HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-8106 James F. King, President Bob Ohosio~ Jr., Vice-preSidea~ . : · .' . .DawBlngea : '- · John Bredemeyer Michael J. Domino Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. · P.O. Box 1179 $ouihbld, NY 11971 Telephone (631 ) 765-1892 Fax (63 l) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN: OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE __ Pre-construction, hay bale line __ 1st c~ay of construction __ ½ constructed Project complete, compliance inspection BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 8106 DATE: MARCH 20~ 2013 ISSUED TO: BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST C/O KOPHEN & COLLISON~ LP & C/O PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND PROPERTY ADDRESS: OFF BAY HOME ROAD~ SOUTHOLD SCTM# 56-6-13 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trnstecs adopted at the meeting held on March 20, 2013, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of $250.00 paid by Suffolk Environmental Consultinm Inc. or authorized waiver of Town Board and subject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the following: Wetland Permit to construct a brush jetty (375'+ overall) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of MHW) of Port of Egypt Island; with the conditions that the westerly jetty be reduced from 250' to 125' in length; all materials to be untreated; and a yearly inspection to be performed to ensure the effectiveness of brush jetty, and if not working it is to be removed; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., last dated March 21, 2013 and stamped approved on April 12, 2013. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these presents to be subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Permittee Bert A. Collison & Glendinnin? Family Trust C/O Kophen & Collison, L.P. & C/O Port of Egypt Island, residing at 2205 Bay Avenue, East Marion, New York as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the following: That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation performed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her own expense, defend any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Pennittee assumes full liability with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Southold. That this Permit is valid for a period of 24 months, which is considered to be the estimated time required to complete the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may be made to the Board at a later date. That this Permit should be retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Permittee wishes to maintain the structure or project involved, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization was originally obtained. That the work involved will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Board or its agents, and non-compliance with the provisions of the originating application may be cause for revocation of this Permit by resolution of the said Board. That there will be no unreasonable interference with navigation as a result of the work herein authorized. That there shall be no interference with the right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and low water marks. That if future operations of the Town of Southold require the removal and/or alterations in the location of the work herein authorized, or if, in the opinion of ihe Board of Trustees, the work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to the Town of Southold. That the said Board will be notified by the Permittee of the completion of the work authorized. That the Permittee will obtain all other permits and consents that may be required supplemental to this permit, which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-President Dave Bergen John Bredemeyer Michael J. Domino Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 March 20, 2013 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Matthew D. Ivans Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. PO Box 2003 Bridgehampton, NY 11932 RE: BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST CIO KOPHEN & COLLISON, L.P. & CIO PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND OFF BAY HOME ROAD, SOUTHOLD SCTM# 56-6-13 Dear Mr. Ivans; The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST CIO KOPHEN & COLLISON, LP. & CIO PORT OF EGYPT applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated January 8, 2013, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation that the application be found Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policy standards, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on March 20, 2013, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees have found the application to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST CIO KOPHEN & COLLISON, L.P. & CIO PORT OF EGYPT to construct a brush jetty (375'+ overall) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of MHW) of Port of Egypt Island; with the conditions that the westerly jetty be reduced from 250' to 125' in length; all materials to be untreated; and a yearly inspection to be performed to ensure the effectiveness of brush jetty, and if not working it is to be removed; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., last dated March 21,2013 and stamped approved on April 12, 2013. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, James F. King President, Board of Trustees JFK/amn James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-President Dave Bergen John Bredemeyer Michael I. Domino Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, lqY 11971 Telephone (631 ) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD .._2 ng hnl'n Please be advised that your application dated ]/gJ~,~ t , hasbeen ~-~, ~fi reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of I - ' :~[¢ ~ [~,.~ and ~/-F~'~ C//) your application has been approved pending the completion of tt-/e following items ~V~ t~-~ checked off below. ~ ' - -- Revised Plans for proposed project Pre-Construction Hay Bale Line Inspection Fee ($§0.00) 1st Day of Construction ($50.00) __ ½ Constructed ($§0.00) V/ Fi,hal Inspection Fee ($50.00) __ Dock Fees ($3.00 per sq. ft.) Permit fees 8re now due. Please make check or money order payable to Town of $outhoid. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates 8s set forth in Chapter 27§ of lhe Soul:hold Town (;ode. The following fee must be paid within gO days or re-application fees will be necessary. You will receive your permit upon completion of the above. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: TOTAL FEES DUE: BY: James F. King, President Board of Trustees Peter Young, Chairman Lauren Standish, Secretary Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631 ) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tues., February 12, 2013 the following recommendation was made: Moved by Audrey Horton, seconded by Doug Hardy, it was RESOLVED to SUPPORT the Wetland Permit application of PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND to construct a brush jetty 500' overall along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of Port of Egypt Island in order to protect same and the shoreline to the northwest. Located: Offshore (SE off) 61500 Route 25, 61600 Route 25, 62800 Route & 300 Old Main Rd., Southold. SCTM#56-6-13 Inspected by: Audrey Horton, John Stein Vote of Council: Ayes: Audrey Horton, William McDermott, Doug Hardy Nay: John Stein, Jack McGreevy James F King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-Presidem Dave Bergen John Bredemeyer Michael J Domino PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone(631 765-1892 Fax {631)765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Worksession Report Date/Time: ~//~//,~ Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST cio KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P. & cio PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND requests a Wetland Permit to construct a brush jetty (500'+ overall) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of Port of Egypt Island in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. Located: Off Bay Home Road, Southold. SCTM# 56.-6-13 Type of area to be impacted: / __Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland __Sound~/'Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: __Chapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: __ Wetland __Administrative__Emergency __ Coastal Erosion Pre-Submission __Amendment Violation Info needed: Modifications: Prese~nt Were: ~J. K~M Ch~eae iOn~"~//D. Bergen, ~. Bredemeyer IGDho°msi D. Dzenkowski Form~filled ou~n~ the~ Mailed/Faxed to: Date: other James F King. President Bob Ghosio. Jr. Vice-President Dave Bergen P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631 765-1892 Fax (63 I) 765-6641 Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Worksession Report Date/Time: Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST cio KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P. & cio PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND requests a Wetland Permit to construct a brush jetty (500'_+ overall) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of Port of Egypt Island in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. Located: Off Bay Home Road, Southold. SCTM# 56.-6-13 Type of area to be impacted: ,-'Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetland Sound 4ay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ~C~hapt.275 Chapt. 111 other Type of Application: '-"~v~etland __Administrative__Emergency Coastal Erosion Amendment Pre-Submission Violation info needed: Modifications: Conditions: Prese-t Were' ~J. King /~. Ghosio__ ~J.'Breder~ey~ ' v Michael Domino Bergen, D. Dzenkowski Form filled out in the field by Mailed/Faxed to: Date: other PORT o~c~G Y?~ I$£ANi~Property Situate: Offshore o~'G1~20,5 & G~SOO Main Road; Town of~ (PhoZo ~aken o~ October: & ~019) POll ffF~TG YP-T iNLAN/~prOperty Situate: Offshore of ~1~05 & ~:~00 Main Road; Town of Southold, New York SCTNI~: 100o-o56-o6-018 I~otlte ~25 a~xt ,s(>O Old Main Road; ~i'owi1 of Southolcl, NY 056 (X~ Ot,S ,$8 JAN ~ 8 2018 N Suffo Environmental Consulting, nc. Newman Village, Suite E, 2322 Main Street. P.O. Box 2003. Bridgehampton, New York 11932 2003 (631 ) 537-5160 Fax: (631 ) 537-5291 Bruce Anderson, M.S., President April 22, 2013 Mr. James King Board of Trustees Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Situate: SCTM #: Port of Egypt Island - Tern Island Property Offshore Main Road; Town of Southold, NY 1000 - 56-6-13 Dear Mr. King, As you know this Firm represents the owner of the property referenced above who has received approval from your Board to improve thereon. Per your correspondence enclosed please find a check made payable to your order to cover requisite final inspection fee. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact this office at any time. Thank you in advance for your attention and consideration. Sincerely, Diane K. Wassick enc. cc: Mr. Leiblein Mr. Witzke ME DATE: TO: March ~21, ~2015 ELIZABETH CANTRELL FROM: Matt Ivans Re: PORT of EGYPT ISLAND Property Situate: Offshore (SW ott) 61500, 61600 & 6~800 Route e5 and 300 Old Main Road; Town of Southold, New York SCTM #: 1000 - 056 - 06 01 $ MESSAGE: ELIZABETH, As per the Trustees meeting yesterday evening regarding the above referenced application, please find attached: (1) Revised Proposed Plans prepared by SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENT,IL CONSULTING, INC., dated March ~1, ~Ol& indicating the reduction in the length of the southerly jetty to 1~25.o' _+ (three [-sT sets). Kindly review and include these iteins into our file. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office with any questions. Thank you as always for your attention and consideration. OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 M~kILINGADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southaid, NY11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: From: Date: Re: LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator ECEIVE MAR 2 0 2013 Soulhold Town -- Board of Trustee:l March 20, 2013 Proposed Wetland Permit for BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST cio KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P. & cio PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND SCTM#1000-56.-6-13 Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST cio KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P. & cio PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND requests a Wetland Permit to construct a brush jetty (500'+ overall) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of Port of Egypt Island in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. Located: Off Bay Home Road, Southold. SCTM# 56.-6-13 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP provided that: 1. The Board evaluates the need for lighting for safe vessel navigation around the structure. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant ToWn Attorney Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application X Wetland Permit Application Amendment/Tran~ let/Extension x/~ Receivec~ Application: _~Received Fee:$ ~_ ~ ~)' Completed App cat on Incomplete: SEQRA Classification: Type l Type Il Unlisted_ Coordination(date sent) LWRP Consistency Assqssm~,nt Form: ~/I CAC Referral Sent: Date of Inspection: Receipt of CAC Report: __.Lead Agency Determination ~_Technical Review: Public Hearing tteld: __ Resolution: Administrative Permit ECE{VE JAN - 8 201{ Southold Town Board of Trustees BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST (c/o KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P.) Name of Applicant (c/o PORT of EGYPT ISLAND*) Address Suffolk County Tax Map Number: Property Location: c/o PORT of EGYPT ~ 62300 Route 25: Southold. NY 11971 & ALBERTSON MARINE ~ 61205 Route 25: Southold, NY 11971 Phone Number: (631) 7 - 45 r7 - 2 1000 - 056 - 06 - 013 Off of Bay Home Road (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: MATF D. IVANS ~ Suffolk Environmontal C..onmllti~l_~, Inc. (If applicable) Address: P.O. Box 2003: Bridgohampton, NY 11932 Phone: (631) 537-5160 PORT of EGYPT ISLAND to be represented by the owner(s) of Albertson Marina (Budds Pond Marina, Inc.) and Port Of Egypt Marina (C & L Realty, Inc. & Port *NOTE: ofEgyptEnterprises). Board of Trustees Application GENERAL DATA Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning:_ 109, 000 square feet ± MII Previous use of property: Vacant Intended use of property: Vacant Covenants and Restrictions: If "Yes", please provide a copy. Yes X No Does this project require a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals Yes X No If "Yes", please provide copy of decision. Will this project require any demolition as per Town Code or as determined by the Building Dept. Yes X No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency N/A Date No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? X No Yes If yes, provide explanation: Project Description (use attachments if necessary): Applicant proposes to construct a Brush Jetty (500' overall _+) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of PORT of EGYPT ISLAND in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. Board of Trustees Application WETLAND/TRUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Purposes of proposed activity: Applicant proposes to construct a Brush Jetty (500 overall -/along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of PORT of EGYPT ISLAND in order to protect sa~ne and the shorelines to the northwest. Area of wetlands on lot: 0.0 _+ square feet (along, AHW only of Island) Percent coverage of lot: 0.0 Closest distance between nearest existing structures and upland edge of wetlands: N/A feet ( Vacant Parcei) Closest distance between nearest proposed structures and upland edge of wetlands: 0.0 feet (proposed Brush fetty) Does the project involve excavation or filling? X No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? N/A _(cubic yards) How much material will be filled? N/A (cubic yards) Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: N/A Statement of the effect, if any, on the wetlands and tidal waters of the town that may result by reason of such proposed operations (use attachments if appropriate): No impact to the surrounding environment is anticipated due to the project design, specifically in that the design is a "soft" approach towards controlling erosion rather than installing a more shoreline-hardening structure such as a timber or rock jetty. Additionally, similar structures (i.e., brush jetties) are in use at numerous locations throughout the East End of Long Island which operate effectively and have not had a negative impact to the surrounding environment. 14-16-4 (9/95)-Text 12 PROJECT I.D. NUMBER 617.20 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only SEQR PART 1- PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) ]. APPLICANT/SPONSOR J 2. PROJECT NAME Suffolk Environmental Consulting,, Inc. I PORT of EGYPT ISLAND Property* 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality Town o~'Southold County Suffolk 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intemections, prominent landmarks, etc. or provide map) Offshore (SE off) 61500, 61600 & 62800 Route 25 and 300 Old Main Road; Southold, NY (SCTM#: 1000 - 056 - 06 - 013) .5. IS PROPOSED ACTION: [] New [] Expansion [] Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: Applicant proposes to construct a Brush Jetty (500' overall +) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of PORT of EGYPT ISLAND in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. 7. AMOUNT OF LAND EFFECTED: Initially < 0.5 acres Ultimately < 0.5 acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACT[ON COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [] Yes [] No If No, describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? [--IResidential ~--hndustrial []Commercial r--lAgriculture [-IPark/Forest/Open space [--IOther Describe: Commercial marina facilities. 10. DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? [] Yes [-INo If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Wetlands Permit. 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes [] No If yes, list agency(s) and permit/approvals 12. AS A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION WILL EXISTING PERMIT/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATION? [] Yes [] NO I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. Date: January 7, 2013 Applicant/sponsor name: _ Mag-JJ~Ivans - Signature. ~ '~.~ If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state a~ency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER *NOTE: PORT of EGYPT ISLAND to be represented by the owner(s) of Albertson Marina (Budds Pond Marina, Inc.) and Port Of Egypt Marina (C & L Realty, Inc. & Port of Egypt Enterprises). PART II- ENVIRONMENTAL ASSE-e __T (To be completed by Agency) DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY ~ I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.127 use the FULL EAF. [] Yes [] No coordinate the review process and B. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.67 It No, a negative declaration may be supemeded by another involved agency. [] Yes [] No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answem may be handwritten, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality, noise levels, existing traffic patterns, solid waste production or disposal, potential for erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, amheological, historical or other natural or cultural resources; or community or neighborhood character? Explain briefly: C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife species, significant habitat, or threatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: C4. A community's existing plans or goals as officially adopted, or change in use or intensity of use of land or natural resources? Explain briefly: C5. Growth, subsequent development, or related activities likely to be induced by the proposed action? Explain briefly: C6. Long term, short term, cumulative, or other effects not identified in C1-C57 Explain briefly: C7. Other impacts (including changes in use of either quantity or type of energy)? Explain briefly: D. WILL THE PROJECT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CEA? []Yes []No D. IS THERE, OR iS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? [] Yes [] No If yes, explain briefly PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTRUCTIONS: For each adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, important, or otherwise significant. Each effect should be assessed in connection with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) duration; (d) irreversibility; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments or reference supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contain sufficient detail to show that all relevant adverse impacts have been identified and adequately addressed. If question D of Part II was checked yes, the determination and significance must evaluate the potential impact of the proposed action on the environmental charectedstics of the CEA. [] Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts which MAY occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL EAF and/or prepare a positive declaration. [] Check this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, the reasons supporting this determination: Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency officer) Signature of Preparer (if different From responsible Date PART II - IMPACT ASSESSMENT ~o be completed by Lead A~lenc)') A. OOES AC~TION EXCEEO ANy TYPE I I~IRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR. PART 6!7:47 If yes. coord~nafe the review process and use the FULL EAF. I-I e.s []No B, Wfl_L ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNUSTED ACT1ONS IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.67 If Ne, a negative may be supe~,eded by anolhef i~vst~:l age~cy. C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE ~Pr~L; I S ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be hondwd~e~, if legible) CI. FJds~irlg air quality, surface o~' groundwater quality or quanlity, noise levels, existing iraffic psttem~ so4id waste production or disposal. potential for orosl<h% drainage or ra3oding problems? Explain bdefly: C2. A~ai;.=[;~, agricultural, archaeological, historic, or o~her ~'~u~al or cultural resau~ces; or cummuni(y or ne~hbedlood character? C3. Vegetation or fauna, fish, shellfish or wildlife soedes si;;;a~-, ~":' ....... ~ -- . . C6. ng teem. shod term: cu 'mc;lativ~i 'o~ other effects rlol identified in 01 ~C57 PART III - DETERMINA'RO~ OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed bY INSTRUCTIONS: For each adve~e effect Id~nitfied above, determiae whelber It is substaatial, is~ge, Imp~l~ant or oUlelYHSe signiflcmlL Each effect shoed be assessed ia cone, ec~3n with its (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) prob~ of o~ouniag; (c) duration; (d) ~ (e) geographic: soope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add a~chments m' tefere~ suppo~ng matedais. , If que~ion d of pa~t Ii was checked EAF andA3r prepare a poS~Ve dedara~on' ~' Y m~ge or mgnmcu~adveme Impacts wNch MAy e~cur. Tbefl proceed direclly in [~e FLYd WILL NOT result in · determination, any signilicant adve~e environmental impacts AND provide, on attachments as necessapj, the masons suppe~ing thL~ Board of Trustees Name of Lead Agency Print or TYPe Name of Responsible Officer in Lead ^ge~cy :S~ ! e or*ResponSible Officerin L~**~'Agency Date President Title of Responsible Olt~cer Signstum of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Jamcs F. King. Prcsidcnl Bob Gllosio..Ir'.. Vice-President I)axc Bergen John Brcdcmc.,, cr Michael J. Domino ]o~sn I hill. 53095 Main Rd. PO. Box 1179 Southold. NY 11971 I clcphonc (631 ) 765-1892 Fax ( 631 ) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUST TOWN OF SOUTHOL[ BOARD OF TRUSTEES: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the Matter of the Application of iECEIVE 2 0 2013 Southold Town [~oard of Trustees , BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST cio KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P. & cio PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STATE OF NEW YORK) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING ~ing drily swbrh'[ aepo~dnd &y( ' - That on the~ay of ~& , 201~, 1 persoually posted the property known as ~y )l~ih~ tge Board ofT}~stees o~f~c~l~ster ~here ft 6an/easily be seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for eight days prior to the date of the public hearing. Date of hearing noted thereon to be held Wednesda% Februa~ 20: 2013. Dated: Sworn to before me this Not/fry/Public M,~tthew g IYans [5c [ t, ,tjobf:,65g Q~e, li', kd ir, St; ~0',~, County ~ Commiss~/;t Exp~'es daJ~uar5 22, 20) NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD: BERT A. COLLISON & GLENDINNING FAMILY TRUST cio KOPEN & COLLISON, L.P. & cio PORT OF EGYPT ISLAND SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING: To construct a brush jetty (500'+ overall) along the southwesterly shoreline (seaward of AHW) of Port of Egypt Island in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: If you have an interest in this pro. ject, you are invited fo view the Town file(s) which are available for inspectionpnor to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m and 4 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631)765-1892 Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York 'WILLIAM WITZKE (ALBERTSONMARINA) BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMELESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY BIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(SO, TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. Signature SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS 7'¢~ DAY OF ,20/$ Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York WILLIAM LIEBLEIN (PORT ofEC, YPT) BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMELESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY BIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(SO, TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature 22, 20 g ~oard of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) WILLIAM LIEBLEIN (Port of Egypt Marine, Inc.) (print owner of property) 62300 Main Road; Southold, New York (Address) residing at do hereby authorize Suffolk Environmental Consultinq, Inc. (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) We, WILLIAM WITZKE (ALBERTSONMARINA) residing at 61o05 Route 25 (Main (print owner of property) (mailing address) Road); Southold, NY do hereby authorize Consulting, Inc. Southold Board of Town Trustees on our behalf. (Owner's signature) Suffolk Environmental (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOURNAME: WILLIAM LIEBLEIN (PORT o£EGYP~I) (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person' s or company' s name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance _ Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If "Other", name the activity.) Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicant/agent/representative) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. 'l~e town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __.C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or __.D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS I Submitted thi~ ~tl~y o f~20~ .~_ Signature Print Name APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of town officers and employees. The purpose of this form is to provide information which can alert the town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. YOURNAME: WILLIAM WITZKE (ALBERTSONMARINA) (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the other person's or company's name.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax grievance Building Variance _ Trustee Change of Zone Coastal Erosion Approval of plat Mooring Exemption from plat or official map Planning Other (If "Other", name the activity.) X Do you personally (or through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the town officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or employment by) a corporation in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X If you answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold Title or position of that person Describe the relationship between yourself (the applicanllagenl/representative) and the town officer or employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space provided. The town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply): __A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); __B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); __C) an officer, director, panner, or employee of the applicant; or __D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS I Submitted tm Signature Print Name Town of Southold Erosion, Sedimentation & Storm-Water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM pI~)PE~I~,TY LOCATK)N: $.¢.TJ4.~ THE FO~NO A~ ~Y ~W~ THE 8~l~ OF A 1000 - 056 - 06 - 013 ~ SCOPE OF WO~ - PRO~S~ ~N~UL'I'ION J'l'~ g / WO~~ I Y~ No a. ~Ib~T~P~? I ~~n~W~R~ (l~e To~l~ o~ ~ P~ ~ ~ 2.5 acres ~ ~ofW~ f~ P~ ~) ~ ~a T~ (2~ I~i~ ~? a~ G~ ~ ~r ~ ~ 0.0 sq. ~. Si~ I~ a~ ~ ~ ~ of ~n ~ I~ ~.) PRO~E B~ PRO~ D~IION ~~ Dm~l~e&L~?~ X ~pplicant proposes to construct a Brush Jetty. (500' s~lll~P~~ )ver~l ~) Mong the southwesterly shoreline seaward of AHW) of PORT of EGYPT ISLAND ~t~mt~l~u~ X I I n order to protect same and the shorelines to the )orthwest. ~ Pe~. 4 ~1~ P~ R~m ~ L~ Fffi~. ~ ~ Exm~~ ~a~Na~ ~ ~ ~ln ~y P~ ~ ~C ~P~: ~n~H~ (I~)~eW~ ~C~~b~ ~~. ~ HU~ (t~of~l~? ~ S~ W~ ~ ~ ~ ~. p~ ~ ~.) S~.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~W~ Ru~~ X 1.~~~~.~ ~ a~ ~ ~ di~ ~a T~ ~t~ ~'Aq~ OF NEW YO~ SUFFOLK C U~ F SS ~uc~ a. ~6E~g~"$"g0VV~rff .......... 2~t l, ~'~'~'~'~i ................... ~ Y , ~ ~a ~ ~t ~sne ~s me app.c~t mr remh AGENT ~d ~t hWshe is ~ ............................................ (~j~j~~.~j ................................................................ ~er ~or ~p~en~five of ~e O~er or O~en, m~d is duly au~o~ ~e ~d file ~s applicon; ~t ~1 smtmen~ con.ned ~ ~s ~p~on · at ~c ~rk MIl ~ ~ffo~ed in ~e mmmer set foffis in ~e applimfion rded he~ .............................................. ............ ............. FORM - 06/t0 Commission Exp!les Januar~ Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area (which includes all of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website (southoldtown.northfork.net); the Board of Trustees Office, the P~t, all local libraries and the Town Clerk s office. I]l-~) _~ 0 l~t~ ~-~i:~'--~-z The Ap;~iee~t: ~ response).'. ~S0ut~ a~ ~ Town Board [] Planning Dept. [] Building Dept. [] Board of~rustees B~~'rm;:s - 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action (check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency (e.g. capital construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: Applicant proposes to construct a Brush Jetty (500 oxerall _+) along the southwesterly shorehne (seaward of AHW) of PORT of EGYPT ISLAND in order to protect same and the shorelines to the northwest. Attach additional sheets if necessary Location of action: Offshore (SE off) 61500, 61600 & 6~8OO Route e5 & $00 Old Main Road; Southold, New York Site acreage: 2.5 acres Presentland use: CommerciaIMarina. PORTofEGYPTISLAND Present zoning classification: M II If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: (b) Mailing address: 62300 Main Road; Southold, NY 11971 (PORT of EGYPT, INC.) 61205 Main Road; Southold, NY 11971 (ALBERTSONMARINE) (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( 631 ) 765-2445 (PORT of EGYPT) or 765-3232 (ALBERTSON MARINE) (d) Application number, if any: N/A Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes [] No [] If yes, which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy L Fo~e~ ai~ern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preser~i~s 6pen space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse eff_~ct.s.~f d?elopment. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criti~fia~ [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is to both prevent the continual erosion of the southeastern shoreline of subject property and to provide some degree of protection to Albertson Marina & Port of Egypt Marina to the northwest during a storm event. Consequently, this project will maintain community character in the preservation of these marinas while making beneficial use of a coastal location. Therefore this proposal satisfies this Policy. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. *NOTE: PORT of EGYPT ISLAND to be represented by the owner(s) of Albertson Marina (Budds Pond Marina, Inc.) ~ 61~05 Route ~5; $outhold, NT 11971 and Port Of Egypt Marina (C & L Realty, Inc. & Port of Egypt Enterprises) ~ 6~$00 Route ~5; $outhold, NT 11971. Location of action: Offshore (SE off) 61500, 61600 & 6~800 Route ~5 & $00 Old Main Road; Southold, New York Site acreage: 2.5 acres Present land use: Commercial Marina. Present zoning classification: M II If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: PORT of EGYPT ISLAND (b) Mailing address: 62300 Main Road; Southold, NY 11971 (PORT of EGYPT, INC.) 61205 Main Road; Southold~ NY 11971 (ALBERTSONMARINE) (c) Telephone number: Area Code ( 631 ) 765-2445 (PORT of EGYPI) or 765-3232 (ALBERTSON MARINE) (d) Application number, if any: N/A Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes [] No [] If yes, which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster alg$~tern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effgCk~of d?elopment. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation crit~fih. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is to both prevent the continual erosion of the southeastern shoreline of subject property and to provide some degree of protection to Albertson Marina & Port of Egypt Marina to the northwest during a storm event. Consequently, this project will maintain community character in the preservation of these marinas while making beneficial use ora coastal location. Therefore this proposal satisfies this Policy. Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources ofthe Town of Southold. See LWRP Sertion III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. *NOTE: PORT of EGYPT ISLAND to be represented by the owner(s) of Albertson Marina (Budds Pond Marina, Inc.) ~ 61~05 Route ~5; Southold, NT 11971 and Port Of Egypt Marina (C & L Realty, Inc. & Port of Egypt Enterprises) ~ ~$00 Route ~5; Southold, NT 11971. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 5 through 7 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable No change to the current visual quality of this section of shoreline. This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is to both prevent the continual erosion of the southeastern shoreline of subject property and to provide some degree of protection to Albertson Marina & Port of Egypt Marina to the northwest during a storm event. Consequently, this project will minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding & erosion. Therefore this proposal satisfies this Policy. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southoid. See LWRP Section HI - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependence uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is to both prevent the continual erosion of the southeastern shoreline of subject property and to provide some degree of protection to Albertson Marina & Port of Egypt Marina to the northwest during a storm event. Consequently, this project will potentially protect these water-dependent uses. Therefore this proposal satisfies this Policy. Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town Waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable This proposal is not applicable to this Policy. Created on 5/25/05 11.'20 AM Suffo ik Environmental Consulting , Inc. Ncwman Village. Suite E 2322 Main Street. P.O. Box 2/)03. Bridgehamptou, New York 11932-2003 1631) 537 5160 Fax: 1631) 537-5291 Bruce Anderson, M .S.. Presktent ,January 7,~015 Jim King, President Board of Trustees Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 HAND DELIVERED Re: Situate: SCTM #: PORT of'EGYPT ISLAND Property Offshore (SW off) 61500, 61600 & 62800 Route ~5 and $00 Old Main Road; Town of Southold, New York 1000 - 056 - 06 - 013 Dear Mr. King, This Firm represents the owners of both PORT of EGYPT MARINA and ALBERTSON MARINA, who wish to install a proposed Brush Jetty along the southwestern shoreline (seaward of AHW) of Port of Egypt Island to the southeast in order to both reduce the ongoing erosion thereon as well as to provide a degree of protection tbr their ~narinas during storm events, of which was experienced during the recent Hurricane Sandy in October, ~201'2. Consequently, approval from your Board is required. Please find enclosed herewith for your review: (1) Town of Southold Trustees Wetlands Permit Application (original and two ~2-1 copies); (2) Short Environmental Assessment Form (original and two ['2~ copies); ($) Local Waterfront Revitalization Program application (original and two [~23 copies); (~) Location Map for reference (three [~$~ copies); (5) Photographs of PORT of EGYPT ISLAND indicating the location of the proposed Brush Jetty (three [$'] sets); (6) Site Plan of subject property, prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, bzc., dated February ~28, ~0~, indicating all project specifications (three [-~'] sets); and Hammarth/ (7) Check made payable to the Town of Southold in the amount of $~250.00 covering the requisite application fee. By way of this correspondence, and on behalf of the marina owners, I request that you cotnmence review of this application and schedule before the next available Trustees Board meeting for discussion and subsequent permit issuance. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, or require additional information, please feel free to contact this office at any time. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Matt D. lvans enc. cc: W. Lieblein W. Witzke Scale: ± IPROPOSEDB~HJETT~- (see DetaiD O~V~ 20]3 SITE PLAN DETAIL- Proposed Brush Jetty Scale: 1.0" :: 50.0' ± } ROt OSE[ PORTofEGYPTi ~ pE1 ' ~ ~ J I n evatmn: 6.0~ J: UTHERN JETT'/~-. ~ J Elevation: 6.0' ± APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATE ~ ].~:~ ~ YE ELEVATION VIEW - ,,Pr posed Brush Jetty Sc~!e: L0 =L0 ~ PROJECT DESCRIPTION Applicant proposes to protect the westerly section of' PORT of EGYPT ISLAND and the shorelines located to the immediate northwest hy installing a Brush Jetty along the southwesterly shoreline. The proposed Brush Jetty will be comprised of' an easterly section (Eastern .Jetty) which will he installed along the southwesterly shoreline fbr a distance of 25o.o' ~., and a southerly section (Southern ,Jetty) which will begin fkom the westerly terminus of* the Eastern Jetty and extend southwest into Southold Bay a dislance of 125.o' The proposed Brush ,Jetty will be constructed by series of' Timber Trusses comprised of two vertical Timber Posts (d' *) set 2.0' apart connected with a Timber Brace (2" x ~;' x ?~1:'") at the tops. The Timber Trusses will be installed h~ a s~ngular row the length of the proposed Brush Jetty at ft,0' intervals, Brush obtained fi'om an upland source will be sandwiched & compressed within the Trtlsses. The proposed Brush Jetty is designed to be h)cated below (seax~ard) of the A e~age High XVater mark (AH\V), The proposed Brush Jetty is to be re-nourished with additional brush by-hand when required in order to maintain the ability of the Brush Jetty to both protect the shoreline and trap sand.