HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreation of Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority· Print your nam® ~nd ~cldm~8 orl th~ rev~rs~ so that'we can return the card to you. · Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, or on~ the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: E] No 133 nj r,- orPoe;x/~;,:"Assembly Post Office USPS.com® - Track & Confirm Page 1 of I USPS. COM' Track & Confirm OFFICIAL Return Receipt Fee (Endomement RequEed) Restricted De{bery F~e (Endom~ement Required) I s*ntt°Senate Home Rule Counsel r,-/.. ': ........... .T,be...C. ap.i.to£ ........................................... https://toois.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction.action 4/4/2013 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS OF MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NewYork 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 15, 2013 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Senate Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.1782 and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A. 1329. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 12, 2013. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk /ljc Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele 700 ~ O~dO oc~-~ ~ 78~20 ocq~:~- ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, MMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS OF MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 15, 2013 CERTIFIED MAlL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Home Rule Counsel Assembly Post Office The Capitol Albany, New York 12224 Dear Sir: Transmitted herewith are two (2) copies of a Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Assembly Bill A. 1329and two (2) copies of Home Rule Request from the Southold Town Board requesting the enactment of Senate Bill S.1782. Also enclosed is a certified copy of the resolution which was passed by the Southold Town Board at its meeting held March 12, 2013. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk /ljc Enclosures cc: Senator LaValle Assemblyman Thiele IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE ltOME RULE RF, OUES'I' (Request by a Local Government for Enactment of a Special Law) To the Legislature: Town Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Southoid requests the enactmem of se~e bill(No.S.1782 entitled" AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional transporlation authorily. of EXPLANATION (if space below is not sutli~ient, use separate sheet ~ed attach he~) Such request is made by: (Check apptOlmatc box) [3 The chie~ e~eeulive ol~cet of such local government, concuntd in by a mjo6ty ef the letml memberdtip of Ibc local le.~slative body. (~ee p~'a&raph A below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A. If the m:lue~t is made by the chief executive e~ficet and concurred in by a. majmity at the total mem. be .~. hip ~ Ib.e. l~al ~e~s~tive b~dy~ b~th tbe chief ~e~`~u~ve ~"f~?r and th~ c~e~ ~{ Ibe ~ea~ ~e~a1ive body mint alga below. In tach case uae the word majority' below even though the v~e may have been ~.ater. B, If t~e request .is made by the local legislative b~dy, at ~ tx~-thirds ~ the ~ membership there~ havreS voted in favor of such tequer~ only the clerk ~ the local kgialafive body mint ~i~n .below. In such case uae the words "two-thirds" below. ~ EXF, CUT~E omcER'S SIGNATURE (Signed) March 13 ,20. 13 Date: CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, Elizabeth A. Neville , do hereby certify that l am Clerk of the ( Town Board of the__Town of Southold a~d that on the 12th dayof. March 20 13 , such legislative body, at lea~t a ~o~h~e, of the to~l membership having voted in favor thereof, (~ Elizabeth A. Neville Date: March 13 ,20 13 IMPORTANT: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE HOME RULE REQUEST (Requ~tby a LocalGovernmentfor Enactmentofa Sp~ialLaw) To the Legislature: Town Pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Southold yeques, ts the enactment of n~y bill (No.A. 1329 entitled" AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay Regional transportation authority. of ), It is hcrehy declared that a necessity exists for the enactment of such [egidatio~, and that the facts establishing such wcessity arc as follows: (Check-appropriate box) ~ The local government does not have the power to enact such legislation by lo,al law. [~] Other facts, as set forth in the following "Explanatioo" establish such necessity. ~AT1ON (If sp~e below is not sufficient, use ~eparate sheet ~nd attach here) Such aqu~st is made by: (Check appropriate box) ~-~ The chief executive ~cet of such locaJ ~ovCnm,.cnt, concurred in by a majority of the I~al membership of the loc. al legislative body. (Se~ pa~ngraph A below) READ BEFORE SIGNING A. If the request is made by the chief ezecofive officer and concurred in by a' majority of the total mem- bership of th~ local legislative f~dy, both fhe chief _e~l. fiv~. .,~. ?_r ond th~ clerk of the ~ body must $15n below. In such case use the word "majority below even though the vote may have (Signed) Date: March 13 ,20. 13 CLERK'S CERTIFICATION I, Elizabeth A. Neville , do hereby ce~nify that l am Clerk of tbe ( ) Town Board of the Town of Southold and that on thc 12th .day of March 20 13 , such legislative body, at least a . ! of the total membership having voted in favor thereof, approved the foregoing request. (Signed) · co~ Elizabeth A. Neville Date: March 13 ,20 13 RESOLUTION 2013-226 ADOPTED DOC ID: 8648 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2013-226 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 12, 2013: WHEREAS, a bill has been introduced in the State Legislature as Senate Bill S.1782 and Assembly Bill A.1329 and WHEREAS, the bill would create the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority; now, therefore be it RESOLVED that pursuant to Article IX of the Constitution, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby requests the enactment of Senate Bill S.1782 and Assembly Bill A. 1329 entitled "AN ACT to amend the public authorities law~ in relation to the creation of the Peeonic Bay Regional Transportation Authori ,ty". Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [5 TO Il MOVER: James Dinizio Jr, Councilman SECONDER: Jill Doherty, Councilwoman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell NAYS: William Ruland Copies mailed to both of LaVaile's Offices and both of Thiele's Offices RETRIEVE BILL Page 1 of 2 SPONSORS MEMO: NEW YORK STATE SENATE INTRODUCER'S MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT submitted in accordance with Senate Rule VI. Sec 1 BILL NU~4BER: S1782 SPONSOR: LAVALLE FEB 2 8 ,T.~13 Southo/d Town Clerk TITLE OF BILL: An act to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority PURPOSE OR GENERAL IDEA OF BILL: This bill would create the Peconic Bay Regional Transportation Authority. SUM~Ry OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: Article 5 of the public authorities law is amended by adding a new title ll-E. JUSTIFICATION: The East End of Long Island possesses a unique infras- tructure and population. Local towns and residents have had a longstand- ing disappointment with the Long Island Rail Road and its inaction and inattentiveness to problems on the East End. It is the goal of this legislation to create a regional transportation authority that is famil- iar with and can concentrate on local, regional transportation matters. Its purpose will be the continuance, further development, and improve- ment of transportation and other related services. The Peconic Bay regional transportation district shall be comprised of the Towns of Brookhaven, East Hampton, Riverhead, Shelter Island, South- ampton and Southold. The six members of the Authority would be the town supervisors (or their appointed designee) of each of these towns - one of which would be elected chairperson by the members. The Authority will be responsible for the preparation of a plan relating to the continuance, further development and improvement of transporta- tion and other related services of the District. The plan would discuss transportation alternatives ~ncluding, but not limited to, creation of park and rail facilities, establishment of shuttle trains, addition of more nonstop trains from New York City to the Peconic Bay, and reconfig- uration of the county-wide bus system. PRIOR LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: 2011-12: A.1403A/S.1450A;Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Committee 2009-10: A.4665A/S.7036; Corpo- rations, Authorities and Commissions Committee 2007-08: A.1018; Corpo- rations, Authorities and Commissions Committee 2005-06: A.3318; Corpo- rations, Authorities and Commissions Committee 2003-04: A.9650; Corporations, Authorities and Commissions Committee FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. http://leginfo.state.ny.us/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 RETRIEVE BILL Page 2 of 2 EFFECTIVE DATE: This act shall take effect on the first day of January next succeeding the date on which it shall have become a law. http://leginfo.state.ny.us/ASMSEN/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 t~age ! o~ 2z BILL TEXT: STATE OF NEW YORK S. 1782 2013-2014 Regular Sessions SENATE ASSEMBLY (Prefiled) January 9, 2013 A. 1329 FEB 2 8 2013 Southold Town Clerk IN SENATE -- Introduced by Sen. LAVALLE -- read twice and ordered print- ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions IN ASSEMBLY -- Introduced by M. of A. THIELE -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. ENGLEBRIGHT -- read once and referred to the Committee on Corpo- rations, Authorities and Commissions AN ACT to amend the public authorities law, in relation to the creation of the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority The People of the State of New York~ represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows: 2 3 4 5 Section 1349-a. 6 1349-b. 7 1349-c. 8 1349-d. 9 1349-e. 10 1349-f. 12 1349-q. 14 1349-h. 16 1349-j. 17 1349-k. 19 1349-m. Section 1. Article 5 of the public authorities law is amended by adding a new title ll-E to read as follows: TITLE ll-E PECONIC BAY REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY Short title. Definitions. Peconic Bay regional transportation district. Peconic Bay regional transportation authority. Purposes of the authority. Formulation, filinq and adoption of master plan~ araend Filing five year perfo~mn~ce, capital and operatinq finance plans. General powers of the authority. Special powers of the authority. Acquisition and disposition of real property. Cooperation and assistance of other agencies. Notes and bonds of the authority. Reserve funds and appropriations. EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [--] is old law to be omitted. LBD01622-01-3 http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 ~age z oI zz ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 S. 1782 2 A. 1329 1349-n. 1349-o. 1349-p. 1349-q. 1349-r. 1349-s. 1349-t. 1349-u. A~reement of the state. Right of state to require redemption of bonds. Remedies of noteholders and bondholders. 1349-v. 1349-w. 1349-x. 1349-y. Effect of inconsistent provisions. § 1349-a. Short title. This title may be cited as Regional Transportation Authority Act". Notes and bonds as legal investment. Exemption from taxation. Actions against the authority. A~reements relating to payment in lieu of taxes. Interest of members or employees of authority contracts prohibited. Fiscal year. Consent by the state. Separability. the "Peconic Bay 1349-b. Definitions. As used or referred to in this title, unles~ a 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 different meaning clearly appears from the context: 1. "Authority,, shall mean the corporation created by section thirtee~ hundred forty-nine-d of this title. 2. "Transportation district" and "district" shall mean the Peconic Bay regional transportation district created by section thirteen hundre,] forty-nine-c of this title. 3. "Participating town" shall mean any of the towns defined in section thirteen hundred forty-nine-c of this title. 4. "Federal ~overrunent. shall mean the United States of America, an,] any officer, department, board, commission, bureau, division, corpo ration, agency or instr,,m~ntality thereof. 5. "Governor" shall mean the governor of the state of New York. 6. "Comptroller" shall mean the comptroller of the state of New York. 7. "Director of the budget" shall mean the director of the budqet the state of New York. 8. "State" shall mean the state of New York. 9. "State agency" shall mean any officer, department, board, commis- sion, bureau, division, public benefit corporation, agency or instr~m~- tality of the state. 10. "Municipality,, shall mean a city, town, village or county noL wholly contained within a city. 11. "Municipal corporation,, shall mean a city, town, villaqe, county not wholly contained within a city, special transportation district, public benefit corporation or other public corporation, or two or of the foregoing acting jointly. 12. "Personal property" shall mean chattels and other tanqible thinq" of a movable or removable nature. 13. "Property" shall mean both real and personal property. 14. "Master plan" shall mean an action plan for imp]mm~ntation or improvements to such means of public transportation and related service~ by omnibus, railroad and marine and aviation facilities as the authority 48 may contemplate within the Peconic Bay Reqional Transportation Districl. 49 to effectuate the purposes of this title. 50 15. "Joint service arrangement,, shall mean agreements between or amon,l 51 the authority and any common carrier or freight forwarder, the state~ 52 any state agency~ the federal ~overnment, any other state or agency o~' 53 instrumentality thereof, any public authority of this or any othe, 54 starer or any political s~J0division or municipality of the stater relat 55 ins to property, buildings, structures, facilities, services, rates, 56 fares, classifications, divisionst allowances or charges (includin,I http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 3 of 22 S. 1782 3 A. 1329 1 charges between operators of railroad, omnibus, marine and aviati~,u 2 facilities), or rules or regulations pertaining thereto, for or ~,, 3 connection with or incidental to transportation in part in or upon rail 4 road, omnibus, marine or aviation facilities located within the districl 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 5 and in part in or upon railroad, omnibus, marine or aviation facilitie,~ 6 located outside the district. 7 16. "Project" shall mean any undertaking by the authority within the 8 district includinq but not limited to port or harbor facilities, trane- 9 portation properties, access and service roads and bridges, equipment, 10 appurtenances, utilities, airport facilities and any other improv-m~nt 11 under authority jurisdiction within the reqional district. 12 17. "Facility', shall mean, among other things, such properties, struc- 13 tures, appurtenances, utilities, terminals~ wharfs~ docks, piers, rail- 14 road trackage, warehouses, elevators, equipment for handling freight an,] passengers and vehicles and such other works, properties, buildings allied items necessary or desirable in connection with development~ o~peration, maintenance or improvement of port, airport and public trans- portation needs for the accommodation, safety or comfort of the publS~ and commercial enterprise for the regional transportation district. 18. "Equipment" shall mean rolling stock, omnibuses, vehicles, air, marine or surface craft, motors, boilers, engines, and other instrumen talities used or useful therefor or in connection therewith. 19. "Omnibus facilities,, shall mean motor vehicles, of the ty~e oper ated by carriers subject to the jurisdiction of the public servic commission, engaged in the transportation of passengers and thei, baggage, express and mail between points within the district or pursuan~ to joint service arrangements, and equipment, property, buildings, structures, improvements, loadinq or unloading areas, parking areas~ berthing facilities or other facilities, necessary, convenient or deslr able for the accommodation of such motor vehicles or their passenqers~ including but not limited to buildings, structures and areas notwlth- standinq that portions may not be devoted to any omnibus purpose other than the production of revenues available for the costs and expenses all or any facilities of the authority. 20. "Railroad facilities" shall mean riqht-of-way and related track- age, rails, cars, locomotives, other rolling stock, signal, power, fuel, co~anunication and ventilation systems, power plants, stations, termi- nals~ storage yards~ repair and m~tenance shops, yards, equipment and parts, offices and other real estate or personalty used or held for ¢,, incidental to the operation, rehabilitation or improvement of any rail road operating or to operate between points within the district o,' pursuant to ~oint service arrangements, including but not limited tn buildings, structures, and areas notwithstandinq that portions thereof may not be devoted to any railroad purpose other than the production of revenues available for the costs and expenses of all or any facilities of the authority. 21. "Real property" shall mean lands, structures, franchises an~] interests in lands, waters, lands under water, riparian riqhts and any and all things and riqhts included within said term and includes only fees simple absolute but also any and all lesser interests includ ~ng but not limited to easements, rights-of-way, uses, leases~ license~; and all other incorporeal hereditaments and every estate, interest o, right, legal or equitable, including terms for years and liens thereo,, by way of judqments, mortgages or otherwise. 22. "Marine and aviation facilities" shall mean equipment and craf~ for the transportation of passenqers, mail and car~o between points fr,,,,, http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page4of22 ' S. 1782 4 A. 1329 1 and to and within the district or pursuant to joint service arrange 2 ments, by marine craft and aircraft of all types including but not 3 limited to hydrofoils, ferries~ lighterst tugs, bargesf helicopters, 4 amphibians, seaplanes or other contrivances now or hereafter used 5 navigation or movement on waterways or in the navigation of or flight 6 airspace. It shall also mean any airport facility within the transporta 7 tion district, including but not limited to any facility or real proper 8 ty necessary, convenient or desirable for the landing, taking off~ 9 accommodation or servicing of such aircraft, and shall include such 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 facilities, property, structures and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient in the operation, maintenance, development or improvemenl of airports including facilities, property, structures, and appurtenanc es, leased by the authority to persons, firms or corporations engaged i__n air transportation or the production or development of materials, good~.~ or equipment for airports or air transportation or in providing facil4- ties for the acco~u~odation, safety or comfort of the traveling publi~* and for purposes related or incidental to one or more of the foregoing purposes. It shall also mean port facilities in the transportation district including~ but not limited toy (a) one or more docks, eleva tots, wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, basins, harbors, railroad connections, side tracks or sidings, freight terminals, warehouses~ bridges, tunnels~ and areas for storaqe of cargoes, materials~ wares, and merchandise of any kind and for the loadinq, unloading, interchanqe or transfer of any such cargoes, materialst goods, wares an,] merchandise; (b) other'buildinqs, structures, facilities or improvementm necessary to accommodate steamships or other vessels and their cargoe~ or passengers~ and (c) all real and personal property, driveways, roads~ approaches, mechanical equipment and all appurtenances and facilities either on, above or under the ground which are necessary~ convenient desirable for the development~ control and operation of port facilities in the transportation district. 23. "Transportation facility,, shall mean any railroad, omnibus, marir ~ or aviation facility and any person, firm, partnership, association or corporation which owns, leases or operates any such facility or any other facility used for service in the transportation of passengerst United States mail or personal property as a common carrier for hire an,] any portion thereof and the rights, leaseholds or other interest thereit~ to~ether with routes, tracks~ extensions, connections, parking lots, garages, warehouses, yards, storage yards, maintenance and repair shops, terminals, stations and other related facilities thereof, the devices, appurtenances~ and equipment thereof and power plants and other instru mentalities used or useful therefor or in connection therewith. 24. "Commissioner,, shall mean commissioner of transportation of th.' 44 state of New York. 45 ~ 1349-c. Peconic Bay regional transportation district. There is here 46 by created and established a transportation district to be known as tho 47 Peconic Bay regional transportation district. This district shall 48 embrace the towns of Brookhaven, East w~pton, Riverhead, Shelte¥ 49 Island, Southampton~ and Southold in the county of Suffolk. The trans 50 portation district shall also include all lands and water and all land? 51 under water and all rivers~ bays and harbors, within any of the towns of 52 said district. 53 § 1349-d. Peconic Bay regional transportation authority. 1. There i~ 54 hereby created the Peconic Bay regional transportation authority. Tho 55 authority shall be a body corporate and politic constitutin~ a public 56 benefit corporation. It shall consist of six members with one membe~ http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 5 of 22 S. 1782 5 A. 1329 1 from each town in the regional transportation district. The town super 2 visor of each town, or a designated representative appointed by the tow,, 3 supervisor shall be a member. The members shall elect one of its m-mher 4 as chairperson. 2. The members of the authority, includinq the chair, shall nol receive a salary or other compensation when rendering service as member of the authority or as a member of one of its subsidiary corpo rations~ but shall be entitled to reimbursement for actual and necessary 5 6 7 8 9 expenses incurred in the performance of their official duties. 10 3. A majority of the whole number of votes of members of the authority 11 shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business or the exer- 12 cise of any power of the authority. Except as otherwise specified ~,, 13 this title, for the transaction of any business or the exercise of any 14 power of the authority, the authority shall have power to act by 15 majority vote of the members present at any meeting at which a quorum 16 in attendance. Each member of the authority shall have one vote. 17 4. The authority shall be a "state agency" for the purposes 18 sections seventy-three and seventy-four of the public officers law. 19 5. The authority shall continue so long as it shall have bonds o, 20 other obliqations outstandin~ and until its existence shall be termi 21 hated by law. Upon the termination of the existence of the authority, 22 all its rights and properties shall pass to and be vested in the state. 23 ~ 1349-e. Purposes of the authority. 1. The purposes of the authority 24 shall be the continuance, further development and imDrovement of trane- 25 portation and other services related thereto within the Peconic Bay 26 regional transportation district, by railroad, omnibus, marine and alr~ 27 in accordance with the provisions of this title. 28 2. It is hereby found and declared that such purposes are in all 29 respects for the benefit of the people of the state of New York and th' 30 authority shall be regarded as performing an essential qovernments~ 31 function in carrying out its purposes and in exercisin~ the powez~ 32 granted by this title. 33 § 1349-f. Formulation, filing and adoption of master plan; ~m~n~mmnte' 34 The authority shall formulate a master plan for transportation withi,, 35 the district. In formulatinq such master plan~ the authority shal~ 36 consult and cooperate with the commissioner and plannin~ authorities i,, 37 the areas of its operations, and shall utilize state, local or regional 38 transportation planning. The authority shall request and use existin,; 39 studies, plans, surveys, data and other materials completed by or unde, 40 development by any state aqency or municipality or political subdivision, 41 of the state. The authority shall file copies of such plan with th 42 commissioner, the Suffolk county plannin~ board, the town board of eac], 43 town within the reqional transportation district, and the legislature 44 the county of Suffolk. The plan shall contain information re~ardin~ th 45 transportation system that the authority intends to provide includin:.; 46 information regardln~ the facilities connected therewith, the servic%~ 47 the authority contemplates providin~ and the estimated costs and 48 proposed method of financinq. Durin~ sixty days after the filin~ of 49 master plan with the commissioner~ in the office of the Suffolk county 50 plannin~ board, with the town boards of the towns within the regional 51 transDortation district, and with the legislature of Suffolk county~ 52 aforesaid, said plan shall be available for public inspection at 53 office or offices of the authority and at such other places in the town.. 54 affected, within the district, as the authority may deslqnate. 55 earlier than thirty days after the filing of said master plan with th 56 commissioner, the Suffolk county p]~nn~nq board, the town boards, an,] http://leginfo, state, ny. u s/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page6of22 ' S. 1782 A. 1329 i the leqislature of Suffolk county, a public hearing on said plans shall 2 be held by the authority. Notice of such a hearing shall be given 3 the comx~issioner, the Suffolk county planning board~ the town boards, 4 and the legislature of the county of Suffolk, as aforesaid and by publi 5 cation once a week for two weeks prior to the said hearinq at the tin.. 6 and place fixed by tha authority in newspapers of general circulatlo,, 7 within the areas affected, to be selected by tho authority. The lasl 8 publication data shall not be lees than five days befora said hearing. 9 Within thirty days following said public hearing, the authority shall 10 provide a transcript of such hearinq to the cnmmlssioner, the Suffolk 11 county planninq board~ each town board, and the legislature of the coun 12 ty of Suffolk as aforesaid, together with any ameD~ts the authority 13 may propose to the master plan. The authority shall request approval of 14 the master plan, including such amandments as the authority may propose, 15 from each town board and the c~mmlssioner. Any part of said plan which 16 is disapproved by a town because it altars existinq services or th,. 17 financinq thereof within said town shall not become operative. Thi~: 18 disapproval of part or parts of the plan shall not make the entire pl~ 19 inoperative. Any part of said plan which is disapproved by the comm~ 20 eisner bacause it conflicts with a state-wide comprehensive maeter pla,', 21 for transportationt or in the absence of such plans, would have 22 adverse effect upon sound transportation development policy and plan- 23 ninq, shall not become operative. If the said town boards fail to scl 24 within said sixty days or in the case of the com=~issioner within forty 25 days after approval is requested, ~aid failure shall be deemed approval~ 26 and the authority may adopt the master plan by a majority vote of it.~ 27 membership and may include chanqes, if any, reco~mlended by the co~u~is 28 eisner, planning board or town board. The master plan may be amendad 29 from time to time in the same manner using the procedures outlined 30 this section for the oriqinal adoption, except that proposed change.. 31 made by the authority upon recn~m~ndations of the co~lalissioner, said 32 town boards or Suffolk county plann{ng board in the first plan may h. 33 embodied or continued by a majority vote of the authority without addi 34 tional hearings thereon as required for the ame~Sm~nte proposed to k 35 made. ' 36 ~ 1349-~. Filin~ five year performance, capital and operatin~ financ.' 37 plans. 1. (a) On or before January first, two thousand fifteen, an,1 38 annually thereafter on or before January firstt the authority shall 39 adopt an operational performance plan for the five-year period comlmenc 40 in~ January first. The plan shall set operational performance plan qoal, 41 and objectives, and shall establish performance indicators to measur 42 standards of service and operations. The perfo~a~ce indicators shall 43 include: revenue passengers~ total passengers, revenue vehicle miles~ 44 revenue vehicle hours~ nua[ber of employees by department, vehicle mss,, 45 distance between failures, on-time performance for total servic~ 46 provided, the cost per passenger, the cost per revenue vehicle mile 47 the operating-revenue-to-cost ratio. 48 (b) Quarterly reports shall be prepared for authority m~hgrs on oper- 49 atinq performance. The first such report shall cover the three-month 50 period conunencing January first, two thousand fifteen and shall bo 51 submitted no later than thirty days after the end of the quarter. There- 52 after, quarterly reports shall be submitted on the last day of January, 53 April, July, and October of each year. The report shall compare thn 54 performance indicators for the most recent quarter and the year-to-darn 55 performance indicators with the same time period in the previous yea= 56 with the annual qoals established pursuant to this subdivision. http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 7 of 22 S. 1782 A. 1329 1 ' 2. (a) On or before January first, two thousand fifteen, and annually 2 thereafter on or before January first, the authority shall adopt a capl 3 tal proqram plan for the five-year period commencinq January first. T~ 4 plan shall contain the capital pro~ram, separately itemized. 5 (b) The plan shall set ~oals and objectives by function for capita] 6 spending, establish standards for service and operation~ describe eac], 7 capital project to be initiated in each of the years covered by the pla,, 8 and explain how each proposed project supports the ~oals and objective 9 and the service and operational standards established in the performanc 10 plan. The plan shall list separately by function those projects contrib 11 utinq to the maintenance of the system infrastructure and those intended 12 to enhance the system. The plan shall also include an estimated cost fo, 13 each project and set forth an estimate of the amount of capital fundin,~ 14 required for each year of the plan and the expected sources of such 15 fundinqo It shall also include a project schedule for the initiation an~] 16 completion of each project. Each plan subsequent to the first such pla,, 17 shall describe the current status of each capital project which has ~ 18 total estimated cost of one b,~d~ed thousand dollars or more and whi~], 19 was included in the previously adopted plan. 20 (c) In addition to the annual update, a quarterly capital plan statu~ 21 report shall be provided to the authority members and shall includer bul 22 not be limited to, a description of any material chan~e in the seope~ 23 cost, fundinq or time of initiation or completion of a project which has 24 a total estimated cost of one hundred thousand dollars or more, a.. 25 adopted in the plan. The first such report shall cover the three-month 26 period commencin9 January first, two thousand fifteen and shall b,. 27 submitted no later than thirty days after the end of the quarter. There 28 after, quarterly reports shall be submitted on the last day of January, 29 April, July~ and October of each year. 30 3. (a) On or before January first, two thousand fifteen, and annually 31 thereafter on or before January first, the authority shall adopt fi,, 32 operatin~ finance plan for the five-year period conunencinq January 33 first. The plan shall include the annual estimated operatinq cost fo, 34 each function. The plan shall include the proposed method of financin,I 35 for the level of service defined for each year of the plan and shall 36 37 fully allocate the authority's general costs to each of the above sepa rate functions. The plan shall provide a narrative describinq the over 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 all financial condition of the operatin~ budqet of the authority. (b) In addition to the annual update, quarterly operatinq budgel reports shall be prepared for the authority members on the financla] condition of each of the authority's functions. The first such repor~ shall cover the three-month period co~encinq January first, two thou sand fifteen and shall be submitted no later than thirty days after th end of the quarter. Thereafter, quarterly reports shall be submitted the last day of January, April, July, and October of each year. Th reports shall include a budgetary comparison of the most recent quarte, and year-to-date actual revenue and expenditures with the same t~m period in the previous year and with the projections for that time peri- od based on the board approved budqet. 4. Any and all reports, includin~ interim reports, shall be submitte,] to the director of the division of the budget, the commissioner and thn town board of each town within the regional transportation district, th' president and the temporary president of the senate and the speaker the assembly. § 1349-h. General powers of the authority. 1. Except as otherwise limited by this title~ the authority shall have power: http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 8 of 22 S. 1782 8 A. 1329 1 (a) TO sue and be sued; 2 (b) To have a seal and alter the same at pleasure; 3 (c) To borrow money and issue negotiable notes~ bonds or other obli- 4 ~ations and to provide for the rights of the holders thereof; 5 (d) To invest any funds held in reserve or sinking funds~ or any 6 monies not required for ~mm~diate use or disbursement, at the discreti¢,,, 7 of the authority, in obligations of the state or the United Stat{- 8 government or obligations the principal and interest of which are guar 9 anteed by the state or the United States government; or certificates of 10 deposit of banks or trust companies or in bank or trust accounts or 11 banks in this state, secured by obligations of the United States or of 12 the state of New York of a market value equal at all times to the amounl 13 of the deposit; 14 (e) To make and alter by-laws for its organization and internal 15 management, and rules and regulations governing the exercise of itm 16 powers and the fulfillment of its purposes under this title; 17 (f) To enter into contracts and leases and to execute all instr,,m~ntn 18 necessary or convenient; 19 (g) To acquire, hold and dispose of real or personal property in 20 exercise of its powers; 21 (h) To appoint a general manager, who shall serve at the pleasure of 22 the authority, and such officers and employees that the authority may 23 require for the performance of its duties, and to fix and determin~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 their qualifications, duties, and compensation and to retain or employ counsel, auditors, engineers and private consultants on a contract basi~I or otherwise for rendering professional, management or technical services and advice; such general manager~ counsel~ auditors, engineers~ and private consultants, officers and employees may not be a member of the authority; (i) (1) Notwithstanding section one hundred thirteen of the retirement' and social security law or any other general or special law, the author- ity and any of its subsidiary corporations may continue or provide to its affected officers and employees any retirement, disability, death or other benefits provided or required for railroad personnel pursuant to federal or state law. Notwithstanding any provisions of the civ~ service law, no officer or employee of a subsidiary corporation, of th~ authority, other than a public benefit subsidiary corporation, shall bo a public officer or a public employee; (2) The authority and any of its public benefit subsidiary corpo rations may be a "participating employer" in the New York state employ ecs' retirement system with respect to one or more classes of officern and employees of such authority or any such public benefit subsidiary corporation, as may be provided by resolution of such authority or any such public benefit subsidiary corporation, as the case may be, or any subsequent amendment thereof, filed with the comptroller and accepted by him or her pursuant to section thirty-one of the retirement and social security law. In takin~ any action pursuant to this paragraph, tho authority and any of its public benefit subsidiary corporations shall consider the coverages and benefits continued or provided pursuant to subparagraph one of this paragraph; (j) TO make plans, surveys~ and studies necessary, convenient or desirable to the effectuation of the purposes and powers of the authori ~y and to prepare recommendations in regard thereto; (k) To enter upon such lands, waters or premises as in the jud.c~nent Of the authority may be necessary, convenient or desirable for the purposo of making surveys, soundings~ borings and examinations to accomplish any http:#1eginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 9 of 22 S. 1782 9 A. 1329 1 purpose authorized by this title, the authority bein~ liable for actual 2 damages done; 3 (1) The authority may conduct investigations and hearings in th~ 4 furtherance of its ~eneral purposes, and in aid thereof have access to 5 any books, records or papers relevant thereto; and if any person whosm 6 testimony shall be required for the proper performance of the duties of 7 the authority shall fail or refuse to aid or assist the authority in th~ 8 conduct of any investiqation or hearing, or to produce any relevant 9 books, records or other papers, the authority is authorized to apply for 10 process of subpoena, to issue out of any court of general original 11 jurisdiction whose process can reach such person, upon due cause shown~ 12 (m) To do all things necessary, convenient or desirable to carry out 13 its purposes and for the exercise of the powers granted in this title~ 14 (n) TO enter into collective bargaining agreements with labor repre- 15 sentatives duly elected by the employees of the authority; and 16 (o) To insure or provide for the insurance of the authority's proper- 17 ty or operations as required by law and also against such other risks as 18 the authority may deem advisable. 19 2. The authority shall file in the office of the cnmm~ssioner annus] 20 reports, after the close of each of the authority's fiscal years, which 21 shall be open to public inspection. Such reports shall include, in addi- 22 tion to any information which the commissioner may require, a statement 23 with respect to its operations includinq the followinq data: 24 (a) Cost breakdown of real property acquired~ 25 (b) Cost breakdown in appropriate units of facilities acquired; 26 (c) Operating revenues; and 27 (d) Operatinq expenses. 28 The authority shall also file copies of such reports with the town 29 board of each town within the reqional transportation district wher~ 30 such authority operates. 31 ~ 1349-i. Special powers of the authority. In order to effectuate th~ 32 purposes of this title: 33 1. The authority may acquire, by purchase, ~ift, grant, transfer, 34 contract or lease, or condemnation, any transportation facility, includ- 35 ing port or ~elated facilities wholly or partially within the Peconi~ 36 Bay regional transportation district or any part thereof, or the usm 37 thereof, and may enter into any joint service arranqements as provided 38 in this title. Any such acquisition or joint service arranqement shall 39 be authorized only by resolution of the authority approved by not lesm 40 than a majority vote of the authority. 41 2. The authority may on such terms and conditions as the authority may 42 determine necessary, convenient or desirable itself establish, 43 construct, effectuate, operate, maintain~ renovate, improve, extend or 44 repair any such transportation facility, or may provide for such estab- 45 lishment, construction, effectuation, operation, maintenance, reno- 46 ration, improvement, extension or repair by contract, lease, or other 47 arrangement on such terms as the authority may deem necessary, conven- 48 lent or desirable with any person, including but not limited to any 49 common carrier or freiqht forwarder, the state, any state agency, thn 50 federal 9overr~ment, any other state or a~ency or instrumentality there- 51 of~ any public authority of this or any other state or any political 52 subdivision or municipality of the state. In connection with the opera- 53 tion of any such transportation facility, the authority may establish, 54 construct~ effectuate~ operate, maintain~ renovate¢ improve~ extend or 55 repair or may provide by contract, lease or other arrangement for tho 56 establishment, construction~ effectuation~ operation, maintenance~ reno http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 10 of 22 1 2 3 4 S. 1782 10 A. 1329 vation~ improvement, extension or repair of any related services and activities it deems necessary~ convenient or desirable, including bu~ not limited to the transportation and storaqe of freiqht and the United States mail, feeder and connectinq transportation, parking areas, trane portation centers~ ports~ stations and related facilities. 3. The authority may establish, levy and collect or cause to be estab- lished, levied and collected and, in the case of a joint servicm 5 6 7 8 arranqementr join with others in the establishment~ levy and collecti¢,,, 9 of such fares, tolls, rentals, rates, charges and other fees as it may 10 deem necessary, convenient or desirable for the use and operation of any 11 transportation facility and related services operated by the authority 12 or by a subsidiary corporation of the authority or under contract, leas. 13 or other arranqemente including joint service arranqements~ with th 14 authority. Any such fares~ tolle~ rentals, retest charges or other fee, 15 for the transportation of passengers shall be established and changed 16 only if approved by resolution of the authority adopted by not less the,, 17 a majority vote of the authority and only after a public hearing~. 18 provided however, that fares, tolls, rentals, rates, charges or othe, 19 fees for the transportation of passengers on any transportation facility 20 which are in effect at the time that the then owner of such transports 21 tion facility becomes a subsidiary corporation of the authority or a~ 22 the time that operation of such transportation facility is c~m~nced by 23 the authority or is commenced under contract, lease or other arranqemenl 24 including joint service arran~mm~ts, with the authority may be contin- 25 ued in effect without such a hearing. Such fares, tolls, rentals, rates~ 26 ~harges and other fees shall be established as may in the jud.c/ment Ol' 27 the authority be necessary to m~tain the combined operations of tho 28 authority and its subsidiary corporations on a self-sustainin~ basis. 29 The said operations shall be deemed to be on a self-sustaininq basis as 30 required by this title~ when the authority is able to pay or cause to 31 paid from revenue and any other funds or property actually available 32 the authority and /ts subsidiary corporations (a) as the same shal'i 33 become due, the principal of and interest on the bonds and notes an,] 34 other obligations of the authority and of such subsidiary corporations, 35 together with the maintenance of proper reserves therefor~ (b) the cos~ 36 and expense of keeping the properties and assets of the authority and 37 its subsidiary corporations in good condition and repair, and (c) th 38 capital and operating expenses of the authority and its subsidiary 39 corporations. The authority may contract with the holders of bonds 40 notes with respect to the exercise of the powers authorized by thi.. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 section. 4. The authority may establish and, in the case of joint servic arrangements, join with others in the establishment of such schedule, and standards of operations and such other rules and regulations includ- ing but not limited to rules and regulations governing the conduct an,] safety of the public as it may deem necessary~ convenient or desirabln for the use and operation of any transportation facility and related services operated by the authority or under contract~ lease or othel' arranqement, includlnq joint service arrangements, with the authority. Such rules and regulations ~overnin~ the conduct and safety of public shall be filed with the department of state in the manna, provided by section one b,~ed two of the executive law. In the case any conflict between any such rule or regulation of the authority governin~ the conduct or safety of the public and any local law~ ordi hence, rule or regulation, such rule or regulation of the authority shall prevail. Violation of any such rule or requlation of the authori http:///eginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 11 of 22 S. 1782 11 A. 1329 1 ty governinq the conduct or the safety of the public in or upon any 2 facility of the authority shall constitute an offense and shall bo 3 punishable by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars or imprisonment for not 4 more than thirty days or both. 5 5. The authority may acquire, hold, own, lease, establisht construct, 6 effectuate, operate, maintain, renovate~ improve, extend or repair any 7 of its facilities through, and cause any one or more of its powers~ 8 duties~ functions or activities to be exercised or performed by, one or 9 more wholly owned subsidiary corporations of the authority and may 10 transfer to or from any such corporation any moneys, real property or 11 other property for any of the purposes of this title. The directors or 12 menxbers of each such subsidiary corporation shall be the same persons 13 holding the offices of members of the authority. Each such subsidiary 14 corporation and any of its property, functions and activities shall have 15 all of the privileges, immunities, tax exemptions and other exemptionm 16 of the authority and of the authority,s property, functions and activ- 17 ities. Each such subsidiary corporation shall be subject to the 18 restrictions and limitations to which the authority may be subject. Each 19 such subsidiary corporation shall be subject to suit in accordance with 20 section thirteen hundred forty-nine-s of this title. The employees of 21 22 23 24 any such subsidiary corporation, except those who are also employees of the authority, shall not be deemed employees of the authority. If tho authority shall determine that one or more of its subsidiary corpc rations should be in the form of a public benefit corporation, it shall 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 create each such public benefit corporation by executing and filing with the secretary of state a certificate of incorporation, which may bo amended from time to time by filing, which shall set forth the n~m~ of such public benefit subsidiary corporation, its duration, the location of its principal office~ and any or all of the purposes of acquirinq~ owning, leasing, establishinq~ constructinq~ effectuatinq, operating, maintaining, renovating, improving, extending or repairing one or morn facilities of the authority. Each such public benefit subsidiary corpo ration shall be a body politic and corporate and shall have all those powers vested in the authority by the provisions of this title which tho authority shall determine to include in its certificate of incorporation except the power to contract indebtedness. Whenever any state, poli tical subdivision, municipality, commission~ agency, officer, depart ment, board, division or person is authorized and empowered for any of the purposes of this title to cooperate and enter into a~reements with the authority such stated political subdivisionr municipality~ commis sion, agency, officer~ department~ board, division or person shall harm the same authorization and power for any of such purposes to cooperatn and enter into agreements with a subsidiary corporation of the authori ry. 6. The authority, in its own name or in the name of the state, may apply for and receive and accept ~rants of property, money and service~ and other assistance offered or made available to it by any person, ~overnment or a~ency whatever, which it may use or meet capital or oper atinq expenses and for any other use within the scope of its powers, and to negotiate for the same upon such terms and conditions as the authori- ty may determine to be necessary, convenient or desirable. 7. The authority may do all things it deems necessary, convenient or desirable to manage, control and direct the maintenance and operation of transportation facilities, equipment or real property operated by or under contract, lease or other arrangement with the authority. Except a~ specially provided in this title, no municipality or political subdivi- http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 ~,~, ~,s: v s: Page 12 of 22 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 S. 1782 12 A. 1329 sion, including but not limited to a county, city, village, town school or other district shal~ have jurisdiction over any facilities of the authority or any of its activities or operations. In the operation, maintenance and control of any facilities devoted to purposes other th6,, direct transportation purposes, the authority shall be subject to ali local laws, resolutionst ordinances, rules and regulations of a munici- pality or political subdivision. Each municipality or political subdivi- sion, including but not limited to a county, cityr village, town ox district in which any facilities of the authority are located shall provide for such facilities police, fire and health protection servlc~s of the same character and to the same extent as those provided for resi- dents of such municipality or political subdivision. The authority may agree with the state department of transportation for the execution by such department of any grade crossing elimination project or any grade crossinq separation reconstruction project along any railroad facility operated by the authority or by one of its subsidiary corporations under contract, lease or other arrangement with the authority. Any su,:~ project shall be executed as provided in the grade crossing eliminatio,, act and the railroad law~ respectively, and the costs of any suc], project ehall be borne as provided in such laws, except that the author ity's share of such costs shall be borne by the state. 8. The authority may accept unconditional grants of money or property as subsidy payments for expansion of service into areas where sucl~ service would not be self-supporting. The authority may accept uncondi tional grants of money or property from any city~ villaqe~ town or coun ty not wholly contained within a city the whole or any part of whic], shall be served or to be served by a transportation facility operated by the authority. Such ~rants of money or property would be for the purpos,. of assisting the authority in meeting its capital or operating expenses. The acceptance of any such grant shall not operate to make the authority an a~ency of the municipality making the grant. The provisions of thi~ section are intended as enabling legislation only and shall not interpreted as implying that absent their enactment an authority would lack the power to accept such grant or subsidy. 9. The authority is hereby directed to prepare a transportation for the Peconic Bay regional transportation district. Such plan shall consider but not be limited to the following transportation alterna- tives: (a) establishment of park and rail stations at Gabreski county 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 airport, Westhampton, Southampton college, Southampton, East Hampton town airport, East Hampton, and Montauk; (b) establishment of shuttle trains from Montauk to East Hampton, East Hampton to Southampton, and Southampton to Westhampton, utilizing t~.. existing Long Island Railroad right-of-way; (c) addition of more non-stop trains from New York city to the Peconi,~ Bay regional transportation district on a seasonable and weekend basis; (d) establishment of outlying parking areas and shuttle buses t~ reduce congestion in central business districts; (e) establishment of a health and h~,ma~ services transportation program to assist senior citizens in lower income residential areas; 50 51 (f) transfer of authority for the establishment of speed limits from 52 state to local ~overnment; 53 (g) reconfiguration of the county bus system to complement new transit 54 options such as park and rail, shuttle trains~ increased trains~ an,] 55 outlying parking areas; 56 (h) a bike path network; and http://leginfo .state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi !/28/2013 ~xr~ · r,·r~ v r~ Page 13 of 22 S. 1782 13 A. 1329 (i) passenser ferries. 10. Notwithstanding any of the above provisions, no project may bo undertaken by the authority unless such project is a part of or consist ent with the adopted master plan. ~ 1349-j. Acquisition and disposition of real property. 1. In addition to the powers provided in section thirteen hundred forty-nine-h of thSc title to acquire transportation facilities, equipment and real property, the authority may acquire, by conderanation pursuant to the eminent domain procedure law and/or in accordance with the conde~mation 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 provisions of subdivision seven of this section, any real property it may deem necessary, convenient, or desirable to effectuate the purpoe~ of this title, provided, however, that any such condemnation proceedings shall be brought only in the supreme court and the compensation to bo paid shall be ascertained and determined by the court without a jury. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this subdivision, no rea] property may be acquired by the authority by condemnation or by purchase for purposes other than a transportation facility unless the governinG body of the city, village or town in which such real property is located shall first consent to such acquisition. 2. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to prevent tho authority from brinGinG any proceedinqs to remove a cloud on title or such other proceedinqs as it may, in its discretion~ deem proper and necessary or from acquiring any such property by negotiation or purchase. 3. Where a person entitled to an award in the proceedings to cond~ any real property for any of the purposes of this title r~m~4ns in possession of such property after the time of the vesting of title i~ the condenmor, the reasonable value of his or her use and occupancy of such property subsequent to such time as fixed by agre~m-~t or by tho court in such proceedings or by any court of competent jurisdiction shall be a lien against such award subject only to the liens of record at the time of vesting of title in the condemner. 4. Title to all property acquired under this title shall vest in thn authority. 5. The authority may, whenever it determines that it is in the inter est of the authority, dispose of any real property or property other than real property~ which it determines is not necessar¥~ convenient or desirable for its purposes. 6. The authority may, whenever it shall determine that it is in tho interest of the authority~ rent~ lease or grant easements or other rights in~ any land or property of the authority. 7. The authority may adopt the following condentnation procedures. A certified copy of a resolution adopted by the authority authorizinq thn acquisition and identifying and describing the property and franchises, if any, sought to be acquired by condemnation shall be filed in tho office of the county clerk of the county in which such property is situ ated, held or maintained. A petition for an order vesting title to such property and franchises, if any, sought to be acquired by condemnation shall set forth a description of the said property and franchises, if any, and a prayer that title be vested in the authority, shall bo presented, upon notice of the application to condemn published in fivn successive issues of a publication of ~eneral circulation within tho county where such property and franchises, if any, are located, to a special term of the supreme court held at the time and place specified in such notice, within the judicial district in which the property beinG acquired or some part thereof is situated. Such proceedings shall hay:. http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 14 of 22 S. 1782 14 A. 1329 1 precedence over all other cases on the calen~ of such court, any othe~ 2 provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. Upon due proof to tk~ 3 satisfaction of the court of the filing of the resolution as describe,9 4 in this title, such court, not later than three days after the presents 5 tion of the petition, shall thereupon enter an order vesting title 6 such property and franchises~ if any~ in the authority. Upon such vest 7 ing of title the authority shall have the right to enter upon and tak 8 possession of such property. A notice of such acquisition shall 9 directed to the owners of the property and franchises, if any, 10 acquired and to any other person or persons having an estate, interee~ 11 or easement in such property or a lien, charge or encumbrance thereon by 12 personal service or by registered mail at the last known address within, 13 fifteen days after such vesting of title. Such notice shall set fort]~ 14 such resolution, the date of the submission to the court, the date oF 15 the order vesting title in such authority and such other matters as th,. 16 authority may determine. 17 8. If funds are made available by the authority for the payment of th,. 18 cost and expense of the acquisition thereof, the depar~m~nt of transpor 19 tation of the state of New York, when requested by the authority, may 20 acquire such real property in the name of the state as may be determine,] 21 from time to time by the authority as being necessary~ convenient 22 desirable to effectuate the purposes of this title~ may remove the owne~ 23 or occupant thereof where necessary, and obtain possession and, wb~n 24 requested by the authority, may dispose of any real property so 25 acquired, all accordin~ to the procedure provided in section thirty of 26 the highway law and pursuant to the procedure required under federal 27 law, when applicable. The authority shall have the right to possess an,] 28 use for its corporate purposes all such real property so acquired. 29 Claims for the value of the property appropriated and for legal damage.. 30 caused by any such appropriation shall be adjusted and determined by 31 such department with the approval of the authority or by the court oF 32 claims as provided in section thirty of the highway law and as required 33 by federal law, when applicable. When a claim has been filed with th 34 court of claims, the claimant shall cause a copy of such claim to b,. 35 served upon the authority and the authority shall have the rlqht to h. 36 represented and heard before such court. All awards and jud.qments aris 37 ing from such claims sh~] be paid out of moneys of the authority. N_o 38 real property may be acquired pursuant to the provisions of this section 39 for purposes other than a transportation facility unless the governin,; 40 body of the city, village or town in which such real property is locate~ 41 shall first consent to such acquisition. 42 ~ 1349-k. Cooperation and assistance of other agencies. In the inter- 43 est of economy and to promote coordination of authority projects wit], 44 state, local, county and regional plans and also to carry out the objec- 45 tire of full participation of all a~encies in the development of n 46 transportation system and facilities to meet the objectives of th]~ 47 title, the authority shall request and use existing studies, maste~ 48 plans, surveys~ data and other materials completed by or under develop- 49 ment by any state agency or any ~,n~cipality or political subdivision 50 the state. The authority shall consult with and cooperate with t~ 51 commissioner and with planning authorities in the areas of its oper 52 ations and shall utilize local or state planning. When a project 53 contemplated by the authority, the authority shall s~,hm~t a preliminary 54 prospectus thereof to the cn~m~ssioner for review and comment and shall 55 consider the report of the commissioner in formulating detailed pla~ 56 for such project. When a project is contemplated by the authority withi~ http:#leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 15 of 22 S. 1782 15 A. 1329 1 the jurisdiction of any Suffolk county planning board, the authority 2 shall prepare a preliminary prospectus thereof, describing the purpose~ 3 general location, and nature of the project contemplated, with such 4 further data relative thereto that the authority shall consider perti- 5 nent. Within sixty days of receipt of such prospectus such planning 6 board shall prepare a report thereon, commentinq on its conformity or 7 lack of conformity with any related official plan of the state or any 8 official planning agency within the region. Such report shall be consid- 9 ered by the authority in formulatinq detailed plans for such a project. 10 At the request of the authority, each such agency, municipality or 11 subdivision which is engaged in highway or other transportation activ- 12 ities or in land use or development planning, or which is charged with 13 the duty of providing or regulating any transportation facility or any 14 other public facility, is further authorized to provide the authority 15 with information regarding its plans and programs affecting the trans- 16 portation district so that the authority may have available to it 17 current information with respect the.fete. The officers and personnel of 18 such agencies, municipalities or subdivisions, and of any other qovern- 19 ment or agency whatever~ may serve at the request of the authority upon 20 such advisory couuaittees as the authority shall determine to create and 21 such officers and personnel may serve upon such co~unittees without 22 forfeiture of office or employment and with no loss or diminution in 23 compensation, status, rights and privileges which they otherwise enjoy. 24 ~ 1349-1. Notes and bonds of the authority. 1. (a) The authority shall 25 have power and is hereby authorized from time to time to borrow money 26 and issue its negotiable bonds and notes in such principal amount, as, 27 in the opinion of the authority, shall be necessary to provide suffi- 28 cient funds for achieving its purposes, including the acquisition, 29 establishment, construction, effectuation, operation, maintenancer reno- 30 vation, improvementt extension or repair of any transportation facility~ 31 the payment of interest on bonds and notes of the authority, establish- 32 ment of reserves to secure such bonds and notes~ the provision of work- 33 in~ capital and all other expenditures of the authority and its subsid- 34 iary corporations incident to and necessary or convenient to carry out 35 their purposes and powers; 36 (b) The authority shall have power, from time to time, to issu~ 37 renewal notes, to issue bonds to pay notes and whenever it deems refund- 38 ing expedient, to refund any bonds by the issuance of new bonds, whether 39 the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured, and to issue bondm 40 partly to refund bonds then outstanding and partly for any other 41 purpose. The refunding bonds shall be sold and the proceeds applied to 42 the purchase, redemption or payment of the bonds to be refunded; 43 (c) Except as may otherwise be expressly provided by the authority, 44 every issue of its notes or bonds shall be general obligations of th~ 45 authority payable out of any revenues or moneys of the authority~ 46 subject only to any agreements with the holders of particular notes or 47 bonds pledging any particular receipts or revenues; 48 (d) Whether or not the notes or bonds are of such form and character as to be neqotiable instruments under article eiqht of the uniform 49 50 commercial code, the notes or bonds shall be and hereby are made negoti- 51 able instruments within the meaning of and for all the purposes of arti- 52 cle eight of the uniform commercial code, subject only to the provisions 53 of the notes or bonds for reqistration. 54 2. The notes and bonds shall be authorized by resolution approved by 55 not less than a majority vote of the authority, shall bear such date or 56 dates, and shall mature at such time or t~m~, as specified therein, and http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page16of22 ' S. 1782 16 A. 1329 1 in the case of any such bond not exceeding fifty years from the date of 2 issue, as such resolution or resolutions may provide. The notes and 3 bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates, be in such denomi- 4 nations, be in such form, either coupon or registered, carry such regis- 5 tration privileges, be executed in such m~nner, be payable in such medi- 6 um of payment~ at such place or places and be subject to such terms of 7 redemption as such resolution or resolutions may provide. The notes and 8 bonds of the authority may be sold by the authority, at public or 9 private sale, at such price or prices as the authority shall determine. 10 No notes or bonds of the authority may be sold by the authority at 11 private sale, however, unless such sale and the terms thereof have been 12 approved in writing by (a) the comptroller, where such sale is not to 13 the comptroller, or (b) the director of the budqet~ where such sale Jm 14 to the comptroller. 15 3. Any resolution or resolutions authorizing any notes or bonds or any 16 issue thereof may contain provisions, which shall be a part of tho 17 contract with the holders thereof, as to: (a) pledging all or any part 18 of the fares, tolls, rentals, rates, charges and other fees made or 19 received by the authority or any of its subsidiary corporations, and 20 other moneys received or to be received, to secure the payment of tbn 21 notes or bonds or of any issue thereof, subject to such agreements with 22 bondholders or noteholders as may then exist; 23 (b) pledging all or any part of the assets of the authority or of any 24 of its subsidiary corporations to secure the payment of the notes ol- 25 bonds or of any issue of notes or bonds, subject to such agreements with 26 noteholders or bondholders as may then exist; 27 (c) the user and disposition of fares, tolls~ rentals, rates~ charges 28 and other fees made or received by the authority or any of its subsld 29 iary corporations; 30 (d) the setting aside of reserves or slnkinq funds and the requlation 31 and disposition thereof; 32 (e) limitations on the purpose to which the proceeds of sale of note~ 33 or bonds may be applied and pledging such proceeds to secure the payment 34 of the notes or bonds or of any issue thereof; 35 (f) limitations on the issuance of additional notes or bonds~ tho terms upon which additional notes or bonds may be issued and secured; the refunding of outstandlnq or other notes or honds~ (g) the procedure, if anyr by which the terms of any contract with noteholders or bondholders may be amended or abrogated, the amount of notes or bonds the holders of which must consent thereto, and the manner 36 37 38 39 40 41 in which such consent may be given; 42 (h) limitations on the a~ount of moneys to be expended by the authori- 43 ty or any of its subsidiary corporations or operatinq, aclministrative or 44 other expenses of the authority or any of its subsidiary corporations; 45 (i) vesting in a trustee or trustees such property, rights, powers and 46 duties in trust as the authority may determine~ which may include any or 47 all of the rights, powers and duties of the trustee appointed by thc 48 bondholders pursuant to this title, and limitinq or abroqatin~ the right 49 of the bondholders to appoint a trustee under this title or limltinq the 50 rights, powers and duties of such trustee; and 51 (j) any other matters~ of like or different character, which in any 52 way affect the security or protection of the notes or bonds. 53 4. In addition to the powers conferred upon the authority to securm 54 its notes and bonds, the authority shall have power in connection with 55 the issuance of notes and bonds to enter into such a~reements as thn 56 authority may deem necessary, convenient or desirable concerning the uso http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 17 of 22 S. 1782 17 A. 1329 1 2 3 4 or disposition of its monies or property or the monies or property of any of its subsidiary corporations, including the mortgaging of any such property and the entrusting, Dledging or creation of any other security interest in any such monies or property and the doinq of any act (including refraining from doinq any act) which the authority would havo the right to do in the absence of such agreements. The authority shall have power to enter into araendments of any such agreements within tho powers granted to the authority by this title and to perform such agree. ments. The provisions of any such agreements may be made a part of contract with the holders of the notes and bonds of the authority. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5. It is the intention hereof that any pledge, mortgage or security 12 instrument made by the authority shall be valid and binding from tho 13 time when the pledge, mortgage or ~ecurity instrument is made; that tho 14 monies or property so pledged, mortgaged and entrusted and thereafter 15 received by the authority shall immediately be subject to the lien of 16 such pledge, mortgage or security instrument without any physical deliv 17 ery thereof or further act; and that the lien of any such pledge, mort- 18 gage or security instrument shall be valid and binding as against all 19 parties having claims of any kind in tort, contract or otherwise against 20 the authority, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. 21 Neither the resolution nor any mortgage, security instrument or other 22 instrument by which a pledge, mortgage lien or other security is created 23 need be recorded or filed and the authority shall not be required to 24 comply with any of the provisions of the uniform c~mm~rcial code. 25 6. Neither the members of the authority nor any person executing the 26 notes or bonds shall be liable personally on the notes or bonds or bo 27 subject to any personal liability or accountability by reason of thn 28 issuance thereof. 29 7. The authority~ subject to such agreements with noteholders or bond. 30 holders as may then exist, shall have power out of any funds availablp 31 therefor to purchase notes or bonds of the authority, which shall there.. 32 upon be cancelled, at a price not exceeding (a) if the notes or bondm 33 are then redeemable, the redemption price then applicable plus accrued 34 interest to the next interest payment date thereon, or (b) if the note~ 35 or bonds are not then redeemable, the redemption price applicable on tho 36 first date after such purchase upon which the notes or bonds become 37 subject to redemption plus accrued interest to such date. 38 8. The state shall not be liable on notes or bonds of the authority 39 and such notes and bonds shall n6t be a debt of the state, and such 40 notes and bonds shall contain on the face thereof a statement to such 41 effect. 42 ~ 1349-m. Reserve funds and appropriations 1. The authority may 43 create and establish one or more reserve funds to be known as debt 44 service reserve funds and may pay into such debt service reserve fund~ 45 (a} any monies appropriated and made available by the state for tho 46 purposes of such funds, (b) any proceeds of sale of notes or bonds to 47 the extent provided in the resolution of the authority authorizinq thm 48 issuance thereof, and (c) any other monies which may be made availablm 49 to the authority for the purpose of such funds from any other source or 50 sources. The monies held in or credited to any debt service reserve fund 51 established under this section, except as provided in this titlet shall 52 be used solely for the payment of the principal of bonds of the authori- 53 ty secured by such debt service reserve fund as the same mature, tho 54 55 56 .purchase of such bonds of the authority, the payment of interest on such bonds of the authority or the payment of any redemption premium required to be paid when such bonds are redeemed prior to maturity; provided, http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 18 of 22 S. 1782 18 A. 1329 1 however, that the authority shall have power to provide that monies in 2 any such fund shall not be withdrawn therefrom at any time in suc], 3 amount as would reduce the amount of such fund to less ~h~n the m~x~m~..., 4 amount of principal and interest maturing and becominq due in any 5 succeeding calendar year or years not exceedinq two such years on thc 6 bonds of the authority then outstanding and secured by such debt servico 7 reserve fund, except for the purpose of paying principal of and interest 8 on such bonds of the authority secured by such debt service reserve fun,; 9 maturing and becominq due and for the payment of which other monies of 10 the authority are not available. Any income or interest earned by, 11 increment to~ any such debt service reserve fund due to the investmenL 12 thereof may be transferred by the authority to any other fund or account 13 of the authority and the authority shall have power to provide that 14 such transfer shall not reduce the amount of such debt service reser~,. 15 fund below the maximum amount of principal and interest maturing a,,d 16 becominq due in any succeedinq calendar year or years not exceeding 17 such years on all bonds of the authority then outstanding and secured b~ 18 such debt service reserve fund. 19 2. The authority shall have power to provide that it shall not issu 20 bonds at any time if the maximum amount of Drincipal and interest matur 21 in9 and becoming due in any succeeding calendar year or years no~ 22 exceeding two such years on the bonds outstanding and then to be issue,] 23 and secured by a debt service reserve fund will exceed the amount 24 such debt service reserve fund at the time of issuance, unless th,. 25 26 27 28 authority, at the time of the issuance of such bonds, shall deposit ~,, such debt service reserve fund from the proceeds of the bonds so to b' issued~ or otherwise, an amount which~ together with the amount then ~n such debt service reserve fund, will be not less than the ma~m,,m amoun! 29 of principal and interest maturinq and becoming due in any such succeed- 30 ing calendar year or years not exceedinq two such years on the bond= 31 then to be issued and on all other bonds of the authority then outstand- 32 in~ and secured by such debt service reserve fund. 33 3. In computing the amount of any debt service reserve fund for th,~ 34 purposes of this section~ securities in which all or a portion of suc], 35 fund shall be invested shall be valued at par~ or if purchased at les~ 36 than par, at their cost to the authority. 37 ~ 1349-n. Agreement of the state. The state does hereby pledge to and 38 ~ree with the holders of any notes or bonds issued under this title~ 39 that the state will not limit or alter the rights hereby vested in th 40 authority to fulfill the terms of any agreements made with the holder~ 41 thereof~ or in any way impair the rights and remedies of such holder, 42 until such notes or bonds, together with the interest thereon, wit], 43 interest on any unpaid installments of interest~ and all costs and 44 expenses for which the authority is liable in connection with any actio,, 45 or proceedin~ by or on behalf of such holders, are fully met an,] 46 discharqed. The authority is authorized to include this pledge an,] 47 agreement of the state in any agreement with the holders of such note~- 48 or bonds. 49 ~ 1349-o. Right of state to require redemption of bonds. Notwithstand- 50 in~ and in addition to any provisions for the redemption of bonds which 51 may be contained in any contract with the holders of the bonds, tho 52 state may, upon furnishing sufficient f~,~ therefor, require thm 53 authority to redeem, prior to maturity, as a whole, any issue of bond~ 54 on any interest payment date not less than twenty years after the date 55 of the bonds of such issue at one hundred five per centum of their fac~ 56 value and accrued interest or at such lower re~-mption price as may k" http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 19 of 22 S. 1782 19 A. 1329 1 provided in the bonds in case of the redemption thereof as a whole on 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2 the redemption date. Notice of such redemption shall be published in at 3 least two newspapers published and circulating in the regional transpor- 4 ration district, at least twice, the first publication to be at least 5 thirty days before the date of redemption. ~ 1349-p. Remedies of noteholders and bondholders. 1. In the event that the authority shall default in the payment of principal of interest on any issue of notes or bonds after the same shall become due, whether at maturity or upon call for redemption, and such default shall continue for a period of thirty days, or in the event that the authority shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions of this title shall default in any agreement made with the holders of any issue of notes or bonds, the holders of twenty-five per centum in aggregate prin cipal amount of the notes or bonds of such issue then outst~n~{ng, by instrument or instruments filed in the office of the clerk of any county in which the authority operates and has an office and proved or acknowt edged in the same manner as a deed to be recorded, may appoint a truste~ to represent the holders of such notes or bonds for the purposes provided in this section. 2. Such trustee may, and upon written request of the holders of twen ty-five per centum in principal amount of such notes or bonds thmn outstanding shall~ in his or her or its own name: (a) by suit, action or proceedin~ in accordance with the civil prac tice law and rules, enforce all rights of the noteholders or bondhold ers, including the right to require the authority to collect fares, tolls, rentals, rates, charges and other fees adequate to carry out any a~reement as to~ or pledge of, such fares~ tolls, rentals, rates~ charg- es and other fees and to require the authority to carry out any other agreements with the holders of such notes or bonds and to perform it,' 30 duties under this title; 31 (b) bring suit upon such notes or bonds; 32 (c) by action or suit, require the authority to account as if it wer' 33 the trustee of an express trust for the holders of such notes or bonds; 34 (d) by action or suit, enjoin any acts or things which may be unlawful 35 or in violation of the rights of the holders of such notes or bonds~ 36 (e) declare all such notes or bonds due and payable, and if all 37 defaults shall be made good, then, with the consent of the holders of 38 twenty-five per centum of the principal amount of such notes or bond~ 39 then outstanding, to annul such declaration and its consequences. 40 3. Such trustee shall in addition to the foregoing have and possesc 41 all of the powers necessary or appropriate for the exercise of any func 42 tions specifically set forth in this section or incident to the general 43 representation of bondholders or noteholders in the enforcement 44 45 46 47 48 protection of their rights. 4. The supreme court shall have jurisdiction of any suit, action oF proceedings by the trustee on behalf of such noteholders or bondholders. The venue of any such suit, action or proceeding shall be laid in t~' county in which the instrument or instruments are filed in accordan,:e 49 with subdivision one of this section. 50 5. Before declaring the principal of notes or bonds due and payable, 51 the trustee shall first give thirty days notice in writing to the 9over 52 nor, to the authority, to the comptroller and to the attorney general 53 the state. 54 ~ 1349-q. Notes and bonds as legal investment. The notes and bonds o~ 55 the authority are hereby made securities in which all public officer~ 56 and bodies of the state and all municipalities and political subdivi http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 20 of 22 S. 1782 20 A. 1329 sions, all insurance companies and associations and other persons carry 1 2 in~ on an insurance business, all banks, bankers, trust companies, 3 savings banks and savings associationst includinq savings and loan asso 4 ciations, building and loan associations, inveskm~nt companies and othe~ 5 persons carrying on a banking business, all administrators~ guardians, 6 executors, trustees and other fiduciaries~ and all other persons whatso- 7 ever who are now or who may hereafter be authorized to invest in bond,. 8 or other obligations of the state, may properly and legally invest fund~, 9 including capital in their control or belonging to them. Notwithstandir,,I 10 any other provisions of law. the bonds of the authority are also hereby 11 made securities which may be deposited with and shall be received by all 12 public officers and bodies of this state and all municipalities and 13 political subdivisions for any purpose for which the deposit of bonds o, 14 other obliqations of the state is now or may hereafter be authorized. 15 § 1349-r. Exemption from taxation. It is hereby found, determined an,] 16 declared that the creation of the authority and the carryin~ out of 17 purposes is in all respects for the benefit of the DeoDle of the stat. 18 of New York and for the improv~ent of their health, welfare and pros 19 perity and is a public purposet and that the authority will be perform 20 .~n~ an essential governmental function in the exercise of the power,, 21 conferred upon it by this title. Without limiting the generality of th,, 22 following provisions of this section, property owned by the authority 23 and used for transportation purposes, property leased by the authority 24 and used for transportation purposes, and property used for transporta- 25 tion purposes by or for the benefit of the authority exclusively pursu- 26 ant to the provisions of a joint service arrangement or of a join~, 27 facilities a~reement or trackage rights agreement shall all be exempt 28 from taxation and special ad valorem levies. The authority shall bm 29 required to pay no fees/ taxes or assessments, whether state or local~ 30 except special benefit assessments if said property is located in 31 special benefit district, includin~ but not limited to fees, taxes ¢,, 32 assessments on real estate~ franchise taxes~ sales taxes or other exci~ 33 taxes, upon any of its proDerty, or upon the uses thereof, or upon it,, 34 activities in the operation and maintenance of its facilities or on any 35 fares~ tolls~ rentals~ rates~ charges or other fees~ revenues or othe, 36 income received by the authority and all bonds, notes and obligations or 37 the authority and the income therefrom shall at all times be exempt fro,,, 38 taxation, except for gift and estate taxes and taxes on transfers. Thi~ 39 section shall constitute a covenant and agreement with the holders 40 ~11 bonds~ notes and obliqations issued by the authority. The terms, 41 "taxation,, and "special ad valorem levy,, shall have the same meanings a.. 42 defined in section one hundred two of the real property tax law and the 43 term "transportation purposes,, shall have the same meaninq as used 44 titles two-A and two-B of article four of such law. 45 § 1349-s. Actions against the authority. 1. As a condition to th,. 46 consent of the state to such suits against the authority, in every 47 action a~ainst the authority for damages, for injuries to real o~ 48 personal property or for the destruction thereof, or for personal inju- 49 ties or death, the complaint shall contain an allegation that at least 50 thirty days have elapsed since the demand, claim or claim= upon which 51 such action is founded were presented to a menf0er of the authority 52 other officer designated for such purpose and the authority 53 neglected or refused to make an adjustment or payment thereof. 54 2. An action against the authority founded on tort, except an acti¢,,, 55 for wrongful death, shall not be cnmm~nced more ~h~n one year after tk 56 cause of action therefor shall have accrued, nor unless a notice http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 21 of 22 S. 1782 21 A. 1329 1 claim shall have been served on the authority within the time limited by 2 and in compliance with all the requirements of section fifty-e of th~ 3 general municipal law. An action aqainst the authority for wronqfu] 4 death shall be commenced in accordance with the notice of claim and tim~ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3~ 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 limitation provisions of title eleven of article nine of this chapter. 3. The authority shall be liable, and shall assume the liability to the extent that it shall save harmless any duly appointed officer or employee of the authority~ for the negligence of such officer or employ- ee, in the operation of a vehicle or other facility of transportation owned or otherwise under the jurisdiction and control of the authority in the discharqe of a duty imposed upon such officer or employee at th~ time of the accident, injury or damages complained of, while otherwism actinq in the performance of his or her duties and within the scope of his or her employment. 4. The authority may require any person, presenting for settlement an account or claim for any_cause whatever a~ainst the authority, to be sworn before a member, counsel or an attorney, officer or employee of the authority designated for such purpose, concerning such account or claim and when so sworn to answer orally as to any facts relative to such account or claim. The authority shall have power to settle or adjust all claims in favor of or a~ainst the authority. 5. The rate of interest to be paid by the authority upon any judgment for which it is liable shall not exceed four per centutm per ann,,m, 6. The provisions of this section which relate to the requirement for service of a notice of claim shall not apply to a subsidiary corporation of the authority. In all other respects, each subsidiary corporation of the authority shall be subject to the provisions of this section as if such subsidiary corporation were separately named in this section, provided, however, that a subsidiary corporation of the authority which is a stock corporation shall not be subject to the provisions of th~m section except with respect to those causes of action arisinq on and after the first of the twelfth calendar month followinq that calendar month in which such stock corporation becomes a subsidiary corporation of the authority. $ 1349-t. A~reements relatinq to payment in lieu of taxes. To the end that municipal corporations, counties and school districts may not suffer undue loss of taxes or assessments: If the authority acquires property for non-transportation purposes (e.g. for future transportation purposes but not to be so used imme- diately) the authority, except as provided in this title, shall pay t~ the participatin~ county and/or city, town or school district where th~ property is located, annually, in lieu of taxes, a sum equal to the sum last paid as taxes upon the property prior to the time of its acquisi- tion by the authority. Should such property be subsequently developed and improved but still remain unused for transportation purposes, it shall during such period of disuse for transportation be subject t~ assessment, at the prevailinq method of determininq assessments, by thm county and/or city and/or school district and the authority shall, based on such assessment~ annually, in lieu of taxes, pay to the county and/or city and/or school district an amount fixed by it. If the authority acquires property for transportation purposes but subsequently uses such property for non-transportation purposes, then the authority shall be required, except as provided in this title, tm pay annually in lieu of taxes to the participatin~ county and/or city and/or school district wherein such property is located, an amount equal to the sum which the said county and/or city and/or school district http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013 Page 22 of 22 S. 1782 22 1329 1 would ordinarily be imposed as taxes, pursuant to the prevailing method 2 of determining assessments. 3 Properties acquired by the authority for transportation and used 4 such, shall not be subject to the payment of any taxes except that tho 5 authority shall pay such property special benefit assessments on th~ 6 property if it is located in an existing special benefit district. 7 ~ 1349-u. Interest of members or employees of authority in contract 8 prohibited. It shall be a misdemeanor for a member of the authority o, 9 an officer, agent, servant or employee employed by or appointed by 10 authority, to be in any way or manner interested~ directly or indirect- 11 1y, as principal~ surety or otherwise, in a contract, the expense 12 consideration whereof is payable out of the funds of the authority. 13 ~ 1349-v. Fiscal year. The fiscal year of the authority shall begin 14 the first day of January. 15 ~ 1349-w. Consent by the state. The com=aissioner of general service~ 16 shall have power~ in his or her discretion~ from time to time to trans 17 fer and convey to the authority, or to one or more participating cous~- 18 ties for the use of the authority, and for such consideration and upo,, 19 such terms and conditions as may be determined by him or her to be pai,~ 20 to the state, unappropriated state lands, abandoned canal ]an~ an,, 21 lands under water which the authority shall certify to be necessary or 22 desirable for the corporate purposes of the authority. 23 § 1349-x. Separability. If any provision of any section of this titl.- 24 or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall bo 25 ~djudged invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such order or 26 jud.gment shall be confined in its operation to the controversy in which 27 it was renderedt and shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of any 28 provision of any section of this title or the application of any pazl 29 thereof to any other person or circumstance and to this end th. 30 provisions of each section of this title are hereby declared to 31 severable. 32 § 1349-y. Effect of inconsistent provisions. Insofar as the provision.. 33 of this title are inconsistent with the provisions of any other law, 34 general, special or local, the provisions of this title shall b,. 35 controlllnq. 36 § 2. This act shall take effect on the first of January next succeed- 37 ing the date on which it shall have become a law. http://leginfo.state.ny.us/asmsen/bstfrmel.cgi 1/28/2013