HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEMA 2 Presentation1 | P a g e Fishers Island Ferry District Hurricane Sandy – Storm Damage Repairs to Date 28 January 2013 Three primary areas: 1. Ferry Operations i. Marine fleet ii. New London Terminal iii. Fishers Island Terminal 2. Elizabeth Field Airport 3. District Maintained Lands, Buildings and Roads including Community Theater Items noted in this report are for repairs (both incurred and paid or for work to be done) to bring the assets back to pre-Sandy conditions. Remedial improvements are not included. 1) Ferry / Marine Operations a) Marine fleet: (a) No damage to vessels. $7,094.65 in expenses incurred preparing and riding out the storm. b) New London Terminal: (a) Grounds were flooded. Minor damage to facility. Damage primarily included automatic gate electronics (shorted circuit board due to flooding) and pole lighting. Gate repair is $1,775.00. This was below insured deductible. c) Fishers Island Terminal: (a) North facing parking lots flooded with storm surge and wave action. Debris, stone and erosion. Backhoe clean-up, but parking lots will require grading due to pot holing. (b) Clean up - $431.10 (c) Estimated parking lot grading $1,000 - $3,000. (d) See Exhibit A for post clean up. 2) Elizabeth Field Airport a) Sea wall rebuilding and sand removal; i) Current sand & stone removal - $1,484.90 ii) Estimated further & remaining sand & stone removal and seawall rebuilding - $35,000 - $50,000. b) Airport lighting (refer to C&S Dec 20, 2012 assessment and revised (Jan 11, 2013) cost summary: i) Exhibit 1 FD revision removes items 1-4 (which are now part of 2aii above) and includes a 4% mobilization and a 10% engineering and administration expenses for items 5 – 16. Total estimated lighting repair is $322,208. Engineers expect the charge could be increased by 10-15% if 100% of wiring is required to be replaced. c) See Exhibit C for runway clearing. d) See Exhibit D for C&S Companies summary (D1), RW7 & RW 30 berm analysis (D2 and D3) and updated project cost summary (D4). 3) District Maintained Lands, Buildings and Roads including Community Theater a) Very minor damage incurred on buildings and lands. 2 | P a g e b) Access roads around airport and to Race Point sustained flood damage (pot holing, debris and sand & beach stone intrusion). Contracted debris removal and road grading. Total expenditure $9,870.00. c) Parade grounds and land surrounding airport sustained heavy flooding. In 2012 >$6,000 was spent reseeding area with low maintenance grasses to reduce mowing and still comply with FAA requirements. It is unclear at this time if the grass has been compromised due to the saltwater immersion. d) See Exhibit B for post clean up. 4) Except for the New London terminal facility FD managed assets that were damaged do not carry flood or property insurance. 5) Expense Summary table (below). 6) Preliminary Damage Assessment – 26 Dec 2012 (Exhibit E) Please refer to the December Assessment report for pre-clean up narrative and photographs. Fishers Island Ferry District Hurricane Sandy Storm Damage Repairs to Date and Estimates to Complete Ferry / Marine Operations:Low Est High Est Fleet NLT 1,775.00$ 1,775.00$ FIT 1,431.10$ 3,431.10$ Airport Current 1,484.90$ 1,484.90$ Grounds (est)30,000.00$ 50,000.00$ Lighting (est)322,208.00$ 370,539.20$ FD Property Roads 9,870.00$ 9,870.00$ Parade grounds grass 6,000.00$ 6,000.00$ Total 372,769.00$ 443,100.20$ 3 | P a g e Exhibit A - FI Terminal 4 | P a g e Exhibit B – Road clearing 5 | P a g e Exhibit B continued 6 | P a g e Exhibit C – Runway clearing (R30) 7 | P a g e Exhibit C – Runway clearing (R7 & R12)