HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-7482ESOUTHOLD TRUST Issued T~/-~cii~o;~l~~l~; Date~/,~f_~ Address~ THIS NOTICE MUST BE DISPLAYED DURING CONSTRUCTION TOWN TRUSTEES OFFICE,TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971 TEL.: 765-1892 PhotogYraph indicating the resnltant damage incurred fi'om llurricane Sandy on October ~9, '201~2 (i.e, bulkheading, erosion, stairway, etc...). Photograph taken fi'om the sontheastern shoreline, facing southwest along Great Peconic Bay. R OMA N£LLI Property Situate: ~2O:L Peconic Bay Boulexard Lamel;'Fox~n ofSouthold, New York SC']'NI #: lO00 - 128 - ()~5 ~- 00~).~ Photograph indicating the resultant damage incurred fi:om Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 201e (i.e., bulkheading, erosion, stairway, etc...). Photograph taken fi'om the southeastern shoreline, f~cing southeast overlooking Great Peconic Bay. R OMANELLI Property S~ruate: g~o4 Peconic ga)' goulexard; l.aureh Fown ofSouthold, Nex~ 'fork SCTM ~+e: 1000 - 128 -- OG - Photograph indicating the resultant damage incm'red fi:om HmTicane Sandy on October 29, ~012 (i.e., bulkheading, erosion, stairway, etc...). Photograph taken frmn the southeastern shoreline, lacing northeast along Great Peconic Bay. R OMANELLI Property Situate: :3'201- Peconic Bay Bouleva~'d; l,am~el; Town of Southold, New York ([ ]10[0:, L~]~>~I 0~1 ()~ toD~ ?' .~ l, 201L~) Photograph indicating the resultant damage incurred from Hurricane Sandy on October 29, 2012 (i.e,, bulkheading, erosion, stairway, etc...). PhotogTaph taken fi-om the southeastern shoreline, facing southeast, facing Great Peconic Bay. R OMANELLIProperty Situate: 3204 Peconic Bay Boulevard; l,aurel; Town of Southold, New York SCTM #: 1000 128 06-{)09.2 (?hoto.s ~;~/,e'~ o;~ l)ccember L?. 20/0) R OMANELLIProperty Situate: 3204 Peconic Bay Boulevard; Laurel; Town of Southold, New York SCTM #: 1000 - 128 - 06 - 009,2 (Tq~olo_~ t;~'n o~ l)ec~cl~ber L~. 201(t) PROPOSED BULKHEAD RECONSTRUCTION PLANS ~ ROMANELLIProperty Situate: 3204 Peconic Bay Boulevard; Laurel; Town of Southold, New York N SCTM #: 1000 - 128 - 06 - 009.2 SITE PLAN Scale: 1.0" = 40.0' _+ (Adapted from the Survey of subject property as prepared by YOUNG & YOUNG, L.S.) WOOD DECK NOV 2 2012 PRQIECT DESCRIPTION Applicant proposes to reconstruct the existing Timber-Sheathed bulkhead (lower only) measuring 140.0' ± in length, and a Timber-Sheathed Return off the southwestern corner measuring 17.0' + in length, all with a new Vinyl-Sheathed Bulkhead. Additionally, applicant proposes to construct a proposed new Vinyl-Sheathed Rettu'n off the southeastern corner measuring 16.0' ± in length. r SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING, INC. (6St)537 5160 (phone) - (CS1) 537 5'291 (~acsm e) Date: .lanua~ 5, ,2011 Scale: Drawn by: mdi Comments: For regulatotv subn~s~n. BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK PERMIT NO. 7482 DATE: FEBRUARY 16, 2011 ISSUED TO: LUDIVOICA ROMANELLI PROPERTY ADDRESS.--3204 PECONIC BAY BLVD.. LAUREL SCTM#128-6-9.2 AUTHORIZATION Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 275 and/or Chapter I I 1 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold and in accordance with the Resolution of the Board of Trustees adopted at the meeting held on February 16, ~0! I in consideration of application fee in the sum of $250.00 paid by Ludivoica Romanelli and subject to the Tetras and Conditions as stated in the Resolution. the s°Uthold Town Board ofTmstecs anthoriz~s and permita the following: . · Wetland Permit reconstruct the existing timber bulkhead (lower only) measuringll~k 140' in length and a timber return offlhe southwestern corner measuring 17' in length, all with a new vinyl sheathed bulkhead, and to construct a n.ew vlayl-sbea, thed return offl/ the southeastern corner measuring 16' in length, and as depicted on the s~te plan prepared by S.?folk Environmental Consulting, inc. dated January 6, 2011 and stamp, approved on ~ebruary 16, 2011. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Board of Tmstecs hereby causns its Corporate Seal to be affixal, and Ibe~e presents to be subscribed by a majority of thc said Board as of this date. ob Ghosxo, r. - lis D SURVE1, ~OR LODAVICA ROM~NELLI AT LAUREL TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SU[FOLK COUNTY, PROPOSED SITE PLAN PRQIECT DESCRIPTION BULKHE RECONSTRUCTION PLAN~-'- ROMANELLIProperty SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAl. CONSULTING, INC. /'.F~EOVED BY ~,OARD OF TRUSTEES PROPOSED ~~STRUCTION PLAN~~ ROMANELLIProperty SITE PLAN DETAIL EXISTING CONDITIONS SITE PLAN DETAIL PROPOSED CONDITIONS PROPOSED BULKHEA~RECONSTRUCTION PLANS~'~ROMANELLIProperty PROPOSED BUL~H~~RECONSTRUCTION PLA:~N - ROMANg££IProperty X - SECTION VIEW ~ EXISTING CONDITIONS Scale: 1.0" ~ Z0' t X - SECTION VIEW ~ PROPOSED CONDITIONS Scale: 1.o": 2.ff ~ FRONTAL VIEW - EXISTING (;OND[T[ONS FRONTAL VIEW - PROPOSED CONDITIONS Scale: 1.0" ~ 2.0' i Scale: 1.(Y' = 2.0' * ?~x :HoJI Anr,~x fi4,,~7~ Main Road P.O. ~oz 1179 ~o~zchold, New Yo~k BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF ,?d)UTHOLD HURRICANE SANDY EMERGENCY APPLICATION Valid thru June 1, 2013 NOV - 2 2012 Proverb/Ow~e~ Name' LUDIVOICA ROMANELLI Perrllanent hAalllng Address: 1 Azalea Court; Farmingdale, NY 11735 Phon~ Number(s): (516) ~9_- ?o~6s ............. Profx~.rty A~s: 8~O~ Peconic Bay Boulevard; Laurel, NY $~ofk ~u~ Tax Map Nmn~r: ~ - 128 - 06 - ~9.~ Agent (~ ~i~ble) SUFFOLK E~IRONMENTAL CONSULTINg, Inc. Ad~m~ P.O. Box ~; Bridgehampton, NY llg~ Phone Numidia(s): (681) 55? - 5160 Board of Trustoo Will any part of this project req~re a Budding Perturb? No. How much fill will be required? ~250 + cubic yards of clean fill Project Description: Reconstruct, uTFcr and lower bulkheads and returns, ~pFcr ann- leu,er ,,,oo_A ~tai~ and back fill, all to replace existing conditions prior to storm damage resulting from Hurricane Sandy (October cO, COle). ~ppcr ;;'c2! te ~ v!n:;l ;~cathcd & ~Io,.c. wall to be steel-sheathed. Please refer to the attached Site Map, prepared by Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc., last dated 1-6-c~Ol 1 for all specifications (highlighted). County of Suffolk Sla[e of N~ LUDIVOICA ROMANELLI iii :l Nt; DUI,Y SWORN DEI'K)SF-3 AND AFFIRMS THAT H~SHE IS THE APPLICAN 1 I"OR THE A.:KQVE DESCRIBED PERMIT(S) AND TItAT ALL STAH2MENrI's CONTAINED I-lUR.EIN AR E TRUE IO TE'E BEST OF 111S/I IER KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, AI~'D TItAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN THE MANNER SE'I' FORTII IN.THIS APPLICATION AND AS MAY BE APPROVED BY THE SOUTHOLD IOWN BOARD OF TRUSTEES. TI-IE APPLICANT AGRE~.~ TO HO[,D THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AND THE q'OW~N TRUSTEES HARMLESS AND FREE FROM ~NY AND Al,l, DAMAOES AND CLAIMS ARISING UNDER OR BY VIRTUE LII~ SAID PERMI'I(S), IF GR ANTED IN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, ! i-iEREB¥ AUTHORIZE ';'HE 'i'RUHIEES, THEIR AGENT(S) OR REPRESEN'IAT]VE$(S), TO ENTER ONTO MY PROPERLY TO INSPE£T THE ?REMISES IN CONJUNCTION WITtt RF. VIFAV OF THIS APPLICKfION. ) Sigdatu~c of l'wp:rty Owner SWORN lO BEFORE ME THIS /$~ __DAY OF .20 Noffu~ Public Board of Trustees Application AUTHORIZATION (where the applicant is not the owner) 1, LUDIVOICA ROMANELLI residing at (print owner of property) I Azalea Court; Farmingdale, NY (mailing address) Consultinq, Inc. do hereby authorize Southold Board of Town Trustees on my behalf. ,) (Owner's signatuYe) Suffolk Environmental (Agent) to apply for permit(s) from the