HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA Enviornmental Guide Environmental a' h d'Historic . ��Preservation eb i Management P . r s Guidance Vegetative debris can be staged at temporary locations(treatment and disposal regulations within FEMA Contacts, invasive species quarantine zones—see below). April Cummings Mixed storm-rclated C&D debris can be temporarily staged for sorting and separating at a Environmental and Historic Department of Environmental Conservation(DEC)approved location. Preservation Advisor Communities considering opening new sites for storage,processing and disposal of storm-related ip.til.cummings@fema.dhs.gov debris,usine sites that have not served these functions previously,or are anticipating the need for BB: 202-805-1395 substantial reduction or long-term storage of debris,are advised to call DEC for permitting. Staging Areas should not be located within floodplains,wetlands,or within areas with the potential William Harris for impacts to threatened and endangered species.If a staging area is located within wetlands or Public Assistance located in close proximity to any regulated wetlands,environmental and historic preservation staff IDebris Lead v,ilham.barris@fema.dhs.gov should be notified,as well as DEC's Bureau of Habitat: Tidal Wetlands: 631-444-0295 347-580-3462 Fresh Water Wetlands: 631-444-0275. Non-vegetative waste should be staged on paved surfaces with silt fences and hay bales at Rick Myers perimeters. Environmental Specialist—Debris richard.myers@fema.dhs.gov For a listing of temporary staging areas and permitted landfills,go to:http://www.dec.ny.gov BB: 720-412-3672 Vegetative Debris and Invasive:.Spedes Zones Rosemarie Bradley Storm-related host(vegetative) debris within quarantine zones cannot be moved out of these zones Environmental Specialist—Debris and must follow specific handling and disposal regulations (see below). tosetnarie.bradley@fema.dhs.gov BB: 225-910-5152 New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) and US Department of Agri- culture (USDA) have designated quarantine zones for two invasive species: Emerald Ash Boter (EAB) and the Asian Longborned Beetle (ALB). Asian Longhotned Beetle The RAB is located in western NY in the counties of Albany,Greene,Orange and Ulster.The ALB is located in the counties of New York,Kings,Queens,Richmond,Nassau,and Suffolk. Treatment of H ebris ost D Host debris should not be transported outside of the quarantine zones(see maps on reverse side). If a community must stage host debris outside of the quarantine zones,the site and security must be approved by N-YSDAM or USDA, and host debris must be processed or chipped down to 1"x 1"in 2 dimensions in a timely manner. Burning is an acceptable reduction method for host debris within or at approved staging areas outside the quarantine zones, provided the communities allow for open burning. All host debris removal operation contractors operating within the quarantine zones are required to Emerald Ash Boxer be under a'Compliance Agreement',Adth the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM) for the proper handling and disposal of host material. Moving host debris out of the quarantine zones requires prior approval from NYSDAM and USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service(APHTS). If the host debris is moved interstate,the USDA APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine Program must be contacted for proper handling and disposal guidelines. For guidance,go to:USDA APHTS link:http://beetlebusters.info Or contact:Diana Hoffman at USDA APHlS,518-218-7510 Or Joan Mahoney at NYSDAM,631-831-8136 Open Burning The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)has issued emergency guidance for municipalities in storm- -vat to burn damaged areas (except New York City),to seek appro natural'wood debris from the storm. Interested municipalities should contact the DEC Regional Engineer to obtain an appUca- tion. Requests will be reviewed for location of event,material to be combusted,and method combustion(i.e.,use of a device such as an air curtain burner or an open-air location). DEC will use discretionary authority to evaluate requests based on Tr ansfer and Disposal Sites site specific conditions and the presence of sensitive receptors in a proposed location. DEC will issue-an enforcement discretion direc- tive memorandum to the municipality if the request is approved. For a Est of permitted waste transfer stations in NY State,go to; http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/23678.htrfA DEC Regional Engineers: For a Est of landfills and resource recovery facilities in NY State, Merlange Genece 631-444-0206 in Long Island go to:http://vrvw.dec.ny.gov/chetnical/23682.btml Tom Rudolf 914-428-2505 x 350 in mid-Hudson Valley For a list of NY licensed waste haulers,go to:http:// www.dec.ny.gov/chcmical/8483.htinf Please note that not all facilities are currently permitted to Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) transload mixed debris. Therefore,Emergency Authorization will be necessary. If possible,effort should be made to segregate Household Hazard- Emergency Authorizations.The DEC is issuing Emergency ous Waste(HHW�,such as residential oil tanks,white goods and Authorizations for temporary increases in transfer station capac- major electronics,at the place of generation. as well as for new temporary staging areas and transload ity, facilities. For Emergency Authorization requests in New York City,please contact Ken Brezner 718-482-4996,or for Long For guidance on Household Hazardous Waste,including listings of Island locations,contact Syed Rahman 631-444-0375, existing HHW operations,or for specific guidance on how to set up In the mid-Hudson Valley area,please contact: a HHW staging area in your community for storm-related debris management,such as white goods,electronic/c waste,or oil- Anna Roppolo 845-753-2200 in Rockland County contaminated debris,go to- Household Hazardous Waste(HHV�) Louis Vetrone 914-813-5400 in Westchester County http://vww.dec.ny.gov/cbemical/8485,htrTil Martin Brand 845-256-3123 Orange and Putnam Counties Other Debris Considerations or,specifi gi.n.c.]a.n.c'.0.,'oil disp0.sal'6'f.'W. hi'tC g(?O'ds' I _/C71 :�wast(if'�:yehi�l; d il.. d6biis'go to: Quarantine Zone Maps ..0s,:an o �contafpi. ...httv:I/w'"w' w.de'icny.gqv/re" ati6:ris/8751.htrn1 gul r an., o"e Emerald Ash Borer(EAB) !LSD ra; 1�g7ramffi Quarantined Areas Aft A Infestations and Getec6ons OWM2 -X Ac N CY- ioe E­JdAhB�(EAEQT—kff.;Ub. &T-M Ash G�(W)T�W 0-h!d-0-� .. .... 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