HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/13/2012 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Present: Phillip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator, Chief Martin Flatley, Christine
Foster, Personnel, Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk, Karen McLaughlin, Human Services
Director, John Cushman, Comptroller, Jennifer Andaloro, Assistant Town Attorney,
Councilman William Ruland, Lauren Standish, Secretary to Supervisor, Susan Boyle,
Wright Risk
Excused/Absent: Scott Russell, Supervisor, Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways,
James Bunchuck, Solid Waste Coordinator, James McMahon, Director Public Works
Meeting began at: 9:05 AM
Approval of Minutes
Approved Minutes of September 27, 2012
Status of Employee Safety Surveys and Other Recommendations
Tax Receiver's Office- Phillip left George Sullivan a memo regarding safety survey
comments of reviewing cash deposit procedures and possible installation of panic
button. Bill Ruland is meeting with George regarding recommendations of the audit
committee and will follow-up.
Building Dept. and Highway-Despite his absence, Jim McMahon called in earlier to
report to Phillip that Lloyd Reisenberg informed him that installation of panic button is not
possible for the Building Dept. and that the Highway Dept. really does not need one. Bill
Ruland will follow-through to ensure this is resolved.
There are two panic buttons in the Supervisor's office but there was a question as to
how they actually worked. Immediately following the meeting, Chief Flatley conducted a
test and it was determined that once the panic button was activated, Lighthouse Security
immediately calls the employee who activated the alarm, requests a password and the
Police Dept. is notified. He later noted that the Town should standardize security
systems to one provider rather than many.
Transfer Station - Jim Bunchuck was absent, however indicated he was going to
develop a policy with regard to needle stick injuries and sharps and determine
alternative places that would accept the sharps. Jen Andaloro said she would get the
information from Jim and distribute to the committee by the end of the year.
Katinka House Video Surveillance - Jim McMahon was absent, however quoted a price
of $500.00. Karen McLaughlin said she would follow-up with Jim.
Surveillance in Town Hall has been budgeted for 2013. Jim M. will be asked to solicit
Response to HCC Risk Control Site Inspection Recommendations:
The committee reviewed the response from Phillip Beltz to Kenneth P. Haverlan, HCC
Risk Control. In particular of "A Priority Recommendations" the committee endorsed
utilizing the LENS program to monitor employee driving records that will be implemented
by Christine Foster. A policy may need to be created and dept. heads need to be
informed of employee driver infractions. In addition the committee recommended
designating Goldsmith Inlet as a bathing beach with amenities or providing signage that
prohibits swimming. This will be discussed with the Town Board. In addition, Phillip will
refer the playground equipment safety checklist from Jim McMahon be discussed at the
next Parks, Beaches and Recreation meeting. Susan Boyle suggested pictograms and
signs warning people of hot surfaces. She said she would follow up with the specific
Status of 20'12 Workplace Violence Prevention Traininq & PESH Traininq
Christine Foster has been following-up with the Department Heads with the names of
employees who lack training. There was a concern that most Solid Waste District staff
has not attended training session. Phillip Beltz organized an additional training session
to accommodate those employees and unfortunately no one attended. Recommendation
to inform the Supervisor.
20'13 Revision of MSDS for Hi,qhwa¥, Transfer Station, Human Resource Center
and Dept. of Public Works:
Susan will provide revised materials for 2013. Concern expressed that the Town
provides safety equipment, however, it's not always worn because the employees claim
the equipment is uncomfortable. It was stressed that the employees do not have a
choice and this must be enforced by Department Heads. It was agreed by all that this
should be on the agenda for the next Department Head meeting.
Fire Drill Recap
The fire drill that was conducted at the Town Hall Annex was described as disorderly as
there were no fire wardens present and no one was familiar with how to conduct an
organized fire drill. However, lessons were learned and the employees of the Annex are
now better prepared for future fire drills. Suggestion to recruit Bob Fisher as fire warden.
Er,qonomic Assessment for Tax Assessor's Office
Roger Cuva of Wright Risk Mgt. will perform an inspection coordinated through Phillip
Beltz. He will send an e-mail to all department heads to see if they would like an
inspection of their departments as well.
Mold Remediation for Justice Court
The roof on the Justice Court building starting leaking and there was a concern with
mold. The Dept. of PublicWorks took immediate action and stripped and replaced the
Work-Related Injuries/Supervisor Accident Investiqation Report
A copy of an updated 2012 work-related accident report was distributed.
Additional Comments
Bill Ruland reminded everyone not to let their medical certificates expire with regard to
their Driver's License. There is exposure to the employer if the employee doesn't do
what's required of them. Jen Andalaro and Christine Foster will work on a form letter for
CDL reminders.
Next Meetinq Date
To be announced
The meeting ended at 10:15 a.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Lauren M. Standish, Secretary