HomeMy WebLinkAboutWagon Wheel Farm TOWN I-1F SDUTHOLD OFFICE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. bpi. 19, 19~ Ih** Hem*7 L~bens Maln Rosd East if~ton, ~.~. Upon Inspection of you~p~oportyto day I find wor~ done to ~OBOV® the violation dated July l~th This letter will serve ag a oertlfloate of oeeupaney and should be kept with you~ easy off the Statement off Ragistry. ~hould you wish to remodel or make any additions or ohanfes on the house tn the futu~o, please contact this office for ~e~ldts and the latest r~los and ~efulattone. Thank 7au fief you~ o~o~e~atIon Truly Original for Municipal Building Department ST^TEIdENT OF REGISTRY To be filed in duplicate with the municipal building department or local enforcement agency by every owner of a multiple dwelling, as defined in subdivision $3 of section 4 of the Multiple Rm/dence Law. Within 30 days after the filing of this statement, the municipal building department or enforcement agency is required by section 300, Multiple Residence Law, to file a duplicate copy hereof with the State Build- ing Code Commission, 1740 Broadway, New York 19, New York. % I. Location of multiple dwelling: (a) Street and number ~./~ ! J~ .~ 2. Description: (a) Type of construction (b) Height of building, including number of stories (d) Number of apartments (e) Number of living rooms (f) Number of Eitoheneffes (g) Number of bathrooms (h) Number of water closets Number of occupants for which building was designed or intended to be occupled or used 3. Age of (a) (b) multiple dwelling: Dote wh,n constr.ot,d I oo- I e/ ov I??o Dates of substantial additions, alterations or modifications of dwelling, with brief des~ip- (c) If no~ und~ consfruct;on, ~a~e when construction commenced and antic;paled ~a% of completion - Use: Describe the principal use made, or, in the case of buildings under construction, to be made, of the multiple dwelJing (such as apartment house, hold, apartment hotel, Iodcj~ng house, board- inq house, school, convalescent, old age or nursing home, private dwelling two or more stories in-height with five or more boarders, roomers or lodgers, or other classification of multlp~e dwelling including those specified in section 4, subdivision 33, ~4ultlpl~Resldence Law): Dated at ~ /~ , New York Filed with th~ STATEMENT OF FIUN~ __ ~ (Bo;]ding Oe~rfmen~r Other ~nGorcement ~gency) (N~me of Uun;cipol;~) M//Dale of~Ji~) ~ ~ ~SJgnafure and Designation of O~cia~ w~+~w~ ~ / 5fafemenf of ~sfw was RledJ