HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012Assets Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Operatin.q Fund Balance Sheet Cash Cash in Time Investments Taxes Receivable Other Receivables State and Federal Aid Receivables Due From Other Governments Prepaid Expenses Petty Cash MAR 2 0 2013 6,346.45 579,471.30 50.00 $585,867.75 4,047.41 1.64 4,048.57 150,000.00 431,819.18 581,819.18 $585,867.75 Liabilities & Fund Equity Accounts Payable Notes Payable Due to Other Governments Deferred Revenues (income executions) Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Appropriated ensuing year Fund Balance -- Unreserved Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities & Fund Eouitv Page 1 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 311 2012 Operatin,q Fund Analysis of Changes in Fund Equity Fund Equity - Be,qinnin,q of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Eouitv - End of Fiscal Year* 461,282.95 337,791.50 458,327.73 123,491.45 $581,819.18 * Total includes Appropriated and Unreserved Fund Balance Page 2 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Operatin.q Fund Detail of Revenues and Other Sources Revenues Real Property Taxes Real Property Tax Items Non-property Tax Items Departmental Income Use of Money and Property Sale of Property and Compensation for Loss Miscellaneous Local Sources Gifts and Donations Refund Prior Year Expense Budget 404,860.00 10,000.00 3,500.00 20,000.00 438,360.00 150,000.00 $588,360.00 Actual 404,860.00 20,670.00 2,559.19 500.00 25,297.75 5,900.00 1,496.01 $461,282.95 $461,282.95 State Aide Federal Aide Total Revenues Interfund Transfers Proceeds of Obligations Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues and Other Sources Page 3 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Operatin.q Fund Detail of Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures Personal Services Equipment and Capital Outlay Contractual Expenses Employee Benefits Debt Principal Debt Interest Budget 171,250.00 231,000.00 154,410.00 31,700.00 0 0 $588,360.00 $588,360.00 A~ual 158,546.83 50,447.05 101,088.45 27,709.17 $337,791.50 $337,791.50 Total Expenditures Interfund Transfers Total Expenditures and Other Uses Page 4 Assets Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Capital Fund Balance Sheet Cash Cash in Time Investments Taxes Receivable Other Receivables State and Federal Aid Receivables Due From Other Governments Prepaid Expenses Total Assets $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo Liabilities & Fund Equity Accounts Payable Notes Payable Due to Other Governments Deferred Revenues Total Liabilities Fund Balance - Appropriated ensuing year Fund Balance -- Unreserved Total Fund Equity Total Liabilities & Fund Eouitv Page 5 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Capital Fund Analysis of Changes in Fund Equity Fund Equity - Beginning of Fiscal Year Add: Revenues and Other Sources Deduct: Expenditures and Other Uses Revenues and Other Sources Over (Under) Expenditures and Other Uses Fund Eouitv - End of Fiscal Year* * Total includes Appropriated and Unreserved Fund Balance $0.00 $0.00 Page 6 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Capital Fund Detail of Revenues and Other Sources Revenues Real Property Taxes Real Property Tax Items Non-property Tax Items Departmental Income Use of Money and Properly Sale of Properly and Compensation for Loss Miscellaneous Local Sources State Aide Federal Aide Budget $ $o.oo $0.00 Actual $ Total Revenues $0.00 $0.00 Interfund Transfers Proceeds of Obligations Total Revenues and Other Sources Page 7 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Capital Fund Detail of Expenditures and Other Uses Expenditures Personal Services Equipment and Capital Outlay Contractual Expenses Employee Benefits Debt Principal Debt Interest Budget $ $o.oo $o.oo Actual Total Expenditures Interfund Transfers $0.00 $ Total Expenditures and Other Uses Page 8 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 General Fixed Assets Assets Land Buildings Other Improvements Machinery & Equipment Infrastructure 511,340.00 782,484.12 32,450.00 263,371.50 554,646.86 $2,144,292.48 $2,144,292.48 Investment in General Fixed Assets Page 9 Name and Location of Bank Capital One Bank Capital One Bank Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Cash, Per Balance Sheet Operating Fund Less: Outstanding Bank Balance Checks 8,320.05 1,973.60 579,471.30 Add: Cash on Hand Adjusted Bank Balance 6,346.45 579,471.30 50.00 $585,867.75 Add: Petty Cash Funds Total Adjusted Bank Balance and Petty Cash Name and Location of Bank Capital Fund Less: Outstanding Bank Balance Checks Add: Cash on Hand Adjusted Bank Balance Add: Petty Cash Funds Total Adjusted Bank Balance and Petty Cash Page 10 Component Unit Annual Financial Report For Mattituck Park District For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2012 Schedule of Employee and Retiree Benefits 1. Please fill in the schedule below using aggregate expenditure amounts from all funds for each account code. 2, Amounts listed should be applicable to your spec~ic District only. 3. Employee counts shou)d reflect the actual number of employees that the District paid benefits for during the year. 4. If you did not have paid employees or did not pay specific benefits for employees, enter zero's in the boxes. Total # Full Time Employees 11 Total # Part Time Employees 36l Account Total I # of Full Time I # of Part Time Code Description ExpendituresI Emplo~/ees i Empl°¥ees i #°fRetirees Oi O~ 0 90108 ~State Retirement System ~ 1 Local Pension ~ 01 01 0 90258 ~ ~ _ ~ 90308 Social Security 12,172.74~ 1! 36 Workers Compensation 90408 . .!n_$u_[an_c.e ~ 2,672.60[ 1! 3_6 90458 Life Insurance 0.00i 0; 0 90508 Unemployment Insurance 0.00, 0 0 90558 Disability Insurance _ 0.00 0 0! Hospital and Medical 90608 (Dental) Insurance ~ 12,863.83[ 1. 0~ 90708 Union Welfare Benefits ~ 01 0~ 0 90898 Other Employee Benefits 0 0 0 Page 11 Certification of Fiscal Officer I, Shelley Maddaloni , certify that I am the fiscal officer of the Mattituck Park District, and that this report, to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, is a true and correct statement of the financial transactions and fiscal condition for the fiscal year ended December 31,2012. "~/ ~ignatur~ - - " Title P.O. Box 1413 Februar~ 15, 2013 Official Address Date Mattituck, NY 11952 631-298-9103 Telephone Number Please mail report to: Town Comptroller Town of Southold 53095 Route 25 PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 If you have any questions relating to this report, please call Town Hall: (631) 765-4333 Page 12 Cushman, John From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Cushman, John Wednesday, February 27, 2013 10:53 AM 'shelley maddaloni' 2012 Financial Report MPD 2012 Capital Asset Reports.pdf Hi Shelley, I added the 2012 Capital Asset purchases to the Town's Capital Asset database and wanted to provide you with the correct allocations (the A/C is a building improvement, so it goes under buildings). Please be sure that these numbers are shown on Page 9 of your 2012 report to the Town. Here you go: Land Buildings Other Improvements Machinery and Equipment Infrastructure Total 511,340.00 782,484.12 32,450.00 263,371.50 554,646.86 $2,144,292.48 Finally, I printed out the supporting schedules (attached) which you can add to your files. I highlighted the new items. John John Cushman Town Comptroller Town of SouthoJd 631-765-4333 htt p://www.sout holdtownny.l~ov THIS DOCUMENT IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED AND MAY CONTAIN INFORMATION THAT IS PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL, OR THAT CONSTITUTES WORK PRODUCT AND IS EXEMPT FROM DISCLOSURE UNDER APPLICABLE LAW. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY USE, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION, OR COPYING OF THE COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US BY TELEPHONE 631-765-4333 AND DESTROY THE DOCUMENT. THANK YOU. BNY MELLON 001192 Broker/Dealer Services One Wall Street,Fourth Floor New York, NY 10286 Date: 12/01/12 - 12/51/12 000398 XBGSHI01 HATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1~13 NATTITUCK, NY 11952 ATTN: JOHN CUSHNAN RE: ACCT 750021 This adv/ce is supplied as part of the Tri-Party Collateral agreement among the Customer, Capital One, N.A. and The Bank of New York. Any questions should be directed to Paul Hessina, V/ce P~esident, BDS/Tri-Party Services, (212)655-4816. As agent we confirm the following collateralized deposit information for~your account. DEALER ACCT ID: NFK Capital One, N.A. NARKET COLLATERAL · OF DATE AS OF DATE TOTAL DEPOSITS VALUE PERCENTAGE DAYS 12/04/12 12/05/12 529 $24.08 $45,790.29 105 OOO 1 12/05/12 12/06/12 12/07/12 12/10/12 12/11/12 12/12/12 12/15/12 12/16/12 12/17/12 12/18/12 12/19/12 12/20/12 12/21/12 12/26/12 12/26/12 12/27/12 12/28/12 12/31/12 01/02/15 12/06/12 12/05/12 12/06/12 12/07/12 12/10/12 12/11/12 12/12/12 12/13/12 12/14/12 12/17/12 12/18/12 12/19/12 12/20/12 12/21/12 12/26/12 12/2&/12 12/27/12 12/28/12 12/31/12 329 326.08 329,326.08 529,326.08 329,526.08 329,326.08 329.326.08 351,296.93 $69.628.81 368.856.83 367.256.68 365.721.50 366.871.21 $42.317.50 561,825.05 358,006.11 $$7,632.15 357,791.55 365,790.50 545,790.5& 365,790.97 565,790.96 365,791.22 345,790.72 368,860.06 366,900.$0 566,297.87 566,297.68 564,617.46 ~62,114.90 361,973.16 358,916.27 354,906.65 354,303.80 554,680.98 105 105 105 105 105 105. 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 $ 2 BNY MELLON BROKER DEALER SERVICES DIVISION PRICING, INDICATIVE DATA AND OTHER DISCLOSURES In connection with your agreement pursuant to which this report is furnished, the prices of securities and indicative data reported or reflected herein generally are provided by vendors and ratings agencies ("vendors") used by the Broker Dealer Services Division (BDS) of The Bank of New York Hellon (BNYH) in the ordinary course of business. Prices and indicative data are not independently verified by BNYH, and may contain errors or omissionso N/th respect to certain newly issued securities, if vendors do not provide prices, such securities will be priced at par or the new issue price for up to three business days. Thereafter, if vendors do not provide prices, BNYH will obtain prices from at least one broker or dealer (nat including your transaction counterparty), if available. Otherwise, such securities will be pr/ced at zero, unless other arrangements are agreed in writing. With respect to certain securities other than new issues, vendors may not provide prices and may not update prices previously provided on a regular basis. If vendors do net provide prices or update previously reported prices within three business days, BNYN wiii obtain prices from at /east one broker or dealer (not including your transaction counterparty), if available. Otherwise, such securities will be priced at zero, unless other arrangements are agreed in writing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain hard-to-price, thinly traded or illiquid securities are pr/ced monthly wlth no adjustment during the interim period (details are available upon request by contacting BDS Triparty Services). Certain Fed-eligible securities will be assigned a price by reference to other Fed-eligible securities issued by the same issuer and having the same pool type and interest rate (BDS Triparty Services wlll provide information concerning its methodology for pricing such securities upon request). Although BNYH will not obtain securities prices from your transaction counterparty, BNYH may obtain from your transaction counterparty securities information other than price (e.g., offering memoranda, observable and non- observable information and assumptions) in order to assist BNYH~s pricing vendors in determining prices for particular securities. With respect to certain securities that are not widely held or regularly traded, vendors may report prices based on valuation models which reflect underlying non-observable assumptions that may not be accurate or complete and such models and/or prices may not be regularly adjusted. 001193 BNY MELLON The prices reported by BDS herein may differ from the prices reported or used by other divisions of BNYM or its subsidiaries or affiliates, and such differences may or may not be material. Margin values reported herein may differ from margin values used by BNYM for its own account or for the account of its subsidiaries, affiliates or other clients. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, securities held as collatera! may include securities in defauZt, provided that the market value of such securities is made available to BNYM by a pricing service which BNYN uses generally for pricing such Securitieso Unless otherwise agreed in writing, securities held as collatera! may include securities issued by your transact/on counterparty or its subsidiaries or affiliateSo Average Traded Volume data is obtained from primary or secondary securities exchanges. Market data, which is subject to availability, may or may not be current. The information reported or reflected herein is proprietary to its suppliers and is for your internal use only. It may not be copied, reproduced, published, posted, transmitted, displayed, stored, modified, sublicensed, transferred, disclosed or distributed or used for any purpose without BNYN's express written permission or that of its vendors or other th/rd parties, as applicable. REPORTED PRICES, WHETHER PROVIDED BY VENDORS OR OTHERW/SE OBTAINED AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, NAY NOT REFLECT THE ACTUAL AMOUNT THAT CAN BE REALIZED UPON THE SALE OF PARTICULAR SECURITIES. 001194 BNY MELLON 000366 XBGSC301 ATTN: JOHN CUSNHAN MATTITUCK PARK DISTRICT P.O. BOX 1~13 MATTITUCK, NY 11952 Broker/Dealer Services One Wall Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10286 Date: 12/$1/12 Account Id: 750021 Tax Id Number: 1118066~1 This advice is supplied ae~l;~rt of tha~Tri-Party CoZletera1 agreement among the Customer, Capital One, N.A. and The Bank of New York. Any questions should be directed to Paul Messina, Vice President, BOS/Tri-Party Services, (212)635-q816. As agent we confirm the following collateralized deposit information received from Capi~al One, N.A. as of close of business on each of the following listed days. ' The collateral segregated on your behalf is as follows: DATE:12/26/12 Total Deposits As of 12/Z~/12: $3q2,$17.30 CUSIP DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 31~OZDQW3 FNMA FNAR 2.72~X 11/01/3~ 2,660,028.00 TOTAL MKT VALUE DATE:12/27/12 Total Deposits As of 12/26/12: $3~1,823.05 CUSIP DESCRIPTION QUANTITY $128HVKMO FMAC FGRA 0.~58~ 05/01/36 2,108,669.00 TOTAL MKT VALUE DATE:12/28/12 Total Deposits As of 12/27/12: $338,006.11 CUSIP DESCRIPTION QUANTITY ~6202EUL1 GNMA GNM2 5.500~ 07/20/38 3,~71,765.00 TOTAL HKT VALUE DATE:12/S1/12 Total Deposits As o~12/28/12: CUSIP DESCRIPTION QUANTITY $128JPTJ9 FMAC FMAR 5.305X 09/01/38 2,773,878.00 Margin ~: 105.00 MARKET VALUE 359,~35.19 359,~33.19 Margin g: 105.00 MARKET VALUE 358,91~.27 $58,91~.27 Margin X: 105.00 MARKET VALUE 354,906.~5 35~,906.~5 Hargin X: 1Q5.00 MARKET VALUE BNY MELLON Account Id: CUSIP 750021 DESCRIPTION Tax Id Number: 111806641 QUANTITY TOTAL HKT VALUE Page 2 Date= 12/31/12 HARKET VALUE BNY MELLON BROKER DEALER SERVICES DIVISION PRICIN6, INDICATIVE DATA AND OTHER DISCLOSURES In connection with your agreement pursuant to ,hich this report is furnished, the prices of securities and indicative data reported or reflected herein generally are provided by vendors and ratings agencies ("vendors") used by the Broker Dealer Services Division (BBS) of The Dank of NeN York Hellon CBNYH) in the ordinary course of business. Prices and indicative data are not independently verified by BNYH, and may contain errors or omissions. With respect to certain neNly issued securities, if vendors do not provide prices, such securities ~ill be priced at par or the ne~ issue price far up to three business days. Thereafter, if vendors do not provide prices, BNYH ~ill obtain prices from at least one broker or dealer (not including your transaction counterparty), if available. Otherwise, such securities Nill be priced at zero, unless other arrangements are agreed in ~riting. With respect to certain securities other than ne~ issues, vendors may not provide prices and may not update prices previously provided on a regular basis. If vendors do not provide prices or update previously reported prices ~ithin three business days, BNYH ~ill obtain prices fram at least one broker or dealer (not including your transaction counterparty), if availabIe. 0therNise, such securities ~iI1 be priced at zero, unless other arrangements are agreed in Notwithstanding the foregoing, certain hard-to-price, thinly traded or illiquid securities are priced monthly ~ith no adjustment during the interim period (details are avaiIable upon request by contacting BDS Triparty Services). Certain Fed-eligible securities ~ill be assigned a price by reference to other Fed-eligible securities issued by the same issuer and having the same pool type and interest rate (BDS Triparty Services provide information concerning its msthodoIogy for pricing such securities upon request). Although BNYH ~ill not obtain securities prices from your transaction counterparty, BNYH may obtain from your transaction counterparty securities information other than price (e.g., offering memoranda, observabIe and non- observable information and assumptions) in order to assist BNYH~s pricing vendors in determining prices for particular securities. With respect to certain securities that are not widely held or regularly traded, vendors may report prices based on valuation models which reflect underlying non-observable assumptions that may not be accurate or complete and such models and/or prices may not be regularly adjusted. The prices reported by DOS herein may differ from the prices reported or used by other divisions of BNYH or its subsidiaries or affiliates, and such differences may or may not be material. Nargin values reported herein may differ from margin values used by BNYH for its ann account or for the account of its subsidiaries, affiliates or other clients. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, securities held as collateral may include securities in defauIt, provided that the market value of such securities is made availabIe to BNYH by a pricing service which BNYH uses generaIly for pricing such Securities. Unless otherwise agreed in ~riting, securities held as collateral may include securities issued by your transaction countarparty or its subsidiaries or affiliates. BNY MELLON Average Traded Volume da~a is obtained from primary or secondary securities exchangss. Harke~ da~a, which is sub~ec~ ~o availability, may or may no~ be current. The information reported or refIec~ed herein is proprietary ~o i~s suppliers and is for your in~erna! use only. I~ may no~ be copied, reproduced, published, posted, ~ransmi~ed, displayed, s~ered, modified, sublicensed, ~ransferred, disclosed or distributed or used for any purpose wi~hou~ BNYH~s express written permission or ~ha~ of i~s vendors or o~her ~hird par~ies, as appIicab~e. REPORTED PRICES, gHETHER PROVIDED BY VENDORS OR OTHERWISE OBTAINED AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, HAY NOT REFLECT THE ACTUAL AHOUNT THAT CAN BE REALIZED UPON THE SALE OF PARTICULAR SECURITIES. 02/27/13 10:33:45 Department Account MPD K1~101 K1.102 K1.103 K1.104 Item Item Class Tag 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 010 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 020 021 O28 028 05O 050 050 050 050 060 060 060 060 060 060 060 060 GASB 14 Capital Assets 12/31/12 Sorted by District, General Ledger Account FADEPR2MPD Item Description 2785 9320 GREAT PECONIC 8 2787 2205 BAILIE BEACH RO 2789 11280 G~ND PECONIC 2795 11020 GREAT PECONIC 2799 1865 BAY AVENUE 2800 WICKHAM AVENUE 2801 1215 LOVE LANE 2803 5155 BREAKWATER 2808 14650 MAIN ROAD 2809 WICKHAM AVENUE 2812 350 ALDRICH LANE 2824 630 PIKE STREET 3409 2205 8AILIE BEACH RO 2788 2205 BAILIE BEACH RO 2790 11280 G~ND PECONIC 2802 1215 LOVE LANE 2803 5155 BREAKWATER 2813 350 ALDRICH LANE 3408 350 ALDRICH LANE--GA 3857 PEC BAY 8LVD - BUILD 4059 VETERAN'S PARK SEPTI 4061 VETERAN'S PARK RECRE 4303 VETERANS PARK AIR CO 4060 8AY AVE TENNIS COURT 4198 YACHT CLUB BALLFIELD 3111 1989 DODGE D-50 PICK 3112 1996 DODGE DUMP TRUC 3117 2003 CHEVROLET 2400 3538 2007 FORD RANGER 4 X 4304 2010 FORD RANGER 3113 1990 JOHN DEERE TRAC 3114 JOHN DEERE MODEL 460 3115 VETERANS PARK PLAYGR 3116 TORO GROUNDMASTER 32 3410 LIGHT TOWER-TOWABLE 3534 TORO GROUNDM~TER 32 4305 72" TIGER MOWER 4306 SOCCOR GOAL Est Life in Months TOTAL 240 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 240 TOTAL 120 120 TOTAL 12 96 96 96 96 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 TOTAL Total Cost 22.409.00 47.873.00 46,743.00 21.801.00 3.805.00 18.295.00 45.280.00 173,432.00 13,080.00 1,321.00 30.344.00 86,957.00 511,340.00 30.357.45 38.539.00 147.826.00 11,107.00 19,650,00 3,742.00 54,672.71 386,268.67 28,656.80 53,064.49 8,600.00 782,484.12 25.100.00 7,350,00 32,450,00 5,000.00 25,298,00 22.192.00 11.380.00 13,995.00 15.860.00 19,186.00 94.037.00 14.569.00 6.700.00 14.433,00 12,997,50 7,724,00 263,371.50 Code Accumulated Depreciation 11.890.06 38.539.00 44.347.68 11,107.00 17,685.12 1.684.12 10,706.60 48,283.80 1,910.40 2,874.30 250.81 189.278.89 6.065.93 1,225.00 7.290.93 5.000.00 25.298,00 22.192.00 9.127.65 1.020.46 15.860.00 19.186,00 94.037.00 14.083.38 5.248.29 9.501.73 541.55 257.48 221,353,54 PAGE 1 Book Value 22.409.00 47.873.00 46,743.00 21,801.00 3,805.00 18,295.00 45.280,00 173.432.00 13.080,00 1.321.00 30,344.00 86,957.00 511,340,00 18,467.39 .00 103.478,32 .00 1,964,88 2.057,88 43,966,11 337.984.87 26,746.40 50,190.19 8,349.19 593,205.23 19,034.07 6,125.00 25,159.07 .00 .00 .00 2,252.35 12,974.54 .00 .00 .00 485.62 1,451.71 4,931.27 12.455,95 7,466,52 42,017.96 02/27/13 10:33:45 Department Account Item item Class Tag MPD K~.106 018 024 024 024 024 026 *** END OF REPORT *** GASB 14 Capital Assets 12/31/12 Sorted by District. General Ledger Account FADEPR2MPD Item Description 4016 VET'S PARK BLDG PAVE 3881 VETS PARK EASTERLY G 3911 VETS PARK WESTERLY G 4031 YACHT CLUB WESTERLY 4199 LOVE LANE BULKHEAD 3858 ALDRICH LANE - LIGHT Code PAGE 2 Est Life Total Accumulated Book in Months Cost Depreciation Value 360 11,100.00 986.56 I0,113.44 240 34,650.00 7,651,88 26.998.12 240 34,000.00 6,516.82 27,483,18 240 48,457.00 6,057.00 42.400.00 240 95,020.00 7,918.40 87,101,60 240 331,419,86 69,046.00 262,373,86 TOTAL 554,646,86 98,176.66 456.470,20 TOTAL 2,144,292.48 516.100.02 1.628.192.46 Subtotals TOTAL 2.144,292.48 516.100,02 1,628,192.46 ACS Capital Assets 2/27/2013 10:36:48 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FIXED ASSETS Depreciation Schedule FA635R001 04.21 Pg 2 tlape, Department, Category and Class Trans 12/31/2012 ................. Depreciation ....... Book Disposal MTD YTD LTD Value Date Date: 12/3~./2012 Time: :3:40 PM Account Mattituck Park District PO Box 1413 Mattituck, NY :U.952 BALANCE SHEET As of 12/31/12 Account Name General Account Detail Account 6,346.45 579,471.30 0.00 50.00 585~867.75 A,200 A.201 A.205 A.210 Cash Cash in Time Cash in f,IBIA/CLASS Petty Cash Total Assets RECEIVED MAR 2 7 20t3 Southold Town Clerk Date: 12/31/2012 lime: 3:40 PM Account: Mattituck Park District PO Box 1413 Ma~tudc, NY 11952 BALANCE SHEET As of 12/31/12 Account Name General Account Page no. 2 Detail Account A.021 A.022 A.023 A.026 A.600 A.601 A.909 NYS Tax Payable Federal Withholding Income Executions FICA Tax Payable Accounts Payable Accounts Payable-B Total Liabilities Fund Balance Profit (Loss) Currant Yr. Total Equity Total Liabilities plus Equity -0.00 -0.00 1.64 -0.00 2,140.00 1,906.93 4,048.57 458,327.73 123~491.45 581,819.18 585,867.75 Date: 12/31/2012 Time: 3:42 PM Account Account Name Mattituck Park District PO Box 1413 Mattituck, NY 11952 INCOME STATEMENT From 01/01/12 To 12/31/12 General Account Detail Account Year to Date General Account Detail Account Page no. 1 A.1001 A.2401 A.2440 A.2590 A.2650 A.2655 A.2701 A.2705 A.2771 A.1980 A.5650.12 A.7110.12 A.7110.242 A.7110.243 A.7110.410 A.7110.411 A.7110.421 A.7110.422 A.7110.423 A.7110.424 A.7110.431 A.7110.442 A.7110.443 A.7110.451 A.7110.452 A.7110.453 A.7110.454 A.7110.461 A.7110.462 A.7111.12 A.7112.12 A.7180.11 A.7180.12 A.9030.8 A.9060.8 Real Property Taxes Interest &Eamings Concession Rental Beach Permits Sale of Excess Materials Ramp Keys Refunds Prior Year Exp. Girts & Donations Other Revenues Total ]Income ~I'A Payroll Tax panking Attend., Hourly Parks, Part-Time Hourly S~e Improvements Equipment Prompt Payment Discounts Supplies & Materials Telephone Electric Water Natural Gas Site Maint/Facility Rprs Equipment Repairs Legal Council Secretary Election Tellers Permits Parks, Full-time Hourly Beach Nanager Beaches, Hourly FICA, Employee Benefits 0.00 147.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,475.00 1,622.22 0.00 0.00 2,958.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,355.17 280.29 441.65 56.0~ 0.00 -1,955.22 1,270.85 0.00 2,912.50 430.76 495.16 242.00 0.00 0.00 4,920.00 1,730.75 0.00 0.00 770.45 1,354.95 404,860.00 2,091.19 468.00 20,320.00 500.00 350.00 1,496.01 5,900.00 25,297.75 461,282.95 78.01 14,333.76 32,555.22 15,394.20 35,052.85 -206.25 30,198.14 3,254.48 7,682.50 254.61 950.71 23,962.33 20,301.68 ~693.79 13,350.00 5,638.20 8,403.38 330.00 431.05 480.00 50,345.80 20,529.75 5,200.00 21,540.72 12,172.74 12,863.83 Total Expenses 18,263.50 337,791.50 NET INCOME -16,641.28 123,491.45