HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/22/2013Southold Transportation Commission
Southold Town Hall
April 22, 2013 Meeting
Called to Order 10:06 AM by Chairman Neb Brashich.
Members Present:
Frank Field, Chief Martin Flatley, Margaret Brown, Councilman Chris Talbot, Highway
Superintendent Pete Harris, Planning Department Rep. Brian Cummings, and Tom Fox.
Minutes of March 25, 20'13
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Pete Harris, was seconded by Margaret Brown
and was carried.
East End Transportation Council
Neb reported that there was no April meeting.
Supervisor's Requests
Youth Proiect -Waiting for Buses without Shelters on the North Fork
Following the Supervisor's request noted in the March 2013 minutes, Neb updated Ms. Batuello
of the Youth Group concerning the Commission's work on the bus shelter issue with the
SCDPW and the NYSDOT over the past six years.
The Planning Department has also expressed interest in working with the Youth Group on this
Request for a Stop Sign -Vanston Road & Nassau Point Road Intersection
The Supervisor's letter of April 11, 2013 forwarded a letter from local residents, which requested
that the Town Board again consider the placement of a Stop sign at the above intersection.
However, the Commission notes the apparent lack of interest from other local residents and,
accordingly, will request the Nassau Point Property Owners Association to reevaluate the
situation again.
Request for Handicapped Parking Spot on Route 25 at Southold Pharmacy
The Supervisor's letter of April 3, 2013 forwarded a letter from Southold Pharmacy concerning
the above request. Pete Harris advised that he will review the NYSDOT's regulations
concerning handicapped parking spots on State roadways and will report on his findings.
Signage and Markings - Route 25 and Franklinville Road Intersection
Per the Commission's recommendation at the April 2013 meeting, Jamie Richter wrote to the
NYSDOT suggesting possible solutions to safely limit access to Route 25 from Franklinville
Road in way of the east side of Laurel School.
Planning Board Requests
Town Comprehensive Plan
Issuance of the Transportation & Infrastructure Chapter has now been delayed to December
Possible EETC Proiect Involvement - Fleet Fuel Management
The EETC will extend its inquiry to all five East End towns and eleven villages concerning the
potential pooling of their purchases of gasoline and diesel fuel. It was suggested that police and
fire departments, school districts and other governmental agencies as well as commercial
entities such as the Hampton Jitney may be include in the EETC's inquiry.
In the discussion that ensued, the proposal was well received and it was noted that several
logistical and distribution issues will require further study for the successful implementation of
such a project.
Current Transportation Issues
Southold/Greenport Bus Shelters
The project continues to move forward, albeit at a slow pace.
Possible Cutchoque Bus Shelter
Councilman Talbot reported that, while the M:tt!tuc~ Cutchogue Lions Club will require the
approval of NYSDOT for the placement of its proposed bus shelter, that organization has not yet
approved support of that project.
Orientation / Interpretive Si.qnage Proiect
Neb reported that construction funding might not be available (as approved in April 2012). As
previously reported, about $90,000 is available for construction and installation of the project.
On that basis, as funding allows, priority will be given to the five kiosks with the interpretative
signage to follow.
While NYSDOT required nine months to approve the project, an interim invoice was submitted
to that agency and was disapproved. However, when the RFP is published, another invoice for
$600 will be submitted for approval. It is understood that there are about 25 potential bidders
for the contract.
Volunteers from the Commission will be required to read the bids when received. Accordingly
copies of the RFP and a sample matrix from RBA would be very helpful in that regard.
Old Business
Harbes - Sound Avenue, Mattituck
Brian Cummings noted that the traffic signage recently placed in way of that location was
improper. Specifically, the four "No Parking Anytime" signs should be replaced with four "No
Parking - No Standing Anytime" signs, with two of each on the north and south sides of the
roadway, respectively.
New Business
Parking Issue - Leqion Avenue - Mattituck
Pete Harris noted two passenger vehicles have been reported as remaining parked on a weekly
basis on the west side of Legion Avenue in way of the cemetery from Sunday evening until the
following Friday evening, thereby impeding access to a commercial entity across the roadway at
that location.
He recommended that "No Overnight Parking" signage be placed on the west side of Legion
Avenue running to its intersection with Route 25. Pete will provide further information to Neb for
a memo in that regard.
Parking Issue- Alvah's Lane, Cutchoque
Councilman Talbot discussed the potential placement of "No Parking" signage on both sides of
the roadway for a distance of about 3,000 feet running south from the LIRR tracks, as approved.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on May 20, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the conference room at Town
Cc: Town Clerk
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas F. Fox