HomeMy WebLinkAboutLake Marion MARTIN D. FINNEGANSCOTT A.RUSSELL TOWN ATTORNEY - .x Supervisor martin.finnegan@town.southold.ny.us " JENNIFER ANDALORO c`r Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY pp P.O. Box 1179 jennifer.andaloro@town.southold.ny.us Southold,New York 11971-0959 LORI M.HULSE ' z Telephone (631) 765-1939 ASSISTANT TOWN ATTORNEY � w, J,- Facsimile (631) 765-6639 lori.hulse@town.southold.ny.us `lz OFFICE OF THE TOWN ATTORNEY TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Lloyd Reisenberg Network Systems Administrator From: Lynne Krauza, Secretary to the Town Attorney Date: January 29, 2013 Subject: Marion Lake/FEMA Reimbursement With respect to the referenced matter, enclosed please find a copy of the Andros Patent, together with a transcription of its language. The Patent clearly conveys title of all water bodies, including lakes, to the Town of Southold. The Town's ownership is confirmed by the designation on the Suffolk County Tax Map, a copy of which is also enclosed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Thank you. /lk Enclosures cc: Martin D. Finnegan, Town Attorney 8 SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. WASHHAM his X mark. YONTOWISH his x mark. FASSECOQUIN his X mark. AHAMBANTOWACK his X mark.QUAGWOTON his X mark. HATCHEHEDONs his X markPATOQUAM his X mark. HASSEGONHocKhis Xmark.SECQUANNUT his X mark. KAKEUMMASH his X mark,MECKESUMP his X mark. SOWANNOWs his X mark. UPSCETT his X mark. OUNSOONQUAT his X mark; PAUMANTAN his X mark. TISSCOM his X mark. KEEPCOMBE his X mark. PAUCAMP his X mark. ADSAY his X mark. MAWGACK his X mark. MATWACKEON his X mark. TWONES his X mark. PIMSHAM his X mark. YAUGHUS his X mark. KINEBOUNcH his X mark. SANYSOND his x mark. AGANCHU his X mark. POQUASSUCK his X mark. AUTAKQUASON his X mark. WEGOTAQUAH his X mark.WAMLYAM his X mark. MIMONEx his X mark. WEBINAUG his X mark. CANTUSQUAN his X mark. QUAKsco his X mark. ANQUAPINO his X mark. WINHAYTENo his X mark. CHACHIASON his X mark. JAMACUSSO his X mark. EnO 9th Jany 168f, Pr Benj: Yo. rdr. Edmund Andross Esgr.Seigneur of Sausmorez,Leiut & Governour Gen" under his Royall Highness James Duke of York & Albany &c. of all.his Territoryes in America Whereas, there is a certain Towne in ye East Ride- ing of Yorksheir upon Long Island comonly called and known by the name of Southold scituate lying and being on y° North side of the said Island towards ye Soild haveing a certain tract of land thereunto belong- ing the Westerly bounds whereof extend to a certain River or Creeke called ye Weading Creek, in the In- dian toung Pauquacunsuck, and bounded to the East- ward by plum Island together with the said Island, on SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. 9 the North with the Sound or North Sea, and on the South w°h an arme of the Sea or river which runeth up between Southampton land and the aforesaid tract of land unto a certain Creek we', fresh water runeth into called in English ye Red creek, by ye Indians Toyongs, together with the said creek, and meadows belonging thereunto (not contradicting the Agreement made be- tween their Town & the Towne of Southampton after their tryall at the Assizes) so runing on a streight line from ye head of ye aforenamed fresh water to the head of ye small Creek that runeth into the Creek called Pau- quactYnsuck, including all the necks of land and Islands within ye afore discribed bounds & limitts, Now for a confirmation unto the present freeholders, Inliabitants• of ye said town and precincts Know*Yee that by vertue of his Majesties letters pattants and the comission and authorety unto me given by his Royall Highness I have ratified confirmed and granted & by these presents doe hereby ratyfie confirm and grant unto Isaac Arnold, Justice of ye pace, Capt John Yong, Joshua Horton, Constable, Barnabas Horton, Benjamin Yongs, Samuel Glover and Jacob Corey,Overseers,as patentes for and on the behalfe of themselves and their associats, the freeholders and Inhabitants of Ve sd Town their heirs successors and assigns ali that_b_efore mentmud trait of an with-tie ne�c s and Isla_nds within the said bounds sett forth and described as aforesaid�,together with_aCi riverslakeswatersruarresimber, Woods woodland, Mains meadows broken_pieces of meadows pausters, marshes, fishin haw king, huntin and fowl, in a"n�a� ober profitts, comoit�es �molument4„ ,D.d., hereditaments to the sd town tract of and and premises within the limeitts and bounds afore{mencioned...di- TM scri a e� Iong y „ie.,_�%ppet To have and to fiord,alI and singular the sd lands,hereditaments and premisses with their and every of their appurti- TO SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. nences and o _ev rywp 1:LARd_P;f,9QdL thereof to the sd patentes and their associates their heirs successors and .assigns to ye proper use and behafe of y° s° patentes their associates their heirs successor`s and assigns for ever The tenure of the sd Iand and premisses to be according to the custome of the Mannor of East Green- wich in the County of Kent in England in free and cocoon soccage and by-fealty onely, Provided allways notwithstanding, that the extent Of ye bounds before recited doe noe way prejudice or infringe the perticular propriety of any person or persons who have right by patent or other Iawfull claime to any part or percell of land or tenuments within ye iimitts aforesaid, Onely yt all the said lands and plantations within the sd Iimitts or bonds shall have relation to the Towne in Generall for the well goverment thereof,and if it shall so happen that any part or perceil of the sd lands within the bounds and limitts aforediscribed be not already purchased of ye Indians, it may be purchased(as occasion) according to law. I doe hereby likewise confirme and grant unto ye sd pattentes and their associates, their heirs, Successors and assigns all the priviledges and immunities belong- ing to a Town within this Goverment & that the place of their present habitation and abode shall continue and retaine yo name of Southold by `veh name and stile it shall be distinguished and known in all bargains & scales, deeds, records and wrightings, they makeing improvement on the said land and conformeing them- selves according to law, And yielding and paying therefore yearely & every yeare unto his Royall High- ness use, as a quitt rent one fatt lamb,unto such officer or officers there, in authority,as shall be impowered to receive the same Given under my hand & sealed with the Seale of the provinc in New York the 311h day of October SOUTHOLD TOWN RECORDS. I i in ye 28t1, yeare of his Ma11°s raign Anno que Domiy x676. Examined by me E. ANDROSS. MATTHIAS NICOLLS Secry. En td 18111 Jany 1684 pr BEND: Yo. rdr. To all Christian people greeting. Know Yee, that we y° underwritten having this yeare received a patent from Sr Edmond ?indross knight, Governor for his Royall Highness the Duke of York and Albany, and dated at New York in ye.V day of October in y° yeare 1676, in the behalfe of ourselves and of all the free- holders Inhabitants of this Town who are therein called associats, wherein is contained a confirmation of all ye lands pertaining to and now in the possession of ye re- spective freeholders of Sd Towne of Southold with all such rights liberties and propperties as are more at large in sd patent contained— All which freeholders we doe fully own admitt and declare to be our onely associats in sd patent and no others, to whom we doe hereby give full power to To have and to hold possess and injoy to themselves their heirs and assigns for ever all such comon rights as are contained in sd patent, and all such perticular spars and allottments which are now in their possessions as fully amply and freely, as if they and every of them had ben therein named, And in further confirmation of all their properties and shares in the premises to such our associats their heirs for ever, we have caused to be recorded in the pages next following all such perticular rights, tracts 'and percells of land as doe of right appartaine and be- long unto them their heirs and assignes in sd patent and Township. In testimony whereof, we the patentes have hereunto -d ,� ./,,. i�/ ti � x, �� � v � ����r' � � � � d t r � Kr .�� '� w ��"' � / � � �c f g ^ 5'x � /qty,� e a- '�< j��:;i'd`�ti vv'ne �h a � p�f i � �' `� s ,,�' ✓.;amu` / �� F: . a. p✓ t zv � � sp� �, ,�/j�% � y Z � s. � �s�� s �, e� � � �� � � j � ` %� ;�.dna"�,°�`2r� ,� p `- `� �. � �� � �- e /� ,, .'� ✓, ��S � �- k- ��. rs ^ �:, e z a,� �°,��/� � � /"� � � /y/ � � r �.- � �, 4 � F � r � /�r3r. � `` � r✓�� '� � /, '�' i �` s � ntlhrry�a � ��� � fie,, � �� s/l �� t�./ � � � �� , -� x �� �,:: e w S'�G y � \ � li T � 1 - Ci( P" �rr � �l q// y � l�, r "7�. 9 /// r ,�g � � 3 ' ✓ � t-<�`��� rs ,6 � �.- '�/f.�,"fid. de g �: / R ,< � %r�Y ��r�� � Ct 61� 5\ �•d S k�e� >'`.R 2�� /N A' '\r.>i`�' ,' f 'rr � J y9 6 p, k ��; t� "Xr,�rai/�, E �c����shw� � � e7`� ¢;nm. / f / � � f ,�°'' �' .� / y P. a � � � / �: � � � � � /d� �` y yj d i � - / �. ��"? �'": �� /✓e�� 91 syr ✓�j � ��:'kms ��, �,,. �� �e �� �� i /y- _`n�. � � � /X /� �'. / �/��� y /� �; / � �� c � / a� � �/%��/7 v� - .� / -Yy r� � /' � k 9 c o'�^.�Y s>,.. 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