HomeMy WebLinkAboutFI Airport Deed MIAOwl W-A .MU.0 M& tUs dar 9f +%A 4X*59v t, betown the URI SUM op Ap=rAjp swU b7 aod Uo or WMM SSMM, wWWr and pusuat t.0 pmexv aud MtMAtr *=Mdm*d 14 tbo Iredergl prepa-kV and A4ndr' tx*tjv* an-vLoas Aot of 1949 (63 BUt* 3T7) and tu &avbw ftvper+q Att of L944 (50 BUte 765) &8 Owndod and R*CLUUMS &M ordo" promIgsted thervwhaws Parltv Of the first P" wd t1a Zw of MT§MDj Suffolk GO=tY# & ==iciP&1 @6rPWMU0d *6 law of the state of Igav Toric, PLrtr of US "001A Part (ASCMti"IF bereja&ttar refe:rred t4 as the wGr2nt"'o)v W I T If X 3 SS TH I the said pa-V of the first part# for md in *6=i&"r0i= of tba "mnVtion by the PArtT of the soomd part of &11 the obligations Wo the tak-4 subject to cartAin r0sOrTationot rQ*tr *t'oW.9 *=ditioxw &nd 00Tem=t6;P an as set out berainafters dOes bsreby r**'x4P x4k2AWO "d forwror quitaaix vmtc the PArt7 Of ths &ocond pw+*,* its M00659*70 =d asgigns,* without representation or varvati7v expr z or implied,* un&r and subject to t1w reaarmtiow., restrictio-wo conditionsi, cov=ants and O=Options as hereina:fter sat forths the folloving dascribed propertVs la of j0d aita&te on Fishers All thos* tMetfis p-jocav or parca Island in the Tovn of Smthold., County of &.1frol)c2�Stgto of Now York.9 bounded and described lot Traot Beginning at the intersoctionof the Scathwasterly lira of Beach Aveme with tbO Southwtarly lim of Equestrian Avemep said point being locatood 618025 feet North Md 38730.92 feet West of U. S. Coast & Geodetic TrianVAJA-Lon Station 1FW51A aad frox said point running on a *oarse of SMth 41 degrs63 46 jd=tAm West 59,7 foot; thando South 79 ftgrees so t tvo lines 26 jd=teo 3,5 voconds West '11,05 feet; the' *'Aw being along the Southeasterly line of Xqu*0tri&a Jvs=#; thenoe South 26 degreen 19 xinut,08 West U901 facts thaace Smth 46 degrwo 39 zi=tes West 82,6 feetj theme South 67 d*greee 13 Idmted West ZTZ3,,2 f06tJ theme South 22 deMea 47 xj=teig XaBt 125*0 fivets, theme,.e South 67 degrees 13 xLwtes Vast 329.2 feet; thence North 22 degmea 47 vi=t" West 125*0 feetj thezoe South 67 degrees 13 Ai=t6s W63t 785,60 feet to the Usterly shore of Fishdre Island Soundj tha=a in a general Southerly &Dd F4stGrlY direction along UK;4614 PAcE 297 OW the ohor* of FiMbSrN ZO Bound and Bloa Island Boand a total distazm of about 8300 f"tj thdwO On AL =L"* Of Nor* 13 dogrow 2o jdmt" Vent 207 festj +J, a North 76 669mos 0 ,sd=t4w Not 386 feetj tbwco North 39 dagms 41 mimt" 40 ascoass voet, 64*38 -toot; tbes o Xor* 39 d&Vr"o 45 NLI=tss 1-0 ob"=& West 226*26 f4ate. *anewsmtb 25 dogrew 36 ximtoo 50 *ocondo got 32-38 feet; tb*vc* 50%zth 26 d&9m*s 2 lldftfo 30 8000D& west 131*81 feet; Ch * Smth 77 degro" 17 admtes Weat 202,32 feetj *beam North 67 degroes 38 xL=toa West 342*57 festj thm a Nor* ei depeas 2a idnates veat 44W4 foetj the-06 sorib 7a &zt*" 31 xLmuo io socca& West 281*33 feet; . 0 North 84 dUigreev 21 zj=tox 15 oecox4s West 345*39 feet) tb0MO0 morth 47 dwses 7 ximUs 40 seowds West 5249M foot to tbs point of begi=ingv thd Ust 8 lime folloidng al*rxg the -Rmtb- "sterlys smtherii and sou-thwaterly line of Beach Aveme* 2nd Tr"t BoeUmjAg at a point on the Northerly side of lkisUer JLyame, amid point bemg lOc&t0d 201oll feet SMth we 5496*17 fogt west of Ue 6, Cv4wt & Geodatto MrI4AVI&tiOV BUtim NPWSN LM fr= aaid point mwdzg North 25 dsV*" 10 siwt" *5t 165j feet, two" North 79 dogma 3 xd=tox Vest 10*9 ftstl tb,e=o North 25 dsgr**& 36 nizates Vest 37 f**+4,., wre or 3458* to the shor* of Silver Zel Ca"S UM06 in a larthwetedy axect:L= gim the ahor* of thm C*ys about W feetj the a IcrthwWtorly at r4:ht ux&Us 25*2 footj thme Northv"teAr aboat 360*4 teats, the last twO lit'ss siong tbo thwee soutb 47 dtpees 31 jd=Us West 275*9 foatj sm+.b la dopvos 52 idwtoo ust 618.6 f4otj tlumce North 67 decrmw 1� simtes xast 30e25 fee% this lit`0 #bQttLD9 Smthorly an Trut fi; thwes North la dezvoes 52 vimt" Vwt 575*4 f"t; thence North 47 dsaooa 31 3d=tos Isat 974,86 feet, thence soath 43 depoes 6 wd=tos Z"t 489.47 feetj th e North 67 dogreew 17 vd=tAw ust 157*85 feetj thence North 53 degrees 15 )d=t4w "st 89ji feat; tha e smth 25 degrees io vimtos Mut 159.9 foet, uu=io North 67 dpgmee 13 mimtea Zut 24.2 feet to the of begi=ingj, this loot line sbatting SoathwIT on Treat