HomeMy WebLinkAboutFarm and Ranch Lands Protection Program ~'~"`4, RESOLUTION 2013-673 ~ ADOPTED DOC ID: 9077 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2013-673 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 10, 2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 2 to Cooperative Agreement No. 73- 2C31-2-1BHF, between the United States of America Commodity Credit Corporation and the Town of Southold for the implementation of the United States Department of Agriculture - Natura] Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) 2012 Federal Fann and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) that amends the original agreement to add additional funding to the Macari-Bergen Avenue Fann easement in the amount of $36,789.00, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. ~.~'r~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell OFFICE LOCATION: MELISSA A. SPIRO ~OF SQUjy Town Hall Annex LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR h0~ 54375 State Roue 25 melissaspiro@townsuuthold.uy.us r ~ (corner of Main Road & Youngs Avenue) Southold, New York Telephone (631) 765-5711 Facsimile (631) 765-6640 ~ MAILING ADDRESS: l~~'~~~ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION RECEIVED TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SEP 1 2 2013 TO: Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Southold Town Clerk FROM: Melissa Spiro Land Preservation Coordinator DATE: September 11, 2013 RE: USDA-NRCS Cooperative Agreement No. 73-2C31-2-1BHF Amendment No. 2 -additional awarded funds ($36,789) Town ofSouthold -Macari Bergen Avenue Farm Attached you will find a fully executed copy of Amendment No. 2 to the Cooperative Agreement referenced above for the addition of $36,789 in awarded grant funding to the Town of Southold for the Macari Bergen Avenue Farm development rights easement purchase. The execution of this amendment was authorized by the Southold Town Board with its adoption of Resolution #2013-673 on September 10, 2013. Please enter this information into Laserfiche. /md encs. cc: Town Attorney w/ attachments U.S. DcpsrlmeN of AgriculNrc ~gADS093 Nassd Raasm Cauervrlon Setvia 72012 NOTICE OF GRANT AND AGREEtNENT AWARD 1. Awed Weetlryie Ns~bo Z. Aawdetnl Nw 3. AwwYMaJa1 etiod 4. Typ ofAward IeltraeteN 73-2C31-2-1BHF 2 812012-9/30/2015 CooperatlveAgreement y. A{eery: IV~IMIRem~Rtl Comerwtlo~9arriee(MRCS) 6. Redplml OrpW~tloo: (NaaeaM AddRS) (Naa and Addrw) Town of Southtlid Natural Reaoun~a Conservation Servk:e ao. eolt ~ 17g Tha C+aNeries of Syracuse sanhow, NY ~~e~~-0ess 441 S. Salina Street, Suite # 354 DUNS: BiN: Syracuse. NY 13202 197736387 11-8001939 7. NRCS PteBrau Co,daH: S. NRCS AdmlaWradR CosuR: 9. Raatpbat Peaeram 10. Raelpiesl Adnidetntlve PelerB.l3ibbs IOmbelleyA.Olenn Casual: Caeuq: FRPP Mertager Mgt & Plgm Analyst re: e,~ : ~ ~~yo, 11. CPDA Nnslba 12 Aatlnnity I3. Typo ofAClln 11. Project Dhactor 0.913 Food Security Ad of 1985, Publ~ Law amendment ,",,,a'a",,.~,,,, m„t,,,, Is. PaeHel TRIrAieeelpdw: Mtxgli-9srgrl Avenue ConaervMlelt F_aeemerN Motgit~llaMe Coneelvatlen t.esenlant I6. Rely Type:~a6t r Yosproel _HI{berEdsntloo _iedanl 9bfJlwal _fedhsMWaa AaNrfeas Other IS Asa asd Apprspeutlr DW 17. Selltl FssiNse TYPa m Pedard ? IVoo-Fadaral Floaneiel Coda Amant Fled Yet Ttaw S,~nbol sat Flub Totd: 1,314,278.30 NR.SLFRPP. 1,351,067. 2012 1221004 '36,789.00 aRea rata: 1,351,067.30 i. sUDG6r Peela,sel S FrMee Beosftb 5 TRVeI S S snpplb, s Consaeud s Cownuaiep S other S Totd Dhea Coel\ S ToW Idnat CoK S ToW Nao-FtdKd Fmde S rar Padeal Falb AwaMcd s 1 351 067.30 ratr AF"°"°d aware` s 1,351,087.30 7hbapemlwlbdbeatooppliahMUSDA eussoryplovbbp FlsmddAeebtaieeRepdeVass. To~ctptlnjlhicaaftdoromadn~ent end •tY paytnaxta arde pusses atd'ab. ale wdariped ItpteroaY IhC htar die b duly eshaiead to ael an htbdfoflha aweda atpaialbt4 ayyaa tllat lhs award b a6jxt to ale appSalbu plovbbe of dda epmtrnt (eevi aN attaohmeab~ ed ayaa thel aooepteoe ofoay paymaob msNltsn d by Ste payee Thlt the anowe. if ey fomd by NRC3 to have ban ovepdd, will be aflrnded waediled u MII m NRCS. Pagel U.S. Dapnunant of Agricultum NRCSADS-093 Natural Rewu'cet Cansantlon Servtae 712012 NOTICE OF GRANT AND AGREEMENT AWARD Awrd Identlyiq Naaoha AmeWeent Ne. AwerdlPr~eN Perlsd Type of Awed irtrroeel 73-2C31-2-1BHF2 X12-9/30/2015 ~~~~,e,~~~M Netae and Tide of M16orkad Oovaenola~t Repreeaehtlve ro Deb /~t'riivb SrArr` t'o~rSeR vffr~a? r 9/~ /~i~ Name aad Tltla of ANYatud Reelpieett RapragWtlre Deb Scott A. Russell Southold Town. Supervisor 9/5/2013 NONDISCRIMINATN)N BTAT6MBM' The US. Dapuunmt of ApieulNm (USDA) pmLfbts d4aimMetion in YI is pmpenw eod enivitks oo the bask ofrara odor, naiiooel awn. qe. d4ehilky, end whoa gpNea4k, aaR rouiW mhr, f-i0al stMU, P~MY s4pr. rdie4ta aexnY adeoWbn. Boblia bla»toxiao, polflicd tiaRefs, rcprLY, a hefrre aR a • pad ofan 46vidwl'a inmme 4 dedved fiaor anrpablb dlenm Pie (Na[ dl ptolJblKd bYe/ apply b eR proyrar:) Pgtoos vdlY d4sldlit4s who mgWm eilernalive ohms ~ asontpgiptlar ofpmOma b6emetlao (9nN4.4'Oa pot, wNolps, ab.lshodd caMeet USIIAY TARGET Ceater at (M21720-M00 (vain eod TDD). To 1i4 ¦ eosplim of tRlgbdrrNoe vA}b b USDA, D4raa, Ofiia of Civil Rip61s, 1400 4dependena Avenue, SW, Weshigbn, DC 20250.4110aoaR (WO)795.3272 (voirs)a(2021720b302 (IDD). USDA4mequel oppomrtiq provider ed empbya. PRIVACY AC7 STATBM6Nl' Tim above atetemaes oR made 4 aceadena wh41lb Pdvecy Ad M 1974 (5 U.S.C. Seaion 522e). Pose 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR NOTICB OF CRANT/AGRSEMBM' AWARD 1. Award Idcntirylag Numbcr. Agmemenlnunba 2. Atnmdmem No.: Amrodmatt numberpfapplimbk) 3. AwsrrUPmjed Period: SlM aad ead dale ofprokcl 4. Type of Awed Imevmml Coapendve, (hrmt, or Contribution S. Agaby: Name, Addreea City, Stem, ZIP Code 6. Recipknt Orprrhathur: Nero, Addram, City, Sate, ZIP Coda DUNS (Date UniverW Numbering Syuemi ad EIN (anployro Wurti0wtiw rmmber) 7. NRCS Pmprrr CoMaot: Ntaro ud wined Infomwiw ofpetmn m be tgN1Ct en mYteq Mvolving the progrunmuic upecu of the ageemwt 8. NRCS Adoi~tratlve Canal: Nine and coned iofmatuku ofperwn b be wined w mmm InwWing the admiablruiw; avpew of the agrwmmt 9. RedpirotCansd: Narro and wrMacl iaforrtiw of person b 6e oonad on muun iavdviog the lechniwl ugacta ofdre agramwl 10. Redpkad Adottbdettative Catrod: Nudeand eaeect InbreWimt ofpenro m be vented ro metmre inwlviag Urc dminhtntivs eepem ofthe egmannrrt 11. CFDA Namber: The CMYag oCFedad Dorroufc Aeo6troae number under whioh esaelatw ie requeslcd 12 Au0brily. AtMorlq~ uoda which dte agnaoent b entrred Gb 13. Type ofAdhm: Sehxt one type ofadiar: i. New Ayeaowt-Agrament awarded 6or the &u dine ii. Ameodmrot/RevYon.-Any dr®ge In Rrwrdel obliguion ordeliwae6ln iE. Ettensbn.-Ezlurd pedamra perhd 14. PmJat Dhecmr: Nero uM wnxt tnformplmt of proJeq dhecbr a pr{ndpal imwdguor (if appikabk) I5. Pmjad Ti0elDacripliore Erbf demriplhu of Iha pupwe of the agteemrot 16. Entry type: Type of radpieM I7. Frodiog: Federd emorurt ofd,e award ud the non-Pedant b be wntr0aaed m tlw paled I8. Acrounlirg/Appropriadar Dne: Provide the foBowiry: 4 Fkrrdel Code.-AwwuGg dwi8wtlm wde fl. AmonM.-Selfmrplatuory iii. F6etl Yv.-~NfeapYrWwy W. Trwory symbW.-3elfexplrutary 19. Approved BudpC sated for aedt budgd dnR@Y Ptr~ 3 73-2C31-2-1BHF AMENDMENT N0.2 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED 3TATES OF AMERICA COMMODITY CREDiT CORPORATION ACTING THROUGH THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR THE FARM AND RANCH LANDS PROTECTION PROGRAM Purpose: To amend the anginal agreement to add additional tbnding to the Macari-Bargon Avenuo Farm easement in the amount of $ 36,789.00. Thia will bring the Estimated Fedoral Contribution from $ 720,528.30 to $ 757,317.30. All othor tams and conditions of the original agreement remain unchanged and in tbll force and alt'ect. ~'~"~4,, RESOLUTION 2013-322 ADOPTED DOC ID: 8736 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION N0.2013-322 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 23, 2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute Amendment No. 1 to Cooperative Agreement No. 73-2C31-2- 1BHF between the United States of America Commodity Credit Corporation and the Town of Southold for the implementation of the United States Department ofAgriculture -Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) 2012 Federal Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program (FRPP) to amend the original agreement to include language to allow for agricultural subdivision with certain conditions. All other terms and conditions of the original agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. The Amendment is subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. ~Q~ Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell 73-2C31-2-16Hf AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA COMMODTI'Y CREDIT CORPORATION ACTING THROUGH THE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE AND THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FOR THE FARM AND RANCH LANDS PROTECTION PROGRAM Purpose: To amend the original agreement to include language to allow for subdivision with certain conditions. All other terms and conditions of the original agreement remain unchanged and in full force and effect. VIII. CONSERVATION EASEMENT REQUIREMENTS A. The Town of Southold shall ensure that conservation easements acquired under this Cooperative Agreement meet the following requirements: 13. Include the following prohibited uses of the Protected Property and any other prohibited uses necessary to protect the conservaflon values of the Protected Property in the Conservation Easement. a. The Conservation Easement will generally prohibit the following activities. 2) Subdivision - is prohibited. Subdivision is only permitted where state or local regulations explicitly require subdivision to construct residences for employees working on Protected Property. OR, When a subdivision policy waiver request has been granted. 73-2C31-2-1BHF TOWN OF SOUTHOL BY: Scott A. Russell TITLE: Co ~ hold Town Supervisor DATE: 5 / 8 / 207 3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CO ODITY CREDIT CO PORATION BY: Donald J ettit TITLE: State Conservationist DATE: S-~~~j3