HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-8043 FRalph Carbone End Road, Fishers Island M#1-2-5 13 AC AAW J ,+.. _ - .�, = • J.../ ' - }SII' - �.. 'o , �`► l "' fes' .� Ralph Carbone East End Road, Fishers Island SCTM# 1-2-5 8/7/13 Ak r:y '�.+ �!� `}- - � r� 4 ;tis� � �=;f'r yr+"1{� •r�, � ,e •.� - ra. _S - - y 10 . a - .^. ... .., • _ Tom' n r . y.� r < ssot, .. Y -` Ralph Carbone East End Road, Fishers Island /7/13 a r - rw W. m jff r d Ralph Carbone East End Road, Fishers Island CTM# 1-2-5 /7/13 i • .., 14, s A- Ik Ik i .. r a e s fa James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, .Ir., Vi~-President Daw Berge~ John Bredemeyer Michael J. Domino Town Hall, 53095 Main Rd. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 72 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF THE WORK, TO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR A PRE-CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION. FAILURE TO DO SO SHALL BE CONSIDERED A VIOLATION AND POSSIBLE REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. INSPECTION SCHEDULE __ Pre-construction, hay bale line __ 1st day of construction ¼ constructed Project complete, compliance inspection BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 8043 DATE: FEBRUARY 20~ 2013 ISSUED TO: RALPH CARBONE PROPERTY ADDRESS: 6227 CASTLE ROAD~ FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# I-2-~ AUTItORIZATION Parsumxt to thc provisi{ms t~' Chapter 275 and/o~ Chapter 111 of the Town Code of the Town of SotJth~,Id ~ad m ~:~;~:I mc~: w/ih the Rcsoluti,m of Ibc Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on I- 'bl~...-tji~,y 20=2013 aml i~ consi:!er:~tion ol'al>l~lication fee in the sum of $500.00 paid by Glenn E. Just or authorized wai,,t'r ol I t~wn Board and sul~ject to the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, the Southold Town Board ol Truslees authorizes and permits the lbllowing: Wetland Permit ~o remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximateJ3 30' of e~p~sed CMU wall damaged by Hurricane Sand)'; install on filter labric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip-rap revetment; a portitm of the bank ~'ill be excavated, several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed; the forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Ocean and Coastal Consultants, last dated January 10, 2013, and stamped approved on February 2i), 21113. IN WII NESS WHEREOF. the said Board of Trustees hereby causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and these pre-;ents to bc subscribed by a majority of the said Board as of this date. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Permittee Ralph Carbon~,e residing at 6227 Castle Road, Fishers Island New York as part of the consideration for the issuance of the Permit does understand and prescribe to the following: That the said Board of Trustees and the Town of Southold are released from any and all damages, or claims for damages, of suits arising directly or indirectly as a result of any operation pcrlbrmed pursuant to this permit, and the said Permittee will, at his or her own expense, defcud any and all such suits initiated by third parties, and the said Permittee assumes fidl liability with respect thereto, to the complete exclusion of the Board of Trustees of thc Town nf Southold. That this Permit is valid lbr a period of 24 months, which is considered to be the estimated time rcquircd to Col?lctc the work involved, but should circumstances warrant, request for an extension may hc made to thc Board at a later date. 'lhal fit,,; Pet mit should bc retained indefinitely, or as long as the said Pennittee wishes to m,fi!~!ain thc ?;tructl~i'c or project ' ~vo~ ed, to provide evidence to anyone concerned that authorization ~as originally obtained. That Ihc work invol' ed wil! be su/~iect to the inspection and approval of the Board or its ay. cms. and ~. m-c m~ *l:,~ cc w~ h thc in ,v~smns of the originating application may be cause iYr rcx, ocatlo;! i,l' lifts Permit by resolution el'tile said Board. That there will be n,~ um'casonahle mtcr!'crcnce with uavigation as a result of the work hercil'~ a,.ltho~ izod That there shail bc n.'~ il~tcrtDrcncc with thc right of the public to pass and repass along the beach between high and Iow water ma~ ks. That if f'utJlre operations el'thc fown ~t' $outhold require the removal and/or alterations in thc Iocati(m of the xxork herein am horized, or it; in the opinion of the Board of Trustees, thc v,q~rk shall cause unrcasonab!e obstruction to free navigation, the said Permittee will be required, upon due notice, to remove or alter this work project herein stated without expenses to thc 'l'o'a n of Southold. That the said Board will bc uotified by the Pcmfittee of the completion of the work aothorized. That the Pel miitec xsi[l ~qmfin all other permits and consents that may be required supplcmcnla! to this pcrmiL which may be subject to revoke upon failure to obtain same. James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-President Dave l~ergen John Bredemeyer Michael J. Domino Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF $OUTHOLD COASTAL EROSION MANAGEMENT PERMIT COASTAL EROSION PERMIT #8043C Applicant/Agent: J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services Permittee: Ralph Carbone SCTM#: 1-2-5 Project Location: 6227 Castle Road, Fishers Island Date of Resolution/Issuance: February 20, 2013 Date of Expiration: February 20, 2015 Reviewed by: James F. King, President DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY: To remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall damaged by Hurricane Sandy; install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip-rap revetment; a portion of the bank will be excavated, several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed; the forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Ocean and Coastal Consultants, last dated January 10, 2013, and stamped approved on February 20, 2013. INSPECTIONS: Final Inspection SPECIAL CONDITIONS: (apply if marked) In accordance with Chapter 111-15 Erosion Protection Structures: XX A maintenance agreement is attached hereto and is a necessary special condition of this permit. BY: James F. King, President Board of Trustees T0:18~84~ ~YEAR MAINI~NAN(~ ERO~ON I~OTF. C~ON 8TRUCTUI~$ CHAPTER ~11-15 OF THE 80UZHOLD TOWN l~o~m~o/~x~M~ 6227 Castle Road, ~ishers Island ~ 1-2-S ....... Ri~ ra~ ro~k =evetment a~d =min~o~ood ve~eEa~e~ it ~ my~~ ~ ~ ~ ~n ~ ~ mm~ d~ M~' C~r~ss~ E~pires N~wc~ 31, 2016 . mjn~jMncl c~ Mil pbln nmde w#h~n Ohm ymmr d ?he o~l 0on~IJoUon and ve~m~tKt to straw the ftnM .~ro~.l or,he adm~a~r, James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-President Dave Bergen John Bredemeyer Michael J. Domino Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 February 20, 2013 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Glenn E. Just J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services P.O. Box 447 Quogue, NY 11959-0447 RE: RALPH CARBONE 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND SCTM# 1-2-5 Dear Mr. Just: The Board of Town Trustees took the following action during its regular meeting held on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 regarding the above matter: WHEREAS, J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services on behalf of RALPH CARBONE applied to the Southoid Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, and Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, Coastal Erosion Hazard Areas, application dated January 18, 2013, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator issued a recommendation that the application be found Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program policy standards, and, WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on February 20,2013, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard, and, 2 WHEREAS, the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 and Chapter 111 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees have found the application to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program, and, RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees approve the application of RALPH CARBONE to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall damaged by Hurricane Sandy; install on filter fabdc, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip-rap revetment; a portion of the bank wilt be excavated, several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed; the forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Ocean and Coastal Consultants, last dated January 10, 2013, and stamped approved on February 20, 2013. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per ~nspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $50.00 Very truly yours, James F. King President, Board of Trustees JFK/amn James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-President Dave Bergen John Bredcmeycr Michael I. Domino Town Hall Annex 54375 Route 25, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, lqY 1197l Telephone (63 I) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD reviewed by this Board at the regular meeting of ¢--/2~/1,5 and your application has been approved pending the completion of tlte following items checked off below. Revised Plans for proposed project __ Pre-Construction Hay Bale Line Inspection Fee ($50.00) 1 st Day of Construction ($50.00) ½ Constructed ($50.00) ~// Final Inspection Fee ($50.00) Dock Fees ($3.00 per sq. fl.) Permit fees are now due. Please make check or money order payable to Town of Southold. The fee is computed below according to the schedule of rates as set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code. The following fee must be paid within 90 days or re-application fees will be necessary. You will receive your permit upon completion of the above. COMPUTATION OF PERMIT FEES: TOTAL FEES DUE: $ _~,, OD BY: James F. King, President Board of Trustees Peter Young, Chairman l,auren Standish, Secretary Town Hall, 53095Main Rd, P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631)765-1892 Fax(631)765-6641 Conservation Advisory Council Town of Southold At the meeting of the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council held Tues., February 12, 2013 the following recommendation was made: RALPH CARBONE to remove approx. 335' of concrete seawall and approx. 30' of exposed CMU wall; install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approx. 400' of rip rap revetment; a portion of the bank will be excavated, several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed; forms will then be filled with plantable soils and planted forming a vegetated slope Located: 6227 Castle Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#1-2-5 The CAC did not make an inspection, therefore no recommendation was made. .Fames F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., Vice-Presidcnl Dave Bergen John Brcdcmeycr Michael J. Domino P.O. Box I 179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone (631 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Date/Time: Southold Town Board of Trustees Field Inspection/Worksession Report J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services on behalf of RALPH CARBONE requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall damaged by Hurricane Sandy; install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip-rap revetment; a portion of the bank will be excavated, several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed; the forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope. Located: 6227 Castle Road, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1-2-5 Type of area to be impacted: ~¢,~,s~/p __Saltwater Wetland Freshwater Wetlandz'cSound Bay Distance of proposed work to edge of wetland Part of Town Code proposed work falls under: ~/~--Chapt.275 ~13hapt. 111 other Type of Application: ~'v~etland C'~Coastal Erosion ~Administrative__Emergency __ Amendment Pre-Submission Violation Info needed: Modifications: Present Were: ~ King B. Ghosio __ J. Bredemeyer.__ Michael Domino Form filled out in the field by ~ /~//.,2 6 Mailed/Faxed to: Date: D. Bergen, D. Dzenkowski other Pictures taken on 11/20/2012 Pictures taken on 11/20/2012 ~icturesta~en on ~/20/20~2 Picturestaken on &Z/20/20~2 Picturestaken on 11/20/2012 Pictures taken on ~1/20/20:~2 N Environmental Consulting Services February 24, 2013 Mr. James King, Presidem Board of Town Trustees Town of Southold Town Hall Annex 54375 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Application for Ralph Carbone 6227 Castle Road, Fishers Island S.C.T.M.No. 1000-1-2-5 Dear Mr. King: FEB 2 6 2013 8outhold T~n _ _ Bg.~_r~ o_f_T_ry s~ee~ Enclosed please find is the 30-Year Maintenance Agreement, Erosion Protection Structures for this project. · Just Phone (631) 653-0607 · Fax (631) 653 3348 121 Jessup Ave · 2nd Floor · P.O Box 447 Quogue, New York 11959-0447 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY 11971 MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGHAM TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Jim King, President Town of Southold Board of Trustees MEMORANDUM FEB 1 5 20t3 From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: February 7, 2013 Re: Proposed Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Hazard Erosion Permit for RALPH CARBONE SCTM# 1000-1-2-5 J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services on behalf of RALPH CARBONE requests a Wetland Permit and a Coastal Erosion Permit to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall damaged by Hurricane Sandy; install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip-rap revetment; a portion of the bank will be excavated, several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed; the forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope. Located: 6227 Castle Road, Fishers Island. SCTM# 1-2-5 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department, as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Pursuant to Chapter 268, the Board of Trustees shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Cc: Lori Hulse, Assistant Town Attorney James F. King, President Bob Ghosio, Jr., V/ce-President Dave Bergen John Bredemeyer Michael J. Domino Town Hall Aunex ~1,37§ Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-091~9 Telephone (6~1) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ECEiVE JAN 1 8 201t Southold Town Board of Trustee~ Ralph Carbone Name of Applicant Mailing Address 635 Tudor Drive Cheshirer CT 06410 Phone Number:( ) 203-250-9181 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 1 - 2 - 5 PropertyLocation:6227 Castle Road, Fishers Island (provide LILCO Pole #, distance to cross streets, and location) AGENT: Glenn E. Just-JMO Environmental Consulting (If applicable) Address: P. 0. laox 4 4 7 Quogue,NY 11959-0447 653-0607 Phone: of T~us~ees ~pl~lioat:ione Land Area (in square feet): Area Zoning: Previous use of property. Intended use of property: GENERAL DATA 2.3 acres Single family dwelling Single family dwelling Covenants ami Restrictions on propeWy? __ If"Yes", please provide a copy. Yes x No Will this project requir~ a Building Permit as per Town Co~? Yes x No If '~res", be advised this application will be reviewed by the Building Dept. prior to a Board of Trustee review and Elevation Plans will b~ required. Does this pwject require a variance from the Zoni,g Board of Appeals? __ If 'Wes", please provide copy of decision. Yes x No Will this project require any deraolition as per Town Code or as detramined by the Building Dept.? Yes x No Does the structure (s) on property have a valid Certificate of Occupancy?, × Yes No Prior permits/approvals for site improvements: Agency Date -iw No prior permits/approvals for site improvements. Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency?, x If yes, provide explanation: No Yes Project D~ription (use attachments if necessary):. Please see attached Storm Sandy has caused significant erosion at this site with approximately 2,400 c.y. of material displaced. The applicant proposes to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall. To install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip rap revetment. A portion of the bank will be excavated ,several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire foi-iiis with filter fabric will be installed. The forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted fot-~iing a reinforced vegetated slope WETLANDfI'RUSTEE LANDS APPLICATION DATA Erosion control ~ Purpo~ of thc proposed operation: Storm Damage Repair Area of wetlands on lot: 2,0 0 0 squm'e feet Pcrce~t coverage of lot: % Closest distance between nearest exisiJng structure and upland edge of wetlands: 3 5 feet Closest distance bctwcen nearest proposed structure and upland edge of wetlands: '~ 5 feet Does the project involve excavation or filling? No x Yes If yes, how much material will be excavated? 4 0 0 cubic yards How much material will be filled7 4 0 0 cubic yards Depth of which material will be removed or deposited: 0 Proposed slope throughout thc area of operations: Manner in which material will be removed or deposited: Payloader Statement of thc effect, if any, on thc wetlands and tidal waters of thc town that may r~ult by reason of such proposed operations (usc attachments if appropriatc): The proposed project sholud have no negative impacts upon the wetlands or tidal waters of the Town o[ Truateee ~pplieation COASTAL EROSION APPLICATION DATA pmposesofproposeda~i~tT. Erosion control~ Storm Damage Repair Are wetlands present within 100 feet of the proposed activity7. No x Yes Does the project involve ~xcavation or filling? x No Yes If Yes, how much material will be excavated? 4 0 0 (cubic yards) How much material will be filled? 400 (cubic yards) Manner in which mate~al will bc rc~noved or deposited: Payloader Describe thc nature and extent of the environmental impacts to the subject property or n~ighbofing proi~dez r~asonably anticipated resulting from impl~nmtation of ~e pmj~ as proposed, including erosion increase or adverse effects on natural protective features. (Use attaclunents if necessary) There are no anticipated environmental impacts to the subject property or adjacent properties. The pro~ect will not increase erosion or adverse' effects on natural protective features 617.20 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only PART I - PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project Sponsor) 1. APPLICANT/SPONSOR J2. PROJECT NAME Ralph Carbone / Storm Sandy repair & erosion contxol 3. PROJECT LOCATION: Municipality Fishers Island County Suffolk 4. PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc., or provide map) 6227 Castle Road Location map and survey enclosed 5. PROPOSED ACTION IS: [] New [] Expansion r--1 Modification/alteration 6. DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: Please see attached 7. AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: Initially 0.25 acres Ultimately 0.25 acres 8. WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? [] Yes ~[-'] No If No, desc~be briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? Des~[~Je:Residential [] Indus~al [] Commercial Single family dwellings [] Agriculture [] Park/Forest/Open Space [] Other 10. DOES ACTION iNVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL)? [] Yes --[~ NO if Yes, list agency(s) name and permit/approvals: N.Y.S.D.E.C. & Southold Town Trustees 11. DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID PERMIT OR APPROVAL? [] Yes [] No If Yes, list agency(s) name and permitJapprevals: 12. AS[~YesA RESULT OF PROPOSED[~No ACTION WILL EXISTING~._~/_ }PERMIT~PPROVAL~REQUIRE MODIFICATION? , Appli~n~sponsorname: OlennE. J~tas¢¢tl / / Date: /I ~ -~ s~.~.re: ,~ IIf the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment I Reset PART II - IMPACT ASSESSMENT ~o be completed by Lead Agency) A. DOES AC~TtON EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR. PART 617:47 If)'es, coordinate the review process and use the FULL FAF. E]Ye.s [Z]No 8. W[LL,~C~ RECEIVE COORDINATED REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.67 If No, a negative dedaratio~ may be superseded by archer involved agency. F--~ Yes [~No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be handwrlUe~, if legible) C1. Existing air quality, surface or groundwater quality or quantity, noise levels, existing traffic pattern, solid waste production or disposal. potential fo~ erosion, drainage or flooding problems? Explain briefly: CZ. A~.il,~ao, agricultural archaeological, histo~c.'~r other n~tural or cuflurai ms~rees. ;r ~ommunt~ or netghbodlond character? Explain bnefly: C3. V=,auioGon or fauna, tish. sh~iitish or Wildlife s~ies. ;ig;itica;i'h;bilais. ~ thm~ten~ ~7¢nda~g&red species? E~ ain b~eflyi I C4. A communlty s existing plans <~; gost~'~s officially adopted{'o; a change i~ use or intensity of-[se of land or eljer na {~-r~( reseumes? F. xplai~ briefly: 1 ! [] Ye~ [] "° I (If)'es,explain briefly: i PART III - Dc; L~,G~{;;ATION OF 8~GNIFICANCE (To be completed bY Ager~cy) INSTRUCTIONS: Fo~ eadn adverse effect iden611ed above, determine whether i~ls substaMial, large, impertant or othenvise significanL Each effect ~ be assessed in conrm~lon with ~ (a) setting (i.e. urban or rural); (b) pmhal~rCy of o~cunJng; (c) duration; (d) imeve~ibiiity; (e) geographic scope; and (f) magnitude. If necessary, add attachments ~ reference s~ppmting materials. Ensure em! explanations contain sufficient d e t"~l to show Ihat all relevant adveme impacts have been identified and adequately addre~!r~d. If question d of part ii Was ch~cked · · ~,~ Y flleormgnmcanta~veesein~aclswhlchMAYoccur. 'lllonixocnaddirec~totheFUU EAF and/or prepare a pos16ve declaration. Check ~ box/fyou have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any euppo~eg documentation, that Ihe proposed ac~k~ WILL NOT r~ult in any $1gniticent adverse environmental impacts AND provide, on altachments as necessary, the reasons supl~ting Ifli~ determination. Name of L~d Agen~ Pdnt or T~ Name of Responsible Offi~r in Lead~gen~ 'g a~ of Res~ns~ble Offi~r in Lead Agen~ President Dale Title of Responsible Olti~r Signalure of Preparer (If different from responsible officer) Storm Sandy has caused significant erosion at this site with approximately 2,400 c.y. of material displaced. The applicant proposes to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall. To install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip rap revetment. A portion of the bank will be excavated ,several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire fmms with filter fabric will be installed. The forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted fornfing a reinforced vegetated slope Town of Southold Erosion~ Sedimentation & Storm-water Run-off ASSESSMENT FORM PROPERTY LOCgflOfl: S.C.TJd.~ THE FOLLOWING ACTIONS MAY REQUIRE THE SUBMISSION OF A 1000--] --2-5 STOIIMANATEI~ ORADINOT DRAINAGE AND BRO~/ON CONTROL PLAN SCOPE OF WORK - PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION iTE~[#/WORK.A_S~_.$SMENT ] Ye~ No (Include Total A~a of all Parcels ~ocalsd wili~a 2.3 1 Will tflis Projec~ Retain Ail Stom~Wat~ Run-Oil construction a~ impe~ous surfac~.) Sk)pes Contra#lng Sun'ace Wa~' Flow. ~lease see a~t:ached 3 DoestheSItePlenand/orSurveydesofibethe~osion r~ STA'I~ OF HEW YORK, Su~o].k COUNTY OF ........................................... SS That I,....G.~-..C.0..n.....~.., _.~..~..~...'C.. ................................. ~cing du~y s*v~m, dcpo,~s a~d s~y~ that I~'Jsbe ~s d~c appl~c~r rot Permir~ And that he/she is the A 9 e n l; ............................................ ~:'~'~:~'6i'~:~:i ................................................................ Owner and/or represen~five of the Owner or Owners, and is duly authorized to perform or have performed thc said work and to make and ii[c thii application; that all statements conlained in this application ~re U-ue to thc best of his I~owled~c and belief; and ltat the work will be performed in thc manner set forth in the application filed herewith. Sworn to before mc this; ............................................... day of ...................... : ...................... t0 ..... Notary Public:, .......................................................................................... FORM - 06/10 Strum Sandy has caused significant erosion at this site with approximately 2,400 c.y. of material displaced. The applicant proposes to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall. To install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip rap revehnent. A portion of the bank will be excavated ,several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with filter fabric will be installed. The forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ECE VE FIB 2 0 2013 Southold Town Board of Trustees BOARD OF TRUSq EES 1 OWN OF SOU I IOLD In the Matter of the Application of RALPH.CARBONE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) STA'I g O1" NEW YORK AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING being duly sworn, depose an~say: That on the ~ clay ot -~ < ~F~'- '} 20~1 personally posted the prope~y known ~Carbone 6227 Ca~tZe by placing the Breed of'l'~stees otI]cial poster where i~ can easily be SeCll, and that I have checked to be sure ~¢ poster has rema~ed in place tbr eight days prior to ~hc date of the public h~adn~, Date of hearing noted lllereon to bc held Wedne*da% Dated; { signal'S'e) Sworn to before 111¢ thig ,~ day ofi~/,,-*~0; :? Notm'y Public DEBORAH A. WENERT My C0M$,11881~ EI~q~$ JULY :31,201 [ NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be hel.d by the SOUTHOLD BOARD OF TRUSTEES at the Town Hall, 53095 Ma~n Road, Southold, New York, concerning this property. OWNER(S) OF RECORD:'"~o,I?k SUBJECT OF PUBLIC HEARING To remove @pproximately 335' of concrete seawall and ] approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall damaged by, Hurricane Sandyl install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip-rap revetment a portion of the bank will be excavated, several layers of compacted g" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire forms with littler f"~brJc will be instalJedl the forms will then be filled wJt'h ptamable $oit$ and then planted forming a reinforced vegetal:ed slope. TIME & DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING: :o Y're If you have an interest in this project, you are invited to view the Town file(s) which are available for inspection prior to the day of the hearing during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m and 4 p.m. BOARD OF TRUSTEES * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD * (631) 765-1892 Name: PROOF OF MAILING OF NOTICE ATTACH CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS Address: Horsehead Corporation Q717 ~cdono~h Ooa~ baltimore, ~qn 7120~ Ralph & Lauryn Carbone 635 Tudor ~rive ~heshire, C~ 0q~10 William Lee Hanley, Jr Pevocable Trust 250 Jungle Poa~ Palm Beach, FL 33480 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK Glenn E. Just ,residingat 121 Jessup Avenue Ouogue, NY 1 I 05 q , being duly sworn, deposes and says that on the ~day of~:~--.c~ ~r, ~ t ,20/~ , deponent mailed a true copy of the Notice the Bo~r~ ~{ Trust~es Apphc'-~tion, directed to each of the above named persons at the addresses set opposite there respective names; that the addresses set opposite the names of said persons are the address of said persons as shown on the current assessment roll of the Town of Southold; that said Notices were mailed at the United States Post Office at ~ _crx&~ ~ A.) -~, , that said Notices x~6r~ailed to each of said persons by Sworn ~o}¢efore me this /,_~ - Day of~l,Uta~ , 20~ -- Notary Public C3 ALICE M. SHAUGHNESSY Notary Pubtic, State of New York No. 52-4528! ~3 Corn QuBli'flBd. in Suffgl~. CouQt'J missio~ t. xl)ire~,~ 3 Environmental Consulting Services To whom it may concern: Please be advised that we have authorized the firm of J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services to act as our agent on our behalf in applying for certain approvals through your agency and others involved with this project. J.M.O. Consulting Services has been retained to coordinate all approvals necessary through your and other involved agencies, as well as our architect, engineer and contractors. We request that all communications, correspondences, notices, approvals and calls be addressed directly to the offices of J.M.O. Environmental Consulting Services. Signature ~'~ Dated /.2/.?!/9o, 7.- Phone (631) 653-0607 · Fax (631) 653 3348 121 Jessup Ave ,, 2nd Floor ,~ P.O. Box 447 Quogue, New York 11959-0447 ~d o£ Tz~uetees Al~pl'~c~abion AUTIIOI~IZ&TION (where the applicant is not the owner) (print owner of property) (mailing address) Tmst~s on my b~h~lf. signature) ~,.~,A/ ~,,~..~Z- BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES ~D AFFIRMS THAT H~SHE IS THE APPLICA~ FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTA~ED HE~ ~ ~UE TO ~E BEST OF HI~ER ~O~E~E A~ BEL~F, ~D ~T ALL WO~ ~¥1LL ~c ~NE ~ T~ ~ER S~ FORTH ~ THIS ~PLICA~ON ~D ~ ~Y AG~ES TO HOLD THE ~ OF SO~O~ ~ ~ TO~ ~US~E8 HA~ESS A~ ~EE ~OM ~ AND ALL D~G~ ~ C~ ~8~O ~D~ OR BY V~E OF S~ P~T(S~ ~ G~D. ~ ~~G ~lS ~PLICATION, I ~BY A~ORI~ ~ TRUSTS, ~ AG~(S) OR ~~A~S(S), ~ ~R O~O ~ PROP~ ~ ~SP~ ~ SWO~ TO B~O~ ~ ~S ~] DAYOF ~m~ 20]~ ~otm'y Pul~lic My Commission Expires March 31,201~ APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIV~ TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM C~aa~ of Zor~ Approval of plat Ex~a~oa from plat or official map (If "O~cr~, namc th~ ac~vity.) Do you p~n,~mmlly (~ ~hm~gh you~ ~mpany, ~ou~, sibling, panmt, ~ ~hild) hav~ & ~lati~ip ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ofth~ Town 0f So. hold? "Rrl~ionahi~ inc~d~a by blood, n~tdt~-~ including a t~n~rshiP, in which ~ ~own officer of ~mploy~ baa cv~n a partial own~d~ of (o~'~mploym~t by) a in which ~hc town offi~e~ o~ ~nploy~ ow~ mol~ than 5% of ~ shanea YES NO If you anaw~md "YE~', cample~ the hslm~e of ~his form nnd d~e and sign ~ Nam~ of ~rsOn emp~oy~l by li~ Town of ~outhold Title or poaition oflhat De.~dl~ ~ ~latio~hip ~ your~f (~e al~li~a~a~mt/r~n~ive) and the ~ Or. ar or ~ Ei~'r d~ al~mpda~ lin~ A) through D) and/o~ d~z~be in ~hc ~m~ Provided. Th~ ~own offi~e~ ~ ~ploy~ or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~iM ~ (~ ~'~ ~): A)~o~of~5%of~of~ ~ ~ of~.~a~ ~) ~ m~ ~ ofmyin~ ~ a ~ ~ (~ ~ ~ ~ n~ a ~); DE$CRIFFION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS I PrintNam~ //'--~S~ ~-~/I ~Q90 ~y Comm,sslon Expires March 31, 2018 APPLICANT/AGENT/REPRESENTATIVE TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's ~ of Ethics ~,-~.:.'.,:~ ~nfllets of inta'es~ on ~ ~ ofm~ Off~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~d . Y~RN~ Just, Glenn~E ~ n~ ~ ~i~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~1~:~~cof ~n's ~ ~y's ~.) NAME OF APPLICATION: (Ch~k all thai apply.) Building Tms~ Coastal Erosion Mooring Planning V~'i~nco Chang~ of Zoee Approval of pla! Exemption f~om plat or official map Other (If "Other~, n~ne tl~ activity.) Do you personally (or ~xough your company, spouse, sibling, parcnL or child) have a relationship :with any officea' or employee of thc Town of Southold? "Reisfion~hip" includes by b ood, marrla~, or bus'mess ilalgre,~ "Business iol~:n'cst~ means a business, including a pert~rsh{p, in which the town offic~ or ~nuploy~ has ~ven a partial ownership of(or employment by) a corpon~on in which the town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the sha~s. YES NO X If you ans',vcmd '+YES". compic~t~ tho balance of this form and da~e and sign wh~re indica~l. Nome of pe~n employed by li~ Town of Southold Title Or position of that person Desc~l~ thc relationship between yoms~lf (the applicanffagcnffmpr~senlative) and the town officor or cmployee. Either cbc ek thc appmprh~ line A) ~mugh D) and/or dcsc~be ia the space provided. Tbe ~own officer m' employee or his or her spouse, sibling, pemnt, ¢~ ~hild is (oink all thai apply): A) tim owner of gre#~r than 5% of Iht shares o f the co{porat¢ stock o f Ihe applic0nt (when ~ applicmt is a corl~natioa); B) ~¢ logal or ~enefloial owng/of any int~,st in a non-corporate enti~ (whoa the applicant is not a corporation); C) an office', di~ctor, Far--er, or cmploye~ of thc applicant; or D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form TS I il. Town of SOUthold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSILS~MENT FORM INSTRUCTIONS All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to thc Town of Southold Waterfront Consistence Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other infonnalion used by a Town of Southold agency in making a delta-ruination of consistence. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministertal permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard .4rea. Before answering the que~ons in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each police contained in the Town of Sonthold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be eval,_~ted as to its sJ..~ificant be~ne6eial and adverse effects uvon the coastal area (which iaciudas all of Sonthold Townl. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes" or "no", than the proposed action will affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, o~seh altswer must be explained in detail~ lisfin~ both supporfin~ and non- suooorfin~, facts. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold ' s website (southoldtown.noxtlffork.nct), the Board of Trustees Office, the Planning Department, all local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIFFION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION SCTM~ 1 . 2 5 PROI~CTNAM~ Erosion control/storm damage The Application has been submitted to (check appropriate response): Cat~ory of Toval of Sou~old agence a~ion (check appropriate response): (a) Action--a~laken ~ by Town agency (e.g. capital [] construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) [] (b) Financial assistance (e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (e) Permit, approval, license, eefdfieafion: Nature and extent of action: ~lease see attached Storm Sandy has caused significant erosion at this site with approximately 2,400 c.y. of material displaced. The applicant proposes to remove approximately 335' of concrete seawall and approximately 30' of exposed CMU wall. To install on filter fabric, crushed stone and compacted granular fill approximately 400' of rip rap revetment. A portion of the bank will be excavated ,several layers of compacted 9" thick lifts of granular fill will be installed and galvanized wire fo~-~xis with filter fabric will be installed. The forms will then be filled with plantable soils and then planted forming a reinforced vegetated slope Location of action: Site acreage: P~e~nt land use: East End Road, no ~, ~ishers Island Single family dwelling R-120 ~ zoning ch~ificafion: If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: (a) Name0fapplicant: Ralph Carbone ~) Msi[w'~ddress: 635 Tudor Drive. Cheshire, CT 06410 (¢) Te~ph0~l~numbe~. A~aCode( ) 203-250-9181 Unknown Wi~ the acdon be dk~cfly und~zke% m~u~e fun&ag or approv~l by a ~at¢ or f~demi agency? Yes [] NoN Ifyes, wh/chsia~0r fcd~ral age,cy? N.Y.S.D.E.C. C. Evaluate the project to the following policies by ~nalyzing how tho project will further support or not support the policies. Provide all proposed Best Management Practices that will further each policy. lncomplcte answers will require that the form be returned for completion. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community clmracter, preserve~ open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal loeation, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section 1II- Policies; Page 2 for evaluation cHteHs. []Yes ~] No [] Not Applicab~ The project does not involve "development" and should have no impact upon open space or the cb~ra~r of ~h~ o~mmHni?y T? is felt that this project is consistent with this Dolicv Attach additional shee~ if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Senthold. See ' LWRP Section III ~ Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria [] Ye~ [] No [] Not Applicable The project ~ve no impact archaeological resources- It Js upon any or f~lf ~ha~ fhis prnj~ Attach additional sheets if nocessary Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LNVRP Section III - Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria The project will have no impa~ the visual quality of the Town. is consistent with this policy Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Miaimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosiou. See LWRp Section IH - Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria F~ Yes F-] No [] Not Applicable Attach addilional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of $outhold. See LWRP Section IH - PoliCies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria [] Yes [] No ~ Not Applicable The project shall have no impact upon th~ qualify ~r q,mnfi~y of ~otable water. It is felt ~hat this ~roject is ~m~i~n~ with this policy At!ach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function .of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section Eli - Policies; Page~ 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. Yes No Not App~ble The ~ro~ect shall have no negative impacts upon the. quality or function of any wetlands, ecosystems or areas of Significant Coastal Fish and W~ldli~e Habitats. It is .i~lt that this project Parley 7. P~ote~t mid hnpr~ve mir qutlit7 in the Town of SouthoM. See LWR~ Section !II - Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteri~ [] The project shall have no impact upon air quality. ~t is felt that this project is consistent with this policy Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimi,~ environmen*sl degradation in Town of SouthoM tram solid wsstm and ImnFdom substances end wm~es. See LWRP Section !~- Policies; Ps, es 34 through 38 for evsluaflo~ cri~rb. [] Not Ampn ble The project does not involve the use of or disposal of solid waste or hazardous substances and wastes. It is felt that thi~ pro~.ect is consi.8~.~t w~h ~h~s nolicv PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coast~! waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section IT! - Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation cFi*eri~. [~ Ye~ No [~ Not Applicable This project will have no impact upon public access to, and pro_iect is consistent with this policy f~lt that this Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICll~$ Policy 10. Protect Southold's water*dependent uses and pFomote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable loeattom, b LWRP ~:tton Ell- Politic; Pag~ 47 through f~ for evaluation ~-lt~ria. [] Yes [] No [] Not Applicable The project w~tl have no impact upon Southold's water-depen~en,t uses or the siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. It is felt that this project is consistent.with this policy AO~h addltiomd sh~s ffnecessary Poli~y 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peeonic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~'~ No [-'] Not Applicable ' The project will have no impacts upon the substainabte use of livin? m~in~ ~m~n~m T~ consistent with ~hi~ policy Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section HI - Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes r-] No ~ Not Applicable The project does not involve agricultural lands. It Attach addi~nal sheets if nec. e.s~ary Polio/ 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section IH - Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. [] Yes ~ NO ~/NO* Applicable The pro~ect does not involve the use of or development of is not aoolicable to th18 proqect PREPARED BY Glenn E.. Just TITLE Agent DATE 1/8/13 A 6.'~', 5 UDOR IRIVE~ q-'H i:-.~ H i1~1:- .-, ilm~. "".., _,--' _- _-- _ _- :: _-- ,....'"'- '_,-.-' _ Z _- -- -,..- -.-,-- "'-' .,-' 2 __-' -- s,- -- s ~~r~~ /~ DRAWING LIST ., ',, ¢~~ ~ iXI©RTH ,,.,,~.,.~¥,..~ , ?~ ~,,~-,~.-,,,,,,~,,:~., !,.,,~¢~..,,~..,,,,,,~¥,~,,,.,,,,,~ ,~ Dwr4- N n. TITLE '.~ ::¢>.: ', ~.,.~,~~~j~, 212096. , -02 PROJECT NOTES %~ ~ ,,~,~.~.~, , ,~~~:~G. 212096.1-03 EXlSTINB AND DEMOLITIDN PLAN ~;,,~,~.: ,,,~;~ ;'/~ ~~~~,~ 5,~ ! 2120'96. 1 -D4 EXISTING SECTIONS ;~~~~,~~~ ~,..,.. 212096. 1-06 SLOPE STABILIZATION SEOTION5 ' ,~ -~: :~" , ,,,~ ~ ,'., ~,:n ~, ',,, ~~ ~~;~)~ i~,,;iiiiiiii,~ 2 I 2D96.1-07 VEBETATED SLOPE DETAILS .,, ~.. ~o .~.~,,. VIOINITY MAP ~ This drawing end oll cop~es and the design and data shown ore the property of Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. and ~ include proprietary informoUon. 7he borrower by receipt or · authorized in wriUng by Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc., ~ i~ will (1) not use the drawing or any copy of the design ~l I S ~U E S fo R ~ O N ~T R U DTI O N ~data shown, (2) no~ reproduce, exhibit or distribute . drawing or ony copy for use by others and (5) upon demand ~ ¢ return the drawing, oll copies and ~11 material copied therefrom. DESIGNED BY: SCALE REVISION ~,~ ,~ , ~'~ STW~ CARBONE SLOPE STABILIZATION PROJECT As NO~E~ DESCRIPqON DATE BY bESCRIPTION ~ I OCEAN AND COASTAL I Ocean and Coastal Consultants ~¢~ ~AW~ BY: 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND DATE 0 aCOWIcompsny r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CAMA 1/10/13 ~ 0 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/10/13 STW~ ,, ~, , 35 Corporate Drive, Suite 1200 RALPH CARBONE . ,,;~ CHECKED BY: ADKA DRAWING NO. g~ ~ ~ Trumbull, CT 066~1 635 TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 06410 °~¢'~¢~ QC REVIEW: Phon.:{~0~)~6,-,00~ COVER SHEET AND DRAWING LIST 212096.1-01 ~ ~ ~ cou~u[~s ~ [~: {200) 2~a-as2~ PROJECT NOTES DESIGN CRITERIA 18 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN AT HIS EXPENSE REQUIRED FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS 2. FABRIC FENCE MATERIAL SHALL BE SUPPLIED IN ROLLS WITH APPROVED STAKING ATTACHMENTS FROM AN AND DEVICES AS NECESSARY TO SAFELY PERFORM THE WORK IN ACCORD WITH THE APPLICABLE APPROVED SUPPLIER AND SHALL BE PLACED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS WRITTEN 1. STEEL PLATES SHALL CONFORM TO A58, HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION REGULATIONS. IT SHALL BE OPERATIONAL THROUGHOUT THE PERIOD OF CONSTRUCTION. INSTRUCTIONS, 2. THE cOMPLETED STRUCTURE HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND THE FOLLOWING DESIGN LIVE LOADS 19. THE OWNER SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT TO WITHHOLD WITHOUT PENALTY PAYMENT DESCRIBED ABOVE, OR APPLIED IN CONJUNCTION WITH BACKFILL AND RIPRAP ELEVATIONS INDICATED ON THE REFERENCE SECTIONS REFERENCED HEREIN, FOR COMPLETED WORK SHOULD THE CONTRACTOR FAIL TO MEET 5. STOCKPILING OF MATERIALS WITHIN THE FLOOD HAZARD ZONE IS PROHIBITED. OBLIGATIONS OR REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT. WITHHELD PAYMENT SHALL BE PROMPTLY MADE UPON DRAWINGS: THE CONTRACTOR¢S FULL COMPLIANCE WITH THE CONTRACT. 4. WORKING OR PLACING MATERIAL ON EXISTING WETLAND VEGETATION IS PROHIBITED. LiVE LOADS: 20. COMPLY WITH LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PROTECTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT DURING SURCHARGE: 100 PSF UNIFORM LOAD THE WORK. NO LATER THAN 5 DAYS FOLLOWING AWARD OF CONTRACT, SUBMIT A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING. AND COMPACTION DESCRIBING THE iMEANS AND METHODS TO BE EMPLOYED FOR PROTECTION, CONTAINMENT, AND CLEAN UP, ENSURE THAT PERSONNEL ARE PROPERLY TRAINED AND THAT SUFFICIENT EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ARE WAVE LOADS: READILY AVAILABILE FOR USE IF REQUIRED. ABIDE BY STATE AND FEDERAL SP~LL REPORTING 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE, BACKFILL, COMPACT, AND GRADE THE SITE TO THE ELEVATIONS AND LIMITS SHOWN AND AS NEEDED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION. RIPRAP SHORELINE PROTECTION: IO0-YEAR FREQUENCY TIDAL FLOOD ELEVATION AS REQUIREMENTS. DEFINED BY FEMA WITH IO0-YEAR FREQUENCY WIND GENERATED WAVE LOADING ADJUSTED FOR LOCAL 21. THE OWNER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CHARGE THE CONTRACTOR FOR ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES IF 2. STRUCTURAL F-ILL SHALL CONFORM TO THE NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD BATHYMETRY REQUIRED DUE TO THE CONTRACTOR'S ACTIONS OR INACTIONS. SPECIFICATIONS 2008, SECTION 755-111, TABLE 755-11A. 3. EXISTING SITE SURVEY AND MEAN HIGH WATER LiNE INFORMATION TAKEN FROM A DRAWING TITLED "RALPH 22. THE STRUCTURES HAVE BEEN DESIGNED TO BE SELF-SUPPORTING AND STABLE AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS CARBONE JR, LOTS 1-1A & 1-1C, 6227 CASTLE ROAD FISHERS ISLAND NEW YORK, PROJECT NO. 2012828 COMPLETE. THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURES PRIOR TO COMPLETION IS SOLELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF 5. STRUCTURAL FILL SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS NOT MORE TBAN 9" IN LOOSE DEPTH. DO NOT PLACE BOOK NO FI 2012. ELEVATIONS REFERENCE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 DATUM THE CONTRACTOR. THIS RESPONSIBILITY EXTENDS TO RELATED ASPECTS OF THE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY FILL MATERIAl ON SURFACES THAT ARE MUDDY, FROZEN, OR CONTAINING FROST OR iCE. PLACE FILL (NGVD29). INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ERECTION METHODS, ERECTION SEQUENCE, CONNECTIONS, TEMPORARY MATERIALS EVENLY ADJACENT TO STRUCTURES, TO REQUIRED ELEVATIONS. TAKE CARE TO PREVENT BRACING, FORMS, SHORING, USE OF EQUIPMENT, AND SIMILAR CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES. REVIEW OF WEDGING ACTION OF BACKFILL AGAINST STRUCTURES BY CARRYING TEE MATERIAL UNIFORMLY AROUND TEE CONSTRUCTION BY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER OF RECORD IS FOR GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE STRUCTURE TO APPROXIMATELY THE SAME ELEVATION IN EACH LIFT. b 0 0 S CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ONLY, LACK OF COMMENT BY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER OF RECORD WITH 1. NO GUARANTEE TO THE ACCURACY OF THE REFERENCE DOCUMENTS IS PROVIDED HEREIN AND THE REGARD TO CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES SHALL NOT BE INTERPRETED AS APPROVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF 4. CONTROL STRUCTURAL FILL COMPACTION DURING CONSTRUCTION TO PROVIDE THE MINIMUM PERCENTAGE OF CONTRACTOR SHALL RELY ON HIS OWN FIELD VERIFICATION FOR ITEMS SO REQUIRED. SUCH PROCEDURES. DENSITY SPECIFIED FOR EACH AREA AS DETERMINED ACCORDING TO ASTM D1557. STRUCTURAL FILL AREAS SHALL NOT FALL BELOW 95% OF ITS DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT AS DETERMINED BY 2. SECTIONS, DETAILS, NOTES, DIMENSIONS AND CONDITIONS ARE APPLICABLE AT ANY OTHER LOCATION 2.5. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF HIS OPERATIONS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL THE ABOVE TRST. WHERE CONDITIONS AND DETAIL ARE SIMILAR BUT ARE NOT SPE. ClFICALLY NOTED AS SUCH OR ARE NOT TAKE PRECAUTIONS FOR THE SAFETY OF, AND SHALL PROVIDE PROTECTION TO PREVENT DAMAGE, INJURY, OR LOSS TO PER%OHS EMPLOYED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK, AND PERSONS SHOWN. NEARBY THAT MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS OR THE WORK, INCLUDING 5. CRUSHED STONE BEDDING LAYER SHALL CONFORM TO %hIE NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS WHICH WILL BE INCORPORATED IN THE WORK, AND OTBFR PROPERTIES ,AND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION 2008, SECTION 705-02, SIZE 5 THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH THE OWhi'ER. STRUCTURES AT THE SITE, OR ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES. DESIGNATION I 4. THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND FABRICATION OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS. 24. OBSTRUCTIONS ARE DEFINED AS UNFORESEEN OBJECTS, WHICH IMPEDE PROGRESS. OBJECTS, WHICH ARE MADE KNOWN TO THE CONTRACTOR, WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED TO BE OBSTRUCTIONS. NOTIFY ]'HE GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 5. iF, DURING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR FINDS A CONFLICT, ERROR, OR ENGINEER OF RECORD IMMEDIATELY UPON ENCOUNTERING UNFORESEEN OBJECTS. NO CONSIDERATION WILL DISCREPANCY IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SO REPORT TO THE ENGINEER OF BE GIVEN FOR ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION ON THIS ACCOUNT WITHOUT THIS TIMELY NOTIFICATION. 1. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE MIRAFI FILTERWEAVE FW-700 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC OR AN EQUIVALENT RECORD IN WRITING AT ONCE. BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE WORK AFFECTED THEREBY, THE CONTRACTOR ACCEPTED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. SHALL OBTAIN A WRITTEN INTERPRETATION OR CLARIFICATION FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. WORK 25. SUBSTITUTIONS MAY BE FURNISHED F~OR MATERIALS SPECIFIED HEREIN PROVIDED THE CONTRACTOR DONE BEFORE THE ENGINEER OF RECORD RENDERS HIS DECISION IS AT THE CONTRACTOR'S SOLE RISK. SECURES ACCEPTANCE FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. 2, INSTALL BEOTEXTILE FABRIC IN ACCORDANCE WiTH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. MAINTAIN 6. THE WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN A GENERAL SEQUENCE DEYELOPED BY THE CONTRACTOR AND SELECTIVE DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL MINIMUM 12-INCH LAP AT ADJACENT SECTIONS. SUBMITTED TO THE ENGINEER OF RECORD FOR REVIEW, 1N ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT. THE CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION 1. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION AND DISPOSAL SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH FEDERAL, STATE, AND 5. PROPERLY ANCHOR FABRIC TO PREVENT SLIDING OR TEARING DURING iNSTALLATION OF OVERBURDEN AND FOR THE SEQUENCES AND PROCEDURES TO BE USED. LOCAL PERMIT AIND BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS. MATERIAL. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH AND COORDINATE PLANT, LAgOR, SUPERVISION, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE AND DISPOSE THOSE STRUCTURES AND DERELICT COMPONENTS REQUIRED AND APPLIANCES FOR DEMOLITION AND/OR CONSTRUCTION WORX IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEMOLITION TO PERFORM THE WORK. THIS WORK INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO CONCRETE AND TIMBER DEBRIS, REINFORCED SLOPE AND OTHER ITEMiS. AND/OR CONSTRUCTION OF THE MARINE FACILITIES. 8. THE OWNER WILL SECURED CERTAIN PERMITS REQUIRED BY FEDERAL, AND STATE AUTHORITIES FOR THE 5. SELECTIVE BEMO[LITION INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO REMOVAL AND REUSE (WHERE POSSIBLE) OF 1. REINFORCING EARTH COMPONENTS INCLUDING CEOGRID SHALL BE HIGH PERFORMANCE GEOGRIB AS PROPOSED ACTIVITIES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONIRACTOR TO PERFORM THE WORK IN EXISTIN~ MATERbALS, AND OTHER COMPONENTS ESSENTIAL FOR A COMPLETE PROJECT. GALVANIzEDMANUFACTUREDwIRE.BY SYNTEEN TECHNICAL FABRIC OR EQUIVALENT. ALL WELDED WIRE FORMS SHALL BE ACCORDANCE WiTH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE PERMIT, S. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POST COPIES OF THE PERMITS AT THE SITE THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF TffE WORK. THE CONTRACTOR iS 4. THE CONTRACTOFR SHALL TAKE REASONABLE CARE IN REMOVING ELEMENTS SELECTED TO BE DEMOLISHED IN RESPONSISLE TO OBTAIN PERMITS ASSOCIATED WITH THE LEGAL DISPOSAL OF CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS. THE ACCORDANCE WITFH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION BY THE CONTRACTOR TO RIPRAP SHORE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR SHALL SECURE REQUIRED LOCAL AUTHORIZATIONS AND PERMITS. EXISTING ELEMENITS DESIGNATED TO REMAIN SHALL BE REPAIRED OR REPLACED IN-KIND AT THE DISCRETION OF ~'HE OWNER AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. 1. STONE SHALL BE OF A QUALITY TO INSURE PERMANENICE OF THE STRUCTURE IN THE CLIMATE IN WHICH IT 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH MATERIALS FOR INSTALLATION IN THE COMPLETED WORK AS SPECIFIED HEREINAFTER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL HANDLE THESE MATERIIALS AS THEY ARE DELIVERED TO THE SITE 5. ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND REUSED SHALL BE PLACED IN A STAGING AREA ACCESSIBLE FOR INSPECTION IS TO BE USED. THE STONE SHALL BE FREE FROM ORGANIC DEBRIS, DURABLE, SOUND, FREE FROM DETRIMENTAL CRACKS, SEAMS, AND OTHER DEFECTS WIHICH TEND TO INCREASE DETERIORATION FROM OR OFF-SITE WORX AREAS, AND SHALL STORE THEM IN A DESIIGNATED STORAGE AREA. BY TEE OWNER. NATURAL CAUSES OR CAUSE BREAKAGE IN HANDLING IOR PLACEMENT. ORGANICS, SAND, CLAY, CHERT 10. THE CONTRACTOR WILL INDEMNIFY AND SAVE HARMLESS THE OWNER AND ENGINEER OF RECORD FROM AND 6. PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF SELECTIVE DEMOLITION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A DISPOSAL PLAN AND ROCK FINES ARE PROHIBITED. THE STONE SHALL BE SELECTED GRANITE, QUARTZITE, RHYOLITE, OR AGAINST ALL LOSSES AND ALL CLAIMS, DEMANDS, PAYMENTS, .~UITS, ACTIONS, RECOVERIES, AND FOR ITEMS TO BIE DEMOLISHED. DEMOLITION MATERIAL DESIGNATED BY THE OWNER %'~ BE REMOVED FROM LIMESTONE. JUDGMENTS OF EVERY NATURE AND DESCRIPTION BROUGHT OR RECOVERED AGAINST ~fHE OWNER AND THE SITE SHALL ~EDOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CONTRACTOR. THE DEBRIS DISPOSAL PLAN SHALL ENGINEER OF RECORD BY REASON OF ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF THE CONTRACTOR, OR OF ANY ACKNOWLEDGE TI'HIS OWNERSHIP AND SHALL iDENTIFY THE MEANS AND METHODS AND FINAL DISPOSITION 2. FILTER STONE SHALL BE GRADED STONES 4 INCH DIAb4ETER NOMINAL SIZE UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE SUBCONTRACTOR TO THE CONTRACTOR, OR OF ANY PERSON DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY EMPLOYED BY THE FOR DISPOSAL M~ATERIALS. ON THE DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR OR ANY SUCH SUBCONTRACTOR, IN THE PERFORMANCE OF ANY WORK FOR, OR THE RENDERING OF ANY SERVICES TO, THE OWNER. 7. PRIOR TO COMM~ENCEMENT OF DEMOLITION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CLEARLY MARK THE LIMITS OF THE DEMOLITION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY TEE OWNER. 5. RIPRAP ARMOR STONE SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING GRADATION: 11. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT, AT ITS OWN COST AND EXPENSE, IT SHALL PROCURE AND CONTINUE IN FORCE; INSURANCE COVERAGE AS REQUIRED BY THE OWNER. 3UCH INSURANCE SHALL BE WRITTEN BY A 8. COMPLETELY RE~VlOVE ITEMS DESIGNATED LEAVING SURFACES CLEAN, SOUND, AND READY TO RECEIVE NEW COMPANY OR COMPANIES AUTHORIZED TO ENGAGE IN THE BUSINESS OF GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE IN MATERIALS AS SPECIFIED IN THE CO~TRACT DOCUMENTS. PERCENT ARMOR STONE THE STATE IN WHICH THE DEMISED PREMISES ARE LOCATED, AND THERE SHALL BE DELIVERED TO THE PASSING (LBS) OWNER WITH THE BID CUSTOMARY CERTIFICATES EVIDENCING SUCH PAID-UP iNSURANCE, WHICH 9. THE CONTRACTO,R SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STABILITY OF THE STRUCTURE DURING THE WO 590 CERTIFICATES ARE TO BE ISSUED BY THE INSURANCE COMPANIES. GOOD AND RESPONSIBLE COMPANIES, COURSE OF DEMIOLITION. W15 1250 REASQNABLY ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER, SHALL WRITE SUCH INSURANCE. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFYING WSO 3150 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACCURACY OF LOCATIONS, DIMENSIONS, AND LEGAL AND PROIPER DISPOSAL. W85 6140 LEVELS AND NO PLEA AS TO INSTRUCTIONS OR ORDER RECEIVED FROM OTHER SOURCES OTHER THAN WlO0 12520 INFORMATION CONTAINED ON CONTRACT DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS OR IN WRITTEN ORDERS OF THE OWNER TEMPORA~ dR ENGINEER OF RECORD SHALL JUSTIFY DEPARTURE FROM THE DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE CONTRACT DRAWINGS. 1. LABOR, EQUIPMENT, AND MATERIALS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK THAT, UPON COMPLETION, ARE NOT 4. ARMOR STONE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM SIZE OF 16 INCHES MEASURED THE LEAST DIMENSION ACROSS ITS A PART OF THE WORK, SHALL BE FURNISHED, INSTALLED, AND SUBSEQUENTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE MIDSECTION. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE HIS OWN MEASUREMENTS AT THE SITE, VERIFYING THE SAME WITH THE BY THE CONTRA,CTOR. CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND EXISTING FACILITIES, AND WILL BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROPER FIT AND 5. RIPRAP FILTER LAYER STONE SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING GRADATION: ALIGNMENT OF COMPLETED WORX IN POSITION. 2. TEMPORARY WORK SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE STATE AND APPLICABLE LOCAL BUILDING CODES;. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GUARANTEE TO THE OWNER MATERIAL~ AND WORKMANSHIP AGAINST ORIGINAL PERCENT FILTER STONE DEFECTS, OR AGAINST INJURY FROM PROPER AND USUAL WEAR WHEN USED FOR THE PURPOSE INTENDED, 5. THE CONTRACTO)R SHALL SAFEGUARD AND PROTECT EXCAVATIONS. PASSING (LBS) FOR TWELVE (12) MONTHS AFTER DATE OF FINAL PAYMENT CEF~TIFICATIONS, AND SHALL MAINTAIN ITEMS iN PERFECT CONDITION DURING THE PERIOD OF GUARANTEE. DEFECTS APPEARING DURING THE PERIOD OF 4. DURING EXECUTIION OF THE WORK, THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN REQUIRED GUARANTEE SHALL BE MADE GOOD BY THE CONTRACTOR AT HIS EXPENSE UPON DEMAND OF THE OWNER, SEDIMENTATION ,AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURES TO PROTECT ADJACENT WATERWAYS, STREETS, AND WO 1.0 IT BEING REQUIRED THAT WORK SHALL BE IN PERFECT CONDITION WHEN THE PERIOD OF GUARANTEE SHALL PROPERTIES. ME:ASURES INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO TEMPORARY BERMS, HAY BALES, SILT FENCES, HAVE ELAPSED. 1N THE EVENT OF DEFAULT BY THE CONTRACTOR, THE COMPANY SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT CONTAINMENT B(OOMS, AND TURBIDITY CURTAINS. IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE REGULATORY W15 1.7 TO MAKE GOOD DEFECTS AND BILL THE CONTRACTOR COST PLUS 15% FOR ADMINISTRATION FEES. AUTHORIZATIONS~, THE CONTRACTOR SBALL FURNISH, INSTALL, MAINTAIN TEMPORARY TURBIDITY CURTAINS WSO 5.8 DURING CONSTRtUCTION. TEMPORARY MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT SHALL CONFORM TO REQUIREMENTS FOR W85 19.6 15. AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE, THE CONTRACTOR'S WORKING AREAS SHALL BE CLEANED BY HIM ON A TEMPORARY WO~RK. WlO0 55.0 BAY-~O~BAY BASIS, WITH RUBBISH REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND WORK AREAS CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH DAY. AT FINAL COMPLETION OF WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL LEAVE THE ENTIRE PREMISES, 5. THE CONTRACTO)R SHALL LOCATE EROSION CONTROLS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SILT FENCE, HAY WITHIN THE SITE OF HIS OPERATIONS, CLEAN AND FREE FROM ~HE RUBBISH RESULTING FROM HIS THEBALES'sATISFACTI(oNAND TR/ACKINGoF THEPADSLocALAS REQUIREDBuiLDiNG FORoFFiCiALs.ADEQUATE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION AND TO 6. NO MORE THAN 15% OF THE ARMOR SHALL BE SCATTERED SPALLS AND STONES LESS THAN 12 INCHES. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS. 7. STONE SHALL BE PLACED IN A MANNER TO pRODUCE A WELL GRADED MASS WITHOUT CAUSING 16. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PROVIDE AND MAINTAIN UTILITIES HE DEEMS NECESSARY TO AFFECT SEDIMENTATION lAND EROSION CONTROL DISPLACEMENT OF THE UNDERLYING MATERIAL. THE FINISHED SURFACE SHALL BE FREE FROM POCKETS OF THE WORK. SMALL STONES AND CLUSTERS OF LARGE STONES. This drowing and all copies and the design ond data shown 1. SILT FENCE SHA\LL BE MIRAFI 600X AS MANUFACTURED BY MIRAFI INC., GEOTEX .300ST AS MANUFACTURED ore the proper~y of Ocean and Codstel Consultonts, lnc. ond 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FIELD ENGINEERING SERVICES REQUIRED FOR PROPER COMPLETION OF BY SYNTHETIC I~NBUSTRIES, INC., PROPEX 2004 AS MANUFACTURED BY AMOCO FABRICS & FIBERS CO. OR include proprietory informdNon. The borrower by receipt or THE WORK INCLUDING, BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO: ESTABLISHING AND MAINTAINING LINES AND retention of the drawing, agrees that, except ~s expressly LEVELS; STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF SHORES, FORMS, AND SIMILAR ITEMS PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR AS EQUIVALENT. authorized in writing by Oceon ~nd Coostol Consultants, Inc., PART OF HIS MEANS AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION. ~ it will (1) not use the drawing or any copy of the design I IBEiUE:D FrmR BBN-mTRUOTIBN or doto shown, (2) not reproduce, exhibit or distribute drowing or any copy for use by others ond (5) upon demond return the drawing, all copies and all material copied therefrom. DESIGNED BY: SCALE REVISION ADKA CARBONE SLOPE STABILIZATION PROJECT NONE Ocean and Coastal Consultants~~, DRAWN BY: 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND DATE 0 DESCRIPllON DATE BY DESCRIPtiON DATE BY 0 SSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/10/13 S~H [OCEAN, I AND COASTAL I acowIcompany ~'CAMA 1/10/15 RALPH CARBONE 35 Corporate Drive, Suite 1200 ¢ ~. f~. I~ I CHECKED BY: DRAWING NO. { ~ m Trumbull, CT 08811 B~5 TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 06410 ~{~/~ STWH Phone:(203) 268-8007 Qc REVIEW: PROJECT NOTES 212096.1-02 I CO)NSULTANTS ] Fax: (203) 268-8821 ~ ' " / / ~1 ~-~' F~ ~ ', ,, ~, ', ',\ ~ ~ ~ :' // / ,:' ,: /1/ I II / / ~ ',, ',, x, ,,, ',,~ NORTH , ~~ ~ :, . ...... ~ ', ", ", ', ", ', X , ~ ~' ,///~ _ ....... " ~ I '. [ ~ ', ,, ', *~ COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE , ~ ~-- ' -' -~ ..... ,' ', ', , , ~ ~-3-: I , ... , / / ~ ~ , ~ I ~ , , , __ ~_ ~ ..... ,, ~ , /~,~-: ~-'~ .. - , I ,,, , -,-.~ ~ - ..- , ~ ,~s ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ......... - '. ' ' '~' ~'~ ~ //~.':~'~ _~ ~' ~LIMITS OF ' .- ~', I~.u ~~,, ~ ~: E~ N ~ECK ~. '." '. " , % ',A~: ~)~:' ,' :-~ ~,,:,= ' / 2>,'1 I " ' ' ' ' ' ' "" ' ' ' ' ' ' - , .~ , 'X. X~;*~, . . /~' B_ / , ,' /: g:', , ~...L~I ~ov, 2o~2 : ~, -,/ ,~'~W/$~ ,, ,' ' x ,' ; ,' ,; ~ ~~~/' / ~: ..---' ; / ~ ~ /' ",. ~ .'~% /'1 , IJ I, ~.~ '1% ~". . / ,e ..-: ~: .~ -' ~ /~ ~ , ~ """--- ~ :~ ,, ', x>' ? ~~ I ,,' ~ ,' /-' , ~" ~¢~//. -- ~ ...... , ', N , E+ ' ~ -' ,' ,' ' 0 .'- ~ POOL ....... X , < .- ~' . ~ : ,"' ~%~,~'~??'~,C:Qu~-~ ¢~E~o %,"------ ~X .,' .?~ W~A~ .~:'~ z-" .." / /~**:~ ,' ~-' ;~2~%~~ '"-. ~ .." ..~' :~.-'" ~ /' ,." / ' .~::~ _ : - = =~~:: ~..----._/x :~d . . ~~,T*~T ' .. ~' ~, .-" ( ~:~ ~ '-. %8 /~/ .... .~ ~~o~ ...' , ...: .' x ~%~ ~ ' '~~,,.,-' .,,~ / COASTAL EROSION HAZARD LINE/ ', ~0~ 0~'B*NK ~'OV ~01~ rSEE M~~ REFERENCE No.213 ..( .er r ~,, ,~ . ~ 4~ / / ~ ,.. . TO~ o~ BA,X ,U~ =0~; ~ ~/ ~ . PS ~_~ A~ =~ -'7 .X~:' '~ '" ~-" -'" '" -"' </ / '~ _.---- : ~. ...- :: ........... ..- / ~. : / .... .--~ BO:OM OF BANK NOV~2~ ~ -" ,~ ..--' ,.' / / ~- ~.~ ..... ~ / ," ~ ...... ' ~): ...... " / ~ ~ / ~ APPROXIMATE VOLU~E OF MATER~AL BOSOM OF BANK JUNE 2012~ ,,-' ............. AREA-235 ACRES "'" x>~, // ~ ~ ~ 2~005 CU, YDS. .... :. ...- ... -. .....-- :: / // / sMAuL .-'"' ~/ ~App~Ox, M.H.w. // v z ............ .....--' STONES ...--'"' --/ EL.+1.9'~ --/ /'~ / ........... " ...........-%..~ ~.' :/ __.--- 50 GENERAL NOTES ~ / ~ ~. ~¢:~ ~ 2. FOR EXlSTINO SECTIONS A-A THRU D-D, SEE DWG, ~HEOK ~RAPHIO SOALES BEFORE USIN~ ~ / 1"=20'-0" 0 20 40 FI. </$~ / This drow~sg gnd ~]1 copies ond the design osd doto shown ~ '~ ,/ are the property of Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc. and include proprietory information. The borrower by receip[ or "~'~~' 'I~BU~D FB~ ~N~TRU~TI~N r~t~nUo, o¢th. drowing,*g~thot, e~oopt~, expr*~*ly ou[horized in wri(ing by Oceos and Coos[al Consul[on(s, Ipc., ii will (1) no[ use the drawing or ~ny copy of [he design or d~(o shows, (2) no[ reproduce, exhibi[ or dis(r~bu[e ~he drowing or any copy for use by others and (~) upon demand ~ re[uts [he drawing, ~]1 copies ond oll material copied therefrom. DESIGNED BY: SCALE REViSiON PESCRIPtlON DAle BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY~ STWH CARBONE SLOPE STABILIZATION PROJECT 1"=2o'-o" I OCEAN A~ND COASTAL I Ocean and Coastal Consultants ~~~ D~AW~ B*: 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND DATE 0 a COWl company ~ HHRA 1/10/13 ISSUED FOR CONSTRUOTION 1/D/D Sl~ t m~ ~ ~ 35CorporateDrive, Suite1200 RALPH CARBONE~J~l~'~ , c.~ox~ ~,. ~~ ~ Trumbull. CT 06611 655 TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 06410 /~ ~ ~ ¢ STWH DRAWING NO. I co.summs I ~x:(~o3)~e~-~ ~212096.1 E TOP OF HANK TOP OF HANK JLLJNE 2012 --~WALL TO REMAIN TOP OF HANK TOP OF HANK JUNE 2012 NOV, 2012~ (ELEVATION UNKNOWN)/" NOV. 2012 --7 (ELEVATION UNKNOWN) 40'-- / ~ 40' -/ 30'-- 30'-- -- ,~,/x?//X , :,~,~X~/-~,,XA/~x. M OF BANK NOV. 2012 _ .O TO ' '%/~X~CX~ / N 0 V. 2012 20' -- 20' -- 0 10' 20' 30' 40' BO' ~0' 0 10' 20' 30' 40' HO' riO' 70' SECTION A-A SECTION B-B SCALE ~6"=1'-0'' S;CALE ~"=1'-0" ///~ TOP DF BANK dUNE,2012 (ELEVATION UNKNOWN) 40'-- ,q.'X,.x ,.'x ~ ,. 40'-- 50'- TOP OF BANK NOV. 2.012 ......... ~ ................................. (ELEVA~IQN__UB~NQWN) ~ ~o'- GENERAL NOTES 20'-- ~,, FACE OF CONC, S~WALL JUNE 2012 2. FOR LOCATION OF EXISTING SECTIONS A-A THRU ~ ¢:---F-'42""I: 'l ........ 11' ........ ~k~-~-BP-'~6~C~A~AEff-~BW'-AB][(CONC. SEAWALL TO BE REMOVED) ~ D-D, SEE gWG. NO. 212096.1-03. ' 10'-- 10'-- ~6,,=1,_0,, 0 5 10 FT. o- I I I I' I I I I I o- I I I I I I 0 10' 20' 50' 40' 50' 60' 70' BO' 0 10' 20' ~0' ~0' 50' This drowing ond ~ll copies ond the design ond d~t~ shown SECTION C-C SECTION D-D~ include proprietory informotion. The borrower by receipt or SCALE ~6"=1'-0'' SCALE ~6"=1'-0" retention of the drowing, ogrees thor, except os expressly outhorized in writing by Ocean ~nd Coostol Consultonts, Inc., ~ it will (1) not use the drowing or ony copy of the design or dot~ shown, (2) no~ reproduce, exhibit or distribute the ~ return the drawing, ~11 copies ond o1~ moteriol copied therefrom, DESIGNED BY: SCALE REVISION DESCRIP~IO" DME BY DESCRIPTION DME "~I , j~~~ SZWH CARBONE SLOPE STABILIZATION PROJECT 5/16"=1'-o" ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/10/1~ S~WR ~ OCEAN I AND COASTAL,~ Ocean and Coasta~ Consultants 0 ,oow~.~,,n~ ~ ~*W~ BY: 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND DATE UH~A ~/~o/~5 ~~ ~ ,, ~ STWH ~ ~ Trumbull, CT 06611 655 TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 064-10 , , S O ,O.S [ co~.su,TAmS ] ~.x:(~o~)=~-~ ~~ 212096,1--04 N E ~ I , //' ..' ..~ _J--~_~/ ~ ,' ', ', ' , ',,\ ~ ,..................~- \ ..//// .- , /1~~ / , ,, , ,. ,, ',, ~ NORTH , ./~ :, ~x~s~. ~ ', ',, ',, ', ', ,, ,. ~ /' -'//' ..." I GARAGE I' " , ', ' , ', ~ ' . / ,' ........... ~ I , I , ,, , EXIST. COASTAL EROSION HAZARD ~ ' ':~ ............ '" % I _ ~ ',, ,' / LINE (SEE MAP REFERENCE No.2)~ __ ~~ .-' ~ ~',, -- I ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ , ~ SCREENED % '-. '-.. , '-,, , X / ~ ~ , ..' ~ ', t~ _-: ', / ~,' P ' ~ -x ~'~- "," " f ~ ~1 ~AP~OX. TO~ OF .' ,, ..~,, ,~ ~ ¢~ , .. / ~,' / I ~ I x /x , , , , ~ROX ZOPOF s / ~'~ ~l~ REVEZMENZ . . ', ,'~ ', 'L ~ E~¥~,' ,.'--z /~' ' ~ / ', " ', ", ~ ~EW~ ~ ~ .~ (~') .-" ~, I .~ ~, ', t', ~ '.. _.- ~ /Z~& / x ~x s~. , ', ', , ~.~ ~ ~ ~,' / ,-' ~. i ~ ~ ", ~', ~ ~ /'~Z~ , ~-~E~' . ' ', ', ", ' ' w ~~ / ." W ~ ~~ X ~", ~WALK~ /./ ''~ EXISTING .~ v ,,, ,/.,,, ,~ / ~~:~. /. / ,,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ',, ",,~ ~/ / RESIDENCE I ~ EX,ST. "~2" ,'" :' / ~ / ~" "' ," ~l EXIST. k -,, ,,.._ ~,, /N, I ~ STEPS~ z~,~,. ,, / ~ / / ,~ ,, ,, ~ ~l GARDEN ~ ~~, / ', ~> ,' z % ~' / / .J / ,' ~ ,' , ~ / ~ ~ ~ ~ ............ '"""~ ,'%%%~ / , ~ ~ / ~--/~ /J // ~ // ///' ~ ' '~ ; h',~, %%',V,'~~ ~ .' /" ~ / ~- ~.. ~ ~ ~; _, ---.~e ~ ~ .,, ~ ~ . ~/ //~;~~, ~ .: ~,~, o~, ~ ... /. ,, . ~ / ....... :' ~ ~ ~ B ~~ -'-- k% EXIST, ,, NJ ~&,/ ////////////~ / ~ ~..' :' ~.-' ~' .' / ...'- .... , -... .... ...- ..-- .... ~ ~?' . ',J EXIST. POOL TO RE,dArN ~~~'"/ ,.'"'" ..'" ~ ~ - / ~ .... ~--' VEGETATED SLOPE~ J///////~//~ / ,~--" ./' ..-' .~ // ~ / / ~ ~ ~ ...' ...' ..~ ~ / EXIST. COASTAL EROSION HAZA ~ ~ ~ / LINE (SEE MAP REFERENCE No2 ~ -~ / :'F APPROVEDBY .-'"'"'"'"'- ~LOCK 1 '""; ..... '""'"'/// - / ~, _ DATE { ~ ~ WITH OWNER AND ~ .... ''''"- -'""' / / ~1~ ' ~--d . ~ ~ ~OT TO EXTEN~ ONTO ~ .-' - - ." ~ / ~" ~ ~ ~:' ADJACENT PROPER~ -'~EXST SMALL .-'" // ~APPROX. M.H.W, / /~ / ~ ..... - .... ..-" s~b~ ES .--'" ~ EL+~.S'* ~ ~" / -- ~ ............. '"' __....---"~..~ ~.. // __-'/ 909 GENERAL NOTES J "-. ..... ......-''"~/ ~ ~ ~ 1. FOR PROJECT NOTES, SEE DWG. NO. 212096.1-02. ~, ~~/ ,~/~/~'~;~ ~ 0 2. No.FOR 212096.1-06. REPAIR SECTIONS A-A THRU D-D, SEE DWG. GRAPHIC SCALES CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING 1"=20'-0" ~ 2o 4o FT, / This drawing and oil copies and the design and data shown  ore the property of Ocean and Coos(al Consultants, Inc. and authorized in wriUng by Ocean and Coastal Consultants, Inc., ~ [~ will (1) not ~se the drawing or any copy of the design ISSUED FaR BONSTRUBTIBN o~ da~o shown, (2) not reproduce, exhibi~ or distribute the drawing or any copy for use by others and (3) upon demand ~ ~ return (he drawing, all copies and oil moleriol copied therefrom. DESIGNED BY: SCALE REVISION DESCRiPtiON DATS By DESCriPTiON DATE B~ STWH CARBONE SLOPE STABILIZATION PROdECT :=~o'-o" ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION t/10/13 STWH I OCEAN AND COASTAL J Ocean andCoastalConsultants ~ DRAWN BY: 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND DATE 0 ~ cowl ~mp~ HHRA i ~ ~ ~ ~ 35 Corporate Drive, Suite1200 RALPH CARBONE~~¢~ . *, CHECKED BY:STWH DRAWING NO, ~ ~ Trumbull, CT O6611 655 TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 06410 ]. "" ' ~ QC REVIEW: *hon.:(~o3)~,-~oo7/~ A ~"~" ¥% SLOPE STABILIZATION PLAN I CONSULTANTS I F~,: (~03) ~,8-88~ ~~ 212096.1 --05 E J 40' -- 20~ -- 0 TOP OF BANK NOV. APPROX, TOP OF ~ANK JUNE 2012 JEDESTRIAN SAFETY FENCE BY OTHERS ?EGRADE TO MATCH EXIST. PRIMARY LA YER - %' BEC. LAYER- ............. ~-- -PRIM*~ Y--LA YER \ '% SEC. , ........ EC'__LIYER- ..................... Y LA YER .... DETERMINED ~¢~ CONTRACTOR ~ PRIMARY LA YER EXIST. GRADE NOV. 2012- CRUSHED STONE TYPE 2 £WOODY SHRUB VEGETA770N (BY OTHERS) CREST COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL EL.+19,0' RIPRAP REYETMENT ._(ARMOR LAYER) ....... MUDLINE CRUSHED STONE TYPE I GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (TYPO 0 1 O' 20' 50' 40' B'O' 60' 70' SECTION A-A SCALE ~6"=1'-0'' 40' -- 40' r 20' -- 10'-- 0 20' -- APPROX. TOP OF BANK JUNE 2012 GRADE NOV. 2012 :EDESTRIAN SAFETY FENCE BY OTHERS PRIMARY LA YER'~ %~¢EC._ LAYER- ........................ SEC/'LA TLR; ............................. ~--. PRIMARYLAYER- \ SEC. \ s~c. CONTRACTOR -- N ~ PRIMARY LA YER CRUSHED STONE TYPE, ~ADE TO MATCH EXIST, WOODY SHRUB VEGETATION (BY OTHERS) TOP OF BANK NOV. 2012 EL+lg.O' 1 --FACE OP-CONCT-SEAWALL JUNE 2012 & RIPRAP REVETMENT LAYER) OF CONC. SEAWALL NOV. 2012 EXIST. M ..................... : CRUSHED STONE TYPE ' (TYP) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC . 0 10' 20' ~0' 40' 50' 60' 70' 80' SECTION C-C SCALE ~"=1'-0" DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION DA~ BY 0 SSUD FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/10/13 SEWR OCEAN AND COASTAL CONSULTANTS Ocean and Coastal Consultants a COWl company 35 Corporate Drive, Suite 1200 Trumbull, CT 06611 Phone: (203) 268-5007 Fax: (203) 268-8821 EXIST. WALL NOV TOP OF BANK · APPROX. TOP OF BANK PEDESTRIAN SAFETY FENCE BY OTHERS JUNE 2012 REGRADE TO MATCH EXIST. SEC ........... \ ............. ~zc. .................................. -~x..PRIMARYLAYER X I I BEC. LAYER- - x [ ~ BEC. L, -- X PRIMARY LAYER ................................. \ SEC. SAFE SLOPE AS PRIMARY LAYER ......................... DETERMINED BY;/ CONTRACTOR ~ - k SEC. EXIST. GRADE NOV. 2012- -WOODY SHRUB VEGETATION (BY OTHERS) CREST -- APPROX. TOE OF BANK L_qq A_ TJ q N___J_U N E_. Z? ] 2_ ...... EL.+19.0' RIPRAP REVETMENT (ARMOR LAYER) CRUSHED STONE TYPE 2- MUDLINE COMPACTED GRANULAR FILL-- CRUSHED STONE TYPE I GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (TYP.) 0 10' 20' .30' 40' 50' 60' 70' 80' 40' -- 20' -- 655 SECTION B-B SCALE ~e"=l'-O" ARMOR LA YER THICKNESS: 6.0 FT % LESS THAN WEIGHT DIMENSION BY WEIGHT (LB) (FT) 0 (MIN.) 390 1.3,3 15 1250 1.97 50 ,31,30 2.67 85 6140 3,34 100 (MAX.) 12520 4.2,3 TOP OF BANK NOV. 2012 EXIST. GRADE NOV. 2012 TO 1BE EXCAVATED A~ RE~'D-TO PEA~E-~PRAP ANb-'RE~TORE~ NATIVE SOIL APPROX. TOP OF BANK JUNE 2012 SAFE SLOPE AS ....... DETERMINED-BY CONTRACTOR DL.+19.0' APPROX. BOTTOM OF BANK REVETMENT EXIST, (ARMOR LAYER) .... MUDLINE CRUSHED STONE TYPE 1 ........................ GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 0 10' 20' `30' 40' 50' SECTION D-D SCALE ~6"=1'-0'' [EiOUED FOR OONSTRUOTIO RALPH CARBONE TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 06410 )ESIGNED BY: ADKA CARBONE SLOPE 'RAWN BY: 6227 CASTLE CAMA CHECKED BY: STWH QC REVIEW: CRUSHED STONE TYPE 1 THICKNESS: 1.5 FT % LESS THAN WEIGHT DIMENSION BY WEIGHT (LB) (FT) 0 (MIN,) 1.0 0.18 15 1,7 0.22 50 5.8 0.33 85 19.6 0,49 100 (MAX.) 33.0 0,58 CRUSHED STONE TYPE 2 STONE SIZE DESIGNATION 1 PER NYS DOT SPECS TABLE 70,3-4 SHALL BE USED AS 12" THICK BEDDING LAYER FOR REINFORCED SLOPE, COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% OF THE MOD]RED PROCTOR VALUE AS DETERMINED BY ASTM D1557 GENERAL NOTES 1. FOR PROJECT NOTES, SEE DWG. NO. 212096.1 02, 2. FOR LOCATION OF REPAIR SECTIONS A-A THRU D-D, SEE DWG. NO. 212096.1-05. `3. FOR TYPICAL DETAILS OF THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY LAYER-~ SEE DWG. NO. 212096,1-07. A. EXISTING BOULDERS (NOT SHOWN) THAT CONFLICT WITH THE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE SPREAD OUT IN FRONT OF THE RIPRAP TOE. GRAPHIC SCALES CHECK GRAPHIC SCALES BEFORE USING ~6,,=1,_0,, 0~5 10 FT. STABILIZATION ROAD, FISHERS This drawing and all copies ond the design and data shown (]re the property of Oceen ~nd Coastal Consultonts, Inc. end include proprietary informotion. The borrower by receipt or retentioh of the drawing, agrees thor, except os expressly outhorized in wrRing by Oceen and Coastal Consultants, Inc,, it will (1) not use the drewing or any copy of the design or doto shown, (2) not reproduce, exhibit or distribute the drawing or ony copy for use by others Grid (5) upon demend return the drowing, oll copies ond all materiel copied therefrom. SCALE REVISION PROJECT 5/16"=1'-0" ISLAND DATE 0 1/10/1`3 DRAWING NO. SLOPE STABILIZATION SECTIONS 212096.1-06 LOCATION OF 6" NEXT COURSE a OVERLAP I' F' SUPPORT STRUTS COMPACTED 9" "~ Z CLOSE BY THICK LIFTS OF ) ~.g/ A GRANULAR FILL ~ l¢ ~/. ~ i (SEE GEN. NO~ 2) ~ ~ I % ~" ~ ¢,~ ~ ~ GALVANIZED WELDED WIRE FORM , ; , TECHNICAL FABRICS OR SIMILAR ~ ~ ,~ SOIL ~ I J ~ ,; /%% / ~' ' ~SUPPORT STRUT ~ ~ GEOGRID SYNTEEN 5X 5I B NOTES; SF-~ O~IMILAR __ ~ ~ NON WOVEN ~ I 1, FACE CONSISTS OF PREFABRICATED WELDED WiRE FABRIC 4"x4", FILTER FABRIC WRAPPIN~ROUND FACE ~ A2. ALL FORMS AND STRUTS SHALL BE FABRICATED WITH GALVANIZED WIRE. 5'-0" SECONDARY LAYER 5. OVERALL LENGTH OF WiRE FORM IS 10'-0" WITH 6" OVERLAPPING AT ENDS. 1' 0" 4. PLACE SUPPORT STRUT AFTER LINING BASKET WITH OEOGRIB BUT BEFORE FILLING WITH PLANTABLE BOIL AND WRAP BACK. 1" 4" 4" 4" 4" SECONDARy LAYER ELEVATION A-A REINFORCED SLOPE DETAIE WELDED WIRE FACE UNIT SECTION B-B SCALE 1"=1'-0'' SCALE 1,v2"=1'-0'' SCALE 172"=1'-0" LOCATION OF NEXT COURSE I 1" PL -- -- TH'OK LIFTS OF ~ /L¢'/'~¢~'-./ A -- T -- (SEE GEN' NOTE 2) ~Nx ~-- <TYP % /~ ORIIONAL STEEL ' J ___ ~ ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY o~ AS MANUFACTURED BY SYNTEEi~ (SEE DETAIL) ' '~ . ~~X/ ~(i ~ GALVANIZED WELDED WIRE FORM ~ '1 ~-- ~ ,t~ PLA~[ ~ TECHNICAL FABRICS OR SIMILAR / ~ ~6 HOOK ~IE /~ ~ ~L/X ~'Q~' SO/L~ ~'~/l ~ 1" PL (TY .) REBAR 2. PROVIDE FOUR (4) PER ROLL WIDTH AT EQUAL SPACING. COMPACTED FILL (IN GENERAL) OR / 6EOGRID SYNTEEN SF-80 OR NON WOVEN CRUSHED STONE TYPE 2 (IF FIRST LAYER)~ SIMILAR WRAPPING AROUND FACE FILTER FABRIC 5. HOOK TIE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. 18'-o" PRIMARY LAYER WIffHOUT ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY A 4. OPTIONAL ANCHOR PLATE TO BE USED AT, AND LIMITED TO, AREA WHERE EXTENDILG THE FULL DESIGN LENTH OF GEOGRID IS NOT POSSIBLE. AT LEAST 15'-0" PRIMARY LAYER WITH ANCHORAGE ASSEMBLY FIFTEEN (15) FEET OF GEOGRID SHALL BE USED SEAWARD OF THE PLATE. PRIMARY LAYER - REINFORCED SLOPE DETAIL OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL ANCHORAGE DETAIL SCALE l"=i'-O" ~ SCALE 5"=1'-0" FACE OF NEXT PRIMARY LAYER GRID ...... ~ .................... ~/".- /".~'f~: . ., GENERAL NOTES --~ ~Y PLANrABLE '~ ''Y~ ~. ~0~ P~OU~CT ~OTES, SE ~W~. ~0. ~120~e:-02. &*'~%*;%< / : '~ /¢ :~ ~ 2. GRANULAR F,LL SHALL BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST SECONDARY LAYER GRID ~L~z~:~:~ ~ 95% OF THE MODIFIED PROCTOR VALUE AS ~ ~ (SEt orr~lL) .~~ ~ DETERM~NE~ BY AST~ DMZ7. LIF~ OF GRANULAR MLL ~:~ "~ S~ GRAPHIC SCALES ~ ~% / ~7 ~ CHEC~ e~AP,~C SCALES BEfOrE US~Ne - ~,~ PLANTABLE C~, 5"=1'--0" 0 8 IN. PRIMARY LAYER GRID .~x~x~ ~'~,&~'~.'~L~%%~ This drowing ~nd oil copies and the design and dora shown (SEE DETAIL,) ~ % ~ .... ore the property of Oceen dnd Coastal Consultants, Inc. and include proprietery information. The borrower by receipt or retention of the drowing, agrees thdt, except os expressly GEOGRID SYNTEEN SF-8 NON WOVEN euthoNzed fn writing by Oceen ~nd Co,stol Consultants, Inc., OR SIMILAR (TYP.) FrLTER FABRIC it will (1) not use the drawing or any copy of the design REINFORCED VEGET,'ATED SLOPE DETAIL (TV~,) , IBBUED FBR BBNBTRUBTIBN or dete shown, (2) not reproduce, exhibit or distMbute the SCALE 1"=1'-0" ~ drewing or any copy for use by others and (5) upon demdnd return the drewing, ell copies end eli m~ter~l copied therefrom, DESIGNED BY: SCALE REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE BY DESCRIPTION DATE BY ADKA CARBONE SLOPE STABILIZATION PROJECT AS NOTED ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/10/15 S~ I OOEAN AND COASTAL ~ Ocean and Coastal Consultants . · cowlcompany ~0~~ DRAWN BY: 6227 CASTLE ROAD, FISHERS ISLAND DATE 0 ~ ~ ~ TrumbulLCT 066~ 655 TUDOR DRIVE, CHESHIRE, CT 06410 STWH DRAWlNO NO. .,o..:{~o~e~-~oo~ ~/' ~c .~ws~: VEGETATED SLOPE DETAILS I CONSULTANTS I F.=: (~03) ~e~-~ 21 2096.1 --07 ~7~7~<TYP ~ E