HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/2013ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Town HaH Annex, 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 1 i971-0959 Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765-1809 TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (for Distribution to Supervisor Russell and Town Board Members) Leslie Kanes Weisman, ZBA Chairperson/Department Head COMBINED MONTHLY DEPARTMENT HEAD AND NEW APPLICATIONS/FEES REPORT for: March, 2613 April 12, 2013 Requires Immediate Attention: Nothing at this time Board and Office Policies, Practices, and Activities: Interpretation per Code Section 280-126 On March 7 and 22,2013 the Board of Appeals discussed a memo from the Building Department requesting an answer to the fbllowing question: "When a non-conforming dwelling with a Certificate of Occupancy is being raised and an attached non-conforming deck or porch, also having a Certificate of Occupancy, is being completely rebuilt, can the non-confomling deck or porch be re-built as of right without variance relief from the Zoning Board of Appeals?" The following language was unanimously approved by the Board members and sent by the Chairperson to the Building Department on March 23,2013 When an applicant proposes to elevate their legally existing dwelling to FEMA compliance or FEMA standards to protect their property fi'om potential storm or weather related damage, and to also raise the height and rebuild in place and in kind a non-co~/brming attached deck orporch with a CO, so long as there is no new nonconfbrmance, the applicant may do so as of'right. J[stairs were included with the original attached deck or porch and are proposed to be rebuilt in place and in kind but require additional steps as a result q/'raising the rebuilt deck or porch, the Building Department may make a de minimis determination. However, !/'the Building Department determines that additional non-confbrmities are proposed for the re- constructed elevated deck, porch, or related steps than the Building Department should issue a Notice of Disapproval so that the applicant may proceed to request relief from the Board qf Appeals. ZBA Anuual Training for 20 l 3 On March 26, 2013 the Chairperson presented to the Town Board a proposal fbr four hours of in-house training by ATA Andaloro in fulfillment of the required annual continuing education fur all Board members. This proposal was approved by resolution of the Town Board that evening. III. Financial/Budget/Personnel Issues: A position on the Board of Appeals is now open as a result of Member Dinizio's appointment to the Town Board. A schedule to interview applicants has been established and it is anticipated that the Town Board will fill this vacancy in April. IV. Activities of the Board/Accomplishments: Regular Meeting: Date: 3/07/13 Call to Order: 9:00 AM Adjourned: 2:30 PM Public Hearings: Total: 10 Number of new applications heard: 9 Number of Carryovers from previous hearings: 1 Number closed reserving decision to later date: 6 Number closed subject to receipt of additional information: 4 Number adjourned to another date: 0 Number adjourned w/o a date: 0 Number of Resolutions passed: 13 Number of decisions made: 0 Number of Site Inspections made by Board members: 10x4-40 Next Regular Meeting: 4/04/2013 Special Meeting: Date: 3/21/13 Call to Order: 5:15 PM Adjourned: 8:17 PM Number of draft findings discussed: 12 Number of decisions made: 12 Number of Resolutions passed: 14 Meetings attended/initiated by ZBA ChairpersoedDepa~ment Head 3/05 ATA Andaloro re: specific application before the Board 3/06 - Department }leads Meeting with National Disaster Recovery Framework Suffolk County Team 3/15 - ATA Andaloro re: litigation 3/25 - ATA Andaloro re: specific applications befbre the Board 3/26 - Town Board work session re: Proposal for 2013 ZBA Annual Training 3/26 - Full Staff Meeting with Department Head Staff Activities Ntm~ber of people assisted at the counter: 62 Hours spent assisting: 16 ½ hrs. (Assistance inchtdes filling out new applications, mailings and postings, providing copies of decisions, FOIL requests and other materials, and general inquirie~$9 3/26 -- Full Staff Meeting with Department Head VI. MONTHLY REPORT ON NEW APPLICATIONS AND FEES Total Applications Received fbr the month of March 2013: 17 (14 new and 3 re-opened) To~! Fees Collected in March 2013: RespX~tl~lly S~bmitted~ Lesli'e Kanes'Weism~,' Chai~brso~Depa~men~ Head $14~500