action may result in the construction of water supply wells in locations where groundwater is, or is suspected to be, contaminated. exhibited grounclwn� nl,anu lzataoii,:.....A narrative of exi� 'till-Q Arenas ol:"t.)nent have e... ats ? c,+ c conditions and threats can be found in the mSuffolk County Comprehensive Water Resource Management Plan (2015„) A discussion of current groundwater quality. comaraxaa'aatiora, and impa cts sacts on the proposed action a djUjj p!pa%t g tiCS xlaa.xsiITbe included. STAFF: Discussed on page 1-4 and in Section 3-2, pages 3-4, 3-5 and 3-7. g. The proposed action may involve the commercial application of pesticides within 100 feet of potable drinking water or irrigation sources. Thep lots are located adjacent to aU1 iCU1taM11 lands which are included and plat of the subdivision. An assessment of the,iin )acts of pesticides within 100 feet of potable drblkiiw waite `wells) or irrI- ataonnsources for laxvaa am(l C"N.Se1U'St laa. ITI lttwlcCL STAFF: Discussed on page 1-4 and in Section 3-2, pages 3-4, 3-5 and 3-7. 3. Impact on Agricultural Resources as The proposed action may impact soil classified within Soil Group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System. Y Southold Planning Department Staff Report STAFF: Discussed on page 1-2 and in Section 3-2, pages 3-6 and 3-7. Appendix I. The NY Dep41 rngnt of Agriculture and Markets has created a Land Classification Svstem based on soils that are used in the Agricultural Assessment Program pursuant to Article 25-AA of the Agrictiluire and Markets Law. Soil G'ro I.q?I . can he ified at the NYS Agriculture and Markets Soil Groun Numbers page.. III), acts to Iiiglity productive soils hickide conversioti ol'areas to iioti-faun (residential..). use. Further, the conversion of farmland to residential use is INCONSISTENT with the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Policies. STAFF: Discussed on pages 1-2, 1-4, Section 3-1 and pages 4-4 through 4.6 12.1. Protect agricultural lands from conversion to other land uses. Town records indicate that the j)roDertv is listed an AgrLic I ........ _�!jl"i'i"i�a'I"D*"s,tr"ict and that the parcel contains pi roilagricLihural soils. 'Fhe il��,,d action d'oes not fully meet tlils policy. A total of 5.8+ acres of prime agricultural s9iI i s-proposed to be converted to other (residgjjtiah land uses. STAFF: Discussed in Section 3 on pages 3-1 through 3-3, Section 4 on pages 4-2 through 4-7 and Section 5 on pages 5-1 and 5-2. 12.3. Minimize adverse inipacts,on.a riculture Born unavoidable conversion o d ygricultural land. The LWRP states that "Where farmland is converted to residential or other non- agjci-iltj!rqj land use, the adverse impacts ol'that change on the remaining agricultural �aiid slimild be minimized. To the maxirruiiii exlent p s�jb]C. CILIStel-iM, and odier techniques should be utilized to retain sufficient land suitable for agricultural g,p -nents for ke��e fields portunitie I I p ....................... �Is w thin the new develo ent area. Arran-ei it ease arrai a ments or Qopqion through I easements should be encouraged. Site design should minimize pqtgptjal conflicts between new residential or con-linercial uses and the agricultural use." rmmAs indicated above. the purpose o jlj!� OQO o f open space in this instance is to support future agricultural uses and oreserve scenic qualities of the Oarcel to meet Towil goals. ................--- ....................................................... Consequently. the cluster'na,o )roposed lots to m'n*n-itze adverse,�iinps on Consequently. agriculture should be discussed. STAFF: Discussed in Section 3 on pages 3-1 through 3-3, Section 4 on pages 4-2 through 4-7 and Section 5 on pages 5-1 and 5-2. 4 Southold Planning Department Staff Report The proposed action may sever, cross or otherwise limit access to agricultural land (includes cropland, hayfields, pasture, vineyard, orchard, etc.). The residential development of the land will require utilities and roadways that will transverse active agricultural lands. The clustering of lots lessens the impediments that residential development could prockice f"6-1- 8q)rjCLd1L11*al lands. The assessment of potential impacts q�',ujct'iltural lands access must be discussed and any mitigation identified and/or p op sq,4-. STAFF: Discussed in Section 3 on pages 3-1 through 3-3, Section 4 on pages 4-2 through 4-7 and Section 5 on pages 5-1 and 5-2. b. The proposed action may result in the excavation or compaction of the soil profile of active agricultural land. The development of five () single family residential lots and associated roadways will result in coMp ction of soil profile of fallow agricultural lands. The assessment must ,_A. ..........include a discussion on the potential loss of agricultural lands/soils and the mitigation pI-—-------- PE01 STAFF: Discussed on pages 4-4 and 4-5. c. The proposed action may result, directly or indirectly, in increased development potential or pressure on farmland. The potential impact of moderate to large impactsto prime agricultural soils must be assessed. The proposed project is not consistent with the adopted municipal Farmland Protection Plan. The consistency of the action with the Southold Town Farm and Farmland Protection Strate v (2000) an d. Community PreservationjPr g�q Plan (2008) must be assessed STAFF: Discussed in Section 4 on pages 4-2 through 4-7 and Figure 8. 4. Impacts on Archeological Resources a. The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within, or substantially contiguous to, an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites oil the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Archaeological Site Inventory. t-- The a'ctlon is located within an archeolo(J c ally.-sensitive a.r.e.al,11111111h.'e,New York Department of Parks. Recreation and Historic Preservation is requirinR a Phase I ......................---'Recreation......- 5 Southold Planning Department Staff Report Cultural Assessment for all areas to be develo ed. The assessment must include the results of the study. STAFF: Discussion on page 1-4 and in Section 4 on pages 4-13 and 4-14. Archeological Assessment provided as Appendix U. 5. Impacts on Aesthetic Resources a. The action may impact scenic view sheds identified (file record) as important to the community. Pro-Dosed action will be visible from public roadways Orchard Street and Platt Road, The scenic view from the roadway has been identified as iniporl,Ajit by the cQgimp cori'esj.)()ndLn� 4,12tiblic testiniony-'subicct 111e), The potentialL' llpact from the siting and scale of the homes could be moderate to large based on lot size. The action has been recommended as INCONSISTENT with the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program i)olicies- ............. policies- — Polici,� 3, Enhance 1':'isual and prolect scenic resources lhrouzhout the 7,61,1,17 of Southold A. Minin?ize introduction 01'structural design components (inclbidiLi�ut� lines, --—... ........... li�Lhting, �,�gn mcit?.g) -vvhich would be discordant-";ith existi!1g,natural , _yge and fL scenic components and character, Thew A��Io mment.gLt e proposed lots would interrupt the scenic qualities of the qualities parcel; Lots 4 and 5 at their current location may interrupt the scenic character of the 12 L—Ir(LC J the buildilw envelop ,...seftqks on Lots 2-4 ana�_L� . Lots... incorrect. STAFF: Discussed in Section 4.4 Aesthetic and Open Space on page 4-9 through 4-12. Appendices C, T, B and Y. K Protect i,rszicrl clualitti associated ivith a, ricultural land, s jyce and natural 2. Groy or orient struchires ditrin site design to preserve o2en space crud pn,vide visual The ication does not meet or further the above LWRP policy. Due to the ap application- does ............... scenic_qjjqj1jjy and agriculsure potential of the propertv, the impacts of the ........... .................. pp pqse �L'�-Cs will further �Ldesion must be assessed., The clustering (,.,jj,,jjjtc�-'1-L0-43 Article XI. Cluster Development, 6 Southold Planning Department Staff Report The prime farmland (agricultural soils an emc views i d sc nto the property„from adjacent properties and existin pul-�Nte roads Orchard Street) are secondary coiise ration areas. Thej lllpgajs to the scenic view shed from Orchard Street pigs be discussed. STAFF: Discussed in Section 4.4 Aesthetic and Open Space on page 4-9 through 4-12. Appendices C, T, B and Y. 6. Consistency with Community Character a. The lLosa�1m action r�na create a denial d for addi�timial, co niiiiiar�71ty services (e.g. sc•hools,polMccw c actiop is exl ec'te�` .w� ate a demand lor� police t�mi fire services.._ � � . mm61- �.�.�. _... .�._ c'.9 to cre,..., scrvacc.s. 1"hc c a:�xa�.r�d� lt�.. scrcli services must be discussed. STAFF: Discussed on pages 1-3, 1-4, 2-5 and in Section 4.3 on pages 4-8 through 4- 9. Appendices S, W and X. 7. The assessment of a no action alternative. STAFF: Provided in Section 6 on pages 6-1 and 6-2 V. Planning Board Considerations: Staff recommends that the DEIS is adequate for public review. Send notice to NYSDEC ENB and all involved and interested agencies and persons. Post document on the Town's website. 7 Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY, 11764 April 24, 2020 Sub Donald J Wilcenski RECEIVED Chairman, Planning Board Southold Town Hall Annex AUG 2 4, r 020 54375 State Route 25 ����—Na,I c�jpC,q PO Box 1179 Plann'iing Bo Southold, New York, 11971-0959 Ms. Heather Lanza, AICP Town Planning Director Southold Town Planning 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Submission of the DEIS for 2495 Orchard Avenue, Orient, NY, 11957 SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Mr. Wilcenski Attached is the DEIS as requested by the Southold Town Planning Board. Included are: • Five Copies for the Planning Board members • Three Copies for the Planning office • One Flash Drive in an electronic PDF format If you have any questions regarding the information contained in the DEIS, please contact us. Thank you. SincereI , Steven A. Martocello 917-502-0101 Cc: William J Lahti, PE Lahti Engineering and Environmental Consulting, PC 207 Hallock Road, Suite 212 Stony Brook, NY, 11790 631-751-6433 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK , i . STEVEN BELLONE .. ...... iiN� ... V U� �. ..0 SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES JAMES L.TOMARKEN,MD,MPH,MBA,MSW COMMISSIONER December 17, 2019 Mr. Steven A. Martocello East End Holdings 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place,New York 11901 Subject: Board of Review Hearing—August 15, 2019 S10-13-0005 — The Orchards — 2595 Orchard Street, Orient — t/o Southold — SCTM: 1000- 027.00-01.00-003.000 Dear Sir: Enclosed is a copy of the findings, recommendations and determination of the Board of Review concerning the subject application. Based on the information submitted,the Board granted the request for variance/waiver with the provisions indicated in the determination. The granting of this waiver does not imply that your application will be automatically approved. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application is complete; otherwise, your approval will be subject to unnecessary d ;l.ay. Very truly"" ours Sohn S+ lt'tr P. Chief Pu ali 11'oalltli Engineer Chair, Boar of Review Enclosure Cc: Board of Review File— Yaphank Ms. Lynne Burns— OWM Mr. Steven Churchill—Reviewer Mr. Andrew Freleng—Planning Department Ms. Heather Lanza—Town of Southold Mr. John Ehlers V eDivision Of Environmental Quality♦ Board Of Review♦360 Yaphank Avenue,Suite 2B♦Yaphank NY 11980• Phone(631)852-5801 Fax(631)852-5825 1PI1b11CHPa lu, rein q,l+ r-- Pff mr,— SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD OF REVIEW ARTICLE 2,SECTION 220,SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE To: James L.Tomarken,MD,MSW,MPH,MBA,Commissioner From: John Sohngen,P.E., Chair,Board of Review Subject: Findings and Recommendations of the Review Board Regarding:S10-13-0005—The Orchards 2595 Orchard Street, Orient—t/o Southold—SCTM: 1000-027.00-01,00-003,000 Hearing Date: August 15,2019 Board Members:Anthony Condos,Kenneth Zegel,P.E. Reviewer: Steven Churchill Statement of Problem Private Water System Standards require test well results for realty subdivisions to comply with the guidelines and Maximum Cont,,,umn nt Levels (MCL)contained in Part 5 of the New York State Sanitary Code. In addition, the arithmetic mean nitrate concentration of all wells tested (on the same day) cannot exceed 6.0 milligrams per liter(mg/1)and no well shall exceed the Nitrate MCL.Nitrate and Aldicarb levels in the subject subdivision's test wells exceed the limits specified in the Private Water System Standards. Findings and Facts 1. The parcel to be divided is located in Groundwater Management Zone 4. 2. The parcel-is 579,348 square feet(sf)in area,and is shown as one lot on the 1981 tax map. 3. The subject parcel is currently vacant. 4. The proposal is to divide the parcel into five (5) residential lots meeting the minimum lot size requirements of Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code,for lots to be developed with onsite sewage disposal systems and private wells.The residential lots sizes range from 40,000 sfto 406,548 sf. 5. The parcel would yield 13 residential lots based on the Suffolk County Sanitary Code Article 6 lot size requirements. 6. All residential parcels will be served by on-site sewage disposal systems, to be designed in accordance with Department design standards with sanitary leaching structures placed a minimum of 3 feet(ft.)above the highest expected groundwater elevation. 7. Soils are acceptable,with 0 to 1 ft.loam, 1 to 7 ft. silty sand,7 to 11 ft. sand and gravel,and 11 to 16 ft.water in sand and gravel. 8. Depth to.groundwater is 11 ft.below grade as per the submitted test hole results. 9. As per the groundwater contributing areas and source water assessment maps prepared by Camp Dresser McKee(CDM)in 2009, as part of the Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan James L.Tomarken,NO,MSW,MPH,MBA,Commissioner Hearing Date:August 15,2019 Subject: SIO-13-0005---The Orchards—2595 Orchard Street,Orient—t/o Southold—SCTM: 1000-027.00- 01.00-003.000 (CWRMP) for Suffolk County, groundwater flow is southeast towards Long Beach Bay, and the subject parcel is located within the 10 to 25 year contributing area to this surface water body. 10.Test wells were installed on Lot 1 and Lot 2 of the subject subdivision. 11.The well chiller's certificate for the Lot 1 test well(We11#S-133850T)shows a total well depth of 65 feet with a static water level of 14 feet, and 47 feet of water above the 4-foot well screen. A water sample taken by the Department on August 17,2017showed water quality in the well to be in conformance with drinking water standards with the exception of Nitrates,which were 7..2 mg/l. 12. The well driller's certificate for the Lot 2 test well (Weil#S-133851T)shows a total well depth of 65 feet with a static water level of 14 feet, and 47 feet of water above the 4-foot well screen. A water sample taken by the Department on August 17,2017 showed water quality in the well to be in conformance with drinking water standards with the exception of Nitrates,Aldicarb-Sulfoxide, and Aldicarb-Sulfone,which were 11.2 mg/l, 6.0 mg/l and 4.2 mg/1 respectively: - 13. The MCL for the Nitrates, Aldicarb-Sulfoxide, and Aldicarb-Sulfone are 10.0 mg/l, 4.0 mg/1 and 2.0 mg/l respectively. 14. The high Nitrates and Aldicarbs can be treated to levels below the MCL with the proper water conditioning equipment. The Nitrates can be treated with reverse osmosis and the Aldicarbs can be treated with granular activated carbon. 15. The Board notes that Aldicarb treatment removal devices are-free to homeowners in Orient and funded by the Department through Bayer Scientific. 16. Department records indicate that groundwater in the area has been known to have high Nitrates. As an example,Department staff provided the Board with test well results for a residential application adjoining the subject parcel(SCTM: 1000-027.00-01.00-004.000 and Reference Number. R10-05- 0047)that had Nitrates at 10 mg/l. The application received final approval from the Department on April 1,2009. 17. The applicant submitted a Suffolk County Water Availability letter dated September 13; 2019 stating a water main extension of 10,000 feet would be required. Private Water System Standards require water mains to be extended to a subdivision when the existing mains are located within a distance equivalent to 150 ft. multiplied by the number of proposed lots, from the applicant's property line. Therefore, the applicant is not required to extend the public water main since the existing main is located a distance greater than 750 ft. from the subdivision property line. Determination It was a 3 to 0 determination of the Board to grant the request for the variance for the use of onsite private wells,provided that the following conditions are met: Covenants and/or deeds shall be prepared and Bled,in language acceptable to the County Attorney for the following: James L. Tomarken,MD,MSW,MPH,MBA,Commissioner Hearing Date:August 15,2019 Subject: 910-13-0005—The Orchards—2595 Orchard Street,Orient—t/o Southold—SCTM: 1000-027.00- 01.00-003.000 o Require-the installation of water.conditioning equipment to treat Nitrates and Aldicarbs to ensure the levels meet the minimum drinking water standards and/or guidelines of the State of New York at the time of development of each lot. o Recommending periodic comprehensive water analysis of the onsite private well in order to monitor drinking water quality. o Require the installation of necessary water conditioning.equipment to meet the minimum drinking water standards and/or guidelines of the State of New York if the periodic comprehensive water analyses of the onsite private well indicate water contamination in excess of the minimum drinking water standards and/or guidelines of the State of New York. o To hold harmless, indemnify and defend the-County-of Suffolk, its employees, offices, or agents harmless from any claim for damages or injuries that may arise out of the installation or use of the private well and sewage disposal system. The Department's Private Water System Standards are intended to protect public health by ensuring residential lots can install a potable private water supply meeting installation and driuk-i.ng water quality, standards. Although, the test wells results indicate high Nitrates and Aldicarb, the applicant will install necessary water conditioning equipment to treat Nitrates and Aldicarb to ensure the levels meet the minimum drinking water standards and/or guidelines of the State of New York. The granting of this variance is not a-formal approval to divide the parcel, or to construct new dwellings or install new sewage disposal systems or onsite private wells on the subject site. Rather,it is a-determination on the specific variance requested, based.upon factors noted in §760-609 of the Sanitary Code. In compliance with §760-609A(1)(a), the variance is in general conformity with the Sanitary Code. The variance should not impair groundwater, surface water and drinking water supplies, and, as such, is consistent with criteria specified in §760-609A(1)(b). The granting of the-requested variance will not adversely affect the design of an adequate on-site water supply and/or sewage disposal system,taking into account soil conditions, depth to groundwater, and site specific physical conditions, and as such, is consistent with criteria specified in §760-609A(1)(e). ' As per §760-609 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, the approval of the variance with the specified conditions is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Sanitary Code to protect groundwater and drinking water supplies,surface water and other natural resources,and public health,safety and welfare. December 17,2019 7oard r J ll viewv*Note:All references to Article 6 ofthe Suffolk County Sanitary Code refer tc,Sb veziory 1,2018. "'N COUNTY OF SUFFOLK � � �� ' R-E-CETIVEP ;;IJ( STEVEN BELLONE m'� Board °a w SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES JAMES L.TOMARKEN, MD, MPH, MBA, MSW Commissioner August 15, 2019 East End Holding 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place,NY 11901 Attn: Steven A. Martocello Subject: Variance Hearing SCDHS Ref.#: S10-13-0005; The Orchards Property Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient,t/o Southold SCTM#: 1000-27-1-3 Dear Sir: Your request to appear before the Board of Review of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services has been received. The review of this case has been scheduled for August 15, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. in the Suffolk County Department of Health Services' Conference Room, 360 Yaphank Avenue - Suite 2C, Yaphank,NY 11980. You and interested parties are requested to appear, with or without counsel. On that occasion, you may produce any information or evidence you wish to be considered concerning the above-referenced property. Should you have any questions, please call(631) 852.5801. Very truly yours, John Sohngen, P.E. Chair, Board of Review JS/jb C: John Ehlers Heather Lanza-Town of Southold Andrew Freleng- Planning Dept. Lauretta Fischer- Planning Dept. Steven Churchill-Reviewer 10 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY N, d 4,,, 360 Yaphank Avenue, Suite 2C,Yaphank NY 11980(631)852-5700 Fax(631)852-5755 Michaelis, Jessica rj From: Terry, Mark Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 11:21 AM , To: Michaelis, Jessica Subject: FW: The Orchards - Update ti AY For file. _22'I II2,2 rL_, From: Alex Martocello [mailto:alexmartoceilo@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, May 12, 2017 10:27 AM To: Terry, Mark Cc: Lanza, Heather Subject: The Orchards - Update Mark/ Heather, I originally sent this email to Aly but understand that she is no longer with the Town. I wanted to reach out to you with regard to our project 'The Orchards'. We have been working through our SEAR response but obviously have had some delays. From our last conversation with the engineer we should be ready to hand back a response to you within the next 4-6 weeks. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.. Thank you. Alex Martocello (631) 291-2160 alexmartocello@gmail.com t P(l)J4 L, kk ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT SoWhold Town 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY 11957 �'L 631-323-2445 • Fax 631-323-9706 oientfired@optonline.net July13, 2015 Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner Southold Town Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Dear Alyxandra Sabatino: The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Orient Fire District have reviewed the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision located on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' Northwest of Platt Road in Orient. SCTM#1000-27-1-3. After reviewing the site plan, the Board of Fire Commissioners have approved the location of the fire well as located on the map. In addition the Board of Fire Commissioners are requesting the 25' wide easement access for vehicles to extend the full length to the rear of Lot #2, so fire vehicles can have full access from Orchard Street to the rear of Lot #2. Sincerely, Edward Loper, Secretary Orient Fire District 0 3 os W CC), � to 10I a l�r O REV I5EC 2-05-2014 1 -21 -2015 �;zXZ1 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 00 P.O. Box 1179���, ,� ,+ DONALD J.WILCENSKI � , + r Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREES c Town Hall Annex PIERCE FERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR " , :f; Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.s outholdtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 7, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Lead Agency/SEAR Classification/SEQR Determination: Positive Declaration - Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, July 6, 2015: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action; and WHEREAS, pursuant 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), the Planning Board coordinated with all involved and interested agencies on February 13, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board, as Lead Agency, performed a coordinated review of this Unlisted Action pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7 of the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA); be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Planning Board hereby declares Lead Agency status for the SEQRA review of this Unlisted Action; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is an Unlisted Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED that Type I procedures will be used for the review of this Unlisted Action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to SEQRA, hereby makes a determination of significance for the proposed action and issues a Positive Declaration. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman cc: John Ehlers, Surveyor 'IleMAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS 0 P.O. Box 1179 ° Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKIr, Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY d 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR � � Southold, NY 42z, r Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD State Environmental Quality Review POSITIVE DECLARATION Notice of Intent to Prepare a Draft EIS Determination of Significance Project Number: Date: July 6,2015 SCTM#1000-21-7-3 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The Town of Southold Planning Board as lead agency,has determined that the proposed action described below may have a significant impact on the environment and that a Drftft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. Type I procedures were used for the review of this Unlisted action due to the Lead Agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful. Name of Action: The Orchards Standard Subdivision SEQR Status: Type 1 Unlisted Scoping: No _X Yes— If yes, indicate how scoping will be conducted: SEOR Positive Declaration Page tagej 2 July 6,2015, Description of Action: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R- 80 Zoning District. Location: The property is located on the northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' northwest of Platt Road, in Orient,New York. Reasons Supporting This Determination: This proposed action may cause a potential moderate to large adverse impact on surface waters, groundwater, agricultural resources, aesthetic resources (scenic view sheds important to the community) and archeological resources. A comprehensive review must be conducted to determine the potential impacts and mitigation of impacts (if necessary) identified for the proposed action. The Town of Southold Planning Board is requiring a review of the action to determine the magnitude, importance and probability of occurrence of potential impacts. Relevant areas of concern include: 1. Impacts on Surface Water a. The proposed action may affect the water quality of any water bodies within or downstream of the site of the proposed action. Recent studies have linked on-site sanitary systems with contributing Nitrogen to surface � 1 is could lie,moderate to l��frr...(lie Pecon o EstuarMy, sifter �vrrtcr°s rrr�cl �,arlr�t�r��ftrv� rra�.r:�rct��c�r _. its ro,pl� cm l p saidr n, grJratt»l tc , ra estinia,ted as tlic so onLi l irL(,-st cxtergal sorrrce of Nilro )Lii t,9 a in 21 �,rcef of the total Nitro �cr� r loa�et,L)i 450 ll)sl`day.. 'F.roujidw r1er ari.d othermiwji.oint sources are mll�e,r inu arr�tr ibtitors to waterc r�i: _��c elation of thePeconic EA90ar coptribUting hjalgrr1 lalrr t�a� i l� l)oxirr SC�;DI[ e The Peconic Estuary has experienced detrimental changes from increased nutrient loads to ground and ultiniately surface waters. Low Dissolved Oxygen(DQ) conditions (lliy: oxia develop due to excessive levels of;C" itr() (N) and, ho� ,p proi,sit m...11y oxi is a resgit-from pl anlktonic fdgae b.Joorrrsthat feed on the�wrrutrients. "The a�lgae-Ai.e.wid settle to the l)momtt jn ofthe water body tl'reri decay q. iltg rrl) 1;7isscrlvecl O ygrar ire the r cc ,gym. 111 t °r leva�ls. lr.a�lar��zrily�'�rll Lac l�rvawll�.o..levels traces �t�icy sustain life�ttmrci often results in fish atid shellfish die offs. The imoacts of the pew sanitary systems_proposed on downmmt,r adierrt surface water must be assessed. 2. Impact on Groundwater a. The potential moderate to large impacts to existing groundwater quality and/or quantity. SEQR Positive Declaration Lal ej 3 July„6, 2015 The is proposed in an area without access to public water and community (public) _.m... p g � cl y d y _ ere sewer. Potential adverse im acts to a�oa.aa�dwaat�er ualit and uantit could be severe and boundless and must be assessed. The probability of the impact occurring is moderate and would affect the area population. b. The proposed action will require new water supply wells, or create additional demand on supplies from existing water supply wells. .1.l....mmc , _ L to willaaotscrvcd l) iubl c vatcr. �cwl °aya t � e t .be required to provide potable water to future residences. The action must be assessed to wKatc awaalabiliGty of qmpaat.,ble water source an(] the irnp ct.s of future devcl ;ig t on groundwater supply. c. Water supply demand from the proposed action may exceed safe and sustainable withdrawal capacity rate of the local supply or aquifer. Water supply demand of potable groundwater for the potential lots must be assessed. d. The proposed action may allow or result in residential uses in areas without water and sewer services. ll mc aaa cls a.a locaatc l witlaia aaaa aa�a�eaa wait.a iio ayan a;,)a atv to :au) ic w�.ate:a oa sewcas. 1,. ,.... .m.. r mm I� ufolk 'lluit Dep artaneni ofllealth Services approvals will be requiredAssessment of otenti" l in'111 a,c(s to groundwater from new saanitaaEy stern _ ....,ba.naccwut c l and r � ljc°s�oa<l c<r�paadacC.sl* ;wes aica � �aeac �s and fe rtilizersmust be included. InIpacts n pa. ts to adjacent properties must also be discussed. e. The proposed action will require wastewater discharged to groundwater. �l I)e aaaaaa,unt of wastewater gaaUon , o grow an.�:..' �_.... ..... � ,. s lac;a'c as c c asc�aaar� to groundwater aaac.W coNtapliallce with Suffolk County Department of"Health Services ware2a ttwons must be discussed. f. The proposed action may result in the construction of water supply wells in locations where groundwater is, or is suspected to be, contaminated. Areas of Orient laaye exhibited gEqUndwater contamination.aa�ination. A narrative gl existiaa conditions andwwt be found in the Suffolk County Comprehensive Water lhreats can e.soaa°ce 11�1�anaagenlen Pl n U-01 s) discussion of"cur regal air-oundwater quality� croffl a,inin atzoraµuaad..lt l as is caaa the o rs ,d sac°,tioaa be included. g. The proposed action may involve the commercial application of pesticides within 100 feet of potable drinking water or irrigation sources. l la tNapacd hats are locaatel aaciiacent ta_a �agrta;tltural lands which are included and part of the subdivision An assessment of the impacts of pesticides within 100 feet of potable „ drinking water(wells)„_or irrigation sources for lawn and crops must be included. SEQR Positive Declaration Page 14 July 6, 2015 3. Impact on Agricultural Resources a. The proposed action may impact soil classified within Soil Group I through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System. The NY Department of Agriculture and Markets has created a Land Classification System based on soils that are used it th Agrictiltgral Assessment Flr%�1 0 �aqjjjLi�a�Liajjt to Article 25-AA 00.k.Affictiltureapd Markets Law, Soil Grou is cag be identifiedat the NYS Agriculture and Markets Soil Group Numbers page. .1 4.12ff Impacts to highly productive soils include conversion of areas to non-farm (residential) use. Further, the conversion of farmland to residential use is INCONSISTENT with the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Policies. 12.1. Protect agricultural lands from conversion to other land uses. Town records indicate that the property is listed in an Agricultural District and that the L)A rlelaa rttis-l?riam,Licultural soils, "The r),�gL)q',S tq 1� Ily Ileetthis _L -ftL -.L—— policy. A total of 5.8+acres of prime agricultural soil is proposed to be converted to other(residential) land uses. 12.3. Minimize adverse impacts on agriculture from unavoidable conversion q agricultural land. The LWRP states that "Where f1irniland is converted to residential or other non- ,1gricidwral lan the adverse jmpqqs-q1 at ck U, Jbi a 11;LaL—M—gE land should be minimized. To the maximum extent possible, clustering and other teplink e�Lsjiould be utilized t(-) retain sitilicient hind SUiLA)k,_� ta r a ijiguittinal jjL, opportugilies within (tic new devel mient area. Arrangenients for I �ijn , v�iqble fields in g prod=Ii011 thro gh.lease_arrangqqjqjt -easeinents should ()e encoltra ed. Site I s,oi 9 design should minimize potential conflicts between new residential or commercial uses and the agriCLIftttral use." As indicated above, the pqrDose ofthe 60% of opgp, -�,12:LipLsn this itistarice is 10 SU-) cast A111ire gag rictiltUral LISCS and preserve scenic qualities Qf the-12—are—elto "11cet 'rown CL�oqls. CqD.sqwten!1jY.jtj2L.clustering of the proposed lots to ininiti-iize qdverse,,iMp,,L'Lqts on agriculture should be discussed. b. The proposed action may sever, cross or otherwise limit access to agricultural land (includes cropland, hayfields, pasture, vineyard, orchard, etc.). The residential develo p tneat oftlic land will reel tan utilities and roadw -- transverseactive gag jjetaltural lands,. The clysleriii of lots lessens the iriTedinients that residential development could produce for a2ricultural lands. The assessment of potential impacts agricultural lands access must be discussed and any mitigation ....................... ............ identified and/or proposed. r tion Pa e 5 July 6, 2015. SEAR Positive Declaration c. The proposed action may result in the excavation or compaction of the soil profile of active agricultural land. _'l'1C dcvCJ0pj1tcgrt of lire 5' siiigle family_IK,id pt al bits and -associated wackva 81 Ny 11 result in compaction of soil profile of lal low,agricultural lands. The assessment must iiie cddc Ei drst M,Nssiora on the parteratial loss o agrrc„trltgral lands/soils gild the initr ,rt�rorb proposed. d. The proposed action may result, directly or indirectly, in increased development potential or pressure on farmland. The 1°rot ratral irrIl�r1rc���t rr�ta�lc rw�rt� tc Vic.�rntawrct ..Ata�l�utr�a� ,lfai rrltM-al soils narN,",t be assessed. e. The proposed project is not consistent with the adopted municipal Farmland Protection Plan. The consistency of the action with the Southold Town Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy (m2fl&m)(l,) �lt�cl C"crrrararrrrrity Ir°cschr`vrtrol M'tot llcrra ?tlt)g' raarrst be rr.asescc,i. 4. Impacts on Archeological Resources a. The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within, or substantially contiguous to, an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Archaeological Site Inventory. The action is located within an arclreologicall_y sensitive area. The New York Department of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation is requiring a Phase I Cultural Assessment for all areas to be developed. The assessment must include the results of the study. 5. Impacts on Aesthetic Resources a. The action may impact scenic view sheds identified (file record) as important to the community. Proposed action will be visible from public roadways Orchard Street and Platt Road. The scenic view from. Clara: roadw,,iy has been identified as important by the community in corn acrrader c r rcl prwNrlic tcstira sr Tcµc ttic w I L potentia rra r act 1'rr.xr tk e� siting and scale of the homes could be moderate to large based on lot size. Tlie action has been recommended as IN(ONS � I _._.._.._ . _._ �o�rt�Wtrl-Sc titho;l 1 ,1 l��lJ`l' with tlrc. Local Waterfront Revitaliza tion Program policies: /"olic,v 3 Enhance Osut-l c iql i�y q )r gL, 1 sc enic°resources thr ou out„the Town c, Southold. A. Minimize introduction of structural desig�j components (including ty lines„ li lath �= zcrr„t rt�arl c aac ttwbyhic h would be discordant with c isti ?r; wr�gly:r.d scenic components and character, SEAR Positive Declaration Page 16 July 6, 2015 The development of the proposed lots would interr i)t the scenicqualities of the P I..... i rupt the seen i e cha ratter cif t lie parcel significantly, Further the buildii,w envek,')ILc setbacks on Lots 2-4 appear tobe incorrect. K. Protect visued qualily ti,svocialetl s+,ith agricultural lai v resources, 2. Groun or orient structures during site design-tq_preserve,-open space and provide visual organization. The application does not meet or further the above LWRP policy. Due to the scenic quality and agriculture poleg1jal of the MoILerly' 1 I irnoacts of the 10 proposed design must be qsse9sc& The clustering of structures will further Chapter 240-43 Article X1. Cluster Development. '['he prime rarniland ic views into th�,jjNoS, from p ard reet) are secondary adjacent properties and exist'n tLj'—)0lic r-oads (_Orc h St ...........—'. conservation areas. The impacts to the scenic view shed from Orchard Street must be discussed. 6. Consistency with Community Character a. JThp Rroll sed action may create a demand for addition',11 C0111111LElity SCI'ViCcS &I, schools. police and fire). The action is expected to create a demand for ppjtq�q_g�re services. The demand for ...................... ....... such services must be discussed. 7. The assessment of a no action alternative. For Further Information: Contact Person: Mark Terry, Principal Planner Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner Address: P.O. Box 1179, 5309 State Road 25, Southold,New York 11971 Telephone Number: 631-765-1938 A copy of this notice must be sent to: Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Suffolk County Department of Health Services Scott Russell, Southold Town Supervisor Suffolk County Water Authority Southold Town Board of Trustees Suffolk County Planning Department Southold Town Engineer Southold Highway Department Orient Fire District Southold Architectural Review Committee Southold Police Department Environmental Notice Bulletin New York State Department of State File NYSDEC - Stony Brook Any person requesting a copy Agom y Use Only[If applicable] Full Environmental Assessment Form f>roject rr,f,oPLr,�rd5,si ,d�Pd Ub;V,,,;nn Part 2-Identification of Potential Project Impacts grace Inns Part 2 is to be completed by the lead agency. Part 2 is designed to help the lead agency inventory all potential resources that could be affected by a proposed project or action. We recognize that the lead agency's reviewer(s)will not necessarily be environmental professionals. So,the questions are designed to walk a reviewer through the assessment process by providing a series of questions that can be answered using the information found in Part 1. To further assist the lead agency in completing Part 2,the form identifies the most relevant questions in Part i that will provide the information needed to answer the Part 2 question. When Part 2 is completed,the lead agency will have identified the relevant environmental areas that may be impacted by the proposed activity. If the lead agency is a state agency and the action is in any Coastal Area,complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. Tips for completing Part 2: • Review all of the information provided in Part 1. • Review any application,maps,supporting materials and the Full EAF Workbook. • Answer each of the 18 questions in Part 2. • If you answer"Yes"to a numbered question,please complete all the questions that follow in that section. • If you answer"No"to a numbered question,move on to the next numbered question. • Check appropriate column to indicate the anticipated size of the impact. • Proposed projects that would exceed a numeric threshold contained in a question should result in the reviewing agency checking the box"Moderate to large impact may occur." • The reviewer is not expected to be an expert in environmental analysis. • If you are not sure or undecided about the size of an impact,it may help to review the sub-questions for the general question and consult the workbook. • ' When answering a question consider all components of the proposed activity,that is,the"whole action". • Consider the possibility for long-term and cumulative impacts as well as direct impacts. n. _. . context of the project. • Answer the question in a reasonable manner considering the scalee and Conte mmmmm� 1. Impact on Land Proposed action may involve construction on,or physical alteration of, [—]NO ®YES the land surface of the proposed site. (See Part 1.D.1) If"Yes", answer questions a-j. I "No", move on to Section 2. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may involve construction on land where depth to water table is E2d 0 ❑ less than 3 feet. b.The proposed action may involve construction on slopes of 15%or greater. E2f ® ❑ c.The proposed action may involve construction on land where bedrock is exposed,or E2a generally within 5 feet of existing ground surface. d.The proposed action may involve the excavation and removal of more than 1,000 tons D2a ' EJ of natural material. e.The proposed action may involve construction that continues for more than one year Die ❑ or in multiple phases. f.The proposed action may result in increased erosion,whether from physical D2e,D2q 0 ❑ disturbance or vegetation removal(including from treatment by herbicides). g.The proposed action is,or may be,located within a Coastal Erosion hazard area. B i i ® ❑ h.Other impacts: ___........_...... —_ Page 1 of 10 2 act on Geological �.mm —....... ... .... e.._n _.—.....9...._.._ ., m.,. ....... . Imp act gical Features The proposed action may result in the modification or destruction of, or inhibit access to, any unique or unusual land forms on the site(e.g., cliffs, dunes, NO ❑YES minerals, fossils, caves). (See Part 1. E.2.g) If"Yes", answer questions a-c. If No", move on to Section 3. - � Relevant No,or Moderat e Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may r s � ........�.W. .....__.� ... _. .............. . ._._....... ...�. �_..maY occur occu — a.Identify the specific land form(s)attached E2g D b.The proposed action may affect or is adjacent to a geological feature listed as a E3c registered National Natural Landmark. Specific feature: c. Other impacts:,... _._........ ..-. — ..mm.............— 3. Impacts on Surface Water The proposed action may affect one or more wetlands or other surface water ❑NO OYES bodies(e.g., streams,rivers,ponds or lakes). (See Part 1.D.2,E.21) uestions a- 1. I No move on to Section 4. I "Yes', answer " Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ma occur occur a.The proposed action may create a new water body,. D2b,D1h 0 [ ro osed action � b.The may r �......__.........�� proposed y result in an increase or decrease of over 10%or more than a D2b 0 ❑ 10 acre increase or decrease in the surface area of any body of water. c.The proposed action may involve dredging m ^p p y g g ore than 100 cubic yards of material D2a 10 from a wetland or water body. d.The proposed action may involve construction within or adjoining a freshwater or E2h ® 0 tidal wetland,or in the bed or banks ofany other water body. e.The proposed action may create turbidity in a waterbody,either from upland erosion, D2a,D2h 0 ❑ runoff or by disturbing bottom sediments. f.The proposed action may include construction of one or more intake(s)for withdrawal D2c 0 ❑ of water from surface water. g.The proposed action may include construction of one or more outfall(s)for discharge D2d 0 El of wastewater to surface water(s). h.The proposed action may cause soil erosion,or otherwise create a source of D2e ® ❑ stormwater discharge that may lead to siltation or other degradation of receiving water bodies. ............ �proposed� ma affect the water quality of an water bodies within or ...E2h i.The action Y q Y Y IZI downstream of the site of the proposed action. j.The proposed action may involve the application of pesticides or herbicides in or D2q,E2h ❑ around any water body. k.The proposed action may require the construction of new,or expansion of existing, D1 a,D2d El wastewater treatment facilities. Page 2 of 10 1.Other impacts: ,. ❑ .......................................................................................................................................................I'll.......... ...... ....................... ... ......................................................... . ..... 4. Impact on groundwater The proposed action may result in new or additional use of ground water,or []NO ©YES may have the potential to introduce contaminants to ground water or an aquifer. (See Part 1. D.2.a, D.2.c,D.2.d, D.2.p,D.2.q, D.2.t) If"Yes", answer questions a-h. If"No", move on to Section 5. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may require new water supply wells,or create additional demand D2c ❑ on supplies from existing water supply wells. b.Water supply demand from the proposed action may exceed safe and sustainable D2c ❑ 0 withdrawal capacity rate of the local supply or aquifer. Cite Source: c.The proposed action may allow or result in residential uses in areas without water and Dla,D2c El 0 sewer services. d.The _ .......�. ��v.�__. � ..__..�... . ..... ....... .._ proposed action may include or require wastewater discharged to groundwater. 132d,E21 El 0 e.The proposed action may result in the construction of water supply wells in locations D2c,Elf, ❑ 0 where groundwater is,or is suspected to be,contaminated. Elg,Elh f The proposed action may require the bulk storage of petroleum or chemical products D2p,E21 over ground water or an aquifer. g.The proposed action may involve the commercial application of pesticides within 100 E2h,D2q, ❑ feet of potable drinking water or irrigation sources. E21,D2c h. Other impacts...... ❑ El 5. Impact on Flooding The proposed action may result in development on lands subject to flooding. ❑NO Vj YES (See Part 1. E.2) If "Yes", answer questions a-,g. If"No", move on to Section 6. _ Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ��_�_..�.....__. .�..�.......�..... ... .w _ ...�.w......_ ..........-._..�....._ ur occur a.The proposed action may result in development in a designated floodway. I E2i 0 ❑ b.The proposed action may result in development within a 100 year floodplain. E2j El c.The proposed action may result in development within a 500 year floodplain. E2k ® ❑ d.The proposed action may result in,or require,modification of existing drainage 132b,D2e ❑ patterns. e. The proposed action may change flood water flows that contribute to flooding. D2b,E2i, IZI E2k f.If there is a dam located on the site of the proposed action,is the dam in need of repair, E1 e or upgrade? .._.-.....mm..��.�..............._............ _........_�..........................�..�..Page 3 of 10.............................�............... ......................................... ..,.�........,.,..,_........�,......— ........... r impacts: _ ..... ❑ El ..................-- ........................... .. ....................... .................. .......f........... ............. The proposed action may include a state regulated air 6. Impacts on Air p p y g emission source. ©NO YES (See Part 1. D.2.17., D,2,h, D.2.g) ..If"Yes", answer questions a-f. If No .. .move an to Section 7. _ Relevant .. No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.If the proposed action requires federal or state air emission permits,the action may also emit one or more greenhouse gases at or above the following levels: i. More than 1000 tons/year of carbon dioxide(CO2) D2g U' d-1 ii. More than 3.5 tons/year of nitrous oxide(N20) D2g Et iii.More than 1000 tons/year of carbon equivalent of perfluorocarbons(PFCs) I D2g D iv.More than.045 tons/year of sulfur hexafluoride(SF6) D2g v. More than 1000 tons/year of carbon dioxide equivalent of D2g hydrochloroflourocarbons(EFCs)emissions vi.43 tons/year or more of methane D2h tJ b.The proposed action may generate 10 tons/year or more of any one designated D2g ❑ hazardous air pollutant,or 25 tons/year or more of any combination of such hazardous air polltNtaws. c.The proposed action may require a state air registration,or ..._ .. .w..... may produce an emissions D2f,D2g rate of total contaminants that may exceed 5 lbs.per hour,or may include a heat source capable of producing more th_an 10 million BTU's per hour. d.The proposed action may reach 50%of any of the thresholds in"a"through"c", D2g r: above. e.The proposed action may result in the combustion or thermal treatment of more than 1 D2s ton of refuse per hour. f.Other impacts; ~l 7. Impact on Plants and Animals proposed action may result in a loss of flora or fauna. See Part 1. E.2. m - NO YES If Yes MO1 answer uc�estions a-j. If"No", move on to Section 8. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may cause reduction in population or loss of individuals of any E2o ❑ ❑ threatened or endangered species,as listed by New York State or the Federal government,that use the site,or are found on over,or near the site. � _ .._� _....... b.The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of any habitat used by E2o ❑ 0 any rare,threatened or endangered species,as listed by New York State or the federal government. _ _._ ...... ......... c.The proposed action may cause reduction in population,or loss of individuals,of any E2p 0 ❑ species of special concern or conservation need, as listed by New York State or the Federal government„that use the site,or are found on,over,or near the site. d.The proposed action may result in a reduction or degradation of any habitat used by E2p any species of special concern and conservation need,as listed by New York State or the Federal government. m_..__.......... �... ..� .... .. Page 4 of� 10 e.The proposed action may diminish the capacity of a registered National Natural E3c ® ❑i Landmark to s stablished to prolect support the e b�.... �ical community �t was e �m_.. .. _ ... f.The proposed action may result in the removal of,or ground disturbance in,any E2n ® ❑ portion of a designated significant natural community. Source: proposedg.The action y ' t u/breedinforaome,o�r � E2m ❑ overwintermghabtat for thepredominant species that occupy or usethe project � � ❑ site. h.The proposed action requires the conversion of more than 10 acres of forest, Elb ❑ grassland or any other regionally or locally important habitat. Habitat type&information source: i.Proposed action commercial industrial or recreational projects,only)involves use of P ( r. p J Y) � D2q � i�J ❑ herbicides or pesticides. j.Other impacts:_ ❑ ❑ 8. Impact on Agricultural Resources The proposed action may impact agricultural resources. (See Part 1.E.3.a. and b.) ❑NO YES If _.."Yes", answer a uestians a-h. IT No' move on to Section 9 � Relevant -. .......... No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may cur _ w ._. .. ... y impact a.The proposed action may classified�� pact soil assified within soil group 1 through 4 of the Etc,E3b ❑ ❑ NYS Land Classification item b.The proposed action may sever,cross or otherwise limit access to agricultural land Ela,Elb ❑ (includes cropland,hayfields,pasture,vineyard,orchard,etc) c.The proposed action may result in the excavation or compaction of the soil profile of E3b El 0 _ active agricultural land. _ d.mThe proposed action may irreversibly convert agricultural land to non-agricultural Elb,E3a uses,either more than 2.5 acres if located in an Agricultural District,or more than 10 acres if not within an Agricultural District. e.The proposed action may disrupt or prevent installation of an agricultural land El a,Elb raaanagemcnt system. FfThe proposed action may result,directly or indirectly,in increased development C2c,C3, El 0 potential or pressure on farmland D2c D2d The proposed osed project is not consistent with the adopted municipal Farmland C2c� ❑ g• p P P J p .p _...._ Protection Plan. h.Other impacts: ❑ ❑ Page 5 of 1 ............. ..........-......----. .................... 9. Impact on Aesthetic Resources The land use of the proposed action are obviously different from, or are in NO W]YES sharp contrast to, current land use patterns between the proposed project and a scenic or aesthetic resource. (Part 1. E.La,E.Lb, E.3.h.) If"Yes", answer questions a Section 10. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ay occur occur a.Proposed action may be visible from any officially designated federal,state,or local E3h El scenic or aesthetic resource. b.The proposed action may result in the obstruction,elimination or significant E3h,C2b E] 0 screening of one or more officially des . ignated scenic views. ......... ......I ,- c.The proposed action may be visible from publicly accessible vantage points: E3h i.Seasonally(e.g.,screened by summer foliage,but visible during other seasons) ii.Year round ❑ 0 d.The situation or activity in which viewers are engaged while viewing the proposed I E3h action is: E2q, i. Routine travel by residents,including travel to and from work 0 ii.Recreational or tourism based activities Elc El 0 e.The proposed action may cause a diminishment of the public enjoyment and E3h appreciation of the designated aesthetic resource. f. There are similar projects visible within the following distance of the proposed Dla,Ela, project: Dlf,D1g 0-1/2 mile 1/2-3 mile 3-5 mile L.............5+--mile .......... g.Other impacts: . ........ —----- ❑ El 10. The proposed Impact on Historic and Archeological Resources action may occur in or adjacent to a historic or archaeological []NO W]YES resource. (Part 1. E.3.e, f. and g.) If"Yes", answer questions a- e. If"No", go to Section 11. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur a.The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous De 0 V1 to,any buildings,archaeological site or district which is listed on or has been nominated by the NYS Board of Historic Preservation for inclusion on the State or National Register of Historic Places. —— ----------- b.The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous E3f to,an area designated as sensitive for archaeological sites on the NY State Historic Preservation Office(SH110)archamplogical site inventory. ............. c.The proposed action may occur wholly or partially within,or substantially contiguous E3g El to,an archaeological site not included on the NY SHPO inventory. Source: ........... Page 6 of 10 d�.Other impacts._._ _._._ a,,, _. ....� ❑ e.If any of the above(a-d)are answered"Yes",continue with the following questions to help support conclusions in Part 3: i. The proposed action may result in the destruction or alteration of all or part De,E3g, m of the site or property. E3f ii. The proposed action may result in the alteration of the property's setting or E3e,E3f, ❑ m integrity. E3g,Ela, Elb iii. The proposed action may result in the introduction of visual elements which De,E3f, ❑ 0 are out of character with the site or property,or may alter its setting. E3g,E3h, C2,C3 11. The on O action may red Rena loss of recreational opportunities � �� � �� _.... Impactpropo sult P P n pp or DNO YES reduction of an open space resource as designated in any adopted municipal open space plan. (See Part 1. C.2.c,E.l.c.,E.2.q.) l "Yes" answer e mmCi"'„No", r t o Section 12. m Relevant No,o . r Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may m . ._...._._ _.._..._ _.....___ _...._ .._.....__..._ ...._ _....... n�u��y occur occur...._.��i a.The proposed action may result in an impairment of natural functions,or"ecosystem D2e,Elb ❑ ❑ services",provided by an undeveloped area,including but not limited to stormwater E2h, storage,nutrient cycling,wildlife habitat. E2m,Ego, k en 121 b.The proposed action p p may result in the loss of a current or future recreational resource.. C2a,Elc, m ❑ ctio C2c,122jj..... c.The proposed action may eliminate open space or recreational resource in an area C2a,C2c ❑ with few such resources. Elc,E2q pos d.The proposed action may .... Wp result in loss of an area now used informally by the C2c,Elc ❑ cy0nir zunily as an o,�.1t 4�Lmce resource e. Other impacts: ❑ ❑ 12. Impact on Critical Environmental p Areas The proposed action may be located within or adjacent to a critical NO YES environmental area(CEA). (See Part 1.E.3.d) �....„If"Yes", answer auestions a-c. I "No", o to Section 13. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may L. may occur occu„r a.The proposed action may result in a reduction in the quantity of the resource or E3d :: ) characteristic which was the basis for designation of the CEA b.The proposed action may result in a reduction in the quality of the resource or E3d Ell r] characteristic which was the basis for dc�sij,. ���tiarn of the CEA. L.-..-- ._.aa ..a. m. m .... _. _..,._ _ _.... c.Other impacts. _._ �� �A Page 7 of 10 13. The Impact Transportation proposed action may result in a change to existing transportation systems. NO Z YES (See Part 1. D.2.j) If"Yes l ,' � t��.,.di r� to Section 14 ......� .. Relevant ... Noy or Modest nswer e i scion a . . �_.. Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may may occur occur El a.Proiected traffic increase„!jii y exceed c ty of cxmstnat;road network D2J ... _. . 0..��,.. b.The proposed action may result in the construction of paved parking area for 500 or D2J [� more vehicles. _ .. c.The proposed action will w...i.lV.l_degrade rade existing ing-transit access. J � — d.The pr posed action w' l d�egrade existing pedestrian or bicycle acco mmodations. D2.j_ _ p p of movement f people or goods D2J ® ,•..... proposed. _ ....�.Y alter the pattern ement o _�...._ .�-.e.The action may _ e f. Other impacts: El EJ 14. The Impact o action may cause Energy proposed y use an increase in the use of any form of energy. [—]NO ©YES (See Part 1. D.21) 1'"Yes' a nswe�jta _ ra to Section 15. Relevant No,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may occur u�a occur.. _........ a The lac r osed action will d c sir c a new,or an uPgl ade to an �stm; substation. D2k _® ww__ ,_.. ❑ b.The proposed action will require the creation or extension of an energy transmission Dlf, 0 ❑ or supply system to serve more than 50 single or two-family residences or to serve a Dlq,D2k commercial or industrial use. c.The proposed action may utilize more than 2,500 MWh Y D2k r of electricity. d.The proposed action may involve heating and/or cooling of more than 100,000 square Dlg ® ❑ feet of b completed. u�lal�xrg...area when.mm._ m... e.Other Impacts: .... ..— __ ...__.—........ ❑ ❑ 15. The Impact Noise, Y and Light � Odor,a ..._ � proposed action may result in an increase in noise, odors, or outdoor lighting. ONO ©YES (See Part 1.D.2.m.,n.,and o.) . w......... ..... � w.._. .... — m .. _ 1 "Yes ' l�rx answer r � rts a p; C No , o to Section 16 Relevant N. o,or Moderate Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ._proposed action may -_� �r. ... ...... ..,� �e.. .... roy occur occur a.The prop y produce sound above noise levels established by local D2m 0 ❑ regulation. b.The proposed action may result in blasting within 1,500 feet of any residence, D2m,Eld day home _ I u ... result In routine odors for morethan one hour per day. c.The��ro19 proposed action may resM ❑ P p YP Y Page 8 of 10 ' shining onto adjoining ro osed action may result m light s D2n J g ...... .. ®.e� ...._ ... d.Thep p Y g ...,...�.. e.The proposed action may �p y result in lighting creating sky-glow brighter than existing D2n,Ela El area conditions. — .�. �.._.._..—. . .m,� .... ...... .�.......— �..... .�..� ...�. El f.Other impacts ._....... .. .. ......... ._......_..,. m. _ .._.. ...._.......... _........ 16. Impact onHuman aton m Health have an impact on human health from exposure NO ©YES T proposed to new or existing sources of contaminants. (See Part 1.D.2.q.,,E.1.. d. f. g. and h.) "Yes answer y_gq,�!ion a m If.. "No" s to Section l7 _ _ Relevant No,ar Moderate . Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may na�a c r occur ed day E1 .The proposed action is located within " tt,��ttnilwlicens.... ..�_.� ® ❑ nter,tsts� l�r�Nttem dtursitr home or retirement con ill �� n l 500 feet of a school,hospital,m IT�m m�mm � v m care b.The site.� ...E� ❑ undergoing Elh — .® .... ... of the proposed action is currentlyunder otn remediation.� � g>�mmm^ � c...There is a completed� ..erspill".� ....� emergency g y remediation,or a completed environmental site Elg,Elh d on,or,�dkjccjit proposed w action. g . ..... E1g,Elh .. �._._.��.. ... �.._ .... d.The site ofaction s subject toan institutional control limiting the use of the pro, cr� easement or deed restrictio ) b control measures that were put in place E1 e.The proposed action may affect institutional co t � ..' g,Elh ❑ ..d human health. _ �_ — e l _. .....�� environment an....�....�,�............ _.�_. �.,�..-. to ensure that the site remains �r•itt�uto�c of the Elf.The proposed action has adequate control measures in place to ensure that future D2t ® generation,treatment and/or disposal of hazardous wastes will be protective of the environment and human health. The^proposed action involves construction or modification of a solid waste ..� D2q,Elf ❑ ❑' g• P P mars t y unearthing of solid or hazardous w � �2 E - h.The proposed action .. .._ ._...�....�...._..�.- ..�. _..m _. ..... lucnt lacilit may result in the uneart waste. q9 P P D if i.The proposed action may result in an increas e in the rate of disposal,or processing,of D2r,D2s �' ❑ solid waste.j. El The proposed action may result in excavation or other disturbance within 2000 feet of Elf,E1 g esed for the so l of solid or hazardous waste Elf, p. m __.. E1 g k.Theproposed Pro P osed action may result in the mig ration of ex losive gases from a landfill - 1.The toro�proposed action site tin the release of contaminated D site I leachate from the 2s,Elf, VJ El P PY D2r project site. . . ... ......! in.Other impacts: Page 9 of 10 y with CommunityP with adopted land us ro consistency ns YES e plans. NO The Posed action is not consistent P See Part I, C.1, C.2. and C.3.) — „ h � . No 0 to Section 18. Relevant..— .. No,or Moderate large .- Part Is— Yes ar7�wer r ues bores aµ, _ .. . berate mall Question(s) impact impact may m ty occur occur a.The proposed action ❑ •---�---� C2,C3,Dla land use�com components may b sharp P y � Elb au"idni � and use p�aitern(sl Ela, contrast to,current�,iii 1 e different from,or ni P P r°r �_— C2 b.The proposed action will cause the permanent population of the city„town or village W by more than ® g regulations C2,C2,C3 ® ❑ c. e proposed�acl o m w 1consistentcw with local land use tans or � _ _ action is p zoning _.....� _ use C2,C2 ®.._...�..�.... The .._.p.�. ...�ui.t tMlocated�__.�..— d.The proposed action is inconsistent with any County plans,or other regional land e.The proposed action y g of development flans. tion a cause ® ❑se a change m the density p that is not C3,Dlc, supported by existing infrastructure or is distant from existing infrastructure. Dld,Dlf, y .C4a1,Elb �..p_....�....� �_._.� ..���....� n is located in an area characterize y —_�._.. do _ ..� D f.The proposed action � laccharacterized erizeD2c,D2d • d b low density development that D2j ... or 1 proposed action may induesecondary develo development impacts ® ❑ The rowire new� expandedP infrastructure. g• P P P P ( g•> proposed action)cts a residential or C2a ro ._ ......_ �nt commercial development not included in the � ❑ ❑ h.Other: —....— ... — 18. Consistency with Community Character [:]NOYES The proposed project is inconsistent with the existing community character. ( 3,D 2,E 3) �a rrr i to Part 3. Relevant No,or Moderate Se Yes Part an wer�� ";W. 1 �m' _ .. Part I small to large Question(s) impact impact may ttiaoccur � occur The proposed g ,s areas E3e E3f, a.T p p sed action may replace or eliminate existin facilities structures,or a g E3 of historic it proposed Isc_artaaiice to the a°c a demand C4 ❑ 0 b.The ro osed action a create for addition rniti al community services(e.g. proposed action may displace affordable o ...—.n in an areaLLwhere C2,C3,D1 C.The pro police and fire),. D1 " low-income house ... f p Ela .....—...� ..�,�. — r to g is a ,loa tE - -.. _ —. ...—.._ .�.- y recognized C2gE3x. d.The proposed action may interfere with the use or enjoyment of officially ...gnized . . �.a a:of such ii�n�uig there ... y g sources. P C2 C3 _..__�.. proposed inant architectural scale an e.The pro or desii osed action is inconsistent with the redom�� C3 ... inconsistent with the racter of the existinglandscape.. Ela, 3 f character,posed action is cha� . Pro C2 natural Elb i')E2h _. .._...� g impacts:im acts: -... _..... _ _.. PRIN �U�L M Page 10 of 10 Project [TEh.1:)'.�dh-lds&andard SubdIvision ()7/07/2015 Full Environmental Assessment Form Part 3 -Evaluation of the Magnitude and Importance of Project Impacts and Determination of Significance rt of the determination of significance. The lead agency must complete Part 3 for every question Part 3 provides the reasolls it, I particular in Part 2 where Ilse impact has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where there is a need to explain why a pa icu ar element of the pl'OpOscd FIctioll vVill not,or may,result in a significant adverse environmental impact. I,decide whether to requit-c an environmental iMPUt st,,11ell7ent to further assess Based on the analysis in Part 3,the lead�,1901CY MUS n all is sufficient for the lead agency to C011clude that the,projx.)sed action will not the proposed action ol-whotheravailable inforl �,Ili y have a significant adverse envirollinclital impact. 13y completing the certificatioll oil the next P,"J�.C'the lead agenc, can complete its determination of significance. Reasons Supporting This Determination: To complete this section:Identify the impact based on the Part 2 responses and describe its magnitude. Magnitude considers factors such as severity, • size or extent of an impact. the geographic scope,duration,probability of the impact • Assess the importance of the impact. importance relates to occurring,number of people affected by the impact and any additional environmental consequences if the impact were to occur. element or project changes. 0 The assessment should take into consideration any design act has been identified as potentially moderate to large or where • Repeat this process for each Part 2 question where the imp may,result in a significant adverse there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not,or in environmental impact. ult in a significant adverse environmental impact • Provide the reason(s)why the impact may,or will not,res • For Conditional Negative Declarations identify the specific condition(s)imposed that will modify the proposed action so that no significant adverse environmental impacts will result. • Attach additional sheets,as needed. The Town of Southold Planning Board as lead agency,has determined that the proposed action described below may have a significant impact on the environment and that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared. Type I procedures are required for the review of this Unlisted action due to the lead agency determination that there are potential adverse impacts regarding a sensitive resource(s)within its jurisdiction and the Type I procedures would be more helpful. See attached document. Determination of Significance -Type 1 and Unlisted Actions SEQR Status: El Type I �Unlisted Identify portions of EAF completed for this Project: W]Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 ..... —J Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF,as noted,plus this additional support information ........... and considering both the magnitude and importance of each identified potential impact,it is the conclusion of the as lead agency that: 1,own )This prouthi d Pla nin .9 adverse impacts on the environment,and,therefore,an environmental impact F-1 . ect will result in no signifi A j cant statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is issued. FJ B. Although this project could have a significant adverse impact on the environment,that impact will be avoided or substantially mitigated because of the following conditions which will be required by the lead agency: There will,therefore,be no significant adverse►impacts from the project as conditioned,and,therefore,this conditioned negative declaration is issued. A conditioned negative declaration may be used only for UNLISTED actions(see 6 NYCRR 617A), MV C. This Project may result in one or more significant adverse impacts on the environment,and an environmental impact statement must be prepared to further assess the impact(s)and possible mitigation and to explore alternatives to avoid or reduce those impacts, Accordingly,this positive declaration is issued. ...... Name of Action: The Orchards Standard Subdivision Name of Lead Agency: Town of Southold Planning Board Name of Responsible officer in Lead Agency: Donald Wilcenski Title of Responsible Officer: Chair -—---- Al 1\ Date: Signature of Responsible officer in Lead Agency: Officer) Date: Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Off For Further Information: Contact Person: Mark Terry Address: P.O.Box 1179,5309 State Road 25,Southold,New York 11971 Telephone Number:631-765-1938 E-mail: Mark.Terry@town.southold.ny.us For Type I Actions and Conditioned Negative Declarations,a copy of this Notice is sent to: Chief Executive officer of the political subdivision in which the action will be principally located(e.g.,Town City Village of) Other involved agencies(if any) Applicant(if any) A ://www.dec.1 �'ov/ellb/enWitiril Environmental Notice Bulletin: 12 1�, 21 PRINT FULL FORM Page 2 of 2 The ENB SEQRA Notice Publication Form-Please check all that apply „ 'M Deadline:Notices must be received by 6 p.m.Wednesday to appear in the following Wednesday's ENB Negative Declaration-Type I Draft EISwith Public Hearing Generic Conditioned Negative Declaration Supplemental Draft Negative Declaration Final EIS _ � Generic ✓ Positive Declaration Supplemental with Public Scoping Session Lead Agency: .m.__. _..ut Planning Board Count Suffolk The Town of Southold DEC Region# 1 y. - The Orchards Standard Subdivision Project Title: . Brief Project Description:The action involves . . . This proposal is for a clustered Standard Subdivision Open Space, a 2 3 0 re parce acres,Lot 3 into Ve1 14 aces,Lot 4=0.92 and Lot 5=0 92 ac lots where Lot 1 =9.33 acres including a res acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved in the R-80 Zoning District. � Northeast slde of Orchard Street,approximately 1T rrorthwestnof Platt Rca���New York. Project Location(include street address/municipality): Contact Person: Mark"T orr ,Principal Planner State: NY Zip: 1197I.................. Southold Town Annex City: Southold Call Address: _ _.m __._... .._..m Phone: 631 765-1938 FaX 631 765 31 E-mail: ...�,. _.W��.._. For Draft Negative Declaration/Draft EIS:Public Comment Period ends: / am/pm For Public Hearing or Scoping Session: Date: / Time:�.._.......��._��..�N....�_._. Location: -m - - A hard copy of the DEIS/FEIS is available at the following locations: _ _ -� � - �� �yssible web site The online version of the D � g 1 � - illi�Il followmrillila acce„ _. ... . .E1S/FEIS is*lv .. _ ....�.�..�.� ....� lc at t e Include. For Collditioiicd Negative Declaration: In summary,conditions Southold Town Pl on-inA Board Work Session - July 6 2015 - Ira e 3 Project Nme: The Orchards SCTM#: 1000-27 1-3 a 95 Orchard ,Otreet, Orient ... Location: Description:tion: 25 proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision subdivide a 13.31 p p L Thision to " acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1,35 acre building envelope and 7,98 acres of preserved open pace,in the R' 9 acres, Lot 3= 1,14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5 0, 2 acres Zoniniti g n District Sta tus. ndoal Sketch Approval 1 Action:, m SEQRA„Determination " Attachments Staff Report Pro'ect Name: Tuthill Conservation Subdivi 1. sion SCTM#: �E 1000 17 4 16, 17 6 14 2 18 3 J 30 3 18 6 17.3, 18 6-18 1 .._ Description: This proposal is for an 80/60 Conservation Subdi vision of four parcels (total area = 112 acres) into 17 residential lots„ with 94 acres to be preserved. SCTM#1000-17-4-16 (North Dyer) is located on the n/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 366 feet west of Oysterponds Lane, in Orient. SCTM#1000-17-4-14.2 (South Dyer) is located on the s/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 460 feet west of Oysterponds Lane, in Orient. SCTM#1000-18-3-30.3 (North Brown) is located on the n/s/o of NYS L Route 25, approximately 2,223 east of Platt Road, in Orient. SCTM#1000-18-6-17.3 (South Brown) is located on the s/s/o NYS Route _ �.. . . ,.,.. _.. in Orient,.,..... _,., _... .... k 25, approximately 1,960 feet east of Platt Road,, Status. ,endings . Action: Determination _ Attachments: Staff Report ... E a ermine . , e... r. SCTM#. 1000-143-1-4.1 J ct name; ( Noone, Margaret _ Loca Pro e -lot subdivision of a 21,000 tion. ( 210 Sigsbee Road Mattituck . ,. . m s ft parcel Description: This proposal is for a standard 2q° where Lot 1 = 10,501 sq. ft, and Lot 2 = 10,500 sq. ft. in the R-40 & B i M. Zo ning Districts Expired Sketch PlatA roveStatus: - Action: Review Extension of Sketch Approval request and for Preliminary Plat completeness. Attachments: � Staff Report _ _ &�b�-' Submission Without a Cover Letter PPP t 1_,MT, AS J1.9 N 18, 2 015 Sender: Southald Town Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - Date: Cp h ah s- Comments: l�'rl�� w 6-y-� (yr�e-f i m n a �, � 0, - agr o(,.-wtend the .,,.day time fravne foi-a decision on,the Preliminary Plat.aften,the Public l,,,,leafing is closedfor rn a period of 120 days Born the did* thisIV--A c,'n", June 17, 2015, urviii MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��� �� '� P.O.Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS a ` Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY v �A) 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III „ � k�` (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Cou Southold, NY NM �. Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-xmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 17, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: As you know, the Public Hearing for the project referenced above was closed on May 4, 2015. Regulations require that the Planning Board make a decision on the Preliminary Plat within 62 days of the close of the Public Hearing. This time frame may be extended by mutual consent. The Planning Board requires more time to complete the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) for this application. To that end, the Planning Board is requesting your cooperation with this by agreeing to an extension of the 62-day time frame, The Board is requesting an extension of 120 days from the date of this letter„ June 17, 2015, until October 15, 2015. Please respond in writing to this request at your earliest convenience, or simply sign on the line below to indicate your agreement. Should you decide not to agree to this extension, the Planning Board will need to render a decision on the Preliminary Plat at their next Public Meeting on July 6tn If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office at 631-765-1938. Very truly yours, Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc: John Ehlers The Orchards Page 2 June 17, 2015 1 agree to extend the 62-day time frame for a decision on the Preliminary Plat after the Public Hearing is closed from a period of 120 days from the date of this letter, June 17, 2015, until October 15, 2015. Signature of Applicant: Print Name: WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, June 15, 2015 400 p.m Southold Town Meeting Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications Project Name Lucas Ford SCTM# 1000-59-3-32 1 mml L.Location, 3245 Hortons Lane, Southold Description: This amended Site Plan is for an 80' x 115' (9,200 sq. ft.) service area addition and alterations to the existing 80' x 150' (12,000 sq. ft.) car dealership with 189 parking stalls on 4.1 acres in the General Business �......,. . ® .._ B.) Zoning District. _ Status: Pending .... _ Action: Review referrals. .. .. Attachments Staff Report _. .................................................. Project Name Krupski Farm Storage Building SCTM#: 1000 85-3-8 w.. _ . Location. f, 38030 Route 25, Peconic p This Agricultural Site Plan is for the construction of a 6 .. .,.. . Description: � is A r' 2' x 30' (1,860 sq. ' ft.) agricultural storage building to replace an existing greenhouse on . acres in the A-C Zoning District mm.... _.. m,.. ., .�195. .. .. ... . .,..... Status.: _Pending Action: Review Applicant's request At tachments: Staff Report . .... _ Project name: ( Aries Estates/TullySCTM#: 1000-22 3 2 ......... Location; at the westerly terminus of a private right-of-way which extends north s Court in East Marion Description: This s pr po al l s for a Standard Subdivision of an 11.4-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 5.7 acres, including 3.3 acres of open space, and Lot 2 equals 5.7 acres, including 3.2 acres of open space, in 1 the R-80 Zoning District. ,. Status: Conditional Final A pproval Action: Review request for Conditional Final Extension Attachments: i Staff Report Project Name The Orchards SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Location 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 i acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District Status: Conditional Sketch Approval .._ _ . Action: Review draft letter to Applicant. Attachments: Draft Letter /oho MAY 0 5 2015 A-5 119,71 Southold Town Planning Board a No,NUNAI ,AS EC E � VEO, May 4, 2015 MAY 0 5 2015 Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman SOuthoidTown Planning Board Planning Board Town of Southold 'Ulan i 6 a.$-- /y- PO Box 1179 PUbI�C- NkeEb Southold, NY 11971 RE: Proposed Subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street Orient, NY; "The Orchards" Dear Mr. Wilcenski and members of the Planning Board, I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed building of 5 homes on the 13 acre piece of property on Orchard Street in Orient, all one acre lots or less. I object to this plan from both an open space/aesthetic perspective and an environmental/water perspective. Our property is the first five acre lot on the corner of Halyoke and Orchard Street, directly across the street from the subdivision, "The Orchards" The proposed clustering of 4 houses on 1 acre, and in some instances, smaller parcels, is directly adjacent to our property. Our property is land from the former Hallock Farm and subdivision "Settlers at Oysterponds; which was subdivided and zoned for 5 acres. The map was approved on 5/4/1984; File #7729. As Ms. Wachsberger stated in her letter to the planning board dated April 23, 2015 about our subdivision; "Careful study of the availability of groundwater demonstrated that the property in question could support far fewer homes, and that they needed to be a substantial distance from each other to insure adequate access to groundwater. It resulted in 5 and 10 acre lots." Therefore, I do not understand why the analysis of"The Orchards"can be any different than it was for my subdivision, particularly when water availability and quality has become an even larger issue. Lot size and the number of houses are also an extremely important and relevant issue. The clustering required by the town does not make sense. I feel it negatively impacts the look and feel of the area, which directly affects property values. That property can support two, possibly three houses at most, and clustering is not appropriate. Considering this is one of the few open spaces in the hamlet of Orient, I feel that the 5 acre zoning is best suited for the land, both from an open space and an environmental perspective. Recently, my daughter and I were driving on Orchard Street to our house, and she asked about the issue concerning the property. Her observation and response to my explanation was, "You mean they want to put 4 or 5 houses on the same size property as ours, where we only have one? Why would they squish 4 houses in that one corner? It is going to look so ugly."" In addition to preservation of open space, I have been reading comments about preserving the view shed. I have enclosed photographs of our area from 1994/1995 and 2015; documenting what this looked like when we started to build our home and what it looks like today. I think they show a more accurate picture of open space and a beautiful "view shed"than Google Earth and surveys ever could. In 1994 our subdivision had 2 houses and now has a total of 5, on a minimum of 25 acres. You will be able to see that with 5 houses spread out across larger parcels of land, there is still plenty of open space. This is something that will never be achieved by allowing 5 homes on smaller parcels of land and especially clustering 4 houses on one acre pieces, squished together in one corner. I invite the entire planning board to my home. Please walk in my yard, sit on my front porch and see the land across the street. The view from second floor is imperative. Open space can be seen and felt from all bedrooms and from the small porch on the back of the house. You will see the 5 acre parcels and other pieces of surrounding land, and understand how those larger lots and spread out homes still provide beautiful views and open space in this community, which is so special to the hamlet of Orient, and needs to be preserved. The Southold Town Planning Board has the responsibility of maintaining and preserving the integrity of Orient, this very special corner of the world. I urge you to revisit and strongly consider zoning and clustering requirements for this property, "The Orchards." Sincerely, Nancy Ferraris Mark Ferraris 3585 Orchard Street Orient 631-323-3759 268 Eakins Road Manhasset, NY 11030 516-869-0030 c: 516-375-8149 nancyferraris@me.com pule W I IF I OF We + . . p'.Or ILL OF I It NeFe leiIN a 7777 to lys � r v k � AN / as f � A* fJ� ' . _ w. -. ;�/ \ :. ' ..i� ` ^ I { b•.. . . i `Y lam . t `�"•. E 1, dwel up OIL; I I FILL, -� = , FILL I"pup Np IF uppme ple .-ass- 'e.»- pF'a $eFile MNF x :,. w. -rw3` .,;" .xyc ti. «._r '_ i I JOIN, 'Feedelp -IN LF4 IF I IF Fully ,OFF "OF FILL e IN "reepL FILL, LIT " }" • y ;y' 14 IF e ell AF- OFF t-s''` a1�4 ^+ 9 IF • F, pulp.a .r+�. t ,& r .k ,. _ rL..� It IF ''w't T 'L"I IN OFF ,1 # is fILL �Q ` ' ta.-�'t. 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We hope that the Orchards Development homes will be sited somewhat-West of this lovely corner so as to sustain the bucolic environment of the,area. With kindest regards, Frances &Burke Liburt 1420 King Street Orient,NY 11957 631-323-8012 e� t 1 ' Ec E HEO STEFAN FEUERABENDT d PO Box 60 EAY 2015 Orient,New York 11957 (212)920-7824 Southold Town stefanfeuerabendt@yahoo.com Planning Board May 4,2015 Southold Town Planning Board c/o Mark Terry VIA EMAIL RE: PROPOSED ORCHARD STREET SUBDIVISION Dear Planning Board: My wife and I own the home at 405 Halyoke Ave which is next to the proposed subdivision on Orchard Street in Orient. Our property is also immediately 44jacent.to the proposed "cluster"of plots in the proposed subdivision. We have been informed that there will be a Preliminary Public Hearing on May 4,2015 to consider the matter. We respecuily reaaest that the Board read this letter into the record and Permit and solicit Public comment at the May 4'h hearing.on this letter and the requests made below. I respectfully request(ag M that the Board obtain a detailed.study to evaluate the .concerns listed in my letter of April 6"(a copy of the letter is attached hereto). Any such detailed study should(a)be made available to interested parties for their consideration and comment at a futurehearing and(b)be conducted,by a qualified independent. third-part.expert in such matters.. If the Board deems this request inappropriate or unneccessary for some reason,I request the Board explain how it concluded that is the case. I also respectfully request the Board.explain what remedies are available to affected.neighbors in the event such a. study is not.performed and there are subsequent water quality and quantity issues after the development is completed. The Board should be informed.that.many in the neighborhood deem the viewsheds from Halyoke Ave and from the corner of.Halyoke and Orchard to be.a significant asset of the community and one that should be preserved if at all possible. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regar s, e aii Feuerabendt STIEFAN FE�ULIZABIENDT PO Box 60 Orient,New York11957 (212)920-7824 stefanfeucrabendt@yahoo.com April 6,2015 Southold Town Planning Board c/o Alyxa-ndra Sabatino VIA EMAIL RE: .PROPOSED ORCHARD-STREET SUBDIVISION Dear Planning Board: My wife and.I own the home at 405 14alyoke Ave which is next to the proposed subdivision on Orchard Street in Orient. Our property is also immediately adjacent to the proposed"cluster" of plots.in the proposed subdivision. We have been informed that there will be a Preliminary Public.14earing on April 6,2015 to consider the matter. No respectfully request that the Board read this letLte into he recor n erwit-aad _rJ Ann gaff a -tb—eMQ-U-A$As-M- debelpw - g--onA1As,-J d We are,concerned that the proposed.subdivision(and concentration of structures) could be detrimental to the availability of water in our neighborhood. We are also concerned that the proposed subdivision (and concentration of structures)could result in contamination of our water supply. Saltwater intrusion in Orient and its surrounding communities is becoming a significant potential problem. I would refer interested parties to the recently issued Suffolk County Comprehensive Water Resources Management Plan for more information about concerns related to the forecasted increase in water levels in the area. If very large new.homes were eventually built on the,subdivided land(which appears to be possible under current guidelines).these concerns would become even more relevant. Among other things,we believe the Board should carefully consider the precise expected impact of the proposed subdivision and clustering arrangement on water quality and water availability. We respectfully request the Boat obtain a detailedWdy-tq evacuate these concerns. Antes de Igd a 0. LtW _studv should f be maditayma"-to i at ere 5 Wd-PAd 1e5-1 b,r-t Wit vo D s Whe W-Qn-a-wdLkQ ma--n-Len.-t A fmLum hear I ng-a on d If it is determined that the proposed subdivision cannot be safely andproverly supported by the existing water..resources,we respectfully request the Board consider (1) requiring alternative clustering arrangements that are more likely to be supportable by existing water resources.The currently proposed cluster would be on the lowest elevation on the subject property. The highest elevation is on the the.northeastern border of the subject property.Prp _t_mate_s moresee. o cluster the properties on the lance where thevater:ta_il _ s_lately_the lorves nut thehighest; (2) abandoning clustering requirements.in this proposed subdivision so as to avoid excessive stress on existing water resources specifically due to housing density. We understand this may be a controversial suggestion,but it warrants consideration given the uniqueness of the neighborhood. It possible to �bta ri�rtYo g,,,Q.pep space"without clustering;or (3) rezoning the property for higher minimum limits of acres per home.Th suubJect PrQWrtY_ s_v_er clasw tn_th at.per of O entJa_ned for E_aI re minimums_,a Qning re trictiowthat«e tani erstan_ip be related to vailahle water resources. My wife and I would.like to make clear that our main interest is to ensure(to.the extent reasonably possible)that any development would be supported'by the environment. Thank you for your time and consideration. .Best regards, St n. erabendt Donald J.Wilcenski,Chairman April 30, 2015V Planning Board5(( ���� �.. Town of Southold !� E C E PO Box 1179 MAY 0 12015 Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Planning Board Please read the following letter into the public hearing record: I am writing this second letter in opposition to the project titled"the Orchards"located on lot 1000-27.- 1-3 in the hamlet of Orient. As an Architect, I am trying to look at this proposal objectively from a design perspective. The owner of this land has chosen to pursue a"standard"subdivision instead of a"conservation"subdivision. This is unfortunate,as a conservation subdivision would be much more appropriate for this site. I have done some limited research on the concepts behind cluster development,and find this proposal seriously lacking.The main design concepts'behind clustering are that the cluster should relate to the context of the site and to afford large areas of open space that becomes an amenity for all. Clustering is by nature a compromise between the owner's rights to develop a property and the community's desire to preserve open space. In the Town of Southold,the emphasis is also to keep the open space available for agricultural use. While I agree with this in theory-I would argue that there is an inherent contradiction between the need for tall deer fences and the concept of an amenity in a residential neighborhood like this.The Orchards property is currently a haven for a large herd of deer which will be forced into increasingly populated areas. Another aspect of clustering is that the cluster should relate to existing densities,roads and topography. I am attaching two aerial views of Orient;one from 1947(courtesy of the Oysterponds Historical Society),and a Google view from a few years ago. This 1947 view shows the type of clustering of historic farms that might be a more appropriate prototype for this site. It is also clear in both views that there is more density to the West of this site,while the current proposal maximizes density to the East. When we first came to Orient,Halyoake Avenue had a row of stately old Maple trees that marked the entry to the Old Hallock Farm. Sadly,most of the trees along Halyoake Avenue have died and been removed by the Town. It has always been my hope that someday this sense of entry would be restored rather than forgotten. One can clearly see'in the 1947 photo the line of trees along Halyoake Avenue, and even on the Google map. I believe that the historic scenic views along Halyoake Avenue should be maintained with much larger setbacks,and preferably the relocation of Lots 3 and 5. I believe that there is also potentially a safety issue related to the driveway of Lot#5. Turning right onto Orchard Street from Halyoke Avenue requires a fairly quick turn because there is a sharp curve on Orchard Street with lack of visibility. If a car were pulling out of a driveway on Lot#5 of this development, it might be difficult to react quickly'enough. In conclusion,it is my contention that the proposed Plat Plan demonstrates little in the way of analysis and design of this site and its context and significance. I hope that the Planning Board decides to require a more thoughtfully designed plan. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Friedman Aerial View of Orient-1947 l Aerial View of Orient-Circa 2013 Steve Martocello 24 Miller Woods Dr. Miller Place, N.Y. 11764 917 502 0101 Carol Kalin 5 Secretary,Town of Southold Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 1 V 1 Southold, N.Y. 11971 D E C E � Ll L n REF: MAYO 12015 i Southold To Planning F.:,d Dear Carol, The following(5)green"Domestic Return Receipts".have been enclosed for:Mr. Patrick Guadagno, Mr. Lawrence Higgins and Mr. Frederick de la Vega,Mr.Steven Keeling, Mr.and Mrs.John and Diane Prizeman,and Mr.Jeffrey Weiss. In addition,there are(3)"Return to Sender" letters for: Mr. Richard Johnson PRT, Ms. Eve Mac Sweeney,and Mr.Stefan Feurabendt. These letters were unable to be delivered. If you are in need of any further information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Steve Martocello e ekRN ® Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. signat ' ❑Agent I item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. ❑Addressee . H Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. B. Receive ( inte e) C. Date of Delivery ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address. ' er, "e 1?1? El I' 1. Article Addressed t : If YES,enter 'I a s below: ❑No 3. Service Type`` 9 0 D A Ci Complete items 1;2,and 3.Also complete A Signature Agent item 4'if Restricted Delivery is desired. ��¢ see M Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to.you. B. Received by(Printe N e) C. Date of Delivery. 0 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the frontif space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes 1. Article Addressedo: j� if YES,enter delivej�ry�©ddress 4X ❑No , . � 3. Service Type - D o M.m > ® A. Si nature a .�v, m CD s .Complete i#erns 1 2 and 3.Also complete [J°Agent "-k ' 0 w w U CD item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired ❑.Addressee �-�; ��;°- �, 0.�' im Print your name and address on the reverse (� o Cn o m-m 1 so thatwi-e can return:the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery �',� s 0�. I E Attach this cardto the back of the mailpiece, _ or on the front if space permits. 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Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑.Yes 2. Article Number1-7 (Transfer from service label)'. p],4. `21,i 2 Q i 0 0 0 2' f 8 2 O 6, 6 314 2 i P,S Fon- EO ti July 013t t r.' •mes is Refurn Receiptf `rlJ c 3 LTD � V ..�•• .Y'+-; : _`.� d -V 9i'i"'•...c.ti:""•�'J�tsF:T.e Js.'�..r.:^".V.S:�J'•?i};��.i.� SENDER INSUFFICIENT. ADDRESS UNABLE TO FORWARD 7014 . ElEO C' S':• 1 - 33636 to 10 11itd��1 11i11111 ��1 :� �filil,11r111'1111.1114-Ij dill � a N � e 3 t4 to F a�/(vr 1 tAU� F 'i CA via 6a'y es w js�' �m�ADO F Z N .-D O m m -mac q �-7 1: 2M4335 P b - 3 f, 7014T 2120 0002 8206 6366 o _ : CD `(,�'►�J� NIXIE 1044/.15 ft�S' RETURN TO SENDER UNCLAIMED � UNABLE TO FORWARD � BC: 117669333636 = 06€ 2 07987-1 -4:1 � IboI a- 33 6 �i11�t1ttt�:ta�tt�t iit�tt��,�t ��lrtt,t=itll`l,:t �,tllttc�tttt�il_t Lek- � ��•-�-� ��• j( 1 �� - -��` � o �� 7014 212D 000 8206 6304 m o .C i A ❑ INSUFFICIENT ADDRESS ❑ ATTEMPTED NOT KNOWN ❑ OTHER / c ' Cl NO SUCH NUMBER/STREET -a ' OS ❑ NOT DELIVERABLE AS ADDRESSED =c 's 4 c UNABLE TO FORWARD2-1 i 44.E !�.xtA5LE: TO F:Q*;WARD :3. s, y I q37'{{ p5 13 s 8 Z.— g 9 --4.1 _ ��' 'r r q�.x��r j]�t � .j�i6}�4g;���t1�ai�P117.E�{tt•,�tii���.tE�;'��3-�f�'�Z,i�Z�'��.��t��P .•.I. �2� '�$ 1 . .' U kAT t P.O.Box 473 Orient,New York, 11957 E p�.E tY7 E April 23,2015 PIR 2 7. 2015 Donald L. Wilcenski, Chairman PlanningBoard Southold d`Board i'larinir� Board Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179, Southold,NY 11971 Re: "The Orchards"- 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Dear Planning Board Members: I am writing to clarify my comments at the last meeting. My property is across Orchard Street fiom the proposed development(3180 Orchard Street: 473889 27.-3-3.1). The large property east of the proposed development,the former Hallock Farms, was subdivided in!the 1980's. The original proposal was for fifty-five homes. Careful study of the availability of ground water demonstrated that the property could support far fewer homes, and Ithat they needed to be a substantial distance from each other to ensure adequate access to groundwater. The result was a subdivision into five and ten acre lots, to give each home enough acreage to protect its groundwater availability. There is no reason to believe that the "Orchards" property would be any different from the acreage across Halyoke Road. I would anticipate that a careful water study will demonstrate that it can support no more that three homes, at the most, and that clustering will be inappropriate for this property. For the record,I have enough water on my property. But I have been lucky; the acreage to my east remains mideveloped, and all the properties on this stretch of Orchard Street have large undeveloped acreage to our south. And I don't water my lawn. Sincerely, Fredrica Wachsberger I 1 Sabatino, Alyxandra K. From: Sabatino,Alyxandra K. Sent: Friday,April 24, 2015 3:24 PM To: Alex Martocello (alexmartocello@gmaii.com) Subject: The Orchards Alex, I Through review of the subdivision,the Planning Board is requiring that you submit a request for review to the Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP).The reason for this is to assess if there are any historic or archaeologically significant areas on the subject property. Below is a link to the online portal,where you can apply. http://www.rivsparks.com/shi)o/lonline-toolsl If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, I Aly Alyxandra Sabatino Planner,Town of Southold Phone:631-765-1938 j Email:Alyxandra.Sabatino@town.southold.ny.us I i I i i i I f . I i f 1 ,r n, _ OFFICE LOCATION: " ' MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall-Annex M P.O. Box 1179 tq Southold,NY 11971 54375 State Route 25 x (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) : Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Sv� �"TI �y�y'7yIT- , t Sn#11i1U4�1�'oWlt� To: Donald Wilcenski, Chair Plana ng Board Town of Southold Planning Board i From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: April 15, 2015 Re: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision of The Orchards SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, the proposed action is INCONSISTENT with the LWRP below listed policies: Policy 2.2, Protect and preserve archaeological resources. A. Conduct a cultural resource investigation when an action is proposed on an archaeological site, fossil bed, or in an area identified for potential archaeological sensitivity on the archaeological resources inventory maps prepared by the New York State Department of Education. 1. Conduct a site survey to determine the presence or absence of cultural resources in the project's potential impact area. 2. If cultural resources are discovered as a result of the initial survey, conduct a detailed evaluation of the cultural resource to provide adequate data to allow a determination of the resource's archaeological significance. The occurrence of cultural resources on the parcel is unknown. It is recommended that the applicant contact the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation State Preservation Office http://parks.ny.gov/shpo/to determine if a Cultural Resource Survey is recommended. vu Figure 1. Subject parcel (white arrow) Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. A. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The development the proposed lots would interrupt the scenic qualities of the parcel; Lots 4 and 5 at their current location would interrupt the scenic character of the parcel significantly. In the event that the action is approved it is recommended that the Board allow reduced road specifications to maintain the rural character of the area. Recommended road specifications include a 25' right of way with a 16' wide pavement surface. Note that the building envelope setbacks on Lots 2-4 appear to be incorrect. It is recommended that the Board establish building envelopes that support the intent of Article XI. Cluster Development and the rural character of the area. The location of the street trees is incorrect. Street trees must be placed on the parcel. Currently, they are shown in the Orchard Street right of way. E. Preserve existing vegetation and establish new indigenous vegetation to enhance scenic quality: In the event that the action is approved as submitted, it is recommended that a natural vegetated buffer be required on Lots 3, 4 and 5. The natural vegetated buffer should be established against Orchard Street on Lots 4 and 5, be 25'-30' in width and incorporate existing vegetation. A 20-30' wide natural buffer should also be established on Lots 3 and 5 against the existing right of way adjacent to Platt Road. The areas on the lots dedicated to the natural vegetated buffer should be credited to the required clearing limits on each lot and the following definition should be included in a Covenant and Restriction. NATURAL VEGETATED BUFFER A land area of a certain length and width where existing vegetation occurs prior to the commencement of any grading or clearing activity. Vegetation shall be maintained to achieve a minimum percentage of ground cover of 95%. To achieve the percentage of ground cover, indigenous, drought-tolerant vegetation shall be planted. Survival of planted vegetation shall be 90% for a period of three years. Maintenance activities within the buffer are limited to removing vegetation which is hazardous to life and property, trimming tree limbs up to a height of 15 feet to maintain viewsheds, replanting of vegetation and establishing a four-foot-wide access path constructed of pervious material for access to the water-body. The area of the buffer should be included in the clearing limit requirements for each lot. K. Protect visual quality associated with agricultural land, open space and natural resources. 2. Group or orient structures during site design to preserve open space and provide visual organization. The application does not meet or further this policy. Due to the scenic quality and agriculture potential of the property, all structures should be clustered to not fragment open space and impede the ability to farm the parcel. Lot 1 residential and agricultural structures should be located in one building area and clustered with proposed residential lots. The clustering of structures will further Chapter 240-43 Article XI. Cluster Development 8 240-43. Determination of location of open spaces created by cluster development using primary and secondary conservation areas. B. The location of open space lands shall be determined in general accordance with the goals of the Town's Comprehensive Plan and in particular with the Southold Town Farm and Farmland Protection Strategy to provide an interconnected network of open space and farmland. The prime farmland (agricultural soils) and scenic views into the property from adjacent properties and existing public roads (Orchard Street) are secondary conservation areas. It is recommended that the lots be designed to preserve the scenic view shed from Orchard Street looking north and northwest. Lots 4 and 5 are recommended to be relocated to preserve the view. i - s� '�l,o��pa�7u]'?? E-.€E_,..cet•.ry 4 riy M / f r r � t`nrn.. e t IA 47 • Figure 2. Scenic view looking northeast from the western property boundary. WE V I I 'll V M � 1 ` �g �r ryr • ..., � .. _,., .3,,,X."_-- :: Dom. t '. 1 .R .. L ; Figure 3. Scenic view looking northwest from the intersection of Orchard Street and Old Farm Road. r r� •rr U� # 9 t .:_ i #'+" ! 1 •.'1� ,- i A :ae �.i. ;:is �.. L Figure 4. Scenic view looking northwest from the intersection of Orchard Street and Platt Road. �rJ �,\F ;f �✓ Y u 7: s y z moO- V rift a i Figure 5. Scenic view looking northwest from the intersection of Orchard Street and Platt Road. 3. Avoid structures or activities which introduce visual interruptions to natural landscapes including: a. introduction of intrusive artificial light sources It is recommended that the Board minimize street lighting requirements pursuant to§ 240-46. Lighting to preserve the night sky in the area. Policies 5.2. Minimize non-point pollution of coastal waters and manage activities causing non-point pollution. 5.3. Protect and enhance quality of coastal waters. 5.4. Limit the potential for adverse impacts of watershed development on water quality and quantity. 5.5. Protect and conserve the quality and quantity of potable water. The area is not served by public water and the water supply to surrounding properties is from private wells. It is recommended that the Board require that the applicant show the 150' required distance from existing adjacent property wells and sanitary systems to determine if lot placement would allow compliance. Suffolk County Department of Health approval is required for all proposed private wells and sanitary systems. In the event that the action is approved it is recommended that the following best management practices are required to further policies 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 and protect the ground and surface waters of Orient. a. Require the use of native, drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. b. Require only the use of organic fertilizers where the water-soluble nitrogen is no more than 20% of the total nitrogen in the mixture. c. Require a maximum of 1 lb. of nitrogen per 1000 square feet in any one application, with a cumulative application of no more than 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet per year. d. Prohibit the application of fertilizer products containing nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium between November 15t and April 15t. e. The use of phosphorous containing lawn fertilizer is prohibited unless establishing a new lawn or soil test shows that the lawn does not have enough phosphorus. Fertilizer labels have three bold numbers. The number in the middle is the percentage of phosphorus in the product, e.g. 22-0-15. Use of products with 0.67 in the middle or lower is not restricted. Products with a number higher than 0.67 may only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary. 12.1. Protect agricultural lands from conversion to other land uses. The parcel contains prime agricultural soils. The proposed action does not fully meet this policy. A total of 5.8 acres of prime agricultural soil is proposed to be converted to other land uses. 12.3. Minimize adverse impacts on agriculture from unavoidable conversion of agricultural land. The LWRP states that "Where farmland is converted to residential or other non- agricultural land use, the adverse impacts of that change on the remaining agricultural land should be minimized. To the maximum extent possible, clustering and other techniques should be utilized to retain sufficient land suitable for agricultural opportunities within the new development area. Arrangements for keeping viable fields in production through lease arrangements or easements should be encouraged. Site design should minimize potential conflicts between new residential or commercial uses and the agricultural use." As indicated above the purpose of the 60% of open space in this instance is to support future agricultural uses and preserve scenic qualities of the parcel to meet Town goals. Consequently, the clustering of the proposed developed areas should be required to the greatest extent practicable. Please contact me at (631) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above. Cc: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, New York, 11764 Carol Kalin EC N VEPI Planning Board Secretary PO Box 1179 APR 0 8 2015 Southold, New York, 11971 Southold Town Planning Board April 7th, Subject:Additional Return Receipts Ms. Carol Kalin Attached are 5 additional Return Receipts Notices for the Public Hearing held on Monday April 6th. Note these were received by us on April 6tn These included: • Mr. & Mrs. Pierre&Jeanne DeNeufville (2870 Orchard St.) • Mr. &Mrs. Pierre&Jeanne DeNeufville( PO Box 143 Orchard) • Mr.John McKasty( PO Box 207,Orient) • Ms. Frederic Wackberger&Ms.Sylvia Newman (3150 Orchard St.) • Ms. Frederic Wackberger&Ms.Sylvia Newman ( PO Box 473,Orient) Thank you. Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 N {� _Z) o 0 3CD 3 © ® o ,: �-t a CD e c m ��� - �m I 19 Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete" A. SignatureZI =-( "� _ , 3 item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ` ❑Agent C a _ a m 5�w M Print your name and address on the reverse X .--= ❑Addressee _ ° o 0 a ` i so that we can return the card to you. B. R eived by(Printed me) C. Date of Delivery G _ o m 3 sn C m I Is Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece L (Dn. i or on the'front if space permits. `�1 m W D. Is delivery address different from item 1? ❑Yes r-J 3 �w N�. 11. Article Addressed to: �) o a D If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑ No P 0, o_rn W FL 3 1 �•y� ,, CD m 0 m _ { r 3. Service Type ❑Certified Mail® ❑Priority Mail Express- 1 ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise US El Insured Mail El Collect on Delivery W • Cn — � e 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes m m S@ a @ n. o m w D. 8 Complete items 1,2,and,3.Also complete A. Si ature ® ` N 1 a Z Q item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. f _! ❑Agent ❑"[7❑ w m z Print your name and address on the reverse !UZ ��,VVVr j ❑Addressee C M � a 3 3 so that we can return the card to you. ° m. N S�•`D • � Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, B. Receroed by(Printed Name) C. ate of Delivery = or on the front if space permits. �� -� N ' �3 Y ( ' m o o.m 2_ 1. Article Addressed to: D.is delivery address different from item 1 ❑ s m v p If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No m.o g p El El 10 � m � Z "m - °. a O w O m. m N R0 m �. t CL 3. Service Type _ t�"'.'> 0. --7 ❑Certified Maii® ❑Priority Mail Express" a<f.- 7 -4 (0'm jp m 5 / 0 Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise N o ID 1 1 ❑Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery 4 Q m ED, 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes r -a c 2. Article Number �. ( m m (ltans>®r Frorn service iabl 7 014 2120 [l 0 0 2 8 2 0 5 5650 (� 0 w 0 n CD a F�,Por'P1811.3uly'201 es is etu is ftecelpt ` 9_W'� vU',�•� rr� �• CL B 0 _..G 5 fr 9♦ l� N S O CDO 12 Complete items 1.,2,and S.Also complete A. Sign u u?•c m a •item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. �'� t ❑Agent C` o ro " 0 ■ Print your name and address on the reverse -l/` ❑Addressee j( ` Q =; 0 COD so that we can return the card to you. 11. RefIved by(Printed Name) C. D to of Deliv,�" 10 Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, .� tJ or on the front if space permits. V D. Is delivery address different from Item 1. Article Addressed to: 1 Els a w o If YES,enter delivery address below: El No m Do e �a � m CD m a m m m m a. 3. Service Type, ® CD NCD a t C ❑Certified Mail® ❑ s"'Priority Mail Expres ❑❑❑ is Q Q ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise R p M -o Q • ❑"Insured Mail ❑Collect on Delivery ' i 2. o N 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes o m co 2. Article Number _..._. _....._-.mm.. ._ ._.._ _. . ....... ____,. ._.. w. ' o m (Transfer from service!ab 7 014 212 0 0 0 0 2 8 2 0 5 5 6 3 6 i 4 o ' o PS Form 381.1„duly 2013 Do�rppfestic Return Receipt ❑ uw, ❑'� in ❑ ❑ l e i S F x i 1:` -� m Z" D D ' !ma =r O N V 0 d m m MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �Of S0(/T P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENS19 ��� Old Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N � Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �pQ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III O (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR I�CQU �� Southold, NY M Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtow-rmy.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 7, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive r Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Preliminary Public Hearing Held'Open - Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: A Preliminary Public Hearing was held by the Southold Town Planning Board on Monday, April 6, 2015 regarding the above-referenced Standard Subdivision. The public hearing was held open. The next public meeting of the Southold Town Planning Board will be held on Monday, May 4, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, )James H. Rich, III Vice-Chairman 9 APR 0 7 2015 RQBERT BERKS STUDIOS, INC. Southold Town—] Planning Board 67S Halyooke Avenue, orfenrt, NY 11957 TEL 631-323-3SO7, FAX-1376 hohherksoffOL com April 6, 2015 Southold Town Planning Board clo Alyxandra Sabatino DELIVERED BY HAND, 416115 PLEASE READ AT HEARING Dear Planning Board Neighbors, Regarding the proposed subdivision on Orchard Street in Orient, please understand that this is not a "Nimby"issue. The issue, and the only issue is WATER. It is not a question of house size, nor of clustering, or not clustering. The proposed use of the 7.98 acres under discussion has yet, and must be defined. Before the subdivision can be approved, the owner must comply with the Suffolk County Water Resources Planning Management Plan. Equally important is compliance with the neighbors, abutters and non-abutters alike, whose water they will share. In the 1970's, a developer purchased the fifty-three acre core of the historic Hallock farm. He presented to Orient his proposal for a "tasteful, Williamsburg-style community of fifty-three acres." Sadly, the farmland was lost. But the Planning Board demanded that the owner prove that he had sufficient water Sadly, the farmland was lost. But the Planning Board demanded that the owner prove that he had sufficient water to support his development, Aftergreat expense and unsuccessful maneuvers, the development was reduced to nine lots, the four smallest of which are five acres each. Thanks went to a concerned Planning Board who understood the vital issue of available water. There are owners of that development in the audience tonight. Our fragile water table is now their water table, as it will be for any future development. I hope that, with yourguidance, the property under discussion will move successfully to working solution. Respectfully, Dorothy M. Berks f\ STEFAN FEUERABENDT D E C E � U E PO Box 60 Orient,New York 11957 APR 0 6 2015 (212)920-7824 stefanfeuerabendWyahoo,com Southold Town Planning Board April 6,2015 Southold Town Planning Board c/o Alyxandra Sabatino VIA EMAIL RE: PROPOSED ORCHARD STREET SUBDIVISION Dear Planning Board: My wife and I own the home at 405 Halyoke Ave which is next to the proposed subdivision on Orchard Street in Orient. Our property is also immediately adjacent to the proposed"cluster"of plots in the proposed subdivision. We have been informed that there will be a.Preliminary Public Hearing on April 6,2015 to consider the matter. We myuest that the Board read this letter into the record and oermitd sgfttt gubk comment at the®,Writ a headw Qn this letter and the requests made below• We are concerned that the proposed subdivision(and concentration of structures) could be detrimental to the availability of water in our neighborhood. We are also concerned that the proposed subdivision(and concentration of structures)could result in contamination of our water supply. Saltwater intrusion in Orient and its surrounding communities is becoming a significant potential problem. I would refer interested parties to the rewntly issued Suffolk County Comprehensive Water.Resources Management Plan for more information about concerns related to the forecasted increase in water levels in the area. If very large new homes were eventually built on the subdivided land(which appears to be possible under current guidelines)these concerns would become even more relevant. Among other things,we believe the Board should carefully consider the precise expected impact of the proposed subdivision and clustering arrangement on water quality and water availability. We re mifift nUm st the Board obtain a detailed study to evalumte these.concerns Any such ted stpdt should W be made Available to haiterested RaWes for theLr middmd n and comment at a futu_n hear; and(b) be conducted by a qualified; t P y.mgd in Bach atters If it is determined that the proposed subdivision cannot be safely and properly supported by the existing water resources,we respectfully request:the Board consider: (1) requiring alternative clustering arrangements that are more likely to be supportable by existing water resources.The currently proposed cluster would be on the lowest elevation on the subject property. The highest elevation is on the the northeastern border of the subject property.P Wit=W more sense to �De ries...Qn..te d where the water table is_iilX ' Cluster the Is�n not the higbmt; (2) abandoning clustering requirements in this proposed subdivision so as to avoid excessive stress on existing water resources specifically due to housing density. We understand this may be a controversial suggestion,but it warrants consideration given the uniqueness of the neighborhood. It may be posdble to obtWu more"optspace"w titk2MtS1 Wig;or (3) rezoning the property for higher minimum limits of acres per home.The subject �ropffy is very close to that Dart of Orient mad for 5 acre minimums.a zn�rtstrictton that we understand may be related to avidlabk wa r sources. My wife and I would like to make clear that our main interest is to ensure(to the extent reasonably possible)that any development would be supported by the environment. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards,. S I*nrabendt (�Ivbp HUNAT AS April 5, 2015 C E u U E APR 0 6 2015 Mr. Donald J.Wilcenski,Chairman Planning Board Southold Town Town of Southold Planning Board P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 RE: Proposed Subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street Orient,NY 6ri 3 Dear Mr.Wilcenski, Though I am unable to attend Monday's meeting regarding the proposed subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street,we would like our objections to the proposed plan considered at the meeting. This letter follows a letter written to you on June 20, 2014 (attached) and we reiterate our concerns here. Specifically,we object to the"split cluster"design of the current proposal as well as the size of each of the lots,neither of which conforms to current village code as we understand it. We have heard of no compelling community interest that would justify a variance. In fact,the proposed design risks upsetting the charming character of the village when we all have a compelling interest to preserve it. In addition to the concerns above,and at least if not more troubling,are the parallel driveways that this proposal would create with the adjacent lot. Having a 30-foot wide road straight off of Orchard St.is both an aesthetic and safety nightmare. I can think of no other place in the vicinity where such a wide road exists and this surely is out of step with the village character. We request that you require a redesign of the development plan that would fix this very troubling feature. Thank you for your serious consideration of our concerns. I know that there are many in the neighborhood that share our desire to preserve the special character and charm of Orient Village and sincerely hope that you will require changes to the development plan of 2595 Orchard Street. Thank you, Craig and Kelly Smith 2195 Orchard Street cdsmith24@hotmail.com June 20, 2014 Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski,Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold D EC N U E P.O. Box 11.79 Southold, NY 11971 A FPR 0 6 2015 Southold Town RE: Proposed Subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street Orient, NY Planning Board Dear Mr.Wilcenski, I am writing to you to express our concern for the proposed plan to subdivide the property at 2595 Orchard Street in Orient Village. I first came to Orient, NY thirty years ago to visit my college roommate and have been returning every year since. Having grown up in Boston and been up and down the Eastern Seaboard from NY to Maine, I have always been taken with the special and unspoiled place that is Orient Point. Largely because of our comfort that Orient would remain unspoiled into the future due to the careful development planning I've observed over decades, my wife and I decided to purchase a plot of land last year at 2195 Orchard for the purpose of building a summer retreat and eventual retirement home. This plot was purchased from Mr. Patrick Guadagno,who had very thoughtfully subdivided his own 10-acre parcel into 2 building lots that would be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. It was my assumption that any future development of nearby open land would be developed in a similar manner and consistent with the style, character,and scale of the surrounding properties. I was shocked and surprised to recently learn of a plan to subdivide an adjacent 13-acre parcel of land (2595 Orchard) into 5 building lots. From what I understand,some or all of these lots would be less.than an acre in size,facilitating the building of the kind of cookie-cutter, branded subdivision that has diminished many formerly attractive seaside villages and that Orient has wisely avoided over the years. Based on the information we have about the proposed subdivision of 2595 Orchard,we strongly oppose such a plan on the grounds that it is inconsistent with the long-establish standards for lot size in the area. We hope that the Town and the Planning Board will disallow the subdivision into such small building lots on these grounds. With the precedent of 2 building lots for the aforementioned 10-acre parcel and the pre-existing residential lots in the area, a plan that approves more than 3 building lots on this new site seems very out of proportion with the current character of the neighborhood. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you and will be following this issue closely. Thank you for your consideration. D EC E � U E APR 0 6 2015 Yours truly, Southold Town Planning Board Craig and Kelly Smith 552 Hawthorn Lane Winnetka, IL 60093 849-386-6269 cdsmith24@hotmail.com &�( P Sabatino, Alyxandra K. �-►MT From: Murphy,Jerome Thomas <jerry_murphy@gse.harvard.edu> O E C E I Sent: Friday,April 03, 2015 8:41 AM To: Sabatino,Alyxandra K. APR O 3 2015 Subject: Orchard Street Subdivision o1-1'1,3 Southokt Town Planning Board Dear Ms.Sabatino, I'm writing with regard to next Monday's Planning Board meeting on the proposed Orchard Street Subdivision in Orient. I am not an abutter, but a nearby neighbor(5305 Narrow River Road)who is aware of some of the concerns that have been raised. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the meeting. I cannot speak to the details of the proposal since I have not seen it, but I would like to say a word about those along Halyoke Ave who are worried about what's being proposed. I've lived in numerous communities during my 76 years, and never before have I seen such a civic-minded,thoughtful, and determined group. Their concerns are not driven by blind self-interest or a kneejerk opposition to change,but rather getting things right,based on up-to-date data.Of course,the abutters are concerned about their own property, but their bigger concern is protecting the fragile and beautiful environment that is the hallmark of Orient. Because of their caring for the broader community, I'm proud to count them as my friends and plan to join them in their efforts. I respectfully request that this letter be made part of the public record.Thank you,and I wish you well in your important and challenging work. Sincerely, Jerome T. Murphy Harold Howe II Emeritus Professor of Education Dean Emeritus Harvard Graduate School of Education i � e Submission Without a Cover Letter pP-:)i k .D ECE � � � ll ` APR 032015 � Sender: :1 Te C) Southold'Fown Planning Board SCTM#: 1000- Date: /4 l '-16 ' 5 Comments: 0 o C-c��e �� v ►� r�e Cz� f cads AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as ?D 1TV 3- by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on _ I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the ow ers of re ord of e�tyg� rty which abuts and every property which is across on Q�S You (print)r a Signafdre Add ess Da Notary Public .. J COLLEEN RAE SCOTT i Notary Public-State of New York rt N0.01SC6293386 i Qualified in Suffolk County My Commission Expires Dec 9.2017 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 4/3/15 Re: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#s: 1000-27-1-3 Date of Preliminary Hearing: Monday, April 6, 2015, 6:03 p.m. ® Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signatur �� item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired':'r'� a LTA ent 13 Print your name and address on the reverse Ad ee so that we can return the card to you. B. Rece by(Printed me) C..Dat of Delivery_ ® Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, � 5 or on the front if space permits. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? El.Yes 1. Article Addressed to: a�3� If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No C 1 M. Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Signature item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent i M Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addressee ' so that we can return the card to you. B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery 0 Attach this card-to the back of the mailpiece, i or on the front if space permits D Is IN off fr m item 1? ❑Yes "! i 3 O ➢ a ,'Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Sig'lature �� _ item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. +- 0 Agent !ill' Print your name and address on the reverse ��` �El Addressee,g so that we can return the card to you. T'Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery i Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, r, ___."n_tha_frnnt if_cnnr_,P_narmitt ®'Complete items1,-2,and 3.Also`complete 'A: Signature'.' = i item,4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Agent lef•Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee' //! Addressee' 3 so that we can return the card to you: g: Received by(Printed Name) C.'D a of Delivery' i 12 Attach;this card to the back of the mailpiece, t B Q' 0 i ➢ 0 D t I 22;.Complete#,p@1s,1 and 3,'Also complete' A Signature' r r item 4 if,Restricted-Delive is desired - ry:,. f'' i Agent ia Print your riam :and address on.the reverse (? ( _ , _b Addressee i} so#hat,we can return the card to you. • B. Received ti it y(Printed Name) C Date of Delivery 1 W Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on.the front if space permits. hC _F - , . i D Is delivery address di rentfrom itema? Yes 1-,Agicl6 Addressed to: 1; +, all lComplete'items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A: Signature i item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. " -�19ent ---•� � Print your name and address on the•reverse �. O Addressee, ¢E so that we can return'tl a card to you g 'ived by(Printed Name) K , C Date of Delivery M Attach this card.to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. t:'Article Addresse to: _ . D Is delivery address different from item 1? El Yes If YES,enter delivery address'below: .0 No 3. Service•Type ` ✓ ❑Certified Mail® ❑Priority Mail Express' 0.Registered El Return Receipt for Merchandise 7 �� C ❑ Insured Mail Cl Collect on Delivery 4. Restricted Delivery?-(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number .i ! }i i _..._s._ _�_�,_ -- — ,(Transfer from service label) ! 7611 4' 212 Q I 0 0 0 2 8 2 0 6 6 6 32.I E PS Form 3811{July,201 q ! €9 t Da i d - � " \j M estic Return Receipt i 4 Ln 0FPT `�J} - C A U IU Postage $ $0.49 ru Certified Fee $3.30 Pos�nigGy s e M Return Receipt Fee •"� (Endorsement Required) $?.?Q %p�\l�or f � ° t^� Restricted Delivery Fee Q? I (((``"��� Y '� [! r O (Endorsement Required) $Q°QQ .r3: Gat7 " � 5. = t7 r-a $b.49 03 1S,A 1'6 fL P1:13ostage $ $0.49 Total Postage&Fees g fQ70� q, ; S To Certified Fee $3.3Q �: `U CP ��`�" -- O Return Receipt Fee s L P -------- ------- ---------------------- p SGeei&Apt No., p (Endorsement Required) $"7Q re CD or PO Box No. p I ------------ r City,St e,ZIP+4 Restricted Delivery Fee !5E tl p ( 0 (Endorsement Required) $0.QQ ru 1 e 1 ra Total Postage&Fees $ $6.49 1 �h ru $b.49 Iv r-1 Total Postage&Fees $ 1il a tTo ru n To - L v---J� p --------- or PO Box No. I - rq J a -- =- 1� ` -�� -----� --� --------------- ------- ------- City State,ZlP or PO Box No. �Q t j r G pr__ h( ---- - 4.minty" City State,Z1P+4 ( i V o vQ p (Endorsement Required) • rUru I�Q7 ra Total Postage"&Fees $6.4. I Total Postage&Fees $6•4•q 03/1912015 ni I ni c t Ta �- sent To �'�e ra - -------------- C'2------------`�-----=-----------'------------ O Street&ApG N.,l--v-,tt--- /�.-�-'- --/-------------------=---�------------ [O Street&Apt.No., - orPO Bax No. [dl K - _.�L=Af --- -- - - --- 1[� or PO Box No. V I'miju V. o,"-V - -G - - / ---�------------------------------- I City State,Z! ' City,State,ZIP+4 Ml 1 a Total Postage&Fees $b.49 03/19/2015 ni p (Endorsement Required) fU Nat S t G, 9 �, r9 Total Postage&Feesnj $b•49 Q --- ------N— Sent To p Street&Apt.No., �•' � orPOBoxNo. �. a -Vio� `--------------- p 3treef&A City,State,ZIP D Pf Lf- �0( —b 6, �- orPOBoxNo. P�a ' LP Clty State ZI -�p-c- - -- -( C-^-/- - -- :e• 1 , . N Fetal Postage&Fees � $6.49 ru Total Postage&Fees $b.49 G3/19/2015�- Sent To nJ - - d Street&Apt.No., (( � ( ? ' y/ �— r. or POBaxNo. e S''_ i_ _l_---:�: � G f "— t'T�O ---Y-4---------------- - treat$+�t NO., ___________________�_a__— City,State,ZlP+4 f --- --"- --" � p - or PO Box No. ru $b.49 03/19/ 915 r 1 Total Postage&Fees :� MI / ru _ u ru Tam ! Q ( rl Totat Postage&Fees $ $6.49 c 15 � W-t. r treatBApt . rl :ham P� rru ., or PO Box No. ! a`1` 00..__""!! --x-"t---------------------- �- t T p ------------------ rp�y�------------ City State,ZIP ( L'�'L/ -64- r- - O Sfreef&ApL No., j or PO Box No. iv+ I __ _____- . .•. ..-:a e 1 - ", ..: ___ __________________________________ _ --- City State,ZIP+4 Restricted Delivery Fes j C3 (Endorsement Required) :le 1 Iv $b49 r� . Total Postage&Fees t p (Endorsement Required) ru ru `"` Sent To �J F' r Total Postage&Fees $6•49 3/191 15 ru ----------- ------------------------- Street&ApLNo., 1.(.. �� � ( J ti�4h l/ r Sont To V© � �I!/ r or PO Box No. r 3 - - - -------- -- --- ----------------- - --------------------- -- - Cify State,ZIP+4 U /) p 7�'J'`�Street&Apt Na., or PO Box No. 1 , b , ,(rye —, 6`+ ". -----------------------------------------!'"'---`__ - --•- e , City,State,ZII - t�S�7 i 0 1 lr ru � e e -• Ln 0USE Postage $ T10.4h /'0 64'1ni CO ;����� Certified Fee c j a jttjl l ru ( +e 0 Retum Receipt Fee C3 (Endorsement Required) C3 Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required)ru r-I Total Postage&Fees $ $6°49 lr�[ ru Sent To _ _. a ___________ � -- - - -Street&Apt t3o., or PO Box No. '-_-- -- ---- S_ - - {tote.Zt ri Total Postage&Fees $ $6 a 4`rru t�ufa�f ct715 ��' San T • � `-- ------------- C3 Street&Apt.Na., ------------ ----------- or PO Box No. P, 0 -- l ---------------------- --------------- ------ ------------ Oity,State,Z,P y I L of 5 :ee rA Total Postage&Fees postage&Fees �$6.4��T�1r' ��`t j' ��`t ru _ .. � SentT a - - mod s- = -- t7 Street&Apt.No., ri or PO Box No. - -�(l(r - -- C((y State,ZlP+4Y­V e [➢ lu f Total Postage&Fees $ $601+9 t�3r �1r1iy (h^ f., a veep P_�`_�1_.�S �U� - Street& pt No., - or PO Box No. - ------------ ni City ri Total Postage&Fees $6,49 3f 31 t � j ru r --------- --------------------------=----------- � Street&Apt No., . or PO Box No. 3 City State,Zt15+4 At rU r-I Total Postage&Fees (;,4° Qu7Jfr1r3 i.��t'i ru Sent T ---- --------------- Q 5`treat&Apt No., � )i1�((�),��'t{/�, [\- or PO Box No. 0 ( , ''�'t� t ------------------------------- )r Ctty,Stat 1P+4 Ll Iini l it r'� Total Postage&Fees $ $ e 49 + rU = Sent To �� 4 CVIr'_- a SFeet&Apt.No., -- - - - ----------- --- ?f r or PO Box No. --__.__--___ rrl1i l Donald J.Wilcenski, Chairman March 30, 2015 �t,�T, All Planning Board Pb 4L% ` Town of Southold hD _EC V E PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 FPR 2015 Soutbold Torn Please read the following letter into the public hearing record: pludito Board I am writing this letter in opposition to the project titled "the Orchards" located on lot 1000-27.4-3 in the hamlet of Orient. The owners of this property have represented to the Southold Planning Department that they intend to use it as a "tree farm" and a "family compound".This description sounds very bucolic, but based on the information that the owners have provided, it is difficult to believe that this is truly their intention.Their application is full of contradictions and inaccuracies. According to the Project Information Document submitted by the owner it appears that they do not actually intend to use the property for agricultural purposes. They state the following: 1) The project will not use herbicides or pesticides. 2) The project will not produce noise exceeding the local ambient noise. 3) The project will not create any new jobs. 4) The stated water usage of 300 gallons/house/day,totaling 1500 gallons/day with no provision for any kind of agricultural irrigation. -How is that possible for any type of agricultural use? In addition the Project Information Document states that this development will not create need for any community services. These include recreational,educational, police and fire department. -How is that possible? In addition,the Project Information states that the project is within the Southold School District -That is incorrect. The Agricultural Data Statement submitted by the owner states that an adjacent property(1000-27.-1- 2.2&2.3) includes an "active"farm. -This does not appear to be true. The current Plat Plan (revised 1-21-15) itself brings into question the veracity of the description of a "family compound". If this is a "family compound"-why are the four lots completely separated from Lot # 1? Finally, I believe that the representation of the roadbed on Platt Road (Halyoake Avenue) is incorrect. I could be wrong, but 1 believe that the road is actually much closer, if not within the 17.12' strip of property which is part of the adjacent parcel (1000-27.-1-5 formerly owned by Doris Morgan, now owned by Stefan Feuerabendt). Lot#3 has only a 15' setback from this property allowing a structure to be within 32.12 feet-and possibly much less-from Platt Road (Halyoake Avenue). Halyoake Avenue was historically a driveway entrance to the Hallock Farm, and the historic homes that are visible on the North side of the road,all original to the farm,are set back at least 45 feet from the actual roadbed.The setbacks of both Lot#3 and Lot#5 must be adjusted. While some of these errors and inconsistencies may seem small, I believe that they are indicative of a lack of respect and understanding of our Community and the context of this site,as well as an attempt to dissemble about the owner's true intentions. Clearly,this plan needs further review. Respectfully submitted, Barbara Friedman VAS, A:� March 30, 2015 {yE l� ;1 l� Mr. Donald J.Wilcenski,Chairman [MAR 31 �2015U Planning Board Town of Southold Southold Town P.O. Box 1179 Planning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 � Re: Proposed Subdivision at 2595 Orchard St.,Orient NY Z-7- 1 -3 Dear Mr.Wilcenski, I am a good and happy 18-year resident of Orient and very supportive of the Town. I am writing to ask you to please address the concerns of much of the neighborhood on the proposed subdivision mentioned above.Orient is a special hamlet and we need you to clearly hear your citizens who look to support development.....while preserving the special character of the area. We are all really opposed to the split cluster design. It just does not fit with the character of the area. I have written before and am writing again since I cannot be at the hearing next Monday given a business trip in New York City. In reviewing the latest version of the developer's proposal,the very same concerns are again in front of us: 1. the safety issue of the parallel driveway when approaching Orchard Street,coupled with a potential drainage issue. 2. The split cluster design as mentioned above. This is the last large piece of undeveloped land in the hamlet--how it is developed will have a real impact on us. You have a real chance to help this be executed in a responsible,character-preserving way. I am not a lone voice; I am counting on common sense to prevail here. I always tell my employees"to do the right thing"and you cannot go wrong. Please can you not introduce an unsightly-looking subdivision into our rural area. Please...please help us maintain the special look of our community. Thank you. Best regards, James F Haag 4725 Orchard Street Orient, NY 11957 cc:Aly Sabatino MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �OF SO(/ry P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �0� �i_ Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y y� Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR ��ou , Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 31, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Preliminary Public Hearing for the.Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: It has come to our attention that five 4fra -property owners highlighted on the tax map page in the public hearing pac, t, i `c .,omitted from the list of properties requiring notification and, therefore, did nit:receive proper notification within seven days prior to the hearing. Please send the Notice to Adjacent Property Owners, Certified Mail & Return Receipt, to the following: SCTM#1000-27-3-2.2: John & Diana Prizeman, 131 Hicks Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 SCTM#1000-27-3-2.3: Pierre & Jeanne DeNeufville, 2870 Orchard Street, P.O. Box 143, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-27-3-2.4: Jeffrey Weiss, 2610 Orchard Street, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-27-3-3.1: Fredrica Wachsberger & Sylvia Newman, 3180 Orchard Street, P.O. Box 473, Orient, NY 11957 SCTM#1000-27-3-3.2: Steven Keeling, 35-25 77" Street, Apt. A-21, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Carol Kalin Planning Board Secretary Notice to Adjacent Property Owners —The Orchards: 1. SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.2 2. SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.3 3. SCTM#1000-27.-1-4 4. SCTM#1000-27.-1-5 (2 addresses)* 5. SCTM#1000-27.-1-9 6. SCTM#1000-27.-1-10.3 7. SCTM#1000-27.-1-10.4 8. SCTM#1 000-27.-1-10.6 9. SCTM#1000-27.-3-2.2 10. SCTM#1000-27.-3-2.3 11. SCTM#1000-27.-3-2.4 12. SCTM#1000-27.-3-3.1 13. SCTM#1000-27.-3-3.2 14. SCTM#1000-25.-5-4 15. SCTM#1000-25.-5-5 16. SCTM#1000-25.-5-6 17. SCTM#1000-18.-5-23 2"d Address for SCTM#1000-27.-1-5 *Stefan Feuerabendt: 1404 Cedar Hill Avenue, Dallas, TX 75208 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Steven A. Martocello, East End Holding Co., LLC Address: 24 Miller Woods Drive, Miller Place, NY 11764 Land Owner(if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Property Location (road and tax map#): 2595 Orchard Street, on the North East side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' North West of Platt Road, in Orient; SCTM#1000- 27-1-3 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 500 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: 1. SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.2 & 2.3 - Patrick Guadagno, 405 East 54t' Street—Apt. 3K, New York, NY 10022 Atta a tax map or e p showing e e of the property where the project is pr pos d relative to h oca ion of far o er tions identified above. � 5 Applican gent Si nature ate COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Steven Bellone SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE Department of Economic Development and Planning Joanne Minieri Deputy County Executive and Commissioner Division i Planning and Environment March 11, 2015 Town of Southold P.O. Box 11795�� 54375 Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 Attn: Aly Sabatino,Planner p E C E Q U�p E Subdivision: "The Orchards" MAR 1E2015 Suffolk County Tax Map No.: 1000-27-1-3 Suffolk County Planning File No.: S-SD-15-02 Southold Town Planning Board Dear Ms. Sabatino: Pursuant to the requirements of Section A14-24,Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code,the above captioned proposed final plat that has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Sincerely, Sarah Lansdale,AICP Director of Planning Theodore R. Klein Senior Planner TRK/cd H.LEE DENNISON BLDG 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HWY,4th FI ■ P.O.BOX 6100 ■ HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099■(631)853-5191 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEM 3ERS �oE SOUr So P.hold,NY 1179 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSHI h� 0. Chair 41 OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III O (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR I�CO Southold,NY e Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law &Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at.the Town Hall, Main Ro.*, $9uthold, New York on the 6th-day'ofi-A0Ht,. .. 2015 on the question of the following". r ry 7`. , LLC located at 615 Pike Street; t18n' 6:01 .p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Olde C ialce, , n/e/o Love Lane & Pike Street, in Mattifac ' q� Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM#1 000-140-2-21 6:02 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for the EasteftFfdnt Microbrewery, located.at 425 Westphalia Road, t375' s/e/o CR 48 & Westphalia Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM#1000-14V3-34 6:03 p.m. Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the n/e/s/o Orchard Street, approximately 17' n/w/o Platt Road, in Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Dated: 3/13/,15 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, MARCH_26, 2015 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU: COPY SENT TO: The Suffolk Times Kalin, Carol From: Cerria Torres <ctorres@timesreview.com> Sent: Friday, March 13, 2015 1:14 PM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: Re: Legal Ad for 3/26/15 Suffolk Times Importance: High This notice has been scheduled to publish in the Suffolk Times on 3/26/15. Thank you rT4 �RLVlW� Meot�aRouP Cerria Orientale Torres Display Ad Coordinator 631.354,8011 (D) ctorresO-timesreview.com Iegals(&-tim esreview.com www.bmesreview.com From:<Kalin>,Carol<Carol.Kalin@town.southold.nv.us> Date: Friday, March 13,201511:05 AM To:Times Review<leeals@timesreview.com> Subject: Legal Ad for 3/26/15 Suffolk Times Please print the attached legal ad for the March 26, 2015 Planning Board Public Hearings regarding the site plans for Olde Colonial Place, LLC &the Eastern Front Microbrewery and the Standard Subdivision The Orchards in the March 26, 2015 edition of the Suffolk Times. An e-mail confirmation of receipt for our files will be appreciated. Thanks. Carol Kalin Secretarial Assistant Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Annex at Capital One Bank 54375 NYS Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 631/765-1938 phone 631/765-6640fax 1 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS *QF S�(/ry P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��L �/_ Southold,NY 11971 Chair `O OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �� 54375 State Route 25 JAIES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR 'Y�'�UNT'1,� ` Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law &Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing_ will be held by the Southold Town Planning.Board,.at the,Town.Hall, Main too fh-Id, New York on the 6th'day of A ii;1 2015 on the question of the following 6:01 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for Olds' i -XI-C, located at 615 Pike Street, t1,80' n/e/o Love Lane & Pike Street, in Mattitij Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM#1000-140-2-21 6:02 p.m. Proposed Site Plan for the Easterfi-Front Microbrewery, located at 425 Westphalia Road, t375' s/e/o CR 48 &Westphalia Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM#1000-1.41-3-34 6:03 p.m. Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the n/e/s/o Orchard Street, approximately 17' n/w/o Platt Road, in Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Dated: 3/13/15 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CAROL KALIN, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 13th day of March, 2015 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 4/6115 Public Meeting: 6:01 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for Olde Colonial Place, LLC, SCTM#1000-140-2-21 6:02 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Site Plan for the Eastern Front Microbrewery, SCTM#1000-141-3-34 6:03 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards, SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Carol Kalin Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this 13�-"day of 00-V()— , 2015. tea- l.A�c. Nota u is MELANIE DOROSKI NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.01 D04634870 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires September 30, l MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �Q�SOUr�, P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��k �/_ Southold,NY 11971 Chair 4 OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III O! �► (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR �CQ �� Southold,NY u11 Telephone:631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 10, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: SEQRA Classification & Set Preliminary Public Hearing - Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolution at a meeting held on Monday, March 9, 2015: WHEREAS,this proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board, pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) 6 NYCRR, Part 617, has determined that the proposed action is an Unlisted Action as it does not meet any of the thresholds of a Type I Action, nor does it meet any of the criteria on the Type II list of actions; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has determined that this proposed action is an Unlisted Action under SEQRA as described above; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board sets Monday, April 6, 2016 at 6:03 p.m. for a Preliminary Public Hearing upon the map entitled "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of the Orchards", prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, dated June 15, 2013 and last revised January 21, 2015. The Orchards Page 2 March 10, 2015 Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 55, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, April 3rd The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing is closed. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Encls. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a Clustered Standard Subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-27-1-3; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District; 4. That the application is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres. The property is located at 2595 Orchard Street, on the North East side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' North West of Platt Road, in Orient; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Planning Department located in the Town Hall Annex on the corner of Youngs Ave. & NYS Rte. 25, Southold (2nd Ff., Capital One Bank). If you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938. Information can also be obtained via the internet: 1. Go to the Town of Southold website www.southoldtownny.gov; 2. Click on Weblink located on bottom left of home page; 3. Click on "Planning Dept." folder; 4. Click on "Applications", then "Standard Subdivisions", then "Pending"; 5. Click on the SCTM# (tax map #) of the application (found in #2 above). Or by sending an e-mail message to: Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.us; 6. That a Preliminary Public Hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, April 6, 2015 at 6:03 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in The Suffolk Times; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Steven A. Martocello, East End Holding Co., LLC/The Orchards Date: 3/10/15 Notice to Adjacent Property Owners —The Orchards: 1. SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.2 2. SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.3 3. SCTM#1000-27.-1-4 4. SCTM#1000-27.-1-5 (2 addresses)* 5. SCTM#1000-27.-1-9 6. SCTM#1000-27.-1-10.3 7. SCTM#1000-27.-1-10.4 8. SCTM#1000-27.-1-10.5 9. SCTM#1000-25.-5-4 10. SCTM#1000-25.-5-5 11. SCTM#1000-25.-5-6 12. SCTM#1000-18.-5-23 2"d Address for SCTM#1000-27.-1-5 *Stefan Feuerabendt: 1404 Cedar Hill Avenue, Dallas, TX 75208 RB9isam Os1D-99 SEE SEC.NO 018 01-29-04 iOCq MATCH _ _ UNE iO OB-12-04 S Mnrcn UNE MATCH _ uNE ¢' rj. ---- FO SEE R PCL NO FOR PCL.NO In FOR PCL.NO, SEC.NO SEE SEC. 63' 12-DB-09 N 359.782 w ➢ 11 019-05 013 T D,�DS-a23 to SEE SEC.NO w N 359 T82 05-22-12 A 2 2A o' S y o P`� ,� 1 3 018-06 014.9 N P 6 ORIENT ,\,. 21 R. 7 1.4A-)e'4\� CENTRAL 2.2 TOWN OF O CEMETERY 2-5A \3 d ^"per\ S.tA B.BA(c) 2.2 SOUTHOLD\ `1 9.6A(c) !7 d 5.1A 5 9 -STATE OF 14 4 3A(c) a �'6) �+- \ NEW YORK 2,3 �i •i„• Z3 O J+.' --i+a�/ \\ 6.7A TC ER OrSOUTN , ATA4yE1SE 8 6 \ 'c•\ .. O•K��. ark 2.8A(c) 2.9 2.8 P° 5ZA F.D. w� 1 133A 5 '\ \ `?� 2.tA(c) STATE NEwYOF 0. �Y7 5A 1.6A ". d a Yj " o y 3.3 ORCNARU .e PO Dm ~ 1.7A(c) J .N 4 5 FN T IN O O g 2.10 2 p1 QT o S.OA m 24 3A r» 11.1A 1.7A(c) 2.4 ST. ':o h • 2.7 y 2.2 31 rl 5.0A 3.2 1 2A(c O Q•� 1.3A K 2.3 1.3A 3.3 $ = 1.3A 3.4 2.5 ro 8 3.5 b 10.6A � a 1.7A w ru w 3.6 2.6 g. In tb D\ ( I p a\►1- Eby �. \\ \ 7.3 • _ J ) PA a\ O ems\ 69.6A 4.1 `TT \ $ ^p\c\ .•` 6 9;pt�y0 \. 72 STATE OF \ '\ NEW YORK �.:\ WI91 of •"P� 90UTalfoci 1 BA8.3A(c) d., .,. .� /-�' � • Q �O /.I� n ATE OF N.Y. \\ t0 'N 1 A' (10 aLr it 4.3A \•i:. ,A � ..0 oa. ,C ?S AD I STATE OF 6A NEW PORK / T a ,A ,�c\ ♦�o\�� •\ /-..- � � :: •\ '\- to � f \ / F o`' O K \ k So �. 10.4 --.\5 �- \ <rf � TOWN OF SOUTHOLD i •f 8 \ 7.7A(c) S \ X •\ •\• 5.2 1.6A(c), t \ FOR PCL NO. -.\ O 2.OA(c) 4 4 ~ OYSTER PONDS' \ SEE SEC. Q wsroRICALSOc9ET11 9.6 \ 032-01-00] 9.2A(C) \ 2.7A \ Gi STATE OF NEWYORK i2A MATCH --- -` LINE \12(c) 982 STATE of A .JT• SEE SEC.NO.032 SEE SEC.NO. / N 355 60 6 y N 355,962 -�-. _� .. m •�, s 7_ ;t9]F NEWYORKs ♦ e'9j� U oR/ENT "-ELft + P+..N.AwI.. e �� ,.a D -��--_ 3a�Drlmw --bQl-- N.«..DOM I,.e --n-- ,AAFSB uIAvp DTIER"J9E•AufRDP9RT1Es NOTICE 401Ly3, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K me TORN OF SOUTHOLD SECTION NO E D.r..o.00.n. -�- Nrrele<Aea9"° (21) - --"-- ARE wvan THE fauawND osmns T.a OYMa ye -f-- R.6w O"lcl llr zp,pDL 2 9DIEA WIND 0ISTRI JTION ALTEMT PORTION OR ------ o •'�' O Mr.mu.. --w-- NY"WO"N4r--H3T-- 25 NYDRAN! Real Property TahoadN ServiceA en Y on 32 w E ^M1-.r` m -- - SUFF LK COUNTY TYTA PORTION OTHE ? ��, NLIAGE OF /7 uDlrt 4D wmR � Geunly C9111ar RMTM9C,N Y 11901 o2T i CwyL.. �gDyyE.W -1-- AmIWeDivldtM--A-- PMK 85 "� SUFFOLKCWNTY TAX MAP Ib PROHIBITED � ECALE WfEET. M Ps�Nw 23 aMT.e 121A141 or 1Z to Ts..w -�� -- o.rbrtlta" --P-- w.rra.Drlaln.--wx-- Mdl/v1fl TER WTNOUT WTITTEN P[RMISSXMI OF THE • IOo D Zoo tlD A D29 N w P1Ew D Nppwm D91 REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICE AGENCY ''�xut> DISTRICT NO 1000 P nx eu .�, PROPERTY MAP 'I Revisions 06-07-96 02-05-98 04-01-99 N359962 029-00 N 359 9S2•' • 0-26 00 u ' 04-18-01 �" 2018 -A 329-02 j 1.OA(c) 08-02-02 12- -0 ra 8-2 sw g 07-2121-04 g o 4.10 08 19-04 0341-07 NQ 7 09-19-07 10-24-08 4.13 12-10.08 8-1 W 8 = 3 i m 10 Y S S.4 8 t 11 $ 'as _ 20.20 ,§ 10.2A 4 O sa 12 2 13 32 co ,m d 14 6.1 F P�- OF 4� 2 1S sOu 202 7 2021 76j 3.3A t 42 i m 77 m ' O • 71 162 as 1 21 i8 _ 20 20.12 � _ t - JH - va 21.1 22.1 ,,,,• 44.) m 1.0A toA 22 122 2 16A(c) 1 31A 1B � .24 C9 as ^• j�j 1T� oa ea�r- 21' ,.,,_- 7 3( 2015 �C'��TU 273 E� co-Z CM1RCf1 10.11 16? b Na 232 11.1 5 10 3 11.1 11. 244(c) 272 +^ SS• ASA Sr m ORCHARD 134 11� 2 1 8 1-44 6 _ _ 1 t (507 5 21 a Tc' .e 4.1 11.7 15 .G w 1.9A ni r T4 A °' sa 1AA 6 A s t O ro £ 16.1 9 as 4 8' 1.IA(c) FRRK ue ar O 6 Na e OYSTERPOdDS 17 WTORICAL T 13.5A ® w w m 14 90am n Z7 s1a of H 8 18 1.4A � FAT s R 9 (• ,� t 1.4A Ira t 7 12.3 (407 1M 12 10 SA 1L 14 ,9 1 HA 1.5A C7 < „ FtM nn S Ci 1N 1AA 13 0X'O N OC2 N]SB OB2 tl ¢ 13 1•0 11.10 6 ur m, 1 OA FOR PCL.NO. 0. E a _ 20 SEE SEC.NO. z • 12.1 g 1ae 028A4-005 1 P9 Lz o esAT01 UNE M MATCH LINE aqg _-_------ SEE SEC.NO.026 --- � >b L ------ a+.+ar,+u. --aw- �ydminsers.s --N-- urAas swdwomeawse.aaalxsemrA NOTICE 3`. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK O E SECTION NO E o..ro....a.... -�- srdauo.al.aieps.w (21) ,y 2 FwsTWat� --F-- Mir masuna --R-- nEPoU.avudasTmass'aewER MNNTENANCE,ALTERATIOM GALE OR C K O1T ate TOWNOF SOUTHOLD c aaa 0 NaT a a�N ""° Real Property Tax Service Agency Y semea.sau. ------ srs m.e.en v RrrlNrat.• --w-- ss.sa,lorau.-- -- ^wE 25 VRLAGE OF _ DSTR%1UTKIN OFANYPORnON OF T!£ 2540 N sw.�iaay. "-"-'- aaNdsa�e. m °e1w4�•• -- Lwnae - --a-- A,wrea.�es..--"-- calms es. amuse SUFFOLKCOUNTYTMNAPISP110HNWTE0 h� County GnurAM IN FEU, NY11l01 M o2a ms on - 0 P�w1Na. 23 sa..4a� 12-1A(diar12.1A T�1i �_" .."saawu. --•-- rarraa.us..--wn-- aAeuANci wnmvrel weo VAT��UTVJWTENPGtMV 10NOF1NE lao 0 Im me A DISTRICT NO 1000 12TA1a1 wa.� ----- --a-- YOSOrI REAL PROPERTY TAX SERNCEAGENCY P dm PROPERTY MAP , - ooweAwou w.E F...a am, 04.15-97 0&18-97 ••\ b 12-11-97 = --- SEE SEC NO.013 SEE SEC.NO.013 s+ 01-14-98 N283 1O MATCH ----UNE 04-20-95 ! - 09-1I'm �_\O / R -------- S T--- ---- h FOLK CONTY 114M-98 `_ ERA THORI 7.7 Nw ow • 04-01-99 5p 4 ; S >/ 18.8A 9 03.10-00 (TOKWOFSOUTHOLDAND 02-20.01 ,'jF \\\ THE UNITED STATES OFAMERICA yi 4 1 25 03-o"I DEVELOPMENT RIGHTS) N� �q ,p. llplcl W OS02-01 �O �� 6.1.� 30.4 \\ \\ 2.8A , Cam- 03 A �6G1 tt-OT-07 05-10.02 \CJ� .> \�\ 12.7A(q \ 2AA i �' 71 08.1 i O6 2.2A {. �.i>tr. ° 1.3 `M. / O '3 F 1.4A (PECOMC LAND TRUST) 7.5 -14-05 `O` /: r00 4�� (OONSERNATON EASEMENT) \ V J � \OS- `�' �' FOR PCL NO. _ _w O• F +" S• SEE SEC.NO. )L1 10-08 i r- \�� 6.20 'b �� 23.1 019-01-001.4 10- 6.12 4\ 1.4A 221 $ 11 1 1.5A- \\\ J _ 124c e O 9.11 4 01-31 2lb V�' 27 " # 6-13 ° 30.3 3.1 2�3A(q 12 1.BA Q71 + 28.7A(q $ t0 12.BA(CI tm(c) $ O "b _ "28-12 O� 2 421 F _ 21.0 +, f t6 1aA s, i 5 t1.BA(c) j'-~•i 3 2.3A(o) _ d� ' 20 I' / 1 2 s ^� 41 9.9 �" 17 VA(C) 21.9 RI \• 20 ' 16 `. 4 •¢ 37.4 28 23A(C). 9 12NC) 17.5 2110 '•\ 4 2.1A(C) !� STATE OF \� 4 7Q 37.7 7 9� NEW 28 37.3 1AA 21 49 23 219.3 4.OA P 2 3A(C) 0 ... 4 23A(c) • is - 38.1 1.4A(C) b 2.4A 10 aP � 1 ~ a d 1.5A O STATE OF 73A(C) �!� NEWYORK d v 25 ° a �• 'b 2AA(C) Ub .,h• '_ E 14 209C) " 1 1.7A(c) 12 • a A 23A(q 1.7A(q 17 � 6 7620 is 13 71 � 2117A(e) I 3.3A ,IF 2 9 ^e A a 222A(C) 122 1012-1 3 s * 172 182 4 14b .. 3 N 1 1 36 7 R 8 4.OA(C) _ .\'-� STATEOFNEWYORK STATE OF8 148 4 NC) 5.3 5 z 10A(C) 4s :I 32 �• �•\ VA (701HVOFSOUNIOZD •�:�_ I a aw 1.9A(q \ �'� 1 5.2 \\ DEIFLOPUMTRMHM A 6.3 a 17 s 12.9A(C) YoORKOYSTERPONDS ° s 4-� 7y ae 28 P 42 pDLNfy 1. �� �\- jj)3 UNION FREE 2E4 SCHOOL DIST. 2.sA 10 m8 ,9 a e 25 4.1 • d p, a rI M0 20A 22.1 152 18.4 3/ a 17 ,n 1.6A(C) _ ~ 15.16. 29A 22 O A CONGREAtIOFAL 14. 1, 15 21 CHURCH 18.6 m ' RO <C U 3 6A 28.20 �, O Z p o MpJA1 1t1 -( O $ 2AA ( 13.8 q1 d :5 12 9.1 T.. - 4.4A(c) 27 23 - 5 ; b ae A � 1e A � $' ,fI ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 4 n1 2.tA 4} 2 a w7 - 8 a- 9+" A` 213.7c) O/ 26.19 , \, SEE R spEc 0 181 on a¢-ooi �t \\ ----- -- --- c 6 N ass Sa2� w v w \MATCH UN Yy MATCH ---- UNE� 2.SA i.,� � %� `MATCH ------- -� U E \.ly T N35e eez SEE SEC.NO.027 SEE SEC.NO.027 i -�� SEE SEC NO.027 R ` II • - �Awwl CAvel.w --H-- tKlEss owRwo «waE.AusROPewnes L PgrrywAwW s�.AN.,�ura �* emu -----_ saraweW --sa1- o1T NOTICE o {?At>s+s COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Q K ,,, T�+� souTHOLo SECTION NO Aae wTHN THEfaLowNo osmars' /•. E °�°^ '^� ------ ' 'wiai°"s°s f °�"� --w- --R- NNNTENANCEALTERATION.SALE OR � v Real Property Tax ServiceAgenCy Y 18 -�- (21) O - A.Ie.a.nW soloaL s�TTEA NN,O sww.wIaW o..o a:.... wrOCHnW NrwwIMVaW--16i - FRE 25AN'r pSTMBUTION OFANY fNJRTWN OF THE qay�T ,} E M- _ -- LKM V �T7r Cwmty Cent r RNerMa0.N Y 11901 M ma NLLAGE OF N Snantao• sveaa...:a �* LynDnslW -l-- Y.wrn OdaW- A PAAx SUFfOUt CAUNTY TAK MAP IS PROM&TEO ij 7i/+ 5. SCM.E IN FEET. D PraNa 23 �^ a..A... 12.1Nale.lz,A T...,.. --- yro.I.eW wNN.rew.aL.r--WN-7°-- wutAree 11As,E,w1TA -NOUTVMITTENPERNISSK,NOFTHE 'M1ti' it�g zoo o. zao q 1 12.1 A(C) w'r'1i� ----- t..«orel:N -4-- REALPROPERTYTAKSERmEAGEMCY a:fs.,.. P m PP DISTRICT NO 1000 PROPERTY MAP WNVERSON GATE-Sw 07.W12 AGRICULTURAL DATA STATEMENT TOWN OF SOUTHOLD When to use this form: This form must be completed by the applicant for any special use permit, site plan approval, use variance or subdivision approval on property within an agricultural district OR within 500 feet of a farm operation located in an agricultural district. All applications requiring this form must be referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission in accordance with Sections 239-m and 239-n of the General Municipal Law. Applicant Name: Steven A. Martocello, East End Holding Co., LLC Address: 24 Miller Woods Drive, Miller Place, NY 11764 Land Owner(if other than applicant): Land Owner Address: Description of Proposed Project: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Property Location (road and tax map ft 2595 Orchard Street, on the North East side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' North West of Platt Road, in Orient; SCTM#1000- 27-1-3 Is this parcel actively farmed? Yes No Names & addresses of any landowners within the agricultural district containing active farm operations located 600 feet of the boundary of the proposed project: 1. SCTM#1000-27.-1-2.2 & 2.3 - Patrick Guadagno, 405 East 54th Street—Apt. 3K, New York, NY 10022 Attach a tax map or other map showing the site of the property where the project is proposed relative to the location of farm operations identified above. Applicant/Agent Signature Date Revisions 05-10-ss SEE SEC.NO Ote 01-29-04 MATCH _ UNE 08-12-04 m WYCH UNE MATCH - LINE �' /T ------- ------ -- ---------- - • 04 06-05 ^O~ m 05-23-08 FOR PCL NO FOR PCL.NOFOR PCL NO. 12-08-09 N 359 712 w D 013A5--013 M SEE SEC.NO. N 359 782 SEE SEC.NO, SEE SEC.NO / 06-22-11 O ji 2.2A 2,s 018-05-023 +y � 13 018-06.014.9 E A 05-22-12 9 z *� OR CENTRAL IEW _ Z2 \ ti^ 21 P: 7 O CEMETERY Z54 \ ¢ `h�\ 5.1ATpM�OF 1 1 ti� 22 Saln+O� 9.6A(c) d 9 •{ 5.1A -STATE OF -� 4 3A C B / NEWYORK t1 g 2.3 R to, 623 O 4 •i ;' ,ems 1u- 6.7AOp CIA •y .Fa --- -2.9 x IR .� S.OA PI 28 ` -\."tea�� ✓O 3 5.0A '* 4 F.D.25 S s s a 9 0) iq 13.3A 5 -y `�� Vs�a 2.1A(q NEWYORK V 1.6A '3 tw 6 `` W 3.3 J$ J ORCHARD ?O PR 1.7A(c) y� n $ Ohio; q STAT T�� 4 ' OFNY� m 210 O O a. 5.00k m 3.4 d 24 1.7A(c) p 11.1A Uwj 24 ST. n4 2 io 2.7 22 31 , 5.OA �$ t.2A(4 Q 1.3A 32 0: 23 1.3A 13A 3.4 2.5 \ 3' 1.5A 10.BA n, 35 t1A f "I w 1.7A ( . O . r 1.7A 3.13 .1... t / p 1.SA7.3 IN Z ti d 4.1 27A(i) STATE OF 1 •\ '\ I 4. - � -• C �' NEWYORK +. 4: mw OF I o s01r11oIn K , 5 /fir' a /• \ O \ M� rN Ak\ /' \ ATE OF N.Y. / 1. z k I �� t0 Alt STATE OF z , r 9.4 10.4 a �••/ \-- 9 Lr TOWN OF SSOOUTHOLD a \ 7.7A(C) g \ Q 5.21.15A 4 • (C Os ~ \\ FOR PCL NO. .n 20A(q 4 OYSTER SEE 9.2A(c) \ HSTORICAL 9Od4TY 9.6 \ 072-01 Ota03 •O 2-7A \ \ Gi --__z-•-- '•.�--\ -y-Q /ems STATEOFNEWYORK 125 MATCH UNE M.Q � 1� 6 \1..2A(q � •/r SEE SEC.NO.032 SEE SEC.NO.032 N 3559S2 g� j � STATE OF g S �...`_ .. r .�• c 11'1��-NEW YORK L P,,,A,ir1M11,,, „R..,,,,,N.. �• e,,,Ir ------ Fa.KO..rIr. --.a- wF.+or"I.. --N-- 1w["sLYwwonnewwsE.AuwaPTKT"a NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © K 010 iOY1N OF SOUTHOLD - SECTION NO E 0...n.o�.laTa.r rAa.rr"eeN"ww (2 j - --"-- "ooa THE POI1pIKA�TT"C6. 1Mnn E -�- 1 ...N. O2 R.OY.14 -'-- "'°`" ' Real Property Tax Service Agency v ,32 MNHIET7Af10EALlENATWf/,SKE OR G Nalxwlwllr ------ 0rl04w"bn " t1M.,0wMl.. --W-- IWY�WYYLLr--WT-- H1E 25 HYORN'R NLLAGEOF 27 E 1�-.�, p -- -- SUFFOLOnON OFAN NAPI)f/OFT,¢ 027 / rr.ftr. _ loltl0l.wu1"i Owp t� -L-- A�YYsOi,ur1Y"--• u0e1f � wMa $IIFFOLKCWNTY iAK MAPIS PROHIBITED GMBIyG�W1YlA10"a•NY11907 M oxa N 23 Ar 121A(G)r121A i••Ir T1.ApY�rlr --P-- YIW+,�(rM1lM--1MY-- MRKANYZ 85 "AYTfYMTEK WTHOUTYYKTTENW-SMONOFTHE 200 0 - 20. wmmm!ooM'20 P DISTRICT NO IWO D ^`+"`' °i' ,pWFm� aEK PROPERTY TAK SERVICEAOENCY 1R 932 112 PROPERTY MAP eowcRreN IIIIf�IIIIf11111111�1111111110111 I I I I AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on _ I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 4/3/15 Re: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#s: 1000-27-1-3 Date of Preliminary Hearing: Monday, April 6, 2015, 6:03 p.m. Town of Southold PC/Codebook for Windows § 55-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [Amended 6-3-2003 by L.L.No. 12-20031 Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application or petition is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon. Notice relating to a public hearing on an application or petition shall be provided as follows: A. Town responsibility for publication of notice. The reviewing board or commission shall cause a notice giving the time, date,place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official newspaper within the period prescribed by law. B. Applicant or petitioner responsibility for posting and mailing notice. An application or petition, initiated,proposed or requested by an applicant or petitioner, other than a Town board or commission, shall also be subject to additional notice requirements set forth below: (1) The applicant or petitioner is required to erect the sign provided by the Town,which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application or petition abuts, giving notice of the application or petition,the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than 10 feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant,petitioner or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. (2) The applicant or petitioner is required to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street from the property included in the application or petition. Such notice shall be made by certified mail,return receipt requested,posted at least seven days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application or petition and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The notice shall include description of the street location and area of the subject property,nature of relief or approval involved, and date, time and place of hearing. The applicant,petitioner or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision prior to commencement of the public hearing. 1 EAST END HOLDING COMPANY, LLC THE ORCHARDS STANDARD SUBDIVISON 1 000 -27 -1 -3 Proposal to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1 .35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1 .14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. I MONDAY - APRIL 6 , 2015 - 6 : 03 P . M . WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, March 9, 2015 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 3:30 p.m. Executive Session 4:00 p.m. Applications 5:45 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda Project Name: Tuthill Conservation Subdivision SCTM#: 1000-17-4-16, 17-6-14.2, 18-3- 30.3, 18-6-17.3, 18-6-18.1 Description: This proposal is for an 80/60 Conservation Subdivision of four parcels (total area = 112 acres) into 17 residential lots, with 94 acres to be preserved. SCTM#1000-17-4-16 (North Dyer) is located on the n/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 366 feet west of Oysterponds Lane, in Orient. SCTM#1000-17-4-14.2 (South Dyer) is located on the s/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 460 feet west of Oysterponds Lane, in Orient. SCTM#1000-18-3-30.3 (North Brown) is located on the n/s/o of NYS Route 25, approximately 2,223 east of Platt Road, in Orient. • SCTM#1000-18-6-17.3 (South Brown) is located on the s/s/o NYS Route 25, approximately 1,960 feet east of Platt Road, in Orient. Status: Pending Action: Preliminary referral review & SEQRA discussion. Attachments: _ Staff Report Project Name: _ € The Orchards � Location: ; 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. _. ..........__._...._.-__......... Status: Conditional Sketch.Approval Action: SEQRA Classification. ____....._. _................_......_.._.............._. �._ -.......... --._._._.............._.......--..............__..._..__._...........__.._..._..--.------._.__... -- ._..._.....---._.._.__.._...__..._..._......—._..__._.........__._..........._._.................... Attachments: [-Staff Report _---- ..._._._...._.....-..._......................................._..-- ._........_.........................._.............._......._._........_.................__......_.........................._._........�..._...... __._......_.....# ......__...--................--...........__........_.._._..................._....__....................... Project..._name......................._...................... Standard..._Subdivision.._._.............._...._..__._._.....1.._SCTM#_.._._1000-10-1._0.-8_ ...._..........___......_...__................._! Location: On the corner of Montauk & Oriental Avenues, approximately 1,800' east; '..._of Peninsula Road, Fishers Island . . . . . . _......._.............._................................._..............._...__._.........._._._........._......._...._....._.............__............._ __....._:__.-..__.._........._....._..._.__. Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 4.98 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 = 3.05 acres and Lot 2 = 1.93 acres located in the R-80 Zonin District Status: Conditional Sketch Approval -- ._.._....__........_....._........._........ ................................................................_.._..................._..............__..............._....._........................... _..._.........._..._..._................_............_...__.._.................................................._......_........._.._....._........_......................._...._............... I Action: ........ Attachments: Staff Report . ..............................................................---..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date March 9, 2015 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval IV: Action to review SEQRA Classification and Set Hearing V: Analysis SEQRA Status: • Coordinated Unlisted Action. • Lead agency was initiated on February 13, 2015. • The required 30 day period will end on March 15, 2015. • Thus far, a lead agency request has not been submitted by any involved agencies. • The Board has not yet declared lead agency (by resolution). VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Set the Preliminary Public Hearing at the March 9, 2015 Public Meeting for the April 6, 2015 Public Meeting. '� c4 '<<, A. RIGHTER R.A. SCOTT A. RUSSELL tY�o JAMES , SUPERVISOR ` MICHAEL M. COLLINS, P.E. Cz QC TOWN HALL- 53095 MAIN ROAD ? v. t' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Tel. (631)-765-1560 r C%' 1VT Far. (631)-765-9015 MICHAEL.COLLINS@TOWN.SOUTH0I.D.NY.US Z� f�l , by JAM IE.RICHTER TOWN.SOUTHOLD. Y.US [F[ MAR E OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 0 6 2015 Southold Town Donald J. Wilcenski March 6, 201 15 Planning Board Chairman- Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision Orchard Street, Orient NY SCTM #: 1000-27-01-03 Dear Mr. Wilcenski: As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the Preliminary Plat that has a revision date of 1/21/15 for the development of a Clustered Subdivision on the property noted above. This preliminary plat has been prepared by the office of John C. Ehlers, LS. Please consider the following: 1. As shown on the preliminary plat, this clustered subdivision appears to meet the basic requirements of Town Code with the exception of the following 2. Street trees have been shown along Orchard Street at 75'on center. Highway specifications require street trees at 40'on center. Will new street trees also be required for the frontage: of the existing residential lot? 3. Lots two and three have a common access driveway. Will there be.C&R's to definitively indicate which lot owner is responsible for what. This new section of driveway should be installed in the middle of the easement even if only one house is constructed. Does the Planning Board feel that the developer should construct this section of driveway? What happens when one lot is built on first? Is the second builder responsible for half the cost of the common driveway? 4. Lot number one has a driveway flag of 16' in width. To meet highway specifications this ROW width should be a minimum of 25'for the installation of utilities. The minimum 12'wide Stone Blend driveway can be constructed to one side of a 25' ROW to allow for the same look as what has been proposed with the 16'ROW. Underground utility access,without the need to dig up the driveway surface again and again should be considered. 5. All work on any portion of new driveway access to the lots proposed within the Orchard Street ROW must be constructed to meet the Town Highway Specifications for asphalt roads. If you have any questions regarding this revie lease contact my office. Since ely, J mes A. Rlchte , R.A. cc: Vincent Orlando, Highway Superintend nt COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVEN BELLONE SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES JAMES L.TOMARKEN,MD, MPH, MBA, MSW Commissioner February 26, 2015 Alyxandra Sabatino Planning Board P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 W E _- RE: The Orchards MAR 0 3 2015 SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Southold Town Planning.Board Dear Ms. Sabatino: The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS; "Department") has received a letter from your office dated February 13, 2015 concerning the above-referenced project and has no objection to the Southold Planning Board's designation of lead agency. Based on a review of the subject coordination, the Department offers the following comments. However, the Department wishes to reserve its right to provide more detailed information within the comment period(s) established for this action. These comments should not be construed as an implicit SCDHS approval or rejection of the project. All applications are reviewed thoroughly with respect to Suffolk County Sanitary Code concerns by appropriate departmental personnel when SCDHS applications are completed. 1. SANITARY CODE A Article VI Application Status: Our agency has received an application for the. proposed five lot subdivision on a 13.3 acre parcel (HD Ref#S10-13-0005), as required by Article VI of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. The application is incomplete pending the submission of additional technical information including: • Revised Plans Including: • Metes and Bounds Description DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY—Office of Ecology PubliclHeal 360 Yaphank Avenue, Suite 2B,Yaphank NY 11980(631)852 Pr...nt.Promote.,r -5750 Fax(631)852-5812 lh. • Neighboring wells and sewage disposal systems within • Tetst Hole location(s)/details • Certification of sewage disposal & water supply design by P.E., R.A., or L.S. with exemption • Application Form signed ny a licensed design professional • Test Hole(s) located and witnessed by SCDHS • Test well(s) sampled by SCDHS • Public Water Availability Letter from water district • Short Environmental Assessment Form • Restrictive Covenants (To Be Determined) • Certificate of Authorization • SEQRA Determination from Town B. SCDHS Jurisdiction: The SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the final location of sewage disposal and water supply systems. The applicant, therefore, should not undertake the construction of either system without Health Department approval. Design and flow specifications, subsurface soil conditions, and complete site plan details are essential to the review of this project. These considerations are reviewed completely at the time of SCDHS application. Thank you for the opportunity to review this application. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at 852-5750. Sincerely, Philip de Blasi Office of Ecology PC: Walter Hilbert PublicHestth DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY—Office of Ecology Prevent.Promote.Protect. 360 Yaphank Avenue, Suite 213,Yaphank NY 11980(631)852-5750 Fax(631)852-5812 fr;t t MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS rjF soar P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI h0�1`� y�lO Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Town Hall Annex G PIERCE RAFFERTY • Q 54375 State Route 25 .�► JAMES H.RICH III �OliC�Un 1►��� (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Ir„ Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtowuny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation From: Alyxandra Sabatino, PlannerQ�S . Date: February 13, 2015 Re: Request for Review on the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision • Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131 • SEQR Lead Agency Request • Coordinated Review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination February 13, 2015 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Address: on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' Northwest of Platt Road, in Orient. Tax Map: 1000-27-1-3 Requested Action: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3= 1.14 acres, Lot 4= 0.92 and Lot 5= 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS QF soar P.O.Box 11 79�� y� Southold,NY 11971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Chair OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J.CREMERS NZINC PIERCE RAFFERTY �Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III Oly � (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) OO Southold,NY MARTIN H.SIDOR C Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Department of Health Services From: Alyxandra Sabatino, PlannerQ S- Date: February 13, 2015 Re: Request for Review on the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision Request for Comments pursuant to Southold Town Code §280-131. SEQR Lead Agency Request Coordinated Review under SEQR The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements the Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; 3. Your jurisdiction in the action described below; and 4. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. The following page contains information pertaining to the project under review. For further information, please feel free to contact this office. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination February 13, 2015 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Address: on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately.17' Northwest of Platt Road, in Orient. Tax Map: 1000-27-1-3 Requested Action: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �QF S0 P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ��� Old Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS y y� Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main MARTIN H.IDOR li `►oU'M'� � Sou Youngs Ave.) th d,NY h1 t' Telephone:631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Suffolk County Planning Commission From: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner a S Date: February 13, 2015 Re: Request for Review on the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision Request for Comments pursuant to Section A14-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code SEQR Lead Agency Request The purpose of this request is to seek comments from your agency, and also to determine lead agency and coordinate review under Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act- SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6 NYCRR Part 617. Please provide the following, as applicable: 1. Comments or requirements from the Suffolk County Planning Commission that the Southold Planning Board should take into consideration while reviewing the proposed project; 2. Issues of concern you believe should be evaluated; ' 3. Your interest in assuming the responsibilities of lead agency under SEQR. The lead agency will determine the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on this project. Within thirty (30) days of the date of this letter, please respond in writing whether or not you have an interest in being lead agency. Southold Referral & SEQR Coordination February 13, 2015 Planning Board Position: (x) This agency wishes to assume lead agency status for this action. ( ) This agency has no objection to your agency assuming lead agency status for this action. ( ) Other (see comments below) Project Name: Proposed Clustered Standard Subdivision The Orchards Address: on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' Northwest of Platt Road, in Orient. Tax Map: 1000-27-1-3 Requested Action: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. SEQRA Classification: ( ) Type I ( ) Type II (X) Unlisted Contact Person: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner (631) 765-1938 Enclosures: Environmental Assessment Form Subdivision Application Form Subdivision Map(s) 2 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS QF S0!/r P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �� /_ Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS vs Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY p@ 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR A.UNV I Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: James Richter, Engineering Inspector From: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner 0(-5. Date: February 13, 2015 Re: Request for Review on the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision Application Name: The Orchards Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Location: on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' Northwest of Platt.Road, in Orient. Type of Application: Sketch Subdivision Map (Dated: X Preliminary Subdivision Map (Dated: 6/15/13 ) Final Subdivision Map (Dated: ) Road Profiles (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: 1 Other (Dated: ) Site Plan (Dated: ) Revised Site Plan (Dated: ) Grading and Drainage Plans (Dated: ) Other (AS BUILT) (Dated: ) Project Description: This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Additional Comments: Please respond to this request by March 13, 2015. Thank you for your cooperation. OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �QF S�(/ly P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Ol0 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY #[ � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov COU PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 13, 2015 Ms. Felice Semon Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road Orient, NY 11957 Re: Request for Review on the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision Located on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' Northwest of Platt Road, in Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Dear Ms. Semon: The enclosed subdivision application is being referred to you for your comment on matters of interest to the fire department, including fire department equipment access, emergency services, and any other issue that may be of concern or relevance to this application. This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Please respond with your recommendations at your earliest convenience. Please contact me at (631)765-1938 if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, Alyxandra Sabatino Planner Encls.: Subdivision Application Subdivision Plat OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �OF S0(�ly P.O.Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 h�� Ol0 Southold,NY 11971 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold,NY J�t J�t Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mark Terry, LWRP Coordinator From: Alyxandra Sabatino, Planner aS Date: February 13, 2015 Re: Request for Review on the Orchards Clustered Standard Subdivision Located on the Northeast side of Orchard Street, approximately 17' Northwest of Platt Road, in Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 The Planning Board refers this application to you for your information, comments, review, and certification, if applicable. The file is available at your convenience. This proposal is for a Clustered Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13.3 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.33 acres including a 1.35 acre building envelope and 7.98 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.99 acres, Lot 3 = 1.14 acres, Lot 4 = 0.92 and Lot 5 = 0.92 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Thank you for your cooperation. Please respond with comments by March 13, 2015. �A\ l t MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �QF so y P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI h�� Old Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS CA Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III l (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COMM Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 11, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning*Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their February, 9 2015 Work Session and found the Preliminary Plat Application complete. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc: John Ehlers Southvid Planning Department Stah Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date February 9, 2015 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval IV: Action to review Preliminary Plat Completeness V: Analysis The following revisions to the Preliminary Plat were requested at the January 6th Work Session to find the preliminary plat complete: 1. Revise the title of the Preliminary Plat as follows: "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of The Orchards". i. Revised as requested. 2. The total acreage must be noted on the Preliminary Plat, along with the Code required 60/40 subdivision calculation. i. Revised as requested. 3. Correct the Key Map which shows the southern property line extending directly to Platt Road. The actual property does not extend to Platt Road. i. Revised as requested. 4. Correct the parcel line for the parcel shown as "Land Now or Formerly of: Doris B. Morgan & John C. Morgan Jr.". Currently, the map does not show the flag connection between the Morgan's property and Orchard Street. Soutf,,,id Planning Department State Report i. Revised as requested. VI: Staff Recommendations Accept the Preliminary Plat Application as complete and send out referrals to all applicable agencies. 2 WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, February 9, 2015 2:30 p.m. Southold Town Annex Board Room 2 Floor, Capital One Bank Building 2:30 p.m. Applications 4:00 p.m. Review Public Meeting Agenda —Project name: Ski Standard Subdivision ! SCTM#: = 1000-10-10-8.1 _ Location: — On the corner of Montauk & Oriental Avenues, approximately 1,800' east of Peninsula Road, Fishers Island Description: T This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 4.98 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 = 3.05 acres and Lot 2 = 1.93 acres located in the R-80 Zoning District. 1 1 Status:_ _ _ _' Conditional Sketch Approval Action: Review Landscape Plan. Attachments_ ` Staff Report Pro ect Named The Orchards SCTM#: , 4000-27-1-3 I Location: 1 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: I This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel intointo five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres, Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: — ' Conditional Sketch Approval Action: __ 1 Review for Preliminary Plat completeness. Attachments: Staff Report Project name: _` Cutcho ue Business Center SCTM#: 1000-83-3-4.6 Location: -- 12820 Oregon Road, Cutcho ue Description: This proposal,is a Standard Subdivision of a 6.10 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 equals 1.29 acres, Lot 2 equals 0.92 acres, Lot 3 equals 1.47 acres, Lot 4 equals 0.92 acres, and Lot 5 equals 1.06 acres, located in the LI Zoning District. Status: Conditional Preliminary Approval _} i Action: i Review for Final Plat completeness. Attachments:_ _ ; Staff Report Project Name: 1040B Hortons Lane New , SCTM#: { 1000-63-1-10 Cingular Wireless/AT&T Location: 1040B Horton's Lane, Southold Description: This proposed Site Plan is for a 75' high wireless telecommunications monopole to include six (6) AT&T panel antennas and two (2) empty 10' i sections for possible future co-location (all concealed within the pole), along with 300 sq. ft. proposed within an existing building for associated round men on 6.9 acres in the Li ht Industrial Zonin District _._._...._...... ...__.....—..—...q..._p — ------ — ------ _... -......_....—.._.._.....__..__._..9 ...�.___.... d equipment Status: ; New Revised Application _ —--._._........._........_._.....__.._._..._._...__....... -._._..._.._.........------- Action:_. .----..........__._.........._......_:.._Review for completeness.._.. - .......-- ..__....._..._....._....--------------.......__...-- —_-------..... --.._.. p , Attachments: Staff Report ---...._...---....---._.._...._............._._...._.._........_.._...__._._..........._..._..__._...--- -- ...---........._ Patrick Guadagno 405 East 54tb Street OK New York,NY 10022 SobP February 5th,2015 n Mr.Donald J.Wilcenski,Chairman B 0 9 2015Planning Board0 Town of Southold Southold TownP.O. Box 1179 lanning Board Southold, N.Y. 11971 Re: Proposed Subdivision at 2595 Orchard St.,Orient NY Dear Mr.Wilcenski, I am writing this most recent letter,to again address my valid concerns regarding the Proposed Subdivision at 2595 Orchard Street. I, like many of the surrounding residents first wrote to you back in mid-2014 when we first learned of this project. Now, in reviewing the latest version of the developers proposal,that was reviewed by the board at a Work Session on January 5th,the very same concerns are again in front of us.Those concerns are the safety issue of the parallel driveway when approaching Orchard Street simultaneously,coupled with a potential drainage issue as well.The split cluster design which is not in keeping with code and how it relates to the maximum yield and proposed number of lots. In addition the impact on the esthetic of this special area within the Hamlet of Orient and the last open parcel of its kind. Mr.Chairman, please know that these are valid concerns that have not been addressed and are in the revised plan that is now in front of you. I know both you and the Board are aware of these concerns and I stress that you review all of these points and address them with the community's interests at hand. I welcome hearing from you. Respec y, atrick Guadagno Jt29 Sauthaltl Town t PIE. Roar( Alex Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY, 11764 631-291-2160 Southold Town Planning Department January,28th,2014 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY,11971 Subject: Preliminary Plat Application Submission Re: Sketch Plan Application: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards (SCTM#1000-27-1-3) Att: Alyxandra Sabatino Enclosed is the Preliminary Plat for'The Orchards'with required changes as shown below. • Revised title to'Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of The Orchards' • Total acreage noted on the Preliminary Plat with 60/40 Subdivision Calculation • Changes to Key Map which no longer shows the property line extending directly to Platt Road • Correction of the parcel line for the parcel shown as'Land Now or Formerly of: Doris B. Morgan &John C. Morgan Jr.' Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. Alex Martocello 631-291-2160 alexmartocello@gmail.com CC:Steve A Martocello John Ehlers MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS QF SU�l P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI ���` O1 Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS N Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY G • Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III �Q� (cor..Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR yCQU � Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 7, 2015 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their January 5, 2015 Work Session and found the Preliminary Plat Application incomplete with the following changes made to the Preliminary Plat: 1. Revise the title of the Preliminary Plat as follows: "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of The Orchards". 2. The total acreage must be noted on the Preliminary Plat, along with the Code required 60/40 subdivision calculation. 3. Correct the Key Map which shows the southern property line extending directly to Platt Road. The actual property does not extend to Platt Road. 4. Correct the parcel line for the parcel shown as "Land Now or Formerly of: Doris B. Morgan & John C. Morgan Jr.". Currently, the map does not show the flag connection between the Morgan's property and Orchard Street. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ok(Aycu� yQ0,j,- Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc: John Ehlers WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, January 5, 2015 2:30 p.m. Southold Town Annex Board Room 2 Floor, Capital One Bank Building 2:30 p.m. Applications ----............._.._.........._......_................................................._............__..._......._..-......_.........._......._._._........._._.............._.........__.................... ProjectName: ........... . ......_..................... ............................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................_ Location: on the s/s/o Colony Road, approximately 470' e/o Bay view Avenue, in Southold Description: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 13.540-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 0.8 ac., Lot 2 = 7.7 ac., including a 1 ac. building ; envelope and 6.8 acres of preserved Open Space, and Lots 3, 4, & 5 = 0.7 ac. in the R-80 Zoning District --- — ._.........._......... ....._....-- -._...__._..._.....----._................................._ _..-......_..............__.......... --......................_.._..__._......._.._.........._...................._....._........---.-..._._......_................................... .. Status: Conditional Final Approval ............................_._—._..__...._......._..------......._....__..._.__...-----._...._ ..........._.......--........._......._.._.__.._..............................._..............................................._....-......................._............................. Action: Review request to install road. _._..._................._.._...._...-------......................._...:. ................. .................................... ..........._...... ....................... ........._........................ .................................................................................._................ ............. . ......................, Attachments: None ............................................................................................................................................................._...._................................................................................................................................................................................._...................... __....---...._..................----.._._._..._.... -._._.—.....__..._._.................--------................................................_......................... ......_._....--..._...........................................................------....................................---.........................................- ........_........... Project Name The Orchards SCTM#: 1000-27-1-3 Location: 2595 Orchard Street Orient --...---._._..__.._..........._....---- -.........__......_..__........._...----..._.............. --.................__...._..-----........................_..........._............_....._...._......................................__._.._.__...._......__................................_............. Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zonin District ......-............_._...._._..__..............._.._..............-....._..._......_..--.... ---...._.__..........._................._..................................................._._........-.............---......_.._..----...._......-.................-................................._......................._....._........................................_...._.................... Status: Conditional Sketch Approval ...._.._.................................................. ._ ...._._....__.. _....._.._._.............................................. ._. _. .......... . ...... ... ................................. __. Action: Review for...Preliminary_Plat completeness........................ .......................... ---..................... . ..... _ ................_.. . Attachments: ' Staff Report _—..........._........_...............................-- ......... ..... . _........ _................................................... ----.....----........._._...................................................................................................................._..._............_...__..._..................._..............................._.................................................,. . .................................. ,......._................................................._................._...--...................................................._._. Project Name: The Blue Inn SCTM#: 1000-31-6-17.2 _._.._............._......................_....................._............_,........................................................_.._ .................... ..................................................................................._................. .........................................._......_..................................._..... ..................... ........................................: Location: 7850 NYS Route 25, East Marion ..............................._._...I............. ..........................._.........................................................................._...._..................................... ........ .................................................. ........_............................. .... .............................................................. ...................................... Description: This amended Site Plan is to expand a current sq. ft. restaurant use to include being open to the public pursuant to ZBA File SE6675. Also onsite are an existing motel and inn on 1.37 acres in the Resort Residential (RR) Zonin District . . .................................................................._.......................................................................................................................g............_ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Status: Approved Pending Inspection - -- ._.._.................. .. ...._.. _ _. ...__. ........ ...._..... .................. .... Action: Review comments from Final Site Inspecti.o_n............................................. -....... -._..._.......- . .. _. . _...... .. Attachments: Staff Report _...... ................................................. . ........ ......... . ..... ..................................................... ........................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project name: North Fork Self Storage #2 SCTM#: 1000-96-1-1.2 A.... .......... ...... ..... ......... Location: 115 Commerce Drive, Cutcho ue ...._......... .......................................................... g....................._.........._............ ................................................................................................................... ........... . .................. Description: This Site Plan is for the construction of a 24,505 sq. ft. storage building, including a 1,473 sq. ft. office, and a 1,473 sq. ft. apartment for security on a 47,166 sq. ft. parcel in the Light Industrial Zoning District. .... ..... . ........ .............. .... _.. ........ Status: Approved Pending Inspection ...... __ .................................................... ......... Action: Review comments from Final Site Inspection. ..... ........... ........ ......_. .......... ....... ......... . ._..... ......... .............. Attachments: Staff Report ......... ........ .. ....._...... .... . ......... ................................... _ ............................._ . Souinold Planning Department Stan Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date January 5, 2015 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 11. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Conditional Sketch Approval IV: Action to review Preliminary Plat Completeness V: Analysis • Conditions of Sketch Plan Approval (issued March 11, 2014) 1. Submission of all Preliminary Plat requirements pursuant to §240-16 Submission and §240-17 Technical Requirement of the Southold Town Code. 2. The design of the road and "turnaround" and the location of the lots are subject to change based on the reviews and analyses to be done during the Preliminary Plat stage. • The following table shows the requirements for Preliminary Plat Completeness Required Submitted Cover Letter which shows materials Yes submitted Preliminary Plat Application Form Yes Preliminary Plat Fee Yes- in the amount of$1,000 Six copies of the Preliminary Plat Yes- Six copies submitted (missing some Soutnold Planning Department Statt Report items on the Plat Six Copies of the Preliminary Road and Not submitted- the current proposed plan Drainage Plans does not include a road. Draft Performance Guarantee Estimate None- may be required after further review. Draft copies of all required legal None- will be required after further review. documents: • Covenants and Restrictions • Homeowner's Association • Road and Maintenance Agreement Written Proposal for Affordable Housing No- none required. Pursuant to 240-10 2 c • Summary of letters received from neighbors: 1. Safety and drainage problems regarding proposed driveway on the west property line. 2. Reduce number of lots. 3. Last open parcel of its size with in the hamlet of Orient/Alter character of neighborhood. 4. Refuge for wildlife. 5. Proposed lots are too small. 6. Oppose split cluster of lots. VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Find the Preliminary Plat Application incomplete, with the following to be submitted: a. Revise the title of the Preliminary Plat as follows "Preliminary Plat for the Clustered Standard Subdivision of The Orchards". b. The total acreage must be noted on the Preliminary Plat, along with the code required 60/40 subdivision calculation. c. The Key Map shows the southern property line extending directly to Platt Road. The actual property does not extend to Platt Road d. Correct the parcel line for the parcel shown as "Land Now or Formerly of: Doris B. Morgan & John C. Morgan Jr". Currently, the map does not show the flag connection between the Morgan's property and Orchard St. 2 1�Uby Te 4- Alex Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY, 11764 631-291-2160 Southold Town Planning Department December,8th,2014 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY, 11971 Subject: Preliminary Plat Application Submission Ref: Proposed Standard Subdivision of"The Orchards", Located at 2595 Orchard Street,Orient (SCTM#1000-27-1-3) Att: Alyxandra Sabatino Enclosed is the Preliminary Plat Subdivision Application. Listed below are all of the included materials with this submission • Preliminary Plat Application Form • Application Fee-$1,000 • Six Copies of Preliminary Plat Feel free to contact me with any questions. Thank you. _ H rDE � � 9 2014 Southold'town Alex Martocello Planning Board 631-291-2160 alexmartocello@gmail.com CC:Steve A Martocello John Ehlers MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS if SOUrjyO Southold,ox 1179 NY 1 971 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q �� Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY p 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ��� ,�a� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR COUNT`I,� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 4, 2014 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Extension of Conditional Sketch Plan Approval - Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, November 3, 2014, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3 = 1.1 acres, Lot 4 = 0.9 and Lot 5 = 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 2014, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Plan Approval upon the map entitled "Sketch Plan: The Orchards", dated June 15, 2013, prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor, with two conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 10, 2014, Conditional Sketch Plan Approval expired; and WHEREAS, on October 24, 2014, the agent submitted a request for an Extension of Sketch Approval due to Health Department delays; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants an Extension of Conditional Sketch Plan Approval for six (6) months through February 10, 2015 upon the map entitled "Sketch Plan: The Orchards", dated June 15, 2013, prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor. The Orchards • [2] *November 4. 2014 Note that specifics regarding map changes, content of the Covenants and Restrictions, other legal documents and submission requirements needed for subdivision approval will be provided to the applicant by the Planning Board upon completion of the environmental review and receipt of comments from other involved agencies. The applicant is advised that design changes may be required prior to Final Plat Approval. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman �Pj�l� LIMA ► 5 OCT 28 2014 Southold Town Planning Board Steven A.Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY, 11764 917-502-0101 Southold Town Planning Department October 24,2014 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY, 11971 Subject: Request for Extension of Sketch Approval Ref: Proposed Standard Subdivision of`The Orchards", Located at 2595 Orchard Street,Orient (SCTM#1000-27-1-3) Att: Alyxandra Sabatino This is to advise that we are moving forward to the next phase of the referenced Subdivision and will be submitting the Preliminary Review Application and Preliminary Plat Material to the Town of Southold. Unfortunately our schedule has been delayed as the result of some internal planning and discussions with the Suffolk County Department of Health Services and as such, request a 6 month extension of time to make the submission. Let me know if you have any questions or if any additional forms need to be submitted for this request. Thank you. Steve Martocello 917-502-0101 �SEr Monique E. Holmes, Esq. ---# Southold!1'ovvn Eric O. Odera Planning 8oaro, September 4, 2014 Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Proposed Subdivision at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient NY Dear Mr. Wilcenski: I would like to bring to your attention the proposed subdivision called the Orchards, to be located at 2595 Orchard Street in Orient. Along with this proposed subdivision comes a 50 foot wide road! This road is adjacent to Mr. Patrick Guadagno's approved 15 Ft driveway. Can you imagine a 50 foot wide road through the bucolic open space along Orchard Street! That is wider than most roads in Suffolk County and wider than entry ways into Riverhead's mega box stores. Orchard Street is only 12 feet wide, easily wide enough for two way traffic. My husband and I live directly opposite this proposed driveway at 200 Old Farm Road. Our property is one of 16 lots located on Orchard Street and Old Farm Road which comprises The Bayview Farm at Orient Homeowners Association. We meet annually to discuss issues that impact our immediate vicinity. We are extremely surprised that a project such as this is even being contemplated in a town such as Orient. Part of the beauty of Orient is that there are no large developments, no large roads and no subdivisions. Please don't let this happen to Old Farm Road or Orchard Street. Another issue, and one that could possibly solve the driveway problem, is the proposed split cluster. It is my understanding that Southold Town Planning Board does not favor a split cluster, but rather prefers a cluster development, thereby protecting the minimum 60°/o open space requirement. Since the entry road into the e development is on Halyoake Avenue (not Platt Road), perhaps the separated lot could be - - -part of the cluster, or at least closer? This would eliminate the additional driveway on Orchard Street, which would then revert to open space. But most importantly, by not allowing a split cluster, you are not setting unnecessary precedents. Please consider these issues. Orient is one of Southold Town's treasures. A place many New Yorkers come to visit, perhaps thinking"what could have been" in their own communities, instead of"what is." Respectfully submitted, *V-,� �- 9� R�7 Monique Holmes & Eric Odera Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman August 27, 2014 D E V Planning Board l� Town of Southold Sip 2 2Jti� PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Southold Town Planning Board Re: Proposed Subdivision at 2595 Orchard Street,Orient NY Dear Mr.Wilcenski: I would like to bring to your attention the proposed 16 Ft driveway in Mr.Steven Martocello's subdivision application. This driveway is adjacent to Mr. Patrick Guadagno's approved 15 Ft driveway. Can you imagine a 31 foot swath of driveway through bucolic open space along Orchard Street! That is wider than most roads in Suffolk County and wider than entry ways into Riverhead's mega box stores. Orchard Street is only 12 feet wide, easily wide enough for two way traffic. My husband and I live directly opposite this proposed driveway at 2130 Orchard Street. We are somewhat disillusioned by the lack of foresight in giving Mr. Martocelio initial go ahead with his plan. Our property is one of 16 lots located on Orchard Street and Old Farm Road which comprises The Bayview Farm at Orient Homeowners Association. We meet annually to discuss Issues that impact our immediate vicinity. One recurring lament is the unsightly width of Old Farm Road which destroys the character of our area located so near King Street and Village Lane. Please don't let this happen to Orchard Street. Another issue,and one that could possibly solve the driveway problem, is the proposed split cluster. it is my understanding that Southold Town Planning Board does not favor a split cluster, but rather prefers a cluster development,thereby protecting the minimum 60%open space requirement. Since the entry road into the development is on Halyoake Avenue(not Platt Road),perhaps the separated lot could be part of the cluster,or at least closer? This would eliminate the additional driveway on Orchard Street, which would then revert to open space. But most importantly, by not allowing a split cluster,you are not setting unnecessary precedents. Please consider these issues. Orient is one of Southold Town's treasures. A place many Long Islanders come to visit, perhaps thinking"what could have been" in their own communities, i stead of"what is." spe ully submitted AV J hn and Kathleen McLinskey I 2!PO Zox 3 o Oec Kr4 A 0 �. �L I `z Jr�v1�t-I� kA*L G ENsk l /5 6 a,r d Towly dfl Southold /'© 8OX / f79 SoUtHOI- /D , AI Y //97/ x���1�95g�� ���I�Il�ia•t.jt������th����ll���:ri1���r3i�l�f���i�!#fl�ltl AS July 7, 2014 Mr. Donald J.Wilcenski,Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Proposed Subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Dear Mr.Wilcenski, My husband and I have resided at 1930 Orchard St.for the past 25 years. We are writing this letter to you to voice our opposition to subdivide the property at 2595 Orchard St in Orient Village known as"The Orchards"that the board has granted Conditional Approval. We strongly oppose the current plan of this 13 acre parcel to be subdivided into 5 lots with some under an acre in size. We further oppose that the current plan is a split cluster. Mr. Chairman,this plan before us is certainly not within the best interests of the Village of Orient and particularly that it is the last open parcel of it size within the hamlet. It must be developed in keeping with the surrounding properties in scale and esthetic and certainly no more than 3 lots inclusive of the reserve. We call on you and the board in meeting the needs of the local residents and look forward to hearing back from you in how this matter will be handled. Please know that we live directly across the street from this parcel and will be following this development very closely. Sincerely, Barbara and Jim Mellas 1930 Orchard Street Orient, NY 11957 ti�oz � t �nr . I • • 9 M June 20, 2014 C7 L m-f �s Mr. Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 - JUN 2 62014 RE: Proposed Subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street Orient, NY Dear Mr. Wilcenski, I am writing to you to express our concern for the proposed plan to subdivide the property at 2595 Orchard Street in Orient Village. I first came to Orient, NY thirty years ago to visit my college roommate and have been returning every year since. Having grown up in Boston and been up and down the Eastern Seaboard from NY to Maine, I have always been taken with the special and unspoiled place that is Orient Point. Largely because of our comfort that Orient would remain unspoiled into the future due to the careful development planning I've observed over decades, my wife and I decided to purchase a plot of land last year at 2195 Orchard for the purpose of building a summer retreat and eventual retirement home. This plot was purchased from Mr. Patrick Guadagno, who had very thoughtfully subdivided his own 10-acre parcel into 2 building lots that would be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. It was my assumption that any future development of nearby open land would be developed in a similar manner and consistent with the style, character, and scale of the surrounding properties. I was shocked and surprised to recently learn of a plan to subdivide an adjacent 13-acre parcel of land (2595 Orchard) into 5 building lots. From what I understand, some or all of these lots would be less than an acre in size, facilitating the building of the kind of cookie-cutter, branded subdivision that has diminished many formerly attractive seaside villages and that Orient has wisely avoided over the years. Based on the information we have about the proposed subdivision of 2595 Orchard, we strongly oppose such a plan on the grounds that it is inconsistent with the long-establish standards for lot size in the area. We hope that the Town and the Planning Board will disallow the subdivision into such small building lots on these grounds. With the precedent of 2 building lots for the aforementioned 10-acre parcel and the pre-existing residential lots in the area, a • plan that approves more than 3 building lots on this new site seems very out of proportion with the current character of the neighborhood. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you and will be following this issue closely. Thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, g and Kelly Smith 552 Hawthorn Lane Winnetka, IL 60093 849-386-6269 cdsmith24@hotmail.com • �� T S i June 13, 2014 Donald J.Wilcenski, Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Proposed Subdivision of 2595 Orchard Street Orient, NY Dear Mr. Wilcenski, I am writing to you today to express our concerns for the proposed plan to subdivide the property at 2595 Orchard Street in Orient Village into a series of several small lots. My wife and I live across the road from this property on a 5 acre zoned lot on the corner of Orchard St. and Halyoake Ave. (#3585). We have lived there since 1997 and our family has been active residents within the Orient Village community for more than 15 years. When we acquired the lot that we live on, it was our understanding that there were significant zoning restrictions in our area, which was an important consideration for us and many of our neighbors that we have come to know in Orient over the years. Simply put,the esthetics associated with a small village feel is what initially drew us to Orient and it is the most significant reason why we continue to love the area. Based on what we understand about the proposed plan,granting the proposal submitted would significantly alter the character of the area,as this property lies directly in the middle of greater Orient and just outside the small village. For many years,this property was a working farm and it added immensely to the agricultural dimensions of the community. More recently, it has served as the only open land in the immediate area and as a refuge for a wide variety of local wildlife. It is my understanding that the current proposal would divide 13 acres into as many as 5 lots. Clearly, such a development would significantly alter the character of the local neighborhood and the historic village of Orient in a manner that would be irreversible and will cause harm to the local community,the sensitive local ecosystem of the area and of course, local property values. Based on the information that we have about the proposed subdivision of 2585 Orchard,we strongly oppose such a plan and I would hope that the Town and the Board will do everything in their power to ensure that any plan for this property be fully consistent with the strong polices that the Town has exhibited in other historical districts for local esthetics,open space and proper zoning. In this case, anything less than 5 acre zoning would be inconsistent with the needs of the local community. 0 1 would be happy to discuss any of this with you, at your convenience. Obviously,as we live directly across the road from the lot,we will be following these developments very closely. X erraris PO Box 423 Orient NY 11757 (631) 323-3759 markferraris@optoniine.net r - • May 28, 2014 Donald J. Wilcenski, Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold � PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: "The Orchards" Subdivision Dear Planning Board Members, My name is James Haag and my partner and I have lived in Orient at 4725 Orchard since we built the home in 1997. It is part of the old Hallock Farm by the "potato dock" and is a piece of North Fork history. We are writing to express our opposition to "The Orchards"subdivision as proposed. We love Orient and all of the communities in Southold Town, support local charities and work to keep the essential character of the town intact. We were quite distressed to just hear about this subdivision which is now before the Planning Board. After reviewing the public file I have major concerns and ask that you not support this going forward in its present form for the following reasons: • This is the last open parcel of its size within the hamlet of Orient and on Orchard Street • There is no doubt in my mind that it will forever change the character of Orchard Street, injecting an element of suburban sprawl into the hamlet. • 1 am more than upset that an outside developer would just be allowed to come in to this community and change its character for the sake of profit. We have zoning regulations that are supposed to prevent that type of random development by people who have no real interest in the community: what it is now; what it will become. • 1 am truly surprised that anyone would propose or consider so many lots (really, 5?) and some under an acre in size. Where is the protection of the current residents? We acquired an interest in Orient because of its unique character and under the assumption that the Planning Board would help us uphold this character.This proposal does not seem to be in concert with the original intention of these planning guidelines. • 1 do not have your expertise in suggesting a solution, but I think that 2 to 3 lots would be the maximum (inclusive of the reserve). 1 wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your stewardship of this beautiful Town of Southold. Once land is randomly developed, it is forever out of control. I trust that you will read my letter, and that of many concerned neighbors, and weigh it importantly. Please know that we are not opposed to "new"; we just want development to be in keeping with the essential character of the community. I would be pleased to hear from you on how these matters will be addressed. I am also willing to take off from work and meet with you if you think this would be useful. Many t anks for your onsideration, �/� J es Haag and Tocod-Simb rg PO Box 28 / - 47250rchard treet Orient, New Yo 11957 fit. U' Patrick Guadagno 405 East 54`h Street#3K New York,NY 10022 May 12, 2014 Donald J.Wilcenski,Chairman Planning Board Town of Southold MAY 14 2014 PO Box 1179,Southold, NY 11971 Re: "The Orchards"Subdivision—2595 Orchard Street,Orient Dear Planning Board Members: As you may be aware, I own the parcel immediately to the west of the Martocello parcel,which is now before the Planning Board as"The Orchards"subdivision. I have a concern with the layout of that subdivision, in particular as to lot 1. 1 met to discuss some of my concerns with Heather Lanza and Aly Sabatino in Southold on Friday, MayJfhe proposed building envelope extends a driveway the length of the common property line. My driveway runs along that same line. It appears to me that this back to back arrangement could result in drainage problems as well as a safety problem if vehicles emerged onto Orchard Street at the same time. Aesthetically, a 30 foot wide swath of driveways would detract from this special area. I would be pleased to hear from you and to receive your advice as to how these matters will be addressed. Sincerely, v Patrick Guad o • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O OF SU!/r�l P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI k Southold, NY 11971 Chair � � OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY • �� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III Q ,tea (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR IyCOU,M��`(.� Southold, NY I�1, Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fait: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 11, 2014 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Conditional Sketch Plan Approval - Proposed Standard Subdivision of The Orchards Located at 2595 Orchard Street, Orient SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, March 10, 2014, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3 = 1.1 acres, Lot 4 = 0.9 and Lot 5 = 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zoning District; and WHEREAS, on July 1, 2013, the agent submitted a Sketch Plan Application with other required material for submission pursuant to Article V Sketch Plat Review; and WHEREAS, on August 5, 2013, the Planning Board reviewed the application at their Work Session, found the application incomplete, and requested the missing elements of the application be submitted; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 2013, the Planning Board conducted a site visit to the property; and WHEREAS, on September 23, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, discussed lot design with the applicant; and WHEREAS, on October 4, 2013, the applicant submitted, as requested by the Planning Board at their August 5, 2013 Work Session, an agent authorization form, title report and the proposed open space uses; and The Orchards Page Two March 11, 2014 WHEREAS, on October 29, 2013, the applicant submitted, as requested by the Planning Board at their August 5, 2013 Work Session, a revised Sketch Plan, limited ERSAP and a Part 1 Environmental Assessment Form; and WHEREAS, on November 18, 2013, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed the application and found it complete; and WHEREAS, on January 6, 2014, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, reviewed the application and found that further lot design review was necessary; and WHEREAS on February 4, 2014, the Planning Board, at their Work Session, found that the submitted application meets all the requirements for Sketch Approval pursuant to Article V Sketch Plat Review; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Conditional Sketch Plan Approval upon the map entitled "Sketch Plan: The Orchards", dated June 15, 2013, prepared by John C. Ehlers, Land Surveyor with the following conditions: a. Submission of all Preliminary Plat requirements pursuant to §240-16 Submission and §240-17 Technical requirement of the Southold Town Code. b. The design of the road and "turnaround" and the location of the lots are subject to change based on the reviews and analyses to be done during the Preliminary Plat stage. Note that specifics regarding map changes, content of the Covenants and Restrictions, other legal documents and submission requirements needed for subdivision approval will be provided to the applicant by the Planning Board upon completion of the environmental review and receipt of comments from other involved agencies. The applicant is advised that design changes may be required prior to Final Plat Approval. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board Office. Very truly yours, Donald J. Wilcenski Chairman • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O' rjF SQ(/rOl P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI Southold,NY 11971 Chair ~ OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS CA Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �� 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III Q (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR IyCQU0� Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 26, 2014 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application Proposed Standard Subdivision The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their February 24, 2014 Work Session and found that the application meets all requirements of Sketch Plan review pursuant to §240-10 of the Southold Town Code. As such, the Planning Board will issue a Sketch Plan determination at the March 10, 2014 Public Meeting. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, 03-1, Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc: John Ehlers Southold Town PlIn ing Board Work Session - Page Two Webruary 24, 2014 ..........................__..........................................................._..._........................_....................._........................................_...._........._..._..._................._....._..........._.._............._...._...................---.._................._._._..............._.............__........................................._.._.._........._.........._..__.._................................. _., Pro'ect name: The Vines SCTM#: 1000-73-1-1 ....................................._.........................................................._........................................._......._.........................................._......................__....._.........__......_........................_.._..........._..........-----._.._....._..........................._...................._._............._............................._._..---..........._._............. Location: 15105 Oregon Road, Cutchogue ........................................._........ .. .. _ . .. .... ......... ........ ..........................._ ......................_........_........_..........................--................._........_.._._.............._........ Description: This 80/60 proposed conservation subdivision will subdivide two R-80 and AC split-zoned parcels (SCTM#1000-73-2-4 and SCTM#1000-73-1-1) into 7 lots where the total acreage of the parcels equals 36.8 acres. SCTM#1000-73-2-4 (Parcel East) equals 31 acres proposed to be subdivided into 3 lots; where Lot 1 equals 27.4 acres inclusive of a 0.8 acre reserved area, 0.6 acres of unbuildable land and 26 acres of preserved agricultural land upon which Development Rights are proposed to be sold to the Town of Southold, Lot 2 equals 1.3 acres inclusive of a 0.5 acres of open space and Lot 3 equals 1.9 acres inclusive of 0.9 acres of open space. This parcel includes a right-of-way which equals 0.4 acres. i SCTM#1 000-73-1-1 (Parcel West) equals 5.8 acres proposed to be subdivided into 4 lots; where Lot 4 equals 1.4 acres inclusive of 0.7 acres of open space, Lot 5 equals 1 acre inclusive of 0.2 acres of open space, Lot 6 equals 1 acre inclusive of 0.2 acres of open space and Lot 7 equals 1.6 acres inclusive of 0.7 acres of open space. This parcel includes a right-of way which equals 0.8 acres. i This project includes the transferring of 1 lot from SCTM#1000-73-2-4 to SCTM#1 000-73-1-1 for the purposes of transferring yield pursuant to §240-42 F� ':. of the Southold Town Code. i Status: ! New Application j Action:—_ _1 Review application for completeness. _-- Attachments: Staff Report -.. __....._—............._..._................. ....__Project Name: The Orchards SCTM#: 1000-27-1-3 ' Location: j 2595 Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 i acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres, Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zoning_District. -------...._._......._-......._.... Status: Pending E_..._. -...._..---....._._.._...............----.__....._.............__..... ----------_ ...-------.....-- Action: _ Review for Conditional Sketch Approval:_ i i...........___._.-....._._._.._ _. _..._.....----.........__..._.__—........__..—.._..__......__.._..--._._...._._.__._.. Attachments: ' Staff Report i Discussion: ❖ Request for comments from the Town Board regarding two Local Laws: o Amendments to Chapter 260 Vehicles & Traffic in connection with Parking Restrictions on Village Lane and King Street in the hamlet of Orient o Amendments to Chapter 144, Fire Prevention and Building Code Administration, in connection with Tents ❖ SPUD re: Strong's Marine Pavilion, SCTM#1000-114-3-1, 2255 Wickham Avenue, Mattituck Draft a Code of Conduct and Procedural Guidelines for the Planning Board Southold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date February 24, 2014 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Pending IV: Action to review Sketch Plan Determination V: Analysis • Parcel limitations: 1. The property to the northeast corner (now or formerly of Doris and John Morgan) of the subject property has a flag that runs parallel to Platt Road and extends to Orchard Street. This flag prevents access from the subject parcel to Platt Road, and limits the access for this proposed subdivision to Orchard Street. 2. As per the requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services §760-606 Water Facilities Requirements for Conventional Single Family Residential Realty Subdivisions and Developments, all lots must be at a minimum 40,000 sq. ft. because public water is not available. • Current Parcel Design: 1. Lot 1 (reserve lot) is located on the north corner of the property and is proposed to have a driveway off of Orchard Street. • • Southold Planning Department Staff Report 2. Lots 2-5 are located along the northeast property line and are served by a 25' right-of-way. VI: Staff Recommendations 1. The application meets all the requirement of Sketch Plan pursuant to §240-10 of the Southold Town Code. Recommend for a Sketch Plan determination at the March 10, 2014 public meeting. 2. The following conditions are recommended to be placed on the Sketch Plan determination: a. Submission of all requirements pursuant to §240-16 Submission and §240-17 Technical requirement of the Southold Town Code. b. Submission of a visual impact study to determine the scenic visual qualities and how the nature and extent of proposed development will affect the subject property. Show typical locations and dimensions of all residential structures. 2 brSouthold Town Planning Board - Page Two - February 10 2014 _..................... ....................._......................--............................_.._.............................................................................................................................._......_.........._...................................................._................_..-........................................ Project name: Fohrkolb, Andrew SCTM#: 1000-107-3-2 ......................J............_........_............................_........._...__ ...,......................................_...._.............._......_._........................__..................._......................................................................................._._.................................._.............._.._......................................._.._....................................................._.._......................_, Location: , 1050 Greton Court, Mattituck _.._.............................................. . :......................................................_................_........._..............................................._................._.._........_..._................._......_......................_............._........_............__........_..._.._..........._....__..................__...................................---...__.........._ Description: a This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision of a 5.9 acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 1.5 acres and Lot 2 equals 4.4 acres, located in the R-40 Zoning District. ............_......_.._..__......_.........................._._............................................................................_...._........................_.......----._..._....__.......................... .._..__......_........................._..........._._.._.......__.._._......._..............................._........................................_...................................... Status: Conditional Sketch Approval --.._..............._.._.__........_................................................... ...................._.._......._..-----._.._._............. ......._........_..._......... ..................._....................._.............__......._....--................._...._.. ..__.............._............_..__................_....--..._........................... Action: Review referral and Planning comments. _ - - ---............---- :.__........._............_ ._ _.. .........--........._......_......._...... ...._..__... -- ..__....__._........ --...._.....---......__._.. Attachments: Staff..Report .................................. . . ................_..__........... ......-.......--....................._..._................................_............._......... ._................_.........................................._......................................__................................_._._....-------—................._..........__._........................_............_._..............._........._-------.._..._._...........----............._..._............... Project Name.................._..._......_ .The.._Orchards._......_...---...._..--...._........_..._.......-------_................_ SCTM#_'....._1000-27-1_3....—_... ._...._...._.....__...--- Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient i -__._..----......_....._...._....._._......._.._._......._....-..__..........._..__......... -._._._.....__........._....._...._ _................ ................---------------...........--..._._. -----........—... ----.._.__...._.......__.. Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres, Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zonis District. Status Pendin _._.__.._..__._..._.__...__......._..._...._......_....- -.--.._. .g . - --..._......_._ _._.... -- ---—-....----....__....—._..._... ..._.__... -......._........_.._.._. Action: Review lots. _ _.._....-...__....__.._........__...._......_._.._................._._._._._._.._._..._........._........._._.__.._......._.._............_......._........ ._...................---.................-...---..................- ..._._............--......._.......__....._.-....._.._..------..........-------................._ Attachments: _ Staff Report I Project name: ; N & L Properties, LP , SCTM#: 1000-73-1-1 -.- ____... __.1.________.._..._...._..._... Location: Oregon Road, Cutchogue Description: Proposed 3 lot standard subdivision on 5.814 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. __ __._.._..__..._—_. Status: Inactive Closed _ r Action: Review applicant's request to withdraw ap Ip ication_ �--- ----- -----._...........�.__.. .__.....__......._... _-- ' Staff Report _Attachments_ P--.._.._.__.....---.-_---......_.___...—_._.._._.._..._.._.— Discussion: ✓ Draft January Monthly Report ✓ Procedure for projects within areas of archeological significance Souttold Planning Department artment StIl Report p Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date February 10, 2014 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Pending IV: Action to review Lot Design Review V: Analysis • Parcel limitations: 1. The property to the northeast corner (now or formerly of Doris and John Morgan) of the subject property has a flag that runs parallel to Platt Road and extends to Orchard Street. This flag prevents access from the subject parcel to Platt Road, and limits the access for this proposed subdivision to Orchard Street. 2. As per the requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services §760-606 Water Facilities Requirements for Conventional Single Family Residential Realty Subdivisions and Developments, all lots must be at a minimum 40,000 sq. ft. because public water is not available. • Current Parcel Design: 1. Lot 1 (reserve lot) is located on the north corner of the property and is proposed to have a driveway off of Orchard Street. Soutld Planning Department Sty Report ■ This lot includes the agricultural open space and is the building envelope for the future farm. 2. Lots 2-5 are located along the northeast property line and are served by a 25' right-of-way that is proposed as a private road. ■ The turn-around at the end of this driveway is an issue. The Board was hoping the Town Engineer would approve a "K" turn that was entirely within lots 2 — 5 (and did not protrude into the agricultural area). The Town Engineer recommended a cul-de-sac design that did not protrude into the agricultural area. ■ Also, the Board preferred this design to an earlier design where Lots 2 — 5 were clustered in the southeast corner with access via multiple driveways because it was better for the viewshed, and the Town code's design requirements for four lots are for a road to serve the lots rather than many driveways onto an existing road. • Alternative Parcel Desiqn: 1. The applicant has let the Board know they prefer not to build a road. 2. The Board has already determined that a road is required to accommodate four lots (proposed lots 2 — 5). 3. An alternative lot design that includes a reduction in density of one less lot could potentially be accommodated with driveways, rather than a road (pursuant to §240-45 Lots; streets; common driveways; and flag design). 4. A reduction in the density of the parcel by one lot would allow for the Board to redesign the lots, currently located against the northeast property line, and move 3 lots to the southeast corner of the parcel, while maintaining the reserve area (north corner of the parcel). 5. If designed with an open viewpoint from the road behind the existing house, the viewshed could be preserved, while also accruing benefits to the sole source aquifer by having one less residential lot, 6. This reduction in density is consistent with goal 1, "Conserve Water Quantity" and goal 2 "Protect Groundwater Quality" of the Natural Resources and Environmental chapter in the Town's Comprehensive Plan Update. This reduction is also consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, which states as a policy to "protect and improve water quality and supply to the Town of Southold". 7. The following are environmental benefits of reducing the # of lots: • A decrease in the number of septic tanks, which in turn decreases potential input of Nitrogen and other pollutants in the groundwater. • A decrease in the amount of lawns, which will require less irrigation and fertilizer, and in turn conserve the quantity of water, while causing less pollution to the quality of the water supply, and 2 Soullold Planning Department Sto Report • A decrease in in the amount of impervious surfaces, which in turn reduces runoff, increases growing area for plants, and reduces the heat island affect of large areas of pavement. 8. Other benefits to this alternative design include the following: ■ The new lot design will maintain the viewshed from Orchard Street and Platt Road. This is consistent with policy 3.1 of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, which states "Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources though the Town of Southold". ■ A more contiguous area for agriculture purposes. The northwest area of the property will be contiguous open space allowing for more efficient farming of the property. ■ Two lots located on the southeast corner will be served by a common driveway. The lot located on Orchard Street can be served by a driveway, eliminating the need for a road that meets Town Highway Specifications. ■ The development area increases due to the removal of the road requirement and the reduction in the number of lots, thus allowing for larger lots, and /or a larger farm area. (If the applicant wishes). VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Consider the alternative parcel design as stated above. 3 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSHI ho��OF so Southold,Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR 0��.CQU Southold, Y �i� AN Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 8, 2014 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application Proposed Standard Subdivision for The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their January 6, 2014 Work Session and found that further lot design review is necessary. Please be advised that the Planning Board will discuss this application at the January 13t'Work Session. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, 0&,4 'K � Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc: John Ehlers 0 0 Southold Town Planning Board Work Session — Page Two — January 6, 2014 ...................................... ._.._._....._.__...._._._..........................................................__._......................_............_......................................._._............_..__..............................._............................_...._......................................._...._...._................ ...: Project Name: The Orchards SCTM#: 1000-27-1-3 ......__._..................._._.........................--....................................._..............._...._..........................._._._._........._..._._._._.....................___..........._..............._._....................................................................................... .. ........................................................................... ......................................... Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient ............_................_......._........................_...................................._....;........._.....---.............._......_....._._._._...........--- -._........--- ......__..__...................................................................................................................................._..................................................._....................................... ...... Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot I ---._...---.......__..._......._...._...._ 3= 1.1 acres, Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. Status: Pending- --...----- - ........ ........ Action: Review Planning Dept_& Engineering Inspector's comments. (__...._..._.._..-- --..._.__....._....._..._._.................... ._ .-.--.......----p ---._..._...__.. _._ .; Attachments: Staff Re ort Discussion: • Harbes Farm — status up-date, SCTM#1000-112-1-7.6 & 120-1-4 • Planning Dept. comments to Town Board for 1/14 public hearing on Wireless Code Amendment Soulold Planning Department Staff Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date January 6, 2014 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Pending IV: Action to review Results of the Planning Staff and Town Engineering Office review of the Sketch Plan draft submitted by applicant on October 29, 2013 V: Analysis • Parcel limitations: o The property to the northeast corner (now or formerly of Doris and John Morgan) of the subject property has a flag that runs parallel to Platt Road and extends to Orchard Street. This flag prevents access from the subject parcel to Platt Road, and limits the access for this proposed subdivision to Orchard Street. o As per the requirements of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services §760-606 Water Facilities Requirements for Conventional Single Family Residential Realty Subdivisions and Developments, all lots must be at a minimum 40,000 sq. ft. because public water is not available. Planning Staff met with the Town Engineering Office to discuss the turnaround options for the proposed subdivision. During this meeting, it was pointed out by the engineers that the alternate turn-around features (alternate to cul-de-sacs as illustrated in the fire safety code) are not technically permitted in the Town Code. Instead, they offered a suggested Souvold Planning Department SAW Report alternative — a cul-de-sac designed with the loop extending between two of the proposed lots. Please see attached diagram. Also suggested was a vegetated island in the center that could double as a drainage feature. VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Consider requiring a cul-de-sac using a design similar to that suggested by the Office of the Engineer. This design is useful because the road is contained within the development area in such a way that it will not interfere with the future use of the open space for agriculture. Also consider requiring the center of the cul-de-sac be vegetated and possibly be designed to retain some stormwater. 2. Consider issuing a Conditional Sketch Plan determination on the Sketch Plan dated June 15, 2013, at the January 13th Public Meeting. All Sketch Plan requirements have been met pursuant to §240-10 technical requirements, with the exception of the following, which can be listed as conditions to be met during the Preliminary Plat review: a. Revise the plan to include a cul-de-sac design as suggested by the Office of the Town Engineer. b. Require a visual impact study to determine the scenic visual qualities and how the nature and extent of proposed development will affect the subject property. Show typical locations and dimensions of all residential structures. 2 0 0 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��rjF SO�,, P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �0 y�lO Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex DAMES H..RICH III PIERCE TY CA own State Route 25 ICH '�► • �O MARTIN H.SIDOR (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) CQUN N I Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 22, 2013 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application Proposed Standard Subdivision for The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their November 18, 2013 Work Session and found the application complete. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, ON Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc. John Ehlers WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, November 18, 2013 2:30 p.m. SOUTHOLD TOWN ANNEX BOARD ROOM 2 ND FLOOR, CAPITAL ONE BANK BUILDING 2:30 p.m. Executive Session - Legal Advice from Town Attorney 3:00 p.m. Applications ......_-...................._..................._.........................................._..........__..............---...._.._-........_......._..............._._...----- I Project name: Southold Free Libra SCTM# 1000 61 1 14 1..........__._. ........................._..__._.............................._..._..._......_........._....__._.._.............. _._._...... ..............................................................__................_..............._................_ _...........- iLocation: 690 Traveler Street, Southold Description: ' This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.1 acres from SCTM#1000- 61-1-15.1 to SCTM#1000-61-1-14. Lot 14, located in the HB Zoning District, will increase from 0.8 acres to 0.9 acres and Lot 15.1, located in __.....____. t the HB Zoning District, will decrease from 0.6 acres to 0.5 acres. ._._-.--..._._........_._..._._... ...._........._._...._ .-...............__..._..._...._._.........—. -- ._..._....; Status: Pending_ _ i Action: Review referrals. _. _�� — Attachments: . Report....._.._....__.._.....__ __._....._....._.....----._............_..............- ...............__._._........._....................._..........._.._............__..._._.................................__......................__.......__....._.-.......... _...._........., Project Name_ - Colony Pond---- --- __......_......__._......__..__..__...._.....__SCTM#:_ 1._000-52_5-60_3__.._._....._..-----._....__ Location: on the s/s/o Colony Road, approximately 470' e/o Bayview Avenue, in Southold _....._......_..._.....--..............................__........_......._._..... -._....--- ...—_........-...-............ --_...... - ............ _..................._......................... -....__........._.......- ......_.._.......... I Description: I This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 13.540-acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 0.8 ac., Lot 2 = 7.7 ac., including a 1 ac. building envelope and 6.8 acres of preserved Open Space, and Lots 3, 4, & 5 = ...___.._....................... _._. 0.7 ac. in the R-80 Zoning District. ..............._..............._..... ' _................__._._.........—._.. ..._..— ................_................_............................_......_.............._......_ Status_ _._....__._......................................._......_..Conditional Preliminary Approval - ............................... _Action------....._.__.............._..._.......__............._._Review for Final Plat completeness_..........................................................................................................................._......................................_._._.............._........... .._ j Attachments_ Staff Report __.._._....._.. Project name_ _ I Sacred Heart Church & Valerioti SCTM# 1000 96 5 ...........10 -- — I Location: _ 3400 &4200 Depot Lane, Cutchogue.. .. .. ..-...... _.._... ... --..__....._........... _....._.. .._...._.....- .._....._..-----..._...--............._. Description: This proposed Lot Line Change will transfer 0.48 acres from SCTM#1000-96-5-10 to SCTM#1 000-96-5-12.1. Lot 12.1 will increase from 35.03 acres to 35.51 acres and Lot 10 will decrease from 1.74 acresl I to 1.26 acres located in the AC Zoning District E.....__..._..................._....................................._..... ..............__._._._......_._.__.._...---._..._..__...__._.._.._....._.......---._.._.._......._.__._.............._....._....._.._...........- g............_ ....I....... ........_...........----.._..; Status: Pending ._._._.._...._._._.. .................................................................. - ._.._......._.._._._ --.............................._.... Action: i...._._..-...... .....__......._.. --._........... ........_.... Review_referrals. Attachments: Staff Report ..................._.._...-........._.._........ ................__................................_ .........................._..............._ ................_................__...................................._................ ............................... ... _. ............. ............. .................. ......................... _.............-.......... ..........__.........._........._._................_......................_................................;......................._.......................__..........................................................................................._....._............................................................_......................................_...._...._......................................_..........................................-............----.......... Project Name: The Orchards ' SCTM#: 1000-27-1-3 _._......__....._......... ._.__............_..............._................... Location: 2595..._._... i _ _Orchard Street, Orient Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zoning District. .............................................................. ..... g......... ...................... Status: ..._N_...._ew Application _............. . . .. . _ ...._ .... ............._......._... .............. ........................_. Action: Review for completeness. Attachments: Staff Re ort ........_..........._......................__._._............................................:..........._.............._...._............._p........._....__...._._._._......................_................_......................_._.............................................................................................. ...... Sou'old Planning Department StS Report Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date November 12, 2013 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Pending IV: Action to review Application Completeness V: Analysis Required/Submitted items for Sketch Plan Completeness: This is a proposed 5 lot cluster subdivision. Open Space required (60% of 13.3 acres = 7.9 acres). Proposed Open Space: 7.9 acres. Maximum Development Area (40% of 13.3 acres = 5.3 acres). Proposed Development Area: 5.3 acres. • The property to the northeast corner (now or formerly of Doris and John Morgan) of the subject property has a flag that runs parallel to Platt Road and extends to Orchard Street. This flag prevents access from the subject parcel to Platt Road, and limits the access for this proposed subdivision to Orchard Street. • Lot 1 includes a 1.2 acre building envelope located on the northwest corner of the property and is accessed through the proposed Open Space off of Orchard Street. Soupold Planning Department Staff Report • The application was found incomplete at the 8/5/13 work session with the following items to be submitted: 1. Agent authorization form. i. Submitted 2. Acceptable lot recognition pursuant to §280-9 Lot Recognition. i. Submitted: A deed dated before June 30, 1983 as required by Town Code. 3. Provide a written description regarding the proposed Open Space uses. i. Submitted: "At this point in time we are not certain on the exact use of the Open Space. We Plan on fully complying with the Town of Southold acceptable agricultural uses as listed in definition §240-44 use of open space lands created by cluster development. 4. A limited ERSAP with the following included. Please note that the ERSAP is required for the proposed development site and within 500 feet of the site. a) Water resources pursuant to §240-10 (c) (2). b) Areas legally protected by the County of Suffolk, the Town of Southold, private trusts, qualified conservation organizations or other entities or agencies as shown of the Town of Southold Protected Lands Map, including all abutting parcels pursuant to §240-10 (e) c) Soil series, types and phases, as mapped by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in the Suffolk County Soil Survey, and accompanying data published for each soil relating to tis suitability for agriculture and construction pursuant to §240-10 (g) d) Location and dimensions of all existing public and private streets, roads, building, utilities and other man-made improvements pursuant to §240-10 0). e) Locations of all archeological and historically significant sites or structures of national, state or local significance on the tract or on any abutting tract pursuant to §240-10 (k). i. Submitted: ERSAP that meets all requested requirements VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Find the application complete pursuant to §240-9 Submission. 2 October 28, 2013 Ms. Alyxandra Sabatino Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: Sketch Plan Application Proposed Standard Subdivision for The Orchards SCTM# 1000-27-1-3 Zoning District R-80 Dear Ms. Sabatino: Attached are the remaining items required to complete the Sketch Plan application. Included are the following items; i'Sketch Plan —with changes discussed in pre-submission meeting on 10/4/13 as well as your discussions with John Ehlers. Limited ERSAP with all previously specified requirements. 3. Part 1 Full Environmental Assessment Form —with changes according to new Sketch Plan. The following items were previously submitted to you on 10/4/13. 1. Deed Chain of Title- §280-9 Lot Recognition Requirement 2. Agent Authorization Form; Feel free to contact me with any questions. Sincerely, Alex Martocello C� 631-291-2160 alexmartocello@gmail.com 0 0 Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - Date: IN lol 4j13 Comments: (a Agent Authorization Form I Steve Martocello, President of East End Holding Company, LLC, wish to act as my own agent on the property of SCTM#1000-027-01-03 and handle all necessary work involved in the subdivision/site plan process with the Southold Planning Board. Signe Date �/ /3 ADVANTAGE THE ADVANTAGE GROUP: s^; AGE HT[A GUAM .���WRIf 1-0 URE AC�'%V,1 [ACJ I-EGAL P%IAN I � i ���,!EPwt �t`ii`(AGEA�VaNTAGE September 4, 2013 Alex Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Attn: Alex Martocello Dear Mr. Martocello: Company hereby certifies that searches have been run for the chain of title from May 19, 1970 to date for premises known as 2595 Orchard Street, Orient, New York(being further known and designated as District 1000, Section 027.00, Block 01.00 and Lot 003.000 on the Suffolk County Tax Assessment Map) with the results set forth herein. Liability is limited to fees paid. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. Very truly yours, Doha X J Rug yaon Debra R. Thompson, Esq. For the Company dthompson acWvantageTitle.com Title No.: SSA-29366-13 Re: Lot Recognition Date Effective: July 29, 2013 at 9 a.m. Page 2 SSA-2936613 CHAIN OF TITLE DEED Ella J. Hallock, Forrest J. Brown, specific devisees Dated: May 19, 1970 under the Last Will and Testament of Emeline K. Jagger, who died a resident of Suffolk County, New York, File No. 660/1960 and Barbara K.Jagger, individually and as Executrix Recorded: June 25, 1970 under the Last Will and Testament of Robert R.Jagger, deceased, who died a resident of Suffolk County, New York, File No. P728/1967 to Liber: 6762 Peter J. Meyer, Jr. Page: 258 DEED Stella Meyer, as Executrix of the Estate of Dated: July 21, 2004 Peter Meyer,Jr., having been appointed by the Surrogate's Court of Suffolk County, File No. Recorded: September 23, 2004 1997P2001 to Liber: 12345 Sandra J. Scott and Peter J. Meyer III, Page: 7 as Co-Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of Peter J. Meyer, Jr., deceased, (Suffolk County Surrogate's Court File No. 1997P2001) ,Cl C!MINTY Y ROAD,CJ' ._CJC �L.''iU . r -4 r?`4C4.6iu) E',k: a?d o":',d'f '��?ii2�. i'ENI,'t "rt 4'+GRK N 6i' C1.0 hi_ y I" t t,l;h'.l nJ �C P5.17s1•hD4tih n� 11 o E. 1 Page 3 SSA-2936613 DEED Sandra J. Scott and Peter J. Meyer III, Dated: August 30, 2005 as Co-Trustees under the Last Will and Testament of Peter J. Meyer, Jr., deceased, pursuant to Letters of Trusteeship issued October 31, 2001 under Suffolk Recorded: September 14, 2005 Surrogates File No. 1997P2001 to Liber: 12409 Steven A. Martocello Page: 104 LAST DEED OF RECORD Steven A. Martocello Dated: June 2, 2012 Recorded: June 20, 2012 to Liber: 12696 East End Holding Company, LLC Page: 920 ?�l 11lD CCJti'RY FG'A. S jJT 7)" j1"Ua? J At4.6k� f ',t:6� a .r`af;4g•?"a�n a� E'4UE tdEB YCBN NY 1C'6�•2ic 6'�.146J•?70�8�lrl AD11,tt'n i.E!�`�'" I" _Z—LINE MATCH _— Z——— LINE FOR PCL N0. � L ��ry FOR PCL N0. SEE SEC.NO. 018-05-0117 SEE SEC.NO.0164)5-023 1.3 to 11 2AA(c) ORIENT CENTRAL C CEMETERY Z SA ` h O r gyp•Q`1 �p ry0 .La 4) 1 (c) C 4.3A(c) 23 6 0A C �� 2.8A(c) J 2.1 3 Q 1-SA 13.3A _ 3ri, 1.6A c�4RD LLw� O 4 Z r�, �o 2.10 3.1 431 5.OA Q r Z4 87' 2.2 o � 1 1.2A c 3.1 u ( 1.3A 3.2 1600 ,FOR PARCEL N0. /SEE SEC.NO. 018-06-026.1 MATCH LINE MATCH LINE MATCH 7 LME FOR PARCEL NO. FOR PARCEL NO. a+., ao•!Z yo ta+ SEE SEC. NO.015-05-OW SEE SEC. N0.015 -05-023 `' QO 1.1 u y ei �•,. i, a,. 2.1 A(c) o ORIENT ,+ CEMNETERY i0 •a•' 83 A 1 1 9.3A(c) b 7) 4.IA le) � 2 e 10.2A(c) �. a•' 2.0 A(C) �1 r 3 � MO AW o o• 5 17A \• a� P�Ar • �O R Qv H R : 4 a ,,. Qv�N art. r E,a 2.1 T 1.4A(c) 2.2 3d w SEE SEC. NO. 025 t•IAk) t3A 3.2 k ).3A 3.3 • t3A 3.4 O JA I 3.5 d (�I nt tz1 • to N1 tTA 0 py 3.8 • � r. (N 3 4 •« t 23.4 A O OS; u� /FOR PARCEL NO. SEE SEC. NO. 018-06-026.1 FCH _ _zZ LINE MATCN Z LINE NASCri -� LINE FOR /� r+ FOR PARCEL NO. FOR PARCEL NO. �a' a°.• e'° a SEE. SEE SEC. NO.018-05-013.1 SEE SEC. NO.018 „ 05-023 °' R 6] .' s 2_I A(c) •s° ° ORIENT ,+b CENTRAL 10 +ea CEMETERY 83A(c) + °o.�03 r 9.3Atc) • 'so 4.1 A 2 0 ". 0. _ • 2.8 A(c) 13.0A(c) O a 17A r •� y '• Q o � 67.0 L] sr O fie gOJ 2.1 2.2 r� 3.1 w' 5 N I.aA(c} 1LL 1,3A 3.3 " 0 • L3A 3.4 4• ,Z 1.5A C 3 tit W w qR � Hi � LTA7A Q {0 rra• tet 3.6 w rj L?A 4, bpi 1.8 A 3.8 S Z� "AGE CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD Of USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE,made thd-zol"lay of May mnt;cell l'um1reduld Seventy 'es ding at bb,BETWEEN ELLA J. HALLOCK, 1 3 Fast Sample Avenue Yrusno, Cal-ifornia, FORREST J. VN, regidhig, the last Will hind 'Pestament of Emelinu N. Jagger, who (Ilied a i es;idcnt of Suffolk C oanty, Steer York, File No. 660/11160, and 134RB-NEA K. ;AGGER, residing at, 8075 Nlc).-tii Seneca, Milwaukee, Wiscon3in, I individually, and as Executrix under the: latit'Kill and Testament of Robert R. Jagger, deceased, who died a -esiclvnt o;/Suffoik County. Nets York, Pile No. P 728/1967, Coimty, 1-Ii-con.,dn, party of the first part,and PETIflk J. RIEYER, Jlt, r-esidint;at 121 1-mc, New Yi)rlil il J,,Irtp 11 The part, WITINESSETti,tl.m ]I,pw, f%V1-_"qTY Si'A"LIN TTIOU'SAND TWO li !Jcill 1c)() law[ti!in,.iwy ,,f tiv T'riwd 5t..t; to uF, in 11 nd the p.-tv t';.c I T,act A .I. ii rg at Orient, in the Town 01 SOIJP),)id, COUllt-y Of Stlffl)lk and t :New Yoriz aivi Op-tundp(l wid aL; 'olimvs: a j)nni -In flne Northoastei-ly sick- r,,' ()i ch;4rfl Street di,:;i%nt 17, NiorrLllwe,,Lerlv when n.casured ,ilnng the Northe.isterl.), Side Of 0rchuf,d Ilic cornor fr)r­Tjtej by the j!jj­rsection of tiic Northcu­;(eriv side of Orchid ;ind 1.'if- Nr)r-th-x(,s1(,r17 sidrz of 111_11 load; 1.11!1r)illg thence along the MDE of Orchard Street N- crth GO ttrrrt=es 55 00 3 1. s,, laTA itov; ­l- o, r erly of 1-11cl-ma A,1jWS(LLj; t1li:ii tollnvv n" thret < rst Ild ",]"ng tAu soutflo--siorl.", ;Itlo of Said meltiunc(] 1,'_nJs: 1) N.I.,th Nlu_,th 112 d,-�veo5 I f)6 00 fret to Ll:(" Ncqlth,a�.h rIv sdc A 01 charti street; aloof; the I'd North 64 jvgl .55 frilnut— 00 sc-cujdF; V. 10-5.0; lo j )„int; Nord] de(,rt,,�s 0.5 r,mIutes 00 !;('1-ond:, r"Ist,Fi:(), I tarn f'-wrl)"rly -d Pird,�; ther'," c J0 :'ut-ond-, anf] +1'1 :"w o 1, 'in,: ,d, rlont oc Cfcrntilvs ...... t; 1—i-o—; 02 minulr C0 w ly ­-t.Iet,iul:, 456, line o' Innd.; no,, or forl­crtv ,wtl -Proncil; tho of 1 111c:._4 ;�'b:,vc nlolqj(m_d and t,lc S.mjiveo­, It 11C2 -'r I ild ct ^nu l of an' f'_ut; 09.0 frot I') 0-,e lire 'Al (Yi) 'Ivor; thcn."if! kl al, v So-ith 5-1 6-f,,rr-es 04 ij, !0 96 fL-C-11 k! t110 Noi of (_)r;`:uird :4r4,4.1, unt or :,!,I, _4 Ul-C IN,N 1NO;. li N S R T 0 21 MEW- _-,676? en,259 -TCE-111ER with all right,6tic and intcrrsl,it an--of the part,of tlr:, Gr.-,l part in and to any -,tTL(ts and j,rnu,;v.s Lr,the-w,�r 1:fE,I; j. JGEIIIFR tP.e and all 0x I afA ,f Oi, f,arty 'J th, fl,:'t p;LEI ILI and to HAVE AND TO HOLD the prm,-::�P,ll-cr,ir. rarlird 11ml the rorty of the I,-c,,!id p.i,*,, or and of the furl,of tht, -cco7vt port forever. AND f.r, I-rt w-till"I" 0,!' 11:" pan, t C1, k-.; jw! !il' "I ;0d AND j.r,j 1,.,:! ': , '' I, 11. ' I I;"! !''. 1,' i, I: .'I'll,I--I I'rrt , 91, f.: :.,IT .,Ill rui<< 4 i [.....1 "01 1, I t j z F I IT -I r IN wrl-NESSWHEREOF,il f tk-i;r t 1-111 1 :C1 1 1111111-1 d 71,1 � ��11�-c.-•7ci, t STATE OF PMr! �L COUNTY OF t // Xf` �ti n.fur.Z "-� sr: STATE OF trrw-.—O—...s COUMfIf OF L�tJ it rt w Oa the J—clay of \L y 19 -`. (Q rc(urc me 1O per xr gtneaB'y I wS`m c day of ;Tayilr 19 71 ), bcfote r.e t Tila J. 11.111oc)k l,'ol r�>;L J. f3L'utvn 7r. to Inc Imown to he the individunl described in and tvho to Inc l uuur to be tile individual drscrilK:1 in and u}:> excited the foregoing in;lrument, mud adcootvledged that exarutrd the. foregoing in;trurncnt, antJ acknowltslged the itf executed satnc. ltt- executed the same, ��4r J J r LUCILLE MILL R 1 r r t uv .urlir ,..s:w 1.0r, c,.tI A a"I'ATM OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF' VRESNO, 's Chanty Cir J of the County rd Fresno,St, of California,and ex•offioio L'lerk of the .Superlr:r Court,in and fur seid.^_o,,t !y and Slate,du i,ereLy certify ttlnt __17.1 CI L[,E iil'T,U, h Yore P.1,11 thr annrxed rmtrumant In wim g nas pr,^,ced or,trkniwied c i was at the time tf t,tkin,t:tn,i crrtifying tl d "tore.u Noaary Puhlic In mod for said County unu Stare, C„ly corminssioned uul s,vorn, and duty authorizell ro Gdu•find certify tLr sarnc by the L.nws of sail Sfatr,and to iakr:and certify the proof ar.d ar•Immcic16:nerit of deed; to 'be reconlyd in the said St.x; and that fhr sit;n"Lurt- a(fixrd to the annexed.•citific•ate is true and Yrxurnr; :nil Inat said yrocf or a6ro%cled^ment was tak:i in. accotdnt:ae wl:h tl-c f.aws fit swirl �tdtu; and flat the Seal affixed to the said P4W:tr,'s C'ccRti C.rtr is ttie true :aid genuirie seal of£aid Notary. IN W1'FNFSS WHF.FtFOF, I have hr-rrunto sei niv hand :ut! af- t;F:AL1 flxr,: the S,•al cf the i:drl Supetior C'ourr, this_ __1 __day cf t'/7�ty r atRd ex-ef.tclu Clerk of the p Jdc L'ourt of Laud County. sr.��r1 l,r� �irsst�slrtr�l I u:vtrc�' col�n•rr I' ('iiau •t.v l�it4tl, itm•a i.. - i .i.i. ini I d�•rft t lhaf r ,f_,,. 3 r /T � c u!,L, :i :tn,i t .r;'rl f ..ant•; 'i; , t ,i, t.Ulc p'mlr �iU:nu It'? mill t [, 1,) !r1I. Li,i':!1t fY 1 l:r I v rl;. • • IMmmIM mM Burl= COUMW CL1M lave s OPT M ft" of tnets+ument: D><iDS/DDD Reaotded: 09/23/2004 Number ber of wages: 4 At: 09:33:57 M iteoeipt Number : 04-0105297 ris UISM TAX NLV t: 04-08257 LZssa: D00012345 ' p71s�: 007 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 027.00 01.00 003.000 lZN XEM MW CXNR=M AS I+OLLAS Dowd Amount: $0.00 Received the rolloerinq reme For x"w a Insts� t pages/ariiinq $12.00 n dandling $5.00 no Cox $5.00 NO NTS SIB $15.00 no Xh-M 1 $5.00 No NA-SMM 0165.00 No W-SO4 $s.00 no Cert.Copies $0.00 no >UM $30.00 no Scar $0.00 No Transfer tax $0.00 aw Cam .-atee $0.00 no Mesas algid $242.00 TPAX8FRR 2= : 04-08257 Tars aM in A mart of 23M rIfBTA 2=8 in MW A BILL Was" P-Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County Number of pages FIEMM TORRENS 2M4 Sep 23 MUM FM Edward P.Rottaira Serial a CLEW( OF SIfM CD WW Certin amx L D000UM P W Prior C;L I DTi 04-OW Dtted I Mottpp instrument Deed!Monvae TYa Stump According!Filing Stax" 4 MIS Pap/Fibmg Fee Mortgage Amu. Howling / 1.Buie Tax � •rP-stw �- 2 Additlo.•A Tax �. Notation Sub ToW —_- EA-32 17(Cowtty) Sub Total SpeciAnit. 9A-$217(State) Ou SW-/add. _ , d r R_P.•rs A. _ Tor.M.TAX Cotton.or Fd. S QQ-•,- Deal Town Duel County— • Held for Appoa Wmitcat _ An%kvs + • DudlvTax Certified Copy Manion Tom The property ewered by this um a or Reg.Copy will be Improved by o one or two fainity Sub TWA dwelling a*. Other YGS or YO ORJNOTOTA6 lfHO.wee appropriate sex clause On pager l of this in 3 Real Pro rty Tax Service Agony Ve Baden d Corntttuni •Prevervation • d �Difs,M I seetlon _. B.ledt~_ I ..i ra Consideration Arnount 3 _ �p l0E 1000 02700 0100 003000 CPF Tuax Due 5 I Date R lsOl A t imprrtved Inhials Vacant Laad� 7 SatisioctioatalDiaoinrdalReORD dk�RSI'(1�i11r TOOwmers Mai ft Add TDREC 1�— TD OLSEN i OLM LLP 7 D 607M CIl1f3s�O,N1f!fM F11 Title Com any Information Name CMIIYlALZBe N 9 Suffolk C22-n-ly Recording &En orsernent Pa se i This page fams pert Of duo atllaeW DEn _.trade by: (SPECIFYTYPE OF lld51'RmeNT a SMU MU AS E MM.IS OF TIM RSTATZ 'the Pam=herein is SIUMPed in or PEW • SL*MX COUNTY.NEW YORK. TO In dttt TowraMp SAIIDBA J. SCM, 1rRM J. NZYER IiI the VtLLAGE AS Co-'Ptiulii'E69 or HAN LE-T of BOXES S THRU 9 MU'ST BE TYPED OR PROttitED N BLACK IMF QM.X PRICft TO R[CORDM OR l7l.M. (OVER) Dear Tarpaver. Your sa:isfactior,of mortgage has been filed 1n rmv 01600 and 1 ant rrtcJaatr;g the original copy ro:your records. Ir a portion of your tr-onth y mortgage paymnent Included your prop m taxes.ypU_jVgsgMQCKdyQ lcontner veur local Tom '-ax Receiver so-that -nau�h' for ail future p Sf� +wins Local property taxes are payable twice a year. on or Wore January 100 and on or Wore May 31". Failure to make payments in a Ucly fashion could result In a penalty. l Please contact your local Torun Tax Receiver with any questions regarding property tax payment. ; Babylon Town Receiver of Taxes Riverhead Town Receiver a'Tam 200 East Sunrise Highway 200 Howell Avenue North Lindenhurst N.Y. 11757 Riverhead. N.Y. L 1901 t631)957-3004 (631)727-3200 Brookhaven Town Receiver of Talcs Shefter Island Town Receiver of Taxes 250 Fast itlatn Street Shelter island Torn Hall Fort Jefrerson. K.Y. I 177T Shelter island. N.Y. 11964 (6,31)473-0236 (8311 749-3338 East Hampton Tow: Receiver of Taxes Smithtmm Torn Receiver of Taxes 300 PanVgo Place 99 West Main Street East Hampton, N.Y. 1 i 937 Smitht*%m.N v 11787 (63 t)324-2770 (6311 360-7610 Huntington Town Rec e-fixer of Taxes Southampton Town Receiver of Taxes L 001dain Street I!6 Hampton Road Huntington.N.Y. 11743 Southampton.N.Y. I19M (631)351-3217 1631)283-6514 Islip Town Receiver of Taxes Southold Town Receiver of Taxes 40 Nassau Avenue 53095 Mat=Street Islip.N.Y. 11751 Southold. N.Y. 11971 (6311 M-5580 (631)765-1803 Sincerely, q-lJ 187 •. • ftelSdrvand.>P Romaine 28110 tis w-St nh`t:lerJc , I dw 2/99 r I I I EXECUTOR'S DEED(INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) j STAMDARD NYBTU FORM 8010 i CAUMMnmruatMMTSMIANEMvMMNVIL'4Arra WWAMRrvlkwcosrerraa*4srstMU ZRA.14a rrnrssatt sewous stsrtraa IRAs/MM'NMAE.mite the n YA ,204 batweem STLW.A NEVER,ss EtcceaMttof the liaprh Sf Pe1rr Maser,Jr..tnsldlag at 1215 Can's lane Ezummlu.Cutaltope,NY 11935,havlog been mppotatad by the Sorropee'a Court of8pllrlk County,ESa Number 199IMI , parry of the lint port.and SANDRA A SCCVff,tasldiag at 3104 Cana%Low Esgmuleu,Cakhogr,NY i IM Add PETER L MEVER U;mWiap st 131 J%ueh tar.Woodbury,NY 11797 As Cep 9 routes suderdw Last WW and Tatammwt dheerd.Mayer..ir.,deaeseed Cftf Ale County Surrotw s COOK Flit no.1997P1001) petal of the second pit. Wl77VBA48ff/,that the porgy of the tint pad,to whom letters ted metttaryer we issued by the SmrtogsxCoral.Stdlblb CamW,New York and by virtue of the power and amhorky given In and by slit but will and imwnant.andlor by Article I 1 of the Comes Pwm n and Tnasts Law.and in coneklemdon of dollars,lawfW ntortey of the United Siam,paid by dw p W of the second pad,does I haeby gent aril r rem unto the patty of the second pad,the dbu bows or wrc=mm and asoll"of the porty of the second pad fon w. AU dot certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and huprovematts thereon articled. slktate b*and bdq In the SIM SCHEDULE W ATTACHED HERETO 710GEIAEt with all right,tide aml mwns%ifmw,of the pony of the Coat part in and to arty atrals aw roads abutting rho above desMbW premises m the cenur Ibm thereof, fl9GermA J!wilt the appsomme cs,and am sN the am which tha said deadest had st the time of decoilau's death is said premises and also the able thacbr,which the parry of the fkst port has or bos power b convey or dispose o4 wbother itdvida lly.or by virnta of sod will or otherwise, 70 HAW AND IV AM D the ptamises haobr pa w d auto the potty of the second parr,dw hairs or mono on and nadpts of the patty of the socorrd pad ibnem. AND the perry of the nM port covenants dot the pargrof the fast pert hs trot dame or mraved anything whereby the said premises have been eneambo ed in anyway wirarm.except as atbresoid. AND the party of the first part,is amoima with Section 13 of the lien Law,covenants the the parry of tin Nra port will receive the cmMostiou far this conveyance and will hold the rW to receive such colts Wevmdm a s trust fond to be oWled fuss for the putpoaa of poyhtg the coats oftho bnpemvtmmrt and will apply the stso first to the paymeat of the east of tho imptoveroent before sing any part of the total of the sum Ibr say other patpow. The word"party"dull be conahaW as if k read"peditu•wbeecvar the t, of this irdmum so requires. t MV W!lMW WMWOF,the parryr of tbs OM pod has duly emeumd this deed the day and year lint abovm written. r I !1'YsilARulee�114e1®eimefaenoatlrltlro`tM001 �Plda�t�a` . . 1 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On th;L%dry of before me,the mtdom*104proully aWmed STGA-LA MEYM PWNMIly icnowe n proved dome Poe boWs of ssds&crory cvldem b be the indivl MXS) whose mutte(s)b(aye)su6sce�ed to inshvtnt�s and aekttorrlo�ed to me das she sa<emmd tl+c suoe in bw capedty o).end tat by )oa the iam ma%dtc iedividwd(s),or the person Rw behalf or VA"dte.btdividuel(s)aacd, NOTARY PUBLIC OW RJ11iI=OWN vcrt HLOMMIUM Oadl ied M ft S 00w"I CottaaMslee I�M11111�t�2�• J I• 1 ttttVd�t��t���tt•w! �P T• ' • SCHMME A CA[.l.that eartaln*h% PhM or peed of land, lusts, lying sad beige lleM at Orient, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: HEGMKING at A point on the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street distant 17.12 i Northwesterly when measured along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street from the corner formed by the intersection of the Northeasterly'side of Orchard Street and the Northwesterly side of Platt Road; running thence a,( the Northeasterly SME of Orchard Street North 64 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds West 431.35 feet to the Southeasterly line of land now or formerly of Thelma Aanestad.- tuan�g thence the following three courses and distances along'the Southeasterly, North- - easterly and Northwesterly line of said last mentioned lands: 1) Urth 43 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East 140.23 feet; 2) North 62 degrees IS minutes 10 seconds West 151.06 feet; 3) South 43 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West 147.38 { feat to the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street; thence along the Northaasterly side of Orchard Street North 64 degrees 55 minutes 00 seconds West 408.07 feet to a point; thence North 25 degrees 05 minutes 80 seconds East Wp.69 feet to the Southwesterly line of land obw or formerly of Pardo; thence South 36 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds East partly along Bald Mist mentioned lands and partly along the Southwesterly line of lands,-now or formerly of Clemons 213.77 feet, South 36 degrees 02 sn4nutas 00:seconds 8V akwg the Southwesterly line-of larids no* or formerly of Clemons 456.35 feet to re Northwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Gettlager and Trench; thence ' along the Southwesterly line'of lands last above mentioned and the Southwesterly line of lauds now or formerly of O'Dwyer the following two courses and distances: 1) South 34 degrees 57 minutes 40 seconds East 304.30 ieet; 2) South 36 degrees 05 minutes 30 seconds East 309. 0 feet to the Northwesterly line of other lands of O'Dwyer; thence along Undo last above mentioned South 54 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West 289.98 feet to the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street, the - point or place of BROWNING. i i SUFMM COUTr Cla m =C=19 O"ICE RR MING PAGE Type of Instruments DM=/DDD Rocordads 09/14/2005 lwober of Pages s 5 At s 0 9 s 51 s 2 9 AN Receipt number c 03-0096206 TRANSFER TAX A 1111 aRs 05-06543 MISER: D00012409 PJM a 104 Districts sections Blocks Lots- 1000 027.00 01.00 003.000 XXAMX3® AM CBARAaD AS FOLLM6 Deed Amcunt1 $2,150,000.00 Received the Following bees For Above Instrument Sxempt axampt Page/Filing $25.00 no Raudling $5.00 no COS $5.00 3i0 xrS SRCRA 015.00 go � a&-CTT $5.00 no RL-STATR $75.00 X0 TP-584 $5.00 RO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 no SCTK $0.00 no Transfer tax $4,600.00 so COM.Pres $21,500.00 no Fees Paid $26,255.00 TRA PIM TAX NMOWRs OS-06543 THIM PAOB 19 A PART OF THE IED r THIS is NOT A SILL sdvard P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County i 1 FECOM Number or pon 20M SIP li S%5ls29 AN TORIIBIMS Edwrd P.Pateiea MM OF Sarni 0 SWFOLK COIMY CaAI(IpMa 0 L DM2409 P 104 Pd r CIE 0 DTt 05-06543 tad. rk�elld Used!I�eM11911e nit 9etillp Necaldiy/1�� 3 PBBS ftPl191iry Pee uoftWAwL 1.BaalaMs s m— 2.AddkIMW Mks Sub Tlad — SW-/Acorn. NoaltMo 3� or e BA 1217(Cae1q) Sub TOW V Ste•/Add. WE bt M TAX NA 3217(Shea) � �� Dad 7bwo—Dad Co ft— R.P.T JL ,�� la Cum of 1ld. S. 4D Manko 1>a ' Amdwb 7=1 g.13 oowaad by dsk no"In a WW be i.apoired by a oax<a bro OaRIRod Copy __,_• hWUy dwdft aly. Y1IS a No FA COPY — 1*Tdd_---00 9 140E w.ppoopI I cox dam as 0i6ar Imo._._ draod 4bfd_� Pam• arm ; 6-0 Ir- abWal SoMm a? 1Nact LacMM 3 1fipai Real - -- _ doracW AMMM Pf%=IY 1000 02700 0100 003000 CPP N L%, Tj 1h Sim rrlea • (lj�j T Army g A Impend v airkad" MP vbera 6 SaliahalodBlodwA-Mft'M oa Lbc Pco"jy Oaw Mtw ft Aetna l(I� lIROORD!INTO: /9 $colt GbM%34 Sd1 moll Ya Am llswdow wa.NY 11770 Mo 6W 11MAbdod : Suffoa Cows Reco & Mworsmmt e nbpqphrmwpw*(dmdlw*md Held mole br. (S WFY TM OP INSTRUMIDM Tna paacbia WWO b danced to C!T�OwN afTY LMa dlrlar�.11l.�la. •SUrm.A CGUKM MM YML 10 to lbo lwam dP or Jugit ltanrw w_ MMMID in bs VR.LAOB arIIwLsTor Odd t i TI IR MIS HM IMTVFW QR PROM'1N I.ACIL INK CMY PRIOR 70 RBOORI M o P L� W Al OWAU PTOTI ; It the: tlnc•tunrai I)Wvc jtem n•reirtkil is pour hQLtITAQA. pli:ltitk be aware %'I title Icd1OW1119 1: A llr•1.11e/n of 1'nU:ntunlhh• 111onpge lraymmm ine•luded yr1t1r prrlperm tare. 'yLl will now tired 14+ 1-.pum •t ►mor ltx•1ti Ttnrn.(ilj_jtXQ-(Xr lau Iltal ►•e1U 11111v br billed ilir►.•�jjv filer all fiuuM IsEuvert�-1:� I.I-rul prt•17my mxele:In:payulga:twice a)van wt or before January 1 V a nti'mi or bt.-We%lay:1 V. i F.Aure• u1 tttnkr,pltymmus in to timc:ly(ashiam mukl result an:1 penalty. Please contact your local Town'Tax Receiver with any questions regesding property talc Payment. ' 1ta11►rtew'1'mvn lit•t•e-wer of Tuxes l0wahetttl Town Herelmr►•r Taxed ''100 FRIII Snprlm:HI};MW 'X)HLIUVII Avt nor : North l.taadrllhuraet. K Y. 11757 RIVcri id.N.Y. 11 IK:41 l 057-MG4 Itt:c 11 727-329)0 Urrreklla►"1 Torn Rivelve:r oI Taxrce . - :tltelie:r ixluvld Town Receiver of Thxr* 2FIb halm Will SIece l :;'y►� +: Shellcr Wund Tnw 1i Hall Port Jefler m. N.Y. 11777 Shehur Island.N.Y. 1 IW. 4 iMi I).173-LY.1311 1: ''ZN. JW 11 749-:i=3 t?alst Hmnlman Town Revefter of Tana'tt.;=.i�.`' Sm{thtemu Town Becher of Taxes alto 1111111190 Ieltlt4: 99 West Main Strrct Fast Ilampton. !tl_Y. 119:17 Smithimi. N.Y. 117ti7 (R:111.424-2770 (0311300.70 10 i 1•ltlutlt4pott Town l;cedwsr urTaxas Southampton Tarn Receiver of Taxar I W.Haul Sirnel 118 Hnmlxmi Rottd Huntington: N.Y. 11743 SmIthampttm. N.Y. 11OW 18:411:45 1-3217 _ i1Gs1.�1•N itl.:(13:1{1 21l'3•r36R11 f 1 s•a t . 6111)Town Heccher of Tt1,W.•ti SattatholdT1mn 144m1m of'iim-ta 40 N:tnsem Amuic.. 'L3005 Maln Strecl {rrllp.N.Y. 1 1751•• Swltholal.N.Y. 11071 1031)Y►A-551i1) 16311 765-I lt03 ' Slnce1•elp. .. ' � F:dvralrir[a lRenndGie te11le 5ufrellk Cttttnty Clerk dw .L far I bWV.ail 11113..ri_I • lil:n1r_.I .t7lfa11!-01 t.esrl.t lrfiu-:?. as�1:.1.��4:o rtafr:l 1n'7'lee+s••t•In:-.•. ItGei.elaY. , .. 1:�iarf . ^ Iid4ri•.e•a.M{ • a . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS(INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYJrM FORM$007 c miens M1111 AGaE Wff 2=XV M 14MAIMST AN AT Oa1ST'A NDAWYtEM OV ATF0109M eOr W-A. t AM ruxammtamusmwo. 771/B INDE VMZ tussle the30fty of hallust , zoos brewers SANDRA J.SC10 r.mailft a?vex Rat,P.Q Hon 1 tier,Cstebopt.NY 1 lithe mad PIC J MiYER llf, IN at 131 Fkaeb Lane,woWbaM NY III",as Ce-TeaMeu Under ,the LM we mmd TNematal ed Pdar J.Mqw.Jr..deeeleed, p aWdomt to betas:s of'lso"moldip l med 10-31-01 andes ftUelk 11wormptem Ills 1b.199WMI. Arty otthe first put.rd W iS1i£M MARTOC UJA ' I rraidlq at 74>1111kr wood Rd..iYaller Plan.trY 117N petty of dw eectwd part. I wrlivEs3�that�partyy of the ilia put,b emueia.raaoa ofs i,i so 00000�d mtbtr htwflti eonsidoration,lawful money of the lambed Swm psis by the posy ddw scrod pdn.down hereby pat and A —P unto We party dthe second part;the hairs or aoeraeors and snipes ddw par iyof the second part � fbrevw. All that eerdim plot,piece or parcel of lard,witb The boWnpe and iosprovcumas dwfdon erected, :lemur.lying and brh g at Orient.Town of SouslwK County of Suffulk and State of New York. SFA SCHEDULE'W ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART REJWF ' 7*®n um heroin arc the acme persons as da fly is Deed dated 7121104.reconiod W23104 in 1.11w IM pegs 7. ' 7ta mmn with o0 rW*,as and inwa&if&v.of the patty of tba fast part in send to may stress and roads abattiuj the above les, Its pranins to the asomralass Nova juwMM with the appormosaces and all dw sate ad tW is of the party ofdw first pert in and to said premises. 70 HAVEAND 7D HOLD the pranims herein punted unto die party of the wand part.due belm or saccemos and mops of the perry of tbs named port fbdarer. e AND the WM of do fiat pat covenub riot tie parry o(dw Rust part has mot dorm or softed anytld ft whereby the nit pastimes bava been eacesrbercd in any mmy whtewr,except ae aforadd. AJW the party of the fuse part.in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law.eavesima dot the try j of the first part will receive the oaaddreation for this eoovayaace and will bold the rightb ooelve:veto consWerstioa us tmst flatd to be applied first lbr the perpae of pyrhra the auk of duo improvemal end will apply the egae first to tie psymed of the cost of the improv anent hefae use my pool of dw fatal dtbe some fbr any mdw purpose. The word"party"obalt be construed as if it red"patties"wine the sae,of this indeapae so rmgvhm AN WI FNAW WYIU OF.the parry of d w first part has duly cut"this deed the day and yew first above written. SAMRA J.tIICOT'1' PC lERJ.M taYeaA andir�uA,t a.e aura Nrnanes tbDetl"erne) Condo coulk"Dad*— STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFPOLK ) Oa the If ol doY of 01-3`'r" .2005,bob me.the uodmigmd,peraormily appatsd SANDRA J.SCOTT,personally known to me or proved oo me on the bail of satk&ctory evidam to be the Individual wlmse name Is subwxMW to the wMdn ies, l mid acloowledW to me that be-,-p fed the acme to his copaelty.ad dirt by kb aintlme ea the iowu neM the irdwidtml.or the person upon behalf of which die iadlvldud acad,eaeoutod the tnotetrnart. Nopa ' illaaryA�bMr �1NtAt Y PUBLIC oe.rrlrrienBtpka I�i�lt 0,li 4�„ STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF j r on dm�+�day of A.S'''P ,2005.6aftxe ate,file mtdcrsi�oed peraormHy appared PC=L IAZYER U&pwramlly koowo to me or proved oo me on the bmis of oddkdory evidence to be the ladvidtml whoa name 4 otbaerbd ou the wi tr A nt and ackvmled ad to ma the he esa MW the sera in hie cape ft-sad tbat by bis si`uatam oo the iautmi L the individtml.or the parson npon behalf ofwhioh the isdividud acted suoutad the Ins went. , ARY PUBLIC Oirtllid�� �11w1t Ottata�sbt�Mea iMstrh R tl0 DWD eZ•ps=0067 Block Clan Lot 003AI SCOTT AND MEYER ConoV or Tt wa SUFFOLK To MARTOCBLLO i MALLINS Retuurt py Mall To. _ SCOW GIACONE,ESQ. GIACONE#GIACONE S01 NAWKIPIS AVE. -cr RONKONKOMA;NY I IM Rtttatrve"y&00 For Use Of anive N+rea+►eetsaatrtrrarr.taw.wtwuo.y`twoot c.�,tMers'roa•a.sepm,�r ti ,y It - EAST END ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. BE-03.0057 SCHEDULE A Amended 07-15-2005 ALL that certain tact,piece or parr~el of land situate, lying and being at Orient, in the Town of Southold, Cniuq of Suffolk and Stag of New York and bounded and described as folloars: BEGINNING at a point on the Northeasterly side of Orchud Street distam 17.12 beet Northwesterly when moored along the Nartheeauty side of Orchard Street from the corner farmed by the hwoection of the Nwheasterly side of Ord card Stan and the Northwest"side of Platt Road; RUNNING THENCE along the NorthezoWy -of On:1Mrd Strew, North 64 deco.o f The 55 , W" West,430 feet to the Southeasterly line of land now or formerly Aanehsad; RUNNING THENCE the "lowing three courses and & mm along the Souffio dy, Nortuaste dy and Northwesterly line of said brat mentioned lands: 1)North 43 degrew. br,00" East, 140.23 fam; 2)North 62 degrees, 18% 10. west, 151.06 feet; 3) South 43 degrees. 121, 00" Wart, 147.38 feet to the Nonheoacerly side of Orchard Street; RUNNING THENCE along the Nortbeastctiy side of Ordtatd Street. North 64 degrom,SS'.OD" West,406.07 feet to a polru; RUNNING THENCE North 25 degra3s. 06', 00" East, 860.69 fat to the Southamstrxly lime of land,now or tonrherly of Pardo; RUNNING THENCE South 36 degrees,04'. 40"East partly along said last mentioned Z�and Partly along the Southwesterly lice of lands now or formerly of Ckmam, RUNNING THENCE South,36 degrees. 02'.CW East,along the Southweaetly line of lands now or formerly of Clemmm, 456.35 fect to the Northwesterly line of lands now or fonnaly of Getxih-er and Thmch; •continued on neat page- r • I EAST END ABSTRACT CORP. 'rifle No. ER-054 7 SCHEDULE A (contbrued) ' RUNNING Tit6NCE•along the Southwesterly lime of lands last above men kmad and the Southwes edy line of lands now or f mmiy of O'Dwyer the fblkwing ruse coum. and dunces: i I)South 34 degrees, 57',40` Fast.304.30 fert: 2) Sotuh 36 de rms.05% 30`.East. 309.0 feet to the Northwesterly line of other lands of O'Dwyer: RUNNING THENCE slang land.R last above mentioned,South 54 dW=.04',40" West. 269.96 foot to the Nortiu;asmiy sick of Ontud Street. the point or place of BMINNMG. PRBM1SM KNOWN AS: Omhard Street.Orlam, NY l 'Are poftoy to be leered carder Brie report wM kmre the tide do suoh bu lcifts end FOR In prornrcrwcb ereeto I eo dw prenciees wMoh by War consdum rat property. MWEYANCWA ONE,Y' TOtiE'M6R whh on the dghL trite and Interet of Ore party of the GM pert.of,In end to do lead 4"Imom etroet in front of end edin!jr+I eetd practises. I t�lll III IIIII I�I��lllll Illll Illli III sill III !ill ail llll!II 11 l lil SUFS = COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type Of InstruMnt: DBRD Recorded: 06/20/2012 Number of Pages: 5 At: 03:26:05 PM RAeoeipt Nueber : 12-0070719 TRANSFER TAX NUMM: 11-23224 LIBER: D00012696 PAGE: 920 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 027.00 01.00 003.000 zxma ED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $25.00 NOeIDpt B t Handling $20.00 NO Coz $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $6.25 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Com.Pre8 $0.00 NO Fees paid $266.25 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBR: 11-23224 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRMTT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALS County Clark, Suffolk County 1 2 Number of a es RECORDED 2012 lun 20 03t28eW pm JWI1H A. PA5L7iLE OF This doctat»M will be public K COUMv record.Please remove all L D00012d% Social Security Numbers p 920 prior to re00rdrlg. - DTti 1I-23224 Deed/MonpW Instnrment Deed J Mortgap Tax Scamp Rec Mng!Fling Stems 3 VMS Page J Filing Fee ._ Mo ftW Amt. t. Bask'11at Handling 20. M 2.Additional Tax TP 584 Sub Total Notation SpeclAsat. or EA-52 17(County) Sub TOW Spec./Add. _ EA-3217(State) TOT.MM.TAX R.P.TSA. / , � Dual Town Dual County ALL._ Held for Appoi Comm.of Ed. 5. 00 Tiaosfer.Tax devil _ Mnsion Tax fled; The property coveted by this martgage Is or will be itaproved by a one or two NYS aichatge t5. 00 �1 I . fly dig only- YES Total YES or NO Other r Gmnd 7btal_,Qt o 1,.ab U NO.see wropiate tax clam on POW of this'astrumeat. --1a 4 it 120 OO =coo 02700 0100 003000 7 Real Pm RtPA A Consideration Araouttt$ Thu So Apes CPF Tax Due S ' Vtxifik Safisfadw6 ri`scbi:lu A TO. MOMaamsa e Vacant Land n eo�r M* 4kDt,.p IN 6 ('MP j U- To ' ; w �y JAI.L-LeP— W&M� 1A . TD PLAGe� To Nail to:Judith A.Pa"e.Sulblk Courtly Clerk 7 310 Center Drive,Rived*ad.NY 11t101 www.sutfoS(countyny goWcierk M p-NUM "fir • 8 Sufoolk County & or 'M & Endorsement P e , Thu page forms pan of the attached Z--e I tmtde by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRM EMI) �7► ri IC; T'��N�_� the premises herein is%hulked is StAMOLIC COUNTY,NEW YORK.- T t1►) doTOWNof 6bVTWbQW) ti>av�►cl$ ` ,� orHAMMof DO=6 W s MUST BE TYPED OR P2WW IN BLACK K ONLY PRIOR TO REOORDRY(3 OR FII.1Nt3 �» IN (off IMPORTANT NQZI-Q If the document you've just recorded is your SA_TISFACPiObi OF MORTQAGE,please be aware of the following: If a portion of your monthly mortgage payment included your property taxes,*vou will now need to cont=MM local Tour Tax RAW so Cht you MfiX be bWW dkjSgZ for @Z future alsti��nta� Local property taxes are payable twice a year: on or before January I0th and on or before May 31 st. Failure to make payments in a timely fashion could result in a penalty. Fkaee amtoot yaw local Town Tax Receiver with any quediens regm*" property tax PaymaUL Babylon Town Receiver of Taxes Riverhead Town Receiver of Taxes 200 Bast Sunrise Highway 200 Howell Avenue North Lindenhurst,N.Y. 11757 Riverhead,N.Y. 11901 (631)957-3004 (631) 727-3200 Brookhaven Town Receiver of Taxes Shelter Island Town Receiver of Taxes One Independence Hill Shelter island Town Hall Farmingvddle,N.Y. 11738 Shelter Island,N.Y. 11964 (631)451-9009 (631)749-3338 Bast Hampton Town Receiver of Taxes Smithtown Town Receiver of Taxes 300 Pantigo Place 99 West Main Street East Hampton,N.Y. 11937 Smithtown,N.Y. 11787 (631)324-2770 (631)360-7610 Huntington Town Receiver of Tama Southampton Town Receiver.of Taxes 100 Main Street 116 Hampton Road Huntington,N.Y. 11743 Southampton,N.Y. 11968 (631)351-3217 (631)283-6514 Islip Town Receiver of Taxes Southold Town Receiver of Taxes 40 Nassau Avenue 53095 Main Street Islip,N.Y. 11751 Southold,N.Y. 11971 (631)224-5580 (631)755-1803 sincerely, Judith A.Pascale Suffolk County Clerk . r tsa,a_oyoor 1 1 ` 1, . BARGAIN AND SALE DEED (Covenant Against Grantors Ads) i THIS INDENTURE,made the 2nd day of NNE ,2012 I BETWEEN i STEM A.MARTOCELLO .residing at 24 MILLER WQM DRIVE.MILLER PLACE NE�V YORK. 11764 i party of the first part, j and EAST END HQI&IN 3 COMPANY.LLC a limited liability company,located at 24 MILLER WOODS DR-„MELLER PLACE.NEW YORK i 11764 . party of the second pact, IWITNESSETA,that the party of the first pact;in consideration of Ten Dollars,and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part,the successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain t,piece or el of plc p®rc land,with the buildings and irttprovetnents thereon erected,situate,lying and being is the County of SUFFOM Town of Southold,Orient,State of New York and fwther described as: j ❑ See Legal Description Attached as Exhibit A incorporated by reference as though set forth in frill i Legal Description: I i SEE SCHEDULE'A'ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantors herein are the same persons as the grantees in Deed dawd 8/30/05, I recorded 09/14/05 in Liber D00012409 page 104 i TOGETHER with all right,title and interest,if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center Wines thereof; i SargWn and Sale Deed Page!of 3 E ; I i I TOGETHER with the apptatettances and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part in and to said practises; i TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pact forgiven, AND the party of the first part covenants that the patty of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said promises have been encumbered in any way whatever,except as aforesaid. i - AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenant that the i party of the first part will receive1he consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied fast for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party"shall be construed as if it read"parties"whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties of the first part have duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. {sig�e) S I'Et A.MARTOCELLO Type or Print Name CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT lndividnal Capacity within the State of New York for Real Property E ` State of New York. ss.: County of., SUMOd.K ) On the_?p¢ day of $,_ in the year 2012- before me,the undersigned, I personally appeared • eveN A. a2t�110 _personally known to me or proved to ! me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribW to the within iL*uff ent and wkwwlodged to me that he executed the same in his capacity,and that by his sigruuure on the hw&umoat,the individual,or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, i executed the instrument. MIN k-L 4l,C Notary P11�4a Sigaatum OfRcePMan of Taking LAAWMM Ele tluglolit i 1-0 i1 Pam 2 of 3 BefpIn and Sale Deed I I EAST END ABSTRACT CORP. f Title No.EE-05-0037 SCHEDULE A Amended 07-15-2W5 ALL that certain tract,piece or parcel of land situate,lying and being at Orientt,in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street distant 17.12 fed jNorthwesterly when measured along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street from the i comer formed by the intersection of the Northeasterly side of Orchard Stteet and the Northwesterly side of Platt Road; f RUNNING THENCE along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street,North 64 degrees,55, 00"West,431.35 feet to the Southeasterly line of land now or formerly of Thelma Aanestad; I RUNNING THENCE the following three courses and distances along the Southeasterly, I Northeasterly and Northwesterly line of said last mentioned lands: 1)North 43 degrees, l4',00"Eas4140.23 feet; 2)North 62 degrees, IV, ICr West, 151.06 feet; 3)South 43 degrees, IT,00"West, 147.38 feet to the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street; i j RUNNING THENCE Along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street,North 64 degrees,55', 00"West,406.07 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE North 25 degrees,05,00"East,860.69 feet to the Southwestal Y lint of land now or formerly of Pardo; RUNNING'THENCE South 36 degrees,04',40"East partly along said last mentioned lands J and partly along the Southwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Clemens,213.77 feet; i RUNNING THENCE South 36 degrees.02',00"East,along the Southwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Clemans,456.35 felt to the Northwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Gettiager and Trench; RUNNING THENCE along the Southwesterly line of lands last above mentioned and the Southwesterly lire of lands now or formerly of O'Dwyer the following two courses and I f Bargain and Sale Deed Exhibit A f I I SCHEME A(CONTINUED) distaaoes: 1)South 34 degrees,57,40"East,304.30 feet: 2)South 36 degrees,051,30"East,309.0 fear to the Northwesterly line of other leads of O` wYar" RUNNING THENCE along lands last above mentioned,South 54 degrees,04',40"West, 269.%feet to the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street,the point or place of BEGINNING. PREMISES KNOWN AS: Omhard Street,Orient,NY f �I i i ' ' f i awpin end She Deed Exhibit A l 0 'The Orchards' Proposed Open Space Uses At this point in time we are not certain on the exact use of the Open Space. We plan on fully complying with the Town of Southold acceptable agricultural uses as listed in definition. (Ref: Town Code § 72-4) Signed Dates" %3 Sabatino. Alyxandra K. From: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 4:20 PM To: 'Alex Martocello' Subject: RE:The Orchards Potential dates are October V anytime or October 2""at 10am. Please let me know your availability and be advised that I have to run the agreed upon date by the Planning Board Members. Thanks, Aly Alyxandra Sabatino Planner,Town of Southold Phone:631-765-1938 Email:Alyxandra.Sabatino@town.southold.ny.us From: Alex Martocello [mailto:alexmartocello(�Ogmail.com] Sent: Monday, September 23, 2013 7:40 PM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Subject: The Orchards Aly, Following up on our meeting tonight, what times would be available to sit down and discuss 'The Orchards' sketch plan? Alex i Southold Town Plaeg Board Work Session — Page Tv* September 23, 2013 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................__....................................................................................................................................................... Project Name: The Orchards SCTM#: ; 1000-27-1-3 .._............... .................................................................... ... ......... ......... .................................. .......................................................................................................... ............................ Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient ............................................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................... .........................................................................: Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zonin District. ......................................................................................................................................................................................_ Status:.... Pen...._in. .. ................. ............................................................. .....,...... ..... Action: Review site visit. ......... _:............. ................_......................................................................................................... ................................................... ._.................................................................................................................................................................. Attachments. Sketch Plan .............................................................................................. .............. ................................. .............................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................... . ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Project Name: Ratso, LLC SCTM#: 1000-52-5-58.2 .......................1.................._..................................................................... .............................. Location. 67875 Route 25, reenport.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Description: This amended site plan is for the construction of an 18' x 50' (900 sq. ft.) office addition to the existing 3,200 sq. ft. building, and providing 32 parking stalls ............................................................................... p ........ 9............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Status: Pending................................................................................................................................................... Action: Review referrals. ............ ........................................................................................................... ........... .............................................................................................................................................................................................: Attachments: .._Staff Report............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._....................... : Project Name: Brewers Sterling Harbor Yacht Yard SCTM#: 1000-36-1-1 ........................J.................................... .........................................................................................._........................I........................... .. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................._...................................................... Location: 1410 Manhasset Avenue, Greenport ........................... ................. ... .. ........................... ........... Description: This site plan is for the proposed demolition of (3) existing buildings and the construction of a one story 50' x 50' frame office/storage building & a 90' x 100' metal storage building together with up-grades to the adjacent bulkheads in the M-II Zonin District 9.............. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Status: en mg ......................................................................._...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._._...... Action: Review referrals. ........ ................ .........................._ Attachments: Staff Re .._ort...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................p .................................. . .................................... .............:................................................................................................_............................................................................................................ . Project name: Corazzini, Richard SCTM#: 1000-84-1-32.1 ..............................._......_..........................................._.............................,......._............................................................................................................................................................................................_..............................................................................................................................................................................................._.._......... : Location: 6245 Cox Lane, Cutchogue........................................................ ..................... :.................._........................................................ ._ .. .,. ......................................... ................................ .......... _...._......................................_.............................._.._......................; Description: ' This proposed site plan is for a 5,820 s.f. addition to an existing 3,150 s.f. building for office space and storage on a 6.8 acre parcel in the LI Zoning: District. ..........................._............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._............................................... Status: Pending ................................................................................................................. ..................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Action: Review Engineering Inspectors comments. ... .......... . ... ................................................. Attachments: Staff Report .......................................................................................... ................................... ... ... .... .... . ............... ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ..................... Project Name: Platinum East Properties, LLC SCTM#: 1000-69-6-3 ............................................................................................................................................................... ........ . ... . .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................: Location: 48205 Route 25, ±956.85' west of Ackerly Pond Lane, Southold ............................ . ........ ....... .. ......... .... ....... ........ ......... .......... ..... ............................... Description: This site plan is for the construction of a 2,880 sq. ft. electrical contractor office/warehouse on 0.9 acres in the General Business (B) Zoning District. ......................................................................................... ...................................................... .. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Status: A roved ......................................................................:............. .................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................................... ......................................................................................................................................... Action: Review comments from Final Inspection. .......................................................... . . ...... Attachments: Staff Report.............................. .... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ _.............c _p Discussion: ■ Request for Water Map Amendment re: SCTM#1000-126-2-2 ■ Stormwater Control Plan website and "typical drainage systems" examples • Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Subject: The Orchards From: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Sent: Friday, August 09, 2013 1:53 PM To: Alex Martocello (alexmartocelloOgmail.com) Subject: The Orchards Good Afternoon Alex, I was hoping to set up a site visit for the Planning Board Members to visit the Orient Property.The dates that are available next week are Wednesday,August 140 at 10am and Thursday,August 15th at 9am. Please let me know what date and time is acceptable to you and I will then contact the Board members. Thanks, Aly Alyxandra Sabatino Planner,Town of Southold Phone:631-765-1938 Email:Alvxandra.Sabatino@town.southold.nv.us 1 • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OF SOUL, P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �O�`` yO 1 Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold, NY �'���UNTY,� Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 6, 2013 Mr. Steven A. Martocello 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place, NY 11764 Re: Sketch Plan Application Proposed Standard Subdivision for The Orchards SCTM#1000-27-1-3 Zoning District: R-80 Dear Mr. Martocello: The Southold Town Planning Board reviewed the above-referenced application at their August 5, 2013 Work Session and found the application incomplete with the following to be submitted: 1. Acceptable lot recognition pursuant to §280-9 Lot Recognition (attached requirements); 2. Agent Authorization Form (attached); 3. A written description regarding the proposed Open Space uses; 4. A limited ERSAP with the following included. Please note that the ERSAP is required for the proposed development site and within 500 feet of the site: a) Water resources pursuant to §240-10 (c) (2); b) Areas legally protected by the County of Suffolk, the Town of Southold, private trusts, qualified conservation organizations or other entities or agencies as shown of the Town of Southold Protected Lands Map, including all abutting parcels pursuant to §240-10 (e); c) Soil series, types and phases, as mapped by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in the Suffolk County Soil Survey, and accompanying data published for each soil relating to its suitability for agriculture and construction pursuant to §240- 10 (g); d) Location and dimensions of all existing public and private streets, roads, building, utilities and other man-made improvements pursuant to §240- 10 0); e) Locations of all archeological and historically significant sites or structures of national, state or local significance on the tract or on any abutting tract pursuant to §240-10 (k). • • The Orchards Page Two August 9, 2013 As discussed at the Work Session, staff will be scheduling a site visit for Planning Board members to view the property, and will be in touch with applicable dates. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, Alyxandra Sabatino Planner cc. John Ehlers WORK SESSION AGENDA SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Monday, August 5, 2013 4:00 p.m. Southold Town Meeting Hall 4:00 p.m. Applications ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._................................................................ Project Name: The Orchards SCTM#........._1000-27..-_ -_3.._......................................... ........... ........................1..........__-......................................_...............................;...................................................._......_......................................._.._._ .......................... ........... Location: 2595 Orchard Street, Orient . ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._................................ Description: This proposal is for a standard subdivision to subdivide a 13 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 = 9.4 acres including a 1.4 acre building envelope and 8 acres of preserved Open Space, Lot 2 = 0.9 acres, Lot 3= 1.1 acres Lot 4= 0.9 and Lot 5= 0.9 acres in the R-80 Zonin District. ..................................................................................................._..............._. ..................................................._............_......._...._........................................................._.........._.................................................................._.................................................................................................................... . Application..................._..................................................................................;........................................_ . . ..................._........................................................................................................................................................................................_. Action: Review or completeness. .................................................................................................................................... ........_....._........................................_....._ . . ............................................................._ .......................... ......................................................................................_.. _ ................................................; Attachments: Staff Report .............................................................. ......................... .......... ---.................................................... .. .................................................................................................. ..._ .. ..... ......................................: ... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................_.................._........... Project Name: Peter Harbes Open Development SCTM#: 1000-120-3-11.11 Area — Lot Creation .........................................................................................................................................................._......._........................_.....................................................__...._.........................................................:....................................................................................................................................................................................................... Location: 5645 Aldrich Lane, Laurel i._...._...._._......_........_..............................................................................i.........................._..__._.............................................................._.__.._.._..._.__..........._..............._........_..................................................................._............................................................._......_......_....._............_...........__......_...._.._................_................� Description: This proposed conservation subdivision is to subdivide a 22.1659-acre parcel into 4 lots, one of which the Town of Southold purchased the Development Ri hts over 18 acres for farmland reservation ...................... .. .... ................................................................................................._P......................... .......... ......._..._.........._.................................................................................. ..........................._.. ......P.........................................._............................................................. Status: Pendin .............................................................. . ................................................. ..............................._...._..............._..................................................................................... ....g_.__..... Action: Review referrals. .. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Attachments: .. Staff Re ort ... .... ............................................p........................................................................................_..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................._... ..............................................................................................................................................._............................................................._..........._.................................................._..................._.............................._.._._................._......................_..........._................_........- .................1...------.._._._........................................................_.........._..........._......._........ ...............__.._.................................__.._._....._....._........................._........_..............................:._..... ......................._..........................................................._..._........._.._._............_._.._............._............ -.....__............; Location: re on Road,, u c o ue ............ ............ .._..._.._............................_..__ ............ -.. . ._........................................_. .........................._................................................................................................................I............................_ _.._..._.._......._....__..._......._.............. Description: This proposal is a Standard Subdivision of a 6.10 acre parcel into five lots where Lot 1 equals 1.29 acres, Lot 2 equals 0.92 acres, Lot 3 equals ' 1.47 acres, Lot 4 equals 0.92 acres, and Lot 5 equals 1.06 acres, located' inthe LI Zoning..................._District............... ............................................................................................_................................................................................. .................._.............................................................................................................................................................................................__..............................._.......................... Status: Pending................................................ - ..................._....._.......................................... _......__.................... _..............................................................................................................................._............................................_........................................................................._.......................................................... ; Action: Review Engineering Inspector's comments. ...._.._....................................... ..... ... ....._........_.._......_..................................................................... ........ ......... . .. ........................._..._. Attachments: En ineerin Inspector's Comments ....g . . . g p . . . ....................................................................................... ...................................................................._........................................._........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Project name: Mill Creek Preserve SCTM#: 1000-56-1-11.1 ..................................................................................................................................-..........................._....._............................................._.............................................................................................................._................................................................................................................................................................................... ; Location: 61025 Main Road, 2640 Long Greek Drive, Southold ........................._........._..............................................................,. .............................................._.........................................................................................._................ .. . ............................................................_......................................................_....................................................................__._., Description: This approved application subdivided a 79.71 acre parcel into 6 residential lots where Lot 1 equals 138,177 sq. ft.; Lot 2 equals 87,939 sq. ft.; Lot 3 equals 111,690 sq. ft.; Lot 4 equals 64,469 sq. ft.; Lot 5 equals 45.58 acres, inclusive of 44.38 acres upon which Development Rights have been sold, and a 1.19 acre building envelope; Lot 6 equals 23.61 acres, inclusive of 22.23 acres upon which Development Rights have been sold, and a 1.37 acre building envelope. The total area of Development Rights sold to the Count of Suffolk equals 50.87 acres. ....................................................................................................._......................................P..._....................................9.........................................................................................................._........Y..................._.............._............................_.q................................................. .. ................................................. .......................................................................................................................P.P................................................._................................................................................................................_......................... Action: Review En ineerin Inspector's comments................................................ g.. .............................g..._....__............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Attachments: Engineering Comments; Staff Report.._...................... .... ............................................................................ ........................... ........................................................_...._..................................... Souald Planning Department StaReport Subdivision Application Work Session Review Date 8/5/13 Prepared By: Aly Sabatino I. Application Information Project Title: The Orchards Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Date of Submission: 7/17/13 Tax Map Number: 1000-27-1-3 Project Location: Located on 2595 Orchard Street Hamlet: Orient Zoning District: R-80 II. Description of Project Type of Subdivision: Standard Subdivision Acreage of Project Site: 13.3 # of Lots Proposed: 5 III: Status Pending IV: Action to review Application Completeness V: Analysis Required/Submitted items for Sketch Plan Completeness: Required Submitted Cover Letter Yes- includes reference to all materials submitted with the Sketch Application. Subdivision Application form- Sketch Yes- includes all required information. Approval Authorization Letters No Property Deeds Yes- Deed dated June 2, 2012 Copies of Easements, C&Rs, and As per applicant there are no easements, decisions from other agencies with C&Rs or conditions restricting this conditions restricting this property propert . Part 1 of the Environmental Assessment Yes Form Application Fee Yes- in the amount of$4,000. ($1,000 Sketch Plat fee & $750 per buildable lot. 4 SOURld Planning Department StoReport lots created x $750= $3,000. $1,000 Sketch Plat + $3,000 buildable lot fee = $4,000) Five (5) copies of the Existing Resource No- applicant requested a waiver. and Site Analysis Plan ERSAP Five 5 copies of the Yield Plan Yes- meets all yield plan requirements. Five (5) copies of the Primary and No- Primary and Secondary Conservation Secondary Conservation Area plan Areas are shown through the ERSAP Five 5 copies of the Sketch Plan Yes Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Yes LWRP Consistency Assessment Form Table showing buildable land area, Yes- shown on the Sketch/Yield Plans. calculation for yield, affordable housing Affordable housing is not applicable for and opens ace areas as applicable this subdivision. This is a proposed 5 lot split cluster subdivision. Open Space required (60% of 13.3 acres = 7.9 acres). Proposed Open Space: 7.9 acres. Maximum Development Area (40% of 13.3 acres = 5.3 acres). Proposed Development Area: 5.3 acres. • The property to the northeast corner (now or formerly of Doris and John Morgan) of the subject property has a flag that runs parallel to Platt Road and extends to Orchard Street. This flag prevents access from the subject parcel to Platt Road, and limits the access for this proposed subdivision to Orchard Street. • Lot 1 includes a 1.3 acre building envelope located on the northwest corner of the property and is accessed through the proposed Open Space off of Orchard Street. The Open Space includes the proposed location of an agricultural barn located along the north side of the property. • All lots are proposed to have individual access to Orchard Street. Lots 2 & 3 will access Orchard Street through flags extending to the road. Lots 4 & 5 are proposed to have direct street access. VI: Staff Recommendations 1. Find the application incomplete with the following items to be submitted: A. Acceptable lot recognition pursuant to §280-9 Lot Recognition. B. Agent authorization form. C. Provide a written description regarding the proposed Open Space uses. D. A limited ERSAP with the following included. Please note that the ERSAP is required for the proposed development site and within 500 feet of the site. a) Water resources pursuant to §240-10 (c) (2). 2 SOURld Planning Department St*Report b) Areas legally protected by the County of Suffolk, the Town of Southold, private trusts, qualified conservation organizations or other entities or agencies as shown of the Town of Southold Protected Lands Map, including all abutting parcels pursuant to §240-10 (e) c) Soil series, types and phases, as mapped by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service in the Suffolk County Soil Survey, and accompanying data published for each soil relating to tis suitability for agriculture and construction pursuant to §240- 10 (g) d) Location and dimensions of all existing public and private streets, roads, building, utilities and other man-made improvements pursuant to §240- 10 0). e) Locations of all archeological and historically significant sites or structures of national, state or local significance on the tract or on any abutting tract pursuant to §240-10 (k). 2. Schedule a site visit for Planning Board members. 3. Schedule a work session review of the site visit for discussion of lot placement on the Sketch Plan. 4. The following are staff comments regarding subdivision design. (These comments are not intended for discussion until after the Board's site visit.) A. Presently, the proposed subdivision is a split cluster. Good clustered subdivision design generally places all lots and associated development (the proposed barn) in a single cluster, with lots located next to existing development pursuant to Section 240-42 Authority and Purpose. Reviews indicated the best location for lots and any other development on this parcel is clustered on the southeast side of the parcel B. Multiple curb cuts for new subdivisions are not consistent with Town Code Section 240-45 (B)(15) Streets which state the following: "subdivisions where more than 300 feet of land fronts on a public street shall provide access to proposed lots by way of a new street." A design using a standard right of way with a cul-de-sac to meet the Town's Highway Specifications pursuant to §161- 15 Construction Specifications, together with a vegetated island in the cul-de- sac would meet this design requirement. . C. This parcel contains important scenic values. A visual impact analysis is necessary to evaluate the impact of all proposed development to the scenic values of this parcel and surrounding area, both as part of the ERSAP process and the SEQRA review. Require a visual impact study to determine the scenic visual qualities and how the nature and extent of proposed development will affect the subject property. Please show typical locations and dimensions of all residential structures. 3 0 0 M-T -ks Sabatino, AI xandra K. 41,V From: Alex Martocello <alexmartocello@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday,July 16, 2013 4:34 PM To: Sabatino, Alyxandra K. Subject: [New Sender-] - 'The Orchards' Subdivision Application- Sketch Approval Attachments: Subdivision Application-Sketch Approval.pdf Aly, Here is the application with the corrections. Please let me know if you need anything else. Thank you. Alex Martocello (631)291-2160 t JUL. 17 � m 1 `The Orchards' Standard Subdivision ERSAP Waiver Request JUL 1 2013 Southold Town Planning Board, I would like to request a waiver of the Existing Resource Site Analysis Plan (ERSAP) for 'The Orchards' Standard Subdivision. Explanations of waiver request listed below correspond to requirements listed in the ERSAP. Sincerely, Steven A. Martocello (Applicant) a.All Existing Structures- There are no existingstructures on the land b.Topography-The land is generally flat c.Water Resources- i. Property not located on or near any wetlands ii. Property is not located within an Aquifer Recharge Area iii. Property is not located within municipal watershed area d. FEMA Flood Zoning-The property is not located within the designated FEMA flood zoning map e.See above. f.Areas legally protected-There are no protected areas in the proposed subdivision or on any abutting parcels g.Vegetative types described by plant community- i. Land was previously a farmland. ii.There are no trees with a DBH in excess of 18inches h.Soil Series-The soil is consistent with adjacent land which has been built upon L Top of Bluff-Property is not located close to or around Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Line j.Scenic View Shed,RT 25&County Road 48-since the location is so close there is a possibility of bringing planning board members out to do a walkthrough of the property and potential scenic views k. Locations and dimensions of all existing public and private streets etc.-Should be sufficiently shown on sketch plan I.Archeological Study-Property was formally farmland with no historical significance m. Location of trails in current use or historic use-There are no current or proposed trail locations within the property n. Easements-There are no easements effecting this parcel o.Agricultural Lands- p. Location of Community Water/Sewer-there is no community water/sewer available or planned q.Critical Environmental Areas—Property not located within any Critical Environmental Areas r. Endangered and Threatened Vegetation-Property was formally farm land and does not hold any threatened or endangered vegetation s. Recreation-The property does not have significant recreational areas or opportunities or site designated in the Town's Comprehensive Plan t. Property is not within 500ft of any of the listed 9 0 The Orchards Subdivision : Sketch Plan Submission `*Materials Included: • Subdivision Application Form • Property Deed • Part 1 of the Environmental Assessment Form • Application Fee • ERSAP Waiver Request • 5 Copies of Yield Plan • 5 Copies of Sketch Plan • LWRP Consistency Form Southold Town PI•ing Board Work Session—Page Two•December 3, 2012 .........._._.......__......._....._....._..........-.__......_................._..._.......;.......__..................._..........._................_....._........---.........._...._._...........---........................................._..............._..........._._.............._.._.........._................_...--..._.._.__.-....._.---.............._...-_.._......................_.....---....._........._.; j..._Project-name:.............__............__Mullen Rea IV, -..............-----..._. SCTM#:_ 1.000-62=3.-1.1._&_1.2_...._._._..--......- Location: 40 & 120 Cottage Place, s/e corner of Cottage Place & NYS Rt. 25, Southold Description:_..._......_-_......_.....__-._._______.__..-......_.__._...._..._...._.....__p_.._...__......._..__....._.........._...p...........p_._._.._...___....pg._.._.__._...._.........._______._._......_..._....__..__._... ...... _._; This amended site Ian is fora proposed osed arkin area of 14 stalls for employees and over-flow customer parking on a 7,294 sq. ft. parcel in E the General Business (B) Zoning District. .............__.................._.._................------_...._.........._...__._....— --------__ ...._.__.._......._....---.._ ._.........- ...... ....... - ............_..._..._._._....__.......- -._..__........---------.._........_.........._..............._._..._...... ( Status: Pending --_ _ j Action: Review revised site plan_ Attachments: Staff Report Discussion: ■ Pre-submission Conference re: SCTM#1000-27-1-3, Proposed Standard Subdivision ■ Ovsianik Change of Zone Request, SCTM#1000-97-2-16.5 —Amended Boundary Line Alteration Survey ■ Local Law re: Amendments to Chapter 280, Zoning, in connection with Use Regulations within LIO and LI Zoning Districts Executive Session: Matters of Litigation \ az m Or cad-S Orient, NY 11957, USA Goo e.lee e v-'43Google The Orchards Subdivision Page I of I 0 The Orchards Subdivision Terry• 22 AID lk ,J Lake Munn 1), .. 0 ,1 i%i ce;`� !+i �'':� I_ .3 � I'�•1 ��j G,1 V. �r $ Rt].bD 90NR01i994 '� ';fir, ,. �, • . 1t7 '+ ,�S,r 13 0 yacht Oki VA Za1f ORI EN It I 41 HARBOR � q -7 '� +��.'• _ 1� 1034ft U)IN i I;tt3Acf January 29, 2014 Disclaimer: This map was prepared by the New York State Parks,Recreation and Historic Preservation Natio information was compiled using the most current data available.It is deemed accurate, but is not guarantee http://pwa.parks.ny.gov/nr/print/print_display.asp?title=The+Orchards+Subdivision&Submit=Generate+Print+Page Itst _. r .0 � � � ��.rf i;� •, F �' � ;rid i ��1��v t�.. •.d, r�Y v� Is�' - •'.C•.A + a. � jtr`� 'K` '. ,c '.' s,ti n� �•±.� w,',. 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SOUT TOLD PLANKING � OARD t,00 01-d -i�awn planning Board Subdivision Application Form - Final Plat App a .�. _.­.__ APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision The Orchards 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 1000w- 27- 1 - 3 3. Hamlet Orient 4. Street Location 2595 Orchard St. 5. Zoning District R-80 6. Date of Submission October 17, 2023 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date March 11, 2014 8. Preliminary Approval Date June 6, 2023 9. Number of Lots Proposed 5 .. 10. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Area 7.9845............. w WWW 11. Affordable Housing Units Proposed 12. Percentage of Affordable Housing 0 13. If providing less than 20%Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units (MIFDU),please indicate how the property owner intends on satisfying the Affordable Housing requirement pursuant to §240-10 B(2)(c) of the Town Code. .............Re.quirement does...not.a? P ... tt! orneY...............__,.w.v..�ww.w..__. ... _..................................... 14. Does the Final Plat conform substantially to the approved Preliminary Plat? If not,please explain the differences. Yes 15. Application prepared by [] owner [)4 agent [] other Signature of Prepare r �''� � Date ,- "1171aa Final Plat Application Form 6�q -r? qAt °�oSufFoc,��oG �a s� D ECEC VE DEC -9 2014 Southold Town Planning Board SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subdivision Application Form - Preliminary Plat APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for PRELDIINARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision The Orchards 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 1000-27-1-3 3. Hamlet Orient 4. Street Address/ 2595 Orchard Street Project Location 5. Zoning District R-80 6. Date of Submission 12/01/2014 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date 03/14/2014 8. Acreage of Site 13.3 9. Parcel Yield 40% 10. Number of Lots Proposed 5 a. Number of Affordable Lots Required: 0 b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: 0 c. Alternative Method/Payment Proposed to Satisfy Affordable Housing Requirement: Not Applicable Preliminary Plat Application Form 11. Acreage of Open Space 8 Acres 12. Percentage of Open Space 60% 13. Range of Lot Sizes (not including any required open space area) 0.9-9.3 Acres (9.3 Acres which includes 8 acres of Open Space) 14. Average Lot Size 2.66(13.3 acres/5 lots=2.66 acres) 15. Private or Public Streets Not Applicable/Not Proposed 16. Name of Road(s) Not Applicable/Not Proposed 17. Length of Road(s) Not Applicable/Not Proposed 18. Acreage of Road(s) Not Applicable/Not Proposed 19. Water Availability(public or private)If private well, has water been tested and approved by Suffolk County Department of Health Services? Private well.Water testing is in progress. 20. Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the Sketch Plan previously approved by the Planning Board? Explain. No. Preliminary Plat reflects Sketch Plan with lot sizes and design dated June 15,2013 as indicated on town approval letter. 21. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other agencies?Please list other applications which are currently pending involving this project. If possible, please provide application reference numbers. Suffolk County Department of Health Services-Realty Subdivision Ref.No:S10-13-0005 22. Application completed by []owner [] agent DJ other Signature of Preparer Date -I:L/C//v I�. JUL 17 2013 SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Subdivision Application Form _ Sketch Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL far the subdivision described herein. I. Name of Subdivision The Orchards 2, Suffolk County Tax Map# 27-1-3 3. Type of Subdivision Standard [XJ Conservation [ ] 4. Hamlet Orient 5. Street Address/ 2595 Orchard St Project Location 6. Acreage of Site ...........�:.:`�_3......_._.......--........._...._............ 7. Proposed Yield 5 lots S. Number of Lots Proposed _5 9. Zoning District R-80 to. Date of Submission 6,123/2013 l 1. Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: Apphcww .Steven 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place NY 17� _(917) 502-0101 Sketch Plan rl pphcceion.f^orm Agent: ........... Property Owner(s): East End Holding Con an LLC 24 Miller Woods Drive Miller Place,NY 11764 _(217)�O2-C1 0 1 Surveyor: -Jpbn-(C—Eh1ffa- 6 East Main Street#1 Riverhead,NY 11901 (631) 369-8288 E'ngineer: Attorney: ....................... .................. ........................... 12. Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so, please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Board. No ............ .............. ............................................ 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the Planning Board? If so, provide date._ , Yes on 3/1 5M13----- 14, Does the parcel(s)meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? Yes X . No-- . if"yes", explain how. The lot was cre ted bv deed recordcd.by the Suffolk County Clerk-Ls—of lce 15. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation? If so, provide date.—Ye,sthe owner has lead pllqjft ..discussions with Land Preservation. 16, Is any part of the property in agricultural use? If so, how many acres? NO 17. Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? _No__ 18. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so, please indicate the properties by SCTM#, No 2 19. Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? If yes, please provide permit number(s). No 20. The site will be serviced by the following special districts or utility companies: Tire District Orient Fire De artment Past Office School District Greenport School Maria Water None 21. Has LIPA or Keyspan been notified of the proposed subdivision? If so, please provide proof that service will be provided. No 22. Please indicate the type of open space proposed and how it will be managed? The ppen space will used according to specified zoning 23. Are there any existing structures on the property) If so,please indicate the type of structure and its use(s). Will these structures remain, be removed or altered? No 24. Based on the parcel yield and the afTordable housing requirement of the Town Code, how many Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units are proposed? If the number that will be built is less than 20%of the yield,please indicate how you intend on satisfying the requirement(see'I'own Code §240-10 B(2)(c)for options). ---Ther on...o.o equired ro Qsed Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units. .............------- -------......... ................................. 25. Application completed by j owner f I agent [)4 other Signature of Preparer Date T �SUfFOtK O =o Gyp 0 COD JUL I 2013'V t � SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPAR T_ ._ J Subdivision Application Form - Sketch Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision The Orchards 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 27-1-3 3. Type of Subdivision Standard [M Conservation [ ] 4. Hamlet Orient 5. Street Address/ 2595 Orchard St Project Location 6. Acreage of Site 13.3 7. Proposed Yield 5 lots 8. Number of Lots Proposed 5 lots 9. Zoning District R-80 10. Date of Submission 6/23/2013 11. Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: Applicant: Steven A. Martocello Sketch Plan AppUcation Form Agent: Property Owner(s): East End Holding Company LLC Surveyor: John C. Ehlers Engineer: Attorney: 12. Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so, please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Board. No 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the Planning Board? If so, provide date. Yes on 1/15/ D13 14. Does the parcel(s) meet the Lot Recognition standard in Town Code §280-9 Lot Recognition? Yes X . No . If"yes", explain how. The lot was created by deed recorded by the Suffolk County Clerk's office 15. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation?If so, provide date. Yes .the owner has had phone discussions with Land Preservation 16. Is any part of the property in agricultural use? If so, how many acres? No 17. Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? No 18. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so, please indicate the properties by SCTM#. No 2 19. Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? If yes, please provide permit number(s). No 20. The site will be serviced by the following special districts or utility companies: Fire District Orient Fire Department Post Office Orient Post Office School District Southold School District Water 21. Has LIPA or Keyspan been notified of the proposed subdivision? If so, please provide proof that service will be provided. No 22. Please indicate the type of open space proposed and how it will be managed? The open space will used according to specified zoning 23. Are there any existing structures on the property? If so, please indicate the type of structure and its use(s). Will these structures remain, be removed or altered? No 24. Based on the parcel yield and the affordable housing requirement of the Town Code, how many Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units are proposed? If the number that will be built is less than 20%of the yield, please indicate how you intend on satisfying the requirement (see Town Code §240-10 B (2)(c)for options). There are no required or proposed Moderate Income Family Dwelling Unitc. 25. Application completed by [ ] owner [] agent [)4 other Signature of Preparer—a�Aewl�-� Date 3 Aeent Authorization Form I Steve Martocello, President of East End Holding Company, LLC, wish to act as my own agent as well as give authorization to Alex Martocello to represent the interests of East End Holding Company, LLC on the property of SCTM#1000-027-01-03 and handle all necessary work involved in the subdivision/site plan process with the Southold Planning Board. Mq 113 Signed Date COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original DEED recorded in my office on 06/20/2012 under Liber D00012696 and Page 920 and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court this 06/20/2012 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK JUDITH A.PASCALE SEAL I IIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED Recorded: 06/20/2012 Number of Pages : 5 At: 03:26:05 PM Receipt Number : 12-0070719 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 11-23224 LIBER: D00012696 PAGE : 920 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 027 .00 01. 00 003.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0 .00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $25.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5 .00 NO EA-STATE $125.00 NO TP-584 $5. 00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $6.25 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $266.25 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 11-23224 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County F21 • Number of pages ;1rr :.....,,r This document will be public a:-,;-,}rr ; record. Please remove all LVA cc__ Social Security Numbers prior to recording. r Tyr Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/ Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 20. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation Spec./Assit. or EA-52 17 (County) T_ Sub Total Spec./Add. EA-5217 (State) TOT.MTG.TAX ��— Dual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. W Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Transfer Tax idavit �� Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is : rr of CnF or will be improved by a one or two �5NYS Surcharge 15. 00 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO r Other Grand Total el 42 If NO,see appropriate tax clause on t page# of this 'nstrument. 4 )�i 12012300 loon 02700 0100 003000 gp , 5 Community Preservation Fund OLPA Real Prc l Consideration Amount $Tax Se; \ Agen CPF Tax Due $ Verific, Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: t/ Vacant Land TD TD TD J Mail to: Judith A. Pascale,.Suffolk County Clerk 77 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co.Name r' rf www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title# C - b 5^ 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached t I made by: .i (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY,NEW YORK. TO the TOWN of �i t,�� 1 '©�..,ON� In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 12-0m..10i08k (over) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED (Covenant Against Grantor's Acts) THIS INDENTURE, made the 2nd day of_JUNE , 2012_ BETWEEN STEVEN A. MARTOCELLO , residing at 24 MILLER WOODS DRIVE MILLER PLACE NEW YORK 11764 party of the first part, and EAST END HOLDING COMPANY LLC , a limited liability company, located at 24 MILLER WOODS DR., MILLER PLACE NEW YORK 11764 , party of the second part, WITNESSETH,that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars,and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part,does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the County of SUFFOLK,Town of Southold, Orient, State of New York and further described as: ❑ See Legal Description Attached as Exhibit A incorporated by reference as though set forth in full ® Legal Description: SEE SCHEDULE W ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The grantors herein are the same persons as the grantees in Deed dated 8/30/05, recorded 09/14/05 in Liber D00012409 page 104 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, Bargain and Sale Deed Page 1 of 3 TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the parties of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part,in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law,covenant that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word"party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties of the first part have duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. (Signature) STEVEN A. MARTOCELLO Type or Print Name CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT Individual Capacity within the State of New York for Real Property State of New York ) ss.: County of SUFFOLK ) On the 2nd day of JUNE in the year 2012 before me,the undersigned, personally appeared Steve j A. P-bRke)[Q_l 10 , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity,and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual,or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. pp ASHLEY NICNOLE GUARINO kd L.Q _ t a �� C Notary Pubk%+SIM of NewYork Signature d Office of Person Taking Acknowledgement No.p101,= T42 4uailtled in Suffolk t l Commission res Bargain and Sale Deed Page 2 of 3 EAST END ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. EE-05-0057 SCHEDULE A Amended 07-15-2005 ALL that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at Orientt, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York and bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street distant 17.12 feet Northwesterly when measured along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street from the corner formed by the intersection of the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street and the Northwesterly side of Platt Road; RUNNING THENCE along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street,North 64 degrees, 55', 00" West,431.35 feet to the Southeasterly line of land now or formerly of Thelma Aanestad; RUNNING THENCE the following three courses and distances along the Southeasterly, Northeasterly and Northwesterly line of said last mentioned lands: 1)North 43 degrees, 14',00" East, 140.23 feet; 2)North 62 degrees, 18', 10" West, 151.06 feet; 3) South 43 degrees, 12% 00" West, 147.38 feet to the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street; RUNNING THENCE Along the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street,North 64 degrees, 55', 00" West, 406.07 feet to a point; RUNNING THENCE North 25 degrees,05', 00" East, 860.69 feet to the Southwesterly line of land now or formerly of Pardo; RUNNING THENCE South 36 degrees, 04',40" East partly along said last mentioned lands and partly along the Southwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Clemans, 213.77 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 36 degrees,02', 00" East, along the Southwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Clemans,456.35 feet to the Northwesterly line of lands now or formerly of Gettinger and Trench; RUNNING THENCE along the Southwesterly line of lands last above mentioned and the Southwesterly line of lands now or formerly of O'Dwyer the following two courses and Bargain and Sale Deed Exhibit A SCHEDULE A(CONTINUED) distances: 1) South 34 degrees, 57' ,40" East, 304.30 feet: 2) South 36 degrees,05', 30" East, 309.0 feet to the Northwesterly line of other lands of O'Dwyer: RUNNING THENCE along lands last above mentioned, South 54 degrees, 04', 40" West, 269.96 feet to the Northeasterly side of Orchard Street, the point or place of BEGINNING. PREMISES KNOWN AS: Orchard Street, Orient,NY Bargain and Sale Deed Exhibit A Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes",then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: onI*.at.tie Tewn-ef-Sopdip1d's website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning 1pnent, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. JUL 1 2013 B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION F SCTM# 27 — 1 —3s� The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): Town Board 0 Planning Dept. ® Building Dept. Board of Trustees 0 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g.capital 0 construction,planning activity,agency regulation,land transaction) (b) Financial assistance(e.g.grant, loan,subsidy) (c) Permit,approval, license,certification: rIM plq Nature and extent of action: Proposed 5 lot residential subdivision of a 13.3 acre vacant parcel of residentially zoned land (R-80) Location of action:2595 Orchard Street Site acreage:13.3 Present land use:Vacant Present zoning classification:R-80 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant:Steven A.Martocello (b) Mailing address:24 Miller Woods Drive,Miller Place,NY 11764 (c) Telephone number:Area Code( )(917)502-0101 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken,require funding,or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ❑ No* If yes,which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure,makes beneficial use of a coastal location,and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable The proposed subdivision of lots as well as the 60%permanently protected conservation area enhances community character,preserves open spaces,reduces sprawl and minimizes adverse impact. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ Now Not Applicable The proposed subdivision will not result in any known loss of historical or archeological resources Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria © Yes © No 0 Not Applicable The proposed conservation area is consistent with the existing view shed along Orchard Street and will allow contiguous open space to the west. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria R Yes IE No © Not Applicable According to the maps prepared by FEMA,the proposed subdivision is not threatened by flooding or erosion. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria © Yes © No []Not Applicable The five proposed homes that will eventually be built on the proposed subdivision will use individual well and sanitary systems that will conform to Suffolk County Health Department standards.As a result no negative impacts to water quality are foreseen. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. © Yes M No[1] Not Applicable The proposed subdivision is not located in a significant coastal fish and wildlife habitat.There are no wetlands located on the parcel.Since the land was previously used as farmland there is no significant wildlife habitat.As a result of the conservation area they may be an increase in wildlife habitat once the subdivision is completed. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable There will be no impact on air quality from the proposed subdivision Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable There will be no hazardous substances generated from the proposed subdivision.Waste that is generated from the proposed houses will be handled in approved methods. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria.❑ YeAO No® Not Applicable The proposed subdivision will have no impact on the publics access to coastal waters,public lands and/or public resources. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No N Not Applicable 4 The proposed subdivision will have no impact on water-dependant uses and/or areas. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. 1.9171 ❑Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable The proposed subdivision will not have an impact on living marine resources in the Long Island Sound,the Peoonic Estuary and/or Town waters. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. IN Yes ❑ No❑ Not Applicable A total of 60%of the land in this proposed subdivision will be protected as a permanent open space and may continue to be used for agricultural purposes. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable The proposed subdivision will have a minimal impact on energy resources and no impact on local mineral resources. Created on 5125105 11:20 AM 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner,whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequently,there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasurable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data,it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. THIS AREA FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE -- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ❑Part 1 ❑Part 2 ❑Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate),and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ❑A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ❑B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. *A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions The Orchards Standard Subdivision Name of Action Southold Town Planning Board Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer If different from responsible officer website Date Page 1 of 21 PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. Name of Action The Orchards Standard Subdivision Location of Action(include Street Address, Municipality and County) 2595 Orchard Street,Orient,Town of Southold,Suffolk County Name of Applicant/Sponsor Steven A.Martocello Address 24 Miller Woods Drive City/PO Miller Place State NY Zip Code 11764 Business Telephone (917)502-0101 Name of Owner(if different) East End Holding Company,LLC Address 24 Miller Woods Drive City/PO Miller Place State NY Zip Code 11764 Business Telephone (917)5020101 Description of Action: The proposed project involves the subdivision of 13.3 acres of R-80 residential property into 5 residential lots.Lot 1 will be 9.178 acres located on the northwest corner of the property,where 7.983 acres will be designated to a conservation easement and 1.195 acres will be building area.Lot 2 is 43,076 sq/ft(.988 acres)consisting of 40,076 sq/ft Building Area and 3,000 sq/ft R.O.W.Lot 3 is 45,0321 sq/ft (1.04 acres)consisting of 40,140 sq/ft Building Area and 5,321 sq/ft R.O.W.Lot 4 is 45,018 sq/ft(1.033 acres)consisting of 40,018 sq/ft Building Area and 5,000 sq/ft R.O.W.Lot 5 is 46,409 sq/ft(1.065 acres)consisting of 40,095 sq/ft Building Area and 6,314 sq/ft R.O.W. Lots 2-5 will be located on the northeast back side of the property with a 16'wide R.O.W.totaling 19,626sq/ft(.451 acres)providing access from Orchard Street.This proposed layout will effectively preserve 60%of the property as open space. Page 2 of 21 Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use:❑Urban n Industrial n Commercial ❑Residential (suburban) ❑Rural (non-farm) Forest r7 Agriculture �✓ Other The property was previously used as farmland but is now vacant. 2. Total acreage of project area: 13.3 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 13.3 acres 0 acres Forested 0 acres 0 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres 7.983 acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) 0 acres 0 acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 0 acres .451 acres Other(Indicate type) Lawn and other open spaces 0 acres 4.917 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? HaA(Haven Loam 0-2%slopes) a. Soil drainage: ID Well drained 100%-of site ❑Moderately well drained %of site. ❑Poorly drained %of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres (see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ElYes on No a. What is depth to bedrock (in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: ❑✓ 0-10% 100% 10- 15% % M 15%or greater-% 6. Is project substantiall contiguous to or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? Yes n■ No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Yes �No 8. What is the depth of the water table? 14(in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? MYes ❑ No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ❑Yes 0 No Page 3 of 21 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? ❑Yes [-!]No Accordin to: Common Knowledge:Land was previously farmland Idenfify each species: 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site?(i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? ❑Yes No Describe: 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ❑Yes E]No If es, explain: This site is privately owned,vacant and undeveloped.It is not a designated open space area. 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Yes ENo Site is a fallow farm field with volunteer species of trees and undergrowth. 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: None. 7 a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: None. b. Size (in acres): Page 4 of 21 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? R Yes No a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? a Yes ❑No b. If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? FalYes E]No 18. Is the site located ingricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and EYes 304? El No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? r7 Yes t_.J No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? F1Yes rulNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project(fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: 13.3 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 5.317 acres initially; 5.317 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: 7.983 acres. d. Length of project, in miles: (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed. % f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing proposed 2-3 per house g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: 5 (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially 5 Ultimately 5 i. Dimensions(in feet)of largest proposed structure: height; width; length.Unknown at this time j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 837.42 ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.)will be removed from the site? 0 tons/cubic yards. 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed Yes 1:1No F!]N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? 17 Yes no No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? 1:1Yes No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 1.0 acres. Page 5 of 21 5. Will any mature forest(over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ElYes � No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction: months, (including demolition)Houses will be built according to factors that are unpredictable at this time 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: month year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase: month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? M Yes M No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes a No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 5-10 ; after project is complete 0 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities?❑Yes r7m No If yes, explain: 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes M No a. If yes, indicate type of waste(sewage, industrial, etc)and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? a Yes MNo Type Sanitary waste 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal?❑Yes Q No If yes, explain: 15, Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? Yes MO No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? rMl Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the amount per month? .525 tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? Q Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name Southold Transfer Station ; location Rt.48 Cutcholue p d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes No Page 6 of 21 e. If yes, explain: 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑Yes ME No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ❑Yes M No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? ❑Yes ME No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ❑Yes M No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? �Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate type(s) Electricity and traditional fossil fuels. 22, If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity gallons/minute. No less than 5 gallons per minute 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 1500 gallons/day. 300 gpd/house 24, Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? ❑Yes M No If yes, explain: Page 7 of 21 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date City, Town, Village Board ❑Yes 0 No Subdivision Approval City, Town, Village Planning Board no Yes ❑ No City, Town Zoning Board ❑Yes ❑ No Realty Subdivision City, County Health Department no Yes ❑ No Other Local Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No Suffolk County Planning Referral Other Regional Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No State Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No Federal Agencies ❑Yes ❑No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ❑Yes ❑ No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑ Zoning amendment ❑ Zoning variance ❑ New/revision of master plan ❑ Subdivision ❑ Site plan ❑ Special use permit ❑Resource management plan ❑ Other Page 8 of 21 2. What is the zoning classification(s) of the site? R-80 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 5 Lots with an average size of 115,869.6 sq/ft. 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? Not Applicable 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? Not Applicable 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? E]Yes ©No 7. What are the predominant land use(s)and zoning classifications within a '/4 mile radius of proposed action? R-80 single family residences,farmland,cemetery,firehouse. 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a '/4 mile? M Yes No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? 5 a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 45,312 sq/ft Page 9 of 21 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s)for the formation of sewer or water districts? Yes E No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services(recreation, education, police, fire protection? ❑Yes rM7 No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? Yes No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes a No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. ❑Yes ❑No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Steven A.Martocello Date r Signature Title If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. Page 10 of 21 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequently, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasurable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data,it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. THIS AREA FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE -- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ✓❑Part 1 11 Part 2 Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate),and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration wil be prepared. B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.* ❑C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration wil be prepared. *A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions The Orchards Standard Subdivision Name of Action J U L Southold Town Planning Board Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) website Date Page 1 of 21 • t � • PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. Name of Action The Orchards Standard Subdivision Location of Action(include Street Address, Municipality and County) 2595 Orchard Street,Orient,Town of Southold,Suffolk County Name of Applicant/Sponsor Steven A.Martocello Address 24 Miller Woods Drive City/PO Miller Place State NY Zip Code 11764 Business Telephone (917)502-0101 Name of Owner(if different) East End Holding Company,LLC Address 24 Miller Woods Drive City/PO Miller Place State NY Zip Code 11764 Business Telephone (917)5020101 Description of Action.- The proposed project involves the subdivision of 13.3 acres of R-80 residential property into 5 residential lots.Lot 1 will be 9.34 acres located on the northwest comer of the property,where 7.98 of the acres will be designated to a conservation easement with an area of.52 acres to be the future building location of an agricultural barn.Lots 2(.99 acres),3(1.14 acres),4(.92 acres)and 5(.92 acres)will be located on the southeast comer of the property.This proposed layout will effectively preserve 60%of the property as open space. Page 2 of 21 Please Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use:❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial ❑Residential (suburban) ❑Rural (non-farm) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ✓❑Other The property was previously used as farmland but is now vacant. 2. Total acreage of project area: 13.3 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) 13.3 acres 7.983 acres Forested 0 acres 0 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres 0 acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) 0 acres 0 acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 0 acres 0.4 acres Other(Indicate type) Lawn and other open spaces 0 acres 4.917 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? HaA(Haven Loam 0-2%slopes) a. Soil drainage: ❑✓ Well drained 100%of site ❑Moderately well drained %of site. ❑Poorly drained %of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres (see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑ Yes M No a. What is depth to bedrock (in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: ❑✓ 0-10% 100% ❑10- 15% % ❑ 15%or greater % 6. Is project substantial) contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? rl Yes [E No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes rNiNo 8. What is the depth of the water table? 14(in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? Yes ❑ No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ❑Yes a No Page 3 of 21 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? ©Yes No According to: Common Knowledge:Land was previously farmland Identify each species: 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site?(i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? ❑Yes No Describe: 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? 17 Yes n No If es, explain: This site is privately owned,vacant and undeveloped.It is not a designated open space area. 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? E]Yes ENo Site is a fallow farm field with volunteer species of trees and undergrowth. 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: None. a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: None. b. Size (in acres): Page 4 of 21 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? Yes ❑No a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? R Yes ❑No b. If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? o Yes ❑No 18. Is the site located in EYes gricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? E]No 19. Is the site located in or substantiall contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? ❑Yes i. No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes ❑. No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project(fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: 13.3 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: 5.317 acres initially; 5.317 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: 7.983 acres. d. Length of project, in miles: (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed. % f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing proposed 2-3 per house g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: 5 (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially 5 Ultimately 5 i. Dimensions(in feet) of largest proposed structure: height; width; length.Unknown at this time j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 837.42 ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.)will be removed from the site? 0 tons/cubic yards. 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed ❑Yes ❑No ❑N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ®Yes no No 4. How many acres of vegetation(trees, shrubs, ground covers)will be removed from site? 1.0 acres. Page 5 of 21 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? Yes El No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction: months, (including demolition) Houses will be built according to factors that are unpredictable at this time 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: month year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase: month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Q Yes MNo 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 5-10 ; after project is complete 0 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities?M Yes 0 No If yes, explain: 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes 0 No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc) and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? am Yes No Type Sanitary waste 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? ❑Yes IENo If yes, explain: 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? M Yes QNo 16. Will the project generate solid waste? M Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the amount per month? .525 tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? Q Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name Southold Transfer Station ; location Rt.48 Cutchogue d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes 0 No Page 6 of 21 e. If yes, explain: 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑Yes ME No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ❑Yes MNo 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? M Yes Ful No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? F1 Yes No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? R Yes n No If yes, indicate type(s) Electricity and traditional fossil fuels. 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity gallons/minute. No less than 5 gallons per minute 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 1500 gallons/day. 300 gpd/house 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? 1:1 Yes no No If yes, explain: Page 7 of 21 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date City, Town, Village Board ❑Yes ❑No Subdivision Approval City, Town, Village Planning Board 0 Yes ❑ No City, Town Zoning Board ❑Yes ❑R No Realty Subdivision City, County Health Department ElYes ❑ No Suffolk County Planning Other Local Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No Referral Other Regional Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No State Agencies ❑Yes IE No Federal Agencies ❑Yes ❑No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ❑Yes ❑ No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑ Zoning amendment ❑ Zoning variance ❑ New/revision of master plan ❑ Subdivision ❑ Site plan ❑Special use permit ❑Resource management plan ❑ Other Page 8 of 21 2. What is the zoning classification(s) of the site? R-80 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 5 Lots with an average size of 115,870 sq/ft 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? Not Applicable 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? Not Applicable 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? Yes No 7. What are the predominant land use(s)and zoning classifications within a �A mile radius of proposed action? R-80 single family residences,farmland,cemetery,firehouse. 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a 1/a mile? �i Yes No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? 5 a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 40,000 sq/ft Page 9 of 21 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s)for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑Yes E] No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection? ❑Yes 0 No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ❑Yes ❑No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes rM7 No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. ❑Yes ❑No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Steven A.Martocello Date ��,� /z Signature Title pyj��� If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. Page 10 of 21 OFFICE LOCATION: +imst '��� MAILING ADDRESS Town Hall Annex �r " :,� P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) F'T Telephone: 631-765-1938 Southold NYC a ` ' www.southoldtownny.gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: October 24, 2023 Re: Check Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Payment is for the Subdivision referenced below whose Final Plat application has not yet been accepted by the Planning Board. Applicant/Project Name &�Type _............_.__Tax Map # Amount ........._Check�Date/No. w ...... The Orchards 27 Final Plat w ._mMww_.....w... w........._.... .......... ._,1. ._._._. .....__.. ... ..._ww_.__.................. _.. . 10/17/2023 500.00 #1032 ALP Aft. /i,% . 1032 EAST END HOLDING COMPANY, LLC 24 MILLER WOODS DR 1-32/210 NY MILLER PLACE NY 11764-1520 � i � F 14739 r J6W � Jl� C M a, a� 1:0 2 1000 3 2 21: 48 30 13 2 7 3 60 3e 10 3 2 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �QF S0!/j P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �Q� �l0 Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY �p 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III ���, (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR CQU�y�� Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny-gov PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: April 16, 2015 Re: Deferred Revenue The Subdivision Preliminary Plat application referenced below has been accepted by the Planning Board and the funds may now be processed to the Planning Applications revenue account 62115.10. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number The Orchards 27-1-3 $1,000.00 12M14-#1004 Standard Subdivision: Preliminary Plat Martocello, East End Application fee I Holding Co., LLC JAM OFFICE LOCATION: MAILING ADDRESS: Town Hall Annex �QF so P.O. Box 1179 54375 State Route 25 � Ol0 Southold,NY 11971 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY � � Telephone: 631 765-1938 www.southoldtownny.gov VI PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: December 9, 2014 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Preliminary Plat Subdivision Application hot yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check Date & Number The Orchards Standard Subdivision: 27-1-3 $1,000. 12MI4-#1004 Preliminary Plat Application Fee Martocello, East End Holding Co., LLC CK Aft. EftST END,tIOWINQ COMPANY,LLC 1004 -24 MILLER WOODS DR MILLER PLACE kY 12 11784-1620 1=10 n MW 14r.9 TWA Of Vt VI ( I $I ! 0( 0 .0 Q (00 Bank ofAmedca na+wraa,000m SCM1# Dpp�2'7,V-� 1:0 2 L000 3 2 21: 413 30 i 3 2 7 3 60 3110 L00 4 • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS rjF SOu P.O.Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �0L ryp� Southold, NY 11971 Chair WILLIAM J.CREMERS OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III %, • �O MARTIN H.SIDOR Z2 (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Cow � Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning Department Date: November 19, 2013 Re: Deferred Revenue The Subdivision sketch plan application referenced below has been accepted by the Planning Board and the funds may be processed to Planning Applications revenue account B2115.10. Thank you. Project Name & Tax Map Amount Revenue Line Check Date & # Type # The Orchards Subdiv. 27-1-3 $4,000.00 B.2115.10 6/25/13 Sketch plan app. fee #1526300364 LR / • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �F SOU P.O. Box 1179 DONALD J.WILCENSKI �0�� ry�lO Southold,NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: WILLIAM J.CREMERS Town Hall Annex PIERCE RAFFERTY ua G Q 54375 State Route 25 JAMES H.RICH III O O � (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR l�''OU � Southold,NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Accounting From: Planning. Department Date: July 1, 2013 Re: Checks Please deposit the attached check into B691: Deferred Revenue. Fee is for a Sketch Plan application not yet accepted by the Planning Board. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Check bate & Number The Orchards Subdivision sketch plan 27-1-3 $4,000.00 6/25/13 application fee #1526300364 LR Aft. Notice to Purchaser-In the event that this check is lost,misplaced� Cashier's Check - Customer No. 15263003 64 stolrn,a sworn statement and 90-day waiting period will be requir prior to ry�lacemeit.Tbis check should be negotiated within 90 day. Void After 90 Days 30-1/1140 Date 06/25/13 09:25:22 AM PORT JEFFERSON NTX 0001 0094229 0027 BANK Oa Pay AMERIC I cCTSIPS ***$4,000.00 To The TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING DEPARTMENT Order Of Not-Negotiable 0 Remitter(Purchased By): ALEXANDERMARTOCELLO Customer CopyRetain for your Records Bank of America,N.A. 001641004977 SAN ANTONIO,TX Bank of America Cashier's Cashier's Check No. 1526300364 --fill M I ' ' I§ °"�,. � ; y �,'».; ��s'd9 5�� ✓=`^,re'e. t`�° e.'.�„°; a�� .s, t.,-$>l�'` k;M.i� r °l' �i i � s" e3 II�.��\�3�k fe��.�+"�� � `r,.�` a\ s Si p !. 1 .{ i ik� �:e�/'r'". �` r9•.�1j :%�3{ ,�.�x a &"`",.:•z€e? �` t\ f1 € Pit; Pt g°� {.e.y4✓.^ ✓ ✓°•,�' �,✓ �� i {4 �->v'r'` }� Y D�R"I�3' �I{ a a�' "µ. w `"� � '^ � '"N� 4 �""/� � �§�� s3- p i { � �}✓�y����% g �ij;, �f.#��,�. �� IY >i ' {it i,,✓ a � �I r..�i > \. t7?1 f S �LI�P010 'iD& RT NT l trt#tsst'� urehas tl� A I t:R, %Toq t L© '\1 00k Afttcr�c 4 A' R 11N ANTON10;�J � iz y� pp �*iT'�AA �y�✓ �,/' ii' 15 263003P3Lo '� 1 L40000 L91: 00 164 L0049 ? ?11'