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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12723 P 134 i 11111111 IIII 11111 IIIII 11111 IIIII IIIII IIIII Ilill IIII IIII 111111 IIIII IIIII 1111 IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEED ~ Recorded: 03/11/2013 Number of Pages: 4 At: 09:41:29 AM Receipt Number 13-0027922 TRANSFER TAX NU1~ER: 12-17544 LIBER: D00012723 PAGE: 134 District: Section: Block: Lot: i 1000 143.00 03.00 033.005 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $20.00 NO Handling $20.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO i EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $250.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $60.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $380.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 12-17544 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL JUDITH A. PASCALE ' County Clerk, Suffolk County i I LJ L..1 i ' Number of pages P.EGORDED ' 1013 Mar 11 0'3:41:2'3 AI9 JUDITH A. Pa=GALE This document will be public CLERK OF retard. Please remove al! SUFFOLK COURT',' I ~ L i~0001272 Social Security Numbers P 1,4 prior to recording. DT# 12-17544 Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Mortgage Amt. Page /Filing Fee 1, Basic Tax Handling 5. 00 2. Additional Tax TP-584 Sub Total Notation ~ SpecJAssit, - or EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total Spec, /Add. EA-5217 (State) ~ TOT. MTG. TAX R.P.T.S.A. ~O ~ ~ Dual Town Dual County _ Held for Appointment Comm, of Ed. 5. 00 ; ~ Transfer Tax Affidavit ~ Mansion lax ' Certified Copy The property covered by this mortgage Is or will be Improved by a one or twc NYS Surcharge 1 S. 00 family dwelling only, Sub Total YES or NO Other _ Grand Total ~ if N0, see appropriate tax clause on page # of is instrum 13006131 1000 14300 0300 033005 ' 4 Dist.1000 P S 5 Community Preservation Fund i Real Property RSMI Considera#ion Amount $ Tax Service 4-MAR-1 Agency CPF Tax Due $ - Verification ~ Improved 6 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN T0: scant Land" BKLT, LLC 122 Union Avenue TD ~ East Patchogue, New York 11772 TD TD Mail to:Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901• Co, Name Title # 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms Bart of the attached Bargain aad Sale Deed made bY~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) " I Unexcelled. LLC The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ' TO Southnl,d in the TOWN of BKLT. LLC in the VILLAGE or HAMLET of- Nattit_uck BOXES G THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. • over Ssanda[d N. Y. B.T. U. Form 8001 • -Bargain and Sale Deed, wish Covenans againss Cranros'a Aus-Individwl as Corposasion (single shoed W i$-2 'stev. 8199 ' .~(unifonn ack.) tONS1ILT YGYR LAWYER 9EfOtsE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SNOYLD BE YSED BY LAWYERS ONLY. TH1S INDFNNRE. made the ~ ~ day of ~~v~ , in the year 2013 BE'IyVEEN Unexcelled LLC 330 Eastwood Drive Cutchoeue. New York 11935 party of the first part, and BKLT LLC 122 Union Avenue East Patchoeue. NY 11772 party of the second part, WI'I'NIFSSEI'Hr that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying andbcinginthe Town of Southold. Cnunty of Suffolk and State of New York. more particularly bounded and described as follows: SEE Schedule A Attached hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Deed r1arPA Nnvpmher 4. 2006 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Connty of Snffnik nn Nnvemher 15. 2006 in T.iher nf. needs; 12478 at PaoP 526. TOGI3T}IER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streerts and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO }[OLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumhered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the pa}~ment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The ~~rord "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: TTnexr ..1 ed T Bv~ R v S oenhaar. -v y S NN O A gr~ A G N tO >0 Q .oN drt+~ ?~.GO~ 1178n1~0 ZLCTT xN 'anaoq•~aed ~sEg $uvdulo~ aauv.cnsu~ a1~i~G uvaiaauc~ gsli,~ anuand uo~}vfl ZZT ngpstngws!p U'1'I ' Z1?Ig s.vnMSwNn aruu ro asros >troa MaH ro vna osranns ol. vvw AB Nsplas ~ia,~ map to ,(usdwo~ aasunsul apll utpluwV ;snd ;o ]san baa tV pap~ooa~ U'1'1 ,L'lllki 01 pi°~3°OS NMO1 HO AiNf1O7 J 1"1 pd l lodnvujl sC)O ~ fit: 1O'T ~U ~17o-le 'ol.} mill NO11735 S.L7d S.11O.1.NVN`J .LSNIVDV SN VN3A0~ N.t.l/y~ ~7T Q»eE ~l~ Quu u~a8i~ •ale3S ><aoA mad;o apcs;no uatls; s;oawdpalmoutlae ao,~ ;aam8palmau>fas Sol>te; Isnplnlpac jo aaliJO Pus aan;ea215 (uatlel sem 1uawSpa~mou>fas ayl aae(d laylo so lstunoa to stets ayt pue uoisincpgns ~exulod ~ayto to ,Ct~a ayt uasul) • aqt u~ pau8isiapun ayt aio3aq aausntadde yans spew ~enp~nipui yans teyt pue yuawrWSUi ayt pamoaxa `parse (s)lenpmipw ayt ya~ym,Io;leyaq uodn uos2ad ayt ao'(s)Isnp~n~pu~ ayt `tuawrwsm ayt uo (s)a~rueuSis nays/iay/siy ,Cq teyt '(sa~)~~aedea nays/1ay/siy ui sates ayt patnaaxa ~iayt~ays/ay teyl aw of padpalmou>lae pus tuawrutsw mytim ayt of paquasgns (aye) si (s)atueu asoym (s)lenpmcpm ay; aq of aauap~na ,Clotoe;s}les;o siseq ay3 uo aw o; panoad ao aw of umou>f ~Cl~euos~ad ` paieadde ~Cjjeuoslad 'pau8~saapun ayt `aw aio;aq ~sa~S ayl tt~ ;o ,Csp - ayt up :•ss ( ~luno~ u81a~o~ ao'aolssassod `.fro;uaa•I,'slgtunlo~ jo lal~tsla'a;etS 'slats t1aoA mall al satisl slaawBpalMOU>fae aog , ;oam~palntomlas aul>tel Isnplnlpal ;uatu~palmos><as Sul>te;~ p{~ 6ny sel~dx3 uo~ss~wwop ,lo a~_I,{p pus aunleu8lS ,{o as os a~n;auk; ~k1WhS ~6ZZ6ZO9~AL0'oN !i)O P N )o e}e}g'oliQ~d tie}aN o--y~y-,ry,+~~~ ON'dT1U1'13Nt1f33 ~tuawtutstn U 0 •IUawrWSUI ayt patnaaxa'patae (s)~enp~nipm ay; ya~ym~lo;leyaq uodn uosiad ayt patnaaxa `parse (s)Isnp(nipai ayt ya~ym,lo31eyaq uodn uostad ayt to `(s)~enplnlpm ayt huawtt~suc ayt uo (s)a~nteuS~s naytpay/siy ayt to'(s)~enpmlpui ayt `tllawn135n1 ayt uo (s)ainleu8is naytpay/sty 6q teyt pue '(sa~),Ctuadea nayl/aay/sly u( awes ayt patnaaxa ,Cq;eyt pus `(sa~).(l~aedeo naytpat{/s~y u~ awes ayt patnaaxa .Cayt/ays/ay teyt aw of pa8palmatgae pue tuawrtgsai uiyum ayt eCaytpysfay teyt aw of pa8palmou>(ae pue tuawttalsui wylcm ayt of paquasgns (aie) sc (s)aweu asoym (s)lenpm~pu~ ayt aq o; aauapma of paquasgns (aye) s((s~tlteu asoym {s)lanpm~pu~ ayt aq of aouapma ~otae~ls~tes to siseq ayt uo aw w pano.ld io aw o; ttmotl>I Apeuoslad ,~otaelsnes;o siseq ayt uo aw of panad ~o aw of ttmoutl ,Sljeuos~ad ' pareadda ,Cl~euosiad `pau8isiapun aSgwaw ' uEECl uq~5 nu~j pa dde ,Cpeuosiad `pau5~slapun aye `aw aao}aq isa~( ayt w }o Cep - ayt up ayt 'aw aio,}aq I aZ asa,(ay; m , 30 ,Cep ~ ayl up ( AO A,I.Nf10J 41To33nS d0 A.f.N[lOJ :•ss ( :•ss (}RIOA M31J 30 ~.LV.I.S + (~RIOA M3H ~O 3,LVJ.S . ~ scxEnut,E A . 'f ~ ~ . ALL that .certain plot; piece or parcel of land, with tlfe buildit~,;s and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, ' more particularly bound~ecl and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southeasterly side of Main (State). Road at the north- west corner of of Che herein described premises where the same is intersected by the northeasterly side. of land now or formerly of Matt Agency, said point or place of beginning being also distant 133 feet, more yr less, nrotheasterly~as measured along the southeasterly side of Mairi (State) Road from the~corner~•forme~l_~,by the intersection of~the easterly side ,of Marlene Lane with the. southeasterly side of"~ Main (State) Road; RUNNING THENCE' from said point or place of beginning along the southeasterly side of Main~(State) Road, the following two (2) courses and disttances 1) North~39 degrees. 24 minutes 00 seconds East 110.31 feet; ~ , 2) Norl'h .G9 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds E<1sk 86.75 feet to the southwesterly side of a 20 fo~t~ right-of-way; '1'flfrNC~: along tkie southwesterly slid alu~ig the suutlierly bides of said ZU foul right-of-way, the following two (2} courses and distances: . l) South 23 degrees 14 minutes 30 seconds East 261.31 feet; 2) North 71 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East 20.06'feet to land now yr formed.} of Hallvck; THENCE along said last mentioned land, and along the land now .or formerly of Derninger and llong land now or. of Jackson, South 21 degrees 56 minutes l0 seconds East 269,91 .feet; THENCE continuing along land now or formerly of Jackson, North 71 degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds East 79:80 feet to 'l and now or formerly of Billiunas;- THENCE a long last mentioned land, South 19 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds East 75.0 feet to land nor or formerly of .5hewell; THENCE along said last mentioned land, South 7l degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds west 266.3 feet to land.nwo or formerly of Litchhult; THENCE .along last mentioned land and along land now or formerly of 5. 5kurv•and along land now yr formerly of J. Skuro and along land now yr formerly of Matt Agency, North 23 degrees 44 minutes 00 s,~cgnd~s West 516.30 feet to :the southeasterly side of Main (state) Road, at the paint of place of BEGINi~ING. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ~ ~ ~ - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY G, Ci. awls Coda I ~7 ~ U ~ 1 I I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT liTATE OF NEW YORK C2. Dsts Dssd Recorded I ~ 3 / ~ ~ / I STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES ' y°°' RP - 5217 C3. Book I + r "tr~°Z ~ I C4. Page ~ ~ ~ r 4 _d aPalt7 ar. !nrt PROPERTY INFORMATION ~r•party I I Route 25 I IAEltIOe STREET LVMM:R SHIER NAME I Southold I Hattitflrk I 11952 I 411Y OR TOWN VILLAGE 7P [ODE z. Buyer I RKLT LLC I By: David Schoenhear. Member I Name IILVT WIME /COMPANY FIRST NMIE IAYI re1ME I CONPAUY FIRS- YMIE 9. Tax Irdicale wham h+tura Tax Bills are to ba sent Billing 'd other than buyer address let bottom of fonnl I I _ I Ad~4 ugT NAMe /COMPANY FAeT N11ME I I I I I STRER NUMBER AND S1/a:ET NAME lxrv OR TOWN SIPIE DP CODE 4. Indicate the number d Assessmsm ? IOrdy H Part d a Pareall Cheek es they eppltT. Roll parcels transbrrad on tM dead I 11 1 of Pereels oR Part of a Parcel ~ Pwnning Bosrd with Subdivision Authority Ezista ? 5. Dsed IB- Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer ? PropMy I I J(I I OR I I Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided Size FRONT FFFT DERN ACRFfi s. s.llar I Unexcelled i.LC I Bv: Rov Schoenhear. Member I Nsms t'KI NAME /COMPANY rIRST NAME I _1 I IAST AAAE / CDMPAVY FIRST hAME 7. Check tM box below whkb most acearetely dascribn the use d the prapMy rt tlrs time d aalr. Clraelr d+a boxes bsbw as they aPWK & Ownership Type is Condominium ? A One Family Residential f Agricultural I Community Service A New Construction on Vacant Land ? R 2 or 3 Family ReaidantiDl F Commercial J Industrial 10A. Property Locatetl within an Agricultural Disrict C Residential Vacant Lond Altartmam Ih Public Service 10B. Buyer received a discloMlre ndira indicating ? D Non-Residential Vaunt Land 11 Entertainmanl I Amusement I. Forest that the property is in an Agriculhral Disedd SALE INFORMATION t5. Cheek one or more d tlFSSS mnmtbrn n appllpbls m tnndr. 11- SeM Cortract Data I / / I A Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives llMUh Day Year R Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business C One of me Buyers is also a Seller 12- DNe d Sala / Tremhr I I / a / I D Buyer or Seller la GovemmeM Agsnry or Lending Inatitudon tAarnh Day Ywr 1: poly Typo not Warremy or Bargain and Solo ISpttify BeknNl F Sale d Fractional or Less than Feo Intarost (Specify Belowl G SigniRcent Change in Property BDtrveen Taxable Status end Sale Dates , ~ ; ~ r e 13. Full Sale Pries I ~ 0 ~ 0 I N Sele d Business is Indudatl in SaIB Pries (Full Sale Priec is the total amoum paid far the property including personal property. 1 Other Unusual Factore Affecting Sale Price ISpecify Belowl This payment may tla In the form of sash, other property or goods or the assumption o1 J None mortgages or other obligetions.l PN!asa round re the nearest whota dollar amount. 1 e. Inditate tM valtta d pasortsl I ~ B~ D I property Irtt9tErNd in the sale ~ ~ e ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill t& Yaar d Aaaaaamert Roll hom whkh kdarmatbn taken I--~-) 77. Tmal Aasased Vs1ue Id all parole in tremhrl I I 1~ ~q ~f~1 ! ! 7 1& Properly pees / ~7 -U 19. 8eltool District Namv I Mattituck-Cutchofilue I Ze. Taa Map IdertBtsrlsl I Ralftti/nBRerld IR more than four, sttaeh sMet whh eddMvnal IdandlMrlall I 1000 I I 143 ~ I 03 I I 33.005 I CERTIFICATION 1 LrTdFY Ihet dl d fMr itemY d itdramaDwE entered an lhlt Pmin are trlx and avmtii Iln the Mai d my knowkdpe and hdkQ attd 1 underAlattd tkat TIM m•kktR d any Mglful fake sl8temenf d mstetid flrct hetrin will subjtYi me to the prosldont d the celtal law tvlad~r to the mrkilq; and filirtK d falu in.RiNmeMs BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY BKLT~LLC 81Uavl.Qlg~choenha8r, Member oaTE tA4T NAME rmsf xAStE 122 I Union Avenue I STNEEI NIIMBCR STREET W1ME tAF1ER SAlal AREA CODE tEtEP110NE NUMBER East Petcholtue I NY 111772 QIY On TOIM1 STATE Nfxx]k SELLER NEW YORK STATE UNEXCEL LLC COPY BY: ov oenhaar, Member