HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-87.-3-66.4 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: February 13, 2013 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit for SEAN McCOYD SCTM#1000-87-3-66.4 Note that action is located within an AE elevation 6 flood zone. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of SEAN McCOYD requests a Wetland Permit to elevate the existing single-family dwelling and garage (1,360sq.ft.+) and deposit/grade clean fill (115 cubic yards +) thereon; the dwelling is proposed to be elevated to 9.0' and the garage is proposed to be elevated to 8.0'. Located: 3360 Minnehaha Boulevard, Southold. SCTM# 87-3-66.4 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. The due to property size, the relocation of the existing structure outside of the AE6 flood zone is not practical. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its wdtten determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney Town of Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer c minor action list, policies and explanations of each polic3 Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be ~ beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area review the exempt of Southold Local as to its significant of Southold Town). If any question in Section C on this form is achievement of the LWRP policy standards Thus, the action should be analyzed in more determination that it is consistent to the maximum standards and conditions. If an action cannot be standards and conditions, proposed action may affect the s contained in the consistency review law. modified prior to making a .. with the LWRP policy as consistent with the LWRP policy SCTM# A copy of the LWRP is available in (southoldtown.northfork.net), libraries and the Town Clerk's office. 087 The Application has Town Board [] Planning Dept. 1. online at the Town of Southold's website JAN 3 0 20]3 Office Southold Town appropriate response): - Board of l'rust~9~ ng Dept. [] Board of Trustees [] action (check appropriate response): i~'~ gency (e.g. capital Category of Town of Southold (a) Action undertaken directly b construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: ~3 Nature and extent of action: Applicant proposes to elevate the existing Single-Farnil_V Dwelling & Garage (1,360 square £eet ~) and deposit/grade cIean t~ll (115 cubic yards ~) thereon. The dwelling is proposed to be elevated to 9.0'and the garage is proposed to be elevated to 8.0'. Attach additional sheets if necessary Location of action: Site acreage: Present land use: 3360 Minnehaha Boulevard; Lau~hin~ Waters~ New York 0.31 acre ± Improved with single-family dwelling and related appurtenances Present zoning classification: R - 40 If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name of applicant: SEAN McCOYD (b) Mailing address: 65 Kenwood Road; Garden City~ NY 11530 (c) Telephone number: Area Code (516) 640 - 9156 (d) Application number, if any: N/A Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes [] I';o [] If yes, which state or federal agency? DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy'L Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves 9Pen space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes iidverse~effects of development. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. [] yes [] No [] Not Applicable As indicated within Policy 1, "Developmont that does not rein[oreo tho traditional land uso pattorn o! the Town of Southold would result in a loss of the communitv and landscape character of Southold.', this proposal is to simply elevate the existinf:l dwellinq that has existed harmoniously within this neiqhborhood for over seventy (70) years without any form of discernible adverse impact to the surroundinq environment. Consequently, this proposal will not result in adverse effects to the surroundinq environment in that the project will not expand upon the "footprint' of the existinq dwellinq, and will not encroach any further towards the surface waters of Corey Creek to the northeast. Additionally, this property is situated within a neiqhborhood consistinq of similarly-sized sinqle-family dwellinqs within similarlwsized properties which have also existed harmoniously within this area for years and have not resulted in any form of adverse effects to the surroundinq environment. Accordinqly, we believe that this proiect is consistent with this policy. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Policy 2 is not applicable in that subject lot and the surroundinq neiqhborhood cannot be deemed a substantial historic and/or archaeoloqical resources. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 5 through 7 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject proposal will not adversely impact the visual quality of the surroundinq area in that the existing property has been improved with a sinqle-family residence for many years without any evidence of resultinq in adverse impacts to the neiqhborhood. In addition, the neighborhood itself is comprised of similarly sized properties, improved similarly for many years, and which also has not resulted in any form of adverse impacts to the surroundinq area. Furthermore, this policy could not preclude both the leqal creation of this property as a buildinq lot, or the improvement thereon. Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject property is currently improved with a bulkhead alon~l the northeastern section of subiect property and has protected subject property from any and all floodinq and/or erosion events since the improvements thereon. Additionally, in elevatinq the existinq dwellinq & qaraqe will provide further protection from flooding durinq a storm event. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject proposal is not applicable to Policy 5. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject proposal is not applicable to Policy 6. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject proposal is not applicable to Policy 7. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject proposal is not applicable to Policy 8. Attach additional sheets if necessary PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subiect proposal is not applicable to Policy 9. Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependence uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subiect proposal is not applicable to Policy 10. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town Waters. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subiect proposal is not applicable to Policy 11. Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subject proposal is not applicable in that the proposal does not involve aqricultural lands {i.e. the conversion of farmland, the establishment and/or maintenance of new coastal aqricultural production, etc...) Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable Subiect proposal is not applicable in that the proposal does not involve the conservation of enerq¥ resources on a commercial level and/or the promotion of alternative enerqy sources,proper maintenance of fuel storaqe facilities and/or the extraction of mineral extraction Attach additional sheets if necessary Created on 5/25/05 ll:20 AM N TES 1' HOLE DA TA ~./~.,'~2 N89°46'O7"E 6.59' SURVEY OF PROPERTY A T LA UGHING' WA TERS TOWI~ OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. 1000-87-03-66.4 SCALE: 1'=30' DECEMBER 19, 2012 JAN. ~9, 2013 (~s; ECE~VE JAN 3 0 2013 PROPOZ~ FLL 115 CU. YDS. FILL '~'~ ~u ~ ELEVATED - F'~ Fir. eL 8 ELEVATIONS REFERENCED TO N.A.V.D. FLOOD ZONE FROM FIRM MAP NUMBER 56105C0166H SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 ANY AL TERA170N OR ADDI17~)N TO DqlS SURVEY IS A ~1OLA 77C~! OF SEC170N 72090F THE NEW YO~K STATE EDUCADON LAW, EXCEPT AS PER SEC~70N 7209-SUSDI~qStON 2. ALL CER17FTCAD(~tS HERE~V ARE VALID F(~ THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF SAID MAP ~ COP/ES ~AR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEY~ I~'rlOSE SI~¥ATURE APPEARS HEREON. I om fomiffar with the STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL AND CONS17?UCT/ON OF SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS FOR ~NGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES ond w/II ob/de by the conditions set forth therein and on the permit to construct. ~ols & public woter shown hereon ore or from doto obto/ned from others. The Iocotia~_. N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 49618 (631) 765-5020 FAX (631) 765-1797 P.O. BOX 909 1230 TRAVELER STREET I JAN 3 0 2013 Sou!hoid [Own FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4": 1'-0" RIGHT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4": 1'-0" REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" REAR ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" .LEF-F' EL~A~ON SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 8'-9" 2 % ' 40'-6" 11'4" EXISTING GARAGE EX. FINF. FL: 53', L NEW FIN. FL: 8.0 ~ 14'-O" / ex 2xB FI 8'x16' CONC. BLK. PIER -'~ ixTS"'bO~6Ei"- "i~'' 3:~'x~'~'x~2. CONC. rr~ 8'-7~" '--J,--' (3) 2X10 DFC2 GIRDER 8"Xl6" CONC BLK. PIER 32"X24"X12" CONC FIG. I,%~.EA: 1074 SO~ FK J INSI'ALL: min. (6) J 8X16 FLOOD VENI~ J 17'-2" 16'-2" 40'-6" GARAGE RE-BUILD GARAGE MATCH HOUSE WALL PLATE HE GHT 14'-Q" BEDROOM No. 3 BATH t No. 2 ' PULL STAIRS BEDROOM No. 2 11'-2" LIVING ROOM KITCHEN EXIS~ DOOR TO REMAIN 17' 2" M. BATH 16'-2" MASTE~ ~EDROOM CRICKET 2X$ RIDfiE ROOF TO EXISTING ROOF TO I~ ROOF PLAN SCALE: 1/4', = 1'-0" EXISTING 2X8 RIDGE EXISTING 2X8 RIDGE EXISTING ROOF AND EX. CJ NEW ~.X8 DFC2 NEW 3/4 SUBFLO~O~ OVER , , 2X8 DFC2 FJ ~12 OC (3) 2X10 DF#2 GIRDER EXISTING GIRDER FIN. FL: EL. 4.5' __ 8~X16'' CON(~. BLK. PIER NEW 2" CONC. SLAB 2)(8 RIDGE 2X6 RR @1~"OC CRICKET 2X8 RIDGE 2X8 DF#2 CJ @16"OC REBUILD CY~,A,G E 5/8" T'fPE-X FIRE RATED SHEETROCK ON WALLS AND CEILING PER CODE FIN. FL.: EL. 8.O' NEW 4' CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCED w/WMM PITCHED TO O.H. DOOR BOTTOM OF FIG.: EL 15' CONC FTG. S CTION A-A SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Ih II Ill EXISTING 2X8 RIDGE EXIStiNG ROOF AND CEILING TO REMAJN AT MASTER BEDROOM NEW 3/4" SUBFLOOR OVER 2X8 DF#2 FJ ~12'OC FIN. FLz EL. 45' EXISTING 2X8 RIDGE EXISTING 2X6 RR ~,24'OC EX. cj CJ @24"OC B'~ ^FF (3) 2X10 DF#2 GIRDER BLK. PIER EXISTING 2X6 RR ID24"OC EXISTING GIRDER NEW 2" CONC. SLAB 2X8 RIDGE 2X6 RR @1~"OC CRICKET 2X8 RIDGE 12 2X8 DF#2 CJ @16"OC REBUILD GARAGE 5/8' 1YPE-X FIRE RATED SHEETROCK ON WALLS AND CEILING PER CODE FIN. FL: EL B.O' NEW 4" CONCRETE SLAB REINFORCED w/WMM PITCHED TO O.H. DOOR GRADE 8' CONC BLK. WALL OYPtCAL) BOTTOM OF ETG: EL 15' 32'X24'X12' CONC ETG. Ill II III III I Ill II III SECTION A-A SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ,l l l, BOTTOM OF FTG: EL 1.5' BO~FOM OF FTG.: EL 15' OGEE GU~ER - ~ANDARD 5" A). CLEAN SURFACE THOROUGHLY PRIOR TO INhALaTION. B). PREPARE SURFACES USING M~HODS R~COMMENDED BY THE ~NUFACTURE FOR A}. PERFO~ ~ORK IN ACCORDANCE ~ITH CDA HANDBOOK AND THE D~INGS. I). GU~ER TO BE PITCHED TO~ARDS LEADER 1" TO 2" FOR ~ERY ~' OF RUN. ~). COPPER / LEAD: F~H ~D SOLDER GU~E~ TO DO~N$POUTS AND CONNECTOr. CONNECTION ~ATERTIGHT. 4). PROTE~ION: A). PROTE~ IN~ALLED PRODU~$ UN~L COMPL~ON OF PROJE~. COMPL~ION. Oo DRY WELLS TO BE 10' MIN. AWAY FROM HOUSE WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION F( ~ PfiR T~LE 1609.1.4, N.Y.S. RF~. CODE: ALTERI~TIVE ~R ~ ~ ~ sP~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P~D mR ~ ~O~ ~U1-FER - STANDARD 5" AT'ON UNTIL SUB~T'RATES HAVE BEEN PROPERLY PREPARED. JUGHLY PRIOR TO INg'ALLATION. 4G M~rHODS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURE FOR '~'LILTS FOR THE SUBSTRATE UNDER THE PROJECT CONDITIONS. 'AL SURFACE~ AND SURFACES IN CONTACT ~(/rTH DISSIMILAR IVE BACKING PAINT. ORDANCE ~/ITH CDA HANDBOOK AND THE DRAgCqNGS. TO~/ARDS LEADER 1" TO 2" FOR EVERY 40' OF RUN. ~IGTH~ ~ WATERT1GI-IT JOINTS. AND fOLDL~ GUI"rER~ TO DOWN fPOUTf AND AND CAULK ~ A BUTYL SEALANT SLIp JOINT .ITS TO s'roP~4 SE'~UER SY~"EM AS INDICATED. SEAL I'IGHT. ~R,ICT$ UNTIL COMPLETION OF PROJECT. EPEACE DAMAGED PROOUCTS BEFORE ~BSTANT1AL SE_CTION A-A SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" DRY WELl.5 TO BE 10' MIN. AWAY FROM HOUSE EL 1.5' WIND-BORNE DEBRIS PROTECTION FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANFI AS PER TABLE 1609. L4, N.Y.S. RES. CODE: ALTERNATIVE FOR OPENING PROTECTION (IF NOT USING iMPACT GLAZING) G=ENE L NOTE,5 CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1 ). The information within this set of conelractfon documents is related to basic design intent and framing details. They are intended as a ¢onsth~cflon aid, not a substitute f accepted good building practice and compliance with current New York Stele building (xxlas. The C-eoarel Conbaator is respsaalbte for providing standard prenedums to ensure a pmfeestanatly flnisbed~ structurally 2). The Genera Contractor is responsible for ensudng that ell work and construction meats current federal state, county and local codes, ordinances and regulations, e c. These codes ara to be considered as port of the specifications for this building and ,e adhamd to even if in variance with the plan. . Dimensions shall toke precedent over scaled drawings. (DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS). · The designer has not been engaged for constructlea supervision and assumes no for constmcti0n coordinating with these plans, nor responsibility for methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety programs in ceana~ion with the work. There are no werran{ies for a he use of these plans. Refer to the Window and Door scheduis for exterior openiegs. :ontractor is to easura that masonry or pretebrected fireplaces meets ;pesJrmatians and applicable codes. The General Contractor is to consult with the owner for all built-in items such as bookcases, shelving, poetry, dceets, trims, etc. ). Wind load requirements shall be taken inte account during constructiOn.. FOUNDATION NOTES: I). The General Contractor and Mason to review plane, elevations, details and notes to , intended heights of finished floor(s) above fyplca~ grade. Alt footings to rest on undisturbed (vi~gth) ese (MIN. SOIL STRENGTH AT 2000pel) i joint matedel between concrete slabs and abutting wails ocoudng in exterior or unheated intedor areas. new concrete walls being attached to existing concrete structure shall ,e installed with ~t re-bar, t6- long at 12" o.c.. Use approved epoxy for installation. · Unless otherwise noted, all slabs on grade to be 3500 p.s.L. Concrete to be on 4 inch thick sand or gravel fill with 6x6 wire mesh reinforcing. Intedor slabs be minimum 3-1/2 Inch thick. All fill to be compacted to 95% relative density with maximum lifts (layers). I. Crawl spaces to be provided with a minimum 18'x24" access opening. Install one [16 cast iron foundation vent for every 150 sq. fl. of area. Damppmof extodor o~ foundation with bituminous coating as per polyethylene film shall be applied over exterior walls prior to backfilling. 8). Drainage as per tow~ and N.Y.S. ResEientiel Construction Code· FRAMING NOTES · All framing techniques end methods as prescriptive design of current BBC High Win(~ Construction Manual. ~), Unless otherwise noted, all framing and structural wood material to be #2 + BTR. Dougiss Fir. · Floors, walls, ceilings and rafters to be spaced at 16 inches o.c. unless noted ~. Uniees otherwise noted, all bearing wall headers to be (2) 2x 10 #2 + BTR. Doug. Fir. walt headers to have (2) Jen~ studs and (2) full length studs on each side of all openings. LVL headers to have (3) Jack studs and (2} full length studs on each side of openings. Beadng wall window ellle shall else have (2) window sill plates for 2~t wall openings between 4'1 end 6'0 and 2x6 wall openings between 5'11 and 8'9. provide fire and blocking where applicable. 5). All flush besms/beeders to be Installed with heavy duty galvinized hangers and anchom where epplicabie to all connecting joists. Double up floor Joists under wells that run parallel to the floor joist and under bathtubs Floors to have ceramic tile Installed shall be verified for proper load capaci[y unless noted on plans, r). Provide biecking/b~idging in floor joists at 8'0 o.c.. Use solid Mocking in floor joists Jnder all beadng walls. ~). Provide insulation baffles et save vents between rafters, lestoil draft blocking es ~eeded. · Unless otherwise noted, all roofo and wails to have a minimum 1/2' thick, 4-ply Fir to cover over pistes and headers, 10). Unless otherwise noted use 5/4" thick T&G PTS Fir or ~lvantech plywood subduer adhered with PL400 adhesive and screwed to floor Joists. Finished floor to be instolled over subfloor as bar menufactura's instructions. 11). All bathroom wells to have 1/2" thick moistura-rasistont sheetrock. Garage walls and ceilings and over fumaca to have 5/8" thick fype-x sheetrock. All other ports of building to have regular 1/2' sheetrock. All walls to be taped and finished. 12). All roof with a plteh tees than 4:12 shall be installed with an Ice & Water barber or approved equal. Flat roofs shall be applied w~d~ a Fiberglas base sheet with an EPDM torch down type material over· 13). All sill plates and wood in contact with concrete te be pressure treated. Si[l plates to be Instolied with e foam sill t~m, ket and cop-r-lox termite shield or approved edual. WIND FRAMING NOTES 1 ), RIDGE-TO-RAFTER ASSEMBLY: 1-1/4" x 20 gauge strap shall be attached to each pair of railers in accordance to table 3.4· When a collar tie is used In leu of a ridge strap, the number of 1Od ccmm~n nails required in each end of the collar tie need not exceed the tabulated number of 8d nails in the elmp. 2). RAFTER.TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: .aterel fram ng and sltoar wall connections for mher, ceiling or tru~ to top plato ehafi be In sccordenca to tebis 3.3. When a rafter or truss do not fall In line with studs belowj )r trusses shall be attached to the wall top plate and the wall top plate shall be e~[acrma to ;he to the wall stud with upl~ connections. Roofs ov~ing the rake side of the b~lldthg shall be connected with uplift connections in accordance with table 3.3c. 3). WALL-TO-WALL ASSEMBLY: ~/~ll Studs above add gtods below a floor level ~llal[ be aEachad with uplift ¢otlnacf'~fl~ in accordance with table 3.3b. When wall studs above do not fall in tine with studs below, the studs shall be attached to a common member in the floor esasrsbty with uplift connectors in :cordahce with tabis 3.3. ~. WALL ASSEMBLY TO FOUNDATION: ;t wall studs shall be ccnnectod to the foundation, sill plate, or bottom plate with uplilt connectors. Steel straps shall have a minimum embedment of 7 inches in concrete foundation and stab.o~-grade, 15 inches in masonry block foundations, or lapped under the plate and naiisd in accordance with table 3.3b. When steel straps are lapped under the bottom piste, 3 inch square washes shall be used with the encher bolts. Anchor belt spacing is to be spaced and sized in accordance to table 3.2e. in addition to spoalng, anchor bolts are to be spaced between 6-12 inches from the end of a sill plate end el! comers, 5). TYPE I EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNEC3'IONS: [ype I exterior shear wells with e minimum of 7116 inch wood structural panel on the exterior ~tteched with 8d common nails at 6" o.c. at the panel edges and 12' o.c. in the field, and I/2 inch gypsum wallboard on the interior attached with 5d cooler nails at 7' o.c. at penal ~dges and 10" o.c. in the field shall be in accordance with the length requi~emants spedfled n table 3.15a-b. Bi, TYPE II EXTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNE, CTION. S: .............. hate Type II exterior shearwalis shall meat the requ~ramenrs or ~aoie 3.1ne~o times me approp length adjustment factors in table 3.16. 7) NTERIOR SHEARWALL CONNECTIONS: Allowable sidewaltlengths provided in table 3.14 shall be permitted to be thcreaesa ween interior shcarwalis are used. Sheathing and connections shag be in accordance 2.4~.4.2 and 2.2.4 respectively. 8). CONNECTIONS ARouND EXTERIOR WALL OPENINGS: Header and/er girder connections shall be attached with uplift caneacticos in accordance with table 3.5. Window sill plates shall be have steel connectors in accordance with table 3.5. 9). CATHEDRAL CEILING ASSEMBLY: ..... Where a ridge is to be used es a structura beam, the ra~ere susa e~[ner De notched ana anchored on top of the beam or slope connectors shag bo attached to each rafter-to-ridge along the open ceiling part of the building, Connections to the ridge and well shall be be attached with the above requirements. DECK AND COVERED PORCH NOTES: 1), Unless otherwise noted, all framing material to be #1 ACQ pressure treated lumber. ~fi fasteners, hangers and anchors to be galvin{zed or stainless steel. 2). Girders for deck joists to be bohed to each post with washers and nuts. -- Girders on concrete piers shall be anchored with proper atea~ cnonact, ore anchoraa into concrete with a minimum 112' die x 7~ long anchor bott w~th washers and nuts. 3. Posts su pportin,g, gird ers,s, hatl po anchored to a 12"x12'x12" thick concrete footing. Use a minimum 112 d a x 7 long anchor bolt with washers and nuts. Footings Shall be 3 ff. below grade. Porches with covered roofs shall have 1 2" dia. concrete piers for the girders. 4). Deck joists to have blsoking at 8'0 o.c.. 5). A minimum of 10 inch flashing shall be installed between the building and ledger. Ledger to be fastened to building with 1/2" die. bolts with washers and nuts where needed. 6). Concrete piers shall be a minimum 6" above grade. 7). Ail joists to be supported with hangers end anchors, Each Joist shall also be anchored o girder(s). ~). Covered Roofs shall be assembled and anchored the same manner as a typical building· PLUMBING NOTES 1). All water supply, drainage and venting to be instefied as per N,Y.S. Residential Construction Code'Y/ 2). Verify septic system with the Engineer for Suffolk Couety Health Depar'anent approval. 3). If wall studs, plates or jolsto ara cut out during installation for any plumbing related work provide adequate bracing and plates to pratoct and secure the structure. Verify with the stote code and menufacture's recommondaifon for maximum bs~e size and s HVAC SYSTEM NOTES l). Mechenlca~ subcontractor is responsible for edheadng to all applicable codes end safety requirements. 2). HVAC subcontractor is to futly coordinate all system date and requirements with the equipment supplier. ~). HVAC subcontractor to provide final system layout drawing and submit it to the General .';ontractor and owner for final review and approval. ELECTRICAL NOTES: · Ail electrical to be installed as per N.Y.S. Residential Constraction Code. · All electrical work shall be approved by a qualified Underwriter. . Install Smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors throughout as per section R317 ~LY.S. F~e-~l~fial Construction Code. NAIL ,OOF FI IOINT DESCRIF RAFTER T( TOP PLATI CEILING JOI TO TOP PLA '-~ING JOIB' PARALLEL RAI CEILING JOIST OVER PARTI1 COLLAR T~ TO RAFTE BLOCKINI TO RAFTE RIM BOAR TO RAFTE WALL F JOINT DES TOP pi, TOP P TOP Pi./ INTER,fi STUI S~ HEADI HEA TOP OR PLAT~ 1 BO'rTOM [ FLOOR JOIS'f END JOIST (: FLOOR JOINT IJfi JOl~ SILL, TOP PL~ BRI~ TO BLt TO BLOC SILL OR LEDG TO JOIST ( TO BAN TC BAND SILL OII JOINT DES~ STRUCTUR/ CEILIN IOINT DES(: WALLB( WALL JOINT DES( STRUC'I PANE 7/t6' t PLYW¢ GYP--. WALLB; FLOOI JOINT DEl STRUCTU¢ ~' OF THESE NO' MENTIONE 1 ). Nailing n nailed 6' on is ne~led 3' shear caps members s such as sh~ 2). When to be redu¢ shall be in rafters are lapped under the r bolt pacing, s and all 12" D.C. in the field, and nails at 7" D.C. at panel pecified de 3. tSa-b times the appropriate mltted to be increased when I be in accordance with 3m in accordance with table shall either be notched and tached to each rafter-to-ridge s ridge and watt sbelt be be )RCH NOTES: pressure treated lumber. ~se steel. mrs and nuts. d connectors anchored ,'ith washers and nuts. 12' thick concrete footing. md nuts. Footings Shall be 3 ft. concrete piers for the girders. the building and ledger. shers and nuts Joist shall also be anchored ime rsanner as a typical building. rES per N,Y.S, Residential ,Health Department approval. 1 for any plumbing related work. ~e structure. Verify with the m hole size and spacing permitted. IOTES 3~ ali applicable codes and safety a and requirements with the ~eg and submit it to the General )TES: m~tmction Code, s throughout as per section R317 NAILING SCHEDULE ROOF FRAMING: NAIL NAiL NOTES JOINT DESCRIPTIOh QTY. SPACING RAFTER TO 8' WALL: 3-8d COMMON EACH rOE-NAIL TOP PLATE 10' WALL: 4-8d COMMON RAFTER CEILING JOIST 8'WALL; 3-8d COMMON EACH TOE-NAIL TO TOP PLATE 10' WALL: 4-8d COMMON JOIST CEILING JOIST TO AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE PARALLEL RAFTER WFCM - BBC LAP NAIL CEILING JOIST LAPS AS PER TABLE 3.7 EACH FACE OVER PARTITION WFCM - SSC LAP NAIL COil. AR TIE AS PER TABLE 3.4 EACH FACE TO RAFTER WFCM -SBC END N~AIL BLOCKING 2: 8d COMMON EACH TOE TO RAFTER END NAIL RIM BOARD 2 - 16d COMMON EACH END TO RAFTER END NAIL WALL FRAMING: NAIL NAIL NOTES JOINT DESCRIPTION QTY. SPACING TOP PLATE TO 2- 16d COMMON PER FACE NAIL TOP PLATE FOOT SEE NOTE: 1 TOP PLATES AT 4 - 16d COMMON JOINTS FACE INTER~ECT[ONS EA. SIDE NAIL STUD TO 2 ~ 16d COMMON 24" FACE STUD D.C. NAIL 16" D.C. FACE HEADER TO 16d COMMON ALONG EDGES NAIL HEADER TOP OR BOTTOM 2- 16d COMMON PER 2x4 STUD END PLATE TO ~TUt~ ~ - t6d COMMON PER 2x6 STUD NAIL BOTTOM PLATE TO: PER FACE NAIL FLOOR JOIST, BAND JOIST ! - 16d COMMON FOOT SEE NOTE: END JOIST OR BLOCKING FLOOR FRAMING: NAIL NAIL NOTES JOINT DESCRIPTION QTY. SPACING JOIST TO: 4 - 8d COMMON PER TOE SILl., TOP PLATE OR GIRDER JOIST NAIL BRIDGING 2 - 8d COMMON EACH TOE TO JOIST END NAIL BLOCKING 2 * 8d COMMON EACH TOE TO JOIST END NAiL EACH TOE BLOCKING TO: 3- t6d COMMON BLOCK NAIL SILL OR TOP pLATE LEDGER STRIP 3 - 16d COMMON EACH FACE TO BEAM JOIST NAIL PER TOE JOIST ON LEDGER 3 - 8d COMMON JOIST NAiL TO BEAM PER END BAND JOIST 3 - 16d COMMON JOIST NAiL TO JOIST PER TOE NAIL BAND JOIST TO: 2- 16d COMMON FOOT SEE NOTE: SILL OR TOP PLATE ROOF SHEATF lNG: JOINT DESCRIPTION NAIL NAIL QTY. SPACING AS PER TABLE 3.8 STRUCTURAL PANEL 8d WFCM -SBC CEILING SHEATHING: JOINT DESCRIPTION (~-~ NAIL · SPACING GYPSUM I 7" D.C. EDGE WALLBOARD 5d COOLERS 10' O.C . FIELD WALL SHEATHING: NAIL NAIL JOINT DESCRIPTIOI~ QTY. SPACING STRUCTURAL 8d COMMON AS PER TABLE 3.9 PANELS WFCM - BBC 7/16" eBB 6d COMMON 3" D.C. EDGE PLYWOOD 6" D.C. FIELD 7' O.C. EDGE GYPSUM 5d COOLERS 10" O.C , FIELD WALLBOARD FLOOR SHEATHING: .SPACING STRUCTURAL PANELS ....... 6 O.C. EDGE 1" OR LESS ea C,UMMUn 12' D.C. F ELD NOTES: THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. t). Nailing requirements are based on wall sheathing nailed 6" on-center at the panel edge. if wall sheathing is nailed 3" on-center at the panel edge to obtain higher shear capacities, nailing requirsme~ts for structural members shall be doubled, or alternate connectors, such as shear ptetea, shall be used to maintain load path. 2). When wall sheathing is continuous ever connected members,the tabulated number of nails shall be permitted to be reduced to1 - 16d nail per ~oet. PI- N CONTENTE- OC AN 3' I I ~'TI ~ I I UI IN M rOT~_ ~ FT. OF DESIGN CRI~IA FRAMIN~ ~T~ D~IGN LO~ ~L~L~TION~ (LIVE LO~5 ~P~URE C~TA~Y LO~ PATH FI~E PRO~TION ~ EXT. I~ALCONIES DECKS A, TTICE~ u~/o ~AIL~ (ANY ~IR~TIOF SEE CONSTRUCTION DETAIL P,AC~E N/A - ~T~ND~D 6 RES~t4E¢ CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC GROUND WIND SEI~MIC FROST SNOW SPEED DESIGN WEATHEPJNG LINE TERMITE DE LOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH MODERATE SLK 20LBS. 110 B SEVERE 3FT. TOHEAVY MOB ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOE NAIL SPACING NAIL BPI SHEATHING LOCATION AT PANEL EDGES SLF~POI 4' PERIMETER EDGE ZONE ~1 COMMON I~ 6" O.C 8d INTERIOR ZONE Bd COMMON @ 6" D.C. 8d * GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS Sd COMMON {~ 4" O.C.I sd NOTES THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO SE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDU 1 }. For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the perimeter edge of the roof, including 4 fo~ the 4 foot perimeter edge zone attachments required shall be used. 2). Tabulated 12 inch D.C. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to miter I For framing members with <0.42<G<0.4g, the nail spacing shall be reduced ID B 3). Tabulated 4 Inch D.C. nail spacing assumes sheathing to ratter / tmse flaming framing members with 0.42~G<0.49, the natl-~eacing shall be mdu~KI to 3 I~chee WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FO NAILSPACING ',IAI L SPACING AT I~ SHEATHING LOCATION AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE P~ ~' EDGE ZONE ~d COMMON e S" O.C Sd COMMON e 1~ INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON ~ 6" D.C.; 8d COMMON ~ 12~ NOTES " THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED iN 1 ). For wall sheathing within 4 feet of the cemers, the 4 foot edge zone attec{~f~ 2). Tabulated 12 Inch D.C. nail spacing e~,umea sheathing attached to ~ G>0.49. For framing members with 0.42<(~, the natI spacings sha~ be 3). For exterior ~nel siding, galvinized box nails shall be NOTE: EXISTINC 1), PROVIDE 5/8 3) FIREBLOQ~NG REO. UIRED Rrebloddng shall be provided to cut oft'all concealed draft o and to form an effective tim Rrebincldng shall i). In concealed spaces of stud wails and levels. Concealed boF~ontat furred spares ~. flat~ er blankets of mineral or gla~rflr~ 2). AL all InterconnecUons between concealed vertical and horizontal speo~Jl~ drop ceJllngs and~ (~ove ce~[ngs/ In concealed sl~Ce~.be~een stair stringers at t~e top and bottom 3), unde~ stairs shall comply wtth N.Y.S. Residential Cede. ~). At openings eroded vents, pipes and ducts at ceiting and floor level, to r~sis flame and preducls of combustten, 5). F~ ~he flrebloddng of chimneys and fireplaces, refer to N.Y.S. Reside~ttal C DULE IL NAIL Y. SPACING NOTES :~ COMMON EACH ~ COMMON RAFTER TOE-NAIl. :J COMMON EACH d COMMON JOIST TOE-NAIl ~BLE 3.7 EACH FACE - SBC LAP NAIL e~BLE 3.7 EACH FACE - SBC LAP NAIL IkBLE 3A EACH FACE - SBC END NAiL )MMON EACH TOE END NAIL :)MMON EACH END END NAIL ~AIL NAIL QTY. SPACING NOTES I COMMON PER FACE NAIL FOOT SEE NOTE: 1 ~COMMON JOINTS FACE EA. SIDE NAIL i COMMON 24" FACE O.C. NAIL :OMMON 16" O.C. FACE ALONG EDGES NAIL COMMON PER 2x4 STUD END COMMON PER 2x6 STu~ NNL COMMON PER FACE NAIL FOOT SEE NOTE: t.2 NA[ NAiL QTY. SPACIN( NOTES ;I COMMON PER TOE JOIST NAIL :J COMMON EACH TOE END NAIL ~1 COMMON EACH TQE END NAIL id COMMON EACH TOE BLOCK NAiL ;d COMMON EACH FACE JO~ST NAIL COMMON PER TOE JOIST NAIL d COMMON PER END JOIST NAIL PER TOE NAIL d COMMON FOOT SEE NOTE: 1 NAIL ~ClNG :M - SBC dG: NAIL SPACING j 7" O.C. EDGE 10' O.C. FIELDJ NAIL SPACING AS PER TABLE 3.9 WFCM - SBC 3" O.C. EDGE 6" O.C. FIELD 7" O.C. EDGE 16- O.C. FIELD NAIL SPACING 6' O.C. EDGE 12" O.C. F ELD --ERRED TO IF ~NLY. mil sheathing ~wail sheathing ~ to obtain higher ~' structural ~lctain load path. shall be permitted PLAN CONTENT. : ~CCUPANCT CLAE,~{FICAT[ON ~3, ~:EEHDENTIAL t~UILDING U~E R~[DE~L DWE~NG ~UI~ING HEIGHT tOTAL ~, ~, OF CONS~UCTION LOAD PATH ~EE CONSTRUCTION AN~I~ PAT~ N~FLING 5CH~ULE ~ G~L NOTE PA~E ~E~ SEE F~O~ p~N~ AND ~tNDO~ ~E CLIMATIC & GEOGRAPHIC DESIGN CRITERIA GROUNI~ WIND SEISMIC FROST I WINTER ICESHIELD SNOW SPEED DESIGN NEATHERING LINE TERMITE DECAY : DESIGI~ UNDERLAYMEN'I FLOOD LOAD (MPH) CATEGORY DEPTH TEMP. REQUIRED 'HAZARDS MODERATE ! SLIGHT TO 20 LBS. tt0 B SEVERE 3 FT, TO HEAVY ; MODERAT! 11 NONE ROOF SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING NAIL SPACING AT INTERMEDIATE AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD NOTES 4' PERII~t: t c~[ EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON ~ 6" O.C 8d COMMON ~ 6- O.C. SEE NOTES: 1,3 INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON ~ 6" O.C 8d COMMON ~ 12' O.C. SEE NOTES: 1 ( BOTH FIELDS NOTE: 2 FOR PANEL FIELD GABLE ENDWALL RAKE AND RAKE TRUSS 8d COMMON @ 4' O.C 8d COMMON ~ 4" O.C. SEE NOTES: 1.3 NOTES THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO iF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. 1 ). For roof sheathing within 4 feet of the pelimeter edge of the roof, including 4 feet on each side of the r~of peak, the 4 foot perimeter edge zoae attachments required shall be used. 2). Tabulated 12 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to rafter / truss framing members with G>0.49. For framing membem with <0.42<G<0,49, the nail spacing shall be reduced to 6 inches o.c, 3). Tabulated 4 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing to raltar / ~uss framing members with G>0.49. For framing membem with 0.42<C-<0.49, the nail spacing shall be reduced to 3 inches o.c. WALL SHEATHING REQUIREMENTS FOR WIND LOADS: 'SHEATHING LOCATION NAIL SPACING INAIL SPACING AT [NTERMEDIATI AT PANEL EDGES SUPPORTS IN THE PANEL FIELD NOTES 4' EDGE ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6" O.C. gd COMMON @ t2" O.C. SEE NOTES: 1,3 ( BOTH FIELDS) NOTE: 2 FOR PANEL FIELD INTERIOR ZONE 8d COMMON @ 6" O.C. 8d COMMON @ 12" O.C. SEE NOTE: 3 NOTES THESE NOTES ARE ONLY TO BE REFERRED TO IF MENTIONED IN SCHEDULE NOTES ONLY. 1). For wall sheathing within 4 feet of the comers, the 4 foot edge zone attachment requirements shall be used. 2), Tabulated 12 inch o.c. nail spacing assumes sheathing attached to stud framing members with G>0.49. For framing membem with 0.42<G<, the naif spacings shelt be reduced to 6 inches o.o. 3), For exterior panel siding, gaivinized box nails shall be permitted to be substituted for common nails. NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SOIL TESTTO VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS. MINIMUM 3000# CAPACITY. 1). PROVIDE 5/8" TYPE-X SHEETROCK FIRE STOPPING AT 10'0 MAXIMUM DISTANCES FOR NON ACCESSIBLE AREAS. 2). USE SIMPSON HANGERS AND ANCHORS WITH Z-MAX TRIPPLE PROTECTIVE COATING FOR CONTACT WITH ACQ. 3). INSTALL 1 - Co2 DETECTOR IN ADDITION TO SMOKE ALARMS PER FLOOR. I~REBLOCI~NG REC~UIRED Rreblocking shall be provided to cut off all concealed draft: openings (both vertical and horizontal) and to form an eff~-~ive fire barrier between stodss, and between a top story and the roof space. Rreblocking shall be provided in woad*frame censtruCdon in the following IocaUons. 1). In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at the ceiling and floor levels. Concealed horizontel furred spaces shall also be fireblocked at intervals not exceeding 10 feat, 8arts or blankets of mineral or gisss fiber shall be allowed as flreblocking in walls constnJcted using parallel rows of studs or staggered studs. 2). At all interconnections between cenceaied vertical and horizontal spaces such es occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings. 3). In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bot/:om of the run. Endesed spaces under stairs shai{ comply with N.Y.S. Residential Code. 4). Al: openings around vents, pipes and duct~ at ceiling and fcor level, to resist the free passage of flame and products ol'combustion. 5). For the fimblocking of chimneys and fireplaces, refer to N.Y.S. Residential Code. DRAWN B' 3anuary 2: SHEE1