HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-7877ESOUTHOLD TRUS .o, 7~77~ Issued To~~L.~.d:~__ Address THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED DURING CONSTRUCTION TOWH TRUSTEES oFFICE,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ,SOUTHOLD. N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765-1892 BERGEN Property - After Hurrican. e Sandy (October BERGEN Property -After Hurricane Sandy (October ~h shox',in~ thc' cxisling' lmlklicz, tdi~tg on thc l:[crgc~'~ ct)h ~hoxdng flit cxisling bulkhcadh~g on ibc Bergen l)ropcrly. Ph(~lograph/akcn fi'om l~illlc Pcconic Bay {iwing ImMward. Bergen Property S(~IM~,~ 1000-i19 01-002 BERGE~¥Property - Proposed Bulkhead & Beach Stairway Reconstruction Situate: 95~5 Nassau Point Road; Cutchogue, New York - SCTM #: 1000 - 119 - Ol - O01 SITE PLAN VIEW Scale: 1.o" = 4o.o' _+ Accessory Structure Timber- Sheathed Bulkhead [to be ReConstructed} Existing Dwelling TOP of BLUFF n';~i P DORAN Existing Stairway Date: As pek View Drawn by: mdi Adapted from the Survey of subject property, as prepared by RODERICK VAN TUYL, P.C.; Prepared for regulatory submission. SUFFOLI4 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. P.O. Box 2003 . Bridgehampton · NY · 11932 (631) 537-5160(phone) N(631) 537 5291 (facsimile) OF SITE PLAN VIEW DETAIL EXISTING CONDITIONS Scale: 1.0" = 10.o' -+ ~x'~- TOP of BLUFF EXISTING TIMBER-SHEATHED BULKHEAD I AHW 100.0'_+ Reconstruction... Situate: ci~2~ Nassau Point Road; Cutchoffue, New York - $CTM #: 10oo - 119 - Ol - 002 2 of 9 i Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 of lhe Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordancn with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeti~ held on A t._~, and in consideration of application fee in the sum of $250.00 paid by ~ and subject to lhe Terms and Conditions as slated in the Resolution, Ihe $outhold Town Board of Trustees authorizes and permits the Wetland Permit to reconstruct 100 +/- of existing timber sheathed bulkheading along the eastern shoreline with vinyl sheathed bulkheading in-place; reconstruct beach access amirs with new 3' x 4' seaward platform and 3' x 15' hinged stairway to be lowered during use, and stored in the "up" position during non-use; and as depicted on the site plan prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., last dated July 9, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the said Board of Trastees he. by causes ils Corporate Seal to be affixed, - 2 2012 JUL I 7 2012 ~/ m B£RGENProperty ~ Proposed Bulkhead & Beach Stairway Reconstruction SITE PLAN VIEW Scale: I,I) = ~0.0' ± APPROVED BY BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOV~f4 OF SOUTHOLD ~'~JUL 17 2m L.V.,' NOV - 2 20t2 SUYFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. OF SITE PLAN VIEW DETAIL EXL~ TL\ G CO.X,' DITIO. ,~; EX[STING TIMBER- SHEATHED BULK HEAD NO¥ - 2 2¢2 2of9 SITE PLAN VIEW DETAIL PROPOSED CO~YDITIO.'VS NOV - 2 201~ TOP VIEW DETAIL ,I EXISTING CONDITIONS 'i EXISTING TIMBER SHEATHING EXISTING TIMBER CLAMP EXISTING TIMBER ~.t, ALERS 16' x 6/ PROPOSED CONDITIOID ~[ NOV - 2 2012 CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEhA~ EXISTLX,'G CO.VDITIO,'VS' CROSS-SECTIONAL VIEW PROPOSED ('ONDITION,5' . v - 2 20i2 EAST ELEVATION VIEW P. XI.~, -I I.x. G ( O~\DITIO.\ ,S 2072 EAST ELEVATION VIEW PROPOSED CONDITIONS TOP o ~ - 2 20~2 BERGEN ProPerly - Prol>osed BuIkhead& Beach Stairway Reconstruction.. Sit u~te: 9525 Nassau Point Rood; Cut cbog'ue, New York - :~C TA4 #: ~0oo - il9 OT - OO2 8of9 PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS PROJECT NARRATIVE: Applicant proposes to reconstruct the existing timber-sheathed hulkhead (1oo' ± overall ) along the easterly shoreline of subject property into a vinyl-sheathed bulkhead ("i,,~-placd'), as well as reconstruct the original beach access stairs. The existing timber bulkhead primarily consists of timber sheathing (g" x 9"), secured by upper, middle and lower timber walers (6" x 6") on the seaward face and a timber clamp (4" x 6" ) along the landward face, in turn secured by timber pilings (~" qb). The proposed vinyl-sheathed bulkhead will replace the existing ti~nber- sheathed bulkhead "hz-place" and will consist of vinyl sheathing (i.e., C-Loc or si~nilar), an upper, middle and lower timber waler (6' x 8"), secured by timber pilings (I,2" qb). The timber pilings will be secured by timber deadmen (8.0' L x ~" qb) & timber lay-logs (6.0' x 8.0' L x 6.0" qb), all attached by tie-rods (16.0' L). A timber top cap ('2" x 18") is proposed to sit atop the reconstructed bulkhead. Additionally, applicant proposes to reconstruct beach access stairs, which will consist ora seaward platform (3.0' x ~-.o') and hinged stairway (~.o' x (5.o') to be lowered during use, and stored in the "uff' position during non-use. Finally, applicant proposes to establish a "Non-75mFBuff~/' along the landward side of the reconstructed bulkhead (18.0' NOTES: Reconstructed Bull{head will not encroach any further seaward than the existing bulkhead. ALT%' located along the seaward side of both existing and reconstructed bulkheads, No proposed fill is to be brought onto the site. AIl excavated fill to be returned as backfill landward of the reconstructed bulkhead. C-LOCVINYL SHEET PILING 9of9 NOV - 2 2012 '-Board Of. $outhold To m Trustees SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK NOV - 2 2012 ISSUED ~TO ........ ~.. ~..G, ~.U. ,Y..~d~]~,.:..B...~...G.~.~ .................................................. Pursuant te the provisions of Chapter the State of ~ew York, 1893: and C, hapfer 40~ of ~e Laws of the State. of New York 19!52~ and the Southold Town Ordlnan~e en- titled "REGULATING AND THE. PLACIN~ OF OBSTRUCTIONS IN 'AND ON TOWN WATERS AND PUBUC; LANDS end ~he REhAOVAL OF SAND, GRAVEL OR OTHER IGATERIALS FROIG LANDS UNDER TOWN WATERS:" and in accordance with fha Rescdution of 'like llcard adopted at a meeting keld on. 5/,Z~/9.~ .... 19 ...... and in consideration of the sum of $ ............... pe!d by of ~ . .............. N.Y. and subject te the of Southold Tmen Tr. stees .authorizes and permits 'the' f~llowlr~g: ~.epai~ I ~e~iace ' a~ wid. e st~z'~a~t Ap~>~oz. ~00 c.¥. o~ ¢~[e~ sazzcl wi~ be ~, from ~>]~z~cl som~ce. N~sa~ ?oiz~t all ie..e¢~dance with the detailed specifications as presentmJ in the origir~fing application. :IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said Board of. Trustees Irate- by causes its 'C:orporate Seal to be affixed, and the~e .~sonfs te be subsc~'bed by a Board as of this da~e. /e-St ,* ¥,, __ ,/ HOG NECK NASSAU POINT EN-CONSULTANTS INC. 1329 NORTH SEA RD, SOUTHAMPTON N, Y. li968 01 Gh~sm~ Jr., ¥~-P~e~ideut Dave ~erl~n J~hn B~lsmsy~ Mi~ei J. Domino P.O. Dox l l~a 8oo.~d, N~v Yo.-k 11 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTgg8 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD HURRICANE SANDY EMERGENCY APPLICATION Valid thru June 1, 2013 Property Owner Nar~e' DAVID BERGEN P.O. Box 1008; Cutchogue, NY 119.55 Perm.~nent ~t~lllng Address: Phorte Number(s): (651) 548 - $707 I=m~rly Address: 9526 Nassau Point Road; Cutchogue, NY 11955 Suffolk County Tax Map Number: 1000 - 119 - O1 - 002 ^gent (r o oobto) SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, Inc. Address' P.O. Box 2005; Bridgehampton, NY 11952 Phone Number(s): (651) 557 - 5160 Board of Trustee Pc~nlt Number(s):._7_8._7_7_ ..... Will any part of this project require 8 Building Permrt? No. How much fill will be required? 500 + cubic yards of clean fill Project Description: . Reconstruct 100.0 + of original bulkhead~,~ ~,c&6;-~ o,;3.:;;':.7, all to repmce existing conditions prior to storm damage resulting from Hurricane Sandy (October eg, 2012). All bulkhead sheathing to be ~. Please refer to th~ attached Plans, prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting~ Inc., last dated July 9, e01~ for specifications (highlighted) Board of Trustees Application County of Suffolk State of New York DAVID BERGEN BEING DULY SWORN DEPOSES AND AFFIRMS THAT HE/SHE IS THE APPLICANT FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND THAT ALL STATEMENTS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF HIS/HER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SET FORTH IN THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. THE APPLICANT AGREES TO HOLD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE TOWN TRUSTEES HARMELESS AND FREE FROM ANY AND ALL DAMAGES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY BIRTUE OF SAID PERMIT(S), IF GRANTED. IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE THE TRUSTEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESENTATIVES(SO, TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERTY TO INSPECT THE PREMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITH REVIEW OF THIS APPLICATION. SWORN TO BEFORE ME THIS Notary Public ~oard of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) (print owner of property) residingat. {~o~ too ff (mailing address) do hereby authorize ~-Z '( ~o (Agent) tO apply for permit(s) from the Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. (Owner's signature)