HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-53.-5-12.60.~/29/2013 09:46 FAX 631.2836136 EN-¢0NSULTANT$, IN~.f -"L..~ ~ Town of Southold L L-~ /~ LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSME~ A. INSTRUCTIONS ~002 All applicants f~r permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed action., that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is btt~nded to supplement other information used by a Town of Southotd agency in making a deterufination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other minist,~rial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Befor answem g the questions in Sectlon C, the preparer ofthts form should rewew the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its sianificant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question n Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", then the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Tb~t~ eeach answer must be exolained in detail, listiae both supporting and non- suuoortiu~ fact~, If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy s~ldards and conditions, it sha fi not be undertaken. A copy of the L~VR.P is available in the fellowing places: online at! (southoldtown.n,)rthfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Plan libraries and the Town Clerk's office. SCTM# s3 PROJECT NAME DESCRIPTION OF ~ ITE AND PROPOSED ACTION 12.6 Naomi M'dlman. Cottage The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate rosponse): TownBoard [] Plaaniu~Board["~ BaildingDept. ~] Board ofTrastees ['-] ZBA [] Category of Town of S,)uthold agency action (check ap~p-6at~ ~)~ -. (a) Action undertal:en directly by Town agency (e.g, c~ i · construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land.~sac, t~ .. :~ (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) AI-'I~ - a &ute I i [] (c) Permit, approvid, license, certification: . ..... ~ [~ Nature and extent of action: Replace the deteriorating foundation o [ an exkcdag seasonal cottage; raise the ~levation of the cottage +/-2' (F.F. El. 10' MSL); reconsla'uct (in-plac~)~istiag +/-7.5' x 14.$' watel side I~oo~; reconstt~c~ existing +/-5.5' x 6' bathromn and construct a +/.3.5' x 5.5' bath/tl~~ addition; r~onsm~ct (ia-place) ~stiag +/-6' x %~. '_fa~.. deck and ~ons~ot stop~ tt~:~to; ~o,~-t ~ f~l ontdo~ shoy.~exis~'a~wl space access; replace toot'with new to )f+/-l' higher (with same pitch) and add +/-5;.5' x 7' eyelid dormer, angina .roll two drywells a~part of cknlnage system of leaders, guttcrs, au,[ dtywella, all as depicted on the site plan prepared by Mailman Seidm~ Architects, last November 12, 2012. Pursuant to Town Code §268-5 {~Revi.-w of Actions") and the tone,pending definitions of "action" and "minor action" by §286-3 ("Definitions"), the proposed project ~ ould thus appear to meet the followiog definitions of minor action: "B., R~lacemeat, rehabilitation or rcconsauc~don ora stxucture or t~cility m ~Lud, on the: aame site (in place), including upgradiag buildiaga to meet buildiag or fu~ codes, exoept for stmoteres ia areas designate :1 by the Co~tal Erosion [4.~.~1 Area (CEllA)..,; and BB. Additions to an existiag dwelling c. mtstltuting less than 25% of the exi~ ag structure where the ADDITION ia/~atcr than 75 f~x:t fi-om a natural protective feature except where the parcel is located in a coastal erosion hazard area." Therefore, as "miaot actions," the proposed wot'k would appear to be ~xcmpt from waterfront consistency review pursuant to Chapter 268. Should it be determined that the project is not ~xempt f~om waterfi'ont consistency ~'view, however, please let me know and we will provide eight copie~ of a fully completed LWRP Consistency Assessment Form. 03.,'29/2013 09:46 FAX 6312836136 EN-CONSULTANTS,INC. ~003 Location of action: C o~e #1 I, 65490 Route 25, Gt~e~port Site acreage: Present [and use: Residential, seasonal co,age Present zoning classification: R-80 If an application for t:~e proposed action has been filed with the Town of Sou~old agency, the following information shall be ~ rovided: (a) Name of applican :: (b) Mailing address: Naomi Mullman 118 We~t 79th Strut New York, NY 10024 (c) Telephone numbe~: Area Code 212~431-0770 (d) Application numb Dr, if any: Will the action be directly undortaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ~] No [] If yes, which state or federal agency? C, Evaluate the project to t he foUowing policies by analyzing how the project will further support or not support the policies. Provi~.e all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will re~luire that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST PO. LICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern o ~ development in the Town of Southold that enhances commMltity character, preserves open space, mak~ s efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects e f development. See L~P Section II1 - Poficies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. ~Yes ~ No [] Not ~pplicable Attach addil/~al shee~ if aecessm ¥ Policy 2. Protect and p~se~ we Msto~c ~d ~chaeolo~cal reso~ces of the To~ of Sou~old. See L~P Section H~ - Pofid~ Pag~ ~ ~ou~ 6 for ev~uafion c~ ~ Yes ~ No ~ Nm Applicable 03~29/2013 09:47 FAX 6312836136 EN-CONSULTANTS,INC. ~004 Attach additional sheet~ ifneccs~ ar,/ Policy 3. Enhance visual quality aud protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southoid. See LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [~ N,t Applicable At'tach add/fi~ sheets if n¢ceesa ~ NATURAL COAST POLD ~IES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion, See LWRP Section Ill - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria [] Yes ~ No ~ No~ Applicable Atiach additional sheets if necessa: y Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section Ill - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria ~--] Yes [] No ~ Ne: Applicable Attach additional sheets 1I~ n~cessm y Policy 6. Protect and rest.re the quality and function of thc Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish ar d Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation c:~iteria. Yes [] No ~ Not Applicable 03/29/2013 09:47 FAX 6312836136 EN-CONSULTANTS, INC. ~]0015 A~ch additional sh~ts if u~ccss~ xy Policy 7. Protect and lint,rove air quality in the Town of Southoid. See LWRP Section Iii - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for ev aluatlon criteria. ~-] Yes [~ No [] No~ Applicable Attach additional sheets if nece~a ~y Policy 8. Minimize enviro~mental degradation in Town of Southold from sofid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. Se~: LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through ag for evaluation criteria. ~ Yes ~ No ~ Not .~.pplicable PUBLIC COAST POLICII ;S Policy 9. Provide for publi c access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of S ~uthold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Yes [] NO~ Not Applicable A~tach additional sh~ts ff ncccssa~ ¥ WORKING COAST POLI'3IES · 03+'29/2013 09:47 FAX 6312836136 EN-CONSULTANTS,INC, ~006 Policy 10. Protect Southold's _wate. r.d_epeude.n.t ?scs and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Sectmn II1 - Pohcaes; Pages 47 through $6 for evaluation criteria. [~]¥es [] No [] Not.*,pplicable Attach additional sheets if n¢cess~ ~y Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peeonic Estuary and Town. waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ~] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Attach ~dditiomfl sheets ifneccss~ y Policy 12. Protect agricultt ral lands in the Town of Southold. See L~ Seetio~ III - Policies; Paffes 62 through 65 for ~aluation criteria. ~ Yes ~ No ~ Not.kpplicabl, At'ga~ additional sheets if n~c~ y Policy 13. Promote appropriate u.qe and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section II1 - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evalnalion criteria. [] Yes [~ No ~1 Not/.pplicable PREPARED~~_~'~/~ T[TLECOAST^LMGMTSPECI^t.,ST DATE ~.....4¢3m'H~pt.em tbr Ro~ E. Herrmann Amended on 8/1/05 NAOMI MULLMAN~ 65490 ROUT~ 25~ COTTAGE !!, GREENPORT Figure L LooMn;? northwext a[.~'outh/watergide and east Mde of existing cottage. 20t3 Figure Z Reordering of south/waterside and ea.~'$ Mde t~f co#age with proposed renovations. NAOMI MULLMAN, 65490 ROUI'E 25~ CO'I I AGE ~ GREENPOR [ Figure 3. Looking northeast at south/waterside and west side qf existhtg cottage. Figure 4. Rendering of south/n, ater~'ide and west side of cottage with propo.~'ed renm,ations. NAOMI MULLMAN~ 65490 ROUTE 25, C_.OTTAGE 11, GREENPORT Figure 5. Looking narth from beach at exist#,g cottage. Figure6. Looking s'ottth from toward bulkhead and ghelter lsland 3~Jund f?om east side (4l'cottage. NAOMI MULLMAN, 65490 ROUT~ ~Sr COTTAGE 11, GREENPORT Figure 7. Looking west alang shoreline at neighboring shareholder cottnges. Figure 8. Looking east along shoreline at neighboring shareholder eotta~,es. / NAOMI M~l I MAN ~TT~t~ II SITE MAP ~GALt~, 1":400' NAOMI MUM.MAN ¢.o'rTACE II, "~=z'r' ~'¢¢nporf., Town of ?~Folk Ooun~, ~ York I I I I I LE~-N~ d d ISLAND SouND PLAN TVVO 6' DIA. BY 4' DEEP DRY WELLS TO CAPTURE ROOF RUNOFF WATER. SEE CALC, ACCESS TO CRAWL SPACE TO BE REMOVED, EXISTING ROOF TO BE REPLACED. NEW ROOF TO BE RAISED +/- F-I" AND TO MAINTAIN EXISTING FITCH, (SISTER NEW STUDS TO EXISTING TO NEW PLATE HEIGHT.) 2O 3O 4OFT , : / / / / / / : / ' / / / / i ? +3.3~ .................................. 45.1 ZONE AE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP E #36103C0159H '/) 6 "0" i 6.9 TEST HOLES DRAINAGE NOYES ROOF DRAINAGE = 802 SF D=AxlxC A = SFof AREA I = RAINFALL IN INCHES = 2" C=I D= 802SFX2"X I = 133.7 CUBIC FEET TO RETAIN 6 ' DIAMETER DRAINAGE RING HOLDS 28,3 CF/ET USE (2) 6' DIAMETER RINGS 4' DEEP = 226.4 CF RETAINED 0c7.9~ EL. 6.4 GROUND WATER NO. I BROWN LOAM (ML) (SC) (SP) N NO. 2 EL. 5,4 0.0' BROWN LOAM (Mt) (SC) (SP) PROPOSED NEW WOOD FENCE AROUND OUTDOOR SHOWER. WITH DUCK BOARD FLOOR· RECONSTRUCT (IN-PLACE) COVERED ENTRY DECK AND ADJACENT BATHROOM IN SAME FOOTPRINT. RAISE ROOF 1'-2". (MAINTAIN EXISTING PITCH) ' APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SURVEY BY YOUNG & YOUNG DATED 0S/21/2012 NOTES; I. NO FILL TO BE TRUCKED IN/ADDED TO SITE, 2. EXISTING CO~FAGE CONTAINS A SINGLE BEDROOM (NO LEGEND=  R E-PITCHED ROOF/ EYELIT DORMER ABEAS TO BE RECONSTRUCTED WITHIN EXISTING FOOT PRINT PROPOSED BATHROOM ADDITION DRAWING LIST A-I - SITEPLAN OVERVIEW A-2 - DETAIL SITEPLAN & RENDERINGS DG- 100.00 - DIAGRAMS & SQ, FT, CALCS A-101.00- FLOOR PLANS A-102,00 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A-103,00- SECTIONS & FOUND. DETAIL SEE SHEET A-2 FOR 1 ENLARGED PLAN VIEW / Scale I:10 Date 08/13/12 A- I Proj. No. Nil EOEIVE MAR 2 6 2013 Southold Town PROJECT UMITING FENCE AND STAKED HAYBALES TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO, AND MAINTAINED DURING, CONSTRUCTION, Drawing Title SITE PI. AN FOR PROPOSED RENOVATION i37 VARICKSTREET, SUITE401 NEW YORK, NYIO013 TEL 212 . 431 . 0770 MULLMAN SEIDMAN ARCHITECTS MULLMAN RESIDENCE COTTAGE I I 1BREEZEY SHORES' GREENPORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY (~ PHOTO OF EXISTING COTTAGE l 2~ RENDERING OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 0 ~0 20 3O 40 PT +~ m3~ ACCESS TO CRAWL SPACE TO BE REMOVED. PROPOSED EYEUT DORMER FOR INSTALLa~TION OF 2 WINDOWS FOR LIGHTAND AIR. REPITCH SECTION OF ROOF. / / /: / / ', / / I / / / / / t / / 1 EXISTING ROOF TO BE REPLACED., NEW ROOF TO BE RAISED +/- ILl" AND TO MAINTAIN EXISTING PITCH. (SISTER NE~V STUDS TO EXISTING TO NEW PLATE HEIGHT,) I / / ~ / / / $L6,, PROPOSED NB/V WOOD FENCE AROUND OUTDOOR SHOWER. WITH DUCK BOARD FLOOR, PROPOSED 3'-7" X 5'-6" ONE-STORY BATHROOM ADDITION TO ENLARGE AREA AND RAISE CEILING HEIGHT OF EXISTING BATHROOM. RECONSTRUCT (IN-PLACE) COVERED ENTRY DECK AND ADJACENT BATHROOM IN SAME FOOTPRINT. PAISE ROOF 1'-2". (MAINTAIN EXISTING PITCH) 6.1'5 PROPOSED STEPS TO RAISED ENTRY DECK PROPOSED PAVERS (GRASS JOINTS) ZONE AE EL 6 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP N PROJECT LIMITING FENCE AND STAKED HAYBALES TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO, AND MAINTAINED DURING, CONSTRUCTION. RESCALE PLANS; NO DF~IGN CHANGE - I 1/12/2012 REVISED- 10/10/2012 Revisions MULLMAN RESIDENCE COTTAGE I I 'BREEZEY 5HORE$' GREENPORT, TOWN OF $OUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, NY MULLMAN SEIDMAN ARCHITECTS 137 VARICK ~RE~,SUITE401 NEW YORK, NYIO013 TEL212.431 .077B FAX212.431 .8428 DrawlngTItle PHOTO OF EXISTING COl'rAGE, RENDERING WITH PROPOSED CHANGESs DETAIL PLAN hS PROPOSED 8ATI~ROON ~ M:~r~ U2" = ivy0'~ EXiSTiNG FOOTPRINT EXiSTiNG FOOTPRINT REBUILD ,~ EXiSTiNG POOTPRiNT FOOTPRINT EXPANSION NEW ROOF DEMOLiTiON PLAN CONSTRUCTION PL~ ~ N EXiSTiNG BATHROON PLAT U2" = ~evisions ~l{tiSYIN~ gOTTA{E 657.~) 608.8 077.(> 3OT%~,GE [ l 'BREEZEY SHORES* ;xREENPO?dL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COL~NTY. NY NU LLNAN ARCHIFECTS ELEVATION RCP/POWER/FURNITURE PLAN Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" GUTTER ABOVE KITCHEN OUTDOOR WATER SPIGOT BEDROOM UPIR / \, / \ ,/ r/ LIVING/DINING ROOM FIN. FLOOR ELEV. 100 ~ ~ CONSTRUCTION PLAN Scale: 1/4" = IL0" RAISED OUTDOOR SHOWER, DUCK BOARD FLOOR. ELEVATION @ +/- E'-0" NEW WALLS, ROOF1 FIXTURES AND FITTINGS EXTENT OF EYELIT DORMER ABOVE RELOCATED HOT WATER HEATER W/ SHELF ABOVE REPLACE COVERED ENTRY DECK AS SHOWN GUTTER ABOVE NEW 2)(4 STUDS ADJACENT TO EXISTING ETUDS, NEW PLATE HEIGHT TO BE 8'-I" AFF. RAISED PLANTER OUTDOOR WATER SPIGOT 2X6 COLLAR TIES ~ 4'-0" O,C. PAVER5 (GRASS JOINTS) RIDGE LINE OF NEW EXPOSED CATHEDRAL CEILING ALL NEW CLAD HURRICANE WINDOWS REPLACE FRONT ROOM AS SHOWN GUTTER ABOVE NEW (S) 9 ii2" MICROLAM BEAM ON ACCESS PANEL-- TRIPLE STUD POSTS WiTH SOLID BLOCKING TO FOUNDATION. POST (TYP.) (TYP.) BELOW j~ (3) 2X 12 ACQ ,Le%T[Dw°°e C~) FOUNDATION PLAN Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" 14'-4" BEDROOM l:l Ill KITCHEN F LIVING ROOM ''- ~' PORCH FRONT ROOM C~ DEMOL?IO~ ,,PLAN Scale: 1/4 = 1 -0 EXISTING PROPANE TANK ON CONCRETE PAD EXISTING OUTDOOR SHOWER REMOVE ALL WINDOWS REMOVE ALL APPLIANCES, FIXTURES AND CABINETS IN KITCHEN REMOVE COVERED ENTRY DECK AND BATHROOM WALLS, ROOF, FIXTURES AND PI~rlNGS. RELOCATE HOT WATER HEATER REMOVE WALLS AS INDICATED REMOVE FRONT ROOM WALLS AND ROOF KEY WALLS TO BE REMOVED NEW WALL CONSTRUCTION EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN EXISTING DOORS TO BE REMOVED ~ ~ _- ~ _- _: _: _: _- ~ EXISTING WINDOWS TOWN OF SoLrrHOLD SUBMiSSiON - 10/2S/12 Revisions Mullman Residence Cottage I I I I Sage Bird Long Island, New York MULLMAN SEIDMAN ARCHITECTS D r~wing Tide PLAN5 TYPE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION W/MODEL NO. CLAD STORM PLUS DOUBLE HUNG BY MARVIN ROUGH OPENING 2'-5 3/8" WIDE BY 5'-4 3/8" HIGH CLAD STORM PLUS DOUBLE HUNG BY MARVIN lB) MODEL NO. CUDH2428 ROUGH OPENING 2'-5 3/8" WIDE BY 5'"4 3/8" HIGH CLAD STORM PLUS DOUBLE HUNG BY MARVIN ROUGH OPENING 2'-5 3/8" WIDE BY 5'-0 7/8" HIGH MODEL NO. CUAWN3616 ROUGH OPENING 3'-I" WIDE BY 1'-3 5/8" HIGH ~ CLAD STORM PLUS AVVNING BY MARVIN / \ ~/~ MODEL NO. CUAWN2432 / \~ ROUGH OPENING 2'-I" WIDE BY 2'-7 5/8" HIGH [J I I ~ROOF PLAN Scafe: 1/4" = 1'-0" ASPHALT SHINGLES BY TIMBERLINE OR EQ. GUTTER -- CORNERBOARD AND TRIM BY AZEK WOOD CLAD, HURRICANE WINDOW HARDIEPLANK FIBERCEMENT BOARD SIDING WOOD LA"Iq'ICE RIDGE VENT ASPHALT SHINGLES BY TIMBERLINE OR ECl. ASPHALT SHINGLES BY TIMBERLINE OR EQ. GUTTER -- CORNERBOARD AND TRIM BY AZEK HARDIEPLANK FIBERCEMENT BOARD SIDING WOOD CLAD HURRICANE WINDOW PTD WOOD OUTDOOR SHOWER ENCLOSURE WOOD LATTICE GUTTER AT SLOPED ROOF, TYP. ASPHALT SHINGLES BY TIMBERLINE OR EQ. ASPHALT SHINGLES BY TIMBERLINE OR EQ. GUTTER CORNERBOARD AND TRIM BY AZEK HARDIEPLANK FIBERCEMENT BOARD SIDING PTD WOOD DOOR AND SCREEN DOOR WOOD CLAD HURRICANE WINDOW PTD WOOD PORCH, POST, DECK AND RAILING CORNERBOARD AND TRIM BY AZEK WOOD LATTICE ASPHALT SHINGLES BY TIMBERLINE OR EQ. CORNERBOARD AND TRIM BY AZEK GUTTER WOOD CLAD HURRICANE WINDOW HARDIEPLANK FIBERCEMENT BOARD SIDING WOOD LATTICE T.O. ROOF EXISTING T,O. ROOF T.O. PLATE 18,08'~ EXISTING T,O, PLATE 15,09'~ GROUND FLOOR 10.00,1~ EXISTING GROUND FLOOR 8.05'~ ~ SOUTH ,EL.E.V~.ATION ScaLe: 1/4' = 1 -0 ~ NORTH ELEVATION --S~le: 1/4" = 1 '-0" NOTE: GLr~FERS ON ALL SLOPED ROOFS, DOWNSPOUT LOCATIONS TBD ~EAST E~E¥,A~ION ScaLe: 1/4 = 1 -0 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUBMISSION - 10125112 Revisions /~1~ EAST ELE¥,A.T..ION Scale: 1/4"= 1 -0 T.O. ROOF 23.os,~ EXISTING T.O. ROOF ~o.so,~ T.O. PLATE i,.oB,~ EXISTING T,O. PLATE 15.09'~ GROUND FLOOR EXISTING GROUND FLOOR Mullman Residence Coomge I I I I Sage BIvd Lon§ Island, New York MULLMAN SEIDMAN ARCHITECTS Drawing Tide ELEVATIONS A- 102 T.O. ROOF 23.06' ROOF PLANK SIDING _ +10'-0" FINISHED FLOOR AZEK DRI~ CRAWL FLOOD AND VENTILATION LOWEST GRADE +5.67' AT SOUTHWEST CORNER (s) (3) # EACH WAY L" CONCRETE 'RAT' SLAB MOISTURE SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING S- 102 FOR TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWING HOLD DOWN ANCHORS AND STRAP CONNECTORS· FOUNDATION DETAIL AT FLOOD VENT Scale: I" = I'-0" SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING S-102 FOR TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWING HOLD DOWN ANCHORS AND STRAP CONNECTORS. T.O. ROOF 23.06' 2X6'S @ 16" O.C. (2) 2X6 HEADER EXISTING T,O. ROOF ~S FASCIA BD. SOFFET W/CONTINUOUS T,O. PLATE ~ SEE STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWING S-102 3 '\ B" SONOTUBES 3' BELOW GRADE 2'X2'X 12" POURED CONCRETE FOOTING 3' BELOW GRADE ~) SECTIO.,N A~T .K, ITCHEN Scale: 1/2' = 1 -0 EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS ;ROUND FLOOR GRADE DATUM NEW (3) 2X10 ACQ, 'rfP. SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING S- 102 FOR TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWING HOLD DOWN ANCHORS AND STRAP CONNECTORS, 12" CONTINOUS FOOTING W/(3) #4 BARS, USE SIMPSON PBS66 TO SUPPORT GIRDER 1'-4"XI2" CONTINUOUS SPREAD FOOTING W/(3) CH BAR EACH WAY PLACE J2" OF 3/4" STONE UNDER FOOTING SEE STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWING S-102 2Xl0'S @ 16" O.C. 2X8'S @ 16" O.C. 2X6'S @ 16" O.C, CONTINUOUS FASCIA BD. SOFFET W/CONTINUOUS SCREEN VENT EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS EXISTING GROUND FLOOR GRADE DATUM~ 6.30' NEW (3) 2)(I 0 ACQ, TYP. 8" SONOTUBES 3' BELOW GRADE z_' / 2'X2'X 12" POURED CONCRETE FOOTING 3' BELOW GRADE ~) SECTIO,,N A~T .B, EDROOM Scale: 1/2 = I -0 OPEN OPEN ,/ / .I / SEE STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCTION DETAIL DRAWING S-102 12" CONTINOUS FOOTING W/(3) CH BARS, USE SIMPSON PBS66 TO SUPPORT GIRDER P-4"X12" CONTINUOUS SPREAD FOOTING W/{3) #4 BAR EACH WAY PI. ACE 12" OF 3/4" STONE UNDER FOOTING EXISTING ROOF TO BE REMOVED, NEVV ROOF TO MATCH PROFILE AND SLOPE 2x10's~16" O,C. 2x6 COLIJ~R TIE, USE (8) 10d Nl ~OFFET W/CONTINUOUS SCREEN VENT CONTINUOUS FASCL~ BD. T.O. PLATE~ 8.08' AFF EXISTING FLOOR JOISTS EXISTING GROUND FLOOR NEW (3) 2)(10 ACQ, TYP. 8" SONOTUBES 3' BELOW GRADE 2'X2'X 12" POURED , ........ , CONCRETE FOOTING ............ ~) SECTION AT LIVING ROOM Scale: 1/2" = 1 '~0" SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWING S- 102 FOR TYPICAL DETAILS SHOWING HOLD DOWN ANCHORS AND STRAP CONNECTORS. 12" CONTINOUS FOOTING W/(3) #4 BARS, USE SIMPSON PBS66 TO SUPPORT GIRDER 1'-4"Xl2" CONTINUOUS SPREAD FOOTING W/ (3) CH BAR EACH WAY PLACE 12" OF 314" STONE UNDER FOOTING TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUBMISSION - 10/25tl2 Revisions Mullman Residence Cott~e I I I I S~ge Bird Long Island, New York MULLMAN SEIDMAN ARCHITECTS 137 VARICK ~RE~ #401 NEW YORK, NYI0013 TEL212 ,431 .0770 FAX212.431 . 8428 Drawing Tide SECTIONS A-103 ProI. No.