HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrookhaven SANDY Tip Fee Invoice Feb 2013 INVOICE oy,�l A%It Town of V, Dato Brookhaven cn Long Island WiW'2013 11006703 O'N Questions on tickets call scalehouse at TOWN OFSOUTITOLD 631.28&2850 Solid Wa�te Dislrk,-t RO�Box 962 11935 ..... ............ RESIDUE Nkfafi�fial: MOO 13 C&D RESIM'I,,CELL 6 18,660 50.00 S933M S""YOO 2997580 YSM 1�mzl" 11770 5 289998,1 2/15113 C&D RESIDUF CEILI,6 50.0o S]285�50 S1.285,50 290.194,; 2/22113 C&D R ESMI M." ................. 24,240 m 5 0 T 2.12.00 -'�.'FAJ.6 18.740 In 50.00 $937,00 $937,00 2904303 2/2813 -Ri'STOO" I fia 12(Y::.11) $5006,00 11RUS11 FROM JIUHRICANE SANDN' materiaj: 21 207531 2iS`13 13RUSIVITEES 12,480 In 75,00 S936,00 S936,00 '2R97558 2/5';13 BRU'Sfff1'R1`.)-"S 14,750 fu 75Vj �1 106.25 S1 106,25 2897569 215113 BRUSI f"I'MIA."S 15.120 In 75.0D S1.1311.00 IS1 134,00 2897-157 2!5!13 �13 RA i Is W-1,1Z E f"'S 1,1.9�O 11) 75.00 1%]12i.25 S1121.25 2897737 2/5/13 13 R I�S I FTR 1',F S H.X30 In '75.00 11 12.2� $1112.2.5 2 897'1,11 215/t 3 BIZ(S I wr it j."I;S, [2350 In �5J)() S926,2S 1926.25 2897742 2,5113 13RUIS H(FRETS 11520 ti) 75M S939�()() S939.00 2897750 21,T].3 DRUS11(1,10"Is 17370 bi 75.00 S133235 V 332�75 7897324 2,5/13 BRI!SH/TRF.E'S IS,780 In $14(),&5() $1408.50 2997933 2,5,']3 DRUSFIfITER'S 16,720 w '75M S1254A)O S1254MO 299780 21"5!1:5 BRUSHTFRI"'ES 163 1 75.00 S 1 2�3.25 S)22125 2997842 2/5113 j3Ru,,m,,,mi.-,J-.,s 13.670 In 75�00 SM25.25 S1025,25 2897887 216!13 BRUSIPTREJ.'s X.470 fil 73�00 S635,25 S63 5.2 5 2897990 2�6113 BRI 3S 1 1"TRY,YS 6,720 nj 75.00 S5Q4.00 $504-00 2997�06 2/6!33 BRUSIT[I REES '/.990 In 75.00 S591.75 S,5 9 1�7 5 2997900 216113 DJU"SH FR 1"E'S S.I I(1 11) 5�00 S608,25 S608.25 2997922 1`6113 13R�T In 75�00 'S 4,130 $309, S30935 29979322 216113 13R k YS i b,UR E,V '?340 In 75,00 S�J()SO S550,50 2139SOU8 2/0!13 BRUSHITREIFIS, 7�740 75.00 S5 8(�.5 0 $580.50 299RO16 '21611-1 6.100 ni 75�W S 15 T S 0 $4,57�O Please make check payable to: "Town of Rrookhaven" Material aid rernit to : Town of Brook haven Other Department of Finance I Independence Hill Farminp,ville, NA, 11738 Tax (611)451-0680 Please mmit by end of current, Month. INVOICE "A Townof Date Brookhaven 0212812013 11006703 Long Island Questions on tickets call scalehouse at TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 631.286.2850 Solid Waste Distrio 11.0.Box 962 Cutchogue,N.Y. 11935 ... .................- 01 2R98017 '216113 13RU-S HITRI.,IIs 7.250 in 7�05r) $543,75 $543.75 2898021 2/6113 BRUSlIfFRITS 5.930 in 75.00 'A44,75 S444.75 2898058 2!6113 13RIJS H/TR 8,730 in 75.00 S654.75 S654.75 2898057 216113 13RUSH/TREES 5.660 ta 75.00 S424.50 $424.�t) 2899134 216/1.1 DR US I Irl')Z I"ES I 1 630 it) 75,00 $872.25 S872.25 2898154 2/6/13 BRUS1,YFREIES 6,840 In 75.00 $5 13.00 5513.00 2898150 216/13 13 R US s 7.590 in 75-00 $569.25 S569.25 2899170 2/6/;.1 DRUSIUMPES 9.590 til 75,00 $644.25 S644.25 '291)k 19 R 2/6111 BRUSHfI'MINS 6910 113 7500 S518.25 $51F.25 2998199 216113 BRUSHri-REES 9,090 it) 75.00 $606.75 $606.75 289820?, 2)6113 DRUSIVFRETS 7.500 In 75,00 S562.50 $562.50 2S98272 2M13 BRUSH/TRI-I., 5.380 in 75.00 $403,50 S40150 289X27-1 217113 BRUSHrMLES 6.910 111 75,00 $520JO S520.50 2898279 2/7;13 BRUSHITIZEE,S 5A�0 1 n 75.00 S405.75 S405,75 2898281 2nm 13RUS111FREIPS 7.860 In 75.00 S589.50 S599.50 2998301 YP 13 BRUSIPTREE's 4�710 tit 75�1)10 $35-1.25 $353.25 299830'2 2/7113 13R1[JSHTrRi,,.Es 6.530 in 75M $489.75 $489,75 2898331 217/13 BRUSI I)TR 8.620 In 75.00 S646,50 S646.50 2899438 2/7/13 BRUSIF/TREES 9,800 11) 75.00 $735.0 S735.00 2998432 217/13 13RUSH)TRI-I'l-I'S 9.280 in 75.00 $621.00 S62LOO 28913454 217113 DRUSIlf FIZI-U-I'S 9.590 tit 75�00 $644.25 $644,25 2898460 2/7113 DRUSIYMEES 9.140 Ili 75-00 $685.50 S685.50 299F478 2/W 13 13 1 z I j IS I I f F R 10.380 Ili 75,00 S778.50 S778.50 2999497 V7113 WRI Is I I/TRI.,Es 5.630 til 75.00 $422.25 $422.25 2898498 217/13 131tt JS1 I/TR El's 8.890 it) 75.00 $666.75 $666.75 2898574 217113 13RUSH/TREE.S 9.320 In 75M $699M $699.00 2898584 217113 BRUSH/TRE'ES 103 10 in 75.00 $903.25 S903.25 2998M 217/13 BRUSIVFREBS 11,080 111 75.00 S;83 1.00 S831.00 2898599 217/13 9,000 (1) 75,00 S675,00 $675.00 2898397 2/7113 BRUSIM,REES 9370 to. 75.00 $702.75 $702.75 2899610 217113 BRUSILTREFS 8-360 Ili 75.00 IM27.00 $627.00 2898617 217113 10.3�O in 75.00 $774.75 S774.75 Please inake chock payable to: "Town of Broolihaven" Material and remit to : Town of Brookhaven Other Department of Finance I Independence Hill Suh-ttls Farminpille,N.Y. 11738 Tax (631)451-6680 Invoice Tota I Please remit by end of current Mouth. INVOICE 'rown of Invoice if Brookbaven 7. 02128/2013 11006703 Long Island .................. ..... .. . Questions on tickets call scalehouse at TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 631.2B6.2850 Solid Wiste District P.O.Box 962 Cutdioguc,N.Y. 11935 C. j T, 2898706 218/13 BRUSIVIREUS 16.9()0 In ?5,00 S1272.00 $1272.00 2M?751 218f13 11.020 in 75.00 S1126.50 S1126.50 2898753 2/8/1-3 BRUSIVI-RE-13"S 18.980 T11 75.00 S1423.50 $1423.50 2898834 218/13 BRUSEYFRI,E'S 14J20 In 75.00 S1059.00 $1059.00 2898858 2/8113 BRUSIVTREES 1U00 to 75,00 S1365.00 $1365.00 28�065 2/8113 BRUSH/TREES 19.220 in 73M S 1441�50 $1441.50 2898881 2/8/13 BRUSN/TREF.S 19.080 tn 75,00 S1356,00 $1356M 29S�9900 218113 BRUSHURET's 18.690 in 75.00 $1401.75 S1401.75 21?98914 2/9113 BRUSI-1/1,16111's 19,120 in 75.00 $1434.00 S j 434.00 2898918 2/8A3 BRUS11/1"U"E'S 19.340 in 75.00 S)375.50 $1375.50 2899922 2/8/13 BRUSIMIZEES 16.470 in 75.00 S1235.25 $1235.25 2898752 2111/13 24.640 Iti. 75.00 $1�?49.00 2902790 2/25M 13RIJSI 12.320 (a 7.5,00 $924.00 $924.00 2902800 V25A3 BRUSIM11U,"ES 13300 la 75,00 $997.50 S997-50 2902815 2125/13 12,3�O it) 75.00 $929.25 $929.25 2902817 2/2913 BRUSHITREE8 6.530 in 75.00 $489�75 S489.75 290-294'2 2/25113 BRUS1,11TREE8 12.070 in 75.00 $905�25 $905.25 2902957 2/25/13 BRUST 11TREES 7�680 tv 75.00 $576.00 $576.00 29o29��g 2/25/13 BRUS111FREES 8.220 in 75,00 $616.50 $616.50 2903001 2125/13 BRUSIVTRETI'S 9.090 in 75,00 $606.75 S606.75 2903083 2125/13 BRUSUITRERS 10,390 M 75CO S779.25 $779.25 2903141 2125113 BRUS1 I/1"REE's 8,140 in 7500 S610.50 S610,50 2903184 2/25/13 BRUS111TRI"TS 7,140 in 75M S535.50 $535.50 2903178 M5113 B R I I S I 11'UR 1',1:',S 7,540 in 75,00 S565,50 $565.50 2903217 2/25/13 musivrREEIS 8.940 1 n 75,00 S663.00 S663.00 2903302 M6/13 13RUSH(CREB 10,070 in 75.00 $7-15.25 S755�2� 2903318 2/26/1.1 BRI IS]Iff'REE's 6,840 in 75.00 $513�00 $513.00 2903319 2/2610 13RUSIVIREES 9.100 in 71.00 $682.50 $682.50 2903323 2126/13 BRUSIMERS ?.5-70 in 75.00 $642.75 $642.75 2903494 2/26113 BRUSHfrREES 9.530 in 75,00 $714.75 $714,75 2903502 2126113 l3RUS1Y1'R1,',E8 7A0 In 75M $570.00 $576M 290505 2/26113 BRUSHITREEIS 7,590 itt 75.00 $569.25 $569.25 Ple.ase make check payable to� "Town of Brookhaven" MateriM and remit to 7 Town of Brookhaven Other Department of Finance I Independence Hill Sub-ttls Fartningville,N,Y, 11738 Tax (631)451--0680 Invoice Total Please remit by end of current Month. INVOICE OY4HAII Townof P 1'. :4 a Dale Invoice 11 Brookhaven 02/28/2013 lioo6lw Long Island Questions on tickets call scalehouse at TOWN OFS01,7 FHOLD 631.286.2850 Solid Wmte District 11.0.Box 962 Cutchogue,N,Y, 31935 . ...................... 2903508 2/26/13 BRUSH/TRUS 9.900 in 75,00 S742,50 $742.50 2903699 2f26/13 BRUSH(TRI-11"S 9420 in 75,00 S706.50 $706.50 2903700 2126/13 BRUSI-1/11REES 8,470 In 75�00 $635.25 S635,25 290370') 2126113 9.420 tti 75.00 $706.50 $706,50 2903718 V26/1.1 BRUSIVIREF'S 8,7)0 111 75.00 S653.25 !VM.25 2903917 2/27113 DRUSIVIRE'l"S 8240 in 75.00 S618.00 $6 1&OG 2903838 2/27113 BRUSHIl'U"I"S 9.130 in ?5.00 $684.75 $684.75 2901844 2/27W BRUSHrl-REEIS 6.590 in 75.00 $49425 $494.25 2903847 2/27113 13RUSIVIREES 0.710 in 75.GU $50,25 $501.25 2903929 2127/13 BjZU8jT/TRl11,LS 7.770 W 75,00 $592.75 $582.75 2903930 2�27113 13RUS11fl-REES 6,870 In 7500 S515.25 S515.25 2903934 2/2711.1 BRU811rfRl-'l-'S 12J00 tri 75.Ofl S937.50 S937.50 2903935 V27/13 BRUSMTREFS 6.220 In 75.00 $466 50 S466,50 2904011) 2/27113 BRUSI 9.100 1.11 75.00 $682�50 $682JO 2904022 2/27113 BRUSWFRI,�Us 8.500 in 75.00 $637.50 $637.50 2904026 2/27/13 BRUSHUREFS 4.280 In 75-00 $321.00 $321.00 2904121 2129/13 l3RUSf1rl'Rl.,'l-'S 8.660 111 75.00 SG49.50 $649.50 2904122 2128113 11RUSHYTREES 10A30 111 75,00 $759:75 $759.75 2904131 2128113 BRUSHMU'rs 13.340 in 75.00 $1000.50 S1000.50 2904139 V28/13 BRUS HURF"FIS 6.900 M 75.00 S517.50 $517.50 29042,5� 2/28/13 BRUSUITFREE-S 9.080 it] 75.00 S681,00 S681.00 2904254 MR/13 BRUS f 11.690 in 75.00 SS'76.75 SU6.75 2904257 MR/13 BRUSUTIZI-11"S 9.110 til 75.00 $693.25 S683.25 2904266 2,2R/13 BRJ7 $549.75 7.330 in 75.00 �54935 2904366 212M 3 BRUSHTME'E'S 9.680 in 75,00 $726M $726.00 2904371 2/28/13 13RUSH/TREIES 9.210 W 75,00 $690.75 9690.75 2904370 2/29/13 DRUSIVFIZEJ�S 9�660 in 75.00 $724.50 $724,50 2904367 2/28/13 BRUSHTMEIES 8.760 in 75.00 S657.00 S657.00 BRUSH 1141,050 tn S8557&75 S855?8.75 UNPROCC&D HURRICANE SANDY Please inake check payable to: "Town of Broolthaven" Material and rernit lo Town of Brookhaven Other Department offinaricc I Independencv,Hfll Farmingville, N.Y. 11'738 (631)451-6680 Invoice Total Please remit by end of current Month. INVOICE YaL A V Town of Date Brookhaven 02/28/2013 t1006703 Long Island W"U.- .. ...... ... Questions on tickets call scalehouse at TOWN OFSOU11101,I) 631.286.2850 Solid Waste District P.O.Bk)x 962 CutchogUe,N.Y. 11935 ............................ ........... ............. AX' Material: 14A 2896055 211113 CMA-6ALLOTHERDEBRIS 8.360 in 65.00 $513.40 $543,40 2896193 2/1J13 CE'LL 6 AU,OTHER DE,11R]S 10.650 Iti 65.00 $692�25 S69125 2897512 2/5/13 CEILL 6 ALI,(Y]JIF"R DEBR 1�� 10.670 tn 65.00 $693.55 S693.55 2897637 215/13 CLLL6ALI.OT1lE.RDF13R[S N.180 til 65,00 $531.170 S531.70 2897805 2/5113 CELL 6 ALI,OMER DEBRIS T3 10 to 6-5,00 S475,15 $475.15 2898283 V7/13 CELL 6 ALL OTI 11',R Dl"-'13RIS 6.700 tn 65,00 $435.50 S435.50 2898420 2/7�13 CELL 6 AIJ�O'FI I ER DEBRIS 6,720 tri 65,00 $436.90 $436.90 2998571 217/13 CELL 6 ALL 011IF'R DEMRIS 7.870 In 65M $511.55 $511.55 UNPROCESSED C&D 66-460 in $4319,90 S4319.90 Please make check payable to� "Town of Brookhaven" Material $94904.65 and remit to -. Town of Brookhaven Other $0.00 Department of Finance I Independence Hill sub-ttis $94904.65 Farmingville, NX, 11738 Tax S0.00 (631)451-6680 Invoice Total $94904,65 Please remit by end of current Month.