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Canon Copy Machine for Solid Waste
'~®~k, RESOLUTION 2013-368 `"*`~a ADOPTED DOC ID: 8781 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2013-368 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 7, 2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Acquisition Agreement Lease or Purchase between the Town of Southold and Canon Solutions America, Inc., in connection with the lease of a Canon IR-1025 copy machine/scanner for use by the Solid Waste District at a monthly cost of $64.00 for a period of thirty-six (36) months, subjecyt~to-_,the'approval of the Town Attorney. ~Q Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell ACQUt5171pN AGREEMENT LEASE OR PURCHASE CANON saulKxu AalteKa ~ Sd 178637. d2 Canon Sautbra Amertca, Inc. (°CSA") ~ 4 Ohlo Drive, Lake Success, NY 11042 (800) 813-2228 Salesperson Unda C Lehman Order pgle; 4 f 12 ) 2013 Customer p yeti"}: Customer Account: Ship To: Customer Actaura: Company: Town of Southold Company: Town of SouBlold Addresa:53096 Main Road Address: 41405 Rte 25A City: Southold Counry:SUFFOLK City: Southoltl C'aunly: Sl1FFOl.K Stale: NY Zip: 11971 Phone#: State: NY 21p: 11971 Phone 831.75M7885 Comad: Fax Contact: Valerie Delfio Fa Email: Eman: OF 89: ~ Vou agree to lease the items dated baow or in any addendum(s) to 8ds Agreement from the Leasing Company kfetttified blow, al the fixed pedotlic lease payments indicated bemw or In any etltlentlum(s} to this Agreement antl for the fixed term spedfletl in the lease agreement between you antl the Leasing Company. Delivery to you of the items spedfled is ronOngent on you sigang a lease agreement with the LeasYp Company. ® Canon Finandal Services, Inc. ? Other (Name of Leasing Company): ? You agree to purchase the items listed below or h any addendum(s) to tMs Agreement for the purryrase price specifietl. The "bill to" for the Hams Iistetl is the Leasing Company Or you, tleperMmg on which boz M aredcetl above. P BPWNT ltum ( ProtluetD9sed a wse° Coda ptbn. City' Unit PAU P1ynlent er P .Hao. 25888001 imagaRlINNER iM51F 1 84.00 1023V283 111.ACK 6 W}NTE LOW VOLUME & DESKTOP INSTALL PAK (imegedaes 8 iR 1 1 Mduded 2388V117 CANON FAx coNNECnwrY t mduded IntSupplies Preingtll aupama inatglad in machine i Payment Terms OtbwRoqukements 9u emeMal Addendlam 0.00 ' ? Check with Order Check # ? P.O. Requiretl Submtd gd,g0 Q Net 30 P.O. # DgiveryAMVlI 0.00 ® Lease Q lax Exempt Sges Tsx ? OMer (Attach Certificate) Tams ? Crean cam: ? customer Derdmea Dorogt o.Da Requires eubmiasion of secure credit cam suthonza8on form. Maintenance Agreement 8gence oue Shippinylnatructbns Customer DNivry llrtermatloa Cuatomw Yt Comasttrdormatlon Slap Via: Nana Valerie 081flo Emeq This iMevklual may be Conmde0 for Hound Opergbn 9-8 network COnnadiNty. Phone 831.784.7885 EarNaq Data for Oeawy: 4 115 72013 Name Numberd Sfapa 0 Mevalor Yes ? No ® Spacial Dgivary/Ingaaalion InaWdbn Phone Email Loading Dods Yee O No SY YOUR SIGNATURE OELOW. YW AGREE TO LEASE OR PURCHASE, AS SPEGFIED A80VE, THE REMS LISTED ABOVE OR IN ANY ADDENDUM(3) TO THIS AGREEMENT. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE RECEWT OF A COPY OF THIS AGRic'EMENT, CGJ9ISTMG ~ TWO PAGES INCLUDadti THIS FACE PAGE. TkiE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONORIONS ON PAGE EREOF AND ANY ADDENDUM(3) HERETO ARE INCORPORATED AND MADE PART ~ THIS AGREEMENT. Cualomata Aulhodzed S' nquro Pdded e/~ Tine ~_t t ~p~./~'t/(„rQ I~ Dale I~ ~J SLSCO4 2013 CSA rr ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ~ :w17`363 _02 These era the adddiond terms and con6lbns relerr¢d to an gre race Dage towhicn may CF THE LISTED S~1WaRE OR ANY NON-CANON DRAND EOWPMENT. CSA MAKES NO are aaadfed. Sum face Doge and addentlaMs), wl'ecnvely with these tams and wndinms, WARMNIV, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF me'ABAnment' MERCHAMABIUTV AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO 1. LFASE OR PURCHASE PR~EAND PAYMENT.Yw agrOebma58apumhase me LISTED SOFTWARE OR WITH RESPECT TO NONCANON BRANDEWIPMENT.OTHER unik dequipmantaM aupgres(me'Equipmenf~andlicensesdapgmtbn sollware wilh THAN AS SET FORTHIN THIS SECTION 2, CSA EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND mlM pant suppalcwnems(toe'1.UladSallware ant, bgelherwilh Ne Equlgnent Ne E%CLUOES ANY AtA ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDNG IMPLIED "L'ele(Ilmms), in aazA Case 86 kdMbme an me face pagehaeof aln any adondXn(sl WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABIIItt AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE hemp. (a) If you have ekemd b purmase gm Usmtl hems, the roml pumhase pdw sp,sdfetl RELATING TO THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE LISTED ITEMS. in Ua Agreement lnckdirg styes mmaaMdeaverylnsafietbn charges, krlue ofd peyadeln 1. DATA Ym ackrovdetlge drat me herd dnve(Wm me Egdgrmnt bdWmg agarJlm accortlahrawim ihepaymaM mmedmkagreemenC llpeymenk are pre, (T)yco snafl pay devices, mayraaa magas,cmmM Or omerdala tlmkp nonrel opamnon time Equigmnl me acmN and reasenede a>Sk aMexpamesol mflecgen mwum by CSA. krcJWMg the 1'Daa'laro tlat expowreaaasSS mlhe Dare by CSA, ganY.k paMykftklmmlbma maxknwlf ananeys fees permilbd Dy Lew ant (N) CSA maycnahge you end yxw agree b pay, services perlamed M CSA. Ndgar CSA na any a Urar amgdes has an odigetbn m erase a a lde pnarge oqualro the Alphadftye percenl(Ses)ame ameenldUeor 310 es raasonade ovehwrUe Daly upon your rekrn of na EquipmWflroCSAOr anymaskg amlpany.Yw are mlloclbn lees. rot b axmed Ya maxMUn amount penniUed DY law. (b) If you nave emcmd sdety reaymabm bn Ifl Yoa carplgnce wim ~pNCable law and legal requkemenk parkhbg m lease the Lkmd lmms, CSA ahdlseN me Lfstee lmhrebtlm Leasing Company wbjedb aN bdMa prNaey. sepaNy remntlon end gomcem: and 119 a1 xkckions remind berdsliga res~~ctsrome wamanb NnganaN end eiadamers ant 6niretlonsd Nabi6lymmk Agreetlren4 owmvrreng Data. Wiglwiimlag me bregomg,yw smdd pda to remmaogrer dlsposiUOn Yw shaA enmrbbamase agheanenlwNh the Leasbg Company providing, io a0dilbn barJf time Egkpmml. u6lie tla MeM Okk Dive(HWI(ammpazaae)(ormelWhg bnabn (wnkh mansam cadimns es the leaakg Company slaty requNe, brflxed pedo0blease paymenk may be remrrearoaa'InlnaliZee All DalarSekrgs'mnubnldbund of me [pugmentro Indba190larenlaraanxed base mrmas spacifiedmtla Mass agreement petmrmaone pass overwdm ol0ak or, it you hews hglar sewdly requnanalm you may DafiveryeiNalmUOn cnaryea,HaeperemlyNaniaetla dnSA9raenrent ae dm and paYabmm pllydlase Iran CSA atwrcent rams an apgaprmle optlon lar ma Equiprnmft whkh clay acoxdalmwim me payrlmMmrmedmk Agreement Yw are respmsmle br peynanlol bdude(a)an HDD Dam Encrygien NNOpnon whbn disgulsasmMratlon befae Nkwnllenb samsausa mxeammoMMY renIaNNapplbade, even Nrbt seethed in ink Agreement me naM drNe usNp erraypnon Ngorilhms,ro)aHOD Data Erase lGtmMran eedam tpba (c) In adeitlon b IheemalM.9 shown m mkAgreanaN. you 5ha1 pay CSA's rams for anY lpass ovawMe d Gate a (cI a regacemad bent drive (b wnbn case Yw should preperty spaclM eg9b9 fadegvwry and inateedMf wtrerf CSA mtlfies you of m advance. suged bywr de6lroyme regace0 had tldvel. Toe corms d ink Section 3 shag sobly gwem ~ m Oak, approval (dIC$Awill, atmaed0lonal dlage,bNeN an Egdpment in aaxxdarKewdm Nb nOnviU15iardiaj loaf enY geWeblfed ink Agr6emailaam/separffie conSdenUNily edam normal Practices end requUemenk. Mebtenalm end anY Oma POadnsktlalbn support of seanbaogrer aglBerlmlll nowahereaflerentaed trip 6dWBenyw and CSAmad De Equplmnt ant for al sdtware flcensed anpendme EgWpmenl and notlkme Herein as amsmm bapptybDem. Ustetl Sonwere knolmvered by ink Agreement ant w4 aUybe provMed by CSAHa 1. SECURRY, AS Seventy br me paymm~tdag amuMS dUeroCS4 yw harobY granlro sepazam mablenahtce agreamantkenreredinb and mthe exent phovided tlmreb. CSAasamnry inmresl kihe Listed llama. TO me extent penniged by appapbm Lew,you Inaalmgmdlisied Software may bemMhamtlmeseperem Namnlenidwork mvakp harebyaawdze CSAbfde wim iha aPgopiategaremmanml auhhaitles enYad eN fmancNlg Na smpeaM SCnedum of Yamlkitlaf.cmflguration Deems, respmsibaNms oleadl pony, aid smmmenk nema48D'beMeenceapedeci CSA's seventy 4NaeslM gm l%me Items. omameeers, which GaN 6oIMYgovam asp Die matmrs mused merein. AddldmN cnelpes 5. WARRANTY OF BUS&ESSPURPOSE. You represent and Werrent malgat rife meYappty brwat<Oeyale ma bNelsmpe(msaRed'n aunt Smmmenldwak. CSA Sna EquprtanlwR rot Oeusee mrpersanat lamtlyalauselfob purposes. make eVagaMa ro you Nom tlmem Sine upgrades ant bug fi~ M Ure lfsmd Sofhvare, DuL 19 8. UMRATN)N OF LIABRRY. CS48HALL NOT 8E LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY Doty gsaJl upga~s ant bug fixesare prouiied b CSA by supgmrs of auto soltwere, f) OR PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY CSA'S NEGLIGENCE avaiWdily olupgredesaM bug rues may beaadNnmalcharga almss covered by separem OR VALtFU. MISCONOIICT. CSA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFIT OR suppatamUactpachaced byya,and(Nry asiMMlbndsuch upgrades ant DUg axesM CSA OTHER SPECIAL,INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING dreplmsleO Dy you shNl badaddgafelmage. Vw are rid requred muse CS4 for OUt OF THE USE OF gTINA&LITY TO USE THE LISTED ITEMS, REGARDLESS OF THE bsmfiatimdamaUSletl Softwereabary upgrades and bug fixes, boil insmeamnk LEGAL THEORY ON WHICH THECWMIS BASEDANDEVEN IF CSA HAS BEEN tlorre Dy arryone otlar men CSA. CSA Snaghave no respmsibibfa anyperbmfalloe oratlmr ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ksues mat may ream lrom wch haanegon. CSA Snau ako use reasmade elbnsbprevNle T. CHOICE OF IAWANO FORUM. THISAGREEMENT SHALL SE GOVERNED BY AND Laxel 1 suppal mr me listed Software la so coop as a CSA mamm~ance ~reement la the CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS ~ THE STATE ~ NEW YgiK. Yl7U rdal~EqulpmeM remaNw bettesL exmptmel br moan ume Software, Leveltwppen CONSENT TO THE E%CLUSIVEJURISDICTION MID VENUE OF ANY STATE OR shall be pmvded onrynaseparam suppatconaaet Las Dean purchased byyw antl form FEDERAL COURT LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF NEWYORK UPON SERVICE OF imp as Nremains henect Laldlappon anskkdgovxling ndyflne mmPibne asNSknm PROCESS MADEIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STATUTESANDRULES OF in operaing the LkmdSoRware and Me^gtyrog seMCe probbnn, MaYtanng mnkcl6etwean THE STATE of NEW YORKOR THE UNITEDSTAiES ANY AND AtLSUITS youamthe wppgadlla lkim SoSwrerebrectlfysuch proNams and nainabug abg al COMMENCED BY YOU AGAINST CSA WHETHER OR NOT PI'USING lp10ER 1X15 auto problare basNStb eackYg the same. YOU acbawmdgu gat CSA knot the dafebper AGREEMENT AND REGARDLESS dF THE LEGAL THEORV UPON WWCH SUCH SLATS of anyot tla Lkled Sonwme and otlrer tlan qre bregoNg, supgal la Lkim Softxare k rid ARE BASED. SHML BE BROUGHT ONLY M THE STATE tM FEDERAL COURTS pmvmed under gds Agreanont (e) CSA reserves me rlghttowimlbld ahpmenl of me Lkmd LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF NEW YORI(. YW HEREBY WAIVE OBJECiI0N5 AS TO hemslO uMN you make ktM pey+nalldme brel prim spedimemlhk Agl80nfer1la mrewke VENUEAND CONVENIENCE OF FIX2UM. ANY SUIT BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO. anycredN exbndeebyou brbeueadfothrfelurebpay any emwnk when tllmabr any OTHERTWW ONE SEEIONG PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS OUE HEREUNDER SHALL BE oUler reason afleckg yoacrediN'adfiress.a(G)unN yeu solar inroamese egrearlent wia COMAENCED, IF AT ALL, WITHIN Ok1E (t)YEAR OF THE DATE THAT THE CLAIM me taaskg Company and me Leaeklg Carlpany axnnNkb Nll paymmldlhe Wrchese prke ACCRUES.THE PARTIESIfd2EVOCABLY WMVE ANY RIGHT TOAJURY TRIAL IN ANY agreed b beMreen CS4 one ga LeBeYg Carparfy. if at any rime pna b snprrenL CSA SUIT BETWEEN THEM. tlismwars any misklamprichga EqubOfaftwnfguretlon tar arty USled Item(s). CSA S. GENERAL TMS Agreement shell be andmg an you upm your sipnahxe am on CSA reaenea tlfe rlgnibmtlfy Yw ddhB mlatrwsb venting,ant Snxm rotificatlan Ww mnslNum ins open anedekverY denyame Llamd aam.MproMbbnsd tlgsggreenrem nduang $ewm 3, nm~accaptarcedmk agreement DYnwim re6~pea bsuw USmtl Hams wNnwlnaMlNy. wkdf bymek nakhrecan bewmNUeeroaaoa meexpkatlmaterminetionaaa eYgreerrelrt z LNSREO WARMNf'y. Fankmty(SB)daya dmrgredmeame arigiral deAvayd anal sosurAVa Tids agrearent agegarwM any rdded CSA aedkapgbaWn, cronsgbms Caren aanO Equignal4 CS0. waRenk mauamr normal use and lnamiBnenm cadllbns ell me annre agreement behreen the Dadaewim respectmme MmklUngdgre LkmtllUmN. such Equipment wiNmheefromdal¢cm In mamnN and workmalahip. WaanbdaVne mua eupersetllrg all prevbus proposasaM agreamafk. oralawdgen. NO mesa agreement m made in wishing by you bGSAro Mkt men five (B)buabesadays anernre expNalbname encored cob benseen you am gm Leasag Canpamywnh respeclbgry lkled lmma shaA ba wananry penm.CSA's dggmiolfauMaiNS warranty are knime wmbb repaka bhlMrg on CSAm anY reapector afmayour rlghisaCSA's abggetlCns lrereurder. Any replawnwnl(atCSA's som oplah)dsudf park as are provanbbe daecfive upm CSA's WrdaSe eNerutifizeO DY Ym shah DB br yoaatlmbktleuve oonvomm~m cob. and arA'tarma inspectbn. Tnk vraeanbdoes rid exmm ro, and you snail PaY. CSA's mav. pens and wpDlY Ureab wtdCh caaidwgh, vary komasupgemeni me Preds+msdmk AgfeaneM Shah ba charges fa (W repek6 tewNkg from 6BNICB vkik required az a resuN alnadequamogrenon tleerned wn and vent. No regesenmfim or Namment not canianee on tla orymal d ink ofgre Uamdlmms(eg., CSAtahnidmlk6apehchedmredNyapreMwn tlesaibedbtla AgreementsnaN be Nnemg upon CSA a9awartmtNaaherwke, rbr shah ink Agrtrermnt be opaaror mewN).Ib)repaNa nfecestlrebd Oyfecbrs oma mar mrmd usemGltlhg,wglpd modhedaamerdedexalq DyawMbg Wgnetl bYYm end anOflkArd(SA lfamuRftnds IimBmbn,(g amYwWUlad, nagNperxxs,BDllaea mktlsedtne remvmft Equipmsm6lq ga use any provisbndmk Agreamanl(or pan meaoQ to be aanblaeade. tla renakdrg govkbna of pens, supgiesaeonwere not suppNetl DY CSA ant whits muse aafamNN hequenl dmk Agreement ehMlrar~nhmll torte ens efled. This Agrearhent snag not be asNgrreom serum mNe aservNx PreDbhm.(Nl aeMmpa/amed DY peaennel etlfermal CSA Servlm DYYw wNput CSA'B Pda migen wrsenl,wd any eftemgetl aeS~Mmnl wnhoul shah IechnbkrN, (W) eanspenalbn d tlfe Egdpment Ivl aaidentacesuslty,ant (n) Orecgkal consent whmh sheN ml he unreasonabty wlmhNd, shall bawd; except maven may, as power nalhmctiahahealbp, anWganmNaib and amMent mnditiora.alW rednstNregon daepbed aaove, acsgnayour leasing,xXrpmly four rlgnlb8pgllNe tla lismd lmma and of me EgldgnerA your W8lrally IareuMer, k1! ymfOmadghk nereUfdOr, are ad e681gfaNe b ga YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANtt 1a85kg mmpanyane sutlf ~ipnmenl ehehl not refleve ya danydyae oNigatims CONTMNED IN THIS AGREEMENT DOES NO7 ASSURE UNINTERRUPTED OPERATIad hereunder,Yw exgesdydkr:mVrl hawing reietl upon any rephesalkUOnaskferneM AND USE OF THE LISTED ITEMS. CSA SHALL. UPON REQUEST, FURNISH 70YOU mnmmmg pre capabNb, aXdWCm, operation. pedormanm a sDaONSations d me Lkled WITHWiRECOURSE ANY ENO USER WARRANTIES MADE BV THE MANUFACTURER Imms. excegmgre e%mnlsafammme adglna ofmk Agreemanl. Yw agreo mat CSA may acwpl an 9lecbalb Ynage dihk Agreement as an aigbal, am mat elecbank mpa..s d your signamrewN m veamd as en orgbm M ag SLii-604 January lOla CSA Paps2 Caslan Ini11M ~ Dale X111113 COST PER COPY caxonsaunoxs AMEmca NON•CANCELABLE RENTAL AGREEMENT CANDN RNANCtAL SERVICES, INC. i~crs'I CF8~t019 011) 10.90/ COYRAANa Coma Dnva AGREEMENT CncagD. NndF 60393 JNR 50176637.03 leaolzmomG w,,.r.wcannncan Town of Southold rDDatanei J SUFFOLK 41405 RTE25A SOUTHOLD SUFFULK NY 11971 Customer Cen%d Far MaNr Raedmgs PHONE: II unila W OiNaent bcaEdns, exaoh ScheWie. Covered Mwgea IIlr:luded Per Image C arge In MontAly Make / Modal l Attwaory SeHel NumDar Sbrt Mater In Sase CNrga ERCess of Coverod images' hoe Charge' Mster Metaaf ewaavmY» Icda e1»Sa AVN» Coe elan Aqaba c IR1025 1000 0.02010 InclUdetl iWRemota Term: 3~_ MonM TOTALS 1,000 0 0.02010 0.00000 $64.00 Guaranteed Copy Plan: ?X IndA-0rAFYI Rest 7dMae ' Plus A MaDla T ServkNSuppllen Included Metes Reatling FregwFtcy Ptymenb Naltl as'•Sacudty DepoeM" "SeMee ProvNlw" QSJ Service IncluNng drums and toner ®MonMly $~,Q~ ? SeMCe including drama OtMr Q DueHeny rose at 3gmng) THIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE ONLY UPON SNiMNG SY SOTH PARTIES. TIE EFFECTVE DATE IHI511GREEMENTIS SET FORiN BELOW. TWSAGREEMENTIS NONCANCEIASIE SY CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER I~PRESENTS THATALLACTN)N REWIIiEO TOAUIHOIAIIE it1E FXECUnON OF AGNEEMEM Wb BEHALF OF CUSTOMER BY THE FOLLOWINGSXiNATORIESHAS BEN TAKEN. ACC PTED t THORI E CU TOMER SIGNATURE c CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. ,x t ~.~I Tine: V ~ D 9Y: Printed NanrP~ R'~[• q EmaA Amn»: P~ A- 31 (fT Title: TYY IDY: y t r - ~~^T H avpdda, 000. DYb: J _ EnecE+s Dalb: 6Y:X C'C TinD: Pnnlad Nama' Ena4 Adds»: To: canonFnmdY3aYipr,Am ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE GwlarorwdfM WNIa1M FdMarted bn tliYASr»m»I h» bean roWhnn. (W I»lelbtlm A» been wmpWad, k) M Egviaronth» bean eYembed M alWMtafd bbgootlapenangaduardmrlGkn ad u. in m respacb, aAtiebnMry n Cusbm W, aM (dJ M EquPm»I b a»»aaab aDaPmd by C»bma br aN pat oFaa uMa tl3e Agmenwd. MmdYgPi. CuY W mr n W ab/ au/wa» d W ro aHa tlis Ayw»a. SlgranYe: PAMed Noma'. ilb (N myl: Date: TERM8 AND CONDITIONS I. aaaEfMExT: cFSmwbaFmma.Y aAmind»wMN»dMSwm n MmaYaangehama >M LwMwnw Yen OF9.+Hi bDMedbnnw Yl~wdln.3ub 30e Wwgleud.NevJa~/.MMwuip»Md»r betlehD.•e. bgeYmr Yi enreptrwmmlpsb drd MW abe eeuenwl3AF •EeuyreM•I. DDm M bwF .m wmdaF» Fx bra N M Remo aymm»t ryi«abdi. L AGRffNENi DAYMpT3: aYbI1la FAalDrybCf3,»NVwd.dudNMMndMAP»wm.IHMLbanb&aClwge enaenr Pa im»ecnaaAamanealwsn.x4(Bl FUawaaevmb Damned nMamda»n»kYaq CF3 1'PaYmaw'y QwnerA »eMMdhaiYmdbfdYn9bfMar&enW dLin ~rowM. M Serke DRnnr YlnicalFd abam A»MdAMb bind»pon Nlln MxNb Ba»Chge»dM M Pam~»DGap N» snaYl mlba»d peen pxaYdeum Uaq» aYYaa b DSFd NY»elbeypbrbaaMpnCaiKMVe. bFddaa. MAmnnb Bs»Dhaga xd Pa ImdAe f.Aapn eamNndbinaa»punumlb3alkeFNidntr Mmend Dandao». CwM»YOb¢Ym b DnY d tl~aVn dm uNx NF Ap W Mnl entl A ana aOBpidu Mwxdx b ab»nM ad umm~diCaY aM b ibl wbpG b ery dne W»nt le4n. ddome. a m W NY4m p ab Iem»»Ia1mM ADPtICAlpN Of PAYMFNl3; METER RMeNIG:MPap»nb noeNNgCfS hen C»bvamdx tlw0.3rwrimlWlbappaMbemdunr Me W peYWeFMUrAarduammpulY.b»atlm MaYd Mdiaq»dAO:maiMixab b eM Fmnadawamw»e YFmu,m AnpN Meswdw Nfadatla» CFS. N a1d'N16%.nW dwnnM. Servo P,vadm Fhal pate Maw'xw amwgYW d»[rD» nMhbIXandtltl'9aaYSVSUppMFh Jiddb' ab». Gmbma Fn»ed,eeBFM»PabadMmwrnaalae brMEaipemrAup»n~wt CFSaabwwlW LmepeOhe»FmdNllraadtm»»%»b awd~a. A IEaYOFAtNtEplNit:lira Mme MAm»nbnl.namnm.ww Mew ne E9~DnbNaaeL»ndmunbma.awHedawmamww M,'aaxax..cedikmaeMrvee xuD°M EwVnaa»ancfd»aN.liH aseepanadME»ynW,aFb1»rAhal Aa»roayYboaad NFAeran»nlduMAMMwta,»I Mwmtl MAy»maYdDtlsM,uw»a»»r4minDmdq CF3.vn»tl»wwi»niM n»peldgCwbwaga YroApexrenl here Awn DeB»pwitlad W eMlald(nsbna 11» WmA»edME°yv»MN aaeNw YihM hxw Mreda W) M Ew~P»NF» h»nnNr»tl»MeMdMaM»bdlemamaxdwmN awNmm aNAM WmFI,reDt GmbmerA»w dahlblwm MEAUgmaeb RSptabM»ddM»M1Mumd Wm br»Ywwn wndFOeda, imludYg, mvtlwl GIwIM, DgamnlddeamhuaedueawrMAAm»wl P'wro Meade M edNdwd Mm. SEE REVERSE FOR ADCITIONAL TERMS ANOCONDIT1aN$ Caeiiuad as PERSONAL GUARANTY TN bNd~weroreamanenapa&d.'aambs7.nm»NaatlmtlGANdJFWAtlCW 8ERY1CE8nIC.1'CFS')mwm5bbm/grob»n111opoM»wMe»xMdeka«wpplmNr M,eb.M"Aeren»' Cuebmar baMa 'C»MN)na»renb»duaagRmW.bMb°tlamrYY.AuranwbCf3rtle»wmnaq aNq+aM»ynwA xbndwdel»wMawd »da MApiewnllaMWerM penMacmaw d»evaMddeW aoM IM»aomxncedCPN,He»,aNWOem aadbmntl Mlenwadantl»YMmr Mmoa n»Fx1an ne»wn QbbmaeM CFSkdreDney,M'LIFNdeF7.nCm ibf»apFlMmtlaaq %ddMINDr1Y»IlDdba GUYY Y»demYld.DP/af/»9elbnlldwl»YaN]nl»UIYddawlMUaIBIMAAnanbnL iAn Teen »rdW YYIfp1YMm1Y QJYYq.dM OY» ulANnnaYMIIYhPY11W iMNa. ndhs aamNdgab aeebrent »bawa.wa lmd MAPawmba»ytlNNe9aa~dewgCurbwAdAyFeons.mhManDlgapaenantlbe. n»Y »YUeNaDDNdby CfSb MUeOMSeb Mn 'Aw»WJawaYNbbnbmNbaryn»mlirlphgwbMNdNDeM»»mpbY.wderozTa darMVamyoMrpaw~I,Mti~EbNebMan wDA»YDNnImaY FPDYW FhaIMMpee»osdMaaalbbe ar&W NeWnnw.wMYWrknf FUM epPGbn,eMMaa»IYHWb »bFW IaKN»»bYY»Yeudlappin3m htlrore lm»nude. TM Guar»bmgbYmhieledadY WOa Fab dyl'Ddaana»nafa bC ~ bnFinaondal roaaFweaYr»btiehaaeF abNA unwrFMMYw n.aapnam»aedaotl bbekrMeaaf»dwd MmMlbna»Fhet »I eaedCD3'npAb uedadYa GYeaW er®af oddMApwY»baonaeanaYenb beuddeb. G»wYae wNn eldempeadel»Me.p»enbaMFaAdAw»olemry Wd aldnwn.am- ew »Y dd»»a aamw raw kMr MaMdw»ed»P»dwDaMmYKanmN uMNePDYetlbmx.Gub»bn aAtlwaanabNm+mdMmcwaaeawaba»e»gaFnm.»dMac»wadwa~a»b.Nl ~ Fw aagmwDabewn»m~weMp»,reYwhl WnaawoPwnmas'p»y.nn Cmbmaun MLbbW»enaab3tlNLLAq pJFenaab aadsaM»N»danadp»mrA lNnlwe,whewbn dalW»hdn»»MFplprAritoawawabbea»T.edewelFmYay adld wormed YgdhadAN ,alWrYroaeryDMrynaiwlbe»s»CF8»dtlFMwaary Mdpab raps wtle.pwY»»d Mnoul bk xMOanmy maawaa»fnp GUrnM'4Mb wgani GOFmb. OurweFAFI p»•»Dw»FmL3wID Ma,We'b»andaAaaWn»Fl NidaNwWa bawclMtl»M» Mrodaw bewMw WFGYamb_1HN(aMPMJ1Y8NALL faM ALIPUIFPOSESBE DEFMEDACDNTRACf ENYERED RdOMixESdIEGF NEW JERSEY. iNE PMTFS UNODl iW3 CUARAN/Y SNALLAECW IElAW30FRE3MTE0i NEW JBt3EYWn110UT REFERENCE IO CONfLCTOF UaIPWkIPLES. ANYAC110NSEIWE[W 01LaR/dfreR LaE d49VGHrWANY STATEg1FE0EML000RTLOGIEOW YDFLMJDBAGR eUMWGTON NEW ffP3EY,ORATCFS'SOLE OP110N.W THE StAYEM1ERE ANYGUNNNIGROR INS MLOCATEO GUMANTORS IRREVOGALY WAIVE 091ECTi0N4101NEaWa701CTgN RTSMal OeJECTpN3T0 VEtaJEAfm CONVENffNCEOF FORUM GUARAt110R3, BY iNFIRE%EWTION HEREOF, AND CFB BV RSACCEFTANCENEREOi,HDiEBY WAIVE ANV pWHT iDAJGRY TRIAL MANY MI CfSmryarcedalaniDwaoMa Mrogtlnb GuaYNy»anaGAW.aMtannwaNedaaEdbhemmakwpwdGmr»bF'eglexmxa gh»Id n» epuryOF». Pnn»d Name: Sgn»n: (»Met Dab: AOae»: Fdwm~ Pdn Sgneb~e: IrosMJ D»D: read. Ptwm: FS1019(0113) 5.3[CURRYDEP0.4R: CFSmaY wPN~dA anaYnM%op921M b+PaY,. isaaMN LbGwY yR:lsa above bclea:' maY Ee b'ua)nad(i)mlzn a.ah EWipmenlaM all PBymon4».d obwr wmspaOUWa Pkl~yexaa:{alara.yclM anY dMaANCoebmot, in MMM1 xaY CwblwrsnMl Pampb ~nbeb CfS mY ananMfoaDp+ctlin mov»ISnNary EavmmnlaM raaarlror GYVlancrMamwnlW v.O[n MRanlMnb¢R»W Rahlsexrsnis MVaia dCbbObM S«unNUaMfaoami+lanp9ate~Iwnm:apnetl oYaPPbecb W.Mpwlm dmySwlrAYUVpwlw:; he rprM:kd to E9u'w«nIWCF3b pnpaadcYCdeWpM ryYnpnbwdrM nn a¢raHrt la(alfeBbn Ey,pxrfay rerq:ar CuUOmxunD ald Cuflw»YeanSJaVOne haw bpnYRy pab~redm eapmslJ law+pAe al Xb aAmompM Imm CwbmglYx emasl by whth Me Ranwnp Radal BPl»w OazaM lha:relamxalmsiu~>y Lf$Lana:M Mk NNOLFS WARRANTNb: CfSISNOTAAiNUFaCTUREN. DFAIFR.OR SUPRIERGf THEEQIANAENT. INE a(d)bpwew gryoM«MRJy In:W0.NMMnainpu'.ry.CFSIi)may dnrosed MER~rpronlb4ewgmw EWIPAENi WREa1tE0'A91S'ANO LSOFA SVE, DEiGN,ANO CAPACITY SEIECIED OYCUStWaER. CFSHAS pMiru orbSOWug fwJl wearoPoo qM procmdlgmCFStlp.macUmmart4Ey rePYO-.ade (N e',:aYaamOaryb MnDE NO PEPRfSENTATgN OR WARRANTY WITH RESPECLTC tNE SUITAWLITYOROUPABILRYOf iYE prearawpxeb Me Equlplanl PA«neak{y+l maVdiWamwartanradCep. i:asesfiu. PvsNUnwYaM'I«M HIM; EQIIPMENT. RIE ABSENCE OF ANYpNMCF WFflWGENENTOR LHEUNE. pLANY OTHER PEMiESFRTRipN »e(ir)mbarepywri mY eafca64gm«IedenlYwreAY'rempnbbwM4gM timadwpMUdMER:pb48L OR WARRANrv, EAPILESS OIa iPLED.WRNREWEGi i011NEOUlPM3aT, WCLWUa(:, LNMOUTUANTATpN, arM rorodNe brgdnA SYnnf flWl ba0e8mM roatlvweary aeaclMwnvrrddmmanablwusdMCafvlu+dM ' TILE IA/PlIEO WAARANRES OF NfRCNANfABEiTYANO iNNE33 FORAPARTCULAR FURPOSE. Myw»aMywM EadawnL if LME«vpm»lupl xaibbbfab. CUdwwrMtlheludebMRema~i!q PerAM Bd [expary dha roRMfb be EavFawalaWeby Mfuppbara menabMb«4tepNa4 ham, mdb plapwld.MAAroen4nl4M Yni1 artWM tlauMa Wf AAroarcnl. LebMbenapdCfS,Cwbmx.WCFS'euapaxaazs4ua.it »Y SO brpmCufbprbrmlbbraaNadMWa ti. UTECNAROES; EXPENSES OPENFORCEAIENT: pCufMprlpbbpx»Y V.mbMab EyCubnttbLFS d Mb Agrwnmd, CFSaspnab CUfbnrer,»Wyb Ma:pwdmakip aM plaepvMp »YAW deYa Me AAM1b.N vMw MAppnwnlp«btaa Mduetla4, L15barfhplpry CFS.:NpdwaM,»»MW qW bM+prxnld anY.wNpe CF9 may lnroppatM WlMbr,deab.orn4nMedumrb broaM d«an»ry adM1ar»lemnblon e«hfuMdebyetl PBY'wMaMRWpa, wBYMpRif¢rarorbw»h dip lM;Pe apaYpndabipDeriodWM ~tlDaiq wry nand EQUpaNnI NEITHERlIE SUPPLIEfl NORANYOELLFR ISMRHORMEDTO WAIVE Oq ALTER PaynbN 4dMya.noxnambnoeabMleanmYOe MelpfcM4 bx,TnH ananbePelaed MaM Mtldr Mdm ANY TERIAOf INSAGq[EMFNi,dl MASEANYREPAESENTATN)N OR WARMNIY WITH RESPFGTTOiH15 IquXaMd drm3tl aM nenmp«wbnb CFS'4bnalapmNa9ewnseeincurradn aammlaa wieaA6b DaYMM. A(iiEE1ENT OR iIE ECAWAENT, ON BEIUIFOFCFS. In adeaan,LwuAnw MM Mmdvfe CFSb tld iopalnadd aMribpaam YV.vrcgn meldfhy wNd Arylb i. ACCEPTANCE; OELNERY: Cuparar'aeunuepndMlwapleae C«Mab.«CUbnnrY «oaNbnbCF4daNw wr»Mba wtla MApreganl«peraorcippdMbmua«or4badlYia AO!emnmlevWdry, wanoMNaaalbn. »nhmaHCn dase«apbnadMEgdgnNnl,Ma9wr4veiaNabb!snMMfqupnwMbmbeandelirenlbaM Iamabn aMrrYe'b»«A mpBMa MMfaMpppamdmbMOn gxcies,xlMwaxlwab bagM EtF6 accpletlMCuabarb Ml glepafwdib AmsemNA, entl Cudoewam gib»r reawn reraYa YM aapbrco: aMYHANq pwl xYgn,Cwbmw riCfSnpru MlMbwyb Mf puMbnwnry~Avw am«NIJ3%)dMbd awpoN MwaA NLUabeaha ul Min MtlryaallerdebvrydM Eiuplrent ~bMretlb Cf3 wHWn akeolnW foupAlby QEfAtlbedtlnNdnwpnaM brmmoemdM'v AAreomenL aouDbnm dMYNMFquipnmMapaglJip Mreaoahnb»eapdM'uryrelManhp i4 AAlwlmd,Cwdpr 10. ASYpNNENi: CUSIOMEii SIULL NOTASSYNIORPIFDGE IN6AGfIFENflLIP1NlIULEORW PMR,Ngi sM1Mbeew»tlbhawbmaMWsnadaeMEWbuM.LFSaMOwnwdM EwpmsMribronppM SHAM CU910pEA5VBlET ORLEHDANY RfAI OF ErX11PMFNT, WItMdITPfipRLMIfTBIC01EEM0FCF5 CFS EAUpmonllo CuMmwuneerMAINwANq.M bnroa CFSaneCwbmaaJJ,M/p:pmoM Mal HUp«utleary mgp4lpeavplfNrtliu AAroBmoM.pCF3 Ymnba ib/yamanLMYalpweawphrve MapnljnbritanafY CupawlnYM»aatl«bbaY'very. CUfbnarwdae»YrpMdapeciAClmM1am»ae uMxMAgreenbnland Melt MILES nm raawnwRnd AmreblaMamwnyd65aMAM+m,Mkn CFSa Rf daapiwapdmMlsabPMm MNCFS 14tMmf hamdanupm AbfewY leHa»MEBabnenl4 M0eMvDtlmwNM.eMEaupmanlb inoedYfd Mtrewbnowif nolafukpdbem clNme,dabmea.waNO®VnlCwbxrmp nmroapaMLf3.N wsdMwbry.«YCFSe«RMmecub He AlroemwA.MyeebY bJMnrerytl Mw Equpmenlah89 pl d4d Mva¢firyol CubnMbglwn ndMdmrya«AV»elet.GWbm«aIMA. Hao ehpbelMMn, aYdM/YbPw uqubW tl«»Y MAAreemenL aNgilamouM paYgM naawx 0. lOCATpN;LENS;NAMES; OFPN;ES: CUSbmarMEplmmre MEWpReMYOmMbalbn silaTwe dove ewNd 19. RENEWAL; RE1URN:1M14AAIeemenlMtl aula+ebeh:anewonemmpbmmbb»s alMfame Mfm»I wMie FMN wiMnGpnspld CFS. GnMarahtlkaeo MEAUY»Rn16aaM CbwdtlcbYariimoYrorp» wnWnlapnopwayubtl cubw«.e1bm11dry8M bddeMWdMBdaeJ,eJ4m«symevpbm.rW Mw NlwadCFS.CwMwff NAMnaa(»apbM 4ACOnsMUWObcwanbiedwibMmpmpbagerwmeRn~bl bCFSmbminbeLhp Qnbmerdamrnlw»Jb Mlanib AprowaMeM MM eMdauMbmMUmfME«HpWM dkeaa¢opAbwlbiabm.UpmlroWae4CUfnma+RdeLVOrbCFSagwe Wndip mrtrcab Wfb4arp40 upabWbW CFSmWarcalM Wbnwic nnwel br,dbmlauYYdepbbbMwpdary 4m,a»6g pnaMUeeldacumenM iMFIAbbYand«gwUebnri dtlaRpuMaAMtltlmsdCUabma as»mtbMM1«eb. CLfbmxmpp nd'R;e NM CFSeoes wlwpxwAprowudb:»wr.uMaaei4AAlwlWeadmufnFY wwwv Cuabreawpnd M»gob name.M4u¢onofib mucuMOAke,abcapdN ab«AUe(Mtlulig.wiAaul Niatim.ib CueMarPadnleaM 6pda~W aprovHatlMMAgmercanL CUbrtren~aM Mtltllof d3ro Apeeend, pl/atlictimda¢mYlaumIYMWCFSAmbeenyim YINNJAtlaYi D:nrwN»wlte Meal. rd,m MEWYauel plbpbcalaW Oapeow.bgoa0 oppgrgmMAm,aIGUyMxabi Wlwip hm«ap 9.USE:FNANCWO BTATFMEXTi CINbnerMMmfpYwat al4m rirNYhEaNrW4pb MUwa! uaeawpM.roabaAan ap«NWby CFSNberry mason Cuporea WMhlbnavnM6r,+PImCbCF3mmWYO! minle:uasd MFgl»ImN GNbnwMtlatl MFqupmad MynM UaanMnPYW WMmanuledum. WIM WIdeYd MappkMbkmt QnbmN Ntlay bCFSupademgparobbgpePoda PePmwYbtlMbNlg LLMwreutlbHetl CF4(ri aeY lleN aMlip a»Apetlapnptl>Y CFS)beaeabri Wle)AndNJppMmewM ada«pNMMereolbelewAetlaNy 4aMWM. mbsncbAMnbpIMCF3MMEp:pMI/ahd4pbmfcmb4'rylaaotl«demip6mdMEWWwmi»M 1Q PURCNKEOPTMML CLfMnrm+r,daiYEme, opal mUdrya'bewcaW rA4n»Fw pvdetlldAnd4u afMpbasel bAh neMn), lblpnllwwnn abbnwnn4refpecl Me,wl,aW(al amrimm4lnewb, »O Cwbmer In»NIMFqup enldapiapadbbawmdaunmabn9 Patmen4,ylyESIeFYNaW YaM,~ay yphWb YMZedy weNas»YaphlbpMiwooi, lave, aRanw,clwaf ri Ma. Fa Pwaoaad6wfAgep,»nl'FaRNMdYWO'Marb CFSIMppR'rebie LO. WOENNRY: CUfM4rpvH:ebburaa CFSb»ddMaMCF3 aJaYM»YClaimbbuaab;vrya~wN bYIM pdaaMMMAmpdeaWmMMbe, hul rd b»Van Mad/INmMdMbblappdAMdMEWpnva Fpfwlwi EUUbmept iMeSpfp MalwrMeblmne6ondnbAAn.nnL Paawwe MaH ndwavaieMnCuaWllaa,mwnerounmrnmamne/.a4wn4.,ip. up«lap,«Imw,d 11. IIANTENANCfi: SUViceMlh DeHwmtl by Senioa Wad.rnam.danuwiN Sx MPm,Aar.rmamla Paym.xWOnbmad MproawfDadM1elwom. aS Mwaaa,4rMEaafmsnlnG.nmer•AaBWFxES mKdws.dwM1iYlCmbmeretlulwvi~eamup. Udeuaiawie Yw¢abl pppelastlmdaACUfbanr mMdary raMemMWma .mdrwhpwaam. afpptb4W, sae b4 /41wmMNi Wmircaa. auNaba Saaro PmAtl«bua MYwReWNlEgwmp YWnd MEpupr,»IbauiuewManupeaM «A Ii, DATA: CUebmpxbmrMdpeBAblMnaM tlmq(8)m MEyelpnwnl, vnbbp a9adatllw/gpbelwiMr ivgm. YMO:NUp eM aeMUdab awanveaM WMEqupoNniova CUbwayf rorwak bynw»edp NTTPSadopiMMb o»NMatlMdM M:Mp w3mtlopapbld MEWIpIWU11•Da4)rilMerpoxro«eaembMDabp CFS« aWa»arynadaeauMtlpebaapaaa n4bd bfwMpbpMTquyvaMripreMAY4brovpani CUbmnr SeMU PmrNpr.la:ry,4W:dIicV»IalbMwvtMpgxmMby CF4anl Seaka RaVtler.l4iw GfSna SwvM mYUwbd¢aip MChepa eMbMwppei NSPAtldaAnC«MJp1onMWpLapd wedYmpaWARE Prori!«na bryd MkeMUtef hp»alflpa¢anbena«orenflb M4upp CUfYrMaulend MEwiprrib Ramobtlahp Mbrm 11 CUpwaralayry t4Metwaxb, daM4f drdaYNaamebib bsbro, SeYdm ProvM«ma/ CFS. LufrvnrbeobinaponfL'ebr.(HWCOnpfareawRn epp4ab4NAeM byp laquhnNpe1in4gbdpa YxlamaMMmpebsudaam by Yw pmMbtlyaMfegwnlbT'nA pxbdiy wliM wM 4MUenmepe adF pNrmf.fewdy,Identlon aM aobdw;ealpMap4ba reMadbemipaowxwTiq OaLL WNVMMRIpM ppatlbM.HSeNMPOrp»eaf ndr«MrolYnyreMwreaGlpa bmCUpbwx.LwlwarMMarnWYa Mlrobd bpoiq, CUtlmbraMk,pbbrobm aaMlYIRWMd MEq:eplW:4 dLeisfhd 04a DHm01DD)(a SNVice PrerN?eegwebadmebroaba.6ervMPrevbr«GfS mry wMYMHaursrydalry mabrletli:pe YOm mm(urapbl bmWErphp[m lwM1bY nuY4rdwotlbmlMlWSa A1MWSaNnSa'b1eFm/0bsponb EWpmpt AnnEnN as bwMtufbnw b«ryfb¢tlin Mnnlinwka QNbnrNMW UmaboneNaeaebA»tl4p entl bPeMmlaavgwfaunfYaMgna a.¢Cuslnnbrhef Nghwfeaa¢yrpuibraM,OnYalrmWl»T4meMmla opuatlpnd MEqulalmll CfSMaEY»aMn¢hlbaubelfulepu4sbM FquNaeMd »YMOeudpMMmdib SeMCePmid«al cunenlappan maYtle appryin4 od'anbMEWpmeM. abbh maYbddalp»IOO Dah planwM4 WnaLYOnwMRry ropb»NMMM EWPeemiq Swrb Foai6w. EarypEW Nl apM MYM d'aAY4muNwmHbl haMnY bwMb, bMhaMbvaeuap emyd'm dgapmA (N» NOD IL tA%ES: O1HERfEESANO CNAROES: CUSig1ER91plt PAYANDONCNARGEWNEN WEALI UCENSEAND OMa Enw NNidanpabmupbe]yawmWwllbd0aa«Iclerepa,98ANMdtlmo(n W¢h npM WbnNr REGIS1RATgN FEES. ASSE59AENTS, SALES,USE. ffIoPERTVANOOTHWI iA%ES. ANOOOIER ERPF.NSESAND pwdepnDwrydeabryM rodauehW dfxel.LwdreesM epam!ryCFS ServYn P,aetlW. Mrbbpfa'a. dfabn, CNMOER. beMlwwiR anYpdubbaaadtl,Nbsp,aptlbllAwlYBeIMYYabW 4ee nova Mwry Bme Ynpatl oRUre,amdmwtlaM Nano hwnri allanp»YaM tlcolb, BRpenetl.IabRDea, NYra. dawgeabaae4Adpanb upm e^Y Nemdia EpiMaM,MPaynwdaaCUapvW'apManweaaWnparbmbrodLdAptlan AenuMd, abm N«ludbp romaebp MMm/Ybm)MwparolabdbMfbapa,trmfmLpm «dmn:dmdMDAa TNf MNieraYMN bYaaaetlaMbCi4aQbbmar.NCUFMwbh bpay »Yaantew,etle»mMM, baa, appaa« eeatipn RevMa4rmina¢PnorevpYetlpndMAllreelMd Mapn, CFSfntl heabd¢AIWndMaWNainbpay MWebw. afwnmwb,4uw. mpmementl chwgeaeae 7x WARPAMYOF WMWE99 PURPOSE; PERSONAL MIOPERtt:(pCUpamW npdwbrivnrNMMM Qnbmb Mel DnmlpPYloMdne CFS, upadonnM.btlaaM1pmmbnb mahdW edlMYMtla4aaNSalA Namr. EquipnNMMl vibe uWdb potgbl, body.«houfMOtl DUlpoue. ibl lAe EMYPnfM Mtlr»uif pevavlpmpMy When rpu'veabYM,LiSwY Nl am ndveeMal PNapp ProW7btlabv4tla MEqublaM. CufbprahN repWbudwbMAb[Wmm avaetlbreM POpMywpemw,»ry rope span wry roMlnaDmyagrybpm«rerab rinbaMa CFSb MaDaoWdpgwMpropMyMmmhrvobtl MCFS aM pq CFSalgowftllpMMboaaM roMlvwDwh. f50p8ryp:per~MndFquia:wlripbfubJedbwMl». CFSImnd,eMNM, reItl«maMUbGifbmp mtl NANMUN MfEflES7; 11ECXARACTERItEOAGREEMflJf: NO PeymeM4nbabdbwceeeM~imni anowA ppppmmeennldwM bambM0tlm4bbaM O:LON TYE DATE OFiNEFW3T SCHFDULEO Pl.YM1¢NTAND THE OATEOF dire8da tlll«nlHalainbralmppiuW.INrnaSalbbMar¢alaw4cbebYbu p'8»YfuS~ (VIEfi5T5CNEDUIED PAYMENfAFTER TFIE PODITbN OFANYEWroUEM,CUSTOMER SNNL PPYTOCFSAN eacmf PeynWMwilbappl6dbaymnbdw aMerMbpreem»L'n bvuwe odad Mb~.ani MseRYrMtlb ADFfNL41AATNE FEEWTHE AMOUXi0F565 TOPEN¢URSECi3 WRRSAgRMSTMTNEANO RECONWN6 roMatl.uMAArsanenlls rechaledarcMmacapNbndaMab»,Lwbrrnaabr PewbCfS,6e«avpn L09T5. aMaefgaa,eeecuSyplemtinMEquipmMbe«umpaymvnlmtlpwbmanadCwbwnhopfgpaW W«M IA NSUPNICE:C«bar, elAwpraflriaRDwae,sM1M!abwl. rniN%n elN payb(1)bammn ebahMia bq Pgaaeunl MRadamgabMEpipanib MlUlredaAm»I rtlue Mred»d(2J mMprehanfiw P+64 FMTeYripr««N' ¢I.UGC-ARICLE L; WAWERDf OFFSET:W MSAOREEMENTRHIfENOEDAS A'FYWR'E LEASE'ASRNT dempe MYlarNP. MauehbwannaAMpovgebratlalvelL4ndeacwdnA S5,OA0a~Id Mnbrmaneppuq aM eiN TERMb DEFlNEDWMTICLEUOFTNE WRORNCOA&ERCpL 000Efi1LL 7A~,Nq CF36ENIfflEO TO AtI MmDMbaabfacbrybCF3.E»n YmaerPmAeM WMbawanceMNname CFSasatltl4WMilglMdribtl afUe THE BENEFITS. PgMIE(iFSAND PROTECTIONSOFALE590RUNDERAfINANCE LEASE CUSTd.ER WANES ITS ripr«HB CFSMVNBem'wMa»mie bMmeM«by4awaDmpW M1e mpMptyaMredaruwabe. CUeeanw Mtl RR.Hf3A3AlE43EE UNDER UCC AASEGTpN45ada.IbINME.TWpmM6 MpapMYnWFM. dsm MOp«e4 HYMea«Mma baW YMWana elW helWpaemabtleeewEde pol6aaMad.aa Mtldeiwc«Nnaln« »re«meNelawemnlM,«bunabbcbry bent:Dawn,CufbrtwfM1a¢mMOwAdpmaa4ygpblMwDDL«. almrWNamduwUmce bCF3 TM pnxeeboleaAbfwwla.atMOq'mdCFS.ahpi beappewlblU mpbxar MMr,am»upebrot Cwbmx+.tief»Y»tlaY mbMA Vtl gpuma44ra sN d4eb ptiW ary Page»banM leptl MEBUipaM.«IBAaYCFSM-RwabTYIA RwMIBpm.'Fd WIDWeadib Allroemep M'geme44A MMM MdWeew undwedeAAnam»t and unoNMAOnMNaweabayauM PaynenbriawfJVegarepptlbmdamr Bebna-fbMlbM wmd:iU el abuMMnoatl WCwYanwb CfSugerMplaemen¢IN balveYeM VaMdtl oNWacbinxlYdl mfy aaf»MtlbY LLebmaplT hdbE romhinp PmmmWbMM4Md MAPwmwA lbl MFaYMahp VaM,mdMUe heroin;pwlN)am appfieMM A¢,NISCELLANEOUB:Ia)AXMAp,pdredaapptldMW bb AAmBnlenlMdlbed6tien11Jpmlpnanry. WBa, evpean,cM1Npp,aMbn.F«purpotladMMnHMpOrefaY rdu uMa MADUawnl. PWmmb Mtlb aw M4wMY«oY,«ekdroMCOawNfebf,amtlMbaan a:lY eIM BaJremfclbnbtlaa Alptlmaa.apaah s deponledatah penaol0«YOV CUpwwM1anbr epponb CfSa PUMSfs eimm-4bdmblYbmehHddmb:. oMeedleifmwM OwN maYem9na41nwnLnB lromfawbRinlbfaef ehtlNSlaciva4eaytaYtlOCUinpe rouiwarn.na,w»«ubanDaroaLemMwnw,d:aanf.wdrabb»y4fa«e»nAewm »rapn US.aM.ddYaedreawd.aupon eeliwryrlepau»alaaa«weetmry.bg4peaMr sbpaacMwdaWR b) ba'a»aIdDY'.IwMb Mtleya alw CFSrequmt WabmwfabbdpNpaalbbdolyavWncedeucnbwnnmb CFS gyecgplehceenb aatlbra4dvnk MUm4eMdi'sAgnBnlanlwaq AxepMCetafinbm»«gaul, CfS, Ihp CFStltlaaw MrpM,bWMMddY.bddabaucA YUUr»aMtudonprbapeme. CFSMtlbe edXedb wkbnbl3ae4r.Ilaliaybanem9adeppbad LwbmehfbndurorllM Ywbtlm»apiWblDaP a. klM Mail»YMaapNl Wa4oamed'bnaYM»YewA lnlumaoblN4M gapamlantbetle SpHdY l3, wpWVd»Yddvbmda Mpenaa. paptlpnaaaxronanb Mtlb MaM uMOm aonbewdbaMWppyne by fA LOri; DAMAO¢: WabhNr»aumtlW MtlaN M»be AAd Mf, MA d,adwnapBbM EaulpmMibanaro CFS.FNUro beradee wN ronnWwAtII CFS:aYheW fAeIIMNrnwaMbevm\'erd»ydddebnMn»edbrMlaM1 uutl MYfaw.aNwPm Upon dNNwyb CaMM.NOauMIma, VatadampAMtlrobw Cwbm«denY CuabrerbbMfpl.lel tlebroelnup bo maei»anppryovecuap MApuwnBnlm pnMr, tledgafomba oDlpBtlon uMerlHf Aliro«»d.In MevsMdeNnnpob NNindFAepna»L CUebnWr MMYhmtl'nWyrop84Rldl aAmne bYGUbarMtl beMplMPMaemMDMMYdal auM wMtl.(slGubweYarepefwkN»a, waanEm, damage NCwbnefaegpofe.M»YeNnd EAIWnaMb balab4n.atlanepoe bmaM nptl. CUfbnw,MMOpdond watlcW»xeaW«MbnenwnleAtleurvba Mde¢veryri mrmd MEUdprw,t lO AeYDIwALbnd MAgmywnl CFS.wN(e)red»w MaameMNMepdPradb aiaMF»acppMbb CFSaM arvreYWMrpbbeuM eWpaNMb dvrAary bedelu~datlby c«:ppwll euMaWbbepMYbbea uenbpebkin gpjvifdA[bwbY,abRAM CFS IWM aWA eeubMnlwRbeame'FAUpnbnf rihawbjeclb M4mnd MAeroenlalp,albl aYCFSM julegcUan, beiaiFBroblepbnldauM lNMMbnaualMilbladpry wMaAYrvddfnq Mremiwp pw4bnfd Renlalnirp MMMBpwba. UDW CFS':vcapld MReMYb,A RaMp Bdaba, Cuabmu Malhe»RnebwM4ser MAAtxmmt NOfucM1 INMYdbAlaa»blaebiNb»y11MWd'nn fhYineYdabamdw amYaewMbfWl bbmlCFSmW MWbMEqupmenY,b lb lpnMM4arwM Mdm,xilpufw»Mrtlda,ryyaq. aoTbipb aNdbvrja45ebn. pl CfS mry 4w,ImixYp ldwmatlynaPdlMOtlwrbbnbEmm M,Vlaweall 1l. DEfAVLT:AmJdMbbMp w»4apMa'«w8helmuWN»'EwnldOMmRuMerMrg,awMd:(vJ Ipxdry AwpmmlNwM«,PMa, EqupeMiAddaA SMM NeMa,riACHMa:Ayitn;aMMY,MAlawasNM Cuekw4rdebubbMaYApd MlMduadMYYpMYanwdCwbmerm6$vMMawlwbbg urGxM mnWeMpMM»AaroMMMVncYFbaranOCFSendpnnaka6padHYa lgxmMMalbaRaM»YMen AproaMnLwAMdmtlnabmaM try CFS;(a CWbm«a»rfxNmMa«mtltlabP WeMmne3ovppaem; (q 4»Np aMeyaebyMaNba LWbmrorawYOwwNabaoxaaMwhaMwnmta paxpnnanlb MhanepdrndAxa; {OlapelNaa«oaeebp h. 60YFRMJOUW; Vtl1UE: WANFROFJURYTRUp:THISAGHFEMFNTIIASAEEN ENFI,VTEO SYCFSM,AND bidbyapebppbbnwa aq GUer»brune«aay bMlwpLyaibMwnc/bx-(d wnuMr. wsM,camm~alor, SINLL FORALLNRPoSES SE DEEMEDACONfPAGTENTEREDINtt/W IHE 3TA1E0FNEWJFASEY TIE a iHWdabbappMieb ObbmAY.Mry CUbeM1b,w»Ydbr wUDW;IQsry pabnwnl.rowaBMMa avMmry RNRRS DFTXE PARTIES UNDERTXISAGREEIEHiSNAIi BE GOVERNEDSY THE UW60F TyE STA1EOf NEW ewes 6y Cwbma«wY 6uwab bCF5b4carocip»yaW«Mreepph(W Cugwrora »yGuaaXaeMasN aMa JERSFYWIIHOUi REFERENCE TO CONFLN:TCiUWfRNM;iPLE3.ANYACMNJ BEIWFEN CIrgfOLEfl AROCF6 anl'ben«ared'daliropmnba(h)Cupaexaary GUaulbMabanalun ponandiaf. SHALL BE BROUGHT INANY STATE dt FEOF1W CWRi IOCAtEDW IHEC01WTY0FCA1NIEHOR BUPLH161YR1, 1/. REAIEOES:W»IbnpO»Ypdprydroamae EVpbdONaAL CfSahal nxe MUAAYfbopMw »yoawtl NEWJERSEY,OR AT CFS SME OPTION,IN THE STALE WHERE CUSfOAIfROq THE EplW11BJf WLOGAiED. d MebbxbA wmMw BfhiMNUl be pneainl. pYrapeaawry asei,nUYene in »yonbr.INddwnA. tlunpaU CIiSTOLVOI. HIREVOCABLYWAIVFSOiIECIYJNSTOTNEXIgUAICTDNOF SUCNCWIOSANDOBIFCTIONS TO PBPanbWMNapWNlep Wn pmadauM«MApropwp wM CFSMabbA the bie f~ep,wnl;l~b VFNUEANIYCONVENENCEOF FORUM EACNOf CUSTOMER ANO CF9 HEREBY WANES AW gGNi TO A.RIRY bm4ebalwritloPreomp4 win Gnbmr, icl xiNawUrod ndrw,dwxaasgal mw«sa JoropY9 POpaniond TRMLIN ANY SUCH WWCE[DINGS. »Yaal d M Equpm»I(ri L1ebaKK aadMam aMplpw.ws CFSb enM upon Mw walnbs damM M EWpmwnl CFSiW310111 Service Provider Terms and Conditions Canon Financial Services ("CFS") Cost Per Copy Agreement cnr+orv soturiavs AMERK.iI Canon Solutions America, Ina ("CSA') One Canon Park, Mehdlle, NY 77747 (800) 613-2228 I. TERM. Canon Solutions Amenca. Inc. ("CSA") shall provide for ma license of application software programs or may be available maintenance on the EgWpmeM included in the CFS Cost Per Copy under separately priced support contracts, and in either case such Agreement ("CFS Agreement') for the term of me CFS Agreement support will be provided tram the Software developers subjec to me inducting any applicable renewal term, beginning on the dale of terms antl conditions for support seMOe. insiaiation. CapiUlized terms not defined herein shall have the 4. NON-COVERED SERVICE. The follovring servces, ars1 any other meaning set forth in the CFS Agreement. work beyond me scope of this Agreement, shall be invoiced in 2. CHARDES. Base Charges antl Per Image Charges, inducting accordalxa with CSA's then current tabor, pans and supply charges: (a) Images in Excess of Covered Images, shall be invoiced in accordance replacement of arty kxateumable supply item, indud'ng, wlmoW flmNetbn, with the CFS Agreement. paper, loner, ink, waste eoMainers, fuser of or staples (except for tones (a) Toner InUUSive SeMce inctudes reptarrishment of Supplies specified ndusWe seMce to the extent provided in Subparagraph 2(a) above), in the CFS Agreement and are for g>sgjy~(@ use wim the Equipment. If other media, print heads antl punches rites: (b) repWrs rrecessNated M Customer's usage of toner exceeds manufacturer specifications for factors other than normal use incuNng, wimoW IknitaUon, arty wilful all. conventional coverage by more man 10%, CSA may advise CFS to negligence, abuse w misuse of U7e Equipment; liar use o(partt, suppNes Invoice Customw directy fro such excess toner. Customer may w software which are not supplied Dy CSA and which cause abnormaly purchase additional toner from CSA if required dudng me term. lrequenl servbe ceis or seMce problems; service performed by Customer shall hear all risk of bss, theft w damage to unused Supplies, personrrei dhw than CSA personnel; accident; use of Nu Equipment with which shall remain CSA's propery antl shall be retained promptly upon non•compatible hardware w software components; elecldcal power lertnination of IhiS Agreement malfundbn or healkg rxwlmg or humkhy ambient carxlNions; (c) de-inslalletbn, re-InstaiaUOn w relocaian of Equipment (orrer plmr by (b) If Customer has specfletl the Fleet Guaranteed Copy plan in the CSA); (d) repaks to w realgnmeM of Equipment, antl related trainirg, CFS Agreement, me Base Charge and Iha Covered Images shall apply necessitated by changes you m~e to your system kxxU~urefion or to the fleet of Equipmen4 nehvork environment; (e) work which you request to be performed (c) Unless omenvise indicated on the CFS Agreement Customer outside of CSA's ragraar husineas hours; w (f) any nehvork/system authorizes CSA to use nelworlketl feaNres of the EgWpment Indutlbg connection device, except when Nstetl In the CFS Agreement. imageWARE Remote to receive software updates, activate 6. DATA. Customer acknowledges that the hard drive(s) on the features/new licemes andfor transmit use and service data EgWpment incutlmg attached devices, may retain Images, wnteM or aaumWatetl by the Equipment over Customer's network by means of othw data that you may store for purposes of normal operelbn d fire an HTTPS protocol and to store, aneyze antl use such data for EgrspmeM (°Dala7. You acknowledge mat CSA is not stoNg Data on purposes related to senridng tlw Eqdpmenl and product Improvement. behalf on you antl that exposure or access to me Data by CSA. H any, is (tl) Customer agrees to prowtle meter readings to CSA, if applcable, in purely inrdtlental to me services performed by CSA. Neither CSA rror accordance with me Meter Memad andlw Meter Reading Frequency arty of thek affiliates has an obfigatlon to erase or overwnte Data upon specified In the CFS Agreement aqd CSA's normal procedures. If you Customers return of Nte Equipment to CSA or any leasing company. selected CSA's eManege webeite, you shat complete CSA's registration Customer Is solely responsible for. (q Customer compliance with process govemirg access to and use of such webelfe. CSA may appibeDle law and bgal regWremwde pertaining W data privacy, change Customers Mater Method and/or Meier Reading Frequency storage, seeurNy, retention orb protection; and (tl) all dedsiom related from time to Ume upon 80 days notice. If CSA does nor receive tlmey to erasing or overwritlrg Data. YrfithoM limttirp me toregokg, meter readings from Customer, Customw agrees to pay invoices that Customw should, prior to retain w other tlisposiNon of me Equipment reflect CSA's estlmates of metro readings. CSA reserves the right to utlilze me HaM Disk Drive (HDD) (or comparable) fortnattlng lunclon vedy me accuracy of any meter readings from lime to lane, and to (whbh may be referred to as "InNialized All DatalSetNnga' function) if advise CFS to make appropriate adjustments to Customers arxwunt found on the EgWpmeM to penorm a one pass overwrite of Data w, if on Customers nazi invoice. Customer has hlghw security requirements, Customer may purchase from CSA at curent rates an available option for the Equipment which 3. COVERED SERVICE. CSA shall provide all routlne preventive may include (a) en HDD Data Enrxypfion KN oplbn which disguises maintenance and emergerxy service nekxrssary to keep Ibe Equipment information before ft is wnban to me haM drive using encryption in good working order in accordance with this Agreement and CSA's aigotlthms, (b) a HDD Data Erase KN that cen penorm up toe 3-pass normal preUice. Such seMCe shall be performed dudng CSA's local overwrite of Data or (c) a replacement hard dnve (in which 0838 regular business houre (3:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, Customer should property tlesroy the replaced hard drive). The terms except holidays). of mis section shall alley govern as to Data, notwiU~tanrUng mat any (a) Customer shall aRord CSA reasonable access to the Equipment to proWSions of this Agreement or any separate rxmfltlentlatity or data perform on-site service. Customer acknowledges mat CSA may not be securNy or other agreement now w hereaNer entered Into Delween you able to provide maintenance for Equipment outside of CSA's seMWng and CSA could be construed to apply to Dala. twritory. Parts w EqupmeM replaced or removed by CSA in 6. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION POLICY. If you are not satkfietl connection with maintenance services bereuntler shell become me with the performance of your Canon w Oca brand product, upon your property of CSA and Customer disdalms any Interest therein. written reques6 CSA In its sofa tliswetlon will repair or replace me (b) CSA shall make avaieDle to Customer, from Ilme to time arxi at produU with a Ilke uNt wih equivalent capebilides. Prior to prevailing pnkxrs if any, upgrades and bug fixes fro the "Software" replaeemenL CSA shall have had me opportuniy to return the protluc (including, the software Ilceraetl as part of the Equipment and the to good working order in accordance with the terms of mis agreement. appNCetion software programs specified in the CFS Agreement) ~ are This policy shall appy fro 3 years from the date of (nstallaUOn or for the provided to CSA q' the suppliers of the Software. CSA shall also use intllal term of airy CFS Lease, N longw, provided Customer Is not in reasonable eNorts to provide Level I support on the Software. Level I default of mis ~Agraemenl antl such maintenance services have not support censisls of providing help-tine telephone assistance in been cenceled w terminated. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT ppereting me Software antl iderlliying seMce problems, facflitaUlg NOTHING IN THIS SECTION WILL ENTITLE CUSTOMER TO contact between Customw and the suppllw of tl7a Software to reUlfy TERMINATE THE CFS AGREEMENT. such problems and mainmining a top of such problems to assist M tredcing the same. Customer acknowledges that CSA is not the developer of any of the Software antl other than tine foregoing, CSA support for the Software is not provided urxter this Agreement. Support from the SoM+are developers may be inducted within the pace ~ SER-CPC 021 Apn12073 CSA C e7/tai a ~l"/,~Datey~~l,j ~t~~~~ Canon Financial Services, Inc. Addendum to Agreement for Application 800090 WHEREAS, Canon Financial Services, Inc. ("CFS") and Town of Southold ("Customer') have determined that it is for their mutual beneiH to enter into this Addendum ("Addendum") to the Lease Agreement (whether designated a Lease, Rental Agreement, Master Lease, or otherwise) ("Agreement') for the lease or rental of certain equipment ("Equipment"). NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Addendum is supplemental to the Agreement and that the provisions thereof, unless specificalty modified herein, shall remain in full force and effect and shall apply to this Addendum as though they were expressly set forth herein. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Addendum and any provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of this Addendum shall in all respect govern and control. The terms and conditions paragraph(s) in the Agreement (CFS-1079 03/13) are changed as follows: 2. AGREEMENT PAYMENTS: Paragraph 2 is amended by deleting the 2nd sentence, which reads: "Once in each twelve month period following the f'vst anniversary of this Agreement, the Service Provider indicated above has the right to increase both (i) the Monthly Base Charge and (ii) the Per Image Charge in an amount not to exceed fifteen percent of such charges where were in effect immediately prior to such price increase.° 10. INDEMNn-Y: Paragraph 10 is amended by deleting the paragraph in its entirety and replacing wtth "CF3 is not responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the Installation, removal or use of the Equipment except those due to CFS' gross negligence. Customer agrees to reimburse CFS for and defend CFS against any claims for bases or injuries (including attorneys' fees and costa) caused by the Equipment. This section shall survive termination of this Agreement." 17. LATE CHARGES; EXPENSES OF ENFORCEMENT: Paragraph t 7 is amended by deleting the lust iwo sentences in their entirety. Customer wIH be late charge exempt. Customer agrees that CFS may accept a facsimile copy of this Addendum as an original, and that such facsimile copy will be treated as an original for all purposes. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL BE EFFECTIVE WHEN IT HAS BEEN SIGNED BY CUSTOMER AND ACCEPTED BY CFS. CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. TOWN OF SOU LD By: y:' ~.u~1 Title: am r(~ ~nH C Date: Title: c/ r o r- B App~OG g THteed Name: O GO .tti~;fig ~ ~ i~ cnrarasownoNSU.~txlcA LEASE UPGRADE, TRADE-IN, RETURN OR BUY-OUT Canon Soluliore America, Inc. ("CSA°j REIMBURSEMENT ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT # a Ohlo Drive. Lake success. NY 11042 S0178637A3 (the "AGREEMENT") (800)873-2228 Page 1 of? CuatomK~'Yaa"): ` ' Castanet ACCOUnk Buy-out Relmburoement Company: Town of Southold S to be paid under the circumstances described in Address:53095 Main Road SeGion t below. City:Southold County: SUFFOLK Payable to: ? You ? Canon Finandai Services, Inc. State: NY Zip: 11971 Phone EmaB: Reason for check issuance: t.~aee U " Y= ~ utAbk~ avg.. ' t tlxtis tralsectlon hdudesalesas upgrade «buy-autbbeP upon iverY ant List tte kadng mmpany and lease nurdtar assoaated wdh an bane acoatl8nce of Me Equipment kitedmtlreAgrearmnt, select one of he foAavirg: Y tggrade °rauy-wL ? NetAppYCa61e ? You vn'tlret«n the equipmenlbtlm basing wnlpairy aocordkg mtlb !amts CFS 001-0545927-003 and WrM(tldrs ofyourbaze agreatmd. pl CSA vnrl return lhee~ntaublheleashp c«npany per Secxm2bebw. ? You wiY ratan he equipmed. tlso. wtx ale equjYmenl ranch miler a CSA Maintenance Agteementl Yes ? No? ? CSA wxY Dbk uP the equramm~tf« Trade N. Ptease select one: ~ PIck,Uo Information: ? Tntde-In ? Same Date as Delivery of Listed Items spedfletl on Ore Agreement. Phew n"h NN amy appxwW YatlaJn sawtia naagaein tlw weoac haw PaYPreNaspurWew rdee as petlaeabtlw Agreemm~t Other SpeeifleO Date: f { ©(maa wNwno COrMiaon ?Aa is m«auan ? (but no brgrethan 9a eays aaa ddiveryd Dried Mann under ApreemeM) ? RaWm Equipment to selected lsasir~ Company ContaG Name: Phone: Canon Financial SeMCes E-Mail: ? Relum Equipment to CSA. onYrmi pear pw Special Removal Inatruedona: t a.a• ti Me Oe,i Wa(F r ~ kc Q- _ Ta". m nabove P - Oltli UGTR 10a5a 2aeD1 Rdum Codes: In:TR darn to FS:R-C dam to IT:R-C Ratum to A;R• Ya have apawroacquire fran GSA Cartdn lisbdlterns pumwntb he A~eement By ywrsignature hebw, ynu agree msuppmmaittlm brmsdha A9eementaz Yioas: t- tl Bay t>trl Reknnrrnamra b eabcbtl: The arY--at Reanhuraentant iidcatea above ova be pab dnecay b tlb tledgnabtl PatY' by CSA upon nsbYafon aq taaanp d are tielatl Imrns ant paYanmt b CSA (by you «6g aia Leazeg Canparq) d tla punybae PMe br tla 11am0 Iwma. The &ry-at Rebnbumanam wR be Pea M rm sole puryae of rembut dearly mrMndbn chaWa « lees and aawdamd eapatvaa PaYega to (aj eery termkldbn d dre lease d me iraae-in «Rebm EgApment «tor obey egePmant bang repharl oy Yw Udell hams «ner the Agreanait (b) rdhandg are use dohs equprnanl «(c) preperetlon a the site for hsbleYOn d Lnbd Ibrra. You actnodeage and agree hat CS4'a enenda obYgdpn n Ynaal a dm ary-at RdmWrsemedamoun4 ant didYOaare responsible mr airyoharoblipaaom, bcNAiig amyUarges whkh are rot cawred by am 9ry-Un tidrtdurwmw~t. 2 tl Traaean EgYnpmant s Rdum b Lwdng Compaty b Mepbd: You h«eoy auxiwim CS4 6 pkk up he T2da+n «Rewm Equpment Ysted above. Ya s9rea to pay CSA'a renpvd dgrgas Y, on are dam speafled anae, he Traae~in or lbNnl EgdpmeM n «mvabbb mr pidwp arM removd hmgh no bun d CSA. Treae+n Egtaprtanl5hatl be conveyed b CSA aid (a) you represent tlmt CBA vex recdve goon and maketdrb xtle b each unYd Trde-h Equipment, tree aiw cleard am and all Yens mw mawnda mteresu, (b) you wanam hal Ina Trade~m Equal wR bo eeYrmetl b CSA (unlazs apedfled abae kid tlb bade-h nay ai'AS Is' bade) h good w«kMg coMRpr. reasonade wear aq tear eacepmd, ant (c) you shay make Ore TretlB~ln FxNipmenl avaYnbm mr piduip b/ CSA on Yn mleveN deb aPecixad above. If you breaths bx a mmpywxh cry or he brexong, CSA map, wtllwt Ynakg ib atha remedbs underappikade lay, realm he Trala•b Equprtmd b You (al your eapwlSe 6om br tlm ream and dm oaghd PbbD) and resdM, «requtre )vu b repaid b CSA. Om~xY upon nbelW d CSA's hwios, em ha amaml al arty tradah «edt rexecbtl M tlb Agreanat (which anountehaA egad the tun madml vdus d army Trade-h Equipment as OdamYrea nY CSA). Ratan EquryaneM shaz ba shipped m tm leashq Compg7Y speclxed albre, and CSA's sde ob~aam b b use ~ reeeondab etlab b Pkk~uP and renbve dm Relum Equiprimnl am b anage, m Your behdl ens d CSAb esperme aril dale 9u1 mty m tie edam d obvious aanmga h transn), br are ah'gmm~l dtb Remm Equipment b the Leasing Company. 3. DATA Ya adabwbdge kid rife nerd drive(s) on the EqulpmenL includng albchai devices. mar remh images, count «odmr ads dwng romuY opwatlon d are Epiiprtmm (ode') ad pal expos«eaaxess m Btu Dab by C6A, x any, n: Wray hdtlentd b the eensoes penanned byCSA. t~mBmrC8A lwr anrd Ubir aYYYdes IWS an o6Ypdbn b erase or ovenwib Dab upon Yar remm of am Etrypmanl b CSA aalY leashgamPanY. Ya are sally mspanmb mr QI Yoe camgiama wih appYCade bw and legal requnenmrlb Pedddng bdda Wis9cY, security. reY~Yan and Wot¢exon: and(a al dadsbns rdababemssgaowmwibg Dem. ilm bnlm ddMe Sed'bn shill sobylY~azbDam, ndwimsmrcFg hataWpmvnbrw dmn Agreements atY'sepaabcangaentdnY« dab seady«otliaagreanaitnoworhereafmrenteted hb babeen You aril CSA sold be oonenuetl n eppy m Dam. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL BECOME EFFECTNE AT THE SA IME AS THE EMENT BECOME EFFECTNE IN ACCORDANCE MATH THE TERMS THEREOF. EXCEPT AS SUPPLEA~NTED HEREBY T SHALL RE NCHANOED FULL FO No EFFECT. CustortwfsA Sig uro p Piloted c..~.~TitIB~C1~,r(• t/r.r~~ Data S~(7~13 SLS-Wa Jan ry 1J GSa U CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. c••cFS°~ Municipal Fiscal Funding Addendum 14904 Collections Center Dc Agreement Chicago, Illinois 60693 Number: Agreement Oate: GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY Complete Legal Name Town of Southold ("CUetomer'~ THIS ADDENDUM WILL BE OF NO FORCE OR EFFECT IF THE CUSTOMER IS NOT A STATE OR A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF A STATE WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 103(C) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED. The Customer warrants that it has funds available to pay the lease payments ("Payments") payable pursuant to the lease agreement (the "Agreement") between Customer and CFS until the end of its current appropriation period and warrants that it presently intends to make Payments in each appropriation period from now until the end of the Agreement. The officer of • the Customer responsible for preparation of Customer's annual budget shall request from its legislative body or funding authority funds to be paid to CFS under the Agreement. If notwithstanding the making in good faith of such request in accordance with appropriate procedures and with the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, such legislative body or funding autfioriry does not appropriate funds to be paid to CFS for the Equipment, Customer may, upon prior written notice to CFS, effective upon the exhaustion of the funding authorized for the then current appropriation period, return the Equipment to CFS, at Customer's expense and in accordance with the Agreement, and thereupon, Customer shall be released of its obligations to make Payments to CFS due thereafter, provided: (1) the Equipment is returned to CFS as provided for in the Agreement, (2) the above described notice states the failure of the legislative body or funding authority to appropriate the necessary funds as the reason for cancellation; and (3) such notice is accompanied by payment of all amounts then due to CFS. In the event Customer returns the Equipment pursuant to the terms of this Addendum and the Agreement, CFS shall retain all sums paid by Customer. Customer's Payment obligations under this Agreement in any fiscal year shall constitute a current expense of Customer for such fiscal year, and shall not constitute indebtedness or a multiple fiscal year obligation of Customer under Customer's state constitution, state law or home rule charter. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a pledge by Customer of any taxes or other monies, other than as appropriated for a specific fiscal year for this Agreement and the Equipment. The undersigned represents and warrants to CFS that all action required to authorize the execution and delivery of this Addendum on behalf of the above referenced Governmental Entity by the following signatory has been duly taken and remains in full force and effect. CFS may accept a facsimile copy of this Addendum as an original for all purposes. ACCEPTED Canon Financial Services, Inc. Customer By By ~ownof SouthoM TiDe Printed N ?i ~ ~ Dete Title U f d7 CFS-2D20 (DCU12) RESOLUTION 2013-368 ADOPTED DOC ID: 8781 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2013-368 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MAY 7, 2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Acquisition Agreement Lease or Purchase between the Town of Southold and Canon Solutions America, Inc., in connection with the lease of a Canon IR-1025 copy machine/scanner for use by the Solid Waste District at a monthly cost of $64.00 for a period of thirty-six (36) months, subject to~+eth~e +approval of the Town Attorney. ` Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell an~~ FIELD SERVICE REPQRT CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA (800) 355-1385 uate Canon Solutions America, Inc. One Canon Park TOLL FREE SERVICE NUMBER www.csa.canon.com Melville, NY 7 7 74 7-3 3 36 ~ C--- F ~T-E-C^II/N~I~G-,UNIO NUMBER TASK NUMBCR SERUL NUMBER COMPANY NAME SER ICE AUGHESS CITY STALE y~ ~ ~ v~eli~ 21P CONTACT NPME LOCAT - PHONE DISPATCH CODES ~ REPORTING CODES ~ CALL START TIME CALL COMPLETION TIME CALL TVP[ SYMPTOM BILL W_ E ~ PROBLEM Cd2RECT10N LOCATION REASON Pt. _ _ T - - - _ i w ~ ~ -~-T u. ~ ~ _ REPlACEO PART NUMBER(S) PART OESGRIPTION QTY PAR13 OUST 1__ _ _ . d~~ PARTS TOTAL TEf.IMICIAN COMMENTS ,l y~,/ ~ / / ~Y '4iL+G! / TOTAL U180R N HR (t HR MINI ~ 1Dri,€~iilG TA% J TUTAL RETURN CALL PART NUMBER(S) ORDERED PART OESCRIPTKIN OTY METHOD OF PAYMENT ' PURCHASE ORDER k CHECKN CHECK RE00: Y N MOUIFICATK)N PARIS WSTALLED PART OCSCRIPTgN OlY - a 1~ tt { CUSTOMER SIGNATORE PRINT CUSTOMER NAME HNK:IANS RE THIS WILL BE YWR ONLY FILE COPY PLEASE KEEP FOR YOUR REFERENCE WHITE- SERVICE DEPT YELtAW -CUSTOMER - THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE sERawn Rau tuna _ MARTIN D. FINNEGAN SCOTT A. RUSSELL TOWN ATTORNEY Supervisor martin.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us ~pF SQUly JENNIFER ANDALORO ,~0~ Old Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY * l~f Southold, New York 11971-0959 jennifer.andaloro@town. southold.ny.us LORI M. HULSE ~ • ~O Telephone (631) 765-1939 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY O Facsimile (631) 765-6639 lori.hulse@town.southold.ny.us yC~U~,~~ OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD RECE{VED MEMORANDUM MAY 1 3 2013 To: Lauren Standish From: Lynne Krauza Southold Tawn C?etk Date: May 13, 2013 Re: Lease Agreement w/Canon Solutions America, Inc. Copier for Solid Waste District Please be advised that Lori has reviewed and approved the attached Agreement in connection with the referenced matter. A copy of the resolution authorizing Scott to sign this document is also attached. In this regard, kindly have Scott sign, date, and place his initials where indicated and return to me for processing. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. /Ik Enclosures cc: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk ACQUISITION AGREEMENT LEASE OR PURCHASE cuxoN saurlorvs AMEkICA SQ 9 7863 `7~Q2 Canon SdutioaR America. Ina (°CSA") 4 Ohlo Drive, lake Success, NY 11042 (800) 813-2228 Linda C Lehman 4 72 2013 Salesperson Order Date: _t f Cdatdmer ("you"): Customer ACCeunt: Bhip TO: Customer Account! Company: Town of Southold Company: Town of Southold Address: 53085 Main Road Address: 41405 Rte 25A City: Southold County:SUFFOLK City: Southold County: SUFFOLK State: NY Zip: 11877 Phone#: State: NV Zip: 11971 Ptmrre#:831.754-7885 Contact: Fax ContacC valede Ddfio Fax Email: Emafi: 4aaaa or Pufchase: You agree to lease the items listed below or in any addendum(s) to this Agreement from the Leasing Company idargifietl below, at the fixed periodic lease payments Indicated bebw or in any addendtsn(s) to this Agreement and for the fixed term spedfietl In that base agreem~t between you and the Leasing Company. Delivery to you of the Items spedfled Is wmingent on you sigdrg a lease agreement wRM the Leastg Company. ~ Canon Finandal Services, Ina ? Ottwr (Name of Leaaing Company): ? You agree to purchase the items listed blow or In any adtlendum(s) to tMs Agreement, for the purchase price specified. The "bill to° for the items listed is the Leasing Company Or you, depending an which box is checked above. PL ASE PRINT _ e aa6 ' Item Protluet Deaoryptlon 4ty UMt Phu PaymaM or Code Pa#ehaae PAea 25858001 imegeRUNNER t025iF t 84.E 7023V283 EIACK & WHITE LOW VOLUME & DESKTOP INSTALL PAK (imegedass & iR 1 1 Included 2388Vti7 CANON FAX CONNECTIVITY 1 Included InlSupplles Pre~inalall supplies inatallal in meohina 1 InCNWed Payment Terms Other Requlromonts Su ememal AddendNn 0.00 ' ? Check with Ober Cherie # Subtdel 84.00 ? P.O. Required P.O. # DefiveryBnaWl 0.00 ? Nel 30 ~ Lease ? Tax EZempt Stlw Tax ? Other (Ailadr Certificate) TGa ? Credit Card: ? Customer Declines Davetlr 0.80 Requires submission of secure credit card authoriza8on form. Maintenance AgreameM gw~ ®ue Shipping Instructions Customer ~i11WSry InformatlCn CustotnalT Conttrst.IMormatlpn Sltlp Via: Nana Valerie Ddfio Email This hrtlivitlual maY t>e ewdaeted for Hours d Operatron 9-5 n0lwork CORmaChVlty. PMne 831.754.7855 Eameat Date for Delivery: b 115 /2013 Noma Number of 6teps 0 phone Elevates Vea ? No ® Spedal DNivery/instaketion Inslmdion Email Loading Dock Yea ? No BV YOUR SIGNATURE BELOW. YOU AGREE TO LEASE OR PURCHASE A3 SPEGFIED A80VE, THE ITEMS LISTED A90VE OR IN ANY ADD&40UM(S) TO THIS AGREEMENT. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY OF THIS AGREEMENT, CONSISTING OF TWO PAGES INCLUDING THIS FACE PAGE. THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON PALS 2 HEREOF AND IN ANY ADDENOUM(S) HERETO ARE INCaiPORATFII AND MADE PART OF THIS AGREEA~NT. Customela Authorized Si nature C Pnnlotl Tipe Q ~ Dae SLS004 ry 2013 CSA ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ~ t ~~`y~~~ These are me adtlilionN moos antl mnditbns retercaf loan dre face page b which They OF THE LISTED SOFTWARE IXt ANY NON-CANON BRAND EQUIPMENT. CS4 MAKER NO are auaMeU. SuM lace page a~ atlderrdum(s), tollectlvety with tlreso terms and conditions, WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF Ihe'Agrmrrenl.' MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTIg1LAR PURPOSE. WITH RESPECT TO 1. (EASE OR PURCHASE PRICE AND PAYMENT. YOU agreeroleaseapwchase me USTEb SOFTWARE OR WITH RESPECT 70 NON•CANON BRANDEWIPMENT.OTNER unik of equipment antl supplies (Hre'EquiprrNntO and licenses olaDPgcalionn Softwae wish THAN AS SET FORTH IN THIS SECTION 2, CSA EXPRESBLY aSCLAIMS AND UIN parry swat anVack (me'Lkletl Soflwae' and, kgelll0rwim me Equignan6 ma EXCLUDES ANY AND All WARRANTIES. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING IMPLIED 'Listed Items'). b each Gaze as IMiceted m dre face page hereof or In any adaonam(s) WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE heeb. (a) If yar hava818cled to purMase the Listed Items, the rolal purchase pica specified RELATING TO THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THE LISTED ITEMS. h Ue Agroamart indudirg sales taxes aMdalNOrydnsalagon charges, k due aId payable in 0. DATA You ackrbwletlge mat the hartl OrWe(5) an me Equpnenl. ixIWlrlg ettarJcetl acoptlarrce wim me payment termsd Ws Agreement lfpeyrlcenk ere bre, (i)yoU Shah pay devkax mayarein wages. content or omerdab during norraalop:ragM Of the Equiprtont the acWal and reasonable msk and experoeSOf LVIIBCgon incurted by CSA. krclutlirg me 1'Data7 and mat exposure a aces tome Data by CSA. H any, k puretyhlcitlenla tome mdxknae albmeyk fees perrNlted Mbw and(Ig OSA may MattJe you ar10 YOU agree roPay, services DedOrmM by DSA. Helmer CSA nor anYMmek alfigaa6 has an obligalbnberasem a tae Marge equal to me nglarof fore paoenl(5%)otlhe amoumduear 510 as reasonabe ownvrite Dab upon your return of me Equipnenlb CSA Or any leasng omgam/. YOU are colkclbn fees, not to exa'ed me madmum amount permitled by lav. (b) If you new elecletl relay reapwlsida for (i) ycwrcompl'unce wim applicabb law and legal requkemenk perbining ro Lease me Listed Items, CSA shah seN ma LLS~ Items b the Leusbg Company subJscl b al b tlata privacy, secuMy, retention arld parediar, aM (Ig ere decisions related b aazirg s respects bme warcanry fimilalbns aaltlisdakners old lpnitegais of lbbiNlym mis Agreement ownwgrq Oda. WIhWl6migng me mregoing, you shWM. pia to ream orotlcer dispo4tlon You shall enter bro a lease agreement wim the Leashg Compsly provdmg, in adtlilan b SLIM W me EgWpnlanl, udEm mO Herd p6k Drive (HOD) (a comparade) (ormalgng NnMaI (whidt rermsaM CadPoOnsazme leasig Company shall regWre, rorfixed pedod:Oleas~ payments maYcereferretlto as"Inieagzatl A80alarSelUngs'Wncdonltlfound on me Equprent to IntliMletl Loran owra fixed base farm as Specified m me base agreement. perform a one pass overwrite d Daa or, Hyou haw higher sedviry requirsrenk. you may Degverygnslalalion Merges, it separelety kemizetl blf~AgrearenL are due and payable in purchase hpn CSA alcurcant ales an appropriate apbnfa me Equ!pmenL whlCh may acmdeae wim and payrtlMicemkadmk Agreement you are respprsl0le br paymenlof indude(a)an HDD DaIa Endypron Ki option whicA disguises infumatlM beMelkwdtrenb cabs a use taxes m monlhy renak H applcaae, ewsn B not SpecHretl in Ink Agreement me haN drive Usirg endYption elgaimms, ibJ a HOD Daa Erase Nil mat can pabrm W b a (c) In atldflbn ro the amounts shown m mk AgreanaN, you Mal pay CSA's rarer for any 3-pass owrwrice of Daa err (c) a repLxemenl hard tlriw Ire whkm case rya aMub propedy spade rigg'xg fordegvay aM irttleNagorl wharf CSA ndifces you of in advance, sWjod ro your desaoy me regara0 hard tlrNeJ. Toe termsof mk Secibn 0 shaA solely gowm as to Dab, appreval.{elf CSA will, atrro addaonal Marge, mstel~Cquipmenl in acmtlarce grim ik retwm5lalding matanY proMsbnsdmk Ayreemaltor arty sepaacemnflDanUaEywdaa Mrrrel Wadices aM requiremenk. Mamlenanm and any Omer posbinsla4'filM supped d seedy a Omer egmenle(II now a hereafter entered Inb Oelwoen you arw CSACOWd be EqubmenLaM br al sdMare&aised span of me Equlprcent and not listed herein as calsmretl to appyro Dala Usbd SoRware is nolWwred by mk Agreement, and w7 aaybe povded try CSA Ha SECURITY.ASSequlNy br the Uayncenlof as anWmsdue to CSY yW heeby grantb separab maelbnance agresnenl k entered Tab end b the exrentpovided mBrein. CSA a secudlY interest m me Listed Items. To me extent psmitretl by appgce0b law, you InStNWtbnd lkled Software maY Dacondliorletl oneseparab saremenldwork cOVarkg hereby audonze CSA rogb wim the appopnate gowmmenal aumaiees anyana el finandrq Ifce 5cop0 aM sdcetlureof bsUlbliOn, configuragon opgats, respenSibillbs of eaM parry, Bnd slaoamrents necessary ro evidence w perfect CSA'S Seargy interest h the Lisretl Itemx omermatlerx waM MaN SdelYgovan asbme mdUers mwred tneran. AddigOnN Charges S WARRAMYOF BUSWESS PURPOSE. YOU repesant mid warcart mat mat lie meYappty kx wok heyMdgce Oiaal scapetlesMtetlk suM Marernenl olwofx. CSA Shag Eplprrent veil ret ba lRed br per5Ma41amiyor houseMld purpazes. make eveikbre ro you horn awe to gyre upgretles Mel btN Exec Ictme lkbd Software, txrc (i) & LIMITATION OF LUIBILRY. CS4 SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJl1Ry' Doty g such upgreks and dry foes are pmvded b CS4 by supgbrs of OarMM sdavare, f) OR PROPERTY DAMAGE EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY CSAS NEGLIGENCE availedEtyofupgradesand Gg fixes may Mat addibOnNCharge unbss wwretl by sepsab OR WIUFIA MISCONDUCT. CSA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF PROFIT OR suppM COnVactpwMasetl by yau,and(gi)InNaiatlon ofsuM upgrades and Wgfwes by CSA OTHER SPECIAL,INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEWENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING lrequeSl¢d by you shall ce at adationalMSge. You am not requked b use CSA ror OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THL LISTED ITEMS REGARW.ESS OF THE insiMagorldamar Lkretl Software orbr anY upgrades and bug fixes, Wtif mslalWWnis LEGAL THEORY ON WHICyI iHECWMIS OASEO AND EVEN IF CSA HAB BEEN dote byanyore Omer man CSA. CSA Shag hawreresponsibfly br anyperbnnalcepomer ADVISED OF THE POSSIB0.RY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ksueSlhal mayrewll how suM msfalatbn. CSAShal eko use reasonable elbrtsbDrovde 7. CIWICE OF LAW AND T-0RUM. TFIIS AGREEMENT BHAlL BE GOVERNED BY AND Lewd 1 slppon for me listed Sofhwue for 5o kmg az a CSA mabbrerrce agreement br me CONSTRUED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS ~ THE STATE OF NEW YORK. YOU raacetl Equlpmenlamainsbefbcl. excepltaf far cedakl Lkletl SoEwaa, Levert support CONSENT TD tHE EXCLUSIVE JUPoSDICTION AND 4ENUE OF ANY STATE IX2 shell be provitled oNy la separate suppatconhact has been pumAased byyau std tar so FEDERAL COURT LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF NEW YORK UPON SERVICE OF lorg aslremeins beHecl Lawll sypM ronskk ofprovkgng napgne lereWbre assklenCe PROCESS MADEIN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE STATUTESAND RULES OF in operegng tae lkred Software ad dalt{fying service pobMnLC, (aciftagrg rddacl beMeal THE STATE~NEW YORK OR THE UNITEDSTATES ANY AND ALL SUITS yauantl ltcebupplladHre LktetlSolMarebredgy suM probbns awl rreinlabirg abg al COMMENCED BV YOU AGAINST CSA, WHETHER OR NOT ARISING UNDER THIS such proWMS ro asskl b Vecking the fiance. You a:MOwbdge met CSA k rat the dewbpar AGREEMENT AND REGARDLESS Of THE LEGAL iHEMiY UPON WHICH SUCH SLITS of anyof the L4red Software and omen man the roregag, support br Lktatl Software k not ARE BASED, SHALL BE BRWGHT giLY IN THE STATE OR FEDERAL CWRTS provkietl order mis AgrearVSlt.(e)CSA reserves me rlgnt to wiCiMM Mgmenfof me LbreO LOCATED'MTHIN THE CITY OF NEW YORK. YOU HEREBY WAIVE OBJECTIONSAS TO Ilonu()und you make Nll pnymplt Of the bid pke specfietl nl lhk Agreemem pr brexdce VENUE AND CONVENIENCE OF FglUM. ANY SUIT BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO. anyuadi exrondetlbyou OacaUbe olyolufaiurebpay any amoUM&what duoafor ary OTHER THAN ONE SEEKING PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS tN/E HEREUNDER SHAT.LEE oma reason aRecWlg yourcredinrONrlmss, or a unfA you solar inb a learn agreernalt wim COMMENCED, IF AT ALL, WITHIN OPIE (7J YEAR OF THE DATE TWIT THE CLNM me Lpaskg COmpaly aM me Leaskg CanpanycarmNk to full payrrentof the purchase pim ACCRUES. THE PARTIES IRREVOCABLY WAIVE ANY RIGHT TOAJURY TRIAL IN ANY agreed b benYeen CSA and the leasing Company. if a(any gme por to shiprrenl, CSA SUIT BETWEEN THEM. tlkmwrs any misbha in picmg a Equbmadconfr~Iagon for aM Lkled Item(s), CSA 8. GENERAL TMs Pgr9emant shall be MMiIg M yM upon yaH sicplahxe and on CSA resefwsate rgnL brolly YOU duce mklakeb wrNng, aId SUM notificatlon wi consliure ice upon me delivery of any of me Listed llerr6. Al provkbnsdads Agreanall bckdinB Swim 3, non-ecceptaXe of mk Agreement by llwlm reSpaU rosuch LiSFptl lLemS wghwlgabiliy. wlYM bymeg nahrcecan hetMSmred bsWrNeme expiragm orlBtmXlBapl ddlO Pgfearrefrl 1. LIMBED WARRANTY.fornlney(90J days after Hre date of me original tlelivery or shat sosulMw. This Agreement togema wim arty reWtetl CSA aetlft applbaton, cansgblre CdrIM bantl Equiprenl CSA warenls mat under rorma use end mdlnleflMce cpNilbns d Vce argre agrrement baNaen the pargeswilh respectre rice hunidlkg W Uce lJsred Items. suM Equipment veil M/rea homdebck in mareda and warkmanMb. Warrenty dams must wpersedirg all prevbus proposes arq agreenpnk, sal or written. NOlease epreemern ba made in wngrg by you ro CSA ro bier Ihan five (5) business tlays after gce expiagan of me enreretl mb between you and me Leasklg Canpanywim respect b any L"ated Ibms shat be wdramy pedod.CSA'b obiigalbns under tlgs Warranty are Gmibd SOlelyrorepega OhWavgMCSA In any reaped or affect your rghts or CSA's obfigalions hereunder. Any replecemenl(at CSA's sde oplbn)of such Pak as as prwenbMddeclrve upm CSA's Wrchase order uglited by you shah DB br your atlminkhative Wnwnknce My, antl aM'tartls inspectbn. Thk warranty doss not exreM b, and you snail pay. CSA's labor, parts aM Soppy Herein vAlch mnaiCl wim, vary how or 5upplemenl me provisbns of mk r>Bre6nlenl stall re Merges br(a)repairs rMUlarg howservice WSlts required asaresua of inatlequae~eragdl deemed nullaM wiO. NO repesenaRM Or slalemMt not contNrled on thearipnadmk of the Lkletl Isms (eg.. CSA technidan is WspabAetl b redly a problem described b Vre Agreement shag be dndklg upon CSA az a warceny orOlhervase, ror bhaA mk AgreemMt ce opaebr manuaq,(b)repags necessibceO Oyfacba Omer mar normal use kklWirg,wdbul motlMetlaancentlatl except by~writlrg signed by you end an alficeroY CSA lfaoounfirds limibdon,(ij arty wllHUlad, negggence, aGOea mkuse olthe rebvanl Equ~rnenl. g9 me use anY provkion Of lhk Agreement lorpat mareoQ toM ureMomsade, lice rMcebing prwlsbns of pans, suppliosa software not suppletl by CSA end whhBt cause ahnormayhequenl of mis Agreementsh~remeinmrul force antl ehecl Tfds A~earent shell not ba assignable seMce tags or service probrems.(N)6arvk»penarred by personna Omer man CSA Sernce OYy~'uI CSA's Drbrwripen corxenl, arW anY apempretl essgnlrenl w%Iput suM technidare, fv) franspalatlon Dime EgWpmenl. (vl accitlenl a caswlty. artl Iwo ebb censen4 wtkcm steal rrof be enreanMalM/wimheM, steal be veld: except mat rya may. as power maHUncgon or lreaarg, mogrgatuurlMyand anbienlamOigore, or (cl re~Y151&IbllOn tlescrbea above, asslgnbfop basing rompaly Your rlghtb acquhe rice Ltsad lkrrk aid of th Equipmart your waranty rights hereuMa. Wl yglydha dgbk haeurNbr, are not essgrebb b Rce YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE LIMITED EQUIPMENT WARRANTY bds"9 company aId such a3sipunalt shah rbt relew you of anyw yaeobiigegons CONTAINED IN TNI$ AGREEMENT DOES NOT ASSURE UNINTERRUPTED OPERATION nereuMer. You expesslydlscknim hevirg raged upM any representapon orstaemem AND USE OF THE LISTED REMS CSA SHALL, UPON REQUEST, FURNISH TO YDU concerning IhecaDabRty, cMdibn, operatbn. pedpmance a spedficegons d me Lkletl WITHOUT RECOURSE ANY ENDUSER WARRANTIES MADE BY THE MANUFACTURER Mans. except to me extentselfoM On Vrewgmal olmk Agreement. YOU agree mat CSAm~y accept a1 ebcuenic image of Uk Agreement as an Orgtinal, and mat ebcVOnb mpasd your signabre wit be Vealetl as err original br erg SLS-004lanuary 2015 CSA Paga2 Custom rlnillal Oate` i COST PER COPY ~~~Qn NON-CANCELABLE RENTAL AGREEMENT CANON FINANCtAh SERVICES, INC. I'6GI CANON SOLUTIONS AMERICA CFS~1W9 OLJ3 149M CdbCae Cella Drhe AGREEMENT LTxago. ana8 66693 _ 50178637.03 laoolrm~omG 'aW.,.da.Faan2sdm E A Town of Southold '-OU"°"~" SUFFOLK 41405flTE25A SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK NY 11971 Cuammer Catlett F« Meter Reatlkgs PHONE: Il units al dBerenl btabpM. egach Schelde. Covered Images Included Per Image Charge in Monthly Make/MOdeITACasaory SBAal Number Sort Mater in Base Charge Excesa of COVeredlmagea' Beae Charge' Meter Method BlatlcB Wfem ICd« Black BVNlla Cob &erkb WFdre IR1025 1000 0.02010 Included iWRemote Tam,: 36_ Mama TorAts 1,000 0 0.02010 0.00000 564.00 GueraMeed Copy Plan: © IntltvidlN Fleet (TOIMao r ' Plus A icade T 9erviee/SUppllea hldutlad Meter Reading Frequency Peymenta held as "Sacudty Depask" "SerWee Provider" Service including drums and loner ~ MomhlY 50.00 ? Service including drums ~ Ouertedy ('DUe at Spring) Other MIS AGREEMENT IS EFFECTIVE OFR.Y UPON SIGNING SY 80tH PARTIES. THE EFFECTIVE GATE ~ iHISAGRFEEfNT IS SET FORTH BELOW. TMS AGREEMENT IS NONCANCEIABIE BY CUSTOMER. CUSTOMER REPRESENTS THAT ALL ACTION REQUIREG TOAUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION aF TNISAGREEMENT ON BENAIF OF CUSTOMERBY THE FOLLOWING SNaNATOPoESHAS BEEN TAKEN. ACCEPTED AUTHORIZED CUSTOMER SIGNATURE CANON FINANCIAL. SERVICES, INC. y; X y Tine: „ tJ ~ C~ ~ /J BY: Print NemS /1/~ q/T'~(- q~~/EmNl Addrvaa: .l ~ ~f•.3 ram' Title: tar IDe: „ / /J / it y,pderor. DDB: Gale' - ENediYe Dma: BY'X Title: Pnnlen Name'. Email Atldrear. Ta: Canpn FUmndal3aYbm.bw. ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE CusbmarserMmmN la) M Ebiplmnl relents bin mk A,groemnihm Ceen raaeiwd.lbl inslNnOOa has Dean rpnpmlM.le)M EQuipnwn[hm bean eaamMd aY Cnebmerand b b pad apralb9 aN« all cOraaedn and b. b N respeMa, aNekcbb b Cwmma, and M ERUipmmlta Vrevbpadyaoropgd ay Cusmmerbrdl purpdsm maamh AaaennnL AcwdWfY,QWOmerNmetrYaumoraea Mang eMeriMa A9raamdnL Spnaave: Pldad Hare: Title (H any}: Dale: TERMS AND CONDITIONS f. gpREEMEM: CFS aaxab WsmYbr,d a9mimd ante MmmdMSmmd JaagaNMf amm,tirealkaal all LuMmumMS Ynm CFB,wN, da dewdWfkeanell+ xMM.&dm 3Q1~1AO,.MLwreI.INaeJawY a9U4a.NM puipwnldar.,bedaErc+e. bpeMr w&afre{tlaa,wMPIXlaaM wMdiEdia brand add'4ona bash mupmallFe . ' EqupmdM'1. aPda M bmu ad condif one sd nth b tlN aenml Aarromenl ('AgrmnbNl. 2 AGREEMENT PAYMMTA rbababr shNpYb CFS. m bYOkM.tludg MtamdM AgreemenLlai qe MJaedyamn Chape and mYP«Ima3atllapsdeoaRN Mran. «d IMwmYwla anunN Wmaetl hamrntler m bwkapby CFS {'Parmmib'I.Oma¢Ieech AmNamoMpedon bkw";M6nlax,Namydtlus/q,aemeM M SankefioWAx iaCealN low hm M~lilb wema Nm IO M AMWNGam Chagaard (dl M Pe Mho Chap m a~ aiwuM,iMbeaaW Nmen pmemds,Glchagmmaa«vin dkMbWatlbNNprW b ouch Dd«'rbleve. h.LM' m. qo MmNM Bass Cnagn mtl Pa Muye Cllapmare wNndb wmmaamm~ib 9mis P,wbMa bnmantl ca+d!nma. CmknctaoN~inb paV MI(Aaaaa d"e "1der EYe A9lmranl Mil lGamadda8bna FBl6a~b BGalh dm3 Yf~midi(a1Bl all b MIa11EACIb MY aniblNM1Laddd, dabnm.dr COelbn:mbl{N MY IamYn MNeaWYa. a. ApPLN:ATMIN OFEAWtl'RT9; METER REAON6: MPOymamalaehad MCFSaadCUSbam «dW gNAgraxmntvNMapdNtl bamwW eaoaMpaYeda mmilgerdmrab9ENA bmadae MtlaedMaap m saamm Mnwte b(mcha«A anaaW sw coup amude hWirp Mearodaeb auanoidxm CF6,'m bdacregm, may d«anene. Swka PravAa ahel PMdoM eavrw nmwaAmtlex3m bgebtrkeM.lbd'Seaie`aupafee Included' aaw.Gmbmer MeA vOYNB Sarvke Provba d M miler nadAps u M EquipebM upon rpuwt CFa wa balm Pee la uae Lha,pe moMMy «IMa fmquaMN al b 57te dix,aam. e. iEM1~AGREENFNI: rM ~nalgNA«mmmlMNCa,meree m Mtlele M EmdmaNbdepraetl b Cwbmer, Pradtlai Cuabmemxulm MAFmdabe CeNkW aolhmtiae eXBpb M ERUymml mapodbdhaab.Na waedaasdMEdularonl, Cuabmr MN hawmiaMbarcd MAproemm~ldabp Mtermharaol. TFa Nand MAaroamwlNNarquMem adomrRmembtl CyCFS.Intml, Nanmads rMddNbmpall W Lmnramtlerma AemmMl hawhmdpaM aprwdtletl all epmrlal Qebmarpm iwmhesedM EauaaxMb aaadaxe wim gemmp Mrwialb) M EpipnreMhm mm roaanm MMmdd Mechedubtl bmmremadbrmb acaYda,xe xdlrMbmahereol Cwbm«hmrb iiplbmWn MERUamnIb CFSabrbM Mddgaedietlubd mm,krmy reawn whatloeYx. gAWdMa.MphoatleMaaon, WP^^^id Namounmdm Hide qb AHeemmtprbrb Merod Meenmvledblm. SEE REVERSE FOR ADDIYIONM. TERMSANDCONDIilONS Conunued» PERSONAL GUARANTY TMU IwMMroroamaaareaFacQ d."fua,a+bnry. incauderMaldGSNON FMkNCNL SERVICE54rC.1"CFS'TeMainpiiban bmama^l lkpogeraih aNacMdidm«aappbrmlld gwdo.M.•Agmsm' Cmbnw- 'C"swrer/kror«daraid"amtifaruY. idm~am mwrmN.paanmeacFS am pnaaadaanarA mcipm Mpynrll Ymmawd N.mum mwa marMrormmanllwAaMrdm ~ ponMaamak. d MaamdmbuA«aM dMpedarrmaaolNDioirdaa. dnbgbm Mtlmmmd MA9roenbMMtlamdMra,wmislbmam6mbMrmdsbmrand CFel<dbdNaN.M'Uabilim7.tlCm WbpyapNemrNaarq pNd MUaN'Wsmlmdm. GULa upmdemad, PaYamJ amomb drd maemV ado mquhedd CUabmauMa MAgmmax lM ismiMOVe adana+uvpanaranry.aiM Oua NadagN6uaaMYN«buy all wa iW MapxeM byenYaetlbmmL msansM.rene ifUbndMroramuxa mY tlinhagearobmed CUabmer'aobrgabm.wMgmana Wopaem,tltr«. pant pbnanlagalbdby CFSb MLiMdabfbMro 'e.r«dWrM«ragw.rNbGrobmedbrmYmaaon6ldrdn9wihodfmmlbnMMnknrobY~m+dNd^cYa NandCmbmaaaM Oqa penml,MLbbSfisabnaN each paymmlWm apNN ShNMM Wp«asdgb GaamN bd wermlmredb abebnw,~sum AAbMm, aid MGUrmbaMlne abMNL'ebf[eemby of Ee«a appketlcn had norq'Mnnatle. iMe GuamNmab WMnebtlaFyupnsiay data'prbwdbnnaficebC knmaFOnaAN naoaecWealrmbtiaaTlicd aanp untlor tthedeba .a opreamnaederetl nbeRw gooSacpwtlaMdb'mhaimaA ehN nil NMLFS'd~llsmtleraVS GUemNamepaldM Agmemnla CeW ei)regmMad bsalydeb GwraNOnwar Ndamaps.demaNe,IroeenhrenHad nskee dawryaadadnmpe,am and mY ddonem rrabbb tale mgmgm gedeammtlpaymeM ell pelamenmbbq"ntlerippbMM W.GwrMbn kelMrrldw mY tdlwwd Maxaddatlnawmaem ay Qabauad MawddaedM GUaanN.IBM iasW r«arryoga pWYnebMmbrcm9 gNGumbmd(H)dHddeuniopaW,bfFb'dgmapYm Cmbma wN MLbhabaaroe0lefiMlir ba Arry ly maaaa medwbnstlanedmynam lb,ebms.wbRNm deedaroNaa9on uparge FdaipnmA aga9uaa~tlmaaMwFdaradaotir3radlclmMCeadsrydarnJM undarM«nraW praemml beaeen CFS all CUebner«mYeAd MM m%boab.9ra'IaOatl dlml~JEaF „aiMUl nil amdMMWin mY maMUaamaMG+dnnbn'iaA9yuMOrgs Guamb. GmmNOrsNNpraaaaPar,maledldu5dkmeYa'Maaidaplapmam)ptlaMdrtM BE~MMwripbcUxlMLlaNew MndadbadadrggN Gruadb TlgSGWRANTYSIV.LL FOR/1lFMPOSEa~ OEEMEOALONTRACTENYEREDWMNiNE STATE OF NEW.ERSEY. TIE RKR PMTESUNOER RiIS GVAPANiYSNALL BEOOV iNEUW6CF TIE STATEOFNEW JFASfl'WnHOUTREfERENCE iO LGNFLICTDF UWPWNLaiES. ANYALhON ~IaVEFNb~ IIeLL BE aROUCMITWPNY STAIEORFEDFAALCWti LOCATEDNR YOFLAMOFN OR BLRLNGTON NEWJEPSEY.OR ATLF$'SOLE OPTNIN.IN THE SiATEW/1ERE AMYGVARANigt OIi THEE ISLOCATED GUMANTOR61RREVOCAaLYWNVE ~.IECTKINS TOMEJUHISMCTWNO P19AW/OaJECT'UNSTO VENUE RA CdMNIDrCEOF FORUM. GUMANTORS. BY THEIR EXECUIxN1AN0 HEREM,ANOCFS, i3Y rtSACLEPTAHCE HEREOF, HERE6Y WAIVE ANY RIGHT TOAAHIYTRW.MANY EU ~ MTGS. CFSmayaccedalaninb a,pMrdb mhsbn owrd MCwmamYm Magbd.aM lmimagaddcNnaNYtranaaeatl capNSdCUaanbn'a6na4ree lmtrmbdm Td ipapoem. Rioted Name. Spndbro~. (noawl Dale: Addrem m'°^e- Pon e' Sgreve: (mpa) _ Dale: teas: Pho^a FS1GY9 (6Y1I) S.SLCURRYOEFOSR: CfSrcmy wpy, Dm ana'IrolaaoN9etad loroY.ary"SCa+dY t+DOda'zDried.do.nb Wra' ,NyWb'.Wland li)iixn a,a:M1 EaeiWleMmtl:JlPaymmb xd chror wmipad uda Fa Aga»mm+tuiu)rnw~eM Try aYWCnibmer'a NrM1 OVmI G'vflain..hs'Ipn:ryY.y resMe MCFS a-.Y a,mwnl so ayµwM in nuwwd ahalary EWimnnl a:xlrewuarl!om LUSlm'rcrMamwMEY wiYSn MRmr3nvq Renal Ba~.see tall Mr#»a6M,YgbM SaV:h CeWad oam Nlereslmwd'Mien regww by aWWha4arv. na ~YCadMY SttudY UeFaAwNCe Mcsaedla Equ:gmnlay CFSbr Wmweid cabMXn9 Ne Wymdnb uMar Ma nar apeenanla ()uE X»CSUpmMavi reco»r Cnibnmrer.M aOOl Cuwms«'f aoyalbnt ha» bevn M:i WrM:mAaae+pneah Fwbed n b'saAmomarl Ipan G»MNr NZ BmNF'11 by Net Neflemeniig Pddal0aYrxe erwrJSMaeI mxaulraevtd b. LFSimrs:ca fak: 9. NO CFS WARRANTIES: CfSLS NOTAMANUFACTUPfR,DFN.ER,Oft SUPPIIERCF TYEEWIWAENT. INE o:(o)bpwawrfyo!harara]yWr:rtaeEMlanain N+ih.CF3lil maYdspoaad MEp'~}a^c'In 36s pme'v EWIPMENTWRENLEO'ASIS'AINIS OFASIZE. DESGN.AtiO CAPACItYSEtECT[O DYCUSIOAIER CFSNA$ coMifonorbbnim)avch prepxaNn wq mbaaa'v9mCFStleanuro'nirert.Li}raawieHa:l01 a4aa raaeroa;}b AwpE AO REPRESENTATN)N OR WARPANTYWITM RESPECT TO I1E SUrTA6RJ1YCft WPABLRY OF iNE pmpam Orprowu Me EwnpneapY.Drbfaa;lw)nwYd dbbwa+mYesdXpa, W%eafvn ror'd xfaYm.ia^CM13e. EWIPMEM. RIEABSENCEOF ANYCUIMOF VJFPiNGEadENi OP MEI!KE OR ANY OTHER REPRESENTATION md(A'}maY WaWY wiN anY WroinabMdaYp ndaYdlYwroauVennnYb WnneNW ~adresiynid MEAdi*ad OR WAAWWtt,E%FPE630R NIRIED,WITNRESPECi30MEE0UPAENi, WLLVOING, WITNWinMRATION, awWWdNe nrdgdry xmv lhq!tadmvretlbxlwrwry abaM awmarial revaaa6kreud MdnPCSlmdM iHE:MPL:EO WARRANTIESW MERGNANTASRITY AND FITNESS FORAPARtCUU4 PURPOSE.Ap wdrmhw+N Equlw«nt lllb EAU'amddb mlweJ~Yta san.QWOmer Matlbal:abb V«M Pemareig Read eAv+ce.xA mYdbr respasb Ne Eµiprmntnvdeq Mfupp[a«manubdamr bsepaaY ham, mdb rnla pelvl, Nb AArealanlaM Mall aTWnR aueuntlerNif AAmdWM b bMbma9d CFS, Cwbmw, and LFS'suoxswrwmsyrde. it my Sobrg m CwMmrisnWa h;aach addml 1i. UTE CINROES; EXDENSES Of ENFORCEMENT: XCUfmiw JNb bpaJmy aam bte wd M LwamwbLFS d Na Agreammt CFSaialgw bCasbmvr, mYhbrMqupasadmaltiy a+tl Drmdtiap mYbcM1ddrn. NeripM1b.X undw lNa Pyeenbnlmw Mae MduetlaY. CufbmrfM1a4 Wi Ci5. uPm damTML m'mnMapvalbbn Gwrx:ld mry,wNNCF$may eAra manaMwpgYr,emb.a MlUdeavrerbr dxxJ:drrmranlyadha rapreunlaNO atth>pchaeNyetl PaYT~dAabn da4n,wAk111warisryeaarW each bSrg PDYm apmbndahALypapaval refpaKrgmilemdEqupmmINEITHER Off SUPf`LIEP NOR ANYOfKfA!SAU7HW1ffD TO WAIVE ORALTER PaYawMif tleNyatl.:m.axn cau bNOedenl pemnlYd Uy eppkalYYw.la amaaMa aDaobadw iM1aOb~m ANY iENA~THt3 AGREEtffRi,OR MAKEANYRFPRESENtATION ORWMRANTVtWM RESPECT iO THI$ >wNdW dameem aM azmmpmw[mbr CFS'inbmgoWMngerDdmu lawred'n mvraxin wN d:EX Yb q'aPnanJ. AGREELENTOR THE EWNNNENi. W BENALFOF LFS. In waEm, Cpstamr fhaY rdnlbune LfSbrapd Af aadpxka Was and emann Ymdnd neamcbvy and n tgM1b I. ACCEPTANCE: DELNERY:CwbnWSexecvymdMe Aaegaae CaEkab,dCwmnra's prodebnb CFSdaDmr wraedtlYn UMaMAgrombManedwcYq arydMMmsawor'abnadltb AArm I.+ckd+ry w+traA Ilion, wnumaAW dlb DCCepbnmdMEwdDmml,aM1maaadmi»ymbghM1 NgMECUrynbnlM1m XeanaeArereda mtl Ieaaona?NaYarwyi km mtlmWmmwd amard eypaNmdcdMbnpmdu,wMwarmisNbadgM.3Lf5 aaapbd bytwbmdbrdlWmoamdNbAgyeamaM.aM Cufbmdmy wlbrwynuDn revoke NMpwagaan: flnuldbdry wedxlba,cwbma aatl CFSapns Mlalbraajf baSWWbsxnry-E»Pebeni(EiX)dMYa.Y anwM MwwA XCUSbnaN M1m rot wilii YntlapabrdeF.arydMEqu"preM,tloYreratl bCFS wripm rakaolnw- salghlbyfSSshal beanmdnasaWie br poeWemd Nb AAmam^nt adegaxedmYd MEquipmOrA spdyY9MramnN«ebraMapocfcaN rdnaz(n96'L A2ranarenlCwMnr 10. ASSpNNENT: CUSFOMER 9FlALI. NOTAbSGN ORPLEOGE iHI6 AGPEENEtJTWNSIp.EIX3W PMi,NOR Thai beaeamtlbhavaimrv¢aayscwprea MEVU'amM CFSb MOwmmdlXe Equpnbnl eldbmNap Ne SrALI CUSTOh6RSIJBLEi OR lENOANY ITEMOFECUgNENi. WIIHgITPRpRWflRTEtJ CONSEMOFCFS.CFS EVaWbnIa CUW:reruMar Nb AAmomeM.Mbehreen CFSantlCwnna W7. Nb AAreemeniMaYfupnetlam meY Dbagew XasW Nb AAreonY.ll.pCFS yansbn Nb AgrvanbM.MMf6vaw0 Mara Maareri~RSaM te-aNf CulbmvrpuNmevMdnhameb~Gablrer wahesmdphldipackcpabnrwareurarMMravnreal sal dhdl NaitfSM1m Ww9el wilnd XmrebpabmrmdLF5oE3pMan,YMNCFSa AadmgdY»M 1mnBVebPalbrlm MY CFSAarndeu HOmdamagm YMmY reuahMEAVbmenlb WltleYVemtl mode~ed.NNe Lgdldbnla ilnrgMf dlM1a XmflereowiYnd Masud,xlbarrycNrm,debrcef.amla6 Na41abrmrauYM»agatsi CfS 11 waaalxbry.aKCFSdWl rot awecb Nafpreanwp.MyOaL'ry bdeGwy dMe EVU!lurrenlsha?rwl dhd MvmSliryd Wbm«;e OM1en MtedmfucAVmeM.CwbMtaMl, Nao aueekd M:dn. ~Y d+flYbM havfarsaiw my Nb AgfmmepL PaldMmwMY WYMb MrourMer. A IOCATpN;LIENS;NAMES:OPPICE3: CusMbreMt nplmT'eMEVUipmmahvmMbenbn.eWeYwdelaa aced 19. RENEWAL;RETURN: iM1b AAreenYnlaW wblreM'mM nnewmamWNbnan.N tvYdMSam Paymml wNM1 Mpda wrdlm<abanla CfS.CwbnYrfhaY kevpMEWMnbsl bee aM Ckardiadcla»Y mdYgnotlnrNm a+Wl:nl dd FWUew,yunNU LUMnRr. al bad iuhdryf Dehre M«,ad MednepYtl Mmamrmawdbmaamae tlrsein lavwdLF3.CwbmWSbggnanre{m ad brN»ibwwJAUeMdownbnN fktl AiNMappmgYbgmemmanW bLFS waYenrnYCe Nd Cusbmeraam ndnarabronew Nef Agrewreddalq MenddfuMYmrMwnsMEVUaDaM alke IXageray}bmlbM dan.Upm rpuWl, CUSbma ml adrabCFSagWanYMbq WRlab wdfbbbrdbd upmankbdw. CFS mgwWelM WbmeG: renWral My.dbminalytlayf Gbn MalddmlmasardYO omslAUeMdacunbnm TnpMSdd'mdageMONdnmtlcnMaac4»aM sddiemol CUfbmw«eas sslbrdr Mein. Cwbrrerrdlm ales Nd LFSdanrmlwwXMAparvmlb renew.UripaaNYlgrmlatsbmW~Y mroaa CUfbnly MArniahmeo Wname. NShnebpnaNmeeuMOSCe,IXibearoprna dnXNre(maM+g,wJMAYdro9ma,;b CUabnnr PwDAarmMEyv+NnNMm gmihtl btla AAYmwnl,CmNlrornltltfMMeYmfartl Ni agwM, bYadamdapanbapml oMUe CFShm bNnAAreadbmtJDdayi IX'nw.Akn rbNb Merepl. rehm MEVdprenl ellbwbWdaW eapmm.bgWdaDadNpdmdfion. LLNYmYWarmlYarreaNnJ Lem paWY 9.USE:FWAgCING biATfJ.1ENT&CwbrtwsM1NwrmYpywAa6laac mtlrpubb bedawgaMUe ma uuevicepba.loanaa5onfpwkedby CFS.Nbrmymuan CUdlamreMNhibMrmMFUipmmbCFSmraquiad nanlmsurnd Nn Egriprrenl Cwbnaehdlpd MEdul«reMaryb MUwwnNmDNbdMMrrendeclumr. byMMddaYd Mappkatde Mm,Cmbnaa Madpyb CFSapmtlemadareMNne Wrads PrynaMbrYarA E0.^q CuabnwauUbtleee CFS(md mYYYId WMAFp wrrdadwgvWaby CFS)beraedv aW Gb (a)lnaxJnA ShlenuMf DaAk aPIXhm N.aed NalabadKawykdelayetl. avMaxbp llaellereslMCF3InMEqulpTbnt lawaaYMbWfcmavrbAadaakrdedaiPYaraMEgdgnenlNmM M. PIIRCNASEOPiWN: LLawrnr may.dmyYaY, vroad¢praaia'vnvocdheaAbn natioe prnAme WlW Mbu afsmganagban hem»),(b)WnMUepm aMkmvnb»resWMMwed,dMlc)ameMmanb lM1Omm, ma Cwbm« IMnay)MEAUpmngapdceedugbMwmd Nl remaN'eg Peymanb. k)t if Na FU 4lmeq VaM $b m)mpYatla maadywabmmY rghlbmkalM1mWl. lama, erWwm.cM1agm and Mf. Fa PwmmsdMAgcammt'FakMYadVaM' Mica CF51ebJ Drs tar Me fa. WOENNRY: CUSbmar MAll reNdumo CFSbr mtltleknd CfSagabm and ai:bnbrbs wa:qury Gasad b/1he ga~glrenlnMmnddaWmNdYn. but ndbu Nan ManMDarceMdMbtlM)YraIW%aloe EpmnL EPIVrtnY Equgmm~l LM SttbnaAa9wrvbohrmra[ond9ib AJw«rent WMlimmdaV rolCe avaYaNmb Cu>nrn«Nadekdl Mreurdarnmowmed aM bmabeag. UDDngap«mbmtl 11, MAWTENAMCE: SedaMX Ma Ddbrmed by SeniW Prorba»xma«vw;m SVda Pnviw(a bnamtl Pwimmltri CUebMrd WaarroudsepeM'Mabore.CfSshAhnfarMFgagnntbCrbbreer'ASSVMFRES' wrazala dwaN CadbmaraMOx:etlgeremNl.UnMepbervise kd'cdwlwpegvia SdmtlubADUNaWr w?anmmpmnXB4anawmenry+maboavd.ere0plbrtib,and Nb AgmnbNaNYYmnWe. aubaba Soda P»vMrbvu Mbuge~WARE RwmY bebredMERUpWnlarwawRean uptlaW and 31.DATA:Cwbm«aMwvMdAee NdMneV tlMa(n)m MEgdgrenl arNVM1gaXaladdevaes. mal'mtin erugxa banamOUfemaam#stlab r,AUnvdaMd MTM Egdpmenlova CufWWYf rnMak MY moss vlm HTTPSwdocoladb caMenlaaNx MbdwbM nanW OpereXMdlha EpJpaYnlp0aY7 ana NgerWwre IXebimb MDdaW~Sa sea marymad um mohadabr DaDafea reWOdbmraeepMEpoip+anlad pMVd;mprmemenl. Cufbmor ServbeProvilar.Ya!rY.b WmlY NadaAalUMd«vkef Wrbrmea bi GF5aM5enireNOJ4w MliYwefSm-Servee rchraMeagW NalMWryw aNMNWDpsl mtl&MtldeAnamYrgenlon NemYmWd wed'rnapeWARE Proidd na mYd Nqf NSlYd aefmoMDaYW bxawaomrwMDeb upm Lwbms'aaMmd MEdiJmmla Pusnbtlwhb We Ym. ilCwbmxganY Nreahumnab, datlpsadmiesaaambbb Ndure. Seruca PmJda mry CFS. Cwbm«bwbhrosgnfCabr{NNE amlpAaw wAhaWAaw'ahwNhgd mgUMnrelb polanXpbdab rcrameMChapn brYb4 ibnbMEve percaalbrm<vhffR'eMtrYrq Wriod'n whiA SUN Neannmanf rorr- PrrvaY.awvih. aYnAm and DVbtlbn: and lWytlacbbnf rebbdbaasigao»mrNrq Dab. VPoWlsi6rgM opxaNWal. XSeMm ProvMertlamrW receMNmlymeYrrea9nga AOm Cwbnrer, LwbmaeM1ay mimmua Mlrebcl IaeAO'Yg.QnbmdfMAb. p'xabmbm anNYrtlbWabnd Ne Equmnlml, nWeNe Nwa Dmk DrMDOD) Iw Sna PmNJehmXmaM dmebrmalbgs.Sma PmidaaCFSnmy»dyMxcurxydmmeYrreadrsf ham WaearaNel amlNXrg fuaYOn lwAa may Mrehnalau'YdNenvd AY OaYSaMgf'Nrcxn)ibrdWbENrPnanl emab YM antlbwa Cwbnvxbralry eMrtlalinMmgbma.Cwbnm MaYUm reasWabbcdeYblydlrMW aWrlomraa»PmawarmYdDaba,ACuarmerlua NyiafecitY reppiwreMS.Gxmwma/Padmeswnn ib apaaNWdMEAUigneN. CFSMYhevoM lgM1lbwbsbaY pVaabnl fmuipoMdm NW durxq MbrmdNb Savke PrordIX gcurnml raMm mad W!eapgopnaYOgsnbrMEWgrreM, aMkh maYin'AAaIn mIODD%a AgraenbMntannadawM mrepbremeMd MERubanlg5ma Pm.Eer. Ercrygbn mvpfm wh'aakgdwf iManbYW bebrea mwrAm Y M M1ad tlmsa w+5 mrlGdn a+gwdan; (b)as YWD 1L TA1U:6; O1NERfEE6ANDCHARGE8: CU6ttM1ER3HMt PAY ANOOISCNAAGE WHEN WEALI LICENSE AND DgaEmeKYMlDmpeebvnepba]~WU aemnmd OMa(e)aregWWrenlNatlddra(n4uh ercOMUbbma REGISTPATION fEES, ASSE59MENTS, SLLESUSE.FROPERtYAND OTNER TAKES. ANOOtHER EKPENSES ANO eM1wtl DmWrhdadlW MrogamdhW dMe).CwMYrYrd NddrlnNy CF3. Sava PUVMm. NeVactv6aha. tlNabn. CHARGES, bgNMwAh MypgahN mAdbabYro)1,mtl Nidpm aambYMwkos Mwaalm tlMVnWaatl oKCem. vlrggenadagmb Mndd apamMmYddYwfk,mpmn.faWM.daira.amRpoF.aw.Addmmb epva«rylbmdMEpupman4MPaymeMa,mCUaMWfperJ«rnrcvanvngebrru:rad4MFAPAVas MwMer. aMSGrclWignmanebbYbee)adaipablWdaMslvraAV, harbmia»madaXaDmdMOaa alas whfNmpaidbk b/aeuemMbCFSa Cmbma ll CUfbmwhtabpaymVfuchbm,auobmdw.W», mpwsma eeDYOn waAOSYrmimYCn orarpXelandMAgremneN, Amps. CF9 Ma1wwMYMM Wind IboMOabAbpnlbx Ym,mwslmenb, Yxm, eapelmfaNCM1Sgef. aM iE. WARRANTYafW3EA94P11Rp09E; PERBONAI PROPERTY: {a(Cwvmare(xmmb mtlwwrmb NYM CwbmerdroA pamPbrgmbwso CFS upmdemaN, bradeucn pxylrenb maladw sdmNbtraaarbm and eWlv,Am. Equipment aq nabs uetlbpdnmq,hoary.ahoumMtl Wmoau.(ol TM1DEwrPmenlslW rvmtin prwrXd pnW'M Vf.en mgohetlb/bw.CfS Mlfib mma6mfsM Wl WraWd PmPm lams YrbaonM EVUNmml. LUfdpr Mal rcperdmfdwAeMrYbttarnef aflpedbred PrcoeM wDembnmtlY renvpwmmdpaz:tYambpro+env':Ib rdmbuw CiSWMmpabeolpanaW pnpdylaaf mvmeetl MYCF3 and WYGFSa aoceffapbendbascwtl mlplopwtY. 3.`d pa Yan IXr~bmdFiryiDmmlNgbnrhpdbaucM1 bx.CFS M1af M,aM wind. m.WVrass advdebCUfbmm.ard L1. MAIfIMUN WIERESi; RECNNUCTERMEOAOflEENENi: NOPeyabnlb'nbrtaetlbeawml Me rtm.TmnasamM WYmmla fuM bmsiameambbtraYw aL ON THE DATE CF tHEFtlI5T 5CNE0ULED PAYAFNi MA THE WIEOF dSreaa dYbnMialaeiaYroLmapgaW.PauNMbbaeli«AM wwbabdgappieadehn_rAmy suxn TYYE FWST SCHEOUIED PAYMENTAFTER TNEADDITIONOFANYEWNAIENi WSTOMER SHALL PAYTO CFS AN access PayrtmRaiybeDp`atl bpaYmmbdw mdq U4Apeemml binvam aderdreWdY•and LbadYrfM1edbp AGMWL4TMtWE fEEWiNE AMOLWTOFS33 TOREIMBUPSE CFS TOR ITSADMINISTgAtNEANO REWRDING nandad,Mlaf/grBNMnllt rechaaprkMgamNYdnalfdowbm,CUdWbr M1dgb gtmbb CiS.amxpuon COSTS, maamgm.aaxurYy Nbrevb MEAUipmm~lbsrcure WYMnlmtlDdbrnusmdCmbrois oo[gdaruuntl«He 1L INSURANCE: Cusbma,el Af sdf Wdaroarpme, MdiobYh.nldnignmtlpay br lrl»fumnw aAdmlNebea Agrwmont MNatldmapblhe EgdaxlYnib MlvyrepMremknl vabelM1ereDlaM (gf campreheranvWat AdaE1Y'mtlgoWM I/.000•ARTGLEIA: WAVER OF OfF6Ei:(a)t1ASAGREEMEJtt IS IMENOEDASA'fNUNLELEASE'ASTINT tlanbpe MVrmm.MlWl NeurewwfhaN pmvNabratleawWYadercwdiy SS,C~ma DaNbmlBM mmumaM MN 39aN16 DEflNEDWAPIICLEAAOf THE LN11FOflN LCMMERCgLGWE('UCC AAI.ANOCFS6ENirtlEO TOAtI awnWnasdmY<bmbCFS ExX Maerpmrdhgmmdbeaanm Mal name CfS as atltlaaq bwretl atl bu padm iHEBENEFlTS. PRAALEC£SPRDPPOTECTIOJ440f ALESSOR UNOERAFINAYICE LFASE. CUSTd$H WANES 17S and pmvile CFSNXrytleyf wMYn lnke bMas MpoycyingYebneNib malabdh ahmvtl vrwrwba. QlMmmanaa RNiHi3 AS ALESSEEUNDEP UCC 7A SECTpN3 SMMbYt.(b)XM E4dpnmlbrW pupa%'vbbaeE.dw mlopaab payMpaduwa laauNNfamw,fhNhe mpa:fDY brilaNwdNe pwlona Mem~l.aM SAntlebaprAEmasw mrepremdaawwmnMetl.wbunaa6ahabry brarrynaaon, Cusnrtwab3mNe wdr W;mxMy gn'rsblMwW4r. otlYevvbmwdinwnrcab LFS.TM pbmeMawMAnvrarco, elMapOOnoICFS,fbM:beappbtl b(U ropLdwd Wdar,amanulxMw.CwpmIXwaiam mY anddabtly and hnaocYbb aatldkW glaamtm PaYrzalW aoM mpabMEWamal.a(01 Dad CFS M'Rmrara»q RelYl Be6rw.'Fa WrpawidlFa Agreanbm, M'PNmiaing MnMl Nagestl»vMm ka AGnenknl, and uawMilWdhagmib WYfah PdynbnbeMaMdayvs. ryaNhudmy Da'mmp'ahd!bo Nefuma:(i)BlmWerAf XlmaYetl byCwbawrb GFS uldpr Nb A6nwmsN; (e)MprweM VaadaN oNW wcb'm wMm pmy bDdfadYtl by LwYmardW WbOheL alnbdnp PrymmbarM hNYrmd Nde Aaammtit~ Mfai NaM1N VSa.asdeAwd rere»;qw{h)eq mgahk ]L NISCELtANEWS:lalAO Wydf rgdretla pannibd order Nb AAnemenlfM1NlbeWAEearddgaatl Wiul~', Imron mpanwf.nMmpm.aM Mace Fa WrpmuddNx:nNng «mmJVdue uMw Mb A9rvm,m4 PaimmbMYb feMVY WidYaoMrekclw+d hemAGbbA a!rYNetl bfu:hpmdMmnreuxlbbhb XU AgnmrmeJ.aMiWA r dSWUnkd sea WrwnlWrye». CuabnYrAm+bY apWnb CFSU CwbswY etlwnsiandad lo'dYbnlaty damnr, oNIXetlbem mfWrDRNmaYam6nM ineriAnA lrem Yaebtlma. Ndaf MafbeNU+e Sda»abraWedab ma rewivo WYmWld, mdeuwYam wnaonDTdoumanb,cl:aces.adnbMa:Y asamdmage Uraeraiy san Ubma9. dud atldmwea.aapon agirayvle{arrowiaeapwde5rery.las'vdkwoYraaYNOrz travuduins_N) newaxa pD'p. NrAMMtlayf dla CFS roquml CUfbnRrYb bdaWasdkhddyvvmm~edmRNMwramb CFSmdY acaMahafrobwvXrerebcbonktrmudsaMOFNSAAmartwnlaanY MwPI«ca CaYECM man agrii, CF3, Mn LFSahW Mw NV rgM, drlM Mddy.b aaNnawAbwracnal CUdaWra vaDmee.CFSMxiWenlYbdb eM hoimbaaatranaly pdwmdMCagesolLmbmahfgaMrewil MO Uadbdmmaagbdbr aYpurYnam.(c)No roldn mY YVanmtl by llin WnmtladN mYaaA iuurmceoblai+etlbNWnwnablM1b Sec9on 13. wawrdmdCusbmNa oNpaEOne, cvMAasaMenanb MaA hopRxWO mYmfconl®INbawerg iOrsdW fA lD3S; DAMAOE:Cufamm affpnrel mtlaibAbem MmMdfkvl as.lAefl d,atlamageb MERVpnbdlrom any CFS FdarobualdwmmnbdYwha CFSrrrelrha»fhdladcdbaNYawa»rdmdl4pbll wbrmmAabMla wuu xPaboo»r.eOxY»apm dgYerybCwbmx.Inaud MSS, NeN wdamya MMlrelbw CwbmmdaM GnnmorNYdawl.(a)NMrefAOUb bemorepmnaa DaM1V OVau«M MAgroeronlm LUMres, tloMAdweloba oX[gatlon«radNb Agreamanl In WeeverAddYWpvbmYiYmol ERUymmleaanm«alatl lnrmedmWYmDair suCM1 Wromed ty Lualarerahr beMpidmtleeratlksBSrydaYaucM1 LwYm.(e)Cwhretd rapefenLYw.wamEes. aamge alCmbnla/e sAymnse.ll anviYmol E«Xpmomb pfl.sYbn.adamagvtl McY«d raDOE. CUSbm«. alMroeond aadromnaMa user Nb bnmleMfhdl wnMMh4varyalbreamaNa Eyvipmenk l9 Mygovaand Rf Agsarenl CFS.wi(e)rega:a MSemvwYh 4Aa earylpnbnlaaaadAm xWpYhb bCFSard WnveY Marl-0kaSUN pv'esnnln Mech nby bodabrrdrea birnr9ahnlwNailyb bn gaNdka wuaerMaeaemarry jaile'ravnsaF. asbsuN CFS IandSwh wUWpnfwNbemrW'E4upabnYaM besu4M bM MmRq MAprevmalU,albl pay CF3 Ne pxbtlkNw,Se imWCtlro'b Neoabmdfwh preNTNwrwunanbmeebiM wdadbvdda0p Mro:reimpprowionsd 0.aiuMdg Rmld Bgmw. Upon CFS'reeigd MefldmHdg ReMd BaYnca, LulAXWr Malromnika bwAalwer Nn Agremllonl NV auN pmahfvnwmmbcaeb3ryinmNrisldbnSMYimYdanarrwitlwurermmegasvli bYmICF9 may hewb MERUpmvm.bib MnFmdAm aM bwNn. wdMUlwmantavl mYknd. DmvbbnbmYdMriUWacbaIAI CFS maVYrMmibhgbUrmabrlwwmdotlroriM«rrobnmMFgmmwd 15.DEFAULT: MYdMbadrbevenbdoadiNOnfSM3cwXhm m'EvenldDdauX'uMer Na AArWmdll: (a) regmddp ApmmmlN«Ma, Phare,Ega'pnml Atldau.3mh11brrL«,aMACNinbmbl:dmmnee.MADeeimY CoaaWrtldalNf»M pWmmIwMAaW dmYOdeMbtlnauacuaalkra CFSwMNer «Ildanup uma Nb wmdm MenYne+mpeMMbrwmn CwbmmaM CFS and rrornagkabonedtlu AprOppdf!wP6oNrcINOUMNI ApreaMnl, wiMulroNnwbmma by CFS:Ib)LmnmramyGwnnmceaamady buYWSS asapdnp aASarn(q »wGdp eNegWabyMPdNba CwlortsramYGVendab«aresmfo4aMarm,Hm enmsgnrmMbrMboMAdcmJibrs: gala Wlkmaaoemdi!A M60VFflNNO UW;VENUE; WAMROFJURYTPW.: iNi3AGREEMENTILASSEEN E%EiVTED BY CF3 W,PJA YMM M«ageYMCVSbMra mGUambuundrm baMlup'Aywadmny kw lolaremhw. WaM,wnsnra, SHMIfOPALL PUPPOSES BE DEEMED ACOMPACTENTEl1E01N10WTHE STATEOF NEW JEPSEV. iJN «6qunabrbaPpobrbd brCwbmnr, any Guambr,a mydAm propMy:IDmdakMnlreammleEOn«wmMNy RNMRS~iIYE PARRES VNOFRRIISAGREEMF.NTSMALLBE GOVEflNEDRYTNEUWS OF THE $IATEOG NEW mm WCusbnaraaM GUamarnCFSblrcarreclbanp!w!nrial ranWCt (g)Cwbmard my COmanlatlMwtle uMar JEPSETWRNOUf PEFERFNLETOCONFIACTOF UWPPMCiPLE3.ANYALP,ONBEiWFEN LVSfONEROHD LFS anYbmaaMAepreement alhl CUSbmaamGunabrWnifanaM1;alpawn vial. SHALL BE BRWGMi!H NfV STATE OR FEOEWSLCWRi LOCl7EUW iHECWPdfY OFCAIBJENOR BUPLNGTON, A6.REMEDIES:U;mn lYe lmppmirgol my oroannn EVmbdCelad, CTS fhalnava NergMbervrcamwn or aY NEWJEPSEY,OR AT CFS SOLEOPiiON.INiME STATE WHERE CUSTOM~RWtNEEWNAJENTbLOCATED. el MabbwNA remkalNeM1 Ma9 EO wmUYXVOI.urnbnWdSN IXwadyana in my atla:(albdxnre aN unpan L'USTOMER,WPEVOLABLY WAIVES OBJECTXNVSTOI)IEJUR1901CTION OF SUCNCWRTSAJNf OBJECTON3T0 Paymenb as dnmamauM duo and Dayademtla Nbhpredmni, nice CFS rqa»iry MCebME4dpmant Nlb VFAUEANDCWVENIENCEOF FORUM EACH OF WSTOMFA ANO CFS HERESY WAIVF~AW RIGHT tOAJURY IwmMbanY SM aXdpmommMroN Gwbmer; 4cl ivlldwAiaulnd z,tlmuMa¢galpryaeyk to retake lbsfefeand IPIAI WAVY SUCH PROLEEOING3. mywal d M EVdDmml(aN LpWmamMnrm anamiWem CF3 benbr upon Mawmnmi wlbmerMEVejx2nl CF34Dy9 ;OfiJ3i I - Service Provider Terms and Conditions Canon Financial Services ("CFS") Cost Per Copy Agreement CANON SOIUrtt.~flS AMEAKA Canon Solutions Amedca, inc. ("CSA One Canon Park, Melville, NY 11747 (800)613-2228 i. TERM. Canon Solutions America, Inc. ("CSA"} shall provide for the liconse of application software programs or may be available maintenance on the Equipmem inducted in the CFS Cos[ Per Copy under separately pdced suppod contracts, and in either case such Agreement ("CFS Agreement") roc Ore term of the CFS Agreement, support will be provided from me Software developers sub)ecl to the indutling any applicable renewal term, beginning on the date of terms and conditions for support service. installation. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the 4. NON•COVERED SERVICE. The FGlowirg servces, and any Gher meaning set forth fn the CFS Agreemem. work beyond the scope of this Agreement, shall be invoked in 2. CHARGES. Base Charges and Per Image Charges, incuding accordance with CSA's then camera labor, parts and supply charges: (a) Images in Excess of Covered Images, shall 6e invoiced in accordance replacement of any [»nsumable supply item, indutlatg, wahout limitatbn, with the CFS Agreement. paper, toner, ink, waste containers, fuser og or staples (except for tmar (a) Toner inclusive Service inUudes replenishment of Supplies sped0etl inclusive service to the extent provided in Subparagraph 2(a) above), in the CFS Agreement and are for axGuslve use with the Equipment If other media, pdm heads and puncher dies: (b) repairs necessitated by Customer's usage of toner exceeds manufacturer specifications for faGors other than normal use indudirg, without limgation, arty wNiful aG, conventional coverage by more than 10%, CSA may advise CFS to negligence, abuse or misuse of the Equipment; the use of parts, supplies invoke Customer direGty for such excess toner. Customer may or software whkh are not supplied Dy CSA and whkh cause abnortnalry purchase additional toner from CSA if required dudng the term. frequent service wlis or servka problems; service performed by Customer shall bear all risk of ross, theft or damage to unused SuppNes, personnel other man CSA personnel; acddeM; use G the Equipmentwith which shall remain CSA's property and Shall be returned promptly upon non-compatible hardware or software components; eleGdcal power lenninatbn of ibis Agreement. maifuncdon or heating, coding or humidity ambient xndidons; (c) de-installation, reanstailagon or relocatidr of Equipment Comer man by (b) if Customer has spetlfletl the Fleet Guaranteed Copy plan in the CSA); (d) repairs to or reai'gnmant of Equipment, and related baining, CFS Agreement. the Base Charge and me Covered Images shall apply necessitated by changes you made [a your system configuration or to the Neat of Equipment. network environmem: (e) work which you request to be pertomnetl (cy Unless olhenvise indicated on gre CFS Agreamem, Customer outside of CSA's regular business hours; or (f) arty rtehvork/sysiem authadzes CSA to use networked features of me Equipment IrldWing conneGion device. except when listed In the CFS Agreement. imageWARE Remote to receive software updates, activate 5. DATA. Customer acknowledges that me haN drive(s) on the feaNreslnew licenses and/or transmit use and service data Equipment, irtdudirg attached devMas, may reiam Images. content or accumulated by the Equipment over Customer's network by means of other data that you may store for purposes of normal operelbn of the an NTTPS protawl and [o srore, analyze and use such data for Equipment ("Data"). You acknowledge that CSA k rrot stodng Data on purposes related to servidng ma Egblpmenf and product improvement. behalf on you and that exposure or access to the Data by CSA, N any, is (d) Customer agrees to proNtle meter readings to CSA, if appikable, in purely inadentai to the services performed by CSA. Neghar CSA rwr accordance wim ma Mater Method and/or Meter Reading Frequency any of their affli totes has an obggatron to erase or overwdte Oata upon specified in the CFS Agreement a0d CSA's normal procedures. If you Customers return of the Equipment to CSA or any leasing company. seleraetl CSA's eManage website, you shag complete CSA's registration Customer is solely responsible for. (i) Customer compliance with process governing axes to and use of such website. CSA may applicable law and legal requirements pertaining to data pdvacy, change Customer's Meter Memod and/or Meter Reading Frequency storege, security, retention and protection; and (ii) all tledsiena related from time to time upon W days notice. If CSA does not receive gmety to erasing or nverwdgng Dafa. Without limiting the foregoing, meter readings from Customer, Custaner agrees to pay invoices that Customer should, prior to return or other tlisposiliorl of the Equipment, reflect CSA's esgmates of meter readings. CSA reserves the dght to utilize the Hard Disk Odve (HDO) (or comparable) formating function vedfy the accuracy of any meter readings from lime to time. and to (whkh may be referred to as "initialized All Data/Settings' furktion) if advise CFS to make appropriate adjustments to Customers account found on me Equipment to perform a one pass overwrite of Data or, i( on Customers neM invoice. Customer has higher security requirements, Customer may purchase from CSA at current rates an available option for the FAUipmenl which 3. COVERED SERVICE. CSA shall provide all routine preventive may include (a) an HDD Data Encryption Kit option which disguises maintenance and emergency service necessary to keep the Equipment information before It is wnUen to the bent drive using enaypaon in good working order in accortlanca wim this Agreement and CSA's algodthms, (b) a HDD Data Erase Kit That wn pedorm up to a 3-pass normal practice. Sucn service shall 6e pertomned dudny CSA's kcal overwrite of Data or (c) a replacement hard drive (in which case regular business hours (8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, Customer should propedy destroy the replaced hard drive). The terms except holidays). of mis seclon shag sole) y govern as to Data, notwithstanding that any (a) Customer shall afford CSA reasonable access to the Equipment to provisions of this Agreement or any separate cenOdengality or data perform orrsite service. Customer acknowledges mat CSA may not be security or other agreement now or hereafter entered into between you able to provide maintenance for Equipmem omside of CSA's servicing and CSA could be consiruetl to apply to Data. terdtory. Parts or Equipment replaced or removed by CSA in 6. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION POLICY. If you are no[ satisfied connecgon wim maintenance services hereunder shell become the with the pertormance of your Canon x Ork brand protluG, upon your propedy of CSA and Customer disUaims any imerest therein. written request, CSA in its sde discretion will repair or replace the (b) CSA shall make avagable to Customer, from Time to time and at product wim a like unit wlh equivalent capabigties. Pdor to prevailing prices if any, upgrades and bug fixes fnr the "Software" replacement. CSA shall have had the oppodunily to return the protluG (including. the software licensed as pad of the Equipment and the to good working enter in axordance with the terms of this agreement. application software programs apecifletl in me CFS Agreement) as are This policy shall appy for 3 years from the date of installation or for the provided to CSA by the suppliers of the Software. CSA shall also use initial term of any CFS Leese, 'rf longer, provided Customer is not in reasonable effects to provide Level 1 supped on me Software. Level I default of this ~Agreemem and such maintenance services have not support consists of providing help-Nne teleptrone assistance in been carweled or terminated. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT ppereting the Software and idenltying service problems, facgitating NOTHING IN THIS SECTION WILL ENTITLE CUSTOMER TO contact between Customer and the suppler of me Software to reGlfy TERMINATE THE CFS AGREEMENT. such problems and maintaining a log of such problems to assist in traUCing the same. Customer acknowledges that CSA is not the developer of any of the Software and other than the foregoing, CSA support for me Software is not provided under this Agmemem. Supped from the SofMrere developers may be inducted within the price SER~CPC 023 Apd12013 CSA C er)IUIU s Oa16 +canon Canon Financial Services, Mc. Addendum to Agreement for Application 800090 WHEREAS, Canon Financial Services, Inc. ("CFS") and Town of Southold ("Customer") have determined that it is for their mutual benefit to enter into This Addendum ("Addendum') to the Lease Agreement (whether designated a Lease, Rental Agreement, Master Lease, or otherwise) ("Agreement) for the lease or rental of certain equipment ("Equipment). NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, intending to be legally bound, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: It is expressly agreed by the parties that this Addendum is supplemental to the Agreement and that the provisions thereof, unless specllically modified herein, shall remain in full Tome and effect and shall apply to this Addendum as though they were expressly set forth herein. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the provisions of this Addendum and any provisions of the Agreement, the provisions of this Addendum shall in all respect govern and control. The terms and condftions paragraph(s) in the Agreement (CFS-1079 03113) are changed as follows: 2. AGREEMENT PAYMENTS: Paragraph 2 is amended by deleting the 2nd sentence, which reads: "Once in each twelve month perad following the first anniversary of This Agreement, the Service Provider indicated above has the right [o increase both (i) the Monthly Base Charge and (ii) the Per Image Charge in an amount not to exceed fifteen percent of such charges where were in effect immediately prior to such price increase." 10. INDEMNITY: Paragraph 10 is amended by deleting the paragraph in its entirety and replacing wfth "CFS is not responsible for any losses or injuries caused by the installation, removal or use of the Equipment except those due to CFS' gross negligence. Customer agrees to reimburse CFS for and defend CFS against any claims for losses or injuries (including attorneys' tees and costs) caused by the Equipment. This section shall survive termination of this Agreement " 17. LATE CHARGES; EXPENSES OF ENFORCEMENT: Paragraph 17 is amended by deleting the first two sentences in their entirety. Customer wiH be late charge exempt. Customer agrees that CFS may accept a facsimile copy of this Addendum as an original, and that such facsimile copy will be treated as an original for all purposes. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL BE EFFECTIVE WHEN 17 HAS BEEN SIGNED BY CUSTOMER AND ACCEPTED BY CFS. CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. TOWN OF SOUTMOLD By' ~ ~ ~ c Title: am o ~ Date: Title: By: ~O'1~'O Printed Name: ~p4 g THie: G4 Oq~S ~ C,O t~~'`t~5 l~ cnr+ot+sowlwns amGbca " LEASE UPGRADE, TRADE-IN, RETURN OR BUY-OUT Canon Solutions America, Inc. ("CSA") REIMBURSEMENT ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT # 4 Ohio Drlva, Lake Suaess, NY 71042 - 50778837.03 the "AGREEMENT") (800)813-2228 Page 1 of ? CuatdlneriaYdu•): customerACCOUnt: Buy-outReimbunsement Company: Town of SnuUold S to be paid under Ne dreumslances described in Address: 53095 Main Road Sedion d below. Ciry: Southold Coumy: SUFFOLK Payable lo: ? You ~ Canon Finandal Services, Inc. State: NY Zip: 11971 Phone Reason for check issuance: EmaR: L.ease,Upgiadeor9tjy+rputAcknmyyt dgerrgnt #Mis bansactlon indudes a i~se upgrade a buy-out b be peed upon delivery aM Llst Me basing camPatY and lease wrrMer assodated wiM any lease upgrade a buµoal aaeptazaed Me Equipmmdlistedm Me Agreemen4 select meofMefogowing: ~~ea^^,,._ ? Not AppGCable 'N nl igr~~€~Y~~ fi~~?'~# ? You wa return Me equpment b th lung canpany aaorang to the terms CFS . ~ ~ ~ 091-0545927-00.3 and wndiT~s of your lease agreement 0 CSA vdll realm th equipmentb the leadng amPanY pa Section 26elav. ? Yar will retem the equipment. If so, wiG Me equpment reman under a CSA Maintenance PgreerrreM7 Yes ? No? ? CSA wiG pidr uR Me equipmembr Trade In. Please select one: Pick-Uu information: Trede-In ~ Same Oate as Delivery of Listed Items specified on the Agreement. RNaae nMe mU arry alMin'ada vatle-N c,eClt Is reneCteC in Ne penOtlk loose pawirenrempxmaae wi~~uepeaaeam ow Agraem~l Other Specifled Date: y / -eM CaM'ear ?Gaae Wargn9 CanaiGOn ?Aa is carMiaon ~ (Md no brger then JO days after delivery of Deed ltem3 urWer Agreement) Q Realm Equipment to selected leasing Company Contad Name: Phone: E-Mail: Canon Financial Services ? Special Removal Inatructlona: Return Equipment to CSA. odan#wear mb pp arrbaa onJ ontaet amt A P C91M' CUtle rl n SerMF#-. 12aWin tkan about Pho Emall U Dab UGTR te2ar teW1 Return Codes: Trade-In: Return to FS:R-CFS Return to CR:R-CI Return 1o CSA:R- SA You havB egrcedaacquna can CSA Conan USted Hams wrswMa MB Agre6mmL BYYour MgnaNre Oaow, Yaa agree rosupplPnbnl the terms oftlw Aaesmait es NGow3: t. N BaY Out RelmbureemeM h sategtM: The Buy-Out Rasmburaement irxataled abrna wiG be wH dkecYry a the designated Part' by CSA upm Inslatalbn and testlng d the Listed Items and papnenl b CSA (by Yw or 4Y tlw Leaskg ComparcY) M Me PadaSe P^ce for Me USbd Items. Trw Ruy-Out Rwmbursement wi16e pad fa ne sob purycee of re6nbursement of eanY terminagm dramas a bees and associated expanses DaY~b la (a) early tertNnetbn a th base a Me Tradein a Re1um Equipment a br olha egawant Dekg repbwtl try Me lJS1ed Ilerrre under the Agreement, (bl rebnmlckg Me lease oroaar equgmenl a (q prepazadon U Me sqe br Gisapelion of Land Items. Yw acknowbdge one ~Yrea Mat CSA's finaaa otagaDOn a Haled to die 9uµba Reirtlbursement artaunt and Mayou are respauiDle Pa azryoMaabhgaGaa, kakbbg anytlarges whkh are rat covered DY Ma Buy-Out Reirrbursemenl 2 # trade-in Equlpmmt err RoWm M Lwgng Lompmy b saiecbd: Ya hae0y aitlra¢e CSA b pick up Me Trade-in a Realm Equipment laled aborre. You agree to pay CS4's remove chargos d. ort Me den spadfied abmo, Me Trade-in or Return Egagnenl is unavabble for gckup mid removal Mmugn ro hull of CSA. Tradein Equipment shat be cmveyed to CSA, and (a) ya reprosenl Ma C5A will reC&re good and maketebb title ro each trail dTrede-'ai Equipmad, tree ant deaz of any azid all liens arl0 baSelmM btaesa. (b) yw wm2M Ma Me Trddaln Cqulprenl wa De deGvaal a CSA lunbss spedaed above Mat the Uade-in isan ai'Aa le' bests) In good waking mfAl9on, r~3onade wear and lean exoapbd. aW (c) Wu shah make Me Trade-b Equpnad avaiebb (a pbkup 4/ CS4 on Me rebvam Bete spedaed shove. If yw breaeh a fee b canpy wiM any of tlta (oregokg, CSA may, witlaul Ibxling Ib alter re~dbs umbrapaicade lea, roan Me Tradaln EWNaaaa b you (at your expense boM br the return and the aigina piduq) and re3dM, or regiiro TW b rehxul b CSA. gompfy upon reCelpi of CSA's bwrke, as IUA amount M any Kedah aedR reflected in the Agreement (which amount shat equal Ure Kau mmkM vaMe Mourn TrmIB-n Equgment as Ifelermnee 4Y CSAI. Redun Egap~nl snal be sDippod b tln Lea~Ig ComwnY swciGed a00ve. ant CSA's Sole obliga9m a t0 use canmerday reasanabb etlab b PkkuP std remove tln Radrn Eflawanl ant fo azraige, on yow behal and a CSA's exwnse and nsk (all mIY b Ma eztent M obvbu5 damage n iransiq, la Meshprtardof Me Rehm Equipment b the Leasklg Canpany. 3. BATA Va acknowbdge Mal qre hard drivels) on ere Egldpmaa, inckldmg albched devCBS, maY robin inages, conbnt a oMa data dudng rlama operation M th Equipment ('Data') am Mal expoaueoraccres ro Me Date,Dy CSA, a any, a wrey hddenta b Me saNces wdanad Dy CSA. NeiAer CSA nor any of tlrek affiGales hob an obGgatlon b erase a overwab Oats upon Your realm of the Equjareni to CSA a alY leesllg company. Yw ere sdely respaaide fa: (i) Yea congGance wim appµcasb law std legs requkemena penahirg b dab DiivacY• seNriy, mlengon ant pMedan; aM(i)aG decabns raafedbare3hg apvanvdlDg Deb. ila brrtB Mtlgs Sedion shat Slay govern a6b Dab. nohvlMSlanding Nat anYPmvBbrediha Agreement Or alry sepazakcaMlOerlfiaey or dais merit's ofha agreemmit now or naeaaa entered Ml0 between you and CSA Nub be oondmed b appy to Data. THIS ADDENDUM SHALL BECOME EFFECTNE AT THE SAME TIME AS THE AGREFiAI[NT BECOME EFFECTIVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS THEREOF. EXCEPT AS SUPPLEMENTED HEREBY TH T SHALL REMAIN UNCHANGED AND IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. CnNanel$A od SIg lure Printed ~ Title V ~ ~ ~ Date SLS~00e lflnVary is CSa CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES, iNC. c•crs•) Municipal Fiscal Funding Addendum 14904 Collections Center Dr. Agreement Chicago, Illinois 60693 Number: Agreement Date: GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY Complete Legal Name Town of Southold ("Cuslomef') THIS ADDENDUM WILL BE OF NO FORCE OR EFFECT IF THE CUSTOMER IS NOT A STATE OR A POLITICAL SUBDIVISION OF A STATE WITHIN THE MEANING OF SECTION 103(C) OF THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986, AS AMENDED. The Customer warrants that it has funds available to pay the lease payments ("Payments") payable pursuant to the lease agreement (the "Agreement") between Customer and CFS until the end of its current appropriation period and warrants that it presently intends to make Payments in each appropriation period from now until the end of the Agreement. The officer of the Customer responsible for preparation of Customer's annual budget shall request from its legislative body or funding authority funds to be paid to CFS under the Agreement. If notwithstanding the making in good faith of such request in accordance with appropriate procedures and with the exercise of reasonable care and diligence, such legislative body or funding authority does not appropriate funds to be paid to CFS for the Equipment, Customer may, upon prior written notice to CFS, effective upon the exhaustion of the funding authorized for the then current appropriation period, return the Equipment to CFS, at Customer's expense and in accordance with the Agreement, and thereupon, Customer shall be released of its obligations to make Payments to CFS due thereafter, provided: (1) the Equipment is returned to CFS as provided for in the Agreement, (2) the above described notice states the failure of the legislative body or funding authority to appropriate the necessary funds as the reason for cancellation; and {3) such notice is accompanied by payment of all amounts then due to CFS. In the event Customer returns the Equipment pursuant to the terms of this Addendum and the Agreement, CFS shall retain all sums paid by Customer. Customer's Payment obligations under this Agreement in any fiscal year shall constitute a current expense of Customer for such fiscal year, and shall not constitute indebtedness or a multiple fiscal year obligation of Customer under Customer's state constitution, state law or home rule charter. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a pledge by Customer of any taxes or other monies, other than as appropriated for a specific fiscal year for this Agreement and the Equipment. The undersigned represents and warrants to CFS that all action required to authorize the execution and delivery of this Addendum on behalf of the above referenced Governmental Entity by the following signatory has been duly taken and remains in full force and effect. CFS may accept a facsimile copy of this Addendum as an original for all purposes. ACCEPTED Canon Financial Services, Inc. Customer By - By Town of Southold Title Printed Na tf , ~ Date Title U ! ~ CFS-2020(06/12)