HomeMy WebLinkAboutHamlet Study Phase IISouthold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of March 12, 2013 RESOLUTION 2013-230 ADOPTED Item tl 5.37 DOC ID: 8647 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2013-230 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON MARCH 12, 2013: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute the Modi0_¢_~tlon Agreement Form between the Town of Southoid and the New York State Department of State in connection with a no-cost extension of time extending the term of Contract tiC007078 (Implementation of the Town of Southold Hamlet Study - Phase II) to August 31, 2014, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Christopher Talbot, Councilman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Dinizio Jr, Ruland, Doherty, Talbot, Evans, Russell Generated March 12, 2013 Page 49 APPENDIX X MODIFICATION AGREEMENT FORM Agency Code: 19000/DOS01 Contract No.: C0070'/8 Contract Period: 9/I/~009 to 8/31/201:4 Funding for Period: $0.00 This is an AGREEMENT between THE STATE OF NEW YORK, acting by and through the New Yofl~ State Department of State,' having its principal office in Albany, New York (hereinaRer referred to as the STATE), and the Town of Southold (hereinaRer referred to as the CONTRACTOR), for modification oftbe contract number noted above, as amended herein and noted below. Type of contract modification: [] Renewal: Revised total contract value: $ _(renewals only) ~ No cost time extension [3 Amendment: [] Attached Appendices: All other provisions of said AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the dates appearing under their signatures. CON~tCTOR SIGNATURE NYS DEPARTMENT OF STATE ~ . ~" .o~:,_ ~'-L/fJO ¢~ Title: DIRECTOR OF FINANCIAL ADMIN~ON Title: D~e: ~ ,3/~/,~ Da~: )~]~ I~ State of New York ) Countyof )ss: Onthis ~O64' dayof ]"(tS( ("<-- /t , in the year 20 [~ ,befo~me~nallyap~ , ~- .~f~/] ,mmeknownandkno~tometobe~epe~nwhoisthe ~O~of ~ ~ ~~ (~ , ~e or~nimtion described in ~d ~ich ex~m~ the above igs~ment; and thru h~ h~ the authority to sign on behalf of said org~i~ion; and that h~exeeu~d the forgoing a~ment for ~d on b~alf of~id organization. t~l~ ~1. ~ t -- ~ARY PUBLIC - ATTORNEY GENERAL SIGNATURE Signature: Signature: Name: Name: Date: Date: STATE COMPTROLLER SIGNATURE ' AppHOVED , _nEPT. OF AunIT & CONTROL FOR 'TI.tE ~T"A,TE COP~PTROLLE,q APPENDIX X MODIFICATION AGREEMENT FORM Agency Code: 19000/DOS01 Contract Period: 4/I/2010 to 12/31/2014 Contract No.: C007079 Funding for Period: $0.00 This is an AGREEMENT between THE STATE OF NEW YORK, acting by and through the New York State Department of State, having its principal office in Albany, New York (hereinal~er referred to as the STATE), and the Town of Southold (hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR), for modification of the contract number noted above, as amended heroin and noted below. Type of contract modification: [] Renewal: Revised total contract value: $ [] No cost time extension [] Amendment: [] Attached Appendices: .(renewals only) All other provisions of said AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this AGREEMENT as of the dates appearing under their signatures. CONTI~TOR S[~iATURE Signature: ...~~~.~ Signature: OlREC1-OR OF FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION Title: ..~t.-4_.~D R.n"~./~_~'-o ~' Title: Date: ~' *~/~,~ Date: State Aeencv Cert fica on "n add t on to ~he acceptance of this contract, I also certify that original copi~ of this signature page will be attached to a othe~ exact copies of this contract.' State of New York ) County of~)ss: On this C~/L~ day of ~t~fi t , in the year 20 t "~ , before me personally appeared ~>~ig~ /~t. ~-5-~t//',tomeknownandknowntometobethepersonwhoisthe ~t~a_~r~,~c.tt~d-O~- of f'~tO t*l ~ ~ ~/~, the organimtion described in and which execut~ the~a~vegnstrument; a~ that h~ the authority to sign on behalf of said organimtion; and that he/~ ex~umd the foregoing agreement for ~d on behalf of said organization. ~UREN M. ~TANDfSH NOTARY PUBLIC ATTORNEY GENERAL SIGNATURE Signature: Signature: Name: Name: Date: Date: STATE COMPTROLLER SIGNATURE AppRoVED DEPT. OF AUDll' & CONl'lqOL MAY 2 3 2613