HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/2013 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Present: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, Chief Martin Flatley, Christine
Foster, Personnel, Karen McLaughlin, Human Services Director, John Cushman,
Comptroller, Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town Attorney, Councilman William Ruland,
Lloyd Reisenberg, Network & Systems Administrator, Lauren Standish, Secretary to
Excused/Absent: Scott Russell, Supervisor, Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways,
James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator, Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk, Susan Boyle,
Wright Risk Management
Meeting began at: 2:00 PM
Approval of Minutes
Approved Minutes of December 13, 2012
Sharps Disposal Policy and Recommendation for Collection of Needles
Review of policy developed by Jim Bunchuck. All in favor. Councilman Ruland noted
this is another service to Town residents; however, he also questioned what would be
the cost of the sharps container and servicing the policy. Phillip will follow-up with Jim.
Surveillance of Town Facilities
Lloyd Reisenberg introduced an inexpensive panic button device that he could install on
some of the desktops as a trial. Bill Ruland suggested a panic button be installed on the
podium in the meeting hall, as well. Lloyd said he would request another 30-day trial
and install the Green Buttons on the desktops at Town Hall and the Human Resource
Center within the next two weeks. The panic buttons will enhance security however
surveillance will still be necessary at several entry points of buildings. Lloyd will also
research the possibility of the Town managing its own surveillance system.
Status of 20'12 Workplace Violence Prevention Traininq& PESH Traininq
Christine Foster announced that all departments will have completed their training by
April 6th.
Vehicle Markinqs
John Cushman responded to a FOIL request from Newsday regarding vehicle markings.
To his knowledge, all vehicles have been addressed. He will follow-up with Ken Reeves
concerning the vehicles at the Recreation Center.
Letter to State Leqislators to Amend General Municipal Law
Assistant Town Attorney Jennifer Andaloro drafted a letter to Ken LaValle's office
regarding public risk at bathing beaches, privately owned property and road ends. It was
suggested that we reach out to other Towns.
Human Resource Center Employee Safety Modification
Karen reported that the public continue to enter the facility, frequently without
announcing themselves at the front desk. She will reconfigure the site requiring public
entry in front of a staff person's desk.
Su,q,qestion of National EAP-Participation in Committee Meetinqs
The National EAP has requested consideration of their attendance at quarterly Executive
Safety Committee meetings. All were in agreement that the EAP is underutilized and we
need to continue marketing and promoting all it has to offer. The Supervisor's office will
invite representatives from EAP to the next Department Head meeting.
Er,qonomic Assessment for Tax Assessors' Office
Phillip Beltz reported the recommendations have been fulfilled or will be fulfilled and he
reported this to the workmen's compensation provider.
Fire Extinquisher Traininq
The committee agreed to offer an additional training to the staff at the same time of
mandatory workplace violence prevention training. The training must be conducted by
the extinguisher vendor.
Related Injuries/Supervisor Accident Investiqation Report
A copy of a work-related accident report for the months of January-March was provided.
Next Meetinq Date
To be announced
The meeting ended at 3:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary