HomeMy WebLinkAboutVallo, BenjaminBOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET Don Dzenkowski Elizabeth Cantrell Bay Constables 12/3/2007 765-2715 4 765-2798 (631) 765 1892 Reported VioB. tion (631) 765-6641 [] UR(;ENT []FOR REVIEW [] PLEASE COMMENT x~ PI,EASE REPLY [] PLEASERECYCI,E Hello Don, Late Friday afternoon we had a neighbor anonymously reportitxg that Dr. Vallo Benjamm of 29315 Mare Road, Orient has installed a chain-link fence with posts on his bluff, not at the top of the bluff but down on the bluff. Dr. Benjamin has no permit from us, but had been given permission in FebmatT 2006 to put up deer fence by xvrapping it around rock and trees, but not to put posts in. He had a few months ago met wit Jim at the property with regards to his fence due to deer ripping through some of the fence, but we have not heard from lmn since. Can you please look into this possible violation. Please make note that getting onto thc property may be an issue, I believe he has a locked front gate. Let us know if you need us to contact hhn ~vith regards to getting onto the property. Thank you. 54375 MAIN ROAD P O BOX 1179 SOUTIIOI.D, NY 11971 Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE January 10, 2006 Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: (212) 263-6907 ATTN: Lauren Standish, Secretarial Assistant co James King, Presment own of Southold Board of Trustees Southold Town Hall PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Tele: (631) 765-1892 Via Fax (631.~} 765-6641 RE: Deer damage ,vt~. ~ lust spoke to Ms. Lauren Standish. She t, ld me that the Board will not be visiting the premises of my waterfront property today. l'm sending you additional information in regards to the eftbrts that I've made to prevent deer damage lo my property. Enclosed please find a copy of the payments !'ye made to the following companies, mlalint~ $140,492.20: 1) North Pork Eence and Supply Compm~y ($38,227), 2) Riverhead Fence .~; ~.;;:o.): !) ls!a~,:l Antomated Gate Co. ($80,035.20). :md 3). Associated Marble lndusxry Inc. ~$17,;~0). Al! these eflb~'ts were made in a limited area. Despite all this, I've incurred severe damage to the , n~protected northern area of my property. I Il be happy to meet with any Board member at any time. if there are any questions, please let me ado Benjamin. MD ~ New York University A private university in the public service NEW YORK uNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery 5:34 PM 01109106 Accrual Basis Total Vallo Benjamin - Vineyard Find Report 'Type Date Num Name Check 4/25/2004 1959 Check 4/25/2004 1959 Check 3/12/2004 1943 Check 3/12/2004 1943 Check 10/14/2002 1149 Check 10/14/2002 1149 Check 7/13/2002 1095 Check 7/13/2002 1095 Check 6/16/2002 1081 Check 6/16/2002 1081 Check 512/2002 1060 Check 5/2/2002 1060 All Transactions Memo Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite TW New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: (212) 263 6907 Balance North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence North Fork Fence 1/2 deposit remove 317' deer fence + 313' wire on posts 1/2 deposit remove 317' deer fence + 313' wire on posts statement dated 10/10/02 statement dated 10/10/02 -4,920.00 0.00 -3,205.00 0.00 -750.00 0.00 -13,000.00 0.00 -8,176.00 0.00 -8,176.00 0.00 0.00 $38,227 New York University A private university in the public service NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery 5:33 PM 01/09106 Accrual Basis Vallo Benjamin - Vineyard Find Report All Transactions Type Date Num Name Memo Balance Check Check Check Check Check Check Total 12/12/2005 2228 Riverhead Fence Co. deer fence -1,200.00 12/12/2005 2228 Rive~head Fence Co. deer fence 0.00 12/2/2005 2220 Riverhead Fence Co. deer fence -1,825.00 12/2/2005 2220 Riverhead Fence Co. deer fence 0.00 11/14/2005 2208 Riverhead Fence Co. deer fence -1,825.00 11/14/2005 2208 Riverhead Fence Co. deer fence 0.00 Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: (212) 263-6907 0.00 $4,850 [~ New York University A private university in the public service NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery 5:37 PM 01/09/06 Accrual Basis Type Date Num Check 3/19/2004 1945 Check 1/7/2004 1915 Check 10/28/2003 1285 Check 9/5/2003 1255 Total Vallo Benjamin - Vineyard Find Report All Transactions Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: (212) 263-6907 Name Memo 5,500.00 30,500.00 55,242.60 80,035.20 80,035.20 Island Automated Gate Co. Island Automated Gate Co. Island Automated Gate Co. Island Automated Gate Co. Inv 7712 (2nd pymt of) 30% of the 8/22/03 invoice 30% of the 8/22/03 invoice New York University A private university in the public service NEW YORK uNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery 5:35 PM 01109106 Accrual Basis Vallo Benjamin - Vineyard Find Report All Transactions Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: {212) 263-6907 Type Date Num Name Memo Balance To~l Check 11/28/2005 Check 11/26/2005 Check 9/2012004 Check 9/20/2004 Check 11/16/2003 Check 11/16/2003 Check 9/4/2003 Check 9/4/2003 2219 Associated Marbie Ind., Inc. 2219 'Associated Marble Ind., Inc. 2036 Associats-d Marble ind., Inc. 2036 Associated Marble Ind., Inc. 1300 Associated Marble Ind., inc. 1300 Associated Marble Ind., Inc. 1253 Associated Marble Ind., Inc. 1253 Associated Marble Ind., Inc. Inv. 20519. Gate Inv. 20519. Gate Column cap. Column cap. I nv #1 Inv#1 1/3rd deposit per 7/25/03 contract. For marble columns 1/3rd deposit per 7/25/03 contract. For marble columns -2,820.00 0.00 -2,560.00 0.00 -81000.00 0.00 -4,000.00 0.00 0.00 $17,380 ~ New York University A private university in the public service NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery December 15, 2005 ATTN: Lauren Standish, Secretarial Assistant c/o Albert J. Krupski, President Town of Soathold Board of Trustees Southold Town Hall P()Boxl179 Soathold, NY 11971-0959 Tclc: (631)765-1892 Fax: (631) 765-6641 E-mail: Lauren.standish(~town.southold.ny. us Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: (212) 263-6907 RE: Deer damage Dear Mr. Krupski: In 1998, I purchased a waterfront home in Orient, NY (Suffolk County), located at 29315 Main Road. The property consists of 3 acres, and has 300+-feet of shoreline on the Long Island Sound. In year 2000, 1 purchased a 23 acre contiguous property west of my home, with 500+ linear-feet along the Long Island Sound shore. lu year 2001, I planted 10 acres of vineyard, and I'm in the process of planting an additional acre in the same location on the north side of the property. After the initial planting, 1 put a limited deer-fence to protect the vineyard. I'll now have to expand this to inclade my house property, as well as to the additional wine planting area. Last year, nay vineyard and house property was landscaped with great expense (approximately $190,000) by VerDerBer's Landscape Nursery, Inc. Last winter, I had severe deer damage to the plants of the vineyard area, as well as to the house. Enclosed you'll find a copy of the letter from Mr. John VerDerBer, the owner of the Nursery, indicating that "the deers have killed or damaged about 50% of these plantings and recommending that "deer fencing be installed to prevent further economic Last year, I cootacted the Mr. Chris Arfsten (Regional Deer Biologist at the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation) at (631) 444-0311, and he supplied me with detailed information concerning management of the deers, and he suggested that the best way to prevent further deer damage would be barriers including (in order of effectiveness) a metal fence, a plastic barner, and an electric fence. Unfortunately, an electric fence is short-lived since deers get used to them. The plastic bamer can be installed (and removed, if necessary) in a short period of time, without any damage to the land and the trees. l've contacted a well-established fim~, Riverhead Fencing Inc., and have asked them to give me a proposal to put an 8' dual split- rail plastic fence which will be connected only to the existing trees on the waterfront area, with no damage to the trees. This method will secare the fence without any posts or ol~jects penetrating the soil. I've enclosed multiple pictures of this fence for your review, and I have the survey map for the property and the proposal for this temporary measure. However, the exact location of the fence may vary depending on the existing trees. All efforts will be made to placfi.e~s-.bxarrier as far from the shoreli,ne as possible. I must remind you that we re already having deer damage, which smr~,d sometil~e in late-November 2005. I m asking you to review my proposal and let me know your opinion and solution to th(~l difficult p~lem as soon as possible· My contact inlbnnation is indicated below. Sin~.~'erely, ~/ ~ Monday Wednesday Thursday aftemoon Saturday evening ~/5-_ (/'~'2'" 530 First Ave., Suite 7W 29315 Main Road ~5~,~ New York, NY 10016-6402 Orient, NY 11957 Vallo Benjamin,d~¢llS~ (212) 263-0909 (direct) Tele: (631) 323-3885 · " ~O~ Fax: (631) 323~9737 ] ~' I NewYorkUmversty ~ A private university in the public service James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O, Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone(631)?65-1892 Fax(631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Worksession Report Date/Time: [ ] ] (, [ o ~ Name of Applicant:. V & I [ © Name of Agent: Property Location: SCTM# & Street Brief Description of proposed action: Type of area to be impacted: __Salt~vater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Distance of proposed work to edge o£above: ~Sound Front __Bay Front ~C of Town Code proposed work falls under: ,Chapt.97 Chapt. 37 other Type of Application:, Wetland __Coastal Erosion__Amendment Administrative Emergency ~ ~'~ , ' -- Conditions: Present Were:,'~.King ~.Doherty ~P.Dickerson Other: D. Bergen ~/ Bob Ghos±o, Jr. Maiied/Faxed to: Date: Comments of Environmental Technician: F~ ~,~ ~e~ 4o James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 3, 2006 Dr. Vallo Benjamin New York University School of Medicine Dept. of Neurosurgery 530 First Ave., Suite 7VV New York, NY 10016-6497 RE: 29315 Main Rd., Orient SCTM#13-2-4 Dear Dr. Benjamin: In response to your letter of request dated December 15, 2005 and pursuant to Chapter 97-13A(4), this letter authorizes you to install deer fencing across your property above referenced, from the existing fence on the eastern side of your property to the existing fence on the western side. The following conditions apply: there is to be no ground disturbance or fence posts installed; the deer fence is to be fastened to the existing tree line as shown in the photos you submitted. A final inspection is required. Please contact our office upon completion of the project. Please sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter. JFK:lms Enc. Very truly yours, /James,. King, PreSident Accepted by: ,,/" --'X~~ D~Jlo Benign James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty. Vice-President Peggy A. D~ckerson Dave Bergen John Hol~apf¢l Town Hall 63096Route 25 p,o. Box 1179 Southold, New York11971-0959 Telephone (631:) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OFTOWNTRUST~E$ TOWN OFSOUTHOLD Feb~ary3,2006 Dr. Vallo Benjamin New York University School of Medicine Dept. of Neurosurgery 530 First Ave., Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 RE: 29315 Main Rd., Orient SCTM#13-2-4 Dear Dr. Benjamin: In response to your letter of request dated December 15, Z005 and pursuant to Chapter 97-13A(4), this letter authorizes you to install deer fencing across your property above referenced, from the existing fence on the eastern side of your property to the existing fence on the western side. The following conditions apply: there is to be no ground disturbance or fence posts installed; the deer fence is to be fastened to the existing tree line as shown in the photos you submitted. A final inspection is required. Please contact our office upon completion of the project, JFK:lms Enc. Please sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter. Very truly yours, 'Trustees Accepted by: ~~ Dr, Vallo Benjamif~ NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Vallo Benjamin, M.D. Professor of Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery 530 First Avenue, Suite TW New York, NY 10016-6497 Telephone: (212) 263-5013 Facsimile: (212) 263-6907 February 6, 2006 .lames F. King, President Southold Town Board of Trustees PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 F . Dear Mr. King: I received your letter dated February 3, 2006 by fax, and would like to thank you very much for your quick response. I truly appreciate your help in this matter. Enclosed you'll find the signed Acceptance note. We'll abide by the conditions explained in your letter when we start installing the fence, and l'll keep you informed. Vallo Benjamin, V B/ab w:/ [7 New York University A private university in the public service James F King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-Prosiaent Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzapfel To;on Hall 53096 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (1631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTI~ES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 3, 2006 Dr. Valle Benjamin New York University School of Medicine Dept. of Neurosurgery 530 First Ave., Suite 7~V New York, NY 10016-6497 RE: 29315 Main Rd., Orient $CTM#13-2-4 2006 Dear Dr. Benjamin: In response to your letter of request dated December 15, 2005 and pursuant to Chapter 97-13A(4), this letter authorizes you to install deer fencing across your property above referenced, from the existing fence on the eastern side of your property to the existing fence on the western side. The following conditions apply: there is to be no ground disturbance or fence posts installed; the deer fence is to be fastened to the existing tree line as shown in the photos you submitted. A final inspection is required. Please contact our office upon completion of the project. Please sign and return the enclosed copy of this letter. JFK:lms Enc Very truly yours, Trustees Accepted by:~ D~ Valle Benjami~ F~× sent ·: 121ZZ636,~ URLLO BEHJRMIW MD 62-66-86 11:24 Pg: 1/1 / P.O. l~x 117~ ,~o~hold, New York 119'71-0959 Tel~d~o~ (~/{1) ?~I892 Fax (~31) 765.6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRVSTBF.8 'l'OW'~ OF ~OU'Z~TOLD February 3, 2006 Dr. Vail0 Benjamin New York Unh~ers~y $c{'~d of Medicine DepL of Neummmgery 530 First Ave., Suite 7W New York, NY 10016-6497 RE: 29315 Mm{n Rd., Dear Dr. Benjamin: In response tu your letter of request dated December 15, 2005 and pursuant to Chal~er 97-13A(4), {his letter euthori-z~s yo~ to install deer f~ncing acre6_ _$ you~ property.above from Ume existing fe~-,,;e on the eaatem side of your property to {he existing fence on {he western side. there is to be no grouncl o'isturbence or fence ~ installe¢l; the deer fence Lm to be faster,ed to {he existing tree line as shown in the photos you A firlal inspection is required. Please contact our office upon comDletion of the pn~je~t. Please sign end return the enclosed copy of this letter. JFK:ImS Enc. Very truly yours, ~/~ F. ~&~'ng, ~'~ent Boa~l of Trustees by: ~r, Vallo Benjami{~ DecA4, 2005 Field Ins~on 12/10/200§ 16:33 1G3172 ~2588 RIVERHE~D Fl~ PAGE 81/81 Riverhead Fence 421 Riverl¢iffh Ave Riverhead, NY 11901 December 1 O, 2005 To whom it may concern: We are currently working on a project at 29315 Main Road, OtienL NY 11957 for Mr. Wallo Benjamin. I feel that the best solution for Mr. Benjamin's deer fence that he's planning on putting along the bluffto keep deer offhJs property would be out Cintoflex brand poly mesh fencing fled offto existing trees. By installing the fence in this m~ner the 'renting requires no posts and/or cement. This fencing is environmentally fi'iendly and it being black in color it blends into the landacape beautifully. Sincerely, President Riverhead Fence VERDERBER'S LANDSCAPE NURSERY INC. PO Box 2265 Aquebogue NY 11931 631-722-4388 someone~microsoft .eom December 2, 2005 To whom it nP_a) concern; Vallo Benjamin ]has purchased 190,000 dollars worth of ornamental plantings from our company irt 20(>~. LInfortunatly he has experienced severe deer damage on his property. I es~.ate that .:he deer have killed or damaged about 50% of these plantings. Therefore, I recommend deer fencing be installed to prevent further economic loss. Sincerely, John Verdcrber 02/10/2006 15:40 16317272508 RIVERHE~D FENCE PAGE 01/0~ STEEL WEB DEER FENCE The atomi= sb'ucture of the diamond Is that of a t~ree dimensional hexagon. That is why the haxegon is the strongest shape known, In e two dimensional mesh. the hex forms the strangesl I:~sslble cell. This quality fenr, ing is available in roll sizes (~0' or 75' x 100'. Bath sizes offer a grid size o~' 1" x 1.25'. Available in black, dear fence steel hex is 20 gauge. All our deer fencing Can be installed to comply with pool code in your local area. Contact your municipality for details, J ,. JA -. / .-:: .... ~ .- :=:==~-~ "-. '-.--- , ~ ~ ......... -;~--.~ ~ _,',CW, -. ,~ J;.~',' ~.--'~,~%~ V' ~ ~V--k-~-'.--'~ ~ a ~ -- ~ ._====___~.?...- ~ / .. .~/ ~ ~a...~ / .~ "~"~. ~ /~/ ~ ~ + ~t../~, ,, .~-~L~ ~ ~:, ,,.,., A , ~ . - ." ~/~2_-" ,~ ','L ~.:i .-----~---~- . . ,k, I. __.___......, _.,,,,. ..... ~ , ~ ..-_ ..... _.- ..-__- _- .:.-....-~ ........ .. .,, , / .- , , _--- .. . . , ..... ..~:.....~ .__ ....., .. ~-:---_:......,.. .~.~., .- .... ., . ~:---_., ._ .--L- -,' .--'~'---'-_~-- -' ' ,'-' -' / /~---'- .-'C-'~-' . /- , t' A -' ~ -- .-' / ~ ' ~ ~.~ -~ .. ___. ...... ~- ._-..- , , ..., , .~~_--~.--.. .. . , , .-- .. %.. _. .~_==-~__-:~%~ _- .- _- _____ , .-. . , ., ~~ ..--'.-~/:.-' . ~ , . , .... . . .. .., .. ,, .,,,... .. _ ,.,,.. . ..~.~-/ .. , . ., . ,,,.., . . . ~;-;.~.'...._.. __ . ..,, .-- ,, :~,~,, ~ ,. ~ .< ...- . .. ,, , .,, ,,. LOCATION MAP SCALE 1"=600' EXISTING IMPROVED ROADWAY, CONC, CURB, ASPHALT, PAVEMENT, WITH UNDERGROUND UTILITY & DRAINAGE FACILITY TEST HOLE #1 AUG 19, 2OOO EL570 00' LOAM 40' FINE SILTY SAND CLAYEY FINE SAND 130' LOAM LOAM 170' W/6" STONE SAND AND NO WATER VISION N TEST HOLE #2 AUG. 19, 2000 EL 27 0 00' LOAM Young & Young .GUt~,VE'r'OI~'~ C, Ef~,TI F IGATtON HILL F__..,~EST ESTATES, SECTION 2 TOPO.~APHIOAL 5UI~VE't" Young & Young, La~d Surveyors S ~-PROPOSED DEER FENCE LONG ISLAND SOUND E S 87'41'0T' E N B1'58'58" F~ 107.98' N 77'50'%7" \ DEER FENCE . fo~ef\~ -?.eeSe .., o~ to ~oOO\o oo~ 3~:, ~eese o 0 9~ ~-- ow or formerly n iz toleZOri ~ po[v LoleZor~ ~ Cecel~O ~o {ormeCY ~ - -- \ now or formerly \\~- Jeffrey L. Demore¢ MAIN ROAD (N.Y.S. RTE. 25) ..% NOTE AREA = 2.909~ ACRES SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION O WE HERESY CERTIFY TO V~,L~. SURVEY WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 1HE CODE Of PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYS ADOP~D BY THE NEW YORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS. MAP PREPARED FOR VALLO BENJAMIN At Orient, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York County Tax Mop D,,trlct 1000 s*ct,o. 15 mo.~ 02 Lot 4 SEPT· 21. 2005 NOV. 28, 2000 MAP PREPARED SCALE 1" = 50' JOB NO, 2000-0557 DWG 2000_0557_fence