HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-7834E, 4844E, 4982E, 5267E, 5504ESOUTHOLD TRUS Issued To.~,~~sa~z~--- Date~ Address~ THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED. DURING CONSTRUCTION t,' ~,-t ("r'~ TOWN TRUSTEES OFFICE,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765.-1892 Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK DATE: ..Jau~ary...Zg, 19(, ISSUED TO ,....~be~'~tset~...Ma_~a ........................................................ ; ..... Pur, uant to the provisions of Chapter 61S of the I~ws of the State of New York, 1893; end C~epter 404 of the I~ws of the State of New Yore 19S2; and theSo'hold Town Ordinance en- titled "REGULATING AND THE PLACING OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC LANDS end the REMOVAl. OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;" and in accordance wlth the Resolution of The Board adopted at e meeting held on .Z~-~r~...Z8 19....98, and in consideration of the sum of $. 1OQ.QQ .... paid by ................ of ................................................................................ N. Y. and *ub. ie~t to the Terms and Conditions listed on the reverse s,de hereof, of Southold Town Tru~l~es authorizes and permits the following: A Grandfather Permit foden existing 4! X 55' Catwalk w~th a 4' X 12' ramp attached to a 6' X 21' float attached to a 6' X .225' floating dock with 8 finger floats mieasuring 6' X Located rt. 25, dl in accordance with the detailed specifications ~s presented in the originating application. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of Trustees here- by causes its Corporate Seal to be affixed, and thezepresents be subscribed by a maiodty of the said Board as of this dat~. Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 6lB of the L~ws of the State of New Yo~, 1893: and ~r ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ · Ste~ d New Y~ 19S2~ and ~e S~o~ ToWn O~lnan~ ~- t~ "R~U~TIN~ AND ~E P~¢IN~ OF OB~RU~ONS IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBUO ~DS and ~ R~OVAL OF SAND, ~V~ OR OTHER ~RIA~ ~O~ ~NDS UNDER TOWN WA~;~. e~ in ~¢o~an~ ~th t~ Real.on of ~e Board adored at a meeting ~ ~ ..~L~8l.~8 .... 19......~., and ~ ¢onslderafion ~ ~e ~m d $.,.~.5.Q~..Q.Q .......paid by ..... ~...~.~ k~...f~...B ~D.. ~Q~...~ ........................................ ~ .. ~h~l~ .................................................. N. Y. and subj~ fo ~ Te~s and ~ndfflons li~ed on ~ rove~ slde ~, ~ Southold To~ T~s adho~s ~d ~ ~e foxing: Wetland Per~t to replace e~sting docks at same ~er ~, s~ps ~d replace ~y ~d ~ toting poles and dredge approx. 100' X 30' ~ea to 4' below me~ low water. afl' in a~rda~ wlth ~e datai~ s~ns as p~ in · e migi~fing apulia. IN W~N~S WHEREOF, ~e .id ~rd d T~e. ~ ~ causas i~ Corporate Seal to be affixed, and thesepresents fo subscribed by a 'majority of ~he said Board as of this date. Board Of Southold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK ~"~1~ ~ DATE' January 24, 2001 PERMIT NO. ' ................. ISSUED TO BUDD"S POND MARINA ................ Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 615 of Se Laws..of the State of New York, 1893: end C~pter 404 of the L~w~ of tim .S?fe ,o,f New York 1952; end the SoufJ~d Town Ordi~nee en- titled. REGULATING AND THE PLAClNe ~ .O.B.S.T..R. UC, iO , IN AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBLIC; L,,~U~ · REMOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER MATERIALS FROM LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS;".". end in e~o~le,w,e wHh the Resolution of The Board adopted et a meeting held on J..~.n....u.~'Y...~.~', 200.[ ....... and in consideration of the sum of $..!.50.~.0 .... paid by .B UDD.~S...POND MARINA .............................................. of ...So~tkold Terms end Conditions "li~eci" 'on"~ Y' and mbjeet to *he reverse side hereof, of Smdhold Town Trustees authorizes end permlfs the fo[owing= Wetland Permit to tie into existing bulkhead next to travel- li£t slip. An area 5~x8' will be added to make a launching area for fork lift. The launch area will be 11 feet wide. M~terial will be treated lumber and 4 treated pile~.. ~o. ell in accordance with the detailed spaelf'mations es presonma m Se orlglnoflng application. Dred~in . I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, The ~kl Board of Tms4ees here- by ~auses ifs ~orpora+e Seal to be a .ff?,nd, en.d these .~e?ts fo be subscribed by a majority of the satd Board as of .fhis darn. Henry.Smith (absent) Board Of $outhold Town Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO., ,~1~'~".. DATE: ...~arch ISSUED TO ....... GUDD:.S..PO~D .~:AG':';~E ...................................................... e ..... * ~,~ ~ New Y~ 19S2: IN AND ON TOWN WA~5 R~VAL OF SAND, G~V~ ~DS ~DER Resc~dlon of ~ B6erd adopted afa meeting Itekl mi ....M~rc~....ZO , Z~..0.~.., and in ¢oadderafion of Se sum of $-..Z0o..O0..... peld by .... B~ddJ. G...~'ond. ~1 at, ine .............................................................. .................... of $outhold, ............ ;..~ ................................... N. Y. and. r~bje~ fo fbe T.,~""~'"-'C~d~..,, ~,d,d o~ fl,, ,,-,o,-,, ~ ~, of ~ To~ T~ a~ ~d ~ ~ f~: Permi~for .M~ten~ce; Dre'd~in~ two areas of marina - addin8 4 sbps to marina, 40 cubic yards to be dredged and unloaded upland. ~e ~ghfbg a~ IN WITNESS WHB1EOF. 11~ said Board..of T~st.~' oausos ifs Gorporafo Seal fo be affixed, and fhesep _resgnu ,u ~ subscribed by a'majorfly of rite said Board as of fhts deb. _ ,Artie-F°ster CAbsent) BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES $OUTHOLD, NEW YORK $CTM# 36-1-1 AUTHORIZATION : .Pu~m: t to the provisions of Choler 275 and/o.r Chapter 111 ofthc Toy~ Code of .~.~T0~ of Southold and m accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the ~ I~e~ ~ June 202012, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of $250.00 paid by ~ and subjcc,t t~ the Terms and Conditions as stated in the Resolution, thc Southold Town Board of Trnstees antho~zes and permitz the foliowin~: ~' ~ Wetland Permit to replace various floating dockage; replace two (2) seetiom of ex. isti~g,gts~er sheathed bulkhe~d~ along the northw~stvrn ~etlon of ~ p~ina wsth vinyl/fiberglass sheathed bulkheadlng; and demolish the extant metal boat st'"" orage building and attached plastic building along with the extant frame building and attached tcailer and replace them. with a new one-story 9,0~0sq.f~ met, al boat storage building and attached two-story 2,500sq.ft. olive bufldin~storag~ ~ Iml as depleted on the site plan prepared by Condon Engineering, P.C. last dated March 31, 2012~ tttid stamped approved on:d~ne 20~ 2012. ~" ~ ' IN'~SS WI~IERL~OF, the ~ai~ ~=~vd ~bf ~m~fi~ hca-by c. nuv~ its Corp~ate 8caMo I~e a~txed. andthe~epeosentst~beSe~Wsee~ibynnmjeeitydft'hesal~B~,~n, da~ofthl~ldate~,~ ~t,)~, ~,~ , I ALBER TSON MARINA ( c/ o I~7]tzke) Property Situate: 61205 Route 25 (Main Road); Town of Southold, New York SCTM #: i000 - 056 - 06 - 002.2 (P~Soto taken on June 2, 2010 Photograph indicating the area proposed to be maintenance dredged within, and contiguous to, the southwestern section of subject property (rendering approximate). Photograph taken from the northerly dock structure, facing south towards Budd's Pond. ALBERTSON MARINA (c/o Witzke) Property Situate: 61205 Route 25 (Main Road); Town of Southold, New York SCTM 4*: 1000 - 056 - 06 - 002.2 (Photo r~k~ on JUne 2, 2010) Photograph indicating the area proposed to be maintenance dredged within, and contiguous to, the southwestern section of subject property (arrows approximate). Photograph taken from the central floating dock structure, facing northwest. ALBER TSON MARINA ( c/ o Witzke) Property Situate: 61205 Route 25 (Main Road); Town of Southotd, New York SCTM #: I000 - 056 - 06 - 002,2 (?hoto taken o~ /u,'~e 2, 2010) Photograph of the existing central floating dock structure to be replaced "in- kind/in-place" within the central section of the marina. Photograph taken from the existing central floating dock, facing southwest. ALBERTSON MARINA (c/o W'itzke) Property Situate: 61205 Route 25 (Main Road); Town of Southold, New York SCTM #: 1000 - 056 - 06 - 002,2 (Photo: tauten on June -Z 20]0 Photograph of the existing hinged ramp providing access to the existing central floating dock to be reconstructed 'L;n-kind/in-placd'. Photograph taken from the existing central floating dock, facing northeast. ALBER T_,eON MARINA ( c/o WTtzke) Property Situate: 61205 Route 25 (Main Road); Town of Southold, New York SCTM #: 1000 - 056 - 06 - 002.2 (Photo ~aken on June 2, 201{)) Photograph indicating the area proposed to be maintenance dredged within, and contiguous to, the southwestern section of subject property (arrows approximate). Photograph taken from the central floating dock structure, facing northwest. 'l '! Ghosm, Jr.~ Ym*-lA~e~kl~nt Dave Bers~n ~ J, Dom/no BOA.RD OF TOWN TRUSTEE8 TOW~ OF ~OUTHOLD 6.~?~ Main Rood P.O. D~ 1179 New ¥o.-k ! 1971-~$9 Pa~ (~$D 766-8841 NOV - 2 20]2 HURRICANE SANDY EMERGENCY APPLICATION Valid thru June I 2013 ~- - Property Owner Name' ALBERTSON MARINA (William Witzke) P.O. Box 957; Southold, NY 11971 Permanent VlallJng Address: Phone Numhor(s): Properly Address: (651) 765 - 5~$~ 61~05 Route ~5 (Main Road); Southold, NY Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 056 - 06 - OO~.~ (if/kol2ic~bto) SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, Inc. Address: P.O. Box ~00~; Bridgehampton, NY 1195'2 Phone I~umber(s): (631) 557 - 5160 Board of Trost0o Polmlt NiJnlber(s): 4~84~q0, +98~, 5~67550q0, 7834 Will any pa~t of this project req,ire a Buiding Permit? No. How much fitl will be required? 500 + cubic yards of clean fill Projet~ Descrlptio~: Replace any and all existing dockage, bulkheading, associated stairways & decking, and loss of any fill, all to replace existing conditions prior to storm damage resulting from Hurricane Sandy (October ag, ~01~). Please refer to the attached Survey, prepared by PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C., last dated May 19, ~010 for specifications of all original conditions. Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York WILLIAM WITZKE (Albertson Marine, Inc.) BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMELESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY BIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(SO, TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Signature Ph/ DAY OF ,20/0 Notary Public C;A~Oi. k. MILLER NO1 ARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK ilO, 011d16003086 OUALIFIEI) IN SUFFOLK COUNI'Y ,'~.-, COMMISSION EXPIRES FEBRUARY 23, Board of Trustees Application WILLIAM WI1-ZKE AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) (print owner of property) Southold, NY 11971 residing at 61205 Route 25; (mailing address) do hereby authorize Suffolk Environmental (Agent) Consultinq, Inc. Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. -(Owner's signature) ~/ to apply for permit(s) from the ) p A R K c~ FL~O~U ~'"'"-- LITTORAL DRIFT - FROM SOUTHEAST TO NOR rHWEGT · r'LEVATION OF MEAN LOW WATER ~' I.P EL =3.0 ' BOTTOM ELEV4 TION ~ ~ DEPTH AT MEAN LOW WATER ELEVA T/ONE ARE REFERENCED TO NA VDS8 MAP OF' BUDD'S POND MAPINA, INC. SHOWING SOU,¥DING$ A T SOUTH(,','LD TOWN OF SOLfTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. 1000 = 56 - 06 = 22 Scde; I"= 30' Jan. 26, 2010 May 19, 2010 (ravisions) 49618 P.C. (651) 765 - 50PO FAX 765 - 1797 P. O. BOX 909 IZ30 TRAVELER STREET SOUTHOLD~ N. Y, 11971 98 = 270