HomeMy WebLinkAbout1st QtrFISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT QUARTERLY STATUS REPORT (Jan-Mar, 2013) SEWER DISTRICT DESCRIPTION AND PERMIT REQUIREMENTS The Fishers Island Sewer District (FISD) operates three septic systems under NYSDEC SPDES Permit No, NY-0:~99214: o Community System - Includes approximately two miles of gravity fed sewer pipe, a pumping station, a force main sewer pipe, three 10,000 gallon septic tanks and a leaching field with fourteen leaching galleys o Cinema System - Includes one 1,500 gallon septic tank and two leaching galleys serving a seasonally operated movie theater o Cluster System - Includes one 2,000 gallon septic tank and four leaching pools serving three cottages NYSDEC SPDES Permit Requirements: o Community System septic tanks must be inspected every six months and the sludge levels must be reported to NYSDEC and SCDHS o The Cinema and Cluster systems must be inspected each year and a report must be sent to NYSDEC and SCDHS o The septic tanks for all three systems must be pumped at least once every five years and as required o An annual Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) must be submitted to NYSDEC o An annual compliance certification must be submitted to NYSDEC CO M M U N ITY SYSTEM STATUS Community System o NYSDECCompliance Status · The 2012 DMR was submitted to the agency on January 25, 2013. As per e-mail communication with NYSDEC Region 1, the FISD SPDES permit does not contain flow limits. Therefore, there were no reported flow exceedances in the DMR. · The Wastewater Treatment Facility Design, Planning and Flow Management 2012 Annual Compliance Certification Form was submitted to NYSDEC on March 27, 2013. Reported flow during the Winter Season exceeded the design flow; 4/8/2013 therefore, a Flow Management Plan must be prepared and sent to the Regional Water Engineer by August 1, 2013. o Gravity Sewer Lines · A preliminary GIS map of all gravity sewer lines and service manholes has been created from existing print maps. This map will be verified during a field inspection scheduled for April 10-11, 2013. · Stormwater interconnections will be identified and eliminated in conjunction with the Highway Department. This will be a critical component of the FISD Flow Management Plan and should reduce flow to below design limits. o Pumping Station · The elapsed time meters installed on the control panel have provided a more accurate measurement of flow delivered to the system. Meter readings performed on a weekly basis indicate that seasonal flows exceed the design limits of the system. Higher flow rates are recorded during weeks of heavy rainfall, indicating stormwater interconnections are a significant component of overall flow. Daily meter readings will be taken to better measure the magnitude of the base sewage flow and the stormwater flow. · Alarm service has been suspended and the district is no longer being billed for this service · The pump float controls installed on December 4, 2012 have eliminated the excessive generator run times observed in the past. Barring a storm or other event resulting in a long period of power loss, there should be no need to purchase any propane this year. · A new digital electric meter will be installed on April 10, 2013 to ensure accurate measurement of electric use at the station · The propane fired backup generator is scheduled to be serviced on April 11, 2013 o Septic Tanks · The tanks are due to be inspected in early May 2013 o Leaching Field · A debris cage has been fabricated and will be installed in the effluent distribution box on April 10, 2013 to capture floatables and eliminate future clogging of the distribution pipes CINEMA SYSTEM STATUS The cinema is currently closed. The cinema system is due to be inspected in early May 2013. CLUSTER SYSTEM STATUS The cluster system is due to be inspected in early May 2013 4/8/2013 2013 FISD BUDGET Budgeted Expended Remaining Electricity $250.00 $61.12 $188.88 Propane $500.00 $0.00 $500.00 Septic Tank Inspections $2,000.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 Service Contracts $5,000.00 $0.00 $5,000.00 System Maintenance/Repair $19,800.00 $0.00 $19,680.00 Permits $350.00 $0.00 $350.00 Serial Bonds Principal & Interest $10,100.00 $7,967.50 $2,132.50 TOTAL $38,000.00 $8,028.62 $29,971.38 CONSTRUCTED WETLANDS DESIGN STATUS · The FISD is working with Natural Systems Utilities to estimate the maximum design sewage flow to the Com munity System as part of a preliminary engineering design for constructed wetlands to be installed at the existing leaching field. This design is funded by a grant obtained by Peconic Green Growth. · The FISD is currently assessing future sources of grant funding to pay for the final engineering design and construction phases of this project. 4/8/20~3 I