HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-10.-1-9Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM Ao INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except for minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. / Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review// the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained ~n.t~e Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed act!oil will be evaluated as to its ~i~ificant beneficial and adverse effect~ upon the co~tal area (which includes all of Southold Town). \ ~' If any question in Section C on this form is answered "ye~" or/'no", then the/, proposedconditionsactiOncontainedWill affect consistencythe achievement of the Thus,L'WRP I~.I~Y standards and in the review law. ey ..a..wer m.st be explained in detail~ listing both supportin~ and non-s.oportinl[ facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, i_t shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at 1 website (southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's Office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM# 1000 --010-1-9 PROJECT NAME: FISHERS ISLAND YACHT CLUB, Maintenance Dm The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Town Board __ Planning Board __ Building Dept. :e, the Ptarmmg FEB 6 2013 So~thold Town Board of Trustees Board of Trustees X 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): a) Action undertaken directly to Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant loan subsidy) c) Permit, approval, license, certification: X Nature and extent of action)~--m~.DCd~dlZ.~0}+/-) CY OF SANDY SILT WITH A 1-FT. OVERDREDGE ALLOWANCE OF 2,400 (+/-) ~Y OVER 63,000 (+/-) SF BY CLAMSHELL BUCKET FOR OPEN WATER DISPOSAL AT NEW LONDON {NLDS) WATERWARD OF THE APPARENT HIGH WATER L1NE, INCLUDING THE TEMPORARY REMOVAL AND SUBSEQUENT REINSTALLATION OF FLOATING DOCKS A & B AS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE DREDGING. Location of action: Central Avenue, southwest comer of West Harbor Site acreage: Present Land use: Commercial Present Zoning Classification: Commercial 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: a) Name of applicant: Fishers Island Yacht Marina, LLC b) Mailing Address: c/o Ms. Lucinda Herfick,Commadore P.O. Box 141, Fishers Island, New York 06390 c) Telephone number: Area Code (631) 788-7036 d) Application number, if any Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes .~X No __ If yes, which state or federal Agency? US ACOE, NYS DEC C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by analyzing how the project will further support of not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. Incomplete answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southoid that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. X Yes __ No __ Not Applicable This project is to dredge for current Fishers Island marina dock facilities which have existed at this site for 80 years. The operational access to these dock facilities is vital to essential transportation to and from the island, including the ambulance service between New London (MV Sea Stretcher). These facilities and the use of the property have existed since the 1930's, 20 years before the Town of Southold zoning. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southoid. See LWRP Section III - Policies Page 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria. X Yes __ No m Not Applicable The dock facility and usage for recreational boating, and essential transportation to and fi.om the mainland has existed at this site since the 1930's and is recorded in community historical documents. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria X Yes __ No Not Applicable This project will maintain the use of the property for recreational boating purposes and maintain the aesthetics of a community boat docking facility. NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria. __ Yes __ No X Not Applicable Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria. Yes No X Not Applicable This project will not have any affect on suitability of or availability of drinking water on Fishers Island. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. X Yes __ No __ Not Applicable See attached narratives for detailed discussions in this regard. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. __ Yes __ No X Not Applicable There are no air quality issues related to this project. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. __ Yes __ No X Not Applicable There is no solid waste or hazardous substances to be generated from this project. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. Yes __ No X Not Applicable This project is being conducted on private lend of the Fishers Islend Utility Compeny. The public trust lands end waters constitutes the area between the meen high water line and meen low water line and the resources are from the high tide line, out. These environmental resources are being protected by the design stendards dictated by the NYS DEC. WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southoid's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. X Yes __ No __ Not Applicable This project end the use of the site arc a high priority water dependent end have been so far 80 years since thc 1930's providing a boating access point for meny, if not most of the islend's population. Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound the Peeonic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. Yes __ No X Not Applicable See attached supplemental narratives regarding preservation of the benthos ecosystem for this site and the expected short and long-term impacts. 4 PgHcy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. __ Yes No X Not Applicable Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral sources. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. Yes __ No X Not Applicable PREPARED BY: Keith B. Neilson, P.E. TITLE A__~g_~A~ DATE _January 7, 2013 NARRATIVE STATEMENT & SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION FISHERS ISLAND MARINA, LLC WEST HARBOR, FISHERS ISLAND JANUARY 7, 2013 GENERAL The project is at parcel 1000-010-1-9, owned by the Fishers Island Development Company, off of Central Avenue located along the west shore of West Harbor on Fishers Island. The site is flat to gently sloped, sandy, gravel earthen materials, vegetated with grass, brush, ground cover and trees. A dock facility has existed and been operated at this site for recreational boating and transportation to and from the mainland since the 30's. The frontage of the property is approximately 300 feet along West Harbor abutted by the Goose Island Corporation to the north and Ms. Penelope Sharp to the west. The waterfront consists of a rock revetment lined shore along the east, tidal wetlands fringe vegetation at the base of the gently sloped tree-lined terrace to the south and west of the dock facilities. The objective of this project is to dredge for current operations and optimize the geometry and usefulness of the dock facilities. Attached are application drawings prepared for this project. This supplemental narrative has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of Town of Southold, Ordinance No. 6, 2004, and the Waterfront Revitalization Program related to docks and shorefront improvements. In addition, various coastal policies under the New York State Coastal Management Act are addressed herein for review by the New York State Department of State and Department of Environmental Conservation. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The project is to dredge 8650(+/-)CY of sandy silt over 63,000 (+/-) SF with a 1 foot overdredge allowance of 2,400(+/-)CY by clamshell bucket for open water disposal including the temporary removal and subsequent reinstallation of the floating docks to facilitate dredging. MOORING FACILITIES AND DOCK MODIFICATIONS In accordance with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Questionnaire, the following additional information is provided. There are no changes proposed to the existing dock facilities as shown on the attached drawings. Pier widths of 4-feet, while suitable for residential structures are not suitable for marina type facilities where numerous vessels congregate leading to significant volumes of pedestrian access going to and from the boats during pre-launch provisioning and upon retum. The floating dock facilities are also configured for a variety of recreational boating needs including small un-powered sailboats, part of the community sailing program, dinghy access to the mooring field, small skiffs and run-abouts for boating in West Harbor, cuddy cabin sailboats and small cruising motorboats for boating around Fishers Island and larger cabin cruiser type boats and sailing vessels for longer range cruising and boating needs. The application drawings depict some berthed boats to the extent possible at various facilities around the site possible without interfering with the necessary call-outs and dimensions for the various structures. The Fishers Island Marina is a dock facility; there are no repair or storage services at the site. There are pump-out facilities at Pirates Cove providing service and fueling on Fishers Island as well as marinas along the Connecticut shoreline. There is also a pump-out boat, serving boats in the mooring field, which can serve the Club patrons as well. It is not believed that pump-out facilities are necessary at the Fishers Island Marina. Adjacent marine structures including piers, docks, wharves, bulkheads, moorings are shown on the attached application drawings. Wave protection is not considered to be necessary at this site. Because of the natural protection provided by West Harbor, there is no fetch over which waves can be generated from the northwest counter-clockwise all the way to the east. Nor'easters and strong northeasterly winds can generate significant waves in West Harbor however it has been generally agreed that a wave attenuator in West Harbor would not be justified to protect these facilities. This facility has operated at this site since the mid-1930's. Wave protection is provided to the shoreline facilities at the site by the revetment along the lawn and no further changes to the revetment are considered necessary at this time. There i.s no bulkheading, bank stabilization, dock modifications, or filling activities associated with this project; revetment and non-vegetated buffer improvements were already permitted and are substantially complete. It is envisioned that the dredging will be accomplished utilizing the following general sequence and methodology. The marine contractor will arrive by water with barge-mounted crane and push boat or tug and work boats or dredge scow. The existing A Dock and B Dock structures will be disassembled as necessary for dredging and project phasing. Piles, timbers and decking which cannot be re-used will be collected in containers and removed from the site in accordance with applicable local laws and ordinances. The dredging process will need to begin first in order to work around existing dock facilities which are to remain for replacement in a later stage of the project. The contmctor will have to dredge his way in to the site from east to west in order to take the most advantage of the new water depths as well as tides to complete the project with maximum efficiency. DREDGING This access of infrastructure improvement includes a significant dredging component. The following are some of the considerations that are pertinent to discussions about justification for charging a fee for dredging bottom sediments under the purview of Town of Southold codes and various Boards discretion. During the early phase of development of this project, extensive coordination was conducted within the Fishers Island community to determine the feasibility of upland disposal for dredge sediments. 2 In order to minimize the amount of material to be dredged and yet provide a reasonable buffer to avoid maintenance dredging possibilities in the near future, a stepped dredging program has been developed. Dredging will be to 4 feet in the vicinity of Dock A, 5 feet in the vicinity of Dock B, between Docks B and D, and 8 feet on the outside around Dock D. The materials to be dredged are~ categorized primarily as fine-grained silts with some sand and gravel. It is estimated that almost 75%t of the project is mud and about 25% is muddy sands and gravel. (r.~ ~v,' .' "')' ~' '~i J Upland disposal sites included considerations for hydraulic dredging being pumped to the open meadow immediately west of the site and west of property of Ms Penelope Sharp. The material could be either de-watered in the open stilling basin or pumped into geo-tubes where it would be de- watered in the confines of the tubes. Disposal options were fairly limited consisting of either burial at an open expanse of unnsed property such as the air field or burial and inenrpomtion into existing site soils around various development projects on Fishers Island. After extensive interviews and meetings with various agencies including the Fishers Island Ferry District, Fishers Island Utility Company and Fishers Island Development Company as well as several contractors on the island, no one expressed any interest or foreseeable use for this material. The reason for this lack interest is the fine-grained nature of the dredge sediments. It is anticipated that unless this material is buried and worked into the gravelly substrate at several potential burial sites, the muddy sediments will become saturated and revert to a muddy consistency during any kind of precipitation. Thus, open-water disposal had to be considered as the only viable option for dredge sediments. Attached is a copy of the full narrative submitted to the NYS DOS for their CAM consistency review A dredge sediment sample plan was prepared and coordinated early on with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers New England Division and the CT State Department of Environmental Protection since both of these agencies must approve the open-water disposal at the New London open water disposal site (NLDS). The sample plan was coordinated with USACOE NY and the NYS DEC. Samples were collected in accordance with the sampling plan and with instructions received from the NYS DEC in August of 2008. ~l-hose samples were tested in accordance ~with the sample plan and it was determined that elevated levels of mercury existed requiring capping~ A capping plan has been determined necessary by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It is th/lrefore imperative that the dredging aspect of this project move forward as quickly as possible. LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION POLICIES The Town of Southold, LWRP policies that are applicable to the Fishers Island Marina dock operation are a local refinement of the Long Island Sound Regional Coastal Management Program policies that apply throughout Long Island Sound under the Coastal Zone Management program administered by the NYS Depathuent of State. The dredging issues are covered in the document referenced above. The site is in West Harbor on Fishers Island and is characterized as Developed Coast on the east shore at the Hay Harbor Club site to the parcel north and south shore and currently undeveloped coast or natural coast on the west shore. The developed coast policies are applicable as follows: Policy 1 is to foster a pattern of development that enhances community character and preserves natural resources to the maximum extent and minimizes adverse impacts on the enviroument. Policy 2 is to preserve historic resources, Policy 3 is to enhance and protect scenic resources and visual quality. The docks are consistent with waterfront development on Fisho's Island and in coastal areas. The proposed work is to dredge the areas indicated to maintain maximum access consistent with other adjacent dock facilities and characteristics for the visual and scenic considerations in the harbor. The 3 encroachment has been minimized to the maximum possible extent to be consistent with DEC policies. The existing structures are as low profile as possible consistent with the safe and efficient use of the waters and consistent with the boating season tidal range of this site. NATURAL COAST POLICIES The Natural Coastal Policies are 4 through 8 and require consideration as follows: Policy 4 - Minimize loss of life, structures and natural resources from flooding and erosion, Policy 5 - Protect and improve water quality Policy 6 - Protect and restore the quality and function of the eeo-system, Policy 7 - Protect and improve air quality, Policy 8 - Minimize environmental degradation primarily from solid waste and hazardous substances. The dock facility has existed in the current configuration for decades. As such, it provides adequate height to clear environmental resources of concern and the materials to be utilized are consistent with Town of Southold's Local Law #6 regarding environmental quality. There will be no adverse impacts on air quality as a result of these dock facilities. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9 sets forth a priority to provide for public access and recreational use of coastal waters, public lands and public resources of the Town. This project maintains recreational boating facilities and so is consistent with this policy. WORKING COAST POLICIES The policies of this section relate to the following: Policy 10 - Protection of the Town's water-dependent uses and promoting new water- dependent uses in suitable locations, Policy 11 - Promoting sustainable use of living marine resources, Policy 12 - Protect agricultural lands, Policy 13 - Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. While most of the Working Coast Policies are not applicable to this site or this type of project, Policy 10, promoting water-dependent uses and the citing of water-dependent uses in appropriate areas is applicable and the proposed project makes the most beneficial use of the land and dock facilities. This project has been laid out with specific reference to and review of the Waterfront Revitalization Program policies and is considered to be consistent. In summary, the docks are typical of recreational boating facilities throughout the area and all along coastal New England. The structures have been minimized in size, height, and structure so as to be consistent with other facilities of a similar nature and the minimum necessary components to accommodate safe and efficient boating operations from this site. This project does not interfere with public access or use of public trust waters and lands of the State, it does not interfere with navigation, it will not create soil or sedimentation and dredging will not create erosion problems, in fact, the wood retaining structure should help minimize bank erosion. The piers do not adversely affect environmental resources in the area where the facility must span the shallow sub-tidal zone at the 4 environmental resources in the area where the facility must span the shallow sub-tidal zone at the shore line, the facility retains its alignment in the area where environmental resources have already been diminished so as not to worsen any of these conditions. The height of the structure allows vegetation growth along the shoreline by tidal wetlands plants if other conditions are conducive to such growth. There is almost no vegetation on the muddy bottom sediments within the confines of the dock facility and the benthic habitat is probably stressed due to boating activity, as most marina basins are. While the bottom will be disrupted during dredging it is anticipated that benthic dwellers including mollusks and crustaceans will re-establish the area within a year of the dredging, but the benthos will probably only remm to its current levels of productivity and diversity. Thus it is anticipated that there will be no long term loss of valuable marine and wetland habitat and no water quality degradation as a result of this project. No natural protective features or processes will be adversely impacted as a result of the proposed dock work. This project is consistent with zoning policies and ordinances for the Town. There will be no development of the upland related to this dock facility that will create point sources of pollution or drainage. The 10-Ft non-vegetated buffer along the lawn will help to filter rainfall runoff. The floating docks are the minimal size for stability considerations especially acknowledging the loading and waves fi.om West Harbor and the floating docks are broadside to those waves. The float is suitably sized and adequate stable for a ramp landing and the ramp has been made no longer than necessary in order to minimize the pier structure and maximize boating access (slips). REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 9%25 OF TItE~ WETLANDS LAW 6~ 2004 The permittee acknowledges that the validity of this permit is subject to the approval of other governmental or municipal authorities. The permittee does, by the acceptance of this p~xmit, assume all responsibility for operations undertaken pursuant to this permit, and shall take all precautions for the prevention of injuries to persons and property resulting from such operations. By such acceptance, the permittee also agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Town of Southold and its officers. The permittee gives consent to the Town and its officers, employees and agents to enter upon the premises where such operations are being conducted to make such inspections to determine whether said operations are being conducted in conformity with the permit. The permittee will notify the Trustees in writing one week prior to initiation of any and all operations. The permittee will notify the Trustees in writing upon completion of operations such that the site can be inspected for issuance for a certificate of compliance. In response to Sub-section 2a and the General Rules for Standards of Residential and Commercial Docks, the following additional information is offered. Permits for the work are being applied for through the Town, US ACOE, NYS DEC and a coastal zone consistency determination by the NYS DOS. 2, 3, 4. There are no changes to the dock facilities as a part of this project. 5 Upon receipt of the permit for this project, appropriate permit numbers and a Town permit placard will be affixed to the most seaward face of the pier for identification from the water. There are no permanent structures located above the pier decking, nor are any planned at this time other than the power posts and railing which are fixed by function and designed for this environment. It is currently possible to provide a passage way to the upland via the south ramp to get around the pier and that access ability will be retained. There is approximately four feet of clearance to walk under the pier at low tide, however, foot traffic in this area is rare, if at all due to boulders near shore and the muddy characteristics of the gravelly substrate. NEW YORK STATE COASTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM These application documents include a copy of the Federal Consistency Assessment Form utilized for the New York State Coastal Management Program under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of State. The following policies have been identified as pertinent to this application and the reason for consistency associated with this project is outlined in each respective case. Policy 2 -Water Dependent Uses - This project is to restore a fully functional water dependent use, a recreational boating dock facility at this site in support of recreational boating and sailing instruction. Policy 5 - Use of Existing Developed Shorefront - There is developed shoreline on this site. This project utilizes existing shorefront which has been altered by the long-standing facilities. The project will be to accomplish maintenance dredging make dock access safe and reliably usable in most weather conditions. Policy 7 - Significant Fish & Wildlife Habitat - Protection of significant fish and wildlife habitat has been considered in the development of this project layout. The pier to the shoreward point of beginning is over the rocky, vegetated shoreline fringe and above the rocky intertidal sediments and should not jeopardize the integrity of existing vegetation, although such is scarce, primarily rockweed. Typically there is a slight environmental benefit to the project because of the structure in the water column which barnacles, algae and crustaceans will inhabit and the structures provide protection primarily for juvenile fish. Policy 8 - Protection & Preservation of Habitat - Protection and preservation of habitat has also been considered in this project and the dock structure is being kept to its minimal configuration and of materials consistent with standards of the industry and restrictions set forth in the Wetlands Law, No. 6, 2004 set forth by the Town of Southold and standards of the NYS DEC. Policy 11 - Minimize Damage to Natural Resources ~ The dock facilities exist, laid out in such a way so as to minimize damage to natural resources as identified in Policy 7 above. The existing pier and floating dock facilities have existed for decades. The dredging is proposed to maintain access for current and future boating activities while minimizing adverse impacts such as bottom sediment re- suspension due to propeller contact or thrust induced erosion. Dredging has been stepped progressively; higher coming into the basin where smaller boats will dominate the mix, with shallower drafts. 6 Policy 14 -No Measurable Increase in Flooding - This project consists of dredging. The dock facility is an open wood pile and timber pier which in no way adversely affects waterflow and circulation in Hay Harbor or flooding potential of the area. Flood levels ail around Fishers Island are dictated by water levels in Long Island Sound, Fishers Island Sound and Block Island Sound and the structures will have no adverse influence on those levels. Policy 15 - No New Dredging - Maintenance dredging is proposed in this project. Suspended marine silts have accumulated in this "dead end" of West Harbor for decades. The bottom depths are such that dredging is required to maintain viable access. This project has utilized a stepped configuration from the east to west to minimize the volume of material to be removed and deep water depths similar to the existing conditions. Repeated shallow water benthic studies in sandy mud to silty marina sediments have shown stressed populations of crustaceans and mollusks which inhabit these sediments and that they re-colonize and re-populate within a year or so of the dredging work. Increasing the water depth will tend to diminish the re-suspension impacts on the habitat and these colonies of creatures and so it is felt that the oneqime disturbance, occurring in accordance with seasonal shellfish spawning restrictions will ultimately provide a reasonable balance between environmenteal~concems and the Coastal Zone Policies to foster recreational boating facilities and oppormnities.~The New England Regional Office of the USACOE has issued a suitability determination allowing for open-water disposal of dredge sediments from this project at NLDS (New London) with cappin~.~ Policy 19 - Impact on Public Access - Public access will not be jeopardized or impeded as a result of this project. As a matter of fact, there is almost no public access usage of the public trust lands or waters at this site. The intertidal zone in the dock facility area is significantly covered by boulders with tidal wetlands fringe marsh vegetation to the south. The Fishers Island Marina pier and floats occupy far less than the landward 25% of the waterway (West Harbor) width in accordance with US ACOE policies. Thus, public access to the State's lands and waters will not be adversely affected by the project. Policy 20 - Public Trust Compatibility with Existing Adjoining Properties and Land Uses- Public Trust compatibility with existing adjoining properties and land uses have also been considered in this project. Several nearby properties have small docking facilities and this docking facility will not interfere with existing or the likely configuration of future facilities on immediately adjoining properties or the logical allocation of littoral development fights in this part of West Harbor. These piers are long-standing structures. Policy 21 - Water Dependent Recreation - This project is consistent with water-dependent recreational opporttmities policies set forth in this section. Policy 24 -Scenic Resources, Impairment or Loss - This policy is designed to prevent, impairment or loss of scenic resources. The reconstruction of the fixed wood pile and timber pier are float reconstruction and reconfiguration and will not represent a new encroachment or structure which would create a loss of scenic resources. The one property owner most likely to be impacted is the cottage of Gregory and Penelope Sharp just west of the club and they do not object to the proposed project. Policy 25 - Enhance Overall Scenic Quality - The existing pier and floats are consistent with the scenic quaiity of the area and will not diminish scenic resources as described in Policy 24 above. They will not be changed in this project. 7 Policy 44 - Preserve and Protect Tidal Wetlands - It is acknowledged that the fringe marsh of spartina altemiflora along the shorefront is a valuable resource. The floating dock and fixed wood pile and timber pier emanates from the shore at the existing un-vegetated strip of the shoreline. The height of the pier should allow opportunities for the growth of tidal vegetation but that has not thus far occurred in this area naturally up to, and to an extent, beneath the wood pier. No changes to the pier are proposed .SUMMARY This project proposes dredging in an existing, long-standing facility for community-wide recreational boating access, the dredging is maintenance in nature. A copy of NYS DEC permit and NYS DOS consistency determination are attached as substantiation for and in support of this project. A dredging suitability determination has been made by the US Army Corps of Engineers, New England Regional Office, for open-water disposal at the New London Open Water Disposal site (NLDS). The ~I~S DEC has issued their permit fo[tt3is project)and the(l~YS DOS has issued their consistency determination for the project as wellt ~ The Stat6 of Connecticut has authorized the submission of a Certificate of Permission Application'to allow placement of the dredged materials in open waters of Long Island Sound.] This project complies with applicable standards of the New York State Coastal Management Act, NYS / DEC Tidal Wetland Regulations and criteria for approval, the Town of Southold Waterfront Revitalization Program and Local Ordinance No. 6, 2004, and its approval is respectfully requested. Respectfully submitted, DOC..KO, INC. Keith B. Neilson, P.E. 8 FISHERS ISLAND MARiNA, LLC PHOTOGR,MPHS Photograph 1 This photograph shows the northerly edge of the Fishers Island Marina basin looking in a westerly direction from t 00 feet east of the travel way. The dredging will focus on the Sea Stretcher slip. The Sea Stretcher is shown in the middle of the photograph. Dredging will mn to the south from that edge and further dredging will be done out at the easterly end of the main pier shown in the next photograph. Photograph 2 This photograph shows the no~:h side slips of the main fixed pier looking in a south westerly direction. '[his is an area of high priority dredging for visiting transient and larger boas utilizing the dock facility. Photograph 3 This photograph shows the sailing dock facilities at the south westerly comer of the marina basin looking in a south westerly direction. The sail boat launch ramp is in the foreground and the sailing program floating dock is in the center. The area to the west of the floating sailing program dock is one of the highest priority areas for dredging. -T'OWN PROPERTY OF :~ FEB - 5 20B N/F ~l::'Ek:q'Y OF CORI::'OP.A'nON OI~O~IN(~ LOCATION t"lA~:~ ~ CH~: 12_~72 ~I~HIC SC, ALE V~.GDEL C, OP~LA'I'tON OF 5URVEY~ ~ PERMFr ~. PI~JEGT: I..OC~TION: WATDL;WAY: DATE: A~ICANT: A~ENT: ~HEET t OF 5 [::DOC ~--,O, INC. Ke~ I~. N~l~n, PE M'.~c, CT 0~355 El'd.a,J L.: permlt~docko.com FIE:~ER.~ I.E;,L.AND, TC~ OF .~OLrT'HOLO COUNTY OF E~JFFOLK, NE'~V YORK F~E, HER..~ IE~LAND PI~NA D*,,V~ 00..0_~-107& G/UBHOU.~ BUILDINGS MF~-nN~ P-~OM STOGKADE > ~MFF FISHEI~,.~ ISI-,a, NO Y~HT CLUB ,~XIMATE N/F I::~l~O~ OF ~OO5E I~L~O GOA~TAL EROSION F_..OGE OF HAZARD ,a~.F.A U MIT /h / N F1YC,-1 and FINGF_R~ FIXED / MAIN f~N.~IN -7 'E' DOC~ '-~ NO'r~' FLOA"RNG DOCK FACJIJTIE.~ AND CTED I~II-E~ TO E~ REMOVED A~ NEC, ESSO, AY FOR DRED~N~,aND REIN..~T,~_L~r) UPON COMPLEi~ON OF DREDGE PP*OJECT. I I I I DVCG 00-0.~-1078, N 5,ECTON ALTEt~,NIFLQRA I', \ \ ~REO~E TO / -~ t"1!..W,/ F:{Y~ FINC,-EE DPJEDd~E TO -~ I~L W A~ENT: .~-~EET 3 OF 5 E,. Nell,son, PE ~"~c, CT O~355 572 ,~939 FAX ~ 572 756~ L.OCAT~ON: TO'W'N OF SOUTHOLID CC)UN'Pi' OF Si. JFFOLY-,. NE'~V YOI~J~ '~VATEI~VAy: WF-.~T ~ DATE: J,~NU~Y .~0. 20~ - COASTAL E.~ON ~ ~ LII'IT .- ~ -. / W~ST N,VATI~I~NVAY: ~T H~R J,a,N U,~L:h' ~, 2~ ~HE~ ~ OF 5 OOCKO, INC. ~ ~. Nel~, ~ /~TON~ I~cVE'[M~NT TO -~' ~VI'I-H OVEI~4DI~.EIDGE TOTAL IO00~CY OVEI~ 10, I. JI"iFF- ~EC-F'ION ID--I~ I I I I I DOCK BOTTOM ~EDIMF-.NT.~ ~ ~IIT OV~ C~-AVEL ~v~T HA~BO~ ~;IMDNT.G: ~EC"I'-ION A--A I I I I I ) DREDOE ~EC"flON~ EXIDTIN~ E-DOCK P~EJ~ TCx/'A/_ _~,OC~"Y OVER BOX CU'F . IDI~ED~E UMFF LOGAT~ON: FI~H~2~ I.CC.AND, TO'~VN OF ~UTHOLD GOUNTY OF ~ N~ YO~ WA~AY: ~T ~E DA~ J~U~ ~, 2~ ~G~T: ~E~ I~O ~ SH~ 5 OF 5 OOC~O, INC. 572 ~939 F~ ~ 572