HomeMy WebLinkAboutAU-05/21/2013 Fishers IslandFISHERS ISLAND FERRY D1STR1 CT VENDOR 001327 AIRGAS EAST, INC 05/21/2013 CHECK 1136 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 9014791638 9015123230 (2)PROPA/qE,HACKSAW,WHEEL 121.97 (2)PROPANE-FORKLIFT FUEL 77.75 TOTAL 199.72 ' Vendor No. 1 Check No. ' Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address P.O. Box 627049 Vendor Nan~c Philadelphia, PA 19182-7049 Airgas East Vendor Telephone Number 860444-3055 Vendor Contact 1327 113( Entered by Audit Date fVlAY 2 1 2013 Town Clerk Number Date Discount 9014791638 411612013 $121.97 9015123230 4/2512013 $77.75 $77.75i Invoice Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number Total $121.97 Description of Goods pi Services Forklift Fuel (~) [%?61.r)t' Forklift Fuel (4 1or'0?/-l.r}~ $199.721 $199.72 General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.000 SM5710.4,000.000 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of thc above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Title Date Department Certification l hereby certif~ that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved. Airgas SHIPPER: AIRGAS USA, LLC 131 CROSS RD WATERFORD, CT 06385-1204 SHIP TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 US 631-788-7463 DELIVERY ORDER SOLD BY: AIRGAS USA, LLC 130 CROSS RD WATERFORD, CT 06385-1204 800-962-0285 SOLD TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 US FOR LOCATION NEAREST YOU VISIT WWW.AIRGAS.COM DELIVERY ORDER fl 8015205558 PAGE 1 OF 1 ORDER DATE: 04/16/2013 SCH SHIP DATE: 04/16/2013 PRINTED: 10:21 04/16/2013 SALES ORDER: 1013599815 CUST PO fl RELEASE fl ORD BY ENT BY DWAYGAWRON Up Sales Plant Order Type Payment Terms Incoterm Route Office Acct Front Customer Pick Up Counter NET 30 Customer Pick N329 N309 Sales Total Containers Org Ship Return NO00 I Qty UOM HM Description & Hazard Class Qty Containers Vol Shippec Type Order Ship Ret /Wt 2 CL X UN1978 PROPANE 2.1 Llne~ 10 Materlal#PR33A Stor. Loc, FO01 2 2 2 64 PROPANE 32LBS ALUMINUM /~-"~ ~. ~ ~ ! i~ ~ LB Qty UOM HM Description & Hazard Class Qty Qty Bin Wi' Shippec Type Order BIO Loc 1 PK Line# 20 Materlal#RAD64000s26 Stor. Loc. FO01 I 0 C6 BLADE HACKSAW 12 INCH 32 TEETH PER INCH BIMETAL 10PK RADNOR 232 "'-'T~/t C~ ~D 901001 3 EA Llne~ 30 Materlal#RAD64000704 Stor. Loc. FO01 3 0 SRWl 0.6LB RADNOR CUllING WHEEL 4 1/2"X 1/8"X 5/8" 11 27 A24R A/O 13580 ~ ~'/~c~ ~ EMERGENCY CONTACT:I-866-734-3438 H P~C^RDSOFFERED PURCHASER AGREES TO OBTAIN MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) FROM ONE OF THE ~ I I AtRGAS PERSONNEL DATE T.O.D. THIS AGREEMENT IS SUBJECT TO AIRGAS' STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ACCEPTED FOR X THE ABOVE CUSTOMER NAME PLEASE PRINT INTERNAL USE ONLY Delivery fl 8015205558 TERMS AND CONDITIONS WARNING: TRAi~SPORT AND USE OF COMPRESSED GASES MAY BE EXTREME£ Y DANGEROUS. DO NOT TRANSPORT WITHOUT PROTECTIVE CAPS, IN CONFINED SPACES OR IN ANY OTHER IMPROPER MANNER. ALWAYS TRANSPORT CYLINDERS IN A SECURED UPRIGHT POSITION. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM SELLER, SAFE HANDLING OF COMPRESSED GASES.. EMERGENCYRESPONSEINFORMA~ON PROPANE Hy~)RDGEN pOTENTIAL HAZARDS TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT, PLEASE RETURN THE UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. FOR QUESTIONS ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL 2t6.642-1500 1013931938 9015123230 04/25/2013 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND pAYMEN~ ~ERMS :; :1 ;~R' ;DATE N329 CUPU NET 30 04/25/2013 I ~ I ~ I ; 8015573582 PR 33A PROPANE INDUSTRIAL 33A CGA 510 Hazmat Flat Rate 2 CL 2 2 35.00 CL 70,00 N (Vol: 64.000 LBS) SaJe subtotal: 70.00 7.75 SHIP TO: 2576547 lirgas F,SHER ,S,AND wwwa,rgascom FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H Airgas USA, LLC FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 6055 RocksJde Woods Blvd Independence, OH 44131 FtLV1 I 13$~L 001000 Page 1 of 1 t AMouNT 77.75 Airgas USA, LLC Acct NO 8606074318 PNC Bank, ABA No 031000053 Airgas SHIPPER: AIRGAS USA, LLC 131 CROSS RD WATERFORD. CT 06385-1204 SHIP TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390*0607 US 631-788-7463 DELIVERY ORDER SOLD BY: AIRGAS USA, LLC 130 CROSS RD WATERFORD, CT 06385-1204 800-962-0285 SOLD TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 US FOR LOCATION NEAREST YOU i J VISIT VVWVV.AIRGAS .COM DELIVERY ORDER # 8015573582 PAGE 1 OF 1 ORDER DATE: 04/25/2013 SCH SHIP DATE: 04/25/2013 PRINTED: 10:27 04/25/2013 SALES ORDER: 1013931938 CUST PO # RELEASE# ORD BY ENT BY RANZARMSTR Sales Plant Order Type Payment Terms Incoterm Route Office Acct Front Customer Pick Up Counter NET 30 Customer Pick U N329 N309 Sales Total Containers Org Sh p Return NO00 I Qty UOM HM Description & Hazard Class Qty Containers Vol Shipped Type Order Ship Ret /Wt 2 CL X UN1978 PROPANE 2.! Llne~ 10 Materlal#PR33A Stor, Loc. FO01 2 2 2 54 PROPANE 32LBS ALUMINUM LB EMERGENCY CONTACT: 1-866-734-3438 ~s ED SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPOR~,~4T SAFETY INFO~TION PURCHASER AGREES TO OBTAIN MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSD$) FROM ONE OF THE PLEASE PRINT FOLLOWING SOURCE ~ POINT OF PURCNASE, AIRGAS WEB SITE AT ~ ~RGAS.CO~ OR BY ~ ~¢ ACCEPT REJECT THE ABOVE TH~SiSTOC~iFYTH TH XBOV ~BMATERiALSAREPROP~RL~C~SS~FiED DESCRIBED CUSTOMER PAC~GEBf~ARK;I~ ~ELE~ ~'AR~ IN pRO~ER CO.~ITION ~QR T~NSPORT~TION I OUSTOM~'MUST TERMS AND CONDITIONS WA RNING: TRANSPORT AND USE OF COMPRESSED GASES MAY BE EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. DO NOT TRANSPORT WITHOUT PROTEC TI VE CAPS, ~N CONFINED SPA CES OR ~N AN Y OTHER ~MPROPER MA NNER. AL WAYS TRANSPORT CYLINDERS IN A SECURED UPRIGHT POSITION. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT HAS RECEIVED A SAFETY INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM SELLER, SAFE HANDLING OF COMPRESSED GASES, 1 ANY AND ALL PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES DELIVERED TO BUYER BY SELLER OR SELLERS REPRESENTATIVE ARE COVERED BY THIS DELIVERY TICKET TH~ CYLINDERS FITTINGS AND CAPS COVERED BY THIS DOCUMENT ARERENTEDORLEASEDBYSELLERTOBUYER NOTSOLD BUYERSHALLN~TPERM~TCYL~NDERS~R~THERST~RAGEC~NTA~NERSFURN~SHEDHEREUNDERT~{~EHLLEDWITHANYPR~DUC~ NOYFURNISHEDBYSFItER OR SELLERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIvrE ALL CYLINDERS (OTHER THAN THOSE SUBJECT TO AN ANNUAL LEASE) ARE RENTED AT CURRENT DAILY RATES BEGINNING WITH THE DATE OF DELIVERY RENTAL CHARGES ARE ASSESSED ~S OF THE LAST DAY OF EACH MONTH OR AT THE START OF EACH ANNUAL LEASE PERIOD AS APPLICABLE BUYER SHALL RETURN IN GOOD CONDITION ALL CYLINDERS COMPLETE WITH CAPS AND FITTINGS AND SHALL PAY SELLER UPON DC~MAr~D THE REPLACEMENT VALUE OF (1/ANY LOST OR DAMAGED CYLINDERS CAPS OR FI [~INGS OR (11) THOSE CYLINDERS NOT RETURNED TO SELLER WITHIN THREE I~) MON f HS FROM DATEOFSHIPMENTTOTHEBLJYER(OTHERTHANTHOSESUBJECTTOANANNUAL LEASE) OR IFDAMAGEDANDTHE©AMAGECANBEREPAIRED IHECOST OF MAKING SUCH REPAIR PAYMENT BY THE BU¥~R©F CHARGES FOR DAMAGED LOST OR DESTROYED CYLINDERS SHALL NOT GIVE ANY OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN THE CYLINDERS TO THE BUYER UPON SUBSEQUENT RETLJRN OF ANY PURPORTEDLY LOST OR DESTROYED CYLINDERS SO PAID FOR SELLER WILL REFUND THE AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID WITH RESPECT TO ITS LOSS OR DESTRUCTION TO THE BUYER LESS THE COS% IF AN% OF PUTTING SUCH CYLINDERS IN RE PAIR ~'ND LESS CYLINDER RENTAL ACCRUED TO THE DATE OF RETURN 2 ANY TAXES IMPOSED BY FEDERAL STATE OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITY ON THE SALE USE OR POSSESS ©N OF GOODS SHALL BE PAID Bv BUYER IN ADDITION TO THE PURCHASE PRICE 3 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED IN A CONTRAC% BUYER SHALL MAKE PAYMENT IN FULL WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SELLERS INVOICE A LAfb PAyMENI CHARGE OF 1 5% ON THE UNPAID PAST DUE BALANCE WI[LBEASSESSEDMONTHLy(r~IlNIMUM~WODOLLARS($2OD) ORTHEMAXIMUML~WFULRATEALLOWABLEINTHESTATEWHERETHEGOODSAREDE[IVERED WHICHEVERISLESS BUYERSHALLBEIN DEFAULT HEREUNDER UPON BUYERS FAILURE TO MAKE PAYMENT AS REQUIRED HEREIN OR UPON BUYERS FAILURE 10 COMPLY WITH ANY OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HEREIN OR UPON THE INSTITtJTION OF ANY VOLUNTARY OR INVOLUNTARY B/~NKRUPTC~ INSOLVENCY RECEIVERSHIP OR DEBTOR RELIEF PROCESSING BY OR AGAINSI BUYER OR UPON BUYER S MAKING OF AN ASSIGNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF CREDITORS IF SELLER EMPLOYS ANY CO LLECTION AGENCY OR ATTORNEY TO COLLECT ANY AMOUN F DUE SE LL ER AN D/OR TO REPOSSESS ~NY GOODS BUYER SHALL p,~y ALL COLLECTION FEES A~©RNEYS ~[: ES AN D COURT COSTS IN ADDITION TO THE AMOUNT OTHERWISE UNPAID SELLER MAY BRING SUIT FOR THE CO[ LECT[ON OF ANY SUCH AMOUNT IN ANY JURISDICTION OR VENUE SELLER MAY SELECT 4 NO GOODS SHALL BE RETURHED TO SELLER WITHOUT SELLERS WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION BUYER SHALL PAY A FIF] EEN PERCEN f (15%) RFSTOCKING CH,~RGE ON ALL GOODS RETURNED TO SELLER EXCEPT FOR RETURNS PROVIDED FOR UNDER SECTION 5 HEREOF 5. SELLER SHALL BE LIABLE ONLY FORTHEREPAIR OR REpLACEMENTOFDEFECTIVEGAS CYLINDERS AND PRODUCTS, INCLUDING THE REPLACEMENTOFGASESTHATDO NOT MEET ITS PURITY SPECIFICATIONS WITH GASES THAT DO MEET SUCH SPECIFICATIONS. BUYER KNOWINGLY AND FULLY ASSUMES THE RISKS OF TRANSPORTING AND USING COMPRESSED GASES. BUYER SHALL WARN AND PROTECT ITS EMPLOYEES AND OTHERS EXPOSED TO THE HAZARDS POSED B Y BUYER'S STORAGE A ND USE OF THE PRODUC 7~ SELL ER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR A N Y DIRECT (EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN), INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL ANO/OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, ARISING OR ALLEGED TO ARISE OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER OR WITH ANY PRODUCT~ OTHER ITEMS OF SALE, OR EQUIPMENT SOLD OR LEASED HEREUNDER, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGE RESULTS FROM ANY NEGLIGENT ACT OR OMISSION OR IS RELATED TO STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE. 6 ALL PRODUCTS OTHER ITEMS OF SALE CYLINDERS AND OTHER CONTAINERS FLJRNISHED HEREUNDER SHALL CONFORM TO THE DESCRIPTION THERE©F PUBLISHED BY THE MANtJFACTURER AT THE TIME OF SALE AND WILL MEET SELLERS PURITY SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL GAS PRODUCTS SELLER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED STANDAROS, GUARANTEES, OR WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ORNON4NFRINGEMENTANDANYWARRANTIES THAT MAYBEALLEGEDTO ARISE ASA RESULT OFCUSTOM OR USAGE. ALL ~LAIMS By BUYER HAVING ANYTHING TO DC WITH ANY PRODUCT OR EQUIPMENT FURNISHED HEREUNDER BY SELLER SHALL BE MADE IN WRIT~NG WITHIrq TEN (1)} DAYS AFTER THE DELIVERY THEREOF AND FAILURE OF BUYER TO GIVE SUCH NOTICE SHALL CONSTITUTE A COMPLETE WAIVER BY BUYER OF ANY SUCH CLAIMS AN[) DEFENSE FOR SELLER AGAINST ANY SUCH CLAIMS 7 THE TOTAL ,~MOUNT DUE FROM BUYER MAY INCLUDE VARIOUS JTEM[ZED CHARGES INCLUDING CHARGES FOR THE HANDLING OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAl AND FOR COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGdLATIONS CONCERNING HAZARDOUS MATERIALS CHARGES FOR HANDLING DE[ IVERY AND SHIPPING AND/OR CHARGES FOR ENERGY OR FUEL NONE OF THE CHARGES RFPRESENT A TAX OR FEE PAID TO OR IMPOSED BY ANY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITy AND ALL OF THE CHARGES ARE RETAINED BY THE SELLER SELLER HAS NOT SPECIFICALLY QUANTIFIED rH~ RELATIONSHIP BFTWFEN THE CHARGES AND THE ACTUAL COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CHARGES WItlCH CAN VARY BY PRODUCT SERVICE TIME AND PLACE AMONG OTHER THINGS 8 CERTAIN ~IRGAS COMPANIES ARF U S GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS AND SUBCONTRACTORS AND ARE SUBJECT TO AND ADHERE TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF FEDERAL LAWS E×ECU~IVE ORDERS AND ATTENDANT RULES ~ND REGULATIONS SPFCIFICALLY EXECUTIVE ORDER NO 1 !246 THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 AND THE VIETNAM ERA VETERANS READJUSTMENT ASSISTANCE ACl OF 1974 AL[ AS AMENDED 9 IF ANY TERM OR CONDITION O f NIS [)[LIVERY TICKET IS HELD INVALID THEN SUCH INV~kLIDITy SHALL NO] Al I:bC] ANY OTHER TERM AND CONDITION OF THIS DELIVERY TICKE- WHICH SHALL REMAIN iN PUl I FORCE AND EFFFCT EMERGENCYRESPONSEINFORMA~ON ACETYLENE MAPP POTENTIAL HAZARDS ~TRE OR EXPLOSK~N AIR NITROUS OXIDE OXYGEN LIQUIDO~ POTENTIAL HAZARDS LIQUID CO = LIQUI[~ ARGON LIQUID N= POTENTIAL HAZARDS ARGONNITROGEN HELIUM POTENTIAL HAZARDS TO'ENSURE PROPER CREDIT PLEASE RETURN THE UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. FOR QUESTIONS ON YOUR ACCOUNT PLEASE CALL: 216-642-1500 ~iNVO!GE DATEI NO J 1013599815 9014791638 04/16/2013 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND ; ; ~ ~ ~E [ SHiP I :; PAYMENT~TE~ ORDER DATE 8015205558 PR 33A 2 CL 2 2 41.74 CL 83.48 N PROPANE IND[]STRIAL 33A CGA 510 (Vol: 64.000 LBS) 8015205558 RAD64000526 BLADE HACKSAW 12X32T BIMETAL 10PK 1 PK 21.183 PK 21.18 N 8015205558 RAD64000704 3 EA CUTTING WHEEL 4 i/2X 1/8X 5/8-]] 2/ 2.52 EA 7.56 N Hazmat Flat Rate Sale subtotal: 112.22 9.75 Ail'gas www. airgas.com Airgas USA, LLC 6055 Rockside Woods Blvd Independence, OH 44131 SHIP TO: 2576547 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Page 1 of 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019500 AT&T 05/21/2013 CHECK 1137 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. g INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOONT SM .5710.4.000.100 SM .5710.4.000.100 86044201650513 NL TERM TEL 4/15-5/14 86044201650513 COLLECTION FEE 264.53 20.00 TOTAL 284.53 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Vendor Name AT&T Vendor Telephone Number 800-321-2000 Vendor Contact AT&T P.O. Box 5082 Carol Stream, IL 60197- Vendor No. 19500 Check No. Entered by Audit Date HAY 2 1 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date lotal Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 8604420165 L 4/15/2013 $264.53: $264.53 NL Terminal Tel SM5710.4,000,100 4115/2013 $20.00 $20.00; $284,53 $284.53 Payee Certification ~ The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid except as therein stated, that thc balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. ~ -Title ~ Signature Cmnpany Name~"~' ~/'~/F' Date__ 4/15-5114 Collection Fee SM5710.4.000.t00 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me tn good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies not~,'and payment is approved Signature ~~'/// at&t FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 01STRICT R0 BOX H FISHERS ISLE NY 06390-0607 Page 1 o[ 7 Account Number 860 442 0165 078 Billing Date Apr 15, 2013 Web Site 8tt.com S atemen,. Previous Bill 583,97 Payment - Thank Youl 583. g7CR Adjustments 20.00 Past Due - Please Pay Immediately 20.00 Current Charges 264.53 Total Amount Due $284.53 * Current Charges Due in Full by May 14, 2013 · Thank you for being an ALL DISTANCE® customer. Your ALL DISTANCE® savings includes: Prolnogons and Discounts Item No. Date Description 1. 4-01 Payment 2, 4-15 Payment 3. 4-15 Collection Charge Totals Adiustments 20.00 20.00 270~ 304.27 27970 583.97 Questions? Call: Plans and Services 1 800 321-2000 Repair: 1 800 246-8464 Internet Services: 1 877 722-3755 Total Current Charges Page I 264.B3 264.53 4 Save Elite-S Corer-S27 off -12mo term Monthly Service - Apr 15 thru May 14 Charges for 860 442-0165 5 Monthly Charges Charges for 860 443-6851 6. Monthly Charges Charges for 860 444-0320 7, Monthly Charges Charges for 860 447-9371 8. Mouthly Charges Total Monthly Service Call Charqes 27.00CR 122.60 28.35 28.35 28.35 207.65 Bus Block of Time 700 II 2Y Summary 785 Minutes Used 70~ Minutes Allowed Instate Long Distance Out of State Long Distance Call Plan Summary Total 9. Bus Block of Time 700 II 2Y 1.16 2.54 3.70 30,00 · PREVENT BISCONNECT · CARRIER INFO · KEEP YOUR DISCOUNT · IMPORTANT LD CHANGES See "News You Can Use" tot additional informaOon. Local Services provided by AT&T Connecticut. Services beyond Connecticut provided by AT&T Long Distance East, GO GREEN - Enroll in paperless billing. R *BASIC $159.23 NON BASIC $12530 Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. at&t FISHERS ISLAND FERRY O~STRiCT Page PO 60X H Accomd Number FISHERS iSLE NY 06390-0607 Billing Date Web Site 2of7 860 442-0165 078 Apr 15, 2013 att.corn Call Charges - Continued Charges for 860 44Z-0165 Item No. Hate T~ Place Itemized CaRs 1. 3 15 735A FISHERS IS 2. 3-15 821A CLOSTER 3, 3-15 826A FISHERS iS 4. 3-15 833A CLOSTER 5. 3-15 845A FISHERS IS 6. 3-15 846A FISHERS IS 7. 3-15 120~P WCHICAGO 8. 3 15 237P WlLLIMNTIC NY 631 788-7345 NJ 201 767-3260 NY 631 788-7345 NJ 201 767-3200 NY 631 788-5660 NY 631 788 7311 iL 630 234-1352 CT 860 428-4860 9. 3-15 239P FARMINGTON CT 860777-5350 10. 3-15 252P OLDSAYBRK CT 860386-0424 I1. 3-15 304P DEEPRtVER CT 8605265283 12. 3 15 345P FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7345 13. 3-18 925A ESSEX CT 860662~3013 14. 3-18 1032A NEWMILFORD CT 860350-9449 15. 3-18 1145A HAMILTON OH 513863-3300 16. 3-18 1238P FISHERS tS NY 631 788-7919 17. 3 18 1242P WCHICAGO IL 630 293 0303 18. 3-18 1250P NWYRCYZN01 NY 212734-1376 19. 3-18 140P FISHERSIS 20. 3 18 228P FISHERS IS 21. 3-18 331P HARTFORD 22. 3-16 606P SPRINGFLD 23. 3-19 812A FISHERS IS 24. 3-19 835A FISHERS IS 25. 3-19 927A FISHERS IS 26 3-19 935A FISHERS IS 27. 3-19 936A FISHERSIS 28. 3-19 1142A HARTFORD 29. 3-19 1213P HARTFORD 30. 3-19 1218P CONCORD 31. 3 19 1230P HARTFORD 32. 3-19 125P FISHERS IS 33. 3-19 134P FISHERS IS 34. 3 19 260P FISHER91S 35. 3-20 709A FISRERS IS 36. 3-20 712A FISHERS IS 37. 3 20 724A FISHERS IS 38. 3 20 725A FISHERS IS 39, 3-20 822A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7919 NY 631 788-7255 CT 860986-7634 MA 413 355-0200 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-5550 NY 631 788-5515 NY 631 788-5515 NY 631 788-7227 CT 860 289-0268 CT 8604363700 MA 978 369 8800 CT 860231 7965 NY 631 788 7191 NY 631 788-7345 NY 631 78~-7463 NY 631 788-7444 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788 7463 NY 63t 788-7463 NY 631 788-7463 40. 3-20 841A PROVIDENCE RI 401 463-8300 41. 3-20 849A FISHERStS 42. 3-20 051A FISHERSIS 43. 3-20 601A FISHERSIS 44. 3-20 948A WlLUMNTIC 45. 3-20 1046A NEWPORT 46. 3-20 1133A FISHERS IS 47. 3-20 1215P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7744 NY 631 788-7345 NY 631 788-7744 CT 860428-4860 fll 4OI 832-7152 NY 631 786-7345 NY 631 788-7345 Code 0:30+ ,60 0:58+ .60 2:56+ .60 1:35+ .60 0:30+ 0:47+ .60 0:55+ .OO 0:30+ .60 0:30+ .60 0:30+ .00 3:20+ .00 2:03+ .60 0:30+ .60 3:22+ .00 1:18: .60 1:15+ ,60 0:56+ ,60 2:06+ .60 4:32+ .C~ 0:30+ .60 1:27+ 60 3:49+ .60 9:27+ .00 2:16+ 60 0:30+ .00 0:39+ .60 4:01+ .00 7:33+ .60 0:42+ .60 4:12+ .60 1:20+ .60 0:39+ .60 1:09+ .60 0:30+ .60 1:12+ 0:30+ .60 0:30+ .60 2:09+ .00 11:48+ .00 1:02+ .00 0:30+ .60 1:49. .00 3:05+ .60 D 0:42+ .60 I 2:07+ .60 I 1:24+ .0~ 1 1:54+ .00 Call CharQes - Continued Item ~ Date Time Place Number 48. 320 1248P SPRINGFLD MA413355-0260 49. 3 20 103P OLD SA¥BRK CT 860 227-2335 50. 3-20 106P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-2463 51 3-20 225P OLDSAYBRK CT 860227-2335 52. 3 20 234P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7345 53. 3 20 333P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 54. 3-20 442P SPRINHFLD MA4133550260 55. 3-20 503P 0LDSAYBRK CT 860227-2335 56. 3-21 830A NARRADNSTT RI 401789-6626 57. 3-21 833A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7345 56. 3-21 900A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7857 59. 3-21 910A SPRINDFLD MA413355-0260 60. 3-21 1017A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7851 61. 3 21 1033A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5673 62. 3-21 1209P GUILFORD CT 2034584128 63, 321 106P GUILFORD CT 203458-4128 64. 3-21 220P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5673 65. 3-21 235P FISHERS IS NY 631788 7463 66. 3 21 245P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7632 67. 3 21 259P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7919 68. 3-21 327P FISHERS iS NY 631 788-7345 69. 3-21 332P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 70, 3-22 701A HARTFORD CT 8605500(]81 71. 3 22 730A FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7345 72. 3 22 913A FISHERS iS NY 631 788-7731 73. 3-22 1600A PROVIDENCE RI 401 255 7401 74. 3-22 1151A FISRERS IS NY 631 788 7463 75. 3-22 1230P FISHERS IS NY 631788-7345 76. 3-22 159P FISHERS IS NY 631788-7857 77. 3-22 221P FISHERS IS NY 631788 7463 78. 3-22 228P FISHERS IS NY 631 788 5673 79. 3 22 230P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 80. 3 22 310P FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7463 81. 3-22 318P RARI'FORB CT 860986 7634 82. 3-23 842A FISHERS IS NY 631 188 5513 83. 3-25 745A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7345 84. 3-25 842A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7345 85. 3-25 921A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7528 86. 3-25 927A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7345 87, 3-25 lOI2A FISHERS IS NY 631 788 5573 88. 3 25 1016A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 89. 3-25 1141A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7919 90. 3 25 1240P TRUMBULL CT 203880-6003 91. 3 25 122P FISHERS IS NY 631788 7919 92, 3-25 260P COLCHESTER CT 060 537-3431 93. 3-25 322P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 94. 3-25 332P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 95. 3-26 940A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5546 96. 3 26 1014A WlNSTED CT 860379-7640 97. 3-26 1014A JEWETTCITY CF 860326-7640 98, 3 26 1026A FISHERS IS NY 631 708 7345 99. 3-26 1140A FALLRiVER MA 508617-0776 100. 3-26 1210R POUGHKEPSI NY 845656-1677 Code Min 4:13+ .00 0:56+ .60 0:30+ .00 0:30+ .60 2:34+ .60 2:37+ .60 1:17+ .60 0:58+ 60 0:30+ .60 4:54+ .60 2:37+ 60 0:30+ .60 0:30+ .60 0:30+ .00 7:58+ .00 1:25+ .60 0:30+ .60 1:18+ .00 0:36+ .60 0:30+ .60 1:22+ .60 4:08+ .60 N 0:56+ .60 0:3h 60 1:21+ .60 0:32+ 60 1:19+ 60 0:30+ .00 2:13+ .60 0:30+ 60 0:30+ .60 0:57+ .00 1:15+ .60 D 1:05+ .60 0:43+ .60 0:30+ 60 0:55+ .60 0:30~ .00 0:30+ 60 0:45+ .60 10:21+ .60 0:47+ .60 1:27+ .60 2:08+ .60 1:51+ .60 4:41+ .00 0:33+ .00 0:30+ .60 0:30+ 60 1:39+ 60 1:14+ .60 0:32+ .60 0:30+ .60 ~ 2~06 AT&T Knowledge Ventures. All rights reserved, 7475.607.608728.01.O4.0000060 NNNNNNNY 38315.137587 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P~ 3 of 7 w PO BOX H Ac©clot Nelb~r 860 442-0165 078 at&t FISFIERS ISLE NY 0639~-0607 tiilli~g Oa~ Apr 15, 2013 Call Clmffle$ - Continued Item ~ Date Time Place Number I. 3-26 1254P OLDSAYBRK CT 860227-2335 2. 3-26 139P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 3. 3 26 149P HARTFORD CT 860594-4816 4. 3-26 155P OLDSAYBRK CT 860304-4486 5~ 3-26 358~ POUBHKEPSt NY 845656-1677 6. 3-26 513P FISHERSIS 7. 3-27 1012A iNDIANAPLS 8. 3-27 1012A WCHICABO 9. 3-27 1152A FISREBSlS ID: 3-27 1251P ESSEX 11. 3-27 1252P OLDSAYBRK 12. 3 27 t07P OLDSAYBRK 13. 3-27 256P FISHERSIS 14. 3-27 403P FISHERSIS 15. 3-28 8.~A NEWHAVEN 16. 3-28 1128A DANBURY 17, 3-28 1142A FISHERSIS 18. 3-28 202P FISHERSIS 19. 3-28 234P FISHERS IS 20, 3-28 259P FISHERSIS 21. 3-28 326P FISHERSIS 22. 3-29 742A FISHERSIS 23. 3-29 812A COLCHESTER 24. 3-29 905A HARTFORD 25. 3-29 905A FISHERS IS 26. 3-29 937A FISHERS IS 27. 3-29 951A FISHERS IS 28. 3-29 954A FISHERS IS 2O: 3-29 1003A FISHERS IS 30. 3-29 10]IA EISHERSIS 31. 3 29 1021A HARTFORD 32. 3-29 1134A EISHERSIS NY 631 703-7463 IN 317 472-9055 IL 630234-1352 NY 631 788-7343 CT 860767-1768 CT 860227-2335 CT 860 227-2335 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7463 CT 203 777-30~1 CT 203775-1268 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7239 NY 631 788-5673 NY 631 788-7469 NY 631 788-7528 NY 631 788-7463 CT 860 537-3431 CT 860 550-0~1 NY 031 703-7255 NY 631 788-5673 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7224 NY 631 288-7224 NY 631 78~-7224 CT 860 594-4816 NY 631 788-5673 33. 3-29 112P OLDSAYBRK CT 300304-44~6 34. 3-29 156P FISHERSIS 35. 3-29 242P GUILFORD 36. 3-29 617P FISHERS IS 37. 3 30 62§P FISHERSIS 38. 4 01 816A FISHERSIS 39. 4-01 84OA WILLIMNTIC 40. 4-01 903A FISHERS IS 41. 4 01 934A BRANFORO NY 631 788-5673 CT 203458-4128 NY 631 788-7410 NY 631 788-7958 NY 631 788-5673 CT 86O428-486O NY G31 788-5673 CT 203483-7772 42. 4-01 1~ NEWBRITAIN CT 860828-6007 43. 4-01 1012A HARTFORD CT 860594-4816 44. 4-01 IIllA FISHERSIS NY 631788-7463 45. 4-01 1152A OLOSAYBRK CT 860303-9754 46. 4-01 1227P HOBESOUNO FL 772548-3035 42. 4-01 1231P FISHERSIS NY 631788-5673 48. 4-01 1241P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7632 49. 401 1245P FISHERSIS NY 631788-~673 D D 2 2 I D I O U D 1 D I I 1 1 Call ClmrRee - Cacti#ced Item No. Date Time Place 50. 4-01 1lIP WALLINDFD 51. 4-01 115P HARTFORD Mia 52. 4-01 231P HARTFORD 0:30+ .00 53. 4 01 358P FISHERS IS 0:45+ .00 54. 4-01 515P FISHERSIS 1:06+ .03 55. 4-02 810A CHESHIRE 6:11+ .00 56. 4-02 817A ESSEX 0:30+ .00 57. 4-02 8'.'50A ESSEX 9:03+ .00 58. 4-02 916A FISHERS IS 0:30+ ,03 59. 4-02 948A GUILFORD 0:30+ .OO 60. 4-02 1124A FISHERS IS 2:00+ .03 61. 4-02 II~A FISHERSIS 0:30+ .03 62. 402 1158A FISHERStS 0:60+ .00 63. 4-02 1203P FISHERSIS 0:47+ .00 64. 4-02 1215P FISHERSIS 0:30+ .00 65. 4-02 229P FISHERS IS 0:36+ .00 86. 4-02 230P POUGHKEPSI 2:37+ .00 67. 4-02 614P FISHERS IS 2:19+ .03 68. 4-03 718A FISHERS IS 0:30+ .00 69. 4-03 756A FISHERS IS 0:45+ .03 70. 4-03 845A WATERBURY 1:13+ .03 71. 4-03 847A WATERBURY 0:30+ .03 72. 4-03 901A HARTFORD 0:30+ .00 73. 4-03 910A FISHERSlS O:30+ .03 74. 4-03 914A FALLRIVER 0:37+ .00 75. 4-03 1010A FISHERS IS 0:30+ .00 76. 4-03 1028A FISHERS IS 1:33+ .03 77. 4-03 109P FISHERS IS 6:03+ .{JO 78. 4-03 552P GLASTONBY 0:58+ .OD 79. 4-O4 744A FISHERS lS 3:09+ .03 80, 4-04 837A ESSEX 0:30+ ,00 81. 4-04 843A ESSEX 0:30+ .00 82. 4-04 847A KILLINGWTH 4:16+ .00 83. 4-04 1002A WILLIMNTIC 4:34+ .00 84. 4-04 1003A FISHERS IS 3:10+ .03 85. 4-04 1025A FISHERS IS O:51+ .00 86. 4-O4 1125A FISHERS IS 1:23+ .00 87. 4-O4 1126A FISHERSIS 0:48+ ,00 88. 4-04 1231P WINDSOR 0:30+ .00 89. 4-04 119P FISHERSIS 0:30+ .00 90. 4-04 154P FISHERS IS 0:30+ .00 01. 4-04 30OP WILLIMNTIC 0:55+ .03 92. 4-04 332P FISHERS IS 1:06+ .03 93. 4-04 304P FISHERS IS 5:47+ .00 94. 4-04 35~P FISHERS IS 5:34+ .03 95. 4-04 357P POUGRKEPSI 2:19+ .00 96. 4-04 359P EROCHESTER 2:40+ .00 97. 4-05 735A FISHERS tS 0:69+ .00 98. 4-05 829A FISHERS IS 1:09+ .00 99. 4-O5 830A POUGHKEPSI 3:01+ .00 100. 4-03 845A NEWPORT 0:30+ .00 101. 4-05 903A COLCHESTER 102. 4-05 913A FISHERS IS Number CT 203679-0100 CT 860528-9182 CT 860986-7634 NY 631 788-6673 NY 631 788-7463 CT 2O3272-3O77 C1 860662-3013 CT 860662-3013 NY 631 788-7463 CT 203458-4128 NY 631 788-7919 NY 63l 788-7403 NY 631 788-7224 NY 631 788-5546 NY 631 788-7224 NY 631 788-5655 NY 845656-1672 NY 631 788-7645 NY 631 788-7632 NY 631 703-7463 CT 203 754-5334 CT 203 754-5.134 CT 860594-,1816 NY 631 788-7345 MA 5(]8 617-0776 NY 631 788-7689 NY 631 788-7224 NY 631 788-7463 CT 860032-0862 NY 631 788-7463 CT 860 662-3013 CT 860662-3013 CT 860663-2759 CT 860 428-4860 NY G31 788-7463 NY 631 788-7857 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-5673 CT 880 230-3094 NY 631 788-7632 NY 631 788-7857 CT 860 428-4860 NY 631 788-7345 NY 631 788-7224 NY 631 788-5655 NY 846656-1677 NY 58~ 267-7775 NY 631 703-5673 NY 631 788-7463 NY 845 6~-1677 RI 401 841-3042 CT 860 537;2344 NY 631 788-7345 Code 2:24+ 0:42+ 8:11+ 0:56+ 0:30+ 2:34+ 0:47+ 4:16+ 4:54+ 3:26+ 0:33+ 0:57+ 2:32+ 0:30+ 2:01+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 1:43+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 0:31+ 1:29+ 3:59+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 1:29+ 1:44+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 2:40+ O:3O+ 0:30+ 0:39+ 0:30+ 1:49+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 0:38+ 2:06+ 1:05+ 3:,58+ O:36+ 4:05+ 1:40+ 0:30+ 0:59+ 2:01+ 1:09+ 0:30+ 0:30, 0:30+ 3:01+ 3:39+ .03 .60 .OD .OD .60 .00 .00 .30 .03 .00 .00 .00 .00 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Page 4 of 7 at (t PO BOXH Accounl Number 860 442-0165 078 FISHERS ISLE NY i~,390 0607 Billing Date Apr 15. 2013 Call Charoes - Continued No. Oa~ Time Plac~ NumbeF I. 4-05 923A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7345 7. 4 05 927A FISHERSIS NY 631 788-7463 3. 4-05 111HA FISHERS IS NY 631 78e-7225 4. 4-06 1203P OLDSAYGRK CT 860399-4r~30 5. 4-05 1256P POUGHKEPSI NY 845656-1676 6. 4-05 117P FISHERSIS 7. 4 05 202P FISHERSIS 8. 4-05 204P FISHERS IS 9. 4-05 227P FISHERS IS 10, 4-06 228P FISHERSIS II. 405 253P FISHERSIS 12. 4-05 331P ESSEX 13. 4-05 333P FISHERSIS 14. 4-05 338P ESSEX 15. 4-05 427P FISHERSIS 16. 4 06 644A HARTFORD NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-5550 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7346 NY 631 788-731l CT 8~O G62-3013 NY 631 788-7226 CT 860662-3013 NY 631 788-7632 CT 860614 2328 17. 4-0~ 845A OLOSAYBRK CT 860227-2335 18. 4-08 707A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7221 19, 4-08 720A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7224 20. 4-08 744A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7224 21. 4-08 754A OLBSAYBHK CT 860227-2338 22. 4-08 80DA OLDSAYBRK CT 860227-2335 23. 4-0~ 813A WINDSOR CT 860688-18~ 24. 4-08 818A WINDSORLKS CT 860668-2617 25. 4 08 826A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7221 26. 4-08 65OA FISHERS IS NY 63l 788-5655 27. 408 85lA POUGRKEPSI NY 845656-1677 28. 4-08 1037A MILFORD CT 203 876 8606 29. 4-08 110lA MILFORD CT 203876-8606 30. 408 1218P MCLEAN VA 7038939533 31. 4 0~ 1233P POUGHKEPSI NY 845656 1677 32. 4-0~ 1242P FISHERS IS NY 631 188-5673 33. 408 259P WINDSORLK$ CT 860668-2817 34. 4-08 345P ANSONIDRBY CT 203734-2503 35. 4-0~ 348P CAMBRIDGE MA 617 201-4375 36. 4-08 405p HARTFORD CT 860 289-0267 37. 408 421P HARTFORD CT 860289-0268 38. 4-09 73OA HARTFORD CT 860550-0081 39. 4-09 921A FISHERS IS NY 631788-7456 40. 4-09 926A NEW HAVEN CT 203 93,3-9599 41. 4 09 935A FISHERSIS 42. 4-09 947A FISHERS IS 43. 4-09 ll00A FISHERSIS 44. 4-09 1217P FISHERS IS 45. 4-09 1283P FISHERS IS 46. 4 09 1265P FISHERS IS 47. 4 09 1256P FISHERS IS 48. 4-09 125P FISHERSIS 49. 4-09 141P HARTFORD NY 631 788-7455 NY 631 78~ 7326 NY 631 788 7463 NY 631 788-7887 NY 631 788-7345 NY 631 788-7744 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7632 CT 860724-2887 Code D 1 D 1 N E 2 2 2 N D Mien 0:42+ 4:02* 1:24+ 2:19+ 0:51+ 0:30+ 0:51. 2:16+ 0:30+ 3:42+ 0:30+ 1:24+ 4:04+ 0:30+ 3:08+ 0:30+ 1:23+ 1:40+ 2:01+ 0:40+ 0:30+ 0:35+ 0:30+ 7:20+ 4:07+ 0:30+ 0:50+ 0:42+ 1:24+ 6:55+ 0:30+ 0:32+ 2:54+ 2:05+ 4:44+ 5:48+ 3:48+ 3:07+ 0:30+ 1:03+ 2:29+ 1:38+ 1:00+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 0:57+ 6:26+ 0:30+ 0:30+ Call Charqes - Continued No~ Bathe Tirade Plac~ Number 50. 409 142P HARTFORD CT 860522-5559 51. 4-09 148P FISHERStS NY 631 788 7632 52, 4-09 213P FISHERS IS NY 631 188-7345 .00 53 4 09 217P FISHERS IS NY 631788-7463 .00 54. 4-09 308P HARTFORD CT 860 522 5555 .00 55, 4 09 313P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 .00 56. 409 336P HARTFORD CT 860522-5555 .00 57. 409 539P NEW¥ORK NY 917686-0201 .OD 58. 4-09 724P ROANOKE VA 540 520 6217 00 59. 4-10 746A FISHERSIS NY 6317887919 .00 60. 4 10 837A BURLINGEON VT 802 363-3816 .00 61. 4-10 851A SFAMFORD CT 203595-9172 .00 62. 4-10 953A OLBSAYRRK CT 860227-2335 .00 63. 4-10 1OOgA NEWHAVEN CT 203868-2251 .00 64. 4 I0 1038A OLD SAYBRK CT 860 510-6598 .00 65. 4-10 1150A DEER PARK NY 631 667 4300 O0 66. 4 10 1216P NEWPORT RI 401841-3670 .00 67. 4-10 1227P NEWPORT RI 401841 3670 .00 68. 4-10 113P FISHERSIS NY 631788-7919 .00 69. 4 10 156P SIMSBURY CT 860653-5095 .00 70. 4-10 201P FISHERS IS NY 63178~ 7444 .00 71. 4-10 238P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7616 .O0 72. 4 I0 348P GUILFORD CT 203458-4128 .dO 73. 4-10 404P ESSEX CT 860767 9917 .00 74, 4 10 518P FISHERStS NY 631788-7632 .00 ?5. 4 10 533P NEWYORK NY 917686-0201 .00 76. 4-1t 803A FISHERSIS NY 6317887463 .00 77. 4-11 823A FISHERSIS NY 631788-7632 .00 78. 4 11 93~A FISHERSIS NY 6317887345 .OD 79. 4-11 956A FISHERSIS NY 631788-7744 .(10 80. 4 I1 1004A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7345 .00 81. 4-1l IO05A FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7463 .00 82. 4 11 IGO5A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7744 .00 83. 4 11 1012A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-1345 .(30 84. 4-11 lO13A FISHERSIS NY 631788-7744 .00 85. 4 11 1047A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7225 .00 86. 4-11 1053A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7311 .00 87. 4-11 1203P FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7343 ,00 88. 4 11 1204p FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7857 .Od 89. 4-11 1208P FISHERSIS NY 6317887857 .00 90 4 11 1218P FISHERSIS NY 631788-7345 .00 91. 4-11 100P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 .00 92. 4 11 533P NEWYORK NY 9176860201 .00 93. 4 12 138A BRANFORD CT 203483 7~72 .00 94. 4-12 741A FISHERSIS NY 631788-7345 .00 95. 4 12 745A FISHERSIS NY 631788-7899 .00 96. 4-12 914A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 ,00 97. 4 12 tI06A FISHERS IS NY 631 788 5546 .dO 98. 4-12 1213P FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7857 .00 99, 4-12 1225P FISHERS IS NY 631788-7919 .00 I00, 4-12 104P HARTFORO CT 8608~3-8647 .00 I01. 4 12 247P FISHERS IS NY 631788 7343 102. 4-12 249P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7632 Mit~ 1:25+ .00 0:30+ .00 2:13+ .00 0:43+ 1:30+ .00 0:30+ .00 1:25+ 0:30+ 0:34+ (30 0:45+ .00 4:32+ .00 5:51+ .00 0:40+ .00 2:08+ .00 6:18+ .00 0:55+ .~0 1:06+ .00 0:54+ .00 0:30+ .00 0:43+ .00 1:04+ .00 0:30+ .00 1:53+ .00 6:38+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 3:40+ 6:08+ 00 7:42+ .00 7:33+ .00 0:32+ .00 0:30+ ,00 6:01+ .~O 0:42+ .00 0:34+ .OD 1:22+ .(JO 0:51+ ,00 0:30+ .00 3:24+ ,00 0:40+ .00 3:07+ .00 2:58+ ,60 0:30+ O0 1:04+ 0:39+ .00 0:32+ .00 1:16+ .00 1:21+ .00 0:30+ .00 1:41+ .00 0:30+ .00 1:05. .(JO 0:48+ .00 7475.007.068726.02.04.0000000 NNNNNNNY 31621.110105 at&t FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERSISLENY 06390~607 Page Account Number Billing Date 5of7 860 442-0165 078 Apr 15, 2013 Call Charges - Continued Item No. Date Time Place I. 4 12 334P FISHERSIS 2, 4-12 410P FISHERSIS 3. 4-12 428P FISHERSIS 4. 4-12 44OP FISHERSIS 5. 4-12 441P FISHERSIS 8. 4 12 447P FISHERSIS 7. 4-12 462P FISHERSIS 8. 4-13 1231P FISHERSIS Number NY 881788-7326 NY 551788-7320 NY 551788-7483 NY 631788-7463 9, 4-13 125P MIDDLETOWN CT 860635-4125 10. 4-t3 442P FISHERSlS 11. 4-14 553P RSHERSlS Total Itemized Calls Total Charges for 860 442-0165 Charges for 866 443~881 itemized CaRs 12. 3-15 1889A FISHERS IS 13. 3-15 312P FISHERS IS 14. 3-16 236P FISHERSIS 16. 3-18 922A FISHERSIS 16. 3-18 1025A FISHERS IS 17. 3-19 1051A FISHERS IS 18 3-19 1202P HARTFORD 19. 3-19 405P FISHERSIS 20. 3-20 1014A FISHERS IS 21. 3-20 388P FISHERS IS 22. 3-21 1634A FISHERS IS 23. 3-21 1107A FISHERSIS 24. 3 21 1112A FISHERSIS 25, 3-21 1120A FISHERSIS 26. 3-21 229P FISHERSIS 22. 3-21 237P FISHERSiS NY 631 788-7744 NY 631 788-7224 NY 631 788-5632 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 288-5522 NY 631 788-5522 CT 860 288-5368 NY 881 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-6622 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 28. 3-22 1634A NEWHAVEN CT 203397-7572 20. 3-22 1637A NEW HAVEN CT 203 3~7 7572 30. 3-22 1088A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 31. 3-22 319P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 32. 3-23 201P RSHERSIS NY 631788-5522 33. 3 25 /20A NEW HAVEN CT 263 881-8858 34. 3-25 1117A FISHERS IS 35. 3-25 388P FISHERS IS 88. 3-26 1227P FISHERS IS 37. 3-26 2~4P FISHERSIS 38. 3-27 1029A FISHERSIS 39. 3 27 388P FISHERS IS 460.3-28 931A SIMSBURY 41. 3-28 11~4A FISHERS IS 42, 3-28 11~6A FISHERS IS 43, 3-28 1219P FISRERS~S 44. 3-28 227P FISHERSIS 45. 3-28 246P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 CT 860844-6136 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 788-5522 NY 631 288-5522 Code Min I 1:53+ .88 1 0:30+ .(JO 1 3:06+ ,88 1 0:30+ .88 1 1:19+ .88 I 1:38+ .00 I 4:11+ .88 2 0:30+ .88 E 3:15+ .00 2 0:30+ .00 2 0:30+ .00 .88 .88 I I 2 I 1 1 D 1 1 1 1 t I I 1 1 D D 1 I 2 N 0:54+ .88 0:30+ .88 0:30+ .88 0:31+ .00 0:38+ .88 0:54+ 0:51+ 0:30+ .88 0:34+ 0:30+ 0:30+ .88 0:52+ 0:36+ .88 0:32+ .88 1:23+ .00 0:32+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 0:52+ .88 0:31+ .88 0:30+ .88 0:36+ .88 0:50+ .00 0:31+ .00 0:56+ 0:30+ 0:34+ .OD 0:33+ .{ID 0:33+ .80 0:37+ .88 1:14+ .88 0:35+ .00 2:00+ .00 0:32+ .88 Call Cimrges - Conitnued Item No. Date T.~ Place Number 46. 3-28 346P LINCOLN NE 402465-1220 47. 3-29 813A COLCHESTER CT 860537-3542 48. 3-29 1057A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 49. 3-29 1141A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 50. 3-29 25OP FISHERS IS NY 631788-5522 51. 4-01 921A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 52. 4-01 l l0~A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 53. 4-01 388P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 54. 4-01 355P FISHERS IS NY 631788-5522 66. 4-01 354P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 56. 4-02 1029A FISHERS IS NY 881 788-5~22 57. 4-02 246P EISHERSIS NY 631788-6522 58. 4 03 1063A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 59. 4-63 227P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-6522 60. 4-04 1112A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 61. 4-04 1127A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 62. 4-04 1246P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-6622 63. 4-04 307P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 64. 4-05 829A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5523 65, 4-05 1114A FISHERS IS NY 031 788-5522 88. 4-05 238P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 67. 4-08 735A FISHERS IS NY 631788-5522 88. 4-08 104OA FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 69. 4-88 1246P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 70. 4-88 1252P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 71. 4-88 257P WINDSORLKS CT 888888-2871 72. 4-88 3lIP FISHERSIS NY 631788-6522 73. 4-88 1026A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 74. 4-09 I I48A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5523 75. 4-09 248P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 76. 4-10 1144A HARTFORD CT 880288-63~8 77. 4-10 1148A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 78. 4-10 1210P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 79. 4-10 251P FISHERSlS NY 631788-6622 88. 4-11 946A FISHERSIS NY 631788-5522 81. 4-11 1219P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 82. 4 II 1221P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 63. 4-11 251P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 84. 4-12 922A FISHERS IS NY 031 788-5523 85. 4-12 I108A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5522 88. 4-12 316P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-~22 87. 4-12 63OP FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5523 88. 4-13 922A FISHERS IS Total Itemized Calls Total Charges for 860 443-6351 itemized Calms 88. 3-20 918A WALLINGFD 90. 3-22 552A FISHERS IS 91. 4-88 1025A FISHERS IS Total Itemized Calls Total Charges for 860 444-0320 NY 631 788-5522 CT 203 793-7721 NY 631 788-~23 NY 631 78~-5523 0:41+ .88 0:34+ .88 0:39+ .00 0:31+ .88 0:33+ .88 0:32+ .00 0:38+ 0:32+ .00 0:31+ 1:35+ 0:37+ .88 0:30+ .88 0:32+ .88 0:30+ .00 1:10+ 0:31+ .~3 1:33+ .88 0:32+ .88 0:48+ .88 0:55+ .00 0:32+ 0:33+ 0:55+ .00 6:88+ .88 1:~5+ .00 0:36* 0:34+ .88 0:63+ 0:30+ 0:30+ 0:34+ .88 0:31+ 0:39+ .00 0:33+ .00 0:37+ .O0 6:30+ 0:53+ .88 0:31+ .00 0:30+ 0:57+ .00 0:31+ .00 0:33+ .88 0:38+ .00 .88 0:41+ .88 0:30+ 1:31+ .00 at&t EISHERS ISLAN0 FERRY DISTRICT P0 60XH FISHERSISLENY ~o390~oO? Page AccountNumber Billing Bate 6o17 860 442-0165 078 Apr 15. 2013 Call Charles - Continued Cha~ges fog 860 447-9371 Item No. 0ate Time Place Itemized Calls L 3-15 1046A FISHERS IS 2. 3-18 300P HARTFORD 3. 3-18 1000A NEWHAVEN 4. 3-18 IOtOA NEWPORT 5. 3-18 1223P FISHERS iS 6. 3-18 1249P FISHERS IS 7. 3-18 238P NEWHAVEN 8. 3-19 817A BURLINGTON 9. 3-19 818A PROVIDENCE 10. 3 19 923A FISHERS IS 11. 3-19 lISP DANBURY 12. 3-19 145P FISHEHSIS 13. 3-20 1000A FISHERS IS 14. 3-20 I105A FISHERSiS 15. 3-20 129P HINGHAM 16. 3-20 238P FISHERSIS 12. 3-20 346P OLD SAYBRK 18. 3 21 754A FISHERS IS 19. 3-2! ~7A FISHERSIS 20. 3-21 942A OLD SAYBRK 21. 3-21 1022A MILFORD 22. 3-22 257A FISHERSIS 23. 3-22 132P FISHERSIS 24. 3-22 157P WILLIMNTIC 25. 3-22 201P FISHERSIS 26. 3-22 209P PLAINVILLE 22. 3-22 232P HARTFORD 28, 3-25 151P FISHERS IS 29. 3-26 1252P BRISTOL 30. 3-26 I49P FISHERSIS 31. 3-26 221P FISHERSIS 32. 3-26 239P FISHERSIS 33, 3-26 340P FALL RIVEH 34. 3-21 133A FISHERS IS 35. 3-27 75OA FISHEflSIS 36. 3-27 1253P FISHERSIS 37. 3 27 337P FISHERS IS 38. 3-28 8ISA FISHERS IS Number Code Min 39. 3-28 800A O17AWAHUEL ON 613788 7463 40. 3-28 801A FISHERS IS NY 631 788-7463 41. 3-28 lO03A HARFFOBD CT 860594 48t6 42. 3-28 1149A WlLLIMNTIC CT 860 428 4860 43. 3 28 1201P FISHERS IS NY 631 788 7528 44. 3-28 1202P FISHERS IS NY 631 788-5673 45. 3-29 754A BRISTOL CT 860583-8917 46, 3-29 806A BRISTOL CT 860583-8917 42. 3 29 1112A DRISTOL CT 860 583 8917 NY 631 788 7731 1 1:34+ .00 CT 860953-9151 O 1:59+ .00 CT 203 687-4700 D 2:06+ .00 RI 401 847-5449 I 3:46+ NY 631 788-2919 1 0:51+ .00 NY 631 788 7919 I 2:00+ .00 CT 203468-4429 D 0:33+ .00 MA 781 272-6600 I 0:30+ .00 RI 401 463-8300 I 1:29+ .00 NY 631 788 7632 1 1:05+ .00 CT 203 775-1268 D 1:28+ NY 631 788-7345 1 1:02+ .00 NY 631 788-7463 1 5:26+ .00 NY 631 788-7345 I 0:54+ .00 MA 781 740 8193 I 27:39+ .00 NY 631 788-7345 I 0:30+ CT 860227-2335 D 0:52+ .00 NY 631 788-7463 2 1:01+ NY 631 788 7463 1 0:48+ CT 860 227-2335 D 2:05+ .00 CT 203 816-8606 D 1:05+ .00 NY 631 788-7345 2 0:30+ .00 NY 631 788-7463 1 0:30+ .00 CT 66~ 428-4860 D 0:52+ .00 NY 631 788-7463 1 0:30+ CT 860747-1335 D 4:23+ 00 CT 860986-7634 D 2:00+ .00 NY 631 788-2345 I 2:55+ CT 860583-8917 D 3:29+ NY 631 788 7463 1 0:41+ ,00 NY 631 788 7345 1 1:14+ .00 NY 631 788 7345 1 3:47+ MA 508 916-8301 I 0:30+ .02 NY 631 788-7346 2 2:09+ .00 NY 631 788-7345 2 0:58+ 04 NY 631 788 7345 1 2:06+ .09 NY 631 788-7345 I 1:53+ .08 NY 631 188-7463 I 0:30+ .02 D 1:00 1.16 I 6:51+ .29 D 3:20+ .14 O 0:30+ .02 1 0:34+ .02 I 0:37+ .03 N 0:34+ .02 O 0:30+ .02 D 1:24+ .06 Ca Charpes-Coetnued No. Date Time Place 48, 3 29 1113A WOBURN 49, 4-01 233P MILFORD 50. 4-02 1039A FISHERS IS 51. 4-02 228P BRISTOL 52. 4 02 229P BRISTOL 53. 4 03 900A MILFORD 84. 4-03 914A FISHERS IS 55 4-03 1103A FISHERS IS 56. 4-03 $254P FISRERSIS 57. 4 03 247P NEWHAVEN 58 4 04 355P ALLENTOWN 59. 4-0§ 1003A HARTFORD 60. 4 05 1214P FISHERS IS 61. 405 119P HARTFORD 62. 4-05 227P HARTFORD MA 781 935-9066 CT 2038768606 NY 631 788 7345 CT 860583-8917 CT 860583-8917 CT 203878 1740 NY 631 788-7899 NY 631 788-7346 NY 631 788-7463 CT 203 777-2087 NJ 609 269-8000 CT 860 246-7711 NY 631 788-7345 CT 860246-2711 CT 860246 7711 63. 4-05 333P CONSHOHCKN PA 610276-5967 64. 406 845A GARDENCITY NY 516700-5813 65. 4-08 122P HARTFORD 66. 4-09 VJ~A FISHERS IS 67. 4-00 1013A FISHEHSIS 68 4 09 t023A FISHERS IS 69 4-09 IlllA FISRERSIS 70. 4-09 IOTP FISHERStS 71 4-09 204P FISHERS IS 72. 4-10 917A FISHERS IS 73. 4 10 120OP FISHERS IS 74. 4-11 950A FISHERSIS 75. 4-11 1226P LINCOLN CT 860 8~3-3900 NY 631 788 7326 NY 631 788-7345 NY 631 788-7345 NY 631 788-7528 NY 631 788-7632 NY 63! 788-7345 NY 631 788-1463 NY 631 788-7463 NY 631 788-7346 NE 402 467-5221 76. 4-11 122P WASHINGTON DC 202475-3354 Total Itemized Ca0s Total Charges for 860 447-9371 + Op§onalCalliug Plan Key to Calling Codes I Peak 2 Off Peak E Evening N NigHt/Weekend Total Call Cha~es Code Mi~ I 2:57+ .13 O 0:39+ .03 1 0:30* .02 O 1:04+ .05 O 3:53+ .17 B 1:07+ .05 1 0:35+ .03 I 0:34+ .02 I 3:15+ .14 D 4:45+ 20 I 0:49+ .04 O 1:24+ .06 1 2:04+ .09 B 3:24+ .15 D 1:13+ .05 1 5:19+ .23 2 2:32+ .11 O 3:21+ .14 1 1:09+ .05 I 0:30+ .02 I 0:39+ .03 I 0:34+ .02 1 5:56+ .26 1 0:3~ .02 1 ll:lg+ .48 1 0:30+ .02 1 0:32+ .02 1 2:34+ .11 I 0:30+ .02 4.86 4.86 O Day 34,86 Surcharges and Other Fees AT&T Connecticut 77. ConnecficutEg I 1SurcHarge-4Unes 78. Connecticut Service Fund - 4 Unes 79. Universal Service Fund Locati4@$1.23) 80. Federal Subscriber Line Charge - 4 Unes Total AT&T Connecl~cut AT&T LD East 81. Fede[al Regulatory Fee 62. Universal Service Fund - Interstate Total AT&T Long Distance East Total Surcharges and Other Fees 160 .20 4.92 23,84 30.56 .~6 272 3.08 33.~ 7475.007.068728 03 04,O000(XJO NNNNNNNY 31623.110107 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Plge 7 of 7 at&t RD BOX H A¢¢oamt Numl~r 860 442-0165 078 FISHERS ISLE NY 06390-0607 Billing Data Apr 15, 2013 Taxes I. Federal 2. State Sales Tax Total Taxes Total Plans and Services 3.47 11.91 15.38 264.53 PREVENT DISCONNECT If your hill shows a past due amount, BOTH the Pest Due amount and Current Charges are due IMMEDIATELY. All of your bill charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and avoid collection activities (See Terms and Conditions for further information). However, to avoid disconnection o! local service, Basic Charges MUST be paid. For this account, that amount is: $149.23 for Curm~t BNic Clmrges $16.00 for Past Due Basic Charges CARRIER INFO Our records indicate that AT&T Connecticut is your corrier for instate calls. AT&T Long Distance East is your carrier for interstate and international calls. KEEP YOUR DISCOUNT You receive any discounts, reduced rates, or promotional credits scribed in the AT&T Benefits section of the bill because you subscribe to certain required services, for example, because you are an ALL DISTANCE® customer, if you remove any of the services required for a particular discount, reduced rate, or promotional credit, your effective rate for the associated remaining service will change. Please call your AT&T service representative if you have any questions. IMPORTANT LO CHANGES Thank you for being a valued AT&T customer. Effective June 12. 2013, the minimum usage charge for customers who do not subscribe to a long distance plan wilt increase from $12.50 to $17.50. The minimum usage charge only applies to customers who have eot chosen a long distance calling plan. For more information or to discuss other long distance plans, call the toll free numher on your bill or visit us online at Www. attcom NON-BASIC CHARGES Non-Basic Charges are charges for Non-Basic Services. These charges include: Call Charges 1or out of state calls, 900 calls and calls placed through alternative services providers; Call Charges for in state long distance provided by a company other than AT&T Connecticut; out of state Directory Assistance Charges; charges for telephone equipment and inside wire maintenance, AT&T Voice Mail, AT&T Unified Messaging, AT&T High Speed lutareet, Wireless, AT&T I DISH Network, AT&T I DIRECt/, AdvertJsthg in the white page directories or other media; and the Universal Service Fund - Interstate fee. CHARGES THAT MAY BE BASIC OR NON-BASIC Certain charges may be either Basic or Non-Basic, depending on the associated service. These include taxes, Late Payment Charges, Collection Charges, and Additions and Changes to your service. BILL PAYMENT, LATE PAYMENT CHARGES AND OTHER FEES Failure to pay any portion of your bill may result in additional collection action. Any papal payment made will firm be applied to Basic Charges, then TO Non-Basic Charges. Failure to pay your Basic Charges will result in interruption of your local service. If you fail to pay your Non Basic Charges, your AT&T Connecticut local service will not be interrupted, but all of your Non-Basic services will be terminated. AT&T Connecticut may apply a late payment charge per month on any unpaid balance, excluding the previously assessed late payment charges. To avoid a late charge, we must receive payment for the total amount due no later than the date specified on your bill statement_ AT&T Connecticut will apply a ~0.00 Collection Charge on an account where a termination notice has been senL An explanation of these charges may he obtained by calling AT&T Connecticut at the number shown on your bill or accessing our website: http~/www, att. com/ctbigglossary AT&T SERVICES Local and in state long distance services, inside wire, rental sets, end voice mail services (except where shown as provided by AT&T Messaging) are provided by AT&T Connecticut Out of state long distance is provided by AT&T Long Distance Eest. Intornet services are provided by AT&T Intarnet Services. Wireless services are provided by AT&T Mobility. BASIC CHARGES Basic Charges are charges for Basic Services. Basic Services include local service and in-state toll if you are an AT&T Connecticut local service customer. Basic Charges include: Monthly Charges for your local line and other services, such as Totatphone and Smagdink; in-state Cagbig Charges; th-state Directmy Assistance Charges; the Connecticut E-911 Surcharge; the Connecticut Service Fund fee; the Federal Subscriber Line Charge; and the Universal Service Fund - Local fee. 7475.001.0~728,04.04,0000000 NNNNNNNY :31625.110109 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002241 THE BELL SIMONS COMPANIES 05/21/2013 CHECK 1138 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 S9026588.001 RP HEATING SYSTEM 31.70 TOTAL 31.70 Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher FVendor No. Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Vendor Address iP.O. Box 261567 Hartford, CT 06126-1667 The Bell/Simons Companies Vendor Telephone Number 2241 Vendor Contact Invoice Number Date Purchase Order Number Invoice Total $31.70: Check No. Entered by Audit Date MAY ~, 1 2013 Discount Amount Claimed Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number S9026688.001 4118/2013 $31.70 RP Heating System 8M6710.2.000.200 $31.70 $31.70 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Company Name ~f Date Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepencles n;~rand p~nent is approved Signature M--::~'-~-- ~t4/- ' BellSimons COMPANIES SoLd TO: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST. P.O. BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 INVOICE Date Invoice Number Page 04/18/13 S9026588.001 1 41845 Ship To: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST. P.O. BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Writer Customer PO Number Release Number Order Date EZOLDE maintinence 04/18/13 Ship Date Terms 04/18/13 Net 30 days Unit Price Extended 3 94214 EA LOVEJOY 4JE SLEEVE 4435359 9. 936 29. 81 Non Taxable Mdse Taxable Mdse Sales Tax Shippin8 Handling 1.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.81 Invoice Iota[ 31.70 Invoice Number 41845 04/18/13 S9026588. 001 PLEASE REMIT TO: The Bell/Simons Companies, P. O. Box 261567, Hartford, CT 06126-1567, A Service Charge of 1.5% per month (APR of 18%) will be added to all past due balances. Please direct any questions concerning this invoice to the 8ranch of purchase. Customer will be liable for all collection costs including all attorney's fees. *** NO RETURNS AFTER 90 DAYS. *** Visit us on the web at http://www.be[[simons.com or e-mail us at info@bellsimons.com Items purchased at: The Bell Pump Company, New London, CT - Phone (800) 647-5916 Bill To : THE BELL/SIMONS COMPANIES ** Ship Ticket ** S9026588.001 Page ~ 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST. P.O. BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Ship FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DIST. To : P.O. BOX 607 FISHERS ISL~/qD, NY 06390 Customer PO~ Order Date 04/18/2013 Customer Rel~ Writer EZOLDE Ship Date 04/i8/13 Batch Number Net 30 days Ship Via PU PICK-UP Customer Phone 516 788 7463 Quantity Stock # 3 94214 Item Description LOVEJOY 4JE SLEEVE 4435359 Total Sales tax Invoice Amount Unit Pfc Net 9.936 29,81 29.81 1.89 31.70 Reprint .. Reprint . . Reprint . . Reprint . . Customer Signature Items on this order were purchased at: The Bell Pump Company, New London, CT Phene (800) 647-5916 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002644 BRODEUR'S OIL SERVICE, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1139 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.100 28523 191.9 GAL #2 FUEL OIL 659.60 TOTAL 659.60 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 2644 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number P.O. Box 602 Brodeur's Fuel Moosup, CT 06354 Vendor Telephone Number 860-564-2789 Vendor Contact Invoice I Net Purchase Order Number Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services 28523 :~ *669.60 Check No. Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 General Ledger Fund and Account Number Invoice Invoice Date Total 4/t2/2013 $659.60 $659.60 Payee Certification $659.60 The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby cerii~ that the foregoing claim is true and correcL that no par[ has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~,..., Company Nam Title 191.9 gals¢~ $3.232 New London Terminal ~,~ Oil SM6710.4.000.100 Department Certification I hereby cer[i~' that the materials above specified have been received by me ]n geod condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pa nt is approved Signature · · · ~-~OUTE FUEL DEL/H.W. D.D. NEXT DATE O.D. GALLONS <. FACTOR FUEL, i DR TR OFFICE USE DDRO JULIAN 28 STERLING ROAD, P.O. BOX 602, MOOSUP, CT 06354 564-2789 · 859-5840 · 923-9528 If Payment Received By PAY FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002665 ROBERT R. BROOKS II 05/21/2013 CHECK 1140 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5712.4.000.000 033113 '13 COMM MTG JAN-MAR-(4) 200.00 TOTAL 200.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Address Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number P.O, BOX 30~ ~Fishers Island, NY 06390 Robert R. Brooks, II Vendor Telephone Number I Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number 5[1 ~ 313112013 $200.00 $200.00 Vendor No. 12665 Check No. IIqO Entered by Audit Date $200.00 Payee Certification PlAY 2 1 2013 Town Clerk ~ Description &Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number Commission Meeting SM6712.4.000.000 Januar~ - March 2013 4 Mtgs I~ $50/mtg $200.00] The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no pan has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Title Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified wdh the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment ~s approved $50.00 a meeting Meeting Date Brooks, Robert Edwards, Christopher 01107113 1 1 01/22/13 1 1 01/29/13 1 1 02/04/13 1 1 02/19/13 1 02/26/13 1 03/18/13 1 Total Meetings 4 ,/ 7 V 1st Quarter 200 350 Sheet1 Rafferty, Christopher Rugg, Peter Wall, Robert 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 7 200 250 350 Page 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002929 C & S ENGINEERS, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1141 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5610.4.000.000 139478 EA-5 YEAR CIP 4,200.25 TOTAL 4,200.25 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher VendorNo. 2929 ]Check No. i Ilql ]Entered by Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securi~ Number Vendor Name C&S Engineers, Inc. Vendor Address 499 Col. Eileen Collins Blvd. Syracuse, NY 13212 !Audit Date Vendor Telephone Number 3t5-455-2000x4422 Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number 139478 4/1112013 $4,200.25 $4,200.25 EA-5 Year Cip $4,200.25 $4,200.25 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereb)r certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that thc balance therein stated is actaal]y due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Tide ~ Company Name /~P Oateff~~ ~qAY 2 1 2013 Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 8M$610.4.000.000 Department Certification 1 hereby certi$r that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature . J'7'"~ Zl~dl ~ C&S Engineem, Inc. Send Payment to: PO Box 64366 Baltimore, MD 21264-4366 Gordon S. Murphy Town of Southold Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box H Fishers Island, NY 06390 Invoice #: 0139478 Project: 211014001 Invoice Date: 4/11/2013 Est. Cost: t33,043.48 Fixed Fee: 16,956.52 Total: t50,000.00 For Professional Services Rendered from 2/16/20t3 through 4/5/2013 EA- 5 Year CIP FAA AlP NO. 3-36-0029-19-12 NYSDOT NO. 091319 Analysis of Costs Direct Salaries Overhead % 166.00 Total Direct Personnel Total G & A % 0.00 Total Costs Fixed Fee Total This Invoice Amount Due This Invoice ** This Invoice 1,37308 2,279.31 3,652.39 0.00 3,652.39 547.86 4,200.25 4,200.25 Cumulative 2,543.80 4,22271 6,76651 0.00 6,766.51 1 ~014.98 7,781.49 7,781.49 C&S wants your feedback. Visit http:llwww.cscos.comlcontact Invoice Contact Person: Susan Loewer, Account Manager Telephone: (315)455-2000 Ext. No. 4422, sioewer~cscos.com Net 30 Days - 1 112% Interest per Month Project: 211014001 EA- 5 Year CIP Invoice # :0139478 Multiplier Labor Class / Employee Name DEPARTMENT MANAGER BARBA, THOMAS A Total: DEPARTMENT MANAGER GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR MARKS, TRACEY L. Total: GRANTS ADMINISTRATOR PLANNER SHANNON, CARLY P Total: PLANNER SENIOR PLANNER MCKEE, GAYLE M REDMAN, RALPH E. Total: SENIOR PLANNER SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER HORTH, THOMAS J. Total: SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER Total Project: 211014001 Hours 4.00 400 250 2.50 11.50 1150 250 10,50 13,00 600 600 Multiplier Labor -- EA-5 Year CIP Cost 51.75 2270 2500 37.25 46.00 40.95 Amount 207.00 207.00 56.75 56.75 287.50 287.50 93.13 483.00 57613 245.70 245.70 ~,373.08 Page 1 Engage, Explore, ExceL.. to advance quality of li~e in a changing world. Client Name: Fishers Island Ferry District Client Contact: Gordon Murphy Assistant Manager C&S Project Number: 211,014.001 Project Status Report No. #2 Project: Environmental Assessment for Five-Year Airport Capital Improvement Program (ACIP) Period: February 16, 2013, to April 5, 2013 Significant activities underway or completed this period: C&S has begun coordination to evaluate the purpose and need of the proposed projects based on existing conditions at the airport. Efforts have included the following: o Coordination has begun with FAA Flight Procedures to determine the potential for a non-precision approach to the airport. o Coordination has begun with FAA NY-ADO to determine support for projects related to the non-precision approach to the airport. o Development of project memorandum that will address options for moving forward with proposed projects. o Based on information gathered from existing airport tenants and users the airport will remain as an Airport Reference Code (ARC) A-1. Next period's expected activities: ,/ Conference call will be conducted with Ferry District to discuss airport development options. ,/ Coordination will be completed with the FAA NY-ADO to brief them on how the proposed projects will proceed. Additional coordination may be necessary if the Ferry District elects to continue pursuit of non-precision approach. ,/ Coordination will be completed with the FAA Flight Procedures if the Ferry District elects to continue pursuit of non-precision approach. ,/ Agency scoping letters will prepared and sent out to determine potential environmental issues that could influence proposed airport development. Other important project information: Once the proposed projects have been confirmed, C&S will proceed with the required documentation to comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Information/direction needed from client: ,/ After review of project memorandum the Ferry District will need to make a decision on whether or not to continue pursuit of non-precision approach. Project Status Report #2 Page 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT. VENDOR 003036 CARDIAC SCIENCE CORPORATION 05/21/2013 CHECK 1142 FOOD & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 1565775 RP BATTERY 437.57 TOTAL 437.57 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 3036 94-3300396Vendor Tax 1D Number or Social Securit~ Number poVendOrRoxAddress83251 Cardiac Science Corporation Vendor Telephone Number 800426-0337 Vendor Contact Invoice ] Invoice Number I Date 1565775 4/4/2013 Invoice Net Total Discount Amount Claimed $437.57! $437.57 $437.57 $437.57 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certif~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the lown is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title Company Name . Date_ ~ Purchase Order Number Check No. Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number RP Battery I SM5710.2.000.200 Department Certification I herebv certify hat he ma er a s above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly' performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, an ~ment.'s approved Signature ~ CARDIAC REMI 70: INVOICE Cardiac Science Corporation Invoice No.1565775 science- PO Box 85261 Chicago IL 60691-0261 Page 1 of 1 Date: 04~04~2013 Bill to: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTR~CT Ship to: PO BOX 602 ATrN:ACCOUNTS PAYABLE FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 5 Waterfront Park New London, CT 06320 Customer No. 94511 Ship Via Sales Order No. Cust PO / Reference Sales Person B001148913 STEPHEN BURKE COMSTOCK, DOUGLAS FOB Terms Currency FOB Destination net 30 USD US Dollars Item Description Ship Date Tracking No. S/N 9146-302 BA~I-ERY, G3 AED, POWERHEART, YELLOW, REP 04/04/2013 616618760595701 U/M Qty Ord. EA 1 Qty Shp. Unit Price Amount 395.00 395.00 Contact info: Customer care phone: 1-800-426-0337 Customer care e-mail: care@cardiacscience.com Credit services phone: (262)953-7676 Credit services e-mail: creditservices@cardiacscience.com Fed Tax ID: 94-3300396 R1-130096332607314413-61-170 Net Sale 395.00 Misc Chg ~Ship & HandlingI Tax Prepaid Amt 0.00 ! 17.49 [ 25.08 0.00 Amount Due 437.57 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 003371 CITY OF NEW LONDON 05/21/2013 CHECK 1143 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710,4,000.100 27360-0313 QTLY WTR USAG 12/19-3/15 173.08 TOTAL 173.08 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name City of New London/Dept. of Public Utilities Vendor Telephone Number 860~t47-5222 Vendor Contact Vendor Address P.O. Box 4127 :VendorNo. Woburn, MA 01888-4127 3371 Check No. llq'b Entered by Audit Date ~ ' M/~Y 2 1 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Number Date lot,al ; Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $173.08 4/2212013 $173.08; $173.08J I $173.08 Payee Certification The mldersigned (Claimant) (Acting on bebe}f of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no par~ has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually ,lue a,d owing, and that taxes from which the Totem is exempt are excluded Sitmature ~Title ~ t o ,pany Name f~.9 Date Quarterly Water Usage NL Terminal 12119112-3115113 SM5710.4.000.100 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and I~ ent is approved 39337-27360 5 WATERFRONT PARK 06-01 4/22/13 5/22/13 Last Bill Amount Payments Adjustments Balance Forward Last Payment Amount Last Payment Date $309.20 $-309.20 $o.oo $o.oo $309.20 3/04/13 Service Period From To 12/19/12 3/15/13 Days Meter Number Multiplier Units 86 60421510 1.000 CF Meter Reads Current Previous Usage 143450 142150 1300 Service Water Water Water Sewer Sewer Description CUST FACILITY CHARGE CUBIC FEET REPLACEMNT FUND SURC TOTAL WATER SERVICE CUST FACILITY CHARGE CUBIC FEET TOTAL SEWER SERVICE Fire Service FIRE SERVICE 4" Consumption 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 4/01/13 7/01/13 Total Current Charges Balance Forward Total Amount Due Charge 2.02 21.75 3.58 14.12 33.13 98.48 Total 27.35 47.25 98.48 173.08 .00 173.08 PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN BOTTOM PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 003436 CLEAN HARBORS ENVIRON SVCS,INC 05/21/2013 CHECK 1144 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 CT1366428 NL TERM LEAD ABATEMENT 5,955.09 TOTAL 5,955.09 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 3436 Vendor Tox ID Number or Social SecuriVd Number Vendor Address PO Box 3442 Vendor Name Boston, MA 02241-3442 Clean Harbors Environmental Services Companies Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Contact Number Invoice Date Total Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $5,955.09 Check No. tit,Lq Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY g 1 2013 Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number CT1366428 1/28/2013 $5,955.09 NL Terminal Lead 8M5709.2.000.000 Abatement $5,955.09 $5,955.09 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cerd fy that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature Company Name Title ~ Date d th~ L7 Department Certification I hereby ceriify that the materials above specified have been received by mc tn good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions ~~t is approved Signature INVOICE Invoice No CT1366428 REMIT TO: Clean Harbors Env. Services PO Box 3442 Boston, MA 02241-3442 SOLD TO: RJ Burns Fishers Island Ferry State Street New London, CT 06320- 0000 OFFICE: Clean Harbors Env Services Inc 761 Middle Street Bristol, CT 06010 (860) 583-8917 JOB SITE/GENERATOR: Fishers Island Ferry State Street New London, CT 06320 Job Description: Lead Decon of garage ** Payable in USD funds ** CT4944139 RJ BURNS Drum Disposal PLEASE PAY THIS AMOUNT SUBTOTAL TAX INVOICE TOTAL $5,599.57 $355.52 $5,955.09 interest will be charged at a rate of t 5% per month for all past due amounts. [nvoice Date: 06 Feb 2013 PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF INVOICE WITH PAYMENT - THANK YOU Page 1 of 2 INVOICE Invoice No CT1366428 TASK CT4944139-001 - Lead Decon of garage FIXD Day FIXD Day FEE Recover~ Fee TASK CT4944139-003 - Drum Disposal 25 Jan 2013 1.000 28 Jan 2013 1.000 3~900.000 Day 1,950.0000 T Day EA $1,950 00 1,950.0000 T $1,950.00 0.1700 T $66300 SUBTOTAL $4,563.06 TAX $289.76 TASK TOTAL $4,852.76 005592634FLE DISPSL/ FEE DOWN 006592634FLE TRAN PROFILE1 FEE 31 Jan 2013 Lead contiminated Debris CH610391 Oklahoma Hazardous Waste Storage, Treatment or Land Disposal Fee TRANSPORTATION Profile Fee for Profile No: CH610391 - Lead contiminated Deb Recover,/Fee 2 55DM 2000 55DM 2300000T $460.00 0.107 T 9.0000 $0.96 1.000 EA 3500000 T $360 00 1.000 EA 750000 T $75.00 885.960 EA 0.1700 T $150.61 SUBTOTAL $1,036.57 TAX $65.76 TASK TOTAL $1,102.33 T indicates SALES TAXABLE ITEM Invoice Date: 06 Feb 2013 Page 2 of 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' PAST DUE INVOICES Account Number: Report Date: Clean Harbors Env, Services PO Box 3442 Boston, MA 02241-3442 Attn: Accounts Payable Dept. Fishers Island Fern/ State Street New London, CT 06320 Our records Indicate the following invoices are past due baaed upon agreed terms. F10069 04/15/2013 2/6/2013 CT1366428 3/15/2013 OC-202453 4/15/2013 OC-205992 CT4944139 RJ BURNS Finance Charge On Past Due Invoices Finance Charge On Past Due Invoices Account: FI0069 Fishers Island Ferry Your account is past due. If you have already sent a remittance please disregard this notice. Send your check payment immediately to: Clean Harbom Env. Services PO Box 3442 Boston, MA 02241-3442 If you have questions about your account, or would like to pay by credit card, please call Benjamin Sebestyen at 781/792-5000. $5,955.09 $3524 $91.04 Total S6,081.37 Amount $91.04 $8,9g0.33 $6,081.37 A finance charge of 18% per annum has been added to all overdue invoices. The interest charge is based on customer terms from the print date of your Invoice plus ten days for mailing and review. Page I of 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 003626 CRANE AMERICA SERVICES, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1145 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.000 90129640 CHAIN HOIST PARTS 172.83 TOTAL 172.83 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 3626 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Crane America Services Vendor Telephone Number 860-436-3700 Vendor Contact 62831 Collections Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 Check No. Invoice Invoice Date Total 3/28/2013 $172.83 $172.83 IHt5 Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number $172.83 90129640 Chain Hoist Parts $172.83 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certi~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no par~ has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. Signature__~ Title Compeny Name /~p Date SM5710.2.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certii~ that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and, yment is approved Signature ~'~ ~' Crane America Ser~'lces Inc., 61 Arrow Road #12, Wethersfleld, CT06109 Bill to: 126911 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 Invoice Please reference in all correspondence Ship to : 2032899 FISHERS iSLAND FERRY 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320 USA Your order dated: Mar 13, 2013 Date Mar 28, 2013 Your order no.: John Parabis 031213 Contact Jessica Martin Sales order no.: 2115116 Phone 860-436-3700-0 Tag order: Parts per e-mail quote Fax 860-436-3264-0 E-mail Jessica.Martin@terex.corn We invoice you for the supply of goods/services subject to our general terms and conditions. Remit payment: Payment Terms: CRANE AMERICA SERVICES, 62831 Collections Center Dr, Chicago, IL 60693 Within 30 days Due net Item Material Description Qty Unit Discount% Price Total USD PO# John Parabis 031213 Parts per e-mail quote of 3/8/13. 10 Material 1 EA 144.49 144.49 Incoterms: Ex works HARTFORD Ship via: UPS Ground Value of Goods: 144.49 Shipping & Handling: 15.02 Net Value of Goods: 162.51 Taxable: 162.51 Tax: 10.32 Invoice Value: 172.83 BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT BUYER RECEIVED, HAS HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO REVIEW, AND AGREES TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH ABOVE, AS WELL AS THOSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE. A WHOLLY OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF DEMAG CRANES & COMPONENTS Page 1 of 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 005289 CHRISTOPHER EDWARDS 05/21/2013 CHECK 1147 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5712.4.000.000 033113 '13 COMM MTG JAN-M3%R(7) 350.00 TOTAL 350.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax iD Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address P.O. Box 167 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Christopher I. Edwards Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Contact [ Vendor No. IS289 Check No. IIq'l Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Invoice [ Invoice Invoice Number ! Date Total Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 3/31/2013 Net Purchase Order Amount Claimec Number $350.00 $350.00 $350.00 Commission Meeting January - March 2013 ? Mtgs ~ $50/mtg $350.001 Payee Certification Thc undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) dees hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title Company Name SM67t2.4.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof beve been verified with the exceptions Or d'~crepanctes not ~a~. ~mcnt y~approved $50.00 a meeting Meeting Date 01/07/13 01/22/13 01/29/13 02/04/13 02/19/13 02/26/13 03/18/13 Total Meetings 1st Quarter Brooks, Robert Edwards, Christopher 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 200 350 Sheet1 Rafferty, Christopher Rugg, Peter Wall, Robert I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 7 2OO 25O 350 Page 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 005414 ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1148 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 S100563578.001 RP SHOREPOWER CABLE 368.74 TOTAL 368.74 DO ~. 50 2 Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Electrical Wholesalers Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 800-522-3232 Vendor Contact Vendor Address Lockbox 9761 P.O. Box 8500 Philadelphia, PA 19178-9761 5414 Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total / Discount Amount Claimec Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number S100663578.001 4/19/2013 $368.74 $368,74 RP Shorepower Cable 8M5710.2.000.200 $368.74 ! $368.74 Payee Certification lhe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certi~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except ~s therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature e~'--' Company' Nam ! Department Certification I hereby certify that the rna~rials above specified have been received by me in goed condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, d payme ts approved. Title ~t~~ Date 1~ lqeciricai Whole~aler~ h~ ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS-NEW LONDON 163 STATE PIER ROAD NEW LONDON, CT 06320-5817 860-443-4381 Fax 860-443-4570 SOLD TO: III Ill IIIIIlllll Ill I Il Illllllllllllllllllll Ill Ship Ticket SHiP DATE I ORDER NUMBER PAGE NO. 04/19/2013I S100563578.001 1 of 1 I CUST PO#: ] maintenance JOB/REL#:I maintenance SHIP TO: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DI BOX H · FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0475 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DI BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0475 CUSTOMER NUMBER CUSTOMER PHONE# ORDERED BY SALESPERSON 27352 880-442-0165 JOHN HOUSE ACCOUNT WRITER SHIP VIA WAREHOUSE ORDER DATE FREIGHT ALLOWED BRUCE DEFREHN WILL CALL Ship: NELO Price: NELO 04/18/2013 No ORDER QTY SHIP QTY I1 DESCRIPTION SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS ATTENTION: JOHN 50ft 50ft WCU SCOW 4/4 BLACK 500' MASTER REEL !! TAGGED ITEM !! lore: Picker: CHAKEV Loc: C-1 Pkgs PcBu ReCo Skid Subfotal Any shortage, damaged or incorrect material must be reported within Shipping Chgs 24 hours. Tax Payments Amount Due Printed By ~'~ I~leclrical TTl~lesalers ELECTRICAL WHOLESALERS-NEW LONDON 163 STATE PIER ROAD NEW LONDON CT 06320-5817 860-443-4381 Fax 860-443-4570 BILL TO: 4231MB0.40§ Eooogx 10013D67280§755P14208590001:0001 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DI PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 SHIP TO: INVOICE CUSTOMER NUMBER SUB ACCOUNT # 27352 27352 INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE S 100563578.001 04/19/13 REMIT TO: ELECTRICAL WHOLESALES, INC LOCKBOX # 9761 PO BOX 8500 PHILADELPHIA PA 19178-g761 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DI BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0475 CUSTOMER PO # JOB NAME I RELEASE # ORDERED BY SALESPERSON maintenance maintenance JOHN HOUSE ACCOUNT WRITER SHIP VIA : TERMS SHIP DATE ORDER DATE BRUCE DEFREHN WILL CALL MFG DISC 10TH, NET 15TH 04/19/13 04/18/13 ORDER QTY SHIP QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXT PRICE 50ft 5Oft WCU SOOW 4/4 BLACK 500' MASTER REEL 6934.334m 346.72 !! TAGGED ITEM !! We have corn p eted the upgrade to our new operating system to better serve you. We continue to offer convenient ways for YOU to receive. , . . . . , . your ~nvo~ces us ng ema ~ and "lnvo ce Gateway - a secure, easy-to-use, on ~ne too for manag ng your ~nvoices. Invo ce Gateway notifies you via email when new invoices are posted. You con search, sort, view, pdnt, download and even pay on this site. Save time and money! You con access "Invoice Gateway" at http://ew.billtrust.com by using your new Web Token Enrollment which is pdnted at the bottom of your statements and invoices. Please note our payment terms pdnted on your invoice and for complete terms and conditions go to http://www.ew-ct.com/ CustomerEWTC.pdf, I I 2013A)4/19 03:52:35 PM S100563578.1 Subtotal 346.72 Invoice is due by 05115113. Shipping Chgs 0.00 i~ ~/~ C~ Tax 22.02 For complete Terms & Conditions go to: Payments 0.00 http:l/www,ew-ct.comlCustomerEWTC.pdf Amount Due 368.74 A ~JSE~¢= Company 0001:0001 Visit us at www.usesi.com TO VIEW ONLINE GO TO: http:llew.billtrust.com USE THIS ENROLLMENT TOKEN: FML HKS FSK Page 1 of 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 005442 EMPIRE DENTAL 05/21/2013 CHECK 1149 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 5112009 DENTAL PREMIUM-5/13 1,538.53 TOTAL 1,538.53 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher 5442 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securiiy Number ~}~{hcho~'c ¢ R~s~o~ - P.O. Box 202837 Empire ~ Department 83703 Vendor Telephone Number Dallas, TX 78320-2837 800-928-6459 Vendor Contact Check No. Ilqq_ Entered by ~ Audit Date Invoice I Invoice Number I I Date Total Discount Net Amount Claimed 51t2009i 4/t4/2013 $1,538.53 $1,538.53 $1,838.83 $1,838.53 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is trae and correct, that no pert has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the To~ is exempt are excluded Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services iil113-5131113 De~+~ Pc~l'vr~- General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM9060.8.000.000 Department Certification 1 hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition w/thout substii~tion, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions Signature or~~ approved Title Date ~.~ '~ /~--/~..~ EMPIRE PO BOX 856 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440-0856 456125 0001 0001-550 19 355.14 39,46/EE/MO 96.48/EE/MO 146.65/EE/MO STATEMENT ID4RINE PO BOX 856 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55440~0S56 ACCOUNT NAME FISHHRS ISLAI~D FERRY DISTRICT ACCOUNT ENY4561251 BILLING DAT~ 04/14/2013 BILL/PYMT INQUIRIES 877-606~3409 ENROLLMENT INQUIRIES 800-9h8-6459 FISHERS iSLeD FERRY DISTRICT-BROKER ATTN: ~.Ry CENTER 261 TRUMBULL DR PO BOX 607 FISHERS ISLED NY 06390 CURRENT DUE PAST DUE 61 - 90DAYS0.0O OVER 90 DAYS0.00 YOUR BAL~iNCE IS DUE BY THE FIRST OF TH~ MONTH. PLEASE INCLUDE A STATEMENT COPY WITH YOUR PAYMENT. / $ 04/14/2013 EMPIRE P0 BOX 856 MI}~J~POLI$ ~g 55440-0856 5112009 SUBSCRIBER P~RIOD 05/01/2013 05/31/2013 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 006155 FEDEX 05/21/2013 CHECK 1150 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION ~MOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 2-232-85683 AIRBILLS-PAYROLL,WARRANT 113.99 TOTAL 113.99 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securiiy Number Vendor Address P.O. Box 371461 Vendor Name Pittsburgh, PA t5250-746t Fedex Vendor Telephone Number 800-622-1147 Vendor Contact Check No. 1115O Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2!1:1 Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 2-232-85683 $t t3.99 Airbills-PayrolI,Warrant SM5710.4.000.000 Invoice Invoice Date Total 4/812013 $t t3.99 $113.99 Payee Certification $113.99 The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and cmrect, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is aclually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Department Certification I hereby certi~ that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, Ibc services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions Signature ~s approved Invoice Number 2-232-85683 Invoice Date '~ I Account Number~ Page Apr 08~ 2013 1206-0334-5 1 of 5 FedExTax ID: 71-0427007 Billing Address: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT DEB DOUCETTE PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Invoice Summary Apr 08, 2013 Shipping Address: FISHERS ISLAND FERRYTERMINAL 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320 Invoice Questions? Contnct FedEx Revenue Services Phone: (800)622-1147 M-Sa 7-6 (CST) Fax: (800) 548-3020 Internet: www,fedex,com FedEx Express Services Transportation Charges 115.25 Base Discount -12.73 Special Handling Charges 11,47 Total Charges USg $113,99 TOTAL THIS INVOICE USD $113.99 You saved $12 73 in discounts this period! Other discounts may apply, Detailed descr!.@tions of surcharges can be located at fedex.com Invoice Number Adjustment Request Fax to (800) 548-3020 2-232-85683 Invoice Date %] Account Number %] Page Apr 08, 2013 ~206-0334-5 2 of 5. Use this form to fax requests for adjustments due to the reasons indicated below. Requests for adjustments due to other reasons, including service failures, should be submitted by going to vvvwv.fedex.com or calling 800.622.1147. Please use multiple forms for additional requests. Please corr ]lete all fields m black ~nk ReruestorNamel ] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] Phone Ill.-I I I I-I I I I I Fax#i . . E-mail Address Tracking Number lllllllllllllllll II I [ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I Datel I I/I I I/I I I~ , ,-I I I I-I I I I I FlYes, I want to L3aate account contact with the above inforlllaeOlq Bill to Account IIII, ~11 iiiiililll I I I ] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I $ Amount I I I I I I.I I I I I I I I I.I I I I IADR-Address Correction RI DVC- Declared Value F IAN- Invalid Acct # INW - Incorrect Weight INS - Incorrect Service OCF - Grd Pick-up Fee OCS - Exp Pick-up Fee OVS- Oversize Surcharge RSU- Residential Delivery PND - Pvvrshp Not Delivered SDR - Saturday Delivery For all Service failures or other surcharges please use our web site vwn~.fedex.com or call (800) 622-1147 C Tracking Number Code $ Amount r t~l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,I I si I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iol I Rerate information only (round to nearest inch) LBS L W H I II I I Ixl I I Ixl I I I I I II I I Ixl I I Ixl I I I I II I I Ix[ I I Ixl I I I I II I I Ixl I I Ixl I I I I I II I I Ix[ I I Ixl I I Invoice Number 2-232-85683 FedEx Express Shipment Summary By Payor Type FedEx Express Shipments (Original) Invoice Date "~Account Number Apr 08, 2013 1206-0334-5 Page 3of5 Shipper Recipient Total FedEx Ex~ess 2 5.0 48.35 4.98 -4.84 48.49 3 2.0 66.90 6.49 -7.69 65.50 6 7;0! i i$115~5 $11.47 ili ;$i2;7377 $t!3~9 Total This Invoice USD $113.99 InvoiceNumber /[ 2-232-85683 FedEx Express Shipment Detail By Payor Type (Original) Invoice Date 1 Account Number Apr 08, 2013 1206-0334-5 Page 4of5 · Fuel Surcharge - FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 11 00% to this shipment. · Distance Based Pricing, Zone 2 Automation CAFE Sender Recioient Tracking ID 558231735155 Freight Agents Diana Whitecavage Service Type FedEx Priority Overnight Fishers Island Ferry District Town of Southold Package Type Customer Packaging New London Terminal Accounting gept Zone 02 NEW LONDON CT 06320 US SOUTHOLD NY 11911 US Packages 1 Rated Weight 3.0 lbs, 1.4 kgs Transportation Charge Declared Value usg 100.00 Courier Pickup Charge Delivered Mar 20, 2013 11:04 Fuel Surcharge Svc Area AM Declared Value Charge 27.05 -- 2.68 -- 000 -- Signed by D.WHITECAVAGE Discount FedEx Use 000000000/0001486/_ Total Charge USD $27.02 Fuel Surcharge - FedEx has applied a fuel Surcharge of 1200% to this shipment Distance Based Pricing, Zone 2 FedExhasauditedthisshlpmentforcorrectpackages, weight, end se~iceAnychanges made are reflected in the invoice amount AdeIeterequestviaanautomatedCevicewasreceivedforthissNpment Itisbeingbilledbecauseoperationa~scansindicatepackagemovement The package weight exceeds the maximum for the packaging ~pe, therefore, FedEx Envelope was rated as FedEx Pak Automa~on CAFE ~nder Reci~ienl Tracking lB 5582317351~ Freight Agents Diana Whitecavage Service Type Fed Ex Standard Overnight Fishers Islaod Ferry Bis~ict Town of Sou~old Package TyRe FedEx Pak New London Terminal Accoun~ng Bept Zone 02 NEW LONDON CT 06320 US SOUTHOLB NY 11971 US Packages 1 Rated Weight 20 lbs, 09 kgs Transpo~on Charge 21.30 Declared Value USD 100.00 Fuel Surcharge 2.30 Delivered Apr 03, 2013 14:20 Discount -2.13 Svc Area A8 Declared Value Charge 0.00 Signed by D.WHITECAVAC[ Courier Pickup Charge 0.00 FedEx Use 000000~/~1283/_ Toal Cha~e USD ~i~47 Shipper Subtotal USD $48.49 · Fuel Surcharge - FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 11 00% to this shipment · Distance Based Pricing, Zone Automation USAB Sender Recioient Tracking ID 801403333899 DIANA WHITECAVAGE DONALD LAMB Sen/ice Type FedEx Priority Overnight TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FI FERRY DISTRICT Package Type FedEx Envelope 53095 ROUTE 25 5 WATER FRONT PARK Zone 02 SOUTHOLD NY 11971-4642 US NEW LONDON CT 06320 US Packages 1 Rated Weight N/A Delivered Mar 14, 2013 09:41 Transportation Charge Svc Area A4 Discount Signed by M.NICK Fuel Surcharge FedEx Use 007289314/0888186/_ Total Charge USO 19.80 3,17 1.83 $18.46 I InvoiceNumber '~ InvoiceDate'~l AccountNumber '~ P.ge 2-232-85683 Apr 08, 2013 1206-0334-5 5 of 5 · Fuel Surcharge - FedEx has applied a fuel surcharge of 1100% to this shipment Automahon USAB Sender Recioient Tracking ID 801403333888 JANICE LFOGLIA DONALD LAMB Service Type FedEx Priority Overnight TOWN OF SBUTHOLD FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Package Type FedEx Pak 53095 ROUTE 25 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 US Zone 02 SOUTHOLD NY 11921-4642 US Packages 1 Rated Weight 10 lbs, 0.5 kgs Delivered Mar 25, 2013 09:14 Tra~spodadon Charge 2355 Svc Area A9 Discou~t 236 Signed by P.FORD Fuel Surcharge 233 FedEx Use 00816781410001486/ Total Charge USD .~3.52 payor: R~i¢ie~ Ref,#3: ; Automation USAB Sender Recipient Tracking ID 801403333872 DIANA WHITECAVAGE DONALD LAMB Service Type FedEx Priority Overnight TOWN OF SOUTHOLD El FERRY DISTRICT Package Type FedEx Pak 53095 ROUTE 25 5 WATERFRONT PARK Zone 02 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 4642 US NEWLONDONCT 06320 US Packages 1 Rated Weight 10lbs, 05 kgs Delivered Mar 28, 2013 09:50 Transportation Charge Svc Area A4 Discount Signed by M.JIM Fuel Surcharge FedEx Use 008642561/0001486/ Total Charge USD 2355 236 233 $23.52 Recipient Subtotal USD $65.50 Total FedEx Express USD $113.99 From: (860) 442-0165 Origin ID: SKKA FREIGHT AGENTS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT NEW LONDON TERMINAL 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON, CT 06320 A~ar printing this tabel: 3 Place label ~n sl3ippin9 po~h snd afl~( ~ to your shipman1 so Iha~ the barcode peri,on oI lhe label can be read and scanned Warning: Use only [he pnr~led odg~nal label [or shipping~Using a pholccopy el t~s 18bel [o[ shipping purposes ~s fraudulent and could result in adddional bill,n§ charges, along with Ihe cancellalion of ybur ~edEx ~COL~nt number Ship Dab: 19MAR13 ActWgt 12 3 LB MAN ;AD: 0147135/CAFE2608 SHIP TO: (631) 765-,~333 DIANA WHITECAVAGE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ACCOUNTING DEPT 54375 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD, NY 11971 BILL SENDER Delivery Add,ess BaT Code I IIII I IIIIIIIIIII III IIII IIIIII IIII Ref# 18 March 2013 Warrants invoice # PO# Oept #, WED - 20 MAR 'I2:00P PRIORITY OVERNIGHT ~5582 3173 5155 ZM WSHA 11971 NY-US JFK After printing thil label: 1 Use Ihe 'Pnnl' bullon on this page Io pnnl your label to your laser of inkier pnnter 2 Fold Ihe pnnled page along Ihe bonzonlal line 3 Place label ~n sh,pp~ng pouch and af~x il Io your shlpmeni so [hal Ihe barcode porhon of Ihe label can be read and scanned Warning; Use only Ihe pnnted o~lg~nel label for sh,pp~ng Using a pholccopy of th~s label for shipping purposes is fraudulenl and could resull ~n addihonal b,ll~n§ charges, alon9 w~[h Ihe cal~ei~aliorl o¢ your FedEx ~;oourd number From: (860) 442-0165 Origin ID: SKKA FREIGHT AGENTS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT NEW LONDON TERMINAL 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON, CT 06320 SHIP TO: (63'1) 765-4333 DIANA WHITECAVAGE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ACCOUNTING DEPT 54375 MAIN RD SOUTHOLD, NY '11971 BILL SENDER Ship Date: 02APR13 ActWgt: 1.0 LB MAN CAD: 01471351CAFE2608 Delivery Address Bar Code Ref# Warrants Invoice # PO# Dept# WED - 03 APR 4:30P STANDARD OVERNIGHT 5582 3173 5166 11971 ZM WSHA FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 006339 FISHERS ISLAND ELECTRIC CORP. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1151 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 479 479 RP LIFTING LIFE P~AFT OFF 195.00 DIGGER DERRICK TRUCK E-9 85.00 TOTAL 280.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 6339 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Fishers Island Electric Corp. Vendor Telephone Number 631-788-7261 Vendor Contact Invoice 479 Invoice Number Date 41312013 Invoice Total Discount $t98.00 $85.00 $280.001 :Vendor Address P.O. Drawer E Fishers Island, NY 06390 Net Purchase Order a. mount Claimed Number $195.00 $85.00 $280.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature C0[llpan~r Name Description of Goods or Services RP Lifting life raft off digger derrick truck e-9 Check No. Entered by Audit Date General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.2.000.200 SM$710.2.000.200 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or.discrepancies noted, payment is approved Fishers Island Electric Corp. Drawer E Fishers Island, NY 06390 Invoice Date I Invoice 4/3/2013 479 Bill To Fishers Island Ferry District Drawer H Fishers Island, NY 06390 P.O. No, Terms Project 2248 Quantity Description Rate Amount 3 LABOR: LI~TING LIFE RAFT INTO POSITION ON MS RACE POINT 65.00 195.00 I DIGGER DERRICK TRUCK E-9 85.00 85.00 Total $28o.oo FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 007317 GNCB CONSULTING ENGINEERS,PC 05/21/2013 CHECK 1152 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT H7 .5720.2.400.100 19707 BID & CONSTRUCTION 1,950.00 H7 .5720.2.400.100 19707 REIMBURSABLE 50.28 TOTAL 2,000.28 Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securiiy Number 130 Elm Street P.O. Box 802 GNCB Consulting Engineers, P.C. Old Saybrook, CT 06479 Vendor Telephone Number 860-388-1224 x112 Vendor Contact Number i Date 19707 3/31/2013 Total $1,950.00 $50.28 $2,000.28 Discount Net Purchase Order Amount Claim Number $1,950.00 $50.28 $2,000.28 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on bebelf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify lhat the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. Vendor No. 7317 Entered by Audit Date P4AY 2 1 2013 Description of Goods or Services Bid & Construction Reimbursable General Ledger Fund and Accoum Number H7.$720.2.400.100 H7.5720.2.400.100 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Title Date T(mn of SouthokL Nex~ Y,Jrk - Payment Voucher 7317 130 Elm Stree~ P.O, ~Ox 802 Oid Saybrook. CT 06475 I707 3/31/20~3 $1,950.00 $1,950.00 ~id & ConstrucdoF, H7.5720.2.400.!00 S50.28 $50.28 tReimbu rssble H7,5720.2.400.I00 $2,000.28 $2,000.28 P.O. Box 802/130 Elm Street Old Saybrook, CT 06475 860-388-1224 x112 Fishers Island Ferry District P.O. Drawer H Fishers Island, NY 06390 Accounts Payable No. 19707 03/31/2013 FIFD Ramp 11003.00 For Services Rendered Through 3/31/2013 Survey Engineering Report Design Redesign Bid & Construction Counter Weight Towers Total Professional Services United Parcel Service United Parcel Service Total Reimbursable Invoice Amount Contract Amount Previously Billed % Complete Invoice Amount $4,000.00 $4,000.00 100.00 $.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 100.00 $.00 $15,500.00 $15,500.00 100.00 $.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 100.00 $.00 $6,500.00 $1,950.00 60.00 $1,950.00 $.00 $.00 0.00 $.00 $$0,000.00 $45,450.00 ~ $t,950.00 ~.~ Invoice Unit Rate Qty Markup Amount 103 103 21.27 1.00 1.00 $21.27 29.01 1.00 1.00 $29.01 $50.28 $2000.28 Invoice 0 - 30 31 - 60 61-90 Over 90 Balance 11003.00 FIFD Ramp 19469 19557 19647 Total for 11003.00 Total Prior Billing 11/30/2012 1/31/2013 2/28/2013 $10,500.00 $10,500.00 $800.50 $800.50 $650.00 $650.00 $1,450.50 $t0,500,00 $11,950.50 1,450.50 $10,500.00 $11,950.50 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 007638 GRAINGER 05/21/2013 CHECK 1153 FU~D & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.000 9107614753 9110396737 9112052262 RP SEWAGE PUMp OUT 43.50 CREDIT RP SEWAGE SYSTEM 77.65- RP/MU TOOL CHEST 384.72 TOTAL 350.57 Vendor No, }Ch~ck No, Town of Somhold, New York- Payment Voucher ?638 Gmtnger 4t~01 ~71,6 RP Se em 4~/2013~ $~,12 ~ t~,12~ ~EP & MUNN TOol Che~ 8M6710,2,~0.~ Payee Certification Departmen~ Certification Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher r Vendor No. 7638 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Dept. 859168477 Pa at ne, L 60038-0001 Grainger Vendor Telephone Number 877-202-2694 VendorContact invoice Number Date Discount Net ~,mount Claimed 869158477 413/2013 $43.50 $43.50 869158477 41812013 $77.65 $77.65 Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services RP Sewage Pump Out RP Sewage System RP & MUNN Tool Chest Check No. Entered by Audit Date ~AY 2 1 2013 Town Clerk Signature ~'~ litle Company Name Date Payee Certification Thc undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is frae and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, tbat the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded 869158477 41912013 $384.72 $384.72 SM5710.2.000.000 $506.87 $505.87 Department Certification SM8710.2.000.200 SM6710.2.000.200 I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitation, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified ~ath the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, d payment is approved General Ledger Fund and Account Number GRAINGER PAGE I OF ~ IIIII 18 APPLEGATE DRIVE NORTH ROBBINSVILLE, NI 08691-2342 www.grainger.com Ship to information is listed below in the description section BILL TO MDG2013 00010806 1AB 0384 f,lfllf,l,l~l,,f,l,,¢h'llf,f,,,,,,l,,fhffl,,,,,h,,,,hl FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 The following items were shipped to: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320-0000 4KWG8 THREADED FLANGE,2-1/2 X 7 IN,NPT, IRON MANUFACTURER # 0308003003 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE PO NUMBER: RI BURNS CALLER: R3BURNS CUSTOMER PHONE: (860) 442-0165 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6224531386 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN 869158477 9107614753 04/03/2013 05/03/2013 43.50 THANK YOU / FEINUMBER 36 t150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS iNVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202.2594 i 32.55 32.55 NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WBGHT 5 72 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 3255 BATE SHIPPED 04/03/'2013 SHIPPING CHARGE 10 95 CARRIER: UPS GROUND TRACKING NO: 1Z20251W0376890784 These items are sold for domeshc consumption in the Unded States If expoded purchaser assumes full ~esponsibilily for compliance wflh US expod controls / PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT PAYABLE IN U S DOLLARS I AMOUNT DUE 43.50 GRA~NGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS GRAINGER · IIIII 78 JEFFERSON BLVD. WARWICK, RI 02888-1064 www.grainger.com Ship tO information is listed below in the description section BILL TO MDG2013 00008581 1AB 0384 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 The following items were shipped to: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320-0000 4KW]9 REDUCING COMPANION FLANGE,2 1/2X7 1/2 IN MANUFACTURER # 0308008200 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER CREDIT MEMO NUMBER CREDIT MEMO DATE ORIGINAL INVOICE CREDIT AMOUNT PO NUMBER: R] BURNS CALLER: R3 BURNS CUSTOMER PHONE: (860) 442-0165 ORDER/DELIVERY#:4019356751 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN 869158477 9110396737 04/08/2013 9104711925 77.65CR Interested in receiving invoices via email? Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.graing er.com/paperlessinvoicing THANK YOU ! FE, NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS CREDIT MEMORANDUM CALL 401-467-9160 77.65 77.65 m m m m m m m mm m mm NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGNT 7 50 DATE SHIPPED 04/08/'2013 CARRIER UPS GROUND These items are sold [or domestic consumption in lhe United States If exported pdrchaser assumes flJII ~esponsibddy fer compliance wilh US export controls NO PAYMENT DUE - THIS CREDIT MEMORANDUM FOR YOUR RECORDS INVOICE SUB TOTAL 77 65 CREDIT AMOUNT 77.65CR ~HA~r~H ~ IANLJARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS GRAINGER · IIIII 18 APPLEGATE DRIVE NORTH ROBBINBVILLE, N] 08691-2342 www.grainger.com Ship to information is listed below in the description section BILL TO MDG2013 00011888 1AB 0384 h~h,l,hidih,h,,UiPl,ll,u,~ll,lil~h~,l~,~h~ll,mlllh FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390-0607 The following items were shipped to: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320-0000 1RC61 3 DRAWER TOOL CHEST MANUFACTURER # 1RC61 4FB43 TOP CHEST, 26 WX15 1/2H,4 DRAWER, RED MANUFACTURER # 4FB43 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE DATE DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE PO NUMBER: R] BURNS CALLER: RI BURNS CUSTOMER PHONE: (860) 442-0165 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6225002608 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN 869158477 9112052262 04/09/2013 05/09/2013 384.72 Interested in receiving invoices via email? Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.g rainger.com/paperlessinvoicing THANKYOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THiS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 61.95 123.90 217.25 217.25 m mm m m m m mm m m mm m m m m m m mm m m mm mm m m mm mm NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT 8000 iNVOICESUBTOTAL 341 15 DATE SHIPPED 04/09/2013 SHIPPING CHARGE 4357 CARRIER UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z20251W0377319542 1Z20251W0377321468 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States If exported, purchaser assumes tull respensibitity for compliance with US export controls PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY EHIS INVOICE NO SIAEEMENT SENT PAYABLE iN U S DOLLARS I _ j AMOUNT DUE 384.72 GRAtNGER STANDARD TERIVIS AND CONDITIONS FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019216 GRANITE GROUP WHOLESALERS, LLC 05/21/2013 CHECK 1154 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 6668864-00 6685363-00 6692417-00 RP-SWG-STEEL NIPPLE,COUP 63.92 RP-SWG-PARTS 31.03 RP-SWG-STEEL NIPPLE 17.68 TOTAL 112,63 Vendor No. 19216 Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address P. O. Box 2004 Vendor Name Concord, NH 03302-2004 The Granite Group Vendor Telephone Number 860-4424348 Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Number Dale 6668864-00 4/1512013 6685363-00 4/17/2013 6692417-00 4118/2013 Invoice Net Total Discount Amount Claimec $63.92 $63.92 $3t.03 $31.03 $17.68 $17.68 Ch~kNo. lkSq Entered by ~,~ Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Purchase Order Number Description of Gonds or Serwces General Ledger Fund and Account Number RP Sewage RP Sewage RPSewage $112.63[ ~ $1t2.63 The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is irae and correct, that no pan has been paid, except as therein staled, that the balance therein stated is actually due and orang, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded SM5710.2.000.200 SM5710.2.000.200 SM5710.2.000.200 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Title Date Foden oF 5oudmld, Ne~' York - P;~yment Vm~cher 19216 P, 0 Box 2004 ~:. ,. : Co,cord, NH 03302-200~t The Granite Group 860-442-4348 5668854-$C 4/!5/2013 $65.92 S83,92 RP Sewage 6685563-00 4!1 ?/201 3 $3', .03 $31.03 ?P Sewa_g e 8892417-00 4i!8/2013 $17,68 $I?,68 R~ Sewage SM5710 2,000.200 $112,85 $112,83 Pick iicket/Packing [ist Cust ~$: 2~65'8 FISHERS ISLAN C~,st PO~: race point Phone ~ : (860)442-0i65/ B~il ]o: FISHERS ISlAND FERRY DiS]RIC~ P 0 BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Order ~ 6692417-00 PO Date Page ~ 04/i8/13 i Printed By 4~c3 on 04/i8/i3 09:35 Ship From: GRANITE 1ND[JSTRIAL BR 44 SHETUCKET iNDUStRIAL SOP-BR44 NEW LONDON, CT 06320 (860)442-4348 Ship CI PlEK UP-- DELIVERIES FISHERS ISLAND FERRY D.[S[RICT P 0 BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Line Proouct Qty Qty # And Description Ord Ship instructions: ONLY SIEVE TO CHRu Quoted Io: Via: W~itten By: jps Promised: 04/18/13 Reque_sted: 04/18/13 Shipped: 04;18/i3 Reference: Qty Qty' Unit B.O. UM Shipped Price ; 3.~BN ] ] 0 EACH 17.68 3X4 BLF, S~EEL NIPPLE 1~/3I/C3J,' iNVOICE TOTAL: $ _~7.68 i Lines Total Qty Shipped Total: 1 ~otal: of Lines Not Printed: 0 Weight: 2.53 ~'ed By: Packed By: Checked By: Freign~ Chgs: Bundles i Cartons I Lengths [ Pieces i Coils ! l-oral Packages lB tC ID iE IF i C,~stomer Signature: Date: SOLID AS OUR NAME 6 Storrs Street Concord NH 03301 (860) 442-4348 CUST #: 27698 Invoice BiLL TO: 241MB0.405 EO007 10012D67135035OPI4181020003:0003 N ..hl .lNq,.,I,,hqh q,ll ,,m¢ll l .l d,qd' FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 NH 03302-2004 FDS TKS TXL SHIP TO: CT PICK UP - DELIVERIES FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT POBOXH FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 I 34BN ~ 1 0 EACH ~768 1768 3X41nterchange BLK STEEL Prod:NIPPLE 3x4bn I Lines Total Qty Shipped To~l 1 Total 17.6, Invoice Total 17.6, Cash Discount 0.35 If Paid By 05/10/13 I GO FROM GETTING A STATEMENT TO MAKING A STATEMENT i Receive your nvo oas faster and he p save the environment by enro ng in our fl'ee e-billing invoicing service. nvoices are sent by email or fax once per day. With email, you can even download your invoice data directly into your account ng package (such as Qu ckBooks or Peachtree). ' Save time. Save money. Save a tree. Make a statement. To sign up, contact Credit Department at arquestions~hegra nitegroup.com TERMS: A 2% per month service charge will be added to all invoices past due 30 days or more. This is an annual rate of 24% All claims must be made within 20 days, no material may be returned without prior permission. Material must be accompanied by the invoice number and returned to origina[ purchase location. Returns may be subject to restocking charges. 0003:0003 Pi~k "licker/Packing List Cust ~: 27698 FISHERS ISLAN Cust PO~,: race point I:'hone tS : (860)442-0165i Order 6685363-00 PO Date Page ~ 04/15/13 1 Printed By eee on 04/i6/13 13:34 B~ll FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P 0 BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Ship From: GRANITE INDUSTRIAL BR 44 SHETUCKEF INDUSTRIAL SUP-BR44 NEW LONDON, CT 08320 (860)e42-4348 Ship To: C~ PICK UP - DELIVERIES Instructions: ONLY STEVE TO CHRS caii R J BURNS when ~n Quoted io: V~a: PICK UP 880-44d-0!65 Written By: )ps Promised: 04/15/13 FISHERS iSLAND, NY 06390 Requested: 04/15/13 Shipped: 04/16/13 Product Qtv Qty Qty tT!~v ~ Unit Lime # And Description ora Ship B,~. UM' Sh i _p_p_~__ Price 1 DIX300AAL 1 :f 0 each ~ 20.68 DIXON 300-A-AL CAM XF N/on/ St/ock Tied to PO Orde': 712424-00 ~?~J r~ Total 20.68 Freight In 10.35 INVOIC~ TOTAL: $ 31..03 I Lines Total Qty Shipped Total: 1 Total: of Lines Not Printed: 0 Weight: 0.00 P~cked By: Packed By: Checked By: Frelgh~ Chgs: Bags I BundLes i Cartons I Lengths I Pieces I Co~ls ~ 'Total Packages iA lB lC ID IE iF t ........ i ................................ ............. ......... Last Fag£ _~ =L NITE SOLID AS OUR NAME 6 Storrs Street Concord NH 03301 (860) 442-4348 CUST #: 27698 BILL TO: 241MB0.405 EO007 IO011D§70662586P14181020002:0003 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Invoice F=O BOX 2004 Concord, NH 03302-2004 FDS TKS 'rXL SHIP TO: CT PICK UP - DELIVERIES call R J BURNS when in 860-442-0165 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 ONLY STEVE TO CHRG I New London [ PICK UP DIX300AAL DIXON 300-A-AL CAM XF 1 Lines Total Cash Discount 0.41 If Paid By 05/10/13 ~ty Ship~ Total Freight In OGO FROM GETTING A STATEMENT TO MAKING A STATEMENT Receive your nvoices faster and help save the env ronment by enrolling in our free e-billing invoicing service. Invoices are sent by emall or fax once per day. With email, you can even download your invoice data directly into your accounting package (such as QuickBooks or Peachtree). Save time. Save money. Save a tree. Make a statement. To sign up, contact Credit Department at arquestions~thegranitegroup.com TERMS' A 2% per month service cha~ge will be added o a nvo ces past due 30 days or more. This is an annual rate of 24%. All claims must be made within 20 days, no material may be returnecJ without prior permission. Materiai must be accompanied by the invoice number and returned to original purchase location. Returns may be subject to restocking charges. 0002:0003 F'Jck licket/~'ac~ing List Cust $~: Cust PO~: Phone ~$ : 2~698 FISHERS ISLAN race point (860)442-0165/ Order Filled From Received Merchandise 6668864-00 PO Date Page # 04/05/13 1 Printed By axr on 04/09/13 10:5t Bill '1o: F]StliRS ISLAND FERRY DiSIRICI P 0 BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Sh~p From: GRANI]E INDUSTRIAL BR 44 SHETUCKET INDUSTRIAL SUP-BR44 NEW LONDON~ CT' 06320 <860)442-~348 Ship To: C'I PICK U~' - DELIVERIES Instructions: ONLY STEVE TO CHRG FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT Quoted To: Via: PICK UP P 0 BOX FI Writterl Bv: eec Promised: 04/05/13 FISHERS ISLAND, NY ~6390 Requested: 04,,'05/13 Shipped: 04/09/13 Line Product Qty ~y Q~y Qty ~ Unit # And Descrip;lon Ord Ship B.O. UM Sk~£pped Price 2 3.212DBMICOUP i t 0 EACH 36. 02 3" X 2-1/2" BLACB MI COUPLING 12/3H/C32/ / / / 1 212.4BN ~ ,: 0 EACH 13.95 2-1/2X4 BLK STEEL NIPPLE ~ , 12/3I/C18/ Tied to W't Order: 2019864-00 Total 63.92 INVOICE TOTAL: $ 63.92 2 Lines 'Total Qty Shipped Total: 3 Total: ~ # of Lines Not Printed: 0 Weight: 7.65 Picked By: Packed By: Checked By: F'reigh~ Chgs: I Bags I Bundles i Cartons t ~engths t Pieces t Coils I To~at Packages I IA tB C \ D E iF' t i Customer Signature: Date: Last Page IANITE SOLID AS OUR NAME 6 Storm Street Concord NH 03301 (860) 442-4348 CUST #: 27698 BILL TO: 24 1 MB 0.405 EOOOTX 10010 D668901027 PI418102 0001:0003 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Invoice DS TKS TXL SHIP TO: CT PICK UP - DELIVERIES FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT POBOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 ~ 2124BN 2 2 0 EACH 1395 27 90 · . 2-1/2X4 BLK STEEL NIPPLE Interchange Prod: 212x4bn 2 3.212DBMICOUP 1 I 0 EACH 36.02 36.02 3" X 2-1/2" BLACK MI COUPLING Interchange Prod: 3x212dbmicoup 2 Lines Total Qty Shipped Total 3 Total 63.92 Invoice Tota! 63.92 Cash Discount 1.28 tf Paid By 05/10/13 : iiiiiii!!i~!~ i ii!!  I GO FROM GETTING A STATEMENT TO MAKING A STATEMENT f Receive your invo ces faster and help save the env ronment by enrolling n our free e-billing invoicing service. nvoices are sent by email or fax once per day. With email, you can even download your invoice data directly into your accounting package (such as Qu ckBooks or Peachtree). ' ' Save time. Save money. Save a tree. Make a statement. To sign up, contact Credit Department at arquestions~hegranitegroup.com TERMS: A 2% per month service charge will be added to all invoices past due 30 days or more. This is an annual rate of 24%. All claims must be made within 20 days, no material may be returned without prior permission. Material must be accompanied by the invoice number and returned to original purchase location. Returns may be subject to restocking charges. 0001:0003 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTPdCT VENDOR 008100 HAWKINS, DELAFIELD & WOOD 05/21/2013 CHECK 1155 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .1420.4.000.000 041813A $1058K BD~N-4/ll/13 391.65 H7 .5720.2.400.100 041813A $1058K BAM-4/ll/13 2,285.72 TOTAL 2,677.37 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP Venytor Telephone Number (212) 820-9/416 Vendor Contacl Gerard Fernandez, Jr. ovid/3 ~/i8/]3 Of Counsel Payee Certification ~mm"~'qa't"~""""~"~',t Ti Of Counsel Ha~'~ Ue±atle±o &"Wood ~P Company Name Date 4/18/13 Vendor No. One Chase Manhattan Plaza 42nd Floor, NY, NY 10005 Dem:riplion of Goods oT Service See Attached Check No Entered by ~ Au~itD~,~y 2 1 20i3 Cler ' 7 ' ~ J~./q~. q o00. 000 Department Certification I hcreb3~' certify Outt ~bo mamrial~ above specified have been reczived by me in good condition wltbem sub.it ulion, tbe 5ervi~5 properly performed and thal th~ quanl di~ thereof have been vet/fled wtth the exceptions /nb'o--- C- ? v i3ordon Murphy/ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Cushman, John <John. Cushman@town.southold.ny.us> Monday, April 22, 2013 9:56 AM Don Lamb; Gordon Murphy J Miller; Whitecavage, Diana Invoice for Bond Counsel HDW.pdf Dear Don and Gordon, The attached invoice from Hawkins, Delafield & Wood for bond counsel fees relating to the April 11, 2013 BAN arrived this morning. Note that $2,677.37 related to the Ferry District, which is being charged as follows: SM.1420.4.000.000 H7.5720.4.400.100 $391.65 For renewal of the New London Terminal BAN $2285.72 For issuance of the North Ramp project BAN I will be putting this on for payment on the May 7 audit. Please process accordingly. John John Cushman Town Comptroller Town of Southold 631-765-4333 http://www.southoldtownny.gov THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, OR THAT CONSTITUTES WORK PRODUCT AND IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THE COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE 631-765-4333 AND DESTROY THE DOCUMENT. THANK YOU. Matter Number Principal Amount Purpose Fee Disbursement Total 19513 $ 450,000.00 19513 500,000.00 34513 108,000.00 Totals $ Fisher Island Ferry Dock Fisher Island Ferry District Increase & Improvement Fuel Management System $ 342.13 2,230.76 82.11 $2.655.00 $ 49.52 54.96 113.67 ~218.15 $ 391.65 2,285.72 195.78 $2.873.1~ 1256567,I 034513 F1LE April 18, 2013 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK (Our File Designation:: 2615/19513 and 34513) Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP TO professional services rendered the Town of Southold (the "Town"), in the County of Suffolk, New York, in the matter of the authorization, sale, prepm'ation and issuance of the $1,058,000 Various Purposes Bond Anticipation Note-2013 (the "Note"), dated April 11, 2013 maturing April 10, 2014, including preparation of drafts of the requisite authorizing, sale and closing documents, the Bordered Note in readiness for execution and delivery; telephone conversations and con'espondence with the Town Comptroller as to the details of the Note and its sale and issuance and the rendering of the final written approving opinion of Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP at the time of delivery. FEE: (including attention to the proceedings pursuant to the Town Law, §202-b and the adoption of the bond resolution by the Town Board on December 4, 2012, authorizing the issuance of $500,000 serial bonds, to provide for and finance the increase and improvement of facilities of the Fishers Island Ferry District pursuant to Town Law, Section 202-b) Disbmsements: Duplication of Documents, Postage, Federal Express Delivery, Telephone Tolls, Word Processing and Computer Financial Analysis (re: IRS Form 8038-G) $2,655.00 218.15 TOTAL 1254008.1 034513 CLD DELAFIELD &WOOD LLP PHONE: 212-S20.9300 FAX: 212~514-8425 (212) 820-9416 ONE CHASE MANHATTAN PLAZA NEW YORK, NY I0005 WWW HAWKINS.COM April 18, 2013 NEW YORK · WASHINGTON NEWARK HARTFORD LOS ANGELES SACRAMENTO SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK (Our File Designations: 2615/19513 and 345131 Mr. John Cushman Town Comptroller Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Dear John: We have prepared and enclose herewith our statement for professional services rendered in connection with the authorization, sale and issuance of the $I,058,000 Various Purposes Bond Anticipation Note-2013 which was delivered on April 11, 2013. lfyou find our statement to be in order, may I ask that you submit it to the attention of the proper officials for payment. As always, it has been our privilege and pleasure to serve as Bond Counsel to the Town and to work with you; we look forward to the continum~ce of our most cordial relationship. Thanking you and with kind regards, I remain Sinai's, Gerard Fernandez, Jr. GF,jr/cfc Enclosure 1254008,1 034513 CIJ) FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 011564 THOMAS KP~AFT 05/21/2013 CHECK 1156 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # XNVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.300 SM .5710.4.000.300 SM .5710.4.000.300 SM .5710.4.000.300 9026 9026 9026 9026 RP 4500 GAL@S2.914300 13,114.35 CT EXCISE TAX-$.5120/GAL 2,304.00 S-F COST RECOVERY.0019 8.55 LUST TAX-$.0010/GAL 4.50 TOTAL 15,431.40 ~own of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number 45-4111778 Thomas Kraft dba Dime Oil Company Vendor Telephone Number 203-754-5334 Vendor Contact Invoice 9026 Number Date 4/1912013 Total $13,114.35 Discount P.O. Box 11125 Waterbury, CT 06703 Net Amount Claimed $13,114.35 Vendor No. 11564 Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services $2,304.00 $2,304.00 $8.56 $8.55 S-F Cost Recovery .0019 $4.60r~ $4.50 LUST Tax - $.0010/gal $15,431.40 Check No. Entered by ~ Audit Date ~AY 2 1 2013 $15,431.40I Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is tree and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually RP 4500 Gals ~ $2.914300 CT Excise Tax - $.5120/gal General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.300 Department Certification l hereby certify that thc materials above specified have been received by mc in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt arc excluded Signature ~~ Title Company Name FD ate Signature Title is approved Waterfront Park-Race int '~Re# ~oaaOn, cT 05320- Fac:or: 0.000 ~as: ~elv:0~/05/13 [1~", JOl~ _860-30~ 11.*:195n-ex83.ttra:tt:- ~'~"~e.= ,o.o~, ,o..~'~:o ,o.oo,~ / DIME OIL COMPANY, LLC ~*~: ~,T~ P.O. BOX 11125 TM~ :ju~ ~, ~ PAYMENT RECEIVED ' WATERBURY, CT 06703 TMF~ o~ DJ ~: P~ ~ (203) 754-5334 -- ~c ~H~ ~c.~c~ 16384 (~lO. O FULL PRICE PER GALLON [i!i'i Oil LLC Phone: 203-75&-5334 PO Box 11125 ~W~t~r'bury,CT 06703 Date: 04/19/2013 Re: Fishers Island Ferry District PO Box H Attn Accounts Payable Fishers Island, NY 06390- Fishers Island Ferry Dist 5 Water'front Par'k-Race Point, New London ACCOUNT NUNBER: AMOUNT ENCLOSED: ~20165 Page : 1 Terms: NET 30 Days From Invoice Data Date Invoice Charges and Credits Amount 0&/19/13 9026 Fuel Invoice Total 04/19/13 9026 ~20R Off Road Diesel L~500.O GALS .~ 2.91~,300 1311~.35 Dyed Oiese] Fuel fop Off Road Use ONLY, S-F Cost Recovery ~ 0.0019 8.55 State Exc'~se Tax DSL IR 0.5120 230N.00 LUST TAX (~ 0.0010 ~.50 15431 .~0 15431 Amount Due **Please include account number' with payment*** Fed ID~ ~5~111778 Dime Oil LLC 203-754-5334 At;count: 4420165 hereby certify that thc materials above specified have been received by me In good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof bevc been verified with the exceptions FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 011745 LAND, SEA & AIR CONSULT & TEST 05/21/2013 CHECK 1158 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOLrNT SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 20000328-3/13 PRE-DRUG-S.FENTON 57.00 20000328-3/13 PRE-DRUG S.WESTON 57.00 TOT~2b 114.00 Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number 27-1482752 Vendor Name Land Sea and Air Consulting & Testing Vendor Telephone Number 631-225-3060 Vendor Contact Invoice 0002; , Invoice Invoice Date Total 3/11/20t3 $57.00 3/1312013 $57.00 $114.00. Discount Vendor Address 9t0 Route 109 North LIndenhurst, NY 11757 Net Purchase Order a. mount Claimed Number $57.00 $57.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no pert has been paid. except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY ~ ] 2013 Town Clerk _~ . Description of Goods or Services Pre Drug Fenton, Scott General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5710.4.000.000 Pre Drug Weston, Shawn SM5710.4.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, thc services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. Signature ~ Title Compeny Name Date Signature Title yis approved o / 2/13 IRS 27-1482752 Itemized Statement Page: 1 LAND SEA AND AIR CONSULTING &TEST 910 ROUTE 109 ~ ~ LINDENHURST, NY 11757 Tel: 6312253060 FISHER'S ISIJ~ND FERRY,. ATT; ACCTS PAYABLE PO BOX H FISHER'S ISLAI~-D,CT 06390 Acct: 20000328 /CO Tel: 860/442-0165 Date Diag Ref C.P.T Qt Patient name AR P1 Amt Bal 03/11/13 PREDRUGT1 69-FENTON, SCOTT O 57.00 57.00 03/13/13 PREDRUGT1 143-WESTON, SHAWN O 57.00 57.00 Regular Total: $ 114.00 Provider: OFFSITE Operator: PP FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013054 MAPLE PRINT SERVICES, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1159 FUND & ACCOUNT P, O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.400 SM .5710.4,000.400 1925 TICKET RECON.PADS 165.00 1940 SPRING SCHEDULE 287.00 TOTAL 452.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Maple Print Services, Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 860-38t-5470 Vendor No. 13054 Check No. Entered by .~ Audit Date ~AY 2 1 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice I Net Purchase Order Number I Date Total i Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number $166.oo[ $165.00 19261 4/t6/2013 Ticket Reconcilation Pads Spring Schedule SM$710.4.000.400 1940 4/16/2013 $287.00 $287.00 SM5710.4.000.400 $452.00I: [ $452.00 Payee Certification lhe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) Ine5 hereby certi~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no par~ has h.en paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually : ,7 a~d owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded . ..m,any~ame Date Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me In good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pa meat is approved · Maple Print Services Inc. 255 Rt. 12 Suite 699 Groton, CT 06340 Bill To Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive Fishers Island NY 06390 Print. Services, Inc. INVOICE 4/16/13 invoice #1925 Item Qty printing 20 pdnting 50 Description ticket reconciliation pads first boat return pads Subtotal Sales Tax (6.35%) Total Amount $165.00 $165.00 $0.00 (out-of-state) $165.00 We now accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Phone# 860-381-5470 Maple Print Services Inc. 255 Rt. 12 Suite 699 Groton, CT 06340 BillTo Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive Fishers Island NY 06390 pap er irenv ces, Inc. 4/16/13 INVOICE invoice #1940 Item Qty printing 500 printing 500 We now accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover. Description Spring Schedule second printing Subtotal Sales Tax (6.35%) Total Amount $184.00 $103.00 $287,00 $0.00 (out-of-state) $287.00 Phone# 860-381-5470 255 Route-12, Suite 699 Groma, CT 06340 (860) 3~1.5470ph. (866) 82.2.3663 fax map~leI~nt~er~ices@comca~t.net SOLD TO: ~sP~erire~v~t'ces, Irlc. SHIP TO: Delivery Receipt date q / ~--/ DeLmethod }~e~,~' QTY. ORDEP~ED (~YfY. SHIPPED {~FY. B.O. ITEM DESCPaFFIO~ FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013120 MATTERN CONSTRUCTION, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1160 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT H7 .5720.2.400.100 5283 NORTH RAMP RESTORE #3 253,127.50 H7 .605 5283 5% RETAINAGE 12,656.37- TOTAL 240,471.13 Vendor No. Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 13190 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 26M Bushnell Hollow Road Baltic, CT 06330 Mattern Construction, Inc. Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Contact Invoice Number Data 5283 4/3012013 Invoice [ ~°q I~n~o~c~ Total Discount $1,000.00 Amount Claimed i $1,750.00 $1,000.00 Purchase Order Ntanber ~_~t2,666.3; (-$12,656.31 $240,471.13' ~,471.12 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is Uue and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. Description of Goods or Services Dewatering Chamber Per Month Maintenance Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 General Ledger Fund and Account Number H7.5720.2.400.100 H7.6720.2.400.100 $40,000.001 $40,000.00 New Steel Sheetpile Labor H7.6720.2.400.100 $26,000.00 $26,000.00 New Steel Sheetpile Excavation H7.5720.2.400.100 $23,250.00 $23,250.00 Bulkhead Anchor System Excavati H7.5720.2.400.100 $55,000.00 $55,000.00 Bulkhead Anchor System Concrete H?.5720.2.400.100 $18,500.00 $18,500.00 Bulkhead Anchor System Backfill ! H7.5720.2.400.100 $61,250.00 $61,250.00 New Hinged Vehicle Ramp H7.5720.2.400.100 $16,497.50 ~ $16,497.50 New Hinged Vehicle Ramp Installa~ H7.5720.2.400.100 $9,880.00 $9,880.0 Electlcal Conduit & Drainage Pipe H7.6720.2.400.100 H7.605 JRetainage Signature ~ Title. Company Name ~ Dar Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified wdh the exceptions Signature .5~°r discrepancies not d pay nt is approved. Fishers Island Ferr7 District .; Application: 3 Ramp Restoration ...... ~ Date: 05102113 Schedule of Values Period: 4/30/2013 WORK COMPLETED Scheduled Total Completed Balance to Item Description Previous Stored % Retainage No. Value Work in Place & Stored to Date Finish Applications Material 1 Mobilization $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ $ $ 40,000.00 100% $ $ 2,00p.00 Demolition - Removals 2 Towers : ..................... $ 29,000.00 $ 29,000.Q0~ uS ...... $. $ .... 29,0QQJ)0. 100% $. $......1,450.00 3 Ramp $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $ $ $ 40,000.00 100% $ $ 2,000.00 4 Bulkhead $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ 10,000.00 100% $ $ 500.00 5 Wood Dock $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ 10,000.00 100% $ $ 500.00 Compliance w/Environmental Permits/Site Security 6 Turbidity Curtain $ 10,000.00, $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ 10,000.00 100% $ $ 500.00 7 Fence $ 5,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ $ $ 2,000.00 40% $ 3,000.00 $ 100.00 8 Dewatedng Chamber $ 3,500.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 1,750.00 $ $ 3,500.00 100% $ $ 175.00 9 Spill Kit $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ $ $ 1,500.00 100% $ $ 75.00 10 Per Month Maintenance (1,000 per x 5) $ 5,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ $ 4,000.00 80% $ 1,000.00 $ 200.00 New Steel Sheetpile Bulkhead with Cap, Complete 11 Material $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ $ $ 60,000.00 100% $ $ 3,000.00 12 Labor $ 40,000.00 $ $ 40,000.00 $ $ 40,000.00 100% $ $ 2,000.00 13 Excavation $ 26,000.00 $ $ 26,000.00 $' $ 26,000.00 100% $ $ 1,300.00 New Ramp Support BIocldBulkhead Anchor System 14 Excavation $ 31,000.00 $ 7,750.00 $ 23,250.00 $ $ 31,000.00 100% $ $ 1,550.00 15 Concrete Complete $ 55,000.00 $ $ 55,000.00 $ $ 55,000.00 100% $ $ 2,750.00 16 Backfill Matedal and Labor $ 18,500.00 $ $ 18,500.00 $ $ 18,500.00 100% $ $ 925.00 17 Paving $ 10,000.00 $ $ $ $ 0% $ 10,000.00 $ New Counter Weight Support Towers 18 Material $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ $ - $ 35,000.00 100% $ $ 1,750.00 19 installation Towers $ 35,000.00 $ 35,000.00 $ $ $ 35,000.00 100% $ $ 1,750.00 20 Pulleys and Winches $ ~8,000.00 I $ $ - $ $ 0% $ 18,000.00 $ New Hinged Vehicle Ramp 21 Ramp $ 175,000.00 $ 113,750.00 $ 61,250.00 $ $ 175,000.00 100% $ $ 8,750.00 22 Installation $ 32,995.00 $ $ 16,497.50 $ $ 16,497.50 50% $ 16,497.50 $ 824.88 23 ElectricaIConriuit and Drainage Pipe Extension $ 13,000.00 ~ $ 3,120.00 $ 9,880.00 $ $ 13,000.00 100% $ $ 650.00 24 Demobilization $ 20,000.00 $ $ $ $ 0% $ 20,000.00 $ GRAND TOTAL $ 723,495.00 $ 401,870.00 I $ 253,127.60 $ $ 654,997.50 91% $ 68,497.50 $ 32,749.88 APPLICATION AND CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT To Owner: Fishers Island Fern/District. Project: P.O. Box H ·: · Fishers island, NY 06390 Ramp Restoration From Contractor: Contract For: Mattem Construction Inc. 26M Bushnell Hollow Road Baltic, CT 06330 Via: AIA DOCUMENT G702 Invoice 5283 Application No: :..., :3 Distribution to: Owner Period To: April-,30, 2013 Architect Project No: Mattern Job #5905 Contractor ICM Contract Date: January 3, 2013 CONTRACTOR'S APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT ' Application is made for payment; as-shown below, in connection with the Contract: Continuation Sheet, AIA Document G703, is attached. 1. Original Contract Sum 2. Net Change by Change Orders 3. Contract Sum to Date (Line 1 + 2) 4. Total Completed & Stored to Date (Column G on G703) 5. Retainage: a. 5% of Completed Work (Columns D & E on G703) $ 32,749.88 $ 723,495.00 $ $ 723,495.00 654,997.50 b. 10% of Stored Matedal (Column F on G703) $ 6. Total Earned Less Retainage (Line 4 less Line 5 Total) 7, Less Previous Certificates for Payment (Line 6 from prier Certificate) 8. Current Payment Due 622,247.63 381,776.50 240,471.13 9. Balance to Finish, Including Retainage (Line 3 less Line 6) $ 101,247.38 Change Order Summary C.O.# Additions Deductions Total changes approved in )revious months by Owner Total approved this Month Date C.O. Approved Net Changes by Change Order $ $ The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of the Contractor's knowledge, information and belief the Work covered by-thi~ Application for Payment has been compteted in'acoordance with the Contract Documents, that all amounts have been paid by the Contractor for Work for which previous Certificates for Payment were issued and payments received from the Owner, and that current payment shown herein is now due. State of: Connecticut Count,/of: New London Subscribed and sworn to before me this .~ dayof Notanj My Commiseion expires: i t J'~/'3,J~_{~ ~ - -- ARCHITECTS CERTIFICATE FOR PAYMENT In accordance with the Contract Documents, based on on-site observations and the data comprising this application, the Architect certifies to the Owner that to the best of the Architect's knowledge, information and belief the Work has progressed as indicated, the quality of Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and the Contractor is entitled to payment Of the AMOUNT CERTIFIED. AMOUNT CERTIFIED $ (Attach explanation if amount certified differs from the amount applied for. Initial ali figures on the Application and on the Continuation Sheet that are changed to conform to the amount certified.) ARCHITECT: Dat~: By: This Certificate is not negotiable. The AMOUNT CERTIFIED is payable only to the Contractor named herein. Issuance, payment and acceptance for payment are without prejudice to any rights of the Owner or Contractor under this Contract. Please note: Interest will be assessed on all accounts unpaid after 30 days at the rate of 1.5% par month (18% annual rate) FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 013564 MCMASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1161 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.000 49327336 RP/MU WHEEL CHOCK 113.36 TOT/Mb 113.36 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securiiy Number I veodor Address i P.O. Box 7690 Vendor Name J Chlcago, IL 60680-7690 McMaster-Carr Supply Co. Vendor Telephone Number 609-689-3000 Vendor Contact Vendor No. 13564 ~heck No. I Entered by ~ Audit Date FlAY 2 1 2013 Invoice Invoice Number Date 49327336 4/4/201; Total I Discount $113.36 $1t3.36 Net Amount Claimed $1t3.36 $113.36 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf oftbe above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the To,~m is exempt are excluded Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services RP & Munn Wheel Chock General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM6710.2.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment Is approved Signature Title . ,,-~ ~ Date 'l? McMASTER-CARR® 609-689-3000 609-259-3575 (fax) nj.sales@mcmaster.com Biffed to FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P O DRAWER H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 Invoice Purchase Order Total Invoice Invoice Date Payment Terms STEVE $113,36 49327336 414113 2% 10, Net 30 Deduct $1.90 on merchandise if paid by 4/14/13 Shipped to Fishers Island Ferry District 5 Waterfront Park New London CT 06320 Mail Payment to Your Account McMas~r-Carr PO Box 7690 ChicagolL60680-7690 260910000 Steve placed this order. Line Product Ordered Shipped Balance Price Total I 2232T12 Rubber Wheel Chock, with Eyebolt, 7-1/2" L X 10" W X 6" H, for Tires Up to 28" 6 6 0 Each 15.83 94.98 Each Merchandise Shipping 94.98 18.38 To~l $113.36 Packing List Shipped Weight Carrier Tracking 1424154-01 4/4/13 291b UPS Ground 1Z0835200355049949 4/4/13 30lb UPS Ground 1Z0835200355060720 Page 1 of 1 Federal ID 36-1458720 McMaster-Carr Supply Company SP 1241 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 014400 NICHOLAS C. NOWOSADKO 05/21/2013 CHECK 1162 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 043013 BTHRM EXHST FANS,LIGHTS 832.23 TOTAL 832.23 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor.amc t,/o~OSO~J~o, Iqrc nolc,~ Nil Electric LLC Vendor Telephone Number 860-625-3939 Vendor Contact Number Vendor Address 6 Fairway Lane Invoice Invoice 4/30/2013 $832.23 $832.231 Payee Certification Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $832.23 Old Lyme, CT 06371 Discount $832.23 Vendor No. "t'-/00 Description of Goods or Services Check No. Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 ~n Clerk ~ General Ledger Fund and Account Number 0 q 3013 Bathroom exhaust FansSM6709.2.000.000 Lamp Fluorescent Fixture The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title Company Name ~'~ Single Pole Switch Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me tn good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified vath the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature Title Date [, N/I Electric LLC CT State Lic.# 103910 S.C.N.Y Lic.# 34408-ME April 30, 2013 Attn: Gordon Murphy Re: FD Office Work Request for Payment For services rendered per your request as follows: Furnish and install: (2) Bathroom exhaust fans to match existing (1) Two lamp fluorescent wrap-around fixture with lamps (I) Single pole switch for first floor hall Furnish only: (2) replacement 120 volt timer switches Labor: $520.00 Material: $312.23 Total Due this Invoice: $832.23 Tax Included Sincerely, Nicholas C. Nowosadko N/I Electric LLC - 6 Fairway Lane, Old Lyme CT. 06371 Email: NIElectric~hotmail.com - Phone: 860-625-3939 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 015887 OXFORD HEALTH PLANS 05/21/2013 CHECK 1163 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 SM .9060.8.000.000 43632854 MEDICAL PREM HIGH-5/13 8,200.60 43632855 MEDICAL PREM LOW-5/13 4,155.38 TOTAL 12,355.98 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 06-1181200 Oxford Health Plans Vendor Telephone Number 888-201-4216 Vendor Contact PO Box 1697 Newark, NJ 07101-1697 Vendor No. 15887 Check No. II Entered by ~ Audit Date HAY 2 1 2013 · C rk Invoice Invoice i Invoice ; Number Date Total Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 511/2013' $4,155.38! 43632855 Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $4,155.38 Medical Premium for 5113 Medical Prethium for 5/13 SM9060.8.000.000 43632854 S11/20131 $8,200.60 $8,200.601 SM9060.8.000.000 $12,355.98 $12,355.98i Payee Certification lbe undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimanl) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and co~rect, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actaal]y due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions Signature or~~pproved Title /-'"'~/~. ~"~ Date .~'--- 7 ----j~ UnitedHealthcare' O.~fo~d INVOICE SUMMARY Fishers Island Ferry District We encourage you to contact your Dedicated Client Service Manager (DCSM) at 858-201-4216 with any questions regarding this invoice, Group Number ! Billing Group FI9458 BG02 Previous Balance Payments Received Debit Memos (See Memo Details on last page of th~s invoice Credit Memos (See Memo Details on last page of th¢s invoice Total Balance Forward ............. Coverage Period 0610112013 - 06131/2013 Invoice Number i Due Date of Payment 43632865 May 01, 2013 $ 2.370 78 2.370 78 0 00 0 O0 $ 0.00 Adjustments to Prior Bills .......... $ 446.t5 Totals by Contract Type - Current Premium 3 Single 1,338 45 1 Couple 981 53 1 Family 1.389 25 5 Total Healthcare Contracts 3.709 23 Current Premium ............... $ 3,709.23 Total Balance Forward ......... Adjustments to Prior Bills ....... + Current Premium ............ Total Amount Due ......... $ 0.00 $ 446.15 $ 3,709.23 $ 4,155.38 100GBILLL21627001 JOBINA MILLER FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P O BOX 6O7 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS PAYMENTS RECEIVED BY OXFORD ON OR BEFORE 04/05/2013, Please write your account number on your check when submitting payment. MS-t2 Thank you for choosing Oxford. ,~. ~,,j,s=,s,,,~,,o s,n ~,,~,m,~, :,"l' ,,[,,,,~.v~re ~y ou? sys~. t'lease do not make any manual a3justments to .... the total due. Any financial adjustment for Membership activity not displayed in this invoice summary will be reflected in a future invoice. If you would like your payment applied to a specific plan design, you must send the Remittance Advice for that plan design and indicate the amount to be paid in the Amount Remitted field of the Advice. NOTICE Failure to remit payment by the end of the grace period may result in termination of coverage by Oxford.*' According to the terms of your Group Policy and Group Enrollment Agreement with Oxford, premium payments are due on the first of the month. The purpose of this notice is to advise you that your group coverage may terminate on the last day of the coverage period indicated on page one of this bill (the "Coverage Period") if we do not receive the required premium payment by the end of the grace period specified in your Group Policy and Group Enrollment Agreement. For New York groups, if we do not receive any payment by the end of the grace period, the termination date of coverage will be retroactive to the last paid date of coverage. If we receive a partial payment, the termination process described in the prior paragraph will apply. For all groups, if termination occurs, your employees and their dependents will receive coverage for all claims incurred on or before the last day of the Coverage Period or, in the case of a New York employer who has made no payment before the end of the grace period, the Iast paid date of coverage. No coverage will be provided for claims incurred thereafter. Any employee or dependent who has access to no other health insurance may be able to convert to an individual policy with Oxford. More information about this conversion option can be obtained by contacting your Oxford group representative directly. FOR NEW YORK EMPLOYERS ONLY In addition to the above, pursuant to section 217 of the New York Labor Law, you are required to inform your employees of the intended termination of their health coverage. This law requires that you do so by either hand-delivering or mailing to each of your employees, and by posting at conspicuous locations chosen as most likely to give notice to your employees, at least nine days prior to the intended termination date, a copy of this notice along with your own cover letter advising as to the intended termination of coverage. However, if your premium payment is sent to Oxford on or before the 20th day of the Coverage Period, or if you have arranged for similar replacement coverage for your employees provided by a different carrier (and filed affidavits to that effect with the Commission of Labor and Superintendent of Insurance)? the law does not require that you provide your employees with notification as described above. The Contract Type on the Invoice Details list refers to the Contract Type of the core health care benefit, unless no such benefit exists for the Subscriber. Please refer to the Legend For Invoice Details above for an explanation of Contract Type, Benefit, and Code abbreviations. *Oxford HMO products are underwritten by Oxford Health Plans (NY), Inc., Oxford Health Plans (NJ), Inc. and Oxford Health Plans (CT), Inc. Oxford insurance products are underwritten by Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Invoice Details may be continued on the other side. OUR GOAL IS HELPING PEOPLE LIVE HEALTHIER LIVES How do we do this? Better information. Better decisions. Better health. We're committed to providing better information to support better decisions that help drive better health for our members. A leading physician network, 24-hour health care guidance with Oxford On-Call®, a wealth of wellness resources, and online access at oxfordhealth.com, are just a few examples of our ongoing efforts to help our members live healthier lives. UnitedHealthcare' Thank you for choosing Oxford. INVOICE DETAILS Fishers Island Ferry District HSA SINGLE- LOW PLAN / HSA FAMILY- LOW PLAN Coverage Period: 05/01/2013 to 05/31/2013 Page 1 of 1 CURRENT PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS TO PRIOR BILLS TOTALS Social Subscriber Contract # of Coverage Current Subscriber Security# Name Type Members Type Benefit Premium Period Code Premium TOTAL 1121103501 Brown, Donald C 2 CS02F HEALTHCR 981 53 1121083601 Burke Stephen S 1 C$P02 HEALTHCR 44615 1121090301 Flora, Michael S 1 CSP02 HEALTHCR 446 15 1125766701 Glidewell Logan 1121093501 Lynch, Matthew 1121094501 Marks Jason S 1 CSP02 HEALTHCR 446 15 1121096001 Murphy Gordon F 3 CS02F HEALTHCR 1369; 981 53 446 15 446 15 -446 15 892 30 446 15 1389 25 Total .................................... $ 3,709.23 ........... $ 446.t5 $ 4,t55.38 The Contract Type on the Invo~ce Details list refers to the Contract Type of the core healthcare benefit, unless no such benefit exists for the Subscriber Please refer to the Legend For Invoice Details on the back or the Invoice Summary for an explanation of Contract Type, Benefit, and Code abbreviations Invoice Details may be continued on the other side, UnitedHealthcare INVOICE SUMMARY Fishers Island Ferry District We encourage you to contact your Dedicated Client Service Manager (DCSM) at 888-201-4216 with any questions regarding this invoice. Group Number Billing Group I Coverage Period Invoice Number Due Date of Payment FI9458 BG01 : 0610112013.0513112013 43632854 May 01, 2013 Previous Salance $ 6,266 72 Adjustments to Prior Bills .......... $ 2,651.20 Payments Received 11,564 94 Totals by Contract Type - Current Premium Debit Memos 000 6 Single 3,458 04 (See Memo Details on last page of this invoice ) 3 Couple 3803 88 Credit Memos 0 00 2 Family 3585 70 (See Memo Deta;Is on last page of this Invoice ) 11 Total Healthcare Contracts 10847 62 Total Balance Forward ............. $ -5,298.22 Current Premium ............... $ 10,847.62 Total Balance Forward ......... Adjustments to Prior Bills ....... + Current Premium ............ Total Amount Due ......... $ -5,298.22 $ 2,651.20 $ 10,847.62 $ 8,200.60 JOBINA MILLER FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P O BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 THIS STATEMENT REFLECTS PAYMENTS RECEIVED BY OXFORD ON OR BEFORE 04/05/2013. Please write your account number on your check when submitting payment. Thank you for choosing Oxford. the total due. Any financial adjustmcmt for Membership activity not displayed in this invoice summary will be reflected in a future invoice. If you would like your payment applied to a specific plan design, you must send the Remittance Advice for that plan design and indicate the amount to be paid in the Amount Remitted field of the Advice. NOTICE Failure to remit payment by the end of the grace period may result in termination of coverage by Oxford.* According to the terms of your Group Policy and Group Enrollment Agreement with Oxford, premium payments are due on the first of the month. The purpose of this notice is to advise you that your group coverage may terminate on the last day of the coverage period indicated on page one of this bill (the "Coverage Period") if we do not receive the required premium payment by the end of the grace period specified in your Group Policy and Group Enrollment Agreement. For New York groups, if we do not receive any payment by the end of the grace period, the termination date of coverage will be retroactive to the last paid date of coverage. If we receive a partial payment, the termination process described in the prior paragraph will apply. For all groups, if terminatian occurs, your employees and their dependents will receive coverage for all claims incurred on or before the last day of the Coverage Period or, in the case of a New York employer who has made no payment before the end of the grace period, the last paid date of coverage. No coverage will be provided for claims incurred thereafter. Any employee or dependent who has access to no other health insurance may be able to convert to an individual policy with Oxford. More information about this conversion option can be obtained by contacting your Oxford group representative directly. FOR NEW YORK EMPLOYERS ONLY In addition to the above, pursuant to section 217 of the New York Labor Law, you are required to inform your employees of thc intended termination of their health coverage. This law requires that you do so by either hand-delivering or mailing to each of your employees, and by posting at conspicuous locations chosen as most likely to give notice to your employees, at least nine days prior to the intended termination date, a copy of this notice along with your own cover letter advising as to the intended termination of coverage. However, if your prenfium payment is sent to Oxford on or before the 20th day of the Coverage Period, or if you have arranged for similar replacement coverage for your employees provided by a different carrier (and filed affidavits to that effect with the Commission of Labor and Superintendent of Insurance), the law does not require that you provide your employees with notification as described above. The Contract Type on the Invoice Details list refers to the Contract Type of the core health care benefit, unless no such benefit exists for the Subscriber. Please refer to the Legend For Invoice Details above for an explanation of Contract Type, Benefit, and Code abbreviations. *Oxford HMO products arc underwritten by Oxford Health Plans (NY), Inc., Oxford Health Plans (NJ), Inc. and Oxford Health Plans (CT), Inc. Oxford insurance products are underwritten by Oxford ttealth Insurance, Inc. Invoice Details may be continued on the other side. OUR GOAL IS HELPING PEOPLE LIVE HEALTHIER LIVES Bow do we do this? Better information. Better decisions. Better health. We're committed to providing better information to support better decisions that help drive better health for our members. A leading physician network, 24-hour health care guidance with Oxford On-Call®, a wealth of wellness resources, and online access at oxfordhealth.com, are just a few examples of our ongoing efforts to help our members live healthier lives. ~e~![ UnitedHealthcare' Thank you for choosing Oxford. INVOICE DETAILS Fishers Island Ferry District HIGH PLAN Coverage Period: 05/01/2013 to 05/31/2013 CURRENT PERIOD ADJUSTMENTS TO PRIOR BILLS TOTALS Social Subscriber Contract # of Coverage Current Subscriber Security # Name Type Members Type Benefit Premium 1121732001 Barrett Frederick S 1 CSP01S HEALTHCR 57634 1144936701 Doucet~e, Deborah C 2 CSP01 HEALTHCR 126796 1121732601 Easter Mar~ S 1 CSPOlS HEALTHCR 57634 1121007601 Ford Polly F 3 CSP01 HEALTHCR 179285 1145570401 Haney Jonathan C 2 CSP01 HEALTHCR 1267 96 1121010001 Hiller, Jonathan S 1 CSP01 HEALTHCR 576 34 1121013701 Le Fevre Raymond S 1 CSP01 HEALTHCR 57634 1121011301 Marshall Jesse C 2 CSP01 HEALTHCR 126796 1121078601 Morgan, John F 3 CSP01 HEALTHCR 179285 1123283101 Ricker Kenneth 1121733601 Schmid, Nina S 1 CSP01S HEALTHCR 576 34 1121075501 Traub James S 1 CSP01 HEALTHCR 57634 Period Code Premium 03~1~013 03G1~013 SUBA 126796 04~1~013-04~0~013 SUBA 126796 04~1~013-04G0~013 SUBA 126796 TOTAL 576 34 3803 88 576 34 1792 85 2535 92 576 34 576 34 1267 96 1792 85 57634 576 34 Total .................................. $10,847,62 ........... $ 2,651.20 $13,498.82 The Contract Type on the Invoice Details I~st refers to the Contract Type of the core healthcare benefit, unless no such benefit exists for the Subscriber Please refer to the Legend For Invoice Details on the back of the nyc ce Summary for an exp anat on of Contract Type, Benefit and Code abbreviations Invoice Details may be continued on the other side, FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 016170 H.O. PENN MACHINERY, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1164 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 SM .5710.2.000.200 PSCE4630210 PSCE4630468 PSCE4631034 RP PARTS 2.53 RP PARTS 45.40 RP SWE FILTERHEAD OIL LK 161.94 TOTAL 209.87 ~8 O0~SOB ~,' 0B/2~/20~3 Town of Southoid, New York- Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name H.O. Penn Machinery Co. Vendor Telephone Number 845-462-1200 Vendor Contact Number Invoice Date Invoice Total Purchase Order Number I Net Vendor No. $45.40 16170 12603-2940 Check No. Entered by Audit Date Discount Description of Goods or Services i General Ledger Fund and Account Number PSCE4631034i 4/5/2013 RP SWE Filterhead oil leakl SM5710.2.000.200 PSCE4630468 4/112013 RP Parts SM6710.2.000.200 $161 94 $45.40 $2.53 PSCE4630210 3/28/2013~ $2.63 RP Parts SM5710.2.000.200 $209.87 $209.87 I Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Co~llpa[l~r Name ~ f_~ Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pay t is ap roved Signature ~Z H.O, PENN CUSTOMER INVOICE H. O. PENN MACHINERY COMPANY, INC. BLOOMINGBURG, NY 783 BLOOMINGBURO RD, 12721 845-733-6400 BRONX, NY 699 BRUSH AVENUE, 10465 718-863-3800 HOLTSVlLLE, NY 660 UNION AVENUE, 11742 631-758-7500 NEWING?ON, CT 225 RICHARD S~'REET, 06111 860-666-8401 POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 122 NOXON ROAD, 12603 845-452-1200 SOLD TO: 000070 * oooo?o FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRIC PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 001 SHIP TO: 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEWLONDON CT 06320 PSCE4{ ~]034 04-05-13 VERBAL JOHN 04 C 2 1 04C7B2218A 04-03-13 0 UPS COMPLETE 3807565 9['~ I: ITEM I *NR I OSSCm~N UNIT PR~E 3ARrFs SALES PERSON: MEL J. FENN i 2P-4303 BASE A N 132.24 132.24 TOTAl, PARTS 132.24 T FREIGHT OUT 12.10 rpOTAL I'~ISC CHARGES 12.10 T FRT I N 7 . 9 3 T · NOT RETURNABLE H. O. PENN MACHINERY COMPANY, INC. 8LOOrVllNG8URG, NY 783 BLOOMINGBURG RD 845 733-6400 BRONX, NY 699 8RUSH AVENUE 718 863-3800 HOL]SVILLE, LI 660 UNION AVENUE 631-758 7500 NEWlNG'rON, CT 225 RICHARD STREET 860-666-8401 POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 122 NOXON ROAD 845-452-1200 CUSTOMER BACKORDER SHIPPING LIST SOLD TO CUSTOMER NO. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRIC 18697 PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 STORE O4 SHIP TO PACKING LIST *CHARGE* 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEWLONDON CT 06320 FOR INQUIRIES pLEASE REFERENCE THIS NUMBER I DOCUME", NO 04C732218A FILLED BY WIC LOC. ORDERED BY TELEPHONE CUST ORDER NO INSTRUCTIONS DEUVERY LOCATION JOHN 631-788-7463 VERBAL JOHN SSI ~_A Y UNKN 099Z00001 4/03/13 16:23:01 MJF SHIP VIA UPS COMPLETE ITEM .... QU~NTITY--- NO. ORDER SHIP B/O PART NUMBER LOCATION N/R TR SOS P;YRTS SALES PERSON: MEL J. FENN 1 i ~ 2P£~ YRK BASE A GROSS WEIGHT UNIT PRICE 62 ~00 3.4 132.24 3.4 FRT IN EXTD PRICE 132.24 1 SAVE MONEY ON FREIGHT,PLACE STOCK ORDERS! CALL PARTS MGR FOR DETA%L~ ~ONNS~LES 'I'A3~ USD SELL TOTAL 149.07 ITEMS MARKED "*' ARE NOT-RETURNABLE ** SIGNATURE REQUIRED** PERMISSION MUST 8E OBTAINED TO RETURN PARTS AFTER 15 DAYS, 15% HANDLING CHARE DEDUCTED INeVOICE NUMBER COVERING BILLING OF PARTS MUST BE GIVEN CUSTOMER OR HIS AGENT ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF THE ITEMS INDICATED AS SHIPPED ABOVE AND AGREES THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS PRINTED ON THIS DOCUMENT WILL APPLY TO ALL ITEMS LISTED HEREON RECEIVED By DATE i CU~O~R INVOIO~ · i1'~1)1 ". O. PENN MACHINERY COMPANY, INC. BLOOMINGBURG, NY 783 BLOOMINGBURG RD, 12721 845-733-6400 BRONX, NY 699 BRUSH AVENUE, 10465 718-863-3800 HOL'TSVILLE, NY 660 UNION AVENUE, 11742 631-758-7500 NEWINGTON, CT 225 RICHARD STREET, 06111 B60-666-8401 POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 122 NOXON ROAD, 12603 845-452-1200 SOLD TO: 000043 * 000043 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRIC PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 001 SHIP TO: 5 WATERFRONT ST NEW LONDON CT 06320 PSCE4630468 04-01-13 18697 JOHN 04 C 2 1 I 0 UPS COMPLETE 3803762 O--T,~ I iTEM ) "NRI OES~mPTtON UN,.~C. I EX'~N$ION PARTS SALES PERSON: MEL J. FENN ! 4N-0794 COVER N 29.66 29.66 TOTAL PARTS 29.66 T FREIGHT OUT 11.25 TOTAL MISC CHARGES ll.25 T FRT TN 1.78 T CONN SALES TAM 2.71 T ' NOT RETURNABLE H,O, -dN CUSTOMER INVOICE H. O. PENN MACHINERY COMPANY, INC. BLOOMINGBURG, NY 783 BLOOMINGBURG RD, 12721 845-733-6400 BRONX, NY 699 BRUSH AVENUE, 10465 718-863-3800 HOLTSVILLE, NY 660 UNION AVENUE, 11742 631-758-7500 NEWlNGTON, CT 225 RICHARD STREET, 06111 860-666-8401 POUGHKEEPSIE, NY 122 NOXON ROAD, 12603 845452-1200 SOLD TO: 000053 * 000053 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRIC PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 001 SHIP TO: 5 WATERFRONT ST NEW LONDON CT 06320 PSCR4630210 03-28-13 18697 JOHN 04 C 2 1 04C731458 03-28-13 UPS COHPLETE 3801651 QuANTiTY I ~ I ~'NR I DESCmPTmN UNIT PKICE I EXTENSION FARTS SALES PERSON: HEL J. FENN i! 7C-0307 ~GASKET S 1.19 2.38 TOTAL PARTS 2.38 T CONN SALES TA× .15 T ' NOT RETURNABLE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 016194 PGP GROUP, LLC 05/21/2013 CHECK 1165 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 31813 NL ENTRY GATE REPAIR 1,850.00 TOTAL 1,850.00 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax iD Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 30 Northeast Industrial Road Vendor Name Bmnford, CT 06405 PGP Group LLC DBA The Atlas Companies Vendor Telephone Number 800-462-8527 Vendor Contact oice [ Invoice Invoice I Net Purchase Order nber i Date Total i Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods 31813i 3/18/2013 $1,850.00 $1,850.00 NL EntryGate Re I $1,850.00 $1,850.00 ~r Services Check No. Entered by Audit Date General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5709.2.000.000 Payee Certification Department Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually I hereby' certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the excedtlons due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature~ Title Company Date or discrepancies noted, and payment is proved Signature ~y~aetn t/~ AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY MAIL: P.O. BOX 6008 PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02940-6008 HARTFORD REGIONAL OFFICE TOLL FREE 1-800-382-6422 CHECK NUMBER: 4497649 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,850.00 LIABILITY COVERAGE CLAIM HANDLER: JULIE A. DUBOIS RE: CLAIM 60001476731 FILE NO: L60D01476731D POLICY NO: 930606-25ZZ THE ATTACHED CHECK IS IN PAYMENT OF THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE. AUTO HOME AMICA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY CORPORATE OFFICE - LINCOLN, RHODE ISLAND APRIL 11, 2013 CLAIMS ACCOUNT FOR A LOSS ON 02/24f2013 OK FOR SERVICES RENDERED UNDER POLICY NO. CLAIM FILE NUMBER L60001476731D INSURED RYNEPVANELDIK 930606-25ZZ PAY *l,850*DOLLARS AND O0 CENTS TO THE ORDER OF FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 261TRUMBULL DRIVE FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 53-75241113 SOVEREIGN BANK 4497649 $1,850.00 ,,, I, I, q ? ~ l, q,,. ':O~,~.~,?5?t,~l: ?c;P.r=OOOl, q~?,, AUTO HOME LIFE Claims Processing- Amica Scan Center PO Box 9690 Providence, R102940-9690 Toll Free:l-800-38-AMICA (1-800-382-6422) Fax:l-866-381-3266 Fishers Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive Fishers Island, NY 06390 Attn: G. Murphy April 10, 2013 File Number: 60001476731 Date of Loss: 02/24/2013 Our Insured: Rynep Vaneldik Amount of Loss: $1850.00 To Whom It May Concern: In settlement of your property damage claim, we have enclosed our check in the amount of $1850.00. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, Julie A. Dubois Amica Mutual Insurance Company 800-382-6422 x35372 JDUBOIS2@AMICA.COM AM1CA MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY AM1CA Ln~ INSURANCE COMPAN~ AMICA PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY PGP GROUP I_LC DBA THE ATLAS COMPANIES 30 NORTHEAST INDUSTRIAL ROAD BRANFORD, CT 06405 Invoi<=e No. :] ! 813 IINVOICE Customer I Name Fishers Island Fer~ District Address 5 Water Front Park City New London ,State CT ZIP 00320 Phone Mlec Date 3/18/2013 Order No. Rep MiKe FO8 ..... ~ ........ Description ~- Unit Price .- TOTAL Atlas Companies proposes to cio the follmving: Repair bent damaged gate Replace broKe~l hinges Restore gate automation I Total Parts and Labor $1,1~60.00 $ 1,850.00 SubTotal $ 1,850,00 Shipping Payment I Select One,.. Tax Rate(s) Comments TOTAL $ 1,850.00 Name C¢# Expires Office Use Only Insert Farewell Statement Here FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 016659 PRINCIPAL LIFE GROUP 05/21/2013 CHECK 1166 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 H19730-1-5/13 LIFE PREM 5/1-5/31/13 12.98 TOTAL 12.98 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address P.O. Box 14513 Des Moines, IA 50306-3513 Principal Life Group Vendor Telephone Number 800-843-1371 Vendor Contact i Vendor No. 16659 Check No. II.Lo Entered by ~ Audit Date ~AY ,~ 1 2013 Invoice ! Invoice Invoice Net PurchaseOrder Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number H19730-II 4/17/2013 $12.98 $t2.98 Life Prem SM9060.8.000.000 I ~ $12.98 $t2.99! Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually Department Certification l hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature .,//~/ Title Company Name ~~'~ ~ Signature Title or d~Vedr :inancial Graup TH:IS TS YOUR COPY. Principal Financial Group Principal Life Des Moines, IA 50392-0002 Insurance Company PLEASE KEEP FOR YOUR RECORDS. PREMEUM STATEMENT This statement in no way changes the contract or waives any overdue payment ACCOUNT NO. HIg730-1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY LB NO. 0819730 00001 93 DUE DATE: 05/01/13 STMT DATE: 04/17/13 NUMBER NAME LIFE/AD&D BNFT PREM CHARGE/ CREDIT 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 6.49 5.49 0.49 6.49 LIFE / AD&D BAL DUE LAST 164.52 PMT SZNCE LAST 274.85 NET CREDITS .00 BAL FORWARD 110.33- CHARGES THIS STMT 123.31 FOR ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-843-1371 F390GP-4 ACCOUNT NO. H19730-1 05/01/2013 000 000000 000000 CGS631531071144970001002 0003224 002 OF 002 Principal Financial Group Des Moines, IA 50392-0001 Principal Life Insurance Company PREMIUM STATEMENT This statement in no way changes the contract or waives any overdue payment AccountNumber H19730-1 Lb. No. 0819730 00001 93 001274 Due Date 05/01/13 StmtOate 04/17/13 Billing Period 05/01/13 - 05/31/13 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY ATTN/i~LER Please Pay Balance Due $ 12.98 PLEASE REVIEW ALL MESSAGES BELOW. THEY CONTAIN INFORMATION RELATED TO YOUR PREMIUM PAYMENTS AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF YOUR PLAN, IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING ANY OF THESE MESSAGES, PLEASE CONTACT US AT THE NUMBER LISTED BELOW. IT IS IMPORTANT TO REPORT NEW ENROLLMENTS, TERMINATIONS, AND CHANGES IN DEPENDENT STATUS PROMPTLY TO OUR WEBSITE AT WWW.PRINCIPAL.COM OR NOTIFY OUR ADMINISTRATION AREA. WEB REPORTING REQUIRES A PIN. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A PIN, PLEASE CALL 800-621-6280. REPORTING CHANGES PROMPTLY WILL RESULT IN A MORE ACCURATE PREMIUM STATEMENT. CHANGES SHOULD NOT BE SENT WITH YOUR PAYMENT. FOR ASSISTANCE, PLEASE CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800-843-137t PROVIDING YOU WITH GOOD SERVICE IS IMPORTANT. PLEASE REVIEW YOUR STATEMENT EACH MONTH TO ENSURE PROMPT AND ACCURATE CLAIM PAYMENT. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 018011 CHRISTOPHER L. P~AFFERTY 05/21/2013 CHECK 1167 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5712.4.000.000 033113 '13 COMM MTG JAN-MAR(4) 200.00 TOTAL 200.00 ,:O81,1~OS~.r~[.,: r~, OOl, 508 Town of Southold, New York- Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number P.O. Box 393 Christopher L. Rafferty Fishers Island, NY 06390 Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Contact Number invoice $200.00 Invoice Date Total 3/3112013 $200.00 Discount Net [ Purchase Order Amount Claimec Number $200.00 $200.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claiman'0 does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is tmc and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Company Name Vendor No. Check No. I I Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number Commissioner Meetings SM57t2.4.000.000 January - March 2013 4 Mtgs ~ $ 50.00 Department Certification 1 hereb5 certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions Signature ~~proved. Title- -v Date-~ / $50.00 a meeting Meeting Date 01/07/13 01/22/13 01/29/13 02/04/13 02/19/13 02/26/13 03/18/13 Brooks, Robert Edwards, Christopher 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Meetings 4 7 1st Quarter 200 350 Sheet1 Raffedy, Christopher Rugg, Peter Wall, Robert 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4./ 5 7 200 250 350 Page 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VE~YDOR 018110 RED HAWK FIRE & SECURITY, LLC 05/21/2013 CHECK 1168 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. ~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 SM .5709.2.000.000 2843502 2843509 FIRE ALRM REPLC-NL TERM 2,035.00 REPLACE 2 EMERG LTS-NL 691.28 TOTAL 2,726.28 ,,: r:a 00~50~ Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 181 ~ 0 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number 90-0008456 32 Char Drive Westfield, MA 01085-1468 Red Hawk Fire & Security Vendor Telephone Number 877-387-0178 Vendor Contact Invoice ~ Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order CheckNo. Entered by ~ Audit Date IvlAY 2 1 2013 Number Date Toml Discount Amount Claimei 2843502 312912013 $2,035.00 $2,035.00 2843509 3/29120t 3 $691.28 $691.28 $2,726.28 $2,726.28 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, thal no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that thc balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which thc Town is exempt are excluded Company Name Number Description of Goods or Services Fire Alarm Replacement NL Terminal General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5709.2.000.000 Replace 2 Emergency SMfi709.2.000.000 Lights NL Terminal Department Certification I hereby certi~ that the materials above specified have been received by me ~n good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions o~r discrepancies noted, ~a,nd pa ent is approved RED HAWK Fire & Security 55 Robinson Blvd Orange, CT 06477 Phone: 877.387.0178 Fax: 713.752.5991 Remit To: 32 Char Drive, Westfleld, MA 01085-1468 Bill To: 30500-00-029 Fisher Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive, Drawer H Fisher Island, NY. 06390 Ship To: WST-1648-US1 Fisher Island Ferry NY 5 Water[ront Park New London, CT. 06320 Invoice Number: 2843509 Page 1 of 1 03/29/2013 Due Upon Receipt 4508-USl 3038554 Item ID Description Service Date Hrs/Qty Unit Price Ext. Price Quoted Work Order 03/28/2013 1.00 650.00 650.00 Job Scope Replace 2 emergency lights Work Summary replaced 2 bad em lights 2 mcphilben vu6 Sales Total $650.00 Tax Total $41.28 Net Amount $691.28 A FINANCE CHARGE WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE ACCOUNTS AT THE RATE OF ONE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT(1.5%) PER MONTH, OR AT THE HIGHEST LEGAL RATE, WHICHEVER IS LESS. RED HAWK Fire & Security 55 Robinson BIvd Orange, CT 06477 Phone: 877.387.0178 Fax: 713.752.5991 Remit To: 32 Char Drive, Westfield, MA 01085-1468 Bill To: 30500-00-029 Fisher Island Ferry District 261 Trumbull Drive, Drawer H Fisher Island, NY. 06390 Ship To: WST-1648-US1 Fisher Island Ferry NY 5 Waterfront Park New London, CT. 06320 03/29/2013 Item iD Description Due Upon Receipt 4508-US1 3032185 Service Date Hrs/Qty Unit Price Ext. Price Quoted Work Order 03/20/2013 1.00 2,035.00 2,035.00 Job Scope Replace 2 Heat detectors in the attic Replace 2 Horn Strobes ( conf room and garage) Replace 2 12Volt./18 Amp Batteries in the FACP Provide new Murray breaker lock at the fire alarm control panel circuit breaker. Replace the emergency lighting batteries 6v/7 am approx 20. Work Summary 3-20-13 replaced 2 heats in attic replaced 2 12v18ah batterys in fa panel replaced 2 horn and strobe also replaced 19 6v7ah batterys for em Lights will need to replace 2 whole em lights one in the room where the fa panel is at and the 2nd on is in the bathroom next to the room where the fa panel is at ( this will need a separate quote) Sales Total $2,035.00 Tax Total $0.00 Net Amount $2,035.00 A FINANCE CHARGE WILL BE ADDED TO PAST DUE ACCOUNTS AT THE RATE OF ONE AND ONE-HALF PERCENT(1.5%) PER MONTH, OR AT THE HIGHEST LEGAL RATE, WHICHEVER IS LESS. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 017962 KENNETH RICKER 05/21/2013 CHECK 1169 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .9060.8.000.000 SM .9060.8.000.000 022513 040113 REIM MEDICARE SUP-3/13 216.75 REIM MEDICARE SUP-4/13 216.75 TOTAL 433.50 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 17962 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Securfly Number Vendor Address 46-2 Becket Hill Road Lyme, CT 06371 Ricker, Kenneth Vendor Telephone Number 860-575-9438 Vendor Contact Number Invoice Date 212512013 4/11201 Invoice $216.75 $216.75 Discount Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $216.75 $216.75 Description of Goods or Services United Health Medicare Supplement March 85% Reimbursement ;255.00 less 15% ($216.75) K. Ricker ck~967 85% Reimbursement $433.50 Check No. I I[ q Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 $433.50 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cerdfy that the foregoing claim ~s true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature CompanyName United Health Medicare Supplement April ;255.00 less 15% ($216.75) General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM9060.8.000.000 SM9060.8.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and nt approved APRIL 3, 2013 TO: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 FR: KENNETH RICKER 46-2 BECKET HILL RD LYME, CT 06371 860 575 9438 RE: HEALTH CARE PREMIUM for Medicare Supplement Policy Member # 302307704-11 Enclosed is copies of premiums paid for March and April 2013 totaling $510.00 Please submit for reimbursement of 85% on my behave. Thank you Regards, Kenneth H. Ricker Check Image https://www4.citizensbankonline.conffefs/s... Check Image Print Citizens Bank m Z CLOSE This is an image of an item (check, substitute check, or debit memo) which has posted to your account. Items resulting in a non-sufficient funds situation may not have been paid. Unpaid items will show as a credit item in your account history on the business date following the date the item was presented. 1 of 1 4/3/13 7:53 AM Pay Bills !.Bill Detail https://paybills.citizensbankonline.com/cw... Bill History Bill Detail Biller Name Account UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE GREEN CHECKING COMPAY x6443l SUPPLIMENTAL POLICY x704-1 /2 '-ount Pay Dare'Confirmation Status 55.00 04/01/2013/FMKXC-7V3JW Paid The funds for your payment to UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE COMPAY were ~vithdrawn from your GREEN CHECKING x64431 account on 04/01/2013. UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE COMPAY received your payment electronically on 04/01/2013. Your payment was posted to your UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE COMPAY account on 03/30/2013. If you have a question about your bill or about crediting the payment to your billet account, please contact UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE COMPAY directly. If you have a question about this payment, you can send us a oavment ianuirv. For Customer Service please call us at 1-800-656-6561 Member FDIC t~ Equal Housing Lender Privacy & Security I Terms of Use [ Citizens Bank Online Guarantee ©2012 Citizens Financial Group. All Rights ® Reserved. Citizens Bank is a brand name of RBS Citizens, N.A. and Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania. Citizens Bank is a division of RBS Citizens, N.A. and Citizens Bank accounts and other RBS Citizens, N.A. accounts are not separately insured by the FDIC. Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania is not part of RBS Citizens, N.A. 1 of 1 4/3/13 7:52 AM FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 018553 ROME SPECIALTIES, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1170 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.000 2 GP3%NT WRITER FOR FUNDING 1,000.00 TOTAL 1,000.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number VendorNo. Vendor Address 18 Triton Drive East Wakefield, RI 02879 Rome Specialties, Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 401-368-2401 Vendor Contact Aaron Rome Check No. 1110 Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 T ler ~ ~, Invoice Net lharchase Order Number Discount Amount Claimed Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 2 1,000.00 Grant Writer for funding 8M$710.4.000.000 1,000.00 Invoice Invoice Date Total 5/1/201: 1,000.00 1,000.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is act ually Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Title Signature Title AaronRome a ~rant m~er ~af cares! Rome Specialties, Inc. 18 Tdton Drive East, Wakefield, RI 02879, 401-368-2401 aaron.rome@gmail.com, www.aaronrome.com Organization Name (Client): Authorized Representative Name(s): Address: Invoice #2 Fisher Island Ferry District (FIFD) Gordon Murphy 261 Trumbull Drive Fishers Island, NY 06390 Contact Name: Contact Phone: Cotnact Email: Website: Gordon Murphy, Donald Lamb 631-788-7463 gmurphy~fiferrv corn, dlamb~fiferrv corn www.fiferry.com This agreement is between Aaron Rome, Grant Wdter (Rome Specialties, Inc.) and FIFD Wok to be oerformed: Grant writer will work with the client to reseamh funding opportunifies, develop strategy and write grant proposals on behalf of the Fishers Island Ferry District. Funding opportunities include the Ferry Boat Program grant (US DOT) and/or the DERA Program (EPA diesel emissions reduction grant) and/or Tiger Grant (DOT) and/or FTA Ferry Boat Program. Retainer Fee: $1,000 This retainer fee will be relinquished at a rate of $75/hour. Checks written prior to June 1, 2013 should be made out to Rome Specialties, Inc. and mailed to: Aaron Rome 18 Triton Drive East Wakefield, RI 02879 After that date please send payments to: Aaron Rome 290 Snuff Mill Road North Kingstown, RI 02874 Signatures: ClientJ Client's Authorized Representative: Grant Writer: Date: May1,2013 Date: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 018752 PETER RUGG 05/21/2013 CHECK 1171 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5712.4.000.000 033113 '13 COMM MTG JAN-MAR(5) 250.00 TOTAL 250.00 l."O~,[,OS[,r:L,l." ~,P, OO~508 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor No. 18752 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Telephone Number Rugg, Peter Vendor Contact Number Invoice Date 3/31/20 t: Invoice Total $250.00 Discount 136 E. 76TH STREET, APT 5A NEWYORK, NY 10021 Net Amount Claimed $250.00 $250.001 $250.00 Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services Commission Meeting Januar~ - March 2013 Mtgs ~ $501mtg Check No. Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM5712.4.000.000 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature~ Title Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions orient is approved Signature $50.00 a meeting Meeting Date 01/07/13 01/22/13 01/29/13 02~04~ 13 02/19/13 02~26~ 13 03/18/13 Brooks, Robert Edwards1 Christopher 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Meetings 4 7 1st Quarter 200 350 Sheet1 Rafferty, Christopher Rugg, Peter Wall, Robert 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 / 7 200 250v' 350 Page1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019202 SEAPORT COMMUNICATIONS CO. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1172 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 13547 RP HULL TRANSDUCER 1,254.00 TOTAL 1,254.00 :VendorNo. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 19202 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address 304 Point ,Judith Road VcndorName ~J0~-~L~qo,~ ~'-O~it3(~1~}-}~)5 Narragansett, RI 02882 Seaport Communications co. Vendor Telephone Number 40t-7834778 Vendor Contact Total Net Amount Claim~ Purchase Order Number $1,254.00 !51,254.00 Check No. Invoice Invoice Number , Date 13547 I I"ll . Entered by ~ Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 4/7/2013 $t,254.00 $1,254,00 RP Hull Transducer 8M5710.2.000.200 Payee Certification Thc undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except ~s therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded. Company Name f~ Date Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have bccn received by mc in good condition without substitution, thc services properly performed and that the quantities tbercof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is proved SEAPORT COMMUNICATIONS CO. 304 POINT JUDITH RD NARRAGANSETT, RI 02882 401 783 4778 I Invoice # 4/7/2013 13547 Bill To M/V Race Point :ishers Island Ferr~ district 5ox H :ishers Island NY 06390 Ship To P.O. Number Terms Rep Ship Via F.O.B. Project 4/7/2013 Quantity Item Code Description Price Each Amount I 235dt-pse Furuno thru hull transducer 275.00 275.00T ST60 Graphic display $595.00 249.00 249.00T 100 cat5 network cable 0.25 25.00T: 150 16/2 marine primary 0.70 105.00T 6 ;ERV1CE TECHNICAL SUPPLIED SERVICE 100.00 600.00 installed transdcuer, installed new wiring from bilge to :he wheelhouse Sales Tax 0.00% 0.00 Total $1,254.00 Payments/Credits $o.oo Balance Due $1,254.00 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019272 SHETUCKET PAPER & SUPPLY CO. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1173 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.600 P7011 R3%GS/TOWELS 83,00 TOTAL 83.00 ?~505~ g8 00~50~ It,' Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address New Wharf, P.O. Box 349 Vendor Name Norwich, CT 06360 Shetucket Iron & Metal Co., Inc. (Paper Prod. Div) Vendor No. 19272 Check No. Entered by ~ Audit Date Vendor Telephone Number 1A¥ Z 1 2013 Vendor Contact P7011 4/s/20~31 $63.00! $63.00 Rags/Towels ! SM5710.4.000.600 I ~ ; $83.01~ , $83.00 Payee Certification The undersil>med (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~' Title ~ Company Name ~ Date ~' ~.-Q Department Certification 1 hereby certify that the malcnals above specified have been received by me in good condition w/thom substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been veri fled with thc exceptions or discrepancies noted, and paYme approved Signature~ ~ Title ~ ? ~'["~ Shetucket Iron & Metal Co., Inc. New Wharf* P.O. Box 349 Norwich, CT 06360 Telephone: (860) 887-1681 Fax: (860) 886-7333 Invoice Date Invoice # 4/5/2013 PT01 I Bill To Fishers Island Ferry District P.O. Box H Fishers Island, NY 06390 Ship To Fishers lsland Ferry District Foot Of State Street New London, CT 06320 ~ [ Account # Ship Date Ship Via P.O. No. Terms 040513 Net 30 4/5/2013 OUR TRUCK Quantity Product No. Description Unit Price Amount I00 Rag-Reclaime... Reclaimed Terry/Fleccc Rags 50 R-C2000-CTN 0.83 83.00 Subtotal *83.00 Sales Tax (6,35%) $0.0o Please Pay This Amount $8300 Prices subject to change without notice. NOIICE: PAST DUE ACCOUNTS WILL BE CHARGED AN INTEREST RATE OF 1.5% PER MONTH. No merchandise accepted for return without authorization Our responsibility ceases upon delivery to carrier. All claims must be made to Transportation Co. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019432 SKYLINE CUSTOM CARPENTRY & 05/21/2013 CHECK 1174 FI/ND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.100 042713 RPRS ANNEX-LOCKHEED WNDW 3,700.00 TOT/LL 3,700.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher ~ Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address PO Box 342 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Skyline Custom Carpentry Vendor Telephone Number Vendor Con~act Invoice I Invoice Invoice Net Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount Amount Claimec Number 0L~o~'~ 1 9) 4/27/2013 $3,700.00 $3,700.00 i Vendor No. 9432 Description of Goods or Services Repairs on Annex Building for Lockheed windows $3,700.00 [$3,700.00 Ch~kNo. Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby ce~ti fy that the foregoing claim is true and corrccL that no pan has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt arc exc]udcd General Ledger Fund and Account Number SM6709.2.000.100 Department Certification l hereby certify that thc materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and ent pproved PO Box342 Fishers IslandFerry District Annex building space A April27,2013 Installation of new Lockheed windows 1)All windows to fit into existing openings 2)Priced and speced according to bid details 3)Does not include shatterproof glass 4} All windows to weatherproofed and sealed inside and out 5)Build new storm panels with % exterior plywood' 6)AIl panels to have stainless steel latches 7) Remove all rubbish 8}Freight paid by district ~ ]~ Cost ............................. $3700.00 Thankyou Payment due .........$3,700.00 THOMAS ~U-ILGREN SKYLINEFi@LIVE.COM (0)631 788'7193 (c) 631 943-7487 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 019719 STAPLES CREDIT PI~N 05/21/2013 CHECK 1175 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5711.4.000.000 SM .5711.4.000.000 SM .5711.4.000.000 3524112001 FI OFFICE SUPPLIES 31~47 3524112002 FI OFFICE SUPPLIES 41.99 3851611001 FI OFFICE SUPPLIES 105.33 TOTkL 178.79 Check No. Town of Southoid, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social SecuriLy Number Vendor Address PO Box 414524 Vendor Name Boston, MA 02241-4524 Staples Contract & Commercial, Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 866-996-8103 Vendor Contact Invoice Invoice Number Date Invoice Total IVendor No, 19719 Entered by Audit Date Description of Goods or Services Discount 311812013 $31.47 FI Office Supplies 8M5711.4.000.000 311812013 $41.99 FI Office Supplies 8M5711.4.000.000 312712013 $105.33, FI Office Supplies SM5711.4.000.000 Net Pumhase Order Amount Claimed Number $31.47 $41.99 $105.33 $178.791 $178.79 Payee Ce~ification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cer~i fy that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~"'"~ Title Company Name / ~'~ Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by mc m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that thc quantities thereof have been verified with thc exceptions or~~Z~...discrepancies noted, and payment approved. Signature - _ that was easy: (~ Customer Service: staple~.account online.corn ~'~ Account Inquiries: 1-800-767-1291 Fax 1-801-779-7425 Account Statement Commercisl Account: FISHER ISLAND FERRY DIST I r~ Account Number: 6035 5178 2065 7673 Summary of Account Activity Previous Balance Payments Credits Purchases Debits FINANCE CHARGES Late Fees $649.02 -$$50.32 -$0.00 +$178.79 +$0.00 +$0.00 +$0.00 New Balance $477,49 Payment Information Current Due $25~00 Past Due Amount + $0.00 Minimum Payment Due $25.00 Payment Due Date 05/03/13 Credit Line $10,500 Credit Available $10,022 Closing Date 04/08/13 Next Closing Date 05/09/13 Days in Billing Period 31 TRANSACTIONS Trans Date Locatlon/~escrlptlon Reference # Amount P9194002DOgNIRYP9 $ 350.32 03/18 #9238524112000001 PUTNAM CT 03/18 ¢¢9238524112 000 002 MONTGOMERY NY 03/27 ¢~9238851611 000-001 PUTNAM CT PAYMENTS CREDITS FEES AND ADJUSTMENTS 03/18 PAYMENT ~ THANK YOU FINANCE CHARGE SUMMARY Type of Baianee PURCHASES REGULAR REVOLVING CREDIT pLAN Annual Par~entage Rat~ (APR) Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account Daily Periodic Bainn~e Subject to Rate Finance Charge Finance Charge 0.00% 000000% $0.00 $0,00 ~nformation About YOUl Account. Important Payment Instructions. If you send an eligible check with this payment coupon, you authorize us to complete your payment by electronic debit. If we do, the checking account will be debited in the amount on the check. We may do this as soon as the day we receive the check. Also, the check will be destroyed. Payment Options Other Than Regular Mail. that was easy: Remit payment atld make checks payable to: STAPLES CREDIT PLAN DEPT 51 7820657673 PO BOX 689020 DES MOINES IA 50368 9020 INVOICE DETAIL BILL TO: Acct: 6095 5178 2065 7673 SHIP TO: DEB DOUCETTE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 00000-0000 PRODUCT SKU# Amount Due: Trana Date: Invoice #: PO $41.99 03/18/13 3524112002 : I Store: 100088887, PUTNAM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE OPTIMA 70 DESKTOP STAPLER 000752473 Purchased by: GORDON MURPHY 1.0000 EA $41.99 $41 99 SUBTOTAL $41.99 TAX $0.00 SHIPPING $0.00 TOTAL $41.99 BILl TO: Acer: 6035 5178 2065 7673 SHIP TO: DEB DOUCETTE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 00000-0000 PRODUCT SKU # Amount Due: Trana Date: $31.47 03/18/13 Invoice #: 3524112001 PO: I Store: 100088887, PUTNAM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE K-CUP SPECIAL BLEND 18/BX 000744154 K-CUP ENGLISH BREAKFAST 1 000777826 KCUP COFFEE PEOPLE DONUT 000853439 Purchased by: GORDON MURPHY 1,0000 BX $1079 $10.79 1.0000 BX $9.89 $9,89 1.0000 PK $10.79 $10.79 SUBTOTAL $31.47 TAX $000 SHIPPING $0.00 TOTAL $31.47 BILL TO: Acct: 6035 5178 2065 7673 SHIP TO: DEB DOUCETTE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 261 TRUMBULL DR FISHERS ISLAND, NY 00000-0000 PRODUCT SKU # $ 05.33 Trana Date: Invoice #:: 03/27/13 3851611001 I Store: 100088887, PUTNAM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL PRICE SHARPIE PERM FINE BLK 12 000125328 STAPLES HIGHLIGHTERS YELL 000167031 TAPE & DISPENSER MAGIC .5 000504613 HP 940XL CYAN INK 000772994 HP 940XL BLK INK 000772995 HP 940XL YEL INK 000772997 Purchased by: GORDON MURPHY 1.0000 DZ $5.29 $8.29 1.0000 DZ $6.99 $6.99 20000 EA $2.29 $4.58 1.0000 EA $25.19 $25.19 1.0000 EA $35,09 $35.09 1.0000 EA $25 19 $25.19 SUBTOTAL $10533 TAX $0.00 SHIPPING $0.00 TOTAL $105.33 Page 3 of 4 1-800-767-1291 staples.accountonline.com This page intentionally left blank, Page 4 of 4 1-800-767-1291 stapl~s.accoun~nline.com that was easy: For Customer Service, call 1 800-333-3330, or email at support@orders.staples.com. Order online, by phone or by fax 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. STAPLES that was easy FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT DEB DOUCETTE Floor: 1 261 TRUMBULL DR BOX 607 FISHERS ISIJ~ID, NY 063908021 Contact: (631) 788 7463 DEB DOUCETTE REFER TO TEIS ORDER NO. FOR ALL INOUIRIES 4051825224 ] 3/18~13 9238524112-000001 / SHIPPING LOCATION:Putnam, CT FC CARRIER ROUTE:UPS/UPS /U2 TOTAL PACKAGES: 1 PAGE: 1 Order Date: 03/18/2013 Coupons and other adjustments are deducted after the Merchandise Total. On large orders some b<xes may be arriving in separate shipments. ~, 744154 K-CUP SPECIAL BLEND 18/BX /15555/0050 BX 1 1 10.79 10.79 Please tell us how w~ 're doing for a chance to win $2500! TO participate o to WWW.SURVEY4STAPLES.COM and enter urvey Code 9238524112 For rules visit www.survey4staples.com. 777826 K-CUP ENGLISH BREAKFAST 18/BX /15510/1731 BX 1~. 1 9.89 9.89 853439 KCUP COFFEE PEOPLE DONUT SEOP /00714/60018-101 PK 1~' 1 10.79 10.79 The following are ship~ed from an alternate warehouse via UPS. They should arrive no later than 03/19/13 / 752473 OPTIMA 70 DESKTOP STAPLER /87875 EA 1 ~ 0 41.99 .00 Thank You For Your Order! Staples, Inc. that was easy: For Customer Service, call 1-800-333-3330, or email at support@orders.staples.com. Order online, by phone or by fax 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. STAPLES that was easy FISHERS ISLJ~ND FERRY DISTRICT DEB DOUCETTE Floor: 1 261 TRUMBULL DR BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 063908021 Contact: (631) 788 7463 DEB DOUCETTE REFER TO THIS ORDER NO, FOR ALL INQUIRIES 4051825224 3/18~13 9238524112 000001 ~ ' SHIPPING LOCATION:Putnam, CT FC CARRIER ROUTE:UPS/UPS /U2 PAGE: 2 Order Date: 03/18/2013 Check your order status online by going to www. Staples.com and clickin, Need to return something? Please call Customer Service to process a return. Total. "My rs" . 31.47 .00 .00 TOTAL VALUE OF OP. DER: 31.47 00~ Thank You For Your Order! Staples, Inc. THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE that was easy: For Customer Service, call 1-800-333-3330, or email at support@orders.staples.com. Order online, by phone or by fax 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. REFER TO THIS ORDER NO. FOR ALL INOUIRIES STAPLES that was easy FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 1 DEB DOUCETTE Floor: 1 261 TRUMBULL DR BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 063908021 Contact: (631) 788-7463 - DEB DOUCETTE SHIPPING LOCATION:Montgomery, NY FC CARRIER ROUTE:UPS/UPS /U3 Order Date: 03/18/2013 Coupons and other adjustments are deducted after the Merchandise Total 752473 OPTIMA 70 DESKTOP STAPLER /87875 Check your order online by going to www. Staples.com and 1 1 andise Fotal "My Ord~ rs". 41.99 41.99 41.99 .00 .00 Need to return something? Please call Customer Service to process a return. TOT;fL VALUE OF OP~DER: 41, 99 oo~ Thank You For Your Order! Staples, Inc. THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE that was easy: For Customer Service, call 1 800 333 3330, or email at support®orders.staples.com. Order online, by phone or by fax 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. STAPLES that was easy FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT DEB DOUCETTE Floor: 1 261 TRUMBULL DR BOX 607 FISHERS ISLA~ND, NY 063908021 ConEact: (631) 788-7463 - DEB DOUCETTE REFER TO THIS OP. DER NO. FOR ALL INQUIRIES 4051825224 3/27/13 9238851611 000001 ' ' / SHIPPING LOCATION: Putnam, CT FC CARRIER ROUTE:UPS/UPS /U2 Order Date: 03/27/2013 Coupons and other adju~ zments are deducted after the Merchandise Total. On large orders some b( 125328 Material Safety Data SI 167031 Material Safety Data SI 504613 be.a'f~iving in separate shipments. may SHARPI~'PERM~ FINE BLK 12 /30001 (MSDS) may be foun~ visiting http://msds. STAPLES HIGHLIGHTER~ YELLOW DZ/10401 (MSDS) may be fou~/by visiting http://msds, TAPE & DISPENSER ~IC .5X450 /104 Material Safety Data SI ~=ets (MSDS) may be found by visiting http://msds, 772994 HP 940XL CYAN INK~/ /C4907AN#140 772997 HP 940XL /C4909AN#140 1 p- p- 2 p. 1 1 D ~s/12532f .pdf il .pdf 2 1 8.29 6.99 2.29 25.19 35.09 25.19 8.29 6.99 4.58 25.19 35.09 25.19 105.33 .00 .00 Continued... Thank You For Your Order! Staples, Inc. that was easy: For Customer Service, call 1 800 333-3330, or email at support@orders.staples.com. Order online, by phone or by fax 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. STAPLES that was easy FISHERS ISL~XrD FERRY DISTRICT DEB DOUCETTE Floor: 1 261 TRUMBULL DR BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 063908021 Contact: (631) 788-7463 - DEB DOUCETTE REFER TO THIS ORDER NO. FOR ALL INOUIRIES 4051825224 3/27~13 9238851611 000001 ' L SHIPPING LOCATION: Putnam, CT FC CA~RI ER ROUTE:UPS/UPS /U2 PAGE: 2 Order Date: 03/27/2013 Check your order status online by going to w%~w. Staples.com and clicking "My us" . that was easy Need to return something? Please call Customer Service to process a return. TOTAL V~.LUE OF O~LDER: 105.33 oo~ Thank You For Your Order! Staples, Inc. THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 020167 TERMINIX PROCESSING CENTER 05/21/2013 CHECK 1176 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709.2.000.000 323815509 PEST CONTROL-NL 4/3/13 52.11 TOTAL 52.11 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Name Terminix Processing Center Vendor Telephone Number 860-683-0012 Vendor Contact Vendor Address Vendor No. 20167 Invoice Invoice 41512013 $52. $52.1 P.O. Box 742592 Cincinnati, OH 45274-2592 Check No. Entered by Audit Date Amount Claime~ Number $52.11 Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 323815509 I Pest ControI-NL 4/312013 8M5709.2.000,000 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certi~ that the foregoing claim is trae and correct, that no pert has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature Y.~"~ Title ~ Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have n verified with the exceptions , r discrepancies noted, d pa ent is approved OPERATOR'S NAME & CERTIFICATION At TEIlIIfI#IX TERMITE and PEST CONTROL SERVICEPROPERTYAT FISiIER'S ZSLAND tERRY* NEW ,.~DON, ~ ~ '%32¢ TARGET PEST: "ZT ;'; SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS SERVICE CENTER !'ERFii!¢iX INTEB4ATIONAL ~85-~i HAYOEN STATION '8~0)683-'0012 TREATED INSPECTED 0£4:1 Tri-Dle Bulk Dust 08263 %5 ~-~ XLO R1B.II !5028 Snao Tra~ ~332 Ma~f~rce F6 Select Roach Get CYKCSOS Cv-Kick CS PYRETHRINSI~,PBOIO%.SIL~( 4~9-4~9 P¥~ETHRIN~.5% PI~lCfl. B 4~9~8~0 FIPB]~IIL .01~ 43~-1859 CYFLUTHRIN 0,05% 499-304 BAYER SUPERVISOR'S COMMENTS: E~Treat for Infestation/Prevention or InsPect areas indicated. BABC[;C~f. BRIAN %%05 TREATMENT CODES: C = Crack & CreviCe S = Spot 8 = 3i Band G = General T = SpaceTreatment EQUIPMENT CODES: A & Ae~s01 ~o~¢ ~i[: ~ger RD = Hand Dust T = TraP B = Bait Stat, ' ~ECIAL sERVICE I~ROCTIONs Prior CUSTOMER COPY ~ TEIIMINIX PO BOX 17167 MEMPHIS, TN $8167 30230 1 MB 0.402 FISHER'S ISLAND FERRY* ATTN: DEBRA DOUCETTE PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 ,In,ll,lll,lhlhlnhh,dh,l,lhilhlllllll,ll,llv,ll,il,,l~ EASY WAYS TO PAY YOUR TERMINIXs INVOICE Paying your bill ~s easy, especially on ine Just visit the "Manage My Account" portal at TerminixCommercial.com arid sign up with your Customer Number: 4067]25 and phone number to start paying bills online ACCOUNT INVOICE Please Pay By: Total Due: 0 O4/22/201;S $52.11 PAY ONLINE Ter minixCommercial corn PAY BY PHONE 1800 TERMINIX GIUESTIONS · Local Office: 860.683.0012 · Toll Free: 1 800 TERr'41NIX · Online: TerminixCommercial eom 04/05/2013 Pest Control Work Order 11313,177303 Tax Charge Location: 5 STATE ST/DOCK OFFICE, NEW LONDON CT 06320 323815509 $4900 $3 ll $52 ll DUE DATE: O4/22/201;~ TOTAL DUE: $52.11 BUSINESS REFER & SAVE REFER COLLEAGUES AND FRIENDS, SAVE ON YOUR TERHINIX SERVICE. For each person or business you recommend who purchases an armual Terminix commercial or residential service, you'll Seve $150 or more To learn more about Business Refer & Save, visit TermlnlxCommerclel.com or esk your Termlnlx Commercial representative. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 020230 THAMES SHIPYARD & REPAIR CO. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1177 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.2.000.200 8131 RP-DRY DOCK, PAINT,RPRS 85,960.00 TOTAL 85,960.00 Check No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number ]Vendor Address 2 Ferry Street Vendor Name New London, CT 06320 Thames Shipyard 8, Repair Co. Vendor Telephone Number 860-442-5349 Vendor Contact Number Date Total Vendor No. 20230 Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 T.~lerk ~I Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 8131 4124/2013 $85,960.00 'Race Point Dry Dock SM6710.2.000.200 Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $85,960.00 $85,960.00 $85,960.00 does hereby certify that the thregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature Title m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or dlscrepanoes noted, and payment is Signature Title 3----'~ (~'~ TH AMES SHIPYARD & REPAIR CO. 2 FERRY STREET 'NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Voice: 860-442-5349 Fax: 860-440-3492 INVOICE Invoice Number: 8131 Invoice Date: Apr 24, 2013 Page: 1 Bill To: P.O. BOX H FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 L Ship tO: FISHERS ISLAND P.O. BOX H FISHERS ISLAND. NY 06390 / FISHERS Couder Net Due Date 4/24/13 MN Race Point Dry-dock and refloat vessel Painting Lettedng Sea valve inspection Steadng Gear Fuel Tank vents/fill replacement Bow thruster 14.500.00 18.900.00 1.500.00 1.200.00 21.260.00 22.800.00 5.800.00 Check/Credit Memo No: · Subtotal Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount Payment/Credit Applied 85 960.00 85.960.00 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 002315 THE BL~KE GROUP 05/21/2013 CHECK 1178 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM ~5710.2.000.200 IN41021053 RP SEWAGE CONTROLLER 686.86 TOTAL 686.86 Vendor No. Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher 231 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Dept. 1340, P.O. Box 4110 Vendor Name Woburn, MA 018884110 The Blake Group Vendor Telephone Number 860-243-1491 Vendor Contact Number Date Check No. II"Jg Invoice Total Discount $686.86 Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Town Clerk Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number IN41021083 4117/2013 RP Sewage Controller SM5710.2.000.200 , $888.881 $686.86 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby certi~ that the foregoing claim is true and correct, that no parr has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Net Purchase Order ~.mount Claimed Number $686.86 Signature Company Name Date Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved BLAKE EQUIPMENT 41 Commerce Way So. Windsor, CT 06074 Phone: 860 289-4724 800 539-7867 Fa;,: 860'289-4762 9105621 S FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT O P.O. BOX H L FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 D ORIGINAL SHIPPING DOCUMENT The H FOOT OF STATE STREET I NEW LONDON CT 06320 P ORDER NUMBER 1188708 ORDER DATE 04/15/13 PAGE i T T O O P: 631 785-7463 F: 631-788-5523 SHIPPED FROM: 31 South Windsor Connecticut Unless Othe~'wise Noted CUSTOMER CUSTOMER ACCT. NUMBER ORDER NO. FREIGHT TERMS METHOD JOB # PROC,LVL 9105621 Best Way 31 TERMS SALESMAN EXPECTED SHIP DATE ORDER ENTERED BY 2~; 10 Prox, Net EOM Hunter Ward-316 04/15/13 Adam Friedrich - South Winds LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION BIN ~UANTITY DIM PRICE DISCOUNT NET ~IUMBER NUMBER LOC AMOUNT I 1028151 PD690-3-14 RELAY NO/LOC i EA 792.00 609.00 2 1029891 DESICCANT TUBE NO/LOC i EA 34.00 26.00 3 90070 FREIGHT CHARGE - 3RD PARTY i EA 1.00 8.60 4 FUELSURCHARGE TEMPORARY INCOMING SURCHARGE I EA 2.25 2.25 SALES TAX 41.01 TOTAL 686.86 ORIGINAL BLAKE EQUIPMENT 4 New Park Road East Windsor, CT 06088 860-243-1491 s o L D T 0 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390 The Blake GRIDUP INVOICE THE BLAKE GROUp PO BOX4110 Dept i34o Woburn, MA 01888'4i10 II Your Source for Solar and Geothermal Products! **** s H I P FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT FOOT OF STATE STREET T NEW LONDON CT 06320 O IN41021063 ORDERff ! SHIP# 1188708 ! 100656 !NVOiCE DATE 04/17/13 PAGE I SALESMAN: Hunter Ward-316 PROC,LVL: 3! 9105621 RG 04/15/13 Best Way 2;t 10 Prox, Net EOM 0 UNE I ITEM QUANTITY U/M DE$CPJPTION UNiT PRICE DISC, AMOUNT I I 1028151 i EA PD690-3-14 RELAY 792.00 609.00 2 1029891 I EA DESICCANT TUBE 34.00 26.00 3 t0070 i EA FREIGHT CHARGE - 3RD PARTY 1.00 8.60 4 FUELSURCHAR E i EA TEMPORARY INCOMING SURCHARGE 2.25 2.25 CT Sales Tax 41.01 If paid by 05/10/13 673.94 FEE) ID #06-0691005 645.85 41.01 0.00 686,86 SUBTOTAL SALES TAX MISC JFREIGHT GRAND TOTAL ORIGINAL INVOICE FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 021304 ULINE 05/21/2013 CHECK 1179 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.~ INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5709,2.000.000 50503687 DOG WASTE SYSTEM 391.20 TOTAL 391.20 00~508 endorNo. Town of Southoid, New York- Payment Voucher 21304 Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Attn: Accounts Receivable 2200 S. Lakeside Drive UUNE Waukegan, IL 60086 Vendor Telephone Number 800-295-5510 Vendor Contact Check No. Entered by Audit Date MAY 2 1 2013 Town Clerk -~ ,? /2 .~/-~ 3/3 I.~.~ Invoice Invoice Number Date Discount Description &Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $391.20 50503687 4117/2013 Dog Waste System SM$709.2.000.000 $39t.20 i $391.201 $391.20 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on bebelf of tbe above named claimant) does hereby ceftin, that the foregoing claim is trae and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein statad~ Mat the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~/ Title ~ Company Name / f/f~ Date Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereo£have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and pay ent is approved Signature ' Title . __ , , INVOICE NO. SHIPPING SUPPLY SPECIALISTS 1-800-295-5510 uline.com 2200 S. Lakeside Drive · Waukegan, IL 60085 50503687 INVOICE ULINE FED ID#: 36-3684738 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER. DLINE CUSTOMER SINCE 2005 YOUR ORDER # 54127866 SOLD TO: SHIP TO: MDG2010 00007827 1 AB 0384 FISHERS iSLAND FERRY DISTRICT PO BOX H FISHERS ISLAND NY 06390-0607 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT 5 WATERFRONT PARK NEW LONDON CT 06320 ITl II II 2461167 RAY UPS GROUND 4/17/13 4/17/13 NET 30 DAYS 4/17/13 I EA H-3491 DOG WASTE SYSTEM RECEPTACLE 190.00 190.00 2 EA H-1103G GREEN SMOKER'S RECEPTACLE 48.00 96.00 4 RL S-642 18X1500 80GA ULINE BLOWN WRAP 16.00 64.00 ORDER PLACED BY: RAY LEFEVRE SUB-TOTAL SALES TAX FRT/HNDLING AMOUNT DUE EMANGAS /I 350.00 .00 41.20 391.20 bTSHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 021506 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 05/21/2013 CHECK 1180 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O. # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5710.4.000.700 26639153 W/E 4/13/13(2)PKGS 66.15 SM .5710.4.000.700 26639163 W/E 4/20/13 27.08 TOTAL 93.23 50- hi3 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Sccurd~ Number Vendor Address P.O. Box 7247-0244 Vendor Name Philadelphia, PA 19170-0001 United Parcel Service Vendor Telephone Number 800-811-1648 Vendor Contact Vendor No. 21506 Check No. !!8o Entered by ~ Audit Date 2 1 2013 Invoice Invoice Invoice J Net I Purchase Order Number Date Total Discount iAmoun CImmedI Number Description of Goods or Services General kedger Fund and Account Number 26639153 4/13/2013 $86.151 j $66.15 W/E 4/13113 (~) [~a$ SM$7t0.4.000.700 26639163 l 4/20120t 3 $27.08 j $27.08 W/E 4120113 SM5710.4.000.700 $93.23! $93.231 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby cenil~ that the foregoing claim is true and corcect, that no pan has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and orang, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt axe excluded Department Certification I hereby certrf~ that the materials above specified have been received by me in good condition w~tbout substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptmns or discrepancies noted, and payment is approved Signature ~~'~ Adjustments & Other Charges Miscellaneous Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date April 20, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639163 Shipper number 026639 Page 3 of 3 Billed Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 2.00 FOR 1 PRINTERS AT $2.00 EACH FOR 1g-APR-2013 Total Miscellaneous 2.00 Total Adjustments & Other Charges 2.00 Fees WeekEnding Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 03/23 Late Payment Fee 51.37 6.00 % 3.08 Pursuant to the UPS Tariff, a late payment fee has been assessed. Total Fees 3.08 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date April 20, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639163 Shipper number 026639 Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Payments Applied Amount Invoice Number Invoice Date Paid 0000026639103 03/09/2013 $ 94.25 0000026639113 03/16/2013 $ 84 08 Account Statue Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding (prior invoices): Please include the Return portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment Balance Invoice Number Invoice Date Due 0000026639123 03/23/2013 $ 51 37 0000026639133 03/30/2013 $ 35.88 0000026639143 04/06/2013 $ 74.54 0000026639153 04/13/2013 $ 66 15 Total $ 227.94 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received an of 04/19/2013. Please ignore this message if a recent payment has been made for any outstanding invoices. Shipped from: FISHERS ISLAND FERRY 1 STATE ST NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date April 20, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639163 Shipper number 026639 Control ID 390S Page 1 of 3 0736A00000266394 77366300038159 FP 01 069599 459161225 A**3DGT FISHER ISLAND FERRY PO BOX 607 FZSHERS ISLAND, NY 06590 Account Status Summary Weekly Payment Plan Amount Due 'lltis Period $ 27.08 Amount Outstanding (prior invoices) $ 227.94 Total Amount Outstanding $ 255.02 Please include the Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment. See Account Status for details. Questions about your charges? To get a better understanding of the charges on your invoice, visit our invoice guide and glossary of billing charges at u os.com/invoice~juide. ISign up for electronic billing todayl Visit ups.corn/billing I For questions about your invoice, call: (8OO) 811-1648 Monday - Friday 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.E.T. or write: UPS P.O. Box 72470244 Philadelphia, PA 19170-0001 Thank you for using UPS. Summary of Charges Page Charge 3 Adjustments & Other Charges $ 2.00 3 Fees $ 3.08 Service Charges $ 22.00 Amount due this period $ 27.08 UPS payment terms require payment of this invoice by May 1, 2013. Payments not received by May 15, 2013 are subject lo a late fee of 6% of the Amount Due This Period. (Details in UPS Tariff, available at ups.corn) Note: This invoice may contain a fuel surcharge as described at ups. com. The published fuel surcharge is 7.5% for UPS Ground Services and 12.0% for UPS Air Services, UPS 3 Day Select, and International services. For more informstion, visit ups.com. Outbound uPS WorldShip Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date April 13, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639153 Shipper number 026639 Page 3of3 Pickup Pickup Number of Billed Date Record Message Codes Packages Charge 04/09 9121174182 1 24.26 04/12 9121174193 1 12.85 Total UPS WorldShip 2 Package(s) 37.11 Total Outbound 2 Package(e) 37.11 Adjustments & Other Charges Miscellaneous Explanation Charge WEEKLY PRINTER SERVICE FEE 2.00 FOR 1 PRINTERS AT $2.00 EACH FOR 12-APR-2013 Total Miscellaneous 2.00 Total Adjustments & Other Charges 2.00 Fees WeekEnding Unpaid Billed Date Balance Rate Charge 03/16 Late Payment Fee 84.08 6.00 % 5.04 Pursuant to the UPS Tariff, a late payment fee has been assessed. Total Fees 5.04 066404 2/2 Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date April 13, 2013 Invoice number 0000026639153 Shipper number 026639 Page 2 of 3 Account Status Weekly Payment Plan Amount Outstanding (prior invoices): Please include the Return Portion of each outstanding invoice with your payment. Balance Invoice Number Invoice Date Due 0000026639103 03/09/2013 $ 94.25 0000026639113 03/16/2013 $ 84.08 0000026639123 03/23/2013 $ 51 37 0000026639133 03/30/2013 $ 35.88 0000026639143 04/06/2013 $ 74 54 Total $ 340.12 Outstanding balances reflect any payments received an of 04/12/2013. Please ignore this message if a recent payment has been made for any outstanding invoices. ~ Delivery Service Invoice Invoice date April 13, 2013 Shipped from: Invoice number 0000026639153 · FISHERS ISLAND FERRY Shipper number 026639 1 STATE ST NEW LONDON, CT 06320 Control ~D 640P Page 1 of 3 m m m m mm m 0736A00000266394 77366200038555 FP 01 066404 428521217 A**3DGT iI~,ql,~,,~,qli~ih,,qih,,I,IIl,,i,,H,iqh~h,ll,,l~,~, FISHER ISLAND FERRY PO BOX 607 FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06590 Sign up for electronic billing today! Visit ups.com/billing For questions about your invoice, call: (800) 811-1648 Monday - Friday 8:OO a.m. - S:00 p.m.E.T. or write: UPS P.O. Box 7247-0244 Philadelphia, PA 19170-0001 Account Status Summary Weekly Payment Plan Amount Due This Period $ 66.15 Amount Outstanding (prior invoices) $ 340.12 Total Amount Outstanding $ 406.27 Please include lfle Return Portion of each outstanding invoice ~vith your payment. See Account Status for details. Questions about your charges? To get a better understanding of the charges on your invoice, visit our invoice guide and glossary of billing charges at uns.com/invoiceg uide. Thank you for using UPS. Summary of Charges Page Charge Outbound 3 UPS WorldShip $ 37.11 3 Adjustments & Other Charges $ 2.00 3 Fec~ $ 5.04 Service Charges $ 22.00 Amount due this period $66.15 UPS payment terms require payment of this invoice by April 24, 2013. Payments not received by May 8, 2013 are subject to a lale fee of 6% of the Amount Due This Period. (Details in UPS Tariff, available at ups.com) Note: This invoice may contain a fuel surcharge as described at ups. com. The published fuel surcharge is 7.5% for UPS Ground Services and 12.0% for UPS Air Services, UPS 3 Day Select, and International services. For more information, visit ups. com. FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 023295 ROBERT WALL 05/21/2013 CHECK 1181 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM .5712.4.000.000 033113 '13 COMM MTG J~2N-MAR(7) 350.00 TOTAL 350.00 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Telephone Number Wall, Robert Vendor No. i23295 Vendor Contact P. O. Box 695 Fishers Island, NY 06390 Check No. Entered by Audit Date HAY 2 1 2013 ~T~l~Clerk ~ -~'. Invoice Number Invoice Invoice Date Total 3/3'1/2013 $380.00 $350.00 Net Discount Amount Claimer $350.00 $350.00 Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf of the above named claimant) does hereby certify that thc foregoing claim is true and correct, that no part has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein stated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Signature ~ Title ~'"~ Company Name .t~f Date Purchase Order Number Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number 8M$712.4.000.000 Commission Meeting January - March 2013 7 Mtgs (~ $50/mtg Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me m good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and payment is ap red $50.00 a meeting Meeting Date 01/07/13 01/22/13 01/29/13 02/04/13 02/19/13 02/26/13 03/18/13 Brooks, Robert Edwards, Christopher 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Total Meetings 4 7 1st Quarter 200 350 Sheet1 Rafferty, Christopher Rugg, Pe~r 1 4 200 Wall, Robert 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 5 7 ,.-"' 250 350 Page 1 FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT VENDOR 025038 Z & S FUEL & SERVICE, INC. 05/21/2013 CHECK 1182 FUND & ACCOUNT P.O, # INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SM ,5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 SM .5710,4.000.000 SM .5710.4.000.000 18105 10.545 GAL REG GAS 49.45 18114 10.423 GAL REG GAS 48.87 18114 5.654 GAL DIESEL 27.70 18121 24.497 DIESEL 120.01 18150 10.456 GAL GAS REG 49.03 18163 10.544 GAL GAS REG 49.44 TOTAL 344.50 Town of Southold, New York - Payment Voucher Vendor Tax ID Number or Social Security Number Vendor Address Vendor Name Z & S Fuel & Service, Inc. Vendor Telephone Number 63t-788-7343 VendorConmct Invoice Invoice Number Date 18105 311113 18114 315/13 18114 315113 18121 3FH13 18160 03/20/13 18t 63 3/26/13 Total ;Vendor No. 25038 P.O. Drawer B FIshem Island, NY 06390 Check No. II' A Entered by Audit Date MAY g 1 1013 Discount Description of Goods or Services General Ledger Fund and Account Number $49.46 j2 gas cans of gasollhe SM5710.4.000.000 $48.87 Net Purchase Order Amount Claimed Number $49.45 $48.87 $27.70 $t20.0t $49.03 $49.44 $27.?0 $120.01 $344.50 $49.03 $49.44 Gasoline-- /O.g~_~c. LO. ~. C.'.:v.. Diesel 24.497 Diesel 10.456 Gals Gasoline 10.544 Gals Gasoline $344.50i Payee Certification The undersigned (Claimant) (Acting on behalf o£the above named claimant) does hereby certify that thc foregoing claim is tree and correct, that no pari has been paid, except as therein stated, that the balance therein slated is actually due and owing, and that taxes from which the Town is exempt are excluded Company Nam~::~' ~p Date SM6710.4.000.000 8M6710,4.000.000 SM6710.4.000.000 SM57t0.4.000.000 SM6710.4.000.000 Department Certification I hereby certify that the materials above specified have been received by me In good condition without substitution, the services properly performed and that the quantities thereof have been verified with the exceptions or discrepancies noted, and paymenl is a~proved Signature_ ~ Z & S FUEL & SERVICE, INC. Drawer B Fishers Island. NY 06390 Statement Date 3/31/2013 To; FISHERS ISLAND FERRY DISTRICT P.O. BOX H FISIIERS ISLAND, NY 06390 Amount Due Amount Enc. $782.58 Date Transaction Amount Balance 02/28/2013 Balance forward 438.08 03/01/2013 (3AS 49.45 487.53 03/05/2013 (;-AS 48.87 536.40 03/05/2013 (}AS DIESEL 27.70 564.10 03/07/2013 (}AS DIESEL 120.01 684.11 03/20/2013 (}AS 49.03 733.14 03/26/2013 GAS 49.44 782.58 1-30 DaYS PAST 31-60 DAYS PAST 61-90 DAYS PAST OVER 90 DAYS Amount Due CURRENT DUE DUE DUE PAST DUE 344.50 0.00 438.08 0.00 0.00 $782.58 & ~, FUEL & SERVICE~ tNC DRAWER B FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 (631) 788-7343 Liters/Qts. Oil Lubrication Oil Filter 18105 c0mpanied by this bill Z & S FUEL & SERVICE, INC. DRAWER B FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 (63:[) 788.7343 Liters/G_~ls. Gasoline Liters/Qts. Oil Lubrication C PqODUCT 608 All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied hy this bill ! 8121 ~l-hank~ou Z & S FUEL & SERVICE, INC. DRAWER B FISHERS iSLAND, NY 06390 (631) 788-7343 ~Oq~5 Liters/Gal~. Gasoline ~ Liters/Qts. Oil 0~5~ Lubrication Oil Filter C PRODUCT 608 MUST be accompanied by this bill. 18114 ~a~l~'Wou Z & $ FUEL & SERVICE, INC. DRAWER B F!SHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 (631) 788-7343 : '1 I: I t Liters/Gals. Gasoline~ /_/C,Q i' _r Liters/Qts. Oil ~ Lubrication ~xi Oil Filter C PRODUCT 608 All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. 1815 0 ~/"~k'16. Z & S FUEL & SERVICE, )NC~ DRAWER B FISHERS ISLAND, NY 06390 ($3t) 788-7343 Liters/G~s. G~!!ne ~ ~ ~H q Liters/Qts. Oil " ~ Lubrication Oil Filter C PROOUCT 608 claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill. 1816 3 =rl~a~k~o.